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« Válasz #780 Dátum: 09 dec 25, 05:48:48 »

A 477. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 478. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Kezdő Jounin
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 578

« Válasz #781 Dátum: 09 dec 29, 22:47:54 »


Naruto 478: Itachi Returns!
Also read N.V.O's next chapter prediction
Naruto 479: Arrival

(Battlefield scene)
-Itachi stares angrily-
Itachi: You went out of line, you were going to hurt Sasuke.
Sasuke: I-Itachi...?!...(How...) Brother!
Itachi: -Turns facing Sasuke- (..! Did, he know the truth?) -Stares at Madara-...(I bet it was him.)

Madara: ...(Itachi...what's happening?)
Karin: T-That guy looks like Sasuke! Is he, Itachi Uchiha?! but I thought he's dead!
Itachi: Sasuke, you followed the wrong path, all I wanted was for you to be the hero of Konoha, the one that avenges the Uchiha clan, and to end my life, a criminal, the murderer of the Uchiha clan. But it turned out to be I was wrong, none of what I wanted happened.
Sasuke: ...Brother! but I just wanted to avenge you! And by doing that I'll be also aven--
Itachi: Do you hear yourself Sasuke?
Sasuke: ...!
Itachi: You're acting like a child, listen to me, by that, you're being a criminal, a Rogue Ninja, and you're the only Uchiha clan alive, Madara not counted, and when you're dead, then that's that.
Sasuke: But--
Itachi: Then will you call it revenge? It's still not too late.
Danzo: Do not make me laugh. It is far too late for him to turn back! He's a wanted criminal for his doings! He will be---
-Itachi slashed Danzo's chest and cutting off his Sharingan arm by a Kunai-
Itachi: Aren't you a fine one to talk...
Sasuke: Itachi...

Danzo: Gah! -spits blood-...Tell me, how have you appeared?!
Itachi: It's simple. When I implanted my Mangekyo powers into Sasuke, I also transferred myself into him, it's like, a Reanimation Jutsu, my former body is just a mere shell of me now, this forbidden Jutsu is similiar to Orochimaru's substitution Jutsu, but, if Sasuke was going to follow the right path, I would've disappeared forever, but I knew something wrong was gonna happen, so I stayed and came out in the right time. Though this Jutsu shortens the life-span.
Danzo: ...! No way, I still do not get it! You should be dead! The--
Itachi: Die already. -Appears above him, Danzo slides back to dodge, but that Itachi disappears, as many crows forms behind Danzo, Itachi appears with a Kunai, Danzo then grabs Itachi's arm, then Itachi grabs him back-

Itachi: It's over for you.
Danzo: -Turns around- What?! (He can perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu so fast that I can't even see the hand signs!)
Itachi: I fooled you. -Jumps back as the Shadow clone that's grabbing Danzo explodes-
Danzo: ?! -Exploded and falls unconscious-
Itachi: Madara...
Madara: If it isn't my dear old friend, Itachi.
Sasuke: ...!

(Team-Sakura scene)
Sakura: I can see them!
Kiba: Let's go!
Rock Lee & Sai: Right!

(Kakashi & Sai scene)
Kakashi: So?
Sai: We're gonna reach Sakura and the others soon.
Kakashi: Right.
Sai: But the problem is, they are gonna reach Sasuke sooner.
Kakashi: What?! Let's move faster. -Focuses his chakra on his feet, as he rushes 3 times as fast-
Sai: ...?! He's...so fast...

(Mizukage scene)
Mizukage: Are you sure?!
Ao: 100% Sure.
Mizukage: Then let's move!
-They rush towards Sasuke and the others-

(Battlefield scene)
Itachi: There's something I must do. Sasuke stay back.
Sasuke: ?!
Madara: Hm...(That ruins my plans I guess, oh well.)
What will happen next?! Itachi vs Madara?! Will the others arrive on time?!
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #782 Dátum: 10 jan 12, 22:30:54 »

Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers.com

Hitelesség ell.: ?UNCONFIRMED?
Forrás: onemanga.com

CHAPTER 478 Izanagi

Illusions or reality? Maybe there is no difference.


Danzo: Uchiha Itachi?

Madara: Oh? Isn't that quite the twist?

Karin: What's going on? Did Sasuke catch everyone in the area in
a genjutsu?1 It couldn't be

Itachi: ... It seems I misjudged the outcome

Madara: Heh? Itachi's chakra took over Sasuke

Danzo: So I was right... you possess the fourth Mangekyo jutsu!

