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Szerző Téma: Fairy Tail manga - Spoiler  (Megtekintve 47418 alkalommal)
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Hozzászólások: 15

« Válasz #75 Dátum: 15 dec 23, 23:45:52 »

Brandish was saved by the guild. Porlyusica says no need to thank us.

Brandish is like why did you help me, Lucy says there's something she wants to hear

Brandish says she has nothing to say to her even if they torture her. Lucy retorts, its not like I'm asking you to take a bath together

Brandish: You want to hear about Layla...I have conditions...remove these shackles and leave me with Lucy

Cana: We're not accepting any conditions

Lucy: Its fine

*Lucy and Brandish are alone*

Brandish: My name is Brandish μ. My mothers name is Grammy (グラミー), she was a servant to Layla. When Layla retired, she entrusted three keys to her three servants. Capricorn's key is Zoldeo, Cancer's key to Spetto and Aquarius to her mother Grammy. My mother respected Layla a lot, Aquarius' key was so important, she polished it every day. However she was betrayed by her. How did the Aquarius key end up in your hands?

Lucy: From Mama

Brandish: My mother was the one who received the key, how do you think you got it from your Mama?

Lucy: ...

Brandish: To get the key back, Layla killed my mother.

Lucy: That can't be!!

Brandish: That's why you're naive. You believe only what you see with your eyes...Now I'll have my sweet revenge.

*She jumps on Lucy, covering her mouth so she can't resist etc. In the process tips over a vase of water*

Brandish: I don't have a grudge on you, it's just something I must do. My mother's humiliation can only be helped by ending your life. I'm sorry...DIE

*They're both struggling, Brandish is crying while trying to "kill" Lucy...The water on the ground starts morphing...*

Aquarius: What did you say about my key?

Lucy: Aquarius?!!!

End text: Their mothers' fates, interwoven.

Chapter 468: ほしのきおく(Memories of the Star)
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #76 Dátum: 16 jan 08, 08:58:16 »



"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Don Diablo
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Hozzászólások: 93

« Válasz #77 Dátum: 16 jan 08, 17:33:10 »

Aquarius' key was reborn in the world after 1 year.
Aquarius is Brandish's master
Aquarius: "I am your master, and my master is Lucy. Do you understand what it means?"
Brandish: "But my mother was killed, I can't forgive Lucy"
Aquarius: "Lucy isn't Layla", then she says she'll show Brandish the truth
The go into another dimension type place
Aquarius: "This is Memory of the Stars, an archive of memories" They all become mermaids
Aquarius shows them a memory from 400 years ago
"This is Anna Heartfilia, Lucy's ancestor"
She was a Celestial Mage.
Aquarius: "400 years ago, a black mage, a Dragon, and a celestial mage set a plan in motion"
The "Black Mage" is Zeref. The Celestial Mage is Anna. They made a plan in case Acnologia gets defeated... Eclipse Gate is a time machine made using celestial magic, one of a kind
Heartfilia family has guarded Eclipse for generations To operate it, you need one mage on the entrance and one on the exit
Next, she then shows the how Grammy died. Zoldeo was the one who stabbed her and killed her.
Brandish is crying and Lucy is comforting her.
We return back to the present inside the medical room.
Happy runs in...
Happy: Na-Natsu is unconscious! His body isn't moving! Lucy: ?!
Chapter 469: あたしのしたい事 "What I want to do"
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #78 Dátum: 16 jan 08, 19:27:17 »

Magyar fordítás:

Aquarius kulcsa 1 év után újjászületett a[z emberi] világban.
Aquarius Brandish mestere.
Aquarius: "A mestered vagyok, és Lucy az én mesterem. Felfogtad, mit jelent ez?"
Brandish: "De az anyámat megölték. Nem tudok megbocsátani Lucy-nek."
Aquarius: "Lucy nem Layla." - aztán azt mondja, hogy megmutatja az igazságot Brandish-nek.
Aztán egy másik dimenzióba mennek.
Aquarius: "Ez a Csillagarchívum, egy emléktár."  - Mindannyian sellővé változnak.
Aquarius 400 évvel korábbi emlékeket mutat nekik.
Aquarius: "Ő Anna Heartfilia, Lucy felmenője." - Ő egy csillagmágus volt.
Aquarius: "400 éve egy fekete mágus, egy sárkány és egy csillagmágus beindítottak egy tervet."
A fekete mágus Zeref, a csillagmágus Anna [a sárkány pedig valószínűleg Igneel]. A terv Acnologia legyőzését célozta. Az Elsötétülés Kapu egy időgép, amit csillagmágiából építettek [vagyis annak a segítségével lehet kinyitni, lásd Nagy Mágiajátékok].
A kaput a Heartfilia család őrizte generációkon át. A működtetéséhez kell egy csillagmágus a bejárathoz és egy a kijárathoz.
Következőnek azt mutatja meg, Grami hogy halt meg. Zoldeo szúrta le.
Brandish sír, Lucy vigasztalja.
Visszatérünk a jelenbe, az orvosi szobába.
Happy fut be...
Happy: "Natsu eszméletlen! Nem mozdul!"
Lucy: "?!"
469. fejezet: "Amit meg akarok tenni"

