24 szep 21, 20:45:03 *
Üdvözlünk, Vendég. Kérlek jelentkezz be vagy regisztrálj.

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« Válasz #135 Dátum: 07 okt 24, 11:42:34 »

I think the Chinese script says something like:

No doubt Jiraiya is the strongest of the Sannin. Using the sennin mode he can use powerful kinjutsu.

Jirayia: Big sister(?), where is that guy?

Toad (the sister one?): He's on top of that building, I'll pinpoint you to him!

Jiraiya: Toad oil + some type of katon!

The camouflage is destroyed, Pain appears!

100% hogy fake azt írták de sztem annyira nem bizto xD
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Hozzászólások: 139

« Válasz #136 Dátum: 07 okt 24, 13:54:27 »

Jiraiya is the strongest among the three sannin, him using the sennin form allows him to use forbidden jutsu.

Jiraiya : Big sister, where's that guy?

Big sister : Ah, he has climbed onto the bamboo post, I'll let you see the image.

Jiraiya starts attacking, "Toad Oil, Fire Dragon Jutsu"

Chameleon is burnt, Pein appears.

Pein : Jiraiya can hide too...morphing jutsu

1 person looking exactly like Jiraiya(without two frog heads) comes out of the earth, together attacking Jiraiya.

Pein also starts attacking, surrounding Jiraiya with an array of troop, a special arrangement.

Jiraiya defeated the clones, but suddenly felt the time-space distort.

Jiraiya was shocked.

Pein : Now you cannot run. Teacher, join us.

Jiraiya : Kid, watch the sennin break the formation.

Jiraiya takes out a scroll.

The picture goes back to the past, Jiraiya seals the weasel(?)'s fire of the heavens(?).

Jiraiya opens the scroll, Pein feels uncertain.

Jiraiya : Elder Sennin, enlarge 100 times, face that boy and attack.

Elder Sennin : Ok

Suddenly,Pein feels danger. Uh. Boom Boom Boom :|

Jiraiya escapes the formation and Pein disappears.
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felfújható-porszívó ügynök

« Válasz #137 Dátum: 07 okt 25, 12:06:08 »

Just what is "Sennin mode"?

Sennin frogs: "It's about time you learned to activate "sennin mode" by yourself, Jiraiya-chan!"

Jiraiya: I've still got a long way to go before I can compare to you two.

ペイン「大蛇丸にしろ 自来也にしろ’三忍は独得な力を使うな」
Pain: Whether it's Orochimaru or Jiraiya, it would seem Sannin each have their own unique abilities...

Ane-san: So...where is that Rikudou eyes?

Jiraiya: Hiding inside the mouth of a kuchiyose beast which turns invisible.

Ane-san: That'd make it a Chameleon monster...

Jiraiya: I've already set a detection barrier, actually...

Ane-san: That's not gonna get us very far. Let's bring him out with biological detection!

Kashira: But why are you fighting this guy, Jiraiya-chan?

Jiraiya: He's a former appretince of mine...

Ane-san/Kashira: !!


Kashira: That makes him a "child of prophecy"! Why are you fighting him, then?


Jiraiya: Well, it would seem he didn't turn out very well...and since I'd heard he was dead...I was convinced it wasn't him.

One of the frogs: Well, that prophecy's no more than a senile old geezer's delusion, so don't you worry!

The sennin use "biological detection" (a snake) to capture the chameleon, and (flush Pain out?) by spitting water.

Flashback to "the prophecy"

The great Toad Hermit makes Jiraiya a prophecy.


"You who lust after women shall one day have an apprentice. This apprentice shall bring a great revolution to the world of shinobi. And with it, will come either stability, or destruction. One, or the other."

Note: It may be deliberately vague point in the prophecy, but I honestly can't tell if the most natural interpretation here is "one" apprentice or "multiple" apprentices..

End of flashback

Pain summons two people, whose faces we can't see.

