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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 709463 alkalommal)
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #810 Dátum: 10 feb 18, 01:13:45 »

A 483. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 484. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 587

« Válasz #811 Dátum: 10 feb 23, 19:06:31 »

Verification: Confirmed
Source: 日本語トルコ

NARUTO -ナルト - 第384 - 失われた光
はたけ:彼らはあなたの一族の村を引き継ぐこと]を統制しようと彼らを殺すためにイタチなってお ります?
* -ナルト - を閉じる*雲を参照するのに十分である
サスケ:もう一つはニッケル- に間もなくかれらはするが、すべてダイキャスト

Naruto Chapter 384 - The lost light
Sasuke: I don't think you understand what you're doing
Kakashi: Stopping you from killing Sakura and becoming more emo?
Sasuke: You don't know what Konaha did to me... to my clan!
Kakashi: They ordered itachi to kill them because your clan tried to control the kyubii to take over the village?
Sasuke: How do you...
Kakashi: Madara told us, he also slept with your mother.
*Sasuke charges at Kakashi and activates susanoo*
*Kakashi dodges but is get grazed by susanoos attack and bleeds*
Kakashi: Is this what you wanted? This meager power?
Sasuke: Meager? This is the power that's going to kill you
*Sasuke shoots fire into the sky and a cloud forms*
*Naruto is close enough to see the cloud*
Sasuke: Disappear... WITH THE THUNDER!!!!
*Kakashi is hit directly*
Sasuke: Another one Ni-sama SOON THEY WILL ALL DIE
Kakashi: ... Was that it? Didn't even scratch the paint.
Sasuke: !!!!!!
*Kakashi is alive, in some kind of blue vehicle with a star on it*
What is this mechanical contraption!!

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 10 feb 23, 19:07:52 írta Srodack » Naplózva
Naruto-Kun Fórum Isten
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Rejtett Hang Falu Rejtett Hang Falu

Hozzászólások: 6459

Silent shadow

« Válasz #812 Dátum: 10 feb 23, 19:30:18 »

Verification: Confirmed (legalábbis annak írják)
Forrás: http://onepiece-naruto-bleach.info/
If Sakura finishes Karin off, Sasuke will take her in as her replacement.
Well, she is standing in front of Karin with a kunai in her hand. If I stab Sasuke-kun now, all will be over.
As she is thinking something like that, behind her, Sasuke aims a Chidori to the back of Sakura’s head and is about to about to pierce her.
At that moment, Kakashi appears and saves Sakura. “Real intent to kill… You really sunk low, didn’t you Sasuke”

Naruto 484: Student Vs Sensei!!

