24 szep 20, 10:34:11 *
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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710299 alkalommal)
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 174

« Válasz #585 Dátum: 09 jún 10, 09:44:24 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:CONFIRMED

451 Sasuke's punishment 451

Genma and the others looks for trees.
Yamato : Mokuton Renchuuka no jutsu
Yamato build a wood house.
Everyone cheers !

before Naruto and Sasuke, comes Inari and Tazuna !

Tazuna : Where's Sasuke ? I need to talk to him too.
Naruto has been deceived.
Naruto think : "Where the hell are you Sasuke ?"

Omoi and Karui : Now I understand. The ones who should understand Sasuke's revenge goals more than anyone, doesn't understand anything about it.

Comes a Byakugan user : "Kou" ?

Then secret talk probably from some messenger (Hishou) : "Please, give our message to Lord Hokage. We have a letter for him, from the Raikage."

Then we see Shizune talk with Hishou

Hishou : "Hokage's messenger ? I would like an answer to my letter."
Shizune : "As the Hokage's assistand, I'll take it."

Then Danzou comes.

Danzou : "I'm the new 6th Hokage ! I'll take that letter." He reads. "Sasuke huh ? I knew this day would come sooner or later."

Kiba comes to Naruto.

Kiba : "The 6th gave the order to kill Sasuke !"
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #586 Dátum: 09 jún 10, 09:51:12 »

Hitelesség ell : CONFIRMED
Forrás : Mangahelpers


Pain : Now you understand Pain. There's no understanding of eachother before feeling Pain.

Samui : Anyway, please give our line up to Lord Hokage.

Tazuna : Where's Sasuke ?

Yamato : It sounds so easy when you say it.

Kiba : Listen, Lady Tsunade is no longer Hokage !
Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi : What ?

I don't know everything but the new guy is named Danzou.

Sakura : What ? Danzou ?
Naruto : No !

Kiba : I have a baaaad feeling about this.
Kiba : This 6th Hokage guy gave the order to kill Sasuke.

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 10, 18:47:06 írta oozaru » Naplózva

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Rejtett Hó Falu Rejtett Hó Falu

Hozzászólások: 121

« Válasz #587 Dátum: 09 jún 11, 17:01:46 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: az:) Confirmed
Szerző:HPTR Fangirl
Forrás:mangahelpers forum

Yamato build a huge one.

the jounins says :
"In a blink of an eye, Konoha is reborn !" to Yamato

Inari became a carpenter, he came to assit Tazuna.

Sasuke & co are coming to Konoha.

They jump from trees to trees ... ( Oh thank you for this one )

Sasuke has a flashback about Itachi.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 11, 17:02:24 írta titi » Naplózva
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #588 Dátum: 09 jún 13, 13:27:31 »

A 451. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 452. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Akadémiai tanár
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Vas Országa Vas Országa

Hozzászólások: 279

« Válasz #589 Dátum: 09 jún 16, 08:47:53 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:   Prediction
Forrás: naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/

"No. As long as there is still breath in this body, none of this will go down," yelled Naruto. "I understand, but this is the Hokage. Perhaps Sasuke really did get into a bind," said Kiba

"Let's first find out what's going on before panacking and making rash decisions. Still, I can't believe a man like that has actually become the Hokage. This changes things drastically," said Kakashi.

"I'm with Kakashi on this one. Although, I can also sympathize with Naruto, its Sasuke afterall, and Tsunade has warned me about Danzou. He has a cold militaristic philosphy. Instead of settling matters with treaties and negotions; he prefers wet work ops and the preservation of a strong and feared government," said Sakura.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. He leads a sub organization within Anbu, called Root. Its main purpose is to create shinobi without human emotions," said Kakashi.

"So Sai was," said Naruto.

"Exactly," said Kakashi.

"What, how is such a thing legal in Konoha," asked Kiba. "Its not. But who would oppose him? He believes that the cause of Konoha's failures is because the 3rd Hokage's teachings placed too much meaning on feelings. And when emotions get in the way, missions are compromised. And based off the current cirumstances, who would blame Danzou for sticking to his route," said Kakashi.