"These two Akatsuki summoned...just who or what are they?"
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 okt 25, 18:49:26 írta R » Naplózva
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« Válasz #138 Dátum: 07 okt 25, 20:51:27 »



Gues Who's back?
Fogadott testvéreim Cart, Ss1d, VB, Tapion-sama, Slay és Pandy
A Fórum nemhivatalos megmondó embere
Azújnevem: "th rizs-kun" by Arvael
Lányom: Đestri
Just Dance
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« Válasz #139 Dátum: 07 okt 26, 12:30:06 »

Még egy picit... Nevet de csak szöveg >.<

Title page, Jiraiya is signing a contract on a scroll

Pain inside the chameleon

Pain (!? The quality of the chakra up till now is different...)

Frogs are riding on both shoulders of the frog-faced Jiraiya

Sis: Jiraiya, where's the Rikudou-eye guy?

Jiraiya: He went inside of the summon and disappeared

Boss: I see, so Jiraiya, you're really gonna use that?

Sis: That will wear you out

Jiraiya: Yeah, but against this guy nothing else...

Boss: Kaa-chan, < ?? need to think about this line a bit>

Sis: There's no choice, let's go

Jiraiya: Thanks

Pain (what? Sensei's appearance is different from before...)

Pain summons a praying mantis

Jiraiya (Of course, a summon...)

Jiraiya: Boss!!!

Boss: Yeah

Jiraiya and Boss: Toad Oil Flame Bullet

The praying mantis gets burned up

Pain summons a boar

Boss: What? He just did a summon

Jiraiya: Yeah... that guy... If it were Nagato he should be using a wider variety of jutsu, but...

Boss: Hmmm~ looks like the bottom

Sis: Anyway, let's start by pulling him out

Jiraiya: Yes, Sis!!!

Sis: Let's go

Jiraiya and Sis: Toad Oil Flame Pillar!!

The boar burns up

Jiraiya: You two, before we do the next...

Sis: I know

Boss: But Kaa-chan...

Sis: Shut it!

Sis closes her eyes

Sis: There! It's over there! The shadow of that pipe!

Jiraiya: Ok, please catch him

Jiraiya jumps and approaches

Pain(!? He found me...)

The chameleon appears

Pain exits the chameleon's mouth, the chameleon thrusts into Jiraiya

Jiraiya: Huh!?

Jiraiya: Rasengan!!!

Chameleon is wiped out

Pain closes his eyes and stands in a place with level footing

Boss: From here on it's the real thing... That...

Jiraiya: Boss, please wait

Boss: What?

Sis: Read the situation! That guy is Jiraiya's student, there's probably something to talk about, Jiraiya?

Jiraiya: Yes, there something that I'm wondering about...

Jiraiya and Pain face eachother

Jiraiya: Nagato... You're not going to kill me with your own hands but with summons?

Pain: ...

Pain opens his eyes

Boss: Ah!!

Sis: It's the real Rikudou-eye

Jiraiya: Nagato, I taught you a lot of jutsu...

Pain: It's not that there's only summons... I can only do summons

Jiraiya: What!?

Boss and Sis have surprised faces

Pain: Sensei... Your appearance has also changed...

Jiraiya: And? This jutsu changes your appearance. But you've even changed on the inside. ...That aside, why can you only do summons?

Pain: It's this body...

Jiraiya: This body? What does that mean?

Pain: I am not one person

Jiraiya (!?)

Pain: Before I gave myself this name. I threw away the name Nagato with Yahiko's death

Jiraiya: So Yahiko's dead

Pain: At that time I was also dead

Jiraiya has a surprised face

What the hell is at the bottom of the birth of Pain!?
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« Válasz #140 Dátum: 07 okt 26, 14:36:29 »

Még egy picit... Nevet de csak szöveg >.<

Title page, Jiraiya is signing a contract on a scroll


Ez elvileg egy fake spoiler (azaz hamis), azért nem raktam be Nyelvesít

u.i.: oks egyetértek, módosítottam
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 okt 26, 15:07:04 írta R » Naplózva
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Táncoló levélárnyék

