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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710908 alkalommal)
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« Válasz #150 Dátum: 07 nov 16, 13:14:53 »

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

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« Válasz #151 Dátum: 07 nov 16, 16:32:25 »

Shippuuden Manga 378 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 379. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.
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« Válasz #152 Dátum: 07 nov 16, 19:13:13 »

Ha nem gond, még bepakolom a RAW angolra fordítását, amit wsc csinált 1ik fórumon (annak, aki nem szeretné kivárni a hivatalos scanlationt)
Side text
Even the attack of his strongest form is useless, Jiraiya can’t hide his anxiety. The ninjas that posses the Rinnegan, what are their secrets?

Jiraiya: Damn, under the situation where my jutsus were nullified, it’s hard for me to face these three persons.

Jiraiya: If I continued to fight…

Jiraiya: Even with the Hermit mode, I will be killed. I’ve never thought he would be so strong…

Since we’ve reached this situation,

Toad Pa: Little Jiraiya, let’s retreat temporarily now.

Jiraiya: …alright

Pein: …

Pein: He escaped to the tunnel?


Jiraiya: Why are we retreating?

Toad Pa: We need time to analyse the rokudo and come out with a counter.

Toad Pa: Although they have different viewing angle, they all share the same eyes.

Toad Pa: In other words, all possess the Rinnegan.

Jiranya: Even if only one of them is Nagato, I still couldn’t believe that each of them possesses the Rinnegan.

Jiraiya: What the hell is going on?!

Jiraiya: Which one of them is the real Pein…

Toad Pa: whoever is the real Pein is not important, the key is, everyone of them has the Rinnegan of Rokudo.

Jiraiya: …

Jiraiya: Pein… Just who the hell is he?

Toad Pa: Right now we still don’t know what kind of tricks he can pull, but we can briefly get a point…

Toad Pa: that three of them share the same vision, that should be the ability of those eyes.

Toad Ma: So what’s going on? What advantages does he have?

Toad Pa: Let me explain briefly…

Toad Pa: Each one of them has the view with the like of surveillance. It’s like viewing three different views from different surveillances at once.

Toad Pa: In other words, if one discovered the target, the other two will know even if they didn’t catch the view directly. As a result they can attack or defend with the best timing.

Toad Pa: Their eyesight is the triple of normal person. It’s different from byakugan that they can cover each other’s dead angles even when molding charka and doing hand seals. This is the strongest combination.

Jiraiya: We must separate them to fight, on a one-on-one battle, we will win…

Jiraiya: With eyes like that, normally the three people’s combination attack will be their basic strategy.

Jiraiya: First of all, we would lose with taijutsu.

Jiraiya: And our ninjutsu will be absorbed.

Toad Pa: If taijutsu and ninjutsu are useless, that leaves us Genjutsu.

Jiraiya: I’m clueless with genjutsu, so two of you…

Toad Pa: Since he was once your apprentice, he should know that you don’t know any genjutsu

Toad Pa: So he might be taking advantage of that…

Toad Ma: No! I don’t want to use any genjutsu!!

Jiraiya: Wh… Why…?

Toad Pa: le sigh…

Toad Pa: Kid’s mom, this battle matters to the world peace, is it the time to be bitchy!

Toad Ma: I don’t care about the prophecy of that old clumsy!

Toad Pa: Isn’t old grandpa sama wants us to live in peace!

Jiraiya: Wh… Why do you hate to use genjutsu?

Toad Ma: With my age how can I have a duet with that kid’s dad?

Toad Ma: It’s embarrassing!

Jiraiya: Ah? Duet?

Toad Pa: Our strongest genjutsu is using songs to confuse their hearing and make them fall into genjutsu.

Jiraiya: Hearing… that’s why we need to retreat just now.

Toad Pa: Indeed, however stronger this jutsu is, the problem of it is when we initiate the singing, our location will be exposed.

Toad Pa: And to combine the music together and let the opponent hear it, it would take some times before they can fall into genjutsu.

Toad Pa: If we exposed our location and let the opponent caught us before they fell into genjutsu, we would lose.

