Naruto-Kun Fórum

Naruto és Naruto Shippuuden => Naruto - Manga => A témát indította: Cartnecker - 07 jún 27, 15:34:03

Cím: Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 jún 27, 15:34:03
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Moderátor, Chakra


Hitelesség: Hiteles (?)
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: Dofla

Source: 2ch
Credits: nja
Verification: Confirmed


長門 ナルトを操作してつれて帰ろうとするがナルトは支配されず

小南 この距離なのに長門のチャクラを戻すなんて何て子なの><

ナルト 仇を目の前にして自分がどうできるかみたいな事をいい

ナルト 俺はお前らを許せねえ今すぐにでも殺してやりたい!



ナルト 俺はお前らの事を何も知らないなぜ憎むようになったのか


  俺の痛みは2つ 1つは両親が殺されたこと




長門父母は 長門に隠れていなさいといい

忍者は 敵だ~と父母を瞬殺 

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 jún 29, 13:05:29
Kikerült spoilerképek a 360. mangából:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Ben Tennyson - 07 júl 03, 17:51:54
nekem egy másik fórumon azt rták, álltólag Dei a Sauke ellen vívott harc után beáll a Hebibe.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Tapion-sama - 07 júl 04, 16:49:17
Naruto 361 The Painful Road Forward

Text: Deidara has the upper hand on Sasuke!??

Sasuke (thinking): Sh!?….
*The real Deidara falls out of the bottom of the bird.
Deidara: My art is a real bang!
*The Deidara clone holding Sasuke pops
*Sasuke sees Deidara falling away from the bird.
Deidara: Disappear!
*Sasuke activates his full body Chidori
*Sasuke gets torn up pretty good still and falls off of the bird.
Deidara: FINALLY!!! I’VE WON!!!
*Deidara and Sasuke are falling together.
Deidara: Huh?!!
*Sasuke makes a long chakra blade and cuts Deidara in half as they both fall. Sasuke then covers his own body with his one wing as he’s falling.
*Deidara coughs up blood.
Deidara: Da…mnit…!??
*Flashback to Sasori and Deidara walking along in the dessert
Deidara: You can’t preserve art. If you keep trying to make it permanent, you’ll only be wasting your time.
Deidara: True art can’t be contained and study.
Deidara: True art is in the moment.
Sasori: Again, it’s that kind of thinking that’ll get you killed before all of us.
Sasori: A real artist knows that art should be appreciated as long as possible, far after his death.
Sasori: The appreciation for your art goes away as soon as you blow it up.
Sasori: What kind of artist destroys his art?
Deidara (thinking): What do you know about art? All you do is make puppet shows with really old puppets, and call THAT art.
Deidara: I don’t care.
Deidara: I don’t even see the place yet. You know it would have been quicker if we had both taken my birds.
Sasori: No thank you. You might try to show me how your art is superior to mine and blow me up.
Sasori: Then I would have to kill you, and I would be short a partner for this mission. And there is no way I’m having Tobi as your replacement no matter how much you already piss me off.
Sasori: Besides, there is nothing wrong in taking our time to get there.
Deidara (thinking): Of course there is nothing wrong with taking our time, if we both had no skin.
Sasori: It’s not too hot, and we only have a few miles left.
Deidara (thinking): Not too hot!!?
*Returns to Sasuke and Deidara falling to the ground
*Both smash into the ground.
Side Text: Sasuke and Deidara are defeated??!
Next Time: Rush!!?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Kazama - 07 júl 05, 20:42:19
Ben Tennyson Az a másik fórum nem az aplusz/animax fóruma volt? Mert ott csak poénkodtunk. nehogy elhidd. Nincs szó arról, hogy Dei beáll-e vhová, mindössze találgatások arra vonatkozólag, hogy Dei élje túl az összecsapást  :-X

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 júl 06, 19:26:07
feltolok pár képet a rawból ide de ha kell valakinek vagy modi engedi akkor berakom az egész rawot
ja ez a 361ből van

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 júl 06, 20:13:43
Moderátor: Inkább ne linkeld be. :) És amúgy is ez a téma mindíg a következő manga részről. A 361 már megjelentnek tekinthető, úgyhogy mostmár a 362-ről kell infó! ;)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Karasu - 07 júl 07, 16:58:34
Amit Tapion-sama beírt angolul, az nem is a 361es rész volt... de akkor melyik?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 júl 07, 17:00:54
De, az volt, én csak tudom ;)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Tapion-sama - 07 júl 08, 06:05:41
valóban nem az, egy fórumon találtam, gondoltam ez az... de nem... végülis mostmár mindegy, nem? :-X :-X :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 08, 14:22:47
Naruto Manga 362 Spoiler
Jöhetnek a külföldi spoilerek

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 júl 11, 19:23:07
 egy képet találtam meg 1 csomó szöveget spanyolul :S

ha valakit érdekel a spanyol szöveg bekopizom mátmint a mangából

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 11, 20:09:51
Itt egy másik kép is, ezen nemsok minden látszik, de a 362-esből van:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 12, 10:25:21
Új kép került ki:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: FireCat - 07 júl 12, 17:54:50
Külföldi fórumon azt olvastam, hogy dei-nek annyi!! :( :( :( :'( :'( Remélem ők sem gondolták komolyan....

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 13, 12:01:19

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 13, 13:21:55
És az utolsó adag:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 15, 21:58:55
Naruto Manga 363 Spoiler
 :jobbra: Jöhetnek a külföldi spoilerek

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 17, 22:05:11
Külföldi fórumon, olvastam. Magyar fordításban nagyjából:

Az elborzasztó jutsu megrázza a felszínt!!!
Sasuke: Wow ez a fickó felrobbantja az egész erdőt
Sasuke: Nem hittem volna, hogy nekem ezt használnom kell...
Sasuke: RAITON!! ThunderClap no jutsu
*A földet veszi célba a jutsuval,elrepül és megragadja Tobit.*
Tobi: Köszönöm, de miért mentettél meg Sasuke?
Sasuke: Mert el kell mondanod nekem, hogy itachi hol van.
Tobi: Te igazán alábecsülsz engem.
Tobi: Azután a hatalmas jutsu után te kimerültél
Sasuke: (Remélem, hogy leszállunk valahol suigetsu közelében)
*Tobi és Sasuke landolnak*
Ninja kutya: Kakashi, van ott valami kb. száz lépésre innen
Kakashi: Gyerünk!
Tobi: Haha, és akkor most lássuk az első zsákmányomat!
*Suigetsu védi Tobi támadását, a kardjával*
Suigetsu: Gyerünk végre mondd el kölyök, nem tudsz legyőzni
Suigetsu: Nos, kölyök. Nem tudom mi történt itt, de azt tudom, hogy ez nem a te napod.
Sasuke: Ne öld meg! Szükségünk van rá, ha meg akarjuk találni Itachit.
Suigetsu: Ne viccelj Sasuke! Le tudom vágni a karját vagy a lábát is.

364. fejezet: A segítség megérkezik

A kommentek NE ebbe a topicba történjenek, hanem a másik Shippuudenesbe.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 18, 13:43:31
Kapaszkodjatok. Az Akatsuki Leader lesz a kövi fejezetben ... nagyon vad :D

A kommentek ne ebbe a topicba, hanem a másik Shippuuden mangásba történjenek.


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 19, 15:03:11
Állítólag a képeken látható szöveg angolról, nagyjából XD :
AV: Akatsuki vezér
KH: Kékhajú

AV : Ami a haladást illeti, új tagok nélkül nem tudjuk folytatni célunkat.
KH : Fontos, hogy az új tagok erősebbek legyenek az előzőeknél.
AV : Ha elindulunk, tudjuk tartani a kapcsolatot.
KH : Előbb vagy utóbb megbosszulja magát, ha ittmaradunk.
AV : El kell költöznünk egy nagyobb helyre.

A kommentek ne ebbe a topicba, hanem a másik Shippuuden mangásba történjenek.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 19, 16:59:36
És még egy szösszenetnyi spoiler... (jesszum, de sok trpila postom van XD)


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 júl 19, 18:17:20
csak azért van triplád mert gyorsabb voltál nálam :D de most én jövök ha jól látom az utolsó lapról van ez a kép


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: bmate17 - 07 júl 19, 18:36:45
a kék haju lánynak Pein a neve  :) kiejtés---> lit. Péjn hasonlit az angol Payne szóhoz....

és innen szedem

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Seed - 07 júl 19, 18:56:18
bocsi hogy leírom ide de ilyen 1 évbe 1x van!!! :D

aztmondja a csávó a peines kép kommentjébe:

Kishimoto, while I thank you for finally giving AL and Blue identities, don't think I've forgiven you for what you did to Deidara.

 :D :D :D

szerintetek ez igazi spoiler?  ???
vagy ezt másik topicba kellett volna? ha igen 1000 bocs csak most írok ide először, plz. akkor helyezzétek át vagy nem tudom

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 júl 19, 19:41:23
igaz ez csak félig spolier de azért érdemes 1 pillantást vetni fanart/spoiler: (

ui.:ez nem kézpénz senki ne vegye annak

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 20, 09:13:16

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 júl 20, 13:46:35

már nem kell sokat várni :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 20, 14:14:54
A 363-mas manga címe: Sasuke halott

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 júl 21, 11:00:03
1 hsz törölve kronosz7-től: nem spoiler volt, nem illett a témába.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 júl 23, 15:47:32
Életem első spoiler képe:
Ebből azt veszem ki h a Leader elmegy a Kyuubi-ért ???

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 júl 23, 17:33:05
1 hsz törölve Gaarahun-tól, mert
... A kommentek ne ebbe a topicba, hanem a másik Shippuuden mangásba történjenek. ...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 júl 23, 18:56:09
Asszem h irhatok nos,Pettinho talált nektek ujabb képeket:

Moderátor: Kicsit beleszerkesztettem, hogy linkekként jelenlenek meg, mert képként nem láthatóak. - Chakra

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 júl 24, 14:49:31
ellvileg ez spoiler de...érdekes

amugy a pettinho éle képekröl én is azt olvastam h fake

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 júl 24, 14:53:43
Hát de most akkor mit csináljak azzal a HSZel?
Én is találtam nem egyet:
(    (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 24, 15:14:54
Ezek Fake képek, előző mangákból lett kivágva:

Ez viszont valódi lesz szerintem:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 25, 15:47:16

Állítólag: Tobi= Uchiha Madara, és ő volt az az árny, aki elküldte a vezért, Peint, a Kyuubiért.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 júl 25, 19:55:26
Axel-sama hsz-e áthelyezve a Naruto Shippuuden Manga c. témába, mert
... A kommentek ne ebbe a topicba, hanem a másik Shippuuden mangásba történjenek. ...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 27, 15:22:53



Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 júl 27, 15:41:29

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 júl 31, 23:38:47
Naruto Shippuuden Manga 365. Spoiler képek
Nem biztos h igazi, szal lehet h fake, de azért beteszem:  (szerk. később: fake kép, szal nem hiteles  :-X)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 aug 02, 09:42:48
Tudom h csak szöveg és nem kép de majd ha lesz kép akko azt is berakom:
Hotel where Sasuke is
Karin: まったくだらしない…(無防備なSasuke…)
Suigetsu: 暇だな……早く起きないかなSasuke
Karin: Search more information about Itachi!! (or something like that)
Suigetsu: I got tired of seeing Karin’s face
Karin: ふんっ!重吾も行ってきたらどうだ!?
Juugo: …it is so
Karin: (Sasuke and 2 others were cut with these!) (WTF?)
Karin: …!! This chakra…
Scene changes to kakashi and teammates
Sai (?) joins
(directly from the translator: I read air to Naruto that seemed that had
returned in what or the first gathering place and act or said )
Kakashi: Kiba will be at the head (goes at the front)
Yamato: Everyone pay attention to their surroundings
Naruto: 押忍!! (忍 means ninja or shinobi)
Kiba’s nose discovers something and makes “kun-kun”
Kiba: It is behind!!
Everyone turns around and see Pein and BH
Hinata: い、いつのまに!
Shino: こいつら、まったく気配を感じられない…
Kakashi: The Akatsuki leader or… (I think it is, directly from translator:
The new trick of Akatsuki or..!)
Guess what… a cloud appears and begins to rain!
Pein: Tsurara, I’ll kill everyone except for the 9 tails jinchūriki (he
says Tsurara, ツララ, maybe BH name??)
Tsurara: i understand that (?)
Naruto: 何ふざけた事言ってやがるっ!!
Naruto makes 5 shadow clones and charges in
Sakura: Naruto!!
Yamato: Chii…!! (チィ?)
Pein: …
A thunder impacts Naruto
Hinata: Naruto!!
Yamato: fuu (ふぅ, maybe some jutsu)
The original Naruto is saved by Yamato’s tree
Kakashi: 雷遁か…!? (Ithink that is raitonka… 雷-rai 遁-ton か
-ka(hiragana), maybe referring to Peins elemental affinity)
Pein: …違うな俺は何もしていない
Kiba: どういう事だ!?術じゃないって言うならいったい…
Tsurara: Pein loves nature, nature will always be his friend (or something
like that)
Pein: Nature fights with me, if I want, i can attack the enema with it
Yamato: It is the ability that joked how… (? This is what turned out in the
Kakashi: (That woman… Somewhere…)
Pein: Enough chattering…
Tsurara: もうやりましょうか
Naruto: Dammit!
Kisame: What happened or what do you have to say? (?)
Itachi: Even you will soon know…
Itachi: … what it is because this organization is…
Kisame: それはいったい… (sorehaittai (?)… “It… on earth” according to
the translator)
Itachi: 時間も後少ない…行くぞ…
Itachi starts to walk

煽り 明かされるPeinの能力!! (I think it is Pein’s Kekkei genkai!!)
Itachi faces his destiny?!
Next issue: The secret of Akatsuki!
( vagy nem az ???
Cart bocsi nem láttam h fenn van az oldalon :-[

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 02, 09:58:25
ill még 1 kép:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 02, 13:06:46
Az első képen, bal oldalon az első szövegbuborék, a vastag nagybetűvel:
"Ez.. Itachi...!"
A lap alján jobbról-balra olvasva:
Naruto gondolja: "Ez.. ez ő!"
Madárnál: "Uchiha Itachi"
Itachi: "Végre megmutattad magad ... Uzumaki Naruto!"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 02, 23:32:46

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 aug 03, 16:38:46
Semmi fake:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 03, 18:20:12
( ( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 03, 22:02:41
Naruto Shippuuden Manga 366. Spoiler képek & szövegek
/a kommenteket még mindig a másik Shippuuden Manga topicba várjuk/

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 aug 07, 18:45:01
Sajna képet nem találtam :-[
Itachi: Come out, Uzumaki Naruto.
Naruto (thinking): Sh… I ran into the wrong person…
Naruto: !!!
Kasume does a surprise attack on Naruto from behind.
Kasume: Urggg!!!
Naruto barely jumps out of the way of Kasume’s sword.
Naruto (thinking): Damn…
Naruto (thinking): …that was close…
Kasume: Isn’t the leader going after the Kyuubi brat?
Itachi: We were told to capture our respective bijous’…
Itachi: …Naruto is ours.
Naruto (thinking): Two on one…
Naruto (thinking): …and no help in sight.
Naruto (thinking): I could disperse myself, and all the others will know my location….

Naruto (thinking): but they could escape by the time the others come here.
Naruto (thinking): My best bet is for one of the others to notice my location…
Naruto (thinking): I need to make a big commotion…
Kasume: Fine.
Kasume: Let’s grab this brat quickly, before I get too bored and kill him.
Scene changes to Sasuke and Team Hebi.
Sasuke: No one proceeds ahead unless I tell you to.
Team Hebi nods.
Sasuke goes ahead cautiously.
Sasuke (thinking): No animals, no sounds…
Sasuke (thinking): Someone’s definitely here…watc…
Shadowy figure from behind: Uchiha Sasuke.
Sasuke: !…
Shadow: I wasn’t looking for you…
Shadow: but it seems that the Kyuubi’s capture is already underway, so…
Shadow: I have time to play with you…
Shadow: Before I head to where he’s at.
The shadowy figure is Pein!
Pein: Your level of Sharigan is no good against my blood-line limit.
Sasuke: !!?
Sasuke (thinking): Who is this guy?…
Sasuke (thinking): He looks just like…
Sasuke (thinking): …Naruto.
Sidetext: Sasuke and Naruto have run out of luck!!?.
Sasuke & Naruto: Tch!
Next Time: Odds of a Disaster
Big Announcement: Details about Obha’s new series “Minus Zero” will be featured instead of a new One Piece chapter.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 aug 08, 18:38:18
(Az előző hsz magyarul, durva fordítás :))

Itachi: Mutasd magad, Uzumaki Naruto.
Naruto (gondolkodik): Franc… rossz emberbe futottam bele...
Naruto: !!!
Kasume (Kisame) meglepetésszerúen rátámad Narutóra hátulról.
Kasume (Kisame): Urggg!!!
Naruto éppenhogy csak kitér Kasume (Kisame) kardjának az útjából.
Naruto (gondolkodik): Franc...
Naruto (gondolkodik): …ez közel volt…
Kasume (Kisame): Nem maga a Vezér ment a Kyuubi kölyök után?
Itachi: Nekünk azt mondták, kapjuk el a saját bijoujainkat...
Itachi: ... Naruto a miénk.
Naruto (gondolkodik): Kettő az egy ellen...
Naruto (gondolkodik): ... és nincs kilátás erősítésre.
Naruto (gondolkodik): Szétszóródhatok és értesíthetek mindenkit a helyzetemről,
Naruto (gondolkodik): de lehet, hogy ezek lelépnek ha a többiek idejönnek.
Naruto (gondolkodik): A legbiztosabban akkor vesznek észre a többiek,
Naruto (gondolkodik): Ha csinálok egy jó nagy felfordulást.
Kasume (Kisame): Remek.
Kasume (Kisame): Kapjuk el gyorsan ezt a kölyköt, mielőtt megunom és megölöm.

A helyszín átvált Sasukéra és a Hebire.
Sasuke: Senki nem avatkozhat közbe míg nem szólok.
A csapat bólint.
Sasuke óvatosan előrelopakodik.
Sasuke (gondolkodik): Nincsenek állatok és semmi zajt nem hallok...
Sasuke (gondolkodik): Valaki biztosan van itt...
Egy árny a háta mögül: Uchiha Sasuke.
Sasuke: !…
Árny: Rád nem számítottam...
Árny: de mivel a Kyuubi elfogása már folyamatban van, így...
Árny: Van időm eljátszadozom veled
Árny: mielőtt odamegyek.
Az árny Pein!
Pein: A jelenlegi szintjén a Sharinganod nem ér semmi az én vérvonal képességem ellen.
Sasuke: !!?
Sasuke (gondolkodik): Ki ez a fickó...?
Sasuke (gondolkodik): Ugy néz ki mint...
Sasuke (gondolkodik): ...Naruto.
Szöveg a lap szélén: Sasuke és Naruto kifogyott a szerencséből?!
Sasuke & Naruto: Franc!

Legközelebb: Katasztrófeveszély

(A többit nem fordítottam le, mert nem Naruto-témájú volt.)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: FireCat - 07 aug 14, 21:27:18
Nemtom kijött-e már a 366-os manga, és azt se tudom mennyire igaziak a képek (sztem semennyire, de azért beraktam...), szóval előre gomen X)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 15, 14:01:20

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 aug 15, 17:31:34
1 hsz törölve yupi-tól, mert

Naruto Shippuuden Manga 366. Spoiler képek & szövegek
/a kommenteket még mindig a másik Shippuuden Manga topicba várjuk/

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 16, 16:54:02
először a képek:

a másik yupi: oda van irva hogy ide csak képek jöhetnek
u.i.:azt meg nem fogom megmondani hogy honnan vannak

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 aug 16, 16:56:49
1 hsz törölve yupi-tól.

A mert pedig ott van az előző hsz-emben. Ha jól megnézed, akkor van ott egy idézet Cart-tól...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 aug 16, 19:46:45
this is not fake:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 17, 15:44:10
nah a legfrisebb képek:

ja és pettinho te ugyan azokat linkelted be mint én.... ja meg ha kell a raw és vki tudja szerkeszteni a föoldalt annak adok linket...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 aug 18, 12:56:29
Bocsi, hogy töröltem a hsz-ed Adachi, de már kint van a 366. rész. :)


Naruto Shippuuden Manga 367. Spoiler képek & szövegek
/a kommenteket még mindig a másik Shippuuden Manga topicba várjuk/

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 21, 19:52:50
Naruto Manga 367 fake azaz Naruto Manga 367 FanFiction ;) Nemtom mi értelme de azért bemásolom, hogy lehessen kombinálgatni xD

(nem tükörfordítással :P)

Sasuke aktiválja a Sharingant
Itachi: Fejlődött a sharinganod. Eljöttem, hogy beszéljünk.

Sasuke: Nincs miről beszélnünk...

Itachi: Sokat fejlődtél, hiszen elintézted Orochimarut, Deidarát és Tobit is.

Én csak téged akarlak megölni...

Itachi: ...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 23, 04:47:31
a legfrissebbek:
van szöveg is remélem nem igaz...

If this is true...

Uzumaki Kushina is Naruto's mother. Tsunade claimed that naruto's Jutsu and personality is very similar to her.(from #2pic)

Naruto's father names is Namikaze(not sure?) Minato, and yes he was Konoha Yellow Flesh. Tsunade said naruto looks is very like him.

Itachi told Sasuke to meet him at Uchiha's hideout by himself, to finish their battle.

Is that the fake spoiler pic that came out during the Orochimaru fight? Heres the spoiler continuation to #2

The rest of Sasuke's group appeared.

Kisame: Want me to kill them all?

Kisame appeared from Ni-san's back.

Itachi: I need to finish up something with Sasuke. You take care of the rest.

Scene changes to Tsunade..

Tsunade throws up.

Shizune: You have never throw up after drinking before..

Tsunade: ... Gather a rescue squad. It's Hokage's job to keep people safe.

Back in Akatsuki hideout:

Zetsu: I have spotted the last bijuu's group.

Pein: Let's finish the collection then..

The blue hair girl: If there are others, I am coming too.

Pein: No, wait here at the base for Itachi and Kisame... Zetsu, let's go...

Pein and zetu vanished*

The blue hair girl notices something...

BH girl: So we have an intruder...

Jiraiya: You're pretty sharp for a girl.. Only Tsunade is the other person who can detect me.

BH girl: Another sanin has come. Orochimaru has died. Perhaps it's time for you to join your old friend.

*side note.. Jiraiya faces the only female akatsuki shinobi while the brothers final confrontation has finally arrived!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 07 aug 23, 15:19:31
Nemtom ezu mit takar v hogy Fake e.. meg németes vok :D

Cover is Sasuke in front, Itachi behind him giving his back to him.

"The avenger. The wheel of fate turns anew..."

Sasuke attacks Itachi, who does "crow genjutsu" on him (this is the most suspicious part, if you ask me) and comes up behind him. Sasuke repels him with "chidori nagashi." Itachi tells Sasuke he has company. The person comes out and says "so, we meet again, Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke seems to recognize the individual.

Naruto wonders what the hell that was all about and resumes his search for Sasuke.

The hebi team waits outside for Sasuke. Karin suddenly feels Sasuke's chakra disappear. They run inside the hidedout to find a barrrier's been cast. Zetsu comes out and tells them that there's a very important meeting going on, and they can't disturb. Juugo voluntiers to fight Zetsu, while Suigetsu and Karin go look for Sasuke. Oh, and Zetsu's chakra can't be felt, says a surprised Karin.

Jiraiya says goodbye to Tsunade and Shizune. Tsunade "orders" him not to die. He heads off into dark clouds in the distance. (So, if this spoiler's real, Kishi's telling us Jiraiya's gonna die.)

Surprise surprise, it's "Tobi." He shows Sasuke his Sharingan and invites him to "join" them (become their "nakama", in case anyone's wondering).

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Geroprog - 07 aug 24, 07:50:49
Talán nem Fake! :-[  (  ( (  (  (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 aug 24, 10:36:55
Ez elvileg az igazi szöveg:
Naruto 367
-Jiraiya is getting closer to his death
>>>more signs of Jiraiya getting closer to his death
-Jiraiya esta acercándose a su muerte.
>>>Hay signos que indican que se acerca su muerte.
>>>Tsunade throws up
>>>Tsunade vomita.
Sasuke vs Itachi, Sasuke starts the battle
-Sasuke vs Itachi. Sasuke empieza la batalla.
Itachi : You became stronger
-Itachi: Te has vuelto más fuerte.
>>> and Itachi escapes/runs away
Pero Itachi (empieza a) escapa(r)
イタチ「一人でアジトに来い そこで決着をつけさせてやる」
Itachi : Only us, let's finish this conclusion in another hideout.
>>>Itachi: come to the hideout alone. I'll let you conclude this battle there.
-Itachi: Solo nosotros, vamos a concluir esto en otro escondite
>>>Itachi: Ven al escondite solo. Te dejaré concuir ahí la batalla.
In the rain (or maybe the Rain country), Jiraiya sneaks in the akatsuki hideout successfully
-En la lluvia (o en en el País de la Lluvia), Jiraiya se filtra exitosamente en la guarida de akatsuki.
Pein notice him
-Pein lo descubre.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 24, 12:20:41
NANAshi @ NF fórum:
(nem tükörfordítás)
A képekről:

Uzumaki Kushina volt Naruto anyja. Tsunade szerint Naruto, hasonló technikákat használ mint anno Kushina.
Naruto apja: Namikaze (nem biztos) Minato, és ő volt Konoha sárga villanása azaz Yondaime. Tsunade elmondása szerint Naruto az apja tekintetét örökölte.

Itachi azt mondja Sasuke-nek, hogy találkozzanak az Uchiha búvóhelynél, és ott rendezzék le négyszemközt a személyes ellentéteiket.

Lehet h fake lehet h nem... ez ma kiderül ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 24, 13:46:55
legfrisseb már csak órák kérdése...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 25, 22:08:45
Nah mivel kijött a 367., következzenek a Naruto Shippuuden Manga 368. fejezetének spoilerei:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 29, 13:38:10

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 aug 29, 21:21:16
Állítólag, a 368. manga címe: Felderítés.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 aug 30, 11:31:33
Nkem ez a kép nem vmi fake szerű szal belinkelem :D  (Cart, szerk.: Igen. Ezt úgy hívják: fanart  :-X)
368;Trans Spolier
The cover is Jiraiya.
"His name is known o all! Yet even the gallant Jiraiya may find today's mission a challenge, see."
As the crows disappear, Sasuke's three stooges (my pet name for them) approach
Sasuke: I thought I told you guys not to come move until I gave the order!
???? (probably Suigetsu, going from the speech pattern): "Well, we got worried when Karin said she felt some else's chakra in here."
??? (Karin?): Feathers? (the crows' obviously)
Sasuke: Follow me.
Cut Amegakure and the rain.
Pain's stands attop a cliff-like location.
Pain: Konan*... As soon as I stop the rain, use your jutsu to locate the intruder.
Konan = "small south." Let the deluge of dirty jokes begin!
Konan: Leave it to me.

Pain: Here goes...
Konan(?): Right.
Scene changes. Two men are walking in rain in the slums of Amegakure (this isn't written in the spoiler, but you can deduce it from the context and the pictures).
Guy A: Some rain, eh?
Guy B: How 'bout we have ourselves a drink while we wait for it to abate?
Guy A: Like we're gonna find a bar in these slums!
Guy A: Yeah, gonna have togo up to one of the higher levels.
Guy B: So, guess we're going up...and putting up with the rain all the while.
Lo and behold, they suddenly find themselves before a bar.
"BAR FROG: Grand Opening! Drink 'til you drop for 500 ryous!"
Guy A: Looks like today's our lucky day!
Bartender: Welcome!
Guy A: Two, please
Guy B: We'll have our sake and some appetizers.
Guy B: It's not Sunday today, I think.
Guy A: 'means Pain-Sama's preoccupied with something.
Guy A: He might be going off abroad soon...
Guy B: 'thing is, until now it's never rained on any other day of the week, buddy
Guy A: Maybe keeping it up that long's taking it's toll on him.
Guy B: Still, this much rain, you know...
Guy A: Oi! Pain-sama's breakin' his back for us in this city
Guy A: Just put up with it for a little, will ya!
Guy B: Yeah, I guess.
Bartender: Here you go!
Guy A: Hey - !
Guy B: Where the hell's our order!
Bartender: Well, today's our grand opening special commemorative service so...*
Guy B: What? Really!?
Bartender: You Sirs are in for real treat!
Bartender changes into... Jiraiya-Sama!
Guy A: Wha - hey! Who the hell are you?
Jiraiya: I'll be the one making the questions here, and lots of them...
The bar becomes a toad.
Pain stops the rain.
Pain: Do it... Konan!
Konan: Right!
Konan "peels" up (see pics). Pain is surrounded by butterflies.
Jiraiya begins interrogating his two "customers."
"Akatsuki pursues the intruder...meanwhile, Jiraiya begins interrogating his "sources." Time to learn about Pain! Just who is this leader of Akatsuki's? Next time: The secret of Amegakure!
From the pictures, I can make out the following line as the last one:
Jiraiya: About your leader, Pain...
So what this means is that Jiraiya at least knows his name already.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 aug 31, 14:14:23
állítólag the BH girl name's kinda

 a lila haju neve Kinda vagy konan  ???

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 szep 01, 16:01:05
Mostantól a 369. részről jöhetnek a spoilerek.
Véleményeket a másik Shipp mangás topicba.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 05, 18:34:59

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 05, 19:00:02
közben találtam nagyobb képeket azokkkal nem ronditok ide a ( oldalon megnézhetitek

gyorsvoltál cart..:D

frissinfo elvileg ez van a képeken Chakra forditsd le ha olvasod vagy valaki kösz

That's what they're saying.

Now to the spoiler.

気になる人が多いみたいなので追加 欲しがり屋さんですn(ry
The spoiler provider insists there's *really* no particularly relevant development in this chapter.

The guy without the beard is made into a frog. (eh?)

No one knows what Pain looks like, and some go so far as to claim he doesn't exist.

祭礼行事や演説 命令などはすべて代理者を使われている
Ceremonies, speeches and orders are all done by proxy (that is, he has representatives do it for him).

Jiraiya asks why the need to hide from his own comrades.

The guy answers "for this kind of situation" (interrogation).

  『だからペイン様は伝説になってる 雨隠れを潰した…たった一人でな』

Guy (beard): "This civil war is over, and we're the victors! Thus, Pain-Sama is now a living legend: the man who brought down Amegakure...all by himself!"

Never mind this line, it's just the guy giving the spoiler saying he doesn't remember who "they" (the victors) are supposed to be ( - Iwa).

Beard guy doesn't know what Pain's powers are.

Pain passes his hand over the wall and a hole opens up.

穴の中には6個、ポッドのようなものがあり、それぞれ人が眠っている(顔が覆われていて誰が誰だかわからな い)
Inside the hole are six pod-like things, a person sleeping inside each (their faces are covered, so we don't know who they are).

Pain takes a nap and wakes up right away, and there it ends.



"A room where six "Akatsuki" rest...just who on earth is Pain!? The fear of Pain, who attacks Jiraiya! Next issue: To find (him/it/her/whatever)...!"

namost elforgattam ezt a képet és 6 akacuki köpenyes fickót látni és a spoilererek közt is ezt olvasom "There rests the six bodies of Akatsuki" ha jól sejtem a démon szörnyeket akarják beléjük rakni

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 07, 14:24:21
írok 1 újat most 1 pincuri izelitő a magnából jó minőségben

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 09, 19:44:46
Naruto Shippuuden Manga 370. Spoiler képek és szövegek

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 12, 17:51:50
állitolag mind igazi az utolso képen szereplö emberre van 1 tippem:D

Lvileg ez a tartalma:

Translation by SwiblerShot:

Naruto 370 - Heart beat

The turbulent times of Akatsuki begin with Pein and Konan. (cover with Konan)

One of Pein's bodies awakens.
Scene changes to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya: it's... god...

Underling: yes.

Jiraiya: then what is it that this god of yours is trying to accomplish? Even though you are just an underling, you must know something.
Underling: only god knows their true plans. we cannot even begin to guess what his true plans are.

Jiraiya: I see. If you cannot tell me about your god, then can you tell me a little bit about Akatsuki.

Underling: never heard of them...

Jiraiya: those arms and legs of yours... I've restrained them. But that's not all. It's also measuring your heart beat. If you are lying, I am able to detect it. Now spit out the truth! Otherwise, you'll also be spending the rest of your life eating flies and dragon flies!

Underling: turn me into a frog or whatever! You won't get anything else out of me! Even an underling has his standards. I am a ninja afterall! I'm not going to sit here and blabber the state of my village to some unknown stranger!

Jiraiya: ...
Underling: ...

Jiraiya: hmph. Even an underling is still a ninja... hmph. Interrogation was never my style, really. We are finished talking. But I will have you wait here. I guess I will go and talk to the god now...

Jiraiya goes into a different room. The door closes automatically behind him.

Jiraiya summons a frog who stands on top of a scroll which floats in the air.

Frog: Jiraiya! What is the meaning of this. Why have you summoned me! Naruto's key has...

Jiraiya: no no, it's not about training. I need you to come out for a bit.

Frog: Come out? What do you mean?

Jiraiya: I'm going to be fighting someone powerful.

Frog: hmph such a formidable foe. Won't let me escape, will ya? (not sure on this)

Jiraiya: It's for the best. Anyway, I need to go into the 'warehouse'.

Scroll opens. Jiraiya places his hand on the scroll.

Jiraiya: alright!

Frog: how longh is it going to take?

The frog asks while closing the scroll.

Jiraiya: It shouldn't take too long. But if anything happens to me, please give Naruto entrance into the 'warehouse'

Frog: Are you crazy? In my stomach sits the key that opens Naruto's eight seals! As each year passes, Yondaime's seal is weakening! The key has been saved for the time when that seal needs to be closed shut again! And you want to put the key in such close proximity to Kyubi's container?

Jiraiya: true, but that is something that Minato left behind. It needs to be passed down to Naruto.

Frog: It's too early! Have you forgotten what happened when we tried to open just four seals?

Jiraiya remembers back to when he was badly scarred.

Jiraiya: true... but because Minato left me with the knowledge of that technique, eventually it would be up to Naruto to complete that Jutsu. I believe that was Minato's plan all along.

Frog: Does Naruto even need that kind of technique? He can't even control Kyuubi's chakra. And more importantly, as soon as you unlock the key even a little bit, Kyuubi's chakra will completely take over. If the seal is released more than it already has, then the will of Yondaime will be in complete vain.

Jiraiya: but minato has purposely only sealed Kyubi's 4 shadow stages, and has left Naruto with access to the 4 stages of light. Why would he leave such enormous power to a young child?

Frog: who knows. maybe he could only finish sealing the 4 shadow stages. Or perhaps he just wanted to leave his son with some power?

Jiraiya: I was Minato's teacher so I know.

Frog : ?

Jiraiya : He's not the type to do things without a reason or intent.

Jiraiya: He knew something. Something of great importance. It was for this reason that he sealed the Kyubi into his own child.

Frog: You're looking too much into it...

Jiraiya: Furthermore, I've been thinking recently... the Kyuubi that attacked Konoha... maybe it wasn't attacking merely on its own accord...

frog: huh?

Jiraiya: I'm starting to think that Kyuubi was actually summoned by someone else.

frog: stupid! Kyuubi has been, for a very long time, a feared monster that attacks villages like a natural disaster. Besides, there's no one that can summon a monster of such enormous strength!

Jiraiya: ah- but there was...

frog: ?

Jiraiya: ...

frog: so who was it...?

Jiraiya: the founder of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Madara.

frog: gero gero gero (sound of a frog laughing)

frog: stupid! Madara was one of the founders of Konoha. How could he have lived just a mere 15/16 years ago to summon Kyuubi!

Jiraiya: true... everyone knows that he and Shoudai fought at the Village of the Ends. But I have a really bad feeling about it. My heart has been beating fast because of it...

Standing on top of Madara's image is Tobi! Inside his mask, sharingan is activated!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 07 szep 13, 09:14:53
ezt lefordítaná valaki ? :-[

1. Jiraiya realizes the guy knows something about Akatsuki but leaves him for the time being.

2. He summons a frog and arranges for him to provide Naruto with a "key" should something happen to him (looks like he's intent on fighting Pain).

The following is part of Jiraiya's conversation with the frog.

3. The key somehow releases the Kyuubi. When Jiraiya tried using it before, Naruto sprouted his four tails and went berserk. The idea is for Naruto to control it.

4. Jiraiya mentions that the Fourth split the Kyuubi's chakra into Yin and Yang. He sealed only the Yin with the Shikifuujin and left the Yang inside Naruto.

5. Jiraiya confirms the Fourth is Naruto's father, and surmises that Minato must have had good reason to leave seal the Kyuubi in Naruto specifically, but he doesn't know what it was. The Fourth might have know something no one else did, he says.

6. Jiraiya says he suspects the Kyuubi was released *by someone* as opposed to appearing naturally as the result of built up bad karma.

7. When the frog says that's crazy, Jiraiya says "Uchiha Madara," the Uchiha Clan's founder, summoned the Kyuubi before. He is alleged to have been defeated by the First Hokage in the Valley of Endings. Froggy says there's no way he could be alive today, but Jiraiya says he has "a bad feeling" about all this.


sacado de mangahelpers

According to the spoiler, Jiraiya does appear briefly in the chapter, but most of it is composed of Pain's flashbacks, which tell his origin.

The spoiler alleges that Pain is an "artificial psychic entity" created by a previous civilization. Think "mind without body", like in ghost in the shell. Pain is self-aware, so he's not a machine. He's existed for 1000 years. Many other "artificial entities" were created by these ancients, but only Pain was self-aware and only he survives.

Psychic entity in this case means a mind which does not need a body to exist; thus, he's incorporeal.

Being incorporeal, he can switch between bodies at will. He has six, which are made to look like humans but are in fact highly soffisticated puppets (I don't know why the spoiler doesn't flat out call them robots, but whatever). The body he transfered to last chapter is a black haired individual.

Pain's bodies were created specifically to - get this - fight Bijuu.

The highly advanced civilization which created Pain was destroyed by the Bijuu, which the spoiler provider says looked much more fearsome in the flashback than they do now. The only ruins of the ancient civilization are in Amegakure (which would explain the tall buildings and funky architecture).

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 13, 10:47:26

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 14, 10:11:07
Wow micsoda képek... ez egy érdekes fejezet lesz:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 14, 12:35:41
Nyah akko má Én is hagy :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 14, 16:07:25
legfrisebb már nemkell sokat várni mivel a cover már bentvan azért csak linket irok nagyobb méretü

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 szep 14, 19:53:48
Innentől a 371. rész spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 19, 12:43:26

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 19, 13:18:10

No. 371: An old acquaintence


Madara's looking forward to Sasuke's development.


A bunshin Naruto finds Sasuke but is "destroyed" on the spot.


Jiraiya transforms into one of the Ninja he interrogated and orders the toad to go to Ibiki.


Konan witnesses this scene.

ペインに報告 ペイン「そうか・・・自来也先生か・・・」

She notifies Pain, who says "I see... Jiraiya-Sensei..."


The spoiler provider informs us that Pain's body is not unlike the "kid with the nasty look in his eyes" who appears in the picture of Jiraiya's former team.


Pain tells Konan to lead him to Jiraiya, but that she's free to kill him before he gets there.


Konan attacks Jiraiya, but he dodges it with a toad jutsu (the name of which I don't understand.)

自来也「術のキレも良くなったが いい女にもなったのオ・・・子南」

Jiraiya: "Not only have you gotten better with your jutsu, but you've grown into a mighty fine woman as well, Konan."

X3 Cart nem igaz már :D Nah majd sztem hamarosan tán másik képet is tok berakni ;)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 szep 19, 14:05:44
Pettinho hsz-ének nyers fordítása:

371. rész: Egy régi ismerős
Madara nagyon kíváncsi, mennyit fejlődött Sasuke.
Naruto klónja megtalálja Sasukét, de az azonnal elpusztítja.
Jiraiya átváltozik azzá a shinobivá akit kihalgatott és a békát elküldi Ibikihez.
Konan tanúja lesz ennek.
Értesíti Peint, "láttam... Jiraiya sensejt..."
A spoiler szerint Pein teste nem más mint az a "komisz tekintetű" fiú aki Jiraiya volt csapatának képén látható.
(Chakra kiegészítése: szerintem az alábbi  képre utal, amin a Negyedik is látható.
Pein utasítja Konant, hogy vezesse Jiraiyához, de meg is ölheti ha esetleg Pein addig nem érne oda.
Konan Jiraiyára támad, de az kivédi egy béka jutsuval (a neve érthetetlen).
Jiraiya: "Nem csak jobban tudsz bánni a jutsuddal, hanem egy csodálatos nővé is értél, Konan".

Kommentárokat a Naruto shipp manga témába.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 19, 17:01:30
na ő vajon ki...?...állítólag Pein..... ???


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 19, 17:02:28
Th h aza ..ezt most linkeltem volna be >.< Th az Konan :D
ÉS h ne maradjatok szöveg nélkül XD

371: And old acquaintence

Oi! Over here!

A meeting with that special someone. Just who's that smile for? A friend? A girlfriend? Who?*

*Doesn't say who the picture's of.

Madara: Things are looking good… now all we need to see… is if upon shedding your skin you remain a snake… or a change into a hawk… ‘looking forward to it, Sasuke!

Scene changes to Sasuke’s group.

Crow: *kuaaaah!”

The team moves rapidly with Sasuke at its head.

Karin: I’m getting the same chakra scattered all around us…. What the hell’s gong on!

Suigetsu: Should we change direction, Sasuke?

Sasuke: Pay no attention to it. We’ll cut straight through.

Suigetsu: That’s a relief. Detours leave me tired.

Scene changes to Naruto.

Naruto opens his eyes, and before him appears Sasuke’s team.

Naruto: Sasukeeeee!!!

As Sasuke runs past, he delivers a chidori to Naruto, who vanishes with a pop.

Karin: What was that just now?

Suigetsu: Kagebunshin.

Sasuke: Naruto…doesn’t know when to quit, does he.

Scene changes to Team Naruto.

Naruto: Found him!

Yamato: !

Kiba: Nice going, Naruto! Which way?

Naruto: This way!

Naruto: You’re not getting away this time, Sasuke!

Scene changes to Jiraiya

He emerges from the frog’s mouth, transformed into the guy he was interrogating.

Jiraiya: You return to Konoha. Once there, go to Ibiki. He knows what to do.

Frog: Gekoh!

The frog goes underwater.

Jiraiya: Hope this fools them. Right then!

Paper butterflies fly about. Konan is there.

The butterflies gather in a single place and form Konan (I'm assuming the scene changes to where Pain is.)

? : Well?

Konan: … It’s Jiraiya.

? : … you don’t say! Jiraiya-Sensei…sure brings back memories.

We see the speaker is Pain, with a different appearance.

Konan: What will you do, Pain?

Pain: Kill him, of course. I’ve no regrets at this point. I came out in this body to kill the intruder. Lead the way.

Konan: Understood.

A single sheet of paper from Konan’s body becomes a paper airplane.

Konan: Pain…I’ll keep him busy until you get there.

Konan peels and scatters again.

Pain: Go ahead and kill him if you’re up to the task.

Pain follows the paper airplane’s lead.


Scene changes to Jiraiya

Jiraiya: !

Pieces of paper flutter in large numbers around Jiraiya as he starts to walk.

Jiraiya: !

The papers attack Jiraiya.

Jiraiya: Wha - !?

He’s covered by the pieces of paper.

Jiraiya: Uwah!

The papers start sticking to Jiraiya.

Konan appears and creates something like a spear out of paper.

Jiraiya: Uh….

Jiraiya is unable to move.

And then, the real Jiraiya appears, having undone the “henge” from the shadows.

Jiraiya: Ka-ton: Endan!

Jiraiya blows fire.

Konan emerges from within the smoke.

Konan: Gama-hirakage(?)-ayatsuri no jutsu…

A bunshin coughs (whose, I don’t get).

Jiraiya breaths air and returns the burned form to its original shape.

Jiraiya: The bait was intended to lure this Pain person out, but I never imagined you’d be the one to bite. Not only have your jutsu improved, but you’ve grown into a mighty fine woman indeed, Konan.

Just what past do Konan, Pain and Jiraiya share?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 19, 17:08:52
áradat van

The first line suggests that this chapter is Madara's memories.

The Uzumaki clan has special chakra that is capable of resisting the twisted nature of the nine-tails and apparently Uzumaki Kushina was the human sacrifice to the fox-spirit. I think part of it mentions that Kushina may have been the Uzumaki clan's head and it was her "spirit" that formed what we now
SEE as the nine-tails. It talks about her "entering the mouth" of the beast so to speak.

Shodaime defeated Madara, but Madara somehow used his Sharingan to manipulate Kushina into transforming into the nine-tails - a kind of "nine-tailsification" (尾獣化). Shodaime later dies when the Leaf village is attacked - possibly by Kushina/nine-tailsified Kushina or something else.

It goes on a bit about the birth of a "powerful" village and Nidaime's defeat (barely), but it also mentions the appearance of the Fourth and how Madara was also defeated by the nine-tails "person".

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Dei-dei - 07 szep 21, 11:58:48
Na, hát, én találtam egy ilyet;
Alá az van írva, hogy egy spoilerképen látta ezt. (Mmint az alkotó :3) És hogy Pein új teste, vagy mi, de ő sem biztos benne hogy igazi (vagy igaz, vagy eredeti vagy mi :-X) spoiler-e, de tetszett neki a kép. ^^
Mindenesetre érdekes ??? Ilyen átmenet Pein meg Deidara között :D

Jaaaa, hogy ott van feljebb :-X XD Na mindegy, ez szép szines :-[ (Ha nagyon nem ide illő, akkor...hát törölhető ::))
-Tudom hogy fanart T.T De spoilerből van...(Nem akartam külön hszben megírni, úgyhogy beleszerkesztettem ::))

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 21, 13:03:38
dei-dei ezt úgy hívják h Fanart :-X és a devianart tele van ilyennel XD
Nah most az enyim: :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 21, 14:05:39
ésíme a legfrisebb

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 23, 14:32:57
Amíg a Föld kerek, mindig lesznek spoilerek. Shippuuden Manga 372.
A kommentek a másik Shippuu manga topicba történjenek. Thx.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 25, 20:00:51
de mivel a föld ovális jó lesz nekünk a manga címe is :D ami a következö:

“Stairway to heaven”

több info holnap

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 szep 25, 20:07:52
"Lépcső a mennybe"


Egy kis spoiler a 372. részből:

Jiraiya is surprised that Konan is in Akatsuki and says it reminded him of the past.

Younger Jiraiya tells his students that they have to get the bell. The other boy asks Jiraiya to tell them how he get the sannin name if he gets the bell. Minato asks Konan to help Debu(boy's name?)

Debu gets the bell and sensei tells them about how he got sannin status in rain village battle. Debu is unhappy and says he will be hokage one day and beat this amagakure leader. Konan says she will help Debu and avenge Jiraiya's defeat. Minato says there's no need since the war is already over.

Jiraiya asks Konan to tell him about akatsuki leader Pein. Konan says she will fight him. Jiraiya summons a fire breathing frog from Yomi(?) mountain. Konan says her backup is almost here. A paper plane fly over Jiraiya's shoulder.

The small frog vomits out the ninja to Ibiki and tells him what Jaraiya said. Ibiki says since the ninja gave Jiraiya a hard time he will give him a harder time.

... Just thought I'd add that "debu" means fatty.

Hogy igaz-e, az már más kérdés. :)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 26, 12:11:13
Nah most jövök én :D
Létra a mennybe? :o mint a South Parkba? :D
 Nah akko spoiler:
iraiya asks Konan how she ended up in Akatsuki, when her dream was to create a place where shinobi could live freely. Kanon replies that is Akatsuki true goal and ask jiraiya if he rembers that day. There is a flash back of many shinobi lying dead in a huge crator and many explosions are happening all around the area. Jiraiya and his old team are running towards whatever the shinobi are fighting. Minato talks about how this is the first time since they all became Jounin that the old team was back together and smiles. The other two shinobi on jiraiya's team don't think its a laughing matter, but jiraiya seems to share minato's sentiment. The scene shifts to team konoha which deciedes they will seperate into several groups and try to use their numbers to lure Sasuke into an area where his movement will be restricted. The scene shifts back to the flash back and jiraiya's team arrives on the scene of the battle. In the middle of many dead shinobi stands a red haired woman(note: she is described as red haired thats how we know its not a colored page). The chapters ends with Minato asking jiraiya if this is the Jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox Uzamaki Kushina.

Ez azért hasonlít a tiédre Chakra :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 szep 26, 14:31:48
Az általam beküldött spoiler nyers fordítása:

Jiraiya meglepődik, hogy Konan az Akatsuki tagja és nosztalgiázni kezd.

A fiatal Jiraiya tanítványainak meg kell szerezni a csengőket. A másik fiú megkéri Jiraiyát, hogy ha képes megszerezni a csengőt, akkor mondja el, hogyan kapták a sannin nevet. Minato megkéri Konant, hogy segítsen Debunak (a fiú neve?).

Debu megszerzi a csengőt és Jiraiya elmondja, hogyan kapták a sanni státuszt a Rejtett Eső Falus csatában. Debu szomorú lesz és kijelenti, hogy egy nap Hokage lesz és legyőzi az Amagaruke (Rejtett Eső) vezetőjét. Konan is kijelenti, hogy segít megbosszulni Jiraiya legyőzését. Minato szerint ez felesleges, mert a háborúnak már vége.

Jiraiya az Akatsuki vezér Peinről kérdezi Konant. Konan kijelenti, hogy meg fog küzdeni Jiraiyával. Jiraiya megidéz egy tűzköpő békát a Yomi(?) hegyről. Konan szerint a segítsége már meg is érkezett. Egy papír repűlő száll el Jiraiya válla felett.

A béka kiadja magából a nindzsát Ibikinek és elmondja Jiraiya üzenetét. Ibiki kijelenti, hogy ha Jiraiya keményen bánt vele, akkor ő még keményebben fog.

Debu = pufók, dagi, pufi

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 26, 17:07:43
Nah most jövök (megint) Én :D

Konan: ...

Jiraiya: The fact that you're here means that "Pain" person is -...


Konan: Yes. Your guess is correct.


Jiraiya: I figured as much... so, how did he take out Hanzou?


Konan: It really is a shame... Jiraiya Sensei. You've learned too much ...


Pain appears and attaks Jiraiya from behind (it's a misprint, by the way. It should be 襲いかかる, not 遅いかかる, or the sentence doesn't make sense).


But Jiraiya's a bunshin!


Pain uses some Doton (earth) jutsu.


Jiraiya: Uh... this is...


Pain smiles.


Jiraiya: Jirai-ya*!

*..."jirai" means land mine. "ya" could mean arrow. If this is a fake spoiler, it could be a joke.


Story switches to when Jiraiya, Pain and the rest were young.


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 szep 26, 17:32:22
Előző spoiler fordítása:

Konan: ...
Jiraiya: Az, hogy te itt vagy azt jelenti, hogy az a Pein-
Konan: Igen. Helyes következtetés.
Jiraiya: Gondoltam... És mégis, hogy intézte el Hanzout?
Konan: Micsoda szégyen... Jiraiya sensei. Túl sokat tudsz...
Feltűnik Pein és hátbatámadja Jiraiyát.
De Jiraiya csak egy Árnyák Klón!
Pein Doton jutsut használ. (Doton = föld)
Jiraiya: uh... ez...
Pein vigyorog.
Jiraiya: Jirai-ya*!

* "jirai" = taposóakna, "ya" = nyíl(at is jelent). Ha ez egy kamu spoiler, akkor ez egy vicc.

A történet átvált arra az időre amikor még Jiraiya, pein és a többiek fiatalok voltak.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 27, 15:19:10
Most még csak ennyi de sztem mindjárt lesz kép is :)







 És itt is vannak kérem szépen a továbbiak :D

扉絵 デイダラペイン
The cover is "Deidara Pain" (read: Pain in his current body)

Konan is referred to as "Tenshi-Sama" (Angel) by the shinobi of Amegakure
Konan also refers to Jiraiya as "Sensei."
Konan's body's papers form into wings and she takes flight.
She attacks Jiraiya with her feathers.
Jiraiya dodges the attack and spits an oil proyectile at her
The oil sticks to Konan's feathers, leaving her unable to attack.

Then, the flashback.

The three young Sannin head home
Jiraiya picks up three war orphans, "Konan", "Nagato" and "Yahiko", and commits to looking after them until they can take care of themselves.

Konan is, er Konan.
Nagato is a white-haired boy
Yahiko has black hair, but his eyes are like Pain's

Yahiko kills an a chuunin from Iwagakure.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 27, 16:20:44
frisebb info

Jiraiya: Konan... where is pein?

Konan: already come... look behind

Jiraiya: !! (sfx: hyuu~~!)

Jiraiya dodges the attack by a hair's width

Pain: ...

Jiraiya: You are.. pein...

Jiraiya: You are pein aren't you

Pein: Jiraiya-sensei... i'm going to kill you [note Pain is talking in polite form here, addressing a senior/someone of respect]

Jiraiya: how selfish of you to kill me. I came here to kill you too...
COME !!!

Pein: Tommy gun (LOL that's how i read it, have no idea what it means)
Jiraiya: guuuuuugiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Jiraiya damages Konan considerably, however Konan doesn't die.

Pain arrives

満身創痍になる自来也 -> Not sure of this.

Pain moves too fast for Jiraiya, so Jiraiya changes to a defensive mode.

Pain says to Jiraiya: You should know now right? You cannot beat me, you're the same as Minato.

Jiraiya: Impossible, that day, minato was torn because you fought with him?

Pain's expression changes as he remembers that day.

Again, bolded are the areas i'm unsure of. =]

On a certain day, Yahiko was lost

Jiraiya tried searching that location for him but couldn't find him.

Minato was subsitituted in Yahiko's place (since Yahiko was lost)

There, Minato, Konan and Nagato formed a three man cell.

回顧終わり - Flash back end

長門登場 - Nagato's appearance

Edit: Reworked this translation, the dialogue between Nagato and Jiraiya is very confusing.

ジライヤ 「長門・・・・なぜおまえの目は・・・・弥彦なのだ?!・・・・」
Jiraiya: Nagato.... why are you Yahiko's..

長門   「フッ・・・・今頃気づいたか・・・・・俺の能力は、人を同化して取り込むことができるのだ!!」
Nagato: eh ?? ... only now you become aware ... my skill is to assimilate people and make them a part of me.

ジライヤ 「ナニッ?!」「半蔵をどうして倒した?!」
Jiraiya: What? Why did you beat Hanzou?

長門   「あいつはすでに俺の中だ!・・・・」
Nagato: He is already inside me!

ジライヤ 「それが無敗の実力か・・・・」
Jiraiya: Is that the unbeaten ability??

長門   「センセー!・・・・あんたも俺のコレクションになってもらう・・・・」
Nagato: Sense!! (teacher, he's informally saying sensei) ....You will be part of my collection too..

The cover is "Deidara Pain" (read: Pain in his current body)

Konan is referred to as "Tenshi-Sama" (Angel) by the shinobi of Amegakure
Konan also refers to Jiraiya as "Sensei."
Konan's body's papers form into wings and she takes flight.
She attacks Jiraiya with her feathers.
Jiraiya dodges the attack and spits an oil proyectile at her
The oil sticks to Konan's feathers, leaving her unable to attack.

Then, the flashback.

The three young Sannin head home
Jiraiya picks up three war orphans, "Konan", "Nagato" and "Yahiko", and commits to looking after them until they can take care of themselves.

Konan is, er Konan.
Nagato is a white-haired boy
Yahiko has black hair, but his eyes are like Pain's

Yahiko kills an a chuunin from Iwagakure.   ez az én infom pluszba(Iwagakure

Iwagakure (岩隠れの里, Iwagakure no Sato?, literally "Village Hidden Among Rocks") is located in the Land of Earth. As one of the five great ninja villages, Iwagakure has a Kage as leader, the Tsuchikage. Little is known about it, but it stands to reason that its ninja specialize in earth-based jutsu. In the past, the village was at war with Konohagakure, part of which is seen in the Kakashi Gaiden arc. A large number of their ninja were slain by the Fourth Hokage, so they are not allies of Konoha. Deidara of Akatsuki hails from here.)

The Land of Rain (雨の国, Ame no Kuni?) is home to Amegakure, and is filled with a great number of small buildings in a heavily wooded area, suggesting that it might perhaps be located in a rainforest.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 28, 12:16:31
OKsa Cart akko ne lesz több ilyen :)


自来也「他の二人はどうした? 死んだという噂は嘘なんだろう?」
    ペインとは あいつらの内のどちらかじゃの・」
自来也「そんなつもりは無かった お前たちが暁でなければの 
   けどアナタは私たちを助けた もう遅いわ・・私たちは彼の思想の下動き出した」

自来也「・・・何だ お前?」
少年「長門 小南出て来い・・・悪い奴らじゃなさそうだ」

704 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2007/09/28(金) 19:42:52 ID:Z3F/+HP90
小南「ありがとう・・・ コレお礼」
なっ! 突然の言葉に身構える子供たち
自来也「よせ!大蛇丸! ・・・お前は綱手と先に帰ってろワシはしばらくこいつらの面倒を見る」
自来也「多少自立が出来る様になるまでだがな これがせめてもの償いだ」

弥彦「泣くな!男だろ! そんなんだから雨隠れの男は弱虫だと思われる!」
    雨隠れを囲む三大国は今は安定してないがの この戦争も長くは続かん
弥彦「そんなの勝手だよ!!  ボクらは皆家族を殺されたんだ!分かり合うなら相手を同じ目にあわせてからだ!
弥彦「でも・・・そんなのムリだってことくらい分かってる だから戦争は無くならないんだ!
   ボクがこの国を変えてやるんだ みんなを守る!

(分かり合うなら相手を同じ目にあわせてからだ! だから戦争は無くならないんだ! みんなを守る!)



Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 28, 12:24:11
(OFF: Sry.. de mi értelme a japán szöveg bemásolásának? Itt senki nem tud japánul :D , szóval kérném hogy hagyatkozzunk az angolra :) Thx )

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Dei-dei - 07 szep 28, 12:25:41
Előző nyers fordítása: :P

Jiraiya súlyosan megsebzi Konant, de Konan nem hal meg.
Pein megérkezik.
~Ezt a sort nem tudni.
Pein túl gyorsan mozog, ezért Jiraiya inkább védekezik.
Pein Jiraiyának: Már igazán tudhatnád, nem? Nem tudsz legyőzni, olyan vagy mint Minato.
Jiraiya: Lehetetlen, azon a napon Minato azért  "vesztett" (a torn szakítást jelent, nem tudtam jobban fordítani), mert harcoltál vele?
Pein arckifejezése megváltozik, ahogy visszaemlékszik arra a napra.

Hát a Japánt azt sajna nem értem :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 szep 28, 14:32:45
Nah akko annak a japánnak a fordítása :-[

372: the country that cries

Jiraiya: "I thought you died can really change yourself into paper very quickly."
Enemy Ninja A: "You are...Madam Angel of the messangers..."
Jiraiya: "You're named angel this time, Konan? Are you a god's messanger?"
Enemy Ninja A: "This...this is the intruder! Immediately ki..."
Konan: "Go away for a while"
Enemy Ninja A: "Ye...Yes!"

The Ninja captured by Jiraiya withdraws going up
Jiraiya asks a question meanwhile
Jiraiya: "Who's Pain?"
Konan: "That's not of your concerning, teacher."
At Konan's back appears a huge quantity of paper, and there feathers grow on her back like she were an angel
Jiraiya: "So, what are angel's intentions?"
Konan: "I received an order from God. I have to kill you."

Then suddenly a huge quantity of paper rains on Jiraiya. He dodges forward the attack and immediately counterattacks with a toad oil bullet.
Konan takes a direct hit of massive oil and the paper can't be unstuck.
Then Jiraiya stretches his hair like a tail to wreathe Konan.

Jiraiya: "With the oil that adhere to you feathers you'll lose!"
Jiraiya: "Your love for the origami made you a very special person among those kids..."
Konan: "..."
Jiraiya: "Still...Pain...which is of those kids?"
Konan: "What do you plan to do now when he'll appear to us?"
Jiraiya: "Nothing at all. I heard that if you hadn't join Akatsuki you would have it really true?"
Konan: "That time...that time we would do that according to what Orochimaru said...we thought so. However, you saved us. But you're late. We began to move under his ideology."
Jiraiya: " that boy without problems...?"

A young filthy lad presents him in front of the Sannin.
Jiraiya: "what do you want, kid?"
Kid: "Share food with me please!"
Jiraiya: "Where are your parents?"
Kid: "They were killed in this war by the shinobi."
Jiraiya: "Look at me. Here's a cracker."
Jiraiya gives the remaining three crackers to that kid.
Kid: "Nagato, Konan, get out! It seems there aren't bad guys."
Suddenly two shy kid's faces appear from behind a tree.

The kids follow the Sannin from the back.
Tsunade: "We gave you food just a few minutes ago. Why are you following us?"
Kid: "show us your ninja are Konoha ninjas, aren't you?"
Jiraiya: "!!!"
Konan: "Thank you...this is my gratitude's expression."
The girl kid suddenly transforms the cracker's paper in a rose.
Jiraiya: "Origami? With the cracker's wrapping paper?"
Orochimaru: "Can you kill, kids?"
At these words, the kids put themselves squared off.
Orochimaru: "I've seen so much war orphans, but it's an atrocious thing. It would be interesting if these kids could kill..."
Jiraiya: "Enough! Orochimaru!...You e Tsunade will come back home first...I have to watch for these kids' care"
Tsunade: "What?"
Jiraiya: "At least, until they can gain some indipendence...this is the indemnity."

"Ittadakkimaasu! ("good appetite!")"
Kid (Yahiko): You cooked that fish with a shot of your fire elemental jutsu!"
A huge fish barbecue is on the table.
Nagato: "..."
Yahiko: "Teacher! Remember my fishing skill!"
Nagato starts crying.
Jiraiya: "!!!"
Nagato: "uu...uu..."
Jiraiya: "What's up, Nagato?"
Nagato: "I remembered my family"
Yahiko: "Don't cry! You're a man! They were weaklings against the Amegakure man."
Jiraiya: "...the Three Big Countries that surrounds the Amegakure aren't now in peace and equilibrium. This war will continue for a long time...when you grow up, also here will reign peace among the countries..."
Yahiko: "You're selfish! Our families were all murdered! In order to understand each other, you must share the same eyes with your companion! Who shares pain?"
Jiraiya: "..."
Yahiko: "But I understand this is war must disappear! I hate the rain...this country is always crying...they're all weaklings. I will change this country...I'll protect everybody! So...Teacher Jiraiya! Teach us the art of ninjutsu!"

Jiraiya remembers Yahiko's words meanwhile they're cooking a fish.
"In order to understand each other, you must share the same eyes with your companion! So war must disappear! I'll protect everybody!
Then Konan appears at the opening door, screaming
Konan: "Teacher Jiraiya, it's dangerous! Yahiko and Nagato..."
Jiraiya: "Lead me to them, Konan!"

Nah kijöttek a képek:







Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 szep 28, 22:16:10
az éjjeli baglyoknak no meg majd a korán kelöknek

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 szep 28, 22:44:20
Már kint van a RAW egy ideje :)
Szóval Naruto Shippuuden manga 373 spoilerek powa'!
Kommentek ne ide ha nem tova...
a messzi messzi sima Shippuuden Manga topicba xD . Thx

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 03, 12:52:08
Ki is gyütt az első spoiler :)

The time when Nagato was a child, after the changing of his eye and the naming of it to 'spiral eye'. (It wasn't spiral eye before) note: the name of the eye changes to 'metempsychosis' which is believed to be the 'migration of the soul to anotehr body' - interesting, seems liek we've seen that before

Within the three great eye techniques, it is the most supreme eye, the ancestor of the ninja had six bodies with these eyes
Note: the first part is actually (the three great pupil techniques) could be inference to byakugan and sharingan

The ninjutsu of the ninja now, was all created by the 6 bodies

長門は輪廻眼を発現して岩隠れの中忍を殺してしまったことを恐れている(我を忘れて人を殺した ため)

Nagato used the spiral eye to kill the ninja from the hidden rock village but became fearful of what he did (brackets make no sense to me)

Jiraiya heard this, 'your shadow saved Yahiko and encouraged him'

Three years of training and the three had grown to learn Jiraiya's kage bunshin and fighting level

The three had grown wiser and Jiraiya told them from now to live by themselves and to leave the hidden village of rain

From there it returns to now (Between Konan and Jiraiya)

自来也と小南の会話→ペイン(長門)が二人の所に到着→次号、激突 という流れ
Jiraiya and Konan are having a conversation -> Pain arrives with two bodies -> Next issue, The flow called 'crash'

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 07 okt 03, 15:32:08
itt is van egy!!!!

The name of Pain (Nagato's) transformed eyes is Rinnegan* (not "Rasengan"**)

*Possible reading.

Rinnegan = metempsychosis eyes.

**This is a joke from the fact that people were saying that Pain's eye was gonna be "Rasengan" (the "gan" spelled with the character that means eye, like "sharingan.")


It's the greatest of the three great eye jutsu, and it was this eye that the precursor to all shinobi, the "Riku-dou Sennin" (hermit of the six paths) possessed.


