24 szep 20, 03:36:49 *
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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710137 alkalommal)
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 660

« Válasz #675 Dátum: 09 aug 19, 16:59:58 »

Forrás: mangahelpers.com

Folytatása az előbbinek:

カリン『どうすんだよ 侍は!?』
Karin: "But what ABOUT the samurai?!"

重吾『侍はオレが相手をする とにかくダンゾウだ』
Juugo: "I'll take on the samurai. At any rate there's Danzou still to go."

サスケ 侍を斬る
Sasuke stabs/kills the samurai

Karin: "!?" (Huh?)

There's a panel with Sasuke standing in the palm of the hand of a giant shadow/beast(?) that's behind him

Sasuke stabs/kills the samurai

Suigetsu: "And that guy... tells ME not to kill!"

Juugo: "This is..."

Karin can't stop trembling

濃いなんて… それに…冷たい)
Karin: (Sasuke's chakra...is different. Nothing at all what it was like before...even moreso than when he had the 2nd level cursed seal transformation. It's so potent...and so cold)

雷達 走りながら
Raikage and co. while they're running-

Darui: "There's a lot of chakra snuffed out around here! Most likely it's Sasuke's!"

Raikage: "Which one?"

Darui: "!" (Raikage-sama, that's-!)

C: "Right below us!" (This is serious...)

Looks like the Raikage is preparing an action-plan for facing Sasuke

Samurai: "He has companions?"

カリン『!!』(何か来る でかい!!)
Karin: "!" "Something big's coming!"

For some inexplicable reason, Raikage is naked above the waist

地面を壊して 真下のサスケのところへ
He breaks through the ground to Sasuke directly below him

Raikage: "Little punk, I'll teach you to fear my wrath!"

Sasuke puts power into his eyes?

Hatred calls for battle!

The encounter between Sasuke and Raikage leads to an outbreak of war!

Finished! Saasei!* [trans note: ohana's little leave-note]

The "extra" is not really relevant.

Saruwatari Kumiko
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 188

Az örök newbie ^^

« Válasz #676 Dátum: 09 aug 19, 23:47:53 »

Forrás: T.D.A., serenity85 and idol (NF)


"Élni való minden élet, csak magadhoz hű maradj, veszteség nem érhet téged, ha azt hiszed, ami vagy."
#1 Itachi & Sai & Naruto & Sasuke fan
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #677 Dátum: 09 aug 21, 03:36:01 »

A 460. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 461. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 15

« Válasz #678 Dátum: 09 aug 24, 10:37:51 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Fake

(Sasuke Scene)
Raikage: Now you’ll enter a new world of pain! (starts charging towards Sasuke)
Sasuke: (thinking) He uses Raiton… my new jutsu will be powerless against him.
Raikage: Suck this, punk! (Sasuke evades his lightning-powered fist, but the bolts strike him in the right shoulder)
Sasuke: Gaahhh!
Raikage: Screaming already?! I haven’t started yet! I wonder how you defeated my brother, but get one thing in your head, I’m not my brother!

(Taka Scene)
Suigetsu: His brother? Is he…?
Karin: He must be the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki’s brother.
Suigetsu: But we didn’t capture him, he got away!
Juugo: Try telling that to him. Most certainly you’ll get your skull crushed.
Suigetsu: Yikes!
Karin: Two forces are coming… they must be his guardians! Prepare yourselves!

(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: (thinking) He’s fast and furious… I can’t afford to let him get close to me. I only got my Katon and Sharingan against him.
Raikage: You think too much! (charges another lightning fist)
Sasuke: Katon: Great Fireball Technique! (the fireball rolls in Raikage’s direction, but he easily evades)
Raikage: That’s all you got?!
Sasuke: Katon: Phoenix Immortal Fire Techinique! (multiple fireballs fly towards the Raikage, but he evades)
Raikage: You’re pitiful! (shuriken come out of the fireballs and almost reach the Raikage, but he crushed them with his fists) That’s not enough! Fly, bug, fly! (strikes Sasuke in the belly, sending him flying to the nearest wall, creating a cloud of dust) That’s how I like my bugs, smooched in the wall! (the dust cloud starts to disappear, revealing a bloody Sasuke stuck in the wall.) Uh? (A close up shows Sasuke’s eyes, revealing the Mangekyo Sharingan)

