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Szerző Téma: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)  (Megtekintve 710629 alkalommal)
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Hozzászólások: 876

« Válasz #345 Dátum: 08 aug 28, 08:15:45 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37319

Suigetsu is forming himself back togther.
Juugo is fusing his skin with Sasuke, he tells Karin that even tho he's giving Sasuke some of his skin and chakra they should retreat because taking on the Hachibi in there state is to risky.
The Hachibi can hear everything there saying and tells them that trying to retreat at this point would be foolish and even if they did how far do they really think they could get.
(there's a little bit more about Sasuke)

Konan is telling Pein that even if they get to Konoha getting Naruto isn't going to be that easy.
Pein tells her thats the reason he's not going to hold back (there's a panel of all the bodies and then one of the female body)
Konan looks at Pein with a worried look on her face, he tells her that our goal has been set and that it will be accomplished without fail, the time of the 9th Jinchuuriki is closing fast.

Naruto is sitting near the pool of oil and the clones are turing into toads Pa hits them and says that there transforming much fast because of his little dive into the pool.
Naruto says that he thought it was a good idea at the time and Pa says you were actually thinking when you did that (he has a funny look on his face)
Gamakichi ask Pa if there's a faster way for Naruto to learn sage arts, Pa shouts and says no there's not he's already using the oil and clones it can't go any faster then this.

Sasuke tries to use his sharingan but it fails, Juugo tells him that he doesn't have the chakra to keep the sharingan active (there not in the same place they were at the beginning of the chapter)
Suigetsu tries to run but is hit with one of the tails of the Hachibi, Karin ask why he's trying to run off and leave them be hind, Suigetsu states that he was trying to see how fast the Hachibi is in that form, Karin asked well.
Suigetsu looks at her and says well im still standing here, even in that big form his tails move too fast for him to dodge, but his body doesn't seem to move as fast.(there's more about Sasuke and Juugo)

Akadémiai tanuló
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Hozzászólások: 33

« Válasz #346 Dátum: 08 aug 28, 09:55:43 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37319
Szerző: Nihongaeri

megj: a yupi álltal beszúrt képeket most csak linkelem...
az angol szöveget is csak helyel közzel értem,szóval fordítástól tekintsetek el.

I'll say, this boy's getting the hang of things faster than Jiraiya-chan did
That's awesome, Naruto!

Guy 1:
Why ever would KillerBee-sama be in his Eight-tails form!? The Raikage had been quite specific not to transform
Guy 2:
Look closely! He's battling someone!
Guy 1:
Those cloaks... Is that Akatsuki?

Sasuke (?):
Look what happened to Suigetsu... Dammit!

Here! Sasuke, quick, bite into me!
お前は死なせない…<?????????> (I think that's what I'm seeing)
I'm not going to let you die...
I'm going to take him on... Get away while you still can!

Yeah, boooiiyy!!
Side Text:
ふり返れば<?????> (Only the first part is visible)
Looking back...

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #347 Dátum: 08 aug 29, 07:29:41 »

Naruto Manga 414. fejezet angol verziója a főoldalon, hétfőtől várjuk a 415. fejezet spoilereit ^^
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #348 Dátum: 08 szep 03, 08:07:04 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://forums.endless-naruto.com/naruto-manga/naruto-chapter-415-spoiler-pictures-summaries-5490/index3.html
Szerző: Alexan



サスケさんが天照消費キラービー、その後キラービーほぼ即座にそれを圧倒します。ホークは敗北 を入力し、圧 倒的なパワーは、 8しっぽです。

Naruto 415 spoiler script:

Narutos sage training and advanced techniques from progressing to the description of those, including the art of time and space.

Amaterasu consumes 8 tails, he has, then 8 tails almost immediately overpowers. hawk is then defeated by the overwhelming power of the 8 tails.

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #349 Dátum: 08 szep 03, 11:17:35 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1010780#post1010780
Szerző: PainlessSacrifice

Hachibi is hit with Amaterasu
Some group of ninjas standing and watching with binoculars
"What to do?"
They say "The other pair is Akatsuki. We must report to Raikage. His yonger brother was attacked"
Scene changing to Naruto
Apparently oil training ends
Some book is given to Naruto
Fukasaku: "This is the first book Jiraiya wrote"

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #350 Dátum: 08 szep 03, 12:45:56 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1010780#post1010780
Szerző: Rorschach

An Amaterasu of resolve

All-out-war!!! What will be the outcome...!!?
A new power!!