Toad Pa: However, once they were in our genjutsu, we will take the victory.

Jiraiya: …

Jiraiya: If the situation next threatens your life, please disappear from my shoulders right away.

Toad Pa: No way, this battle will matter the future of ninja world!

Jiraiya: I have an idea, let’s gamble on it…
Toad Pa: Do speak…

Pein: What is that...?

Pein: This is… the frog sound…

Pein: This is… genjutsu!?

Pein: It came from deep down there.

Pein: Ku…

Pein: Kagebunshi!

Jiraiya: Katon- Dai Endan!! (Big Flaming Ball)

Fat Pein: So he attacks huh?

Jiraiya: Alright, we got him

Jiraiya: That fatty already went there to absorb the jutsu.

Jiraiya: The first person only knows Kuchiyose.

Jiraiya: Then the fatty absorbed our jutsus twice.

Jiraiya: So it’s just like how we speculated, each one of them has only one ability from the system.

Jiraiya: Right now, the fatty is facing the direction of the fire jutsu

Jiraiya: With that, we eliminate one of their view.

And those eyes that face here…

Jiraiya: Are left with two!

Pein: He also execute the jutsu here!

Jiraiya: Got him!

Jiraiya: This is the swamp of the underworld!

Jiraiya: We are close to it...

Jiraiya: With that, the battle is one-on-one from now!

heading towards victory!

No 378: Jiraiya vs Pein, the conclusion is?! (woo another conclusion ending text since sasori’s battle )

Next: The secret…
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« Válasz #153 Dátum: 07 nov 19, 18:52:53 »

Hozzászólás áthelyezve a " Naruto Shippuuen Manga" témába. Ide csak a következő manga kiadása előtt nyilvánosságra került spoilerek jöhetnek. - Chakra
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 19, 19:05:07 írta Chakra » Naplózva

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« Válasz #154 Dátum: 07 nov 21, 20:39:48 »

kijött még 2 spoiler időközben Mosolyog

Naruto in a simple [summary].

The three Pains bound by their minds in the genjutsu are captured, and the three people are killed by Jiraiya.
When Jiraiya relaxes with an expression of relief that his choice is over,
at his back a Pain with a face different from the killed three materializes, and then he runs outside and Jiraiya loses his left arm.
"Pain Rikudou... a meeting here" [this is the line on the pic]
6 Pains materialize, including the three who were just killed.
It's the pattern of someone who could perfectly revive dead people in the midst of a new summoning. [not sure how to translate this line]
Jiraiya: Pain... What the hell are you
Pain: Pain... that is the name of what we 6 people are called.
Jiraiya: How, the 6 of you with the Rinnegan...
Jiraiya: !!
Jiraiya: Y.. You...
It ends with a panel of an impatient look in Jiraiya's eyes.

Jiraiya: ...It's time to kill these guys
Pa: You said it
Pa kills the unblinded Pain with fire from his mouth
Jiraiya oils up the other Pains and Pa ingnites them.

Sasuke follows Itachi into the uchiha lair
He stairs at his brother
Sasuke: ...you...why did you bring me here?
Itachi: I want to explain to you...everything
Sasuke: I don't need your explaination, I need you dead!
Itachi...foolish baby borther...you have no idea why I killed the clan do you?
Itachi: I killed them because of...
Sasuke launches into the air getting ready to draw a Chidori sword
Itachi: YOU!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 22, 01:15:29 írta R » Naplózva
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #155 Dátum: 07 nov 22, 10:15:28 »

Another Naruto 378 Spoilers

Jiraiya: Hmph, so they can use those eyes to their advantage.

Ma: How troublesome is that!

Pa: Be quiet ma, let him think!

Jiraiya: This is tragic, I guess I'll have to use one of my final four.

Ma/Pa: ?!...

Jiraiya: Haha, that's right - you two don't know about those jutsus. They're...kind've forbidden.

Pein: Well sensei, what will it be? I'm not even worked up yet.

