24 szep 19, 23:24:55 *
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 660

« Válasz #690 Dátum: 09 szep 02, 20:21:24 »


Raikage VS Sasuke

*Raikage charges in

Suigetsu: “He’s fast!”

*Raikage, covered in his raiton chakra, punches Juugo.

*Juugo stops the punch.

462 サスケの忍道…!!
Chapter 462: Sasuke’s Ninja Way…!!

*C seems to be trying to track Karin (probably the same way she does others)?

*Suigetsu tries to cut C down.

*But is stopped by Darui’s sword swing

折れたからって こりゃやれねーよ』
Suigetsu: “Hey you have a nice one there (talking about Darui’s sword). But just because mine broke that doesn’t mean I’ll give it away.”

*Raikage’s punch leaves a big dent in Juugo

Raikage: “That’s one rodent down”

*Sasuke tries to use his Sharingan ~~~

雷『写輪眼ごときに とらえられるワシではないわ』
Raikage: Don’t think I can be caught by the Sharingan.

こいつらよくついてきてるほうだ しかし反射を活性化するための
雷遁チャクラをまとった以上 写輪眼でも追いつけない それにまだ…)
C (thinking): “Raikage-sama’s synaptic response and his reflex speed rival (*on par with*) that of the Yellow Flash. These guys are keeping up pretty well, but as long as he has the raiton chakra surrounding him to help jump start his reflexes not even the Sharingan will be able to keep up. On top of that he still…”

重吾パンチを受けつつ 分離?『クアハハアー死ねー!!』
*Juugo, while continuing to take punches, seems to split himself? “Haaa haaa haa. Die!!

Darui: !?

C (thinking): “From zero distance”
*Juugo hits Raikage

Darui: “Dammit”

シー(やったか!? 何だ!?雷影様の一撃をくらって生きていたとでも!?)
C (thinking): Did he do it!? What!? You mean he took one of Raikage-sama’s attacks and lived!?

C: !?

*Sasuke appears in front of C

*And a shadow that looks kinda like the Kyuubi envelops C

シー(こ…これは…幻術かこいつら仲間の攻撃を うまく陽動にあててきやがる!オレとしたことが…くそ! 体が動かない…)
C (thinking): “I…Is this…genjutsu…These guys sure know how to use their friends attacks as feints! What I can do right now is….dammit! My body won’t move…”

*C collapses

*Sasuke holds his left eye

*Darui, as he fights with Suigetsu: “C! What are you lying around for! Get up!”

重吾『キャハハハ 殺した!殺してやったぜ!つぎは どいつだァ!!?』
Juugo: Haa haa ha I killed him! I killed him good! So who’s next!!?

カリン影から見てる(重吾の奴 意外と役に立つじゃねーか!よし!今なら感知されない 今のうちにダンゾウを…)
*Karin, while still looking on from the shadows thinking: “Hey, Juugo actually managed to be useful! Now I won’t be found out. It’s time to search for Danzou while I still can…”

カリン(!! え!!?)
Karin (thinking): “!!Wha!!?

*Juugo gets hit by Raikage’s clothesline!!

*The scene changes to Naruto

ナルト木叩きながら『嘘だっ…!!そんなの でたらめだ』
*Naruto, banging against the wood bars: “That’s a lie…!! You’re full of it.

ヤマト『そんな まさか…』
Yamato: “That couldn’t be…”

Tobi: “If you’re talking about Sasuke then you can’t help but mention Itachi.”

Kakashi: “Cut the jokes…I can’t very well believe your story (*about the murder of the Uchiha*)”

トビ『いや…嘘ではないそれがイタチの真実だ(一族殺し 命令は木の葉の上層)
Tobi: “Nope…it’s no lie. That’s the truth about Itachi (*The murder of the Uchiha was done under the orders of the higher ups in Konoha*). He died for Sasuke’s sake as well as for Konoha’s sake.”

カカシ『どういう事だ?それがもし事実だとして それをサスケが知っているなら
なぜサスケは”暁”に手を貸す!? あいつならイタチの意志を継ぎ木の葉へ帰って来るハズだ』
Kakashi: “How could that be? Even if that were the truth, if Sasuke knew about it then do you really think he would help Akatsuki!? He would have carried on Itachi’s will and returned to Konoha.”

トビ『フッ… サスケの師として友として お前らはサスケの本心を分かっているつもりでいたんだろうが… とんだお門違いだ本物だ… 本物の復讐者だよ 彼は!』
Tobi: “Hmph…You guys, being Sasuke’s teachers and friends, thought you understood Sasuke’s true feelings…but you were seriously mistaken…He’s a real-deal avenger!

ナルト『お前がサスケを そんな風にしたのか!?』
Naruto: Did you make him that way!?

Tobi: “No…not me…”

Naruto: “…!”

トビ『サスケ自身が そう選択したのさ』
Tobi: “Sasuke made the decision himself.”

ヤマト カカシ『…!』
Yamato, Kakashi: “…!”

Naruto: “That’s a lie!!!”

彼は復讐を選んだ…本心は こちら側(暁)の人間だったという事さサスケの今の目的… それはうちは一族…そしてイタチを追い込んだ 木の葉への復讐』
Tobi: “I had to bet on it myself…Whether he would choose to carry on Itachi’s will…or whether he would choose revenge on Konoha…he chose revenge…his true feelings were that of our side. Sasuke’s goal now…is revenge on the Konoha that persecuted Uchiha clan and Itachi.”

ナルト『何で… 何で あいつが…どうしてこんな事になっちまう…!!どうして復讐に向かっちまう…!?』
Naruto: Why…Why would he…why did it end up like this…!! Why would he turn to revenge…!?”

トビ『…仕方ないのさ…それが血に塗られた うちはの憎しみの運命遥か昔から永久に続いてきた呪いのようなものだ』
Tobi: “…It can’t be helped…That’s the blood soaked fate of the Uchiha’s hatred. It’s like a curse from long ago that continues to this day.”
ナルト『…憎しみの運命  …呪い…!?』
Naruto: “…Fate of their hatred…curse…!?”

