hajts rá egy tárgyra...mint én a tornado edge re(Forbidden Jiraiyanál)...és csak ott játszottam és egyszer csak kijött...
na végre hosszas keresés után megtaláltam
Collecting crystals is a major part of the story on the World Map. Each crystal you collect increases your chakra by a certain amount based on which difficulty mode you play on. You begin with 30 chakra regardless of what difficulty mode you play on, and also receive 10 chakra after you have complete the initial missions the village send you to do. Afterwards, it's all about the crystals!
Beginner: 10 chakra per crystal
Easy: 8 chakra per crystal
Medium: 7 chakra per crystal
Hard: 6 chakra per crystal
Extreme: 5 chakra per crystal
Impossible: 4 chakra per crystal