24 szep 20, 10:53:27 *
Üdvözlünk, Vendég. Kérlek jelentkezz be vagy regisztrálj.

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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710312 alkalommal)
0 Felhasználó és 8 vendég van a témában
Aes Sedai
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 11452

« Válasz #570 Dátum: 09 máj 27, 11:21:41 »

Forrás: edgarluvitug.blogspot.com
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: mistermobile

the only one who actually died was Nagato and Jiraiya

nagato revived everyone and entrusted his dream to naruto and died

konan leaves akatsuki and takes the 2 bodies back to Ame. She prays for naruto's success and says that the two of them have the same dream (nagato and naruto). She gives him a bunch of paper flowers

最後はサスケが 木の葉に向かうぞ で終了




なんか 魂には時間があるみたいで 今なら木の葉の連中なら間に合う 的な
発言があったから 時間たっちゃうと魂消滅しちゃって生き返らせられないんじゃ?

Source : 2ch
Credits : Nja
Verification : Confirmed
カカシ 俺は父さんを誇りに思うよ

父   ありがとう


父 お前はまだこっちくるのは早すぎたようだな


Source : 2ch
Credits : Nja
Verification : Confirmed






最後はサスケが 木の葉に向かうぞ で終了

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 máj 27, 13:11:04 írta Aes Sedai » Naplózva
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 1029

« Válasz #571 Dátum: 09 máj 27, 13:34:13 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző:Saint Jimmy

Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 1012


« Válasz #572 Dátum: 09 máj 27, 13:45:22 »

SOURCE: NF / edgarluvitug.blogspot.com

the only one who actually died was Nagato and Jiraiya

nagato revived everyone and entrusted his dream to naruto and died

konan leaves akatsuki and takes the 2 bodies back to Ame. She prays for naruto's success and says that the two of them have the same dream (nagato and naruto). She gives him a bunch of paper flowers

最後はサスケが 木の葉に向かうぞ で終了






カカシ 俺は父さんを誇りに思うよ
Kakashi: i am proud of my dad

Thank you father

An arrow of light shines on Kakashi

It's Kakashi's mother and she says something about Kakashi's dad appearing too early
Kakashi:i finally see my mother ... thank you.

Kakashi awakes

and also....


Nagato : Gedou Rinne Tenshou ! ( Heretical Justice Reincarnation ) [ Rinnegan are supposed to be the eyes of the Reincarnations ... ]

Everybody is brought back to life.
Fukusaku, Kakashi ...

Nagato hairs becomes grey ... and paper like.

Konan makes a flower out of paper and gives it to Naruto.

Sasuke is rushing to Konoha
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #573 Dátum: 09 máj 29, 02:54:21 »

A 449. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 450. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 1035

« Válasz #574 Dátum: 09 jún 02, 06:06:08 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Forrás: www.mangaspoiler.com
Szerző: housaki

“Naruto looks as Konan starts her journey towards Amegakure”

“Naruto takes the flowers”

Naruto: - My hope will never die as long as I live. This is my promise to you Konan.
Konan: - Thank you Naruto. You may really be the light of hope we have all been dreaming of but couldn’t see.

“Naruto looks down and then up towards the sky”

Naruto: - I have a lot to tend to….I will return to the village now but I will contact you in Amegakure if all works out.

“Naruto just remembers something”

Naruto: - Oh, and you should look out for a masked man in Akatsuki.

“Konan looks serious”

Konan: - Why do you say that?
Naruto: - Someone we can trust told me about it. He apparently is using Akatsuki for other means.
Konan: ………
Naruto: Do you know who this is?
Konan: Yes. His name is Madara Uchiha. I’m sure you’ve heard of him?

“Naruto looks a little shocked”

Naruto: - Madara…Uchida? The man who fought the first.
Konan: - That’s him.
Naruto: - Uchida! That reminds me! Madara told us Sasuke defeated Itachi!

“Konan hesitates”

Konan: - ..Yes..he did….
Naruto: - Do you know what happened to him then? Madara and that plant guy seemed to go after him….
Konan: - Actually he joined Akatsuki… Last I heard from him was that he wanted some kind of revenge on Konoha for doing something towards Itachi.

Flashback ends

Naruto thinks to himself as he watches the disappearing figures of Konan and her friends: Sasuke…..What are you doing?