All modern ninjutsu used by shinobi were developed by this hermit fellow (or fellows).


Jiraiya remains living with them as their teacher.

長門は輪廻眼を発現して岩隠れの中忍を殺してしまったことを恐れている(我を忘れて人を殺した ため)

Nagato remains traumatized by the experience of activating the Rinnegan and killing the Iwagakure Chuunin (Because he acted on impulse and killed a man).

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya offers comfort by telling him he saved Yahiko's life.


The training lasts three years, at the end of which the three of them become capable of taking down one of Jiraiya's bunshin's working together.

Jiraiya decides they can now take care of themselves, so he leaves Amegakure.


The story shifts back to the present.

自来也と小南の会話→ペイン(長門)が二人の所に到着→次号、激突 という流れ

Jiraiya and Konan talk -> Pain (Nagato) arrives where they are -> next time, "titanic clash!"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 okt 03, 16:42:52
japán arc az 1ik forumon leforditotta Rinnegan ("Rin ne" means transmigration of the soul)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Dei-dei - 07 okt 03, 17:40:06
Pierre spoiler-e magyarul:

Pein (Nagato) 'átalakult' szemének a neve Rinnegan. (Rinnegan = v.mi pszichózis szem, ha valaki ismeri, írja le vagy nemtom. Gan = szem, úgy mont a Sharingan) A 3 szemjutsu közül a legjobb. (A mondat 2. felét nem nagyon tudom összerakni. V.mi olyasmi h; Minden shinobi 'előzetes' megszállot remetéjének volt ilyenje...? ??? )

Minden modern ninjutsut, amit a shinobik használnak, ez a remete fedezett fel.

Jiraiya a gyerekekkel marad, mint tanító.

Nagato-t sokkolóan éri, hogy aktiválta a Rinnegant és megölte az Iwa-shinobit. (Mert ösztönből ölte meg az embert)
Jiraiya úgy próbálja megnyugtatni, hogy azt mondja neki, hogy így megmentette Yahiko életét.

A tréningjük 3 évig tart, és a végén hárman együtt legyőzik Jiraiya árnyékklónját.
Jiraiya úgy véli, hogy már megtudják védeni magukat/tudnak vigyázni magukra, úgyhogy elmegy Amegakura-ből.

A sztori visszaugrik a jelenbe. (Ahol Jiraiya és Konan vannak)
Jiraiya és Konan beszélnek egymással --> Pein megérkezik --> Legközelebb; Titanic csattanás (ez szó szerint jelenti ezt, gondolom ütközés vagy v.mi ilyesmi.)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 okt 04, 10:52:44
Megérkeztek az első képek is:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 04, 13:12:37
Nah akko teljesen ujakat :

Bocs csak link volt jó  :-[
És a szöveg se maradhat el :D :

Jiraiya: I've decided to teach you guys ninjutus.

Yahiko: R..REALLY!?

Jiraiya: You never know when your lives will be in danger like last time. These ninjutus are for protecting yourselves.

Yahiko: ALRIGHT!

Nagato: ....

Jiraiya: ....

Jiraiya: Think about what you're going to do...

Nagato: ....

Nagato: Yahiko rescued Konan and me when we were hungry and crying. He even went as far as stealing other people's food...

Jiraiya: .....

Nagato: I just want to protect those two. No matter how much pain will follow.

Jiraiya: Is that so....

Jiraiya: Konan...You'll be beautiful. Let's meet again when you get big.

Jiraiya: This country is poor...And there's probably more sad things ahead. But this time, use your powers to change this country!

Jiraiya: guys have grown...right?

Nagato: .....

Nagato: Thank you, sensei.

Jiraiya: Your appearance changed quite a bit, but those eyes....So you are Pein after all....Nagato.

Jiraiya: It seems you haven't grown properly...What happened?

Pein/Nagato: You don't need to know....In any case, you're an outsider.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 07 okt 04, 18:45:50
Íme még egy spioler!! kicsit túl hosszu volt ezért kivettem bekőlle a japán szöveget!!

373: The apprenticeship!

It was in his rugged youth that he met them, before he became a legend.

Jiraiya(looking at Nagato's eyes): I can't believe what I'm seeing! These eyes...they correspond to the most venerable of the Three Great Doujutsu...Rinnegan!

It is said The Hermit of The Six Paths, precursor to all shinobi, possessed Rinnegan...and that it was he who created modern ninjutsu...

It is also said to be a god of creation employed by the heavens when the world is in turmoil, or a god of destruction which returns all to nothingness...

I'd always dismissed it as a myth...never imagined Rinnegan users truly existed...

The four return to their dwelling, Nagato suporting himself on Konan's shoulder.

Jiraiya: I've decided to teach you guys Ninjustu.

Yahiko: mean it!?

Jiraiya: Well, you never know when you'll find yourselves in danger like you were back there. I'm teaching you ninjutsu so you can take care of yourselves.

Yahiko: Alright!

Nagato: ...


Yahiko: Thanks for saving my neck back there, Nagato! Sorry for calling you a weakling! And let me tell you, next time we're in trouble, it'll be me saving you!

Nagato: Tha...thanks, Yahiko.

Konan: Hey, wait a minute! Nagato's stronger than you, Yahiko!

Yahiko: Oh, shut up, Konan! I'm gonna train and grow strong myself!

Jiraiya: Alright, let's get this started. First, how to mold chakra!

The three kids: Yes, Sensei!

One night...

?: *sniff...*sniff*, *sniff...*

Jiraiya: !

Jiraiya is wakes to find Nagato missing.

Nagato: *sniff...*

Outside the shed, Nagato's crying. Jiraiya approaches and pats him on the shoulder.

Jiraiya: So what's on your mind...let's hear it!

Nagato: Sensei...!

Jiraiya: 'this about what happened the other day?

Nagato: What happened... is got really angry at the guy when he hurt Yahiko. And then it's like I lost my mind...I went berserk...and when I came to my senses, the guy's lying there on the ground...and then it was fear...When I got angry, I lost my mind and did something terrible! It was wrong! There's gotta be a better way than what I did!

Jiraiya: Nagato...!

Nagato: ...!

Jiraiya: I can't say whether it was right or wrong myself...but I can tell you that you saved Yahiko's life back there. You protected your friend...and that's the right thing to do. No one's gonna blame you for what you's only natural to feel anger when you're hurt. The flip side is that when you hurt people, not only do earn their hatred, but you're left to deal with your own guilt as well. But, ironically, it's this very pain which allows us to be kind to others. Such is human nature.

Nagato: ... So... what am I supposed to do?

Jiraiya: Grow up, is what.

Nagato: Grow up? What do you mean by that?

Jiraiya: Growing up means coming to your own conclusions as to what to do.

Nagato: Yahiko saved Konan and me when we were starving and all we could do was cry. He went as far as to steal food for us...


Nagato: What I want to do is look after them - no matter what pain may come.

Jiraiya: I see...

Scene changes (time skip).

Yahiko: Suiton: Mizurappa*!

*Violent water wave (homophonous with a word for rogue)

Yahiko produces a Gokakyuu-like water jutsu.

Jiraiya dodges.

Konan: Kami-shuriken*!

*paper shuriken.

Nagato: Fuuton: Reppuushou*!

*Violent wind palm.

The paper shurikens gain momentum propelled by the wind and hit Jiraiya.

All three: We did it!

The struck Jiraiya disappears with a puff of smoke.

Jiraiya: 'can't believe you guys are now strong enough to take down my kagebunshin...

Yahiko: Whaddaya think, Sensei!

Jiraiya: I think I can now return to the village without worries.

Nagato and Konan: !

Yahiko: Huh?

Jiraiya: You guys'll be on your own from now on. You worked hard these past three years - I'm proud.

Yahiko gets teary eyed.

Jiraiya: Hold on there, no tear, Yahiko. Someone's bound to call you weakling.

Konan sheds tears.

Jiraiya:'re gonna be a real beauty when you grow up...let's meet again again when you're older, shall we?

Jiraiya starts walking.

Jiraiya: This country faces poverty...and you can bet there's gonna be a lot more sorrow going forward. Only now, it's up to you guys to change it.

Jiraiya turns back to look at them.

Jiraiya: Nagato...I'd say the three of you have grown up... wouldn't you?

Nagato: Thank you...Sensei!

Flashback ends.

Jiraiya: A few years later I was hearing your names here and there. Heard you made a reputation for yourselves by joining in numerous battles, but died afterwards.

Konan: You know nothing about who we became after you left, Sensei.

Jiraiya: No, I don't. But I know what Akatsuki's doing is wrong!

Pain: It's a conclusion we came to on our own...Jiraiya-Sensei.

Jiraiya: Your appearance has changed a good deal indeed, but not your you're Pain, eh? Nagato. Not the most upstanding young man you've grown into, there...what went wrong?

Pain: No need for you to you're no more than an outsider.

A wide time gap separates master and apprentice... and that cold animosity*

*Ok, this is the worst translation I've ever done, and it's not even correct by most standards, but it's 2:AM here right now, so it'll have to do for the time being.

Jiraiya versus Pain! An inevitable clash!

Pain's abilities threaten Jiraiya! And they are -!?

Next time: Attacking first!


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 okt 04, 20:37:12
Shippuuden 373 manga RAW a főoldalon.
Mostantól a 374. fejezet spoilerei jöhetnek ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 05, 12:02:40
373: A tanítványok!

A küzdelmes fiatalságakor találkozott velük, mielött legendává vált.

Jiraiya (Nagato szemét nézi): Nem hiszem el, amit látok! Ezek a szemek megegyeznek a leghíresebbekkel (?) a három nagy Doujutsu közül... Rinnegan!

Úgy hírlik, a hat ösvényes remetének, aki az összes shinobi előfutára volt, rendelkezett a Rinnegan-nal... és ő volt az aki modern ninjutsukat készített...

Az is hírlik, hogy ő egy alkotás istene volt, aki a menny alkalmazotta volt, amikor a világon zűrzavar volt, vagy egy pusztítás istene, aki mindenkit visszajuttat a nem létezéshez...

Én mindig egy mítosznak gondoltam... Nem hittem volna, hogy Rinnegan használók tényleg léteznek...

Mind a négyen visszamennek a lakóhelyhez, Nagato Konan segítségével.

Jiraiya: Úgy döntöttem, hogy Ninjutsukat tanítok nektek.

Yahiko: Te... Ezt gondolod? (?)

Jiraiya: Hát, sose tudhatjátok mikor fogtok megint ilyen veszélyes helyzetbe kerülni, mint múltkor. Ninjutsukat tanítok nektek, így vigyázni tudtok magatokra.

Yahiko: Rendben!



Yahiko: Kösz, hogy megmentettél múltkor Nagato! Bocsi, hogy gyengének neveztelek! És hadd mondjam, hogy következőre amikor bajban vagyunk, én leszek az, aki megment téged!

Nagato: Kö... Kösz, Yahiko.

Konan: Hey, várj egy percet! Nagato erősebb mint te, Yahiko!

Yahiko: Oh, fogd be, Konan! Edzeni fogok és erőssé válok!

Jiraiya: Rendben, kezdjük el. Először, hogyan is kell chakrát összpontosítani! (?)

A három gyerek: Igen is, Sensei!

Egyik este...

?: *szipog...*szipog..., *szipog...*

Jiraiya: !

Jiraiya felkel, hogy megtalálja a hiányzó Nagatot.

Nagato: *szipog...*

A házon kivűl, Nagato sír. Jiraiya közeledik és vállon veregeti.

Jiraiya: Na, mi bánt téged... hadd halljam!

Nagato: Sensei...!

Jiraiya: Az, ami régebben történt?

Nagato: Ami történt... igazán mérges lettem arra a férfire, amikor bántotta Yahikot. És utána olyan volt, mintha elvesztettem volna az uralmamat magam felett... Megvadultam... és amikor megint magam voltam, a férfi a földön hevert... és utána félelem volt... Amikor mérgessé váltam elvesztettem az uralmamat magam felett ls valami borzasztót tettem! Ez rossz volt! Jobb út is lett volna, mint amit én tettem!

Jiraiya: Nagato...!

Nagato: ...!

Jiraiya: Én nem tudom mondani, hogy vajon jó vagy rossz volt... de azt tudom mondani, hogy megmentetted Yahiko életét akkoriban. Megvédted a barátodat... és ez a helyes dolog, amit csinálni kell. Senki sem fog hibáztatni emiatt... Ez természetes, hogy mérges leszel, amikor bántanak. A másik oldal az, hogy amikor bántalmazol embereket, nem csak a gyűlöletükkel kell számolnod, hanem saját bűntudatoddal is (?). De ironikusan, ez a fájdalom az, ami hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy kedvesek legyünk másokhoz.

Nagato: ... Szóval... Mit kellene csinálnom?

Jiraiya: Fel kell nőnöd.

Nagato: Felnőni? Mit értesz ez alatt?

Jiraiya: Felnőni azt jelenti, hogy saját következtéseket hozol azzal kapcsolatban, hogy mit tegyél.

Nagato: Yahiko megmentette Konant meg engem, amikor éhesek voltunk, mi meg csak sírásra voltunk képesek. Ő olyan messzire ment, hogy ételt lopott nekünk...


Nagato: Amit tenni szeretnék az az, hogy gondoskodjak róluk - mindegy milyen fájdalmak árán.

Jiraiya: Értem...

Színhely változik (idő ugrás).

Yahiko: Suiton: Mizurappa*!

*heves víz hullám (hasonlít arra a szóra, hogy szélhámos (?))

Yahiko egy Gokakyuu-hoz hasonló víz jutsut hoz létre.

Jiraiya kitér.

Konan: Kami-shuriken*!

*papír shuriken.

Nagato: Fuuton Reppuushou*!

*heves szél támadás (?)

A papír shuriken lendületet kap a széltől és eltalálja Jiraiyat.

Mindhárman: Megcsináltuk!

Az eltalált Jiraiya eltünik egy füstös robbanás kiséretében.

Jiraiya: Nem tudom elhinni, ti elég erősek vagytok ahhoz, hogy legyőzzétek a kagebunshinomat...

Yahiko: Mit gondolsz, Sensei!

Jiraiya: Úgy gondolom, hogy most visszatérhetek a falumba aggódalmak nélkül.

Nagato és Konan: !

Yahiko: Huh?

Jiraiya: Mostantól egyedül fogtok maradni. Keményen dolgoztatok az elmúlt három évben - büszke vagyok.

Yahiko szeme könnyessé válik.

Jiraiya: Tarts ki, ne sírj, Yahiko. Valaki köteless lesz gyengének nevezni.

Konan könnyeket hullat.

Jiraiya: Konan... te egy gyönyörű nővé fogsz válni, amikor felnősz... találkozzunk megint amikor idősebb leszel, benne vagy?

Jiraiya visszafordul, hogy lássa őket.

Jiraiya: Nagato... Azt mondanám, hogy ti hátman felnőttetek... vagy nem így lenne? (?)

Nagato: Köszönöm... Sensei!

visszatekintés itt végződik.

Jiraiya: Pár évvel később a neveiteket itt és ott hallottam. Hallottam, hogy hírnevet csináltatok magatoknak, amiután sok harcokba részt vettetek, de utána meghaltatok.

Konan: Semmit sem tudsz arról, hogy mivé váltunk, amiután elmentél, Sensei.

Jiraiya: Nem tudok semmit. De azt tudom, hogy amit Akatsuki csinál az rossz!

Pain: Ez egy döntés amit egyedül hoztunk... Jiraiya-Sensei.

Jiraiya: A külső megjelenésed tényleg sokat változott, de nem a szemeid. Tehát te vagy Pain, eh? Nagato. Nem a legbecsületesebb fiatal férfivé nőttél fel... mi történt rosszul?

Pain: Nem kell tudnod... mivel nem vagy több, mint egy kívülálló.

Hosszú idő választja el a mestert és a tanítványát.. és hideg gyűlölet (?).

Jiraiya vs Pain! Egy kikerülhetetlen ütközet!

Pain képességei fenyegetik Jiraiya-t! És azok -!?

Következőre: Először támadás!


Hát nem hiszem hogy túl jóra sikeredett, de hát a semminél jobb remélem :).

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 09, 15:44:05

The picture of the five bodies are lies

No cover

Jiraiya: An outsider?.... Certainly..

Pain: Won't you release Konan for me?

Jiraiya: I can't do that sort of thing now

We still want to know about what happens here

Pain: ... so you know now what? Sensei, you will die from now...

Jiraiya looks at Pain with contempt

Jiraiya: ... Nagato... What happened to Yahiko

Konan: ... Sensei that's irrelevant for you...

Jiraiya: Didn't Yahiko protect you? What about you Nagato

Pain's eyes rise

JIraiya: ...

Pain: After all, it's only good if you die Sensei, isn't it

Jiraiya: Heh

Pain: Konan.. aren't you going to come down and rest...

Konan: ...

Pain jumps off (i'm assuming the ledge he was on, in the last panel of last chapt)

As Pain lands on the ground, a heavy weight follows him which seems to crack the floor

Pain: I will kill this person.

Jiraiya glares at Pain

Second half -

Scene changes to Naruto

KIba: Yeah!!! just like i had thought, we might be able to quickly overtake Sasuke

Shin: But this direction.. isn't he heading towards Konoha?

カカシ『方向的には木ノ葉で間違いないだろうが……向こうには感知タイプの忍がいるはずなんだ が……』
Kakashi: This direction is to Konoha you're probably right but... on the otherhand it seems they may have a perception type shinobi with them

Yamato: So what does this mean?

Kakashi: If it's the case they do have a chakra sensing type shinobi, then they can keep avoiding naruto's kagebunshin right?

Sakura: Why don't we purposely offshoot them with a kagebunshin and meet them?

Kakashi: But it might be a trap...

Naruto: That sort of thing doesn't matter ! There's no mistaking it this time, we'll get Sasuke !!

Kakashi: ...

Hinata: !!!

Someone says: Stop!!

A line of wood stops them

Naruto: What the hell, Yamato!! We have to hurry !!

Hinata: There..!!!

Zetsu comes out of the place where Hinata points to

Zetsu: White eye mosquito...
Zetsu: What kinda taste does it have?

[Absolutely NO IDEA what Zetsu says, sorry ! ;_;]

Naruto takes a fighting stance

Kakashi: Eh... Akatsuki?...

Scene changes to Jiraiya

Jiraiya: !!

Pain faces JIraiya and begins to run towards him

Jiraiya: Fast!!

Pain does a turning kick to Jiraiya but he dodges it

Konan: !!

The hair that was around Konan comes off

Pain: Come down already

Pain does a seal

Pain: It is already over

Pain focuses the centre of his foot on where the crack is

Jiraiya: ...

Pain glares at Jiraiya


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 okt 09, 16:38:52 itt a válasz állitolag fake...

de ittvan jobb minöségben

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 10, 12:11:33

Pein and Jiraiya exchange attacks for a little while
Then they go into conversation, Jiraiya asks what Pein's motives/goals are

Pein: Yahiko... come to think of it, yeah there was a guy like that. He's long been dead
Jiraiya: what happened? In the past you were...
Pein: Nothing... Just battles. Here, people die all too frequently. Those pains helped me grow and mature. Sensei... you are still only human. But amidst the perpetually continuing pain, I have grown past being human

エロ「・・・・ 何 だ と ?」
Jiraiya: what?

Pein: that's right... from human... to god

Pein discloses that he plans to collect the Bijyuu (tailed demons), make a Kinjutsu (Forbidden technique) and contribute it to various lands, thus creating wars. (5 more pages of conversation)

Battle begins again. Jiraiya summons "Ken-san"
** don't know what Ken-san is...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Dei-dei - 07 okt 10, 14:51:34
Előző spoiler fordítása;

Pein és Jiraiya abbahagyják a harcot egy időre.
Beszélni kezdenek, Jiraiya azt kérdezi Peintől, hogy mik a céljai/mi motiválta.
Pein: Yahiko...Igen, volt valami ilyesmi srác...már rég halott.

Jiraiya: Mi történt? A múltban te...

Pein: Semmi...csak csaták. Itt túl gyakran halnak meg az emberek. Ezek a fájdalmak segítettek nekem, hogy nőjjek (nemtom...ez így helyes? ^^') és fejlődjek. Sensei...te még mindig csak ember vagy. De az állandó szenvedésnek köszönhetően...Én már több vagyok mint ember.

Jiraiya: Mi?

Pein: Így van...emberből...isten lettem.

Pein elárulja, hogy a terve a Bijuuk összegyűjtése és a Kinjtusu (tiltott technika) kifejlesztése, és ezzel hozzájárulni különböző népek/földek/országok háborújához.

A harc folytatódik, Jiraiya megidézi "Ken-san'-t. (Nem tudja mi az a Ken-san)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 10, 17:25:03
Plusz mgé egy szöveg :
374話 自来也VSペイン!!
Chapter 374: Jiraiya vs. Pain!

No cover

煽り 師(自来也)と教え子(ペイン)、ついに対峙…!
Jiraiya and Pain square off!

They're staring at each other

Jiraiya: Hmph...

Jiraiya: I suppose it doesn't matter why you became what you did...I'm here to kill you both, and nothing more.

Pain: You've gotten so shouldn't push yourself.

Jiraiya: I've accepted the fact that I could die completing this mission. Age doesn't matter anymore.

Pain: Prepared for death...Interesting. I guess we'll finally see you fight at full strength.

The moment he finished speaking, he appears behind Jiraiya.

Jiraiya: Wha-

Jiraya leaps back while turning to face Pain.
His hair is cut and Konan is freed.

Jiraiya: This kid is something else...he cut my hair in the blink of an eye...he's so much faster than he used to be.

Pain: Konan, I can handle this by myself. You're to go hunt the Five-Tails - it and the Nine-Tails are the only beasts we lack, and I'll get the Nine-Tails myself after I kill Jiraiya-sense.

Konan: As you wish.

Konan tries to leave.

Jiraiya: You're not going anywhere!

Jiraiya plants his hands on the ground and performs the Toad-Mouth Bind.

Konan: The Toad-Mouth Bind...what do we do now?

Pain: I can finish him immediately with "them." Just stay back.

Pain puts his hands on the wall.

Pain: Summoning technique!

A hole opens in the wall, and the room with the six sleeping Akatsuki appears.

Pain tries to enter the room, and Jiraiya appears from his shadow.

Konan: Pain, behind you!

Jiraiya: Fire Element - Grand Fire Wheel! (Katon - Dai Karin)

The flames envelop Pain, and he collapses.

Pain: Rrgh...he must have shadow...back then...

Pain flashes back to when he cut Jiraiya's hair.

Jiraiya touches the floor and the toad-flesh wraps around Pain.

Jiraiya: This fight is over...but before I kill you, I want to hear what happened after we parted ways.

Pain: Who're you talking to?

Pain comes out of the Six Akatsuki Body room

Jiraiya: W-what the hell?!

The "Pain" held by the toad-flesh disappears.

Jiraiya: A shadow clone?! But I never gave him the chance to-

Pain: You don't have time to be shocked.

Five more Pains appear behind the current one

Jiraiya: Who are these guys...they've all got the Rin'negan! What the hell is going on here?!

Pain: Now...time for the real fight. Get ready, "sensei."

One Pain charges straight in. Jiraiya dodges backward, but another Pain pops up behind him.

自来也そのペインに螺旋丸。 しかし水分身。
Jiraiya nails it with a Rasengan, but it was a Water Clone

As he hits it, another Pain drops in from above

Pain 2: Wind Element - Cyclone Blow! (Fuuton - Reppuushou)

Jiraiya: Kh-Not gonna make it!

Something blows up. When the smoke clears, the two of them are standing in the same spot

Pain 2: The Rasengan cancelled it out?

Jiraiya: His Cyclone Blow packs a real punch now...

Jiraiya's showing a little damage.

Jiraiya: How can this be...there are people with the Rin'negan...BESIDES you?

Pain 2: Nope...they're all me.

The terrifying truth...Six Pains! How can Jiraiya win?!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Dei-dei - 07 okt 10, 19:02:25
Noh akkor megintcsak az előző fordítása :D

374. fejezet; Jiraiya vs Pein

Pein és JIraiya szembeszállnak egymással! (Ezt pontosan nem értem, mert a square-nek rengeteg jelentése van XD)

Egymást nézik/bámulják.

Jiraiya: Hmph... Azt hiszem nem számít miért lettél az ami...Azért jöttem hogy mindkettőtöket megöljem, semmi másért.

Pein: Nagyon megöregedtél...nem kéne megerőltetned magad (? nem vagyok biztos ^^')

Jiraiya: Gondoltam rá/elfogadtam hogy meghalok ennél a küldetésnél. A kor nem számít többé.

Pein: Felkészültél a halálra...érdekes. Azt hiszem végre láthatunk harcolni téged teljes erővel.

Abban a pillanatban ahogy befejezte a beszédet, Jiraiya mögött tűnik fel.

Jiraiya: Mi...

Jiraiya hátraugrik, hogy szembekerüljön Peinnel. A haja "elvágódik" (szószerinti ford. gondolom Pein elvágja) így Konan kiszabadul.

Jiraiya: Ez a kölyök valami más...Egy szempillantás alatt levágta a hajam... sokkal gyorsabb mint volt.

Pein: Konan, itt egyedül is boldogulok. Menj és kapd el az 5-farkút. Már csak ő és a 9-farkú hiányoznak, és a 9-farkút én kapom el, miután megöltem Jiraiya-senseit.

Konan: Ahogy kívánod.

Konan távozni próbál.

Jiraiya: Nem mész sehová!

Jiraiya a földre teszi a kezét és megidézi a "Varangy-száj kötést" (Na ebben totál nem vagyok biztos XD Olyan Dzsetiksz szerű ford. lett)

Konan: A "Varangy-száj kötés"...most mit csináljunk?

Pein: Rögtön elintézem 'velük'. Csak maradj hátul!

Pein a falra teszi a kezét.

Pein: Idézőtechnika!

Egy lyuk jelenik meg a falon, mögötte a szoba a 6 Akatsukissal.

Pein megpróbál bemenni, de Jiraiya előbukkan az árnyékából.

Konan: Pein, mögötted!

Jiraiya: Tűz stílus, Óriás Tűzkerék! (Megint Dzsetiksz fordítás, ne öljetek meg! T.T)

A lángok elérik Peint és összeesik.

Pein: Rgrh...biztos elérte az árnyé előbb.

Visszajátszás oda, ahol Pein levágja Jiraiya haját.

Nah, ez kb a fele volt, a maradékra nincs időm. ^^' Befejezem később, de felőlem más is nyugodtan befejezheti. =3

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 10, 21:39:56
Jiraiya megérinti a földet és a varangy-hús befedi Paint.

Jiraiya: A harcnak vége... de mielött megöllek, szeretném hallani mi történt miután az útunk elvált.

Pain: Kihez beszélsz?

Pain kijön a Hat Akatsuki Testes teremből.

Jiraiya: M-Mi az ördög?!

Az a Pain, akit a varangy-hús fogva tartott, eltűnik.

Jiraiya: Árnyék klón?! De sosem adtam a lehetőséget ahhoz, hogy-

Pain: Nincs időd a döbbenethez.

Öt másik Pain megjelen az aktuális mögött.

Jiraiya: Kik ezek az emberek... Mindnek van Rin'negan-ja! Mi a fene van itt?!

Pain: Most... itt az ideje az igazi harcnak. Állj készen "sensei".

Egy Pain szemből támad. Jiraiya hátra ugrik, de egy másik Pain megjelenik mögötte.

Jiraiya elkapja egy Rasengannal, de ez egy vízi klón volt.

Amikor eltalálja, egy másik Pain fentről támad

Pain 2: Szél elem - forgószél támadás! (Fuuton - Reppuushou)

Jiraiya: N-Nem fog sikerülni!

Valami felrobban. Amikor a füst eltünik, ketten közülük ugyanazon a helyen áll.

Pain 2: A Rasengan semlegesítette?

Jiraiya: A Forgószél támadásai igazi ütések most már...

Jiraiyan kicsi sebesülés látszik.

Jiraiya: Hogyan lehetséges ez... vannak emberek Rin'negannal... Rajtad kivűl?

Pain 2: Nem... Ez mind én vagyok.

A rémisztő igazság... Hat Pain! Hogyan tud Jiraiya nyerni?!

--- Nah eléggé későn van, szal az esetleges félrefordításokat + nem magyaros mondatokat ne vessétek a szememre pls :P ---

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 11, 12:59:56
Nah akko képek is:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 11, 13:53:21
újabb spoiler a képekhez:

No opening image*

*(and as you can see, the title is on the second image top to bottom above).

Pain (Nagato) summons a crab.

The crab washes away the Toad Oil on Konan and attacks Jiraiya, but Jiraiya restrains it with his hair jutsu and does away with it, and then restrains Pain with the same jutsu.

Jiaiya and Pain talk.
Pain says Yahiko died a long time ago.
Jiraiya gets pissed.*

*Ok, this is a scene which appears in the images above, and which was described by Himajin. Jiraiya asks about Yahiko and Nagato dismissively says "yeah, I think I remember him. Died long ago, that idiot." Well, he doesn't say idiot, but his wording implies Yahiko was really insignificant, which is probably what pisses Jiraiya off.

Start of summary.

The purpose of collecting Bijuu.

The idea is to produce a new kinjustu (forbidden jutsu) with them.

Using this jutsu but once would be enough to destroy one of the Great Countries in an instant.

It would be the ultimate kinjutsu weapon.

End summary.

Pain and Jiriaya both do a summon.

ペイン カメレオン
Pain's summon is a chameleon

自来也 蝦蟇 不器用なヤマケンさん
Jiraiya's is a toad, "Clumsy Yamaken-san"

次号 本当の怪物
Next time: The Real Monster

Just the poster remarking that "Pain" means "pain," plain and simple.

Nah ez rövidebb :)

Pain (Nagato) egy rákot idéz meg.

a rák lemossa Konanról az olajat, majd megtámadja Jiraiyat, de Jiraiya megfékezi a haj jutsujával és eltávolítja, majd megfékezi Paint ugyanazzal a jutsuval.

Jiraiya és Pain beszélnek egymással.

Pain azt mondja, hogy Yahiko régen meghalt.

Jiraiya ideges lesz.*

*Ez egy olyan jelenet amit láthatunk a képen és amit leírt Himajin. Jiraiya érdeklődik Yahiko felől és Nagato elutasítóan annyit, mond, hogy "igen, asszem emlékszem rá. Régen meghalt ez az idióta." Igazából nem mondja azt, hogy idióta, de a szóhasználata arra utal, hogy Yahiko jelentéktelen volt, ami valószinűleg felidegesítette Jiraiyat.

Összegzés kezdése.

a Bijuuk gyűjtésének az indoka.

Az cél az, hogy egy új kinjutsut (tiltott jutsu) hozzon létre velük.

Ennak a jutsunak az egyszeri használata elég lenne ahhoz, hogy véglegesen leromboljon a Nagy Országok közül egyet.

Ez lenne a végső kinjutsu fegyver.

Összegzésnek vége.

Pain és Jiraiya is idéz egy lényt.

Pain egy kaméleont idéz

Jiraiya egy varangyot, "Clusmy Yamaken-san"-t.

Következő részben: Az igazi szörny.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 okt 11, 15:03:04
Update Kora hajnali bónusz a rajingóknak
( ittvan a béka akir Jiraya megidéz :D
mivel pettinho képei már nemláccanak rám mindig lehet számítani :D
U.I.:azért raktam be mindet mertnemtudni a pettinho féle utolsonak mikor száll el a hotlinkelése

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 okt 12, 14:22:09
JoJohot RAW képek: (ha valaki megmondja mi a jó isten az amin Pein tapos fizetek neki 1 sört) :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 okt 12, 18:04:25

Mivel kijött a 374. rész RAW-ban, mostantól a 375-dikhez várunk spoilereket.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 okt 16, 20:09:15
állítólag fake söt cart is rámondta ezért megelözöm nehogy valaki véletlenül bepostolja berakom én :D


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 07 okt 17, 11:17:34
PLS valaki fordítson  :-[

from the text above
pein and jiraiya are still fighting with their respective summons
gamaken dodges the chameleons tongue and retaliates with a spit of acid this distracts pein and from behind gamaken attacks from behind pein (this parts where im not sure)but someone shoots a bolt of electricity and then it ends with a scene of moonlight on the water
(another flash back?)

from some japenese text i found
pein flashes in front of jiraiya and puts his finger in his head and that creates the rinnegan
and starts talking about the world pain
scene follows sasuke and they are at valley of the end and itachi is there also there is a cave behind the waterfall
they go in and then somehow sasuke doesnt attack him just yet
then it shows tobi saying uchiha crap


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 17, 15:37:48
375話 自来也VSペイン…!!

煽り 口寄せVS口寄せ!!
kuchiyose Vs. kuchiyose

Peins' chamelon flies towards jiraiya
The spike thing behind the chamelon's neck srouts a tail which attacks jiraiya
ken guards with something or other.
chamelon bbounces back and sticks to the wall
Ken "oh he's fast!"
next the C's tongue attacks
Ken Guards again with his weapon
Ken "OMG!!! what power!"
the attack is somehow killed by ken
the tongue returns
Pein 'he stopped that attack huh?'
pein 'usually it would have sent him flying'
pein ' he has great stability'
ji "you're not nostalgic at all are you?"
Ji looks up
Ji (if i can just get up here)
Ji: Ken!
Ken "leave it to me"
Ken starts climbing the wall
ペイン(何をする気かは知らないが… 無駄だ)
Pein, I don't know what he's trying to do won't work!
Pein Raidon lightning bullet
The chamelon's tail's snake mouth emits a shot (after charging up his lazer)
Ji: !
Ji stops it with the rasengan
pein: hrmph
The chamelson fires more shots
Ji: gu!
He makes a rasengan in both hands and stops the shots
The thing on his hands comes off
Ji: I can't carry on like this Ken!
Ken : right! here we go!
Ken DOTON big earth ball
Kern spits out a huge ball of earth
Ji : FUUTON burining wind wave!
jiraiya heads for the ball and sticks his hands out
and so the ball heads towards the earth with a huge amount of enrgy (spirit ball?)
pain !!
it hits and the earth cracks
Ten climbs up to the celling (celling? was there one?)

Ken: did we get him?
自来也「いや… どうやらそうではないらしい」
Ji: no it doesnt look like it.
ji: (nagato and his summons...also konan they have all vanished..why?)
something hits ken in the face
ken !
ji: wha..!
Ken loses balance and falls off
Jiraiya grabs ken
but...ken stops half way through by jamming his legs and arms between the walls
ji: ku...
ji: (WTF is going on?)
again ken is hit
again he falls
He makes an earth cushion just before he hits the ground
just before falling jiraiya uses chakra to stick to ken
ken falls on his back, onto the cushion
ken: ku ...he's strong
Jiraiya looks at ken with a pissed off face
ken: what?
自来也「ん? じゃないのぉ!何背中から落ちとるんじゃ!そのままお前の背中に乗っとったらワ シは今頃ペチ ャンコだっただろうのぉ!」
Ji: don't what me! why'd you fall on your back. The guy on your back would just be squashed flat
ken: Sorry, I'm clumsy
pein and his bug and konan appear, semi-transparent
ji -ken :!!
ペイン「打たれ強い… が、その程度か? 先生」
pein: you can take hits that all you've got sensei?
ji: don't worry about me, I'll get serious from now.
Ji's eyes get serious

煽り  自来也の”本気”とは一体…!?
just what is Ji's 'serious'..

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 17, 18:05:32
Én is had :D

Chapter 375 Jiraiya VS Pain!!
<no cover picture>
Stirring up – Kuchiyose vs Kuchiyose!!

Jiraiya and Pain glaring at each other.
Pain’s chameleon jumped up and landed towards Jiraiya.
A spike that grew from the back of the head of Pain’s chameleon attacked Jiraiya like a tail-like object.
Ken san defended against the attack using two weapons.
Pain’s chameleon jumped back and once again clinged onto the wall.
Ken san: That’s fast.
This time, the chameleon’s tongue attacked Ken san at high speed.
Jiraiya: !
Ken san guarded against the attack with the two weapons again.
Ken san: Grr! What power…!
Ken san somehow managed to neutralize the tongue’s power.
The tongue rolled back.
Pain: You can withstand the attack huh…
Pain’s thoughts: Normally it will cause the other person to fly off…
Pain: That’s an impressive stability.
Jiraiya: Hmph, I don’t need to be praised by you.
Jiraiya looking up.
Jiraiya’s thoughts: If I can climb up…
Jiraiya: Ken san
Ken san: Leave it to me.
Ken san began climbing the wall.
Pain’s thoughts: I don’t know what he’s up to but… it’s useless.
Pain: (Raiton – Raijundan!) (Lightning technique – thunderclap bomb)
The snake mouth on the chameleon’s tail fired a thunderclap bomb.
Jiraiya: !
Jiraiya countered it with Rasengan.
Pain: hmph…
The chameleon fired random continuous thunderclap bombs.
Jiraiya: Guu…
Jiraiya formed Rasengan with both hands and countered the attacks one by one.
Objects worn on both his hands began peeling off.
Jiraiya: At this rate, I’ll be fried. Ken san!
Ken san: OK, coming!
Ken san: (Doton – Daidokyuu!!) (Earth technique – Giant Earth Ball)
A huge sphere made of earth came out of Ken san’s mouth.
Jiraiya: (Fuuton – Refuuha!!) (Wind technique – Violent gale)
Jiraiya’s hands thrust in front of him towards the sphere of earth.
When he did that, the sphere flew towards where Pain was standing at an incredible momentum.
Pain: !!
The sphere of earth shattered.
At this moment, Ken san climbed onto the ceiling.

Ken san: Did we kill him?
Jiraiya: No… it doesn’t seem likely.
Jiraiya’s thoughts: Nagato and his summon, moreover Konan cannot be seen anywhere. Where did they disappear to?
Suddenly, Ken san’s face was given a clean hit by an unknown object.
Ken san: !?
Jiraiya: Wha…?!
Ken san lost his balance and fell.
Jiraiya held on to Ken san.
However… Ken san managed to cling onto the wall and stopped falling midway.
Jiraiya: Ku…
Jiraiya’s thoughts: What in the world happened…
Once again, Ken san’s head received another clean hit by an unknown object.
Once again, Ken san plunged towards the ground.
At the very last minute, Ken san created a cushion of earth on the ground to break his fall.
Jiraiya concentrated his chakra on his feet just inches before he hit the ground and stood on the wall.
Ken san fell on his back onto the earth cushion.
Ken san: Ku...that fellow is seriously strong.
Jiraiya gave Ken san a stunned look.
Ken san: hmm?
Jiraiya: “hmm?” Is that all you can say!? Why did you fall on your back?! I was riding on your back and I could have been squashed flat by you this time!!
Ken san: My apologies, but that's because you're useless…<edit>
Pain and his chameleon and Konan reappeared as half-transparent.
Jiraiya and Ken san: !
Pain: You are strong… but, is that all you have? Sensei?
Jiraiya: hmph, don’t worry, I’ll be fighting with you seriously from now on.
Jiraiya’s eyes narrowed.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 18, 12:37:55
Hát eltelt az egy nap szal megint írook :D

After Gamaken-san's summoning

Ero: We'll use Hermit mode!!

Ken: That's impossible... To summon the two big hermits!

Then, in that time of offense and defense

Ero and Ken-san are losing

Then, at the moment of Pain's attack, Ero disappears

There's a conversation in the dark. Ero's Hermit Mode spreads across the last 2 pages.

          ____ ..::/     \  エロ「では行きますぞ」
父ちゃんは /     \  ─    ─\      ___
 黙ってときんさい   ─\ ⌒  ⌒  ヽ     /      \
     /    ⌒  ⌒  ヽノ(、_, )ヽ    |  / ―   ―  \  おお・・・六道の眼か!
    |       ,ノ(、_, )ヽ    |-=ニ=-   / /   ⌒  ⌒   ヽ
     \     -=ニ=-   /:.      <  |     ,ノ(、_, )ヽ     |
    ノ            \⌒ ̄ ⌒⌒~ \    -=ニ=-    /
   ~⌒ ⌒ ̄⌒ ⌒ ̄ ⌒⌒~         >        <
                   \    /⌒ ⌒ ̄⌒ ⌒ ̄ ⌒⌒~

For the ASCII art:

The left guy says "Dad's silent" (?).
Middle guy (Ero) says "Now, let's go"
Right guy says "Oh... the Rinne eye!"

It's this kind of feeling--because it's dark you can't see the faces.

Ken-san is strong, but he's so useless that it's like he's not there.*

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 okt 18, 15:17:46
Képpel ugyláccik  csak th sensei tud szolgálni  >:D :naruto_lol: :naruto_nyelv:

Pett tudd h hol a határ éshogy kihez beszélsz meg amugysem látszik amit linkelsz

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 19, 11:56:03

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 okt 19, 19:46:41
Mostantól a Naruto Shippuuden Manga 376 fejezetének RAW cuccait várjuk ide. Kommentek a másik shippuus manga topicba.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 24, 11:42:34
I think the Chinese script says something like:

No doubt Jiraiya is the strongest of the Sannin. Using the sennin mode he can use powerful kinjutsu.

Jirayia: Big sister(?), where is that guy?

Toad (the sister one?): He's on top of that building, I'll pinpoint you to him!

Jiraiya: Toad oil + some type of katon!

The camouflage is destroyed, Pain appears!

100% hogy fake azt írták de sztem annyira nem bizto xD

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 07 okt 24, 13:54:27
Jiraiya is the strongest among the three sannin, him using the sennin form allows him to use forbidden jutsu.

Jiraiya : Big sister, where's that guy?

Big sister : Ah, he has climbed onto the bamboo post, I'll let you see the image.

Jiraiya starts attacking, "Toad Oil, Fire Dragon Jutsu"

Chameleon is burnt, Pein appears.

Pein : Jiraiya can hide too...morphing jutsu

1 person looking exactly like Jiraiya(without two frog heads) comes out of the earth, together attacking Jiraiya.

Pein also starts attacking, surrounding Jiraiya with an array of troop, a special arrangement.

Jiraiya defeated the clones, but suddenly felt the time-space distort.

Jiraiya was shocked.

Pein : Now you cannot run. Teacher, join us.

Jiraiya : Kid, watch the sennin break the formation.

Jiraiya takes out a scroll.

The picture goes back to the past, Jiraiya seals the weasel(?)'s fire of the heavens(?).

Jiraiya opens the scroll, Pein feels uncertain.

Jiraiya : Elder Sennin, enlarge 100 times, face that boy and attack.

Elder Sennin : Ok

Suddenly,Pein feels danger. Uh. Boom Boom Boom :|

Jiraiya escapes the formation and Pein disappears.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 25, 12:06:08
Just what is "Sennin mode"?

Sennin frogs: "It's about time you learned to activate "sennin mode" by yourself, Jiraiya-chan!"

Jiraiya: I've still got a long way to go before I can compare to you two.

ペイン「大蛇丸にしろ 自来也にしろ’三忍は独得な力を使うな」
Pain: Whether it's Orochimaru or Jiraiya, it would seem Sannin each have their own unique abilities...

Ane-san: So...where is that Rikudou eyes?

Jiraiya: Hiding inside the mouth of a kuchiyose beast which turns invisible.

Ane-san: That'd make it a Chameleon monster...

Jiraiya: I've already set a detection barrier, actually...

Ane-san: That's not gonna get us very far. Let's bring him out with biological detection!

Kashira: But why are you fighting this guy, Jiraiya-chan?

Jiraiya: He's a former appretince of mine...

Ane-san/Kashira: !!


Kashira: That makes him a "child of prophecy"! Why are you fighting him, then?


Jiraiya: Well, it would seem he didn't turn out very well...and since I'd heard he was dead...I was convinced it wasn't him.

One of the frogs: Well, that prophecy's no more than a senile old geezer's delusion, so don't you worry!

The sennin use "biological detection" (a snake) to capture the chameleon, and (flush Pain out?) by spitting water.

Flashback to "the prophecy"

The great Toad Hermit makes Jiraiya a prophecy.


"You who lust after women shall one day have an apprentice. This apprentice shall bring a great revolution to the world of shinobi. And with it, will come either stability, or destruction. One, or the other."

Note: It may be deliberately vague point in the prophecy, but I honestly can't tell if the most natural interpretation here is "one" apprentice or "multiple" apprentices..

End of flashback

Pain summons two people, whose faces we can't see.

"These two Akatsuki summoned...just who or what are they?"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 okt 25, 20:51:27


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pettinho - 07 okt 26, 12:30:06
Még egy picit... :D de csak szöveg >.<

Title page, Jiraiya is signing a contract on a scroll

Pain inside the chameleon

Pain (!? The quality of the chakra up till now is different...)

Frogs are riding on both shoulders of the frog-faced Jiraiya

Sis: Jiraiya, where's the Rikudou-eye guy?

Jiraiya: He went inside of the summon and disappeared

Boss: I see, so Jiraiya, you're really gonna use that?

Sis: That will wear you out

Jiraiya: Yeah, but against this guy nothing else...

Boss: Kaa-chan, < ?? need to think about this line a bit>

Sis: There's no choice, let's go

Jiraiya: Thanks

Pain (what? Sensei's appearance is different from before...)

Pain summons a praying mantis

Jiraiya (Of course, a summon...)

Jiraiya: Boss!!!

Boss: Yeah

Jiraiya and Boss: Toad Oil Flame Bullet

The praying mantis gets burned up

Pain summons a boar

Boss: What? He just did a summon

Jiraiya: Yeah... that guy... If it were Nagato he should be using a wider variety of jutsu, but...

Boss: Hmmm~ looks like the bottom

Sis: Anyway, let's start by pulling him out

Jiraiya: Yes, Sis!!!

Sis: Let's go

Jiraiya and Sis: Toad Oil Flame Pillar!!

The boar burns up

Jiraiya: You two, before we do the next...

Sis: I know

Boss: But Kaa-chan...

Sis: Shut it!

Sis closes her eyes

Sis: There! It's over there! The shadow of that pipe!

Jiraiya: Ok, please catch him

Jiraiya jumps and approaches

Pain(!? He found me...)

The chameleon appears

Pain exits the chameleon's mouth, the chameleon thrusts into Jiraiya

Jiraiya: Huh!?

Jiraiya: Rasengan!!!

Chameleon is wiped out

Pain closes his eyes and stands in a place with level footing

Boss: From here on it's the real thing... That...

Jiraiya: Boss, please wait

Boss: What?

Sis: Read the situation! That guy is Jiraiya's student, there's probably something to talk about, Jiraiya?

Jiraiya: Yes, there something that I'm wondering about...

Jiraiya and Pain face eachother

Jiraiya: Nagato... You're not going to kill me with your own hands but with summons?

Pain: ...

Pain opens his eyes

Boss: Ah!!

Sis: It's the real Rikudou-eye

Jiraiya: Nagato, I taught you a lot of jutsu...

Pain: It's not that there's only summons... I can only do summons

Jiraiya: What!?

Boss and Sis have surprised faces

Pain: Sensei... Your appearance has also changed...

Jiraiya: And? This jutsu changes your appearance. But you've even changed on the inside. ...That aside, why can you only do summons?

Pain: It's this body...

Jiraiya: This body? What does that mean?

Pain: I am not one person

Jiraiya (!?)

Pain: Before I gave myself this name. I threw away the name Nagato with Yahiko's death

Jiraiya: So Yahiko's dead

Pain: At that time I was also dead

Jiraiya has a surprised face

What the hell is at the bottom of the birth of Pain!?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 26, 14:36:29
Még egy picit... :D de csak szöveg >.<

Title page, Jiraiya is signing a contract on a scroll


Ez elvileg egy fake spoiler (azaz hamis), azért nem raktam be :P

u.i.: oks egyetértek, módosítottam

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 okt 26, 14:50:44

amugy felesleges volt pettinyo egész hsz-ét idézni

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 okt 26, 17:08:40
lovag kérésére gyorsan lefordítottam (pickét szabadfordításosra sikeredett, de semminél ez is jobb remélem  ;))
Mi is a "Sennin mód"?

Sennin békák:"eljött az idő, hogy megtanultad aktiválni egyedül a "sennin módot", Jiraiya-chan!"

Jiraiya: még mindig hosszú út áll elöttem, mielött hozzátok hasonlíthatom magam.

Pain: akár Orochimaru akár Jiraiya, úgy néz ki minden Sanninak van egy egyedi technikája...

Ane-san: Nos... Hol van az a Ridukou szemű?

Jiraiya: Elbújt egy kuchiyose szörny szájába, amely aztán láthatatlan lett.

Ane-san: Akkor ez egy kaméleon szörny....

Jiraiya: Már használtam egy detektáló technikát...

Ane-san: Azzal nem jutunk tovább. Hozzuk ki a szörnyből a biológiai detektáló technikával!

Kashira: De miért harcolsz ezzel az emberrel, Jiraiya-chan?

Jiraiya: Ő egy tanitványom volt...

Ane-san/Kashira: !!

Kashira: Akkor ő lenne a "jóslat gyereke"! Miért harcolsz akkor ellene?

Jiraiya: Hát, mert nem úgy fejlődött, ahogy kellett volna... meg úgy hallottam hogy meghalt... azért nem hittem, hogy ő lesz az.

Egyik béka: Hát, a jóslat nem több, mint egy öreg szenil troty mondása, így ne bánkodj.

A senninek biológiaka detektáló technikát használnak (egy kígyót), hogy elfogják a kaméleont és (kikényszerítsék Paint?) víz használatával.

Visszaemlékezés a jóslatra

a nagy varangy hermit egy jóslatot mond Jiraiya-nak.

"Te, ki vágyodsz a nők után, egy nap lesz egy tanítványod. Ez a tanítvány egy nagy forradalmat fog szítani a shinobik világában. És ezzel vagy stabilabbá teszi vagy lerombolja azt. Egyiket vagy a másikat fogja megvalósítani."

Megjegyzés: nem lehet megállapítani hogy egy vagy több tanítványt mond a jóslatban...

Visszaemlékezés vége

Pain két embert idéz meg, akiknek nem látni az arcát.

"Két akatsuki lett megidézve... De vajon kik ők?"
Ez az amit én raktam be a képekkel

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 okt 26, 18:29:08
Kijött a manga 376. RAW ezért mostantól a Shippuuden manga 377. fejezetének spoiler képeit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 nov 07, 18:15:08
sokat kelett várni de ittvan 1 kcsike kép

szöveget nem máolgatok mert szvsz felesleges akinek kell priviben elküldöm

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 07 nov 08, 11:06:10
én azért be rakom csak érdkel valakit

Chapter 377 The eyes of Rokudou!!

Pain: The fun begins here, Sensei.
Jiraiya: ...

Cover page picture
A 2-pages picture divided into 9 sections featuring the Akatsuki members with their respective rings below.
From the left: Zetsu, Sasori, Deidara, Konan, Pain (Ver 1), Kakuzu, Hidan, Itachi and Kisame.

Sennin Pa: What the heck, kuchiyose again?
The two humans raised their heads. Their faces have multiple piercings (or 'bolts' ROFL).
Pain clasped his hands together.
Pain: Kuchiyose...Rokudou Rin'ne - Shuura Dou!! (endless circle of transmigration in the six posthumous worlds - Asura Realm)
One side of the ground turned into wasteland.
The other side had a few rotting trees.
Then, there were many zombie-like rotting bodies fighting.
The two summoned Akatsuki members (Mr A and Mr B) stood up in front of Jiraiya.
Jiraiya: Where is this...
Sennin Ma: This is one of the six realms of afterlife - Asura Realm!
Sennin Pa: Summoning a different realm? This is also one of the Eyes' powers?
Jiraiya: No matter what, it's better to defeat them it seems.

The scene changes to Myoubokusan.
Bunta is talking to Ken-san.
Bunta: You've, what can Jiraiya's enemy do?
Ken-san: Oh's a strong enemy. He possesses the Eyes of Rokudou.
Bunta: Eyes of Rokudou?! I've heard that from the great gramps before...the eyes that can "bring about" six realms of the underworld, that's what I've heard.
Ken-san: What...
Bunta: The ability to travel back and forth from this world to the underworld. It's like the power of god...
Bunta's thoughts: Jiraiya...
The scene returns to Pain and Jiraiya.

Pain: The souls of the four persons have fallen into the Asura Realm.
Jiraiya: ...?
Mr A brought back one of the fighting people with him. So did Mr B.
When he placed his hand on the person's head, Mr A's appearance starts to change. Mr B did the same to the person he brought back and he too started to change his looks.
Pain: The four Hokages...
Jiraiya: Wha...what did you say...?!
Mr A changed his appearance to Yondaime.
Mr B changed into Sandaime.
Furthermore, both bodies possessed the Rin'negan.
Sennin Pa: This...this thing...has the Eye of Rokudou also...
Sennin Ma: Oooh, just shut up, Pa!
Jiraiya: Im...impossible. Minato and the old geezer were already trapped inside the Death God's stomach by the Shikifuujin technique. Their souls cannnot be in the Asura Realm...!
Pain: hmph...
Sennin Pa: Indeed...It's said that the souls sealed by Shikifuujin will fight for eternity in the Death God's stomach...
A view at the people fighting around them.
Sennin Ma: The Asura Realm is said to signify...the never-ending battle between the human realm and beast realm
Jiraiya: ! So that means...!!
Pain: ah...that's right.
Jiraiya: The Asura Realm and...the Death God's stomach...are you saying that they mean the same thing?!
Sennin Ma: I've never heard of that before. Is it a lie?
Pain: Our little chat ends here.
Yondaime (Mr A) and Sandaime (Mr B) attacked Jiraiya.
Sandaime: Earth technique - flying earth needles!!
Needles made of earth flew out from the ground.
Sennin Ma: From the side!
Jiraiya: I know.
While he was dodging from the side, Yondaime attacked at his back.
Sennin Pa turned his head around and aimed a spray of water at Yondaime.
However, it was dodged immediately.
A speed battle between Jiraiya and Yondaime ensued.
At the very moment Jiraiya disengaged from his fight with Yondaime, blood oozed out from his left wrist.
Jiraiya: ku...
Jiraiya's thoughts: Even the speed in Sennin mode cannot match him eh...
Sandaime performed the tiger (tora) hand seal.
Sennin Ma: It's coming! Pa!
Yondaime blew wind out of his mouth (Wind technique).
Sandaime: Fire technique - Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!! (Katon - Karyuu Endan)
Sennin Pa mimicked the same act and poured out a large torrent of water from his mouth.
Jiraiya: !
However, Jiraiya was engulfed by the flames.

Stirring up - nightmare...! The attack of Sandaime (the teacher) and Yondaime (the student)...!!

Next chapter: Firm Determination

Itt egy kis kép:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Luya-chan - 07 nov 08, 20:10:04
From Himajin:

Ero-sennin is about to pose in front of Pain's team, but the Gama couple get mad.

Kaa-chan is concerned about the Akatsuki's formation. Tou-chan chides Kaa-chan.

Then, they bicker like a married couple. Ero is annoyed.

After a moment, Jiraiya abruptly strikes the long-haired guy. The long-haired guy is blown off.

Pain "Don't..."

Gama Kaa "Hmm... Let's fry this guy! The kid with oil, Tou-chan with wind

Ero + Gama spew a large amount of oil. This time Pizza blocks it and dispells it.

Ero: "He got rid of the oil?" Gama Kaa "Completely <??>" Gama Tou "There's something about this guy too"
(I'm bad with their dialect, really unsure about these lines)

Ero: "Let's try to do this with close combat"

Ero strikes Pizza with a super-Oodama Rasengan. Pizza absorbs it too. Long hair comes around Ero's back.

Gama Tou blocks Long hair's vision with smoke. At that chance, Ero goes to Long Hair's back and attacks, but Long Hair defends.

Ero (What? Even without seeing my Sennin Mode attack...)

He goes around to the back again, this time using his hair to attack. This is also blocked. Ero is surprised.

Ero (The Hair Blowfish has the widest scope amongst my offensive attacks)

Gama Tou sees through the trick.

Gama Tou "Once when we decided on the target and struck from the blind spot, aside from the target, one of the other guys watched us steadily"

"So those eyes... the three people together have the same eyes! If we assume the three share the images from eachothers eyes..."

Ero "The three's eyes are shared amongst all of them.... is that it"

Gama Tou "... However.... What the hell are those guys"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Rei - 07 nov 09, 14:51:12



Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 nov 09, 18:03:41
Shippuuden Manga 377 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 378. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 nov 14, 22:45:13
első spoiler ki is jött:
Cover shows long hair Pain and fat Pain

Stirring up - Fearsome Eyes...!

Jiraiya: The three of them sharing the it means...
Sennin Ma: We can only reduce the enemy one at a time
Sennin Pa: However, we can't do anything, with them sharing the Eye...
Jiraiya looking at fat Pain's direction.

<some bit of text jumbled up here>
Jiraiya's thoughts: the big guy absorbs jutsus. Therefore...
Jiraiya: We shall use power and speed to fight
Jiraiya gathered chakra at his feet.
In a split second, he swerved behind the fat guy.
Jiraiya: Senpou - Senninshou!! (or "Saboten" a.k.a cactus, if pun is intended)
Jiraiya's fist grew bigger. He sank the attack into the fat guy's stomach and the impact threw him into the air.
Pain: you've become much quicker...but...
The fat guy then stood up amidst the sand and smoke.
Though Jiraiya's attack had created a dent in his stomach, it inflated back to normal.
Jiraiya: If taijutsu is useless...
Sennin Ma: it's as if he's an immortal...
The next moment, Jiraiya was hit and he was in the air.
Jiraiya: owww...!
Jiraiya made a big collision into the wall.
As he raised his head to look, the long hair Pain appeared with engorged fists.
Jiraiya's thoughts: ...!
Pain: you don't have the time to be surprised.
Long hair Pain's hairs transformed into hair-like senbon needles.
Jiraiya somehow managed to dodge it.
The exchange between long hair Pain and Jiraiya ensued.
Pain and fat Pain watched from a distance.
Jiraiya's thoughts: We cannot let them watch...
With that, Jiraiya led long hair Pain away to continue with the duel.

Sennin Ma: For now, this guy absorbs jutsu...
Sennin Ma looks at fat guy.
Sennin Pa: this guy copies Jiraiya chan's movements and jutsus it seems...
Jiraiya: and this guy...
Jiraiya looks at Pain.
Pain is closing his palms together...
A scorpion appears above Jiraiya.
Jiraiya disposed of the scorpion easily using Rasengan.
Jiraiya: kuchiyose
Scorpion became twice the size.
Sennin Pa: Engorgement kuchiyose...! This is troublesome
Sennin Ma: stop complaining. Use the Three Great Senpou (Sennin techniques) to finish this in one shot.
Jiraiya: ...!
Sennin Ma: First of all, Katon (fire technique)
Sennin Pa: Are you serious...?
Sennin Ma: Start preparing now...!
The seal enbodied the Sennins and Jiraiya.
Pain: ...
Fat guy moved forward.
Jiraiya's face turned pitch-black.
Jiraiya: Senpou - Katon: Attack of the downpour of red plum fire!!
Sennins emitted fire from mouths.
Jiraiya executed Fuuton (Wind technique) from mouth.
The fiery dragon engulfed the surroundings with fire.
The scorpion was burnt up and destroyed.
Pain's thoughts: Such power within this area...
After a while, the fire trail disappeared. From the fire, a huge shell appeared...
Pain and long hair guy stepped out of it.

The clam disappears.
Fat guy was defeated after being engulfed by the flames.
Pain: The jutsu could not be absorbed completely it seems...
A large hole suddenly opened up from the ground.
Pain: !
Pain and long hair guy were sucked into the hole.
Jiraiya: This is summoned when you guys were being surrounded in the flames. This hole connects to the eight levels of hell.
Pain summoned the Yamata no Orochi (legendary snake with eight heads and eight tails, its size is that of "eight valleys and eight mountain peaks")
The snake's head acted like a bridge within the hole.
Long hair guy fell into the abyss.
Sennin Ma: The troublesome one is still there.
Jiraiya: We can sink him in one stroke.
With that, Jiraiya clasped his palms together.
Jiraiya: Senpou - Doton (Earth Technique): Daikousen! (Great Underworld)
However, Pain could not be sunked into the ground completely.
Jiraiya: Daikousen is said to be able to sink everything on the surface of earth, even so, he cannot be sucked in completely...
Sennin Ma: How about Wind technique?
Jiraiya: Wind technique will be deployed as the decisive move. After using that, my chakra will be depleted.
Pain showed some movements that indicated him having noticed something.
Pain: Sensei...sorry but the game ends here. I will show you the true power of this Eye...
The number of rings in Pain's Rin'negan increased.

Stirring up - Rin'negan! It's true power!

Röviden összetömörítve, mert lehet fake:

Jiraiyaék (békákkal együtt) taktikája: egyenként kell legyőzni a Pein testeket.
Először a dagival foglalkoznak: Taijutsuval probálják, de sikertelenül.
Míg a dagi semlegesíti Jiraiya jutsujait, addig a hosszúhajunak a képessége, hogy lemásolja a jutsukat.
A harmadik közben egy óriási skorpiót idéz. Ezt meg a dagit egy tűz+szél kombós támadással legyűrik, a másik kettő test egy kagylóba zárva megmenekül.
Ezután egy nagy lyuk keletkezik a két test alatt, a hosszú hajú belezuhan az utolsó egy 8 fejű kígyót (Yamata no Orochit) idéz meg és mint egy híd használja. Ezután még egy kis csata és végén Pein megszólal: "Sensei... bocs, de vége a játéknak. Megmutatom az igazi hatalmát ennek a szemnek...
a gyűrűk száma a szemében megnő.

kövi részben Rin'negan igazi ereje... most!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Rei - 07 nov 16, 13:14:53




Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 nov 16, 16:32:25
Shippuuden Manga 378 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 379. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 nov 16, 19:13:13
Ha nem gond, még bepakolom a RAW angolra fordítását, amit wsc csinált 1ik fórumon (annak, aki nem szeretné kivárni a hivatalos scanlationt)
Side text
Even the attack of his strongest form is useless, Jiraiya can’t hide his anxiety. The ninjas that posses the Rinnegan, what are their secrets?

Jiraiya: Damn, under the situation where my jutsus were nullified, it’s hard for me to face these three persons.

Jiraiya: If I continued to fight…

Jiraiya: Even with the Hermit mode, I will be killed. I’ve never thought he would be so strong…

Since we’ve reached this situation,

Toad Pa: Little Jiraiya, let’s retreat temporarily now.

Jiraiya: …alright

Pein: …

Pein: He escaped to the tunnel?


Jiraiya: Why are we retreating?

Toad Pa: We need time to analyse the rokudo and come out with a counter.

Toad Pa: Although they have different viewing angle, they all share the same eyes.

Toad Pa: In other words, all possess the Rinnegan.

Jiranya: Even if only one of them is Nagato, I still couldn’t believe that each of them possesses the Rinnegan.

Jiraiya: What the hell is going on?!

Jiraiya: Which one of them is the real Pein…

Toad Pa: whoever is the real Pein is not important, the key is, everyone of them has the Rinnegan of Rokudo.

Jiraiya: …

Jiraiya: Pein… Just who the hell is he?

Toad Pa: Right now we still don’t know what kind of tricks he can pull, but we can briefly get a point…

Toad Pa: that three of them share the same vision, that should be the ability of those eyes.

Toad Ma: So what’s going on? What advantages does he have?

Toad Pa: Let me explain briefly…

Toad Pa: Each one of them has the view with the like of surveillance. It’s like viewing three different views from different surveillances at once.

Toad Pa: In other words, if one discovered the target, the other two will know even if they didn’t catch the view directly. As a result they can attack or defend with the best timing.

Toad Pa: Their eyesight is the triple of normal person. It’s different from byakugan that they can cover each other’s dead angles even when molding charka and doing hand seals. This is the strongest combination.

Jiraiya: We must separate them to fight, on a one-on-one battle, we will win…

Jiraiya: With eyes like that, normally the three people’s combination attack will be their basic strategy.

Jiraiya: First of all, we would lose with taijutsu.

Jiraiya: And our ninjutsu will be absorbed.

Toad Pa: If taijutsu and ninjutsu are useless, that leaves us Genjutsu.

Jiraiya: I’m clueless with genjutsu, so two of you…

Toad Pa: Since he was once your apprentice, he should know that you don’t know any genjutsu

Toad Pa: So he might be taking advantage of that…

Toad Ma: No! I don’t want to use any genjutsu!!

Jiraiya: Wh… Why…?

Toad Pa: le sigh…

Toad Pa: Kid’s mom, this battle matters to the world peace, is it the time to be bitchy!

Toad Ma: I don’t care about the prophecy of that old clumsy!

Toad Pa: Isn’t old grandpa sama wants us to live in peace!

Jiraiya: Wh… Why do you hate to use genjutsu?

Toad Ma: With my age how can I have a duet with that kid’s dad?

Toad Ma: It’s embarrassing!

Jiraiya: Ah? Duet?

Toad Pa: Our strongest genjutsu is using songs to confuse their hearing and make them fall into genjutsu.

Jiraiya: Hearing… that’s why we need to retreat just now.

Toad Pa: Indeed, however stronger this jutsu is, the problem of it is when we initiate the singing, our location will be exposed.

Toad Pa: And to combine the music together and let the opponent hear it, it would take some times before they can fall into genjutsu.

Toad Pa: If we exposed our location and let the opponent caught us before they fell into genjutsu, we would lose.

Toad Pa: However, once they were in our genjutsu, we will take the victory.

