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Hozzászólások: 70

« Válasz #165 Dátum: 07 dec 05, 14:57:21 »

THE true secret! Front cover is Tobi
Yamato: !
Kiba: He slipped through?
Naruto: ch! Genjutsu?
Kakashi: no,its not
Tobi: Its not genjutsu
My body is just really a little....different and special from the others...
Tobi's head up
Tobi: n? What's this?
Naruto's face looks at Tobi
Tobi: uwaaa! Suddenly, the team with the kyuubi's human sacriface just appeared before me!
Naruto: !

Itachi: Fu...is this a matter of death?
  「この場所は 決着を付ける には もっとも相応しい」
This place is decided on to be more appropriate
(roughly translated here)
To put an end to things
Sasuke: The place doesn't matter, stand Itachi
Itachi: That hate of yours too, this place fits
Do you know what kind of a place this is? Sasuke
From what you see on the map on the ground, how often do you visited?
Itachi stands
Itachi: at that time, it was said to be the Uchiha's household eye, the true secret
Everything starts from here and everything ends here
The writing of the charactor "fox" , the two person who meets back face to face (roughly translated)

Appears infront of Kakashi, Yamato and Naruto
Tobi: what should I do this? Actually because of me alone, its intense? Deidara-san is also dead. It looks like there is someone strong.
Kakashi and Yamato looks
Leader likes to go against orders and do whatever he pleases, as i thought , looks like i have to do this.
Kakashi: Yamato, take care of Naruto
Sakura: Naruto.....
The leaf prepares for battle
Tobi: I don't know about the sannin, you can forget about him.
He's an idiot
Kakashi: Impossible
Yamato: Jiraya-sama is...
Naruto: What are you saying? What happened to ero hermit!
Tobi: haha, even if we don't panic, soon he will die
Tobi: The people at the headquarters seem to have started. Until the people over there finishes, there's still time.
Let's play a little here.

At the village, Tsunade looks at the rain in the mid air
Tsunade: You..! Where have you been for a half year!
Jiraya: Erm, been there a bit
Tsunade: ....
Jiraya: oh? what's this? ca..you were worried about me?
a shone Tsunade's punch
Orochimaru: You guys, never change
end of flashback
Tsunade: It won't change, no matter how many years passes
To be continued!
orori: The rain's mid prayer. From now I will be the strongest!

Sorry for the rough translation
4th battle!!

[a csatolmányt egy admin törölte]
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 dec 05, 15:04:10 írta xxaby » Naplózva
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Hozzászólások: 22

« Válasz #166 Dátum: 07 dec 05, 15:43:49 »

381 story VS dawn ...! ! !

Itachi: Hmm...
Itachi stood up from the throne.
Itachi: Show me the amount of hate you possess...Sasuke.
Sasuke's expression became grim.
The battle between Sasuke and Itachi.

Stirrin up - fight between the two warriors...!

Scene change to Konoha team.
Naruto's thoughts: went right through?!
Naruto: What in the hell happened dattebayo?!
Kakashi: Looks like we've met another troublesome fellow...
Konoha team were equally shocked.
Tobi: Ahaha, you're surprised, aren't ya? Actually I'm an invisible man. That's why your attack is not effective at all...so, can you hand over Uzumaki Naruto kun to me quietly?
Kiba: Don't fool around with me! It's just some kind of jutsu isn't it?!
Kiba ate something that looks like the soldier pill.
The Konoha team split to the left and right while Kiba and Akamaru charged towards Tobi with Gatsuuga.
Tobi: Supa...fast...
However, (Kiba/Akamaru) went through...
Kiba: Cheh...!
Kiba gnashed his teeth...
During this moment, insects were gathering under Tobi's feet...
Shino tried to cover Tobi with insects but it was of course futile...
Next, Sai drew a picture of a wolf with his drawing technique and attacked Tobi from the rear.
That was also useless.
Hinata used Byakugan to look at Tobi.
Hinata: At where I see...there is nothing unusual with his chakra movements...
Sakura's thoughts: Nothing works here...how did this fellow...
Tobi: So are ya done with yer evaluation?
Naruto: Damnit...Let me do it once more...
Kakashi: Hang on, Naruto. Attacking recklessly only wastes chakra.
Naruto: Then what shall we do...
Kakashi: Everyone stand back a bit.
Kakashi's eye became the Mangekyou Sharingan...
Naruto: !
Kakashi: This will be finished shortly.
Kakashi: Mangekyou Sharingan...!!