(Naruto Scene)
Madara: Uchiha Sasuke… he’s just a little boy that was caught in the middle of shady schemes. Little, petty schemes that started long ago, even before Konohagakure existed…
Naruto: Spare me the history lesson! Tell what you’re going to do with him, now!
Madara: Don’t be so rude, Naruto. It’s better for you to listen to the whole story to understand him.
Naruto: (staring at Madara)…
Madara: Where was I… oh, right, when the world was in a continuous war between clans that were hired by the battling countries. The Senju and the Uchiha clans stood up the most, therefore they were who fought the most. I did things in order to gain power against the Senju that many would see with grudge… I killed my friend to achieve the Mangekyo Sharingan, and my brother sacrificed himself to give his eyes to me, to make my Mangekyo everlasting…
Kakashi: You’re sick…
Madara: But I felt that was in vain when the Senju asked for truce with the Uchiha, and they agreed. Shortly after that, a pact was made with the Fire Country for help and Konohagakure was born. The selection for the First Hokage was quite unanimous, electing Hashirama, and with that the Uchiha were losing their power. I wanted to restore it, but the clan turned their back on me.
Naruto: You just wanted the cycle of hatred to continue! The clan was wiser than you!
Madara: Shut up and listen! I left the village, but the anger was burning inside me, so I challenged Hashirama in the now called Valley of the End… and lost.
Naruto: But what does anything to do with Sasuke?
Madara: Patience. Tobirama, worried that the Uchiha would rebel, gave to the clan the control of Konoha’s Military Police, but that was just an excuse to keep away the Uchiha from governation, with heavy surveillance. And then, the incident with the Kyuubi happened.
Naruto: Incident? You were behind the Kyuubi’s attack! Because of you, many people died, including my father while sealing it inside me, you bastard! How you dare to call it an incident?!
Madara: Oh my, it seems my mask has fallen. (claps his hands) Bravo, Naruto, bravo!
Naruto: Hypocrite! When I get you…!
Yamato: Please, Naruto, calm down.
Naruto: Grrr….
Kakashi: You arranged the Uchiha genocide!
Madara: Correct. I wanted them to pay for turning their backs on me, so I made the whole village suspicious of the Uchiha, since they were the only clan capable of controlling Bijuu. Hiruzen plead to not take action on the Uchiha, but the elders and Danzou didn’t care.
Naruto: Danzou… again, uh?!
Madara: But their suspicions about Uchiha clan’s rebellion were true, they were preparing a coup d’état to take over the village. That’s when Uchiha Itachi enters, as a double agent.
Kakashi: So that’s why Itachi murdered the Uchiha clan. For Konoha’s stability.
Naruto: So Sasuke didn’t stop when he killed Itachi because of that… he wants to kill Danzou and the elders!
Madara: As we speak, he’s in the Kage’s Summit, trying to kill Danzou.
Naruto: We got to go there! We got to stop him!
Madara: And that’s the main reason I came to you. Leave Sasuke to me.
Naruto: No chance in hell! What do you want from him anyway?!
Madara: His path of revenge.
Naruto: Uh?
Madara: Sasuke will try to kill Danzou, but as astonishing as his powers may be, he’s not enough against five Kages, their guards and the Land of Iron. He’ll be captured, and that’s when he’ll crave for more power. I’ll give him that power, in the form of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.
Naruto: But why?
Madara: You activate the Sharingan in a distress situation. You gain Mangekyo Sharingan when you break a strong bond by death. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is obtained by transplanting one Mangekyo Sharingan into another. Tsuki no Me*Sharingan, the ultimate form of the Sharingan, will be only achievable by fusing two Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan together.
Kakashi: Tsuki no Me?
Madara: See, what you wrongly call “time/space jutsu”, it’s just space continuum bending jutsu that the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan grants. I can only manipulate the fabrics of space, allowing me to phase in and out the entire body or just parts of it. My goal is to gain access to a time continuum bending jutsu, and the only way is to use Sasuke and his eyes.
Naruto: You’re using Sasuke as an eye container?! You bastard, why are you doing this, why?!
Madara: To change the timeline of events, of course! If I return to the past and kill Hashirama before the truce between Senju and the Uchiha, I’ll be the First Hokage and I will the show the world the power of Uchiha!