(Sasuke Scene)
Kakashi: Sakura go….
Sakura: Sensei i….(closes her eyes and makes a fist)
Kakashi: …..(removes a kunai)
Sakura: I-I am sorry sensei….(picks up Karin)
Sakura: (thinking)I am sorry Naruto…
(Sakura puts Karin on her back and turns away)
Sasuke: (watches as sakura goes away with Karin)
Kakashi: Alright then…time to correct my mistake… (Readies kunai)
Sasuke: heh! (Smiles and charges at kakashi with a chidori )
Just as the chidori is about to hit him, Kakashi jumps in the air barely dodging it.
Sasuke is prepared for the dodge, and turns around as soon as kakashi is in the air.He charges his other hand with a chidori spear.
Sasuke: HA!(the spear pierces a surprised kakashi, who was unable to dodge it because he was in mid air)
Kakashi:..Poof! (turns into a rag doll)
Sasuku : !! (Thinking) substitution!
Kakashi: (appearing just a few steps behind sasuke) Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet! (a huge water dragon flies at Sasuke who is just inches away)
Kakashi: (watches as sasuke is engulfed by the water dragon)……!!!!
(Suddenly black flames start consuming the water dragon)
Kakashi: (thinking) Amaterasu…
Sasuke: (Standing in middle of the smoke cause by the rapid evaporation of the water because of amaterasu) Is that all you have got Kakashi? (Reveals his mangeykyo sharingan!)
Kakashi:?! (Looks at the evilness in sasuke’s sharingan) (Thinking) Revenge has consumed him…Sasuke…
Sasuke: DIE! (Aims the amaterasu at kakashi )
Kakashi: Shadow Clone jutsu! (Makes 5 shadow clones of himself) Poof!! (The kakashi who was attacked with the amaterasu disappears)
Sasuke: hmph (used shadow to escape dodge my amaterasu…)
Kakashi: (thinking while dodgeing sasuke’s amaterasu’s continuously)sasuke’s chakra levels are pretty low…Looks like he was in a fight not to long…the kage summit maby?…judging by his state right now, those mangeykyo attacks should be taking a lot out of him..if I can keep out of his line of sight and confuse him with my clones then I should be able to get close enough to finish him off…
Sasuke: haha keep running…I am going to burn you to the ground and watch as you suffer in agony!!
Sasuke:?!! (Suddenly kakashi’s figure blures causing the flame to go totally of target and Sasuke becomes a little dazed for a second)
Kakashi: (thinking) NOW!!!
In a split second, Kakashi’s 4 shadow clones surround Sasuke and get ready for a lightning blade from all 4 sides..
Kakashi: Lightning Blade!!!
All the 4 Lightning blades hit Sasuke at the same time from all sides!!!
Kakashi: *pant* *pant I got him…
Kakashi: (surprised) HUH??! What the-
Sasuke is completely surrounded by susanoo’s bones!
As Kakashi is about to jump back, the bones form a fist and catch hold of kakashi’s arm
Sasuke: (turns around to face Kakashi) Now its my turn….
(Naruto Scene)
Naruto: (thinking) almost there… (Speeds up a little bit)
(Sasuke Scene)
Kakashi: Arrrrghhh!!!! (The Susanoo’s fist is crushing Kakashi’s arm)
Kakashi: (falls to his knees and his shadow clones disappear)
Sasuke: hahaha (has a insane looks on his face) that pain is nothing compared to the pain I have gone through! Maby now you will understand it a little better…
(Slowly sasuke’s susanoos body starts to form behind him)
Kakashi: (wincing from the pain) (thinking) I have got no choice…
Sasuke: I am going to tear you limp from limp and-
(Kakashi raises his head and looks at Sasuke straight in the eye)
Kakashi: You let revenge take over you…and now you are too far gone in the darkness to be brought back……
(kakashi closes his sharingan eye)
Sasuke: hm…..?
Kakashi opens his eye to reveal the Mangeykyo sharingan!(close up on kakashi’s eyes)
Sasuke: (surprised) eh?! How did you-
Kakashi: KAMUI!!!
Sasukehurry up!!!!!!!
Kakashi has activated his mangeykyo sharingan! He used kamui on Sasuke at almost point blank distance. Has Sasuke finally been defeated??? Did kakashi really kill him?

Normális vagyok, a hangok is ezt mondják.
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 508


« Válasz #813 Dátum: 10 feb 23, 23:24:43 »

Egyszer ez:

Szerző:Originally Posted by chie chan View Post
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: UNCONFIRMED SPOILER
Forrás: http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com

Kakashi and Sasuke start fighting, Kakashi reads sasuke's chakra.

Kakashi makes a raikiri and charges at sasuke, sasuke dodges and cuts kakashi with his regular sword. The kakashi was a Mizu Bushin Jutsu.

Some talk about how the clan died between them both, and Kakashi asks sasuke why is he spiting on Itachi's legacy. Sasuke is shocked kakashi knows the truth.

Sasuke: Konoha made Itachi betray and kill the clan.

Kakashi: Itachi did it on his own free will, he wanted to do it.

Sasuke forms Susano...

Kakashi in thought, that's susanoo I must use it...(not clear about this).

Sasuke: Behold my power, the power of darkness.

Kakashi starts his Mks, sasuke is in complete shock. While in susanoo a hole starts to open up inside. Kakashi is targeting sasuke

Kakashi: This is my Mankegyou power, I told you those who seek revenge have a dark end.

Sasuke cannot get lose and his head starts to get sucked in.

Kakashi has a flashback of Naruto and sasuke arguing and Sasuke trying to get the bells from kakashi, He tears up and says I'm sorry Naruto I must do this.

Madara appears from behind Kakashi, and Kakashi loses his focus. He is about to stab kakashi.

Madara: You can tell Naruto sorry when you meet in death.

