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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710504 alkalommal)
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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 164

« Válasz #390 Dátum: 08 dec 03, 13:09:25 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=29703
Szerző: cartoon-man

Source: NF
Credits: kaze1028
Summarised since in a hurry:

Konohamaru faces Pain.
"I'm gonna be hokage someday, so I must fight, I promised Naruto-niichan, bla-bla-bla..."

Scene changes to Naruto training.
He fails to collect natural enegry while moving.

All Katsuyu's slugs Tsunade sent arrived to everyone.
It attached to Kakashi, but he's dead.

Chouji arrives to Tsunade.
Chouza is alive and moved to hospital.
Chouji cries.

Another Pain arrives to where autopsy Pain is held.
Black tube is pulled out. That moment enters Kiba and his mother.

Aburame family faces Konan.

Team Gai finishes it's mission and feeling uneasy about Konoha.

Yahiko Pain arrives to where Tsunade is.
"It's been a long time" Tsunade says.

Nest week fate starts anew.

A köv. ugyanaz, csak átfogalmazva...
Forrás: http://www.mangashare.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9795
Szerző: DarkPriest

Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Fabio

pain vs konohamaru
'if you wanted to become a hokage, youd have to beat me up. '
i promised him to fight with him someday
naruto is my rival so i wont take an escape route. if i did, i wouldnt see naruto

naruto's training scene
he tried to get natural energy when he was running but he failed
anyways it seems like naruto got some ideas because of fukasakus words

katsuyu that tsunade sent made it to the place
but kakashi maybe dead
tsunade punched big walls because shes worried and wondering if kakashis dead or not

choju just got to tsunades place
tsunade said "chouji is still alive so take him to the hospital"
chouji is crying

pain just got to see a different pain, "dead" pain

aburame family just go to kominamis place

guys group just went back to konoha from their missions

yahiko pain got to tsunades place
long time no see, tsunade sama

És ez itt elméletileg egy javított verzió:

katsuyu that tsunade sent made it to the place
but kakashi maybe dead
tsunade punched big walls because shes worried and wondering if kakashis dead or not
More like:

"The katsuyu sent by Tsunade reach all of the wounded. This includes Kakashi, but he might be dead already. Tsunade senses Kakashi's situation and punches a huge column in frustration."

choju just got to tsunades place
tsunade said "chouji is still alive so take him to the hospital"
chouji is crying
More like:

"Chouji arrives where Tsunade is. Tsunade tells him to take Chouza* to the hospital because he's still alive. Chouji cries."

*his dad.

pain just got to see a different pain, "dead" pain
More like

The other Pain arrives at the autopsy site and removes the black sticks from the dead body. At that point Kiba and his mom come in.

guys group just went back to konoha from their missions
More like

Team Guy finishes its mission and heads back to Konoha on a bad feeling.


yahiko pain got to tsunades place
long time no see, tsunade sama
More like:

Yahiko Pain arrives where Tsunade is.
It's been quite a while, Tsunade sama. You're the last remaining Sannin.

"The fateful reunion" is the teaser title for next chapter.

//Megjegyzés: Nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy ez a "confirmed" spoiler, Kakashihoz pedig az van írva hogy "maybe dead" vagyis lehet hogy meghalt - tehát még mindig nincs tisztázva a dolog, majd kiderül, ha kijön a RAW.//

Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=29703

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 03, 16:14:18 írta silvertea » Naplózva

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #391 Dátum: 08 dec 05, 08:17:08 »

A 427. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 428. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 05, 08:17:40 írta Cart'necker » Naplózva
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #392 Dátum: 08 dec 10, 08:57:21 »

Verification: Pending
Source: w9+CVDggO@2ch
Credits: TDA@narutochaos

捕まる木の葉丸。助けようとエビスが突進するが跳ね返される。捕まりながらもペインの能力を見 定めはじめる 木の葉。が、魂が抜かれていく。そんな中、ナルトとの修業を思い出す。

Konohamaru gets caught. Ebisu charges in attempt to rescue him, but gets fended away. Even when caught, Konoha (maru) tries to decipher Pein's powers. But, his soul gets slowly dragged out. During that moment, he remembers the training he went through with Naruto.