Scene change to Jiraiya and Pain...
Jiraiya escaping along the buildings...
He was chased after by the 6 bodies of Pain...
Jiraiya's thoughts: No matter how hard I try, I cannot win with 6 against 1...
Jiraiya: What shall I do in such a situation?
Frog Pa: Shall we form an ambush to defeat him....Shall we all retreat? Which is a better option...?
Jiraiya: I can't come here just to escape. The former option is...
Frog Ma: Idiot!!! What's the fella who's just lost his arm sayin'?! Flee for this while so that you recover!
Frog Pa: That's a reason here...
Jiraiya: ...Fine, let's do it then.
Jiraiya dashed around the buildings at top speed...
As soon as the Pains approached, Frog Pa used a large smokescreen...
Pain lost sight of Jiraiya...
Pain: Disperse.
The six Pains left in different directions...
Jiraiya: We've shaken off their lead well...
Frog Ma: Look for a hiding place quickly...
However, the fat Pain saw all these from a great distance.

Scene change to Kisame and Suigetsu...
Suigetsu drew out his sword and looked at Kisame who was on the electric post.
Then he jumped up and slashed.
Kisame used Samehada to parry the blow and Suigetsu was hit back.
Suigetsu landed behind on top of a building...
Karin and Juugo: !
Suigetsu looks like slime (i.e. how he looked when Karin threw him a punch ikszdé).
Karin's thoughts: This man possesses incredible strength...! With one hand...he parried off Suigetsu who was holding the blade with two hands...moreover, he did not lose balance and fall off that unstable electric post...
Suigetsu: Ah....you're indeed strong...I can't win like this.
Suwolbong ?
Suigetsu's arm muscles swelled.

Scene change again to Konoha team...
Tobi: Uwaaaaa!! Tobi escapes from the dimension....
Kakashi aimed his attack at Tobi's torso...
Kakashi: This is the end.
Kakashi opened his eyes...
However, nothing had happened...
Kakashi: ...?
Kakashi focused his attack on Tobi's torso but it did not fly off to the other dimension.
At this juncture, Kakashi's eyes met Tobi's Sharingan.
Kakashi's thoughts: This fellow...!!
Kakashi halted the dimension. Ending,
Tobi: Arara? What's up?

Stirring up - Threat...! ...! The true power of the unfathomable Tobi...!!!

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Hozzászólások: 195

« Válasz #167 Dátum: 07 dec 05, 19:50:49 »


381 story VS dawn ...! ! !

Itachi: Hmm...
Itachi felállt a trónról.
Itachi: Mutasd meg mennyi gyűlölet van benned...Sasuke.
Sasuke arckifejezése fenyegetővé vált.
A csata Sasuke és Itachi között.

Izgalmas – harc két harcos egymással küzd...!

Színhely:  Konoha team.
Naruto gondolatai: egyszerűen átment rajta?!
Naruto: Mi a fene történt, dattebayo?!
Kakashi: Úgy tűnik megint egy problémás fickóval állunk szemben...
Konoha team tagjai egyaránt megdöbbenve.
Tobi: Ahaha, meglepődtetek, nem igaz? Valójában láthatatlan vagyok. Ezért volt a támadásod teljesen hatástalan...szóval, átadjátok nekem Uzumaki Naruto kunt harc nélkül?
Kiba: Ne hülyéskedj velem! Ez csak egy valamilyen jutsu, nem igaz?!
Kiba megevett vmi soldier pill-félét.
Konoha team jobb és bal oldalra oszlott, Kiba és Akamaru megtámadta Tobit a Gatsuugával.
Tobi: Nagyon...gyors...
Azonban, (Kiba/Akamaru) átmentek rajta...
Kiba: Cheh...!
Kiba a fogát csikorgatta...
Ezalatt rovarok gyűltek Tobi lába alatt...
Shino megpróbálta Tobit bogarakkal beteríteni, persze hasztalanul...
Eztán, Sai rajzolt egy farkast a rajzoló jutsujával és hátulról támadta meg Tobit.
Ez a támadás is haszontalan maradt.
Hinata Byakugannal nézte Tobit.
Hinata: Amint látom...a csakra mozgása teljesen szokványos...
Sakura gondolatai: Semmi nem működik...hogy csinálta...
Tobi:  Szóval befejeztétek a méricskélésemet?
Naruto: Fenébe...még egyszer megpróbálom...
Kakashi: Várj, Naruto. Egy vakmerő támadással csak pazarlod a csakrád.
Naruto: Akkor mit fogunk tenni...
Kakashi: Mindenki álljon kicsit hátrébb.
Kakashi szeme Mangekyou Sharinganná változott...
Naruto: !
Kakashi: Így már hamar vége lesz.
Kakashi: Mangekyou Sharingan...!!