Madara gets pucnhed hard and flies into a tree his mask falls off, He looks up in shock

Naruto is in a Kyuubi 2 tailed state with sage mode!!!

Itt egy másik. ez elvileg confirmed.

Asszem ez a Sordack féle spoiler fordítása.

Forrás: 2ch
Szerző: Unknown
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed

Translation by C3PO:
Sasuke uses chidori and Kakashi uses raikiri to block him. Both are blasted away from the impact
佐助”还有如此大差距吗 雷盾”
Sasuke: “is there still such a difference in power when using Lightning Release then?”
天照出现 并击中卡卡西 将卡卡西全身燃烧
Amaterasu appears and hits Kakashi. Kakashi burns
卡卡西”你真的 下得了手啊”
Kakashi: “You really are able to do it”
突然 从地里钻了出来??(翻译是这个)
Suddenly Kakashi appears from under the ground (That’s what’s translated)
佐助”明明被天照击中 什么??”
Sasuke: “You were hit by Amaterasu!!! What the…”
鸣人路上赶来 佐助发觉千鸟不行 万花筒再打开了 但一打开 马上又捂着 并流着血
Naruto is approaching. Sasuke realizes that Chidori is useless and uses his Mangekyo Sharingan, but when he uses his eye, he flinches and blood flows
卡卡西”看来在这之前 佐助你是经过了激烈的战斗呢”
Kakashi: “Sasuke, looks like you’ve already been through an intense battle before this”
佐助”是啊 但我现在一样可以宰了你 你就叹息你自己的力量不够强大吧”
Sasuke: “You’re right, but I can still kill you. Just feel sorry that your power isn’t enough”
佐助出了须佐 佐助痛苦捂眼睛 并跪在地上 痛苦的流汗
Sasuke uses Susanoo but he falls to the ground in pain and sweats like hell
卡卡西”这种异常的力量? 风影所说的暗之力吗??’”
Kakashi: “This abnormal power? Is that what Kazekage meant about the power of darkness?…”
佐助”可恶 这个眼睛快撑不住了吗?”
Sasuke: “Dammit, this eye can’t take much more…”
须佐完全体显现 准备拉弓
Susanoo fully appears and prepares to attack with his bow
卡卡西”佐助 看来你确实已经回不了头了吗? ”
Kakashi: “Sasuke, looks like you really can’t turn back, can you?”
卡卡西再一次劝告”我最后再劝多你一次 佐助!!! 停止复仇旋涡 不然我真的会杀了你!!”
Kakashi: “I’ll say this for the last time, Sasuke!!! Stop the whirlpool of revenge, or I really will kill you”
佐助”我要残忍杀了你 卡卡西”
Sasuke: “I’m going to butcher you, Kakashi”
须佐之弓射向了卡卡西那!!??(翻译难翻 好象击中卡卡西!!??)
Susanoo shoots at Kakashi!!??(It’s hard to translate, looks like it hit Kakashi!!??)
鸣人离二人查克拉越来越近”卡卡西老师 别出事了”
Naruto is getting closer and closer: “Kakashi sensei, don’t get killed”

Gondolkodni ér!      Jön még kutyára rasengan!      NHFK Tag      Gépállat                        
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #814 Dátum: 10 feb 24, 08:43:16 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: cepillon

Sakura: ...I...I prepared myself for this but...!?

Kakashi: Sakura...!!

Sakura: Ugh...!

カカシ:よせ!! サスケェ!!
Kakashi: Stop!! Sasuke!!

Second Scan

第七班集結!! ナルトが出す「答」は...!!
Team 7 gathers!! Naruto's response is...!!

Kakashi: Naruto!?

Sakura: ...Naruto...
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 10 feb 24, 15:24:09 írta yupi » Naplózva

Kínzás specialista
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 652


« Válasz #815 Dátum: 10 feb 24, 11:51:43 »

Soruce: NF
Credit: On3word
Verification: Confirmed

From skimming through...

Sakura cries while treating Karin

Seeing Sakura cry makes Karin cry

Sasuke roars

Naruto is running

Naruto recalls something to do with Itachi

He remembers what Gaara said to him

He recalls what the Raikage said to him

Sasuke returns fire with Susano'o

Sasuke's Susano'o fires arrows at Kakashi

Kakashi uses Mangekyou to send the bow to another space

Kakashi gives some speech

Something is wrong with Sasuke. His field of vision is...