トビ『そうだ…遥か昔 六道仙人と呼ばれる忍の祖から始まる憎しみの呪い』
Tobi: “Yes…yes the curse of hatred that began long ago with the one called RikudouSennin, ancestor of the ninja.

カカシ『六道仙人だと… そんなものはただの神話のハズだ輪廻眼は突然変異にすぎないし…』
Kakashi: “RikudouSennin…that’s just a myth. The Rinnegan is just a freak mutation…”

トビ『神話は事実になぞらえて語られる…かつて六道仙人H忍宗を説き 平和を導こうとしたが… 夢なかばにしてその時が来てしまう  六道仙人は忍宗の力と意志を二人に子供に託すことにした
Tobi: “Even myths have some truth mixed in them…Back then the RikudouSennin theorized about the ninja way and sought out peace…but his time came while his dream was only half done…So he decided to leave the strength and the will of his ninja teachings to two children.”

Tobi: “The older brother at birth was left with the Sennin’s “eyes”—chakra power and spiritual energy…and came to realize that strength is what is necessary to achieve peace.”

Tobi: “The younger btorher at birth left with the Sennin’s “body”— willpower and physical energy… and came to realize that love is what is necessary to achieve peace.”

仙人は最後に死の床で…後継者を決めなければならなかった…しかし その決断が永劫続く憎しみの呪いを生んでしまった』
Tobi: “When the Sennin was on his deathbed it came time to choose his successor…However, that decision would give birth to curse of hatred that continues to this day.”

Naruto: “What do you mean?”

トビ『仙人は力を求めた 兄ではなく…愛を求めた 弟こそ後継者にふさわしいと そちらを選んだ長男として当然自分が後継者だと思い込んでいた兄は納得せず…憎しみのあまり弟に争いをしかけた
Tobi: “The Sennin, believing that the younger brother who sought love would be more suitable as his successor than the older brother who sought strength, chose the younger brother. As the oldest and believing that he would naturally be the one to succeed the Sennin, the older brother could not accept the decision and…in his hatred brought war against his younger brother.”

時がたち 血が薄れても二人の兄弟の子孫は争い続けた兄の子孫は後に うちは と呼ばれ
弟の子孫は後に 千手 と呼ばれるようになる
Tobi: “Time passed and as the bloodlines thinned the two brothers’ descendants continued their fighting. The older brother’s descendants came to be known as the Uchiha and the younger brother’s descendants the Senju.

この うちはマダラと初代火影 千手柱間との闘いも 運命だった
Tobi: “The fight between me, Uchiha Madara, and the First Hokage Senju Tobirama was also fate.”

お前(ナルト)と会うのはまだ二度目だが 千手の火の意志がお前の中に宿っているのが分かる
Tobi: “Even though this is only the second time I’ve met you (*talking to Naruto*), I can tell that you have the Senju’s will of fire in you.”

今もお前の中に初代火影を見ることができる死んでもなお あいつは生き続けている オレの憧れであり…ライバルであり…オレの最も憎んだ男
Tobi: “Even now I can see the First Hokage in you. Even in death he lives on. My aspiration…my rival and the man I hated most.”

千住と うちは 火の意志と憎しみ
Tobi: “The Senju and the Uchiha…The will of fire and hatred…Naruto and Sasuke…”

*Juugo is basically pressed into the wall

サスケ 後ろから雷に斬りかかる
*Sasuke tries to cut Raikage from behind

Tobi: “You two are likely the next two to have been chosen by fate.”

*Sasuke tries to cut but can’t cut Raikage

Tobi: “The Uchiha are a clan fated to seek revenge.”

*Sasuke instantly distances himself from Raikage and begins making handseals

トビ『サスケは うちはの憎しみを全て背負い…その憎しみの呪いを世界へぶつけるつもりだ』
Tobi: “Sasuke has taken all of the Uchiha’s anger on himself…and intends to crash that curse of hatred right into the world.”

*Sasuke prepares his Chidori

トビ『最も強い武器であり 友であり… 力である 憎しみ』
Tobi: “Hatred—his strongest weapon…his friend…and his strength.”

*Sasuke charges at Raikage with his Chidori

Tobi: “That (*Hatred*) is Sasuke’s ninja way.”

*Possessed by hatred…Sasuke goes into his one-on-one fight!!

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #691 Dátum: 09 szep 04, 10:28:15 »

A 462. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 463. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.
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Rejtett Felhő Falu Rejtett Felhő Falu

Hozzászólások: 153

« Válasz #692 Dátum: 09 szep 08, 18:03:11 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Forrás: http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Szerző: Nja-2Ch

The shidori breaks the erodou( the belt that the raikage wears) and the rest of the shidori penetrates the belly of the raikage(it does not seem to be a deep cut)

Raikage: To wound me?! you have the same jutsu then Kakashi!!!
The raikage takes Sasuke and turns him over and says to him that this is the end, he will fall victim to the "raiga bomb!!"

Sasuke falls to the ground but seems like he was protected by susanoo's bones. (looks like Itashi gave him more then he expected)

Sasuke seems to think for the first time about his retreat...
His eyes are in MS

There's a weird part where the raikage seems to be giving Sasuke some chakra so they can continue the fight?!?( not sure what this meant)

Karin: What is this chakra?! its the chakra of a Bijuu?!( again not sure about that comment)
Scene changes to Naruto,

Madara: I wonder if you are gonna try to change Sasuke's mind like you did for Nagato...
Kakashi: Why did you capture all those bijuu's? and what is the link in between the bijuu's and the curse of hatred of the uchiha?!
Madara: I just want them all in the end, that's it!
Madara" It was fun talking to all of you, now if you would excuse me...
Madara vanishes from the scene with the help of his time space jutsu.