« Válasz #141 Dátum: 07 okt 26, 14:50:44 »


amugy felesleges volt pettinyo egész hsz-ét idézni
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 okt 26, 14:55:12 írta th » Naplózva

Gues Who's back?
Fogadott testvéreim Cart, Ss1d, VB, Tapion-sama, Slay és Pandy
A Fórum nemhivatalos megmondó embere
Azújnevem: "th rizs-kun" by Arvael
Lányom: Đestri
Just Dance
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Hozzászólások: 364

felfújható-porszívó ügynök

« Válasz #142 Dátum: 07 okt 26, 17:08:40 »

lovag kérésére gyorsan lefordítottam (pickét szabadfordításosra sikeredett, de semminél ez is jobb remélem  kacsint)
Mi is a "Sennin mód"?

Sennin békák:"eljött az idő, hogy megtanultad aktiválni egyedül a "sennin módot", Jiraiya-chan!"

Jiraiya: még mindig hosszú út áll elöttem, mielött hozzátok hasonlíthatom magam.

Pain: akár Orochimaru akár Jiraiya, úgy néz ki minden Sanninak van egy egyedi technikája...

Ane-san: Nos... Hol van az a Ridukou szemű?

Jiraiya: Elbújt egy kuchiyose szörny szájába, amely aztán láthatatlan lett.

Ane-san: Akkor ez egy kaméleon szörny....

Jiraiya: Már használtam egy detektáló technikát...

Ane-san: Azzal nem jutunk tovább. Hozzuk ki a szörnyből a biológiai detektáló technikával!

Kashira: De miért harcolsz ezzel az emberrel, Jiraiya-chan?

Jiraiya: Ő egy tanitványom volt...

Ane-san/Kashira: !!

Kashira: Akkor ő lenne a "jóslat gyereke"! Miért harcolsz akkor ellene?

Jiraiya: Hát, mert nem úgy fejlődött, ahogy kellett volna... meg úgy hallottam hogy meghalt... azért nem hittem, hogy ő lesz az.

Egyik béka: Hát, a jóslat nem több, mint egy öreg szenil troty mondása, így ne bánkodj.

A senninek biológiaka detektáló technikát használnak (egy kígyót), hogy elfogják a kaméleont és (kikényszerítsék Paint?) víz használatával.

Visszaemlékezés a jóslatra

a nagy varangy hermit egy jóslatot mond Jiraiya-nak.

"Te, ki vágyodsz a nők után, egy nap lesz egy tanítványod. Ez a tanítvány egy nagy forradalmat fog szítani a shinobik világában. És ezzel vagy stabilabbá teszi vagy lerombolja azt. Egyiket vagy a másikat fogja megvalósítani."

Megjegyzés: nem lehet megállapítani hogy egy vagy több tanítványt mond a jóslatban...

Visszaemlékezés vége

Pain két embert idéz meg, akiknek nem látni az arcát.

"Két akatsuki lett megidézve... De vajon kik ők?"
Ez az amit én raktam be a képekkel
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 okt 26, 17:11:05 írta R » Naplózva
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« Válasz #143 Dátum: 07 okt 26, 18:29:08 »

Kijött a manga 376. RAW ezért mostantól a Shippuuden manga 377. fejezetének spoiler képeit várjuk ide.
Naruto-Kun Csoport
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

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Táncoló levélárnyék

« Válasz #144 Dátum: 07 nov 07, 18:15:08 »

sokat kelett várni de ittvan 1 kcsike kép

szöveget nem máolgatok mert szvsz felesleges akinek kell priviben elküldöm

Gues Who's back?
Fogadott testvéreim Cart, Ss1d, VB, Tapion-sama, Slay és Pandy
A Fórum nemhivatalos megmondó embere
Azújnevem: "th rizs-kun" by Arvael
Lányom: Đestri
Just Dance
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« Válasz #145 Dátum: 07 nov 08, 11:06:10 »

én azért be rakom csak érdkel valakit

Chapter 377 The eyes of Rokudou!!

Pain: The fun begins here, Sensei.
Jiraiya: ...