"But, that can't be how villages should operate. There should be an idea of understanding. Village systems would be competeing for survival. And the strongest one will have the others kneeling at their feet. That's the same ideal that led to Pain's creation," said Naruto.

(Everyone is surprized by Naruto's intuition.)

"Hmm. Naruto certainly has a point, but people who where born in war like environments managed to survive by clinging on to those old ideals. That's the only way they see it, any other way would be foolish and sentimental. Add sadly, those kind of people are the ones that are in control of our government," said Kakashi.

(Kakashi pictures the 3 elders and the council Leaders.)

(Outside. The crowd gathers around Danzou and his Anbu supporters. In the midst of it all, people are shockedabout Danzou's rise to Hokage. People question Sasuke's morale. Soon afterwards Team 7 makes its way to the crowd. Danzou begins his speech.)

"Citizens, fear not, Konoha's future is in capable hands. I, Danzou, the Founder of the Root Division of Anbu, will ensure that nothing like this will ever happen to this village again. Within the past two decades alone, this village has been placed under unrequired fire. Why is that? It was because the Hokages before failed to eliminate
threats as soon as they arised.

They let personal and cultural barriers get in the way of perserving the way of the shinobi. Orochimaru was given time to escape, because he was Sarutobi's student. That cost the village. And this instance here, the Akatuski leader was Jiraiya's own student, and look at what happened. But no more. Under my watch all threats will be elminated. All suspensions will be taken care of. That is why I have agreed to assist the Raikage in the assination of Sasuke, something Tsunade would of never agreed to.

Sasuke, who has left the village without proper orders and without specifiying length of stay, has been marked as a missing-nin. In his traveles he is now in support of the terrorist group known as Akatuski. And has infiltrated THe Cloud and has captured Raikage's brother, a Jinchuuriki.

Konoha is to be on high alert. All abled shinobi will guard this village, because who is to say, he won't go after Naruto? Uzumaki Naruto will hereby be reolcated until the Akatuski matter is settled, which would be explained in depth during the upcoming Kage Summit issued by Raikage. We can't risk such an overwhelming power being turned against us. That is all," said Danzou.

(Everyone is in uproar.)

"This look bad for you Naruto," said Kiba. "No way. There's no way a jerk like that is going make me sit here and let them kill Sasuke. Nor will I sit around and do nothing while Akatuski plots their next move," said Naruto. "What do you suppose you do. I don't like Danzou either, but he and the Raikage wouldn't lie about something this drastic. Still, I don't agree with him isolating you from everyone. You are one of shinobi that protect this village," said Sakura.

"Damn it. If Tsunade was wake, none of this would of happened," said Shizune.

"This was exactly what I feared from the beginning. Naruto is not some tool to be locked away," said Shikaku.

"I can't believe it. I won't believe Sasuke to be aiding Akatuski. I can't believe that he'd send someone like me into Akatuski's hands. I won't believe it," yelled Naruto.

(Danzou secretly walks by.)

"Oh? Why wouldn't he," smiled Danzou. (Naruto grabs Danzou's collar.) "What do you know about Sasuke? Nothing. I know all about your exploits. Pain told me. I'm not going to sit here and-," said Naruto before getting cut off.
(He is immediately surronded by Anbu.)

"Unhand the Hokage at once," said Anbu 1. "Uzumaki Naruto, please," said Anbu 2. (Kakashi rushes in and removes Naruto from Danzou.) "What's gotten into you Naruto?
I know your heart is in the right place and you want your freedom. But this is hardly the way to settle things," said Kakashi.

"I forgive him. He is but a child afterall. But know this Uzumaki. Sasuke is no longer pure as he was. The slightest influence could paint him into a completely different picture. The old friend that you use to know, is gone. Forget everything you thought and knew about Sasuke. That is all. I hope you've come to your senses," said Danzou.

(Naruto closes his eyes. And reflects back on what Itachi told him.)

"Sasuke. You couldn't really do something like this," said Naruto.

(Flash back of Itachi and Naruto's conversation.)

"You said you want to bring Sasuke back, don't you? But what if he doesn't want to go.
But what if its the opposite? You said you thought of Sasuke as a brother. Well, I'm asking you what you'd do if Sasuker were to attack Konoha," said Itachi.

"What? Why would Sasuke? He'd never do that," exclaimed Naruto.