Switch scene to Sasuke:

“Sasuke and the gang are getting ready to leave, Madara enters.”

Sasuke: - What is it?
Madara: - I just got the information that Pain lost to the nine tails.

“Close up on Sasuke’s wide opened eyes in disbelief”

Sasuke: -Impossible…Naruto could never have…

“Madara studies Sasuke”

Madara: - That’s right, you don’t know this but Naruto took out other Akatsuki members as well.

“Sasuke looks at Madara with astonishment”

Sasuke thinks to himself: How strong have that cluts gotten?
Sasuke: - I don’t know how it happened but it seems Naruto has become pretty strong huh?
Madara: - It seems we underestimated the kid yes. For Pain to be defeated…It’s no small task.
Sasuke: - This is interesting news… It won’t be easy then as I’m sure Naruto will protect Konoha at all costs….
Madara: - So that means to achieve your goals you will need to face him..will you be up for that?

“Sasuke looks indifferent at Madara”

Sasuke: - I have defeated him before and there is no way he could defeat me.
Madara: - Then you wouldn’t mind recovering the nine - tails in place of Pain while your at it yes?

“Sasuke hesitates, then he smiles”
Sasuke thinks: I would like to see just how strong my new abilities are….and Naruto is the perfect person that represents the will of fire…And It can’t be avoided if I’m to revenge Itachi.

Sasuke: - I will have my revenge..and If Naruto tries to stop me I will take him down. I have no more ties to him, I cut them already in the valley of the end.

“Madara watches Sasuke with delight and even a little fear”
Madara thinks: How long has it been since I felt even the slightest hint of fear? He is ruthless even to the degree of Insanity. He will be very strong… My goals is finally getting closer.

Madara: - Excellent. You know what to do, I’ll leave the rest to you.

Switch to Naruto:

“As Konan disappears Naruto relaxes and feels the fatigue he didn’t before”
“Naruto gasps for air and kneels down”
Katsuyu: - Naruto! Hold on…Neji and Rock Lee is coming to help you!

“Naruto looks at Katsuyu at his shoulder”

Naruto: - They are? How?
Katsuyu: - I’m leading them to you, Neji insisted.
Naruto: - That’s fine…I’m alright but I’m kind of tired.

“Neji and Lee arrive at the ground where Naruto is kneeling”

Neji: - Naruto!
Lee: - Naruto, are you alright?

“They both come up to him and support him so he can stand. Lee looks around and Neji uses Byuukan to look around”

Naruto: - I’m fine guys, just a little tired.
Lee: - Is the enemy defeated?
Neji: - No! I see one figure moving away from here not far away!

“Neji starts to move, Naruto puts his hand on Nejis Shoulder stopping him. Neji Looks surprised at him”

Neji: - Naruto?

“Naruto gives Neji a serious stare”

Naruto: - Let her go Neji, she is not the enemy.
Neji: - Did you let her go?
Naruto: - Yes. Pain is dead, they are not our enemy anymore.
Neji: - But they destroyed the village! They Killed!
Naruto: - I know Neji, but as a final act Pain also revived the people that died….

“Lee and Neji is shocked by this statement”

Lee: -Revived?
Neji: What are you talking about Naruto!?

“Naruto stands on his own, tall and determined. He looks them straight in the eyes. He puts his hands on their shoulders”

Naruto: Don’t worry you two. I’ve defeated Pain. Before he died he Revived the people who he hurt in Konoha. Even if that sounds weird it will all be explained in time. We won…. Konan left with their bodies to Amegakure. They will support us from now on. Trust in me.
The village needs us now. Let’s go home.

“Naruto smiles”
“Both Lee and Neji is taken in by Narutos determination and can say nothing. They both stand there in some kind of aw at Narutos presence. ”

Naruto: - Come on guys, help me home.
Neji: - Eh.. Of course Naruto!

“Leaning on his comrades Naruto begins the walk home.”

Switch to Sakura:

“Sakura is helping people around the debris”

Sakura thinks: Impossible! I don’t know what happened but people came back from the dead….This is a miracle.

“Someone Shouts something and Sakura looks up to see what the fuss is”

Ten-ten: - Naruto! It’s Naruto!

