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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710149 alkalommal)
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Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #660 Dátum: 09 aug 06, 08:41:17 »

Én is bedobom mert a linkek nem jók  Pirul

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: cepillon
Forrás: Mangahelpers

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 06, 08:42:03 írta yupi » Naplózva

Akadémiai tanár
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Rejtett Felhő Falu Rejtett Felhő Falu

Hozzászólások: 237

~The Dark Agent~

« Válasz #661 Dátum: 09 aug 06, 09:18:10 »

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: mistermobile, Idol
Forrás: Mangahelpers

CREDITS: stream

Danzou: If that is all right with you, I will accept that responsibility
Raikage: Why the Hokage!? His name is synonymous with "shadowy ninja"! We cannot leave that to him!
Mifune: Then who!?
Raikage: There is no a single Akatsuki who comes from our village! This important role is not for those we cannot trust! For that, I would...
Mifune: I cannot accept that
Raikage: Why not!?
Somebody breathes in
Raikage: !
Mifune: I know that strength and feelings is necessary to gather strong people, but... You seem to be the kind whose emotions strongly influence your acts. The alliance would be scattered like this table.
Raikage: Gnnn...
Mifune: I only made a proposition, with the calm judgment from the viewpoint of a neutral country. Kazekage-dono is too young yet to exert this supreme power... His face would not be recognized by other countries. Bearing the title of Kazage is already hard.
Tsuchikage-dono is on the contrary too advanced in years, his image is of limited mobility. And he has used Akatsuki too much... The trust in him is lacking the most.
Mizukage-dono being in charge of the birthplace of Akatsuki, there is a risk that our information would leak through the village of hidden mist. She's worrying herself that there could be spies in hidden mist.
I do not know in what intentions Akatsuki is gathering Bijuus, but... We cannot let them have the Kyuubi...
Danzou: Kyuubi belongs to Konoha, so it might seem appropriate for the hokage to be in charge...
Raikage: In the first place, I cannot allow an alliance that would expose the skills of my village.
Aoi: Something is unclear... This situation... I will try to check. Choujuurou... Prepare for a fight.
Choujuurou: Huh?
Aoi: BYAKUGAN!! (Tadzam Tzam Tzam)

Naruto: Sasuke... Where are you... What are you thinking? About me, about Sakura... (which one do you like?)
And Kakashi-sensei, do you think about him a bit?
You defeated your brother Itachi... You got your revenge... Do you feel better?... Or do you feel even more painful? Sasuke... Why don't you come home to Konoha...? Did you get overcome with hatred?? Have you become a simple criminal? Now... I don't understand you anymore...

Change to Sasuke's group
Karin: !Oh? Where did that guy go?
Sasuke: Huh...

Change to Madara and Zetsu, snow is falling
Madara: All right?
Zetsu: Yes...
Madra: Let us begin

Change to Sakura, wiping her tears
Shikamaru: I'm sorry, Sakura... No matter what your answer is, I will act for the future of Konoha.
I will also talk of this to Naruto... Where is he?
Sai: Naruto has gone for Iron country. To meet with the Raikage
Shikamaru: He went that far... He isn't easy to deal with...
Sakura: I will talk to Naruto
Shizune: !
Sai: !
Shikamaru: !
Sakura: That idiot still likes me... So let me have that duty. It is me who has made Naruto suffer the most... I have done nothing but mistakes and wrong decisions. I don't want to make mistakes any more. I don't want to make wrong decisions any more.

Change to the meeting
Aoi: What does this mean? In the right shoulder and arm, and in the right eye, the color of this chakra is no doubt...
The color of Uchiha Shisui!!! A powerful adversary I met once... A color I could not forget!
Hokage-dono, the right eye under this bandage, please show it to us!
Tsuchikage: What is it?
Danzou: ...
Aoi: His right eye seems to have been robbed and transplanted from Uchiha Shisui
The eye technique of Shisui was to get in the brain of the other people
Eyepatch: A technique manipulating the person into fake thoughts, as if from his own will... The person manipulated does not even notice it... An eye technique of the highest class!
Raikage: Hokage... Don't tell me Mifune...!!
Mifune: !?
Aoi: My right eye is also a precious trophy from fighting Hyuugas... I cannot tell about people like you, but you cannot fool my eye, who solved the illusion the fourth Mizukage was caught in. And that...
Raikage: You!