Madara: Itachi, Itachi... I had no idea you managed to master it...

Madara/Danzou: The Izanagi!

Itachi: Danzo, you must back off now

Danzo: ......


(In Naruto's subconciousness)
Naruto: This place? I'm here again... Why do you call me Kyuubi?!

???: Naruto... I need to tell something to you..

Naruto: What? Who's there?

Itachi: your actions from here on out will decide the
future of my brother and of th leaf village

Naruto: What do you mean?

Itachi: I have put one final fail safe on sauske, in case everything else fails

Naruto: ....

Itachi: The Izanagi

Naruto: "Izanagi"? What are you talking about?

Itachi: It's a fourth Jutsu that the mangekyo can awaken.

Itachi: Izanagi is not a normal ability... It's a transference jutsu

Naruto:... Transference?

Itachi: With the Izanagi, one could put onto others their knowledge, their power and ultimately even their own selves.

(Back with Danzo and Co.)

Danzo:... as such, it could even be said as a rudimentary form of immortality.

(Back with Naruto and Itachi)

I have transferred part of my being into both you ans Sasuke. but on entirely different conditions. Naruto, I believe you may be the last person who can get Sasuke back from the endless path of hatred.

Naruto: I'd like to believe that too... but...

Itachi: However...

(Back to Danzo & Co.)

Karin: What's happening!? Sasuke's chakra is gradually disappearing!

(Back to Naruto)

Itachi: Should Sasuke stay on that path... eventually my Izanagi will take him over completely and "Sasuke" will cease to exist.


*there is some fighting between Itachi and Danzo*

Danzo: Kuh!

Itachi: That arm... you can create perfect optical illusions by using those Sharingan

Itachi: and then somehow you solidify them.. one could say that you turn the illusions into reality

Danzo: Impressive analysis... however..

Itachi: However

Danzo: !!?

Itachi: I missed on thing didn't I I save the best for last

Danzo: Tch!

*a bunch of crows attack danzo*

Itachi: If all the eyes close, your illusion shatters, its a huge flaw and...

*itachi's bunshin stabs danzo from behind*

Itachi: I know exactly where you are

Madara: Well! Isn't this entertaining!!

Danzo: Hmph... I may have underestimated you

Itachi: ??

*The Bunshin of Itachi's Poofs*

Danzo: Izanagi... that jutsu will be mine!

*Danzo takes off the eye bandages*

*Madara Jumps in*

Madara: That... I cannot allow

Madara prepares to take action!!

NEXT: Crossroads


« Utoljára szerkesztve: 10 jan 13, 11:44:58 írta oozaru » Naplózva

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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 20

« Válasz #783 Dátum: 10 jan 13, 17:17:40 »

Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers.com

Translation of full script by numinous(central) (expect errors)
Part 1

Itachi is in front of Danzou
Danzou: !
Itachi is crying blood.
Itachi: Amaterasu!

478: Susano'o is Complete!!

Itachi's ghost engolfs Danzou's right arm in dark flames and Danzou's eyes start to twitch.

Danzou: It turns out to be a genjutsu to kill me?
Sasuke appears from behind, trying to stab Danzou.

Danzou: Hmmm...
Sasuke's movement comes to an halt.
Karin: Sasuke's chance was stopped!

Sasuke's whole body shows a seal, that starts to grow (Danzou's Jutsu)
Danzou: You tried genjutsu with Itachi to manipulate me, a variation of Tsukiyomi.
Sasuke (tries to move): Uh...

Madara: He tied his body with that seal? (Sasuke's neck is shown being grabbed) That moment was a trap.
Karin: ?! (thinking) Sasuke stopped moving?!
Karin rushed towards Danzou.
Karin: (thinking) This guy's jutsu is to manipulate him.
Danzou kicks Karin's stomach
Karin: Guha!!!
She's blown off.

Madara: (Taijutsu? It seems that he wants to preserve him in that state.)
Sasuke is still
Danzou: Kai!
Karin: ! (thinking) What was that?
Danzou watches Madara: How does Sasuke knows Itachi's truth and why he became a member of Akatsuki? Did you inform him what should be hidden from him?
Karin: ?

Madara stands up

Danzou:Why? A trash of a life as Itachi's was necessary to save us.
Danzou picks up Sasuke's katana.
Karin: Uh?
Sasuke: !!

Danzou: You see... this way... that guy is your only mistake.
Danzou picks the edge of the katana.
Karin screams and Madara vanishes

Part 2

Sasuke reminisces
He remembers Madara's words about Itachi.
Madara: He didn't killed... his younger brother and dropped bloody tears, but he killed emotionless his own clan, his own fellowmen... now that you killed him, you understand the meaning of his existence.
Danzou: ?!