Naruto: (starts to gather Kyuubi’s Chakra) You…!!! I’ll tear you apart!
Kakashi: You must be out of your mind to get away with that, Madara
Madara: But, Naruto, you’d gain the most benefit from the timeline change.
Naruto: What?!
Madara: If I alter the timeline, the Uchiha wouldn’t be murdered, so Sasuke wouldn’t begin his path of revenge. Danzou would be neutralized, so his deal with Hanzou wouldn’t exist and Nagato wouldn’t destroy Konoha and kill Jiraiya. And most important for you, I wouldn’t need to let loose the Kyuubi, therefore your father would still be alive. You’d live happily with your parents, without the Kyuubi sealed inside you and without the resentment of the rest of the village. (Naruto imagines himself as a laughing little child, piggyback riding a smiling Minato, while Kushina is by their side, hiding her face with a fan) Isn’t that your deepest desire, to live in a world where you weren’t the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki?!
Kakashi: Don’t listen to him, Naruto!
Naruto: (closes his eyes, sheds a tear) I… I…

* Eye of the Moon

/Tudom, hogy csak fake de szerintem még a fake-eket is jó olvasgatni.../

A hülyeségnek nincs határa, de nekem feltett szándékom átlépni azt!
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #679 Dátum: 09 aug 25, 16:12:12 »

Szerző: ◆ T.D.A ◆
Forrás: mangahelpers.com

Sasuke starts to attack on Raikage
Then Sasuke got blown out by Suiton Jutsu (Water Encampment Wall), then he uses the lightning element jutsu to attack.
Subordinate one: The information is correct. He has natural affinity on lightning element.
Subordinate two: He can use fire element jutsu too. Don't forget to use Suiton Jutsu for defense.
Suigetsu: Oh. Who leak out the information of Sasuke?

Subordinate two: Have to stop his movement. Raiton Flashlight Jutsu (similiar to Solar Flare in DragonBall)
Juugo gets hit. Sasuke eats a fist from Raikage.
Sasuke breaks the genjutsu. Suigetsu blocks the attack from Raikage.
Suigetsu: If not me, your elbow has already broken.

Scene changes to the meeting room
Ao is watching on Danzou. Tsuchikage is waiting and the girl beside him says that she would like to see the guy who kill Deidara.
Gaara has no response.

Scene changes back to Sasuke
Subordinate two: There is another one here. Once I find the guy, I leave it to you.
Juugo: That guy is chakra sensing type.
Juugo releases the second level curse seal.

"Kill him"

Raikage: Don't get too furious!
The chapter ends.
Naruto is not shown up this week.


Here's a quick translation of the spoiler to those interested.

*Forgot the title of the chapter…

背表紙は カツユ
The Jump spine this week is Katsuyu

Sasuke, angry that he is so close to getting revenge (and that people are now in his way), loses his cool and ignoring Juugo’s warnings attacks Raikage straight on. C uses suiton to create a wall of water and sends Sasuke flying back (while Raikage uses his raiton to run current through the water and Sasuke).

ギャル男 情報どうりあいつは雷の属性もちだな
C comments that according to their information Sasuke is a raiton user.
イケメソ 火遁も直で使うらしいから水遁での防御は怠るなよ
Darui replies that Sasuke can also use katon so C should not let up on the suiton defensive techniques
水月  あれれ…サスケの情報漏れまくってんじゃん
Suigetsu comments that information about Sasuke has been leaked out everywhere.