Sinobi 1:
Wait a sec!
Shinobi 2:
What is it?
Shinobi 1:
That's the Uchiha family crest!
Shinobi 1:
We should alert the Raikage immediately, rather than trying to deal with things ourselves (Filling in the blanks here, so don't come crying to me if the translation's wrong)
Shinobi 2:
With his brother the victim of something like this, knowing the Raikage... he won't let this deed go unpunished

Here ya' go, read it
"do-konjo ninden"
Guts and an Iron Will: A Ninja Chronicle (A somewhat creative adaptation here...)
do-konjo... ninden...
Sasuke, having gained a new power, ???????
Chapter Preview:
What happens after Naruto reads Jiraiya's book!? Next Issue, "do-konjo ninden" ????????

úgylátszik Chakra Spoilere is igaz
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 szep 04, 08:36:25 írta yupi » Naplózva

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #351 Dátum: 08 okt 22, 09:13:09 »

Várjuk a 422. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #352 Dátum: 08 okt 22, 14:34:06 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41312
Szerző: T.D.A

Scene at Fukusaku's house, Naruto is waking up from bed.
Ma frog: Good mornin' Naruto, You've been sleeping for a very long time.
Naruto: eerm, I guess using that Natural energy for too long is making more sight effects. where is Pa frog anyway ?
Ma frog: he's investigating with other sages what happend with our shrine trees, some vandal cuted in half about 8 of them !
Naruto: (!!...) what are those thing exactly...?
Ma frog: these are a special ancient trees, with a very unique bark, with these we product that oil you used at your training. and it's not it's only attribute, we use it for healing, making various items...
Naruto: (sweating) so...can't you just plant them again ?
Ma frog: it needs about 30 years to fully grow, and for us to gather it's bark. it's a very serious crime !
Naruto: I...I'd like to tell you something...
Ma frog: what is it honey ? you...It's not what I think it is...?
Naruto: It was me...
Scene goes to konoha.
Kakashi is surrounded by two realms.
Kakashi: ( what is going on? not only I'm facing rin'engan user, but now two ? I just hope that a backup will arrive soon, or I'll may be forced to use my Mangekyou Sharingan...need to buy time)
Kakashi: Why are you here ? it is foolish of you to attack our village directly, with so few of you.
God realm: I'm here for the Kyuubi boy. and since you won't tell us where he is, then -
Demon realm is right behind Kakashi, and is speaking.
Demon realm: then it's the end of you!
Kakashi tries to dodge the black weapon, and gets stabbed by it in his back, instead of his neck, where the weapon was pointed.
Kakashi: gah!
Kakashi drops on his knees.
Kakashi (so this is the power...of the third doijutsu..)
God realm: That eye of yours is a very rare eye indeed...I will make you my minion, since your Konoha comrades has taken out one of my bodies...
we see a picture where hungry ghost realm is dead, lying in the ground, around him there are Neji, tenten, Gai ( wich is hurt as we see ) Lee, and some other konoha Shinobi.
Scene goes to Sasuke, wich we see is running through the forest with Team hawk.
Sasuke: guys, faster!
Karin: what the hell was all the risk for ? we almost died, and you let him go back then !?
Sasuke: I needed to test my abilities.
Seigetsu: well, you could tell us that, you could go alone you know...
Juugo: Frankly speaking, you could...
Sasuke: STOP!!
rest of the crew is like "!?"
We see Tobi standing in front of them.
Tobi: Well Sasuke, I won't go back on my words...
Scene goes to Naruto again.
Naruto is standing in front of the head sage, surrounded by a group of smaller frogs.
Head Sage: Uzumaki Naruto, law is a very important thing to us, sages, and since you commited a crime, that is a serious crime indeed...
Naruto: I didn't intend to damnit, how should i know-
Head Sage: by the law of Myobokuzan, I am canceling your contract, and dispach you from here, this place is sealed for you from now on, you may never come here again.
Pa frog Naruto, what have you got yourself into...I can't help you this time kiddo)
Naruto: Are...you serious ?
Next chapter: rejected!

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Rejtett Eső Falu Rejtett Eső Falu

Hozzászólások: 876

« Válasz #353 Dátum: 08 okt 22, 14:52:13 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :

Chapter 422 :Birth of a legend

Scene opeans up with danzo in the head quarters of the disbanded Root divison

Danzo: everyone here?

Unknown shinboi: yes we are all here everyone but “sai”

Danzo: never the less we begin to move now…every dismissed!

(shinboi leaves head quarters)..operation “black dragon begins”

Scene changes to naruto

*Ma frog returned the next morning*

Ma and Pa : hey naruto come here please we have something important to discuss

*naruto eter with sage markings above his eyes*

Pa: naruto why are you in sage mode?

Naruto- well I could sleep last night and all I could think about was the side effects of the sage arts

Pa: and?