Susano'o attacks Danzou with its left arm and injuries Danzou a little.
Madara appears again
Karin: !! He escaped with his life.

Susano'o's body changes his form, different from Itachi's version, Sasuke's Susano'o is complete...

Sasuke: (thinking) You oppressed my clan! (yellling) UOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Danzou's seal recedes
Sasuke: Ah...

Danzou: Susano'o... it's completely different from a few moments ago!
Danzou breathes out a Fuuton
Karin: ?! (thinking) Sasuke?! This chakra... is greater than before, Sasuke!
Madara: All right... (thinking) His hatred grows, making him stronger... his body responded to that jutsu... with more power... to make the seal recede.

Sasuke's Susano'o pulls an arrow and puts it on a bow and fires at Danzou
Danzou: (thinking) I must use the seal in time! Is the only way!
Danzou's right arm creates a tree
Danzou: (thinking) In a way or another, I had to put that out of the way.
Karin: ?!
Madara:That's... a tree.. (thinking) He made that grow from his sharingan... but in the Uchiha clan there's nobody that could do that... what is his secret...
Karin: (thinking) Danzou's chakra decreased... to parry Susano'o's attack he had to... what's with that guy's ability?
Madara: (thinking) Orochimaru... Danzou must've contact him to implant Shoudaime's cells on his body to improve his power...

Sasuke breathes heavily
Karin: (thinking) His deaths... Some time ago, his death was unavoidable... so his death was real! (yelling) Sasuke!! That Danzou is the real deal! Now is your chance!

Part 3

Danzou: ! (thinking) This woman has figured out my jutsu?! Now you have little time, you were too slow!

Danzou performs the Hare, Boar and Ram handseals
Sasuke: !
Susano'o fires again.

Danzou's eye closes
Karin: !!
Susano'o's arrow pierces Danzou
Sasuke breathes heavily
Karin: (thinking) Yes! As I thought! Danzou's seals diminished his chakra to perform that jutsu!! And he moved his location, perhaps the strategy wasn't good enough? Shit!

Danzou appears healthy and checks his right arm
Karin: (thinking) That turns out to be a jutsu that heals Danzou's body... three Sharingan already closed...
Madara: As far as I see, his arm has 10 sharingans... and shodaime's cells... he has Uchiha chakra and Hashirama's chakra... if he wanted to, he could easily control the Kyuubi. (thinking) His goal might be Naruto...
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #784 Dátum: 10 jan 13, 18:51:14 »

A 478. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 479. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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Hozzászólások: 2

« Válasz #785 Dátum: 10 jan 20, 10:21:46 »


2010-es Kishimoto interjú

JUMP Festa spoiler summary
Sakura's acting a little haughty towards Naruto
She'll be more heroin-like from now on
Sasuke's becoming more and more evil, and him fighting with Naruto will probably be the last event
Something will happen with Sasuke and Taka as well
Naruto becoming Hokage if it happens, will be at the end
There's no desire to have much romance for Shikamaru
Naruto has no-one around him who's up-front with him, so Shikamaru will [be/take on as] a confidante
・ダンゾウ戦で サスケの方向性が決まる
The battle against Danzou will decide Sasuke's direction
but he (Kishimoto) told us that he wrote something big happening with Sasuke
Looks like Sakura really does love Sasuke
Next year is Kakashi's year

Sorry, this is just a vague recollection

Each voice actor asked questions to Kishimoto-sensei
As one might expect, Nakamura asked about what was upcoming with Sakura
Kishimoto: "Honestly, from the standpoint of showing a female-like disposition, she hasn't been much of a heroine. You could even say that Hinata's more of a heroine than her. But since, as we know, Sakura is a heroine deep inside, she'll show that side of hers from now on."
Naruto's close, but Sakura loves Sasuke as we should expect from that speech. She's being haughty with her using not so kind words against Naruto right afterwards...didn't she? I can't recall.