“Sakura looks around and see that people are standing up all over the place to see Naruto return. Besides her is Hinata that is crying with Joy. Hinata stands up and shouts. Naruuutooo - Kuuunn!

Sakura feels as all her worries is washed away and she feels light-hearted at all the peoples joy at Naruto’s return. She smiles and looks at the horizon.”
Sakura thinks: Naruto! Look what you have become to the village….You saved us!
“Sakura looks to see the figure of Naruto leaning lightly on Neji slowly walking towards the crater area. The sun is starting to set so they have the sun in their back making them somewhat shadowy. Besides them Lee is walking to.”

“Naruto lets go of Neji and raises his hand in a wave towards the people of Konoha. The people stand in silence as Naruto passes them and walks up to Sakura, Hinata and gang.
He looks around and smiles and his new found determination can be seen by all”

Naruto: - I’m glad your all safe! It was a close call there. The danger is over for now. Let’s rebuild!

“The people around all start to cheer and chant”

People: - Naruto! Konoha’s saviour!

Switch to Sasuke:
A panorama from outside the house Sasuke and gang was staying in, all members ready to go. Close up on Sasukes face, Let’s move out! In the background you see one Sharingan looking down upon the team.

What will happen to the village?
Next chapter: - Wounds -
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 02, 06:07:09 írta Suigetsu » Naplózva
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 139

« Válasz #575 Dátum: 09 jún 02, 15:11:12 »

Verification: Pending
Source: 2ch
Credits: Possibly NJA

As Naruto heads back to the village, exhausted, Kakashi appears and lends him his shoulder.

ナルト里に帰還(カカシ心の中で よく頑張ったな とほめる)
Naruto makes it back to the village. Kakashi praises him in his thoughts: "you did real good..."

"Naruto Faithful" greet him en masse.

From a distance, Hinata sheds tears, relieved he's indeed made it back safe.

Iruka remembers how Naruto was all alone as a child, and sheds tears seeing how he's now loved by everyone.

サクラがナルトに寄っていき頭を叩くがすぐ抱きしめて ありがとう…
Sakura aproaches Naruto and smacks him on the head, but then embraces him and says "thank you..."

Shikamaru's dad calls for an emergency meeting (since he's the Head Jounin).  


Zetsu is watching. "To think Pain was defeated...we need to tell Tobi."

Scene switches to Akatsuki.

ゼツ ペインがやられ おそらくコナンもここにはもう戻ってこないと思う

Zetsu: "Pain was defeated. Konan's unlikely to return."

マダラ 外道魔像とリンクできるコマを2人用意しないとな…
    キサメお前は八尾を追え 俺はちょっとこれからやる事がある

Madara: "We'll need to get two 'dummies/pawns'* who can link to the Gedou Demon Statue. Kisame, you go after the Eight Tails - there's something that needs my attention."

*exact meaning unclear. "koma" is "piece", as in an object you use for something. So here he's ostensibly referring to people who are of no other use to him but to connect to the statue, or perhaps two human-like placeholders.

やっと雷の使者が 木の葉に到着~(くだらない漫才みたいなことやってるから遅かったとおもわれw)

The emmissaries from Lightning finally arrive at Konoha ( one gets the feeling it took them as long as they did 'cuz they just had to do comedy on the way).

ツナデは力を使い切ってしまったのか ババア姿のまま昏睡状態
Tsunade is comatose in her granny state, like she used up all of her power.

Sakura says there's nothing that can be done for her.

So, they start a meeting to select the next Hokage.

ダンゾウ名乗り出る前に シカ丸父ちゃんがはたけカカシを推薦します! 
Before Danzou can nominate himself, Shikamaru's dad nominates Hatake Kakashi.

Danzou makes a face.

Everyone's in favor, but Danzou throws a fit.

全て 三代め火影の甘い考えが引き起こした~


"It was Jiraiya's apprentice that destroyed Konoha! The betrayal of our ally the sand, Orochimaru's attempt to destroy Konoha, and on top of it all, Uchiha Sasuke as a Nukenin - All of it is the result of the Third Hokage's naive views!"

火の国大名が では ダンゾウを六代目火影の任命する!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lord of Fire Country then says "Well then, I hereby designate Danzou as the Sixth Hokage!"