Naruto: I figured something out…I found away to evnetr sage mode with out have to put you in danger

*ma this child is amazing*

Ma: well naruto first we have gifts for you

*pa this sukiyaki naruto will be a leagend like no other*

Scence changes sakura in the hospital

Tsunade: thank good you’re here sakura

Sakura: yeah I summoned katsuyu aswell

*koan appears in the door way of the hospital*

Sakura: *akatski*you take care of the injured and shes mine *puts on gloves*

Next chapter: sakura vs. koan…and what have naruto figured out that has Pa and ma on there toes??

Next chapter: “Gifts”

és egy másik

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :

Another Specialist Prediction:

Kakashi’s Faith

Myobokuzan (Naruto views the damage done by his technique)

“Finally, it’s completed. I might as well go see what the old sage is up to. Perhaps he might train me again” said Naruto.

Switch Scene to ***asku’s Hut:

(***asku and Shima discusses Naruto)

“I say he’s ready, he’s even better in the Sage Arts, than little Jiraiya was,” said ***askku. “The boy lacks experience. Sure he has talent, but he lacks the years of smarts. That is where little Jiraiya shined in, and you know it,” said Shima.

“Crazy ol woman, we are supposed to be honoring little Jiriaya’s own wishes, and he left everything to that boy, to the child of prophecy,” said ***asku.

(Naruto walks in)

“Woah, what’s all the yelling about,” asked Naruto. “Its nothing. So tell me boy. How you feel about returning to Konoha,” asked ***asku. “I think I’m ready. I’m ready to avenge pervy sage. I never met my father, but I can tell you that if I could have one, he’d be the one I’d call dad.

(Flash backs of Naruto and Jiraiya sharing an ice cream)

That’s one reason. Another reason is because of Tsunade. I can’t let that bastard get away with removing such an important person from the village. I’ve trained my butt off these past weeks, failure is not an option,” said Naruto.

(Shima closes her eyes and smiles) “What are you waiting for, call the communication toad back,” said Shima. “I almost forgot, I’m surprised Tsunade did not give us any feedback on the situation. I hope everything is going well,” said ***asku.

(He makes a handseal and summons the slaughtered Toad. Naruto, ***asku, and Shima are all shocked)

“What. He’s,” said Naruto. “Hell’s going on back at Konoha,” said Shima. “Naruto, we are heading to Konoha, Now,” yelled ***asku. (Naruto and ***asku rush outside)

“The village might not be safe. My bet, that its Pain,” said ***asku. “Now he’s attacking the village. We have to go now,” yelled Naruto. “We’ll use your shadow clone as reconnaissance. It will be with me. We’ll consult the code breakers and investigation sectors. You will enter the village via Gamabunta. That should allow your shadow clone and me to slip in unnoticed. Be prepared. Soon as you enter the village, Pain will be on you in an instant. As for as I can tell, you have surpassed Jiraiya. I believe in you,” said ***asku.

Switch scene to Konoha:

(Shinobi from all across the village are battling Konan and the rest of the Pains. Holding them off from Tsunade’s office)

Switch Scene to Kakashi: (He is on the ground. Demon Pain prepares to fire off his arm into Kakashi)

“Looks like I have no choice,” said Kakashi. (He activates Mangekyou Sharingan, but cancels it immediately, as he hears a crash and looks into the distance. He sees a flash back of Minato standing on Gamabunta, facing off against the Kyuubi. Immediately he snaps back to reality, and notices that its Naruto on top of the Toad Boss)

“So, he’s finally here,” said God. (Close up on all of the Pain’s eyes) “He’s ours,” said Demon. (They leave Kakashi alone)

(Flash back of Minato saving Kakashi from rock shinobi)

“He’s just like you after all,” said Kakashi.

(Everyone notices Gamabunta and Naruto)

Switch Scene to Code breakers: (***asku and Naruto’s shadow clone arrives in the code breakers room)

“Naruto, ***asku, you’re back,” said Shiho. “Wait patiently. We almost have it figured out,” said Shizune. “I’ll be able to hold him off until then,” said Naruto.

Next Chapter: Pain’s secret is revealed

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 okt 22, 14:54:17 írta ipirike » Naplózva

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #354 Dátum: 08 okt 22, 15:26:31 »

Tessék parancsolni Mosolyog

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző:zaraki kenpachi

Kakashi on the cover.

Konan turns into papers, asking around in the village.
Konan: Where is Uzumaki Naruto?
Ninja: I won't tell

Scene changes.
Pain goes around asking for Naruto's whereabouts while killing bunch of ninja.