Színhely: Jiraiya és Pain...
Jiraiya az épületek közt menekül...
Pain 6 teste üldözi...
Jiraiya gondolatai: Nem számít milyen keményen küzdök, nem győzhetek egyedül 6 ellen...
Jiraiya: Mit tegyek egy ilyen helyzetben?
Frog Pa: támadjunk lesből....Vagy vonuljunk vissza? Melyik jobb...?
Jiraiya: Nem azért jöttem, hogy elmeneküljek.
Frog Ma: Idióta!!! Mit magyaráz az arc, aki épp most veszítette el az karját! Menekülj, hogy közben kicsit összeszedd magad!
Frog Pa: Ez nyomós indok...
Jiraiya: ...Rendben akkor legyen így.
Jiraiya ugrabugrál az épületeken iszonyat gyorsan...
Amint Pain közeledett Frog Pa egy nagy ködfelhőt vont maguk köré...
Pain lszem elől tévesztette Jiraiyat...
Pain: Szétszóródni!
A 6 Pain szétvált különböző irtányokba...
Jiraiya: Leráztuk őket...
Frog Ma: Gyorsan, keress egy rejtekhelyet...
Azonban, a dagi Pain bár nagyon messze volt, látta mindezt.

Színhely: Kisame és Suigetsu...
Suigetsu kivonta a kardját, és Kisamére pillantot, aki a villanypóznán volt.
Aztán felé ugrott és suhintott a karddal.
Kisame a Samehadaval elhárította az ütést, és  Suigetsu hátrarepült.
Suigetsu egy épület tetején ért földet...
Karin és Juugo: !
Suigetsu mosolygott (azaz, olyan fejet vágott, mikor karin lekvert neki egyet ikszdé).
Karin gondolatai: Ez az ember hihetetlen erős...! Félkézzel...kivédte Suigetsu támadását, aki két kézzel markolta a kardját..ráadásul, mégcsak ki sem billent az egyensúlyából és le sem esett arról a labilis villanypóznáról...
Suigetsu: Ah....tényleg erős vagy...Így nem fogok nyerni.
Suwolbong ?
Suigetsu karizmai dagadnak.

Színhely: Konoha team..
Tobi: Uwaaaaa!! Tobi kikerüli Kakashi dimenziókapuját....
Kakashi Tobi testét vette célba..
Kakashi: Itt a vége.
Kakashi kinyitotta a szemeit...
Azonban semmi nem történt...
Kakashi: ...?
Kakashi Tobi testére koncentrálta a támadását, de Tobi nem repült át egy másik dimenzióba.
Kakashi szemei találkoznak Tobi Sharinganjával.
Kakashi gondolatai: Ez a fickó...!!
Kakashi befejezi a jutsuját.
Tobi: Arara? Mi az?

