24 szep 20, 22:40:39 *
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« Válasz #375 Dátum: 08 nov 19, 08:44:03 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: onemanga
Szerző: Pwnnned

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« Válasz #376 Dátum: 08 nov 19, 16:15:09 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-425-spoiler-pictures-summaries-6044/index3.html
Szerző: itsygo



Obito "I don't care what people in the village'd say...you're a great jounin" "I'm about to die..." "Rin will depend on you from now on"

Obito ...

I can only be your eye this far.
I also failed to keep the promise to protect Rin. Please forgive me.

Obito, Rin, Sensei
I am joining you soon.

Kakashi is walking in the dark.
Kakashi "!"

Kakashi "So you're here..."
"May I hear what happened to your?"
Kakashi "Ah...it's a long story. Let me tell you slowly"
"Ah, alright"
Kakashi smiles.
Kakashi "Dad"

Kakashi's head faces down. Motionless.
A part of Asura's head falls on the ground.


Fusion is not successful.
The Kyuubi is rejecting ***asaku.
Naruto "..."
Naruto "How can this be! What have I been working so hard until now for?"


The female Pain reaches where Ino is.
Kuchiyose no jutsu.
The female Pain summons a strange creature and it's barely restrained by the ANBU.
Kuchiyose no jutsu!
Another one is summoned and it heads towards Ino.
Shizune "What's this?"

Female Pain sees the black rod in Shizune's hand. "So it's here"
Ino's dad (what?)
Ino's dad "I'd seen that girl before...what's going on!?" "That should be the corpse!"

The restrained summon also breaks out.
Shizune "Please tell it in more details! We maybe able to work this out!"
Ino's dad "But right now..."

Ibiki "Leave this to ANBU and me!"
Ino's dad "Ibiki!"
Shizune "Let's go! We need to find out Pain's secret!"

Konohamaru is panting.
Konohamaru amidst the chaos!?

The End.

Magyar ford. (csak úgy nagyjából, bocsi, siettünk hogy megoszthassuk veletek ikszdé)

obito: nem érdekel mit mondanának az emberek a faluban... naccerú jounin vagy" mingyá meghalok... Rin mostantól tőled függ

már csak a szemed lehetek
nem sikerült teljesítenem az ígéretem h megvédem rint
kérlek bocsáss meg

obito rin sensei
nemsokára csatlakozom hozzátok

kakashi sétál a sötétben

kakashi: tehát itt vagy...
hallhatnám mi történt veled?
K:ah... ez egy hosszú történet. hadd meséljem el lassan
ah rendben
k mosolyog
k: apu

KAkaksi arca nemtom mit csinál. Nem mozdul
asura fejének egy darabja a földre hull


a fúzió nem sikeres
a kyuubi visszautasít***asaku
naruto: "..."
n: hogy lehet ez! Akkor mér dolgoztam ilyen keményen egész idáig?


a női Pein kinyúl Inohoz
Kuchiyose no jutsu
a női pein előhív egy fura lényt és majnem teljesen restrained az ANBU által
Kuchiyose no jutsu
mégegy előhívva ino
ino apa-láttam már ezt a lányt... mi folyik itt? ez egy holttest lehet

a restained idézés szintén kitör
shizune: kérlek mondd részletesebben! Képesek leszünk túljutni ezen
ino apa: de most...

ibiki: hagyd ezt az ANBUra és rám
ino apa: ibiki!
shizune: nemjünk-! Ki kell találnunk pein titkát

konohamaru fest
konohamaru amidstolja a káoszt

the end

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=28927

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 19, 17:14:53 írta silvertea » Naplózva

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Éggel egyenlő Nagyszent ... XD

« Válasz #377 Dátum: 08 nov 20, 12:03:14 »



Istenem, kérlek, csak Konohamaru nyomjon egy Kuchiyose-t, és jelenjen meg Enma, én meghajolnék elötte.....képes rá.....

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 20, 12:03:50 írta Neiko » Naplózva

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« Válasz #378 Dátum: 08 nov 20, 12:34:58 »

pár kép
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

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« Válasz #379 Dátum: 08 nov 20, 12:43:30 »

A 425. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 426. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
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Hozzászólások: 22

« Válasz #380 Dátum: 08 nov 25, 19:34:48 »

Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-426-spoiler-pictures-summaries-6126/

Flashback of Rin, Kakashi and Obito first introduction.
Kakashi is not interested in Obito's clan which he brags about.
This attitude of Kakashi irritates Obito.
Then he flashbacking about his father.

Konohamaru was watching Danzou from the very begining to end.
He runs to tell what he saw.
Naruto's training is at hiatus.
Then the scroll-frog Jiraiya sent appears.
Fukasaku says that no one knew what happened to her.
Konohamaru runs onto tendou (deva) Pain.
He asks - where is Naruto.
Konohamaru not going to tell.
Then Ebisu appears.
Konohamaru can't die! The end
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 25, 19:37:15 írta Matyi21 » Naplózva
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Hozzászólások: 22

« Válasz #381 Dátum: 08 nov 25, 19:37:39 »

Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-426-spoiler-pictures-summaries-6126/

Where’s Naruto as Konoha narrows in on Pain’s Secret

(Scene Mount Myobokuzan)

“Are you kidding me? How come the Kyuubi is rejecting you,” asked
Naruto. “It has more to do with the chakra of the Kyuubi. When we fuse,
our chakra system combines together. Unlike you, my chakra can’t
suppress the Kyuubi’s chakra, thus my defenses are not as good as
yours,” said Fukasku.