イケメソが動きを止めますと 電幻雷光柱(太陽拳みたいなもん)
Darui says that he will stop their (Sasuke and his team’s) movements and uses a genjutsu called “Dengenraikouchuu” (which apparently looks like Tenshinhan’s Taiyoken from Dragonball)

Juugo totally eats the genjutsu and Sasuke is about to get crushed by Raikage

They get hit with the genjutsu but Sasuke dispels it. Right as he dispels it Raikage is about to hit Sasuke when Suigetsu jumps in and takes the hit. When Suigetsu takes the hit, however, it snaps the Zabuza sword in two and smashes Suigetsu’s arm to little watery bits (he’s made of water though so he probably isn’t permanently damaged).

水月 こいつの一撃が半端じゃない俺じゃなかったら腕の骨がぐちゃぐちゃだよ…
サスケ 余計な事を><
Suigetsu comments that Raikage’s attacks are really strong and if it were anyone else taking the attack their arm would be torn up. Presumably Sasuke doesn’t like this extra little comment provided by Suigetsu.

The scene changes to the Meeting Hall

デイダラ兄をやったサスケをみてみたい~アンパンは土影のおもり~ガアラはまだ答えがでてなか ったような気 が><
All the kage are discussing what they should do now~Ao (the Byakugan guy) will watch over Danzou~The Tsuchikage is just going to stay behind and wait~The girl who was with the Tsuchikage comments that she wants to see Sasuke, the guy who defeated Deidara~The big guy with Tsuchikage who looks like Anpanman will stay behind and look after Tsuchikage~It doesn’t seem like Gaara has given his answer yet~

The scene changes back to Sasuke

イケメソ そういえばもう一人いたな~そいつを探すから後は頼むギャル男
C tells Darui that he’s going to go find the remaining Sasuke team member (Karin) so he’s leaving the rest up to Darui.

ジュウゴ あいつが感知タイプか先にやらないとな
Juugo realizes that C is a sensing type ninja so they have to take care of him first.

Juugo goes cursed seal 2, the killer freak out type, and says “I’m gonna kill you!!!”

雷影 図にのるな~!! っと突っ込んだ所で完
Raikage tells Sasuke and Juugo not to get cocky!!

End of chapter.

Naruto does not appear once in this chapter.

more from nja:

カリンはシーに見つかっちゃやばいと思って火影を探す探知をやめ チャクラを消します
Karin, thinking it would be very bad if she were spotted by C, stops using her abilities to track the Hokage and instead hides her own chakra.

戦闘は ほとんど一方的だからね~ ダルイに吹っ飛ばされその後シーの幻術 幻術
サスケが解いて  シー さすが写輪眼! ! ! ! !
The fight is mostly one-sided this week with Sasuke getting knocked back by Darui’s technique and then getting followed up by C’s genjutsu. Sasuke dispels the genjutsu to which C comments, “That’s the Sharingan for you!!!”

解いた瞬間に雷影のパンチを水月がとめ ダルイの刀はジュウゴが止める
Right as Sasuke dispels the genjutsu, Raikage punches (and is stopped by Suigetsu) and Darui swings his sword down (which is stopped by Juugo)

その後 会議室で ガアラが他の五影に あんたらはいつ己を捨てた?
After that, Gaara asks the other Kage in the meeting room about when they threw away their sense of self (rose above themselves or gained such self restraint)?

