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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710598 alkalommal)
0 Felhasználó és 9 vendég van a témában
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Hozzászólások: 18

« Válasz #360 Dátum: 08 okt 30, 07:15:23 »

Tudom, hogy most már bármikor megjelenhet a RAW, de mivel ráakadtam egy videóra a netten, így gondoltam megosztom veletek.  A fenti képek vannak ebben is, de sokkal közelebbről mutatják.


Link javítva a közvetlen YouTubeos linkre.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 okt 30, 09:55:47 írta Chakra » Naplózva

Lásd meg mások szemében a reményt, és ne taposd el.
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #361 Dátum: 08 okt 30, 10:26:21 »

423. rész RAW-ja felkerült a honlapra. Várjuk a 424. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
ANBU újonc
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Rejtett Levél Falu Rejtett Levél Falu

Hozzászólások: 339

« Válasz #362 Dátum: 08 nov 04, 18:12:15 »

Spoiler - Naruto manga 424

Tudom, hogy nagyon korai, de a képek elég hitelesnek tűnnek, bár bizonyíték persze nincs^^. Eredetileg egy oldal volt a kettő, de csak félbevágva sikerült megoldani a dolgot.
Kakashi arcát megsebezte a szög, de a maszkja egyben maradt. Kakashi aktiválja az MS-t. Pein eltűnik egy másik dimenzióban???


Tomi is a good boy.
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Hozzászólások: 22

« Válasz #363 Dátum: 08 nov 04, 21:14:25 »

Naruto Chapter 424
Apparently somebody who works in Jump leaked this on 2chan.

In the mountains, Naruto and Fukasaku are still training, this time they are training on ground but using shunshin and sage mode; the landscape around is completely destroyed and there are huge craters around.

Fukasaku: With the increase your abilities get in Sage Mode, combined with this Taijutsu you've almost mastered, you will be very tough in close combat. However, long range may be a problem.

Naruto: (With my new jutsu, that's not a problem)

Fukasaku: I've got something more to teach you. It will somewhat fix the long range problem, it's a space-time. Hiraishin.


A shot of Kakashi with his Mangekou Sharingan activated, and his forehead above it with a long bloody gash, and the upper part of his ear missing.

Kakashi: Managed to use the Mangekyou Sharingan just in time...

Pain: You are just delaing the inevitable.

Pain raises his hand, and hundreds of small rocks start to float, the rocks take the form of spikes, and they are all shot towards Kakashi. Then a wall of shadow appears between Kakashi and Pain, blocking the spikes; Shikamaru and his father have arrived. Behind them, comes Ino and his father.

Chouza: !

Chouji: Shikamaru! Ino!

Shikamaru: I'm going to let Akatsuki kill any more of my friends.

Ino: Chouji! Mr. Akimichi! I'll take care of your wounds!

Pain raises his hand again, and this time a whole house begins to float; Pain throws the house at Kakashi, the Akimichis, and the Naras. However, in mid-air, the house breaks into pieces.

???: Dynamic Entry!

A full-page panel of 6-gated Gai kicking Pain, but pain with his arms crossed blocking the kick while struggling. Last panel a shot of Pain's face, he's angry, and Gai reflected on his rinnegan.

Chapter End.
Next Chapter: The Eight Gates.
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Hozzászólások: 22

« Válasz #364 Dátum: 08 nov 04, 21:39:17 »

Pain's nail flies towards Kakashi. He closes his left eye and.. "Mangekyou Sharingan!"
He opens his eye again. The nail hangs just inches from his face. Pain still has his hands stretched out. Debris around them hangs still in the air.

Kakashi gets out of the rubble, but the blocks of concrete he lifted off of himself stay in a floating position for some reason.
"That I had to resort to this.."

He looks around himself. Sees the defeated ninja's around him. He looks at the two Pain bodies still standing. "At least I can take out two of them.."
He fires up Raikiri in both arms.

--- Samui's team ---

They are in front of a closed Konoha gate. Explosions and screams are heard beyond the gate.

Omoi: "Appears Konoha is having some troubles.."
Karui: "Hmm. Well we still have a message for the Hokage."
Omoi: "Hmpf."

Omoi jumps up on the wall and stands on top of it.
Karui: "Omoi! What is it?"
Omoi: "It's.. Akatsuki..!"
Karui jumps up on the wall as well and looks around Konoha.
Karui: "There!"
They look at a battlefield with Kakashi still in trouble and Pain still holding the nail.
Omoi: "****! Let's go help him, 't least that'd make a good first impression.."

They jump down and form some seals.