"Sasuke is still pure. He could be colored easily by anything. If that should happen, would you be able to stop him. Even if it meant killing him? Could you weigh Sasuke's life against Konoha," said Itachi.

"I'd protect Konoha! And find a way to stop Sasuke without killing him. I won't bend my words. That is what being a ninja means to me," said Naruto.

"I've given you some of my power. I hope the day comes when you never have to use it," said Itachi.

(Back to the present.)

"Sasuke. What have you gotten yourself into? DANZOU," yelled Naruto. (He turns around.)

"What is it, boy," asked Danzou. "Leave Sasuke to me. I'll stop Sasuke with my own hands. Please don't involve the other villages. I don't really care for your methods. But if Sasuke is such a threat, then let me take care of him. I'm the only one who knows him best. I'm the only one who knows how he feels. Please, I'm begging you. Give me the order, and I'll stop Sasuke for everyone. If I fail, you can lock me up afterwards," said Naruto.

"Nnn. Naruto," mumbled Sakura. (Everyone is astoned by Naruto's reaction.) "Are you sure about this Naruto," asked Kiba.

"Facing Pain must have changed him. This is not the same Naruto we were use to," said Kakashi.

"Hmm," Danzou thinks on it.

"Danzou my lord. He did defeat the Akatuski leader. Perhaps its not out of the question," said Anbu 1.

"He is no longer a child. Perhaps you should allow it," said Anbu 2. "He gets this one chance. If he screws up, I'll see to it that he never steps foot ouside Konoha again," said Danzou.

Next Chapter: Danzou's Permission


Uzumaki Naruto
Akadémiai tanár
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 229

« Válasz #590 Dátum: 09 jún 16, 11:46:54 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *         (állítólag igaz)
Forrás: http://naruto-spoilers.blogspot.com/
Szerző: Nja-NF












使者が 今は暁にいて雲隠れを襲って師匠をらちりやがったんだと聞き

みんな驚いた所で 完

背表紙はちっこい蛙 名前忘れたw

Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 587

« Válasz #591 Dátum: 09 jún 16, 11:54:41 »

Credits by: Nja and Nightjumper-NF

quick sum up

Naruto says that he won't allow this.[Danzou becoming Hokage]

Kakashi tells him off, saying that it's what the higher-ups have decided for the time being, if he's[naruto] is unlucky, he'll get thrown into jail[for opposing Danzou]... At least until Tsunade wakes up.

Scene change to Danzou

Danzou orders Sai to make sure Naruto doesn't do something stupid
The reason why, is because Naruto is a hero right now. He's more popular than Danzou. Punishing him[naruto] could lead to the people of the village revolting.

After receiving his orders, Sai goes to meet up with Naruto and the others.
Naruto asks Sai what Danzou's like,
Sai says he doesn't really know him, but Danzou donates curse marks/seals to all members of Root. Sai can't talk about classified info, because everyone who has, has fallen over unconscious.(Talking = Death)

Some prehistory on Sai
[Unsure]Then the guy who authorized taking care of Sasuke, comes out.

[Unsure]They hear the Cloud ninja talking.

"That Sasuke guy abducted our master(s)"

[Something about Naruto and Sakura not making a mutual effort, and either getting pissed off or brushing their worries off]
A dark influential person --> Two dark persons

"Why would Sasuke do something like that?"

使者が 今は暁にいて雲隠れを襲って師匠をらちりやがったんだと聞き
[Something about the present time, Akatsuki, Kumogakure, an attack, and master being abducted]

みんな驚いた所で 完
Everyone is surprised by this

背表紙はちっこい蛙 名前忘れたw
Spine is of some small frog, Nja forgot his name

Summázom magyaul:
Narutonak nem tetszik hogy Danzou a Hokage, Kakashi óva inti hogy ne szálljon szembe vele, mert börtönbe kerülhet, legalább addig maradjon nyugton amíg Tsunade magához tér!
Eközben Danzou parancsba adja Sai-nak hogy figyeljen Narutora mert jelenleg sokkal népszerűbb, mint ő. Sai ezután találkozik Narutoékkal, akik rákerdeznek milyen Danzou, de Sai nem ismeri annyira csak azt tudja hogy a Gyökereknek "Átokpecsétet??" ajándékoz, de erről nem beszélhet mert akinek sokat jár a szája eltűnik!
Felhő ninják dumálnak, hogy Sasuke elrabolta a mesterüket, és Saku meg Naru nem nagyon tesznek semmit hogy megállítsák!