Zetsu: Helloooooo!
All: !
Everybody prepares for a fight
Raikage: What now!?
Tsuchikage: Then...
Zetsu: Uchiha Sasuke is intruding... So, where do you think he is hiding?


"They were criminals, so I killed them in name of justice...As soldiers, weakness is a sin. They surrendered to evil, and caused a crisis in the kingdom. That type of soldier doesn't deserve to live. So they're dead." - Rob Lucci
Kínzás specialista
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Rejtett Eső Falu Rejtett Eső Falu

Hozzászólások: 688

DMH elnök | Fairy Tail; Hetalia <3

« Válasz #662 Dátum: 09 aug 06, 09:33:30 »

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Idol
Forrás: Mangahelpers




Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #663 Dátum: 09 aug 06, 10:50:55 »

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Forrás: Mangahelpers


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Hozzászólások: 2362

« Válasz #664 Dátum: 09 aug 06, 12:54:37 »

Nekem nem jönnek be a linkek, szóval nem tudom, hogy úgy voltak-e már, ezért gondoltam, hogy beteszem. Pirul

Szerző: mistermobile
Forrás: Mangahelpers

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 06, 12:59:38 írta GaaraFan333 » Naplózva
Kínzás specialista
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Rejtett Eső Falu Rejtett Eső Falu

Hozzászólások: 688

DMH elnök | Fairy Tail; Hetalia <3

« Válasz #665 Dátum: 09 aug 06, 14:52:34 »

Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: edgarluvitug
Forrás: http://www.edgarluvitug.com/


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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #666 Dátum: 09 aug 07, 08:28:14 »

A 459. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 460. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 15

« Válasz #667 Dátum: 09 aug 16, 19:40:27 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: fake
Forrás: http://narutoclub.com/?p=52

(Kage Scene)
White Zetsu: Uchiha Sasuke is intruding… So, where do you think he is hiding?
Raikage: What?!
Tsuchikage: An Akatsuki, here?!
White Zetsu: That’s right…
Mifune: Summon all Samurai, quick!
Bald Guard: Yes, Mifune-sama! (vanishes)
Gaara: Uchiha Sasuke, here?
Mizukage: Ao!
Ao: Yes, ma’am! (searches the building with his Byakugan) He’s…!
Sasuke: (suddenly appears behind Mifune, with a Chidori Katana near Mifune’s throat; the remaining guard drops dead) Inside. (White Zetsu disappears)

(Taka Scene)
(Taka is running to Kage’s Summit building)
Karin: I knew that Zetsu was bad news!
Suigetsu: We must help Sasuke!
Juugo: Right. (the trio tries to enter the building, but White Zetsu appear before them)
White Zetsu: Fu fu fu fu… I can’t allow that!
Karin: What?!
White Zetsu: Fu fu fu fu… (the ground below Taka starts to swallow them)
Karin: What is this?!
Suigetsu: Let me go! (they vanish into the ground)
White Zetsu: Now, wait for the show to end… (he disappears through the ground)