Smoke surrounds Konoha(maru) and then Rasengan!!


I am genin of the Sarutobi clan, last name Sarutobi, first name Konohamaru - remember that!!

Pein is defeated

Tsunade and Pein. From conversation, it looks as though she realized that this is Yahiko.

Pein asks where Naruto is.

そのあと何やら人柱力、戦争について話す。そして協力するなら助けるとペイン。五影をなめるな と綱手。そし てナルトは手に入らない、ナルトは強いぞ!!!!!!
Then they start babbling about Jinchuuriki's and wars. Pein says that he will spare her life if she cooperates. Tsunade tells him to not underestimate the 5-kages. And tells him that he won't get Naruto, as Naruto is strong as well.

Shizune's group is talking to the Angou-bu (code-deciphering group) about the information they have on Pein.

They start to realize the nature of the chakra signals manipulating these dead bodies.

The long-haired Pein appears. He grabs Shizune's head, and threatens to kill her if anyone moves.

He peers into her head and finds out that Naruto is in Myoubokuzan.

Tendou-pein gets this message - on to next week.


Verification: Pending
Credits: DELAHK/ Hatifnatten
Source: NF

Long hair Pain appears before "team" Inoichi.
Then Neji's father appears.
Neji: "This guy is strange"
Inoichi team: ?!

Change to Shino's family.
They're trying to fight Konan, but she turnes into paper and escapes, tho they planted a bug on her.

Change to Tsunade.
She talk with Pain a bit and then fights.
She pretends that was attracted by his gravitation, but then gives him a single blow.

Konan appears.
Tsunade: ?!
Pain crushes in mountain.
Tsunade: "You used your repulsive power to throw yourself to the rear?"
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 10, 10:51:00 írta yupi » Naplózva

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Hozzászólások: 6

« Válasz #393 Dátum: 08 dec 10, 15:32:57 »

Yupi, ha nem gond csinálok egy nyersfordítást a szövegről, amit feltettél. (Nem vagyok fordító, próbálom minél magyarosabban)

Konohamaru elkapva. Ebisu próbálja megmenteni, de Pein elhárítja a támadást. Konoha(maru) próbálja megfejteni Pein erejét. De közben Pein lassan kihúzza a lelkét. Abban a pillanatban Konohamaru visszaemlékszik az edzsésére Narutóval.

Füst száll Konoha(maru) körül és aztán Rasengan!

Én a Sarutobi klán geninje vagyok, vezetéknevem Sarutobi, keresztnevem Konohamaru - emlékezz rá!

Pein legyőzve.

Tsunade és Pein. A beszélgetésből úgy tűnik Tsunade rájött, h Pein Yahiko.

Aztán elkezdenek cseverészni a Jinchuurikikról és a háborúkról. Pein azt mondja, ha Tsunade együttműködik,  megkíméli az életét. Tsunade azt válaszolja, h ne  becsülje alá az 5 kagét. És hogy nem fogja elkapni Narutót, mivel Narutó erős.

Shizune csapata az Angou-bu (kódfejtő csapat)-tal beszél a Peinről szerzett információkról.

Kezdik megérteni hogy a chakra- vevők manipulálják a holttesteket.

AFeltűnik a hosszú hajú Pein. Megragadja Shizune fejét és azzal fenyeget, h megöli, ha bárki mozdul.

Belenéz Shizune elméjébe és megtudja, h Naruto a Míobukozan-on van.

Tendou pein megkapja az üzenetet- a jovő héten.


A hosszú hajó Pein feltűnik az 'Inoichi' csapat előtt.
Aztán Neji apja is megjelenik. [Szerintem Neji apja halott, de az angol szöveg ezt írta]
Neji: Különös ez az alak.   [Szerintem Hinata apjára gondoltak és ő mondja ezt]
Inoichi csapat: ?