On top of the Hokage statues,
Tsunade summons slug
and let her treat the injured villagers

Scene changes to Kakashi.
Attack fails.
Pain takes off his clothes and reveals himself as Asura-like (with many faces and hands)
The surprised Kakashi is sucked towards Pain.
He immediately stabilize himself.
Kakashi (So this is his ability!)
One man can't win against him. I need to call for back-up. At that moment, his abdomen is pierced by Pain.

But it's just a raiton kagebunshin.
Then two giant hands appear behind Pain.

One down, Kakashi.
Chouji and his dad show up.

Kakashi climbs out from rubbles. Actually I'd also completed my preparation.
But still thanks for the help.
The end.

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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 15642

« Válasz #355 Dátum: 08 okt 26, 21:52:20 »

Várjuk a 423. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Moderátor - Csevegő részleg
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Hozzászólások: 2931

« Válasz #356 Dátum: 08 okt 28, 16:51:40 »

Verification: Pending
Source: 2ch,net
Credits: mEu7QoCCO


„Nem vagyok híve annak, hogy elragadjanak a haszontalan érzelmek és hátba szúrjanak az
aggodalmamért. Annak pedig még kevésbé vagyok híve, amikor valaki mást szúrnak hátba.”
Accelerator - Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index (10. Kötet, 9. fejezet)
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Egyesített Shinobi Haderő Egyesített Shinobi Haderő

Hozzászólások: 23648

« Válasz #357 Dátum: 08 okt 28, 18:33:17 »

Forrás: http://mangahelpers.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1087696#post1087696
Szerző: T.D.A

Az előző hsz utolsó képen a szöveg a következő:

"A hős elbukik..." vagy "A hős bukása..."

"A mágia él. Az idők folyamán a helye változik, és velünk együtt növekszik. A mágia minden lehet, amit csak el tudsz képzelni. Végtelen sok módon felfoghatod... fényként, sötétségként, pirosként, vagy akár kékként. És szabadon él, akárcsak a Fairy Tail." - Makarov mester, Fairy Tail
Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #358 Dátum: 08 okt 29, 09:01:28 »

Source: 2ch,net
Credits: mEu7QoCCO

Kakashi: I know his power, now i can engage in real battle.
Pain: ...
Kakashi: I must be careful though, there's something about him that makes him unpredictable.
Pain throws ball.
Kakashi dies.
But it's another Bunshin.
Kakashi comes from underground to land an uppercut.

Naruto is in mountains still training.
***asaku: Naruto, about the kyuubi, you should know that absorbing Nature chakra surpresses the quantity of kyuubi chakra in you. By surpressing it you minimize the risk of going to 4 tails. But if you run out of Nature chakra in a matter of seconds then that chakra which is compressed in you might explode and you'll feel a certain burst of energy.
Naruto: What's your point?
***asaku: Use it well.

Tsunade is helping civilians.
Sakura: Go help the village, i'll take care of them.
Tsunade: Pain, here i come.
Prepare the special forces, Everyone target Pain.

Pain closes his eyes, and reopens them, he cites a jutsu and the chapter ends.

Next chapter: God is revealed.

Kezdő Jounin
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Rejtett VérKöd Falu Rejtett VérKöd Falu

Hozzászólások: 448

Pein is Invincible

« Válasz #359 Dátum: 08 okt 29, 09:27:39 »

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :

Verification: Confirmed
Source: NF
Credits: his jp friend

i just got my jp friend to partially so heres the overview:

First is the scene where Chouji and his dad and Kakashi try to confirm whether the Asura is dead.

Then Kakashi explains the battle plan he came up with based on Pain's ability.

Apparently it's the ability to use attractive force.

Father and son fighting side by side, the battle begins.

The battle content is too complicated, hence omitted. But in the end, the Akimichis manage to capture the God.

Then just as Kakashi is charging forward with a Raikiri the Asura body appears to block the attack.

众人:还能动吗?卡卡西 (赶得上吗?)
Everyone: He still can move? Kakashi (Can I make it?)

Naruto fuses with Fukasaku.

佩恩:当然还能动 !
Pain: Of course I(he? not sure who's talking) can still move.
Kakashi: Is it too late?

Turning around, he sees Akimichis and the other back-up ninja have been blown away.

ペイン「影分身ではないことはわかってる。確実に死んでもらう」(年には念だ。うかつに近づく まい)
Pain: Seems like it's not kagebunshin this time. Then die! (not translated)

Picking up a nail from the ground he throws it at Kakashi (=_=)

Pain: Feel the pain!

Kakashi: From this distance, I can't dodge it...

The End
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 08 okt 29, 12:43:35 írta yupi » Naplózva

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