(Fukasku sweats)

“So it is my chakra defense,” said Naruto. “Well you have been sharing
a chakra network with the beast for all your life. I assume since your
chakra was put under so much stress, your own ninja chakra adapted.

I’m not sure if any particular chakra network could co-exist for
too long as the Kyuubi's chakra is channeling through you with an
exclusive link not present in my body. Only If there was a way that
could bypass strain the Kyuubi places on my network,” said Fukasku.

(Naruto remembers back to his fight with Gaara. He remembers communicating with Gamabunta during the combined transformation)

“Combining our bodies together… Combination Transformation jutsu. I mean it worked with Gamabunta,” said Naruto.

“Wait, maybe that could work. The technique allows us to merge our
bodies not our chakra networks, thus the Kyuubi’s chakra would not put
a strain on me and reject. From the inside I could draw chakra to your
body then you could take the energy, and apply it to yourself, while on
the outside, you take on the appearance as yourself. The enemy would
never know what hit him

(Naruto looks down as Fukasku jumps on his shoulder)

Um boy, that was a brilliant idea, you should be proud,” said Fukasku
“Yeah about that. I kind of forgot, how it was done,” said Naruto.
“Ehh, don’t worry, I’ll help with that. Worry about providing the
chakra for the jutsu. We’ll both concentrate on same image, you. I’ll
be able to communicate with you from the inside. Once the jutsu is in
affect, I’ll draw in the chakra, while you move. Then once you feel the
energy, immediately absorb it. You should go into Sage Mode instantly,”
smiled Fukasku.

“Combination Transformation,” yelled Naruto and Fukasku. (Naruto
appears from the smoke. He runs for a while) “I feel it,” said Naruto.
(He claps his hands to together, and his eyes change to reflect that
he’s in Sage Mode. The technique cancels and Naruto remains in Sage

“Heh, you’re training is just about complete. How about we go get some dinner,” said Fukasku. (Naruto covers his mouth)

Switch Scene: Tsunade’s location. (Ino’s father and Shizune arrive to Tsunade’s location)

“So, how’s everything going,” asked Tsunade. “We have all the
information we need,” said Ino’s father. “Good we’ll discuss it over
with Naruto when he gets back,” said Tsunade. “Naruto. What the hell’s
taking him so damn long. I know he likes to show up at the last moment,
but we can’t wait any longer for him. We’ll use plan B and take Pain
down by force,” said Shizune. “This is however strange. Could it be
that the message never reached Myobokuzan. Usually we would get an
immediate response from either Shima or Fukasku,” said Tsunade.
“Tsunade. Look who I found,” said Katsuyu (Kakashi falls out of the

(Everyone is shocked)

“There’s no time. Get Sakura to take over for me. I’ll get Naruto
myself,” said Tsuande. “But, you’ll never make it in time, and Sakura
does not have the chakra to deal with all these injuries, we can’t risk
losing you,” said Shizune. “Jiriaya left me with a scroll to the
mountain through a toad a long time ago, just in case I needed his help
during the time we were teammates in the war. I won’t be gone long,”
said Tsunade.

Next Chapter: Is Kakashi alive? Will Tsunade bring Naruto back in time
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« Válasz #382 Dátum: 08 nov 26, 09:34:58 »

Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-426-spoiler-pictures-summaries-6126/

verifaction: pending
scorce: ndbz.forum.net
credits: sageking

Chapter 426: (i didnt see a tile O_o)


港の中に彼と話を自来也NARUTO -ナルト-赤ん坊を保持し港を発見

Kakashiの14について(年齢) :ねえ、先生、そしてマスタ自来也、オハイオこれは、この

港:そのNARUTO -ナルト-、私の息子

* KakashiのNARUTO -ナルト-頭* r ubs

自来也:彼の顔は私の最初の本の中の登場人物* smirks後に彼の名前そう。イム彼のゴッドファーザー*

Kakashiの:ほかのように彼の祖父に行く* *笑


自来也: ... 。 > _ <

港:うーん、これは私の息子だと私はすべてをもって彼を残すには、すべて私のユストゥス、私は 、私の契約を 目標と私の夢



港:この部屋はすべて私の知識でいっぱいの秘訣はカーシャは、すべて私の術や武器、私はここに 不完全な術や アイデアの負荷をしている。私の場合日には戦闘で私はここにこの場所には準備ができているとき に感じる私の 息子は村を守る秋になるとよい。


NARUTO -ナルト-とF ukasakuにシーンの変更

NARUTO -ナルト-:今何をやるのは何ですか!

Fukasaku :単純な場合は、悪魔を飼いならすキツネする必要がある

NARUTO -ナルト-: !

お客様Fukasaku ( )術シールシールの芸術をマスターする必要がある最初の

* Fukasaku *手の兆候と私は不思議なため息を
(ジャンプやNARUTO -ナルト-の頭をタップ)

NARUTO -ナルト-: a rrgh!


Fukasaku :私はあなたの中に隠れていたが知っていた




* *足の手順を聞く




次の章。他の男は誰が、何NARUTO -ナルト-については、次のです! ?

rough translation- ( sure on accuracy...)