Danzou makes an evil grin.



The backbone cover is Manda, I think.
Saruwatari Kumiko
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 188

Az örök newbie ^^

« Válasz #576 Dátum: 09 jún 02, 15:28:35 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: 52manyou and 2Ch (Nja and Nightjumper)

Naruto heads back to the village exhausted. There he finds Kakashi, whose shoulder he lends.
Naruto is meet by a horde of fans back in the village.(Kakakshi praises him in his mind)

Naruto sheds a tear in the distance. Hinata thinks back to how lonely Naruto was in his childhood, and compares that to the present time. Iruka gets tears in his eyes over sees how Naruto is adored by everyone. Sakura punches Naruto in the face, then immediately hugs him.
Shikaku thanks Naruto in his mind, and calls for an important meeting.(Concerning the Jounin squad leaders)

Zetsu is watching.

"Pain was killed... I'll report this to Tobi"
Scene changes to Akatsuki

Zetsu: "With Pain killed, I don't think Konan will be coming back here"
Madara: [Unsure, he says something about two persons who have can make a link to Gedou Ma Zou, or something]
Madara: "Kisame, you'll go after Hachibi. I have something to take care of after this."
Scene changes to Konoha
The envoy from the Cloud finally arrives.

"Tsunade exhausted herself?" [Unsure about the rest of this line]

Sakura is at a loss too.

Then there's a meeting to decide the next Hokage for the Fire Country.
Before Danzou can introduce himself, Shikaku recommends Kakashi.
Danzou is disgusted
Everyone agrees[with Shikaku], but Danzou protests
"The one who destroyed Konoha is Jiraiya's pupil"
"The betrayal of our allies, the Sand"
"Orochimaru's destruction of Konoha"
"And the nuke-nin, Uchiha Sasuke"
"This was all caused by the Sandaime Hokage's lenient way of thinking"

He then nominates himself to be Hokage.

The Fire Daimyou appoints him as the Rokudaime Hokage.

Danzou smiles from ear to ear


The spine is probably of a manga
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 03, 14:55:54 írta Saruwatari Kumiko » Naplózva

"Élni való minden élet, csak magadhoz hű maradj, veszteség nem érhet téged, ha azt hiszed, ami vagy."
#1 Itachi & Sai & Naruto & Sasuke fan
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Rejtett Hó Falu Rejtett Hó Falu

Hozzászólások: 121

« Válasz #577 Dátum: 09 jún 02, 16:49:53 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed??
Forrás: www.mangahelpers.com
Szerző: Iwanin

Dunno if it's legit, but here's my trans for the prev spoiler.

As Naruto heads back to the village, exhausted, Kakashi appears and lends him his shoulder.

ナルト里に帰還(カカシ心の中で よく頑張ったな とほめる)
Naruto makes it back to the village. Kakashi thinks to himself: "you did real good...[Naruto]"

"Naruto Faithful" greet him en masse.

From a distance, Hinata sheds tears, relieved he's indeed made it back safe.

Iruka remembers how Naruto was all alone as a child, and sheds tears seeing how he's now loved by everyone.

サクラがナルトに寄っていき頭を叩くがすぐ抱きしめて ありがとう…
Sakura aproaches Naruto and smacks him on the head, but then embraces him and says "thank you..."

Shikamaru's dad calls for an emergency meeting (since he's the Head Jounin).  

Zetsu is watching. "To think Pain was defeated...we'd better tell Tobi."

Scene switches to Akatsuki.

ゼツ ペインがやられ おそらくコナンもここにはもう戻ってこないと思う
Zetsu: "Pain was defeated. I doubt Konan's coming back, either."

マダラ 外道魔像とリンクできるコマを2人用意しないとな…
    キサメお前は八尾を追え 俺はちょっとこれからやる事がある

Madara: "We'll need to get two 'dummies/pawns'* who can link to the Gedou Demon Statue. Kisame, you go after the Eight Tails - there's something that needs my attention."

*exact meaning unclear. "koma" is "piece", as in an object you use for something. So here he's ostensibly referring to people who are of no other use to him but to connect to the statue, or perhaps two human-like placeholders.