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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Hozzászólások: 139

« Válasz #79 Dátum: 16 jan 09, 11:01:59 »

http://www.mangamint.com/fairy-tail-468-0 RAW!
Don Diablo
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Hozzászólások: 93

« Válasz #80 Dátum: 16 jan 16, 12:30:54 »

469:Nos, Natsunak daganata van.A 4 szent mágust lezúzták, és kb minden reménytelen.Ezt olvastam az egyik oldalon.:)Ja, és Serena valszeg Jurííí, mivel elvileg villámokat használ ő is.Mosolyog
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Hozzászólások: 15

« Válasz #81 Dátum: 16 jan 16, 16:55:07 »


Natsu suddenly collapses in the medical room, and Happy is crying
The cause of Natsu's collapse is due to the overuse of magic over many years (He has an anti-ethernano tumor)
No doctor in Ishgar can fix this
Brandish uses her magic to shrink the tumor's size, somewhat extinguishing the tumor's effect (Natsu is safe now)
Brandish then goes back to Lucy
Lucy promises Aquarius that even though she doesn't know where the key will re-appear, she will find it, before Aquarius returns to the Celestial Spirit World

Meanwhile at Hargeon town...
Kagura, now half-naked, save for her skirt, retreats from her fight with Dimaria.
The other forces of Fiore have also been forced to retreat.
The Wizard Saints have been defeated by God Serena and co.
The life force of Warrod was going to disappear...

End statement of chapter: From the beginning, the man that knew Mavis and Zeref: Warrod. Does his life and tomorrow suggest his demise?
ANBU újonc
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Rejtett Felhő Falu Rejtett Felhő Falu

Hozzászólások: 364

« Válasz #82 Dátum: 16 jan 18, 11:36:18 »



"Just exactly what kind of person are you? What color is your hair? What kind of eyes do you have? And what are the contours of your face? I wish I hadn't closed these eyes. I'd have enjoyed taking a good look at you."
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 123

« Válasz #83 Dátum: 16 jan 23, 01:31:32 »

Cover for eye candy. Hope you God Serena fans are ready.


Hiro Mashima gives us a "surprising development" on Eastern front.

source: yonkouproductions

Wizard Saints defeated rekt by Serena.

Chapter 471: たたかいがおわるまでは
Until the battle ends.


90% of the chapter is look how powerful God Serena is.

Case in point
Don Diablo
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Hozzászólások: 93

« Válasz #84 Dátum: 16 jan 23, 17:59:47 »

Erza is on the cover, text says: The wings of fairies rest, Under the sky you don't know, nestled in the sea you don't know, forget every day and sometimes your mind will be refreshed.
God Serena is by the 4 Wizard saints that are lying on the ground, and God Serena is about to kill Warrod
Serena: God Bye-Bye.
Warrod: We were companions, God Serena (This line is a bit messy, I will try to get it cleaner later)
Warrod launches an attack of trees on God Serena, and the other Gods of Ishgar follow his lead, attacking God Serena
God Serena has eight 'Ryuma' crystals which the Gods of Ishgar haven't seen, and he attacks them with them.
The gods fall down, God Serena begins to continue marching with August and Jacob.
At that time, God Serena is hit by a roar from a certain direction
The person who used the roar on God Serena is Acnologia in his human form
Right at that moment, Acnologia attacks God Serena, killing him with one shot. God Serena falls down in a pool of blood
The Wizard Saints, August and Jacob stand completely still
Acnologia came to this area because he could smell a dragon
Acnologia: Seven more, for the perfect Dark Dragon. (This line is messy, I will clarify it)
End statement of chapter: Ragnarok! The battle of Fairy Tail and Zeref, and now, The messenger of the apocalypse, Acnologia, enters the fray!
Next chapter has a colour cover and 26 pages
Chapter 471: Until the end of the fight
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Hozzászólások: 5

« Válasz #85 Dátum: 16 feb 22, 10:24:59 »

Fenn van a RAW mangaminten

ebben én még csak nem is reménykedtem Mosolyog))))
Dungeon Lord
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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 159

« Válasz #86 Dátum: 16 feb 27, 09:03:18 »

Wow,most  kezdődik az igazi móka Nevet
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