Scene opens with Kakashi opening a door

Inside he finds Jiraiya and Minato talking with Minato holding a baby Naruto

Kakashi(age about 14): hey sensei, and master Jiraiya, oh who this

Minato : its Naruto, my son

*Kakashi rubs Naruto head*

Jiraiya : yeah they named him after the character in my first book *smirks on his face. Im his godfather*

Kakashi : More like his go grandfather *laughs*

Minato : laughing, oh be nice kakashi

Jiraiya : …. >_<

Minato : well, this is my son and I want to leave him with everything, all my Justus, I deals, my goals and my dreams

Kakashi : well you have me to help with that sensei, I guess ill be like his big brother *smiles*

Scene changes to Minato and kasha walking down a hall in the kage building..
* Minato opens a door *

Minato : kasha this room is secret it filled with all my knowledge, all my Jutsu and weapons, I have loads of incomplete Jutsu and ideas in here. On day if I am to fall in battle protecting the village I want you to take my son here to this place when you feel he is ready.

Kakashi : you got it sensei, but lets hope things doesn’t come to that

Scene changes to Naruto and Fukasaku

Naruto : what are we going to do now?!

Fukasaku : it simple, you have to tame the demon fox

Naruto: !

Fukasaku first we need you to master the art of seals( sealing Jutsu)

*Fukasaku makes hand signs and sighs I wonder*
(jumps and taps Naruto on the head)

Naruto : arrgh!

*the key frog comes out his moth*

Fukasaku : I knew you was hiding in there

Scroll frog : why you bring me out here , this boy isn’t ready yet?!
*another old frog appears*

Unknown : Fukasaku you summoned me?

Scene changes back to kakakshi at the camp fire

*hears foot steps*

Kakashi : who there?

Voice : its me kakashi, Rin


Next chapter. Who is the other guy, what’s next for Naruto !?



Naruto: damn it....*sitting on a rock*...all my training for nothing...!

Fukasaku: *makes sad face* im sorry naruto....but i promise you i will find a way for you to use hermit mode!

Naruto: damn kyubi...if only i could talk to him and convince him to let you fuse with me....*makes mad face*

Fukasaku: *thinks* thats it!

Naruto: what?

Fukasaku: you must become one with him during battle.....


Fukasaku:..you idiot i said become one with him...as in dont let him take over you but become one and control him....

Naruto: how will i do that?

Fukasaku: get up naruto!

Naruto:? *Gets up*


Fukasaku: *jumps up and his right hand covered in chakra punches naruto right on the seal on his stomach as the ground shakes*

Naruto: *eyes turn white then red*......*forms two tails*

Kyuubi: *half narutos face turns kyuubi* *kyubi screams and the rocks around him go flying*

Fukasaku: *holds on the ground*....this chakra...is so powerfull....

Kyuubi: *half of naruto face grins* HAHAHA IM COMING OUT!

Fukasaku: ****...come on naruto...*YELLS* CONTROL HIM NARUTO!

Kyuubi: *stares at fuka* ....your foolish enough to think that he can tame me....? hahah you fool....naruto is being consumed as we speak!

*scene changes to naruto on the floor in the darkness*

Naruto:*gets up*huh...?where am i...? *walks forward and makes shocked face*

Kyuubi: how does it feel...?to be the one thats trapped in a cage *grins*

Naruto: *tries to brake the bars*...Damn it! LET ME OUT!

Kyuubi: your not getting out...your weak naruto...you will never tame me...and you will never master hermit mode *grins*

Naruto:.....*slams the bars but its no use* DAMN IT! *tears*

*scene changes to konoha*

Konohamaru: *summens Gamatatsu* gamatatsu quickly go to naruto and tell him whats going on!

Gamatatsu: okay dokey!

*as gamatatsu jumps an anbu root memeber stomps on him*


Gamatatsu: oww....help konohamaru:

Anbu root member:....you two arent going anywhere

*another anbu root member appears*

Anbu root member: what are you doing here?

Konohamaru: *charges at anbu root member thats stomping on gamatatsu*

Anbu root member: puny pest... *draws blade and raises it up above his head*

Anbu root member #2: *appears infront of the blade and takes out his own and stabs him in stomach*


Anbu root member: what the...*blood spills on the ground* you bastard *swings his blade upwards as anbu root member #2's mask goes flying into the sky*

Sai:*sai's face appears out when the mask breaks*

Gamatatsu: *escapes*



*Scene changes back to fukasaku*


Kyuubi: *nearly has 4 tails and is turning into minature kyubi*
He is gone...*grins* and *appears infront of Fukasaku and claws him in the face as fukasaku goes flying into rocks and rocks pile on him*

Fukasaku: *rocks cover him as he goes unconcous*

Scene ends with
*naruto grasping the bars tighter and staring at kyuubi with a mad face*