Jiraiya: …

Jiraiya: If the situation next threatens your life, please disappear from my shoulders right away.

Toad Pa: No way, this battle will matter the future of ninja world!

Jiraiya: I have an idea, let’s gamble on it…
Toad Pa: Do speak…

Pein: What is that...?

Pein: This is… the frog sound…

Pein: This is… genjutsu!?

Pein: It came from deep down there.

Pein: Ku…

Pein: Kagebunshi!

Jiraiya: Katon- Dai Endan!! (Big Flaming Ball)

Fat Pein: So he attacks huh?

Jiraiya: Alright, we got him

Jiraiya: That fatty already went there to absorb the jutsu.

Jiraiya: The first person only knows Kuchiyose.

Jiraiya: Then the fatty absorbed our jutsus twice.

Jiraiya: So it’s just like how we speculated, each one of them has only one ability from the system.

Jiraiya: Right now, the fatty is facing the direction of the fire jutsu

Jiraiya: With that, we eliminate one of their view.

And those eyes that face here…

Jiraiya: Are left with two!

Pein: He also execute the jutsu here!

Jiraiya: Got him!

Jiraiya: This is the swamp of the underworld!

Jiraiya: We are close to it...

Jiraiya: With that, the battle is one-on-one from now!

heading towards victory!

No 378: Jiraiya vs Pein, the conclusion is?! (woo another conclusion ending text since sasori’s battle )

Next: The secret…

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Jaaku - 07 nov 19, 18:52:53
Hozzászólás áthelyezve a " Naruto Shippuuen Manga" témába. Ide csak a következő manga kiadása előtt nyilvánosságra került spoilerek jöhetnek. - Chakra

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 nov 21, 20:39:48

kijött még 2 spoiler időközben :)

Naruto in a simple [summary].

The three Pains bound by their minds in the genjutsu are captured, and the three people are killed by Jiraiya.
When Jiraiya relaxes with an expression of relief that his choice is over,
at his back a Pain with a face different from the killed three materializes, and then he runs outside and Jiraiya loses his left arm.
"Pain Rikudou... a meeting here" [this is the line on the pic]
6 Pains materialize, including the three who were just killed.
It's the pattern of someone who could perfectly revive dead people in the midst of a new summoning. [not sure how to translate this line]
Jiraiya: Pain... What the hell are you
Pain: Pain... that is the name of what we 6 people are called.
Jiraiya: How, the 6 of you with the Rinnegan...
Jiraiya: !!
Jiraiya: Y.. You...
It ends with a panel of an impatient look in Jiraiya's eyes.

Jiraiya: ...It's time to kill these guys
Pa: You said it
Pa kills the unblinded Pain with fire from his mouth
Jiraiya oils up the other Pains and Pa ingnites them.

Sasuke follows Itachi into the uchiha lair
He stairs at his brother
Sasuke: did you bring me here?
Itachi: I want to explain to you...everything
Sasuke: I don't need your explaination, I need you dead!
Itachi...foolish baby have no idea why I killed the clan do you?
Itachi: I killed them because of...
Sasuke launches into the air getting ready to draw a Chidori sword
Itachi: YOU!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 07 nov 22, 10:15:28
Another Naruto 378 Spoilers

Jiraiya: Hmph, so they can use those eyes to their advantage.

Ma: How troublesome is that!

Pa: Be quiet ma, let him think!

Jiraiya: This is tragic, I guess I'll have to use one of my final four.

Ma/Pa: ?!...

Jiraiya: Haha, that's right - you two don't know about those jutsus. They're...kind've forbidden.

Pein: Well sensei, what will it be? I'm not even worked up yet.

Jiraiya: Heh, that's because you've got tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumb doing your dirty work. Either way, I'm ending this.

Jiraiya summons a scroll

Ma: What the?
Pa: That scroll has your name on it, how can that be?

Jiraiya smirks.

Jiraiya: It's a portion of my life force, I'll be needing it if I'm going to be summoning Gods.

Ma/Pa: ?!


Jiraiya: I was saving this summon for Orochimaru since I know how much he loves snakes...The great snake God Muchalinda.

Pa thinking: he must've split his life force in order to avoid using all of it as a sacrifice. So, that means the other three are...

Jiraiya clasps his hands together.

Jiraiya: Here goes!

"What exactly are Jiraiya's final four? And what is this art of God Summoning Jiraiya speaks of?!"

Next Chapter Naruto 379 : The Beast That Is Pein.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 nov 23, 01:59:51
Legutobbi spoiler:
Naruto has bad feeling about Sasuke, he believes that he needs help.
Team Hebi arrives to Konohas hideout, it seems that they have help from the sky, sasuke feels something. Tweet tweet, SFX birds singing.
The Scene Changes to Konan. Pein and konan are having a chat about the situation betwen him and Jiraiya. (It seems that pein describes it as a game, not sure about the kanji used there.)
The chat ends and she dissapears.
The scene changes to Jiraiya, Pa frog and Ma frog
The genjutsu stops pein
Suddenly an explosion happens.
Six bodies appears

Next Chapter: Past Time | Time Past

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Dei-dei - 07 nov 23, 10:22:50
Az előző fordítása;

Naruto-nak rossz érzése van Sasukével kapcsolatban, úgy gondolja, hogy segítségre van szüksége.
A Hebi csapat megérkezik a konohai búvóhelyre, úgy tűnik hogy az égből segítik őket. *madárcsipogás*
A kép átugrik Konan-hoz. Pein és Konan a Pein és Jiraiya közötti szituáióról beszélgetnek. (Olyan, mintha Pein úgy írná le mint egy játékot)
A beszélgetésnek vége és Konan eltűnik.
A kép Jiraiya-hoz és a két békához ugrik.
A genjutsu megállítja Peint.
Hirtelen egy nagy robbanás 'történik' (Na ez most így furán hangzik :-X )
6 ember tűnik fel.

Következő fejezet; Az idő múlása/Az eltelt idő

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 nov 23, 12:15:36
gyenge mínőségű raw kijött :)

Chapter 379: Jiraiya's choice!!

Cover page with 3 Pains
Surprise, shock, despair. Even Jiraiya blurted out, "What in the world is Pain?"

Page 38 (Image 001-1)
Top box caption: finally a 1-to-1 combat...Jiraiya moving towards his victory!!

Image 002
Top box
Jiraiya: I won't let you use Kuchiyose!
Bottom middle
Pain: ku..!

Image 003
Bottom (right to left)
Pain: I'm deceived...?
Jiraiya: You're inside the Kaneshibari Genjutsu that traps the soul. Now, you cannot move your true body.

Image 004-1
Big picture (speech bubble not clear)
Pain: Jiraiya sensei... to think that I'm trapped by you in this genjutsu

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: I don't let my guard down with whoever I fight with. I've taught you that...Nagato...
Jiraiya: have made a mistake in your role...

Image 005
Top picture
"I only want to protect the two of them. No matter what kind of suffering I have to go through."

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: Instead of guiding the world with pain, you should overcome the pain with your strength. That was what I hoped you could accomplish.

Image 006
Top picture
Old sage frog: This disciple will become a ninja who can bring about a great revolution to the shinobi world in the future.

Middle (right to left)
Old sage frog: He will bring either peace that the world has never seen before...or destruction...the world will revolutionise through either ways...

Jiraiya: I believed in you for a while

Bottom middle
Jiraiya: Farewell.

Image 007
Pain: Aah...urrghh...

Image 008
Top (right to left)
Jiraiya:'s over...
Frog Ma and Pa were coughing violently.

Middle (right to left)
Jiraiya: Are you alright?!
Frog Pa: This genjutsu song has taken a toll on the throat.
Frog Ma: It's a hella hardship to match the rhythm with Pa! It's not something that you can do with ease! My throat hurts! My lower jaw is loose from stretching it! I'll have wrinkles!!

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: I'm so sorry about that...please have a good rest later.
Jiraiya: that's because my choice is completed for now.

Image 009
Big pic
Pain: You've supposedly taught me not to let down my guard... Jiraiya sensei

Image 010
Jiraiya got knocked through the wall and he fell into the water.
Bottom left picture
Jiraiya: urgh...

Image 011
Top big picture
Frog Ma: Boy! Your left arm is...!!
Jiraiya: I know...

Middle (right to left)
Frog Pa: What's the meaning of this?!!
Jiraiya: Their faces look different from the 3 earlier...I'm afraid they could be summoned by the kuchiyose earlier...
Frog Pa: ...really...that's before they were finished in our genjutsu...!

Bottom left picture
Pain: well now...

Image 012
<no speech bubbles> 

Image 013
Pains: Pain Rikudou...

Image 014
Pains: is here.

Image 015
First row (top to bottom)
Jiraiya: ....

Second row (right to left)
Frog Pa: six people...?! Six people here?!
Frog Ma: !!? OMG look! The three earlier are here also, can you see?!

Third row
Jiraiya: One of the new guys summoned must have revived them with some kind of jutsu...!
Frog Ma: Is that a jutsu that allows the resurrection of all three people that have died completely earlier?!! Are they human or not?!!
Jiraiya: ...Pain...what in the world are you!?!

Image 016
Middle (right to left)
Pain: Pain...that's a term to refer to all six of us.
Jiraiya: Why do all six of you possess the Rin'negan...?

Bottom (right to left)
Jiraiya: !! are...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 nov 24, 00:30:00
Shippuuden Manga 379 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 380. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 nov 28, 13:14:49
Első spoiler :)

Jitaiya: You... that face... Are you Yahiko!? What the hell does it mean?
Yahiko is dead... furthermore those eyes...
Pain: Can you see Yahiko in me? You really are his old mentor. But it is too late,
Yahiko is already dead. This who is in front of you is Pain.
Jiraiya: Stop shitchatting. Why do you have the Rin'negan?
Mama or papa toad: What are you talking about, Jiraiya-chan?
Jiraiya: As a former apprentice of mine, I know how is he like (how he thinks).
But that child didn't have that appearance (meaning the Rinnegan I suppose).
How on earth that happened? Did the destiny child's prediction mean two people?
Jiraiya: Then you are Yahiko... Why are you using an alias?
Pain: I am Pain... a god.

Tsunade: This unpleasant rain continues...
Shizune: Jiraiya-sama will be ok... He will be back soon...
Tsunade: If he doesn't manage to come back, I will go there to fight.
I will certainly lose my gamble. (meaning Jiraiya won't die, you all know if Tsunade wins means that something is going terribly wrong)
Shizune: Yes...

Karin: This threatening chakra! Furthermore, he is fast! I can do it!
Suigetsu: You are...!
Kisame: From here on Sasuke-kun will proceed alone.
That's Itachi-san's order... or I will have to make the rest of you wait here by force.
Sasuke: All right. The platoon will remain here
This is one-to-one. If you enter, it will only be a nuisance; my wish is that you remain here... got it? (took some liberty here and rearranged the sentence XD)
Karin: Sasuke! That can't be! All members must go in order to bring him down!
Kisame: I am not in a fighting mood. (Seriously!? First time I read that Kisame doesn't want a fight XD)

Some talk between Suigetsu and Kisame

Kakashi and the others meet Tobi; Kakashi says something about the book Kabuto gave to Naruto (seems that Tobi is not in the list). Naruto says to Tobi not to get in his way and starts the fight.

Scene back to Itachi and Sasuke
Itachi: That Sharingan.... You can see me anywhere.
Sasuke: See you anywhere you say? What I envision now, Itachi...
is the way you are going to die

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Luya-chan - 07 nov 28, 16:17:31
Ugyanez kicsit másképp  :)
Jiraiya: That're...Yahiko? Just what on earth's going on? You said Yahiko was dead...and those eyes...


Pain: So, you recognize my features as Yahiko' a our former teacher would, I must say. However, he's long dead. He who stands before you is Pain.


Jiraiya:Enough of that nonesense! How is it you have Rinnegan?


Frogs: What's wrong, Jiraiya-cha?


Jiraiya: Another one of my former apprentices is among them. But he didn't have Rinnegan before.


Frongs: What in tarnation's going on? Not one, but two child of prophecies in there?


Jiraiya: Yahiko? Nagato? Just who or what are you?

Pain: We are Pain...God.

Scene change.

Tsunade: Just keeps pouring and pouring, doesn't it...

Shizune: Jiraiya-Sama will be'll take quite the -


Tsunade: He's not coming back...that's where I put my bet...and I'm bound to lose, you know.

Shizune: Right...

Scene change.

Karin: A tremendous chakra! And fast! Here it comes!

Suigetsu: You're...!

Kisame: I'll have to ask Sasuke to proceed from here on alone. Such were Itachi-san's orders. I'll kindly ask the rest of you to wait here.

Saskue: No problem. The reason I put together a group in the first place was to assure nobody interfered with my one on one this is perfect.

Karin: No, Sasuke! We take this guy down and go together!

Kisame: For my part, I've no intention of fighting you. Neither will I have mercy, however, should you attempt to force your way through.

Sasuke: Karin... you guys wait here. This is my vengeance.

Suigetsu: Hoshigaki Kisame...and Daitou(Great Sword), Samehada...It's me, Hozuki Mangetsu's younger brother, Hozuki Suigetsu.

Kisame: Well indeed! I failed to recognize you, my boy. You've certainly grown there, Suigetsu.


Suigetsu: It'll be pretty boring to just stand here waiting for Sasuke, mind helping me kill some time, Kisame Sempai?

Kisame: Unlike your brother, you seem quite the naughty little boy. I believe I'd do well to shave a little off the top...

Juugo: Suigetsu, you're just gonna ignore Sasuke's orders?

Scene change.

Tobi: Hey, it's the Konoha gang! What a coincidence bumping into you guys here! And just my luck, I'm outnumbered eight to one!

Kakashi: This guy wasn't on the Akatsuki list Kabuto left us...

Tobi: Oh, I'm the new guy! Nice to meet'cha!

Kakashi: No one try anything reckless...we're playing it safe. Numbers are overwhelmingly in our favor, after all.

Tobi: Oh, dear I to believe I'm being underestimated? Lil' ole me?

Naruto rasengans him from behind.

Naruto: Out of the way!

Tobi: *Guah*...not!

Naruto goes right through Tobi's body (read: he doesn't harm him. Just like when Sasuke's sword went through, nevermind, bad mental image just conjured up).

Scene changes.

Itachi: Your Sharingan...just how far can you see?


Sasuke: How far can I see? The only thing on these eyes right now, your bloody corpse

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 nov 30, 05:03:14
a Raw képek :)


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 07 nov 30, 08:41:20
accem borító :P

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 dec 01, 16:57:57
Shippuuden Manga 380 RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 381. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 07 dec 05, 14:57:21
THE true secret! Front cover is Tobi
Yamato: !
Kiba: He slipped through?
Naruto: ch! Genjutsu?
Kakashi: no,its not
Tobi: Its not genjutsu
My body is just really a little....different and special from the others...
Tobi's head up
Tobi: n? What's this?
Naruto's face looks at Tobi
Tobi: uwaaa! Suddenly, the team with the kyuubi's human sacriface just appeared before me!
Naruto: !

Itachi: this a matter of death?
  「この場所は 決着を付ける には もっとも相応しい」
This place is decided on to be more appropriate
(roughly translated here)
To put an end to things
Sasuke: The place doesn't matter, stand Itachi
Itachi: That hate of yours too, this place fits
Do you know what kind of a place this is? Sasuke
From what you see on the map on the ground, how often do you visited?
Itachi stands
Itachi: at that time, it was said to be the Uchiha's household eye, the true secret
Everything starts from here and everything ends here
The writing of the charactor "fox" , the two person who meets back face to face (roughly translated)

Appears infront of Kakashi, Yamato and Naruto
Tobi: what should I do this? Actually because of me alone, its intense? Deidara-san is also dead. It looks like there is someone strong.
Kakashi and Yamato looks
Leader likes to go against orders and do whatever he pleases, as i thought , looks like i have to do this.
Kakashi: Yamato, take care of Naruto
Sakura: Naruto.....
The leaf prepares for battle
Tobi: I don't know about the sannin, you can forget about him.
He's an idiot
Kakashi: Impossible
Yamato: Jiraya-sama is...
Naruto: What are you saying? What happened to ero hermit!
Tobi: haha, even if we don't panic, soon he will die
Tobi: The people at the headquarters seem to have started. Until the people over there finishes, there's still time.
Let's play a little here.

At the village, Tsunade looks at the rain in the mid air
Tsunade: You..! Where have you been for a half year!
Jiraya: Erm, been there a bit
Tsunade: ....
Jiraya: oh? what's this? were worried about me?
a shone Tsunade's punch
Orochimaru: You guys, never change
end of flashback
Tsunade: It won't change, no matter how many years passes
To be continued!
orori: The rain's mid prayer. From now I will be the strongest!

Sorry for the rough translation
4th battle!!

[a csatolmányt egy admin törölte]

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: lovag - 07 dec 05, 15:43:49

381 story VS dawn ...! ! !

Itachi: Hmm...
Itachi stood up from the throne.
Itachi: Show me the amount of hate you possess...Sasuke.
Sasuke's expression became grim.
The battle between Sasuke and Itachi.

Stirrin up - fight between the two warriors...!

Scene change to Konoha team.
Naruto's thoughts: went right through?!
Naruto: What in the hell happened dattebayo?!
Kakashi: Looks like we've met another troublesome fellow...
Konoha team were equally shocked.
Tobi: Ahaha, you're surprised, aren't ya? Actually I'm an invisible man. That's why your attack is not effective at, can you hand over Uzumaki Naruto kun to me quietly?
Kiba: Don't fool around with me! It's just some kind of jutsu isn't it?!
Kiba ate something that looks like the soldier pill.
The Konoha team split to the left and right while Kiba and Akamaru charged towards Tobi with Gatsuuga.
However, (Kiba/Akamaru) went through...
Kiba: Cheh...!
Kiba gnashed his teeth...
During this moment, insects were gathering under Tobi's feet...
Shino tried to cover Tobi with insects but it was of course futile...
Next, Sai drew a picture of a wolf with his drawing technique and attacked Tobi from the rear.
That was also useless.
Hinata used Byakugan to look at Tobi.
Hinata: At where I see...there is nothing unusual with his chakra movements...
Sakura's thoughts: Nothing works did this fellow...
Tobi: So are ya done with yer evaluation?
Naruto: Damnit...Let me do it once more...
Kakashi: Hang on, Naruto. Attacking recklessly only wastes chakra.
Naruto: Then what shall we do...
Kakashi: Everyone stand back a bit.
Kakashi's eye became the Mangekyou Sharingan...
Naruto: !
Kakashi: This will be finished shortly.
Kakashi: Mangekyou Sharingan...!!

Scene change to Jiraiya and Pain...
Jiraiya escaping along the buildings...
He was chased after by the 6 bodies of Pain...
Jiraiya's thoughts: No matter how hard I try, I cannot win with 6 against 1...
Jiraiya: What shall I do in such a situation?
Frog Pa: Shall we form an ambush to defeat him....Shall we all retreat? Which is a better option...?
Jiraiya: I can't come here just to escape. The former option is...
Frog Ma: Idiot!!! What's the fella who's just lost his arm sayin'?! Flee for this while so that you recover!
Frog Pa: That's a reason here...
Jiraiya: ...Fine, let's do it then.
Jiraiya dashed around the buildings at top speed...
As soon as the Pains approached, Frog Pa used a large smokescreen...
Pain lost sight of Jiraiya...
Pain: Disperse.
The six Pains left in different directions...
Jiraiya: We've shaken off their lead well...
Frog Ma: Look for a hiding place quickly...
However, the fat Pain saw all these from a great distance.

Scene change to Kisame and Suigetsu...
Suigetsu drew out his sword and looked at Kisame who was on the electric post.
Then he jumped up and slashed.
Kisame used Samehada to parry the blow and Suigetsu was hit back.
Suigetsu landed behind on top of a building...
Karin and Juugo: !
Suigetsu looks like slime (i.e. how he looked when Karin threw him a punch XD).
Karin's thoughts: This man possesses incredible strength...! With one hand...he parried off Suigetsu who was holding the blade with two hands...moreover, he did not lose balance and fall off that unstable electric post...
Suigetsu:'re indeed strong...I can't win like this.
Suwolbong ?
Suigetsu's arm muscles swelled.

Scene change again to Konoha team...
Tobi: Uwaaaaa!! Tobi escapes from the dimension....
Kakashi aimed his attack at Tobi's torso...
Kakashi: This is the end.
Kakashi opened his eyes...
However, nothing had happened...
Kakashi: ...?
Kakashi focused his attack on Tobi's torso but it did not fly off to the other dimension.
At this juncture, Kakashi's eyes met Tobi's Sharingan.
Kakashi's thoughts: This fellow...!!
Kakashi halted the dimension. Ending,
Tobi: Arara? What's up?

Stirring up - Threat...! ...! The true power of the unfathomable Tobi...!!!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 07 dec 05, 19:50:49

381 story VS dawn ...! ! !

Itachi: Hmm...
Itachi felállt a trónról.
Itachi: Mutasd meg mennyi gyűlölet van benned...Sasuke.
Sasuke arckifejezése fenyegetővé vált.
A csata Sasuke és Itachi között.

Izgalmas – harc két harcos egymással küzd...!

Színhely:  Konoha team.
Naruto gondolatai: egyszerűen átment rajta?!
Naruto: Mi a fene történt, dattebayo?!
Kakashi: Úgy tűnik megint egy problémás fickóval állunk szemben...
Konoha team tagjai egyaránt megdöbbenve.
Tobi: Ahaha, meglepődtetek, nem igaz? Valójában láthatatlan vagyok. Ezért volt a támadásod teljesen hatástalan...szóval, átadjátok nekem Uzumaki Naruto kunt harc nélkül?
Kiba: Ne hülyéskedj velem! Ez csak egy valamilyen jutsu, nem igaz?!
Kiba megevett vmi soldier pill-félét.
Konoha team jobb és bal oldalra oszlott, Kiba és Akamaru megtámadta Tobit a Gatsuugával.
Tobi: Nagyon...gyors...
Azonban, (Kiba/Akamaru) átmentek rajta...
Kiba: Cheh...!
Kiba a fogát csikorgatta...
Ezalatt rovarok gyűltek Tobi lába alatt...
Shino megpróbálta Tobit bogarakkal beteríteni, persze hasztalanul...
Eztán, Sai rajzolt egy farkast a rajzoló jutsujával és hátulról támadta meg Tobit.
Ez a támadás is haszontalan maradt.
Hinata Byakugannal nézte Tobit.
Hinata: Amint látom...a csakra mozgása teljesen szokványos...
Sakura gondolatai: Semmi nem működik...hogy csinálta...
Tobi:  Szóval befejeztétek a méricskélésemet?
Naruto: Fenébe...még egyszer megpróbálom...
Kakashi: Várj, Naruto. Egy vakmerő támadással csak pazarlod a csakrád.
Naruto: Akkor mit fogunk tenni...
Kakashi: Mindenki álljon kicsit hátrébb.
Kakashi szeme Mangekyou Sharinganná változott...
Naruto: !
Kakashi: Így már hamar vége lesz.
Kakashi: Mangekyou Sharingan...!!

Színhely: Jiraiya és Pain...
Jiraiya az épületek közt menekül...
Pain 6 teste üldözi...
Jiraiya gondolatai: Nem számít milyen keményen küzdök, nem győzhetek egyedül 6 ellen...
Jiraiya: Mit tegyek egy ilyen helyzetben?
Frog Pa: támadjunk lesből....Vagy vonuljunk vissza? Melyik jobb...?
Jiraiya: Nem azért jöttem, hogy elmeneküljek.
Frog Ma: Idióta!!! Mit magyaráz az arc, aki épp most veszítette el az karját! Menekülj, hogy közben kicsit összeszedd magad!
Frog Pa: Ez nyomós indok...
Jiraiya: ...Rendben akkor legyen így.
Jiraiya ugrabugrál az épületeken iszonyat gyorsan...
Amint Pain közeledett Frog Pa egy nagy ködfelhőt vont maguk köré...
Pain lszem elől tévesztette Jiraiyat...
Pain: Szétszóródni!
A 6 Pain szétvált különböző irtányokba...
Jiraiya: Leráztuk őket...
Frog Ma: Gyorsan, keress egy rejtekhelyet...
Azonban, a dagi Pain bár nagyon messze volt, látta mindezt.

Színhely: Kisame és Suigetsu...
Suigetsu kivonta a kardját, és Kisamére pillantot, aki a villanypóznán volt.
Aztán felé ugrott és suhintott a karddal.
Kisame a Samehadaval elhárította az ütést, és  Suigetsu hátrarepült.
Suigetsu egy épület tetején ért földet...
Karin és Juugo: !
Suigetsu mosolygott (azaz, olyan fejet vágott, mikor karin lekvert neki egyet XD).
Karin gondolatai: Ez az ember hihetetlen erős...! Félkézzel...kivédte Suigetsu támadását, aki két kézzel markolta a kardját..ráadásul, mégcsak ki sem billent az egyensúlyából és le sem esett arról a labilis villanypóznáról...
Suigetsu: Ah....tényleg erős vagy...Így nem fogok nyerni.
Suwolbong ?
Suigetsu karizmai dagadnak.

Színhely: Konoha team..
Tobi: Uwaaaaa!! Tobi kikerüli Kakashi dimenziókapuját....
Kakashi Tobi testét vette célba..
Kakashi: Itt a vége.
Kakashi kinyitotta a szemeit...
Azonban semmi nem történt...
Kakashi: ...?
Kakashi Tobi testére koncentrálta a támadását, de Tobi nem repült át egy másik dimenzióba.
Kakashi szemei találkoznak Tobi Sharinganjával.
Kakashi gondolatai: Ez a fickó...!!
Kakashi befejezi a jutsuját.
Tobi: Arara? Mi az?

Izgalmas  - Veszélyes...! ...! A kifürkészhetetlen Tobi igazi ereje...!!!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Rei - 07 dec 06, 16:07:48

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: lovag - 07 dec 06, 16:44:16
Chapter starts off with Konoha team and Tobi

Tobi: Thought you got me didn’t ya?
Naruto: ? What the hell?
Kakashi: get back everyone this is no ordinary enemy

Everyone stands back as Kakashi starts to lift up his headband

Tobi: ? Ahh so you are the one Deidara Sempai was talking about? The copy ninja?
Naruto: Stop with your bulls*** how did I miss?
Tobi: Ahh shut up I am not talking to you now!; So Kakashi?? How about I beat you right here right now with my one hit KO!
Kakashi: Stay back everyone I’ll handle this

Kakashi lifts his headband up to reveal his sharingan

Scene switches to Suigetsu and Kisame

Suigetsu: Sorry to make you fight me Kisame Sempai; but you know how us young mist kind have such an itch to start trouble
Kisame: Ahh I know it well; reminds me of me when I was younger, but listen kid you have a lot of catching up to do.
Suigetsu: Well----

Karin interrupts

Karin: You guys sound like idiots! You want to fight yet you guys are talking like your family; You guys are sick, let’s go Juugo we are going after sasuke

Kisame: Oh no you’re not

Suddenly Kisame clasps his hands together and water begins to accumulate around team Hebi;

Kisame: Sorry brats this ends here,

Suddenly the water turns into a giant vortex and heads at Team Hebi

Scene switches to Jiraiya;

Jiraiya: Damnit…This is bad

Pain: So this is how the great Jiraiya will end? Missing an arm and beaten by god; pathetic, however I commend you on lasting this long, however this is over

All six Pains join hands and start chanting
Pain: You will now see the ultimate power of Pain

Suddenly everything turns to blackness

Pain: “World Great Pestilence"

Jiraiya: ! s***! This is…..

Scene switches to Sasuke and Itachi

Itachi: My death? Foolish brother you know nothing

Suddenly crows start flying all around Sasuke while Itachi continues to sit in the throne

Sasuke: Im foolish, your use of the sharingan has diminished I can tell

Sasuke emits Chidori out of his body hitting all the crows, however they keep flying around

Itachi: Now you will know the truth; your true purpose, my true intensions

Suddenly Sasuke is back at the village the night the clan was slaughtered
However this time he sees Itachi lying face down breathing hard and a masked man standing over him….its Tobi!!!!

Sasuke: What is this? What are you doing?

Itachi with his Mangekyou activated

Itachi: It will all be become much clearer, but first show me what you have spent years trying to get

Sasuke smirks

Sasuke: Hmph You’ll regret that request, who is the foolish one now?

Sasuke closes his eyes,

Chapter ends here……..

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 dec 07, 23:24:28
Shippuuden Manga 381. a főoldalon. Mostantól a 382. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 07 dec 12, 11:50:24
valszeg Fake de hátha...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 dec 12, 13:05:58
Verification: Pending
Type: Japanese script with translation
Source: NF
Credits: Conan (Edogawa)

Jiraiya left the rest up to Naruto and then collapsed (dead)
Frog PA is the messenger
Tinking about it Jiraiya had a crappy life
women didn't like him (he was turned down a lot)... his friend betrayed him...he couldn't save his teacher or his students..

Jiraiya was the one who named naruto.
Jiraiya gave naruto his name.

Jiraiya a többit Narutora hagyja és összeesik (meghal)

Béka Pa az üzenet közvetítő

(többi szerintem a spoiler szerzőjének a véleménye, de azért leírom)

Jiraiyanak silány élete volt

A nők nem szerették (sokszor kikosarazták)... a barátja elárulta... nem tudta megmenteni a tanárát sem és a tanítványait sem...

Jiraiya adta Narutonak a nevét.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 07 dec 12, 18:22:30

pein: i've longed for your vessel jiraiya sensei
jiraiya: what have you become nagato?
pein: so you've realised my true identity?
pein: well somewhat, i am pein, but nagato at the same time.
pein: these are mearly my 6 paths, my 6 horsemen of apacolypse
jiraiya: ....
pein: the devil has, 4, and i have 6, am i not a god?
jiraiya: you are a disgrace
pein: and now, you are mine

scene switches to itachi and sasuke

itachi: death is merely a precursor to greatness for one such as i.
sasuke: quit squabbling, your end is near.
itachi: what can you see sasuke?
itachi: for an MS user, death is only a process of reincarnation into a next vessel.
sasuke: ...
itachi: well then, what can you see?
sasuke: i told you already

-sasuke charges in with chidori

-itachi dodges, but it was a bunshin, sasuke appears behind itachi with his sword at his neck

-itachi turns into crows, then looks at sasuke with MS.

orochimaru: itachi, you're not such a genius after all

-orochimaru leaps from sasukes conciousness to itachis

Elder Toad 1: What relvance does the world of the humans have to us frogs.....why do we owe them anything

Elder Toad 2: If we leave the human world to be devoured by this evil the effects could be adverse on our world as well

Elder Toad 3: Even if we were to side with the humans...they are all misguided by greed, hatrid, and sloath to be trusted

Elder Toad 4: Enough we should allow the Toad Sage to deciede, he has the gift of forsight

Elder Toad 1: Very well what do you see

Toad Sage: The one who is worthy to learn the art of toads will be blessed with the mark of demon fox

Toad Sage: This shinobi will bring balance to the human world if we are to teach him, but he will expand the art of ninjutsu which will bring many years of pain to the human world in the future

Elder Frog 2: If he is the only one who can defeat this evil then we must find him, but where does such a man exsist

Elder Frog 3: There is only one that has such a mark is the child named....Naruto

Elder Frog 4: So this naruto is the one destined to defeat the eight head dragon Yamato no Orochi the god of the dark snake clan and master of the sixth paths

Elder Frog 1: Rikudo Sannin!

the chapter ends with Pain calling himself Rikudo Sannin

Side Text: The destined battle of the dragon and the fox is reborn again, will naruto plunge the world into chaos or save it ????

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 dec 12, 20:41:39
No. 382: The End...!!

Scene @ Tsunade

Tsunade: ..........!!
Shizune: What's the matter?
Tsunade: ......
She looks as if she wanted to say something but no words came out.
Shizune: ?
Tsunade:'s been a long while since things turn out the same as my bet...

Scene where Jiraiya was stabbed by the five.
Jiraiya: Urghh!!
Beanhead: !!
Beanhead was hit by Rasengan and he flew off.
Yahiko Pain: It's futile.
Jiraiya's back was pierced by 5 of those "seaweeds" (the black rope thingy).
Beanhead stood up.
Beanhead: ...
Jiraiya: Gwaahh!! (I cannot compress the chakra fully...)
Head: Draw it out now!
Jiraiya: seems like it's the end for me here...
Head: ...
Jiraiya: Moreover, my finally over...
Head: Jiraiya chan...
Jiraiya: You kept me company till the end...I give my thanks...
Yahiko: ...
Jiraiya: ...following that...
Jiraiya said something to Head.
Head: I understand.
Yahiko Pain: The conversation ends here....
Pain was going to aim an attack at Head using the seaweed spear.
However, Jiraiya shielded it with his back.
Jiraiya: ....Head...!
Head: Ahh...
Head went off.
Yahiko Pain: Only the information is left....
Jiraiya: are...
Yahiko Pain: It's the end.
Yahiko Pain forms a handseal.
Jiraiya: Ku....!?
Jiraiya fell to the front.

Jiraiya floats in a very dark space.
In front of Jiraiya floats a boy with black hair.
Jiraiya: are...
Rin'negan can be seen.
Jiraiya: are you Nagato...?
Nagato: .....
Rin'negan looks up.
Jiraiya: I that's what happened.

Pains surrounded the fallen Jiraiya.
Yahiko Pain: ....
Jiraiya opened his eyes.
The eyes are Rin'negan.
Jiraiya: Ok...let's go hunt the Kyuubi, shall we?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 07 dec 13, 09:01:00
No.382 終わり……!!

Jiraiya lays on the floor...
Pein: Jiraiya sensei... it is your fault that you are experiencing pain...
Jiraiya: God damnit... how did I lose to you!
Pein: ...

The scenery changes in the woods

Team Kakashi are in a battle between Tobi!

Tobi: Oh wow, you guys suck dont you...
Kakashi: ...
Naruto: Gr..... who the hell are you, WHERES SASUKE?!?!?
Tobi: *sticks middle finger*
Naruto: Grrr!!

Naruto creates shadow clones and charges Tobi!

Tobi: It is time... that I reveal to you of my rinnegan sharingan... ACTIVATE
Naruto: .....
Kakashi: ....

A blinding light!? Everyone is on the floor... except tobi and a shadowy figure. The shadowry figure turned to be Naruto with the rinnegan eye!?!?

Naruto: What the....

The two Uchiha brothers stand next to each other...

Itachi: Little brother.... there is something you need to know...
Sasuke: !?
Itachi: Tobi... is madara... and i have adapted Sasuke... I have grown powerful...
Sasuke: ?! What are you talking about! *turns on sharingan*
Itachi: Sigh... it is time for you to die little brother...

Itachi opens his eye. The rinnegan sharingan!?!?

End of Chapter 382

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 07 dec 13, 13:58:35

*Wow... Naruto szülei láthatóak
*Jiraiya adta Narutonak a "Naruto" nevet, és így ő lett Naruto keresztapja vagy mifene =D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 dec 14, 14:16:49
RAW-hoz itt egy fordítás (ami a főoldalról tölthető le), amit Pazuzu nevű emberke csinált:

382: The Real Choice!!

Text: Jiraiya finally unveils the secret...and is attacked by Pain!

Jiraiya: Yes! I know who Pain really is!


Jiraiya: I have to...tell them who Pain is...

Toad: *garbled, I believe Jiraiya can't hear him clearly*


Jiraiya: Damn!
Jiraiya: At this rate...

Jiraiya: No...
Jiraiya: It's all going fuzzy...

Jiraiya: Am I...
Jiraiya: to die here?

Jiraiya: To fail?


Jiraiya: Being a shinobi is not abut how you live, but how you die...

Jiraiya: A shinobi's life is evaluated not by how they lived, but by what they accomplished before they died...

Jiraiya: ...when I think about it, my life has been nothing but failures.


Jiraiya: Constantly rejected by Tsunade...

Jiraiya: Unable to stop my friend...

Jiraiya: Unable to protect my master and student...

Jiraiya: When I look at everything the Hokages have done...
Jiraiya: my life seems like a waste...


Jiraiya: I wanted to die like the Hokages did.

Jiraiya: Our stories are decided by the bonds we hold at the very end.

Jiraiya: Nothing wrong with failing! I carried on with the belief that all of these ordeals just made me stronger.
Jiraiya: And instead...

Jiraiya: I would even out all of these failures with some great accomplishments.
Jiraiya: Then die as a fine ninja!

Jiraiya: ...That's what I'd planned...
Jiraiya: But...those bonds...this is how I die...?


Jiraiya: The Great Toad told me his prediction of "one wh would change the world".
Jiraiya: And the one who would be responsible for whether it brought peace or destruction.

Jiraiya: And it seems that I failed yet again...
Jiraiya: I couldn't defeat Pain, or stop Akatsuki...

Jiraiya: I'm pathetic...
Jiraiya: The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya? Hah...

Jiraiya: What a worthless story...

Minato: No, not at all!


Minato: I think it's a great story.

Minato: It's all based on your own adventures,
Minato: so it's kind of an autobiography.

Jiraiya: Well, yeah...
Jiraiya: But it didn't sell at all.
Jiraiya: I think next time I'll go back to the winning formula of erotic novels.

Minato: What I really liked about the hero of this is that he never gave up, not ever...
Minato: He's just like you, isn't he?


Jiraiya: think?

Minato: And...I've been thinking.
Jiraiya: Hm?

Minato: I'd love if my own child...
Minato: could be a shinobi just like this character.

Minato: So, do you mind
Minato: if I pilfer the hero's name?

Jiraiya: Hey, are you sure about that?
Jiraiya: I actually thought of it while I was eating ramen...


Kushina: Naruto.
Kushina: It's a great name.

Jiraiya: Kushina...


Jiraiya: Haha...
Jiraiya: So that'd make me his godfather?
Jiraiya: Are you sure you want that?

Minato: I couldn't think of a better person.
Minato: You're such a great ninja with amazing ability...
Minato: There's no other shinobi like you.

Jiraiya: Ah...

Jiraiya: Yes...
Jiraiya: I named him...


Naruto: I WILL be the Hokage!!
Naruto: And I'll be better than all the ones before me!
Naruto: I'll never go back on my word...
Naruto: That's my way of life.


Jiraiya: You know, Naruto, you're just like that hero.

Jiraiya: You lived right up to Minato and Kushina's hopes and dreams...

Jiraiya: But as for me...

Minato: I couldn't think of a better person.
Minato: You're such a great ninja with amazing ability... There's no other shinobi like you.


Orochimaru: The true measure of a shinobi is whether he can master all of the jutsu in the world.
Orochimaru: It's just like the word says.
Orochimaru: A ninja is one who uses ninjutsu.

Jiraiya: That's not what decides a great ninja...
Jiraiya: You still don't understand?

Jiraiya: A ninja is one who endures through anything and everything.

Orochimaru: Well, we all have our opinions.

Jiraiya: I'll tell you something...
Jiraiya: The true measure of a ninja
Jiraiya: isn't how many jutsu he has...


Jiraiya: What matters is...

Jiraiya: an indomitable spirit.

Jiraiya: I will never go back on my word. And I will never give up...
Jiraiya: If that's your way of life...

Jiraiya: Naruto, I'm your master.
Jiraiya: So, I'm not going to just whine and complain.

Jiraiya: Because...


Jiraiya: Ggggg....!!

M Toad: Jiraiya-chan?!

Jiraiya: The pupil's way of life should be the master's too!
Jiraiya: Isn't that right...Naruto...

M Toad: He willed himself back to life?!

Pain: Your heart stopped, did it not?

Jiraiya: Right!


M Toad: Guh...

M Toad: Yes! I understand everything!

Jiraiya: I won't give up... That was the choice I had to make!
Jiraiya: You were the one in the prophecy, Naruto, it was you.
Jiraiya: So I leave everything up to you!

Text: A bloody curtain is drawn on this hero's tale. With his last words, "I won't give up", he makes his choice and passes his hopes and dreams to his final student, Naruto!!

Preview: Jiraiya dies...and what will Konoha do with this information?
Next, "Spread of Darkness"!!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 dec 14, 22:21:25
Shippuuden Manga 382. a főoldalon. Mostantól a 383. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: seboe - 07 dec 19, 13:28:32
Chapter 383 information
Head Frog (Pa) Doron (I think its the sound when they do shunshin no jutsu?). Pein jumps closer and looks down to Jiraiya.
Yahiko Pein holds his black weapon and says to Jiraiya "This's over...Sensei"
We see a silluoette of Jiraiya's head cut off
The head lands with a sound "Dossa" and seen changes to Naruto falling to the ground
Naruto: Wha...What is this...guy...?
Kiba: Narutooo! Its ok! Come back!!
Sai: ...
Byakugan Neji: All the jutsu...go through...!?
Kakashi: Even with the Byakugan and Sharingan we can't see through...
There's a trick behind it...
Tobi looks down at Naruto and the others with Sharingan. He still has his mask on.

Scene changes with Itachi vs. Sasuke

Itachi: You see me dead...
Sasuke: Ahh...I see it in your eyes as well!
Sasuke runs close to Itachi and attacks with a kunai
Itachi blocks with a kunai as well
The room echoes with the sound "Keeen" (The sound of metal clashing together)
Itachi: Ninjas are
measured of their value by how they die...
Sasuke: ...?
Itachi: As your brother Sasuke,...
what could I have done...

bár kép nélkül nem sokat ér, de ki tudja:) (mondjuk jobb lenne ha fake lenne ;D )

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 07 dec 19, 13:51:02
jiraiya had a sad end.

gama Pa frog's back has this seal on it

9 can't not be read as 'ta' but...(perhaps 9 looks a bit like 'ta')

Pein sends jiraiya's arm flying and destroys him
Jiraiya sinks into the swamp

Jiraiya: (ah I guess the tale of gallant jiraiya is a little better now
final chapter...scattering in the middle of the giant frog swamp..hoho...splendid

completly sinks

Jiraiya: (well then...I guess I should start writing then.
ahhh...that's it...! what should i call the sequal? Hmmmm...

the tale of Uzumaki naruto... yeah...that sounds good...

at that time, Tsunade is staring of into space boozing. She sees a frog leap into a pond

later naruto and Tobi are messing around
kakashi: you're really messing around huh?...what are you after?

at that time itachi and sasuke
itachi: you can see my death?
itachi looks up at the sky and in an instant appears at sasuke's side.
itachi: try and make it come true then.
finish with sasuke grinning and facing Itachi

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 dec 20, 16:38:45

ezentúl minden spolier hsz-emben ez benne lesz:
EZ ITT A SPOILER képek és információk topic NE Írj felesleges kérdést véleményt!!! ezeket a naruto shipp manga topicba kérjük

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 dec 22, 22:06:32
Shippuuden Manga 383. a főoldalon. Mostantól a 384. fejezet Spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 dec 26, 17:50:23
384. rész spoiler kép:


Hogy mennyire kamu vagy nem kamu, azt nem tudom... ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 07 dec 27, 17:07:38
nemfake ittvan 1 kicsit jobb minöségben és még mellé a színes elejevagymi :D

Állítólag ez van irvaa cover-re:

The day the world ended for the two brothers--
Was the beginning of the end of one of them...

EZ ITT A SPOILER képek és információk topic NE Írj felesleges kérdést véleményt!!! ezeket a naruto shipp manga topicba kérjük

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 dec 27, 23:32:49
Még egy kis képecske:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Train - 07 dec 27, 23:49:17
Chapter 384 Face The Past

Chapters starts with Sasuke facing of Against Itachi. Itachi attacks Sasuke and grabing his throat, however when Itachi goes to crush Sasuke's throat his hand goes through Sasuke's throat like nothing was there. Itachi states that this is the technique that leaves behind an image of the user because the shunshin is so fast. Sasuke tells itachi that he has seen this is the technique used by Uchiha Shishui the man Itachi killed to obtain his power. Itachi laughs at Sasuke asking him if he really thinks he can defeat him with a technique developed by the man he killed over 8 years ago. Sasuke appears behind Itachi and attacks him with the ksunagi sword, but Itachi blocks it with a kunai. Sasuke's ksunagi becomes charged with chidori and it slices through itachi's kunai slicing him in half, however the itachi Sasuke hit was just a bushin that explodes second later. The explosion sends Sasuke flying into a wall. Itachi appears sitting down in the thrown again and tells Sasuke that he still clings onto the past instead of becoming stronger by giving into his hatrid.

The scene changes to Zetsu and Pain. Zetsu(white) asks pain if its really okay to let Jiriaya's messanger escape. Pain tells Zetsu that even if his secret is exposed its already to late for the Konoha shinobi to stop whats about to happen and with Jiriaya gone there is no shinoni alive that can defeat him. Zetsu(Black) says in that case they should quickly go to see the battle that will decieded the fate of the Uchiha clan because with Itachi as Sasuke's opponet the battle will be over very quickly.

Scene shifts back to Sasuke vs Itachi. Itachi says in the end his vessel had reached the pinnacle afterall and that he will become....but his setance is cut off because the Sasuke that hit the wall dissapates like the previous mirage and the Ksunagi sword is stabbed through his chest. Sasuke tells Itachi that his dreams, goals, and power are all in the past and that now itachi has died at the hands of Shishui's technique as he should have in the past. Itachi ask Sasuke if this is the vision of his death that he had seen with his sharingan and the chapter ends with the side text saying a shocking conclusion Sasuke has killed Itachi

nos azt hiszem ez ide illik

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 07 dec 30, 23:30:20
Shippuuden Manga 384. a főoldalon. Mostantól a 385. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 jan 09, 10:36:19
385-ös információ:
NOTICE: The next WSJ doesn't go on sale until Jan 21st, so don't expect any spoilers before the 14th, or the RAW before the 18th!
mangahelpers-en taliztam, ahol a legtöbb spoiler megtalálható általában...
Megjegyzés: a következő WSJ-t Jan 21e elött nem adják ki, így ne számítsatok spoilerekre 14-e elött, vagy a RAWra 18-a elött

Moderátor: ez az infó benen van a Naruto Shippuuden Manga témában is... SŐT a honlapon is szerepel a 2008.01.04-i hírben... (Chakra)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 08 jan 16, 14:41:31


No.385 - Elder Brother

Sasuke: ....
Itachi: Guu...
As blood flowed out from his mouth, Itachi fell onto the floor. As he fell, his whole body started melting and turn liquid, and a tomoe sign was formed on the floor.
Sasuke: ?!
The dimension collapsed, trapping Sasuke within...just as if Sasuke was swallowed, the scene changes to the battle between Suigetsu and Kisame...
Water was splashed and scattered around. Suigetsu's body was pierced by Samehada and stuck onto the lamppost.
Kisame: Well well, I thought you're pretty strong...a tearful face, that's it? That's such a kill-joy...
Suigetsu: It's so nostalgic...
A grinning Suigetsu.
Kisame: ?? ....are you laughing at your own pathetic's painful to realise the truth isn't it?
Suigetsu: I got that from elder brother many times before, the feel of this blade...
Kisame: !! Come to think of it, you're right. Your elder brother was called Houzuki Mangetsu, right, Suigetsu?
(The former owner of Samehada...)
Suigetsu:'s time
In a flash, Suigetsu pulled out Samehada, turned to the slime form and landed on the ground.
In his right hand, he held the cleaver (Zabuza's weapon), in his left hand was Samehada. Suigetsu went into a double sword stance (nitouryuu).
Kisame: Oh...My Samehada that rejects getting handled by anyone besides me is not resisting?
Suigetsu: I'm taking this sword, Kisame sempai
Kisame: If you can do it, that is...
Suigetsu: It's neither to attack my brother's enemy, nor about thinking of what I want to do to a missing-nin like you. This time, it's purely for entertainment (that we fight), that's all.
As soon as he had spoken, Suigetsu's body started to swell and blister.
The water took on a muscular form and flowed towards the two swords...
Kisame: snake...!?
Suigetsu: Suiton rehha - hebi guchi! (Suiton multiple waves technique - snake's mouth) Here I come...Kisame sempai!!

Kisame: Fufufu. That's going to be entertaining for me.
Kisame formed handseals.
A huge quantity of water came crashing out from nowhere...
Both were surrounded by sheets of water...
The appearance of Houzuki Mangetsu was reflected in Kisame's eyes...
The scene changes abruptly to the Itachi vs Sasuke combat, Itachi was sitting leisurely on the chair...
Sasuke's breathe rose, he suddenly stood in front of Itachi's eyes.
Itachi: Is this how I look in my death? Sasuke...
Sasuke: ...what the...?!
Itachi: I ask once more..."what can you see before your very eyes?"


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 jan 17, 08:53:42
The Itachi Sasuke stabbed was an illusion and Sasuke was aware of this.
Itachi brings up the name of another Uchiha who was also involved in the murder of the clan, Uchiha Madara
Sasuke then taunts Itachi to use the Mangekyou on him
Itachi explains that the Mangekyou is are eyes that control the Nine-tails at the cost of one's eyesight
And then reveals that Madara was the first person to awaken the eyes, thus ending the chapter.
magyarul kb:
Amelyik Itachit Sasuke leszúrta, az egy illuzió volt és ezzel Sasuke tisztában volt.
Itachi megemlít még egy Uchiha nevet, aki benne volt a klán gyilkosságban, Uchiha Madara.
Utána Sasuke kötekedik, hogy Itachi használja rajta a Mangekyout.
Itachi elmagyarázza, hogy olyan szem a Mangekyou, amely segítségével a Kilenc-farkút irányítani lehet, látás áráért. (gondolom meg fog vakulni - R)
És felfedi, hogy Madara volt az első személy, aki használta ezeket a szemeket, ezzel végződik ez a rész

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 jan 17, 09:02:28
Chapter 385 Overestimate...!

Sasuke: Hmph, you died so soon

Itachi's blood drips from Sasuke's sword.

Itachi: I acknowledge that you have grown (also could be developed) overestimate you're growth too much...

The rooms appearance starts to change.

Itachi goes even higher...!!

Sasuke, thinking to himself: A genjutsu...!? No, it can't be...I have'nt looked into his eyes...

Itachi and Sasuke's sword get swallowed by the earth with the seat.

Sasuke, thinking to himself: It was all a genjutsu from the start...!?

Crows gather and become Itachi.

Itachi's breast bleeds from where he was stabbed.

The cut starts to close.

Sasuke: !?

Itachi: You don't need to look at my eyes...Is that what you thought...?

Sasuke: This is as if though...

Sasuke remembers when he was caught in Itachi's Tsukuyomi...

Itachi: I put a barrier genjutsu all over this place. Try and runaway from here...Sasuke

Sasuke: I'll do it...(there are many more translations for 上等だ, but I chose this one...)

Sasuke opens his eye to expose his sharingan

Sasuke, thinking to himself: ...Can't do it. The genjutsu is too strong..., but

Itachi's afterimages (clones) spin around the walls and ceiling.

Sasuke, thinking to himself: I won't get swallowed!

Itachi's afterimages (clones) attack Sasuke, only to be cut by his sword.

But out of Itachi's clones, one clone identical to Naruto suddenly appears.

Sasuke: !

Sasuke's hand stops for a second but cuts the Naruto clone.

But, at the same time four of Itachi's clones stabs Sasuke with a sword.

Sasuke: Gugh...

Sasuke's mouth gets filled with blood.

Itachi: Too soft...

Sasuke: ...Shut up

Sasuke uses Chidori current and destroys the Itachi clones surrounding him.

That moment a hole appears and Sasuke falls.

Sasuke: Kugh...

While Sasuke is falling, an image of the massacre appears to him.

Sasuke: Itachiii!!!

Itachi: Yes...loath. If you are too soft you'll never surpass me...

Sasuke becomes CS2.

Sasuke: Uwargh!

An explosion happens and the base gets destructed.

Itachi stands.

Itachi: A Chidori that can destroy this base...

Sasuke is standing in front of Itachi with a Chidori surrounding him. His breath is rough. (Still in CC2.)

Sasuke: You to overestimated you're eye...

Itachi: Hmph...

Itachi smirks...

Itachi: If you want to become stronger...surpass me, Sasuke

Zetsu is watching from the ruins of the base

Zetsu: ...

Headlines (?) "Surpass me" What is Itachi's true intention...!?

Next time: "The Uchiha Clan"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 jan 17, 10:10:01
még 1 képecske:

jah, akik raknak be szöveges spoilereket, azok fordítsák le vagy csak röviden foglalják össze sztem, mert akkor az angolul kevésbé tudó társaink is megértik :).

yupi összefoglalva:

Saskuke genjutsuban volt elejétől fogva, Itachi klónok támadnak rá, akiket Sasuke legyőz, egyszer Nartuto megjelenik, akkor kis időre megáll Sasuke, majd azt is ketté vágja, de közben Itachi klónjai egy karddal megszúrják Sasuket, aki vért köp...
Itachi: "Túl puhány vagy..."
Sasuke: "Fogd be"
Aztán Sasuke chidorival legyőzi a többi Itachi klónt. Ezután egy lyuk keletkezik, Sasuke beleesik => CS2 => felrobban a bázis.
Zetsu a távolból figyeli ezt a csatát. (Itachi féle "..." kommentet eleresztve)
"múlj felül engem" Mi Itachi valódi célja?!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 jan 17, 13:50:15
Itt még egy kép:

barkasz, csak hogy te is megértsed (bár nem japánul írtam) :D.

Az emberek általában olyan szöveget raknak ide, amit meg is értenek (pl. nem japán szöveget, hanem olyat, ahol angol is van - nehogy a képeket hozzad fel ellenpéldának, mert ott a rajzolás a fő).

Ha meg érti, aki berakta, akkor annak a személynek nem lehet olyan nehéz összefoglalnia magyarul (én sem szó szerint fordítom itt). És ez csak egy javaslat/ötlet volt (nem a saját érdekemben írtam, mert én angolul is megértem).

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 08 jan 18, 05:48:45
Hajnali update th-tól :D annak aki esteleg reggel idenéz és nembír várni

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 jan 18, 20:50:03
Shippuuden Manga 385. RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 386. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 jan 23, 14:20:12
Asszem R erre a spoiler szövegre céloz a Shippuuden manga témában:

Itachi told sometings to Sasuke
Madara also have a brother, too.(yonger brother)
Madara and his yonger brother always compete each other
And when they open their MS(?), they became special in ther clan

but, just then, Madara's body changed strangely
he has powerful ability in his eyes, in stead, his power fall in to evil
Madara felt hopeless...(and he was blind)

Madara: I can not forgive you.
Brother: Ah.........

Madara killed his brother and had his eyes
Madara can see bright again and never blind again
He has MS forever

And Itachi...
Itachi:You are my "bright"(hope), Sasuke, as my successor.
Come here, my brother.
Sasuke saw something in Sasuke's mind
Sasuke:All for this? Now i'm know the truth.


Itachi mond valami Sasukénak.
Madarának is volt egy tesvére (öccse).
Madara és az öccse állandóan versengtek egymással.
És amikor előhívták az MS-jukat, mindketten különlegessé váltak a klánjukban.

De később Madara teste furcsán megváltozott.
Erős lett a doujutsuja, de a hatalma veszélyessé vált.
Madar reménytelennek érezte a helyzetét (és ekkor már vak volt)

Madara: Nem tudok megbocsátani neked.
Öccse: Ah........

Madara megölte az öccsét és "megszerezte" (elvette) a szemeit.
Madara újra látott és többé nem is vakult meg.
Örökké megmaradt az MS-ja.

És Itachi...
Itachi: ...
Sasuke: !!
Itachi: Te vagy a "szemem világa" (reményem, reménységem), mint az örökösöm/utódom.
Gyere ide, testvér.
Sasuke látott valamit Sasuke elmélyében [ez van odaírva, én csak lefordítottam :D]
Sasuke: Ezért volt minden? Mostmár tudom az igazat!

És itt van japánul is, hátha az angolra fordító kollegák elnéztek valamit és Arvael-cahn és társai tudnak vele kezdeni valamit: ^^






イタチ「サ ス ケ ェ!!



Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 jan 23, 16:54:15
Hát találtam valami spoilert ami lehet hogy fake de ki tudja:
Sasuke: the other secret...of the Mangekyou Sharingan?
Itachi: Ah...yes
Sasuke: speak
Itachi: If you want to know...come with me
Sasuke: What do you mean...
Itachi: To achieve our goal, we need the same eyes as ours...
Sasuke: I said before, quit that bullshit. I will kill you and then kill Madara. That's all I want
Itachi: ...if you do not come with me, I will resort to take your eyes by force. Don't make me do it
Sasuke: ...
Itachi: I will say this one last time... Come with us
Sasuke: I refuse!!
As soon as Sasuke had spoken, he moved in a flash and cut Itachi into two with the Kusanagi sword.
Itachi: It's regrettable front of the Mangekyou Sharingan, your efforts are matter how great your power, or how fast your speed is...
The Itachi that was severed by Sasuke grew in size and surrounded the area. Sasuke found himself inside the Uchiha clan's town the next instant.
Sasuke: ...cheh
Itachi: You said your eyes is able to see through genjutsu... however, this jutsu is an exception...Only I hold the ability to control the world of Tsukuyomi...
Itachi then created the illusion of killing the clan members one after another.
Sasuke: !
Then Itachi stopped in front of a house.
Sasuke's thoughts: This place is...
Sasuke's father looked out from the house's door.
Itachi rushed in.
Sasuke's thoughts: Shit...! These are all created by that bastard's genjutsu...! Go away, make it disappear!
Blood splashed out from the inside of the house.
Sasuke's heart beat loudly.
Itachi: It's over. I will destroy your mind in the next genjutsu I am showing you...!
Itachi looked behind himself.
As soon as he did that, a snake appeared from the floor of the hideout, and a sword emerged from its mouth.
The blade grazed Itachi's shoulder.
Blood came out from Itachi's shoulder.
Itachi: Argh...
More snakes emerged from the ground and entwined Itachi.
Sasuke went behind and blocked upwards with his right arm.
Sasuke: When you use the Eyes, you are completely defenseless. You belittled me
Itachi: You used kuchiyose under this hideout...prior to this...
Sasuke: It's over! (Katon: Rekka Shouha!! )
The surroundings burned with greater intensity.
Sasuke's thoughts: It must be that bastard's true body this time...
The flame slowly died out.
Sasuke: ...
A human form appeared from the fire.
Sasuke: !!
Itachi: You thought it was over...isn't it?
Itachi emerged from the dying flames.
Black flames surrounded the place.
A smile appeared on Sasuke's face.
In an instant, Itachi's back was impaled by the Chidori sword.
Sasuke: You are completely defenseless after using the Eyes too, isn't it
Sasuke disappeared from Itachi's sight.
Itachi: ...urgh...
Sasuke: Now my Eyes can see. You are the real body, there is no mistake about it
Itachi: ...
Sasuke: Right, speak now. The other secret of the Mangekyou Sharingan...!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Arvael - 08 jan 23, 17:06:01
Fordítás a Chakra által belinkelt japán szövegről magyarra
Itachi legendát mesél
"Uchiha Madarának is volt egy fivére. ... Egy öccse. Gyerekkorukban kölcsönösen támogatták egymást és a sharingant felébresztették magukban; csak ők ketten olyan hamar a klánon belül, ám különlegessé váltak, sőt ahogy felnőttek, egymás közt versenyeztek ezek a fivérek. Végül Man elsajátította a Mangekyou Sharingant."

Sőt, folytatódik
"Azonban a kedveltebb Madara testét csapás érte és emiatt hatalmas erejű pupilláját... ezt az erőt megszerezte helyette; ez az erő maga tett róla, hogy a fénytől örökre megfossza, kétségbeejtve ezzel Madarát" << tehát vlmi gáz volt Madarával (fizikailag), helyette meg lett MS-e, ez azonban később megvakította, így aztán Madara bepánikolt

Madara: "Bocsáss meg..."
Testvére: "Gyah!"
sztem itt egy olyan panel lehet, ahol épp leszúrja Madara őt... :/

Itachi: "A saját kezével fosztotta meg testvérét mindkét szemétől. Madara új fényt szerzett. (ergo, újra látott) És... még kétszer és annak a szemének a fényét már nem vesztette el. Az örökké tartó Mangekyou Sharingan!" << ennek az utsó mondatnak az eleje kissé furára sikeredett, de... ehhhe^^"

Hát, figyelemre méltó ez az érzés. És Itachi...

Itachi: "Sa-su-ke-e...!!!
Én vagyok neked a legyőzendő új fény! Te vagy nekem a tartalék!!! Na gyere! Öcsém!" << nem vállalok felelősséget...

Sasuke látja mit tartalmaz Itachi elméje
Sasukee: "Minden ezért... végre... hogy ide érkezzek"

(eléggé hiányos) << szvsz spoiler-re értette

Hozzáteszem, nem vagyok 100%-ig biztos a dolgomban; ezt mutatja az is, ha az lennék, sokkal hamarabb sikerült volna lefordítanom vlszeg^^" Azért igyekeztem, de ha félrefordítottam volna valamit, nem kérek főleharapást^^"""" Előre is köszönöm...^^"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 jan 23, 18:46:50
Itt egy másik, az általam előzőleg belinkel angol szövegnél sokkal értelmesebb angol verzió:
(Kínaiból fordítva)

Itachi talks about the past.

Madara also had a brother...a younger brother. The two always competed with each other when they were small. They both activated the Sharingan, which made them special in their clan. They grew up together competing with each other...eventually they obtained the Mangekyo Sharingan through their own understanding.

But some strange changes started to appear in Madara's body. Having gained the tremendous eye power...the price is to lose the eyesight. Madara felt desperate.

Madara: Forgive me...
Younger Brother: Kyaaa

Itachi: He took his younger brother's eyes and with them he could see new light again. The eyes had not lost sight ever since. They became eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

Itachi: SASUKE!! You're my new light! You're my spare!! Come to me, my little brother!!

Sasuke saw all these in Itachi's mind.
Sasuke: So you did everything for this...finally...I understand.

Ez alapján már szerintem ki tudod javítani a fordításodat, Arvael-chan, mert ahogy látom ez a kettő kb tükör ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 08 jan 24, 05:52:04
kora reggeli friss képek th-tól :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 jan 24, 14:42:48
"There's something else besides having the eyes to tame the Nine-Tails?"

イタチ「そうだ…そのもうひとつの秘密 それが最も重要な秘密だ」
Itachi: "Yes. And that remaining secret is the most important one."

Sasuke: "Important secret? What is it?"

Sasuke: "Answer me! What is it?"

イタチ「少し昔話をしてやろう うちはの歴史にまつわる話だ」
Itachi: "I'll tell you a little story. One dealing with the history of the Uchiha."

「かつてマダラにも兄弟がいた…弟だ 幼き頃より二人は互いの力を高め合い競い合った」 競い合った"
"A certain Uchiha Madara once had a brother of his own...a younger brother. When they were young, they competed against each other, both growing in power."

「そして二人は写輪眼に開眼し 兄弟の名は一族の中でも特別なものになっていった
"As a result they awakened to the Sharingan. They became known as special brothers even within the clan."

二人は成長を求め競い合い 兄弟はついに万華鏡写輪眼を開眼したのだ」競い合い
"By seeking growth via competition against one another, the brothers finally attained the Mangekyou Sharingan."

「それはうちは一族始まって以来の事だった そして兄弟はその瞳力うちはを束ね
"That was from the beginning of the Uchiha clan. So with their powerful eyes, the brothers took control of the clan."

兄のマダラはリーダーになった しかし順調だったマダラの身にある異変が生じ始める
"The older brother, Madara, became leader. However, strange abnormalities began to grow upon his otherwise healthy normal body."

さっき話したな…この眼は特別だと 使えば使うほど封印され行き着く先は全くの闇
"I said it before...these eyes are special. The more you use them, the closer the complete darkness approaches which seals it away."

これが万華鏡写輪眼の末路だ 大きな瞳力を…力を得る代わりにその力は自ら閉じ 光を失う」
"This is the end of the road for the Mangekyou Sharingan. In exchange for that great will shut your 'eyes'...parting with the light."

「マダラは光を取り戻すためあらゆる手を尽くすが何一つ効果を得られるものはなかった "
"Madara exhausted all means for the sake of returning his light, but nothing was effective."

絶望した そして万華鏡に取り憑かれたマダラは光を求め…」
"He despaired. And so, possessed by the Mangekyou, Madara sought the light..."

Madara: "Forgive me."

Younger brother: "Gyaaaaa!!"

Itachi: "He plucked his brother's eyes."

「マダラは新たな光を手に入れた そしてもう二度とその眼の光は閉じることがなかった
"Madara gained a new light. And never again was his light ever shut away."

永遠の万華鏡写輪眼! 弟の眼は新しい宿主を得ることで永遠の光を手に入れたという…」
"The eternal Mangekyou Sharingan! Being the new host for his brother's eyes is what is said to give him a new light."

「そしてそればかりか変化を起こした 特有の新しい瞳術がその眼に生まれたのだ
"And so, whether it was just that or not, it caused a change. A unique doujutsu was born from those eyes."

ただし瞳のやりとりは一族間でしか行えない それにこの方法で誰もが新しい力を手に入れるわけ ではない」
"This is all provided that the exchange of eyes would not be done outside the clan. And by this method, no one would know how to acquire this new power."

"After that, a reality of countless victims piled up over the course of this history... That is the remaining secret of these eyes."

「マダラはその力を使いあらゆる忍一族を次々と束ねていった そして忍最強と謳われていた
"Having those powers, Madara brought all the shinobi clans, one by one, to heel.* And so he was called the strongest of all shinobi."