Cover page picture
A 2-pages picture divided into 9 sections featuring the Akatsuki members with their respective rings below.
From the left: Zetsu, Sasori, Deidara, Konan, Pain (Ver 1), Kakuzu, Hidan, Itachi and Kisame.

Sennin Pa: What the heck, kuchiyose again?
The two humans raised their heads. Their faces have multiple piercings (or 'bolts' ROFL).
Pain clasped his hands together.
Pain: Kuchiyose...Rokudou Rin'ne - Shuura Dou!! (endless circle of transmigration in the six posthumous worlds - Asura Realm)
One side of the ground turned into wasteland.
The other side had a few rotting trees.
Then, there were many zombie-like rotting bodies fighting.
The two summoned Akatsuki members (Mr A and Mr B) stood up in front of Jiraiya.
Jiraiya: Where is this...
Sennin Ma: This is one of the six realms of afterlife - Asura Realm!
Sennin Pa: Summoning a different realm? This is also one of the Eyes' powers?
Jiraiya: No matter what, it's better to defeat them it seems.

The scene changes to Myoubokusan.
Bunta is talking to Ken-san.
Bunta: You've returned...so, what can Jiraiya's enemy do?
Ken-san: Oh man....it's a strong enemy. He possesses the Eyes of Rokudou.
Bunta: Eyes of Rokudou?! I've heard that from the great gramps before...the eyes that can "bring about" six realms of the underworld, that's what I've heard.
Ken-san: What...
Bunta: The ability to travel back and forth from this world to the underworld. It's like the power of god...
Bunta's thoughts: Jiraiya...
The scene returns to Pain and Jiraiya.

Pain: The souls of the four persons have fallen into the Asura Realm.
Jiraiya: ...?
Mr A brought back one of the fighting people with him. So did Mr B.
When he placed his hand on the person's head, Mr A's appearance starts to change. Mr B did the same to the person he brought back and he too started to change his looks.
Pain: The four Hokages...
Jiraiya: Wha...what did you say...?!
Mr A changed his appearance to Yondaime.
Mr B changed into Sandaime.
Furthermore, both bodies possessed the Rin'negan.
Sennin Pa: This...this thing...has the Eye of Rokudou also...
Sennin Ma: Oooh, just shut up, Pa!
Jiraiya: Im...impossible. Minato and the old geezer were already trapped inside the Death God's stomach by the Shikifuujin technique. Their souls cannnot be in the Asura Realm...!
Pain: hmph...
Sennin Pa: Indeed...It's said that the souls sealed by Shikifuujin will fight for eternity in the Death God's stomach...
A view at the people fighting around them.
Sennin Ma: The Asura Realm is said to signify...the never-ending battle between the human realm and beast realm
Jiraiya: ! So that means...!!
Pain: ah...that's right.
Jiraiya: The Asura Realm and...the Death God's stomach...are you saying that they mean the same thing?!
Sennin Ma: I've never heard of that before. Is it a lie?
Pain: Our little chat ends here.
Yondaime (Mr A) and Sandaime (Mr B) attacked Jiraiya.
Sandaime: Earth technique - flying earth needles!!
Needles made of earth flew out from the ground.
Sennin Ma: From the side!
Jiraiya: I know.
While he was dodging from the side, Yondaime attacked at his back.
Sennin Pa turned his head around and aimed a spray of water at Yondaime.
However, it was dodged immediately.
A speed battle between Jiraiya and Yondaime ensued.
At the very moment Jiraiya disengaged from his fight with Yondaime, blood oozed out from his left wrist.
Jiraiya: ku...
Jiraiya's thoughts: Even the speed in Sennin mode cannot match him eh...
Sandaime performed the tiger (tora) hand seal.
Sennin Ma: It's coming! Pa!
Yondaime blew wind out of his mouth (Wind technique).
Sandaime: Fire technique - Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!! (Katon - Karyuu Endan)
Sennin Pa mimicked the same act and poured out a large torrent of water from his mouth.
Jiraiya: !
However, Jiraiya was engulfed by the flames.