Verification: Pending
Source: Kage,pl forum

Kakashi talking to his father.
Kakashi -...I felt guilty for his death, I'd do anything to reviwe him from death...after we wen't back to the village, me and Rin were preparing to leave , searching for the way to accomplish our goal, even if we would had to use forbidden techniques...I was foolish, making my actions with haste, and without thinking...(flashback about Rin and Kakashi encountering a group of Ninjas)
Wind Ninja - well, unlucky for you kids, our countries aren't allied, therefore you will be killed here!!
(closeup at grownup Kakashis face, he closed his eyes, and the scene goes back to the flashback)
Kakashi - Rin ! let go of her ! (Ninjas are holding Rin and Kakashi)
Rin - Kakashi ! help me !
Kakashi - no, please ! stop that !!
(back to old Kakashi)
Kakashi - and she was killed...right in front of my eyes...I will see her soon, both of them, I pray that they will forgive me...
White Fang - Kakashi, remember what you said to me after you have been promoted to be a Chuunin ?
Kakashi - huh ? no, I don't...
White Fang - "Rank means nothing, what matters are your actions, succesful of the mission"
Kakashi - yes...I remember now...
White Fang - you will See Obito, that I can promise to you, but not yet.
Kakashi - what are you getting at ?
White Fang - you still have a mission to do, my son, your time has not yet come to an end.
Kakashi - but...my...I have no...
White Fang - you haven't used that technique because you thought it was too dangerous, but if you won't do something, the Village will meet it's end!!
Kakashi - ...!
(The surrounding area slowly starts to dissapear, replaced but the real world)
White Fang - We will meet again, my son.
Kakashi - Dad...
(zoom to Kakashi, being covered by the ruins)
Kakashi - *coughs* Dad...thank you... heal gate, release!
Scene at Naruto.
Fukusaku - Naruto-kun, have you ever talked to the Nine-tails ?
Naruto - yes, rarely but yes, last time it was when I was trying to get my friend home.
Fukusaku - how are your conversations like with it ?
Naruto - well, he he's allways convincing me to release the Seal.
Fukusaku - have you ever...concidering doing what he requests ?
Naruto - no...i mean, yes, but i was just imagining what power would i get from that.
Fukusaku - power ? Naruto-kun, your life would end with the moment you would do that, don't you ever forget that!
Naruto - oh...okay!
Fukusaku - well, how should I put this...if you wan't to use Sage mode, you have to find a way to convince the Kyuubi to not reject me.
Naruto - huh ? how could I possibly do that ? aksing him about...
Fukusaku - the beast may be evil, but it doesn't lack mind. you have to make a little chit-chat with him.
Naruto - but...I don't even know where to start from ! what would I tell him !?
Fukusaku - you'll use this (shows him a weird hat-thing)
Naruto - I'm not gonna wear it, its ugly!
Fukusaku *sigh* this "ugly" hat, will put you into a Koma state, or more like near-death state.this is how we meditate!
Naruto - I dunno about this, I promised myself i would never see his face again...
Fukusaku - think about it Naruto-kun, if you could make his cooperate, to give you power, whenever you need, combining this with the Sage mod...you would Surpass Jiraya!! Kyuubi chakara is hurting you, and at the same time healing, right ?
Naruto - yea...
Fukusaku - with the Sage mode, that Chakara would be doing nothing to you!
Naruto - really !? *smiles*
Fukuasku - yes, have faith boy! if this fail, we'll find some other way, you have nothing to lose! *also smiles*
(Scene at the Akatsuki hideout. shows Sasuke and his crew.)
Sasuke - Taka, we are heading to Konoha.
(zoom at Madara's eye.)

Next chapter - new bonds ?

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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« Válasz #383 Dátum: 08 nov 26, 10:55:15 »

Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=29297

Chapter: Ibiki vs Pain, Secret revealed?

Shizune, Innoichi, Ino and chuunins random fleeing Pain.
[chuunin random = without name, without relevance to the plot, less than Filler]

Ino: Dad, what was that?

Innoichi: No time, we must unravel Pain.

Shizune: These things are black recipients of chackra. They transmit information and chakra.

Innoichi: Interesting, and all these things are located along these pains (bodies).

Ino: And from that relies too!

Innoichi & Shizune:!

Shizune: Could it be?

Innoichi: This is the answer!

Pain appears suddenly Human Realm

Ino: One more?

Chunnin (random): He waited for us ...?!

Pain: This is the end. Do not allow mere humans escaping.

Ibiki is at the top of a huge wall. The whole area is damaged. Some random chuunin are on the ground. [Perhaps drawn on the floor, I believe]

Ibiki: I can not do anything against these invocations. So I use it. [ "that Jutsu" ^ ^]

Ibiki a few seals.

Ibiki: Four pillars of imprisonment!

Four pillars are leaving the ground. From each several cells scattered in
the whole place. Each cell has several spears inside.


Ibiki: This is my supreme technique of torture. But there is more ...

Pain (thinking): I can not move me

Ibiki: This Jutsu is able to seal the chackra prisoner of the distance. But that ...!!!

A huge explosion. All points are canceled. Two Pains there are standing. It is animal and ghost Realm Realm

Pain: I see you've used this technique to much chakra. It seems that the Jutsu is not suitable for large motions. Now prepare to die!

Scene changes to Shizune. Pain Realm human Innoichi grabs in the head.

Pain: It seems that I must agree to kill you

Innoichi: Damn, that feeling! Maybe I can resist ...

Ino: Dad!

Suddenly appeared Konohamaru and throw a kuna in Pain. Obviously hit. A smoke bomb explodes near.

Konohamaru: Run for Tsunade!

Shizune and the other fleeing.

Pain: ...

Scene changes to Tsunade. Chouji comes to the location.

Anbu: What do you want?

Chouji: I have crucial information for Tsunade!

Pain: I do not think you have ...

Pain God comes to the location

Pain: Get ready for total annihilation ...

Next episode: Those who fight! The final fight is ready! What happened with Kakashi?

Forrás: http://www.mangashare.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9630

The chapter opens with an interrogation by Jigokudou Pain. Two annonymous Konoha shinobis get extracted what look like their souls by a giant summon creature.

Konohamaru, who has been spying on the scene gets spotted by Pain (and now in danger) but Ebisu sensei steps in to save him.

Scene switches to the Code Breakers.

Again, it switches to Naruto in training. He is having a tough time but the scene ends with a frame in which he vows never to give up as the code carried by Fukasaku is a message for him (from Jiraiya).