--- Kakashi vs. Pain ---

Deva Pain coughs up blood. "I didn't.. expect you could use.. this kind of jutsu.."
Kakashi stands behind him with both arms inside Deva's body.
Deva Pain: "Your Sharingan's ability.. a time-space jutsu.."
Kakashi: "Not just that. It can see chakra, too."
Pain: "..."
Kakashi: "I've noticed the other body couldn't dodge earlier because of my rai-kagebunshin."
Kakashi: "It disturbed the chakra recieving metal that you have embedded in yourself."
Pain: "!!"
Kakashi: "So.. now you're disabled.. I can do this."
A kagebunshin of Kakashi appears in front of him and grabs two of the black metal piercings.
Kakashi: "This is the end of this body."
He rips out the chakra receiver in Pain's arms.
Pain collapses.

Omoi: "I dunno what you did just now.."
Kakashi: "!!"
Omoi: "But.. damn impressive.. copy ninja Kakashi."
Kakashi turns around.
Kakashi: "You're.."
Omoi holds the nail that Pain fired at Kakashi earlier.
Omoi: "We are here to bring a message to the Hokage."
Karui and Samui appear behind Kakashi.
Samui: "We took care of that one over there. What'cha wanna do with these?"
Samui holds a hand full of black chakra receivers. Behind them is the 3-faced Pain's body.
Kakashi: "..."

--- End of chapter ---

Next week: Summit of the Kages.
Naruto-Kun Fórum Isten
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Rejtett Hang Falu Rejtett Hang Falu

Hozzászólások: 6459

Silent shadow

« Válasz #365 Dátum: 08 nov 04, 23:14:18 »

Találtam 1 Spoiler szöveget:
Source: 2ch.net

Fukasaku: Your performance has dropped, is something bothering you?
Naruto: How long will it take before we return to Konoha?
Fukasaku: It all depends on you, come on let's continue.

Tsunade: I'm going into battle, save the patients.
She encounters summoning body pain.
Summon person: Where's Naruto.
Tsunade: So you are Pain...
Summoning body invokes big animal.
Tsunade kills it with a big punch then she grabs the animal realm pain and buries her hard into ground.

Kakashi is perfectly fine
Pain: You are not hurt?
Kakashi is out of the dirt
Kakashi: My sharingan has the power to recreate dimensions and seal them too. You were looking at another dimension while i was elsewhere. My real Location was not far away from here.
Kakashi: NOW!
Chouji and papa attack pain.
Pain uses gravity-push.
Kakashi: Did you know that portals are like black holes. They absorb everthing in their orbit. Now that you're using you're pushing force( gravitational force) you shall be sucked into my sharingan.
Pain: There's no helping it.
He disappears( into portal?)
Kakashi: Timing had to be perfect.
He collapses.

Next time:finished?

Notes: Some words are not directly translated.

Nemtudom h mennyire hiteles...

Normális vagyok, a hangok is ezt mondják.
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #366 Dátum: 08 nov 05, 08:48:40 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-424-spoiler-pictures-summaries-5995/index2.html
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi

Here, I translated a bit of the text...

Konoha's village temple!!

Sale commemoration C color!!

Kakashi dies!! Pein's devastation on Konoha does not stop.

Kakashi teacher how...(?)

Quote: pokeballs
Konoha's village temple!!

actually reads
Protect Konoha Village!!

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-424-spoiler-pictures-summaries-5995/index2.html
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi

Kakashi survives somehow. Unfortunately, his sharingan is ruined.
Pain think he's dead.
Kakashi, with a strained voice, activate his mangekyô. Pain, with nowhere to run, is hit.
Tsunade's slugs come in and heal the potentially deadly wounds.
Scene change to Shikamaru who trapped three Pains in his usual shadow jutsu.
One of them:"there's nothing we can do".
Scene change to Naruto. He said he want to eat ramen.
Scene change to Konoha's gate, for the arrival of Gaara of Suna.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 05, 09:22:14 írta yupi » Naplózva

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #367 Dátum: 08 nov 05, 11:50:55 »

Még 1 script Mosolyog

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-424-spoiler-pictures-summaries-5995/index2.html
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi

Kakashi has a nail in his forehead.
Kakashi: i'm losing it, Not now please, not like this. My chakra in uncontrolable.
Pain: I am now yours to be obeyed. May Pain be known to all.
Kakashi: ...
Kakahi stands up, head down, then looks up. We see a metol rod on his forehead.The right eye has the Rinnengan but the left eye is shut this time.

Pain: Finish them off then meet me at the Entrance point.
Kakashi: Hmmph.
Kakashi hits chouji's dad with Raikiri.
Chouji's dad: what....?
Kakashi walks off into the far distance.
Chouji: YOU!
Chouji's dad: STOP!

Iruka comes back to the scene
Iruka: What happened?
Chouji: Kakashi is dead...
Iruka: Kakashi....

In the image we then see Pain with all the other bodies + kakashi.

Pain: Naruto, be prepared here we come.

Next week: Secret unvieled.