Yeah it's true, it did sound as though Sugiyama said, "With a Suna person" when Morikubo asked about Shikamaru's love life.
Kishimoto said he didn't want to write that for Shikamaru.
Takeuchi: "Will Naruto become Hokage?" to which Kishimoto said something like "He should become Hokage". This had the audience make noise.
Takeuchi: "Won't Sakura-chan become Hokage before Naruto does?" to which Kishimoto dismissed flatly, "No way!"
Kishimoto announced Naruto will do training.
Takeuchi: "So Naruto will become stronger again."
Next year, Kakashi is the main character
Takeuchi: "It would be a good thing not to tell this to Kazuhiko-san"
Sugiyama: "You probably can't speak of the outcome of the Danzou fight, but what happens with Taka after?"
Kishimoto: "I can't speak to what happens with the Danzou fight, but there'll be some things happening within Taka (dissent?) and the look in Sasuke's eyes will grow more and more evil. I've just recently decided on such a course of the story" (these words make it seem as if the Sasuke-related part isn't really decided upon, so take this part with a grain of salt).
Next was the Questions For Kishimoto-sensei Corner
Nakamura-san started off with something like, "With the latest developments, Sakura has..."
He said something like, that chick* (Takeuchi reacted to that "That chick" lol) is detestable for using Naruto's good will,
but, well that's just how I'd think to write a realistic girl.
You hear all the time that Sakura is a detestable person, but that's what seems to be the intention
"Since Sakura is the heroine", "I'll be writing from now on to show her with that disposition"
"Though everyone says Hinata-Hinata all the time..."
↑I wonder if it's that their voices supporting Hinata are so loud (my personal impression)
Sugiyama wavered on which question to ask (normal fan thing)
He asked: "What will happen to Sasuke after fighting Danzou?"
"The ending of the Danzou fight will determine Sasuke's coming development (whether it be his movement or his intentions)"
"As will the course of those in Taka"
"The handling and arrangement was decided just yesterday..."
Morikubo-san: "Will Shikamaru have a love/romance?"
"I don't want to write that for Shikamaru"
"The Konoha guys aren't reliable, so there's no one there honest/upfront except for him"
"Since Sasuke isn't there, there's the impression that he'll be taken up as Naruto's confidante"
When it got to the "confidante" part, Morikubo-san (said): "Then it's good!" (his love life)
Takeuchi-san: "Naruto will be Hokage, right?!"
"He will...I think but (if I write that) that would be the last thing"
Was said somewhere I can't remember

Takeuchi-san asked, "Will Naruto and Sasuke fight?"
Kishi: "I'm thinking they'll fight, but if/when I write that, (the story) would be something like the last thing right..."
Morikubo-san's, "What about Shikamaru?" was in that and it was:
His reaction seemed like he hadn't set firm plans for the coming big developments
Like when he was asked "So you haven't determined the end?"

"The end, how should I say, since the next scene(s) of what I want to write is established, then that is what I'll go write"
It would seem that rather than having made a decision on the developments until the finish, he settled on writing just the scenes he wants to write for the end
After saying next year would be Kakashi's year, Takeuchi had a fierce discussion
Kishi: "Naruto will be training again", Takeuchi-san: "Still getting stronger right"

Sadly Danzou really might bite it against Sasuke lol! But he'll live on in my heart! With the Kakashi focus this year I'm back to my original assumption that his major battle in the series will be with Kabuto! Also Naruto trains some more to bitch slap everyone, his pimp hand is getting stronger! Sakura being more of a heroine... Bet your ass she will appear near or at the end of Sasuke/Danzou. I am pissed though still no mention of Team Guy action and no mention of Itachi's "power" he gave Naruto!!

Edit: Its come to my attention this is a few weeks old but I haven't seen anyone talk about it here so if you're like me and never saw it hooray!! If you did see it and didn't share booooo!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 10 jan 20, 10:49:10 írta nxx » Naplózva
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Hozzászólások: 2

« Válasz #786 Dátum: 10 jan 20, 10:50:09 »


Naruto 479 raw:
Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 587

« Válasz #787 Dátum: 10 jan 20, 11:06:50 »

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #788 Dátum: 10 jan 20, 11:42:58 »

A 479. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 480. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.
Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 587

« Válasz #789 Dátum: 10 jan 27, 08:12:24 »

Source : ohana in the site 2ch [http://changi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/.../1264126848/ ]
Verification: Pending