Izgalmas  - Veszélyes...! ...! A kifürkészhetetlen Tobi igazi ereje...!!!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 dec 05, 20:21:17 írta barkasz » Naplózva

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Hozzászólások: 71

« Válasz #168 Dátum: 07 dec 06, 16:07:48 »

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 dec 06, 16:08:54 írta Rei » Naplózva
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Hozzászólások: 22

« Válasz #169 Dátum: 07 dec 06, 16:44:16 »

Chapter starts off with Konoha team and Tobi

Tobi: Thought you got me didn’t ya?
Naruto: ? What the hell?
Kakashi: get back everyone this is no ordinary enemy

Everyone stands back as Kakashi starts to lift up his headband

Tobi: ? Ahh so you are the one Deidara Sempai was talking about? The copy ninja?
Naruto: Stop with your bulls*** how did I miss?
Tobi: Ahh shut up I am not talking to you now!; So Kakashi?? How about I beat you right here right now with my one hit KO!
Kakashi: Stay back everyone I’ll handle this

Kakashi lifts his headband up to reveal his sharingan

Scene switches to Suigetsu and Kisame

Suigetsu: Sorry to make you fight me Kisame Sempai; but you know how us young mist kind have such an itch to start trouble
Kisame: Ahh I know it well; reminds me of me when I was younger, but listen kid you have a lot of catching up to do.
Suigetsu: Well----

Karin interrupts

Karin: You guys sound like idiots! You want to fight yet you guys are talking like your family; You guys are sick, let’s go Juugo we are going after sasuke

Kisame: Oh no you’re not

Suddenly Kisame clasps his hands together and water begins to accumulate around team Hebi;

Kisame: Sorry brats this ends here,

Suddenly the water turns into a giant vortex and heads at Team Hebi

Scene switches to Jiraiya;

Jiraiya: Damnit…This is bad

Pain: So this is how the great Jiraiya will end? Missing an arm and beaten by god; pathetic, however I commend you on lasting this long, however this is over

All six Pains join hands and start chanting
Pain: You will now see the ultimate power of Pain

Suddenly everything turns to blackness

Pain: “World Great Pestilence"

Jiraiya: ! s***! This is…..

Scene switches to Sasuke and Itachi

Itachi: My death? Foolish brother you know nothing

Suddenly crows start flying all around Sasuke while Itachi continues to sit in the throne

Sasuke: Im foolish, your use of the sharingan has diminished I can tell

Sasuke emits Chidori out of his body hitting all the crows, however they keep flying around

Itachi: Now you will know the truth; your true purpose, my true intensions

Suddenly Sasuke is back at the village the night the clan was slaughtered
However this time he sees Itachi lying face down breathing hard and a masked man standing over him….its Tobi!!!!

Sasuke: What is this? What are you doing?

Itachi with his Mangekyou activated

Itachi: It will all be become much clearer, but first show me what you have spent years trying to get

Sasuke smirks

Sasuke: Hmph You’ll regret that request, who is the foolish one now?

Sasuke closes his eyes,

Chapter ends here……..

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #170 Dátum: 07 dec 07, 23:24:28 »

Shippuuden Manga 381. a főoldalon. Mostantól a 382. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #171 Dátum: 07 dec 12, 11:50:24 »

valszeg Fake de hátha...

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Hozzászólások: 364

felfújható-porszívó ügynök

« Válasz #172 Dátum: 07 dec 12, 13:05:58 »

Verification: Pending
Type: Japanese script with translation
Source: NF
Credits: Conan (Edogawa)

Jiraiya left the rest up to Naruto and then collapsed (dead)
Frog PA is the messenger
Tinking about it Jiraiya had a crappy life
women didn't like him (he was turned down a lot)... his friend betrayed him...he couldn't save his teacher or his students..

Jiraiya was the one who named naruto.
Jiraiya gave naruto his name.

Jiraiya a többit Narutora hagyja és összeesik (meghal)

Béka Pa az üzenet közvetítő

(többi szerintem a spoiler szerzőjének a véleménye, de azért leírom)

Jiraiyanak silány élete volt

A nők nem szerették (sokszor kikosarazták)... a barátja elárulta... nem tudta megmenteni a tanárát sem és a tanítványait sem...