Jiraiya: Heh, that's because you've got tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb doing your dirty work. Either way, I'm ending this.

Jiraiya summons a scroll

Ma: What the?
Pa: That scroll has your name on it, how can that be?

Jiraiya smirks.

Jiraiya: It's a portion of my life force, I'll be needing it if I'm going to be summoning Gods.

Ma/Pa: ?!


Jiraiya: I was saving this summon for Orochimaru since I know how much he loves snakes...The great snake God Muchalinda.

Pa thinking: Jiraiya...so he must've split his life force in order to avoid using all of it as a sacrifice. So, that means the other three are...

Jiraiya clasps his hands together.

Jiraiya: Here goes!

"What exactly are Jiraiya's final four? And what is this art of God Summoning Jiraiya speaks of?!"

Next Chapter Naruto 379 : The Beast That Is Pein.

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« Válasz #156 Dátum: 07 nov 23, 01:59:51 »

Legutobbi spoiler:
Naruto has bad feeling about Sasuke, he believes that he needs help.
Team Hebi arrives to Konohas hideout, it seems that they have help from the sky, sasuke feels something. Tweet tweet, SFX birds singing.
The Scene Changes to Konan. Pein and konan are having a chat about the situation betwen him and Jiraiya. (It seems that pein describes it as a game, not sure about the kanji used there.)
The chat ends and she dissapears.
The scene changes to Jiraiya, Pa frog and Ma frog
The genjutsu stops pein
Suddenly an explosion happens.
Six bodies appears

Next Chapter: Past Time | Time Past
Kínzás specialista
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Hozzászólások: 675

« Válasz #157 Dátum: 07 nov 23, 10:22:50 »

Az előző fordítása;

Naruto-nak rossz érzése van Sasukével kapcsolatban, úgy gondolja, hogy segítségre van szüksége.
A Hebi csapat megérkezik a konohai búvóhelyre, úgy tűnik hogy az égből segítik őket. *madárcsipogás*
A kép átugrik Konan-hoz. Pein és Konan a Pein és Jiraiya közötti szituáióról beszélgetnek. (Olyan, mintha Pein úgy írná le mint egy játékot)
A beszélgetésnek vége és Konan eltűnik.
A kép Jiraiya-hoz és a két békához ugrik.
A genjutsu megállítja Peint.
Hirtelen egy nagy robbanás 'történik' (Na ez most így furán hangzik :-X )
6 ember tűnik fel.

Következő fejezet; Az idő múlása/Az eltelt idő
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« Válasz #158 Dátum: 07 nov 23, 12:15:36 »

gyenge mínőségű raw kijött Mosolyog

Chapter 379: Jiraiya's choice!!

Cover page with 3 Pains
Surprise, shock, despair. Even Jiraiya blurted out, "What in the world is Pain?"

Page 38 (Image 001-1)
Top box caption: finally a 1-to-1 combat...Jiraiya moving towards his victory!!

Image 002
Top box
Jiraiya: I won't let you use Kuchiyose!
Bottom middle
Pain: ku..!

Image 003
Bottom (right to left)
Pain: I'm deceived...?
Jiraiya: You're inside the Kaneshibari Genjutsu that traps the soul. Now, you cannot move your true body.

Image 004-1
Big picture (speech bubble not clear)
Pain: Jiraiya sensei... to think that I'm trapped by you in this genjutsu

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: I don't let my guard down with whoever I fight with. I've taught you that...Nagato...
Jiraiya: Nagato...you have made a mistake in your role...

Image 005
Top picture
"I only want to protect the two of them. No matter what kind of suffering I have to go through."

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: Instead of guiding the world with pain, you should overcome the pain with your strength. That was what I hoped you could accomplish.

Image 006
Top picture
Old sage frog: This disciple will become a ninja who can bring about a great revolution to the shinobi world in the future.

Middle (right to left)
Old sage frog: He will bring either peace that the world has never seen before...or destruction...the world will revolutionise through either ways...

Jiraiya: I believed in you for a while

Bottom middle
Jiraiya: Farewell.