Stirring up - nightmare...! The attack of Sandaime (the teacher) and Yondaime (the student)...!!

Next chapter: Firm Determination

Itt egy kis kép: http://bp2.blogger.com/_VkIbHKDK5Dg/RzK2jbOlRuI/AAAAAAAABIg/yp7zm-_thS0/s1600-h/Naruto+377+Spoiler+Pics.jpg
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 08, 14:50:02 írta Chakra » Naplózva
« Válasz #146 Dátum: 07 nov 08, 20:10:04 »

From Himajin:

Ero-sennin is about to pose in front of Pain's team, but the Gama couple get mad.

Kaa-chan is concerned about the Akatsuki's formation. Tou-chan chides Kaa-chan.

Then, they bicker like a married couple. Ero is annoyed.

After a moment, Jiraiya abruptly strikes the long-haired guy. The long-haired guy is blown off.

Pain "Don't..."

Gama Kaa "Hmm... Let's fry this guy! The kid with oil, Tou-chan with wind

Ero + Gama spew a large amount of oil. This time Pizza blocks it and dispells it.

Ero: "He got rid of the oil?" Gama Kaa "Completely <??>" Gama Tou "There's something about this guy too"
(I'm bad with their dialect, really unsure about these lines)

Ero: "Let's try to do this with close combat"

Ero strikes Pizza with a super-Oodama Rasengan. Pizza absorbs it too. Long hair comes around Ero's back.

Gama Tou blocks Long hair's vision with smoke. At that chance, Ero goes to Long Hair's back and attacks, but Long Hair defends.

Ero (What? Even without seeing my Sennin Mode attack...)

He goes around to the back again, this time using his hair to attack. This is also blocked. Ero is surprised.

Ero (The Hair Blowfish has the widest scope amongst my offensive attacks)

Gama Tou sees through the trick.

Gama Tou "Once when we decided on the target and struck from the blind spot, aside from the target, one of the other guys watched us steadily"

"So those eyes... the three people together have the same eyes! If we assume the three share the images from eachothers eyes..."

Ero "The three's eyes are shared amongst all of them.... is that it"

Gama Tou "... However.... What the hell are those guys"
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« Válasz #147 Dátum: 07 nov 09, 14:51:12 »

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 09, 14:54:12 írta Rei » Naplózva
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« Válasz #148 Dátum: 07 nov 09, 18:03:41 »

Shippuuden Manga 377 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 378. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.
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felfújható-porszívó ügynök

« Válasz #149 Dátum: 07 nov 14, 22:45:13 »

első spoiler ki is jött:
Cover shows long hair Pain and fat Pain

Stirring up - Fearsome Eyes...!

Jiraiya: The three of them sharing the eyes...so it means...
Sennin Ma: We can only reduce the enemy one at a time
Sennin Pa: However, we can't do anything, with them sharing the Eye...
Jiraiya looking at fat Pain's direction.

<some bit of text jumbled up here>
Jiraiya's thoughts: the big guy absorbs jutsus. Therefore...
Jiraiya: We shall use power and speed to fight
Jiraiya gathered chakra at his feet.
In a split second, he swerved behind the fat guy.
Jiraiya: Senpou - Senninshou!! (or "Saboten" a.k.a cactus, if pun is intended)
Jiraiya's fist grew bigger. He sank the attack into the fat guy's stomach and the impact threw him into the air.
Pain: you've become much quicker...but...
The fat guy then stood up amidst the sand and smoke.
Though Jiraiya's attack had created a dent in his stomach, it inflated back to normal.
Jiraiya: If taijutsu is useless...
Sennin Ma: it's as if he's an immortal...
The next moment, Jiraiya was hit and he was in the air.
Jiraiya: owww...!
Jiraiya made a big collision into the wall.
As he raised his head to look, the long hair Pain appeared with engorged fists.
Jiraiya's thoughts: ...!
Pain: you don't have the time to be surprised.
Long hair Pain's hairs transformed into hair-like senbon needles.
Jiraiya somehow managed to dodge it.
The exchange between long hair Pain and Jiraiya ensued.
Pain and fat Pain watched from a distance.
Jiraiya's thoughts: We cannot let them watch...
With that, Jiraiya led long hair Pain away to continue with the duel.

