-Thrall... the blood haze has lifted... the demon's fire has burnt out in my veins....I...have...freed...myself...
-No, old friend...you've freed us all.
Számomra Garrosh még mindig egy csalódás
Még ha badass is.
Még Bc-ben volt egy quest, amiben Thrall meglátogatta Garrosht és elmondta az igazságot az apjáról
Garrosh collapses.
Garrosh: For my entire life I have thought my bloodline cursed. I have lived beneath the shadow of my father's greatest failure.
I hated him for what he had done. I hated him for the burden he left me. But now...
You have shown me truths that I would have never known. You and your allies have gifted me with something that cannot bear a price: Redemption. Thrall, redeemer of the Mag'har, you honor me as none ever have...
On this day, a great burden has been lifted from my chest. My heart swells with pride. And for the first time, I can proudly proclaim who I am. I can finally unleash the fury in my heart.
I am Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grom, chieftain of the Mag'har! Let the battle call of Hellscream give you courage and strength! Be lifted by my rallying cry.
Itt kaptunk egy buffot: + damage és bónusz XP
Thank you, son of Durotan.
Thrall: You need not thank me, Garrosh. Your father was a brother to me. I would do anything for you and the Mag'har. I must now return to the Greatmother.
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