(Kage Scene)
Raikage: Uchiha Sasuke!
Sasuke: I’m flattered you know my name…
Raikage: Quit being arrogant, brat, don’t you think I forgot about what you done to my brother, Kirabi!
Sasuke: I did nothing to him.
Raikage: Are you insane?! You attacked him and took him away!
Sasuke: Not quite. ( the rest of Taka gets up) We thought we captured him, but he got away. He’s most certainly alive, hiding somewhere.
Raikage: I don’t trust the words of an Akatsuki!
Sasuke: Do as you please. Now where were we… oh, right, I don’t care about the rest of you, I’m here for Danzou.
Danzou: It seems you caught up to me… hahahaha!!!
Sasuke: Don’t laugh, you son of a b*tch! You’ll pay for what you done to the Uchiha clan!
Danzou: I only did what was necessary to keep balance and harmony in Konoha.
Sasuke: Don’t make such pitiful excuses!
Samurai: Mifune-sama!
Sasuke: Looks a fine time to show you your death. (he activates Mangekyo Sharingan)
(Naruto Scene)
(Yamato’s wood clone is spying near the entrance of the Kage Summit’s building. All the Samurai are withdrawing to the interior)
(Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato are inside an house/inn)
Yamato: The Samurai are being summoned to the Kage Summit as we speak.
Kakashi: Something big must be going on in the Summit. I wonder what it is…
Naruto: What if it is Sasuke?!
Kakashi: Don’t jump into conclusions, Naruto. It can be some squabble between the Kages.
Yamato: Are you certain of that, Kakashi-senpai?!
Kakashi: If I was certain, I wouldn’t wonder, would I?!
Naruto: No matter, the Samurai aren’t watching, it’s our chance to crash the Summit! We got to go there!
Kakashi: There’s no stopping you, is there, Naruto? (Naruto smiles) Ok, let’s go!

(Konoha Scene)
(Shikamaru, Sai, Sakura and Shizune are in the tent)
Shikamaru: If that’s what you want to do, fine. Are you going to wait for him to tell him?!
Sakura: No. I won’t wait for Naruto anymore! I’ll go to him!
Shikamaru: You’ll go there? But by the time you get there, Naruto will be returning to the village!
Sakura: I know, but nonetheless I’ll go.
Shikamaru: If you go, I’ll go too. I must be certain the message is delivered.
Sakura: You don’t trust me?
Shikamaru: It’s not a matter of trusting you or not, you’re an emotional wreck right now and you might get hurt in the process, I’ll go just to make sure Naruto knows our decision.
Sakura: I… guess you’re right…

(Kage Scene)
(Mifune and his Samurai scream in agony, engulfed by Amaterasu, the Kages are shocked; their guards are in a defensive position)
Sasuke: (with his back turned to the Kages, he’s looking to the flames) A death by fire, you should feel honored.
Mizukage: Don’t move. I’ll use a Suiton jutsu! (she’s performing a Serpent hand seal)
Danzou: It’s futile. (Mizukage breaks the hand seal) Amaterasu, the ever burning flames,

will blaze everything it’s caster puts his sight on. Not even the most power Suiton can douse that fire.
Sasuke: It seems that you’re familiar with Amaterasu… I’m impressed. (turns around)
Danzou: Watch out!
(Sasuke looks in the direction of the Kages, but a wall of Gaara’s sand blocks the way, starting to burn)
Sasuke: Gaara, I was starting to miss your meddling sand…
Gaara: I can’t hold the flames forever, what about a strategy?!
Tsuchikage: Since you know so much about this jutsu, what do you suggest, Hokage?! (Danzou is silent)
Raikage: Say something, you bastard!
Sasuke: Since you won’t make your move, I’ll make mine. (powers up Chidori Sharp Spear, which begins to grow)

(Naruto Scene)
(They’re at the entrance of the Kage Summit’s building)
Kakashi: It’s awkwardly silent.
Yamato: What’s going on?! (Amaterasu’s flames appear from inside the corridor, leading to the Summit’s room)
Naruto: These flames…
Kakashi: Tenzou, seal the flames before it’s too late!
Yamato: Yes, Kakashi-senpai! (they pick up a scroll, start to draw a seal and perform Bird, Rat, Horse and Tiger hand seals)
Kakashi & Yamato: Fuuka Houin!* (vapour appears from the scrolls, engulfing Amaterasu and sealing it. The kanji 封, “seal”, appears on the scrolls; Naruto enters the corridor)
Kakashi: Wait, Naruto!
White Zetsu: (revealing his face in a near wall) This will be interesting…

*Fire Sealing Method

(Kage Scene)
(Chidori Sharp Spear is almost piercing Gaara’s sand wall; Amaterasu disappears)
Sasuke: What? (deactivates the Mangekyo Sharingan and stops Chidori Sharp Spear. A person’s silhouette is in the corridor, above the carbonized corpses) Who’s there?!
Naruto: SASUKE!!!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 17, 16:11:21 írta Prilla » Naplózva