それを聞いた水影が 純粋な子 水影
土影は  生意気な小僧め
*Upon hearing this, Mizukage thinks, “what a pure child” while the Tsuchikage thinks, “what a rude brat”.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 25, 17:11:46 írta yupi » Naplózva

Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #680 Dátum: 09 aug 26, 10:35:35 »

Forrás: mangahelpers.com

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 26, 10:40:33 írta oozaru » Naplózva

Akadémiai tanár
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Rejtett Felhő Falu Rejtett Felhő Falu

Hozzászólások: 237

~The Dark Agent~

« Válasz #681 Dátum: 09 aug 26, 10:41:04 »

Forrás: Mangahelpers
Hitelesség: Confirmed

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 26, 10:43:28 írta Daken » Naplózva

"They were criminals, so I killed them in name of justice...As soldiers, weakness is a sin. They surrendered to evil, and caused a crisis in the kingdom. That type of soldier doesn't deserve to live. So they're dead." - Rob Lucci
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #682 Dátum: 09 aug 26, 10:47:56 »

Forrás: edgarluvitug.com
Hitelesség: Confirmed

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 26, 10:50:09 írta oozaru » Naplózva

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #683 Dátum: 09 aug 26, 12:43:07 »

Hitelesség: Hiteles
Szerző: idol
Forrás: mangahelpers.com

Ez az egész Manga Nevet

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 aug 26, 12:44:06 írta yupi » Naplózva

Akadémiai tanár
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Rejtett Felhő Falu Rejtett Felhő Falu

Hozzászólások: 237

~The Dark Agent~

« Válasz #684 Dátum: 09 aug 26, 19:51:56 »

Source: NF
Credit: Sho
Verification: Confirmed

Unstoppable Sasuke!

He heads to Raikage from the front!

Sasuke starts running

Juugo: "Sasuke, don't go in by yourself!" (He's losing his composure)

Sasuke pulls out his sword in front of the Raikage

Darui- Suiton Suijinheki!

461 雲隠れvs鷹
461: Kumogakure vs. Taka

サスケ (こいつか!)
Sasuke: (This guy!)

シー 印を結んで 雷遁・感激波!!
C forms seals- Raiton Kangekiha!!

The water and lightning mix together to hit Sasuke, though he's fine

Darui: "Boss...Just as the intelligence says, it seems there's no mistake about this guy's lightning nature"

シー『それに火も持ってる 直に火遁を使うだろう
C: "And he carries fire. He should soon use Katon....Darui, keep your Suiton handy"

Darui: "Ok"

The Raikage stands with a clenched fist and lightning coursing around his body

Suigetsu looks from the shadows: "Sasuke's info wasn't leaked out, was it?"

Karin: "Hey...that guy in the middle...no way"

Juugo: "These guys are Kumogakure Jounin. The big one in the middle is the Raikage. Suffice to say, they won't be just letting us through"

影から見てる侍、無線にて『応援を頼む サスケにやられた』
From the shadows watching, a samurai talks in his radio: "Requesting aid. We've been taken out by Sasuke"

シー 印を結び (動きを止める!)
C forms seals (I'll stop stop their movements!)

Juugo: "Something's coming!"

C: "Raigen Raikouchuu!"

The surroundings turn to light

Juugo: (A blinder!?) !

While they're blinded, Raikage goes to punch Sasuke

ヒット! 地面にめり込むサスケ
A hit! Sasuke is sent to the floor

Juugo: "Sasuke!"

サスケ『重吾 ひるむな これは幻術だ』
Sasuke: "Don't fear, Juugo. This is genjutsu"

シー(やるなあ 写輪眼)
C: (The Sharingan's real good...)

サスケ膝立ち~ 雷『幻術を見抜いたとしても遅いわ!』
Sasuke's lifting himself up on his knee~
Raikage: "You were slow in seeing through that genjutsu!"

雷はパンチ ダルイは刀をサスケに振り下ろす~が
Raikage punches and Darui swings his sword down to Sasuke...but Suigetsu stops it. His sword breaks...

水月 サスケ 重吾 避ける
Suigetsu, Sasuke, and Juugo retreat

水月『ボクが水じゃなけりゃ 両腕もげてるよアレ…!
Suigetsu: "If I wasn't water, that woulda ripped my arms off! Ahh shit! My Head Cleaver!"

重吾『八尾の時 切れ目を入れられていたからな』
Juugo: "It's because it was cut from that time with the 8-tails"

雷 ピクン と反応
sfx*Pikun* reaction from Raikage

Darui: "..."