森の千手一族と手を組み新たな組織を設立したのだ その組織こそが後の木ノ葉隠れとなる」
"Joining hands with the Mori no Senju clan (or can be read as the "Senju clan of the forest"), a new establishment was founded. It was that establishment that became Konohagakure."

「その後マダラは千手一族のリーダーであった後の初代火影と里の方針を巡って対立 その主導権 争いに
"Afterwards, Madara met with the leader of the Senju clan who would later become the Shodai Hokage, and with whom which he had a confrontation over matters of village policy. The conflict over the right of leadership."

敗れはしたが マダラは今もその瞳力と共に在り続けている」
"Though defeated, Madara continues on even now along with the power that lies in his eyes."

「新たに“暁”を組織し その影に姿を隠してな」
"The shadow of his newly organized "Akatsuki" does its part to hide his visage."

「十六年前 九尾が木の葉を襲った事件はもちろんマダラが起こしたものだ
"It goes without question that the attack by Kyuubi upon Konoha that 16 years ago was caused by none other than Madara. It was prevented regrettably by the Yondaime."

Sasuke: !

イタチ「今のマダラは負け犬だ…うちはの高みを手にするのは奴じゃない …あの男 マダラを超 え本当の高み へと
近づくのはこのオレだ そして今! ! オレはマダラを超える力をようやく手に出来る!
Itachi: "Madara as he is right now is a failure. He isn't the one who will attain the heights of the Uchiha. The one who is getting closer of attaining that true height, of surpassing that man, me. And it's now! I finally will be able to get the power of surpassing Madara!"

Itachi: "Sasukee! You are my new light!"

Sasuke: !

Itachi: "You are my spare! The Uchiha clan originally had friends kill one another for the Mangekyou Sharingan-"

永遠の瞳を得るために親兄弟で殺し合い そうして力を誇示し続けてきた汚れた一族なのだ!
"To attain the eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, they had brothers kill each other. And by doing so they stained their hands with blood, continuing to display their power."

そしてその一族の中に生れ落ちた時からお前も この血塗られた運命に巻き込まれている!
"And so, you too are enveloped by this blood-stained destiny, from the very time you were born within the clan!"

"Now come, brother! Once I kill you, I will liberate the clan from its destiny and attain true change!"

制約を抜け 己の器から己を解き放つ!」
"I will drop my limits and release myself from my "capacity"*!"

~Sasuke flashback

イタチ「お前とオレは唯一無二の兄弟だ お前の越えるべき壁としてオレはお前と共に在り続ける さ」
Itachi: "We are unique brothers, you and I. I act as the wall you must overcome, so that you and I can continue existing together."

イタチ「お前はこのオレを越える事を望み続けてきた だから生かしてやる…オレの為に」~
Itachi: "You continued hoping to surpass me. That's why I let you live...for my sake."

Itachi: "We are each other's spares! That is what binds us as brothers of the Uchiha!"

Itachi: "Seems you were able to see enough of my true self."

Sasuke: "So it was all for this..."

~Sasuke flashback

サスケ「名はうちはサスケ 嫌いなものならたくさんあるが好きなものは別にない
Sasuke: "Name: Uchiha Sasuke. Lots of things I don't like, and I don't really like anything."

それから…夢なんて言葉で終わらす気はないが 野望はある 一族の復興と ある男を必ず」
"And I have no intention leaving the word as "dreams". I have ambitions. The resurrection of my clan, and...-"

「殺すことだ」 ~
" kill a certain man."

Sasuke: "All or nothing...this is it."

*Means that it was under Madara's control
**Itachi used the word "onore" 己 which can refer to either Itachi or Sasuke. I believe it's referring to Itachi though.
közben fordítom magyarra :), szal nemsokára módosítom ezt a hozzászólást

"Van valami más is, mint hogy megszelidítse a Kilenc-Farkút?"

Itachi: "Igen. És a megmaradt titok a legfontosabb."

Sasuke: "Fontos titok? Mi is az?"

Sasuke: "Válaszolj nekem! Mi az a titok?"

Itachi: "El fogok mesélni neked egy rövid történetet. Az Uchiha történelmével kapcsolatban."

"Uchiha Madarának egyszer volt egy fiú testvére... egy öccse. Amikor fiatalok voltak, egymással versengtek, mindketten erősebbé válltak."

"Eredményképpen felébresztették magukban a Sharingant. Speciális testvérekké váltak híressé a klánon belül."

"Tovább fejlődtek és versengtek egymással, végül megszerezték a Mangekyou Sharingan-t."

"Ez az Uchiha klán kezdetekor volt így. Az nagy hatalommal bíró szemüknek köszönhetően átvették az irányítást a klán felett."

"Az idősebbik testvér, Madara lett a vezető. Bár, szokatlan rendellenesség kezdett terjedni, az amúgy egészséges testében."

"Ahogy előbb említettem... ezek a szemek speciálisak. Aminél többet használod, annál jobban lepecsételődik és közelebb jutsz a teljes sötétséghez.

"Ez a végső állomása a Mangekyou Sharingan-nak. Az áldozat a nagy hatalomért... elzárja a szemed... a világosággal együtt."

"Madara mindent megprobált, hogy visszaszerezzea szeme fényét, de semmi sem volt hatásos."

"Kétségbeesett. és így, a Mangekyou hatalmában, Madara a világosságot kereste..."

Madara: "Bocsáss meg."

Öccse: "Gyaaaaa!!"

Itachi: "ellopta a testvére szemét."

"Madara újre fényt szerezett. És soha többé nem vesztette el."

"Az örökkévaló Mangekyou Sharingan! Új gazdája lett a testvére szemének, ez adta neki az új fényt."

"És így, akár pontosan így volt akár nem, ez változást okozott. Egy egyedülálló doujutsu született ezek a szemek által."

"Ez sok mindent megváltoztatott. Speciális új szem technika, amelyet csak egy klán tud használni. És így, senki nem tudná, hogy hogyan kell megszerezni ezt az új hatalmat." //* R megjegyzése: Kakashi hmmm :D, Kishi interjúban mondta, hogy nagy szerepe lesz *//

"Ezután számtalan áldozat halálának okozója ez a történet volt... Ez a másik titka ezeknek a szemeknek."

"A szemek hatalma által, az összes shinobi klán egymás után irányítása alá került. És így a legerősebb shinobinak nevezték."

"Együttműködve a Mori no Senju klánnal (vagy "az erdő senju klánja2), Egy új szervezetet hoztak létre. Ez volt a Konohagakure."

"Ezután, Madara találkozott a Senju klán vezérével, aki a későbbi Shodai Hokage, és akivel falu miatt összeveszett. A konfliktus oka az volt, hogy ki legyen a vezér."

"De a mai napig él ezzel a szemtechnikával."

"Ezután megalapította az Akatsukit, mely árnyékába rejtőzött."

"Tény, hogy Madara miatt támadt Kyuubi Konoha ellen 16 éve. Yodaime fékezte meg végül.

Sasuke: "!"

Itachi: "Madara egy vesztes. Nem ő az, aki csúcsra viszi az Uchihát. Az aki közelebb viszi, aki túltesz ezen az emberen, Madara... nem más, mint én. És most jött el az idő! Végre megszerzem azt a hatalmat, mellyel túlszárnyalom Madarát!"

Itachi: "Sasukee! Te vagy az új fényem!"

Sasuke: "!"

Itachi: "Te pótolsz ki engem! Az Uchiha klánban eredetileg barátokat kellett megölni, hogy Mangekyou Sharinganhoz jussanak."

"Hogy megszerezzék az örökös Mangekyou Sharingant, testvérüket kellett megölniük. És így vérbe áztatták kezüket, hogy megszerezzék ezt a hatalmat."

"És amikor megszülettél ebben a klánban, neked is ez lett a sorsod!

"Nos gyere, testvér! Egyszer ha megöllek, megszabadítom a klánt a sorsától és igazi változást hozok!"

"Megszabadulok a korlátaimtól!"

~Sasuke visszaemlékezése

Itachi: "Mi egyedülálló testvérek vagyunk. Én vagyok az a fall, melyet le kell győznöd, hogy te és én együtt tovább tudjunk élni."

Itachi: "Te továbbra reménykedsz, hogy túl tudsz szárnyalni. Ezért hagylak életben... az én érdekemben."

Itachi: "Mi egymást pótoljuk! Ez az ami összeköt minket Uchiha testvéreket!"

Itachi: "Úgy látszik megértetted az igazi célomat."

Sasuke. "Tehát minden ezért volt..."

~Sasuke visszaemlékezése

Sasuke: "Nevem: Sasuke. Sok dolog amit nem szeretek, és nem szeretek igazán semmit."

"Van egy kitűzött célom, amelyet nem teljesíteni fogok. A klánom feltámasztása, és...-"

"hogy megöljek egy bizonyos személyt."

Sasuke:"Mindent vagy semmit... most jött el az idő."

VÉGE, megint 1 hét várakozás :(

/*frissítés alatt - van egy másik angol forrás is és néha azt fordítom inkább, mert az érthetőbb számomra */

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 jan 25, 03:29:20
Jó reggelt! Nekem meg jó vizsgát ma pff


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 jan 25, 12:48:11
Shippuuden Manga 386. RAW a főoldalon. Mostantól a 387. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 08 jan 29, 16:15:56
1 kép vaneddig meg 1 kis szöveg

Itachi’s flashback

マダラと初代火影は戦闘に認識した、彼らは共同の理想を持っている。 その後マダラは一族の運命を認識する、マダラは邪念を生じた。
Madara and Shodaime knew each other in a war, they had the same idealism, but finally Madara realized the fate of his clan, and he started to become evil.

初代火影は苦しく諌止して、阻止することができません。兄の同じに親密な2人のよう、昔の友達、生死の相闘 。失敗のちに、数十年、マダラ皆は復讐にいて。
初代火影苦苦劝阻,还是没有阻止。和兄弟一样亲密的两人,昔日的好友,生死的相斗。失败之后,数十年斑都在 复仇。
Shodaime bitterly persuaded Madara but it didn’t work., the two brother-like relationship fellows, good friends, fought each other. After he lost, in 10years, Madara was planning for revenge.

Itachi: taking friendship as hatred, that’s Uchiha’s fate, that dirty clan

鼬「即使我不夺取你双眼,你也将经历痛苦,你和鸣人就像斑和初代火影。你杀了我之后,你将走什么道路?你的 生存意义在于复仇,所以杀了我之后,没有生存意义的你,宇智波一族的邪恶在你身上体现。」
Itachi: Even though I didn’t take your both eyes, you will still live in pain, Naruto and you are just like Madara and Shodaime. After you kill me, what path are you gonna take?
Your existence is only for revenge, so after you kill me, your life is nothing, and the evil Uchiha hiding inside of you will occur.

Sasuke: I’ll save it for later (That’s my problem)

イタチ「ナルトの友情、あなたはとっくに忘れた、ただし彼まだ兄になることを。戦闘のちに、初代火影はまだ マダラを寻していると同様です、友達を探索して同様です。あなたとマダラ同様の邪悪、これは変わることがで きない事実です。」
鼬「鸣人的友情,你忘记了,但他现在还把你看成兄弟。就像战斗之后,初代火影还寻找斑的下落,就像寻找朋友 一样。你和斑一样邪恶,这是无法改变的事实」
Itachi: You have forgotten your friendship with Naruto, while he still considers you as a brother. Even after the fight, Shodaime continued tracking Madara, as if searching a friend, You and Madara are both evil, this fact cannot be changed.

イタチ「あなたに目的が活きていなくて、邪にあなたが現にいる、あなたの昔の友達を傷害する。 」
Itachi: Letting you live purposeless life, becoming evil and hurting your old friend

イタチ「及ばなくてあなたは瞳に私を与える サスケ!」
Itachi: You’d better give your eyes to me Sasuke…!

Sasuke …….

The end

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 08 jan 30, 16:03:08
"The time of the showdown!?"

Itachi: Huh (laughing)...I'll show you the true Reality. Sasuke.

Itachi's mouth is zoomed in

Sasuke: insignificant. I've been chasing you. The man infront of me isn't an illusion, but the one that I have always been searching for. I've lived up to this kill him! That is the Reality.

Itachi remembers when they met at Konoha. There is a zoomed picture of the old Sasuke. Also, there is a zoomed picture of Sasuke now.

Itachi: Looks like you haven"t.........grown after all

Sasuke: What.

A zoom of Itachi's mouth

Itachi: Looks like you haven't grown. Thats what I said.


Scene changes to Suigetsu and Kisame

Jyuugo: Suigetsu, stop...

Karin: (What is this chakra I feel near Sasuke...? The two stable chakra's are Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi's. They both appear alternately and disappear, Then appear at the same moment and dissapear once more...! This is pretty wierd.)

Zetsu dissolves into the ceiling.

Karin: Jyuugo! if something happens to Suigetsu join in the fight!

Karin closes her eyes.

Jyuugo: ...? OK.

Kisame: Kukukuku...Suigetsu...your reason is for revenge, right? The reason why you want the Samehada is the same...

Suigetsu while laughing: Revenge? Didn't I say I want to play around? Senpai, If you have guilt, I'll stick with it anyway.

Suigetsu's arm expands

Kisame: The same as ever, that smile of yours...well

Kisame & Suigetsu at the same time: Let's start for nowww! (Kisame) Lets play around.

A zoom of Suigetsu and Kisame's face (Side view). Their teeth are similair.

They push against each other with their swords.

Jyuugo: It started...

Jyuugo's expression changes.

Karin doesn't realise.

Kisame: You have become very strong. Your skill in this blade is brilliant, Suigetsu.

Suigetsu: You haven't changed a bit.

Kisame: You're movement, it's opposite to your brother. It is greatly different from before...Kukukuku...

Suigetsu's expression has power for a moment.

Suigetsu: You have too many unimportant talks, Senpai. I'll make you a Dharma doll (Japanese doll)? I'll play around for real this time.

Suigetsu is smiling.

Kisame: Smiling in a time like this, well...I'll stick to it!


Clashing swords! Black and Black fight each other!

Next Time: The fight of the village of the blood mist

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 jan 31, 16:06:22
Itachi's scenario

cover: the intention which became known,...!!!

Zetsu: they're still not moving...

Itachi: fuhahahahaha! that's right Sasuke, from that time you've been dancing to my tune. everything is going according to the scenario I envisaged! and now the finale is upon us! Have you any idea how I've longed for this moment...


Itachi: Are filled with regret? Are you filled with hate? In that case you should curse yourself for being born in this wrestched clan. detesting me is a mistake because I'm doing what this clan has always done (NB the Japanese here is odd but I THINK this is it)

Sasuke: For one usually so calm it's unlike you to scream and yell,

itachi: what?

Sasuke: I moved according to your scenario? hrmph...then I better make sure I wreck the ending the ending, right?

itachi: fuhahahaha, truly spoken as my brother!

Sasuke: more importantly, isn't it about time you dispelled the genjutsu here? I thought you realized that genjutsu don't work on me.

Itachi: this genjutsu isn't for you.

Sasuke: ?

Itachi: we are being watched by one of Madara's underlings. fighting him would be real trouble. That's what this genjutsu is for.

Sasuke: You intend to fight me while using a genjutsu on someone else? I've really been underestimated.

Itachi: Well then...let's end our little chat and get started shall we...sasuke.

Sasuke" I've already begun

sasuke makes a seal

light comes up from around itachi and binds him.

itachi: this is...Cat's eye Opal!

Sasuke: yeah...that's right. You know it right? I stone made to combat the sharingan. It senses tiny amounts of the special chakra that come from the sharingan and, for a few seconds it seals it at it's source

Itachi: ku cat granny was it?

Sasuke: behind ...

a chidori comes from sasuke's left hand and stretches out behind him stabbing itachi who was behind him.

Itachi: !

Sasuke: at your level the difference between the real one and a fake is easy to see. If this eye can't tell the difference it must be kagebunshin, right?

Itachi: you're too naive

the spell of the opal has worn off and itachi goes to stab sasuke with a kunai. The itachi behind him vanishes.

Sasuke cuts him in two with the kusanagi sword, and black smoke comes out of it.

Sasuke: !

Itachi: if the filed of vision is zero, you're sharingan loses it's effectiveness.

Sasuke: chi...your's too.

Itachi: MS is special. This amaterasu is anyway.

zoom in on itachi's eye

end: MS! ! The true!!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 feb 01, 03:51:00
sok surikent dobálnak egymásra. Van egy kis harc kagebunsishinokkal, majd Sasuke ordít egyet. Később egy kigyó jelenik meg Sasuke átok pecsétjéből (nem ismerem a részleteket)
egy rövid spoilert fordítottam le itten :)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 08 feb 01, 05:55:06
két frisss kép nem annyira nagy felbontás........

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 feb 01, 14:34:07
Shippuuden Manga 387. RAW (vagyis inkább kínai beolvasás) a főoldalon. Mostantól a 388. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 08 feb 05, 18:03:43

 Chapter 388: Starting point

Sasuke's scene.
Sasuke: This time...
Itachi: !
Itachi's thoughts: Is that your trump card...?!
Itachi's four limbs were cut off.
Black Zetsu: What did he do?
White Zetsu: I don't know...whatever
Sasuke: You can't form any seals in your current state. Neither can you put up any resistance.
White Zetsu: He can immobilise the real body of his brother, he's good
Black Zetsu: ...
Sasuke picked up the eye that was taken and returned.
Sasuke's thoughts: It's not possible to regrow back the nerves unless medical ninjutsu is's going to be difficult for a while...
Itachi: ugh...
Sasuke with his eyes closed.

Itachi: Such brutality!!! It's too much!!!! (<--- picture the same atmosphere as Jojo's AC/DC with Itachi's tear glands completely destroyed)
Sasuke: If you haven't lied, I wouldn't leave you in the brink of death. Isn't that what I learnt from you?
Itachi: Return this back to normal! Sasukee!!!
For Itachi, his doujutsu did not activate.
Itachi: !
Itachi has completely lost his sight.
Sasuke: This is this's time for you to acknowledge it.
Itachi: I won't die in this unsightly manner! Return this back to normal! You imbecile!!!
Sasuke: ...
Sasuke stabbed Itachi's real body with his sword.
Itachi: ...!?...
Sasuke's thoughts: My new life begins here.
He opened his eyes.
Sasuke with Mangekyou Sharingan greets the world.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 08 feb 06, 05:47:58
Himajin által megerősitett

Sasuke's in a daze from having an eye taken

Itachi: "One more eye left for me."

Sasuke gets away from Itachi, sans one eye from Itachi

Itachi: "This is the difference in power between us. The difference in the power of our eyes."

Itachi has Sasuke's arms bound behind his back

Zetsu: "Well, that was surprisingly quick. Itachi won."

The moment the left eye is gouged out, there's some scene where we don't know if time has stopped or not

ゼツ「だって月読食らったんだよ。もう動けないんだからあとは好きに料理できるでしょ・・・あ れ?」
Zetsu: "Then again, he DID take that Tsukuyomi blast full-on. He won't be moving anymore, so I wonder if I can help myself to a nice little snack afterwa-....wait huh?"

Sasuke's eyes are safe and sound

サスケェ「ハァハァ・・・(ニヤッ 言ったハズだ。アンタがその眼をいくら使おうがこの俺の憎しみで幻は現 実になると」
Sasuke: *huff* *huff* "I thought I told you. It doesn't matter how many times you use your eyes. Hatred will make my dream a reality."

鼬「その台詞、そのまま返しておこう。さっきの月読で己の眼がもがれる幻は見ただろう。ならばそれを現実に してやる」
Itachi: "I'll say the same thing back at you. You saw for yourself the illusion of your eyes submerged through that Tsukuyomi. Now I'll make it a reality."

Zetsu: "Itachi's mood has changed! Looks like he's taking it serious. May even be able to see that Amaterasu of his."
"Huh!? See Amaterasu! Ooh, can't wait to see that! I knew coming here was the right thing!"

It ends with Itachi forming seals

ゼツ「だって月読食らったんだよ。もう動けないんだからあとは好きに料理できるでしょ・・・あ れ?」
Zetsu: Then again he did take a tsukuyomi. He won't be able to move after that so I'm sure Itachi can take his time, taking care of business...huh?

サスケェ「ハァハァ・・・(ニヤッ 言ったハズだ。アンタがその眼をいくら使おうがこの俺の憎 しみで幻は現 実になると」
Sasuke: *pant* *pant* (grin) Like I said no matter how much you use those eyes, my hatred will turn the illusion in to reality.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Katsu! - 08 feb 06, 16:14:45
spoiler-nek számít vagy sem azt nem tudom, nekem bátyám ismeröse kint van Jaánban, és kértem egy kis információt az új fejezetből, és azt mondta, hogy jelenetváltás lesz és, hogy valami fontos dolog fog kdierülni. remélem nem csak az idegeimet tépik XD

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 feb 07, 11:13:25
( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Blodwolf - 08 feb 07, 12:59:46 (
Pls valaki fordítson XD meg rakja sorrendbe mert nagyon nem vágom mi van XDDDDD

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 feb 08, 00:29:28
Sasuke leírhatatlan döbbenettel hátrált Itachitól, miután az kiszedte a szemét, a jelenet még Zetsu-t is egészen meglepte... Itachi: Még egy szem kell nekem, és visszatérhet a látásom. Ám ebben a pillanatban Itachi kezében Sasuke szeme eltűnt, és kiderült, hogy csak egy genjutsu volt. Sasuke: Alábecsülsz Itachi... Mondtam hogy az olcsó kis trükkjeid nem hatnak rajtam. Majd az illúzió széttört. Ezután Itachiban mintha megváltozott volna valami, egészen más lett a csatához a hozzáállása. Zetsu: Itachi kezdi komolyan venni a csatát. Itachi: Rendben Sasuke... akkor ideje bevetnem minden erőmet... És nekiállt kézpecséteket csinálni...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: dexter80 - 08 feb 08, 01:38:20 (
Pls valaki fordítson XD meg rakja sorrendbe mert nagyon nem vágom mi van XDDDDD

Sasuke kábulatban, egyik szemét kivették
Itachi: “Még egy szem maradt nekem.”
Sasuke egy szemmel mennekül Itachi elől
Itachi: “Ez a különbség kettönk ereje között. A különbség a szemeink erejében.”
Itachi lefogja Sasuke háta mögött a testvére karjait.
Zetsu: “Nos ez gyorsabb volt a vártnál. Itachi győzött.”A jobb szem kivan vájva, Zetsu:Van néhány hely ahol nem tudjuk ha az idő megállt-e vagy nem
 “Akkor újra, Tudja teljes erővel használni a Tsukuyomit . Ő nem tud mozogni többé, vajon tudok-e segiteni magamon egy kis falatozással kés-….várjunk huh?”
Sasuke szemei sértetlenek!
Sasuke: *huff* *huff* “Azt gondolom már mondtam neked. Nem számít hányszor használod a szemeidet. A gyülölet irántad valóra váltja az álmomat.”
Itachi: “Ugyanazt a dolgot fogom visszamondani neked. Láttad magadat elmerülve saját szemeid illuziójában az én tsukuyomimon keresztül . Most én fogom csinálni a valóságot.”
Zetsu: “Itachi hangulata megváltozott! Úgy látszik Itachi most már komolyan veszi . Még az is lehet hogy használni fogja az Amaretsuját.”
“Huh!? látom ez az  Amaterasu! Ooh, Nem tudott várni ezzel! Tudtam, hogy a helyes lépéssel fog előjönni!”
Itachi végzett a kézpecsétekkel.

kb ennyi lenne

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 feb 08, 10:08:04
Naruto Shippuuden Manga 388. KS a főoldalon. Mostantól a 389. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 feb 12, 16:39:14

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R4z0r - 08 feb 12, 16:45:26
*Itachi performs his handseals and as he closes his eyes the area around him grows dark

*It’s like looking up and seeing the sun swallowed up by the darkness during a solar eclipse

*Sasuke draws his sword but the light that reflected off of his blade disappears like a puff of smoke

イタチ「この眼はこの世の全ての光を司る」 司る"
Itachi: “These eyes control all the light of this world”

Sasuke: “…!”

Zetsu: “Don’t look at his eyes”
Zetsu 2: “What!?”

*Itachi has a flashback of when he fled/defected from the leaf village

Random Anbu: That bastard is gonna try and cross the border.

は常に最高レベルのセキュリティーを置いている この包囲網はかつての忍界大戦の時と同じ警戒 レベルだ こ れを抜けるのは不可能だ」
Random Anbu 2: Like we’ll let that happen. Ever since Orochimaru fled the village we’ve maintained the highest level of security with regard to runaway ninja (nuke-nin). This area should be as on guard as it was back during the great ninja war. There’s no way he can escape.

Itachi: There are ten…twenty…no, thirty ANBU ahead of me…

*Itachi looks at the shadowy figure next to him

Madara: Do not worry.

Itachi: …

Madara: I will handle it from here.

*The third hokage and the others make it to the border and look down from a cliff overhang.

Third Hokage: We were too late I see…

*From there they could see black flames spreading out like the sea, crackling and burning

Third Hokage: This jutsu is no doubt Uchiha Madara’s…but why is that man from the legend* of the First Hokage…

Itachi; “There’s no way to escape from this jutsu!

「天照」 "
Itachi: “Amaterasu”

*The very instant Itachi opened his eyes a bright/powerful light enveloped the area around Sasuke

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 feb 13, 23:57:32
AAfórum @ Kela:

Na szal, Itachi nekiáll az Amaterasunak, majd elkezd minden sötétedni körülötte, kb úgy mint egy napfogyatkozásnál. Sasuke kardot ránt, de a kard által visszavert fényt is elnyeli a sötétség. Aztán jön egy visszaemlékezés Itachitól, amikor menekült a Leaf-ből. Az egyik anbu tag elég magabiztos h az Orochimaru szökése óta megerősödött anbu ellen nincs esélye. Itachi megjegyzi h kb 30-an üldzözik, erre megjelenik mellette Madara h majd ő megolda a dolgot és az Amaterasuval megtisztítja a terepet, mire a 3. hokage odaér, már csak a mindent elsöprő fekete lángokat látja. Felismeri h az bizony Madara jutsuja. Aztán vissza a jelenbe - Itachi megjegyzi h Sasuke nem menekülhet el az amaterasu elől, aztán ahogy Itachi kinyitja a szemét Sasuke körül erős fény jelenik meg.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 feb 15, 13:58:25
Naruto Shippuuden Manga 389. KS a főoldalon. Mostantól a 390. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 feb 19, 19:07:29

Az első képhez tartozik egy script is:
"Just in an instant. this is equal to Amaterasu, definitely cannot be avoided.Next, I'm gonna make you see your death again"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 feb 19, 20:05:32
Ha jól sejtem nem csak nekem nem jelenik meg a spoler kép
úgyhogy adok 1 linket: itt fönt van az összes kép.
Remélem ez nem off :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 feb 19, 21:37:30
Zetsu: Unbelievable! He put out fire with fire! Simply focusing your sight on the target makes it burst into black flames! These won't extinguish until the target's been charred to a crisp - works even on fire itself!

Amaterasu erupts on Sasuke's wing.

Sasuke: Guaaah!

Zetsu: So Itachi wins after all! He's stopped Amaterasu. He's going after his eyes.

As Itachi attempts to touch Sasuke's collapsed body, it melts away. Orochimaru's kawarimi!

Sasuke: Just the moment I've been waiting for! (He activates the curse seal level 2).

Itachi puts his hands to his eye and coughs blood repeatedly.

Sasuke "Katon, Gouryuuka no jutsu!"

(Gouryuuka: Grand Dragon Fire)

Dragon shaped flames strike Itachi's right arm.

Both (Sasuke and Itachi) are now panting violently.

Zetsu: They both look exhausted. I'd say they're out of chakra.

Sasuke's curse seal disappears.

Sasuke: I guess this'll be my last jutsu.

Itachi: Drop the act - sharingan detects chakra, and I can tell you're out of it.

Itachi: You used Orochimaru's kawarimi no jutsu to dodge Amaterasu. It's quite effective, but uses up a great deal of chakra.

Zetsu: Oh, I see. Since Sasuke absorbed Orochimaru...

Sasuke: Yeah, I'm out of chakra, alright - all of it went into that last Katon...but you really think I'd come here to kill you, without doing anything beforehand? It's the same...just like can't dodge it. Now then, the moment you've been waiting for: my rendition of your death!

Sasuke finally defeats Itachi! Next issue: "The ace up his sleeve!"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 feb 20, 14:28:29
A lent említett képek, akkor online: ;)


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 feb 22, 15:47:32
Naruto Shippuuden Manga 390. KS a főoldalon. Mostantól a 391. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 feb 26, 12:21:00
Zetsu: An unavoidable jutsu like Amaterasu?

What in the world is this jutsu?

Thunder comes forth from the sky

Zetsu: I see. That last Katon of Sasuke was for this!

What's the meaning of this?

That Katon attack wasn't ever meant for Itachi in the first place!

わざと火遁を空にうちあげて大気を急激に暖めて上昇気流を発生させたのだ!積乱雲、つまり雨雲 を作った!
He shot the Katon into the sky on purpose, causing an updraft through the sudden heating of the atmosphere. This created a cumuloninbus cloud, or in layman's terms, a rain cloud!

己のチャクラではなく、膨大な大気のエネルギーを利用して らいとんの術を行う気だ!とにかく人間がチャクラから性質変化で作るものとは規模が違うぞ」
It's not done with his own chakra. Rather, he uses the energy of the vast atmosphere to perform what would be the Raiton technique! Granted, the scope of this is on a different level than what people create from "nature manipulation".


Sasuke: This jutsu has lightning descend from the heavens. I'll just be leading it straight to you.

Zetsu: I knew it. If that's the case, there's no way he'll get away. Lightning bolts hit in a thousandth of a second, faster than the sound!

Sasuke: The name of the technique is "Kirin".

Sasuke holds his hand(s) up to the heavens. Lightning in the form of a dragon assails Itachi!

Sasuke: Scatter along with the thunder!

Itachi is hit! He collapses.

Zetsu: Is Itachi dead?

Sasuke; It's over!

Sasuke deactivates the Sharingan and sits down

Itachi: Is this the death you hoped to reproduce for me?

Sasuke: !?

Itachi rises!

Sasuke: Shit!

Sasuke turns level 2. Itachi has enclosed himself by what seems to be armor

イタチ「これがなければやられてたな…サスケ本当に強くなったな…今度は俺の最後の切り札をみせてやろう。 スサノオだ」
Itachi: If it wasn't for this, you would have been able to beat me. Sasuke, you truly have become stronger. This time I'll show you my final ace...Susanoo.

チャクラを失ったサスケに対抗の術は? 次号決着へ! つかれたねます
A jutsu used against a chakra-less Sasuke? Next chapter is the conclusion!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 08 feb 27, 20:00:30

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 feb 29, 14:58:43
Naruto Shippuuden Manga 391. ENG a főoldalon. Mostantól a 392. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide. És csak a spoilereket! A megjegyzéseket a másik témába!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 márc 04, 14:17:30
Cover: In what look to be Sasuke’s eyes we see Itachi’s back and Naruto’s profile…

*The bone looking things surrounding Itachi get sucked into his left eye

イタチ「サスケ・・・本当に強くなったな、このスサノオを使うのは "・・・
Itachi: Sasuke…you really have gotten stronger. With you, this will be my...

…second time using Susanoo (on an opponent).”
Naruto 392 Spoiler Translation

ゼツ 「スサノオッテドンナワザナンダ?キイタコトナイゾ」
Zetsu: “What sort of jutsu is Susanoo? I’ve never heard of it.”

サスケ「くっ・・・」状態2のサスケの背中から蛇の翼が生え、上空へ飛ぼうと"くっ・・・" 飛ぼう する、がいきなり翼が消え? 落ちる。
Sasuke: “Ku…” *Sasuke then sprouts his snake wings and tries to fly into the air but then lets out another “ku…” and his wings disappear? and he falls to the ground.

ゼツ 「コ・コレハ・・・」 コレハ・・・"
Zetsu: “Th…this is…”

Sasuke: “It can’t be!?”

*Out of Itachi’s left eye comes something resembling black smoke covering his eye. Then the mangekyou sharingan starts spinning really fast.

ゼツ 「スイコンダノカ?」
Zetsu: “Did his eye suck it (the wings) in?”

Sasuke: “Space-time ninjutsu?”

Itachi: “Not just any space-time ninjutsu. Everything reflected in this/these eye(s) is wiped out/extinguised in an instant.”

*Sasuke is now freaked out

イタチ「お前の頭は残してやる、一瞬だ・・・苦しむことはない」 ・・・"
Itachi: “I’ll leave your head intact. It’ll happen in an instant…you will not feel any pain…”

*The scene goes to Itachi-vision where we can see that he can barely see Sasuke at all (almost completely blurred out).

*Itachi creates kagebunshin (so there are three of him in all). Two of them grab Sasuke by his arms and proceed to break them.

Sasuke: UGAAAAA! *Sasuke’s curse seal level 2 wears off

*The two Itachi (kagebunshin?) lift up Sasuke while the third Itachi starts walking straight up to Sasuke.

Itachi on Sasuke’s right side: “Up until now what have you seen? What have you done? Have you really tried to get stronger only through hatred?

Sasuke !

Sasuke (flashback to valley of the end fight): What the hell would you, having always been alone, understand about me!!!”

ナルト「・・・お前といる時・・・」→口「兄弟ってこんな感じかなぁ・・・ってよ・・・」 ・・・・・・" → , ・・・・・・
Naruto: “…When I was with you…” “I wondered if that was what having a brother would have been like…”

ナルト 「おれにとっちゃ・・・・やっとできた繋がりなんだ」・・・・
Naruto: “To me…you were the bond I was finally able to make (with this world/with others/etc.).

カカシ 「親しい友はもういなくなった・・・・今は独りぼっちだ」・・・・・・・・・."・・ ・・・
Kakashi: “My closest friend(s) are already gone…I’m all alone now.”

*Sasuke is looking down at the ground

*(Three panel scene) of Itachi’s vision of Sasuke getting clearer and clearer as he gets closer to him

*Itachi stops…Sasuke continues to look down

*Itachi tries to wave/hold his hand in front of Sasuke (a little vague, possibly to lift Sasuke’s head up, check to see if he’s awake, rip out his eyes, etc.)

イタチ「!」ピクッとともに手が止まる。 .
Itachi: “!” *Itachi is startled and his hand stops.

サスケ「・・・・」 "・・・・"
Sasuke: “…”

The Itachi on Sasuke’s left brings his ear closer to Sasuke

サスケ「・・・・このウスラトンカチが・・・・」 "・・・・・・・・
Sasuke: “…you idiot*…(*usuratonkachi – likely remembering Naruto)”

Next chapter: “Thoughts/Feelings”
a szöveg mellet van 1 kép is:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 márc 04, 19:44:35
A xxaby kolléga által belinkelt kép hamis állítólag. Ezek viszont igazinak tűnnek:
( ( ( (

És az állítólagos igazi script:

Sasuke: Susanowo?

Itachi: A jutsu I acquired upon awakening both Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu. Have any jutsu left? If you do, now's the time to use them, because this is it...

Zetsu: The sky is clearing...looks like that jutsu's just good for one blast...

The bones around itachi begin to materialize.*

*pocketmofo's trans on the description for Susanowo: It looks kinda like a monk (called a Yamabushi who generally live deep in the mountains and who Tengu often dress like) or a “stand” out of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (*laugh*).

Orochimaru whispers into in Sasuke's mind...

Orochimaru: I'll be more than glad to can have my power, darling...

Sasuke: Dammit! (falls to his knees).

Orochimaru: You need me, Yes? Was it not revenge on Itachi you were after? Well then, release my powers...and I shall make your wish come true!

White snakes erupt from Sasuke's shoulders! Yamata no Orochi appears!

Itachi: This sensation...Orochimaru's Yamata no Justu...

Zetsu: What the hell's happened just now? (the remainder of the dialogue is probably the other Zetsu's answer) Sasuke kept pushing himself despite the fact he was out of chakra, that's what! Orochimaru's chakra, which he'd managed to suppress until now, was set free!

Susanowo creates a sword!

Yamata no Orochi attacks! Susanowo chops its heads off! Orochimaru emerges from the mouth of the final snake.

Orochimaru: Aahahahah!

He produces a sword from his mouth.

Zetsu: Hasn't lost the disgusting habit of spewing in battle... He's persistent, I'll give 'im that.

Orochimaru: This is it! This is what I've been waiting for! I must thank you for depleting the chakra that restrained me! Now I make this boy's body my own... and then! Eh?

Susanowo's sword cuts Orochimaru through!

Orochimaru: You think an attack such as this is enough to defeat - ! This can't be... Totsuka no Tsurugi? Itachi, you'd been hiding this ... kuh!

Orochimaru melts away into nothing.

Zetsu: No wonder it was nowhere to be think it was a spirit sword devoid of matter...Totsuka no Tsurugi. A sealing sword, also know as ????? (dunno how these characters are supposed to be read: to begin with, I'm not sure the Totsuka no Tsurugi reading, which is the only one I found for those characters, is correct.)

Zetsu: A Kusanagi no Tsurugi embued with Sealing Jutsu, it is said those it pierces are forever sealed away in dreamlike state of genjutsu...Orochimaru's been looking for it forever...He boasts not just Douryoku...but jutsu this powerful as well! Itachi's really something, alright!

*Douryouku: power of doujutsu (lit. eye power).

Yamata no Orochi is split from Sasuke's body and swalloed by Susanowo's (turtleneck?). Sasuke remains on his knees.

Itachi: It's over...Sasuke.

Itachi approaches to claim the eyes!

Next time: My eyes!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Arvael - 08 márc 07, 15:22:27
Kikerült a 392. fejezet angolul az oldalra, szóval ezentúl majd a 393. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide (H)

Ja és a hozzászólásokat a másik topicba legyetek szívesek :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Firebrand - 08 márc 10, 21:18:17
Nini, legújabb spoiler, Tobi maszk nélkül :O (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 márc 11, 02:13:31

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 márc 11, 10:55:21

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 márc 11, 11:24:00
The huge man(Itachi's jutsu) absorbed the Orochi, but one of them escaped.
Zetsu:"Itachi's jutsu, that is.....?"
Itachi could not stop cough, and he looks very weak.
Zetsu:"This jutsu has huge risk, but now Sasuke's eye had no power, and his Orochimarus' power
also ran out.....Isn't this Itachi's victory?"
Itachi:"Now, your eyes is mine.......I can take them."
Itachi coughed, and looks hematemesis.

Zetsu:"What's up? He looks strange?"
The huge man was dispearing.
Sasuke threw kunai but the huge man defensed them.
Itachi's eyes came out blood, and went to Sasuke.

He threw kunai again but also defensed by Itachi.

Zetsu:"The jutsu can bounce all the attack to Itachi. He is so strong."

Itachi:"IS MY EYES ! MINE!"

Sasuke wanted to escape but stoped by the huge man.

Itachi's hand touch Sasuke's eyes......
Sasuke could not move.

Itachi said something but no one can hear him.

Itachi looks fainted and his hand touch Sasuke's forhead.
The huge man dispeared.
Itachi fell down.
Zetsu broke into a cold sweat.
Just then, a white snake escape, too.

The end of the battle, Next time, Sasuke's victory!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 márc 12, 23:46:47
Áhh végre, van pár új kép!  :king:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: anadrex - 08 márc 13, 19:04:00


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Firebrand - 08 márc 13, 19:31:31
Andarex: Ezek a képek hamisak. Úgynevezett fake képek.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 márc 14, 15:40:01
A Naruto Shippuuden Manga 393. fejezetének Angol verziója felzúzva a főoldalra. Mostantól kezdve a 394. fejezet spoiler képeit & szövegeit várjuk eme topicba, amelyhez a kommentárokat nem ide, hanem a 'Naruto Shippuuden Manga' témán belülre várjuk. Doumo Arigatou Gozaimashita.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R4z0r - 08 márc 18, 17:53:36
Első spoiler..

Spoiler Part 1:

テラアマスの残り火が森に移り森萌える。 テラ&plusmn;ス.
the left over flames from teraamasu burn the forrest.
ゼツ[イタチェが倒れた?ツセ[ェ ]シロ蛇にもテラアマスが移り蛇焼けしぬ ]テラス
zetsu: Itachi collapsed? zetsu: the white snake also got burnt in the flames
ゼツ[うそ!ツセ! イタチェって死んでない?ェ ]イタチェのアップ! ェ キモイ ここで雨がふりだす。
zetsu no way!zetsu: you mean itachi's dead? close up on itachi! gross, rain starts to fall
ゼツ[左スケの勝ちだ。ツセス. どうも腑に落ちないんだけど。
zetsu: sasuke won.
Zetsu [can't read this]

Spoiler Part 2:

ツセェ? 確かに…カワセルはずの攻撃もかわせず、戦闘中に何度も吐血、イタチェは元から何か重大なダメ ージを負って いたかもしれない…ェ負っ…
zetsu? you're right, he didn;t avoid attacks he could have avoided. In the midst of battle he was coughing up blood, maybe itachi was severly injured before the fight.

Spoiler Part 3:

ツセ それは断定できない。 . もう少しで左スケの目をとれたのに…」ゼツ葉っぱに包まれ消えていきそう。ス… "セツ. 左スケ倒れてるイタチェのデコトンした指を見つめる。 スェテ見つめるンコ. 左スケ一瞬だけニヤケるそのままイタチェの横に意識失い倒れる ス

Spoiler Part 4:

yamato(?) this formation seems completely ineffective.
牙[タイミングはばっちりだったはずだ。 . 確実に当たってるはずだぜ! ! なのになんでかわされちまってるんだ? ちまっ 」 "
kiba: the timing was perfect. It should have hit him! So how the hell did he dodge it?
ナルト「当たってた。最初に攻撃した螺旋まるも当たってるはずだった。なのにあいつの体をすり ぬけちまった] .螺旋
naruto: It hit him! The first rasengan attack hit him. But it just slid through his body.

Spoiler Part 5:

志乃すり抜け. そういう事かナルト」 "
shino(?) slips through..that's it naruto.
カカス[あれはやつだけの何か特別な術だな。 . こうなると厄介だが…志乃] …志乃]
kakashi: that seems to be a special jutsu that only he has. it's going to be tough like this..shino....shino

Spoiler Part 6 (last ?):

志乃 虫が志乃の周りにでてくる。 ]志乃
shino insects gather around shino shino
kakashi: in this situation a secret jutsu like shino's is useful
志乃鳶[うわぁ!鳶 キミアブラメ一族かぁ! ラ&plusmn; メ ウジャウジャきもいなぁもう!
shinotobi: uwa! tobi: are you of the aburame clan? ugh! gross creepy crawlies! (this is the god of ninja speaking people )
kiba: shino you finally getting serious huh?
志乃[当たり前だ。志乃. 何故なら前の任務は仲間ハズレだったからな! ]
shino: Of course. Shino. the reason is, because last time I was left out!
風呂はいりますおわり ]
it ends with [someone?] needing a bath.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 márc 18, 20:01:54
Állítólag ez egy pontosabb fordítás:

The remaining flames from Amaterasu reach the forest, starting a forest fire.
Az amaterasu megmaradt lángjai elérték az erdőt, erdőtűzet gerjesztenek.

Zetsu: Itachi collapsed?
Itachi összeesett?

Amaterasu reaches the white snake, and it burns too.
Amaterasu elérte a fehér kígyót, és megégette azt is.

ゼツ[うそ!イタチェって死んでない?]イタチェのアップ!キモイw ここで雨がふりだす。
Zetsu: No way! You're telling me Itachi's dead?
Az nem lehet! Azt akarod mondani, hogy Itachi halott?

Close-up on Itachi. It's pretty gross. At this point, it starts raining.
Rázoomolás Itachira. Elég durva. Elkezd esni.

Zetsu: Sasuke wins. Something's not quite right, though.
Sasuke nyert. Azonban vmi nincs rendben.

Zetsu: This wasn't all Itachi had! His movements weren't as good as yourself said he looked odd, right?
Itachi ennél többet tud! A mozdulatai nem voltak olyan jók, mint máskor...te magad mondtad, hogy furcsának tűnt, igaz?

Zetsu: Indeed...he wasn't dodging attacks he normally would have, he coughed blood more than once... He might have been already pretty hurt before the fight even started...
Valóban...nem kerülte el a támadásokat, amiket máskor elkerült volna, többször is vért köhögött fel...Mintha azelőtt megsérült volna, mielőtt a harc egyáltalán elkezdődött volna...

Zetsu: Because he over-used sharingan?
Mert túl sokszor használta a sharingant?

Zetsu: Can't say for sure. And he was so close to taking Sasuke's eyes...
Nem tudom pontosan. És annyira közel volt ahhoz, hogy megszerezze Sasuke szemeit...

Zetsu disappears under some leaves. Sasuke gazes intently at the finger Itachi poked his forehead with. Sasuke smiles (evil grin) and falls unconscious by Itachi's side.
Zetsu eltűnik vmi levelek alá. Sasuke mereven bámulja Itachi ujját, amivel megnyomta a homlokát. Sasuke mosolyog (gonoszan vigyorog) és eszméletlenül Itachi mellé zuhan.


Back to Naruto!
Vissza Narutohoz!

Yamato: So this formation's not working either.
Szóval ez az alakzat sem műkszik.

Kiba: The timing was perfect. It was a hit, dammit! How the heck did he dodge it!?
Az időzítés tökéletes volt. Eltalálta, a francba is! Hogy a rákba kerülte el?

Naruto: He didn't. My first rasengan hit too. What happened was it went through his body.
Nem kerülte el. Az első ransenganom is eltalálta. Egyszerűen átment a testén.

Shino: In other words, he made it look like he dodged it, but what actually happened was both you and your jutsu went right through his body. Is that what you're saying, Naruto?
Másszóval, úgy tett, mintha elkerülte volna, de valójában te és a jutsud is átment a testén. Ezt akarod mondani?

Kakashi: Must be a special jutsu of his. Well, he's a pain to deal with, that's for sure, but...Shino?
Biztos ez az egyik különleges jutsuja. Nos, nehéz vele elbánni, az biztos, de...Shino?

志乃[分かっている。] 虫が志乃の周りにでてくる。
Shino: Way ahead of you.

Bugs come out of Shino.
Bogarak jönnek ki shinoból.

Kakashi: In these situations, hijutsu (secret jutsu) like Shino's come in handy.
Ezekben a helyzetekben egy titkos jutsu, mint amilyen Shinonak is van, jól jön!

Madara: Uwah! An Aburame clan member! Oh, man, anything but your swarmy little kind!
Uwah! Egy Aburame klántag! Öcsém, csak a bogárrajos kiscsákót ne!

Kiba: Hey, Shino, you're looking fiestier than usual!
Héj Shino, sokkal lelkesebbnek tűnsz, mint máskor!

Shino: Of course - the reason being I missed out last time!
Persze, mert a múltkor kihagytatok!

szerk.: nyomattam egy gyors nyersfordítást

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 márc 19, 13:08:42
Akkor jöjjön némi képi anyag is ^^ - Asszem... ez tényleg meghalt, vagy csak fog O_O


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 márc 20, 15:54:29
Nagyítót elő!! :D Új kép x)


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 márc 20, 20:00:15
pár képecske

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 márc 20, 21:54:45
Felkerült az oldalra a Naruto Shippuuden Manga 394. fejezetének Kínai Scanlation verziója, úgyhogy mostantól a 395. fejezettel kapcsolatban várunk ide spoilereket. - A Kommentárokat még mindig nem ide várjuk ^^
A 394-gyel kapcsolatos esetleges gyorsfordításokat a Naruto Shippuuden Manga topicba tessék ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Ranma23 - 08 márc 24, 21:14:37
Találtam spoilert neten gondoltam felrakom nem tudom fake e akinek van kedve lefordíthatja:P

Title: Shino's showdown.

shino unleashes a barrage of bug attacks that chases the very acrobatic tobi.
shino pauses and Tobi taunts shino.

Tobi: yuck!!, don't come near me with that creepy @#$% (stuff).

Shino: In a matter of fact, I am just only getting warmed up.


Shino secretly attacks tobi from all directions with the bugs that where just chasing tobi.

Shino:what seemed like a simple game of cat and mouse is in actuality a trap, inhibiting any means of escape.

The bugs engulf tobi as tobi reacts to a sense of pain. Assured victory doesn't seem so far out of sight now

Kiba: Yes you nailed him Shino, I am sure glad I don't have to face you In a fight.


Shino: No need for praises now, because I think something is wrong here.

Laughter comes from within the glob of bugs.

Tobi: Now that I know all of your attacks I guess it's time to go on the offensive.

Konoha group: !!!

Tobi absorbs the bugs and then hurles them back to the group (now he is in control of Shino's bug jutsu)

He engulfs all of the Konoha group with it and they seem immobolized.

Shino seems to be unphased.

Tobi: you are done now just give up the fight guy's; I need to go baaadly!

suddenly we see Tobi running and rolling on the ground like a lunatic holding his head.

Shino: No on the contrary you need to give up this fight because as I speak my special bugs are feasting any physical matter they have encountered and that seems to be your mask.

Tobi is seen ripping his mask from his face and kneeling down gasping for air.

Shino regains control of his bugs and free's the konoha group.

kakashi seems shocked at the dark figure before them

kakashi: It can't be you should be dead.

next chapter: who is this figure that stands before kakashi?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: R - 08 márc 25, 19:09:34
Alright guys, be good and listen to this story from my dad.

Shino: Go!

The bugs attack Tobi. He dodges them smoothly.

Tobi: Uwah! Disgusting, I tell ya!

Naruto: Gimme a break, he's dodging them like nothing!

カカス[アブラメ一族は一点集中形の攻撃ではなく空間を大きくとった広範囲形攻撃を得意とす るんだ]
Kakashi: The Aburame clan doesn't specialize in pin-point attacks, but rather in those of the wide range variety.

Kiba: Naruto, you've hardly ever been on a mission with Shino before...just leave to him, you'll see! Let the bugs do their business.

Shino: Spread!

The bugs encircle Tobi.

Kakashi: It's impossible to dodge *all* the bugs.


Shino: Whether he's dodging things or having them slip through him, I'll get to the bottom of his jutsu! Go! Hijutsu, Mushidama!

The bugs cover Tobi.


Tobi's completely covered by bugs.

Kakashi: Well, Hinata?

Hinata: Chakra verification complete. He's most definitely beneath Shino kun's bugs!

Kakashi: Yamato!

Yamato: Ready! Standing by to attack!

Shino: There's definitely getting a reaction - the reason being the bugs' movements indicate they're absorbing chakra!

Naruto: Have them keep on sucking 'till there's no more left!*

*I don't write these lines, I just translate them - Iwa.

Tobi suddenly vanishes!

Shino: What on earth!? The bugs lost sight of him even as they absorbed chakra. Impossible.

Sakura: Shunshin (teleportation) no jutsu?

志乃[いやちがう。何故ならもしシュンシンなら虫たちは奴が飛んだ方向へ反応する。ニガシハ しない。
Shino: Not quite. The reason being the bugs would've instantly pursued in the direction he went. They don't lose their targes.

Kakashi: He used space-time jutsu!? You gotta be kidding!

Kakashi: He jumped through space-time without having to perform seals or kuchisoye....That'd make his space-time ninjutsu greater than even the Fourth's!

Hinata: Byakugan! Found him! Over there!

Tobi: Howdy, folks!

Zetsu appears right beside Tobi.

Tobi: Well?

Zetsu: It's over.

Sakura: Who's that?

Zetsu: Sasuke won. Itachi died.

Naruto and Co. are shocked.

Tobi: Oh-my-god...NOT! Just as I figured.

Zetsu: Sasuke collapsed himself, though. He might just be hanging on by a thread.


Naruto and Co: !!!

Naruto: Yo! Aloe-man! Where's Sasuke?

Zetsu: Aloe-man!?
Zetsu(the other one): Leave him be.

Kakashi notices Tobi's sharingan!

Tobi: You'll have to accept my rain-check - we'll meet again.

(Looks like he's in full "Bad-ass Madara mode" when he says this, going by his choice of words - Iwa).

跳びのシャリんアップ はいおわり
It ends with a close up on Tobi's Sharingan.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 márc 27, 15:43:42
Nyehehehe beindul az eksön  :omg: >:)


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 márc 28, 10:10:45
> Shipp Manga 395 Angol verzió > Főoldal > Ide várjuk a 396 spoilereit > < A kommenteket viszont nem.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 márc 31, 23:42:04

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 ápr 01, 22:09:47
Na erről még nem tudni hogy mostezmiez:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Hasegawa - 08 ápr 02, 08:25:22
Chapter 396 The Gathering Darkness
Begins with Konoha Shinobi and Madara. Madara disappears while Kakashi looks on horrified.
Kakashi(Thinking):Impossible there should be no one left with the Sharingan other then Itachi and Sasuke

Yamato:Whats wrong Kakashi-sempai you look ill

Kakashi:That man was in possesion of the Sharingan!

Everyone(except Zetsu):!!!!!

Yamato:If thats the case we should go after him immediatly

Naruto:No we have to go after Sasuke you heard that Venus fly trap man....Sasuke is dieing!

White Zetsu: Venus Fly Trap Man!!!!

Black Zetsu:I told you to ignore him

White Zetsu: Don't worry Shinobi of Konoha that man is heading to the same location as Sasuke and your more then welcome to follow him if you can....

Black Zetsu: Get past us that is.

Scene Shifts to Tsunade in the same place she was in when seeing the frog a few chapters ago. Ma toad jumps out of the pond this time
Tsunade: Elder Toad Sage?

Ma:Swimming this far at my age should be out of the question

Ma:For a last request that kid sure was demanding

Tsunade: Last request.....Where is Jiriaya!

Ma:When i left him he was still fighting the guy with the six path ways eye with Pa, but...

Ma:Just by looken at his face before i left....i could tell he wasn't commin back

Tsunade grabs Ma toad by the collar with tears in her eyes

Tsunade:Your lying....he just sent you here to tell me that so i wouldn’t smash his face in for spending extra time on the way back peeping at girls

Ma:Snap out of it the hokage can not be seen in such an emotional fit....if you don't believe me then pretend i didn't say anything

Ma:Right now we have to honor that kid's dying wish....and help to find out the secret of the Six path ways kid!

Tsunade:Six Path Ways, but that means!

Scene changes to Pain and Kannon they are inside the chamber that holds his bodies
Pain:Kannon report what have you discovered with your paper jutsu

Kannon:Madara is on his way to Uchiha Sasuke right now, but...

Kannon:Is it really okay to allow Madara to advance the Sharingan further?

Pain opens a whole in the wall at the back of the chamber and steps through it followed by Kannon....the last two pages are a double page spread of a chamber with a glass flask containing a shriveled body inside. The back wall has the 9 eyes of the hell god statue with the 8th eye clicking open(leaving only the 9th left). Wires and tubing are all over the room and on the left and right side of the wall there are 5 sets of six different bodies(30 bodies in all) plugged into the same storage capsuls as the previous six.

Pain: Do not fear the false King...for no matter how much power a mortal can achieve in this world he will never match up to the power of a....


Side Text: Pain's Secret Revealed?....The power that does not fear even Uchiha Madara

Next Time:The Mystery Deepens

Ez nem 100% csak találtam!!!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 03, 12:47:11

Ez a kép nem biztos, hogy igazi,...a scriptek is eléggé zavarosak...Van egy amin Kakashiék elől eltűnik Tobi és utána mennek egy dimenziókapuval, egy másik amiben Kakashi odaadja Narutonak azt a kunait, amit Minatotól kapott, van egy amin Tobi útjába erednek, de amaterasus lángokba botlanak, van egy ami Kisameéknél végződik, van egy ami szerint Tsunade is benne lesz és a nagyi varangy és van még egy, amiben Tobi leveszi a maszkját Sasuke előtt, és Szöszke nagyon elcsodálkozik. Elég cinkes az összes szvsz! :)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 ápr 03, 12:54:19
Jááááááj mégiscsak lekerül Tobi maszkja:



Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 03, 14:14:59
Akkor sztem ez lesz a jó script:
The Konoha Team attempts to chase Tobi and Zetsu who disappears but are stopped by Kakashi
Naruto is about to snap asking why they were stopped. Hinata tries to calm Naruto down. Naruto sees Kakashi's serious face and controls his anger.
After a while Yamato suggests to continue search Sasuke. They decide to split up into groups again and search. While searching, Sai asks Kakashi why he didn't allow them to chase in persuit. Kakashi doesn't answer.
Kiba senses Sasuke's scent. Everyone gathers to find traces of a battle but find no figures likely to be Itachi or Sasuke. The scent has gone so they decide they cannot chase any longer. Naruto grinds his teeth and no one talks to him.

Sasuke wakes although he is dying. He looks around but can't figure out where he is. Tobi and Zetsu return there. Sasuke asks who they are.
Tobi takes his mask off and says:
"Its not the first time...Isn't it?"
(Writers Note: I'll leave the face up to when the manga comes out)
Sasuke looks astonished:
"You, you are..."

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 ápr 03, 14:20:10
És jött még 1 kép is ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 03, 14:35:12
Cart képeinek fordítása:

Top left
Tobi: Take itachi’s body with you, I’ll be there soon.

Top right
Tobi: I’m the same as you are
I’m also a survivor o the uchiha clan

Tobi: someone who knows the truth about uchiha itachi.
Bottom left
Yamato: go ahead and [???]
Kakashi: [???]
Bottom right
Zetsu: I’m not you, I can travel that far
Tobi(?) since you saw it I’ll assume you recorded it all, right?
Zetsu creepy: don’t worry, I have it all recorded.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 ápr 04, 20:50:48
Mostantól a 396. rész spoilereit várjuk ide. A kommenteket viszont nem.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 08 ápr 07, 21:27:02
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hamis
Szerző: Alterno

Hali találtam eggyet...lehet ne itt :P

397: All Begins...

Tobi 「Don't you want to know... the truth about Itachi?」
Sasuke 「The Truth?... He fought for his desire and died」
Tobi 「ku ku ku ... sibling love ... is a cruel one」

「Tobi removes his mask」

Sasuke「That appareance...」

「Tobi right side is old and the left side is young」

Tobi「In this appareance is how madara can exist」« mostly my interpretation.
Sasuke「Madara... Madara is someone I heard, he have been dead for long」
Tobi 「Well, Indeed I died ... My body at least. But before my body decayed in this world, I divided my soul and tranformed it into Chakra. 」
Sasuke 「Is that possible?」
Tobi 「That's my power... My sould wandered in this world until found a new place where to concentrate. In this young person, for sure you have heard of him... Obito」

Sasuke thinking「now that I think it, that was the name of Kakashi's close friend, who died young」

Tobi 「Obito died while in his mind he was asking for help... in that moment ... I awoke!」

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 ápr 08, 14:03:17
Kérek mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be ezeket:

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

A Hitelesség ellenőrzést mi (Admin, Moderátorok) töltjük ki. Oda nem kell írnod semmit. Ha szerzel egy infót, akkor utánanézünk hogy igaz-e vagy sem ^^

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Folyamatban
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hamis
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Igaz

A kód amit be kell illesztened a hszeid elejére:

[b]Hitelesség ellenőrzés:[/b]

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: anadrex - 08 ápr 08, 19:57:33
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hamis


Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hamis

Somewhere in the forest lurks Akatsuki...

Voice 1: So what happened?
Zetsu: Sasuke won.. Itachi lost.
Voice 1 turns out to be Pain!
Pain: Did he lose or did he die?
Zetsu: Criticial conditions.. Madara can't tell yet. His breathing stopped when we brought him back but I think he's still alive.
Pain: We'll need him to get to Naruto..


Shino: My bugs can trace the Akatsuki members!
Naruto: They'll have Sasuke, let's go!
Kakashi: (Who is that man?!)


Konan: ... Itachi?
Itachi: (eyes opening) Konan...?
Konan: You lost.
Itachi: He's gotten stronger... Akatsuki can make good use of him.
Konan: Madara wants to use him... Itachi, he surpasses you.
Itachi: I can't see that grim smile on your face, Konan. I'm blind.
Konan: Of course I have the smile, Itachi Uchiha. You failed. You lost to your little brother - Sasuke Uchiha.
(Konan proceeds out of the room)
Konan: If you want to see again, you'll have to beg when Madara comes back. Pain needs you too.
(After Konan leaves..)
Itachi: Sasuke...


Tobi: Sasuke Uchiha, I am Madara.
Sasuke: You helped slay MY clan...
Tobi: Your clan?! The Uchihas had no benefit to me. Only those with the power to change the world matter to me.
Sasuke: That flaw in you is your downfall, Madara. I can't take you like this, but mark my words, you'll die at the hands of an Uchiha.
Tobi: What goes around comes around, friend...
(Tobi proceeds towards Sasuke)
Sasuke: ..?!
Tobi: Itachi isn't dead (laughs)... you'll die at the hands of him.
Sasuke: ..?!


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: fredy12 - 08 ápr 08, 20:01:38
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hamis

Spoiler Script - 01                                                                       

Chapter 397: Afterglow!

Somewhere in the forest lurks Akatsuki...

Voice 1: So what happened?
Zetsu: Sasuke won.. Itachi lost.
Voice 1 turns out to be Pain!
Pain: Did he lose or did he die?
Zetsu: Criticial conditions.. Madara can't tell yet. His breathing stopped when we brought him back but I think he's still alive.
Pain: We'll need him to get to Naruto..


Shino: My bugs can trace the Akatsuki members!
Naruto: They'll have Sasuke, let's go!
Kakashi: (Who is that man?!)


Konan: ... Itachi?
Itachi: (eyes opening) Konan...?
Konan: You lost.
Itachi: He's gotten stronger... Akatsuki can make good use of him.
Konan: Madara wants to use him... Itachi, he surpasses you.
Itachi: I can't see that grim smile on your face, Konan. I'm blind.
Konan: Of course I have the smile, Itachi Uchiha. You failed. You lost to your little brother - Sasuke Uchiha.
(Konan proceeds out of the room)
Konan: If you want to see again, you'll have to beg when Madara comes back. Pain needs you too.
(After Konan leaves..)
Itachi: Sasuke...


Tobi: Sasuke Uchiha, I am Madara.
Sasuke: You helped slay MY clan...
Tobi: Your clan?! The Uchihas had no benefit to me. Only those with the power to change the world matter to me.
Sasuke: That flaw in you is your downfall, Madara. I can't take you like this, but mark my words, you'll die at the hands of an Uchiha.
Tobi: What goes around comes around, friend...
(Tobi proceeds towards Sasuke)
Sasuke: ..?!
Tobi: Itachi isn't dead (laughs)... you'll die at the hands of him.
Sasuke: ..?!


Spoiler Script - 02

Image of Tobi without mask
Lateral : the real face come out, now the true will see the light?

Tobi : oh boy, you are very irritable...
Sasuke : You are..!!
Tobi : I talk with you in a few moments but please be quiet.
Tobi hit Sasuke and he is K.O
Zetsu : Well... let's go
Zetsu 2: Wait, I sense someone.
Tobi : this boy...are you sure?
Zetsu : I go to see
Zetsu 2 : Don't need, he is here.
Zetsu : what are you talking about?
Zetsu 2 : ... maybe i'm confused.
Tobi : Well i can't sense anybody. let's go.

Change image
Inside forest we see 2 members of akatsuki (dark), one of they are sit on a tree.
1 : Are you exausted? You was surrounding the death.
2 : You are... i can't see you.
1 : Hmm, you are completely blind.
2 : Your voice... it's possible?
1 : Yes... how much time Itachi?
Itachi : More than 10 years.
1 : Let's see your eyes.
1 : I can't do nothing for your sharingan, but you can recover your vision. It's better than nothing right?
Itachi : yes. My brother, where are
1 : Madara catch he.
Itachi : He is strong. But no have combat experience.
1 : Don't worry in a few years he becomes more stronger than you.
Itachi : I know, but....
1 : ...but you can't see it right?... how it's your heart?
Itachi : ...
1 : Well i need return to my work.
1 : ... Itachi... Madara is going to Konoha
Itachi : !!!
1 : Don't worry he can't do the ritual without you... he take a Pein's death corpose.
1 : well...remember, you are "death", anyone can't see you at the moment. I contact with you at the moment to fight Madara, in this time can you do a favour ourself? Don't force your heart
1 : Bye Itachi
The akatsuki member open a "spacial"* door and left.
three images of Itachi's vision, the fist show us completly darkness, second show us how itachi is recovering his vision, and the last we see that itachi's vision is completely recovered.
Itachi : Thank you Nagato.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 09, 17:56:28
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Igaz
Szerző: kaze1028

NA csak hogy lássatok vmi okosságot :):


(A scriptek amúgy nem jók!)

szerk.: ettől le fogtok hidalni:

képek fordítása ugyanonnan:

1. kép

Tobi: .... you must listen (as it is your responsibility?)

For all shinobi... for all of those in Konoha, and ultimately for his little brother, he had risked his life. Your brother Uchiha Itachi's admirable way of life!

2. kép

To protect you... Sasuke

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Reikaa - 08 ápr 10, 11:04:03
ha jól fordítottam:

Tobi: ....figyelned kell.(vagy ez a saját felelősséged?)
        Az összes sinobiért...azokért akik ott vannak Konohában, és végül az ő kisöcséjéért kockáztatta az életét.A bátyád, Uchiha Itachi csodálatra méltó "életútja...megvédeni téged, Sasuke.

bocs ha rossz még csak 12 vagyok próbálkoztam...

az utolsó kép alján sasukének csak a bal szemében van sharingan?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 ápr 10, 13:02:34
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Igaz
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: Iwanin

"And next week, there will be no Naruto." Magyarán: Jövő héten nem lesz új mangafejezet.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 10, 15:26:55
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Igaz
Szerző: kaze1028


A képekhez:

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Igaz
Szerző: Iwanin

Just as Madara's about to take off his mask, Sasuke's eyes perform Amaterasu.
Shocked at the sudden ocurrence, Sasuke presses his eyes and moans in pain.
Madara explains to Sasuke that Itachi implanted [the Amaterasu mechanism] in his eyes at the very end of the battle to keep Madara away from him.