やっと雷の使者が 木の葉に到着~(くだらない漫才みたいなことやってるから遅かったとおもわれw)
The emmissaries from Lightning finally arrive at Konoha (probably took them as long as it did 'cuz they just had to do comedy on the way).

ツナデは力を使い切ってしまったのか ババア姿のまま昏睡状態
Tsunade is comatose in her granny state, like she used up all of her power.

Sakura says there's nothing that can be done for her.

So, they start a meeting to select the next Hokage.

ダンゾウ名乗り出る前に シカ丸父ちゃんがはたけカカシを推薦します! 
Before Danzou can nominate himself, Shikamaru's dad nominates Hatake Kakashi.

Danzou makes a face.

Everyone's in favor, but Danzou throws a fit.

全て 三代め火影の甘い考えが引き起こした~


"It was Jiraiya's apprentice that destroyed Konoha! The betrayal of our ally the sand, Orochimaru's attempt to destroy Konoha, and on top of it all, Uchiha Sasuke as a Nukenin - All of it is the result of the Third Hokage's naive views!"

火の国大名が では ダンゾウを六代目火影の任命する!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lord of Fire Country then says "Well then, I hereby designate Danzou as the Sixth Hokage!"

Danzou makes an evil grin.


The backbone cover is Manda, I think.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 02, 16:52:48 írta titi » Naplózva
Kínzás specialista
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Akatsuki Akatsuki

Hozzászólások: 676

« Válasz #578 Dátum: 09 jún 03, 09:26:54 »

Forrás: mangahelpers
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED






Other Translation
English script roughly translated by narutoverse

Naruto walks back to the village, then Kakashi shows up and lends him the shoulder. (Kakashi's mind praises Naruto.)
Many people welcome to Naruto.
Hinata cries after she knows that Naruto is fine.
Iruka remembers that Naruto is lonely when he is a child, he cries that now many people acknowledges Naruto.
Sakaru comes close to Naruto. She hugs him and says thank you.
Because there is an important meeting, Shikamaru and his Dad are out.
Zetsu witnesses all this incident.
Pain is being defeated...have to tell Tobi...

Scene changes to Akatsuki
Zetsu: Pain lose. Konan wouldn't come back here.
Madara: Kisame, you go after the eight-tailed beast. I have somethings to do.
[Added] Madara is going to see if he can make a link with Gedou Demon Statue even with two less people.

Scene changes to Konoha
The messenger of Rai country arrives Konoha finally.
Tsunade is exhausted so she shows up like granny and falls asleep.
Sakaru have no treatment on her.

The meeting is about nomination of the next hokage. Before Danzou nominates himself, Shikaku nominates Kakashi.
It seems that Danzou is not happy when everyone agrees. Danzou shouts that Jiraiya's apprentice destroyed the village, Sand country is the betrayal of our allies, Orochimaru brings destruction to Konoha and Uchiha Sasuke is missing ninja of Konoha, all of these are the fault of third hokage.
Then he nominates himself. The fire country announces the six hokage is Danzou.
Danzou smiles.
The end.

Side cover is Manda.

Forrás: mangahelpers
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 03, 11:36:53 írta oozaru » Naplózva

Saruwatari Kumiko
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 188

Az örök newbie ^^

« Válasz #579 Dátum: 09 jún 03, 14:55:37 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: 52manyou and 2Ch (Nja and Nightjumper)

Picture Translation
Credits: narutofan

by: vered - NF

Okay fine,
from what I can read/make out of it...

First pic, first textbubble:
"We had faith in you[naruto]!"

I'm going to make a guess and say that the second bubble is saying:
"You're a hero, Naruto!"

I think the third bubble says:
"Thank you!"

Second pic seem to have been translated.