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 16, 12:02:21 írta Srodack » Naplózva
Kezdő Jounin
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 587

« Válasz #592 Dátum: 09 jún 16, 12:57:46 »

Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50026
Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: fugetsugym


quick sum up


Naruto says he won't allow that kind of crap and is going to complain to Danzo


Kakashi stops him, saying that the big wigs made the decision, play your hand poorly and you'll end up in the brig. Just hold out until Tsunade-sama wakes up.


To Danzo,


He orders Sai to keep an eye on Naruto and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid (the reason being that Naruto is the hero and has more fame than Danzo, if Danzo doesn't manage Naruto well, there would be an uprising by the villagers)


The thus ordered Sai returns to Naruto, Sai, Kakashi. Naruto asks Sai about Danzo, but Sai can't talk because all the Root members have their tongues sealed, if they spill any secrets, they will freeze up (in short, if they talk, they'll die), so Sai can't say anything


They explain to Sai who doesn't know the whole story, about Danzo giving the order to take out Sasuke


The Hidden in the Clouds guys here and spring into battle mode


Sasuke kid-napped our teacher


While neither group is going all out, the two "black" (sorry, that is what the Japanese says) ninja school Sakura and Naruto, that's how good they are


Why would Sasuke do that? (Naruto obviously asking)

使者が 今は暁にいて雲隠れを襲って師匠をらちりやがったんだと聞き

みんな驚いた所で 完

The Hidden in the Clouds say that Sasuke is now in Akatsuki and he attacked their village and kid-napped their teacher. Everyone's jaw drops and the chapter ends

(on the binder is one of the small frogs, forgot his name)
背表紙はちっこい蛙 名前忘れたw
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #593 Dátum: 09 jún 17, 06:22:04 »

Hitelesség ell. ? confirmed ?

Naruto 452

Naruto says that he won't allow this.[Danzou becoming Hokage]

Kakashi tells him off, saying that it's what the higher-ups have decided for the time being, if he's[naruto] is unlucky, he'll get thrown into jail[for opposing Danzou]... At least until Tsunade wakes up.

Scene change to Danzou

Danzou orders Sai to make sure Naruto doesn't do something stupid
The reason why, is because Naruto is a hero right now. He's more popular than Danzou. Punishing him[naruto] could lead to the people of the village revolting.

After receiving his orders, Sai goes to meet up with Naruto and the others.
Naruto asks Sai what Danzou's like,
Sai says he doesn't really know him, but Danzou donates curse marks/seals to all members of Root. Sai can't talk about classified info, because everyone who has, has fallen over unconscious.(Talking = Death)

Some prehistory on Sai
[Unsure]Then the guy who authorized taking care of Sasuke, comes out.

[Unsure]They hear the Cloud ninja talking.

"That Sasuke guy abducted our master(s)"

[Something about Naruto and Sakura not making a mutual effort, and either getting pissed off or brushing their worries off]
A dark influential person --> Two dark persons

"Why would Sasuke do something like that?"

[Something about the present time, Akatsuki, Kumogakure, an attack, and master being abducted]

Everyone is surprised by this

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Hozzászólások: 5

« Válasz #594 Dátum: 09 jún 17, 11:09:03 »

Forrás: mangahelpers.com
Hitelesség ell.: Confirmed
Legközelebb rakd bele a hozzászólásodba.a pirossal jelölt szövegeket is!

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 17, 14:34:30 írta Cart'necker » Naplózva
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Rejtett Hó Falu Rejtett Hó Falu

Hozzászólások: 121

« Válasz #595 Dátum: 09 jún 17, 13:51:39 »

Hitelesség ell.: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers.com

                    itt van egy kis szöveg a képekhez^^

Naruto : What the hell is that ?
Sakura : It seems like some sort of Cursed Seal ...
Sai : Indeed ... It's one of Lord Danzou's jutsu. ( Rest is too blurry )
Sai talks about how Roots members are sealed to prevent them for revealing too much about him.