Karin, who's hiding: "H-He was saved...! Nice job, Suigetsu!"

Sasuke: "Save your breath, guys"

何だよ その言い草…!君らしいけど…』
Suigetsu: "Even though I came out to save you, that counts for nothing then...what the hell kinda remark is that?! Then again that is just like you so..."

Samurai watching the battle from the shadows: (Such a crude battle the shinobi do...they're quite something!)

ダルイ『シー 他に仲間がいるのか辺りを調べてみろよ
次々に出てこられちゃ だるくてやってらんねー』
Darui: "C, check out the vicinity to see whether or not they have other companions. We'll be too tired to beat them if they come come out one by one"

C: "There should be one more out there...but it's difficult to focus on that and partake in this battle here"

ダルイ『お前はいらねーよ ボスとオレでやっからさ』
Darui: "We don't need you here. Boss and I will take care of it"

あのシーってのに見つかっちまう! ここは一旦チャクラを消すしかない)
Karin who's hiding: (This is not good! If I continue searching for Danzou, that C guy will find me out! Guess I'll have to turn my chakra off for the moment)

あいつチャクラを消すよ たぶん… そういう能力だから』
Suigetsu: "Aw and Karin was finding out where Danzou was for us too...guess that's impossible now. She'll turn off her chakra...probably. That Iis among her special abilities after all"

重吾『後ろの男(シー)は探知タイプだな… 倒すしかない…
Juugo: "The guy in the back (C) is a sense-type...He'll need to be taken care of. I'll do it"

Juugo turns to curse seal 2


オキスケ『青殿…火影の瞳術が まだ継続中か確認していただきたい』
Okisuke: "Ao-dono, we would like to make sure you are still maintaining the Hokage's doujutsu"

青『イヤ…今は経絡系のチャクラの流れもおだやかだ 術は解いている』
Ao: "No...right now, the flow of his keiraku-ken [inner-coils] is calm. The jutsu is cancelled"

ダンゾウ『安心しろ 日にそう何度も使える瞳術ではない』
Danzou: "Calm down. it's not a doujutsu I can use often in a day"

青『それはこちらで判断する アンタは信用できない男だからな』
Ao: "I'll be the one judging that. You're not a guy who's exactly trustworthy"

ダンゾウ『まさか白眼が他に漏れていたとはな… 木の葉の日向の
裏切者なら すぐに殺していた』
Danzou: "I can't really believe the Byakugan would be passed along to another...if any Hyuuga of Konoha would turn traitor, they'd soon be killed"

Gaara: "..."

土 赤 黒 ダンゾウを見てる
Tsuchikage, Akatsuchi, and Kurotsuchi look at Danzou

青『アンタの秘密を知ったオレは いづれ処理するつもりで
いるんだろうが そうはいかんぞ』
Ao: "Me, knowing your secret, would be planning on disposing of you, but that can't be done"

Mizukage: "The time I fought Yondaime Mizukage, there was a jutsu that controlled him, an eye power... there's probably some connection there after all"

ダンゾウ ダンマリ
Danzou doesn't say anything

Mifune: "Hokage-dono, ninjutsu is forbidden here. You have broken our trust. And to think that without showing this kind of hand, you were the one I likely would have decided on..."

ワシは忍の世界を守るために どんな手でも使うつもりだ
この世界は一つになるべきなのだ かつて初代火影柱間が
一族をまとめて里を作ったように 今度は里をまとめ
忍世界を一つにする 話し合いで この忍の世界が
何も変わらん いずれ”暁”に忍世界を潰されてしまうだろう』
Danzou: "'Likely' is the problem. I intend to use whatever hand I have in order to protect the shinobi world. This world is meant to be one; Once, the Shodai Hokage, Hashirama, gathered the clans to create a village. This time we gather the villages for a meeting in making the shinobi world one whole, when the only thing it does is the opposite. Nothing changes when we waste time doing things morally. All of which will lead to "Akatsuki" crushing the shinobi world"