Váltás Shino családjára.
Próbálnak harcolni Konannal, de papírrá változik és elmenekül, bár Shinoék elhelyeztek rajta egy bogarat.

Váltás Tsunadera.
Beszélnek egy picit Peinnel majd harcolnak.  Tsunade teteti, mintha Pein gravitációs ereje vonzaná, aztán behúz neki egyet.

Konan feltűnik.
Tsunade: ?!
Pein betör a hegybe.
Tsunade: A taszító erődet használtad, hogy hátrébb helyezd magad?

Ennyi. NYersfordítás, meg amatőr, de remélem a lényeg érthető. bye bye
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 10, 15:33:55 írta Nana » Naplózva
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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 164

« Válasz #394 Dátum: 08 dec 10, 15:36:48 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=30047&page=2

Asszongya "Rasengan!" - Behalok, ha ez igaz X"D

Posted by : Hexa, brucelee and vered @ Naruto Fan
Verification: Confirmed

捕まる木の葉丸。助けようとエビスが突進するが跳ね返される。捕まりながらもペインの能力を見 定めはじめる 木の葉。が、魂が抜かれていく。そんな中、ナルトとの修業を思い出す。
そのあと何やら人柱力、戦争について話す。そして協力するなら助けるとペイン。五影をなめるな と綱手。そし てナルトは手に入らない、ナルトは強いぞ!!!!!!

Translation by: boyakist4649 @ MH

捕まる木の葉丸。助けようとエビスが突進するが跳ね返される。捕まりながらもペインの能力を見 定めはじめる 木の葉。が、魂が抜かれていく。そんな中、ナルトとの修業を思い出す。

Konohamaru gets caught. Ebisu charges in attempt to rescue him, but gets fended away. Even when caught, Konoha (maru) tries to decipher Pein's powers. But, his soul gets slowly dragged out. During that moment, he remembers the training he went through with Naruto.


Smoke surrounds Konoha(maru) and then Rasengan!!


I am genin of the Sarutobi clan, last name Sarutobi, first name Konohamaru - remember that!!

Pein is defeated

Tsunade and Pein. From conversation, it looks as though she realized that this is Yahiko.

Pein asks where Naruto is.

そのあと何やら人柱力、戦争について話す。そして協力するなら助けるとペイン。五影をなめるな と綱手。そし てナルトは手に入らない、ナルトは強いぞ!!!!!!
Then they start babbling about Jinchuuriki's and wars. Pein says that he will spare her life if she cooperates. Tsunade tells him to not underestimate the 5-kages. And tells him that he won't get Naruto, as Naruto is strong as well.

Shizune's group is talking to the Angou-bu (code-deciphering group) about the information they have on Pein.

They start to realize the nature of the chakra signals manipulating these dead bodies.

The long-haired Pein appears. He grabs Shizune's head, and threatens to kill her if anyone moves.

He peers into her head and finds out that Naruto is in Myoubokuzan.

Tendou-pein gets this message - on to next week

**cant get the pics to load.. at work... click the url at the top to see..**

Konohamaru executes the Rasengan, but it's unknown whether or not Pein is defeated as he is engulfed in a massive amount of rubble.

綱手は昔木の葉のやってきたことは間違いだがお前らテロリストは 許さないと返す。

Tsunade says that the things konoha did in the past were wrong but that Pein is a terrorist and will never get away with his evil plans.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 10, 18:52:21 írta silvertea » Naplózva

ANBU újonc
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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 325

« Válasz #395 Dátum: 08 dec 10, 22:30:11 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://anime-and-manga.info/naruto-428-raw-spoiler/

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 10, 23:41:05 írta Oxygene » Naplózva

"Aki megakar tenni valamit , az talál rá módot,aki nem, az talál kifogást..."
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #396 Dátum: 08 dec 10, 23:30:03 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=30047&page=2

Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Stream

弥彦ペインはしのいわく、ものすごいチャクラみたいですね。また山中家も同じような術使えるけど一人にしか できないから想像だけどペインは裏に6人いるとか言ってた。まあないかな。
Yahiko Pain seems to have an enormous chakra. And he can use a technique like those of the Yamanaka (Ino) family, but he can do it to one person only and it's a guess but he said there was 6 people behind Pain. (wut?)