Sasuke's dumbfounded, and demands to know what Madara means. To this, Madara replies "it was to protect you," "you know nothing about your brother."

Surprised, Sasuke becoms agitated. Madara declares he will now tell Sasuke who Itachi was and how he lived. [These last two paragraphs correspond to the leaked images, as you can see from boyakist's translation].

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 11, 05:31:44
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Igaz
Szerző: hzzluis


Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: hzzluis

Page 1

Itachi lived up to his name. *more text which I'll edit in*

To anticipate so far ahead is quite something else.

And just what is that?

He applied a technique on you to kill me.

Actually, it would be fairer to say to have you get *away* from me...

Page 2

Most likely, he triggered "Amaterasu" to automatically cast itself once you saw my Sharingan.

Madara's thoughts:
Good as he was, not even Itachi knew everything about me.

If that wasn't the case, I would be dead.

Itachi's one for contingencies, though I am proof against such things.

So? What are you getting at?

There's something he must have done to you before he died.

Page 3

In the end, he transferred the power he contained in his eyes into you. For your sake.

What the hell are you talking about...?
Just what is it you're trying to say?

Why would Itachi do something like...?

You don't get it?

Page 4

I'll say it again.

You know your brother on the surface, but you really know nothing.

If you could just dispense with the bullshit already. I'll kill you!

Looks like going at it this angle won't work.

Well, it's only natural I guess. Being told something like this by such a suspicious-looking guy would make anyone the same.

However, what I am saying is the truth.

You heard from Itachi, didn't you? About the accomplice from *that* night...

Page 5

I am that Uchiha Madara.

I know everything about Itachi.

Hmm I wonder if he was unaware of it when he died.

Shut the hell up! I don't give a shit about that! Get the hell away from me!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 ápr 11, 11:11:07
Naruto Manga 397 angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 398. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide, ellentétben a kommentekkel.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 ápr 21, 18:13:19
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Nem igaz

Sasuke : I don't want to listen any of you!! go out!
SFX : kss
Madara : You aren't completely healed. Don't worry I don't take a lot of your time, we need to do other things.
Sasuke : ...
Temple uchiha.
Itachi : Shisui, why we going to train here?
Shisui : No people watching here, we can train seriously.
Itachi : Ok, here it's a great place.
???? : people?
Itachi : Let's go. Sharingan!!
Shisui : oh, you don't want to lose time... sharingan.
???? : !!! sharingan?
SFX : *exalation* *exalation*
Itachi : Lose again *exalation*
Shisui : *exalation* You... you are really stronger I thought that with my velocity I could defeat you.
Itachi : You are faster but you can't avoid my genjutsu
???? : wow... great battle. Right madara?
Madara : yes, we would take profit of they. Go to inform Pein, Zetsu.
Pein : Don't need, I saw they too.
Madara : what do you thing about?
Pein: Zetsu, come here now, you will go to recruit new member on Sand-village. And you Madara, attempt to convince this boys, if they wouldn't accept... you know... kill them

itt van még1 ugyan onnan
(Chinese-spoiler) :

Madara explain that he lives on temple Uchiha and he say something like : "but don't worry sasuke I get a new house". One day two child go to train to the temple and he saw how they was trainning. He thought that this boys was very stronger and he began to watch they every weekends only like a hobby.
One day this boys was trainning and one of they say something that will shock the other one. "I never listen it... what it could be?... well..."
he continues explain that this boys fight so hard this day and they active his sharingan for have a great battle. "Oh man I was very surprised!" After this Madara say that he stops his plans and began to train this boys becouse they was so cool. One day trainning, Shisui get MS and attack with some especial jutsu to Itachi. But Madara stop his attack with one hand (i supose that was taijutsu?)some days After this Itachi get MS too. Madara was very shocked... this two boys was a genious.
Finally madara say something like : "ofcourse I take profit of this... but your brother wouldn't help me... and I do something for convince he.

next chapter : Shisui-Madara-Itachi what's the true?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Dani - 08 ápr 23, 21:38:49
Hitelesség ellenőrzése: Nem igaz

Tobi stands in front of Sasuke.
Tobi: You can ask whatever you want, Sasuke. Be certain that I'll answer every question, solve all your doubts...
Sasuke shakes his head.
Tobi: Well then. If you don't make questions I'll start.

Tobi: As you know, your brother was one of my students. A talented one I must say...I kept my eye on him sice he started the academy. I waited for someone like him all my existence...
Sasuke coughs a little blood.
Tobi: Lay down Sasuke, you need to rest.
Tobi: Well, I knew he had talent, very much talent. I decided to develop his power, but to reach it he needed the extreme sacrifice.
Sasuke: Killing his closest friend?
Tobi: Exact.'s a little long to explain it by words. Let me show you some of my memories.
The sharingan under the mask starts rotating fast...
Sasuke is now looking at Tobi with a young guy.
Tobi: Now boy, you completed the training . I've done everything that I could for you. Now all depends on you. You know what must be done, right?
Boy:Yes sensei.
Sasuke: Is this......genjutsu?!
Tobi stands behind him.
Tobi: Yes, I'm showing you the most important steps in Itachi's life. All starts here with little Shisui.
Sasuke: Shisui!!? Itachi's best friend!

The illusion goes on. Tobi now is facing a young Itachi.
Tobi: Well done Itachi. Now you must complete the last step.
Itachi nods.
Tobi: and now Sasuke, the most important.
Itachi and Shisui are walking at night in the forest.
Itachi: You wanted to see me? Shisui-san?
Shisui: I must show you one thing. Come, this way.
They walk a little more. Then stop in front of the hideout Naka near to the river Naka.
Itachi: Now what?
Shisui: Forgive me Itachi..
Itachi activates the sharingan
Shisui disappears and pierces Itachi with his kunai.
Itachi: You...really..?
Shisui looks at Itachi. He is no bleeding.
Shisui: Replacement...
Itachi appears behind him.
Itachi: What do you think you are doing?
Shisui: I'll kill you Itachi! It must be done, to achieve the ultimate power!!
Itachi: have been training with Madara too!
Shisui: What? You know about him? He never said me...But it doesen't matter. He gave me a test and I'll complete it!
Itachi: Do you really want to follow his advice? You really intend to kill me for the superior sharingan?!
Shisui:....yes..I will.
Itachi: I don't want to hurt you, but if you force me to defence I will kill you.
Shisui: Katon! Ryuuka no jutsu!
Itachi avoids it.
Itachi: Kage bushin no jutsu
10 clones appear.
Clones: Katon! Housenka no jutsu
Shisui uses his body flicker but the real Itachi manages to catch him and they both fall into the river strangling each other.
Itachi: Shisui stop it...
Shisui is losing his senses. The water calms.
Someone jumps out of water. It's Itachi with Mangekyou sharingan.
Tobi: Good Itachi. After all you were stronger than Shisui. Now I can tell you all about my true plan! For an even greater power!!
Next Naruto Manga 399 : the sorrow of that day.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 24, 08:43:46
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: GOKURO-3君


Text on the cover:

Their strong bond ties the two together
Az összeköti kettőjüket az erős kötelékük

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: GOKURO-3君


The cover is the Uchiha Clan

Title: Uchiha Itachi's Dream

Danzou's flashback
Sarutobi's generation
Sarutobi decides to make the next Hokage a shinobi with the ability that even surpasses his own
A still very young Minato is chosen for one of the candidates
Minato had a unbelievable development speed which made him graduate the academy and become a Jounin in a year

Madara speaks:
Even though he was very young, Itachi had a dream of becoming Hokage
And he worked very hard

But because of an incident in the past, even an extremely talented Uchiha appeared, Itachi was told that he would never be chosen Hokage
Itachi becomes hopeless and weeps to his parents

3 years after the Kyuubi attack and the death of the fourth, Itachi meets Madara
Itachi fights Madara who was his source for hatred but loses
But he doesn't get killed and he trains with Madara and goes in Akatsuki
When in Akatsuki, Itachi verses Orochimaru, who was a candidate for the Fourth and wins, thus, assures his ability

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 ápr 24, 17:56:37
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: conanl
Sajna a képet én nem tom fölrakni 1 ideje már semietsem de a linkre kattintva meg nézhetitek(érdemes)

Itt a kép. ;)


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 ápr 25, 00:38:37
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: Guts

Kép szövegének fordítása:

災禍を虜囚にする鎖。その一族を伝説 たらしめた瞳は断ち切れぬ運鎖の中に。
The chains/leash that hold calamity itself captive—those eyes that made that clan a legend are locked inside their own unseverable chains (of fate).

kb.: Magát a balsorsot tartják lelácolva - a szemek, melyek azt a klánt legendássá tették, a sorsukhoz vannak eltéphetetlenül lácolva.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: th - 08 ápr 25, 04:50:05
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: Manyou


vanmég párkép de azok piszok nagyok a forrás linkjén megtekinthetőek

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 ápr 25, 10:44:31
Felkerült a 398. fejezet angol fordítása. Magyarán a 399. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ebbe a témába. Az ehhez tartozó kommenteket a szomszédos topicba kérjük elküldeni.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 máj 07, 15:13:04
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: -


Senju clan and Uchiha clan were rivals.
Madara got MS from his brother because his brother offered.
Madara and Shodai agree to a ceasefire.
Senju clan made Uchiha clan price to control them.

Madara and Shodai fought for the position of Hokage.
Madara did it for the sake of the clan, but even Uchiha members didn't support him. Madara left the village, revenge on village and got defeated by Senju Hashirama. Every one thought Madara was dead at that time.
Uchiha became like a dog of Senju clan.
And finally wiped out by the incident of nine-tail.

Danzou and the two elders thought Uchihas did it.
But actually Uchihas didn't do it.
Uchihas under scrutiny by ANBU got isolated.
Uchihas planed to take over village to change this situation.
Itachi stopped this plan.
Itachi's hell started from this time.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 máj 07, 15:17:10
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Alexan

Még egy kis szöveg :nugget:

Madara: While fighting with Senju clan, and their leader Hashirama - I gradually accepted him as friend and battle comrade.
And our clans began to work together.
As I said, I admired Hashirama. Madara: ....
Hashirama had something that I did not.
He had amazing power, yet did not depend on just power under any condition.
He could relay on whole his clan. That is why there was no inner circle of reliance.
*Can't make it clear here. Madara wanted power*
I was often opposing him.
Past Madara: Only strongest can survive and obtain these eyes. Are you saying there is something wrong?
Hashirama: You can't obtain anything from just taking things. Those things are fated to crumble in ruins.
You heard the story... how child was killed. In order to obtain Mangekyo Sharingan.
Madara: This is consequences of obtaining power. It was mutual strengh insufficiency.
Hashirama: ... MS without a doubt poses great power... But I still do not understand its essence.
Madara: ...
Sasuke: ...
Madara: Once, Senju clan was hired by a certain country. The country under catastrophic threat.
Hashirama: we were hired and we fought with bijuu.
Madara: That's...
Madara: That was Kyuubi. At that time we were not aware of its power. First time fighting with biju, I've obtained new power. This is how it all started.


I found this spoiler on onemanga.
It seems that Madara is really in a talking mood with sasuke.
The last part sounds interesting.
Imagine..Kyuubi versus Madara.
I hope there will be more details

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 máj 07, 18:06:41
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Helltroll

Hashirama used the name of Hokage before the village hidden in the mist begin.

Senju clan whose leader was Hashirama was respected and was afraid by every Shinobi.

When Senju moves, Uchiha moves.

Only Uchiha could deal with Senju.

If a country employed Senju, the opponent employed uchiha...
My name (Madara) became famous, while I opposed with Hashirama.

Sasuke: Did you deprived your brother's eyes to make your fame?

Madara: It wasn't for fame. My brother offered them by his choice.

Madara gripped his left fist by his right hand.

Madara: But Senju offered armistice.

Uchiha agreed with this.

More from him:

But I only opposed this armistice.

Sasuke: What was this hatered we had till now?
Why my brother sacrificed himself?

「いずれうちはは千手に駆逐されてしまうと思えてならなかったが皆は休戦を望んでいたのでオレ はリーダーと して仕方なく意思を汲み取った」
Madara: I thought Senju would wipe us out in future, but everyone wanted armistice, so I agreed with armistice according to clan's will as a leader. I had no choice.

Madara and Senju shake hands.

Then we reached an accord with the country of fire.

The county of fire and the village hidden in the leaves.

Every country emulated this one contry and one village system.

The conflicts disappeared by this system.

Temporay peace has come.

But the village hidden in the leaves get into trouble by an incident.

Sasuke: ?

Madara: The position of the first Hokage.

The country of fire and people in the village chose Hashirama.

うちはの主権が遠ざかるからオレは柱間と対峙する道を選んだがうちはの者でさえオレについて来 るものはいな かった
I afraid that Uchiha would be get away from dominion, so I decided to oppose Hashirama, but even a member of Uchiha didn't follow me.

I was criticized and said I am a greedy elder brother who robbed eyes from his younger brother.

どこに好き好んで弟を傷つける兄がい る?
There is no elder brother who is willing to heart his younger brother.

I've just wanted to protect Uchiha! I've left the village.

I became an avenger and challenged village.

I was defeated...I died there...They thought so.

柱間でさえ そう思ったはずだ」
Even Hashirama should have believed it.

「柱間の弟であり二代目は反逆者を出さない為に信頼の証としてうちはに警務部隊の役職を 与えた
The second Hokage who is younger brother of Hashirama assigned Uchiha to police force to show how much he believe Uchiha clan.

But actually, that was to observe Uchiha.

Some members of Uchiha have noticed this and tried to execute my will.

But it was too late...Uchiha has already become a dog (subordinate) of Senju.

And Uchiha has totally wiped out by an incident.

The attack by Nine-tail fox in 16 years before.

Danzo and two old advisers deduced that Uchiha did it.

Nine-Tail fox was a natural disaster and Uchiha wasn't included it, but they said we planed rebellion and so on.

After that, ANBU kept watching Uchiha and Uchiha was isolated from the village.

The third Hokage opposed this, but no one agreed with him.

And Uchiha clan planed coup d'etat to take over the village.

それを阻止したのが お前の兄うちはイタチだ
The man who stopped this was Itachi, your elder brother.

His hell started from that time.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 máj 08, 17:48:12
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: Dofla & KoF9nRpEhk


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 máj 08, 18:29:32
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: Iwanin


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 máj 09, 13:51:38

Naruto Shippuuden Manga 399 hamarosan a főoldalon.
Mostantól a jubiláló Naruto Manga fejezet, azaz a 400. spoilereit várjuk ide.
A kommenteket a szomszédos topicba kérjük kifejteni.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 máj 14, 16:39:30
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: ITGM

Itachi entered Anbu as a spy, but as he leaked information to the village side, he was a double spy

Because Itachi experienced a war when he was 4, he thought that the stability of the village came first

So he had no choice but obliterating the clan

The Third tried to compromise, but there was no time before that night

Becoming a missing-nin was also his instructions

But Itachi made one mistake

He didn't kill his brother

He asked the Third to protect Sasuke, threatened Danzou to lay off Sasuke, and left.

I seems that from the beginning, Itachi intended to die and leave his powers to Sasuke


この作戦を練ったのはたぶんダンゾウ。 . その為里を出る前にダンゾウにサスケに手を出せば他国にこの話をして木の葉を潰させると言って ました 潰さ
The one who came up with this strategy was probably Danzou. That's why, before leaving the village, he told Danzou that if he laid a finger on Sasuke, he would tell other countries about this, and they would destroy Konoha

As for Madara, far from leading the revenge, he gave the condition that they would be anihilated (NOT sure about this sentence)

クーデターの首謀人物はサスケの親父 親父
The leader of the coup d'état was Sasuke's father

That's about it

Anyway, to make it short
If you were here before, skip this

Because of what had happened in the past, Itachi thought that stability of the village was the most important thing, so he became a double spy

里側にも情報を渡してた そして一族殺しと里抜けの指令を与えられたが唯一弟だけは殺せなかった 殺せなかった
He gave information to the Village side. Then, when he got the order to kill the clan and leave the village, he did not kill his brother

結局サスケに害が及ばぬよう手回しして里抜けした 及ばぬ
In the end, he saw to it that no harm would come to Sasuke, and left the village

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 máj 15, 15:50:24
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: hiteles
Szerző: kaze1028


1. kép:
" . . . couldn't kill you".

Pic 2
He thought about the stability of Konoha first - and worked for the purposes of peace. That's the kind of man he was

Pic 3
Your father, Fugaku was the mastermind leading the coup d'etat

Pic 4
Becoming the criminal that had killed off his clan, he became a nukenin while carrying that tainted name
All of that was part of his mission

Pic 5
All that has to be a lie...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 máj 16, 09:56:33
Naruto Manga 400. fejezet angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 401. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ;)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 máj 21, 17:04:12
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: folyamatban
Szerző: Kaku

Sasuke: It’s ridiculous. He tried to kill me countless times.

Madara: If he was serious about killing you, he would have already.

Sasuke: He even used his eye techniques to try and kill me!

*Flashback to the scene where Itachi uses Amaterasu.

Madara: Your reaction to his attack was a part of his plan. He knew he had to push you into a corner.

「もうお前は気付いて るだろ?」
Madara: You must have figured it out by now, right?

*Sasuke remembers back when Itachi finished off Orochimaru

*Madara looks at Sasuke’s neck

マダラ「呪印からの解放。そしてもっとも親しい者の死……お前にマン毛を開眼させる戦いでもあ った」
Madara: To release you from the cursed seal. And the death of the one closest to you…the fight was just as much about forcing you to unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan.

「あれ はすべてイタチの仕組んだ戦いだった。お前の眼を奪う芝居を最後まで演じきってな」
Madara: All of it was part of the fight Itachi planned. He put on the act of trying to take your eyes up until the very end.

*Sasuke is silent

Madara: Have you taken it all in?

サスケ「お前は嘘をついてる!」「キュウビに里を襲わせたのはお前の仕業だとイタチは言った! 」
Sasuke: You’re lying! Itachi said that you were the one that unleashed the Kyuubi on the village!

*Another flashback to what Itachi said during the fight

Sasuke: To give the Uchiha a bad name! To play games with the clan!

マダラ「さっきも言ったがそれも嘘だ。お前に真実が伝わるのをイタチは恐れていた」「その可能 性を残さぬよ うにお前にオレを信用させない為嘘をつき、天照までも仕込んだ」
Madara: I said it before, but that is a lie. Itachi feared that I might tell you the truth. In order to prevent such a possibility he lied to you so you wouldn’t trust me and even rigged your eyes with Amaterasu.

Sasuke: You think I can believe you?! Itachi was evil! He was a criminal made so by Akatsuki!

マダラ「ただ一人決してぬぐえぬ罪を背負い里を抜けてなお暁に入り込み里にとって危険な組織を 内側から見張 っていた……常に里を想いながら……そしてお前のことを……お前を守る約束をした3代目が死ん でイタチはす ぐ木の葉に姿を表した」
Madara: He took on the burden of a crime that cannot be erased and even in leaving the village joined Akatsuki, an organization considered a threat to the village, to monitor its activities from the inside…thinking of the village…and of you. When the 3rd Hokage, who had promised Itachi he would watch over you, died Itachi immediately appeared in the village.

Madara; It was as a warning to the village elders…he thought of you above all…

「やめろぉ!!うそだ!全部― ―」
Sasuke: Stop it!! It’s a lie! It’s all----

Madara: Because you are still alive!

*Sasuke makes more about to pass out/crazy freakout faces.

*Flashback to a scene in the fight between Sasuke and Itachi

マダラ「お前の眼はイタチのことを見抜けなかった。何一つ見抜けなかった」「だがイタチは…友 を殺し上司を 殺し恋人を殺し父を殺し母を殺した………だが弟だけは殺せなかった」
Madara: In the end your eyes couldn’t see through Itachi at all. Your eyes couldn’t see a single thing. But Itachi…he killed his friends…his superiors…his lover…his father…and his mother…but you were the only one he just couldn’t kill.

*Madara cuts Sasuke’s ropes with a kunai

マダラ「涙を流しながら感情を一切殺して里の為に同胞を殺した男が……お前を殺せなかった―― その意味がわ かるか?」
Madara: The man who while shedding a tear cut away all his feelings and killed his fellow countrymen for the sake of the village…couldn’t kill you. Do you understand the meaning behind that?

Madara: To him, your life was even more important than the village.
*Sasuke has his pretty boy face on again

「あいつは死んでもなおお前に力を授けるためお前に倒されることでうちは一族の敵を討った―― 英雄にお前を 仕立て上げるために」
Madara: In his dying he did it to pass his power on to you and in being defeated by you avenge the Uchiha clan—and make you a hero by defeating him.

*Flashback of scene where Itachi spits up blood

Madara: Even as he felt his own end coming from the disease eating away at him he took medication to keep living…for his brother who he loved most dearly…

*Flashback of Itachi’s death scene

*Then the candles in the cave/room go out.

*He had to die in front of you during your battle with him.

*Scene changes to Sasuke staring out at the sea.

He, for the sake of the leaf village and for the sake of you, wished to die as a criminal and a traitor.

He traded honor for a sullied name…he traded love for scorn...

…and even with all that, Itachi died smiling.

*Last panel is Sasuke

*Itachi kept you in the dark all this time to pass on the name Uchiha to you…

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: hiteles
Szerző: kaze1028

( ( ( ( (

U.i.: remélem most nem alakulnak át a képek...a fiatlaság érintetlensége érdekében :)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 máj 23, 08:32:44
Naruto Manga 401. fejezet angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 402. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ;)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Erdoro - 08 máj 28, 11:10:13
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Forrás: legközelebb töltsd ki
Szerző: legközelebb töltsd ki

akkor kezdek én.
a hitelesség bírálatot rátok bízom, de nekem nem tűnik fake-nek :$


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 máj 28, 12:31:33
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: hiteles
Szerző: incubus


Forgive me Sasuke...This is the last time.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: adel123456789

As usual, Itachi poked Sasuke who felt down and say “Forgive me Sasuke”

*The scene changed. Appears the flashback of the Shuriken scene which was used before.*

Sasuke: Would you train me again?

イタチ「ああ。ただオレも任務があるしお前も明日から学校だから二人の時間がそうとれなくなる だろうけどな 」
Itachi: Yes. But I have missions and you must go to school tomorrow, it’s difficult to have time for us now.

Sasuke was smiling and say,” It’s okay, if you are with me sometime.”

*The scene of the day before the Uchiha massacre.*

Sasuke ask Itachi to teach Shuriken. Itachi says,”Forgive me time.”

お前の越える壁としてオレは―お前と共にあり続ける―――たとえ憎まれようとも……それが兄貴 ってもんだ
I will exist as your wall to overcome...I will be with you....if you hate me...This is what the brother is.


*Itachi’s last scene*

Aproaching Sasuke, Itachi’s finger looked to reach Sasuke’s eye but it went to his forhead.


This is the last part of the first spoiler.

Itachi: Forgive me Sasuke... it ends with this.

Sasuke cries.

Behind Sasuke, Madara and Hebi members looks at Sasuke.

サスケ「我らは蛇を脱した」「これより我ら小隊は名を゛鷹゛と改め行動する」「鷹の目的はただひとつ。我々 は――――」
Sasuke: "We are not Team Hebi anymore. " From now on, we call our squad Hawk. " "The mission of Hawk is only one. We..."

Madara see Sasuke.

Sasuke's face was closed up. He has new eyes different from normal eye and normal Sharingan.

"...I/we destroy Konoha."


Where does Hawk go next? What does Naruto do now?

Next issue "The purpose"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 máj 29, 22:03:09
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: hiteles
Szerző: Vassili (Kal)


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 máj 30, 14:09:22
Naruto Manga 402. fejezet angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 403. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Stig - 08 jún 03, 10:49:28

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Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 jún 03, 23:33:19
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: kaze1028

( ( (

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Gaara_dono


the scene is naruto's home
flashback to itachi and naruto's chat

色々佐助の話した後イタチにサスケを連れ戻してどうする?と自来也にも言われた「お前の話は絵 空事だ」と言 われる
after they talk about sasuke, itachi asks why he would bring sasuke back. Jiraiya also asked him this 'your ideas are pipe-dreams'

So naruto says to itachi 'I won't go back on my words that's my ninja way'
itachi smiles slightly
then a genjutsu crow flies into naruto's mouth
itachi 'I'll split my power with you...let's hope you never have to use it.'
end of flash back

sasuke and madara
sasuke sees the full moon and remembers that day

sasuke's flashback

in truth it's a continuation of the 'come before me' speech
Sasuke picks up and throws a kunai at itachi
itachi blocks and his forehead protector falls off

we can see a a single tear

end of flashback

サスケ「見間違いかと………オレは気付けなかった」マダラを見る「あんたの言ってることは本当 なんだな」
sasuke 'I thought I was seeing things...if I'd only realized' he looks at maddy 'what you told me is really the truth.'

back to naruto's house


(what was itachi trying to say? why did he do that to me?)


'how are things with you sasuke....I hope you're doing good.'
maddy 'are you going to take Itachi's eyes?' sasuke 'no'
maddy ....
サスケ「イタチの見たかったものとオレが見てくものはまるで違うものになる」「イタチが望んだ 通りにはでき ないがオレはオレのやり方でうちはを再興する」
sasuke 'the things Itachi wanted to see and the things I'm gonna see are completely different. I can't do things the way he wanted, I'll revive the uchiha clan my way.'


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 jún 05, 11:59:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: VASSiLi


[top, Sasuke] The things Itachi wanted to see and the things I'm gonna see are completely different.

[bottom, Sasuke] I can't do things the way he wanted, I'll revive the Uchiha clan my way.
He knew (Itachi's) feeling and wishes. That's why he goes his way!


Madara: Are you going to take Itachi's eyes?

Sasuke: No.



[Top right, Itachi] Can you balance (sorry, illegible?) with Konoha?

[Top left, Naruto] I'll protect Konoha! And (I'll) stop Sasuke without hurting him.
[bottom, Itachi] ...You are child. Your ideas are pipe-dreams. Shinobi is sometimes forced to make a difficult choice.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 jún 06, 08:59:27
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: VASSiLi

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Arvael - 08 jún 06, 13:47:49
A manga 403. fejezete letölthető a főoldalról; ezentúl a 404. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.
Megbeszélni a másik témában lehet.
Köszönjük :)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 jún 11, 12:40:10
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: folyamatban
Szerző: Alterno
Chapter 404

Morning at Konoha, and a frog entered to the village.
Tsunade enters to her office and start to read document.
The frogs enters to the office from the window.

Scene changes to Naruto
Naruto: "Too bad Ero-Sanin isn't here.. I need to ask him about that power.."
Naruto: "l'll go to ask Oba-Chan, maybe she know something about that.."
Naruto looks at the famous picture of him, Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura.
Naruto: "Sasuke.. to attack Konoha.. what a stupid joke."
And he leaves the house.

Scene changes to Hawk
Sasuke: "As Madara said, everything is ready, so we can go to Konoha."
Sasuke: "Just one rule before we go: don't touch Naruto. I guess he'll find me out first, and im the only one that gonna fight him."
Madara: "Sasuke, can I speak with you alone for a min?"
Sasuke: "Sure."
Sasuke and Madara is going to a hide
Madara: "Its about Itachi's Eyes. Right now you don't want them, but I sure you'll need them sometime."
Madara: "I'm very sure you don't want to be blind after all, right?"
Madara: "I saved them. You can take them whenever you want in the next 15 years."
Sasuke: "I-.."
Madara: "Don't say anyword. You'll need them in the end. And yeah, I know, your eyes is much stonger than Itachi has, but.. a little power won't hurt you, right?"

Scene is back to Konoha
Naruto is about to enter to Tsunade's office
Tsunade: "Its.. Its impossible.. Jiraya.. NOOO!"
Naruto hears everything, and he shocked.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 jún 11, 19:29:26
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: kaze1028

( ( (

2. kép:

Kisame: I cannot say I was expecting that you would be Tobi.
Kisame: But this development relieves me. With you as [unreadable] will be much easier.
Kisame: Mizukage-sama... or rather, Madara-san
Madara: And I'm always counting on you, Kisame

3. kép:

Madara: Sasuke, you haven't disciplined [your team] well enough!
Karin: Suigetsu, are you frickin' stupid, or what! This isn't the place or time
Suigetsu: My objective is that, Samehada. The reason I'm here is to get my hands on it.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 jún 12, 08:40:39
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

I have something to say to kisame-sempai
kisame: I thought you'd died Tobi
tobi: It seems like you're the last one, I'm sorry I tricked you (takes off mask)
kisame: ah I see...
Naruto Manga 405 Spoiler
I can't believe it's you
Now I feel makes things easier for me if you're the boss...mizukage-sama...I mean Madara-san
It's good to see you kisame [not literal for a reason]

meanwhile at naruto's house
naruto's asleep

knock knock
naruto: what the...kakashi sensei?
Kakashi: The fifth has summoned you, get moving.
Gama bunta and gama kichi are outside
gama kichi: naruto!
Naruto: what the hell are you doing here first thing in the morning? Did something happen?
kama kichi: yeah..actually...
Gama yakuza[?] gama-kichi! don't go shooting your mouth off! leave it to Tsunade and the boss.
Naruto: [?] what the hell is going on?
kakashi: c'mon get moving
hokage room
sakura and asi and an important looking frog

the frog that was on jiraiya's should asks if this is jiraiya's student
自来也のry「自来也ちゃんが戦死した」ナルト「………」「……………は?」「な……何言って んだ…」
jiraya's [ry]: Jiraya-chan was KIA naruto: ..... .......huh? wh....what are you talking about?
meanwhile in an akatsuki base taka, madara and kisame.
madara asks sasuke his plans with regard to konoha
he just intends to kill the upper levels of konoha
for some reason suigetsu attacks kisame and madara stops it with one arm
madara: it's in our interests to work together. Akatsuki and taka will be working together.

sasuke asks if madara has a job for taka, madara says he wants them to get the biju
akatsuki has 7 biju now.
sasuke: you still didn't get kyubi?
Madara: we'll deal with naruto

the akatsuki guy with pak choi around his head who goes in the ground (forgotten his name): how was it?
madara: it went well
zetsu: great
Madara: Everything went as planned regarding itachi's death.
now we have carte-blanche with regard to konoha
zetsu: but it's surprising that so many of our members got wiped out.
マダラ「どっかしら問題はあったがみんな己の意思で貢献してくれた。デイダラ、サソリ、飛段、角都、彼ら無 くしてここまで進展は無かった」「そのお陰でオレのシナリオ通りに事は運んでいる」
Madara: Everyone contributed in their own ways. Deidera, sasori, hjidan, kakuzu, if it weren't for them were wouldn't be here. thanks to them everything went as planned.
madara: and moreoever
close up on the sharingan
I've got sasuke now

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 jún 12, 21:37:17
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: VASSiLi


Jiraiya-chan died in battle..



"Yeah, well, I'll have some quality shark fin for you to eat sooner or later"


Sasuke: "So in other words... you don't have the nine-tails yet."
Madara: "Akatsuki will hunt Naruto. Hawk will take care of the other one."

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 jún 13, 09:09:08
Naruto Manga 404. fejezet angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 405. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ^^ A kommenteket a szomszédos topciba! Dánke ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 jún 18, 08:20:55
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi

Chapter 405

Scene is back to Naruto at Tsunade's office
Naruto: Wh-whar're you saying? Jiraya killed in battle?
Naruto (still shocked): But.. How?
Pa Frog: In a mission.
Naruto: What misson?
Tsunade: Right now, we cant to tell you. You'll know.. sometime.
Sakura: Naruto!..
Tsunade: Its fine, Sakura.
Tsunade: I know Jiraya was important for you, but..
Pa Frog: Naruto, the leader of the Akatsuki killed Jiraya.
Naruto: What?!
Pa Frog: Jiraya went to this misson to find out who it is, and he was much stronger than him..
Pa Frog: Jiraya's Will was to left to you the scroll of the Kyuubi. With that scroll, you can to open Kyuubi's chakara to the maximum..
Pa Frog: And about your parents.. Tsunade should tell you about that.
Naruto is totally shocked.

The scene changes to the Akatsuki's Hideout
Hawk is back with a dying man.
Madara is waiting at the corner
Madara: Great job, we should take him fast.. I'll talk with you guys later.
And he left with the body.
Sasuke sits down, but Suigetsu's Left Arm is hurt.
Sasuke: You're pretty weak, Suigetsu.
Suigetsu: Shut up, you're idiot..
Karin: Sit down, Suigetsu. Let me heal your arm!
Suigetsu: Okay okay, just hurry.. Its hurt..

Morning. The scene changes back to Konoha, and all Konoha Citizens is near Jiraya's Grave.
A giant frog out sent to salvage Jiraiya's dead body from the bottom of the lake.
Everyone is with black robes, and Naruto doesn't stop to cry.
Back to Konoha Corner, where Hawk and Madara stands.
Madara: Okay, everyone remember the plan, right?
Madara: Sasuke, we should go fast.
Sasuke: Wait a moment..
Sasuke reveals a strange Seal on his belly.
Sasuke: This seal is much different from the seal that Naruto have, why?
Madara: We need to put it somehow after the battle, you know.
Madara: If you had the orginal seal.. Eh, you would died, beacuse if you're a Jinchuriki, the formed tails is a part from you.
Madara: We're able with the special seal to take out the formed tail, but the only on problem you're lose 5% chakra from the orginal chakra of the Formed Tails.
Sasuke is smiling.
Sasuke: Karin, wait. Remember what I told you in the last night?
Karin: Yes, Sasuke. I remember.
Madara: Okay, Lets go!
Hawk is going to Jiraya's Funeral, Sasuke and Madara is going to the left side of the village, and six bodies, Konan and Kisame is about to attack..

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: xxaby - 08 jún 18, 11:19:18
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Folyamatban (az oldalon már hitelesnek írják)
Szerző: Hatifnatten

Naruto: "You send him?"
Sai and Sakura look at Naruto.
Tsunade: "That's right"
Naruto: "Why did you allowed something like this! Why did you let him went to that dangerous place alone..."
Kakashi: "Stop it Naruto. You don't understand what Fifth already feel..."
Tsunades flashback
Naruto: "Damn!"
Sakura: "Naruto! Where are you going?!"
*naruto whining*

Naruto goes outside
Kakashi apologies before frogs, but frog says he likes Naruto and thinks he's child of prophecy.


Naruto walks and remember Jiraiya.

"Hey, Naruto!"
Naruto: "!"
Iruka sensei appears and invite Naruto to ramen ()
Naruto: "No..." ()

Naruto's house at night.
He decides to walk outside.

He sees people seating on bench eating ice-cream. It melts.
Naruto falls down in tears.
Comes Iruka-sensei.
Jiraiya recognized you as exelent pupil... bla-bla

Next day Tsunade ask Shikamaru to decipher code.

Then Tsunade remembers how she met Jiraiya for the first time, and start to cry "Idiot..."

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 jún 18, 12:53:04
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: -

madara: Ill get sasugay to hunt the 8-tails
ゼツ 『それでどうするの?』
zetsu: and then what?
madara:it's a promise. I'll give the 8-tails to sasugay
ゼツ 『えっ!!?』
zetsu: eh? if you do that ....the thunder/rain union(???) wont be pleased!!
madara: I wont allow that horrendous beast the 1st created to be set freed again. It will crush both of our nations
ゼツ 『・・しかし・・・』
zetsu: ...but.... then they will..
madara: fu... that's exactly why before letting paine hunt for the 9 tails I made it so that one the sannin would get to him
ゼツ 『?』
zetsu: ?
madara: dont you get it? I leaked the information about the akatsuki leader to that sannin. Obviously the one possessing the rinnegan would win. However if Konoha were to find out about his death.....
ゼツ 『ソウカ・・!木ノ葉ト雨隠レノ里ガ激突スル訳カ・・・・・』
Zetsu: I see! Konoha will confront the Amegakure (rain country)... you really thought this through..
madara: I'll get both sides to get hurt then.....
ゼツ 『漁夫の利だね』
zetsu: 'divide and conquer' huh. This I have to see.
a dark cloud is in the sky. A butterfly is flying toward the hole in the clouds toward the blue sky
naruto: what are you talking about dattebayo!
kakashi: naruto, sit the fuck down!
naruto: There's no way I could calm down in a situation like this dattebayoooo!!
蛙爺 『ふぅ・・、ジライヤちゃんの弟子と言う割りに騒がしい奴じゃの・・』
frog elder: hmph, he's quite annoying for the protege of that Jiraiya-chan
naruto: There's no way erosennin is dead, it's a lie dattebayo!!!
カカシ『ナルト、聞け!! ジライヤ様が名誉の戦死をされたのは紛れも無い事実だ』
naruto: naruto listen!! The fact that Jiraiya had an honorable KIA is the truth
naruto: mm...kakashi sensei you dont feel a thing after hearing this!? Kakashi sensei you were/weren't erosennin's student...(ambiguous statement, it could be either. Sentence is not completed)
kakashi: that's right! but this is how the world of shinobi is....You can't be saying childish things in times like this and this isn't the time for it either Naruto!!
naruto: !!
(flashback scene)
itachi:you're still a kid.....(flashback ends)
naruto: ...then then, what the hell am I supposed to do!!
蛙爺 『ワシと一緒に妙木山に来てもらう』
frog elder: you will come with me to the mountain
naruto: !!
蛙爺 『ジライヤちゃんの後継者として仙忍術を会得してもらう』
frog elder: As the Jiraiya chan's successor you will learn sennin ninjutsu
naruto: erosennin's successor!?
sakura: naruto..
サイ 『ナルト・・・・』
sai: naruto...
from a window we see the sky
a white butterfly comes down from the sky
paine: how was it..?
the small pieces of paper collect
konan: I know their plans now...
paine: hmmm...and?
konan: after you killed jiraiya and after you had talks with tsuchikage i was hidden in his clothes and..
konan: itachi's dead. Sasugay is now mizukage's follower...
paine: !! itachi...and sasugay is now mizukage's follower..
konan: what will you do? The other side has obtained a new sharingan user. Also the Mizukage was the one that set jiraiya against you paine!!
ペイン『っ!!? ジライヤ先生と・・・?どう言う事だ?』
paine: !? with jiraiya sensei?? what do you mean by that?
konan: He leaked information about Amegakure's secret and akatsuki's leader...knowing full well that Konoha would find out about jiraiya's death. The tsuchikage and mizukage are manipulating things so that konoha and amegakure go to war!
paine: i see... i knew something was off when jiraiya sensei came to the Amegakure with a weird timing.
konan: what will you do paine? they have Konoha's sharingan, Iwagakure...
paine: do not worry konan. We have the rai-kage as well as a byakugan user with us.
konan: that is true....then we should set kumogakure against the the leaf and...
paine: yes....this is the exact reason I resurrected the 6-path senjutsu for.

rinnegan's close up shot

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: tarnak - 08 jún 19, 15:04:26
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: hzzluis+fdbgdg

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: tarnak - 08 jún 19, 15:06:26
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: hzzluis+fdbgdg


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 jún 20, 20:16:23
Naruto Manga 405. fejezet magyar verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 406. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ^^ A kommenteket a szomszédos topciba! Dánke ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 jún 25, 19:54:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: VASSiLi

Tsunade: There’s a ninja who’s trapped inside this frog. *She points to the little frog on the ground

ナルトが中忍試験受けた時の一時試験の監督(名前忘れまんした)「自来也様から話は前もって受 けてました」 「では大きくなってくれ」
*Guy from the Chuunin exams whose name nobody can remember: “We already heard about things from Jiraiaya-sama (as in, Jiraiya told them he might send them someone for interrogation before he left). (Talking to the frog) Please grow for us.”


*The old frog tells Naruto and everybody that Jiraiya was acting reckless

じい様カエル「逃げようと思えば逃げられたかもしれないが命と引き換えに暗号を残した」「お前 らにたくした んじゃ」
Old Frog: If he wanted to escape he probably could have but he traded his life to leave that code. He left things up to you all.

*End of flashback

*The frog near Tsunade grows.

*Tsunade: Be as rough as you like, I don’t really care. Just get all the information you can out of him.

Guy from Chuunin exams: It’s our intention to do so.

*Meanwhile at Autopsy Room 3

*They begin examining the dead body (presumably the Pein body as seen in the spoiler pic)

*Scene change again

*The Code Group

Shikamaru: So how is it?

おじさん「木の葉の暗号じゃないね。どのアルゴリズムにも適応せんから」「自来也様がギリギリ 残したって事 は複雑な暗号ではないと思うが」
Older man: It’s not a Konoha code. None of our algorithms work on it. Jiraiya-sama barely managed to leave the code for us so I wouldn’t think it would just be some random code…

Shikamaru: Can you decipher it?

Shiho (lady with glasses in the spoiler pic): To be frank, we won’t be able to do it without the key.

Shikamaru: Key?

*Apparently the code might make sense to someone who knew Jiraiya well

しかまる「だとすると(五代目かカカシ先生か…)」「ありがとうございました。また何かあった ら伺いますん で」
Shikamaru: Then that means (the Fifth Hokage or Kakashi-sensei…) Thank you for your help. I will be back if I hear anything else.

*Shiho stares at Shikmaru as he’s walking away as if she’s in love.


*Shikamaru goes to ask Kakashi first about the code

Kakashi: This 106, this number was…


Jiraiya: It’s 106.

Kakashi: What is?

Jiraiya: 106 cm.

*They both look at Tsunade’s breasts (her bust size is apparently 106 cm – see the spoiler pic).

*End of flashback

Kakashi:…that can’t be it.

Shikamaru: ?

*Kakashi doesn’t know so he tells Shikamaru to go ask the Fifth Hokage but she didn’t know either

*Meanwhile at Naruto’s house

*Ding-dong (doorbell)

Naruto: Oh, Shikamaru.

Shikamaru: Hey, can I just come in?

Shikamaru: Did you figure anything out?

*Naruto’s likely spacing out by staring up and ignoring Shikamaru’s question

*Shikamaru asks Naruto to come with him and they both go to the hospital

*As they wait outside the hospital Kurenai comes out

*Kurenai's pregnant (was pregnant).

*They then leave Kurenai

Shikamaru: That kid’s going to be my student.

Naruto: !

「アスマから託された子だ」「オレも師を無くしてっからお前の気持ちもわかるが」「うじうじしても始まらね えだろ」「とっくにそんな立場じゃねえんだよ」
Shikamaru: Asuma left that kid in my hands. I lost my teacher too so I know how you’re feeling but nothing will get started if you just keep moping around. Especially at a time like this.

Naruto: What do you mean?

鹿「オレは重要な事から下らないこと色々託された」「お前だってそうだろ。俺たちもそろそろな んじゃねえか ?」
Shikamaru: I’m put in charge of important things as well as totally meaningless tasks. I know you are too. We’re going to have to do that at some point, right?

Naruto: Do what?

Shikamaru: Go from being left to take care of things to leaving things for people to take care of. It’s a pain in the ass but we can’t complain about it.

鹿「お前もラーメンおごる側になるしナルト先生とか呼ばれんだからよ。いつまでもガキじゃいら れねえ」
Shikamaru: You’re gonna have to be the one to treat people to ramen because you’ll be the one called teacher. You can’t just be a kid forever.

Shikamaru: Especially if you want to be a cool ninja like Asuma and Jiraiya-sama.

*Naruto remembers Jiraiya

*Naruto smiles

Shikamaru: Get yourself together…you have things to take care of too.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: fdbgdg

( ( ( ( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 jún 27, 07:59:35
Naruto Manga 406. fejezet angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 407. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ^^ A kommenteket a szomszédos topciba! Köszönjük ^___^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 08 júl 01, 15:42:35
Elég korai spoiler ,szal lehet ,hogy fake.
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :Folyamatban

Ibikki : I ask it again!! What do you know about this Pein !!?
shinobi : I don't know any about AAAAAAAHHHHHH
Ibikki : I ask it again ! What you know about this "GOD " !!!?
shinobi : I said all that AHHHHHHH

Scene change to Shizune
Shizune : Ok, take this and open it.
Young boy : Ok, starting to open sector 2C, the corpse it's quite cold.
Shizune : caution, if this blade touch his chakra points an incredible font of information can be losed.
Young boy : gsss (swallow)

Naruto : Thanks Shikamaru, i go to see Tsunade... i want to apolo..
Shikamaru : Go Naruto, don't think on it, only go and do it.
Naruto : yes, we aren't child right?
Naruto lefts

Kakashi : I see ... "i don't know if i can do something"...
Shikamaru : well... I don't planned it
Kakashi : Thanks shikamaru, i think that your words...
Shikamaru "exalation" well now its our time, people like you kakashi-sensei are too old to fight new shinobis that appears arroudn the world
Kakashi : ( expression like )---> -.-''
Shikamaru smiles
Shikamaru : don't you think that isn't time to cry or think that we can't do anything? Asuma told me once that we need to protect the "king"...
Kakashi : the.. king?
Shikamaru : Yes, in Sho-gi the most important piece is the king..
Kakashi : oh.. I understand.. asuma talked to you about "the king"..

Tsunade : Yes??
Naruto : I'm... i think that i decode it.

The key and the King, what's the price of be a man? Next chapter : the beginning of a new generation

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 júl 02, 09:34:42
Hitelességi ellenőrzés : Hiteles

( ( ( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 júl 02, 21:20:43
Hitelességi ellenőrzés : Hiteles
Szerző: Iwanin


The cover is Shiho.

The encrypted message part


Naruto notices the character "ta" on the toad's back. Everyone had mistaken it for "9."*

(*note: because they're similar...kinda タ 9).


At that point, Shikamaru suggests they look among Jiraiya's novels for one which begins with "ta", when the window opens and Kakashi says "probably this one."

Shikamaru: Icha-icha tactics..."ta"!

Shiho: Alright, then, would you mind turning to page 31?

Kakashi asks what they're going to do, and Shiho tells him to read the contents. Kakashi hesitates because the passage is kinky, but he starts reading anyway when Naruto presses him to do so.


The message is "There *is* no real one."


Shikamaru anounces he's going to Tsunade.

Shiho:"Can I come too?"

Shikamaru: Thanks.

At which point Shiho smiles.

Scene changes to Pain, Konan and Madara.


Pain is told by Madara that Konoha's made him their target, but Konan replies "Pain is invincible...the Kyuubi is as good as ours."

Madara: I've made Sasuke go after the eight-tails.

Konan: Is he up to it?

Madara: I guarantee he is.

Madara vanishes.

Pain stands up.


"Konan, start preparations immediately."


From the back comes a "konan*" with black sticks protruding from her head, as well as other characters.**

*more like, a female looking character, going by the pictures.

**the other Pains, going from the picture.

"We head for Konoha."

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 júl 04, 08:57:43
Naruto Manga 407. fejezet angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 408. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ^^ A kommenteket a szomszédos topciba! Köszönjük ^___^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Uzumaki Naruto - 08 júl 09, 08:24:05
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Forrás:e-mail-ben kaptam a haveromtól, de sajnos nem tudom honnan szerezte
Szerző: kihet

Ja, és volt olyan jó fej, hogy lefordította. (Vagy már ő is úgy kapta)

Peinek gyorsan futnak Konoha felé.
Shikamaru: Ide kell hívnunk a varangyot, hátha ő tud valamit.
Naruto: úgy van!
A béka megérkezik
Béka: Naruto-chan,  rájöttünk az összefüggésre közted és a kis Jiraiya-chan között. Velünk kell jönnöd. A bölcs varangy megjövendölte, hogy meg akarnak téged ölni. A kis Jiraiya-chan gyilkosa feléd tart.
Naruto: nem megyek sehová, amíg meg nem öltem.
Már kezd rajta látszani a kyuubi. A szeme vörös lesz.
Tsunade egy pecsétet helyez a homlokára, és Naruto összeesik.
Tsunade: így lesz a legjobb.
Ekkor megérkezik két béka.
1.: Elvittem Ibikinek a ninját akit Jiraiya küldött.
2.: Én pedig meghoztam a pecsét kulcsát.
Béka: Rendben van. A kulcsot majd én őrzöm, és ha itt lesz az ideje, átadom Naruto-channak. Ti pedig hozzátok a fiút. Haza megyünk, még mielőtt ideérne. Indulás!
Minden béka eltűnik.
Tsunade: Shikamaru! Szólj a különosztagoknak! Azt hiszem Konohát hamarosan újabb támadás éri.
Shikamaru: Oss!
Shikamaru eltűnt.
Tsunade (gondolja): azt hiszem használni kellesz azt a jutsut.
Ekkor egy gyógyító viharzik be az irodába.
Gyógyító: Hokage-sama! Ezt nem fogja elhinni! Shizune egy hihetetlen dolgot talált!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 08 júl 09, 10:46:08
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

煽り 神と名乗る狂気、木の葉に迫る!!

シズネ「はい。皆さん、解剖の結果ペインの体は人間とは違い、戦うことに必要な器官以外は始めからなかっ たのです。つまりペインは戦うためだけにつくられた兵隊のようなものだと思われます。」

煽り その目の先には

Easy spoiler
Front Cover is Pain

The 4 tell the details of the cracked code to Fukusaku. Tunade and Shizune are there as well.

Shika " 5th, the code is cracked."

Shiho "<There is no real one>. This is the answer"

Fukusaku "<There is no real one> u say..? Of course!! Oi Shizune."

Shizune " Yes. Everyone, from the results of the autopsy we have found out that Pains body is different to a humans, and apart
from those needed for fighting, he doesn't any organs. So we believe that Pain is kinda like a soldier built only for fighting."

Tunade "So there is no real one among the soldiers. It means that he is controlling them somewhere."

The scene changes to Sasuke and friends
Karin " I feel a big Chacra ahead. There's no mistake"

Magekyo-sharingan Sasuke " Ok... Lets roll boyzzzz"

I hope there is more action than that.
Everybody knew what is written down here.

I didnt even read it yet

From OneManga

Incomming Chapter!

Pein: Konan...move out..

Konan: Yes Pein..

*Switches to the village, two shinobi rush into the Hokage's office*

Shinobi 1: HOKAGE-SAMA!!!

*Tsunade pops out of her chair*

Tsunade: What is it!?

Shinobi 2: Hokage-Sama...they are here!!

*With Shock*

Tsunade: Damn...this is too soon. Bring Kakashi and Yamato here now! Tell them they are to bring Naruto to the toads immediately!

Shinobi 1: But Hokage-Sama!

Tsunade: NOW, Sound Konoha's defenses and be ready to evacuate the villagers as soon as possible.

Shinobi 2: Yes Hokage-sama!

*Shizune runs in*

Shizune: Tsunade-sama! Please don't go!

*Tsusnade looks out the window*

Tsunade: Shizune! I am the Hokage, I will defend the village with my life, and if my life is to provide Naruto with enough time to escapae then I will give it willingly.

*Tsunade looks up at the Mountain*

Tsunade thinks: "Third....Jiraiya I will protect them all with my have my word!"

*Tsunade walks off to prepare herself*

Pein infiltrates the city before being stopped for the first time

Maito Guy: You will go no further!

Chapter Ends!

Now i have read it

It is without script.

Sooooo......think your part.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Uzumaki Naruto - 08 júl 09, 17:20:41
Találtam még:

Hitelesség ellenőrzése:
Szerző: VASSiLi


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 júl 09, 18:12:45
Hitelesség ellenőrzése:
Szerző: Cry of the Hawk

Guy: "Guh!"

Suigetsu: "Where the hell's the 8-tails?"

Guy: "Don't underestimate us...we have no intention of telling the likes of you! The Yazuki* clan will never sell out our comrades. That's our-"
(trans note: "Means "night" and "moon".)

Sasuke: "A fearful heart leaves itself open"

*SFX of Mangekyou activation*
(trans note: duh duh duh, *cue Code Geass theme music*)

Sasuke: "The 8-tail's location?"

Guy: "In the Unrai-kyou**"
(translator's note: Also can be "Unrai Channel", or "The Straits of Unrai". "Unrai" means "cloud" and "lightning".)

Sasuke: "Any distinguishing features?"

Guy: "8 swords...iron on the right shoulder... tattoo of a bull's horns on the left cheek...

The guy collapses

Sasuke: "Let's go."


Fukasaku and Naruto's group speak. Seems that even if they hurry, it'll take at least one week for the results of the autopsy to come in.

Due to that, Fukasaku will now take Naruto to the place called Myouboku mountain to train.


zuzuzuzuzu (SFX)

Inside a strange looking hut, there's an enormous shadow. That shadow turns out to be a man.

Coming out of the front of the hut is the 8-tail person.

The 8-tail person: "The light hurts my damn eyes. Is it noon already? Screw it all, goddamned bastards"

The appearance of the 8-tailed jinchuuriki!

(Spoiler writer's note): Got the feeling the 8-tail was a pretty tough guy

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 júl 10, 20:28:03
Hitelesség ellenőrzése:
Szerző: Guts

( ( ( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 júl 11, 07:35:39
Naruto Manga 408. fejezet angol verzió a főoldalon. Mostantól a 409. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide ^^ A kommenteket a szomszédos topciba! Köszönjük ^___^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 júl 16, 13:21:47
Hitelesség ellenőrzése:
Szerző: kaze1028

( ( ( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Shinichi - 08 júl 16, 13:34:29
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Philybull123

*The Eight Tails stands before Hawk!* What will the outcome be!?*

Eight Tails: You're... the Akatsuki....I knew you would come for me...I just didn't know it would be this soon..

Sasuke whispers*

Sasuke: Juugo..Me and Suigetsu will charge him..then while he is distracted you come up behind and restrain him long enough for me to subdue him with my sharingan..

*Juugo and Suigetsu nod*

Eight Tails: Well..are you coming or not.

Sasuke: Go!

*Now it shows various panels one of Sasuke's sharingan another of Suigetsu's sword and the last of The Eight Tails grabbing his swords*

*The Struggle begins!!!*


The Pain(s) are jumping through the trees along with Konan headed for Konoha!*

Konan: How close are we..?

Pain: We will arrive within the hour..

Konan: Uzumaki strong is he..?

Pain:..I have never faced him..But he is a Jinchuuriki..

Konan: It doesn't're invincible..



Pa Toad: We leave for Myoubokuzan Mountain within the hour

Naruto thoughts: If Pervy-sage could do it..So can I!..

Pa Toad: I advise you make preparations Naruto

Naruto: Right!(I will surpass you!)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 júl 17, 08:18:25
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: ensabahnur

Some Corrections

409 Sage Arts

Naruto and Fukasaku travel to Myoboku Mountain(Because walking takes time, Naruto is summoned there by Gamakichi) .

In a town that is raining

Konan: I'm ready.
Pain: The objective is the Nine-Tails. Slaughter any shinobi that gets in our way.

Myoboku Mountain

Naruto is being told various things about Sage Arts.

Fukasaku: You can't do it(Sage Arts) the way you are now, Naruto-chan.
Naruto: Then how?
Fukasaku: You must become one with nature.
Gamakichi: In short, you must die.
Naruto: What?

Meeting of Taka and Eight-Tales

Sasuke: Are you the Eight-Tales?
Eight-Tales: Well, am I the Eight-Tales? Yes, I am. Am I a Jinchuriki? Yes, I am.
Sasuke: You will be captured

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 júl 17, 14:29:50
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Drew7898

Part 3

Frog: First you must understand that what I'm teaching you is not Ninjutsu, but Senjutsu.
Naru: Senjutsu?
Frog: That's right... Ninjutsu uses internal energy, while Senjutsu uses external energy.
Naru: External...What do you mean?
Naru: Hmm... You probably know already, but Ninjutsu turns internal Ki energy and body energy into chakra. Senjutsu uses that energy plus external energy from nature and churn another type of energy into that. So Genjutsu...and even Taijutsu is greatly powered up. The Ki energy, body energy, and external nature energy is combined to chakra to form jutsus and moves that are called Senjutsu.
Naru: Uhhh.
Gama: To put it simply, its like adding mint to a chocolate-vanilla soft cream to make it taste even better.
Frog: Don't make it even more confusing Gamakitchi!
Naru: Oh! That's what it means.
Frog: You understood that...
Gama: Hehe Naruto is this type of guy.
Naru: So this nature energy is basically what?

Part 4

Frog: All around you, the atmosphere and earth's energy.
Naru: Atmosphere and earth...Uh...
Gama: Basically air and ground.
Naru: Oh...Thats what you meant.
Frog: Arrr, enough with the talk. I'll show you now. This place looks good.
Gama: Wow! Expected from Fukasakusama! A lot of nature energy is gathering!
Naru: Eh? Where?
Gama: A...Amazing...
Frog lifts a rock 15 times heavier than himself.
Naru: You...You lifted it up!?
Frog: H...Hows this...This is it...The power of Senjutsu using energy from nature.
Naru: Wow. but I didn't understand what you did. It looked like you just made a few seals.
Frog: Of course. Right now you can't feel the nature energy, which means you can't use it either.
Frog looks dead tired.
Naru: Then how?
Frog: Become one with nature!
Naru: Become one?
Gama: Simply means you have to die.
Naru: Eh?
Scene switches to Sasuke.
Sasu: So you're the 8 tail jinchuuriki?
Jinchu: No its 8 tails-sama to you. Jinchuuriki-sama to you.
Sasu: You will now be captured.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 júl 18, 05:16:16
A Naruto Manga 409. fejezete felkerült a főoldalra, mostantól a 410. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide. Kommentálni, pedig a szomszédos topicba lehet.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 júl 23, 12:06:52
kicsit korai de hátha  :fun:

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Elite Geeruto

Sasuke: We need you to come with us
Eight T. J: come with you? You little punk do you expect me to do as you say?
Sasuke: I don't need your your consentment, if you don't want to come ill have to take you.
ETJ: take me? I usually don't hit kids but ill give myself an allowance for this time.
Suigetsu: looks like we're finally gonna have some fun.
Karin: don't be so hasty Suigetsu, his chakra is very unusual. Sasuke activates his sharingan.

scene cuts to naruto.

naruto: wait, what? i have to die? what are you talking about? are you crazy.
pa toad: listen naruto, you have to be serious about this or else it won't work. You have to die to let your body connect with its surrounding energy and when you will be reborn, you will be able to learn the sage techniques.
naruto: can't i just do it while im still alive?
ma toad: you could but it takes a lot of time and we really don't havetime to waste.
pa toad: naruto, if you want to survive against Akatsuki, you will need to achieve a much higher level. just call it your shot at avenging jirayia.
naruto:.. then let's do it
ma toad: that's the spirit kid!

scene cuts to the gates of konoha. we can see the bald pein approching the gates alone.

Izumo: look there's someone approching.
Kotetsu: look at his cloak! The hokage warned us, it's the akatsuki!! send ***aro with a major state of emergency note to the hokage now!
the bald pein sends both his hands flying towards the guards who jump away but the gate is broken.
pein: you can either tell me where the nine tailed jinchuriki is or call for all the back up you can get.
pein is hit by guy's dynamic kick but he doesn't move an inch and guy bounces off him.
guy: huh. pretty tough hey? i get the feeling you're not a normal shinobi. Izumo, retreat go inform the hokage of the situation and find out what action we should take, kotetsu, you stay here to back me up . oh and Izumo if you see kakashi tell him to come here, i will definitely need help to hold this guy.
Pein grins: so it starts.

scene cuts to sasuke

ETJ: the light is a little bothering, mind if put it out.
There's a giant screen around all of them and it gets a litlle dark
ETJ runs at them with both arms wide open and chakra surrounding him: Here i come chumps.
Sasuke: get ready. something is not right.
will naruto attain a higher dying? what is peins plan and what is konoha going to do? What exactly are the eight tails powers?
next issue: the inevitable clash

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 júl 23, 15:02:27
nya jött pár kép is  :fun:

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi

( ( (

+ 1 kis script:

After the color pages, Suigetsu attacks 8 tails.
8: I'm talking right now, don't ram into me, asshole.
8 tails stops Suigetsu's blade and throws it away.
Gama's place
The dieing thing is apparently fake.
Instead to gather nature energy, one must not move.

Apparently you turn into a frog if you fail.*
Frog: You came all the way here, yet...What are ya gonna do?
Naru: My Nindou is the same as that Ero-senin!
Frog: Great you said it again!

The mountain
8 tails defeats Juugo.
8: Leave some strength to shine♪. 8 tails is the killer bee of mold ya me! Oh Yeah! I'm ashamed of starting a fight♪ Better rest before I burst....
Karin: What the ****?
8: ....Bite....
Sasu: I'll go.

*From second spoiler. You put on Gama's oil to train and if you lose concentration you gradually turn into a frog.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 júl 25, 10:54:39
A Naruto Manga 410. fejezete felkerült a főoldalra, mostantól a 411. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide. Kommentálni, pedig a szomszédos topicban lehet.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 júl 30, 09:46:48
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Alexan

Chapter 411 - Thunder

Cover: Jugo in CS level 2 (colour page)
Side note: Jugo is over powered in seconds.What will happen to Sasuke?

First parts show Sasuke's fight. Sasuke removes his Akatsuki robes and tells the others to step back and that he wants to get over with this battle quickly and ons his sharingan. Eight-tails starts laughing and tells that he also wants to see the power of an Uchiha.

Naruto tells ***usake about his nature chakra training with Kakashi with the kage bunshins. ***usake says that its logical for the training to be fast.

Pein's bodys and Konan stops just where they see konohagakure. Pein orders Konan to go and find Naruto and that he would create a distraction so that it would be easy for konan. Konan becomes all paper and Pein's new body (the girl body) goes with Konan.

***usake says that he's surprised that Naruto has improved in balancing nature energy with the bunshins in such a short time. But he says that its still not perfect.

Switch to Sasuke. Sasuke seems exhuasted but Eight-tails still seems cool. Eight-tails says that he expected more from the Sharingan. Sasuke says that the Eight-Tails is very powerful. A thunder storm starts over them.

Side note: Even the Sharingan is held back. What is the power of the Eight-Tails

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Shinji-kun - 08 júl 30, 12:03:51
411: Előérzet

Kakashi Sharinganja egyre jobban fáj

Konoha kapui előtt...
Pain áll!
Nindzsa: Hn?
Hehe te!
Van elég bátorságod hogy megtámadj?!
Konan: csönd
 A Nindzsát lefejezik és leesik

a szinhely változik : Kakashi egy fán pihen.
Azóta a nyilatkozat óta 5 nap telt el.(??? ezt nem vágonm bocsi :neee:  )
Kakashi: !
Egy hatalmas Shuriken repül felé.
Kakashi: Ugh
???: Képes voltál kivédeni... te jó vagy
Kakashi (gondolkodik): Ki ez?
Konan az!

Kakashi nehezen lélegzik.
Kakashi elvesziti a bal karját könyöktől
Az hat Pain körülveszi Kakashit
Kakashi kudarcra van ítélve

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 08 júl 30, 12:22:55
Hitelleségi ellenőrzés:

Verification: Pending

Chapter 411 - The Battle at Uraikyo

Sasuke activates his mangekyou sharingan.
Sasuke; Behold, the second weapon in my arsenal, Amaterasu.
Sasuke aims the flames at Hachibi's head.
Hachibi dodges the flames
Hachibi: I see you learned a lot from your brother. Well done, Sasuke.
Sasuke: You knew my brother?
Hachibi: Yes, your brother and I go way back. I taught him many of his techniques, and if you want, I can teach you as well.
Sasuke: Who are you?
Hachibi: I am the Fourth Hokage, Naruto's father, the student of Jiraiya.
Sasuke is shocked to hear the true identity of the 8 tails

Next time, Training at Uraikyo

Mondjuk ez nem tűnik vlami igaznak xDD

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 08 júl 30, 22:37:15
Spoiler #1

Source: LN
Credits: ?

Naruto chapter 411 spoiler script:

Sasuke activates his mangekyou sharingan and uses a genjutsu/tsukuyomi on the 8-tails.
Sasuke and the 8-tails are in the illusion, the 8-tails falls on his knees.
Sasuke: Here I control time, space, and even gravity.
8-tails: Ahaha, you must be the punk Itachi Uchiha.
Sasuke: ...
8-tails grows out tentacles and in a wave of chakra breaks Sasukes genjutsu.
8-tails unshealths 7 swords with his tentacles.
8-tails: It's time for you to taste our blades, punks!!

Meanwhile at Myobokuzan mountain..
Naruto: So can I train controlling nature with kage bunshins?
***asaku: You could try, though it may be too much for you.
Naruto begins training controlling nature with kage bunshins,
all the shadowclones turn into frogs and disperse shortly after.
Naruto falls on his knees drenched in sweat.
***asaku: I told you it wouldn't be easy.
Naruto stands up.
Naruto: I could keep this up all day gramps!
***asaku smiles. Naruto sounds just like Jiraiya.

Meanwhile outside of Konoha..
Pain: Are you ready?
Konan: Yes.
Pain performs a handseal and it begins raining over Konoha.
Tsunade glances at the rain.
Tsuande glares.
Tsuande: I have a bad feeling about this.
Next issue: "Supreme Judgement!"

Spoiler #2
Source: LN
Credits: ?

Spoiler #2:

411 - Eight Tailed and Nine Tailed!