Image 007
Pain: Aah...urrghh...

Image 008
Top (right to left)
Jiraiya: ...it's over...
Frog Ma and Pa were coughing violently.

Middle (right to left)
Jiraiya: Are you alright?!
Frog Pa: This genjutsu song has taken a toll on the throat.
Frog Ma: It's a hella hardship to match the rhythm with Pa! It's not something that you can do with ease! My throat hurts! My lower jaw is loose from stretching it! I'll have wrinkles!!

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: I'm so sorry about that...please have a good rest later.
Jiraiya: that's because my choice is completed for now.

Image 009
Big pic
Pain: You've supposedly taught me not to let down my guard... Jiraiya sensei

Image 010
Jiraiya got knocked through the wall and he fell into the water.
Bottom left picture
Jiraiya: urgh...

Image 011
Top big picture
Frog Ma: Boy! Your left arm is...!!
Jiraiya: I know...

Middle (right to left)
Frog Pa: What's the meaning of this?!!
Jiraiya: Their faces look different from the 3 earlier...I'm afraid they could be summoned by the kuchiyose earlier...
Frog Pa: ...really...that's before they were finished in our genjutsu...!

Bottom left picture
Pain: well now...

Image 012
<no speech bubbles> 

Image 013
Pains: Pain Rikudou...

Image 014
Pains: is here.

Image 015
First row (top to bottom)
Jiraiya: ....

Second row (right to left)
Frog Pa: six people...?! Six people here?!
Frog Ma: !!? OMG look! The three earlier are here also, can you see?!

Third row
Jiraiya: One of the new guys summoned must have revived them with some kind of jutsu...!
Frog Ma: Is that a jutsu that allows the resurrection of all three people that have died completely earlier?!! Are they human or not?!!
Jiraiya: ...Pain...what in the world are you!?!

Image 016
Middle (right to left)
Pain: Pain...that's a term to refer to all six of us.
Jiraiya: Why do all six of you possess the Rin'negan...?

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: !! You...you are...
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 23, 19:23:41 írta -=Cart=- » Naplózva
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

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« Válasz #159 Dátum: 07 nov 24, 00:30:00 »

Shippuuden Manga 379 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 380. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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« Válasz #160 Dátum: 07 nov 28, 13:14:49 »

Első spoiler Mosolyog

Jitaiya: You... that face... Are you Yahiko!? What the hell does it mean?
Yahiko is dead... furthermore those eyes...
Pain: Can you see Yahiko in me? You really are his old mentor. But it is too late,
Yahiko is already dead. This who is in front of you is Pain.
Jiraiya: Stop shitchatting. Why do you have the Rin'negan?
Mama or papa toad: What are you talking about, Jiraiya-chan?
Jiraiya: As a former apprentice of mine, I know how is he like (how he thinks).
But that child didn't have that appearance (meaning the Rinnegan I suppose).
How on earth that happened? Did the destiny child's prediction mean two people?
Jiraiya: Then you are Yahiko... Why are you using an alias?
Pain: I am Pain... a god.

Tsunade: This unpleasant rain continues...
Shizune: Jiraiya-sama will be ok... He will be back soon...
Tsunade: If he doesn't manage to come back, I will go there to fight.
I will certainly lose my gamble. (meaning Jiraiya won't die, you all know if Tsunade wins means that something is going terribly wrong)
Shizune: Yes...

Karin: This threatening chakra! Furthermore, he is fast! I can do it!
Suigetsu: You are...!
Kisame: From here on Sasuke-kun will proceed alone.
That's Itachi-san's order... or I will have to make the rest of you wait here by force.
Sasuke: All right. The platoon will remain here
This is one-to-one. If you enter, it will only be a nuisance; my wish is that you remain here... got it? (took some liberty here and rearranged the sentence ikszdé)
Karin: Sasuke! That can't be! All members must go in order to bring him down!
Kisame: I am not in a fighting mood. (Seriously!? First time I read that Kisame doesn't want a fight ikszdé)

Some talk between Suigetsu and Kisame

Kakashi and the others meet Tobi; Kakashi says something about the book Kabuto gave to Naruto (seems that Tobi is not in the list). Naruto says to Tobi not to get in his way and starts the fight.