あ、間違えた。長髪ペインのチャクラがでかいって言ってた。でも自分に比べてとかなら単なる描 写かな。
Ah, that was wrong. He said Long-haired Pain's chakra is huge. But if you check yourself, maybe it's just a picture.

回想は昔のナルト。で、ナルトが回転が、とかなにやら説明してるけど木の葉丸は全ておいろけとつなげて解釈 してる。なのでどうやって覚えたかはわからないです。
(random shit about something)
Flashback about Naruto long ago. And Naruto's explaining something about spinning but Konohamaru is interpreting everything about sexy no jutsu. I don't know how he remembered anything like this.

天道と綱手は対峙しながら話してる描写ばかり。天道が尾獣もほぼ揃い戦力均衡も間もなくだとか、でも世は安 定せずに戦争の火種があるとかゴタク並べ、綱手は昔木の葉のやってきたことは間違いだがお前らテロリストは 許さないと返す。
Of God Pain and Tsunade's confrontation, there are only pictures of them talking. God Pain rambles that for the moment there's a balance of war forces, but the world is not stable and war is still smoldering, Tsunade replies that Konoha did mistakes before, but he's just a terrorist and she won't let him. Then, God Pain (something about pride)!

Tsunade says, you won't have what you're looking for. Naruto is strong.

いやホントのバレなんだけど。あとはオナ師さんまちで真相がわかります。木の葉丸は回想でナルトに螺旋丸教 えてもらってました。第一部の絵で。

This is a real spoiler. Wait for Onashi-san, you will know the truth. Konohamaru remembers how Naruto taught him Rasengan. It's the first part.
Konohamaru does a rasengan with kagebunshin.

Next chapter front cover: Chouji rolling around?
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 11, 09:31:31 írta yupi » Naplózva

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #397 Dátum: 08 dec 12, 08:43:46 »

A 428. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 429. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 561

« Válasz #398 Dátum: 08 dec 16, 18:05:02 »

 429 The Invasion ends

First scene : Humanly Pain

Humanly Pain : I see ... learning the Sage arts
Eno : Shinzune-Sensei….
Enoichi : Eno! Hurry Tell Godaime-sama about his powers.
Eno : But….
Enoichi : I will not say it twice! I will handle him. Shizune will be fine.
Eno : Ok!! Dad

*Eno runs away*

Humanly Pain : I know everything I know .. Bye!
Enoichi : I don't think so that. Shintenshin no Jutsu.
Humanly Pain : Your pathetic Jutsu will not work against. What’s happen? I cannot pull out her? Why?
Enoichi / Shizune : Hehe .. Shintenshin no Jutsu was never supposed hit you. I targeted her.
Humanly Pain : What?
Enoichi / Shizune : I am holding her. You cannot pull it out as long as I ‘m in her Body. And I am here you are immobile.
Humanly Pain:

Anbu attacks and Humanly Pain needs to jump back. He releases Shizunes body

Next scene : On Myobukozan

Fukasaku : Using your Kage Bunshin to gather natural energy while your running around. I never thought of it that way ...
Naruto Kage Bunshin slowly turns into frogman and then gets released. Naruto runs around in Sage
Fukasaku is surprised and explains how it works

Next scene : Inuzuka vs. Fatty

Kiba & Mom : GATSUUKA !!!

Next scene : Team Gai

Neji : I feel bad .. Byakugan
Lee : What is it?
Gai : Are you sure? Who did it?
Neji : I do not know but In front of the major gate .. Rock Ninja
Gai : NEJI WAIT!!! ..

Next scene : Tsunade vs. Deva Pain

Deva Pain : There is no need to stay any longer ..
Tsunade : Hahahaha ... Do you really think you can win him?! You need 1 month to go to Myobukozan ... Naruto and Fukasaku will win you.
Deva Pain : I do not think so that ...