Toad: Naruto, to become one with nature, there are other methods.
Naruto: Like what?
Toad: Severe meditation or penace.
Naruto: What must I do?
Toad: It won't be easy, but you'l have to slowly meditate on yourself, and in your case, you'd have to meditate on the nine-tailed fox.
Naruto: ?!
Toad: Once done, the fox may start to balance within your body and become one with your chakra. This is the ultimate goal. Although, you may be open throughout, and it may be Akatsuki's upper hand.
Naruto: We can give it a shot.
Toad: The only problem is, if you break the penance, your chakra will drop to zero, because of the unbalance, and you will die.

Sasuke: Enough with the games! (goes forward to attack)
Hachibi: ARGH! (takes two swords and smashes them into the ground causing a quake)
Sasuke: (jumping in the air, shoots Chidori Nagashi at the swords, causing an electrical quake, affecting Hachibi)
Hachibi: Lalalala.... electrical... smeltical... lalalalalaaa!
Sasuke: It didn't hurt him?
Hachibi: Surprised? Lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaa!
Sasuke: I guess there's no choice! (Mangekyou Sharingan activate!)
Hachibi: Lalalaallaaaaaa- WHAAA?!
Sasuke: Nice and easy, you'll be mine!

Toad: We can do it either way, Naruto.
Naruto: The meditation sounds harder, but I'm prepared for it.
Toad: (I hope so... because this is one risk he's willing to take, and if he fails... we all die!)

Spoiler #3
Source: LN
Credits: ?
Naruto Manga 411 Spoiler

Naruto's Sage Training
Frog: Now that you know what to do Naruto I want you to bring out your clones like you did with Kakashi.
Naruto: Right but what happens if I lose control and the (9tails) comes out.
Frog: Do not worry Naruto , as you learn senjutsu you will have the ability to control the full chakra of the kyuubi.
Naruto: REALLY!!! OK I will surpass Jirayia and have the Ultimate Hermit Mode ever seen.
Frog: (thinking.... So this will be the evolution of the Destined Child)
(Naruto puts the frog oil on his hand again and brings out 1000 clones and concentrates on balancing all three chakras.)
Frog: Naruto Now you are overwhelming the nature chakra in your body with your inner chakra. Try remembering when you had to balance your chakra when you had to stand on water. Only this time your balancing the nature chakra flowing in to you.
Naruto: Its easier said then done!!!

*8tails (killer bee) fights Sasuke
8tails: HO HO HO so how all you like the way im stinging yo butts.
Sasuke: Thats ENOUGH!!!
(Sharingan activates and sasuke charges the 8 tails with his kusanagi in hand and the 8tails isn't able to avoid Sasukes thrust into his shoulder.)
8tails: Hey punk you sending lighting down your sword, I like that little trick of yours, but you think just cuz your the only one to have ever pierced the great killer bee that you've won.
(8tails consumes the lightning from kusanagi into his body and shoots it out of his mouth)
Sasuke: Your the first one to do that!!! (even though my lighting was supposed to numb your body, you were still able to overcome it and send my own lighting back at me.)

Spoiler #4
Source: Naruto and bleach endless forums
Credits: ?

8 tailed: Lets get to it uchiha!
Sasuke: hmm, i will beat you! (Sasuke points with his finger at the 8tailed)
8tailed: Sorry but you are a little boy who is afraid of my dark powers.
*8tailed attacks Sasuke*
Karin: Sasuke watch out!
Sasuke: You should be careful!
*Sasuke open his eyes and activate his Sharingan*
8tailed: I know everything about this eyes!
Itachi: This is my Sharingan!
8tailed: So you are this Uchiha?
Itachi: Right!
*8tailed attacks Itachi*
8tailed: If I don´t look in your eyes your genjutsu is useless!
Itachi: If you think so then try your best!
8tailed: So Uchiha i will kill you!
8tailed: If I don´t look in your eyes, I will not fall in your genjutsu!
Sasuke: If you think so then try your best!
8tailed remembers that Itachi said the same thing..
Sasuke: I can create a genjutsu just with my finger!
8tailed has remembers that Sasuke pointed on him.
8tailed: You are like him.
Sasuke: ?
8tailed: I will win
Sasuke: But you are in my genjutsu!
8tailed: Your idea was great but your genjutsu doesn´t work on me
Sasuke: ?
8tailed: I am blind!
Sasuke: ?
8tailed: Ok, time off know I am getting serious!
8tailed: Let me show you the real powers of a Jinchuriki!
Sasuke: Damn it ! I don´t wanted to use this but i have to !
Sasuke seems to have a new lightning jutsu with a big power,the real fight has just began....
*Scene changes to Naruto*
Naruto sits on a stone near the the oil statue
***asuke: His mental control is amazing his spirit is quiet and concentrated!
Gamakichi:You are right Naruto is sometimes a big idiot but when it comes to hard times in train he is a real Master!
***asuke: Oh yes he remindes me off little Jiraiya!
***asuke: Ok Naruto your mental control is good, break is over lets start!
Naruto: Ok! (Naruto has a smile in the face)
***asaku: This smile this smile i have saw it only five times in my Life,little naruto included!
Gamakichi: ?
***asaku: The first time by the hokage brothers, the second by the sandaime and the third time by little Nami!
Gamakichi: Who is little Nami?
***asaku smiles....
Fakasaku: I think they call him...... Minato Namikaze also known as the Hokage of the 4th Generation!
Gamakichi: !
***asaku: This smile, that shows the immense heart of a fighter who wants to protect his villiage!
Gamakichi: ?
***asaku: Those eyes that show the Will of Fire!
***asaku smiles.....
***asaku remindes Jiraiya, Minato, the first and second Hokage..
***asaku: * I am suprised that this eyes still exist but i am happy too, cause this eyes are the eyes from a hero who will protect everyone with the Will of Fire*

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 júl 31, 08:21:51
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: boyakist4649

the cover is in color, Naruto and Sasuke are wearing the bonus necklace that comes with the tickets for the Naruto Movie.

The story is pretty much Sasuke vs 8-tail
8-tail was initially fighting with Suigetsu's sword, but Sasuke takes it away
8-tail fights with his own swords after that
Suigetsu: Sasuke be careful! He's an experienced fighter!
the 8-tail fights in a strange way, supporting his swords with his underarms and the back of his knee.
the 8-tail fends off the CHIDORI sword by flowing(?) his chakra

Lastly, the 8-tail says
8-tail: 8-tail, stings like a bee
Sasuke was like "!"
and the sword penetrates Sasuke and that's it

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 júl 31, 09:54:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: hzzluis


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 júl 31, 21:10:33
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Elite Geeruto

Naruto Chapter 411: Minato's Legacy
Color pages of Naruto training with Pa Toad, Ma Toad, and Gammakichi watching

Ma Toad: Seems like little naruto is getting the hang of the training pretty quickly

Pa Toad: Yes its amazing that a ninja who lacks genius is able to learn the knack of the molding sage chakra after only starting the training a few hours ago.

Gammakichi: You guys still haven't seen it yet have you?

Pa Toad: ????

Ma Toad: ????

Gammakichi: Naruto may only have the wisdom of a tadpole, but his natural ninja senses surpass even those of the fourth hokage.

Ma Toad: Even if you say that i don't think naruto's ready to meet that guy just yet

Pa Toad: Either way its time i talked with him about the future of little naruto's training

Ma Toad: If you want to kill the boy its up to you....he's waiting in the house for you though i don't think he will approve of your training methods.

Yahiko-Pain and Kannon arrive at the gates of Konoha

Ninja Gate Guard 1: Konoha is under a state of emergency defense....all those who seek to enter the village most present proper identific......

Female-Pain stabs the Ninja Guard from Behind. Three other Guards realize that Kannon and Pain are from Akatsuki and attack the two Pain's and Kannon only to be stabbed in the back by Fat-Pain, Old-Pain, and Long-Hair Pain in the same way that the previous guard was stabbed.

We see Team Ebisu is hiding in a secret hall way near the gate looking at Pain

Ebisu thinks: I thought guarding the village gate would have been an easy C-rank mission for the kids.....Yet why did it end up this way

Konohamaru: Six Akatsuki...I'm getting really excited...if the konohamaru ninja squad defeats them then i will have surpassed big brother Naruto.

Ebisu: Its true that naruto defeated an single Akatsuki, but we can't take them to lightly

Konohamaru: In the case Moegi...Udon go alert grand ma Tsunade and ask for back up, me and Ebisu-sensi will take care of things here.

Moegi and Udon dissapear

Ebisu: Konohamaru i really wish you wouldn't give out orders in my place like that...Especially dangerous ones like that.

Konohamaru: No time to talk about that Ebisu-Sensi we gotta show these Akatsuki jerks what the Konohamaru ninja Squad is made off

Konohamaru jumps out of his hidding spot and so does Ebisu

Pa Toad inside the Toads house meets with the key toad

Pa Toad: You were entrusted by Jiriaya to give yourself to the boy

Toad Scroll: I don't care what Jiriaya says that boy isn't ready to master the use of the key to the kyuubi seal

Toad Scroll: It took even the Fourth Hokage ten years to create correct design for the key and another five years to master the technique needed to actually seal the kyuubi

Toad Scroll: Its laughable that you and Jiriaya think a no talent like him could master the a jutsu such as that, however even jiriaya wouldn't have expect that kid to do in a week.

Pa Toad: We once entrusted our faith and will of fire to we must do the same for naruto

Toad Scroll: I only entrust me will of fire to Minato the one and only true ninja

Pa Toad: Without the key...naruto will be unable to balance nature chakra and the kyuubi chakra which would defeat the purpose of the entire training

Toad Scroll: Without finding this location on his own he shouldn't be training in the first place

Huge Explosion from outside. Pa Toad and Toad Scroll rush out and see naruto sitting in a creator

Pa Toad: What happened out here

Ma Toad: Gammakichi was too slow hitting naruto with your staff and the result was the boy drew in such a huge amount of nature energy that when we finally did release we both nearly got caught up in the explosion

Toad Scroll: After one day the boy was able to draw in this much nature energy

Toad Scroll sees naruto in the form of the fourth hokage

Last page of the chapter is 8-tails standing over Sasuke whose on his knees and his eyes are bleeding. Side text reads: 8-tails' power to much for even Sasuke??? Next Time: The Lost Day....Mangekyo Sharingan vers 8-tails

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 aug 01, 21:32:07
A Naruto Manga 411. fejezete felkerült a főoldalra, mostantól a 412. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide. Kommentálni, pedig a szomszédos topicban lehet.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 aug 06, 10:50:14
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Alexan

412 - Toy around... no more!

Hachibi makes the same pose and prepares to strike. He whips four swords to trap Sasuke and then throws the other four like spears. Sasuke jumps in the air and stops the swords with his own. Behind Sasuke, Hachibi strikes and uses a tiger movement to paralyze Sasuke for a second, and Hachibi kicks him to the ground.

Sasuke: (I can't counter his movements with my Sharingan... I'll just have to fight!)
Hachibi: Hey, you've given me the idea for another rap! Idiot babies cry and die, the eight-tails man stands high and tall!
Sasuke: (eyes format into Itachi's) Amaterasu! BURN!
Hachibi: Why the sudden blood?!
Sasuke: (once he's trapped, I can strike and we might be able to capture him!)
Hachibi: (his sword burned my Amaterasu) These flames are damn powerful!
Seigutsu: Sasuke, now!
Sasuke: Way ahead of you, Seigutsu! (Sasuke enters the flaming Amaterasu circle with Hachibi, his hand with electric currents right into Hachibi's back!)
Karin: Way to go, Sasuke!

Hachibi starts to yell and then the Amaterasu starts to burn more. It starts to go towards Sasuke and Hachibi grabs Sasuke and swings his sword right into him! Sasuke is blown towards the flame and is pushed out by Hachibi's impact and goes straight into rock. His cloak is burned and Sasuke discards it while his entire left arm is wounded.

Sasuke: (His spine didn't paralyze... but maybe if it's a more powerful shock!)

Before the end of the chapter, the last page shows Amaterasu forming into one gigantic flame and burning upwards right into the sky... Sasuke's eyes stop bleeding (it's notified as the last drop falls down his cheek).
Next time: His Last Poems?!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 08 aug 06, 12:22:25
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Cry of the Hawk

Source: MH
Credits: Cry of the Hawk

Not so sure if that's the real Ona, but I'll translate dofla's spoiler:

Title: "Moment"

Scene is of Sasuke

8-tails: "Behold the secret art: Yasoutobi*!
((trans note: "yasoutobi" is a suprise leap during an initial charge in sumo wrestling.))

Sasuke: "..."

8-tails: "Oh lordy, ignorance done got lil' shorty♪

Karin: "Sasukee!"

Sasuke slowly crumples to the ground

Juugo: "Ugoaaaa!"

煽り 敗北…!?
Sidetext: Is this...defeat!?

8-tails: !?

He realizes that both he and Sasuke are the only ones present in a different dimension.

Many blades pierce the ground

8-tails: "The hell happened?"

Sasuke: "I managed to cast off all my mortal wounds..."

It seems like it's true since he has no scars except on his left arm

Sasuke's eyes morph to the Sharingan

8-tails: "Whoa, hold on one second now! Why the fuck are you alive? I'm not gettin' this at all!"

Sasuke: "What you see before you is an unfinished dimension"

8-tails: "Yo, hear me out when I'm talkin' to you!"

Sasuke: "And-"

8-tails: !?

Sasuke: "You will face off against a never-ending army of blades."

Sasuke readies himself

Scene is to Naruto

He's on a stand with a seal inscribed onto it

The oil coating around his stomach gets painful

Naruto: (Ahh! This is getting on my LAST nerve!)

He wants to scratch at himself, but since he can't move, he endures it.

Crows then start coming out of Naruto's body

Old Toad guy: "Naruto-chan! What's the meaning of this? Wait...this is...Yatagarasu!"

Naruto: (This is from Itachi)

Crow: "Hey dickhead!"

Week ends like this.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 08 aug 06, 16:29:18
Egy kis kép
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 aug 07, 13:18:31
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

a linkel képekhez egy kis adalék:

itle: かつてない強敵 (Guess) - An unprecedented and formidable foe
Text: 死がサスケに牙を剥く - Death sets its sights on Sasuke!!
Karin: SasukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEE!!!!!!!1111!11!!oneoneone!!!!
Eights: そしてこれで留め刺す - And a final sting to set you free! (Admire my craptacular rhyming skills... this is supposed to be a continuation of the last line of the previous chapter)

2. kép
Suigetsu: はっ! - Huaahh!!!

3. kép
Eights: 弱いくせにめんどくせ♪遊びは終わり、帰って水割り、イェー♪ - This weakling's nothing but a pain in the bum, gonna end this game and go get me some rum, oh yeah (Trust me, the Japanese is also about as corny)
Someone: There!

4. kép
Suigetsu: こいつもボクの??な???! (Too blurry) - This guy's ??? my ???

5. kép
Karin: ホラ!サスケ、さっさとウチに噛みつけ!ホラ、はやく! - Here! Sasuke, quick, bite into me! Come on, now!
Karin: あああーーーん・・・ - Aaahh! Oh yesss... (marginally culturally adapted, but this is *clearly* intended to be somewhat suggestive moaning in the Japanese)

7. kép
Karin: サスケ! - Sasuke!
Karin: ヤバイ! - This is bad!

8. kép
Eights: ?か?ない八本目だ (too blurry) - ??? my eighth blade!
Eights: ウイイイイイイイイイイイ!!!!! - Yeah boiiiiiiiiii!!!!! (Maybe this translation is overboard...)
Text: 大咆哮キラービー!八本目とは・・・!! - The killer bee roars on high! What is this eighth blade...!!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 aug 07, 17:25:47
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:


Suigetsu: "Sasuke now is the time to flee!!"


utolsó képen ezt vakerja a fekete ninja:

So he sent a raiton (lightning element) through his body and altered the path of my attacks... Looks like that spared him of any mortal wounds.

Also... That girl's got the power to heal people by having them suck her chakra, ChEckItoUtyO!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 aug 08, 15:59:49
Naruto Manga 412 angol verzió a főoldalon, mostantól a 413. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 aug 14, 14:27:31
Csak egy kis infó: Ezen a héten nincs megjelenő Shounen Jump magazin. A következő fejezet augusztus 22-én jelenik meg.
Hétfőtől a 413. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 aug 22, 20:28:25
Naruto Manga 413 magyar verzió a honlapon, mostantól a 414. fejezet spoilereit várjuk ide.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 aug 27, 17:00:06
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 08 aug 28, 08:15:45
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :

Suigetsu is forming himself back togther.
Juugo is fusing his skin with Sasuke, he tells Karin that even tho he's giving Sasuke some of his skin and chakra they should retreat because taking on the Hachibi in there state is to risky.
The Hachibi can hear everything there saying and tells them that trying to retreat at this point would be foolish and even if they did how far do they really think they could get.
(there's a little bit more about Sasuke)

Konan is telling Pein that even if they get to Konoha getting Naruto isn't going to be that easy.
Pein tells her thats the reason he's not going to hold back (there's a panel of all the bodies and then one of the female body)
Konan looks at Pein with a worried look on her face, he tells her that our goal has been set and that it will be accomplished without fail, the time of the 9th Jinchuuriki is closing fast.

Naruto is sitting near the pool of oil and the clones are turing into toads Pa hits them and says that there transforming much fast because of his little dive into the pool.
Naruto says that he thought it was a good idea at the time and Pa says you were actually thinking when you did that (he has a funny look on his face)
Gamakichi ask Pa if there's a faster way for Naruto to learn sage arts, Pa shouts and says no there's not he's already using the oil and clones it can't go any faster then this.

Sasuke tries to use his sharingan but it fails, Juugo tells him that he doesn't have the chakra to keep the sharingan active (there not in the same place they were at the beginning of the chapter)
Suigetsu tries to run but is hit with one of the tails of the Hachibi, Karin ask why he's trying to run off and leave them be hind, Suigetsu states that he was trying to see how fast the Hachibi is in that form, Karin asked well.
Suigetsu looks at her and says well im still standing here, even in that big form his tails move too fast for him to dodge, but his body doesn't seem to move as fast.(there's more about Sasuke and Juugo)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Blodwolf - 08 aug 28, 09:55:43
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: (
Szerző: Nihongaeri

megj: a yupi álltal beszúrt képeket most csak linkelem...
az angol szöveget is csak helyel közzel értem,szóval fordítástól tekintsetek el. (
I'll say, this boy's getting the hang of things faster than Jiraiya-chan did
That's awesome, Naruto! (
Guy 1:
Why ever would KillerBee-sama be in his Eight-tails form!? The Raikage had been quite specific not to transform
Guy 2:
Look closely! He's battling someone!
Guy 1:
Those cloaks... Is that Akatsuki? (
Sasuke (?):
Look what happened to Suigetsu... Dammit! (
Here! Sasuke, quick, bite into me!
お前は死なせない…<?????????> (I think that's what I'm seeing)
I'm not going to let you die...
I'm going to take him on... Get away while you still can! (
Yeah, boooiiyy!!
Side Text:
ふり返れば<?????> (Only the first part is visible)
Looking back...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 aug 29, 07:29:41
Naruto Manga 414. fejezet angol verziója a főoldalon, hétfőtől várjuk a 415. fejezet spoilereit ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 szep 03, 08:07:04
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző: Alexan



サスケさんが天照消費キラービー、その後キラービーほぼ即座にそれを圧倒します。ホークは敗北 を入力し、圧 倒的なパワーは、 8しっぽです。

Naruto 415 spoiler script:

Narutos sage training and advanced techniques from progressing to the description of those, including the art of time and space.

Amaterasu consumes 8 tails, he has, then 8 tails almost immediately overpowers. hawk is then defeated by the overwhelming power of the 8 tails.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 szep 03, 11:17:35
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző: PainlessSacrifice

Hachibi is hit with Amaterasu
Some group of ninjas standing and watching with binoculars
"What to do?"
They say "The other pair is Akatsuki. We must report to Raikage. His yonger brother was attacked"
Scene changing to Naruto
Apparently oil training ends
Some book is given to Naruto
Fukasaku: "This is the first book Jiraiya wrote"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 szep 03, 12:45:56
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző: Rorschach

An Amaterasu of resolve
All-out-war!!! What will be the outcome...!!?
A new power!!
Sinobi 1:
Wait a sec!
Shinobi 2:
What is it?
Shinobi 1:
That's the Uchiha family crest!
Shinobi 1:
We should alert the Raikage immediately, rather than trying to deal with things ourselves (Filling in the blanks here, so don't come crying to me if the translation's wrong)
Shinobi 2:
With his brother the victim of something like this, knowing the Raikage... he won't let this deed go unpunished
Here ya' go, read it
"do-konjo ninden"
Guts and an Iron Will: A Ninja Chronicle (A somewhat creative adaptation here...)
do-konjo... ninden...
Sasuke, having gained a new power, ???????
Chapter Preview:
What happens after Naruto reads Jiraiya's book!? Next Issue, "do-konjo ninden" ????????

úgylátszik Chakra Spoilere is igaz

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 okt 22, 09:13:09
Várjuk a 422. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 okt 22, 14:34:06
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző: T.D.A

Scene at Fukusaku's house, Naruto is waking up from bed.
Ma frog: Good mornin' Naruto, You've been sleeping for a very long time.
Naruto: eerm, I guess using that Natural energy for too long is making more sight effects. where is Pa frog anyway ?
Ma frog: he's investigating with other sages what happend with our shrine trees, some vandal cuted in half about 8 of them !
Naruto: (!!...) what are those thing exactly...?
Ma frog: these are a special ancient trees, with a very unique bark, with these we product that oil you used at your training. and it's not it's only attribute, we use it for healing, making various items...
Naruto: (sweating) so...can't you just plant them again ?
Ma frog: it needs about 30 years to fully grow, and for us to gather it's bark. it's a very serious crime !
Naruto: I...I'd like to tell you something...
Ma frog: what is it honey ? you...It's not what I think it is...?
Naruto: It was me...
Scene goes to konoha.
Kakashi is surrounded by two realms.
Kakashi: ( what is going on? not only I'm facing rin'engan user, but now two ? I just hope that a backup will arrive soon, or I'll may be forced to use my Mangekyou Sharingan...need to buy time)
Kakashi: Why are you here ? it is foolish of you to attack our village directly, with so few of you.
God realm: I'm here for the Kyuubi boy. and since you won't tell us where he is, then -
Demon realm is right behind Kakashi, and is speaking.
Demon realm: then it's the end of you!
Kakashi tries to dodge the black weapon, and gets stabbed by it in his back, instead of his neck, where the weapon was pointed.
Kakashi: gah!
Kakashi drops on his knees.
Kakashi (so this is the power...of the third doijutsu..)
God realm: That eye of yours is a very rare eye indeed...I will make you my minion, since your Konoha comrades has taken out one of my bodies...
we see a picture where hungry ghost realm is dead, lying in the ground, around him there are Neji, tenten, Gai ( wich is hurt as we see ) Lee, and some other konoha Shinobi.
Scene goes to Sasuke, wich we see is running through the forest with Team hawk.
Sasuke: guys, faster!
Karin: what the hell was all the risk for ? we almost died, and you let him go back then !?
Sasuke: I needed to test my abilities.
Seigetsu: well, you could tell us that, you could go alone you know...
Juugo: Frankly speaking, you could...
Sasuke: STOP!!
rest of the crew is like "!?"
We see Tobi standing in front of them.
Tobi: Well Sasuke, I won't go back on my words...
Scene goes to Naruto again.
Naruto is standing in front of the head sage, surrounded by a group of smaller frogs.
Head Sage: Uzumaki Naruto, law is a very important thing to us, sages, and since you commited a crime, that is a serious crime indeed...
Naruto: I didn't intend to damnit, how should i know-
Head Sage: by the law of Myobokuzan, I am canceling your contract, and dispach you from here, this place is sealed for you from now on, you may never come here again.
Pa frog Naruto, what have you got yourself into...I can't help you this time kiddo)
Naruto: serious ?
Next chapter: rejected!

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 08 okt 22, 14:52:13
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :

Chapter 422 :Birth of a legend

Scene opeans up with danzo in the head quarters of the disbanded Root divison

Danzo: everyone here?

Unknown shinboi: yes we are all here everyone but “sai”

Danzo: never the less we begin to move now…every dismissed!

(shinboi leaves head quarters)..operation “black dragon begins”

Scene changes to naruto

*Ma frog returned the next morning*

Ma and Pa : hey naruto come here please we have something important to discuss

*naruto eter with sage markings above his eyes*

Pa: naruto why are you in sage mode?

Naruto- well I could sleep last night and all I could think about was the side effects of the sage arts

Pa: and?

Naruto: I figured something out…I found away to evnetr sage mode with out have to put you in danger

*ma this child is amazing*

Ma: well naruto first we have gifts for you

*pa this sukiyaki naruto will be a leagend like no other*

Scence changes sakura in the hospital

Tsunade: thank good you’re here sakura

Sakura: yeah I summoned katsuyu aswell

*koan appears in the door way of the hospital*

Sakura: *akatski*you take care of the injured and shes mine *puts on gloves*

Next chapter: sakura vs. koan…and what have naruto figured out that has Pa and ma on there toes??

Next chapter: “Gifts”

és egy másik

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :

Another Specialist Prediction:

Kakashi’s Faith

Myobokuzan (Naruto views the damage done by his technique)

“Finally, it’s completed. I might as well go see what the old sage is up to. Perhaps he might train me again” said Naruto.

Switch Scene to ***asku’s Hut:

(***asku and Shima discusses Naruto)

“I say he’s ready, he’s even better in the Sage Arts, than little Jiraiya was,” said ***askku. “The boy lacks experience. Sure he has talent, but he lacks the years of smarts. That is where little Jiraiya shined in, and you know it,” said Shima.

“Crazy ol woman, we are supposed to be honoring little Jiriaya’s own wishes, and he left everything to that boy, to the child of prophecy,” said ***asku.

(Naruto walks in)

“Woah, what’s all the yelling about,” asked Naruto. “Its nothing. So tell me boy. How you feel about returning to Konoha,” asked ***asku. “I think I’m ready. I’m ready to avenge pervy sage. I never met my father, but I can tell you that if I could have one, he’d be the one I’d call dad.

(Flash backs of Naruto and Jiraiya sharing an ice cream)

That’s one reason. Another reason is because of Tsunade. I can’t let that bastard get away with removing such an important person from the village. I’ve trained my butt off these past weeks, failure is not an option,” said Naruto.

(Shima closes her eyes and smiles) “What are you waiting for, call the communication toad back,” said Shima. “I almost forgot, I’m surprised Tsunade did not give us any feedback on the situation. I hope everything is going well,” said ***asku.

(He makes a handseal and summons the slaughtered Toad. Naruto, ***asku, and Shima are all shocked)

“What. He’s,” said Naruto. “Hell’s going on back at Konoha,” said Shima. “Naruto, we are heading to Konoha, Now,” yelled ***asku. (Naruto and ***asku rush outside)

“The village might not be safe. My bet, that its Pain,” said ***asku. “Now he’s attacking the village. We have to go now,” yelled Naruto. “We’ll use your shadow clone as reconnaissance. It will be with me. We’ll consult the code breakers and investigation sectors. You will enter the village via Gamabunta. That should allow your shadow clone and me to slip in unnoticed. Be prepared. Soon as you enter the village, Pain will be on you in an instant. As for as I can tell, you have surpassed Jiraiya. I believe in you,” said ***asku.

Switch scene to Konoha:

(Shinobi from all across the village are battling Konan and the rest of the Pains. Holding them off from Tsunade’s office)

Switch Scene to Kakashi: (He is on the ground. Demon Pain prepares to fire off his arm into Kakashi)

“Looks like I have no choice,” said Kakashi. (He activates Mangekyou Sharingan, but cancels it immediately, as he hears a crash and looks into the distance. He sees a flash back of Minato standing on Gamabunta, facing off against the Kyuubi. Immediately he snaps back to reality, and notices that its Naruto on top of the Toad Boss)

“So, he’s finally here,” said God. (Close up on all of the Pain’s eyes) “He’s ours,” said Demon. (They leave Kakashi alone)

(Flash back of Minato saving Kakashi from rock shinobi)

“He’s just like you after all,” said Kakashi.

(Everyone notices Gamabunta and Naruto)

Switch Scene to Code breakers: (***asku and Naruto’s shadow clone arrives in the code breakers room)

“Naruto, ***asku, you’re back,” said Shiho. “Wait patiently. We almost have it figured out,” said Shizune. “I’ll be able to hold him off until then,” said Naruto.

Next Chapter: Pain’s secret is revealed

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 okt 22, 15:26:31
Tessék parancsolni :)

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző:zaraki kenpachi

Kakashi on the cover.

Konan turns into papers, asking around in the village.
Konan: Where is Uzumaki Naruto?
Ninja: I won't tell

Scene changes.
Pain goes around asking for Naruto's whereabouts while killing bunch of ninja.

On top of the Hokage statues,
Tsunade summons slug
and let her treat the injured villagers

Scene changes to Kakashi.
Attack fails.
Pain takes off his clothes and reveals himself as Asura-like (with many faces and hands)
The surprised Kakashi is sucked towards Pain.
He immediately stabilize himself.
Kakashi (So this is his ability!)
One man can't win against him. I need to call for back-up. At that moment, his abdomen is pierced by Pain.

But it's just a raiton kagebunshin.
Then two giant hands appear behind Pain.

One down, Kakashi.
Chouji and his dad show up.

Kakashi climbs out from rubbles. Actually I'd also completed my preparation.
But still thanks for the help.
The end.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 okt 26, 21:52:20
Várjuk a 423. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Bastian - 08 okt 28, 16:51:40
Verification: Pending
Source: 2ch,net
Credits: mEu7QoCCO

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 okt 28, 18:33:17
Szerző: T.D.A

Az előző hsz utolsó képen a szöveg a következő:

"A hős elbukik..." vagy "A hős bukása..."

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 okt 29, 09:01:28
Source: 2ch,net
Credits: mEu7QoCCO

Kakashi: I know his power, now i can engage in real battle.
Pain: ...
Kakashi: I must be careful though, there's something about him that makes him unpredictable.
Pain throws ball.
Kakashi dies.
But it's another Bunshin.
Kakashi comes from underground to land an uppercut.

Naruto is in mountains still training.
***asaku: Naruto, about the kyuubi, you should know that absorbing Nature chakra surpresses the quantity of kyuubi chakra in you. By surpressing it you minimize the risk of going to 4 tails. But if you run out of Nature chakra in a matter of seconds then that chakra which is compressed in you might explode and you'll feel a certain burst of energy.
Naruto: What's your point?
***asaku: Use it well.

Tsunade is helping civilians.
Sakura: Go help the village, i'll take care of them.
Tsunade: Pain, here i come.
Prepare the special forces, Everyone target Pain.

Pain closes his eyes, and reopens them, he cites a jutsu and the chapter ends.

Next chapter: God is revealed.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 okt 29, 09:27:39
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :

( (
( (

Verification: Confirmed
Source: NF
Credits: his jp friend

i just got my jp friend to partially so heres the overview:

First is the scene where Chouji and his dad and Kakashi try to confirm whether the Asura is dead.

Then Kakashi explains the battle plan he came up with based on Pain's ability.

Apparently it's the ability to use attractive force.

Father and son fighting side by side, the battle begins.

The battle content is too complicated, hence omitted. But in the end, the Akimichis manage to capture the God.

Then just as Kakashi is charging forward with a Raikiri the Asura body appears to block the attack.

众人:还能动吗?卡卡西 (赶得上吗?)
Everyone: He still can move? Kakashi (Can I make it?)

Naruto fuses with Fukasaku.

佩恩:当然还能动 !
Pain: Of course I(he? not sure who's talking) can still move.
Kakashi: Is it too late?

Turning around, he sees Akimichis and the other back-up ninja have been blown away.

ペイン「影分身ではないことはわかってる。確実に死んでもらう」(年には念だ。うかつに近づく まい)
Pain: Seems like it's not kagebunshin this time. Then die! (not translated)

Picking up a nail from the ground he throws it at Kakashi (=_=)

Pain: Feel the pain!

Kakashi: From this distance, I can't dodge it...

The End

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Enterei - 08 okt 30, 07:15:23
Tudom, hogy most már bármikor megjelenhet a RAW, de mivel ráakadtam egy videóra a netten, így gondoltam megosztom veletek.  A fenti képek vannak ebben is, de sokkal közelebbről mutatják.

Link javítva a közvetlen YouTubeos linkre.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 okt 30, 10:26:21
423. rész RAW-ja felkerült a honlapra. Várjuk a 424. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 08 nov 04, 18:12:15
Spoiler - Naruto manga 424

Tudom, hogy nagyon korai, de a képek elég hitelesnek tűnnek, bár bizonyíték persze nincs^^. Eredetileg egy oldal volt a kettő, de csak félbevágva sikerült megoldani a dolgot.
Kakashi arcát megsebezte a szög, de a maszkja egyben maradt. Kakashi aktiválja az MS-t. Pein eltűnik egy másik dimenzióban???

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Matyi21 - 08 nov 04, 21:14:25
Naruto Chapter 424
Apparently somebody who works in Jump leaked this on 2chan.

In the mountains, Naruto and Fukasaku are still training, this time they are training on ground but using shunshin and sage mode; the landscape around is completely destroyed and there are huge craters around.

Fukasaku: With the increase your abilities get in Sage Mode, combined with this Taijutsu you've almost mastered, you will be very tough in close combat. However, long range may be a problem.

Naruto: (With my new jutsu, that's not a problem)

Fukasaku: I've got something more to teach you. It will somewhat fix the long range problem, it's a space-time. Hiraishin.


A shot of Kakashi with his Mangekou Sharingan activated, and his forehead above it with a long bloody gash, and the upper part of his ear missing.

Kakashi: Managed to use the Mangekyou Sharingan just in time...

Pain: You are just delaing the inevitable.

Pain raises his hand, and hundreds of small rocks start to float, the rocks take the form of spikes, and they are all shot towards Kakashi. Then a wall of shadow appears between Kakashi and Pain, blocking the spikes; Shikamaru and his father have arrived. Behind them, comes Ino and his father.

Chouza: !

Chouji: Shikamaru! Ino!

Shikamaru: I'm going to let Akatsuki kill any more of my friends.

Ino: Chouji! Mr. Akimichi! I'll take care of your wounds!

Pain raises his hand again, and this time a whole house begins to float; Pain throws the house at Kakashi, the Akimichis, and the Naras. However, in mid-air, the house breaks into pieces.

???: Dynamic Entry!

A full-page panel of 6-gated Gai kicking Pain, but pain with his arms crossed blocking the kick while struggling. Last panel a shot of Pain's face, he's angry, and Gai reflected on his rinnegan.

Chapter End.
Next Chapter: The Eight Gates.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Matyi21 - 08 nov 04, 21:39:17
Pain's nail flies towards Kakashi. He closes his left eye and.. "Mangekyou Sharingan!"
He opens his eye again. The nail hangs just inches from his face. Pain still has his hands stretched out. Debris around them hangs still in the air.

Kakashi gets out of the rubble, but the blocks of concrete he lifted off of himself stay in a floating position for some reason.
"That I had to resort to this.."

He looks around himself. Sees the defeated ninja's around him. He looks at the two Pain bodies still standing. "At least I can take out two of them.."
He fires up Raikiri in both arms.

--- Samui's team ---

They are in front of a closed Konoha gate. Explosions and screams are heard beyond the gate.

Omoi: "Appears Konoha is having some troubles.."
Karui: "Hmm. Well we still have a message for the Hokage."
Omoi: "Hmpf."

Omoi jumps up on the wall and stands on top of it.
Karui: "Omoi! What is it?"
Omoi: "It's.. Akatsuki..!"
Karui jumps up on the wall as well and looks around Konoha.
Karui: "There!"
They look at a battlefield with Kakashi still in trouble and Pain still holding the nail.
Omoi: "****! Let's go help him, 't least that'd make a good first impression.."

They jump down and form some seals.

--- Kakashi vs. Pain ---

Deva Pain coughs up blood. "I didn't.. expect you could use.. this kind of jutsu.."
Kakashi stands behind him with both arms inside Deva's body.
Deva Pain: "Your Sharingan's ability.. a time-space jutsu.."
Kakashi: "Not just that. It can see chakra, too."
Pain: "..."
Kakashi: "I've noticed the other body couldn't dodge earlier because of my rai-kagebunshin."
Kakashi: "It disturbed the chakra recieving metal that you have embedded in yourself."
Pain: "!!"
Kakashi: "So.. now you're disabled.. I can do this."
A kagebunshin of Kakashi appears in front of him and grabs two of the black metal piercings.
Kakashi: "This is the end of this body."
He rips out the chakra receiver in Pain's arms.
Pain collapses.

Omoi: "I dunno what you did just now.."
Kakashi: "!!"
Omoi: "But.. damn impressive.. copy ninja Kakashi."
Kakashi turns around.
Kakashi: "You're.."
Omoi holds the nail that Pain fired at Kakashi earlier.
Omoi: "We are here to bring a message to the Hokage."
Karui and Samui appear behind Kakashi.
Samui: "We took care of that one over there. What'cha wanna do with these?"
Samui holds a hand full of black chakra receivers. Behind them is the 3-faced Pain's body.
Kakashi: "..."

--- End of chapter ---

Next week: Summit of the Kages.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Ayumichan - 08 nov 04, 23:14:18
Találtam 1 Spoiler szöveget:

Fukasaku: Your performance has dropped, is something bothering you?
Naruto: How long will it take before we return to Konoha?
Fukasaku: It all depends on you, come on let's continue.

Tsunade: I'm going into battle, save the patients.
She encounters summoning body pain.
Summon person: Where's Naruto.
Tsunade: So you are Pain...
Summoning body invokes big animal.
Tsunade kills it with a big punch then she grabs the animal realm pain and buries her hard into ground.

Kakashi is perfectly fine
Pain: You are not hurt?
Kakashi is out of the dirt
Kakashi: My sharingan has the power to recreate dimensions and seal them too. You were looking at another dimension while i was elsewhere. My real Location was not far away from here.
Kakashi: NOW!
Chouji and papa attack pain.
Pain uses gravity-push.
Kakashi: Did you know that portals are like black holes. They absorb everthing in their orbit. Now that you're using you're pushing force( gravitational force) you shall be sucked into my sharingan.
Pain: There's no helping it.
He disappears( into portal?)
Kakashi: Timing had to be perfect.
He collapses.

Next time:finished?

Notes: Some words are not directly translated.

Nemtudom h mennyire hiteles...

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 nov 05, 08:48:40
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi

Here, I translated a bit of the text...

Konoha's village temple!!

Sale commemoration C color!!

Kakashi dies!! Pein's devastation on Konoha does not stop.

Kakashi teacher how...(?)

Quote: pokeballs
Konoha's village temple!!

actually reads
Protect Konoha Village!!

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi

Kakashi survives somehow. Unfortunately, his sharingan is ruined.
Pain think he's dead.
Kakashi, with a strained voice, activate his mangekyô. Pain, with nowhere to run, is hit.
Tsunade's slugs come in and heal the potentially deadly wounds.
Scene change to Shikamaru who trapped three Pains in his usual shadow jutsu.
One of them:"there's nothing we can do".
Scene change to Naruto. He said he want to eat ramen.
Scene change to Konoha's gate, for the arrival of Gaara of Suna.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 nov 05, 11:50:55
Még 1 script :)

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Szerző: zaraki kenpachi


Kakashi has a nail in his forehead.
Kakashi: i'm losing it, Not now please, not like this. My chakra in uncontrolable.
Pain: I am now yours to be obeyed. May Pain be known to all.
Kakashi: ...
Kakahi stands up, head down, then looks up. We see a metol rod on his forehead.The right eye has the Rinnengan but the left eye is shut this time.

Pain: Finish them off then meet me at the Entrance point.
Kakashi: Hmmph.
Kakashi hits chouji's dad with Raikiri.
Chouji's dad: what....?
Kakashi walks off into the far distance.
Chouji: YOU!
Chouji's dad: STOP!

Iruka comes back to the scene
Iruka: What happened?
Chouji: Kakashi is dead...
Iruka: Kakashi....

In the image we then see Pain with all the other bodies + kakashi.

Pain: Naruto, be prepared here we come.

Next week: Secret unvieled.

Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: llmcduff

danzou and gang go down into an underground bunker
it seems he wants to become hokage

back to kakashi

chouji(?) throws off asura pein and jumps to his feet (not sure about this...jpn is weird)


chouji (dad....kakashi sensei.........!)
it seems chouji's dad took a bullet for chouji and is dead.

kakashi: save your tears....for later!....if you can still move then...go tell tsuande...pain's ability.
chouji: me....
kakashi: don't waste your father's sacrifice!

what an annoying bunch

ashura is still alive (´;ω;`)

kakashi: (shit!) RUUUN!!

chouji (dad;....this is for you)
chouji running

ashura spies chouji and fires a missile from his back

カカシ(今のチャクラでは体全体は無理………それにもう一度使えばチャクラが無くなる)(確実 に…………死 ぬ!)
kakashi: (with my current chakra level the whole body is impossible...and if I use it again I'll have no chakra left) (I will without a doubt....die) [this is the picture page]

the missile is fired


kakashi: but I have to help the chouji to make a report! That's the most important thing.

missile hones in on the fat bastard

zuuun (noise of missile vanishing)


Kakashi: (well...seems like that's it for me...Obito...Rin)


that's it

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 nov 05, 18:03:38
Hitelességi ellenőrzés :
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: yass21


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: silvertea - 08 nov 05, 19:44:24
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Szerző: samir147

( (
( (

Az előző spoiler képhez meg itt a fordítás, vagyis a magyar sorrend:

1. Kakashi Hatake
2. Naruto Uzumaki
3. Sasuke Uchiha
4. Iruka Umino
5. Shikamaru Nara
6. Sakura Haruno
7. Neji Hyuga
8. Gaara
9. Rock Lee
10. Itachi Uchiha
11. Hinata Hyuga
12. Haku
13. Maito Gai
14. Temari
15. Yondaime Hokage(Minato Namikaze)
16. Deidara
17. Kiba Inuzuka
18. Hayate Gekko
19. Jiraiya
20. Shino Aburame

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 nov 05, 20:04:51
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Szerző: samir147


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 nov 07, 08:08:52
A 424. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 425. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: silvertea - 08 nov 08, 00:04:56
Tudom, hogy ez talán nem igazi spoiler és a 425. fejezet csak 2 hét múlva lesz... ezért nem is tudtam eldönteni, hogy a manga, vagy ide, a spoiler topicba írjam be... de itt ez az oldal, ahol egy furcsa teóriát állítottak fel és talán van is alapja;

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:

Lastly, can anyone verify that the “Obito… Rin…” is the first time that either of those names have been dropped in the manga since the Kakashi Gaiden.  That was freakin huge. Here is why… Until that brief mention the Kakashi Gaiden has acted as an autonomus story seperate from the rest of the manga.  People could argue until they were blue in the face that the Kakashi Gaiden only provided fodder for backround into the origins of Kakashi’s Sharingan.  That Obito and Rin were only tools used once to tell that story and not significant to the over all picture of the manga.

Even just this brief mention will lends massively to the theory that Obito and Rin still have a part to play in the larger manga story line.  Some will say that this was just adding to the drama that Kakashi is dying and will be rejoining Obito and Rin in the after life.  But look at the text in !! points on the bottom left! “On the cusp of death, he makes a dying wish!!”  Alluding to the fact that Kakashi wishes to see/be with Rin and Obito one last time before he dies. The Tobito theory people are drooling right now wating to see the connection!  They are salivating at the mouth to see Animal Realm bounce over and to see Kakashi’s reaction as he freaks out and is rejuvinated by her appearance, climbs out of the rubble and shows all of us his true potential! OMG! I can’t wait till the next issue!

(Aki jobban tud angolul, mint én, az most jobban jár! ^^)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 nov 18, 09:48:30
egy kis apróság :)

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Szerző: T.D.A

"Kakashi's death shocks Konoha! And as for Deva Path Pain...!?"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: kakairuRULEZ - 08 nov 18, 20:13:51
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: (lásd lent)
Szerző: samir147

Egy külföldi Kakashi rajongó tette fel ezt a közösségi portálra. Nekem valahogy nem tűnik hitelesnek ez a spoiler

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 nov 19, 08:44:03
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: onemanga
Szerző: Pwnnned


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: silvertea - 08 nov 19, 16:15:09
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Szerző: itsygo



Obito "I don't care what people in the village'd're a great jounin" "I'm about to die..." "Rin will depend on you from now on"

Obito ...

I can only be your eye this far.
I also failed to keep the promise to protect Rin. Please forgive me.

Obito, Rin, Sensei
I am joining you soon.

Kakashi is walking in the dark.
Kakashi "!"

Kakashi "So you're here..."
"May I hear what happened to your?"
Kakashi "'s a long story. Let me tell you slowly"
"Ah, alright"
Kakashi smiles.
Kakashi "Dad"

Kakashi's head faces down. Motionless.
A part of Asura's head falls on the ground.


Fusion is not successful.
The Kyuubi is rejecting ***asaku.
Naruto "..."
Naruto "How can this be! What have I been working so hard until now for?"


The female Pain reaches where Ino is.
Kuchiyose no jutsu.
The female Pain summons a strange creature and it's barely restrained by the ANBU.
Kuchiyose no jutsu!
Another one is summoned and it heads towards Ino.
Shizune "What's this?"

Female Pain sees the black rod in Shizune's hand. "So it's here"
Ino's dad (what?)
Ino's dad "I'd seen that girl before...what's going on!?" "That should be the corpse!"

The restrained summon also breaks out.
Shizune "Please tell it in more details! We maybe able to work this out!"
Ino's dad "But right now..."

Ibiki "Leave this to ANBU and me!"
Ino's dad "Ibiki!"
Shizune "Let's go! We need to find out Pain's secret!"

Konohamaru is panting.
Konohamaru amidst the chaos!?

The End.

Magyar ford. (csak úgy nagyjából, bocsi, siettünk hogy megoszthassuk veletek XD)

obito: nem érdekel mit mondanának az emberek a faluban... naccerú jounin vagy" mingyá meghalok... Rin mostantól tőled függ

már csak a szemed lehetek
nem sikerült teljesítenem az ígéretem h megvédem rint
kérlek bocsáss meg

obito rin sensei
nemsokára csatlakozom hozzátok

kakashi sétál a sötétben

kakashi: tehát itt vagy...
hallhatnám mi történt veled?
K:ah... ez egy hosszú történet. hadd meséljem el lassan
ah rendben
k mosolyog
k: apu

KAkaksi arca nemtom mit csinál. Nem mozdul
asura fejének egy darabja a földre hull


a fúzió nem sikeres
a kyuubi visszautasít***asaku
naruto: "..."
n: hogy lehet ez! Akkor mér dolgoztam ilyen keményen egész idáig?


a női Pein kinyúl Inohoz
Kuchiyose no jutsu
a női pein előhív egy fura lényt és majnem teljesen restrained az ANBU által
Kuchiyose no jutsu
mégegy előhívva ino
ino apa-láttam már ezt a lányt... mi folyik itt? ez egy holttest lehet

a restained idézés szintén kitör
shizune: kérlek mondd részletesebben! Képesek leszünk túljutni ezen
ino apa: de most...

ibiki: hagyd ezt az ANBUra és rám
ino apa: ibiki!
shizune: nemjünk-! Ki kell találnunk pein titkát

konohamaru fest
konohamaru amidstolja a káoszt

the end

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:

( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Neiko - 08 nov 20, 12:03:14

Mégáúp (
Rápidsér (

Istenem, kérlek, csak Konohamaru nyomjon egy Kuchiyose-t, és jelenjen meg Enma, én meghajolnék elötte.....képes rá.....


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: koli1 - 08 nov 20, 12:34:58
pár kép

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 nov 20, 12:43:30
A 425. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 426. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Matyi21 - 08 nov 25, 19:34:48

Flashback of Rin, Kakashi and Obito first introduction.
Kakashi is not interested in Obito's clan which he brags about.
This attitude of Kakashi irritates Obito.
Then he flashbacking about his father.

Konohamaru was watching Danzou from the very begining to end.
He runs to tell what he saw.
Naruto's training is at hiatus.
Then the scroll-frog Jiraiya sent appears.
Fukasaku says that no one knew what happened to her.
Konohamaru runs onto tendou (deva) Pain.
He asks - where is Naruto.
Konohamaru not going to tell.
Then Ebisu appears.
Konohamaru can't die! The end

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Matyi21 - 08 nov 25, 19:37:39

Where’s Naruto as Konoha narrows in on Pain’s Secret

(Scene Mount Myobokuzan)

“Are you kidding me? How come the Kyuubi is rejecting you,” asked
Naruto. “It has more to do with the chakra of the Kyuubi. When we fuse,
our chakra system combines together. Unlike you, my chakra can’t
suppress the Kyuubi’s chakra, thus my defenses are not as good as
yours,” said Fukasku.

(Fukasku sweats)

“So it is my chakra defense,” said Naruto. “Well you have been sharing
a chakra network with the beast for all your life. I assume since your
chakra was put under so much stress, your own ninja chakra adapted.

I’m not sure if any particular chakra network could co-exist for
too long as the Kyuubi's chakra is channeling through you with an
exclusive link not present in my body. Only If there was a way that
could bypass strain the Kyuubi places on my network,” said Fukasku.

(Naruto remembers back to his fight with Gaara. He remembers communicating with Gamabunta during the combined transformation)

“Combining our bodies together… Combination Transformation jutsu. I mean it worked with Gamabunta,” said Naruto.

“Wait, maybe that could work. The technique allows us to merge our
bodies not our chakra networks, thus the Kyuubi’s chakra would not put
a strain on me and reject. From the inside I could draw chakra to your
body then you could take the energy, and apply it to yourself, while on
the outside, you take on the appearance as yourself. The enemy would
never know what hit him

(Naruto looks down as Fukasku jumps on his shoulder)

Um boy, that was a brilliant idea, you should be proud,” said Fukasku
“Yeah about that. I kind of forgot, how it was done,” said Naruto.
“Ehh, don’t worry, I’ll help with that. Worry about providing the
chakra for the jutsu. We’ll both concentrate on same image, you. I’ll
be able to communicate with you from the inside. Once the jutsu is in
affect, I’ll draw in the chakra, while you move. Then once you feel the
energy, immediately absorb it. You should go into Sage Mode instantly,”
smiled Fukasku.

“Combination Transformation,” yelled Naruto and Fukasku. (Naruto
appears from the smoke. He runs for a while) “I feel it,” said Naruto.
(He claps his hands to together, and his eyes change to reflect that
he’s in Sage Mode. The technique cancels and Naruto remains in Sage

“Heh, you’re training is just about complete. How about we go get some dinner,” said Fukasku. (Naruto covers his mouth)

Switch Scene: Tsunade’s location. (Ino’s father and Shizune arrive to Tsunade’s location)

“So, how’s everything going,” asked Tsunade. “We have all the
information we need,” said Ino’s father. “Good we’ll discuss it over
with Naruto when he gets back,” said Tsunade. “Naruto. What the hell’s
taking him so damn long. I know he likes to show up at the last moment,
but we can’t wait any longer for him. We’ll use plan B and take Pain
down by force,” said Shizune. “This is however strange. Could it be
that the message never reached Myobokuzan. Usually we would get an
immediate response from either Shima or Fukasku,” said Tsunade.
“Tsunade. Look who I found,” said Katsuyu (Kakashi falls out of the

(Everyone is shocked)

“There’s no time. Get Sakura to take over for me. I’ll get Naruto
myself,” said Tsuande. “But, you’ll never make it in time, and Sakura
does not have the chakra to deal with all these injuries, we can’t risk
losing you,” said Shizune. “Jiriaya left me with a scroll to the
mountain through a toad a long time ago, just in case I needed his help
during the time we were teammates in the war. I won’t be gone long,”
said Tsunade.

Next Chapter: Is Kakashi alive? Will Tsunade bring Naruto back in time

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 nov 26, 09:34:58

verifaction: pending
credits: sageking

Chapter 426: (i didnt see a tile O_o)


港の中に彼と話を自来也NARUTO -ナルト-赤ん坊を保持し港を発見

Kakashiの14について(年齢) :ねえ、先生、そしてマスタ自来也、オハイオこれは、この

港:そのNARUTO -ナルト-、私の息子

* KakashiのNARUTO -ナルト-頭* r ubs

自来也:彼の顔は私の最初の本の中の登場人物* smirks後に彼の名前そう。イム彼のゴッドファーザー*

Kakashiの:ほかのように彼の祖父に行く* *笑


自来也: ... 。 > _ <

港:うーん、これは私の息子だと私はすべてをもって彼を残すには、すべて私のユストゥス、私は 、私の契約を 目標と私の夢



港:この部屋はすべて私の知識でいっぱいの秘訣はカーシャは、すべて私の術や武器、私はここに 不完全な術や アイデアの負荷をしている。私の場合日には戦闘で私はここにこの場所には準備ができているとき に感じる私の 息子は村を守る秋になるとよい。


NARUTO -ナルト-とF ukasakuにシーンの変更

NARUTO -ナルト-:今何をやるのは何ですか!

Fukasaku :単純な場合は、悪魔を飼いならすキツネする必要がある

NARUTO -ナルト-: !

お客様Fukasaku ( )術シールシールの芸術をマスターする必要がある最初の

* Fukasaku *手の兆候と私は不思議なため息を
(ジャンプやNARUTO -ナルト-の頭をタップ)

NARUTO -ナルト-: a rrgh!


Fukasaku :私はあなたの中に隠れていたが知っていた




* *足の手順を聞く




次の章。他の男は誰が、何NARUTO -ナルト-については、次のです! ?

rough translation- ( sure on accuracy...)

Scene opens with Kakashi opening a door

Inside he finds Jiraiya and Minato talking with Minato holding a baby Naruto

Kakashi(age about 14): hey sensei, and master Jiraiya, oh who this

Minato : its Naruto, my son

*Kakashi rubs Naruto head*

Jiraiya : yeah they named him after the character in my first book *smirks on his face. Im his godfather*

Kakashi : More like his go grandfather *laughs*

Minato : laughing, oh be nice kakashi

Jiraiya : …. >_<

Minato : well, this is my son and I want to leave him with everything, all my Justus, I deals, my goals and my dreams

Kakashi : well you have me to help with that sensei, I guess ill be like his big brother *smiles*

Scene changes to Minato and kasha walking down a hall in the kage building..
* Minato opens a door *

Minato : kasha this room is secret it filled with all my knowledge, all my Jutsu and weapons, I have loads of incomplete Jutsu and ideas in here. On day if I am to fall in battle protecting the village I want you to take my son here to this place when you feel he is ready.

Kakashi : you got it sensei, but lets hope things doesn’t come to that

Scene changes to Naruto and Fukasaku

Naruto : what are we going to do now?!

Fukasaku : it simple, you have to tame the demon fox

Naruto: !

Fukasaku first we need you to master the art of seals( sealing Jutsu)

*Fukasaku makes hand signs and sighs I wonder*
(jumps and taps Naruto on the head)

Naruto : arrgh!

*the key frog comes out his moth*

Fukasaku : I knew you was hiding in there

Scroll frog : why you bring me out here , this boy isn’t ready yet?!
*another old frog appears*

Unknown : Fukasaku you summoned me?

Scene changes back to kakakshi at the camp fire

*hears foot steps*

Kakashi : who there?

Voice : its me kakashi, Rin


Next chapter. Who is the other guy, what’s next for Naruto !?



Naruto: damn it....*sitting on a rock*...all my training for nothing...!

Fukasaku: *makes sad face* im sorry naruto....but i promise you i will find a way for you to use hermit mode!

Naruto: damn kyubi...if only i could talk to him and convince him to let you fuse with me....*makes mad face*

Fukasaku: *thinks* thats it!

Naruto: what?

Fukasaku: you must become one with him during battle.....

Naruto:NO! I DONT WANT TO RELLY ON HIS POWER!!!! idiot i said become one with in dont let him take over you but become one and control him....

Naruto: how will i do that?

Fukasaku: get up naruto!

Naruto:? *Gets up*


Fukasaku: *jumps up and his right hand covered in chakra punches naruto right on the seal on his stomach as the ground shakes*

Naruto: *eyes turn white then red*......*forms two tails*

Kyuubi: *half narutos face turns kyuubi* *kyubi screams and the rocks around him go flying*

Fukasaku: *holds on the ground*....this so powerfull....

Kyuubi: *half of naruto face grins* HAHAHA IM COMING OUT!

Fukasaku: ****...come on naruto...*YELLS* CONTROL HIM NARUTO!

Kyuubi: *stares at fuka* ....your foolish enough to think that he can tame me....? hahah you fool....naruto is being consumed as we speak!

*scene changes to naruto on the floor in the darkness*

Naruto:*gets up*huh...?where am i...? *walks forward and makes shocked face*

Kyuubi: how does it feel...?to be the one thats trapped in a cage *grins*

Naruto: *tries to brake the bars*...Damn it! LET ME OUT!

Kyuubi: your not getting out...your weak will never tame me...and you will never master hermit mode *grins*

Naruto:.....*slams the bars but its no use* DAMN IT! *tears*

*scene changes to konoha*

Konohamaru: *summens Gamatatsu* gamatatsu quickly go to naruto and tell him whats going on!

Gamatatsu: okay dokey!

*as gamatatsu jumps an anbu root memeber stomps on him*


Gamatatsu: konohamaru:

Anbu root two arent going anywhere

*another anbu root member appears*

Anbu root member: what are you doing here?

Konohamaru: *charges at anbu root member thats stomping on gamatatsu*

Anbu root member: puny pest... *draws blade and raises it up above his head*

Anbu root member #2: *appears infront of the blade and takes out his own and stabs him in stomach*


Anbu root member: what the...*blood spills on the ground* you bastard *swings his blade upwards as anbu root member #2's mask goes flying into the sky*

Sai:*sai's face appears out when the mask breaks*

Gamatatsu: *escapes*



*Scene changes back to fukasaku*


Kyuubi: *nearly has 4 tails and is turning into minature kyubi*
He is gone...*grins* and *appears infront of Fukasaku and claws him in the face as fukasaku goes flying into rocks and rocks pile on him*

Fukasaku: *rocks cover him as he goes unconcous*

Scene ends with
*naruto grasping the bars tighter and staring at kyuubi with a mad face*


Verification: Pending
Source: Kage,pl forum

Kakashi talking to his father.
Kakashi -...I felt guilty for his death, I'd do anything to reviwe him from death...after we wen't back to the village, me and Rin were preparing to leave , searching for the way to accomplish our goal, even if we would had to use forbidden techniques...I was foolish, making my actions with haste, and without thinking...(flashback about Rin and Kakashi encountering a group of Ninjas)
Wind Ninja - well, unlucky for you kids, our countries aren't allied, therefore you will be killed here!!
(closeup at grownup Kakashis face, he closed his eyes, and the scene goes back to the flashback)
Kakashi - Rin ! let go of her ! (Ninjas are holding Rin and Kakashi)
Rin - Kakashi ! help me !
Kakashi - no, please ! stop that !!
(back to old Kakashi)
Kakashi - and she was killed...right in front of my eyes...I will see her soon, both of them, I pray that they will forgive me...
White Fang - Kakashi, remember what you said to me after you have been promoted to be a Chuunin ?
Kakashi - huh ? no, I don't...
White Fang - "Rank means nothing, what matters are your actions, succesful of the mission"
Kakashi - yes...I remember now...
White Fang - you will See Obito, that I can promise to you, but not yet.
Kakashi - what are you getting at ?
White Fang - you still have a mission to do, my son, your time has not yet come to an end.
Kakashi - have no...
White Fang - you haven't used that technique because you thought it was too dangerous, but if you won't do something, the Village will meet it's end!!
Kakashi - ...!
(The surrounding area slowly starts to dissapear, replaced but the real world)
White Fang - We will meet again, my son.
Kakashi - Dad...
(zoom to Kakashi, being covered by the ruins)
Kakashi - *coughs* Dad...thank you... heal gate, release!
Scene at Naruto.
Fukusaku - Naruto-kun, have you ever talked to the Nine-tails ?
Naruto - yes, rarely but yes, last time it was when I was trying to get my friend home.
Fukusaku - how are your conversations like with it ?
Naruto - well, he he's allways convincing me to release the Seal.
Fukusaku - have you ever...concidering doing what he requests ?
Naruto - no...i mean, yes, but i was just imagining what power would i get from that.
Fukusaku - power ? Naruto-kun, your life would end with the moment you would do that, don't you ever forget that!
Naruto - oh...okay!
Fukusaku - well, how should I put this...if you wan't to use Sage mode, you have to find a way to convince the Kyuubi to not reject me.
Naruto - huh ? how could I possibly do that ? aksing him about...
Fukusaku - the beast may be evil, but it doesn't lack mind. you have to make a little chit-chat with him.
Naruto - but...I don't even know where to start from ! what would I tell him !?
Fukusaku - you'll use this (shows him a weird hat-thing)
Naruto - I'm not gonna wear it, its ugly!
Fukusaku *sigh* this "ugly" hat, will put you into a Koma state, or more like near-death state.this is how we meditate!
Naruto - I dunno about this, I promised myself i would never see his face again...
Fukusaku - think about it Naruto-kun, if you could make his cooperate, to give you power, whenever you need, combining this with the Sage would Surpass Jiraya!! Kyuubi chakara is hurting you, and at the same time healing, right ?
Naruto - yea...
Fukusaku - with the Sage mode, that Chakara would be doing nothing to you!
Naruto - really !? *smiles*
Fukuasku - yes, have faith boy! if this fail, we'll find some other way, you have nothing to lose! *also smiles*
(Scene at the Akatsuki hideout. shows Sasuke and his crew.)
Sasuke - Taka, we are heading to Konoha.
(zoom at Madara's eye.)

Next chapter - new bonds ?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: silvertea - 08 nov 26, 10:55:15

Chapter: Ibiki vs Pain, Secret revealed?

Shizune, Innoichi, Ino and chuunins random fleeing Pain.
[chuunin random = without name, without relevance to the plot, less than Filler]

Ino: Dad, what was that?

Innoichi: No time, we must unravel Pain.

Shizune: These things are black recipients of chackra. They transmit information and chakra.

Innoichi: Interesting, and all these things are located along these pains (bodies).

Ino: And from that relies too!

Innoichi & Shizune:!

Shizune: Could it be?

Innoichi: This is the answer!

Pain appears suddenly Human Realm

Ino: One more?

Chunnin (random): He waited for us ...?!

Pain: This is the end. Do not allow mere humans escaping.

Ibiki is at the top of a huge wall. The whole area is damaged. Some random chuunin are on the ground. [Perhaps drawn on the floor, I believe]

Ibiki: I can not do anything against these invocations. So I use it. [ "that Jutsu" ^ ^]

Ibiki a few seals.

Ibiki: Four pillars of imprisonment!

Four pillars are leaving the ground. From each several cells scattered in
the whole place. Each cell has several spears inside.


Ibiki: This is my supreme technique of torture. But there is more ...

Pain (thinking): I can not move me

Ibiki: This Jutsu is able to seal the chackra prisoner of the distance. But that ...!!!

A huge explosion. All points are canceled. Two Pains there are standing. It is animal and ghost Realm Realm

Pain: I see you've used this technique to much chakra. It seems that the Jutsu is not suitable for large motions. Now prepare to die!

Scene changes to Shizune. Pain Realm human Innoichi grabs in the head.

Pain: It seems that I must agree to kill you

Innoichi: Damn, that feeling! Maybe I can resist ...

Ino: Dad!

Suddenly appeared Konohamaru and throw a kuna in Pain. Obviously hit. A smoke bomb explodes near.

Konohamaru: Run for Tsunade!

Shizune and the other fleeing.

Pain: ...

Scene changes to Tsunade. Chouji comes to the location.

Anbu: What do you want?

Chouji: I have crucial information for Tsunade!

Pain: I do not think you have ...

Pain God comes to the location

Pain: Get ready for total annihilation ...

Next episode: Those who fight! The final fight is ready! What happened with Kakashi?


( (
( (

The chapter opens with an interrogation by Jigokudou Pain. Two annonymous Konoha shinobis get extracted what look like their souls by a giant summon creature.

Konohamaru, who has been spying on the scene gets spotted by Pain (and now in danger) but Ebisu sensei steps in to save him.

Scene switches to the Code Breakers.

Again, it switches to Naruto in training. He is having a tough time but the scene ends with a frame in which he vows never to give up as the code carried by Fukasaku is a message for him (from Jiraiya).

Ebisu is in trouble. (Pain orders him to tell him where Naruto is or else) A quick flashback of him (Ebisu) and Naruto. Then he tells Pain that he will never tell as Naruto is one of Konoha. Just as Pain delivers the final blow, Konohamaru throws shurikens at Pain. Looks like they (Konohamaru & Jigokudou Pain) will fight next week.


表紙は木の葉丸 三代目 閻魔 Cover the leaves generation Round Three Enma
*The cover is Konohamaru, the Third and Enma (the big monkey summon)

木の葉丸が口寄せの怪物に襲われ殺されそうになる その瞬間 木の葉丸の持ってた如意棒から閻魔登場 三代目から木の葉丸を護るのが遺言だったらしい The circle foliage act as a medium is attacked by a monster to be killed the moment it leaves the circle with a bar如意I come from a diabolic protect three round-generation from the testator leaves DATTARASHII
*Konohamaru is being attacked by one of Pain’s summons. He’s about to be killed when from out of Konohamaru’s Nyoibo (*think Son Goku’s pole) comes Enma. Apparently it was the Third wanted Konohamaru to have it after he died.