Jiraiya adta Narutonak a nevét.
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Hozzászólások: 10

« Válasz #173 Dátum: 07 dec 12, 18:22:30 »

pein: i've longed for your vessel jiraiya sensei
jiraiya: what have you become nagato?
pein: so you've realised my true identity?
pein: well somewhat, i am pein, but nagato at the same time.
pein: these are mearly my 6 paths, my 6 horsemen of apacolypse
jiraiya: ....
pein: the devil has, 4, and i have 6, am i not a god?
jiraiya: you are a disgrace
pein: and now, you are mine

scene switches to itachi and sasuke

itachi: death is merely a precursor to greatness for one such as i.
sasuke: quit squabbling, your end is near.
itachi: what can you see sasuke?
itachi: for an MS user, death is only a process of reincarnation into a next vessel.
sasuke: ...
itachi: well then, what can you see?
sasuke: i told you already

-sasuke charges in with chidori

-itachi dodges, but it was a bunshin, sasuke appears behind itachi with his sword at his neck

-itachi turns into crows, then looks at sasuke with MS.

orochimaru: itachi, you're not such a genius after all

-orochimaru leaps from sasukes conciousness to itachis

Elder Toad 1: What relvance does the world of the humans have to us frogs.....why do we owe them anything

Elder Toad 2: If we leave the human world to be devoured by this evil the effects could be adverse on our world as well

Elder Toad 3: Even if we were to side with the humans...they are all misguided by greed, hatrid, and sloath to be trusted

Elder Toad 4: Enough we should allow the Toad Sage to deciede, he has the gift of forsight

Elder Toad 1: Very well what do you see

Toad Sage: The one who is worthy to learn the art of toads will be blessed with the mark of demon fox

Toad Sage: This shinobi will bring balance to the human world if we are to teach him, but he will expand the art of ninjutsu which will bring many years of pain to the human world in the future

Elder Frog 2: If he is the only one who can defeat this evil then we must find him, but where does such a man exsist

Elder Frog 3: There is only one that has such a mark is the child named....Naruto

Elder Frog 4: So this naruto is the one destined to defeat the eight head dragon Yamato no Orochi the god of the dark snake clan and master of the sixth paths

Elder Frog 1: Rikudo Sannin!

the chapter ends with Pain calling himself Rikudo Sannin

Side Text: The destined battle of the dragon and the fox is reborn again, will naruto plunge the world into chaos or save it ????
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Hozzászólások: 364

felfújható-porszívó ügynök

« Válasz #174 Dátum: 07 dec 12, 20:41:39 »

No. 382: The End...!!

Scene @ Tsunade

Tsunade: ..........!!
Shizune: What's the matter?
Tsunade: ......
She looks as if she wanted to say something but no words came out.
Shizune: ?
Tsunade: ....it's been a long while since things turn out the same as my bet...

Scene where Jiraiya was stabbed by the five.
Jiraiya: Urghh!!
Beanhead: !!
Beanhead was hit by Rasengan and he flew off.
Yahiko Pain: It's futile.
Jiraiya's back was pierced by 5 of those "seaweeds" (the black rope thingy).
Beanhead stood up.
Beanhead: ...
Jiraiya: Gwaahh!! (I cannot compress the chakra fully...)
Head: Draw it out now!
Jiraiya: No...it seems like it's the end for me here...
Head: ...
Jiraiya: Moreover, my choice...is finally over...
Head: Jiraiya chan...
Jiraiya: You kept me company till the end...I give my thanks...
Yahiko: ...
Jiraiya: ...following that...
Jiraiya said something to Head.
Head: I understand.
Yahiko Pain: The conversation ends here....
Pain was going to aim an attack at Head using the seaweed spear.
However, Jiraiya shielded it with his back.
Jiraiya: ....Head...!
Head: Ahh...
Head went off.
Yahiko Pain: Only the information is left....
Jiraiya: Pain...you are...
Yahiko Pain: It's the end.
Yahiko Pain forms a handseal.
Jiraiya: Ku....!?
Jiraiya fell to the front.

Jiraiya floats in a very dark space.
In front of Jiraiya floats a boy with black hair.
Jiraiya: ......you are...
Rin'negan can be seen.
Jiraiya: are you Nagato...?
Nagato: .....
Rin'negan looks up.
Jiraiya: I see...so that's what happened.

Pains surrounded the fallen Jiraiya.
Yahiko Pain: ....
Jiraiya opened his eyes.
The eyes are Rin'negan.
Jiraiya: Ok...let's go hunt the Kyuubi, shall we?
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #175 Dátum: 07 dec 13, 09:01:00 »

No.382 終わり……!!

Jiraiya lays on the floor...
Pein: Jiraiya sensei... it is your fault that you are experiencing pain...
Jiraiya: God damnit... how did I lose to you!
Pein: ...