What is Pains plan ? - 430
ANBU újonc
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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 325

« Válasz #399 Dátum: 08 dec 16, 19:05:30 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://narutomanga-soletuti.blogspot.com/2008/12/naruto-manga-429-spoilers.html
Posted by Vered @ Naruto Fan
Verification: Maybe confirmed
Source: 2ch




ペインはナルトの居場所が分かったけど綱手や木の葉の忍の神へ背いた態度に腹をたて裁きを下す 決断をします

Translated by Hatifnatten @ Narutofan

Rasengan power isn't enough, so he gets up again.
Then two of Konohamaru's friends jump out.

Shikamaru reaches Ino's father.
Shizune saved by Shika's and his father's shadow technique and handed to Katsuyu for treatment.

Then Pain and Tsunade talking about Naruto.

Another Spoiler

Posted by Vered @ Naruto Fan
Verification: Maybe confirmed
Source: 2ch

Translation by Pocketmofo@ Narutofan

Tsunade knows Pain's ability

Pain pulls back temporarily

Shizune gets her soul ripped out

A messenger tadpole goes to where Fukusaku and Naruto are (*to tell them that Kousuke's name has disappeared from the the name list)


Pain then uses Shinratensei to cause massive destruction to Konoha

And by the way, it seems that Tendou Pain really is Nagato

Shima-sama then uses a kuchiyose (*Shima-sama is probably Fukusaku's wife)

Naruto is coming next week

*The spoiler writer says that he/she feels like crying after seeing the destruction of Konoha

Tsunade was charging her legs/feet up with chakra

Kousuke (from the spoiler above) is the frog that Danzou killed.

Pain's technique is around as powerful as an atomic blast.

サクラが泣きながらナルト早く来て、とフリーザとかセルに仲間めちゃめちゃにされてゴクウが登場したみたい にナルトきそうです。ちょ っとウルっと きました。

Sakura is crying and hoping that Naruto will come soon. It seems like Naruto is going to have a dramatic entrance like in Dragonball when Goku comes back after badguys like Freeza and Cell have totally beaten the crap out of everyone and everything. Almost brings a tear to my eye (tugging on his heart strings and all that).

Actually, just imagining the thought of Naruto appearing next week is almost enough to make me cry.

Pain's super Shinratensei is bigger than Kuma's paw bomb from One Piece and is more like Deidara's strongest technique.

Tendou Pain is apparently Nagato. Right before Pain does Shinratensei, Konan says "You'll only shorten your life, Nagato."

And incidentally, right before he does Shinratensei all the other Pain bodies collapse.

Shima-sama is the mama frog (presumably Fukusaku's wife).

天道はまさに天から放ちました。コナンはどうなったかわからないけど、他ペインは使い捨てくさ い。
Tendou really seemed like he was radiating from Heaven (could be the technique or just a comment about Pain...a little vague). No idea what happened to Konan, but the rest of the Pain bodies appear to be totally disposable.

Momma frog (and probably Naruto too), might summon a frog/toad that's possibly even higher up than Bunta.

The last scene is a bird's eye view of Konoha. We see a giant cloud of smoke that could be from an explosion or summoning.

サクラはナメクジに助けられて、目を開いたら崩壊した木の葉の里があって、涙ながらにナルトを 呼んだ。
Sakura was saved by one of the slugs and when she opens her eyes she sees Konoha damn near wiped out. As she cries she calls for Naruto.

The spoiler person mentions that there are a lot of people around him so he can't take any spoiler pictures (presumably with his cell phone)...

Shizune gets her soul or some thing pulled out of her (*that thing, the spoiler guy says, looks like it's out of "The Scream" by Munch.

"Aki megakar tenni valamit , az talál rá módot,aki nem, az talál kifogást..."
Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 561

« Válasz #400 Dátum: 08 dec 17, 10:47:12 »

Verification: Pending
Source: Found it on Manahelpers

Full Script of Second Spoilier from NC Forms

The Chapter starts off directly where the other one left off.