The scene cuts to Sasuke again
Sasuke uses amaterasu and thanks to the jutsu, he his able to get out of the Raikages assaults.
the fight continues
Darui: The raikage is using is left arm!!
the raikage is about to end the fight, sasuke is down for the count and the chapter ends with the raikage in the air and preparing his finishing move ( lol)
Since it looks like a WWE match, we might assist to the clothsline next week

(Itt a szöveg japánul:) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7u9gMhrSm6Y/SqaH_AbkOAI/AAAAAAAAGFs/65VwH9lA_1Y/s1600-h/463+Nja.jpg
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 szep 08, 18:07:46 írta DAS » Naplózva
ANBU újonc
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 339

« Válasz #693 Dátum: 09 szep 08, 20:50:53 »

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Forrás: http://www.edgarluvitug.com/2009/09/naruto-463-spoilers.html
Szerző: edgarluvitug

CREDITS: Pocketmofo

Title – “Sasuke vs. Raikage”

Sasuke dodges Raikage’s elbow and stabs him with the chidori…but his fingers only make it part of the way into Raikage (his fingers only get to about the second joint in)…Sasuke – Dammit!!

Raikage – To think you were able to wound me when I have this Raiton chakra covering me. That technique must be the same as Hatake Kakashi’s…

Raikage then seems to grab Sasuke, turn him upside down and say, “This is the end!! Raiga Bomb!!” (*The spoiler writer comments that this technique takes up over 2 pages, possibly because Kishimoto wants to show just how powerful it is) ----Translator comment: I think the Raiga Bomb is supposed to be a wrestling move similar to a Power Bomb where you pick your opponent up and slam him body/head first into the ground

*As Sasuke gets slammed to the ground the bones from what looks like Susanoo (the technique Itachi used) protect Sasuke from the fall, helping Sasuke to get out of his predicament

Raikage, noticing that Sasuke’s eyes are now Mangekyou Sharingan withdraws and raises his Chakra levels even more

Karin – What chakra…this is a bijuu amount of chakra.

The bone-like shape is drifting around Sasuke. Then a large amount of blood comes from Sasuke’s eyes as he uses Amaterasu!

*Scene changes to Naruto

*Continuing the conversation with Madara. Madara says that Naruto won’t be able to talk sense into Sasuke the same way he did Nagato.

*Spoiler writer seems to have forgotten part of the conversation

Kakashi – Why are you collecting the bijuu in order to exact your revenge as an Uchiha?

Madara – To put it simply, in order to be complete (*in order to reach my/it/something’s complete form*).

Madara then disappears using his space/time ninjutsu saying, “It was fun chatting with you guys~”

*Scene goes back to Sasuke

Sasuke attacks Raikage with Amaterasu, but is easily avoided by Raikage, moving with speeds higher than the shunshin no jutsu. Sasuke, not even being able to keep up with the Raikage with his Sharingan, goes on the defensive. Sasuke uses the bones of the incomplete Susanou to act as a barrier around him, though it seems as though he cannot attack through the bones with Amaterasu…

*Then Raikage hits Sasuke with a furious Backhand Chop

Darui – Way to give it to him with your left arm, Raikage-sama!! (*Could imply that Raikage is not messing around when he hits with his left arm)

Sasuke goes flying and is on the ground when Raikage tells him that this is the end and then leaps into the air…

That’s all for this week. The spoiler writer then wonders if next week will start with the guillotine chop (another wrestling move).

Second Spoiler Note --

*Also, C makes a comment about whether Sasuke is above Itachi in skill as he is able to control the black flames so well (including wrapping them around him like armor).

Tomi is a good boy.
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #694 Dátum: 09 szep 09, 11:31:51 »

Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers.com


ANBU Osztag Vezető
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Rejtett Vízesés Falu Rejtett Vízesés Falu

Hozzászólások: 793

Troll barlangász

« Válasz #695 Dátum: 09 szep 09, 16:37:07 »

Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED
Forrás: www.edgarluvitug.com

ugyan azok a képek mint oozaru kolegánál csak picit nagyobbak:











Frissítés Nevet Találtam egy kis szöveget Nevet

Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers.com

Sasuke: “Chidori”

Raikage: “Elbow”

*They clash against each other with their techniques

The head-on duel of lightning and lightning!!

*Hatred drives forward! Sasuke’s fate is…

463 サスケVS雷影!!
463 – Sasuke vs. Raikage!!

*Sasuke’s chidori stabs Raikage in the left side of his chest

Sasuke: “Damn!”

雷遁の鎧をまとった このワシに触れることができるとは…
Raikage: “An attack whose strength and penetrating/stabbing power have been increased through Raiton…the same jutsu as Hatake Kakashi! To be able to touch me through the Raiton armor covering me…it’s quite the technique!”

*Suigetsu, while fighting of course, look on at the Sasuke and Raikage fight

Suigetsu: Dammit! It was no good!?”

Darui: “Yeah, no good…and with that Sasuke’s a dead man.”

Suigetsu: “!?”

カリン(! そんなこんなチャクラ!!)
Karin (thinking): “! No way. This much chakra!!”

Sasuke: “!!”

*Raikage lifts Sasuke up and…

Raikage: “Raiga Bomb!!!” *Basically a Power Bomb

*The ground shatters beneath them

Karin: “!!?”

Suigetsu: “!!?”

C: “Ugh”

Darui: “It’s over.”

Samurai (from behind the pillar thinking): “So that’s the Raikage’s Nintaijutsu…Sasuke is not likely alive anymore after that…I guess we didn’t need reinforcements afterall…)

Sasuke: “Ug…”

*Raikage lets go of Sasuke

*Darui runs over to where C is

Darui: “C, are you okay!”

C, still on the ground: “Darui...is the fighting over?”

*Sasuke’s body is surrounded by bones

*Sasuke’s eyes turn into the Mangekyou Sharingan

Raikage (thinking): “That’s the Mangekyou Sharingan, huh…”

*Raikage goes Super Saiyajin: “Hmph!”