場面変わってナルト Naruto scene has changed
*Scene change to Naruto

融合出来ないので ナルトに隠と陽のチャクラの話をする蛙 鍵を預かっている事も話してた Naruto is not hidden in the fusion of the chakras and talk about the positive frogs are also key, he was in charge of
*Since Naruto cannot fuse with Fukusaku, Fukusaku decides to tell him about yin and yang chakra. He also tells him about the key.

さらに場面変わってカカシとサクモ In addition to changing situations and SAKUMO KAKASHI
*Then yet another scene change to Kakashi and Sakumo

カカシがサクモに仲間(オビト リン)が出来て死んでしまった事 ナルトやサスケ サクラを思い浮かべ寂しそうな顔をしたカカシにサクモが気付く KAKASHI colleagues in the SAKUMO (OBITO phosphorus), we were dead even Sakura Naruto and Sasuke to look Think of loneliness KAKASHI notice to the SAKUMO
*Kakashi tells Sakumo that he made friends (Obito and Rin) but that they died. He then thinks about Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and others and Sakumo notices that Kakashi is making a saaaad face. *

そこへ暗闇からオビトが歩いて来る カカシがリンの事を謝りオビトにリンの事を聞くが来て無いと言われる Dark OBITO there to walk from the phosphorus KAKASHI OBITO apologize to the phosphorus can hear things that are said to be coming TE無I
*Then from out of the darkness Obito comes walking into frame. Kakashi apologizes to him about Rin. Kakashi asks Obito about Rin but he says that she hasn’t come yet.

サクモがカカシが持っている形見の刀を貸してくれといい何か唱え出す その後サクモが『まだお前にはやるべき事があるだろ! KAKASHI SAKUMO have a memento to lend me a sword and calling out something good, then the SAKUMO you still have things to do! ! ! 』といい 刀が光りその光に包まれ現実世界へ帰還する I have a sword of light and cloaked in the light to return to the real world
*Sakumo tells Kakashi to lend him the sword that Kakashi carries around as a memento (presumably the broken one left to him by his father that broke in the Kakashi Gaiden). Sakumo then busts out a little chant and afterward Sakumo tells Kakashi, “You still have things you need to do!!” and the blade shines. The light from the blade brings the scene back to the real world.

埋まってたカカシが光が爆発? KAKASHI explosion was buried on the light? して復活して終わりです Resurrection is the end of the
*The area around Kakashi (he was partially buried) explodes and Kakashi comes back into action. End of chapter.

Chapter 426 Konoha's Darkness

Scene opens with Kakashi and his Dad

Kakashi: "Things have been a constant challenge my whole life."
White Fang: "That is how you grow."
Kakashi: "My eye has seen more than I thought I would ever have to endure."
White Fang: "But everything lead to one moment of truth? Did you fail or did your ambitions save you?"

Naruto & Fukasaku are brainstorming how to fuse

Naruto: "This is not how I planned on becoming a sage"
Fukasaku: "It is possible that you can learn to control sage chakra without me, but a shadow clone can be easily killed"
Naruto: "I think I know of a way that I can keep a shadow clone away from any attacks"
Fukasaku: "I already know what you are referring to. If you think it's gonna work, try it now"

Ibiki and the ANBU squad prepares a counter-attack while Inoichi and Shizune go underground

Ibiki: "The chakra of this beast is growing"
ANBU Member: "I don't think we have an option, bind him now!"
Ibiki: "This is going to obliterate this whole section of the village."
ANBU Member: (uses binding jutsu with chakra strands from 4 ANBU)

Last page is Konohamaru in horror, watching metal spikes being driven into Kakashi's head and body. Each metal spike is helping to lift his body up off the ground and Kakashi is staring at Konohamaru.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: dani025 - 08 nov 26, 18:51:36
"Last page is Konohamaru in horror, watching metal spikes being driven into Kakashi's head and body. Each metal spike is helping to lift his body up off the ground and Kakashi is staring at Konohamaru."

 Ez "silvertea" azt jelenti,hogy a következő oldalon Konohamaru azt látja ,hogy az isteni birodalmi Pein sok kis szögeket szúr át Kakasin és Kakasit a földről felemeli és ránéz Konohamarura. Ezt ne vedd kötekedésnek silvertea amúgy szerintem a spoiler képek valósak.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 nov 27, 15:26:01
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: shadowfox1


It starts with jigoku (hell) Pain interrogation. Two konohas ninjas are soul sucked into giant kuchiyose.
The Ebisu-sensei appears before Konohamaru.
Scene changes to decypher department.
Then changes to Naruto training. He's trying hard not to fail, because of the code on fukasaku's back.
Ebisu in a pinch. Pain asks him about Naruto. He's flashbacking. And then says he's never going to tell. Then Pain attacks but Konohamaru throws shurikens at him.
They are going to have a battle next week.


Ebisu-sensei isn't dead.
Konoha's shurikens and kunais are no good.
It ends with other party

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 nov 27, 18:20:57
A 426. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 427. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba. A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Banzai - 08 dec 02, 18:07:18
427: Friends

Konohamaru: I'm your opponent. I'm the one your searching for. Uzumaki Naruto.
*Hell Realm remembers what Itachi said back in the Rescue Gaara Arc after they sealed the Ichibi away*
Itachi: He'll be the one who starts shouting at you first thing.
Hell Realm: I see ...
Konohamaru: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! Catch me if you can asshole.
*3 Kage Bunshins + The real one spread out*
Ebisu things: What are you doing Konohamaru?
All the Pains except the Human realm are going after one of the Konohamarus.

Tsunades Hideout
Tsunade is still doing her Radar-Jutsu to find injured Shinobis.
Tsunade: What's the meaning of that?! Pain is following someone .. could it be Naruto?

On Mt. Frog
Fukasaku: Im- ... possible ... how .. Naruto you managed it. You can actually go into the Sennin Mode while you are moving.
Naruto: hehe. I'm better than you expected, eh?
Fukasaku: You don't understand. Even for me it is impossible. How is that possible? You really are the unpredictable Ninja No.1.
Time to go into the next level!
Naruto: Even more training? I'm hungry and I need to go back!
Fukasaku: Ma can cook something for ya. You still don't get it boi. You'll face the one who killed Jiraiya-chan easily. Just because you are better than him in gathering natural energy it doesn't mean you are better than him in general. Jiraiya was able to use powerful elemental NinJutsus and he combined them with the Sennin Mode. Tell me Naruto, what's your chakra element?
Naruto: Wind. And I guess I'm very skilled in using it ... I just leak in quantity of NinJutsus. Hehe.
Fukasaku: I see .. good ... we just have to combine your Chakra, your Kage Bunshin Usage und the fire based Kyuubi Chakra and ...
Naruto: Hey .. No wait! I wont use the Kyuubi power ever again!
Fukasaku: Let me handle that ;)
Fukasaku thing: Combine Sennin Mode and Kyuubi .. that could be interesting ...

In front of the Konoha front gates:
Konohamaru is totally exhausts. 4 Pains stand in front of him.
Deva Realm: It ends here Kyuubi Jinchurikki!
Tsunade: No!
Pain turns around and thousands of Konoha Shinobis stands on the Wall and on buildings.
Tsunade: Now the real batt- What?! That's not Naruto. It's Konohamru. What is going on? And where is Naruto?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Geroprog - 08 dec 02, 23:39:55
Vki mondta hogy hiányolja a spoilereket!
Hááát itt vannak... :)

Ebisu: Konohamaru-kun, why!?
Konohamaru: Everyone is protecting the village. I want to protect it too (ttebayo) kore!
Ebisu: But as you are right now... besides, don't you have a duty? Idiot (being kicked)
Konohamaru: I'm your opponent! Naruto ni-chan, don't you forget about me!


A page where the atmosphere can't be read
ナルト 動きながら仙人モードを使いこなす練習をする。
Naruto's is practicing how to use sennin mode while moving.
but his features and lower half turn into a frog
Shizune's group is far away, so the Pain we saw comes.
Ino's dad ***regrouping???***. Shikamaru and his dad are there. ************

Chouji reaches the Hokage's area. From another direction, far away he can see 2 Pains and Konan.
Is the Hokage over there?

On the last page, smoke can be seen in the village, and a slug arrives where Kakashi is. *********

egy másik:

The arm of Pein seems to have suffered a small cut. Ebisu falls on the floor, crouching down. Pein slowly look at Konahamaru.

Pein: "You know where the Nine Tails this?"
Konahamaru: "Do you really think ...."

Some flashbacks, among them the scene of Naruto talking about it now and Konohamaru were rivals. Then, Naruto saying that he would become Hokage.

Konohamaru: "Do you really think I would entrust the future of Hokage Land of Fire?"

Konohamaru leaves running upwards of Pein. He begins to make seals, and creates two Kage Bunshins.

Ebisu: "Konohamaru, this is who killed Jiraiya-Senpai, you have no chance against him."
Konohamaru: "Shut up, I will protect Naruto as if he were my own life."

The image focuses the eyes of Konohamaru, and beside a picture of the third.

Ebisu: "The will of fire .."

Another Flashback enter into "scene". Ebisu is still a kid. He is observing a meeting of Jounins, where his father and mother is.

Jounin: "It is suicide to go against Kyuubi, she is unbeatable."
Third: "If we do not fight, who will fight for nois? Who will protect our town, our families?"
Jounin: "Where’s the Hokage-sama? Since Kyuubi appeared he disappeared."
Third: "Minato said, I assume temporarily the situation ..."
Jounin 2: "Apparently he fled and left alone nois ..."
Third: "Do not say that. I trust my own life in Minato."

The flashback ends and the image focuses on Ebisu again.

Ebisu: "He always believed .... As Konohamaru in Naruto ..."

An explosion then happens where Pein was.

The scene changes to the city, where Inouji and (not intend her name) are running

Inougi: "We need to come soon ..."

One of the bodies of Peine appears in front of the two

END - What happened to Konohamaru?

In the next: "New Generation"

Még egy:

Land of Fire feels Pain's Wrath with every failed attempt at Locating Naruto. (Cover of God Realm)

Switch Scene to Konohamaru vs. Hell:

"Konohamaru Dammit, why could not you just have gotten away. Don’t worry about me. Let the grown ups fight, you still have time left,” said Ebisu.

"Sorry sensei. But what would Naruto do in this situation,” asked Konohamaru. (Ebisu has a flash back of Naruto.)

"Naruto, how you've changed this brennon. I’ve already ordered back up prior to arriving. Don’t over do it. Just last until back up arrives,” said Ebisu.

"Fool. Like he’d last until then. I don’t care who my victims are. I do not care who my victims are. Children are also capable of feeling Pain,” said Hell.

(Hell turns around) "Konohamaru, watch out for his eyes. Its a powerful technique, don’t get hit by it,” said Ebisu.

"Its time I use it. Thanks for this, Naruto. Mass shadow clone Jutsu "said Konohamaru.

(About 100 shadow clones appear) “Interesting. It will not work unless I get the correct one. Perhaps I underestimated this kid,” said Hell.

"Shadow clones, and a lot of them. I had no idea. Must be Naruto's work. Heh, perhaps he should have been Konohamaru’s sensei,” said while smiling Ebisu.

“I can’t make quite as much as Naruto. But at least I should be able to hold him off until the others arrive, "said Konohamaru.

Switch Scene to Mount Myobokuzan:

“So Naruto, how do you suppose we move on from here.I am incapable of training you any farther. If you are to be able to draw in natural chakra while moving, you’ll be a Sage to surpass any Sage in history. I still doubt the possibility, but if its possible, surely its only something you could do, "said Fukasku.

(Naruto pants) (Naruto pants)

“To draw in Natural energy in order to enter Sage mode while moving. Let's think ... I got it, "yelled Naruto. “What, are you saying you you’ve actually discovered a way,” asked Fukasku. "Actually, when you put it that way, its actually quite possible," smiled Naruto.

“Really.This is something only I can do, as it uses an extreme amount of chakra to balance the trick, "said Naruto. “Alright enough of the jokes. Let me see it, "said Fukasku.

(Naruto relaxes and produces one shadow clone)

“Shadow clone jutsu. While your shadow clone draws in the natural energy, you are free to fight and attack the enemy, while another you Gathers the chakra. Brilliant idea.

Once the shadow clone disperses, the natural energy will be transfered to you, causing you to go into Sage Mode. Of course Jiraiya could not even do that. You need an abundance of chakra to be able to draw in natural energy. Having your chakra Halved would be an impossible feat, "said Fukasku.

(Naruto’s shadow clone continues to draw upon Sage chakra, while it undergoes forms of Kyuubi influences) (

“Not if I use the Kyuubi’s chakra. True, I can not fuse with you to draw in natural chakra, but my shadow clone can use the Kyuubi's chakra to have a bigger chakra source, allowing it to go into Sage mode, "said Naruto.

“Hmm. " You really are the Child of Prophecy, "said Fukasku. “Alright I got it. Sage mode, "said Shadow Clone. “Alright. I'll show you what a Sage really can do, "said Naruto. (The shadow clone disperses and Naruto goes into Sage mode)

“Heh. I guess its really possible. Perhaps its time we get you ready to go back to Konoha. First lets you get healed up. As far as I’m concerned. You've already surpassed Jiraiya and myself. There’s nothing more I can teach you here. Let's get you patched up and ready to go, "said Fukasku.

“I surpassed pervy Sage. Now its time for me to Avenger him, "said Naruto. (Naruto balls up his fist)

Switch Scene: Tsunade continues to heal the village

“What’s taking Naruto so long. He must not have completed his training. “We’ll just have to wait a little bit longer,” said Tsunade. "We'll just have to wait a little bit longer," said Tsunade. “I hope this Naruto is worth all the salt,” said Anbu 1. “Sure is. " Remember he's the student of Jiraiya. There’s no way he’d let Akatuski get away with this,” Anbu 2.

(A huge wave pushes Tsunade and the four Anbu backwards into rubble.)

“So. While I spent all my energies destroying this village. The 9 tails goes off to train,” said God realm.

"Is everyone okay," asked Tsunade. “We’ll be fine,” said Anbu 3.

"So. You’ve found us. Looks like we'll have to hold him off until Naruto Arrives, "said Tsunade."Tsunade, should I call for back up," asked Anbu 1. “No. I have a personal Grudge against him. No one else should get involved. This one, is for Jiraiya, "said Tsunade.

“That’s right. The last Sannin. Oh how I'll enjoy this one, "said God Realm.

Switch Scene to Code breakers: Scene Switch to Code breakers:

“We’re here,” said Ino.

"Shizune. Feel us in on anything you’ve covered,” said Shiho.

"Oh yeah. Pain’s secret is about to be blow open. Pain's secret is about to be blow open. We have the top interrogation specialist with us with an abundance of information on Pain. Plus I just recovered information from the autopsy report. We’ll put our heads together and start immediately,” said Shizune. We'll put our heads together and start immediately, "said Shizune.

Next Chapter: Tsunade vs. God Realm. Naruto prepares for departure.

Még Még egy: 

Source: NC

Verfication: Pending

Title: The New Generation

*Title Page is off Naruto and Konohamaru back to back

Quick Summary of the Chapter:

Chapter starts of with Konohamaru talking to Pain about the will of fire and why he won't tell him where naruto is. Pain is shown to be bleeding from the arm where Konohamaru threw the Kunai last chapter. He throws the blood onto konohamaru and uses judgment telling konohamaru that he will die if he doesn't tell him where narutop is. It seems blood is the link between Pain, the target, and the hell god

Scene Shift to Naruto and Fusaku. Naruto deciedes to try a new tactic and uses Taijuu Kage Bushin having all the bushin moving in different ways to see if any of their movements will allow him to gather even the slightest bit of natural energy.

Scene changes to Konohamaru again. Konohamaru tells Pain that naruto is right here and henge's into sexy no jutsu naruto. To which the hell god goes to rip Konohamaru's soul out, but Konohamaru is just a bushin. Konohamaru attacks Pain from behinde with the staff of enma and smashes Pain into a building. However the scene shows that Konohamaru got some of Pain's blood on him during the attack.

Scene Shifts back to Naruto and Fusaku again. The different actions the Kage Bushin are taking range from insane, to hillarious, to down right nasty. Fusaku questions naruto as to how he thinks this could possibly work. Naruto tells fusaku that if sitting still is a way to gather natural energy and movement breaks this process then mabye its possible to find a movement that does not break this process if he searches enough. Fusaku thinks that if their was such a movement the past Sage would have found it by now and that Naruto is just wasting time, but to his suprise a one of the bushins thats doing and extremely strange pose grows a wart. It seems all naruto has to do now is find the movements he can use and learn to fight with them no matter how strange they are.

Chapter ends with Hell Pain using Judgment on what appears to be the real Konohamaru telling him that if he moves a single muslce he will die.

Na ennyi lenne mára! :D

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 dec 03, 09:15:34
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: onemanga
Szerző: 7Line 

dunno if its true but i like it

''If that spoiler is true, that'd be three chapters in which little or nothing has happened - Just developing what we know or could easily perceive.

If Konohamaru wants to fight captain Evil, can we just let him do so. At least that'd be interesting.

My prediction;

Naruto is running as Fukasaku watches, he slams his hands together forming a seal, but trips over exhausted. His fatigue leaves him unable to shield himself from sliding across the ground.

He's panting and seems like he's generally in pain. Fukasaku approaches solemnly.
Fukasaku: Naruto...
Naruto: Hah, Hah, Hah
Fukasaku: I've let this go on long enough...I as willing to let you try for the sake of your ego, but you must understand; You cannot move and absorb Sage chakra.

Naruto tries to stand

Fukasaku: Of all the generations of frogs that have lived here, what makes you think you can crack this impossible task?

Naruto collapses

Naruto: Heh...
Fukasaku: ?
Naruto: The same reason I created an impossible jutsu that surpassed the greatest Hokage in a matter of weeks...the same reason I mastered Jiraiya's A rank jutsu in a single week...the same reason I beat two of the strongest ninjas of my generation...just like them, I will beat this "impossibility".
Fukasaku: At least those things were plausable, no one tried to teach you anything that wouldn't produce an outcome! this just cannot be done. It is impossible!
Naruto: To me...impossible is nothing.
Fukasaku: Fine...then you tell me how you keep still while moving.
Naruto: The same way you look left while looking right...
Fukasaku: ?

Kakashi and Sakumo:
Sakumo: I see...
Kakashi: Are you disappointed?
Sakumo: It's not that...
Kakashi: Then what's wrong, dad?
Sakumo: You abandoned your mission to save you which end you didn't achieve anyway
Kakashi: ...
Sakumo: This is the same reason I left the living world...but instead of being forced into my fate, you became a man worthy of hokage...I think I'm just glad that Konoha finally grew up...
Why do you think that is?
Kakashi: The Fourth...
Sakumo: He was quite a man...but now that he's gone, these ways of life are still persued as if law. There must be something else, what is it that finally bought Konoha together as a village that lives for comradeship and not profit. This incredible, inspired will to live for others.
Kakashi: The village right now, more than ever, are united in protecting one boy. It's a truly remarkable thing.
Sakumo: "Boy"?! You died for a child?
Kakashi: That's right, I didn't get to my students did I?
Sakumo: ??
Kakashi: Right now, everyone is protecting Uzumaki Naruto.
Sakumo: This child must be a remarkable human being .

Naruto begins running and creates a kage bunshin. He concentrates, closing his eyes.
He's running full speed toward a large rock.
As he's about to run into face first his eyes open and he punches straight through the rock with a powerful yell.

Kakashi: You could say that...

The dust clears and Naruto turns around with his bunshin in sage mode.

Fukasaku: can't be...''

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: silvertea - 08 dec 03, 13:09:25
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Szerző: cartoon-man

Source: NF
Credits: kaze1028
Summarised since in a hurry:

Konohamaru faces Pain.
"I'm gonna be hokage someday, so I must fight, I promised Naruto-niichan, bla-bla-bla..."

Scene changes to Naruto training.
He fails to collect natural enegry while moving.

All Katsuyu's slugs Tsunade sent arrived to everyone.
It attached to Kakashi, but he's dead.

Chouji arrives to Tsunade.
Chouza is alive and moved to hospital.
Chouji cries.

Another Pain arrives to where autopsy Pain is held.
Black tube is pulled out. That moment enters Kiba and his mother.

Aburame family faces Konan.

Team Gai finishes it's mission and feeling uneasy about Konoha.

Yahiko Pain arrives to where Tsunade is.
"It's been a long time" Tsunade says.

Nest week fate starts anew.

A köv. ugyanaz, csak átfogalmazva...
Szerző: DarkPriest

Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Fabio

pain vs konohamaru
'if you wanted to become a hokage, youd have to beat me up. '
i promised him to fight with him someday
naruto is my rival so i wont take an escape route. if i did, i wouldnt see naruto

naruto's training scene
he tried to get natural energy when he was running but he failed
anyways it seems like naruto got some ideas because of fukasakus words

katsuyu that tsunade sent made it to the place
but kakashi maybe dead
tsunade punched big walls because shes worried and wondering if kakashis dead or not

choju just got to tsunades place
tsunade said "chouji is still alive so take him to the hospital"
chouji is crying

pain just got to see a different pain, "dead" pain

aburame family just go to kominamis place

guys group just went back to konoha from their missions

yahiko pain got to tsunades place
long time no see, tsunade sama

És ez itt elméletileg egy javított verzió:

katsuyu that tsunade sent made it to the place
but kakashi maybe dead
tsunade punched big walls because shes worried and wondering if kakashis dead or not
More like:

"The katsuyu sent by Tsunade reach all of the wounded. This includes Kakashi, but he might be dead already. Tsunade senses Kakashi's situation and punches a huge column in frustration."

choju just got to tsunades place
tsunade said "chouji is still alive so take him to the hospital"
chouji is crying
More like:

"Chouji arrives where Tsunade is. Tsunade tells him to take Chouza* to the hospital because he's still alive. Chouji cries."

*his dad.

pain just got to see a different pain, "dead" pain
More like

The other Pain arrives at the autopsy site and removes the black sticks from the dead body. At that point Kiba and his mom come in.

guys group just went back to konoha from their missions
More like

Team Guy finishes its mission and heads back to Konoha on a bad feeling.


yahiko pain got to tsunades place
long time no see, tsunade sama
More like:

Yahiko Pain arrives where Tsunade is.
It's been quite a while, Tsunade sama. You're the last remaining Sannin.

"The fateful reunion" is the teaser title for next chapter.

//Megjegyzés: Nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy ez a "confirmed" spoiler, Kakashihoz pedig az van írva hogy "maybe dead" vagyis lehet hogy meghalt - tehát még mindig nincs tisztázva a dolog, majd kiderül, ha kijön a RAW.//


( (
( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 dec 05, 08:17:08
A 427. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 428. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 dec 10, 08:57:21
Verification: Pending
Source: w9+CVDggO@2ch
Credits: TDA@narutochaos

捕まる木の葉丸。助けようとエビスが突進するが跳ね返される。捕まりながらもペインの能力を見 定めはじめる 木の葉。が、魂が抜かれていく。そんな中、ナルトとの修業を思い出す。

Konohamaru gets caught. Ebisu charges in attempt to rescue him, but gets fended away. Even when caught, Konoha (maru) tries to decipher Pein's powers. But, his soul gets slowly dragged out. During that moment, he remembers the training he went through with Naruto.


Smoke surrounds Konoha(maru) and then Rasengan!!


I am genin of the Sarutobi clan, last name Sarutobi, first name Konohamaru - remember that!!

Pein is defeated

Tsunade and Pein. From conversation, it looks as though she realized that this is Yahiko.

Pein asks where Naruto is.

そのあと何やら人柱力、戦争について話す。そして協力するなら助けるとペイン。五影をなめるな と綱手。そし てナルトは手に入らない、ナルトは強いぞ!!!!!!
Then they start babbling about Jinchuuriki's and wars. Pein says that he will spare her life if she cooperates. Tsunade tells him to not underestimate the 5-kages. And tells him that he won't get Naruto, as Naruto is strong as well.

Shizune's group is talking to the Angou-bu (code-deciphering group) about the information they have on Pein.

They start to realize the nature of the chakra signals manipulating these dead bodies.

The long-haired Pein appears. He grabs Shizune's head, and threatens to kill her if anyone moves.

He peers into her head and finds out that Naruto is in Myoubokuzan.

Tendou-pein gets this message - on to next week.


Verification: Pending
Credits: DELAHK/ Hatifnatten
Source: NF

Long hair Pain appears before "team" Inoichi.
Then Neji's father appears.
Neji: "This guy is strange"
Inoichi team: ?!

Change to Shino's family.
They're trying to fight Konan, but she turnes into paper and escapes, tho they planted a bug on her.

Change to Tsunade.
She talk with Pain a bit and then fights.
She pretends that was attracted by his gravitation, but then gives him a single blow.

Konan appears.
Tsunade: ?!
Pain crushes in mountain.
Tsunade: "You used your repulsive power to throw yourself to the rear?"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Nana - 08 dec 10, 15:32:57
Yupi, ha nem gond csinálok egy nyersfordítást a szövegről, amit feltettél. (Nem vagyok fordító, próbálom minél magyarosabban)

Konohamaru elkapva. Ebisu próbálja megmenteni, de Pein elhárítja a támadást. Konoha(maru) próbálja megfejteni Pein erejét. De közben Pein lassan kihúzza a lelkét. Abban a pillanatban Konohamaru visszaemlékszik az edzsésére Narutóval.

Füst száll Konoha(maru) körül és aztán Rasengan!

Én a Sarutobi klán geninje vagyok, vezetéknevem Sarutobi, keresztnevem Konohamaru - emlékezz rá!

Pein legyőzve.

Tsunade és Pein. A beszélgetésből úgy tűnik Tsunade rájött, h Pein Yahiko.

Aztán elkezdenek cseverészni a Jinchuurikikról és a háborúkról. Pein azt mondja, ha Tsunade együttműködik,  megkíméli az életét. Tsunade azt válaszolja, h ne  becsülje alá az 5 kagét. És hogy nem fogja elkapni Narutót, mivel Narutó erős.

Shizune csapata az Angou-bu (kódfejtő csapat)-tal beszél a Peinről szerzett információkról.

Kezdik megérteni hogy a chakra- vevők manipulálják a holttesteket.

AFeltűnik a hosszú hajú Pein. Megragadja Shizune fejét és azzal fenyeget, h megöli, ha bárki mozdul.

Belenéz Shizune elméjébe és megtudja, h Naruto a Míobukozan-on van.

Tendou pein megkapja az üzenetet- a jovő héten.


A hosszú hajó Pein feltűnik az 'Inoichi' csapat előtt.
Aztán Neji apja is megjelenik. [Szerintem Neji apja halott, de az angol szöveg ezt írta]
Neji: Különös ez az alak.   [Szerintem Hinata apjára gondoltak és ő mondja ezt]
Inoichi csapat: ?

Váltás Shino családjára.
Próbálnak harcolni Konannal, de papírrá változik és elmenekül, bár Shinoék elhelyeztek rajta egy bogarat.

Váltás Tsunadera.
Beszélnek egy picit Peinnel majd harcolnak.  Tsunade teteti, mintha Pein gravitációs ereje vonzaná, aztán behúz neki egyet.

Konan feltűnik.
Tsunade: ?!
Pein betör a hegybe.
Tsunade: A taszító erődet használtad, hogy hátrébb helyezd magad?

Ennyi. NYersfordítás, meg amatőr, de remélem a lényeg érthető. :byezz:

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: silvertea - 08 dec 10, 15:36:48
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:


Asszongya "Rasengan!" - Behalok, ha ez igaz X"D

Posted by : Hexa, brucelee and vered @ Naruto Fan
Verification: Confirmed

捕まる木の葉丸。助けようとエビスが突進するが跳ね返される。捕まりながらもペインの能力を見 定めはじめる 木の葉。が、魂が抜かれていく。そんな中、ナルトとの修業を思い出す。
そのあと何やら人柱力、戦争について話す。そして協力するなら助けるとペイン。五影をなめるな と綱手。そし てナルトは手に入らない、ナルトは強いぞ!!!!!!

Translation by: boyakist4649 @ MH

捕まる木の葉丸。助けようとエビスが突進するが跳ね返される。捕まりながらもペインの能力を見 定めはじめる 木の葉。が、魂が抜かれていく。そんな中、ナルトとの修業を思い出す。

Konohamaru gets caught. Ebisu charges in attempt to rescue him, but gets fended away. Even when caught, Konoha (maru) tries to decipher Pein's powers. But, his soul gets slowly dragged out. During that moment, he remembers the training he went through with Naruto.


Smoke surrounds Konoha(maru) and then Rasengan!!


I am genin of the Sarutobi clan, last name Sarutobi, first name Konohamaru - remember that!!

Pein is defeated

Tsunade and Pein. From conversation, it looks as though she realized that this is Yahiko.

Pein asks where Naruto is.

そのあと何やら人柱力、戦争について話す。そして協力するなら助けるとペイン。五影をなめるな と綱手。そし てナルトは手に入らない、ナルトは強いぞ!!!!!!
Then they start babbling about Jinchuuriki's and wars. Pein says that he will spare her life if she cooperates. Tsunade tells him to not underestimate the 5-kages. And tells him that he won't get Naruto, as Naruto is strong as well.

Shizune's group is talking to the Angou-bu (code-deciphering group) about the information they have on Pein.

They start to realize the nature of the chakra signals manipulating these dead bodies.

The long-haired Pein appears. He grabs Shizune's head, and threatens to kill her if anyone moves.

He peers into her head and finds out that Naruto is in Myoubokuzan.

Tendou-pein gets this message - on to next week

**cant get the pics to load.. at work... click the url at the top to see..**

Konohamaru executes the Rasengan, but it's unknown whether or not Pein is defeated as he is engulfed in a massive amount of rubble.

綱手は昔木の葉のやってきたことは間違いだがお前らテロリストは 許さないと返す。

Tsunade says that the things konoha did in the past were wrong but that Pein is a terrorist and will never get away with his evil plans.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Oxygene - 08 dec 10, 22:30:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:



Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 dec 10, 23:30:03
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:


Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Stream

弥彦ペインはしのいわく、ものすごいチャクラみたいですね。また山中家も同じような術使えるけど一人にしか できないから想像だけどペインは裏に6人いるとか言ってた。まあないかな。
Yahiko Pain seems to have an enormous chakra. And he can use a technique like those of the Yamanaka (Ino) family, but he can do it to one person only and it's a guess but he said there was 6 people behind Pain. (wut?)

あ、間違えた。長髪ペインのチャクラがでかいって言ってた。でも自分に比べてとかなら単なる描 写かな。
Ah, that was wrong. He said Long-haired Pain's chakra is huge. But if you check yourself, maybe it's just a picture.

回想は昔のナルト。で、ナルトが回転が、とかなにやら説明してるけど木の葉丸は全ておいろけとつなげて解釈 してる。なのでどうやって覚えたかはわからないです。
(random shit about something)
Flashback about Naruto long ago. And Naruto's explaining something about spinning but Konohamaru is interpreting everything about sexy no jutsu. I don't know how he remembered anything like this.

天道と綱手は対峙しながら話してる描写ばかり。天道が尾獣もほぼ揃い戦力均衡も間もなくだとか、でも世は安 定せずに戦争の火種があるとかゴタク並べ、綱手は昔木の葉のやってきたことは間違いだがお前らテロリストは 許さないと返す。
Of God Pain and Tsunade's confrontation, there are only pictures of them talking. God Pain rambles that for the moment there's a balance of war forces, but the world is not stable and war is still smoldering, Tsunade replies that Konoha did mistakes before, but he's just a terrorist and she won't let him. Then, God Pain (something about pride)!

Tsunade says, you won't have what you're looking for. Naruto is strong.

いやホントのバレなんだけど。あとはオナ師さんまちで真相がわかります。木の葉丸は回想でナルトに螺旋丸教 えてもらってました。第一部の絵で。

This is a real spoiler. Wait for Onashi-san, you will know the truth. Konohamaru remembers how Naruto taught him Rasengan. It's the first part.
Konohamaru does a rasengan with kagebunshin.

Next chapter front cover: Chouji rolling around?

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 dec 12, 08:43:46
A 428. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 429. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Banzai - 08 dec 16, 18:05:02

 429 The Invasion ends

First scene : Humanly Pain

Humanly Pain : I see ... learning the Sage arts
Eno : Shinzune-Sensei….
Enoichi : Eno! Hurry Tell Godaime-sama about his powers.
Eno : But….
Enoichi : I will not say it twice! I will handle him. Shizune will be fine.
Eno : Ok!! Dad

*Eno runs away*

Humanly Pain : I know everything I know .. Bye!
Enoichi : I don't think so that. Shintenshin no Jutsu.
Humanly Pain : Your pathetic Jutsu will not work against. What’s happen? I cannot pull out her? Why?
Enoichi / Shizune : Hehe .. Shintenshin no Jutsu was never supposed hit you. I targeted her.
Humanly Pain : What?
Enoichi / Shizune : I am holding her. You cannot pull it out as long as I ‘m in her Body. And I am here you are immobile.
Humanly Pain:

Anbu attacks and Humanly Pain needs to jump back. He releases Shizunes body

Next scene : On Myobukozan

Fukasaku : Using your Kage Bunshin to gather natural energy while your running around. I never thought of it that way ...
Naruto Kage Bunshin slowly turns into frogman and then gets released. Naruto runs around in Sage
Fukasaku is surprised and explains how it works

Next scene : Inuzuka vs. Fatty

Kiba & Mom : GATSUUKA !!!

Next scene : Team Gai

Neji : I feel bad .. Byakugan
Lee : What is it?
Gai : Are you sure? Who did it?
Neji : I do not know but In front of the major gate .. Rock Ninja
Gai : NEJI WAIT!!! ..

Next scene : Tsunade vs. Deva Pain

Deva Pain : There is no need to stay any longer ..
Tsunade : Hahahaha ... Do you really think you can win him?! You need 1 month to go to Myobukozan ... Naruto and Fukasaku will win you.
Deva Pain : I do not think so that ...

What is Pains plan ? - 430

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Oxygene - 08 dec 16, 19:05:30
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Posted by Vered @ Naruto Fan
Verification: Maybe confirmed
Source: 2ch




ペインはナルトの居場所が分かったけど綱手や木の葉の忍の神へ背いた態度に腹をたて裁きを下す 決断をします

Translated by Hatifnatten @ Narutofan

Rasengan power isn't enough, so he gets up again.
Then two of Konohamaru's friends jump out.

Shikamaru reaches Ino's father.
Shizune saved by Shika's and his father's shadow technique and handed to Katsuyu for treatment.

Then Pain and Tsunade talking about Naruto.

Another Spoiler

Posted by Vered @ Naruto Fan
Verification: Maybe confirmed
Source: 2ch

Translation by Pocketmofo@ Narutofan

Tsunade knows Pain's ability

Pain pulls back temporarily

Shizune gets her soul ripped out

A messenger tadpole goes to where Fukusaku and Naruto are (*to tell them that Kousuke's name has disappeared from the the name list)


Pain then uses Shinratensei to cause massive destruction to Konoha

And by the way, it seems that Tendou Pain really is Nagato

Shima-sama then uses a kuchiyose (*Shima-sama is probably Fukusaku's wife)

Naruto is coming next week

*The spoiler writer says that he/she feels like crying after seeing the destruction of Konoha

Tsunade was charging her legs/feet up with chakra

Kousuke (from the spoiler above) is the frog that Danzou killed.

Pain's technique is around as powerful as an atomic blast.

サクラが泣きながらナルト早く来て、とフリーザとかセルに仲間めちゃめちゃにされてゴクウが登場したみたい にナルトきそうです。ちょ っとウルっと きました。

Sakura is crying and hoping that Naruto will come soon. It seems like Naruto is going to have a dramatic entrance like in Dragonball when Goku comes back after badguys like Freeza and Cell have totally beaten the crap out of everyone and everything. Almost brings a tear to my eye (tugging on his heart strings and all that).

Actually, just imagining the thought of Naruto appearing next week is almost enough to make me cry.

Pain's super Shinratensei is bigger than Kuma's paw bomb from One Piece and is more like Deidara's strongest technique.

Tendou Pain is apparently Nagato. Right before Pain does Shinratensei, Konan says "You'll only shorten your life, Nagato."

And incidentally, right before he does Shinratensei all the other Pain bodies collapse.

Shima-sama is the mama frog (presumably Fukusaku's wife).

天道はまさに天から放ちました。コナンはどうなったかわからないけど、他ペインは使い捨てくさ い。
Tendou really seemed like he was radiating from Heaven (could be the technique or just a comment about Pain...a little vague). No idea what happened to Konan, but the rest of the Pain bodies appear to be totally disposable.

Momma frog (and probably Naruto too), might summon a frog/toad that's possibly even higher up than Bunta.

The last scene is a bird's eye view of Konoha. We see a giant cloud of smoke that could be from an explosion or summoning.

サクラはナメクジに助けられて、目を開いたら崩壊した木の葉の里があって、涙ながらにナルトを 呼んだ。
Sakura was saved by one of the slugs and when she opens her eyes she sees Konoha damn near wiped out. As she cries she calls for Naruto.

The spoiler person mentions that there are a lot of people around him so he can't take any spoiler pictures (presumably with his cell phone)...

Shizune gets her soul or some thing pulled out of her (*that thing, the spoiler guy says, looks like it's out of "The Scream" by Munch.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Banzai - 08 dec 17, 10:47:12
Verification: Pending
Source: Found it on Manahelpers

Full Script of Second Spoilier from NC Forms

The Chapter starts off directly where the other one left off.

Deva Realm: "Myobokuzan...the holy land of the toads?"

Deva Realm: "Call back the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki this is an order from God."

Tsunade: "I already told you we will fight you with everything we have."

Tsunade: "Even if it cost us our lives."

Tsunade charges a huge amount of chakra to her legs and feet preparing to dash at Pain. Next Page is of Shizune and Human Realm

Ino(Desperately cries): "You have what you want now let her go."

Human Realm: "None can live after going against the laws of God."

Shizune's soul is ripped out before the konoha shinobi can react and she falls on the ground persumably dead. Next Page is back to Deva Realm and Tsunade. Tsunade almost reachs Pain with her attack but stops short of him.

Anbu/Tsunade: "!!!"

Pain's body lets out a divine light that causes the ground to shake and blinds Tsunade and the Anbu

Anbu 1: "What is this terrible chakra."

Anbu 2: "Is he really a god?!"

Tsunade: "Hold your ground no one can truely be a god."

The Anbu Begin backing away despite this. Next Page of Konan and Shino and his dad. Shino and his dad are the only two left the other were sufficated by Konan's paper. The Divine Chakra of Pain reaches the area they are fighting and the bugs begin to fly away

Shino: "This chakra it has the overwhelming feeling of death."

Shino's Dad: "Even the bugs flee whats happening over there."

Konan: "Pain you...."

Konan(desperatly): "Nagato if you do this you will only shorten your life."

Konan thinking: "Its the same as that time..."

Small three panel flashback of Pain being enraged by Madara at their first meeting in the manga and Konan saying "Pain you..." Next Page Fusaku and Naruto

Naruto: "I'm almost there just a little bit more time and I should be able to do it."

A Tadpole and Shima(ma toad) Comes Rushing up

Tadpole: "Elder Frog come quickly Kousuke's name has disappeared from the list on the frog scroll."

Fusaku: "If thats true then somthing terrible must be happening back there."

Shima: "Quickly we have to Summon the Eldest Sage only he can take naruto back in time."

Fusaku and Shima form handseals. The Next two Pages have very little dialog they are just off the 5 pain bodies deactivating. First Human realm is shown deactivating right before he stabs Inoichi with the black spear, then Animal Realm before the dog summon crushes Ibiki and the Anbu, then Hungry Ghost who has his hand on Kiba's mom's throat, and finally Hell Realm who has gotten back up and is about to stab Konohamaru and Ebisu from behinde. Next Page is Deva Realm

Deva Realm: "Chou Shinra Tensi"

Huge explosion of gravity sweeps through the streets of Konoha destroying everything in its path. A bunch of slugs cover the building sakura is in and saves sakura and the wounded. Next page Sakura walks outside the building and sees dozens of dead konoha villagers and basically a post-apocalyptic konoha

Sakura(Crying): "Where ever you are naruto...."

Sakura(Crying): "I beg of you...Save us"

Final Page is birds eye view of the village completely destroyed and smoke rising from it. Next time: "A hero's sad return"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Oxygene - 08 dec 17, 12:01:46
Hitelességi ellenőrzés:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 dec 17, 15:54:44
Verification: Confirmed
Source: NF, Animeprodestiny
Credits: amanaruto

Pein retreats, Shizune's (I think) soul was taken, little frog told Pa his brother's name has disappeared from the manual
Pein uses ____ to create havoc
By the way, ____ is nagato
Ma uses summoning

Tsunade knows Pein's ability
Pein decides to retreat
Shizune's soul is taken
Pa gets a report, says a frog has disappeared from the list
Pein uses _____ to wreak havoc
Pein is Nagato (This is all repeated in different wording)
Ma uses summoning
Next week, Naruto is back
A demolished Konoha weeps
Tsunade gathers chakra in her feet
Pein's ability is similar to that of a nuclear bomb (WTF?!)
Sakura calls out to Naruto while crying
_____ is similar to Deidara's C4
___ should be Nagato, before using ____, he tells Konan to hide
Oh by the way, all the Pein's bodies have been defeated
____ unleashes something, Konan doesn't understand, all the other Pein gets left behind
Ma summons Naruto, a reverse summon
Last frame is of Konoha, explosion and summoning appear simultaneously
Sakura and others watches as Konoha gets destroyed, yells for Naruto
Shizune's soul gets taken away (holy crap that's the third time....)

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 dec 17, 21:01:50

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: akakashi26 - 08 dec 18, 16:09:38

( ( (


Deva Realm: “Myobokuzan…the holy land of the toads?”
Deva Realm: “Call back the Nine Tails Jinchuuriki this is an order from God.”

Tsunade: “I already told you we will fight you with everything we have.”
Tsunade: “Even if it cost us our lives.”
Tsunade charges a huge amount of chakra to her legs and feet preparing to dash at Pain. Next Page is of Shizune and Human Realm

Ino(Desperately cries): “You have what you want now let her go.”

Human Realm: “None can live after going against the laws of God.”

Shizune’s soul is ripped out before the konoha shinobi can react and she falls on the ground persumably dead. Next Page is back to Deva Realm and Tsunade. Tsunade almost reachs Pain with her attack but stops short of him.

Anbu/Tsunade: “!!!”

Pain’s body lets out a divine light that causes the ground to shake and blinds Tsunade and the Anbu

Anbu 1: “What is this terrible chakra.”
Anbu 2: “Is he really a god?!”

Tsunade: “Hold your ground no one can truely be a god.”

The Anbu Begin backing away despite this. Next Page of Konan and Shino and his dad. Shino and his dad are the only two left the other were sufficated by Konan’s paper. The Divine Chakra of Pain reaches the area they are fighting and the bugs begin to fly away

Shino: “This chakra it has the overwhelming feeling of death.”
Shino’s Dad: “Even the bugs flee whats happening over there.”

Konan: “Pain you….”
Konan(desperately): “Nagato if you do this you will only shorten your life.”
Konan thinking: “Its the same as that time…”

Small three panel flashback of Pain being enraged by Madara at their first meeting in the manga and Konan saying “Pain you…”

Next Page Fusaku and Naruto

Naruto: “I’m almost there just a little bit more time and I should be able to do it.”

A Tadpole and Shima(ma toad) Comes Rushing up

Tadpole: “Elder Frog come quickly Kousuke’s name has disappeared from the list on the frog scroll.”
Fusaku: “If thats true then somthing terrible must be happening back there.”
Shima: “Quickly we have to Summon the Eldest Sage only he can take naruto back in time.”

Fusaku and Shima form handseals. The Next two Pages have very little dialog they are just off the 5 pain bodies deactivating. First Human realm is shown deactivating right before he stabs Inoichi with the black spear, then Animal Realm before the dog summon crushes Ibiki and the Anbu, then Hungry Ghost who has his hand on Kiba’s mom’s throat, and finally Hell Realm who has gotten back up and is about to stab Konohamaru and Ebisu from behind.

Next Page is Deva Realm

Deva Realm: “Chou Shinra Tensi”

Huge explosion of gravity sweeps through the streets of Konoha destroying everything in its path. A bunch of slugs cover the building sakura is in and saves sakura and the wounded. Next page Sakura walks outside the building and sees dozens of dead konoha villagers and basically a post-apocalyptic konoha

Sakura(Crying): “Where ever you are naruto….”
Sakura(Crying): “I beg of you…Save us”

Final Page is birds eye view of the village completely destroyed and smoke rising from it.

Következő rész: Naruto 430 A hős szomorú visszatérése

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 08 dec 19, 20:22:49
A 429. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 430. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 dec 24, 12:54:33
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: hiteles
Szerző: VASSiLi

Translated by KWGoDのbrucelee
naruto goes back (looks shaded on a scroll, he has a cape thing like the 4th)
naruto can't recognize the place due to all the destruction
iruka, shikamaru (father son) chouji (father son) kiba (mother son) are alive
kakashi...still not sure but he's in 1 panel.
hiashi was away from the town (or on patrol, not sure...)
Tsuande has used souzouzaisei and given all her chakra to katsuya to help everyone (the mark on her forehead is gone)
Enma eats 'bean' Pein who then comes back to life
gathering all the chakra in tendou was risky, konan offers to treat him
bean pain goes after Tsunade but naruto kills him instantly.
He has the 4th and Jiraiya's at his back.
Final page is naruto 'let's finish this'


Pain: "You've saved me a lot of trouble searching"

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Matyi21 - 08 dec 24, 16:24:50

The visuals are like I thought they would be. If I say 'Clothes like the 4th' will you get it?

He's already in Sennin mode, He looks as strong as Goku after kuririn was killed.
Frog-wise he's stronger than the previous generation (Jiraiya?)

It's not a bunshin

By the way, who is that with Hinata?

They are both guys

Hinata is with Hiashi and Hanabi who worries that if anything happens while he was 'on patrol' it would cause great shame for him (NB not sure if this means the village or something happening to Hanabi)

サ クラと一緒に いるの、すごいよペインを一撃でとか。ていうか、ハナビはそもそもヒナタの妹じゃない?
Together with Sakura amazing, Pain beaten with one hit. I mean Hanabi is Hinata's sister, right? (the Japanese is f*cked up too, did you copy it right?)

[this sentence makes little sense grammatically] gama and Bunta as well as gamaken, the green frog is called by naruto's 4 frogs.

Sorry, Hiashi and Hinabi are 'on patrol' or so Hinata's guard type guys says.

Naruto was the one who got Pein. Sakura who is with Hinata says 'he's amazing'

Hmm, maybe it's a useless fodder character or something.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 08 dec 25, 10:20:47
Szerző: ksfst


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: lovag - 08 dec 26, 12:58:44
szerző: VASSiLi


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 dec 26, 18:01:18
A Weekly Shounen Jump borítója:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Uzumaki Naruto - 08 dec 26, 20:21:58
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Hiteltelen
Szerző: jyumonjihafiz (tényleg ez volt kiírva szerzőnek) ( (
Am szerintem fake.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 08 dec 27, 21:45:35
Ez inkább vmi összefoglaló:

First script
Credits: Vered from NF
Status: Pending

First script summary
Credits: Evil from NF
Status: Pending

Maybe it'd be better is I summarized it based on what I understand.

Naruto shows up in Sage Mode and has changed his costume which appears to be resemble something akin to Yondaime. He along with Gamabunta, Gamaken, and a Green Frog summon 400 frogs. Hinata is seen with two Hyuugas who at first were thought to be Hanabi and Hiashi but are actually just escorts for Hinata amid the rubble. At some point Hinata and Sakura are together and they see Naruto and Pain and comment on how great Naruto is/or are impressed with him after his return.

Ez meg még  vmi magyarázat féleség egy másik spoilerhez:

Little notes about second script translation by me:

Enma is not the monkey, it's that monster with black flames that the Hell Realm Pain (the one who fought Konohamaru) uses to judge if a person is telling the truth.
Also, "Bean" Pain is probably Demon realm (the one that Kakashi destroyed, that with a lot of arms and faces).
This would mean that Hell Pain is the one who can bring the wrecked bodies back to 'life' and he did it with Demon realm who after all got defeated again by Naruto \o.
PS: I'm guessing that "bean pain" is Demon realm because past spoilers always called him "bean/beam pain" It's like Japanese people also gives nicknames to Pain bodies (like we call Hunger realm "Fat pain")


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: silvertea - 08 dec 28, 14:38:58
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Hiteles

( (
( (

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: barkasz - 08 dec 29, 07:27:21
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: toniCHRYSA

Még egy kép

silvertea képe nagyobban

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 dec 29, 11:01:26
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: PainlessSacrifice
Angol fordítással az előző képek


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 08 dec 29, 18:34:29
A 430. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 431. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jan 08, 20:02:37
A topic lezárva hétfőig. Ezen a héten nincs manga,
amilyen képek eddig megjelentek mind fake-rajongói szerzemények.
Leghamarabb jövő héttől várhatóak hiteles spoiler képek és szövegek.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jan 12, 00:10:05
A topic megnyitva.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 09 jan 13, 13:25:32
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Folyamatban
Szerző: Mekage

[][][]431: Naruto Vs.Pain![][][][]

*The first image is of Naruto and Pain facing each other*the view is from the side*(by image I do not mean the cover)

*Naruto creates about ten Kage Bunshin*

*They all charge at Pain*

*Pain uses his gravity repel jutsu to kill them all*

Pa Toad: Hmmmm[he looks troubled]

Pain: Is that all..?

*Naruto suddenly disappears*

*you see Pain and then in you see in the air behind him is Naruto with Rasengan(Naruto is shadowed, what Kishi often does when someone appears behind someone)

*Hell Realm Pain jumps into the air and knocks Naruto away*

*It was apparently a clone*

Deva Pain: A clone...?

*Where Deva Pain is standing explodes in smoke*

Tsunade:!!![she is on her knees watching]

*When it clears Naruto is standing there*

Naruto: where did he go?!?

*Pain apparently disappeared before Naruto hit*

*Pain flys at Naruto from behind*


*Someone blocks Pains attack*!

*Its a shadow clone*

*The clone is holding Pain's wrist*

Pain: !

Tsunade:[How...How did he make a clone that quickly?!..I didn't even see him use his hands!]

*One of the Pains does multiple summons*

*A lizard, a three-headed- dog, and a Panda-like creature*

Gamabunta: Lets go!!

*Gama and the other frogs charge forward*[Gama is wielding his sword]

*Pain some how kills the clone and jumps back*

*Naruto and Pain both jump into the air*

Pain: Katon: Grand Fireball!

Naruto: Fuuton: Wind Bomb/Wind Blast

*The jutsu's create a huge explosion of smoke that consumes alot of the area*

*It cuts to the wall of Konoha*

Team Hawk has arrived*

Suigetsu: What the hell?...

Sasuke's eyes are wide*

Ending Text: Hawk arrives to find Konoha in ruins!, What will Sasuke's reaction be?!

Next Time: Raging Battle!
Reply With Quote

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: kotosy - 09 jan 13, 13:56:45
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Fake
Szerző: ?


Találtam ilyet is:


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jan 13, 16:47:51
Mivel mostanában sokan olvasási nehézségekkel küszködnek beidézek egy pár sort, amelyek néhol kiszúrják az emberek szemét... mondhatnám úgy is, hogy még nem adtam fel a reményt affelől, hogy végre teljen el olyan hét hogy ne kelljen hsz-t törölnöm innen.

A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Kérek mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be ezeket:

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: csomolungma - 09 jan 13, 19:21:51
Mivel vagyok olyan basic user hogy fogalmam sincs hogyan kell képet bemásolni, íme néhány link:

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: FAKE
Szerző: ninkimanga

remélem használtak valamit ^^

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 14, 10:27:21
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers

Did he learn interesting ninjutsu!?
The scroll mystery package!!

Naruto returned to Konoha
Will he confront Pain directly!?

A mystery package of information about the 10th anniversay!!
Also the "Naru-note Anniversary"!!

Hitelességi ellenőrzés:
Forrás: mangahelpers


Naruto and Pain's battle begins.
Pain is talking about Pain and Peace

Chouji goes to Kakashi's location, He becomes surprised at noticing something.

Naruto shouts a rebuttal to Pain's speech. 2 Summoned bodies attack. But with a counter, Naruto crushes them.
From the other bodies, Pain collects out power, This time, the bodies don't fall down. While this is happening, the eyes are explained.

Scene shifts to Konohamaru and Ebisu Sensei, Kiba's group and Shino's group. They recognize Naruto at the center.

決め台詞のあとペインの4体による攻撃にナルトは避け、凄まじい衝撃で周りはぶっ飛ばされてい ます。
Pain is speaking to Naruto about Jiraiya and kakashi to provoke him.
This enraged Naruto and Tsunade.
Pain's 4 bodies attack in unison, but Naruto avoids the attack. Upon the great impact, everything nearby is sent flying.

この攻撃でカカシも守られていましたが埋もれていたところから衝撃でカツユと一緒に飛ばされた カカシにチョ ウジが先生!
Katsuyu together with Kakashi who was being protected from being buried by the impact, was sent flying.
Chouji shouted out "Sensei!"Sakura heard where the sound came from.

Fukusaku analyzed Pain's attack. He is remembering something, affirming something with Tsunade.
The news from Ino's group reaches him via Katsuyu.
The Pain here comes from 1 dead body.
Fukusaku is impatient.
Naruto seems to be tested. "Preparations are done," Pain says, while doing hand seals.

サクラが近寄るとカツユが懸命に治療していますが、両足が無い姿を見てカカシ先生!と泣き叫び ます。
その声にナルトをはじめ皆がサクラの方へ振り向いてしまい、ペインが振り向いているナルトへ攻 撃をして終わ ります。

Sakura is at where Kakashi originally was.
Chouji's group is all that's left. There is no motion in Kakashi's vicinity.
Sakura approaches Katsuyu, eager to do some medical treatment. "I can see a body without both legs... Kakashi-Sensei!", she shouts.
Everyone turns to the direction of Sakura. Pain turns around to face Naruto. It ends with Pain attacking Naruto.

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 14, 21:49:05
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers

Tessék csemegézni így este :P


még2 ajándékba :D


Naruto asks Gamakichi to evacuate everyone.

He asks Tsunade about Kakashi. He can sense chakra of everyone in a village with sennin power, but he can't sense Kakashi's.
Tsunade becomes silent.
Naruto: "... ...I see"
Tsunade becomes all wrinkely (no big deal)
Naruto doing Oodama rasengan and it ends with some new jutsu.

szöveg a képekhez:

I did the best I could. The pictures are really blurry, unfortunately.

First page:
Second page:
"Bun-chan!! Ken-chan!! Nike-chan!!*"

"Yes sir!!"

*Not so sure about Nike-chan. It's hard to read and we don't know the last toad's name, so I can't fill in the blanks.

Third page:
Sage Art: Big Ball Rasengan!!!

Fourth page:

"It's all right......"


"???... Tsunade-sama" (the kanji are too unclear here)

Fifth page:
The first two frames are too unclear. The third says something about Sennin Mode.

"I'll stop this at once with my new jutsu!!"

The side text is also too unclear

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 jan 15, 01:25:06
Némi szöveg a lenti képekhez:

Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: T.D.A

First page:
Second page:
"Bun-chan!! Ken-chan!! Nike-chan!!*"

"Yes sir!!"

*Not so sure about Nike-chan. It's hard to read and we don't know the last toad's name, so I can't fill in the blanks.

Third page:
Sage Art: Big Ball Rasengan!!!

Fourth page:

"It's all right......"


"???... Tsunade-sama" (the kanji are too unclear here)

Fifth page:
The first two frames are too unclear. The third says something about Sennin Mode.

"I'll stop this at once with my new jutsu!!"

The side text is also too unclear


És itt vannak nagyobban:

Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: Deviant






Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 15, 15:16:02
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: T.D.A


Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 jan 15, 18:52:08
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: Hatifnatten

Cím: Re: Naruto Shippuuden Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jan 16, 08:40:40
A 431. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 432. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 21, 08:54:12
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: Jothesh2

here is WSJ preview for this weeks chapter
It's impossible to measure naruto's growth!!

Naruto VS Pain, the true battle starts!!
What is the jutsu Naruto uses...!?

人間道が突進し印を結ぶナルトの頭を掴みますが、その直後に多重影分身が発動しそこらじゅうナ ルトだらけに 。
人間道が距離を取り、天道、地獄道を守る陣形に戻ろうとします。しかし、多重影分身したナルト の攻撃は続き 、仙法・螺旋連段を前に回避が間に合わず人間道が飲み込まれてしまいます。
畜生道が口寄せしていた犬が分裂し、ナルトに飛び付きますがこれもカエル軍団に一蹴され再度囲 まれます。
最後のコマは地獄道が印を結び天道・地獄道の後ろに門が出現。その門の端を掴む手が現れて終わ りです。
A quick spoiler.
Human Pain charges forward making a seal and he grabs Naruto's head, but right after Naruto does a mass kagebunshin and there are Narutos all over the place.
Human Pain takes some distance and comes back to protect God Pain and Hell Pain. But Naruto in mass kagebunshin keeps attacking, does a multiple sage rasengan and Human Pain is swallowed up before he can avoid it.
The dog summoned by Animal Pain divides and jumps towards Naruto, but the frog team traps it with another kick.
God Pain acknowledges Naruto's strength, but has no intention of withdrawing.
Next, Hell Pain does a seal and a gate appears behind God Pain and Hell Pain. The chapter ends with grabby hands appearing from the gate.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Norec - 09 jan 21, 10:12:28
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Naruto produces an extravgant amount of shadow clones. The clones surrond the entire area)

“Mass Shadow Clone jutsu. My new technique should take them out in one sweep. These clones should buy me some time,” said Naruto. (Naruto grabs his wrist and places his arm up in the air)

“The sheer volume of chakra among the clones is staggering,” said Human Realm. “Truly its the power of the 9 Tails. But its alright now. My chakra has recovered,” said God Realm.

“Mass shadow clones. What is that boy planning,” asked Shima. “Who knows? But can’t you feel the natural energy surronding the real one,” asked Fukasku. (Close up on Naruto shows huge arrays of natural energy gathering around him) “Whatever it is. I don’ think it will be safe here any longer,” said Shima.

“He must be planning something,” said Hell realm. (Hell realm revives Hungry Ghost Realm) “Animal Beast will use summonings to protect realms. I’ll move forward, while the rest stay back until I give the go ahead,” said God Realm. (Animal Beast realm summons Chimera lizard that turns invisible. Animal Beast realm also summons a defensive summoning. Animal Beast and Ghost Realm hides in the lizard, the others hide behind the panda)

(shadow clone notices Hungry Ghost) “So it seems one of them is capable of using a
regenerative techinque to bring them back to life,” said Shadow Clone. “Like it really matters. My new technique will kill them all anyway,” said another shadow clone. “So they can vanish, with that type of summon,”asked shadow clone.

(Fuuton: Rasengan forms in Naruto’s hand)

“Damn it. The chakra control is too great, even for Sage Mode. Its because I have so many clones. I’ve never practiced with this many before. I still need more time,” said Naruto.

(The ground starts shaking)

“What’s that jutsu. What ever it is, I have to stop it now,” said God Realm. (God Realm rushes in the fray head first.) “Now. Don’t let him near my jutsu,” yelled Naruto. (The Shadow Clones all Surrond Pain.)

(About three shadow clones grab a shadow clone from the right and the left and uses Henge to transform them into Huge Shuriken. Three shadow clones tosses six huge Shuriken toward Pain with extreme speeds. As they reach his location. They poof into shadow clones. God Realm stopped in his tracks)

“Not bad,” said God Realm. (They prepare to unleash massive punishment until God Realm uses his technique to blow them away)

“What’s going on,” asked Naruto. “That is another power of Pain. He can deflect and repel any ninjutsu, as well as phyiscal attacks,” said Katsuyu. “I was sure that attack was going to work,” said Naruto. “The jutsu is getting more deadlier,” said God Realm. (Naruto holds (regular) Oodama Rasengan while its influenced by the wind element. It looks like Rasen Shuriken, except the Rasengan is bigger)

(God Realm continues pushing on. The Shadow Clones surronds Pain in a circle. Cutting him off.)

“All Direction Shuriken,” yells Naruto. (The Shadow Clone launches a huge volume of shuriken toward Pain. “Shinra Tensei,” said Pain. (A the shadow clones surronding Pain the closest are destroyed. Pain sores in the Air. He is then followed by a barrage of Exploding Tags with Kunai attached. A Huge Explosion in the sky appears)

(In the smoke)

“I can use a smaller version to stop the jutsu,” said God Realm (He pops out the smoke and sees a sight giving him even shivers. An Ultimate Rasengan Infused with Wind Element. The stems from the jutsu stretches about 15 feet from all ends. The Ground starts to crack. People in Konoha feels a small quake)

“Shima are you seeing this,” asked Fukasku. “He’s not serious about activating that thing,” said Shima. “We’ve got to get out of here. Warn the Buna,” said Fukasku. (Before they leave. Naruto’s shadow clone stops them). “BOy what the heck are you planin,” asked Fukasku. “Are you mad, trying to take us with you,” asked Shima. “Don’t worry. I’ve been practicing,” said Naruto. “Wait, all the techniques we’ve taught you and I don’t remember this one,” said Fukasku.

“I have Kakashi sensei to thank for this one,” said Naruto. (The shadow clone poof)

(All the Shadow clones vanish) “I need as much control as possible,” said Naruto. “NOW,” yelled Pain. (A invisible suspect appears to strike Naruto from behind. However Shima uses her tongue to bind the lizard down. She slams it to the ground. Followed by that attack, Gamabunta’s blade comes rushing down.)

“They saw through it,” yelled Pain. (Close on Animal Beast and Hungry Ghost shows them
defeated, blood spewing from their mouth)

“That’s another one grandma,” said Gamabunta

“I can’t risk using the technique again. If I do. The bodies won’t recover. Looks like I’ll have no choice. His jutsu must not ge through,” said God Realm.

(Close up on Naruto)

“Sage Tech: Fuuton: Oodama Rasen Tendrils,” yelled Naruto.

(A quick flash of Konan’s face)

“Nagato, don’t,” said Konan.

Next Chapter: The Clash

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 21, 11:46:41
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: animeprodestiny
Szerző: Benedizione di Re


Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: Kheops

naruto gets mad at pain and throws FRS
everyone is surprised and the long haired one is beaten

meanwhile, shikamaru
Shika learns from Katsuya, naruto has come back and goes to help but his dad stops him
Shikaku: if he's learned senin then he's on a different level to you. Not getting in the way is also a part of teamwork
something about jiraiya's tearful eyes?

back to Garuto
sennin mode is over
the woman gets near naruto
Bunta: watch your head!

Fukusaku: from now on Bunta aim at naruto and throw
(ND -not sure what is being thrown here)

bunta puts naruto and the girl in his mouth so that naruto can go at it to his heart's content. At the same time he is released from the mouth he blast the remaining two with RASEN-REN-GANs [Spiraling LINKED Sphere]

then senin power runs out and it ends

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 jan 21, 14:17:24
Itt vannak a képek kicsit nagyobban:

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: tubeyo








Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: winyo - 09 jan 22, 16:34:42
itt elvileg az van leírva kb, hogy már csak az I.B. maradt...

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: boyakist4649

Quick trans (I have purposely only translated what pertains to the story):

The long haired guy gets torn into two, the girl gets beaten up (we are not shown the details), and the other two get hit by rasengans. Probably dead.
The girl gets beaten up in Bunta's mouth, therefore we are not shown details.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jan 23, 08:11:00
A 432. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 433. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 27, 13:35:03
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: kukichiByakuya; Kheops

egy kicsit nagyobb



Pain says naruto is finished
naruto says he's not
Pain tries to brings animal pain back to life  
女ペインは実はナルトの影分身で近づいてきた復活ペインに螺旋丸をたたき込む。(女ペインは蛙 の口の中)
Animal was actually a naruto bunshin and animal is still in the frog's mouth, he rasengan's Hell pain.
hell is sent flying. God pain doesn't even flinch. Your chakra must be used up by now
naruto puts his hands together as if to be captured quietly
naruto is pulled by God pain, 'Don't try to resist' [he says?] stressing his power
naruto shouts 'crap!'
naruto is pulled before God pain
'it's over uzumaki naruto' but Naruto (bunshin) vanishes
Shocked pain looks all around
Naruto shouts from somewhere 'it's only just beginning'
Pain sees naruto's siloutte on the hokage statue
the guy who wants to be hokage won't be caught that eaisily
he jumps down
just like jiraiya said the real one isn't here
that's right, you haven't fought the real one yet! that's his theory(?)
Seems like Fukusaku is mistaken, naruto shouts (somthing?)
naruto 'I'll never forgive you' pain: you made searching for you easier


Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending
Szerző: samir147

妙木山に仙人モード?の影分身を置いといてフカサクが逆口寄よせでナルトが仙人モードでまた戦 い始めます
Naruto left at Myobokusan, senin mode? kagebunshin fukusaku reverse summons another naruto in senin and the battle begins again. I made a mistake sorry m(__)m
it's hard to see...
影分身に戦術チャクラを練りこませて待機させ、巻きもので妙木山から口寄席した。口寄席したら 影分身解いて 仙術チャクラをオリジナルに還元している
The bunshins are moulding chakra awaiting orders, with the scroll they prepared to be summoned from myobokusan. If they waiting in the kuchiyose seat(?) when the bunshin was dispelled the senjutsu chakra returns to the original.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 27, 16:18:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: The Adamant Dragon

Naruto: a smoke-bomb at the same time!
all right!
Pein: Henge no Jutsu (transformation)! ... is it the orignal copy?