Deva Realm: "Myobokuzan...the holy land of the toads?"

Deva Realm: "Call back the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki this is an order from God."

Tsunade: "I already told you we will fight you with everything we have."

Tsunade: "Even if it cost us our lives."

Tsunade charges a huge amount of chakra to her legs and feet preparing to dash at Pain. Next Page is of Shizune and Human Realm

Ino(Desperately cries): "You have what you want now let her go."

Human Realm: "None can live after going against the laws of God."

Shizune's soul is ripped out before the konoha shinobi can react and she falls on the ground persumably dead. Next Page is back to Deva Realm and Tsunade. Tsunade almost reachs Pain with her attack but stops short of him.

Anbu/Tsunade: "!!!"

Pain's body lets out a divine light that causes the ground to shake and blinds Tsunade and the Anbu

Anbu 1: "What is this terrible chakra."

Anbu 2: "Is he really a god?!"

Tsunade: "Hold your ground no one can truely be a god."

The Anbu Begin backing away despite this. Next Page of Konan and Shino and his dad. Shino and his dad are the only two left the other were sufficated by Konan's paper. The Divine Chakra of Pain reaches the area they are fighting and the bugs begin to fly away

Shino: "This chakra it has the overwhelming feeling of death."

Shino's Dad: "Even the bugs flee whats happening over there."

Konan: "Pain you...."

Konan(desperatly): "Nagato if you do this you will only shorten your life."

Konan thinking: "Its the same as that time..."

Small three panel flashback of Pain being enraged by Madara at their first meeting in the manga and Konan saying "Pain you..." Next Page Fusaku and Naruto

Naruto: "I'm almost there just a little bit more time and I should be able to do it."

A Tadpole and Shima(ma toad) Comes Rushing up

Tadpole: "Elder Frog come quickly Kousuke's name has disappeared from the list on the frog scroll."

Fusaku: "If thats true then somthing terrible must be happening back there."

Shima: "Quickly we have to Summon the Eldest Sage only he can take naruto back in time."

Fusaku and Shima form handseals. The Next two Pages have very little dialog they are just off the 5 pain bodies deactivating. First Human realm is shown deactivating right before he stabs Inoichi with the black spear, then Animal Realm before the dog summon crushes Ibiki and the Anbu, then Hungry Ghost who has his hand on Kiba's mom's throat, and finally Hell Realm who has gotten back up and is about to stab Konohamaru and Ebisu from behinde. Next Page is Deva Realm

Deva Realm: "Chou Shinra Tensi"

Huge explosion of gravity sweeps through the streets of Konoha destroying everything in its path. A bunch of slugs cover the building sakura is in and saves sakura and the wounded. Next page Sakura walks outside the building and sees dozens of dead konoha villagers and basically a post-apocalyptic konoha

Sakura(Crying): "Where ever you are naruto...."

Sakura(Crying): "I beg of you...Save us"

Final Page is birds eye view of the village completely destroyed and smoke rising from it. Next time: "A hero's sad return"
ANBU újonc
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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 325

« Válasz #401 Dátum: 08 dec 17, 12:01:46 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?s=e8cd9465d8f55636efd7359286d8bc15&t=44726


"Aki megakar tenni valamit , az talál rá módot,aki nem, az talál kifogást..."
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #402 Dátum: 08 dec 17, 15:54:44 »

Verification: Confirmed
Source: NF, Animeprodestiny
Credits: amanaruto

Pein retreats, Shizune's (I think) soul was taken, little frog told Pa his brother's name has disappeared from the manual
Pein uses ____ to create havoc
By the way, ____ is nagato
Ma uses summoning