*Darui, lending C his shoulder

今までいなかった あの骨にしろ… なんなんだコイツ?』
Darui: “There’s never been anybody who has eaten that technique and lived. Not to mention the damn bones…what the hell is this guy?”

シー『オレが幻術で押し負けた …体がまだ思うように動かない…ああいう天才ってのは たまに 出てくる…』
C: “I lost in a genjutsu fight…my body still won’t move the way I want it to…those sorts of geniuses pop their heads up once in a while…”

侍(うちはサスケ… しぶとい…!)
Samurai (thinking): “Uchiha Sasuke…he’s persistent/tough…!”

*Reinforcement Samurai come pouring in the room.

Sasuke: “…”

ダルイ『! おいシー うちはの眼…前と少し違わねーか?』
Darui: “! Hey, C. That Uchiha’s eyes…aren’t they a little different from before?”

C: “!”

*Blood begins to come out of Sasuke’s eye…

C: “The Mangekyou Sharingan!?”

シー(そうか だから雷影様は あそこまでの活性化を…瞬身の術で対抗する気だ)
C (thinking): “I see. That’s why Raikage-sama is amping himself up this much…he’s going to use Shunshin no Jutsu to fight against it.”

水月『ボク…雷遁に弱すぎるかな?しびれて うまく液体化できやしない』
Suigetsu: “Am I…just too weak against Raiton? My body is so numb I can’t even turn to liquid well.”

*For some reason Suigetsu has a sword sticking out of him

カリン(雷影のチャクラが むちゃくちゃでかくなったこれじゃ尾獣化だぞ!!)
Karin (thinking): “Raikage’s chakra is getting really huge. It’s like he’s turning into a bijuu!!

*Scene change to Naruto

トビ『ナルト…お前はいずれサスケと戦うことになるだろうイヤ…オレがお前にサスケをぶつける長きに渡る因 縁の戦い …うちはの存在をサスケに証明させる』
Tobi: “Naruto…one day you will have to fight Sasuke. Rather…I’m going to crash Sasuke right into you. That fated battle stretched across generations…with it I’ll have Sasuke prove what the Uchiha really are.”

ナルト『サスケは おめーのオモチャじゃねエー!!勝手な事言ってんな!!』
Naruto: “Sasuke isn’t your damn toy!! Stop just saying whatever you like!!

人をコントロールするには 心の闇を利用するテクニックが必要だ長門はたまたま人に感化されやすい子だった がな』
Tobi: “So what, you’re going to make Sasuke have a change of heart the same way you did Nagato? Sounds like you enjoy saying whatever you like too, Naruto. You have to know how to use the darkness in people’s hearts if you want to really control people. Nagato just happened to be easily influenced by people.”

ナルト『… 長門と てめーを一緒にすんな!!やり方は違っても あいつは本心で平和を望んでた!けど お めーは違う!!』
Naruto: “…Don’t lump Nagato in with you! Even if his way was different, at heart all he wanted was peace! But you, you’re different!!”

トビ『フッ…  だな…』
Tobi: “Hmph…true…”

カカシ『くだらない その証明が目的ならなぜ尾獣を集める?お前の目的は一体―――何だ?何が望みなんだ? 』
Kakashi: “Ridiculous. If proving your point is your goal then why are you collecting the bijuu? What is your goal? What do you want?”

Tobi: “…Well…if I had to give an answer…I guess it would be to become whole…”

Kakashi: “Become whole…!?”

Yamato: “What does that mean!?”

Naruto: “…”

トビ『お前らに話しても あまり意味がないもっと効果的な場で話す……お前らとの会話…楽しかったよ…じゃ あな』
Tobi: “Telling you all wouldn’t mean much so…I’ll let you know somewhere that’ll be a bit more effective…Our conversation was…pretty interesting though…See you.”

*Tobi disappears

*Bloody tears come out of his right eye…

サスケ 天照!!
Sasuke: “Amaterasu!!”

*The left side of Raikage’s chest starts to catch fire~~~? But Raikage uses Shunshin no Jutsu to dodge it.

*The black flame then hits one of the Samurai who was standing behind Raikage~~~The Samurai beings to burn.

Samurai: “AAAAaaaagh!!”

Samurai B: “I’ll put out the flames.”

Samurai C: “Those are no ordinary flames. Don’t get too close!”

Samurai B: “!?”

シー(見ている視点から発火する天照! コレが…!)
C (thinking): “The technique Amaterasu where flames appear wherever the person looks!! This is…!”

*As Sasuke looks at the burning Samurai Raikage appears behind him

Raikage: “Raigyaku Suihei!!” *That’s a backhand chop.

*Sasuke’s body is surrounded by the black flame

カリン(うまい!! 黒い炎の盾!雷影の瞬身スピードはケタ違い!目で追いきれないなら触れてはいけない盾 にすればいい!!これでうかつにはサスケには攻撃できない!)
Karin (thinking): “Nice!! A shield of black flame! Raikage’s Shunshin speed is too high a level so if you can’t catch him with your eyes then just make a shield that he can’t touch!! This way he can’t just attack Sasuke indiscriminately!”

シー(黒炎をコントロールしたのか!? 形体変化まで!!イタチよりも黒炎は長けているという ことか?)
C (thinking): “He controlled the black flame!? He even spatially recomposed it!! Does that mean he’s more skilled with the black flame than Itachi?”

*Raikage, not giving a damn about the Sasuke’s black flame shield

Raikage: “Don’t underestimate the Raikage!!!”

*And hits Sasuke with a backhand chop with his left hand

*His left arm catches fire~~~~

Karin (thinking): “Wha!?”

C: “Raikage-sama!...It can’t be?”

Darui: “To give up…your left arm…”

サスケ倒れる そこに雷ジャンプ~~~
*Sasuke falls to the ground. Raikage then leaps into the air~~~

Raikage: “This is the end!!”