A hülyeségnek nincs határa, de nekem feltett szándékom átlépni azt!
Akadémiai tanár
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Rejtett Felhő Falu Rejtett Felhő Falu

Hozzászólások: 237

~The Dark Agent~

« Válasz #668 Dátum: 09 aug 18, 11:40:38 »

Source: NF
Credit: T.D.A
Verification: Confirmed
Szerző: aaghnoreply

Here's my half-assed translation of the spoiler:

Tsunade on the spine, Naruto and Sasuke on the cover(confronting one another, Sasuke has lifeless eyes)

Raikage caught white zetsu by his neck and asks him where Sasuke is.
Zetsu tells him 'It wouldn't hurt to give you a hint I guess~'
The second he says this his neck is broken with a loud sound, is he dead?
Mizukage goes 'Killing is off limits'
Everyone else is ordered to keep watching Hokage while others break through the wall to go look for Sasuke

Madara comes to where Naruto's sleeping and asks him if they could talk for a while but is attacked with rasengan in return
Kakashi and Yamato make appearance and seize Madara
'I was only interested how you managed to change Nagato's beliefs so I came here to ask' says Madara
Naruto tells him that it doesn't matter and asks where Sasuke is

Madara goes 'Fine, let's talk about Sasuke who had fallen into darkness and about this world of shinobi, permeated with hatred and revenge'
Without any hesitation Sasuke strikes down Samurais standing in his way who'd noticed the abnormality around them
Suigetsu notices this and goes 'Why did you tell me not to kill, isn't that what you're doing now?'
Karin senses unusual 'darkness' and 'coldness' coming from Sasuke with her special ability
And then someone with insane amount of chakra appears

The chapter ends with Sasuke running into Raikage and his two underlings

another important bit of info from nja:


What Karin sensed seemed like a 'shadow' of someone's glare enveloping Sasuke from behind
Maybe he's being manipulated but maybe it's his hatred that took form of a 'shadow'
I dunno
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 18, 12:22:29 írta Daken » Naplózva

"They were criminals, so I killed them in name of justice...As soldiers, weakness is a sin. They surrendered to evil, and caused a crisis in the kingdom. That type of soldier doesn't deserve to live. So they're dead." - Rob Lucci
ANBU újonc
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 339

« Válasz #669 Dátum: 09 aug 18, 17:54:40 »

Hitelesség: FanArt Prediction
Szerző: Hatiffnatten
Forrás: http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/


(Hagyományos módon nem jelenítette meg a képet.)

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Nja - 2CH
Forrás: http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/

What Karin sensed seemed like a 'shadow' of someone's glare enveloping Sasuke from behind
Maybe he's being manipulated but maybe it's his hatred that took form of a 'shadow'
I dunno
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 18, 18:00:09 írta Tomimaru-sama » Naplózva

Tomi is a good boy.
Osztag Vezető
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Rejtett Eső Falu Rejtett Eső Falu

Hozzászólások: 876

« Válasz #670 Dátum: 09 aug 18, 18:28:06 »

Szerző:† YaGaMi LigHt †

-White Zetsu will attack the Raikage

-Sasuke will reveal himself and launch his attack against Danzo.

-Gaara, Temari, and Kankouro and Mizukage and her guards will attack Sasuke as well

-Tsuikage and his bodyguards will target Zetsu and assist the Raikage

-Madara is preparing the along with Black Zetsu statue to use against the 5 kages and plunge the world into chaos, as well as dispose of Sasuke, Zetsu has the ability to regenerate either half of his body.

-Madara has been manipulating the Uchiha since his exile and used Shisui to manipulate the politics of Kohona, Itachi was the first person to resist the manipulative affects thus becoming an enemy of Madara's plans.

-Sakura, Shikamaru, and the rest of the kohona 11 will head for the kage meeting

-Sakura plans to ask Naruto to let her handle the caputuring of Sasuke to her and Ino.

-Shikamaru will organize the teams in perparation for Sasuke.

Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato will be alerted that the Kage meeting is under attack by Akatsuki and Team Taka by Team Samui.

Naruto and will rush to engage Sasuke.