Third pic... Can't make much out of it, but the last bubbles are saying:
"I appoint you, Danzou, as the Rokudaime Hokage!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

by: Nightjumper of NF

イルカ 皆が見てるなか
Hinata's weeping
Team Gai
Team Shikamaru
Kiba, Shino
Iruka - Everyone's watching
Sakura elbows Naruto, then, when he's about to slouch over, she immediately hugs him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


in other words

the idiot daimyo at first thinks kakashi is a good candidate.
enter danzou and everyone crowds around him
the daimyo directly/personally appoints danzou as hokage
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 09 jún 03, 14:58:03 írta Saruwatari Kumiko » Naplózva

"Élni való minden élet, csak magadhoz hű maradj, veszteség nem érhet téged, ha azt hiszed, ami vagy."
#1 Itachi & Sai & Naruto & Sasuke fan
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #580 Dátum: 09 jún 05, 13:53:41 »

A 450. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 451. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.
Nem elérhető Nem elérhető

Hozzászólások: 5

« Válasz #581 Dátum: 09 jún 08, 09:57:18 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *

(Shikaku is displeased with the Feudal Lords’ decision)

“This is nonsense, I humbly request my lord that you reconsider,” said Shikaku. “On what grounds,” said Head Lord.

“No need. My Lord, the decison has already been decided by you, the head of the Fire Country’s council, that’s all that needs to be said. Stand down Shikaku, or in the name of the law they may punish you for breach of power,” said Danzou.

“Why you little… Where were you when we needed your unit the most,” asked Shikaku. “Settle down, or this meeting will be postponed,” said one of the Fuedal Lords. “I’m just trying to defend these travasties this man is throwing at me, please for give my manners,” said Danzou. (He stands up and then bows.)

“Do you want Konoha to end up like Mizugakure? Please, here my out. This man stands for everything that is wrong in the shinobi world. He is not the example our past Hokages set for us,” yelled Shikaku.

“Who is to say the new system is worth giving a try? Under the past Hokages the village has always been in turmoil,” said Danzou. naruto 451 raw

“ENOUGH. Danzou is now the 6th Hokage. Anymore complaints and I’ll retain each and everyone of you in confinement,” said Head Fuedal Lord. (Shikaku thinks to himself.)

“I can’t let this happen. I must do something. If I can, then maybe Konoha will have a chance,” said Shikaku. (They leave. 3 Guards escort Danzou and others outside.)

“Now, considering that this area is heavily guarded, I might cause a huge commotion .Kage Mane, complete,” said Shikaku. “What’s going on,” said Guard one. “I can’t move,” said Guard three. “Damn,” yelled Guard 2. “Kage Mane,” said Danzou. “Shikaku, what are you doing,” said Anbu 1. “I have to do this, this man is not what Konoha needs right now,” said Shikaku. “You’ll never get away with this,” said Danzou.

“I don’t care what they’ll do to me. This is my way of making it up to Konoha. BIND,” said Shikaku. (Immediately, the Fuedal lords send in a horde of guards, who are armed with Kunai and heavy weaponry. They capture Shikaku and takes him away.)

“Shame. Did you think you could plot something as drastic as this and not be caught? This place is heavily patrolled,” said Head Council Leader. (They move to the commotion.)

“So, it seems Konoha has some internal problems as well, this is no good,” said Council member. naruto 451

“He’ll most likely recieve the ultimate punishment,” said Next Council Member.

“DAMN it. I was so close,” said Shikaku. “ASSASINATION ATTEMPT. SHIKAKU of Konoha will immediatley be retained in confinement for high treason to the Hokage,” said Head Fuedal Lord. (Who appears with more guards.)

(Danzou Smiles.)

Switch Scene to Akatuski Hideout

(Madara approaches Falcon.)

“I know you are extremely anxious about going to Konoha. But Sasuke, two of your members will have to stay behind and help with the sync of the Eight Tails,” said Madara.

“I aint goin no where. I’m with Sasuke regardless,” said Suigetsu. “Afterall, it is up to Sasuke. But two of you will still have to stay behind,” said Madara.

“Heh, Sasuke needs my chakra sensing abilities, I have no need to worry,” said Karin. “So, have you decided,” asked Madara. “Suigetsu is coming with me. Juugo and Karin will have to remain behind,” said Sasuke. “Yeah, that’s my pal,” said Suigetsu. “If its Sasuke’s orders, I’ll have to follow,” said Juugo.

“How dare you? Afterall I’ve done for you,” said Karin. “Let it go, this is for the best,” said Sasuke. “Before you go to Konoha. I need to warn you of Naruto. He defeated the former Akatuski Leader. I’ll replay back the viewing of the battle via my sharingan,” said Madara. (Apparently Zetsu recorded it. Like he did with the viewing of Sasuke vs. Itachi.)