Raikage, his furious determination!! What options does Sasuke have left!?
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 szep 10, 14:19:41 írta kakesz » Naplózva

A tűz árnyéka világítja meg a falut.
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #696 Dátum: 09 szep 11, 08:22:12 »

A 463. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 464. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.
Don Davido
Kezdő Jounin
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 423


« Válasz #697 Dátum: 09 szep 14, 14:03:10 »


Credits: Sho, vered - NF

Is this spoiler even real? I'm not even sure if I should bother with it since it's so retarded (even though it apparently comes from nja). A few examples:

Gaara interrupts Raikage's attack
Gaara says Sasuke has the eyes as he once did
Gaara starting to cry from his left eye
Sasuke praising Gaara for his complete defense against Amaterasu with his sand
Sasuke forms a pitch-black Susano'o
Karin: "He's no longer the Sasuke from before. He's too cold!"
Sasuke saying: "Gaara, this is my absolute defense! When I activated the Mangekyou in both eyes, the third cheat power I attained is Susano'o "

And much more

Utter garbage if this is a real chapter from Kishimoto

Szerző:HPTR FangirlQuote:

Credits: Sho
Source: NF

^Will edit in the above translation once I'm finished (Értelemszerűen én is frissítem majd ha látom ,hogy befejezte,azért hiányzik a vége ,mert még nincs kész!)

Nja- As I thought, it's starts from the Guillotine Drop

Sasuke moves the Amaterasu in front of him to oppose the attack

その時 砂が雷影の攻撃を防ぎ吹き飛ばす
That's when sand rushes in to defend, and blow off the Raikage's attack

雷影 風影貴様場合によっては容赦はせんぞ!!
Raikage: "Kazekage, you'd better have a good reason for me to forgive this!"

ガアラ あんたにこれ以上怪我をされても困るからな
Gaara: "Well, you'd be in some deep shit if you got yourself hurt anymore than you are now"
雷影自分の腕を切り落とし シーに治療させる
Raikage cuts off his own arm; C cures him

Sasuke and Gaara have a conversation

"Now you have the same eyes as I once did in the past"~It's still not too late, come back with us"~

"Even if I returned back, what would I have~?" "I've grown aware of it, but you should be able to see that small light as well"

"My eyes have already been closed to the light; what's left is only darkness"

テマリ もうよせ~そいつは時期に国際手配になるそうしたらもう戻れる場所なんてないんだ~私情をはさむな !お前は風影だろう!!
Temari: "Stop it already~That guy is to be internationally wanted, and once that happens, there won't be any place for him left to go to~ Don't let your personal feelings interfere! You are the Kazekage!"

ガアラの左眼から涙が流れる  分かっている!! とヒョウタンからすべての砂を出す
Tears fall from Gaara's left eye "I understand!" He releases all his sand from his gourd

Taking advantage of the chaos, Karin locates the Hokage's location

Scene change to meeting room

居場所がばれたのでダンゾウは混乱になったら外に出るぞ とヒソヒソ 青が大人しくしていろと 一括
Since the meeting room was exposed, Danzou whispers: "Let's get out of here if it turns into mayhem"; To sum up what Ao says is something like: "You'll be quiet"

場面は戻り デイダラ妹 すごい!!
Scene returns to Deidara's sister [trans note: nja's comment]: "Awesome!"

すべての天照を砂でガードするガアラ サスケ「さすが絶対防御だな俺の炎遁をここまで防ぐとは な」
Gaara guards against all of the Amaterasu with his sand. Sasuke: "Your absolute defense lives up to itself. Who would've thought you could defend against my Katon* [trans note: nja used the wrong "fire" kanji here*] to this extent..."

ダルイが 加勢します私が最初に術を放つので一斉に皆さんも 風3人 おk!!
Darui: "We'll assist. Since I've been firing off jutsu since the beginning, now all of us and the three Sand shinobi can as well!"

攻撃があたる瞬間にサスケのスサノオがついに現れる (真っ黒なスサノオ)
The moment their attacks hit, Sasuke's Susano'o finally appears (a pitch black Susano'o)

カリン 以前のサスケじゃもうない 冷たすぎる><
Karin: "Sasuke from before is now completely gone. So cold" >.<

サスケ ガアラこれが俺の絶対防御だ!!
    両眼の万華鏡を開眼したときに得られる 第三のチート能力 スサノオだ!!
Sasuke: "Gaara, this is my absolute defense! When I activated the Mangekyou in both of my eyes, I was able to attain the third cheat ability, Susano'o!"

The end

サスケのスサノオは まだイタチの様に完全じゃないっぽい
Sasuke's Susano'o still isn't complete as Itachi's was

ただの骨人形  頭蓋骨もあり骨が黒色です
Another bone figure. There's a skull and the bones are black in color

Around it is a pale grey type of aura that adorns [Susano'o]

(To be honest, the color of the aura is pretty hard to explain but it's dark in color)

ちなみに 最初に天照を食らった侍は カンクロウに宙に浮かされ
By the way, around the beginning Kankurou floats the Samurai who ate the Amaterasu

and has Temari strip him using Kamaitachi

He gets messed up but he lives lol


ただジュウゴは 試したかったのはこれの事か・・・ と呪い状態から人になっていて

雷影は  シーまだか!? 
シー   もうすぐです 
雷影   腕が回復しだいサスケに攻撃するぞ!!






Remainder of Sho's Translations
Credit: Sho
Source: Nf

After Sasuke opens his eyes, and since he was talking calmly, he seems in pretty good shape

ただジュウゴは 試したかったのはこれの事か・・・ と呪い状態から人になっていて
But Juugo: "Was..this what I wanted to test...?" from the cursed seal he turns human

Seems like it was a dangerous state

雷影は  シーまだか!? 
Raikage: "C, I'm still waiting!"