Sennin Ma: For now, this guy absorbs jutsu...
Sennin Ma looks at fat guy.
Sennin Pa: this guy copies Jiraiya chan's movements and jutsus it seems...
Jiraiya: and this guy...
Jiraiya looks at Pain.
Pain is closing his palms together...
A scorpion appears above Jiraiya.
Jiraiya disposed of the scorpion easily using Rasengan.
Jiraiya: kuchiyose
Scorpion became twice the size.
Sennin Pa: Engorgement kuchiyose...! This is troublesome
Sennin Ma: stop complaining. Use the Three Great Senpou (Sennin techniques) to finish this in one shot.
Jiraiya: ...!
Sennin Ma: First of all, Katon (fire technique)
Sennin Pa: Are you serious...?
Sennin Ma: Start preparing now...!
The seal enbodied the Sennins and Jiraiya.
Pain: ...
Fat guy moved forward.
Jiraiya's face turned pitch-black.
Jiraiya: Senpou - Katon: Attack of the downpour of red plum fire!!
Sennins emitted fire from mouths.
Jiraiya executed Fuuton (Wind technique) from mouth.
The fiery dragon engulfed the surroundings with fire.
The scorpion was burnt up and destroyed.
Pain's thoughts: Such power within this area...
After a while, the fire trail disappeared. From the fire, a huge shell appeared...
Pain and long hair guy stepped out of it.

The clam disappears.
Fat guy was defeated after being engulfed by the flames.
Pain: The jutsu could not be absorbed completely it seems...
A large hole suddenly opened up from the ground.
Pain: !
Pain and long hair guy were sucked into the hole.
Jiraiya: This is summoned when you guys were being surrounded in the flames. This hole connects to the eight levels of hell.
Pain summoned the Yamata no Orochi (legendary snake with eight heads and eight tails, its size is that of "eight valleys and eight mountain peaks")
The snake's head acted like a bridge within the hole.
Long hair guy fell into the abyss.
Sennin Ma: The troublesome one is still there.
Jiraiya: We can sink him in one stroke.
With that, Jiraiya clasped his palms together.
Jiraiya: Senpou - Doton (Earth Technique): Daikousen! (Great Underworld)
However, Pain could not be sunked into the ground completely.
Jiraiya: Daikousen is said to be able to sink everything on the surface of earth, even so, he cannot be sucked in completely...
Sennin Ma: How about Wind technique?
Jiraiya: Wind technique will be deployed as the decisive move. After using that, my chakra will be depleted.
Pain showed some movements that indicated him having noticed something.
Pain: Sensei...sorry but the game ends here. I will show you the true power of this Eye...
The number of rings in Pain's Rin'negan increased.

Stirring up - Rin'negan! It's true power shown...now!

Röviden összetömörítve, mert lehet fake:

Jiraiyaék (békákkal együtt) taktikája: egyenként kell legyőzni a Pein testeket.
Először a dagival foglalkoznak: Taijutsuval probálják, de sikertelenül.
Míg a dagi semlegesíti Jiraiya jutsujait, addig a hosszúhajunak a képessége, hogy lemásolja a jutsukat.
A harmadik közben egy óriási skorpiót idéz. Ezt meg a dagit egy tűz+szél kombós támadással legyűrik, a másik kettő test egy kagylóba zárva megmenekül.
Ezután egy nagy lyuk keletkezik a két test alatt, a hosszú hajú belezuhan az utolsó egy 8 fejű kígyót (Yamata no Orochit) idéz meg és mint egy híd használja. Ezután még egy kis csata és végén Pein megszólal: "Sensei... bocs, de vége a játéknak. Megmutatom az igazi hatalmát ennek a szemnek...
a gyűrűk száma a szemében megnő.

kövi részben Rin'negan igazi ereje... most!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 07 nov 14, 22:53:51 írta R » Naplózva
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