24 szep 23, 03:25:31 *
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Oldalak: 1 ... 84 85 [86] 87 88 ... 92
Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 711391 alkalommal)
0 Felhasználó és 24 vendég van a témában
ANBU újonc
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 339

« Válasz #1275 Dátum: 13 feb 05, 12:03:27 »

619. fejezet:


Tomi is a good boy.
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett Eső Falu Rejtett Eső Falu

Hozzászólások: 575

« Válasz #1276 Dátum: 13 feb 13, 06:12:06 »

620. fejezet utolsó oldala (remélem kezdődik a Madara vs Hashirama):


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Rejtett Csillag Falu Rejtett Csillag Falu

Hozzászólások: 9

« Válasz #1277 Dátum: 13 feb 13, 07:37:09 »

Itt az új a 620. fejezet... jó emésztést kívánok! kacsint

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #1278 Dátum: 13 feb 20, 10:05:02 »

Olyan friss hogy még ropog Nevet Nyelvesít

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett Eső Falu Rejtett Eső Falu

Hozzászólások: 575

« Válasz #1279 Dátum: 13 feb 27, 06:22:41 »

Kint az új fejezet, lehet olvasni: http://www.mangareader.net/naruto/622

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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 78

« Válasz #1280 Dátum: 13 márc 06, 08:27:51 »

Láss Csudát: http://www.mangareader.net/naruto/623

\"A jó döntések tapasztalatból jönnek, az pedig rossz döntésekből."\
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 130

« Válasz #1281 Dátum: 13 márc 19, 10:10:26 »

A mai termés: http://www.mangareader.net/naruto/624 Mosolyog
Akadémiai tanár
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Hozzászólások: 262

« Válasz #1282 Dátum: 13 márc 27, 09:21:14 »

Kintt van az új rész:
Akadémiai tanár
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Hozzászólások: 262

« Válasz #1283 Dátum: 13 ápr 03, 08:58:33 »

Kint is van az új rész, jó olvasást!
S-Osztályú gyilkoló ninja
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 2116

King of Heroes

« Válasz #1284 Dátum: 13 ápr 10, 11:34:03 »

Source: http://www.narutoforums.com/showthread.php?t=527462

 柱間の意思を直接聞いたわけでもな� �イタチが受け継ぐものだった
 柱間を一番理解した忍びがうちは一� �だったとは皮肉だなと言うサスケ
 扉間の部下にはうちはカガミと言う� �タチと同じ様な忍びが居た カガミ� ��子孫はシスイ 
 3代目は火影として失敗ばかりしてし� ��ったという、 4代目も期待にこた� �られなくてと言う。
 大蛇丸は嫉妬し「あたしを差し置い� �なったのにね」と言う


 サスケは走馬燈のように過去の記憶� �い出しながら決断


 カリンがサスケのチャクラを感知し� �場 逃げようとした水月に攻撃w

 まだ少し有るけどココまでしかよめ� �ない

 Even though Itachi never heard Hashirama himself, he was the follower of his will. ( like Hashirama wouldn't hesitate to kill brother, friend or family to protect the village. )

 Sasuke : "For a Uchiha to be the one who understands you the most is really ironic."

 Tobirama had mutliple subordinates and one of them was called Uchiha Kagami.
 Shisui is one of Kagami descendant.

 Hiruzen : "As a Hokage, I did nothing but failures."

 Minato : "I couldn't answer everyone's expections."

 Orochimaru : "And to say that they even ignored me." ( As Hokage, he was never choosed.)

 Hashirama : "What are you going to do Sasuke ?"

 After hearing answers from the past, Sasuke is more determined.

 "I won't let Itachi turns to nothing."

 Sasuke turns his Sharingan on and heads to the battlefield.

 Karin enters as she sense Sasuke's chakra.

 She attacks Suigetsu as he was starting to run away

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #1285 Dátum: 13 ápr 10, 13:38:00 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Felteheőleg hiteles Mosolyog
Forrás: Mangastream facebook oldal
Szerző: Mangastream


"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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Rejtett Felhő Falu Rejtett Felhő Falu

Hozzászólások: 108

"Az élet értelme 42."