Sakura comes close from behind Sasuke

Sakura....prepares herself to try and stab Sasuke, but can't

Sasuke notices Sakura and grabs her by the neck

Kakashi tries to stop him~~~his Kamui is delayed though

Sakura tries to stab Sasuke with a kunai but~~~

Naruto appears!!!


He (Sasuke) is probably losing his eyesight huh

Sasuke is strange

Az Uchiha klánon átok ül.
Az okosak korán halnak:)
Nem hiszem, hogy valamikor is szükégem lett volna, olyan ostobaságra, mint a józan ész.
Nem vagyok olyan mint Danzou, nem vagyok hullarabló:P!
Khhhhh Khhhh Allj át a sötét oldalra Luke! Khhh Khhh
Ha a fa.kamat, megkérdeznék rólam, talán azt mondhatná: Alapjában véve szeretem ezt az embert, és ha épp nem fojtogat, egész elviselhető a pasas.
Az emberek önzők, Cicus, de éppen ez teszi őket emberré.
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #816 Dátum: 10 feb 24, 17:21:34 »

Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers.com


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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #817 Dátum: 10 feb 24, 19:54:45 »

Hitelesség: Megerősítve
Forrás: mangahelpers.com
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #818 Dátum: 10 feb 25, 02:04:17 »

A 484. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 485. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 508


« Válasz #819 Dátum: 10 márc 03, 01:27:51 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  unconfirmed
Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=68505
Szerző: Conc3p7

485: One step between one and ??? (it doesnt make sense)

--Bridge Scene--

Sakura: Naruto?
Naruto: Are you ok?!
Sakura: Y-yes …
Kakashi: *thinking* Is he already here? Your speed is unbelievable …
Sasuke: Of course, it wouldn't be a party without you, would it?
Naruto: …
Sasuke: Is that all, Naruto?! Nothing? where is the big speech about friendship?! *smiles* Are you still afraid to fight me… scaredy cat?
Naruto: *smirks* That takes me back… we were Team 7. No… we still are Team 7.
Sasuke: Hmph, you're still so naive. Friendship? Why? There's no thruth in it! No, no, no… *smiles* Only, in thruth, revenge can be found! I can see that now!
Naruto: Sasuke, why do you still pursuit the path of revenge? It will only bring more pain and hatred, leading to revenge, can't you see that is destroying you?
Sasuke: What do you know about it? You never lost the reason to exist… *Naruto closes eyes* My entire clan was destroyed with Konoha dancing in our (uchiha) tombs! I will destroy it… i will save you from yourself!
Naruto: *opens eyes, and shouts* You are the only one that doesn't know! Nagato killed Ero-Sennin and destroyed Konoha! *Sasuke is shocked* Even with all the unforgivable things he have done, he saved me from his hatred. And if i cant save you from Madara, i wont forgive myself.
Sasuke: …Save? me? *smiles in a spooky way* So Nagato already destroyed Konoha?! He have done my work alot easier! Say, Naruto …
Naruto: …?
Sasuke: Was he after you? *Naruto avoids eye contact* Oh, the irony, the Jinchuuriki Bijuu that appeared mysteriously 17 years ago, made my clan the target to eliminate… it was the reason why the same village used uchiha, i was marveled (this last part dint make sense...).
Naruto: The Kyuubi didnt appear by chance. My father told me, that it was madara that summoned Kyuubi!
Sasuke: *laughs hystericaly* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NARF! *Naruto looks nevoursly* That is precious, your father told you?! I knew that you was a sandwich short of a picnic, but that is hillarious! And you think that i care that Madara summoned it?! The damage is done, and Konoha is the guilty party! *sharingan*
Naruto: Youre a madman…
Sasuke: Me? Poor creature, you threw your life away chasing me, and im the only mental one? Maybe it is better for you to die in the hope of bringing me back instead of living, knowing that you will be a failure forever
*Susano’o reapears*
Naruto: I knew it had come to this. I will keep my word that i told you at the Valley of the End … i will bring you back with all my might! I will fight you untill your old self is back! *Sage Mode* Sasuke! You will not keep walking in your path to revenge, even if i have to break your arms and legs to stop you!