Ohana talks about :

Sai has been cursed sealed to prevent him from revealing too much.

Omoi and Karui are keen.
I'll write more when I read everything
The man is Omoi ?
The chick is Karui ?
And the last is Samui ?

There's a yellow frog.

The opening page is Omoi

+ még egy kép

Hitelesség Ell.: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers forum

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 18, 12:09:27 írta titi » Naplózva
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #596 Dátum: 09 jún 18, 21:49:53 »

A 452. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 453. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.
Elit Jounin
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 1901

« Válasz #597 Dátum: 09 jún 22, 15:39:19 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Naruto: What do you mean by Sauke being a part of Akatsuki?

Omoi: What an idiot are you? This Uchiha retard came to us with three other people in Akatsuki coats and attacked my master Killerbee, the eight tails.

Sakura: With three other people?

Karuhi: Yes, reports say a crazy girl, a big guy and strange guy with a sword taller than he is. Killerbee wiped the floor with him more than once but after biting this girl he miraculous recovered. In the end sensai lost and got abducted.

Omoi: This little bastard and his criminal goons who work for Akatsuki. I will never forgive him if anything has happened to my master.

Samui appears

Samui Keep cool, both of you.

Omoi+Karuhi: Why should we?

Omoi: They are friends with this renegade Uchiha who abducted our teacher and probably killed him. There is no way I would calm down especially since they sudden attack us while we just wanted to talk.

Sai: Your partner pointed with a sword towards Sakura. We just attacked in self defence.

Omoi: eh…

Samui: So it seems it was just a misunderstanding.

Tenzou shows up

Tenzou: What a rant do you execute here? All stay calm. I witnessed what happened and must say, all overreacted a little.

Sakura: Captain Yamato…

Tenzou: I don’t doubt the true in your words because there is no reason for it but it also is strange that the came in a group of four. Akatsuki only operates in two man cells.

Omoi: They just knew Killber-sama was a tough nut and therefore send four instead of two people.

Naruto: No, this can’t be. Even their former leader who was after me and whom I just defeat had a partner.

Karuhi: After you??? Do you say you’re…

Sakura: Yes, he is the Jinchuriki of the nine tails.

Karui: … No wonder you’re strong enough to parry me.

Samui: Even knowing Akatsuki is after you and he is in Akatsuki now you believe in him… You must not only be naïve but also dumb… Though, the thing with the two man cells are interesting.
Switch scene to Sasuke and Hawk

Along their way to Konoha they pass two random travellers.

Traveller 1: Hey, did you here?

Traveller 2: Hear what?

Traveller 1: Konohagakure got levelled down and complete destroyed by the leader of this mysterious Akatsuki organization people speak about so much.

Sasuke: …!!!

Traveller 1: And a kid he obviously was after shall have defeated him.

Sasuke: …!!!!!

Karin: Sasuke…

Suigetsu: Well, this is saving us work.

Traveller 2: Is that so? What a shame… Konoha was the prettiest village I ever saw…

Then, they are out of range to hear.

Switch scene back to Naruto

Naruto: What ever it is I still believe Sasuke isn’t an Akatsuki and your master is all right.

Omoi: And if that is so, why should he stay away of the village you dumbass?

Naruto: Because I am myself a Jinchuriki I know how they get treated. I can understand why he keeps distance.

Karuhi: How will you know, you may be right with this but he is the brother of Raikage-sama.

Naruto: This doesn’t change much. I am as well related to a legend in our village’s history and still got treaded like I was the demon itself…

Sakura: What does he mean…?

Omoi: Don’t talk crap and even if so, he still hurt and abducted him. You can’t understand what it is like to loose someone precious.

Naruto: I do, Pain killed master Ero-Sennin Jiraya, destroyed our whole village killed Kakashi sensei and while I fought him and laid down a moment Hinata jumped in to protect me and confessed her love to me but he cold hearty stabbed her. During all that he spoke about the pain he had to endure and about it is necessary to understand one others pain only is possible if you went through the same.

Sakura: But Kakashi sensei is still alive, does he intend to trick them?