シー   もうすぐです 
C: "Almost there"

雷影   腕が回復しだいサスケに攻撃するぞ!!
Raikage: "I'll need my arm restored to attack Sasuke!"

He says it pretty gung-ho so he's in good health lol

I wouldn't say it's due to him stopping the bleeding

since after he cuts off his arm, it's burnt to ash...

I thought Sasuke came off pretty cool

Too bad Kurotsuchi had a one-word panel lol

Wonder why Temari was out more than C or Darui

It seemed that when Sasuke opened his eyes, blood didn't come out

I think it's at the level after crying blood

Szerző: T.D.A

ShounenSuki's translation of the above at vered's request.

The Raikage's attack is stopped by sand.
The three Sand siblings and a woman appear.
Gaara tries to persuade Sasuke by saying Sasuke is repeating him, but it ends in failure.
They then fight; using sand, Sasuke's vision is blocked and Amaterasu is avoided (At the same time, an eye of sand floats about).

In the conference room, Danzou is planning to escape, so when the Byakugan holder grows tired,
*due to not being the real thing, he uses the opportunity to put [everyone] in a Genjutsu.
Zetsu is still tied to a tree
The small person notices the genjutsu
Danzou and co leave the conference room
When the Sand Sibling combination repel the last attack of Amaterasu, Susanoo appear. It ends with this.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 szep 15, 15:00:37 írta Don Davido » Naplózva

"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." -Salvador Dali
« Válasz #698 Dátum: 09 szep 15, 19:48:12 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés : CONFIRMED

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 szep 15, 19:49:00 írta Grand » Naplózva
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #699 Dátum: 09 szep 15, 20:54:35 »

Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

The Raikage's attack is stopped by sand.
The three Sand siblings and a woman appear.
Gaara tries to persuade Sasuke by saying Sasuke is repeating him, but it ends in failure.
They then fight; using sand, Sasuke's vision is blocked and Amaterasu is avoided (At the same time, an eye of sand floats about).

In the conference room, Danzou is planning to escape, so when the Byakugan holder grows tired,
*due to not being the real thing, he uses the opportunity to put [everyone] in a Genjutsu.
Zetsu is still tied to a tree
The small person notices the genjutsu
Danzou and co leave the conference room
When the Sand Sibling combination repel the last attack of Amaterasu, Susanoo appear. It ends with this.

Page 1:
Kankurou: These are inextinguishable flames... or should I say "Amaterasu"
Gaara: "Samurai, step back. This problem belongs to the shinobi world." "You samurai need not become victims."
Samurai 1: Ex... excuse us Kazekage-dono...
Samurai 2: Uuh...
Suigetsu: What happened?

Page 2:
Gaara: "Yes......" "I understand!"

Page 3:
Raikage: "Done yet C?"
C: "Just a little more!"
Darui: "Let's combine our forces Sand-group" "I'll take the first shot! You go on and keep showering him [with attacks] please!"
Kankurou: "All right!"
Darui: "Storm Release: Laser Circus!!"
Temari: "Scythe Weasel!!"
Kankurou: "Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle!!"
Gaara: "Successive Shots: Sand Drizzl

Page 4:
Sasuke: "Gaara... This is an absolute defence beyond yours"

Újabb képek:

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 szep 16, 06:38:38 írta oozaru » Naplózva

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #700 Dátum: 09 szep 17, 14:05:10 »

A 464. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 465. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Aes Sedai
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 11452

« Válasz #701 Dátum: 09 szep 22, 08:55:26 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  unconfirmed (fake?)
Forrás: http://naruto-r.blogspot.com/
Szerző: Naruto-R

465: Pride

(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: This is Susano’o. (Susano’o takes the form of a female spirit with horns, with Yata no Kagami, the mirror, in its left handand Yasanaki no Magatama, the necklace, in its right wrist)
Kankurou: What the hell is that?
Raikage: Don’t you think you scare me with that ghost!
Sasuke: You really don’t know what is before you, do you?
Raikage: Quit your snootiness, brat! Shii, go get that sensor! Darui, let’s go! (rushes towards Sasuke, followed by Darui)
Shii: Yes, Raikage-sama! (he vanishes)
Gaara: Temari, Kankurou, assist the Raikage, we need to learn the weak spot of that jutsu.
Kankurou & Temari: Right!
Sasuke: It’s no use, Susano’o has no flaws, it’s the perfect, absolute defense.
Gaara: Keep convincing yourself of that…
Sasuke: Since you underestimate me so much… Kuchiyose: Shikome! * (Susano’o performs the Tiger, Snake, Monkey and Ram hand seals and places its right palm in front of Sasuke, summoning four ghostly figures, similar to the incomplete Susano’o)
Raikage: You’re so full of crap! When I get my hands on you again, I’ll break your skull into a million pieces, b*tch!
Sasuke: Tsh…

*Summoning: Foul Women

(Karin Scene)
(behind a pillar)
Karin: (thinking) One… no, two chakra sensors are in the Summit’s room… and the Kumo’s one is coming in this direction… this is bad, I got to hide my chakra… (stand up and jumps across the roofs)

(Summit Scene)
Fuu: (thinking) The chakra signal disappeared… whoever is, is not a rookie… (talking) Danzou-sama.
Ao: The signal vanished, I know. That’s no excuse to leave this room, not on my watch!
Danzou: Hmpff…
Tsuchikage: (thinking) Ooo, this is heating up… hmmm… (talking) The Raikage and the Kazekage are taking so much time… is this Sasuke really that strong?
Mizukage: I heard he’s the last of the Uchihas, is that correct, Hokage?
Danzou: Yes. His brother, Uchiha Itachi, murdered all the Uchiha clan with the exception of Uchiha Sasuke.
Tsuchikage: Who is now a rogue ninja… the irony…
Mizukage: The reason behind it, was it found?
Danzou: The information that Konoha holds tells it was has a test to enter the Akatsuki.
Ao: (thinking) His chakra changed. (talking) You’re lying.
Danzou: I beg your pardon?!
Mizukage: Oh my, Hokage, first mind control, now lying?
Mifune: These are serious accusations, Hokage.
Tsuchikage: Spill the beans!
Danzou: That is Konoha’s confidential information.
Ao: How predictable…