--Madara Scene--

*Zetsu appears near Madara*
Dark Zetsu: I knew you would be here.
White Zetsu: Any luck with Shisui’s Sharingan?
Madara: Unfortunately, Danzou crushed it. Has Kisame captured Hachibi’s Jinchuuriki?
White Zetsu: Im affraid not.
Dark Zetsu: Kumogakure beheaded him.
Madara: *punches the table* Another obtacle to my goal… it doesnt matter, i still have Sasuke, soon he will be asking for more and i will be the only one capable to give him what he wants…
White Zetsu: You mean..?
Dark Zetsu: Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.
Madara: Exactly.

--Naruto Scene--

Kakashi: Sakura, grab the girl and flee!
Sakura: And you, Kakashi-sensei?
Kakashi: I have to correct my errors of the past.
Sasuke: *Susano’o is being covered by his last layer* Your only error is standing on his feet in front of me! *thinking* Only a little more…
Kakashi: Becareful with Susano’os arrows.
Naruto: Already covered. *makes 5 clones*
Sasuke: Still using the same useless Kagebushin no Jutsu *3 clones running towards Sasuke*… even better to cease your existence! *Susano’o fires an arrow to a clone downwards; Naruto starts Rasenshuriken*
Kakashi: Raiton: Raijuu Pakku! * 5 lightning dogs from his hands towards Susano’o*

*Thunder Launch: Thunder Beast Pack

--Sakura Scene--

*Sakura finishes healing Karin, Sakura is crying*
Karin: Sasuke is drowning in the darkness…
Sakura: …?
Karin: His chakra is getting colder… so much colder…
Sakura: …
Karin: Please, Konoha … save him from himself… …
Sakura: *whipes tears and makes a forced smile* We will, dont worry…
Karin: Thank… you…
Sakura: Youre fully recovered, lets go.

--Naruto Scene--

*Only 2 clones and a lightning dog remain intact; Rasenshuriken is almost finished*
Naruto: *thinking* almost done…
Sasuke: I will not allow it!
*Susano’o fires an arrow to one of the clones doing the Rasenshuriken, it disperses in a gust of wind annihilating the remaining clones and dogs*
Sasuke: Is that all you got?
Naruto: Gahhh! *he falls on his knees, opens his mouth and black feathers fly from it*
Sasuke: What the …! *the black feathers start to form a silhouette, revealing Itachi*
Itachi: Enough, Sasuke. *everyone foams*

Gondolkodni ér!      Jön még kutyára rasengan!      NHFK Tag      Gépállat                        
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #820 Dátum: 10 márc 03, 10:10:02 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: Mokage

485: Near... far...

Naruto glares at Sasuke
Kakashi punches Sasuke
Naruto preaches to Sasuke
Naruto: "I understand what you're doing"
Sasuke complains that he's exhausted, says he killed Danzō
Kakashi is surprised
Sakura complains to Sasuke
Naruto's shadow clone says something like "Kakashi, this is my duty"
Naruto holds Kakashi back
Chidori vs Rasengan
It doesn't lead to a conclusion
Again, more conversation
Again, Rasengan vs Chidori

The end

485: Close...and far away...

表紙 ナルト サスケが向かい合ってる
Cover: Naruto and Sasuke are facing each other

Uzumaki Naruto. Uchiha Sasuke. The drop-out and the elite. Valiance and hatred. A struggle with zero distance between them.

They finally exchange looks...

Naruto glares at Sasuke

Sasuke glares at Naruto

Taking the opportunity, Kakashi punches Sasuke

Sasuke's sent flying and perfectly lands on his feet

Kakashi: "You have better timing than me...Naruto. I didn't think that even you would be coming..but forget about that, you were a life-saver."

Sakura: "T-Thank you...Naruto"

ナルト『サスケェ… サクラちゃんは同じ第七班のメンバーだぞ』
Naruto: "Sasuke...Sakura's a member of Team 7, just as you are"

サスケ眼の色が薄い『元…第七班だ …オレはな』
Sasuke: "Former-Team 7...I was"

カカシ『今ので分かっただろ…ナルト サスケはもう昔のサスケじゃなくなってる』
Kakashi: "You understand how it is now, Naruto. Sasuke's no longer who he was in the past"

Naruto: "Sasuke..."