White Zetsu will be taunting and shifting around the meeting room infuriating the Raikage, Tsukage and company.

Gaara will ask Sasuke why he is doing Akatsuki's bidding, Sasuke will tell him he is doing it for revenge, Gaara will respond by telling him he hasn't changed at all.

Danzo will unveil his sharigan against Sasuke shocking him promting him to ask how he got it.

Danzo plans to kill Sasuke and implant his Sharingan eye into his right eye giving him the manipulative power of Shisui, and Sasuke's/Itachi's Man

Chapter will end with Team Samui and Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato arriving at the meeting

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #671 Dátum: 09 aug 19, 12:33:21 »

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Idol
Forrás: Mangahelpers

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 19, 12:42:04 írta yupi » Naplózva

Naruto-Kun Fórum Isten
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 6663

« Válasz #672 Dátum: 09 aug 19, 13:38:25 »

Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: serenity85 és idol (NF)
Forrás: naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com


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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #673 Dátum: 09 aug 19, 14:35:59 »

Hitelesség: Megerősített
Szerző: mackbotk
Forrás: mangahelpers.com


"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 174

« Válasz #674 Dátum: 09 aug 19, 16:21:07 »

Hitelesség: Megerősített
Szerző: Idol
Forrás: mangahelpers.com

460 サスケ包囲網…!
460: The web encircling Sasuke!

What is the unwanted intruder, Zetsu, there for...!?

ゼツ『皆でサスケを探してみよう~! オー!!』
Zetsu: "Hey, let's all go search for Sasuke~! Ooooh!"

Raikage: "What the hell do you mean by 'ooooh'!?"

Temari: "That guy..."

ガーラ『… サスケだと!?』
Gaara: "...Sasuke?"

Kankurou: "Why would he..?!"

Mizukage: "That Sharingan no..."*
[*trans note: It seems like she was about to say "Sharingan no Kakashi" for some reason, though there's a chance it could also be of Uchiha]

Choujuurou: "?"

Ao: "The guy who beat Haku and Zabuza?"

ダンゾウ(サスケがここに… まさか…)
Danzou: (Sasuke's here? It can't be...)

Kurotsuchi: "Who's he?"

Akatsuchi: Must be one of the members of "Akatsuki"..."

Raikage gets Zetsu in a headlock

"Where is Uchiha Sasuke!? Answer clearly!"

ゼツ !!?(こ…こいつむちゃくちゃ速いな!!)
Zetsu: "!?" (He-He's crazy fast!)

Raikage: "If you don't answer, I'll show no mercy!"

Zetsu: "That's too bad...well I guess I could give a little hint-"

Raikage suddenly applies force on Zetsu's head ((Kill(ed)? Since we only see the panel where he applies force, it maybe that he's not dead.))

Raikage: "C! Begin!"

C: "Hah!"

Mizukage: "You shouldn't kill! If we capture and interrogate him, we should be able to gain information on "Akatsuki"."

part 2

Gaara: "There's no one who'll speak out against "Akatsuki". They're all hardcore."

ミフネ『オキスケ ウラカクすぐにサスケを探すよう命を出せ
Mifune: "Okisuke, Urakaku, find Sasuke with your very lives at once. And ready the #2 battle alert!"

Urakaku: "Hah!"

オキスケ ウラカクは多分ミフネのお付き
Okisuke and Urakaku are probably Mifune's entourage

Okisuke has thick eyebrows

Urakaku is bald

It could be they're opposites of each other

Raikage: "Eye of the Mist (about Ao), you watch over the Hokage!"

Ao: "!"

Raikage immediately crashes right through the wall

Raikage; "C! Darui! Let's go!"

Seems like they're searching for Sasuke

Darui: "Uh sorry for the desk and wall..."

シー『コラ ダルイそんな事はいい 行くぞ!』
C: "Hey Darui, don't worry about that. Let's go!"

土『まったく荒っぽい奴じゃぜ 雲のきかん坊は
Tsuchikage: "Geez what a brute. At this rate, even if that Cloud rough-neck became part of the 5-Kage..."