The scenery changes in the woods

Team Kakashi are in a battle between Tobi!

Tobi: Oh wow, you guys suck dont you...
Kakashi: ...
Naruto: Gr..... who the hell are you, WHERES SASUKE?!?!?
Tobi: *sticks middle finger*
Naruto: Grrr!!

Naruto creates shadow clones and charges Tobi!

Tobi: It is time... that I reveal to you of my rinnegan sharingan... ACTIVATE
Naruto: .....
Kakashi: ....

A blinding light!? Everyone is on the floor... except tobi and a shadowy figure. The shadowry figure turned to be Naruto with the rinnegan eye!?!?

Naruto: What the....

The two Uchiha brothers stand next to each other...

Itachi: Little brother.... there is something you need to know...
Sasuke: !?
Itachi: Tobi... is madara... and i have adapted Sasuke... I have grown powerful...
Sasuke: ?! What are you talking about! *turns on sharingan*
Itachi: Sigh... it is time for you to die little brother...

Itachi opens his eye. The rinnegan sharingan!?!?

End of Chapter 382

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #176 Dátum: 07 dec 13, 13:58:35 »

*Wow... Naruto szülei láthatóak
*Jiraiya adta Narutonak a "Naruto" nevet, és így ő lett Naruto keresztapja vagy mifene =D
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Hozzászólások: 364

felfújható-porszívó ügynök

« Válasz #177 Dátum: 07 dec 14, 14:16:49 »

RAW-hoz itt egy fordítás (ami a főoldalról tölthető le), amit Pazuzu nevű emberke csinált:

382: The Real Choice!!

Text: Jiraiya finally unveils the secret...and is attacked by Pain!

Jiraiya: Yes! I know who Pain really is!


Jiraiya: I have to...tell them who Pain is...

Toad: *garbled, I believe Jiraiya can't hear him clearly*


Jiraiya: Damn!
Jiraiya: At this rate...

Jiraiya: No...
Jiraiya: It's all going fuzzy...

Jiraiya: Am I...
Jiraiya: to die here?

Jiraiya: To fail?


Jiraiya: Being a shinobi is not abut how you live, but how you die...

Jiraiya: A shinobi's life is evaluated not by how they lived, but by what they accomplished before they died...

Jiraiya: ...when I think about it, my life has been nothing but failures.


Jiraiya: Constantly rejected by Tsunade...

Jiraiya: Unable to stop my friend...

Jiraiya: Unable to protect my master and student...

Jiraiya: When I look at everything the Hokages have done...
Jiraiya: my life seems like a waste...


Jiraiya: I wanted to die like the Hokages did.

Jiraiya: Our stories are decided by the bonds we hold at the very end.

Jiraiya: Nothing wrong with failing! I carried on with the belief that all of these ordeals just made me stronger.
Jiraiya: And instead...

Jiraiya: I would even out all of these failures with some great accomplishments.
Jiraiya: Then die as a fine ninja!

Jiraiya: ...That's what I'd planned...
Jiraiya: But...those bonds...this is how I die...?


Jiraiya: The Great Toad told me his prediction of "one wh would change the world".
Jiraiya: And the one who would be responsible for whether it brought peace or destruction.

Jiraiya: And it seems that I failed yet again...
Jiraiya: I couldn't defeat Pain, or stop Akatsuki...

Jiraiya: I'm pathetic...
Jiraiya: The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya? Hah...

Jiraiya: What a worthless story...

Minato: No, not at all!


Minato: I think it's a great story.

Minato: It's all based on your own adventures,
Minato: so it's kind of an autobiography.

Jiraiya: Well, yeah...
Jiraiya: But it didn't sell at all.
Jiraiya: I think next time I'll go back to the winning formula of erotic novels.

Minato: What I really liked about the hero of this is that he never gave up, not ever...
Minato: He's just like you, isn't he?


Jiraiya: Haha...you think?

Minato: And...I've been thinking.
Jiraiya: Hm?

Minato: I'd love if my own child...
Minato: could be a shinobi just like this character.

Minato: So, do you mind
Minato: if I pilfer the hero's name?