焦れば周りが見えず 失敗を引き起こす…今のお前だ
よかれと思っても 結果 不信を生み わだかまりを生み
憎しみを生む   ダンゾウ…今はお前の言ってることすら
Tsuchikage: "Dreams take time to materialize. If you get impatient, you'll miss what's around you and cause a huge blunder...which is where you're at right now. And after all, it IS an impossible dream! Even if you have good intentions, the only outcome would be giving birth to distrust, ill will, and hatred. Danzou...right now I can't even trust what you say"

Danzou: "The end result is a necessity... whether there is trust or not"

ガーラ 父親と幼少ガーラ思い出す
Gaara has a flashback his young self and his father

ガーラ『それが世界 それが人間だとするなら未来はないな
分かち合う事 信じること… …それをやめたら世界に残るのは
Gaara: "If that's what the world is, if that's what people are, then there is no future left for us. Sharing with one another, believing in each other... ...If we stop doing those things, the only thing this world will have left is fear"

Gaara remembers Naruto

Gaara: "To me, doing things without considering the morality would be giving up. That's no longer acceptable"

Tsuchikage: "You say such difficult things so simply... you still know nothing about managing a village, kid. Now if there's anything you wanna hear from (me/us) just ask. As your senpai, anything will be answered...right Danzou...hehehe"

Kankurou: "What the hell, you geezer!"

Temari: "Quit it Kankurou! It doesn't look like it but he's the Tsuchikage, the village head!"

Gaara: "...If that's the case...then I'd like to ask one thing"

Tsuchikage: "Yes, yes! I'll answer anything for you...squirt"

ガーラ『アンタ達は いつ己を捨てた?』
Gaara: "When did you all throw away who you were... like trash?"

Tsuchikage: "!"

Mizukage: (He's an honest kid...)

Temari: "So Gaara, what are we gonna do?"

Kankurou: "Heh!"

ガーラ『… うちは…サスケか』
Gaara: "...Uchiha...Sasuke, eh"

Kurotsuchi: "He got you good on that one, old man"

Tsuchikage: "Shut up!"

Akatsuchi: "Tsuchikage-sama...what should we do? Are we going to battle?"

Tsuchikage: "Idiot! And whaddya think will happen if I aggravate my back? Huh!?"

Kurotsuchi: "I wanna see the guy you said beat Deidara-nii*, [big brother] Sasuke!"

Tsuchikage: "...Do what you want! However, if you get caught up by the Raikage, you'll end up dead. Don't interfere"

Kurotsuchi: "Alright! What are you gonna do, Akatsuchi?!"

Akatsuchi: "l'll need to be by Tsuchikage's side if he needs anything"

フー、ダンゾウに小声で『ダンゾウ様 写輪眼の回収のため
Fuu whispers to Danzou: "Danzou-sama, please relieve one of us (to Sasuke's place) in order to retrieve the Sharingan"

雷影に そう託された』
Ao: "We'll have all of you from Konoha right where you are. The Raikage entrusted me with that"

フー トルネ構えるがダンゾウに止められる
Fuu and Torune take a fighting stance but they are stopped by Danzou

Juugo has released his seal

『グハハハハハ ぶっ殺してやらア!!
"GUHAHAHAHAHA I'm gonna kill you! AHHAAA!!"

Darui: The change in personality from what we just saw is amazing...this guy.."

C: "Focus! This guy has an insane amount of chakra!"

ボクらの事 味方って理解できてんのかな?』
Suigetsu to Sasuke: "So Juugo finally broke out the murderous rage. You think he understands we're his allies?"

Raikage with a scary face: "Don't push your luck!!"

Raikage in a frenzy!

An outbreak of a serious war!