Naruto: After I stopped the last of his six bodies he controlled with his Rinnengan and found where he hides. I went to his position to talk with him and I had more than one chance to kill him there but after I heard his story and learned what made him to what he was.. I couldn’t forgive him for what he did but I didn’t kill him.

Samui: But didn’t you just say you defeated him?

Naruto: Defeat doesn’t mean kill someone. After our talk he realized he took the wrong path for peace through wars and sacrificed himself to resurrect all he killed. I know your master is still alive and Sasuke did this because he wants to defeat Akatsuki from the inner.

Omoi+Karui: !!!

Naruto: If you want to hunt for him I will follow you because I want to speak with him one last time but before I must see this Danzou guy.

Samui: Well since you’re the Ninetails and Akatsuki is after you and since this Sasuke appears to be an member of them it could become easier to find him so therefore I don’t mind.

Sakura: If Naruto goes I go too.

Sai: And I as well.

Kakashi shows up.

Kakashi: Hold o a moment, you can’t easy leave Konoha without permission and as it currently is it won’t become easy.
Switch scene to Kabuto

He approach a person completely covered in shadows.

Shady Person: So you finally here and again too late. I already thought you won’t show up like the last time.

Kabuto: Sorry got some Konoha dogs at my tail and had to get them loss.

Shady Person: Seems the time staying with Orochimaru was not good for you sneaking skills…

Kabuto: No. My skills are the same, the Konohan Shinobi are just better than expected. Anyway, why did you send after me?     scholarization.wordpress.com

Shady Person: Well it seems Madara and Akatsuki are short on members and will fail soon. In addition, this Uchiha kid, Sasuke was his name, you know him and his Team doesn’t really seem they want to help them…

Kabuto: Yeah I do and since he only cares for his revenge and not helping Akatsuki as hoped you won’t mind if I kill him next time I meet him?
Shady Person: Do as you please, as it is now he has no worth for us. Just find a way to aid Akatsuki without revealing yourself because you know…

Kabuto: Yes the tailed demons are in the way of our plans and therefore must be sealed.

Shady Person: Good and keep an eye at the nine tails since he is the strongest and if your unable to get him find an other way.

Kabuto: I will but I doubt I will be able to do something against him. Seems we have to search another way. However, if were lucky we can make arrangements such as Sasuke fighting the Kyuubi and therefore still work for our interests.

Shady Person: Good, your now dismissed.

Something new has appeared and the Tailed Demons appear to be in their way. Who are they and what interests do they have…

End of chapter next issue What happens now?

Elit Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 1901

« Válasz #598 Dátum: 09 jún 22, 15:40:53 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Konoha at the center of attention

(Team 7 learns of Sasuke’s erratic behavior.)

“You can’t seriously believe this, right Naruto? Sasuke would never join such a shady organization,” said Sakura. “Who cares what you think! He was caught red handed in an Akatuski cloak carrying away our master,” yelled Omoi.

“How you can even stand up for a missing nin who left the village and joined an s-class criminal organization is nothing short of insanity,” said Karui. “And Akatuski did this to your village, how could you fools be so stupid enough to over look this. The mighty Konoha has definitely fallen,” said Omoi.

“Wait just one second! I won’t let you talk down to Sasuke and our village like that,” yelled Sakura. (She balls up her fists.) “Looks like she wants some more. Fine, after we are done with her, I’ll gladly have me some Uchiha on my plate,” said Omoi.     From scholarization.wordpress.com

(Karui flips her blade) “This time I’ll cut her,” said Karui. (Naruto stops Sakura. Sai is shocked.)

“Naruto, what are you doing? Let me go, this is Sasuke we’re talking about,” said Sakura. “Tell me something Cloud ninja. Was there something special about your master,” said Naruto.

“Special as in his amazing strength,” said Omoi. “Was he, a jinchuurikii,” said Naruto. “Nnn, Naruto,” mumbled Sakura. “TELL ME, was your master a Jinchuurikii,” yelled Naruto.

“Yes. He was the eight tailed beast,” said Karui. “Master spent most of his young life protecting the village. At first everyone was scared of him. But after risking his life time and time again, the people began to except him as part of the village. (Naruto reflects on himself) Raikage, his older brother, placed him, our Master in those situations in order for the villagers to respect him,” said Omoi.