Jiraiya: Hey, are you sure about that?
Jiraiya: I actually thought of it while I was eating ramen...


Kushina: Naruto.
Kushina: It's a great name.

Jiraiya: Kushina...


Jiraiya: Haha...
Jiraiya: So that'd make me his godfather?
Jiraiya: Are you sure you want that?

Minato: I couldn't think of a better person.
Minato: You're such a great ninja with amazing ability...
Minato: There's no other shinobi like you.

Jiraiya: Ah...

Jiraiya: Yes...
Jiraiya: I named him...


Naruto: I WILL be the Hokage!!
Naruto: And I'll be better than all the ones before me!
Naruto: I'll never go back on my word...
Naruto: That's my way of life.


Jiraiya: You know, Naruto, you're just like that hero.

Jiraiya: You lived right up to Minato and Kushina's hopes and dreams...

Jiraiya: But as for me...

Minato: I couldn't think of a better person.
Minato: You're such a great ninja with amazing ability... There's no other shinobi like you.


Orochimaru: The true measure of a shinobi is whether he can master all of the jutsu in the world.
Orochimaru: It's just like the word says.
Orochimaru: A ninja is one who uses ninjutsu.

Jiraiya: That's not what decides a great ninja...
Jiraiya: You still don't understand?

Jiraiya: A ninja is one who endures through anything and everything.

Orochimaru: Well, we all have our opinions.

Jiraiya: I'll tell you something...
Jiraiya: The true measure of a ninja
Jiraiya: isn't how many jutsu he has...


Jiraiya: What matters is...

Jiraiya: an indomitable spirit.

Jiraiya: I will never go back on my word. And I will never give up...
Jiraiya: If that's your way of life...

Jiraiya: Naruto, I'm your master.
Jiraiya: So, I'm not going to just whine and complain.

Jiraiya: Because...


Jiraiya: Ggggg....!!

M Toad: Jiraiya-chan?!

Jiraiya: The pupil's way of life should be the master's too!
Jiraiya: Isn't that right...Naruto...

M Toad: He willed himself back to life?!

Pain: Your heart stopped, did it not?

Jiraiya: Right!


M Toad: Guh...

M Toad: Yes! I understand everything!

Jiraiya: I won't give up... That was the choice I had to make!
Jiraiya: You were the one in the prophecy, Naruto, it was you.
Jiraiya: So I leave everything up to you!

Text: A bloody curtain is drawn on this hero's tale. With his last words, "I won't give up", he makes his choice and passes his hopes and dreams to his final student, Naruto!!

Preview: Jiraiya dies...and what will Konoha do with this information?
Next, "Spread of Darkness"!!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 dec 14, 14:18:00 írta R » Naplózva
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #178 Dátum: 07 dec 14, 22:21:25 »

Shippuuden Manga 382. a főoldalon. Mostantól a 383. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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« Válasz #179 Dátum: 07 dec 19, 13:28:32 »

Chapter 383 information
Head Frog (Pa) Doron (I think its the sound when they do shunshin no jutsu?). Pein jumps closer and looks down to Jiraiya.
Yahiko Pein holds his black weapon and says to Jiraiya "This time...it's over...Sensei"
We see a silluoette of Jiraiya's head cut off
The head lands with a sound "Dossa" and seen changes to Naruto falling to the ground
Naruto: Wha...What is this...guy...?
Kiba: Narutooo! Its ok! Come back!!
Sai: ...
Byakugan Neji: All the jutsu...go through...!?
Kakashi: Even with the Byakugan and Sharingan we can't see through...
There's a trick behind it...
Tobi looks down at Naruto and the others with Sharingan. He still has his mask on.

Scene changes with Itachi vs. Sasuke

Itachi: You see me dead...
Sasuke: Ahh...I see it in your eyes as well!
Sasuke runs close to Itachi and attacks with a kunai
Itachi blocks with a kunai as well
The room echoes with the sound "Keeen" (The sound of metal clashing together)
Itachi: Ninjas are
measured of their value by how they die...
Sasuke: ...?
Itachi: As your brother Sasuke,...
what could I have done...

bár kép nélkül nem sokat ér, de ki tudja:) (mondjuk jobb lenne ha fake lenne ;D )
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