Ebisu is in trouble. (Pain orders him to tell him where Naruto is or else) A quick flashback of him (Ebisu) and Naruto. Then he tells Pain that he will never tell as Naruto is one of Konoha. Just as Pain delivers the final blow, Konohamaru throws shurikens at Pain. Looks like they (Konohamaru & Jigokudou Pain) will fight next week.

Forrás: http://forum.onemanga.com/showthread.php?t=29297&page=2

表紙は木の葉丸 三代目 閻魔 Cover the leaves generation Round Three Enma
*The cover is Konohamaru, the Third and Enma (the big monkey summon)

木の葉丸が口寄せの怪物に襲われ殺されそうになる その瞬間 木の葉丸の持ってた如意棒から閻魔登場 三代目から木の葉丸を護るのが遺言だったらしい The circle foliage act as a medium is attacked by a monster to be killed the moment it leaves the circle with a bar如意I come from a diabolic protect three round-generation from the testator leaves DATTARASHII
*Konohamaru is being attacked by one of Pain’s summons. He’s about to be killed when from out of Konohamaru’s Nyoibo (*think Son Goku’s pole) comes Enma. Apparently it was the Third wanted Konohamaru to have it after he died.

場面変わってナルト Naruto scene has changed
*Scene change to Naruto

融合出来ないので ナルトに隠と陽のチャクラの話をする蛙 鍵を預かっている事も話してた Naruto is not hidden in the fusion of the chakras and talk about the positive frogs are also key, he was in charge of
*Since Naruto cannot fuse with Fukusaku, Fukusaku decides to tell him about yin and yang chakra. He also tells him about the key.

さらに場面変わってカカシとサクモ In addition to changing situations and SAKUMO KAKASHI
*Then yet another scene change to Kakashi and Sakumo

カカシがサクモに仲間(オビト リン)が出来て死んでしまった事 ナルトやサスケ サクラを思い浮かべ寂しそうな顔をしたカカシにサクモが気付く KAKASHI colleagues in the SAKUMO (OBITO phosphorus), we were dead even Sakura Naruto and Sasuke to look Think of loneliness KAKASHI notice to the SAKUMO
*Kakashi tells Sakumo that he made friends (Obito and Rin) but that they died. He then thinks about Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and others and Sakumo notices that Kakashi is making a saaaad face. *

そこへ暗闇からオビトが歩いて来る カカシがリンの事を謝りオビトにリンの事を聞くが来て無いと言われる Dark OBITO there to walk from the phosphorus KAKASHI OBITO apologize to the phosphorus can hear things that are said to be coming TE無I
*Then from out of the darkness Obito comes walking into frame. Kakashi apologizes to him about Rin. Kakashi asks Obito about Rin but he says that she hasn’t come yet.

サクモがカカシが持っている形見の刀を貸してくれといい何か唱え出す その後サクモが『まだお前にはやるべき事があるだろ! KAKASHI SAKUMO have a memento to lend me a sword and calling out something good, then the SAKUMO you still have things to do! ! ! 』といい 刀が光りその光に包まれ現実世界へ帰還する I have a sword of light and cloaked in the light to return to the real world
*Sakumo tells Kakashi to lend him the sword that Kakashi carries around as a memento (presumably the broken one left to him by his father that broke in the Kakashi Gaiden). Sakumo then busts out a little chant and afterward Sakumo tells Kakashi, “You still have things you need to do!!” and the blade shines. The light from the blade brings the scene back to the real world.

埋まってたカカシが光が爆発? KAKASHI explosion was buried on the light? して復活して終わりです Resurrection is the end of the
*The area around Kakashi (he was partially buried) explodes and Kakashi comes back into action. End of chapter.

Chapter 426 Konoha's Darkness

Scene opens with Kakashi and his Dad

Kakashi: "Things have been a constant challenge my whole life."
White Fang: "That is how you grow."
Kakashi: "My eye has seen more than I thought I would ever have to endure."
White Fang: "But everything lead to one moment of truth? Did you fail or did your ambitions save you?"

Naruto & Fukasaku are brainstorming how to fuse

Naruto: "This is not how I planned on becoming a sage"
Fukasaku: "It is possible that you can learn to control sage chakra without me, but a shadow clone can be easily killed"
Naruto: "I think I know of a way that I can keep a shadow clone away from any attacks"
Fukasaku: "I already know what you are referring to. If you think it's gonna work, try it now"

Ibiki and the ANBU squad prepares a counter-attack while Inoichi and Shizune go underground

Ibiki: "The chakra of this beast is growing"
ANBU Member: "I don't think we have an option, bind him now!"
Ibiki: "This is going to obliterate this whole section of the village."
ANBU Member: (uses binding jutsu with chakra strands from 4 ANBU)

Last page is Konohamaru in horror, watching metal spikes being driven into Kakashi's head and body. Each metal spike is helping to lift his body up off the ground and Kakashi is staring at Konohamaru.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 26, 15:41:14 írta silvertea » Naplózva

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Hozzászólások: 15

« Válasz #384 Dátum: 08 nov 26, 18:51:36 »

"Last page is Konohamaru in horror, watching metal spikes being driven into Kakashi's head and body. Each metal spike is helping to lift his body up off the ground and Kakashi is staring at Konohamaru."

 Ez "silvertea" azt jelenti,hogy a következő oldalon Konohamaru azt látja ,hogy az isteni birodalmi Pein sok kis szögeket szúr át Kakasin és Kakasit a földről felemeli és ránéz Konohamarura. Ezt ne vedd kötekedésnek silvertea amúgy szerintem a spoiler képek valósak.