(Flash Back of the Eight Tails Released facing off against hordes of shinobi.)

“He was so strong. He was an experienced swordsmen type shinobi. We looked up to him. We wanted to be strong just like him and protect the village. We begged and begged, and finally with the kindness of his heart, he took us under his wing. We finally grew strong enough to join Samui who, like our Master, is a top Jounin in our village and reports directly to Raikage. Then we eventually formed our platoon. We were just like our Master, in the sense that we were the Hokage’s most trusted. Still, its unreal that he’s been captured,” said Karui.

“We called him Killer Bee and he was everything to us. He took us good for nothing kids and changed us into top shinobi. That’s why, I’ll never forgive that Uchiha bastard,” said Omoi.

“I understand,” said Naruto. “What, how could you possibly understand. Killer Bee had it hard his entire life. And all of a sudden, Akatuski takes him away, for what, because he has special power to exploit,” yelled Omoi. “You Konoha ninja make me sick,” said Karui.

“Your master and I, are similar,” said Naruto. “What are you getting at,” asked Omoi. “I am also a jinchuurikii. I am the 9 tailed host and I recently defended the village from Akatuski, because they wanted me,” said Naruto.

“So you are like him, a host,” said Karui. “My apologies. Your life must have been difficult as well. You said you saved the village. Perhaps you are Killer Bee’s ongoing will. In that case, we’ll sit here and get to understand the situation,” said Omoi.

(Karui and Omoi jump over to Team 7’s location.)

“Naruto, you don’t think Sasuke really did this,” asked Sakura. (Flash back of Itachi’s words)

“Sasuke is still pure, but he can be easily painted,” said Itachi.

(Back to present)       scholarization.wordpress.com

“Someone told me that Sasuke might have changed,” said Naruto. “But who,” asked Sakura. “It doesn’t matter, but that’s not all. That man with the mask. The Akatuski member that went after Sasuke. I know something about him,” said Naruto.

(Flash back of Minato talking about the masked man manipulating Pain.)

“Is it really ok to be listening to this,” said Karui. “It’ll bring us to a better solution,” said Omoi.

(Sakura is confused and is about to ask Naruto to elaborate, but he speaks on.)

“You two. Leave Sasuke to me. I’m sure I can end it,” said Naruto. “Hay listen, this was the guy that defeated our master, surely you can’t handle him alone,” said Omoi.

(Flash back of Itachi.)

“I gave you some of my power. I hope the day comes when you never have to use it,” said Itachi.

(Back to the present.)

“No. Its something I have to do. So I insist, don’t pursue Sasuke. I’ll go after him,” said Naruto. “Well, based on the reports, he had three allies with him. Its likely he used them to help him defeat our master,” said Karui. “We’ll at least make them pay for their treachery,” smiled Omoi. “Thank you,” said Naruto.

Switch Scene to Danzou’s hut:

“So, the Hokage summit will take place in Konoha,” said Danzou. “Yeah, I’m assuming due to geographical location, Konoha is the most viable spot. The Fire country is between the great shinobi countries, and since Konoha is a prestigious nation, its the best location for the summit,” said Anbu 1.

“Heh. I wonder what they’ll think once they see that we’re in shambles,” said Anbu 2.

Switch Scene to Sand Village:

“What is it Temari,” asked Gaara. “Its an urgent summit of the Five Great Kages,” said Temari. “Hmm. I wonder what’s going on. Konoha seems to be the location. I’ll wonder if I’ll see him there,” said Gaara.

Switch Scene to Tsuchigakure:

(He’s cloaked up)     scholarization.wordpress.com

“Summit of the Kages. Konoha… Its been years since the 3rd shinobi war. I wonder if there is still some tension,” said Tsuchikage.

Switch Scene: Raikage Dashes to Konoha

“Raikage sir, please slow down,” said Adviser. “The day has a arise to put an end to Akatuski,” said Raikage.

Switch Scene To Mizugakure:

(Madara dresses himself up)

“It seems Konoha is going to be pretty hot. I’ll lay low for a while and let Sasuke stir things up,” said Madara.