サスケ「やめろ 俺はまだいける・・・」スサノオ出すサスケ マダラはズズズ止める
ドン サスケスサノオでダンゾウ殴り飛ばす ブゥゥン 少し飛んでイザナギによりダンゾウ復 活
カリンサスケのとこきてサスケカリンの腕噛む ジュゥゥ 傷回復
サスケ「助かったカリン お前はさがっていろ」
サスケ「さて 残り写輪眼はいくつかな・・・」
ダンゾウの腕の描写 残り1個
ダンゾウ(ワシも残りわずかしかチャクラが残っておらん・・おそらくこのままいけばイザナギは 解け 負ける ・・・ だが・・・)
マダラカリンを吸引する ズズズ・・・ カリン多分大丈夫
マダラ「・・・そうか なら気をつけることだ サスケは気性が荒い」
グサッ サスケダンゾウの腹部を刺す
マダラ「だから言っただろ サスケは気性が荒いと 気を抜くからそういうことになる」
マダラ「あっただろ一回だけ サスケが俺に突撃してきたときだ
俺はあの時ただかわしただけではない まず術を解き・・・そして」
ダンゾウ「幻術だと・・・サスケが幻術にかかったような動きは・・・見て取れなかったぞ・・・ 」グハッ  吐血
マダラ「当たり前だ 幻術は幻術でも“月読”だからな・・・ 現実世界では一瞬のことだ・・・ その異変に気 付くのは至難の業だ」


おわり ザーサイ☆

Heres google translatio for it:
Dan elephants and Sasuke stab each other
Danzou "That's too" Ì © Þ © Ý
Okay in Danzouizanagi
Sasuke "Uutsu" side? That blood from
Karin "Sasukee!!" (Sasuke's chakra is bad, most of the other)
Spotted "or marginal" to start the suction ½ ½ ½
Sasuke "I still will be able to Stop" Susanoo was spotted out Sasuke ½ ½ ½ stop
Karin, "Sasuke Do not rush!"
Sasuke, "Karin! Come over here!"
Danzou (probation and medical ninjutsu and some perceived Taipurashii woman)
Karin Dan 目掛Ke bolt out the elephant
Sasuke Danzou in Susanoo 殴Ri飛Basu © © Ý activity ÌÞ Don Dan Fu elephant flying by Izanagi a bit
Sasuke "I call it now!"
Sasuke and Karin biting the arm of the Kono Kito Þ ¼ ¼ © © Karinsasuke wound recovery
Sasuke "You Just you survived Sagatsu Karin"
Karin "Yes."
Danzou (or woman had the medical ninjutsu too)
Sasuke "Now the eyes of some other copy wheels"
Representative Dan elephant remaining arms of one individual
Danzou (Oran little chakra left the rest Izanagi Eagle ・ ・ This will inevitably lose, but probably melt)
Danzou "solution!"
Karin "!"
Karin, "Sasuke! It now! He is now solved the surgery! He is a real thing now!"
Representative photographs of the left eye of the elephant's eye ring Dan
Under the first run to Karin Sasuke!
Sasuke "died" in Karin 切Rikakaru
Karin spotted blow ½ ½ ½ ・ ・ ・ okay maybe Karin
Spotted "... No kidding."
Danzou "Well Ja eye, as I spotted Shisui of you."
Spotted "I see again" (Shisui)
Sasuke "Uoooo" Sasuke Madara also 切Rikakaru
Slip through
Danzou "a waste too"
Back to the Office of Sasukedanzou
Danzou "Sorry Sasuke is Madara not mean we'll get used to kill them"
Spotted "... Sasuke's so be careful if you use violent temper"
Danzou "Sasuke's eyes as long as it is manipulated"
Sasukedanzou abdominal stab zunk
Danzou "same thing" hematemesis
Spotted "So I told Sasuke would be the case from the rough-natured scare the mind"
Dan elephant fall to the ground "why they should be controlling the Eagle"
Sasuke "Hun" Sasuke stick a knife in his right arm fell to the ground Dan elephant
Danzou "Guatsu"
Spotted "That's too Danzou"
Danzou "had nothing"
Spotted "It's very simple just solved the surgery"
Danzou "when they would not have had such a chance!"
Spotted "when they have been charged to me was the Sasuke once Daro
And I will not only solve the first surgery at that time but we entered "
Danzou "···"
Spotted "Sasuke told that the power in 幻術 Shisui eyes"
Danzou "Something tells me it took Sasuke to 幻術 the respective 幻術 見Te取Renakatta" Ê ¯ ¸ hematemesis
Spotted "No wonder even 幻術 幻術" Tsukuyomi "in the world of reality So stick that in a moment's attention to the catastrophe is not that easy"
Danzou "could use the Tsukuyomi or even you." Dying now
Danzou "that it wants the nine tails'll tell you one last good information
Dawn's not just "drop dead elephant Dan

Dan elephant died! Left by the elephants and the meaning of the word and Dan!

Conclusion Zasai ☆
Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 587

« Válasz #790 Dátum: 10 jan 27, 08:16:15 »

Chapter 480:
Cover is Madara above Sasuke

Chapter starts where 479 left off.