Okisuke radios the samurai

塔入口に三小隊を急派 防護線を作れ』
"#2 Battle Alert, find intruder Uchiha Sasuke. Dispatch 3-squads to the tower entrance and form a secure line."

Samurai: "Understood"

Karin: "!?" (This is...)

Sasuke: "What's wrong Karin?"

Karin: "The samurai have started moving around! And it looks like they're looking for us!"

Juugo: "Zetsu...it was him."

The samurai are hurriedly walking around

侍A 柱越しに気配?刀を抜き傍に行く
Samurai A draws his sword(s) and goes close to the presence(?) across the pillar

Naruto's lying down

Tobi's (Madara) sitting on a window frame

Tobi: "How does a chat sound, eh Uzumaki Naruto?"

Naruto: "!?"

Naruto looks back: "You..bastard!"

Naruto immediately does Rasengan but Tobi avoids it

Tobi: "Going straight to Rasengan huh? You should know that's ineffective."

Tree(s) surround Tobi and capture him

Yamato: "Naruto, you be still now."

Tobi: "You live up to your reputation, Kakashi of the Sharingan. You're fast."

Kakashi: "You won't lay a hand on Naruto so easily, Uchiha Madara!"

Tobi: "So that means you should listen to what I just said. No attack will get through me, Uchiha Madara*"
*[trans note: the way he said his name is the same way he did when he introduced himself in the story: "kono Uchiha Madara"]

Kakashi: "So it is you, Uchiha Madara?! I knew it!"

だからそこを狙う もうここはボクのテリトリーだ』
Yamato: "I don't know whether your body disappears or if you change into a ghost, but you need to materialize your body to snatch up Naruto. If you don't do so, you can't get him. That's why we can get you. You're in my territory now."

トビ『ククク オレは別に簡単にいくとは思ってないよ
オレにも計画ってのがある それより今は話がしたい』
Tobi: "Hehehe I didn't think of anything particularly special in coming here. I've got my own plans. Besides, now I just wanna talk."

Kakashi: "Talk?"

He's surrounded by that wood thing of Yamato's

何なのか? ナルト…お前に興味が出てきた』
Tobi: "Right. What was it that lead Pain's Nagato to betrayal? I have taken an interest in you, Naruto."

Naruto: "I don't give a damn about that! What the hell do you plan to do with Sasuke?! Tell me about him!"

Tobi: "Sasuke..."

Kakashi: "..."

Yamato: "..."

トビ『いいだろう なら話してやる…
Tobi: "That's fine with me. I'll tell you then...tell of the young man who was infected by the hatred and malice that is part of this world of shinobi. I'll tell you of Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto's facial expression changes

侍A柱に近づく 柱にコートがかかってる
Samurai A gets close. The cloak is hanging on a pillar

Samurai A: "Already escaped..."

Sasuke gets close behind samurai A and strikes him down

Karin and co. are hidden

カリン『だめだ 数が多すぎる…!
Karin: "No good, there's too many of them! I'll just find him quick and we'll catch him!"

Suigetsu: "Just remember that guy Zetsu or whatever he said his name was!"

Samurai are all over

侍B 刀を出しチャクラを刀に溜める?
Samurai B takes out his sword and gathers(?) chakra

Karin looks on at that, hidden: "So samurai can control chakra too, huh?"

侍C D E F G H 刀にチャクラを溜める?
Samurai C, D, E, F, G, H are gathering(?) gathering along their swords

Suigetsu: "So they use chakra that way...?"

Karin: "Ah, Sasuke! Why'd he go-?!"

サスケ、侍C D E F G H のそばに行く
Sasuke goes next to samurai C, D, E, F, G, H

サスケ『オレは今…イラ立っている 来るなら手加減はできそうにない…』
Sasuke: "Right now I'm irritated. If you come, I don't think I can hold myself back..."

Samurai: "Hey I could say the same thing to you!"

The samurai sends chakra(?) from his sword

Sasuke repels it

Samurai D: "He repelled it?!"

Samurai E: "...It's similar to our own sword techniques..."

Juugo: "Karin, forget about the samurai. Sense Danzou's location."
Oldalak: 1 ... 43 44 [45] 46 47 ... 92

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