Source : FLOL
Credits: Sheetz
Verification : Confirmed
染 銀の前に立つ松本
Matsumoto stands in front in Aizen and Gin.
Kanonji banters with Matsumoto.
Kanonji tells Tatsuki to flee with Machiru.
銀 僕の知り合いがすいません~隊長~
Gin: Please excuse me and my acquaintance, captain.
愛染 ここで話すといいよ~~~
Aizen: You can speak here...
銀 邪魔でしょ~~~
Gin: We'll be in your way.
銀、松本を抱え飛ぶ ビルの上へ
Gin grabs Matsumoto and flies to the roof of a building.
松本 なんで愛染の下に?~~~
Matsumoto: Why are you serving under Aizen?
銀 乱菊邪魔や~~
Gin: You're in the way,Rangiku.
刺す?? 倒れてる松本
Does he stab her?? Matsumoto collapses.
走る観音寺 タツキ降ろして!!
Kanonji runs. "Tatsuki, drop down!!"
We see Keigo holding a sword.
He borrowed it from Afro Shinigami, who had collapsed.
It seems Keigo is now able to sense Aizen's reiatsu.
Both Papa Isshin's hands are bound by a cloth.
Blood trickles down from Ichigo's mouth.
The end.
hmmm... csak ennyi lenne a Matsumoto szereplése? Keigo kezébe kard, meg kibírja Aizen reiatsuját? ne már.... mester mester... meddig még?