Forrás:Írta: rajin
613 : ◆27p9/DnZE//X :2012/05/16(水) 14:41:08.28 ID:LnNlfp2W0
今週文字に起こすの無理だわ俺じゃ� �笑)
イザナミ発動してカブトは瞳術には� �って決まった運命をループしてる。
二人がぶつかり合い攻防の末カブト� �角が切られる。(斬られていたはずの 角が再度有って斬られ た)
再度方に水滴が落ちてきた事で変化� �気付くカブト
そこからはさっきとすべて同じ行動� �再度角を切られる
イタチ「言ったはずだ・・・お前の� �命は俺が握っていると」
「この輪廻(ループ)からは逃 れらることは出来ない」
「運命を決める術 これが� �ザナミだ」
Izanami is activated, Kabuto falls into the doujutsu, and the decided destiny begins to loop.
It starts with a drop of water landing on his shoulder.
When the two of them finish attacking each other, Kabuto's horns are cut. The horn that was supposed to have been cut off earlier is cut off again.
A drop of water lands on his shoulder again and Kabuto realizes something's going on.
Everything happens again exactly the same. The same horns are cut.
Itachi: "I told you... I have seized your destiny.
You cannot escape this loop.
A jutsu that decides your destiny... That is Izanami."
Valószínűleg az első oldal:ÍTVE2
Újabb képek:ÍTVE3
Itachi : I'm the one who'll seize your fate.
But the one who'll decide your fate will be you and only you.
Remember what I said and think about it.
Kabuto : I don't get what you're saying, here.
Okay, let's stop playing with words.
I'm the one who got everything, this is real strenght !
That, I know for sure !
Itachi : The one who forgive himself, who aknowledge himself ...
This is what makes one strong !
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Itachi : I told you, I'm seizing your fate.
Kabuto : Uchiha Itachi !!
Itachi : He won't be able to escape this loop.
A Jutsu that decides fate, that is Izanagi.