Scene back to Itachi and Sasuke
Itachi: That Sharingan.... You can see me anywhere.
Sasuke: See you anywhere you say? What I envision now, Itachi...
is the way you are going to die
« Válasz #161 Dátum: 07 nov 28, 16:17:31 »

Ugyanez kicsit másképp  Mosolyog
Jiraiya: That face...you're...Yahiko? Just what on earth's going on? You said Yahiko was dead...and those eyes...


Pain: So, you recognize my features as Yahiko's...as a our former teacher would, I must say. However, he's long dead. He who stands before you is Pain.


Jiraiya:Enough of that nonesense! How is it you have Rinnegan?


Frogs: What's wrong, Jiraiya-cha?


Jiraiya: Another one of my former apprentices is among them. But he didn't have Rinnegan before.


Frongs: What in tarnation's going on? Not one, but two child of prophecies in there?


Jiraiya: Yahiko? Nagato? Just who or what are you?

Pain: We are Pain...God.

Scene change.

Tsunade: Just keeps pouring and pouring, doesn't it...

Shizune: Jiraiya-Sama will be alright...it'll take quite the -


Tsunade: He's not coming back...that's where I put my bet...and I'm bound to lose, you know.

Shizune: Right...

Scene change.

Karin: A tremendous chakra! And fast! Here it comes!

Suigetsu: You're...!

Kisame: I'll have to ask Sasuke to proceed from here on alone. Such were Itachi-san's orders. I'll kindly ask the rest of you to wait here.

Saskue: No problem. The reason I put together a group in the first place was to assure nobody interfered with my one on one battle...so this is perfect.

Karin: No, Sasuke! We take this guy down and go together!

Kisame: For my part, I've no intention of fighting you. Neither will I have mercy, however, should you attempt to force your way through.

Sasuke: Karin... you guys wait here. This is my vengeance.

Suigetsu: Hoshigaki Kisame...and Daitou(Great Sword), Samehada...It's me, Hozuki Mangetsu's younger brother, Hozuki Suigetsu.

Kisame: Well indeed! I failed to recognize you, my boy. You've certainly grown there, Suigetsu.


Suigetsu: It'll be pretty boring to just stand here waiting for Sasuke, so...you mind helping me kill some time, Kisame Sempai?

Kisame: Unlike your brother, you seem quite the naughty little boy. I believe I'd do well to shave a little off the top...

Juugo: Suigetsu, you're just gonna ignore Sasuke's orders?

Scene change.

Tobi: Hey, it's the Konoha gang! What a coincidence bumping into you guys here! And just my luck, I'm outnumbered eight to one!

Kakashi: This guy wasn't on the Akatsuki list Kabuto left us...

Tobi: Oh, I'm the new guy! Nice to meet'cha!

Kakashi: No one try anything reckless...we're playing it safe. Numbers are overwhelmingly in our favor, after all.

Tobi: Oh, dear me...am I to believe I'm being underestimated? Lil' ole me?

Naruto rasengans him from behind.

Naruto: Out of the way!

Tobi: *Guah*...not!

Naruto goes right through Tobi's body (read: he doesn't harm him. Just like when Sasuke's sword went through him...er, nevermind, bad mental image just conjured up).

Scene changes.

Itachi: Your Sharingan...just how far can you see?


Sasuke: How far can I see? The only thing on these eyes right now, Itachi...is your bloody corpse
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« Válasz #162 Dátum: 07 nov 30, 05:03:14 »

a Raw képek Mosolyog

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 30, 05:06:09 írta R » Naplózva
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #163 Dátum: 07 nov 30, 08:41:20 »

accem borító Nyelvesít
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 30, 08:43:30 írta yupi » Naplózva

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #164 Dátum: 07 dec 01, 16:57:57 »

Shippuuden Manga 380 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 381. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 dec 01, 17:53:40 írta Chakra » Naplózva

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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