Sasuke: "...What?!"

ウソか本当かは よくわからねェ… けどどっちにしてもお前のやってる事は…』
Naruto: "I heard the truth of Itachi from that guy Tobi! I don't really know whether it's lies or truth...but whatever it is, all that you're doing right now..."

Sakura: "!" (The truth of Itachi...?!)

Naruto: "I get it"

Kakashi: "!"

Sakura: "!?"

Sasuke: "...!"

サスケ『ナルト… 前に言ったハズだ…親も兄弟もいねえ てめーにオレの何が分かるってな…』
Sasuke: "Naruto...I told you this before...how could someone like you, without parents, without a brother, how in the hell could you get me?"

Sasuke scowls at Naruto

Sasuke: "Others should be silent!"

サクラ『! ナルトはどんな想いでサスケくんを…! どんな悪い事を耳にしてもずっと仲間だと 思ってた!
Sakura: ! "As if those are the thoughts Naruto regarded you with, Sasuke-kun! Whatever ill that was spoken of you, Naruto had always thought of you as a companion! Not only then but even now..."

サスケ『さっきだ…さっきやっと一人だけイタチの仇を討てた 木の葉の上役をこの場で殺した
Sasuke: "It was just right now....Just right now that I finally took vengeance on Itachi's behalf. I killed just one of Konoha's superiors, right at this spot...a guy called Danzou"

Kakashi: (...What?...That Danzou has been...?!)

Sakura: !

サスケ『今までにない感覚だ 汚されたうちはが浄化されていく感覚
Sasuke: "It's a feeling I've never had. The feeling of the tainted Uchiha being purified-

腐れきった忍世界から ちはを決別させる感覚
The feeling of breaking the Uchiha away from the rotted away world of shinobi-

ある意味 お前たち木の葉が ずっと望んできた事だ 昔からうちはを否定し続けた
In a sense, it's what you all of Konoha have always desired, what you've continued to deny the Uchiha since the start-

お前たちの望み通り お前たちの記憶からうちはを消してやる
Just as you all desire, I'll erase the Uchiha from your memories-

お前達を 木の葉の全てを 殺すことでな! つながりを全て断ち切る事こそが
それこそが本当の うちは再興だ!!』
By killing all of you, all of Konoha! Cutting off all those bonds will be that which brings the true revival of the Uchiha!"

Sasuke's explanation is ringing out

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun..."

カカシ(…憎しみ その積み重ねの歴史が今のサスケを作ってしまった…
…サスケもその時代の被害者なのだと ナルトもサクラもハッキリとではないが肌で感じている
Kakashi: (...All that hatred piling up over history has formed Sasuke into who he is right now... it may not be clear to Naruto and Sakura that Sasuke's a victim of that era, but they can feel it in their hearts. That's the reason why...)

Naruto does Kage bunshin

カカシ『これはオレの役目だ ナルト… サクラ…お前達はここから消えろ』
Kakashi: "This is my duty, Naruto...Sakura. Disappear from this place"

サクラ『カカシ先生… でも!』
Sakura: "But...Kakashi-sensei!"

カカシ『ここに居れば見たくないものを見ることになる… 今のうちに行け!』
Kakashi: "If you're here, you'll see something you don't want to....Go now!"

Sakura: "I...!"

大蛇丸に耐性を埋め込まれている… それにもう自分の気持ちが分かっただろう』
Kakashi starts walking: "Sasuke won't die from the embedded poison you learned from Shizune that you put into your kunai...Orochimaru implanted him with the antibiotic resistance. Besides, [you] should already know how feel"

Sasuke prepares Chidori and starts walking

カリン(サスケ… ウチが回復させたとはいえ… これ以上は… イヤ…もういいんだ… サスケ の事は…)
Karin: (Sasuke...I may have healed you...but this is it...no...I'm through...through with Sasuke...)

ナルト『カカシ先生 それってば…    サスケを殺すって事か…?』
Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei, so you mean to...kill Sasuke?"

Kakashi: "...Go!"