(Sasuke Scene)
Kankurou: Shiro Higi: Jukki Chikamatsu no Shuu!* (ten white-cloaked puppets appear; each puppet connects to one of Sasori’s fingers) Now that’s the stuff! (the puppets rush towards the Shikome)
Raikage: You’re going down! (breaks one of the Shikome with a punch)
Temari: Kuchiyose: Kirikiri Mai!** (sways her fan and summons Kamatari)
Kamatari: Cut, cut, cut!! (another of the Shikome gets its bones chopped)
Kankurou: Fuuinjutsu: Shishi Heikou!*** (three of Kankurou’s puppet release the Lion-Headed Kannon, that grabs one Shikome and seals it in a near wall; seven of the puppets and Darui struggle against the last Shikome, while Gaara stares at Sasuke)
Gaara: (thinking) Something is wrong here…
Raikage: Don’t send puppets to do a man’s job! (approaches the Shikome and shatters it)
Darui: Calling me a puppet, that’s cold, Raikage-sama.
Raikage: Quit yapping and let’s bring the pain on that brat!
Sasuke: Tsh… Enton: Kagutsuchi! (Susano’o starts to shake its right wrist and moving its head as it was in agony. The darkness that surrounds it starts to gather in its right palm, casting it a few meters in front of Sasuke, forming a dark entity ****)
Raikage: Another freak? Bring it on!
Gaara: (thinking) Definitely something’s wrong… he bragged about the absolute defense of Susano’o… but he’s focusing on the offensive… what are you trying to hide, Sasuke?
Darui: You should be careful, Raikage-sama, Chii isn’t here to heal your arms.
Raikage: I know what I am doing! Kazekage, prepare your sand!
Gaara: Yes. (Gaara’s sand flies nearby the Raikage; Kagutsuchi tries to attack him, but the sand stops the attack)
Sasuke: I was already missing your meddling sand, Gaara. (Sasuke’s vision starts to blur, making him cover his eyes with his hand)
Gaara: (thinking) The Sharingan is ruining his health, like they said…

* White Secret Technique: Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu
** Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance
*** Sealing Technique: Lion Closing Roar
**** http://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/460/14/

(Flashback Scene)
(Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura are in Suna, Gaara and Kankurou are nearby)
Sakura: Chiyo-sama’s funeral is in a short minutes, isn’t it?
Kankurou: Yes…
Sakura: I want… to say goodbye to her one last time…
Gaara: Of course.
Naruto: Kakashi-sensei…
Kakashi: What is bothering you, Naruto?
Naruto: That new Sharingan…
Kakashi: Mangekyo Sharingan? What about it?
Naruto: You think… Sasuke got it?
Kakashi: I hope not…
Naruto: Why?
Kakashi: The more the user casts the Mangekyo Sharingan, the more damaged is the user’s health… and to achieve it... it isn’t good… (thinking) Rin…
Naruto: Really? I hope you’re right…

(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: (now staring at Gaara, who smirks; thinking) Does he...?!
Gaara: Raikage, don’t rush things.
Raikage: Are you nuts, Kazekage? (Kagutsuchi almost hits the Raikage’s face, but he evades)
Gaara: The biggest flaw in his defense… is himself. We got to tire him in order to get him.
Sasuke: (thinking) Crap… he knows… no matter, I got more under my sleeve…

Next Chapter: Hide & Seek
ANBU Osztag Vezető
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Rejtett Vízesés Falu Rejtett Vízesés Falu

Hozzászólások: 793

Troll barlangász

« Válasz #702 Dátum: 09 szep 22, 16:10:10 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:UNCONFIRMED
forrás: http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com


Szöveg angolul laza fordításban:
Sea, to complete the treatment arm of the shadow of the thunder, lightning and shadows will begin to Sasuke

Capacity already gone Susanoo, Sasuke struggled down the power to control Amaterasu

Man joins the girls to cover the sand and there, invoking multiple Tsukuyomi against Sasuke, the man fall to the ground sand and girls
Thunderstorms are also avoided or Masu shadow kick
Sasuke is almost blind state

At Zetsu and Madara appeared like a tank, but it took
Sasuke spotted in the tank "is a new copy wheel eye Sasukee!"入Re替mischief and two eyes of Sasuke and say
There is a new kaleidoscope copy wheel eye ...!

A tűz árnyéka világítja meg a falut.
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #703 Dátum: 09 szep 23, 11:33:06 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
forrás: mangahelpers

Third part of ohana spoiler translated by Shounensuki:

Both Suigetsu and Juugo survive. Suna is also safe

Karin guides [Sasuke] to Danzou

With the ceiling down, Sasuke finds Danzou and faces him

Mizukage: "The Uchiha clan, hm... haa... He's a good-looking man... better-looking than he deserves"
She's like a female panther.

Last part.

Susano'o is covered in flames(?)

Sasuke smiles inside of Susano'o

He's not covered by Susano'o when the ceiling collapses and he's going to Danzou

Gaara: (In a time like this..) Naruto...how would you have handled it?

Juugo and samurai do a fusion. (Probably to return to his original form)

長十朗が 出た…水影様の溶遁の術
Since it's Choujuurou the one who goes "Mizukage-sama's Toton (Melt/Dissolve Release) no jutsu", there's no mistake I made about it

It should be youton not toton.
but it is the same name as the Four-Tails' Lava Release
There's one thing about the Mizukage's youton that might make a difference, but which could just a easily be a mistake by either the spoiler giver or Kishimoto-sensei
There are two ways to write the first kanji in Youton: 溶 and 熔. The first kanji uses the water radical, the second the fire radical. The one with the water radical is most common and is the one used in the spoiler, but Kishimoto used the one with the fire radical for the Four-Tails' youton.