“Naruto hmm,” mumbled Sasuke.

switch Scene to Konoha:

(Team Samui are wondering around Konoha.)

“So, is the Hokage even alive considering the state of the village,” asked Karui “I dont’ want to feel like wasting my time but its for Raikage,” said Omoi. “Guys. Look over there. There is a huge crowd of villagers. Perhaps we’ll find the Hokage over there,” said Samui.

Switch Scene to Kisame:

(He is walking over an ocean of water.)

“Looks like I’m all alone on this one. Its been a long time,” smiled Kisame. (He pictures walking alongside Itachi.)

Next Chapter: Team Samui contacts the Leaf

Naruto-Kun Fórum Isten
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Rejtett Hang Falu Rejtett Hang Falu

Hozzászólások: 6459

Silent shadow

« Válasz #582 Dátum: 09 jún 08, 17:27:18 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés: *
Forrás: http://naruto-r.blogspot.com/2009/06/naruto-chapter-451-spoiler-predictions.html

Naruto Chapter 451 Spoilers and Predictions

Chapter 451

Feudal lord: However, Your opponent will be Uzumaki Naruto.

Danzou: SAY WUT?!! He is only a mere child. A container for the demon.

Shikaku: You. Know Danzou. Naruto has done more for this village than you.

Burocrats: Ah yes. He saved us from the sand and defeated Pain.

Danzou: Imbeciles. Don't you see he has caused a huge burden on us?! The village is in this shape because of him. Akatsuki would of never come here if it hadn't been for the Fourth!

Old Man advisor: True. But Naruto is still a mere genin.

Feudal Lord: Bring Uzumaki Naruto here.

*The fodder nin go and seek out Naruto*

-- Scene switch to Naruto --

Naruto: I'm exhausted. Wow Tsuande looks old.

Tsuande true form is shown. She looks like an old woman.

Tsuande springs up

Tsuande: IM OLD?!!! YOU MAYBE SAVED THE VILLAGE! BUT! *Drives her fist into Naruto's face sending him tumbling out of the tent.

Omoi: Whoa. We have a hostile. *Watches Naruto tumbling comes to a close in front of him.*

Omoi: Are you alright little dude?

Naruto: Who the hell are you?

Omoi: We have come from the hidden cloud village to inform the hokage about our 8 tails being captured by Akatsuki.

Naruto Gets up. What does Akatsuki got to do with Konoha?

Omoi: Sasuke Uchiha has captured our Jinchuuriki. He is now in Akatsuki.

Naruto is petrified.

-- End.

Normális vagyok, a hangok is ezt mondják.
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 497

« Válasz #583 Dátum: 09 jún 09, 06:10:13 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés: *
Forrás: http://narutomangaspoilers.wordpress.com/2009/06/09/naruto-451-raw-spoilers-and-predictions/
Szerző: TheSixthHokage

Naruto 451 “The Plunge”

The long, oak table, where Konoha and the Land of Fire’s top officials gathered, was shocked at the Fire ruler’s sudden outburst, particularly Shikaku.

“It is decided, Danzo shall be the Sixth Hokage of Konoha,” declared the Fire Daimyo to sparse applause from his retainers and scowls from the assembled shinobi, outside of the Elders who seemed undecided.

“My lord, as jonin representative I really must protest, perhaps a vote among the chunins and jonins would better reflect the majority’s belief that Hatake Kakashi is the best successor to the Fifth,” reasoned Shikaku.
Seeing his only bastion of firm support, the Daimyo and his retainers, waiver Danzo jumped to his feet.

“The cowardly Third and those who follow his philosophy have brought this village to near ruin, after years of the Third, it’s only right that a man of action is put in charge. We cannot have votes in a time of emergency such as now, we must be swift and relentless in showing the other villages our strength” the “Root” leader retorted.

“Enough!” bellowed the strange Daimyo, “We’ve made our decision: Konoha is under your command Danzo, do not let us down.” With that the Land of Fire’s political elite followed their master out of the airy conference chamber.
Danzo gets to his feet and walks past Shikaku to the exit, where two masked ‘Root’ members await their commanding officer.

Shikaku glances dangerously at Danzo and rushes to an alternative exit to warn Kakashi to look after the bed-ridden Fifth.

Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Shizune sombrely surround Tsunade, the once stunningly beautiful Senju princess. Covered in easily seen wrinkles and her face robbed of its youthful lustre, Sakura could barely hold back her tears. Her master, the medical genius of Konoha, was still in a coma and even Shizune was unsure if she could recover.

I promise to make you proud, Tsunade-sama! Please be around to watch me grow into someone you can be truly call your apprentice….Sakura mentally pleaded as Naruto and Kakashi got up to fetch some food and water for their exhausted comrades.
“I am sure Tsunade-sama will recover,” Shizune quietly surmised. “She needs you more than ever Sakura, you’re her legacy in Konoha, her gift to the village.”
“Why me, you’re her first pupil Shizune-sempai!’
“I may be her first, but you are her favourite,” declared Shizune with one of her trademark radiant smiles.

Outside of the large tent for the Fifth, an entire unit of ANBU ‘Root’ lay in wait for the confirmation from the Sixth. The 4-man unit stays hidden behind the large trees surrounding the tent, grasping their standard-issue ninjatos.

Samui, Omoi and Karui march to the make-shift tent city built where Konoha once was and are pointed to the largest tent, the new office of the Hokage.

“I wonder who it is…,” ponders Omoi, “maybe they chose a hottie as their leader like last time! Or maybe she’ll be a beast like Karui….wow that’s depressing.”
Omoi barely ducked under the barrage of shuriken thrown by his angered teammate. They managed to reach the large, but amazingly drab tent that was the Hokage’s new residence. All around masked ANBU were on guard and only after showing their Land of Fire permits were they let in to meet with the new shinobi ruler.

Samui’s beautiful face erupted in confusion when she saw Danzo sit on a makeshift throne, surrounded by his sychophantic operatives.

That man! He was Raikage-sama’s ally in Konoha about 4 years ago, how did he become Hokage so soon? Was it a coup as they had discussed? That’d explain the heavy guard… she pondered, ignoring the looks from her teammates. “Welcome to Konoha, Cloud ninja. I am the lord and master of this village, the Rokudaime Hokage,” Danzo bragged with a smile from ear-to-ear.

Naruto and Kakashi gather water at a nearby stream only to have Shikaku run up, out of breath and rambling incoherently.

“Danzo…he… the Fire Daimyo….he’s the Sixth!” exploded the jonin representative.
The son and former pupil of the Fourth could only gaze at Shikamaru’s father with utter confusion and allow the man to re-gain his breath.

“It’s Danzo, he overcame my objection, he’s the newly appointed Sixth!” he finally blurted after several rasping breaths.

Naruto’s eyes grew in shock as Kakashi’s one eye narrowed menacingly.

Next time! Naruto 452: The Will of Fire Extinguished?


Nem elég, hogy magas az aláírásod... még mellette 3 mega is. Szegény mobilnetesek majd rád terhelik a számlát. Törölte moderátor: Hiei
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Rejtett Hó Falu Rejtett Hó Falu

Hozzászólások: 121

« Válasz #584 Dátum: 09 jún 10, 05:59:59 »

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: állítólag Confirmed
Forrás: forum.onemanga

Non-nonsensical translation by me (probably not 100% accurate by any means, but better than a babelfish abomination):

Naruto wanders around the ruined Konoha village.

Sakura tells him he should rest, but Naruto says that it's his fault the village ended up in this state

Ino, Chouji , Guy's team, Shino's family etc. meet up with Naruto.

They encouter Hinata and Kiba too. Naruto expresses his thanks to Hinata, but she doesn't seem to remember much about what happened (NOTE: not entirely sure here. Could be the other way round.) Naruto heads off to see more of the village.

Kiba wants to say something to Hinata

Hinato says "yeah" and there's a flashback to the scene from the previous chapter, where Hinata smiles. She blushes? (not at all sure about this, might actually be Kiba who blushes?!) [in brackets: "Might be wwww." (no idea what that's supposed to mean.)]

When they get back to the tent, Shikamaru and his dad are there. An agitated Sakura tells everyone that Danzou is now Hokage.

Tobi is looking for Kabuto. Now he's fused with Orochimaru, he can make up for two lost men (presumably referring to Nagato and Konan?).

The Raikage's messengers arrive before Danzou.


Manda and Katsuyu are on the spine.
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