"Szerintem az a gyenge aki menőnek tartja azzal magát,hogy bunkónak teteti magát."
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #385 Dátum: 08 nov 27, 15:26:01 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: shadowfox1


It starts with jigoku (hell) Pain interrogation. Two konohas ninjas are soul sucked into giant kuchiyose.
The Ebisu-sensei appears before Konohamaru.
Scene changes to decypher department.
Then changes to Naruto training. He's trying hard not to fail, because of the code on fukasaku's back.
Ebisu in a pinch. Pain asks him about Naruto. He's flashbacking. And then says he's never going to tell. Then Pain attacks but Konohamaru throws shurikens at him.
They are going to have a battle next week.


Ebisu-sensei isn't dead.
Konoha's shurikens and kunais are no good.
It ends with other party

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #386 Dátum: 08 nov 27, 18:20:57 »

A 426. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 427. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Kezdő Jounin
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Hozzászólások: 561

« Válasz #387 Dátum: 08 dec 02, 18:07:18 »

427: Friends

Konohamaru: I'm your opponent. I'm the one your searching for. Uzumaki Naruto.
*Hell Realm remembers what Itachi said back in the Rescue Gaara Arc after they sealed the Ichibi away*
Itachi: He'll be the one who starts shouting at you first thing.
Hell Realm: I see ...
Konohamaru: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! Catch me if you can asshole.
*3 Kage Bunshins + The real one spread out*
Ebisu things: What are you doing Konohamaru?
All the Pains except the Human realm are going after one of the Konohamarus.

Tsunades Hideout
Tsunade is still doing her Radar-Jutsu to find injured Shinobis.
Tsunade: What's the meaning of that?! Pain is following someone .. could it be Naruto?

On Mt. Frog
Fukasaku: Im- ... possible ... how .. Naruto you managed it. You can actually go into the Sennin Mode while you are moving.
Naruto: hehe. I'm better than you expected, eh?
Fukasaku: You don't understand. Even for me it is impossible. How is that possible? You really are the unpredictable Ninja No.1.
Time to go into the next level!
Naruto: Even more training? I'm hungry and I need to go back!
Fukasaku: Ma can cook something for ya. You still don't get it boi. You'll face the one who killed Jiraiya-chan easily. Just because you are better than him in gathering natural energy it doesn't mean you are better than him in general. Jiraiya was able to use powerful elemental NinJutsus and he combined them with the Sennin Mode. Tell me Naruto, what's your chakra element?
Naruto: Wind. And I guess I'm very skilled in using it ... I just leak in quantity of NinJutsus. Hehe.
Fukasaku: I see .. good ... we just have to combine your Chakra, your Kage Bunshin Usage und the fire based Kyuubi Chakra and ...
Naruto: Hey .. No wait! I wont use the Kyuubi power ever again!
Fukasaku: Let me handle that kacsint
Fukasaku thing: Combine Sennin Mode and Kyuubi .. that could be interesting ...

In front of the Konoha front gates:
Konohamaru is totally exhausts. 4 Pains stand in front of him.
Deva Realm: It ends here Kyuubi Jinchurikki!
Tsunade: No!
Pain turns around and thousands of Konoha Shinobis stands on the Wall and on buildings.
Tsunade: Now the real batt- What?! That's not Naruto. It's Konohamru. What is going on? And where is Naruto?
Akadémiai tanuló
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Hozzászólások: 42

« Válasz #388 Dátum: 08 dec 02, 23:39:55 »

Vki mondta hogy hiányolja a spoilereket!
Hááát itt vannak... Mosolyog

Ebisu: Konohamaru-kun, why!?
Konohamaru: Everyone is protecting the village. I want to protect it too (ttebayo) kore!
Ebisu: But as you are right now... besides, don't you have a duty? Idiot (being kicked)
Konohamaru: I'm your opponent! Naruto ni-chan, don't you forget about me!


A page where the atmosphere can't be read
ナルト 動きながら仙人モードを使いこなす練習をする。
Naruto's is practicing how to use sennin mode while moving.
but his features and lower half turn into a frog
Shizune's group is far away, so the Pain we saw comes.
Ino's dad ***regrouping???***. Shikamaru and his dad are there. ************

Chouji reaches the Hokage's area. From another direction, far away he can see 2 Pains and Konan.
Is the Hokage over there?

On the last page, smoke can be seen in the village, and a slug arrives where Kakashi is. *********

egy másik:

The arm of Pein seems to have suffered a small cut. Ebisu falls on the floor, crouching down. Pein slowly look at Konahamaru.

Pein: "You know where the Nine Tails this?"
Konahamaru: "Do you really think ...."

Some flashbacks, among them the scene of Naruto talking about it now and Konohamaru were rivals. Then, Naruto saying that he would become Hokage.

Konohamaru: "Do you really think I would entrust the future of Hokage Land of Fire?"

Konohamaru leaves running upwards of Pein. He begins to make seals, and creates two Kage Bunshins.

Ebisu: "Konohamaru, this is who killed Jiraiya-Senpai, you have no chance against him."
Konohamaru: "Shut up, I will protect Naruto as if he were my own life."

The image focuses the eyes of Konohamaru, and beside a picture of the third.

Ebisu: "The will of fire .."

Another Flashback enter into "scene". Ebisu is still a kid. He is observing a meeting of Jounins, where his father and mother is.