Sasuke: ..Damn
Danzo's body disapears, Sasuke collapses to the ground, his back bloodied. Susanoo' slowly fades away.
Danzo:One second less and i'd have been finished.
He looks over to Madara's location on the cliffside.
Madara is calmly sitting.
Danzo:Hmm, he's still alive, but only just (sasuke).. I'd better take these (Sasuke's eyes) quickly before i deal with him (Madara).. He begins approaching Sasuke's body.
Has Danzo clipped Hawks' wings?!

Scene changes to Naruto waking in a bed
we get a flash back of what Gaara said to him previously.
he turns in his hospital bed
Naruto: Sasuke..

Back to the battle scene:
Danzo's almost reached Sasuke's body, he looks physically drained.
Suddenly, A large explosion hits Danzo
We see him skid backwards out of the smoke, clutching a bleeding shoulder

Scene cuts to Sakura,Kiba,Sai and Rock Lee.
Team: !!!
They can see the dust cloud from their location
Sakura:That must be them.. but who's fighting ?
They begin to run towards the location

Back to battle:
Danzo looks up towards the cliffside.
Madara is standing atop a large, mechanical quad peadal tank surrounded in mist, the barrel smoking..Instead of tracks the tank has four legs, at the joints it has a circular ball, with a sharingan in each, and the Uchiha crest on the side - it's design looks like something you'd see in the Rain country.

Madara:I'm afraid i can't let you do that, Danzo.
What is this mechanical contraption?!

Next time: Confrontation!
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 174

« Válasz #791 Dátum: 10 jan 27, 09:21:47 »

Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers.com


Sasuke wins the fight.

Somehow Shisui's eye belonging to Danzou comes back.

Karin is taken hostage.

Even with Karin, Sasuke uses Chidori Nagashi

Danzou's vitals have been hit and...(more) next time.
Kínzás specialista
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 652


« Válasz #792 Dátum: 10 jan 27, 11:36:14 »

Forrás: Mangahelpers.com
Source: NF
Credits: On3word
Verification: Comfirmed

Will translate it into parts as usual. Be patient please!

Front cover is of Sasuke. Back is of Sasuke's Susano'o.

If you close your eyes, hatred will always be there. Like an apparition, it will expand.

480 犠牲
Chapter 480: Sacrifice

Simultaneously striking one another...but is Danzou's body another illusion...!?

Madara (Sasuke's power...this much huh?)
Karin (...!?)

Sasuke pierced by Danzou: Ugh...
イタチのところへ行って説教でもされてくると…よい… ワシの 勝ちだ』
Danzou, pierced by Sasuke: Too fast...eyes are still open...you will be going to see Itachi, and perhaps even good of you to hear his preaching...this is my win.

カリン(どうなってる!? …この感じはもう…!)
Karin (What's going on!? ...this feeling is...!)

Danzou: !!?
Sasuke looking downward: Haha
ダンゾウ『…どういう…ことだ!?』(ぐはっ! …なぜイザナギが起動しない!!?)
Danzou: ...what's...the meaning of this!? (Guh! ...why won't Izanagi start up!!?)
Sasuke's right eye has Mangekyou activated.

マダラ(ダンゾウ… お前の言うとおり”幻術時間を自在に操ったイタチも月読”とは天地の差だ …)
Madara (Danzou...it's as you said -- the time Itachi could freely manipulate his genjutsu and Tsukiyomi -- the difference is like between the heavens and earth...)
Danzou's field of vision is blurred. His right arm's eyes are closed.

Danzou: You...
Sasuke: The one meeting Itachi will be you...

Danzou falls to his knees.
Karin (As thought, it's as I sensed. It was in fact Danzou's real body!)

マダラ(…だが少ししかもたない小さく弱い その幻術も要は使いどころだ…)

Danzou looks to be in a lot of pain.

サスケはうちは一族… そして万華鏡写輪眼を持つ忍
観察眼ならダンゾウ…お前より上だ 一瞬お前が気付くよりも早く…
サスケは幻術をお前にかけ 右腕最後の眼が開いているように見せかけていた
お前自身イザナギの不安定な効果時間を右腕の写輪眼を見て 幾度も確認していた
それをサスケは見逃さなかった イザナギの効果時間が まだあるよにほんの少しの間
見せかける程度だが 一瞬の間でも幻術にかけられる事を前もって知っていた
それを利用しない サスケではない)
Madara (Right before his body was pierced, the sharingan in his right arm all closed. Sasuke is of the Uchiha clan...and a shinobi possessing the Mangekyou...but Danzou with his observing eye...he is above you. In an instant he was faster than you in noticing...Sasuke cast a genjutsu on you, making you believe that your last eye on your right arm was still open. You used Izanagi on yourself without fulling knowing its effective time, checking it over and over to see if it was in effect. Sasuke didn't miss that. Izanagi's time of effectiveness has a small interval in between each use. Although he pretended to know the degree to which that was, he knew beforehand that even in an instant he would be able to cast a genjutsu. Don't use that, that's not Sasuke.)