It could be done on purpose, meaning that the Mizukage's youton is water-related, rather than fire-related and thus different from the Four-Tails' youton, but I think it's most likely a simple mistake.

The kanji on their own simply mean 'to melt' or 'to dissolve,' so they don't inherently imply lava.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 szep 23, 11:35:14 írta yupi » Naplózva

Kínzás specialista
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 660

« Válasz #704 Dátum: 09 szep 23, 18:55:05 »

Hitelesség: Comfirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Gaara: “Susanoo…?”

Temari: “So that’s Mangekyou Sharingan thing, huh…”

カンクロウ『うちは…  何だかんだと隠し持ってやがんな…いつもよ』
Kankurou: “The Uchiha…they always manage to have something hidden up their sleeve…”

柱の影から シー『ダルイ!砂の衆いったん下がれ!!』
C, from behind the pillar: “Darui! Sand forces! Pull back!!”

*Sasuke becomes cloaked in a very evil looking darkness

*Susanoo is now surrounding Sasuke

*Sasuke gives off a devilish smile from within Susanoo

*Then uses Susanoo’s sword to smash the pillars…

Temari (thinking): “Is he aiming for the pillars…!?”

Samurai: “The pillars!!”

Samurai: “The ceiling won’t hold at this rate!!”

*Raikage and Gaara look up at the ceiling

*The massive collapse born by hatred!

*What will be the end of (his) obsession…!!

465 会談場襲撃!
465: Assault on the Meeting Hall!

*The ceiling begins to crumble

Samurai: “UAAAAAAH!”

*Suigetsu, still stuck to the wall by a sword: “Wh…What the hell is this!!”

*Gaara protects himself and the others against falling rocks with his sand

*Sasuke puts away his sword

*Karin was protected from the falling ceiling by Susanoo’s hand…she is then basically picked up by Susanoo

Karin: “Ugh…”

*It seems as though Susanoo protected Sasuke and Karin

Sasuke: “Were you able to pin-point Danzou’s location!?”

Karin, as she fixes her glasses: “Yeah…”

Sasuke: “Then guide me to him”

Karin: “What about Juugo and Suigetsu…? Their chakra is still…”

サスケ『放っておけ それよりダンゾウだ!』
Sasuke: “Forget about them…for now we focus on Danzou!”

Sasuke: “Hurry up and guide me!”

Karin, visibly shaken: “I…I got it.”

Karin (thinking): “What’s happened to you…Sasuke!?”

*Raikage punches the pieces of the falling ceiling

*Temari, Kankurou and Darui are protected by Gaara’s sand

Darui: “Thank you…Kazekage-san…”

Kankurou: “Man, that Sasuke…he must’ve used that as his chance to run away.”

Raikage: “We’re going after Sasuke right away!!”

シー『… どうやら上へ向かったようです…』
C: “…It would seem as though he went up…”

ガーラ、ナルトの顔思い出す (ナルト…お前ならどうした…?)
Gaara, remembering Naruto’s face (thinking): “Naruto…if you were here what would you have done…?”

水月(おかげで鉈(刀)がはずれたのはいいけど…これじゃあね…サスケとカリンと重吾はどうなったかな…? )
Suigetsu (thinking): Well thanks to that the knife* came out of me…but at this rate…what the hell happened to Sasuke, Karin and Juugo…?” *Suigetsu refers to Darui’s sword as a “nata” which is usually a knife with a thick blade used to cut lumber

*Juugo starts to split himself thinking: “I can still make it…”

*He then fuses with one of the fallen Samurai sort of like Cell from Dragonball.

*Juugo (thinking): “All right…!”

*Meanwhile at the Meeting Hall

*A crack appears in the wall

Ao: “He’s here!”

Danzou: “…”

*They hear footsteps…

Fu: “From above!”

*Everyone looks up

*Sasuke is hanging upside down from the ceiling and his eyes meet with Danzou’s.

*Mifune jumps up and tries to cut Sasuke

*But Sasuke blocks it with his sword

Mifune: “He’s good”

Ao: “!”

Karin: “Sasuke! Danzou ran away!”

青、机飛び越えてダンゾウ追う『水影様と長十郎はここに!私はダンゾウを追います!まだ会談の決着はついて ませんので!』
Ao, jumps over the table to chase after Danzou, saying: “Mizukage-sama and Choujirou stay here! I will chase after Danzou! This meeting hasn’t reached a conclusion yet!”

Mizukage: “Understood…but don’t overdo it!”

青『ハッ! では”暁”の賊はお任せします』
Ao: “Yes! I leave the Akatsuki to you.”

土『わしは腰にくる 他の皆で好きにやってくれ』
Tsuchikage: “Oh this hurts my back. Do whatever you like.”

Aka, the anpanman-looking guy: “Sounds good.”

Sasuke, coming down from the ceiling: “Karin, come here!”

Karin: “Eeeeeeeek!”

Sasuke: “!!”

*A sludge-like liquid (?) flies at Sasuke, but Sasuke dodges

*The wall begins to melt

*Sasuke gives the evil eye at Mizukage

水影口元抑えながら『四代目水影を玩具にし霧隠れを蹂躙した”暁”…   …よくみるとやっぱるいい男ねう ちは一族って…』
Mizukage, holding her hand to her lip: “Akatsuki, the ones who turned the Fourth Mizukage into one of their tools and stepped all over Kirigakure…but after a closer look the Uchiha clan really has some nice (looking) men...”

長十(出た…水影様の血継限界 溶遁の術…!!)
Choujirou (thinking): “There it is…the Mizukage’s kekkei genkai – Youton* no jutsu…!!”

Sasuke: “Don’t get in my way.”

Mizukage: “Oh…and he’s a nice looking guy too…it’s such a waste.”

サスケvs五影 全面衝突へ…!!
Sasuke vs. The Five Kages headed for a head-on collision…!!
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