Jounin: "It is suicide to go against Kyuubi, she is unbeatable."
Third: "If we do not fight, who will fight for nois? Who will protect our town, our families?"
Jounin: "Where’s the Hokage-sama? Since Kyuubi appeared he disappeared."
Third: "Minato said, I assume temporarily the situation ..."
Jounin 2: "Apparently he fled and left alone nois ..."
Third: "Do not say that. I trust my own life in Minato."

The flashback ends and the image focuses on Ebisu again.

Ebisu: "He always believed .... As Konohamaru in Naruto ..."

An explosion then happens where Pein was.

The scene changes to the city, where Inouji and (not intend her name) are running

Inougi: "We need to come soon ..."

One of the bodies of Peine appears in front of the two

END - What happened to Konohamaru?

In the next: "New Generation"

Még egy:

Land of Fire feels Pain's Wrath with every failed attempt at Locating Naruto. (Cover of God Realm)

Switch Scene to Konohamaru vs. Hell:

"Konohamaru Dammit, why could not you just have gotten away. Don’t worry about me. Let the grown ups fight, you still have time left,” said Ebisu.

"Sorry sensei. But what would Naruto do in this situation,” asked Konohamaru. (Ebisu has a flash back of Naruto.)

"Naruto, how you've changed this brennon. I’ve already ordered back up prior to arriving. Don’t over do it. Just last until back up arrives,” said Ebisu.

"Fool. Like he’d last until then. I don’t care who my victims are. I do not care who my victims are. Children are also capable of feeling Pain,” said Hell.

(Hell turns around) "Konohamaru, watch out for his eyes. Its a powerful technique, don’t get hit by it,” said Ebisu.

"Its time I use it. Thanks for this, Naruto. Mass shadow clone Jutsu "said Konohamaru.

(About 100 shadow clones appear) “Interesting. It will not work unless I get the correct one. Perhaps I underestimated this kid,” said Hell.

"Shadow clones, and a lot of them. I had no idea. Must be Naruto's work. Heh, perhaps he should have been Konohamaru’s sensei,” said while smiling Ebisu.

“I can’t make quite as much as Naruto. But at least I should be able to hold him off until the others arrive, "said Konohamaru.

Switch Scene to Mount Myobokuzan:

“So Naruto, how do you suppose we move on from here.I am incapable of training you any farther. If you are to be able to draw in natural chakra while moving, you’ll be a Sage to surpass any Sage in history. I still doubt the possibility, but if its possible, surely its only something you could do, "said Fukasku.

(Naruto pants) (Naruto pants)

“To draw in Natural energy in order to enter Sage mode while moving. Let's think ... I got it, "yelled Naruto. “What, are you saying you you’ve actually discovered a way,” asked Fukasku. "Actually, when you put it that way, its actually quite possible," smiled Naruto.

“Really.This is something only I can do, as it uses an extreme amount of chakra to balance the trick, "said Naruto. “Alright enough of the jokes. Let me see it, "said Fukasku.

(Naruto relaxes and produces one shadow clone)

“Shadow clone jutsu. While your shadow clone draws in the natural energy, you are free to fight and attack the enemy, while another you Gathers the chakra. Brilliant idea.

Once the shadow clone disperses, the natural energy will be transfered to you, causing you to go into Sage Mode. Of course Jiraiya could not even do that. You need an abundance of chakra to be able to draw in natural energy. Having your chakra Halved would be an impossible feat, "said Fukasku.

(Naruto’s shadow clone continues to draw upon Sage chakra, while it undergoes forms of Kyuubi influences) (

“Not if I use the Kyuubi’s chakra. True, I can not fuse with you to draw in natural chakra, but my shadow clone can use the Kyuubi's chakra to have a bigger chakra source, allowing it to go into Sage mode, "said Naruto.

“Hmm. " You really are the Child of Prophecy, "said Fukasku. “Alright I got it. Sage mode, "said Shadow Clone. “Alright. I'll show you what a Sage really can do, "said Naruto. (The shadow clone disperses and Naruto goes into Sage mode)

“Heh. I guess its really possible. Perhaps its time we get you ready to go back to Konoha. First lets you get healed up. As far as I’m concerned. You've already surpassed Jiraiya and myself. There’s nothing more I can teach you here. Let's get you patched up and ready to go, "said Fukasku.

“I surpassed pervy Sage. Now its time for me to Avenger him, "said Naruto. (Naruto balls up his fist)

Switch Scene: Tsunade continues to heal the village

“What’s taking Naruto so long. He must not have completed his training. “We’ll just have to wait a little bit longer,” said Tsunade. "We'll just have to wait a little bit longer," said Tsunade. “I hope this Naruto is worth all the salt,” said Anbu 1. “Sure is. " Remember he's the student of Jiraiya. There’s no way he’d let Akatuski get away with this,” Anbu 2.

(A huge wave pushes Tsunade and the four Anbu backwards into rubble.)

“So. While I spent all my energies destroying this village. The 9 tails goes off to train,” said God realm.

"Is everyone okay," asked Tsunade. “We’ll be fine,” said Anbu 3.

"So. You’ve found us. Looks like we'll have to hold him off until Naruto Arrives, "said Tsunade."Tsunade, should I call for back up," asked Anbu 1. “No. I have a personal Grudge against him. No one else should get involved. This one, is for Jiraiya, "said Tsunade.

“That’s right. The last Sannin. Oh how I'll enjoy this one, "said God Realm.