Danzou's checks his right shoulder: U..gh...
マダラ『写輪眼を手に入れた事により写輪眼との戦いを甘くみた… その奢りが負けに繋がった』
Madara: You were naiive in this battle of Sharingan because of all those Sharingan you've acquired...that's the reason for you loss.

サスケ『これが眼で語る戦いだ  うちはを…なめるな』
Sasuke: This is a fight I will recite to you with my eyes. Don't underestimate the Uchiha.

マダラ(シスイの眼が使用出来なかったにしろ ダンゾウをよくここまで追い込んだな
…サスケ   そろそろシスイの眼をいただけそうだ  根は土に隠れているべきだったな)
Madara (Even without being able to use Shisui's eye, Danzou did a good job of driving it this far....Sasuke, it seems like you'll soon be able to take Shisui's eyes for yourself. Root should have stayed hidden in the ground.)

Sasuke is about to collapse while Karin rushes over: Sasuke...!
Sasuke: Ku..ku...
Karin brings out her left arm: Here! Bite quickly!!
マダラ『あの女…連れてきて正解だった …役に立つ わざわざサスケが選んだお気に入りだけは ある…』
Madara: That girl...it was good to bring her here...she's useful, and Sasuke specifically chose her as his favorite...

Sasuke biting.
Karin: Ahh...!

ダンゾウ(このワシが…!こんな…小僧に…!! ワシはまだこんなと所では死ねん!!!)
Danzou (I...! To this little...!! I will not die in a place like this!!!)

Suddenly Danzou's right arm starts to become a tree.
Danzou: Guahhh!!!
サスケ カリン『!!?』
Sasuke and Karin: !!?
Danzou (I won't allow it!! At this rate I'll be taken over by the Shodai's cells.)
Danzou takes his right shoulder with his right arm.
マダラ(死にかけてチャクラの制御ができなくなったな… 柱間の力をそう簡単にはコントロール できはしない …)
Madara (Facing death, he's losing control over his chakra...I won't be able to easily control the strength of the pillars...)

Danzou, in front of Karin and Sasuke.
カリン『しつこい… なんて奴だ…!』
Karin: How persistent...this is some guy...!
Danzou takes the bandages off his right eye.
ダンゾウ『まだだ… ここからが… 眼で… 語る戦いだ…』
Danzou: Not yet...from here on out...with this eye...I will tell you how this fight will end.

マダラ(右眼の瞳力が戻ったか… シスイの眼が復活するまでの間をイザナギでカバーする…
Madara (The pupil in his right eye has returned huh...he covered with Izanagi while allowing Shisui's eye to recover...so that was your play huh...)

Sasuke uses Chidori in his left hand, and thrusts at Danzou.
Danzou dodges, and takes Karin hostage.

マダラ(シスイの瞳力… 幻術として使用するかイザナギとして使い捨てにするのか決めかねてい るようだな… )
Madara (Shisui's pupil...it seems he plans to use it up as he did with Izanagi.)

Sasuke glares at Danzou.
Danzou: You've used your eye too much huh.
Karin: Sasuke...
ダンゾウ(サスケはもう使えん… シスイの幻術をかけて操るならマダラのほうだ
Danzou (Sasuke can't use it anymore...if I can use Shisui's genjutsu to control him and get him to go after Madara, it would be more effecient considering the depth of these wounds.)
マダラ(さて… サスケ… どうする?)
Madara (So then...Sasuke...what will you do?)

サスケ『自己犠牲を語ったお前が… 人質とはな』
Sasuke: You who talked of self-sacrifice....to take a hostage.
ダンゾウ『自分の… 命が… 惜しいわけではない 木の葉の為 忍の世の為
ワシはこんな所で…死ぬ訳にはいかん…  どんな手を…… 使っても…生きる…
ワシは…  この忍の… 世を変える唯一の改革者となる者…
Danzou: My..my life...I'm not sorry...it was for Konoha...for the ninja world...I won't allow myself to die in a place like this...no matter whose hands...whatever I have to do...to live...I will...this shinobi's...to become the reformer to change the world...this girl will be a sacrifice for that purpose.
カリン『サスケ…  助けて』
Karin: Sasuke...help me!