Next Chapter: Team 7 And Team Samui join forces

ANBU újonc
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 339

« Válasz #599 Dátum: 09 jún 23, 16:35:52 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?
Forrás: http://narutoverse.blogspot.com/2009/06/naruto-453-spoiler.html
Szerző: Nightjumper fordítása

Original script:

表紙ナルト・背表紙 奥様蛙
サスケ 鷹は暁を抜けた~
トビ  裏切りは死んでもらうといったはずだがな…?
サスケ一行 ??
トビ お前らには期待してたんだがな残念だ~

トビ お前らは八尾にいっぱい喰わされたんだよ



トビ それどころじゃないサスケとペインが暴れたおかげで五影会談の話が


トビ 次の火影は決まったか?
ゼツ ダンゾウに決まったよ  
トビ やっぱりか…
サスケ ダンゾウ…
トビ  お前の兄を追い込んだ上層部の一人だ~


まだすぐには命を~一緒に探そう サスケはその後でもいいだろう?



黒いゼツ ウマクイッタナ
トビ   ああ






English script by Nightjumper

SJ cover is of Naruto. Spine is of some lady-frog, me thinks.
Chapter cover is in color

Tobi appears before Taka. Converstaion about Taka leaving Akatsuki, Tobi not being amused, or something, by this in addition to their failure on Hachibi.

They continue talking about Hachibi before moving onto Konoha. Tobi fills Sasuke in on the recent events and such.Tobi then says it's thanks to Sasuke and Pain that the Five Kage Summit is coming. Zetsu appears and tells Tobi that Danzou's Hokage now. Tobi taunts Sasuke with that.

Scene change to Naruto & co.
Omoi and Karui demands that Naruto tells what he knows about Sasuke. Naruto uses his infamous secret unnamed jutsu to convince them to cooperate to rescue Hachibi and stuff.

Back to Sasuke

Tobi has a psuedo-monologue with Zetsu about his evil evil plans. At the end he says "EXECUTE THE EYE OF THE MOON PLAN"

Scene change to Suna, and Gaara
Gaara is heading to the Summit and tells Kankuro that he ain't need no escort.

End of chapter

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?
Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=43577
Szerző: Toxic

Spoiler One:

Cover is Naruto.

While Sasuke is racing to Konoha, Tobi warps in front of him.

stuff happens

Sasuke : Taka leaves the Akatsuki.
Tobi : As I said before, betrayers dies !
Taka : ?!
Tobi : It's really too bad, I had high hopes for you.

Then talks about Killer Bee.

Tobi : You almost got killed by the Eight Tails.

Then when Tobi heard they're going to Konoha ...
He tells them that Konoha no longer exists
And that Tobi's subordinate, Pain, destroyed the village.

Tobi : And that's not all. Thanks to you and Pain, they're going to be a Kage Summit.

Then Zetsu comes.

Tobi : What ? A new Hokage ?
Zetsu : They choosed Danzou.
Tobi : I knew it !
Sasuke : Danzou ...
Tobi : One of thoses elders who blackmailed your brother.

Then we see Naruto ...

Karui/Omoi = We'll avenge our master, spit out intelligence about Sasuke !

Naruto feels sympathy about them because they lost their master.

Naruto : Your master is a Jinchuuriki ? I'm a Jinchuuriki myself and
I'd like to help you save him.

Let's search for him together. We'll deal with Sasuke later, okay ?
Tell everything you know about Akatsuki.
Then they continue talking

Spoiler 2nd half: (better translation)

It returns to Sasuke

Taka will mobilize to kill the Hokage at the 5-Kage summit!

Zetsu splits into two, and has his white half show Sasuke's group where the talks will take place

黒いゼツ ウマクイッタナ
Dark Zetsu: Masterfully done

トビ   ああ
Tobi: I know

Here's some excerpts of it since it was so freakin' long:

Did you plan for Nagato to die as well?

The Rinne-tensei, which would have been done for my sake, was unforutunately used for...~

We're even closer thanks to Uzumaki Naruto~

Will Sasuke be better than Nagato?~

サスケをうまくコントロー ル~
...control Sasuke well...~

Tobi: I've been biding my time but now we shall quickly commence forward with the "Eye of the Moon" project!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 23, 18:06:47 írta Tomimaru-sama » Naplózva

Tomi is a good boy.
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