Switch Scene to Code breakers: Scene Switch to Code breakers:

“We’re here,” said Ino.

"Shizune. Feel us in on anything you’ve covered,” said Shiho.

"Oh yeah. Pain’s secret is about to be blow open. Pain's secret is about to be blow open. We have the top interrogation specialist with us with an abundance of information on Pain. Plus I just recovered information from the autopsy report. We’ll put our heads together and start immediately,” said Shizune. We'll put our heads together and start immediately, "said Shizune.

Next Chapter: Tsunade vs. God Realm. Naruto prepares for departure.

Még Még egy: 

Source: NC

Verfication: Pending

Title: The New Generation

*Title Page is off Naruto and Konohamaru back to back

Quick Summary of the Chapter:

Chapter starts of with Konohamaru talking to Pain about the will of fire and why he won't tell him where naruto is. Pain is shown to be bleeding from the arm where Konohamaru threw the Kunai last chapter. He throws the blood onto konohamaru and uses judgment telling konohamaru that he will die if he doesn't tell him where narutop is. It seems blood is the link between Pain, the target, and the hell god

Scene Shift to Naruto and Fusaku. Naruto deciedes to try a new tactic and uses Taijuu Kage Bushin having all the bushin moving in different ways to see if any of their movements will allow him to gather even the slightest bit of natural energy.

Scene changes to Konohamaru again. Konohamaru tells Pain that naruto is right here and henge's into sexy no jutsu naruto. To which the hell god goes to rip Konohamaru's soul out, but Konohamaru is just a bushin. Konohamaru attacks Pain from behinde with the staff of enma and smashes Pain into a building. However the scene shows that Konohamaru got some of Pain's blood on him during the attack.

Scene Shifts back to Naruto and Fusaku again. The different actions the Kage Bushin are taking range from insane, to hillarious, to down right nasty. Fusaku questions naruto as to how he thinks this could possibly work. Naruto tells fusaku that if sitting still is a way to gather natural energy and movement breaks this process then mabye its possible to find a movement that does not break this process if he searches enough. Fusaku thinks that if their was such a movement the past Sage would have found it by now and that Naruto is just wasting time, but to his suprise a one of the bushins thats doing and extremely strange pose grows a wart. It seems all naruto has to do now is find the movements he can use and learn to fight with them no matter how strange they are.

Chapter ends with Hell Pain using Judgment on what appears to be the real Konohamaru telling him that if he moves a single muslce he will die.

Na ennyi lenne mára! Nevet

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #389 Dátum: 08 dec 03, 09:15:34 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: onemanga
Szerző: 7Line 

dunno if its true but i like it

''If that spoiler is true, that'd be three chapters in which little or nothing has happened - Just developing what we know or could easily perceive.

If Konohamaru wants to fight captain Evil, can we just let him do so. At least that'd be interesting.

My prediction;

Naruto is running as Fukasaku watches, he slams his hands together forming a seal, but trips over exhausted. His fatigue leaves him unable to shield himself from sliding across the ground.

He's panting and seems like he's generally in pain. Fukasaku approaches solemnly.
Fukasaku: Naruto...
Naruto: Hah, Hah, Hah
Fukasaku: I've let this go on long enough...I as willing to let you try for the sake of your ego, but you must understand; You cannot move and absorb Sage chakra.

Naruto tries to stand

Fukasaku: Of all the generations of frogs that have lived here, what makes you think you can crack this impossible task?

Naruto collapses

Naruto: Heh...
Fukasaku: ?
Naruto: The same reason I created an impossible jutsu that surpassed the greatest Hokage in a matter of weeks...the same reason I mastered Jiraiya's A rank jutsu in a single week...the same reason I beat two of the strongest ninjas of my generation...just like them, I will beat this "impossibility".
Fukasaku: At least those things were plausable, no one tried to teach you anything that wouldn't produce an outcome! this just cannot be done. It is impossible!
Naruto: To me...impossible is nothing.
Fukasaku: Fine...then you tell me how you keep still while moving.
Naruto: The same way you look left while looking right...
Fukasaku: ?

Kakashi and Sakumo:
Sakumo: I see...
Kakashi: Are you disappointed?
Sakumo: It's not that...
Kakashi: Then what's wrong, dad?
Sakumo: You abandoned your mission to save you friends...to which end you didn't achieve anyway
Kakashi: ...
Sakumo: This is the same reason I left the living world...but instead of being forced into my fate, you became a man worthy of hokage...I think I'm just glad that Konoha finally grew up...
Why do you think that is?
Kakashi: The Fourth...
Sakumo: He was quite a man...but now that he's gone, these ways of life are still persued as if law. There must be something else, what is it that finally bought Konoha together as a village that lives for comradeship and not profit. This incredible, inspired will to live for others.
Kakashi: The village right now, more than ever, are united in protecting one boy. It's a truly remarkable thing.
Sakumo: "Boy"?! You died for a child?
Kakashi: That's right, I didn't get to my students did I?
Sakumo: ??
Kakashi: Right now, everyone is protecting Uzumaki Naruto.
Sakumo: This child must be a remarkable human being .

Naruto begins running and creates a kage bunshin. He concentrates, closing his eyes.
He's running full speed toward a large rock.
As he's about to run into face first his eyes open and he punches straight through the rock with a powerful yell.

Kakashi: You could say that...

The dust clears and Naruto turns around with his bunshin in sage mode.

Fukasaku: N-no...it can't be...''
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 dec 03, 09:16:27 írta yupi » Naplózva

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