Sasuke: Don't move...Karin.
Danzou: ...!

Sasuke activates Mangekyou in his left eye...with a scary face.

Sasuke uses a Chidori spear and stabs Karin along with Danzou.
Danzou's back is pierced through.

Karin (Huh...)
Danzou: Guh...! (...the vitals of the hostage...)
Madara, smiling with his eyes: So its come to this...

サスケ『兄さん… まずは一人目だ…』
Sasuke: Brother...this is the first...

Karin and achieving revenge!!
Sasuke, towards the darkness of reality...!!
The End.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 10 jan 27, 12:10:15 írta Manson » Naplózva

Az Uchiha klánon átok ül.
Az okosak korán halnak:)
Nem hiszem, hogy valamikor is szükégem lett volna, olyan ostobaságra, mint a józan ész.
Nem vagyok olyan mint Danzou, nem vagyok hullarabló:P!
Khhhhh Khhhh Allj át a sötét oldalra Luke! Khhh Khhh
Ha a fa.kamat, megkérdeznék rólam, talán azt mondhatná: Alapjában véve szeretem ezt az embert, és ha épp nem fojtogat, egész elviselhető a pasas.
Az emberek önzők, Cicus, de éppen ez teszi őket emberré.
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #793 Dátum: 10 jan 28, 02:42:54 »

A 480. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 481. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
ANBU újonc
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 341

"A céljaim érdekében jobb nekem a sötétségben..."

« Válasz #794 Dátum: 10 feb 02, 15:50:02 »

Forrás: onemanga.com
Szerző: Tidus

by: Mist Shinobi

Naruto 481: Sasuke's New Target

Both Danzo and Karin fall to the floor, each struggling for breath.
Sasuke walks over to Karin and picks her by the neck.
Sasuke: Thank-you Karin, you were able to distract Danzo for me, now I just need 1 more favor.
*Sasuke sucks out Karin's last bit of chakra to finish healin his wounds*
Madara: A bit cruel don't you think?
Sasuke: I only made Taka to complete my goals, she did what she had to do, I dont care about their existence.
*Sasuke cluthes his eyes in pain*
Madara: You overused your mangekyou sharingan in this battle, your going to go blind soon at this rate. Itachi wasn't as stubborn as you.
Sasuke: I don't want to hear it, he gave me these eyes for a reason, and im going to use them.
Madara: How do you expect to take out an entire village when you can't even see? On top of that, youve lost all of your teammates.
Sasuke: Don't underestimate me, I can get my revenge on my own.
Madara: Are you so sure about that? What you need is more power.
Sasuke: What do you propose?
Madara: If you want to keep using your mangekyou sharinga like that, you need to make it eternal.
Sasuke: Forget it! Theres no way im going to resort to stealing my brother's eyes.
Madara: Who said anything about Itachi?
Sasuke: What?
Madara: Your former teacher, Kakashi Hatake has long since gained his mangekyou sharingan.
Sasuke: Hm, interesting, I never thought he was strong enough to complete such a feat.
Madara: However, his mangekyou has different powers for yours and Itachi's. Its probably because he isnt directly from the Uchiha.
Sasuke: Don't you think it would have a negative effect on my eyes?
Madara: It is a gamble, but its better then going blind.
Sasuke: Very well, my new targter will be Kakashi, he is part of the Hidden Leaf anyways, so i'll be completing two objectives at once.
*Madara thinks to himself* Thats it....

Scene switches over to Kakashi, Naruto, and Yamamoto
Kakashi: We have to bring him to the leaf village so they can examine him, this can be serious.
Yammamoto: Right.

(Inside of Naruto)
Naruto: Whats going on, why do I feel this much pain?
Nine Tails spirit: Fool, your foolish mistakes of the past will now kill us both. Why didn't you take care of your friend earlier? Now look whats happening!
Naruto: Stop talking, my head hurts so much, I don't want to hear anything.
Nine Tails spirit: (Laughing) Youre going to get us killed just by thinking too much, hilarious! Let me out and I'll take care of the Uchiha boy.
Naruto: No! None of you dont understand anything about Sasuke!
Familiar voice: Im afraid the Nine tails is right my son, you must learn to let Sasuke go.

482: Another Talk with the 4th!
Oldalak: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 92

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