Tsunade knows Pein's ability
Pein decides to retreat
Shizune's soul is taken
Pa gets a report, says a frog has disappeared from the list
Pein uses _____ to wreak havoc
Pein is Nagato (This is all repeated in different wording)
Ma uses summoning
Next week, Naruto is back
A demolished Konoha weeps
Tsunade gathers chakra in her feet
Pein's ability is similar to that of a nuclear bomb (WTF?!)
Sakura calls out to Naruto while crying
_____ is similar to Deidara's C4
___ should be Nagato, before using ____, he tells Konan to hide
Oh by the way, all the Pein's bodies have been defeated
____ unleashes something, Konan doesn't understand, all the other Pein gets left behind
Ma summons Naruto, a reverse summon
Last frame is of Konoha, explosion and summoning appear simultaneously
Sakura and others watches as Konoha gets destroyed, yells for Naruto
Shizune's soul gets taken away (holy crap that's the third time....)

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #403 Dátum: 08 dec 17, 21:01:50 »

Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 198

« Válasz #404 Dátum: 08 dec 18, 16:09:38 »



Deva Realm: “Myobokuzan…the holy land of the toads?”
Deva Realm: “Call back the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki this is an order from God.”

Tsunade: “I already told you we will fight you with everything we have.”
Tsunade: “Even if it cost us our lives.”
Tsunade charges a huge amount of chakra to her legs and feet preparing to dash at Pain. Next Page is of Shizune and Human Realm

Ino(Desperately cries): “You have what you want now let her go.”

Human Realm: “None can live after going against the laws of God.”

Shizune’s soul is ripped out before the konoha shinobi can react and she falls on the ground persumably dead. Next Page is back to Deva Realm and Tsunade. Tsunade almost reachs Pain with her attack but stops short of him.

Anbu/Tsunade: “!!!”

Pain’s body lets out a divine light that causes the ground to shake and blinds Tsunade and the Anbu

Anbu 1: “What is this terrible chakra.”
Anbu 2: “Is he really a god?!”

Tsunade: “Hold your ground no one can truely be a god.”

The Anbu Begin backing away despite this. Next Page of Konan and Shino and his dad. Shino and his dad are the only two left the other were sufficated by Konan’s paper. The Divine Chakra of Pain reaches the area they are fighting and the bugs begin to fly away

Shino: “This chakra it has the overwhelming feeling of death.”
Shino’s Dad: “Even the bugs flee whats happening over there.”

Konan: “Pain you….”
Konan(desperately): “Nagato if you do this you will only shorten your life.”
Konan thinking: “Its the same as that time…”

Small three panel flashback of Pain being enraged by Madara at their first meeting in the manga and Konan saying “Pain you…”

Next Page Fusaku and Naruto

Naruto: “I’m almost there just a little bit more time and I should be able to do it.”

A Tadpole and Shima(ma toad) Comes Rushing up

Tadpole: “Elder Frog come quickly Kousuke’s name has disappeared from the list on the frog scroll.”
Fusaku: “If thats true then somthing terrible must be happening back there.”
Shima: “Quickly we have to Summon the Eldest Sage only he can take naruto back in time.”

Fusaku and Shima form handseals. The Next two Pages have very little dialog they are just off the 5 pain bodies deactivating. First Human realm is shown deactivating right before he stabs Inoichi with the black spear, then Animal Realm before the dog summon crushes Ibiki and the Anbu, then Hungry Ghost who has his hand on Kiba’s mom’s throat, and finally Hell Realm who has gotten back up and is about to stab Konohamaru and Ebisu from behind.

Next Page is Deva Realm

Deva Realm: “Chou Shinra Tensi”

Huge explosion of gravity sweeps through the streets of Konoha destroying everything in its path. A bunch of slugs cover the building sakura is in and saves sakura and the wounded. Next page Sakura walks outside the building and sees dozens of dead konoha villagers and basically a post-apocalyptic konoha

Sakura(Crying): “Where ever you are naruto….”
Sakura(Crying): “I beg of you…Save us”

Final Page is birds eye view of the village completely destroyed and smoke rising from it.

Következő rész: Naruto 430 A hős szomorú visszatérése

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 18, 16:20:25 írta akakashi26 » Naplózva
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