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: llmcduff

danzou and gang go down into an underground bunker
it seems he wants to become hokage

back to kakashi

chouji(?) throws off asura pein and jumps to his feet (not sure about this...jpn is weird)


chouji (dad....kakashi sensei.........!)
it seems chouji's dad took a bullet for chouji and is dead.

kakashi: save your tears....for later!....if you can still move then...go tell tsuande...pain's ability.
chouji: me....
kakashi: don't waste your father's sacrifice!

what an annoying bunch

ashura is still alive (´;ω;`)

kakashi: (shit!) RUUUN!!

chouji (dad;....this is for you)
chouji running

ashura spies chouji and fires a missile from his back

カカシ(今のチャクラでは体全体は無理………それにもう一度使えばチャクラが無くなる)(確実 に…………死 ぬ!)
kakashi: (with my current chakra level the whole body is impossible...and if I use it again I'll have no chakra left) (I will without a doubt....die) [this is the picture page]

the missile is fired


kakashi: but I have to help the chouji to make a report! That's the most important thing.

missile hones in on the fat bastard

zuuun (noise of missile vanishing)


Kakashi: (well...seems like that's it for me...Obito...Rin)


that's it
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 05, 15:27:55 írta yupi » Naplózva

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #368 Dátum: 08 nov 05, 18:03:38 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: yass21


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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 164

« Válasz #369 Dátum: 08 nov 05, 19:44:24 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://www.mangashare.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9141
Szerző: samir147

Az előző spoiler képhez meg itt a fordítás, vagyis a magyar sorrend:

1. Kakashi Hatake
2. Naruto Uzumaki
3. Sasuke Uchiha
4. Iruka Umino
5. Shikamaru Nara
6. Sakura Haruno
7. Neji Hyuga
8. Gaara
9. Rock Lee
10. Itachi Uchiha
11. Hinata Hyuga
12. Haku
13. Maito Gai
14. Temari
15. Yondaime Hokage(Minato Namikaze)
16. Deidara
17. Kiba Inuzuka
18. Hayate Gekko
19. Jiraiya
20. Shino Aburame
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 06, 09:37:39 írta silvertea » Naplózva

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #370 Dátum: 08 nov 05, 20:04:51 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://www.mangashare.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9141
Szerző: samir147

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 06, 09:53:00 írta yupi » Naplózva

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #371 Dátum: 08 nov 07, 08:08:52 »

A 424. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 425. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
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Szökött Shinobi Szökött Shinobi

Hozzászólások: 164

« Válasz #372 Dátum: 08 nov 08, 00:04:56 »

Tudom, hogy ez talán nem igazi spoiler és a 425. fejezet csak 2 hét múlva lesz... ezért nem is tudtam eldönteni, hogy a manga, vagy ide, a spoiler topicba írjam be... de itt ez az oldal, ahol egy furcsa teóriát állítottak fel és talán van is alapja;

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://iareawesomeness.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/naruto-manga-425-part-ii-rin-is-animal-realm-death-of-kakashi/

Lastly, can anyone verify that the “Obito… Rin…” is the first time that either of those names have been dropped in the manga since the Kakashi Gaiden.  That was freakin huge. Here is why… Until that brief mention the Kakashi Gaiden has acted as an autonomus story seperate from the rest of the manga.  People could argue until they were blue in the face that the Kakashi Gaiden only provided fodder for backround into the origins of Kakashi’s Sharingan.  That Obito and Rin were only tools used once to tell that story and not significant to the over all picture of the manga.

Even just this brief mention will lends massively to the theory that Obito and Rin still have a part to play in the larger manga story line.  Some will say that this was just adding to the drama that Kakashi is dying and will be rejoining Obito and Rin in the after life.  But look at the text in !! points on the bottom left! “On the cusp of death, he makes a dying wish!!”  Alluding to the fact that Kakashi wishes to see/be with Rin and Obito one last time before he dies. The Tobito theory people are drooling right now wating to see the connection!  They are salivating at the mouth to see Animal Realm bounce over and to see Kakashi’s reaction as he freaks out and is rejuvinated by her appearance, climbs out of the rubble and shows all of us his true potential! OMG! I can’t wait till the next issue!

(Aki jobban tud angolul, mint én, az most jobban jár! ^^)
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 nov 08, 00:06:37 írta silvertea » Naplózva

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #373 Dátum: 08 nov 18, 09:48:30 »

egy kis apróság Mosolyog

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43026
Szerző: T.D.A

"Kakashi's death shocks Konoha! And as for Deva Path Pain...!?"

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Hozzászólások: 1012


« Válasz #374 Dátum: 08 nov 18, 20:13:51 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: (lásd lent)
Szerző: samir147


Egy külföldi Kakashi rajongó tette fel ezt a közösségi portálra. Nekem valahogy nem tűnik hitelesnek ez a spoiler
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