« Válasz #1286 Dátum: 13 máj 01, 10:23:27 »

Hielesség: van benne realitás
forrás: narutobase.com fóruma
szerző: fórum tag

The Juubi displays a piece of its power....
(The whole battlefield is destroyed by the cyclones and the lightning covering entire area)
JUUBI : Ooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!
(The pitch of its roar goes on reducing as the scene changes)
(A pitch dark black space forms a spiraling portal on it)
(Two figures gets out of the portal)
(Obito pace out from Kakashi by throwing a kick at him)
KAKASHI : Gahhhh!!
OBITO : .....
KAKASHI : (coughs) (gets up) Obito I...
(Both are facing each other)
OBITO : (quietly) Shut up, Kakashi. I brought you here so that Naruto won't be here to protect you. This is similar to what happened with Rin.
KAKASHI : (remembers killing Rin).... (turns his MS to normal Sharingan)
OBITO : I am going gouge out that eye once I kill you. Since it's mine. (imports a sword from his eye and dashes towards Kakashi)
(One whole page is shown showing traces of Obito left behind while he approaches Kakashi)
(At their background, small small panels are shown containing Kakashi's memories running through his mind from his first meet with Obito till his last words at the Kannabi bridge)
OBITO : ...I'm already...going to die...but....I can become your eye...and from now on I will see the future...
(Obito raises his sword to stab him into his heart)
(Kakashi remembers Naruto's words)
NARUTO : (puts his hand on his heart)...Not having my friends hear...is the most painful thing for me.
(Kakashi comes to senses)
(A lightning runs through and cut the sword in two halves)
KAKASHI : Raikiri!!! (focus on his Sharingan) This is the gift I got from my best friend Obito. He still lives on (puts his left hand on his heart) here.
OBITO : ?!!
KAKASHI : It does not belongs to you.
(A bright light emerges from the black dimension as the scene changes)
(Several shinobis are lying dead on the ground at a great distance)
(The kyuubi cloak fades away)
(The Juubi is surrounded by dust)
NARUTO : (normal mode) Damn it.
KURAMA : He got us this time.
NARUTO : I could protect those who were around me.
SAKURA : (place her hand on Naruto's shoulder) Naruto. Don't blame yourself.
???? : You had put up a good fight.
SAKURA : ?!!
NARUTO : ?!!
(Four figures are shown into the dust showing their backs at the alliance)
???? : (One of the figure turns his head) Knucklehead Idiot.
NARUTO : Sa...?!!
SAKURA : ....su...?!!
NARUTO/SAKURA : .....ke?!!
(A blow of wind clears the dust showing Sasuke looking at Naruto and Sakura)
MADARA : He's here.
HASHIRAMA : Cool Madara!! You controlled the Juubi alone. [ No wonder he did that.] (remembers)
MINATO : There is someone with my teleporatation seal on it nearby the battlefield. But the chakra density is very less.
HASHIRAMA : Lets go. Young Hokage.
(Teleports from the village)
(reaches the place)
(Everyone witnesses the defeated Kages)
(Katsuyu is shown healing the Kages using Tsunade's chakra)
HASHIRAMA : Tsunade?!!
KATSUYU : Shodaime Hokage? Orochimaru? Ho-
TOBIRAMA : That will be explained later. Katsuyu. Didn't Tsunade summoned you? You were supposed to protect her.
KATSUYU : I apologize Nidaime Hokage. Lady Tsunade didn't summoned me during her battle. She ordered me to save the other Kages as soon as possible.
TOBIRAMA : Damn you Madara. I am going to kill that bastard.
HASHIRAMA : Wait. (clap) (A wood emerges out from the ground and puts the fallen tree aside) ?!!
(The whole gap between Tsunade's upper and lower body is covered with blood with some organs)
(Suigetsu and Karin faints as soon as they watches it)
OROCHIMARU : (gets up on the tree) It was a mistake to resurrect Madara.
MINATO : Lady Tsunade.
HIRUZEN : Shodaime Hokage, you must save Tsunade and the Kages.
HASHIRAMA : I can't. My healing abilities are limited to myself.
OROCHIMARU : Leave this to me.
TOBIRAMA : That's impossible.
HIRUZEN : What are you plotting Orochimaru?
OROCHIMARU : Don't worry, Sarutobi Sensei. I have no intentions of killing the Kages. Tsunade won't be healed with only medical ninjutsu. Without Hashirama's DNA, she won't be able to survive. But I also now has his cells in my body. I'll be able to deal with this.
HASHIRAMA : We have no other option left.
HIRUZEN : Then, Shodaime, Nidaime and Yondaime Hokage, you go ahead with Sasuke. I'll stay here and join you later. You must head to the battlefield soon to stop Madara's madness.
SASUKE : (looking at Suigetsu and Karin and then at Juugo)....Juugo. Stay here with Orochimaru.
HASHIRAMA : Lets go Tobirama.
TOBIRAMA : I can trace that bastard from here. Lets go.
MADARA : (shown standing right in front of the Juubi) Long time no see, Hashirama. And you too, Tobirama. I cleared this for you, so that we can start our battle. This time with the Juubi. (devilish smirk)(remembers)
MADARA : [ I was right... This chakra is..Hashirama!! ] I must welcome him. Nicely.
(connects himself with the Juubi without anyone noticing him with his wood)
MADARA : [ I'll handle Obito later. For now, lets clear the field. ]
TOBIRAMA : I'll show you, Madara. This time I won't let my brother handle this alone.
MADARA : (ignores Tobirama's words) Hmm. Who are those two?
SHINOBI ALLIANCE : Does the Kages arrived?
(Naruto looks at the figure standing beside Sasuke)
(The coat of the figure says Yondaime Hokage)
NARUTO : ?!! (remembers) [ I know you can do it. ] (tears rolls down from his eyes) D..Da...d?
INO : Sasuke?
KONOHA 11 : ?!!
SHINOBI ALLIANCE : They are the former Hokages.
NARUTO : ?!!
SHINOBI 1 : Did Sasuke revived them?
SHINOBI 2 : Is he planning to use them against us?
SHINOBI 3 : We're doomed.
NARUTO : ?!!
KONOHA 11 : ?!!
(Naruto dashes forward)
SAKURA : Naruto?!!
SASUKE : (as calm as always) .....(looking at Naruto approaching him with rasengan in his hand)
NARUTO : How dare you, Saassukke?
MINATO : ?!! (turns back) (looks at the rasengan) [ He is Naruto. But... ]
TOBIRAMA : .....
NARUTO : Sasuke!!!
(Naruto is about to hit Sasuke but Sasuke is still standing calm)
Will Naruto believe in Sasuke's change of heart?

Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin to fuk with.

Ha valamit a betonba ültetsz, amikor az kinő, ugyan tele lesz karcolásokkal, mégsem azt fogod mondani: "Nézd, mennyi karc van ezen a rózsán!", hanem azt, hogy: "A francba is, ez a rózsa kinőtt a betonból!" - Tupac Shakur
S-Osztályú gyilkoló ninja
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 2116

King of Heroes

« Válasz #1287 Dátum: 13 máj 07, 17:31:35 »

Naruto 629 spoiler summaries

Source:Narutobase/ Mangaspoiler.com
Verification: Feltehetőleg hiteles...

- Ten tails reaches final frorm
- edo kages taka and orochimaru arrive to see Tsunade trying to heal other kages
- Kakashi vs Obto begins end of chapter

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett Eső Falu Rejtett Eső Falu

Hozzászólások: 575

« Válasz #1288 Dátum: 13 máj 08, 07:25:19 »

Itt a fejezet: http://www.mangapanda.com/naruto/629

Nem tudom, hogy nekem nagyok-e az elvárásaim, de ez megint semmi sem volt. Szomorú

S-Osztályú gyilkoló ninja
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 2116

King of Heroes

« Válasz #1289 Dátum: 13 máj 15, 05:43:16 »

Fake vagy nem fake?


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