The Kage Bunshin Naruto pins Kakashi's arms behind his back

The real Naruto starts walking while making Rasengan

サスケも千鳥左手に作り走り出す『スキを生んだな! 容赦しない!』
Sasuke also starts making Chidori on his left hand and starts walking: "There's an opening now! I won't be going easy on you!"

Kakashi: "Wait, Naruto!"

Sakura: "Naruto!"

They clash right in front of one another

ナルト(もしかしたらサスケ… お前とオレが逆だったかもしれねェ…)
Naruto: (Sasuke, maybe...maybe me and you were opposites...)

Naruto: "Rasengan!"

Sasuke: "Chidori!'

The conclusion isn't settled...
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 10 márc 03, 16:38:29 írta yupi » Naplózva

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« Válasz #821 Dátum: 10 márc 03, 15:51:08 »

Source: NF
Credits: Sayuri No Moe
Verification: Confirmed

Naruto and Sasuke look at each other

Naruto places a hand on his belly "I know how you feel...in the past everyone in the village hated me...
And the reason for that is the Kyuubi inside of me. ...in the past I hated everyone in the village as well
and I sometimes thought about revenge too...
If I held on to that...probably I would have thought terrible things like you...
I thought about who was a friend to me... I thought I didn't need bonds. And I met you and Iruka-sensei"
Sasuke: "..."
Naruto: "I knew you were always alone
Being just like you brought peace to me...and soon after I talked to you...and I was so happy!
But after that I stopped. You could do anything...and I was jealous of you. I decided you were my rival!
You became my goal.
No matter what, I held onto that bond. Team 7 started going on missions together.
I wanted to become strong like you. But I was always behind you, chasing your back"
Sasuke: "..."

Naruto, with a big smile on his face
Naruto: "I was so happy to meet you"

Sasuke: "Naruto it's too late...you talked to me...but now it's too late to change me!!
I will completely wipe out you, the villagers and everyone else!!
At this point, your choice...killing me becoming the hero of the village!!
Or being killed by me, becoming a loser!!

Naruto looks at him squarely in the face, he decided
Naruto: "I won't be a loser against you! And I won't kill you and become an hero either! (my decision) is neither of them!!"

Chidori VS Rasengan

An unsteady sheet of spray (?!? )

Naruto (I ---)

Clash!! Naruto's third option is??
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« Válasz #822 Dátum: 10 márc 03, 17:05:05 »

Verification: Confirmed

CHAPTER 485=Close... Far away

In front of him, Sasuke faces Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, The drop out and the elite, guts and hate, a direct conflict

At last, glances change

Naruto is glaring at Sauske

Sasuke is glarind at Naruto

Seeing a gap, Kakashi punches Sasuke

Blown off, Sasuke lands successfully

Kakashi : Better timing than mine... Naruto, i didn't think you would come too but... anyway, we're saved.

Sakura: Th...Thank you, Naruto

NAruto : Sasuke.. Sakura is a member of Team Seven too!

Sasuke's eye color is pale : I'm a former member of team 7.

Kakashi : Now, you should understand, Naruto. Sasuke isn't anymore who he was.

Naruto : Sasuke

Sasuke : What!?

I heard the truth about Itachi from that guy, Tobi! I don't know if it's the truth or a lie... but anyway what your're doing now...

Sakura : !! (The truth about Itachi...!?)

NAruto : I understand it.

Kakashi : !

Sakura : !?

Sasuke : !?

Sasuke : Naruto... I told you before... You who didn't have neither father nor brother, what could you understand about me...?

Sasuke glares at Naruto

Sasuke : Outsiders should shut up!!!

Sakura : You don't know how Naruto thought of you...! No matter what bad things he heard, he always thought of you as a comrade!

Just some time ago... Just now, i took care alone of Itachi's enemy. I killed a Konoha Senior here... the man called Danzou.

Kakashi : (what... "That" Danzou...!?)

Sakura : !!
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« Válasz #823 Dátum: 10 márc 03, 17:06:09 »

 Kép is van már fent itt a link

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 10 márc 03, 17:07:19 írta tibihi » Naplózva
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

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« Válasz #824 Dátum: 10 márc 03, 19:08:00 »

A 485. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 486. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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