Nem kellett messze menni, hogy Ishida jóslata valóra váljon.
birds3 hónapja
To Skyler Thomas
Mixed people are mixed human, not mongrel. Do you call human dog? You say identity and discrimination like descendant of God. But you are just descendant of something like monkey because you believe evolutionism. There is no country where only blonde haired white girls live. There are many dark haired white girls in sweden. European are not pure people. Latin and white are mixed a lot. Long time ago, european was mixed with hun. Hun was korean lineage according to archeological research. European was mixed again with mongolian. Check out your gene. Genghis Khan can be your ancestor.
Válasz · 6
Válaszok elrejtése
TruthLoverofgod3 hónapja
koreans are mixed with black , all the races are from the black race just do some research you will see . the white race idk but something worng with them i believe they are on the fallen angel bloodline blue eyes like the sky blonde hair like the sun , like all albino animals they are a error in dna the sun kills them they are bad.
Válasz · 1
birds3 hónapja
Black people came from something like monkey. And other people came from black people. This is typical story of evolutionist. All creatures on earth have similar genes. That can mean all creatures are brothers rather than one creature came from other creature. Probably all creatures were created by one who can be God[not religion], alien or something else.
Kevesebb megjelenítése · Fordítás
Válasz · 1
Mr. WhatZitTooya3 hónapja
LoL at Europeans not being pure; you chinks wish you were White, that's why you gooks worship us to the max. You gooks look like Apes, literally. You both have the same features as primates -- both have non-existent noses and other physical features that are eerily similar, only difference is you Gooks look like you mixed with Aliens, with that slitty chinky eyes of yours and that wide-ass face. Chinks have small penis and are universally ugly, that's why you guys get upset at this fact, and also the fact that your women are going in droves to White men. Fucking Zipperheads have the nerve to talk shit when you worship us, LoL, typical gook inferiorioty-complexed mentality. Stay forever ugly and jealous you chink Mongoloid non-human alien small penis gook.
Tovább · Fordítás
Válasz · 2
martial art3 hónapja
+You Can't Handle The Truth
There are big labia and small labia of white girls, and black girls as well. How big is your mother’s labia. Son of bi***.
Válasz ·
Mr. WhatZitTooya3 hónapja
+martial art Shut up you gook and just admit the fact that you chinks worship us Whites and would lick our asses if given the chance. You zipper-heads are a pathetic bunch of people and you fish-headed chink men are drooling over White women who will never acknowledge you in this lifetime and the next. So deal with it.
Válasz · 1
¦więtosław Bernard2 hónapja
Wow! Haha come down man! Stop watching these superficial YouTube videos and go take a walk outside or something. And you should accept the fact that maybe you don't like Asians, most of other people do. You're making fool of yourself. God bless you.
Válasz · 3
Tundralan Arual2 hónapja
and genghis khan raped 40000 women so ya :3
/// Azért milyen durva, hogy szinte az egész európai lakosságban szinte 2 fő, és még pár kisebb haplotípus létezik, kevesebb, mint Afrikában két szomszédos törzsben vagy populációban, de azért nekünk kéne csekkolni a "korcs" génjeinket.