Finished! Saasei

"They were criminals, so I killed them in name of justice...As soldiers, weakness is a sin. They surrendered to evil, and caused a crisis in the kingdom. That type of soldier doesn't deserve to live. So they're dead." - Rob Lucci
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #685 Dátum: 09 aug 27, 23:08:23 »

A 461. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 462. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
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Hozzászólások: 5

« Válasz #686 Dátum: 09 szep 02, 11:39:04 »

Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Sho

General (summary)

シー サスケェの幻術にハマる
C gets caught up in Sasuke's genjutsu

雷 しゃりんがんごとにハマらんは!
Raikage: Don't get caught up in the Sharingan!

じゅうごは つえー
Juugo's way strong

Naruto's and Tobi's talk

Hatred is Sasuke's ninja path!

I'll (upload) the details from my PC in the evening

The conclusion to Raikage vs. Sasuke hasn't come yet

Hatred is Sasuke's ninja path!

Naruto says that
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Hozzászólások: 5

« Válasz #687 Dátum: 09 szep 02, 12:26:22 »

ha erre rákkatintoktok akkor itt még van pár kép..csak vmiért itt nem jeleniti meg: http://i.pic.to/12j6f9
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 szep 02, 12:30:04 írta Kucsu » Naplózva
Kínzás specialista
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Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #688 Dátum: 09 szep 02, 16:34:46 »

Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED
Forrás : edgarluvitug.wordpress.com


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Hozzászólások: 111

« Válasz #689 Dátum: 09 szep 02, 16:52:07 »

Hitelesség ell:???

Translation by: ShiningN - NF

just translated the naruto and madara's talk, could be some minor mistakes but it's pretty much it.

page changes to naruto

naruto: lies ... that's nonsense

yamato: that can't be

tobi: to talk about sasuke we cant avoid talking about itachi

kakashi: enough with the jokes that tale (killing of the relatives) i can't believe it

tobi: no it's not a lie
that was the truth about itachi ( the killing of his relatives was an order from the authorities of konoha )
that guy did it for the sake of sasuke and konoha

kakashi: what do you mean
if that would be true and if sasuke knows it
why is he helping akatsuki!? if he wanted to continue with itachi's will he should've come back to konoha

tobi: as sasuke's teacher and as his friends you are absolutely mistaken about his true feelings and what he plans to do

naruto: you made sasuke that way!?

tobi: no you're wrong


tobi: sasuke made that choice himself

yamato , kakashi: !!


tobi: it was a gamble for me too... was he going to follow itachis will or take revenge on konoha....
he chose revenge, he became a member of akatsuki and his actual objective is....
revenge on konoha for what they did to itachi

naruto: why... why... that guy... why has it come to this.. why go for revenge

tobi: can't be helped it's in the blood... uchiha's fate of hatred it's like curse that goes on everlastingly

naruto: fate of hatred... curse...

tobi: that's right ... long ago the one called rokudo senin ancestor of all shinobis...the curse of hatred came from him

kakashi: rokudou senin you say... that's just a simple myht...the mutation of the rinnengan

tobi: myth has a base of truth i'll tell the tale.. to lead peace was rokudou dream when that time came rokudou seinin would entrust power and will
to his sons
the elder brother would be gifted with his eyes(gan) power of the chakra and energy of the soul(mind) , power is needed to understand peace
the younger brother would be gifted with his flesh .. power of the soul(mind) and energy of the body, love is needed to understand peace
in the end when rokudou was in his death bed he had no other choice but to pick a sucessor and that decission made the curse of hatred live forever

naruto: what do you mean

tobi: the elder brother was entrusted with the power and the younger with the love
rokudou thought the most appropiate would be the younger brother so he chose him
naturally the elder brother thought he would be the one and instead of understanding the hatred consumed him and the dispute with his
younger brother started
the elder brother called his descendants uchiha
the younger brother called his senju
with this the battle to be first hokage started with uchiha madara and senju hashirama... it was fate
you (naruto) , we will meet again, the will of fire of senju lies inside you
even now i can see the first hokage inside you., he's not dead he lives that's my aspiration to have as a rival the man i hate the most
senju and uchiha will of fire and hatred ...naruto and sasuke
Oldalak: 1 ... 44 45 [46] 47 48 ... 92

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