Partial scanned page: (Katsuyu?):THAT Pein has retreated to the back of the group.
Pein: Finally, my power is back...
Bunta: He reflected it!
Even in Sennin-mode, I can only do two Rasen-Shurikens.... in which case there are only two of us left, I can do four Rasen-Shurikens...

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 jan 28, 12:22:07
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: serenity


Bunta: Stay back kid! I'll handle it!
Naruto: I'm going into Sennin-mode! You guys stay back!
I don't want you guys to get (damaged by) the rasen-shuriken
Bunta: ...acting so tough...!

No. 433/fin.
--> Sennin-Naruto vs. Full-strength Tendou...! Next issue, without ado - the great battle in Kantou (first chapter of SJ)-color!!

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: csomolungma - 09 jan 29, 20:42:26
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Szerző: Gamemaster

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jan 30, 08:19:36
A 433. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 434. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 feb 04, 09:40:29
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: PainlessSacrifice


Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending

Pain uses his ability to pull all of the kagebunshin into him at once (*the spoiler writer compares this to the “Tezuka Zone” in Prince of Tennis)

The real Naruto manages to prevent this and notices that when Pain uses his ability to pull things in he can’t blow things back so…

…Naruto is trying to time things just right so that his kage bunshin can launch a coordinated attack on Pain

The real Naruto then brings all the frogs except Bunta with him to repel the “keyman**” (presumably Tendou Pain at this point).

Shikamaru hears about Naruto’s situation as well as Pain’s ability from Katsuyu and decides, “I can at least do this much!” He then begins analyzing the situation.

The color page is the frog group and sage Naruto

The spoiler writer then says that he’ll post images once he gets back to his house

**A “key man” in Japanese refers to someone important or “key” to the success of something. In the prior chapter, the “key man” was identified as the reviving body. In this chapter it would presumably refer to Tendou.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: PainlessSacrifice

(can't figure out the first bubble)
Naruto: This guy...! He's absorbing my chakra?!
Side Text: (first bit's cut out)(person) Naruto too is outdone by Pein's power...!!

Pain says : "Capture of the Kyuubi : Mission Complete."


Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 feb 04, 15:14:54
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Megerősítve
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: T.D.A & VASSiLi

És ugyanaz nagyobban:

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 feb 04, 16:07:20
még találtam 1 kis szöveget is

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: T.D.A

2 Pain left.
Hell Realm defeated, Naruto turns to Tendou.
Naruto gets blown away by Shinra Tensei.
The frogs launch all sorts of weapon at Pain.
Katsuyu tells Naruto how the jutsu blew the village apart and its 5-second weakness.
Fukasaku says Genjutsu is the only way now. Naruto says he doesn't know Genjutsu. Fukasaku says he will cast it.
Pain uses Shinra Tensei again. The frogs get blown away.
Watching from afar, Chouji, Kiba and Hinata are worried for Naruto.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 feb 06, 10:42:00
A 434. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 435. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 09 feb 09, 14:57:07
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: (
Szerző: guyk

the chapter's name is said to be Kyuubi Erupts!

Pein: Mission Accomplished.
*Nagato: Pein needs to recover bodies
Pa Frog: Only a little more...Hang on Naruto-Chan!
*Genjutsu Duet!*
Tendou Pein: Not this time...Shinra Tensei
*between both Ma and Pa Frog*
*Ma and Pa are blown away, knocked unconcious*
*Naruto appears in front of Kyuubi's Cage*
Kyuubi: You're weak...pathetic...
*Outside Naruto's Mind*
Ko: Hinata-Sama! Don't Go!
*Hinata closes Ko's Chakra points*
Hinata: I'm very sorry Ko, forgive me.
*Hinata rushes to the battlefield*
Tendou Pein: Preparations are made, it's finally time.
Tendou Pein: !?
*Hinata attempts to use 64-Palm Strike*
Tendou Pein: You must be the Nine Tailed Fox's woman..To charge directly in front of God so recklessly.
*Tendou Pein stabs Hinata through the center of the chest with a black rod*
*Naruto regains conciousness, only to see Hinata stabbed*
Naruto: *thinks* HINATA! Wh-
Tendou Pein: Your woman is dead, you will meet with her shortly.
*Naruto's chakra is sapped even more, rendering him unconcious once more.*
*Naruto's Mind*
*Naruto is crying*
Naruto: Fox, it seems I have no choice.
Kyuubi: Fool...I knew..You are weak without me!
Naruto: ENOUGH!...Fox, You will obey me...or Die.


Találtam képet a szövegről ugyanott, egy másik hszben: (

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 feb 10, 17:57:15
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  unconfirmed
Szerző: dont ask


Status: UNCONFIRMED Spoiler

Pain: - The Kyuubi is captured, mission complete.
Madara: - Ok, head out.
Pain: - Ok.
"Pain looks around and see Ma and Pa Chanting"
Pain: - That won't work on God again.
"Closeup on Pa:s face, he's sweating"

Inside Narutos mind at the Fox gate:
"Naruto wakes" - What? But I'm not done yet..
Fox: - your Weak Naruto. Release me! I will tear him apart!

Outside again: Hinata: - Naruto! I must go to him!
"Hinata Jumps away before Ko can stop her."
Ko: - Hinata!

"Hinata lands some ways away from pain and Naruto. Naruto is in Hungry ghosts grip."
Hinata: - Naruto!
"Closeup on Hinatas face then on narutos unconscious face then Hinata again, getting angry/upset"
Hinata: What have you done to Naruto! I won't forgive you!
"Hinata Charges Hungry ghost Pain"
Pain: - Foolish girl...

Inside Naruto:
Naruto: - I won't release the seal, I can still fight! I'm strong! I'll never depend on you, you Demon!
Fox: - Why do you fight? You will not last without me..Such Powers, wasted... Curse your father's seal Curse Minato..."The fox Growls"
"Close up on Narutos face" He looks shocked"
Naruto : - The fourth!?....My father!?...
"The Fox demon focuses his eyes on Naruto"
Fox: - Ohh..You didn't know?..... "The fox begins a big grin.."
Fox: - It seems you are a fool after all, your weak without me.
"The fox start to laugh his slow evil laugh, the laugh gets louder in the mind of Naruto and echoes enveloping all. Naruto covers his ears and head with his hands and covers" "Closeup on Narutos eyes from the side, his eyes is confused and starting to change to kyuubi"
Naruto: - Stooop it! Leave me alone!!

Outside Naruto:
" Zoomout on Ma and Pa starting the Jutsu, Human ghost flashes behind them stopping them by smashing Ma away and Pa jumps to the side"
Pa: - Ma! " He looks towards Naruto that is now on the ground where HG left him and then towards Hinata that is getting close and whispers"
Whispering pa: - Naruto, forgive us.

"Hinata closes in on HG and begins a Jutsu. GH doge and jumps behind her.
He launches at her With a kunai drawn"
Pa: Hinata!
" Closeup on hinatas eyes as she looks behind. She closes them and Focuses.
Hinata starts spinning calling her Justu defense name:" -Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō "Hinata deflects HG and he is diverted to the side of Hinata."
"closeup on God realms face"
God realm: - Shinra tensei!
"The ground at Hinatas feet erupts in an explosion sending Pa flying and Hinata flies backwards from the shock. Towards God realm.
Hinata crashed onto the ground grinning badly. She opens her eyes and looks to see Hungry Ghost coming from above with the Kunai. She looks Sad/ surprised"
Hinata in a desperate voice: - Naruto......

Inside Naruto:

"Naruto is on the floor in front of the gate screaming clamping his head as the Kyuubi laughs."
Fox : Ha ha ha ha Release me fool!
"Suddenly a voice cuts the laughter and all become silent."
- Naruto!
"Naruto opens his eyes in surprise, his head turns to the side fast and focuses on the darkness around"
Naruto: - Hinata?!

Outside Naruto again:
" Naruto opens his eyes quickly awake.
He see Hungry Ghost over Hinata with the kunai in her chest. Her head is turned towards him, some blood sips out of her mouth"
Hinata: - N a r u t o o oooo....

"Seeing this Naruto rushes to his feet and runs towards Hinata, Again closeup on God realms face"
God Realm: - Oh so your awake? this is what happens when you go against God.
"Naruto closes on HG"
God realm: - Shinra tensei!
"Naruto is pushed back and falls to the ground screaming"
Naruto : - Hinata!
Hinata: -Naruto....
"Hinatas eyes closes"
"naruto gets up on his knees and huffs in exhaust. He looks down on his hands in dismay. He hears the Kyuubi laugh in his ears"
"Naruto breaths heavy and looks again on Hinata and then on God realm"
God realm: - do you now understand how you hurt others? Come with me and this girl might live.

"Naruto still hears the Kyuubi laughter, His eyes confused and face filled with rage he begins to falter. His eyes turning reddish"
Naruto: - Kyuubi......"Naruto hisses the word" - So much pain..for this....
Naruto : - You want the Kyuubi?? "Naruto looks at Hinata again and his teath starts to form fangs, he is getting angrier at the second"
"Naruto looks at Pa and Ma lying some ways away. his hair starts to shift as red chakra pours out. Naruto turns his monstrous gaze on Pain"
Naruto: - Move out of the way of Hinata "Naruto hisses" - or you will regret it..
God realm: - Oh, the kyuubi is it? So you won't come quietly?
"HG pushes te Kunai further into Hinatas chest, she couches blood"
"Naruto gets angrier but starts to fight it" " he thinks of the summoning scroll"

Kyuubi: - it's to late Naruto, there is no time, your weak. Let me tear him apart and I will save the woman.
Naruto: No......Must find the scroll....
"Naruto falls to his knees exhausted and his eyes Close and he starts to fall towards the ground. Zoom in on his hand blocking his fall, it has claws" "His eyes open and their fully kyuubi".
Naruto wispers: Lend me your powers once again save those close to me. I will be rid of you one day, open the seal...I swear it. But now I'm out of time. To survive and to save everyone, lend me powers enough to gain my Sannin mode once more....
Fox: - Ohh...Do you really need me?
Naruto: - Yes, I acknowledge that.
Fox: - I will hold you to your word with the seal..
Naruto: -
Naruto and Fox in one voice: Let's tear him apart!

"Narutos body is enveloped in red chakra and he gazes on Pain"
Naruto: - You will release her!
"Naruto Moves in a red flash towards God realm."
God realm: What do you think you can still do? I am god, Shinra tensei!
"As the wave is about to hit naruto he emits a roar of red chacra nullifying God realms Shinra tensei!" God realm is surprised! Naruto leaps towards God realm who dodge at last minute"

God realm: - So this is the power of the Kyuubi....

" Naruto Jumps at the scroll and does a fast reverse summon, releases the Kage bunshin and enters Sage mode combined with the red chakra"

"Closeup on hinatas face, on god realms shocked face and on Naruto who is shocked with the power surge he gained with Demon/Sage mode"

--------- Next chapter: The truth about pain and the Kyuubi"--------------

by: Dr. Who-ShiverX

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 09 feb 10, 18:05:55
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: westghost


ナルト意識を失います。それと同時に山の残り影分身が消えた、フ カサク音幻発動。
ペインフカサク達を引き寄せ黒棒でフカサクかすめる、ペインたち 幻術の中へ、天道神羅でちかず けない

ガイ班が到着して壊滅に驚く。サクラ達が事情はなし 、ガイが乱入
From crapfish :

Naruto loses consciousness and his bunshin at frog land disappears.
The frogs do a sound genjutsu (dunno if it works)
Something about Sakura and then Team Gai appears

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 09 feb 11, 02:45:08
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Forrás: (
Szerző: denniscm

Chapter begins with a person running to battle direction;
Pain prepare yourself to leave konoha;
Katsuyu tell to everyone about naruto it's unconscious and captured;
Gamabunta got up much exhausted and attack pain, pain throw him far again;
The toads begins sing a genjutsu song;
Pain perceives that have already heard something like this, it remember the fight against jiraiya;
Gamakichi it's behind of ancients toads, fat pain come on they direction;
Fat pain fall on genjutsu, he's hackled for gamakichi;
The toads stay asking yourself why tendou doesn't fall on genjutsu;
Tendou throw all the toads far with shinra tensei, they appears exhausted;
Fukasaku unroll the naruto parchment;
Tendou begins to run with naruto to leave konoha, close to leave the city, he stop;
Hinata it's forward tendou;
Hinata: I won't let you take naruto-kun, even if i die!

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 feb 11, 12:50:07
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: VASSiLi

the 3 big frogs are unconscious and seriously hurt.
The confirmed casualties number goes up to 100. Shizune is confirmed dead.
Nagato starts rambling at the end. (probably flashbacks next chapter)

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 feb 11, 14:05:18
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: naruto-spoilers.blogspot
Szerző: 2ch

[naruto]… which 仙 technique
[chiyakura] was absorbed!!
[naruto]: Still…Still is…
Nagato: While it is stubborn making very the absorption pain feather intersecting tightening,
[chiyakura] [naruto] which enters into taking: …!
[hukasaku]: It withstands, [naruto]!
[naruto]: (Becomes the extent… whichSuch?… If…Don't you think? movement from [e] exactly good…) When you close the eye, are sucked up [chiyakura] and the ~ are not to move…Countenance of the absorption pain starts becoming the frog…

[naruto]: Energy of nature treatment is difficult, it is even! Absorption pain foot, in face and frog
Nagato: As for this… While looking at [hukasaku] circumstances, (taking in 仙 technique [chiyakura] from so, or that [peinnaruto] too much frog fossilizing, you close, it is it is!) Nagato which it tries probably to remove the [naruto] feather intersecting tightening:! Scene change

[ino]: [shikamaru]! In the place of [shikamaru], [ino], the [ino] father, [shizuneshiho] which is shouldered in the dark space and the dark space:!?
[shikamaru]:! It is and being safe!?
[ino]: The it is… So…[shizune]…
[shikamaru]: It is,…That [tsu] [te]…

Scene change [gamabunta]: [wa] [ri] [ya] [ku] [so]! (The bone in the body saying, already you take, but! Painful [tsu] [tsu]…!)Also the other frog collapsing, [shikamaru] which returns to [ru]
[shinshikamaru]: So?…Such a thing…
[shizune] lying, [ru]
[ino]: We more will be secure, cod…In such a thing… [shikamaru]: …

Death of [shizune] senior wastefully stamp [e]…Explaining the puzzle of the pain which it tries, that the senior probably will solve, until you find the substance [tsu] [te], it cries and it is the word releasing!
[shikaku]: … [shikamaru] already soft a little Toda…
[ino] father: Well, as for [shikaku] we who are as [shikamaru] said being able to do [shikaku] which is even in the [ge] which is done to find the address of the substance of the pain: To be, [chi]… If your extent and the specialist picking up [chiyakura] of the enemy, the [ro] which is the husband whom countermeasure it is possible!? [ino] father: … It tried doing already, but as for the enemy always changing the cycle of [chiyakura], as for the countermeasure which you dislike in [shinnaruto] which is unreasonable… [hukasaku]…The nagato sword (with sword which sticks [jiraiya]) Nagato which can be stuck: Considerably, it is the doing hand, [naruto] the sima which tumbles: Father!! [naruto]

[naruto] which is glared: [te] [me] [ehon] [tsu]…!! It starts to beat in Nagato, but Nagato it passes through from the [hukasaku] sword which every sword shakes [hukasaku] which sticks when [naruto] it lifts the Nagato left hand which it flies densely and being at the point where all creation advance deduction [naruto] movement stops, [naruto] which is accustomed to hitting Nagato and [naruto] which drop [naruto] and [hukasaku] which grasp the neck of Nagato

[naruto] in the land: [gu] oh!! Hitting you attach being the place where, sticks the sword to the left hand of Nagato [naruto] on the brain reverse side of [naruto] which the metempsychosis eye… Nagato: A little it becomes placid now? Nine tail [naruto]: [gu] [gu]… [hukasaku] collapsing, the [ru] sima tear letting flow, [ru]

[naruto]: The [te] [me] - it is no what!!? Just even what is!!? Such a thing it does with something and the [ru]!!?

Nagato: With something…?… As for occurrence as for the reason which always is abrupt being afterwards, becomes aware this circumstance… which So shelf…[shinshikamarushikamaru] which a little will do story: Information is gathered if possible in detail, through [katsuyu] from the people who contacted with the pain also the person who it is and dies leaving the information of some oak, and others don't you think? the [ru] causing [re] even with carrying out the [e] corpse, thorough, you do! [ino] father: …! (… where the corpse is carried) Wait…Understanding whether so one! End.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 feb 11, 17:20:04
Mielött mindenki ezekről a képekről beszélne, a kövi sorban fontos info van :D

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: FAKE
Forrás: Onemanga
Szerző: stackz 

az első kép a 433. fejezet 17oldaláról 1 kis darabka

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Oxygene - 09 feb 11, 22:52:42
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: boyakist4649

435 万象天引 ジライヤをあやめ、カカシを奪い、里さえも潰した…その男は余りにも強かった。

Naruto's Senjutsu chakra is absorbed...!!

Naruto: No... not yet...

Nagato: you're pretty persistent...

Absorbing Pein strengthens his hold on Naruto and comes to steal his chakra

Naruto: ...!

フカサク:耐えてくれ ナルトちゃんよ!
Fukasaku: Persevere Naruto-chan!

ナルト: (なるほど…そういう事か… なら…動けねぇからちょうどいい…)
Naruto: (Hmm... I get it... then... it works out well that I can't move.)

目を閉じ、チャクラを吸いとられ~ 動かずいたら…吸収ペインの顔つきが蛙になりはじめる…
He closes his eyes, chakra gets sucked up~ and when Naruto doesn't move, Absorbing Pein's face starts to become frog-like

Nagato: !?

Naruto: Natural Energy (chakra) is difficult to handle!

Absorbing Pein's leg and face become a frog.

Nagato: This...

フカサク様子を見ながら(そうか あのペイン ナルトちゃんから仙術チャクラを取り込みすぎて蛙石化してしめうたんか!)
Fukasaku observes this (I see! That Pein was absorbing too much of Naruto-chan's Senjutsu chakra and had turned into the [frog-stone]!)

Naruto tries to break loose

Scene change
Ino: Shikamaru!

Ino, Ino-dad, Anbu and anbu-carrying Shizune arrive to shikamar

シカマル:! いの無事だったのか!?
イノ:うん… でも…シズネさんが…
Shikamaru: ! Ino - you were all right?
Ino: Yeah... but Shizune-san was...
Shikamaru: Wait... is she...?
Scene ends

ガマブンタ:わりゃくそが!(体中の骨がいってもうとるがな! 痛いっっ…!)他の蛙達も倒れてる
Bunta: Dammit! (My bones all over broken! Ouch...!) The other frogs are down too.

Scene to Shikamaru guys again

Shikamaru: I see... is that what happened...
Shizune is lying on her side

シカマル:…シズネ先輩の死を無駄にはできねェ…先輩が解こうとしたペインの謎を解き明かして その本体ってのを見つけ出すまでは泣き言はなしだ!
シカク:…シカマル もう少しやんわりとだな…
Ino: If we were more cautious... this would not have...
Shikamaru: ... we can't waste Shizune-senpai's death. Let's figure out the mystery of Pein that she was working on, and no excuses until we find the 'real body' of his!
Shikaku: ...Shikamaru you need to put it a little bit kinder...

イノ父:いや シカマルの言う通りだ シカク 我々のできる事は すげにでもペインの本体の居場所を探し出すことだ
シカク:いのいち… お前ほどと術者なら 敵のチャクラを拾って 逆探できるハズだろ!?
イノ父:…すでにやってみた が 敵は常にチャクラの周波を変えていやがる 逆探は無理だ
Ino dad: No... it's exactly how Shikamaru put it. What we must do now is to figure out where the real body of Pein is.
Shikaku: Inoichi - someone of your skill should be able to pick up the enemy's chakra and figure out where the real body of Pein is... right?
Ino dad: I have already tried... the enemy is constantly changing the frequency of his chakra. Tracing it is impossible.

Scene to Naruto

長門:かなりの やり手だよ
Fukasaku is stabbed by Nagato's sword (the same one that stabbed Jiraiya)
Nagato: quite formidable...
Naruto trips

ナルト:てめェ ホンっ…!!
長門に殴りかかる が 長門刺さったフカサクを剣ごと振る フカサク剣から抜けナルトのとこに飛ぶ
Shima:Tou-chan! (Fukasaku)
Naruto glares
Naruto: You!... Seriou...!!
He tries to punch Nagato, but Nagato swings the sword that stabbed Fukasaku, Fukasaku is thrown off the sword and towards Naruto

長門左手を上げ 万象天引
Nagato raises his left hand, does his drawing-objects-toward-him jutsu

ナルト動きが止まったところで長門 ナルトの首を掴む ナルト、フカサクを落とす 長門、ナルトを地面に叩きつける
When Naruto's movements stop, Nagato grabs Naruto's neck. Naruto drops Fukasaku. Nagato slams Naruto to the ground.
Naruto: Gua!

叩き着けたところで、長門ナルトの左手に剣を刺す ナルトの脳裏に輪廻眼が…
When slamming him down, Nagato stabs Naruto's left hand with his sword. The rinnegan appears 'behind' Naruto (we have seen this a couple times before - Jiraiya, Kakashi)
Nagato: will you settle down a bit now, Kyuubi?
Naruto: Ggg..

フカサク倒れてる シマ涙流してる
長門:何で…か… 出来事は いつも突然だ 理由は後になって気付く この状況… そうだな…少し話をしよう
Fukasaku is down. Shima is crying.
Naruto: What the hell are you!!? What the hell do you want!!? Why do you do this!!?
Nagato: Why... Everything happens all of a sudden. The reasons you realize after the events have passed. I see... let's chat a bit...

Scene to Shikamaru

シカマル:ペインと接触した人達からカツユを通して なるべく詳しく情報を集めるんだ 死んだ者も何かしらの情報をのこしてるかもしれねェ 死体を運び出してでも徹底的にやるぞ!
イノ父:…!(死体を運ぶ…) 待てよ…そうか分かってかたぞ!
Shikamaru: Gather information via Katsuyu from all the people that have come in contact with Pein. Those that have passed away may have also left some information. We'll carry out dead bodies if we have to!
Ino dad: ...! (carrying a dead body) wait... i see - I think I (am beginning to) understand!


Hitelesség ellenőrzés:


Naruto unlocks the half-nelson, Hungry-Ghost Pain turns into stone and Naruto breaks free.


N: Daa!! (That's what it says)

P: Sage chakra... It seems it has that kind of risks

ナルト:これで お前一人だけだってばよ…
N: Now you are the only one left...
長門:うむ…それは 少し違うな
Hmmm... That's not exactly true
ナルト:? フカサク夫婦、祈り?何かの準備?
N: ? Fukasaku and Shima are praying? Are they preparing something?

N: What do you mean?
チビカツユ:このペイン達は あやつり人形です… 影で このペイン達を操ってる輩…本体がいるようです
Chibi-Katsuyu: These Pains are just puppets... There is someone controlling these Pains from the shadow... It looks like a true body exists
Deva-Pain's left hand is shown~
N: ?!
フカサク:よし!行くで 母ちゃん!
F: Yes! Let's go, Okaachan(Shima)!

S: Aiyo! (No idea)
フカサク幻術をかけようと? それとも長門の技?長門に引き寄せられる~
(Not sure) Was it done by Fukasaku's genjutsu? Or Pain's technique? Naruto and Fukasaku are getting pulled towards Pain
フカサク:!? うオッ!!ナルト:!? (じいちゃん仙人!!)
F: ?! Ugh!! N: ?! (Old-man Sennin!!)
Naruto & Fukasaku stops and then gets thrown
S: Touchan(Fukasaku)!
長門:あの幻術は もう懲りてるよ
P: Ive already seen that genjutsu

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 feb 12, 10:43:14
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Devilish Bankai of Rekui



Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 feb 13, 10:54:59
A 435. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 436. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 09 feb 17, 19:33:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Aphrodisiac

Naruto is now gets flickers of Kyubi's chakra.
Sage mode goes to the extreme level and pain gets repelled away from Naruto.
The last bunshin is released and finally Naruto gets into full sage mode.
The bodies are been carried away and Naruto is now mingled with sage+Kyubi chakra.
Danzou has been found to be the culprit and he is at the peak of the mountain controlling the PAIN's.
Sasuke comes in and find Konoha has been destroyed.
He finds pain and see's that and tells Naruto to get out of the way.
Secret - Sasuke has found that it was not konoha's order to kill all the Uchiha clan but Danzo's.
Uchiha comes into the picture with his jitter to kill out the MAIN PAIN.
Others try to find out of Danzous whereabout. Kiba with his smell gets the source and all go for Danzou.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: faceoff85

突然ナルトの目の前に長門とは違う輪廻眼を宿した人物が現れる。スゥっとナルトをすり抜けたか と思うと後方 で叫び声が。振り返るとそこにはその輪廻眼の宿主が殺戮を繰り返している姿があった。


Trans By Hatifnatten on Nf
well, in this spoiler Pain talks about peace, pain, world etc. (his usual stuff).
Naruto looks into his eyes and transfered outside konoha.
It seems pain showing some stuff to him. Landlord with rinnegan, some slaughter.
Pain: "That's an answer. That's..."
Naruto: "Are you kiddin'? You call that peace?".

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Zackary - 09 feb 18, 11:36:09
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Sasori
cosplayelni fogom O_O

Credits: Doflamingo @ NF

コナンが 「長門もうチャクラを使いすぎているわ」
長門   「もうすぐで平和が...」

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 feb 18, 15:46:14
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Megerősített
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: Kheops

Verification: confirmed
Credits: yasha
Source: NF

Inoichi thinks there is a high possibility that Pain is on some high mountain in Konoha.
(because it would make the chakra transfer easier)
Then it's all conservation between Naruto and Tendou.

Pain wishes for peace and justice.
Naruto wishes for peace and justice.
Both have the same target but different means to achieve it.

Finally, the real body Nagato is shown.
Following is the spoiler writer's opinion:
He looks like a skinny Orochimaru, sitting on some four-legged, wheelchair-like thing.
There are a lot of black rods piercing out from his back and his body has a lot of holes/pits.
Konan: Nagato had used up too much chakra.
Nagato, with his mouth bleeding: Peace will arrive soon.

Verification: confirmed
Credits: Hatifnatten
Source: NF

well, in this spoiler Pain talks about peace, pain, world etc. (his usual stuff).
Naruto looks into his eyes and transfered outside konoha.
It seems pain showing some stuff to him. Landlord with rinnegan, some slaughter.
Pain: "That's an answer. That's..."
Naruto: "Are you kiddin'? You call that peace?".
Ino's dad says Pain is probably on top of a mountain near Konoha, so as to transmit chakra better.
Naruto and Pain continue their conversation

What Nagato wants is peace and justice
What Naruto wants is peace and justice

So they want to go to the same place, they are just using different means

(Lots of talking, don't have time to write, wait for ohana to give the rest)

We finally get to see Nagato.
He looks like a greedy Orochimaru (looks like Kishi has too few different characters)
He's in a kind of wheelchair moving on all fours
He's got lots of rods in his back, and holes here and there on his body

Konan: You're using too much chakra
Nagato's bleeding from the mouth
Nagato: Peace is so close...

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 feb 18, 18:00:45
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: Onemanga
Szerző: Gianki

cradits: rukori
spoiler picture and translationVerification: confirmed
Source and credits:
Spoiler: English translation of the script
Pain and Naruto is having a discussion before he's taken away for the kyuubi sealing.
Pain shows Naruto (like Madara showed Sasuke the secret behind Itachi) what, how, when, where this ''peace'' will be at (a tower is shown which could be where Nagato is at),.
Naruto: What's wrong with you, konoha got the finest ninjas... you won't succeed
Pain: ...

and a flash back with Yahiko and Jiraya talking to each other, it says something that Pain looks through Naruto with him and Jiraya talking and can see that Jiraya is talking about one student he had, Yahiko...

after that you will see Nagato and Konan talking to each other in private, ''peace will soon be settled''

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 feb 18, 18:44:48
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: -
Szerző: dont ask


Nagato : "C'est mon souhait" (French)
: "Sore wa ore no negai da" (Japanese)
: "This is my wish" (English)

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Matyi21 - 09 feb 18, 18:47:25
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles


Ino dad: I know! Where Pain's real body is!
Shikamaru: Did you get something?
Ino: What do you mean?
Ino dad: Yeah... When I looked in the head of that guy from hidden rain that Jiraiya-sama caught, he was carrying dead bodies with his friend from the village

(man: we're carrying dead bodies to the highest tower of the village. You know what is in there?)

Shikamaru: Carrying dead bodies?
Ino dad: Yes... You said it yourself earlier, in order to transmit the chakra signals, the receiver should logically be nearby. then... that guy said that among all the towers in hidden rain, it was the tallest tower they were carrying dead bodies to

(Dead body guy: Actually... The rumor is that Pain-sama is dwelling there)

Ino dad: In hidden rain, the rumor is that Pain was inside of that tallest tower. Then that girl appeared as Pain... It was the same girl whose dead body was being carried to that tall tower... It would mean that this tower is the place where they create Pain bodies by embedding those black stakes-like receivers into dead bodies
Shikamaru: So what is the connection with the position of the real body?
Ino dad: To transmit the chakra signals, the most efficient place is... To transmit as far away as possible, he had to be in the tallest tower
Anbu: I see... which means
Ino dad: Pain's real body is on the highest place of Konoha...
Shikamaru: All right! Let's investigate thoroughly tall places

437: What will Naruto do after listening to Pain!? Next, rapid development!!

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 feb 19, 14:11:49
Hiteleség ell. : Confirmed
Forrás : (

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 feb 19, 14:45:01
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: edgarluvitug

csak 1 kis fainság :)

Cím: Re: Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 feb 20, 07:42:26
A 436. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 437. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 feb 24, 17:47:56
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending
Szerző: Pikol

Source: Verification: pending

Pein: Naruto, we live in a cruel world. If you trully wish to bring peace to it, now is your only chance.
Naruto: ...
Pein: Come with me. your death will not be meaningless. I need your power. I need the power of Kyuubi!
Naruto: No...I can't...I...promised I won't die untill I become Hokage...and...and you destroyed my village! I will never forgive you!
Pein: You leave me no choice. you willl come with me with force then.
*Pein is doing some seals* Dark element: Soul bind!
*some black chakara is appearing at his hand, it look kinda like a liquid nitrogen, just black. he's attempting to attack Naruto with it.
unknow person: Hakke: Kuushou!
Pein is being blown away from Naruto.
Naruto: ugh..Neji!
*Team gain appeared*
Gai: what the hell...happend to the village?
*Pein is standing on his feets*
Pein: ironic...
Gai: did this!?
Lee: he has an Akatsuki cloak...I must have been him...
Tenten: *with tears in her eyes* you will pay!
Pein: more rats...I've had it with you people.
*scene goes to Nagato*
Konan: Nagato, you mustn't! You may not survive this one!
Nagato: war has it's sacrifices!
*Pein is forming a cross with his hands*
*Someone's hand is grabbing his shoulder*
Tobi: Pein...stop that...
*Everybody around is like "!!"
Pein: why are you stoping me...?
Tobi: ...
Pein: I expect an answer.
Tobi: are you actuallly questioning my orders?
Pein: Ineed I am.
*they are watching at each other*
Tobi: ...we lost the eight-tails. you must retreat now.
Pein: I thought you vouched for Sasuke...
Tobi: I was... wrong.
Pein: heh...but capturing the Kyuubi child is not an easy task. next time he may get even stronger.
Tobi: don't worry, after we're done with the eight-tails, I will capture him myself...
Naruto: you sonofabitch...who are you! why are you helping him!
Tobi: It all won't matter for you in time...but as for now...
*Tobi is doing some seals*
Sealing jutsu. Light tracking mark!
he created some symbol on Naruto's forehead.
Tobi: grow strong Kyuubi you can no longer hide.
Naruto: damn you...
Tobi: time to go.
*Pein is flying away, while Tobi is teleporting*
Naruto: Damnit...what am I going to do now...
Naruto: "!!" that chakara!
*scene goes to some ruined area*
*Kakashi is crawling out of the rocks*
Kakashi: I'm not done yet!*he has a difrrent shaped mangekyou sharingan.

Next chapter: unwelcomed guests!


Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Saku - 09 feb 25, 07:22:03
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: Sage_Naruto

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: ssinyo - 09 feb 25, 09:49:43
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED ???
Forrás: Anime Manga
Szerző: Edgar Adrian

Link: (

Spoiler Pic Transation:

In the spoiler pic, the black text next to Kyuubi Naruto says something along the lines of:
“There are 6 tails…!! Naruto boils with past emotion!!”

And the last panel with pain he says..
“That’ll do…
But… my pain exceeds yours.”

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx


Here come the spoilers.

シカマル達は カツユを通し動けるものに2人1組のチームを作り
Shikamaru’s group. Katsuyu continues moving; One two-man team is formed. A search for the real body was ordered.

ガイ班は ネジが吹っ飛ばされた蛙を発見する
Gai’s group. Neji discovers the blown away frog.
Neji: “Why is Jiraiya’s frog summon in a place like this?
Gai: “Whaat?”
Something serious is going on…

Back to Naruto’s conversation. Tendou black rods are stabbed into multiple places in Naruto’s body.
Due to Nagato’s chakra, not a single finger can move anymore.
Mama frog goes to Naruto.
“That kid Jiraiya and Papa and everyone have entrusted their lives to you
That’s why, don’t be deceived by him” Mama shouts something like that.
Tendou uses Shinra-something, Mama frog’s dead? Note: Shinra-Tensei.

Furthermore, Hinata appears in front of Naruto.
天道  「増援?」
Tendou “Reinforcements?”
ナルト 「何ででてきたヒナタじゃそいつにはかなわ・・」
Naruto “Hinata, why? Get out. This person will just brush you away”
ヒナタ 「ウン」
Hinata “Yup”.
ヒナタ 「これは私の独りよがり…」
Hinata “This is my happiness”.
ヒナタ 「今ここにたっているのは自分の意志」
Hinata “I am here now of my own will.”
I remember my old self… From here I was thinking of cheering you on in a variety of ways,
yet I was always rescued by Naruto-kun’s smiling face.
ヒナタ 「ナルト君を守れるならこの命失ってもかまわない」
Hinata “If it’s to protect Naruto-kun, my life doesn’t matter.”
ヒナタ 「私はナルト君が大好きだから…」
Hinata “I really like Naruto-kun that’s why…”
Hinata recklessly attacks Tendou.
ヒナタ 「柔歩双獅拳」
Hinata “Juubusoujiken” (Gentle Step Twin Lion Punch)
Hinata’s technique hit’s God Realms Shinra Tensei.
Hinata was thrown to the ground…
Tendou drops down and uses the chakra rods on the unconscious Hinata.

Blood is flowing out of Hinata’s body.

長門 「俺の両親も俺の目の前で木の葉の忍びどもに殺された
Nagato: I have killed my parents and Konoha’s shinobi in front of me as well. Affection… (remembers something)

ナルト ヒナタが目の前で惨殺された事により
Naruto: You’ve murdered Hinata in front of me…. Because of that… Chou Kyuubijin 6 metamorphosis!!! (6-tails. The writing is a mess). Note: Super 9 tailed man 6 metamorphosis lolol
Eyes are visible, coming out in front, a black figure, A 6 tailed-animal wearing the skull of a youko (fox demon)
Even seeing this really horrifying figure, Tendou (Nagato) is unfazed.
Tendou (Nagato) “Let me see if your Pain is comparable to mine.”

The end.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 feb 25, 11:32:37
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending*
Szerző: •Saske•77™

because [she was] killed before [his] eyes right?
confessed to naruto → killed 10 seconds later?
well, seems like the from was just a frog.

On the first page (there's a section about the fight with pain so far)
pa frog is dead
it's also written that shizune is dead
kakashi used all his chakra up...
it said looks like he might come back

before he stabs hinata tendou's eyes go weird.

*nem tudom igazán eldönteni, hogy ez hiteles e, de egy hsz-ben szerepel, egy már megerősített (?) spoiler-részlettel.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 09 feb 25, 15:17:17
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: edgarluvitug

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 feb 25, 17:47:12
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending
Szerző: The Laughing Man::

Pain: Now I'm giving you a chance to answer me once.

This time there are lots of flashbacks.

Naruto thinks about the 3rd sacrificing his life to protect Konoha, and also Jiraiya sacrificing his life to deliver his message.

how Tsunade taking damage on her own body for protecting Konoha, and Sakura, Kakashi laughing around him.

and Sasuke, who talked about how much he hated his brother and wanted revenge.

In this flashback, Naruto's in part one's clothing.

Naruto: A person who's able to forbear?

Jiraiya: Right, no matter how many trespasses you'll still forbear and continue to perceive

Naruto: This has nothing to do with ninja! Besides, Tsunade bachan mentioned that perverted Hermit was very annoying before!

Then there goes a long discussion about being a forbear-able person.

井野父亲说黑棒接收查克拉就会变热,黑棒只要不被破坏掉,就算没有作为操纵对象的尸体也会持续 收信
Inoichi said the black rod will turn hot when receiving chakra. As long as the black rod isn't damage, even if it's not inside a controllable body it'll still continue to receive.

Therefore, the closer is the source the hotter it gets. Use this information to begin searching.

There are two possible high mountains. Anbu searches the first, and Shikamaru and company looks at "Fire Shine Mountain"

"Fire Shine Mountain" originates from the sun reaching the peak of this mountain at noon and shine on Konoha, just like how the Will of Fire shining.

Naruto's answer to Pain is "no matter what I'll still forbear, that's how I'll become Hokage, and wipe away the past, you'll see the change.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 feb 25, 17:50:31
Hiteleség: CONFIRMED!
Forrás : (
Szerző: ?
Spoiler Pic Transation:

In the spoiler pic, the black text next to Kyuubi Naruto says something along the lines of:
“There are 6 tails…!! Naruto boils with past emotion!!”

And the last panel with pain he says..
“That’ll do…
But… my pain exceeds yours.”

Here come the spoilers.

シカマル達は カツユを通し動けるものに2人1組のチームを作り
Shikamaru’s group. Katsuyu continues moving; One two-man team is formed. A search for the real body was ordered.

ガイ班は ネジが吹っ飛ばされた蛙を発見する
Gai’s group. Neji discovers the blown away frog.
Neji: “Why is Jiraiya’s frog summon in a place like this?
Gai: “Whaat?”
Something serious is going on…

Back to Naruto’s conversation. Tendou black rods are stabbed into multiple places in Naruto’s body.
Due to Nagato’s chakra, not a single finger can move anymore.
Mama frog goes to Naruto.
“That kid Jiraiya and Papa and everyone have entrusted their lives to you
That’s why, don’t be deceived by him” Mama shouts something like that.
Tendou uses Shinra-something, Mama frog’s dead? Note: Shinra-Tensei.

Furthermore, Hinata appears in front of Naruto.
天道  「増援?」
Tendou “Reinforcements?”
ナルト 「何ででてきたヒナタじゃそいつにはかなわ・・」
Naruto “Hinata, why? Get out. This person will just brush you away”
ヒナタ 「ウン」
Hinata “Yup”.
ヒナタ 「これは私の独りよがり…」
Hinata “This is my happiness”.
ヒナタ 「今ここにたっているのは自分の意志」
Hinata “I am here now of my own will.”
I remember my old self… From here I was thinking of cheering you on in a variety of ways,
yet I was always rescued by Naruto-kun’s smiling face.
ヒナタ 「ナルト君を守れるならこの命失ってもかまわない」
Hinata “If it’s to protect Naruto-kun, my life doesn’t matter.”
ヒナタ 「私はナルト君が大好きだから…」
Hinata “I really like Naruto-kun that’s why…”
Hinata recklessly attacks Tendou.
ヒナタ 「柔歩双獅拳」
Hinata “Juubusoujiken” (Gentle Step Twin Lion Punch)
Hinata’s technique hit’s God Realms Shinra Tensei.
Hinata was thrown to the ground…
Tendou drops down and uses the chakra rods on the unconscious Hinata.

Blood is flowing out of Hinata’s body.

長門 「俺の両親も俺の目の前で木の葉の忍びどもに殺された
Nagato: I have killed my parents and Konoha’s shinobi in front of me as well. Affection… (remembers something)

ナルト ヒナタが目の前で惨殺された事により
Naruto: You’ve murdered Hinata in front of me…. Because of that… Chou Kyuubijin 6 metamorphosis!!! (6-tails. The writing is a mess). Note: Super 9 tailed man 6 metamorphosis lolol
Eyes are visible, coming out in front, a black figure, A 6 tailed-animal wearing the skull of a youko (fox demon)
Even seeing this really horrifying figure, Tendou (Nagato) is unfazed.
Tendou (Nagato) “Let me see if your Pain is comparable to mine.”

The end.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Matyi21 - 09 feb 25, 18:16:59
Hitelesség :Pending
Szerző: tubeyo

She cries something like "don't be beaten by scum like him"

Hinata: because I love you...

Nagato: My parents were murdered by konoha ninja right before my eyes.
Affection is... (I can't remember this bit)

it looks like the black shape from before with 6 tails , it has the deamon fox's skull on it's head.

because [she was] killed before [his] eyes right?
confessed to naruto → killed 10 seconds later?
well, seems like the from was just a frog.

On the first page (there's a section about the fight with pain so far)
pa frog is dead
it's also written that shizune is dead
kakashi used all his chakra up...
it said looks like he might come back

before he stabs hinata tendou's eyes go weird.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 feb 26, 13:32:07
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:


Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 feb 27, 08:01:39
A 437. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 438. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 márc 04, 03:42:36
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: folyamatban...
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: KnuckleheadedNinja




Black sticks that were holding Naruto from movement - are blood, containing in form with chakra.
Hinata's jutsu slightly touched Pain, and disorder his chakra control.
What we saw in Pain's sleeve, when he atacked Hinata were those sticks melting.
Naruto charges hiz laser, Pain notices that and grasp fainted Hinata:
Pain: *Some usual **** about pain*

But Naruto doesn't seems to recognize Hinata and fire, Pain retreats.
Pain: *Some usual **** about killing him*

Team Neji finds Jiraiya's toad and ?finds Hinata?

Scene changes to Shikamaru standing near to some tower(or trees).

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 04, 08:48:03
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: KnuckleheadedNinja


Naruto VS Pain
Ultra-special edition!!
The man-to-man battle between Naruto and Pain is reaching its climax!
A thorough explanation about how that battle came to happen!!

-Under Pain's name: For what reason does Akatsuki's leader target Naruto?
Pain's home, the Hidden Rain was ruined by the wars between the great countries. He endeavored to found the Akatsuki in order to share his pain with the world and impose his idea of peace.

-Under Naruto's name: The comrades who fell victim to Pain
Jiraiya, Kakashi, Shizune, Fukasaku... Remembering all those lost to Pain pushes Naruto into action!! Entrusted with the Will of Fire, Will Naruto, the Child of Prophecy, be able to change the shinobi world?

In the middle: Hatred breeds hatred. The conclusion of the battle...!!

On Naruto's side of the p age

Kakashi: He fights Tendou and Shuradou (Heaven and Demon Path), but gets crushed by Tendou's Shinra Tensei. He depletes his chakra pool to save Chouji.
Jiraiya: Died in battle while investigating Pain in the Hidden Rain. He entrusts the info he's gathered about Pain to Naruto.
Fukasaku: He taught Senjutsu to Naruto so he could fight Pain. Upon trying his genjutsu on Pain a second time, he gets interrupted and killed by him.
Shizune: Upon investigating Pain's identity, she finds out Pain's bodies are corpses. But Ningendou (Human Path) probes her mind and takes her life.

How far will Naruto's Senjutsu prove efficient?
Upon becoming a Sage, Naruto became able to make a projectile rasenshuriken!! (something about how efficient the jutsu is). But Tendou repelled his jutsu. How will Naruto fare against him?

Tendou Pain's Shinra Tensei!!
The power to repel things, Shinra Tensei. The power to attract things, Bansho Ten'in!! Shinra Tensei is used to deflect enemy jutsu. Tendou Pain destroyed the Leaf village with it!!

On Pain's side


His village, a battle ground for the great countries!
His country ravaged by the wars between the great countries, Pain loses his family and his friends. (The rest is about hatred in the shinobi world, and what Pain plans to do about it.

(A portion of text I didn't translate.

Bring Pain to the world...
The greatest weapon, out of the bijuu's chakra!

Jigokudou (Hell): The one with the ability to revive the others with the powers of Enma Dai-Ou. Naruto successfully brings him down with a double-rasengan.
Chikushoudou (Animal): The summoner Pain. He can summon animals, and is responsible for summoning the other Pains from outside the village, into its walls.
Shuradou: A massive, robot-lie body. (something kinda hard to read). Destroyed in one blow by Naruto.
Gakidou (Hungry Ghost): He absorbs any attack that isn't taijutsu. He was turned into stone upon absorbing natural energy from Naruto.
Ningendou (Human): Reads and rips out people's souls. The enemy dies instantly. He did this to Shizune, thus finding out Naruto wasn't in the village.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 04, 10:06:17
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: KnuckleheadedNinja

Pain: 地爆天星 "Chibaku Tensei"


Yamato returns from mission. Naruto's pendant isn't on him. Pain uses forbidden jutsu.

Tittle: Seal's release

Sakura: The feeling of this chakra.... It's from that time[?]...

Gamakichi[?]: What the hell happened/is happening?!

Cut-off panel in lower-right corner: Hinata went out to Naruto[cut off]

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: ssinyo - 09 márc 04, 11:08:51
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED ???
Forrás: Anime Manga
Szerző: Edgar Adrian

Link: (

Pain’s jutsu isn’t working on Naruto.
Rather damaging Pain himself.
Hinata is barely alive.
Sakura is told to evacuate everyone.
Outside Yamato, Anko and Sai are searching for ?Kabuto?
Yamato becomes aware of Naruto’s situation.
Next week: Pain standing against Kyuubi’s energy.
“Chibaku Tensei”.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Chibaku Tensei (地爆天星) - Surface Burst Heavenly Subjugation.

A “Surface Burst” is a type of explosion where the blast is at surface level or just above surface level, such that the radius of the fireball causes a crater and sends a shockwave through the ground. In contrast with an “Air Burst”, the overall destructive radius of a surface burst is smaller but the destruction at ground zero is more concentrated. Usually used to describe nuclear explosions.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 04, 22:04:49
Hiteleség ellenőrzés : CONFIRMED!!!


Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 márc 06, 07:58:34
A 438. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 439. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Kiiro - 09 márc 08, 16:06:03
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: folyamatban...
Szerző: admin

Chapter opens up to God Realm

God Realm *Thinking “This will finish him off.” Chibaku Tensei is both attract/repel

Nagato: Since the god realm is close it’s efficient enough to use more chakra against the Jinchuuriki.

Konan: Not that jutsu. You’ve gone mad Nagato.

Nagato: Peace is nearing!!!! *coughs up blood*

-Scene switch back to Pain-

He executes the Jutsu by throwing his arms forth towards Naruto. The rubble and trees surrounding them begins to enshroud Naruto instantly forming a huge orb of junk that takes off to the sky above.

Tears of blood pours from God Realm’s Rinnengan as the blood slids down his face.

Pain: Now to finish this!!

-Switch scene to Citizens of Konoha, Gai, Yamato and Sakura-

They all look up at the huge orb of junk that floats above the fire country

for that split second

-Scene switch to Naruto’s mind-

Naruto is inside the fox’s belly.

Naruto: I failed to protect everyone, including my friends and Hinata.
*A minor flashback occurs of him being complemented by people of the leaf.*

Naruto: This damn fox won’t lead my life anymore. *Naruto raises a palm and suddenly ends up infront of the gate.*

Kyuubi: You escaped from me, huh? *A red strand of chakra thrusts forth to devour Naruto*

Naruto grasps the strand of chakra.

Naruto: NO! Try escaping from me. Time to put an end to Akatsuki or the both of us are dead.

Kyuubi: !!!!! YOU!!

- Scene Switch -

Pain clasps his hand. *His jutsu is not working lol*

Pain: What the?

The orb is eroded and becomes one with the wind. Six tailed Naruto is shown wielding 4 Rasenshurikens.

Pain: What.. THE?!!

Naruto lets it rip causing 4 violent tornadoes to collide with the god Realm causing a storm of wind to dance upon God realm’s flesh. After the storm clears, God Realm’s corpse and robe is left.

Nagato: That damn Jinchuuriki. HE KILLED YAHIKO! *Suddenly Nagato is putting on more weight.*

Nagato: Konan prepare. I am about to use it. Uzumaki Naruto. You’ve gone too far.

– Chapter ends. –

Next time: Migrate

Source: Naruto Central

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 márc 10, 13:31:41
Új spoiler a hsz végén!

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending
Szerző: Aphrodisiac

Link: Enter this Canal

Pain uses chibaku tensei on naruto fox form.

There will be a huge blast of the ground and air and it starts emptying the kyuubi's chakra.

The seventh tails appears and then pain gets blown away by the blow.

sakura saves hinata and anbu comes to town.

Kyuubi creates an energy ball that blows the landscape there completely and god realm is blown away

Anbu sakura and gamabunta arrive at the scene to seal the kyuubi chakra.Anbu uses new technique to seal it from a far distance but he fails and realises that the necklace is destroyed.

Finally Pain uses his last secret technique zendiku pain tensei destroying god realm and supresses all the seven tails of kyuubi.

nagato "I will capture him myself".

next chapter nagato vs naruto?


Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending
Szerző: POW

Spoiler Alert

Source : NF

Status : Pending

Kyubbi's Intelligence -

Kyubbi chassing after Deva

Nagato "Deva is closing in now i can finish this"

Deva " This technique will destroy my body, but this is the price i must pay for my Peace"

Konan " Nagato after this I will have to nurse you back to help like after the Hanzo battle"

Kyubbi " Grwlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Team Guy hurrying thru the forrest

Neji " Sensei! the Kyubbi and Pain are heading away from the Village

Guy with puzzled look

Guy " Lets keep straight to the village and tell the Hokage what we have seen"

Lee "Right"

Explosion ( Trees, debris, rocks flying everywhere)

Deva " It is Done"

Deva looks behind him as he lays against a broken tree

*Crack* Deva is suddenly cut in half

4 tails burried in the ground , 4 tails blocking its body from the explosion and 1tail swinging wildly

Most of the Kyubbi's face is hidden Only showing is glaring eyes

Next Chapter - Kyubbi's Final Form

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 11, 09:51:26
Hiteleség: CONFIRMED!
Forrás : mangahelpers
Szerző: polaris

na még1 :P +még1 :D

Kyuubi: You!!!

Naruto: Yondaime...Hokage...

Yondaime: I made the seal such that when it's on the brink of being released I would appear in your mind. Though I don't want this to happen, because I don't want to see you again...Kyuubi. But I'm glad to see my grown up things even out.

Quick translation of the spoiler image posted by Vered of the giant sphere:

"...Also, compared to the moon that is said to have been created by the Rikudou Sennin himself...This was nothing special at all (referring to the giant sphere that he just caught Naruto in)"

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Puli - 09 márc 11, 10:15:40
Forrás: narutomania
( (
A képet a Képfeltölté tárolja. (

Off:bocs kezdő vagyok, az oldalról van a kép, csak felraktam a képfeltöltésre mert nemtudtam, hogy hogy kell berakni a ide :$

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: ssinyo - 09 márc 11, 10:51:30
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED ???
Forrás: Anime Manga
Szerző: Edgar Adrian (

Nagato is using Chibaku Tensei
Kanon stops [him?].[She tells him to stop, maybe?]
Nagato coughs up blood, “Shut up for a bit, bitch”, and concentrates.

KN chases Pain.
Their conversation is nothing but “GUWOOOOOOOOO”"
[This next line talks something about the ground, orbs, KN and capture]
(That’s what think Chibaku is)

Nagato: Regardless, the capture of Kyuubi is successful.

Naruto asks himself about peace.
Kyuubi: Unfasten the seal! Entrust your mind completely to me!
The seal on Naruto’s belly is out of place? Naruto is bleeding from his belly.

Yamato: Eight! This is bad! This is REALLY bad!!
Naruto tries to take off the seal on the cage, and then Yondaime appears

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 márc 11, 12:39:29
Egy kis fordítás...

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: confirmed
Forrás: miforever

Kyuubi: You!!!

Naruto: Yondaime...Hokage...

Yondaime: I made the seal such that when it's on the brink of being released I would appear in your mind. Though I don't want this to happen, because I don't want to see you again...Kyuubi. But I'm glad to see my grown up things even out.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 11, 20:26:27
Hiteleség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED

Looks like when Naruto goes 8tail kyuubi, the skeleton is covered in Muscle.


Confirmed too

Nagato is using Chibaku Tensei
Kanon stops [him?].[She tells him to stop, maybe?]
Nagato coughs up blood, "Shut up for a bit, *****", and concentrates.

KN chases Pain.
Their conversation is nothing but "GUWOOOOOOOOO""
[This next line talks something about the ground, orbs, KN and capture]
(That's what think Chibaku is)

Nagato: Regardless, the capture of Kyuubi is successful.

Naruto asks himself about peace.
Kyuubi: Unfasten the seal! Entrust your mind completely to me!
The seal on Naruto's belly is out of place? Naruto is bleeding from his belly.

Yamato: Eight! This is bad! This is REALLY bad!!
Naruto tries to take off the seal on the cage, and then Yondaime appears.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 12, 09:29:39
Ha nem gond ezt már külön Postolom be :)
Hiteleség: CONFIRMED!
Forrás : mangahelpers
Szerző: naruto_in_th

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 márc 13, 02:37:54
A 439. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 440. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 17, 13:41:49
Hiteleség: FAKE
Forrás : mangahelpers
Szerző: koenosaki
[[[van 1 FAKE kép.. nem sok értelme van, de belinkelem... rem nem kezd el senki variálni vele ]]]

Face to face (Minato and Naruto stand side by side: A genius of a life time. His legendary skills extend back to the 3rd Shinobi War. The man who gave his life to stop the Kyuubi in its tracks, now faces his son, The Child of Prophecy.)

(The Kyuubi sticks its claws out of the cage trying to grasp for Naruto. Minato gives the Kyuubi a stare back.)

“So close, this blond haired freak of all things. Just like that Madara, leaves a morbid taste in my mouth,” said Kyuubi.

(Naruto looks at the 4th Hokage with awe.)

“My father,” said Naruto. (Minato looks down.) “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there, what with you having to carry the burden of the Kyuubi on you shoulders, I know it must have been tough, but I was sure you could handle it,” said Minato.

(Naruto cracks a slight smile)

“So cool, my father is the 4th Hokage. The pervy sage was right, I look just like you. All I want to know, is how are you here, and where were you all this time,” asked Naruto.

(Naruto has a concerned face, Minato smiles a bit.)

“Pervy Sage, ha, ha, Jiraiya’s ways hasn’t changed yet. So how is the good man,” asked Minato. (Naruto looks down) “I see. Naruto I wish I could learn more about your life, but there are more important matters. Your seal has been broken. Considering the circumstances, I’m assuming the threat you are facing is extremely severe,” said Minato.

(Switch Scene to Pain’s location)

“Naruto forcefully pushed the 9 tails chakra out further, Chibaku Tensei will be ineffective from now on. One thing has been puzzling me since it broke free of my jutsu. Why is it just sitting there, there must be some kind of internal battle between the host and beast,” said Pain.

(Switch Scene to Nagato’s location)

“What should we do? Your body has reached its limits, I won’t lose you and Yahiko,” said Konan. “Right now it seems the Kyuubi is having difficulty executing its actions. We’ll use this time to plan our next move. I’ll need a lot of chakra for this, Konan, lend a hand,” said Nagato.

(Switch Scene to Yamato’s location)

“Its back to eight, the seal must be stabilizing. Still, even if it is Naruto still fighting, I have to help him revert,” said Yamato.

(Switch Scene to Konoha)

“There’s eight tails,” said Hyuuga. “Yes, the Kyuubi is pretty much released,” said another Hyuuga. “What? Katsuyu, notify the villagers, we’re going underground,” said Sakura.

(Switch Scene back to Naruto and Minato)

“How did you manage this far without the Key,” asked Minato. “What Key,” asked Naruto. “It seems he hadn’t been informed, it must be sheer will alone astonding” said Minato. (Minato does a few hand seals and summons Gerotora.)

“Minato, how the hell are you,” asked Gerotora. “Not now. I’ll explain. This Toad has a special print matching the Hakke Seal, this is called your seal’s Key,” said Minato. “Now that you mention it, I do remember the pervy sage saying something brief about it,” said Naruto.

“With this locked in place, I can revert the seal back to its original form, however, the flip side is also true. Long as this Key is locked in place with your seal, the Kyuubi’s chakra will be that much easier to be accessible. You have to balance the seal out to your liking if you don’t want to transform into the Kyuubi that is.

Once the Key is on you, its permanent, this will stop the seal from deteriorating. The Key allows you to potentially tune up or tune down the degree of Kyuubi’s chakra flowing within you.

This Key completes your seal, and the components of a new jutsu will be revealed to you in your consciousness. Use that to stop your threat. Sorry Naruto, you’ll have to endure just a little longer,” said Minato. (Minato unravels the “Key” as Gerotora vanishes. He wraps it around Naruto.)

“ARRGGH,” yelled Naruto. “I know it burns, but this will calm things down. Once you revert back to your original state, use “That Jutsu” end it my son, I leave everything in your hands,” said Minato.

(Outside the Kyuubi is reverting)

“So, he is suppressing the beasts’ chakra. Without it, he does not stand a chance in his current state,” said Pain.

Next Chapter: Final Clash “That Jutsu”



ふだんナルト読んでないんで? ? な箇所あるかも

四代目とナルトの会話中心。 .
回想でナルト母、地雷也、赤ん坊ナルト、三代目火影も登場。 火影III.
九尾の半分の魂(陰陽?)を抱えて、死んだ母の魂がどっかの空間にいる。 .

Yondy and Naruto talking in his mind.
Flashback: His mother, Jiraiya, baby Naruto, and Sandaime.
Naruto's mother was sacrificed to seal Kyuubi.
They have Kyuubi's Yin(or Yan) chakra. The dead mother's soul is in the [room somewhere].
It kinda feels like this deeply emotional father-and-son talk will continue in the next issue.
Scene change,
Yamato is running.
Team Gai & Neji stares at the rock floating in the sky. "This is inconceivable"
A man similar to Orochimaru(Nagato?), he is coughing up blood.

四代目と会話 今のナルトなら使いこなせると 新しい封印式をしてもらう

Minato accounted for the seal he used not working. Activates new seal to keep the kyuubi in check.


State: Pending

Naruto stares in shock at the fourth.

Naruto: “Your son? How is it even possible for you to be here?”

Minato looks at naruto and a tear comes to his eye.

“Minato it was a sacrifice that had to be made.”

A flashback image occurs as we see minato standing a distance away on the back of gamabunta.

Minato: “If this scroll works as I have figured, the fox will be utterly stopped from attacking konoha. Its destiny directly tied to the fate of my son.”
Gamabunta looks up at minato.
Gambunta: “But at what cost? Your life? Your soul? Surely there has to be another way.”

Minato looks down at a nearby hut with a damaged roof. Inside we see kushina and Sarutobi hovering over naruto working on the last of the seal.

Minato: “There is no other way.”

Minato does a series of hand signs and the reaper appears near the scroll.

Minato: “I call fourth the reaper of souls to make a trade. Half of my soul and half of the soul of the kyubi in exchange for the other halves of our souls sealed within my son in that hut there.”

The reaper turns to look at the fox which is at the edge of konoha’s gates. A ghostly hand reaches from its mouth and strikes the fox in the chest. The fox shudders in horror as its eyes widen in shock. The reaper turns and looks at Minato. Another ghostly hand shoots out and hits minato in the chest. He screams in shock and collapses to his knees. He looks up one last time and we see through his eyes half of his soul floating away along with the kyubi’s soul towards the hut. Inside the hut, kushina and sarutobi watches as the new seal on naruto begins to spin. The fox’s soul and minato’s soul slowly are drawn into it before vanishing entirely. Kushina then collapses and starts crying.
Kushina: “What have we done? My husband? My son? Both sacrificed to protect the village.”
Sarutobi: “It had to be done. Look at this as a gift. Your son will always carry within the heart of his father to guide and protect him.”
Kushina looks at naruto and starts crying as he awakens.
Kushina: “I cant take this. Im leaving the village. I entrust naruto and the body of minato to your capable hands.”
Sarutobi: “I will care for them well. I promise.”
Kushina: “Leave me now so I may spend some last minutes with my son alone before I leave.”

Sarutobi walks out of the hut and heads towards the body of minato still laying on gamabunta’s back. He picks up the scroll and puts in the case. Gamabunta looks up at sarutobi.

Gamabunta: “He died well to save us. I will inform the other frogs to build a shrine in honor of his sacrifice.”

Sarutobi looks at the hut and at the fallen minalto.

Sarutobi: “On the promise of my life minato and yours, I promise I will serve and protect this village to my final days. I will protect it once again as the third hokage. I will also watch over your son as you requested. He shall be remembered as the savior of konoha.”

Naruto stumbles back at the enormity of what he has seen. Minato smiles at naruto who gets up with a look of surprise.

Minato: “As you can see naruto. There is no need for you to break that seal. For I shall always be with you and watching over you. Now it is time you truly finished pain once and for all.”
Naruto: “But I have nothing left. Im no match for this pain.”
Minato: “You have forgotten something though. Something that pain has no idea you still have.”
Naruto: “The shadow clone?! I still have enough for one last use of sage chakra.”
Minato: “Always remember naruto. As long as there those who will sacrifice themselves for the lives of others, there will always be great ninja. Even though death may claim the lives of many of the greatest. A new generation will take its place. Each working hard to create a better life for the generation to come and to honor the sacrifices of those who came before. Honor me and all those before you naruto. Go show pain the true power of the hidden leaf village.”

Devi Pain stares at the dust storm of the reminds of the chibiku tensei. As the dust storm clears from a wind blow, naruto is revealed in sage mode. Then another naruto is shown. Then another. Until the wind blows away the last of the dust to reveal that devi pain is surrounded by not one but thousands of naruto clones. Nagato’s eye widen in shock at what he is seeing before him.

Next episode: “The true power of the hidden leaf village.”

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 márc 17, 17:28:15
Verification: Pending


naruto : I am the son of the 4th hokage!!!!!?

minato : yes.My son i am your father .Your mother Kushina would have been happy to see you grow up..

naruto : !!my mom...!!?

Naruto has tears in his eyes..

minato : you have grown very strong...Son, I sealed the nine tails inside you so that you would learn to use its powers and destroy the one who seeks revenge to destroy the whole ninja world

the seal should not be released or else the nine tails will be hard to control....

minato : Uchiha Madara.The founder of the leaf...he is much powerful than the ninetails and myself.

naruto : !!!!!?

minato : We must stop him ...and we dont have much time...I should seal the fox right away...

ninetailsfox : YOU!GRRR!! I can break the seal now.HAHAHA

minato : !!


The nine tails appear!!


god realm gets blown away with kyuubi apperaring....

kyuubi throws tremoudous amount of chakra on GOD REALM..



minato : So its the master of the rinnegan....i must seal the nine tails before the seal is realeased completely and get ready son this is the last forbidden jutsu for you to master.....



Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 17, 17:33:27
Forrás : Onemanga
Szerző: filmbox10

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 09 márc 17, 19:11:50
itt egy újabb

Verification: Pending
credits: hexa

it's all just talking ><
九尾が4代目登場して うおおおおおおおおおお4代目~
kyubi growls "gngggggggggggggggggg yondaime!'
so they move to another place to talk

why did he put the kyubi in his own son, shit happened, it was tough
Naruto punches the 4th (naruto pwns the 4th people! you heard it here first- kwgod)
minato believed his son would be able to control kyubi's power
naruto: because I'm the 4ths son [he seems satisfied with this]
something about naruto asking yondy about pain and yondy saying he'll find out.
Naruto learns from the 4th that Pain is being used by madara
he tells naruto that when kyubi attacked 16 years ago someone as behind it
he tells naruto it was someone with a mask
naruto remembers tobi

stuff happens and naruto escapes the ball in sennin mode

長門 我にかえったか…
nagato: you've returned to your senses have you?

next: final battle with pain


translation by KWGoDのbrucelee from NF

あ~忘れてた ナルトの腹にある封印式を4代目がまた組みなおす


まあ封印式組みなおして チャクラもう残り少ないから 「じゃあ」

Looks like Minato knew that Madara was behind the Kyuubi attack and that Naruto fought him as Tobi or something like that.
The later part I added is about Minato could hear about Jiraiya's death in Naruto's consciousness. Then Minatos fixes the seal and is low on chakra and leaves(?).

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 18, 08:38:59
Hiteleség ell. : CONFIRMED
Forrás : Onemangaforum

九尾が4代目登場して うおおおおおおおおおお4代目~
kyubi breaks loose and attacks minato

naruto jumps in with a rasen shuriken and the 4th is amazed
then naruto lays the 4th out with a right hook
naruto: because I'm the 4ths son [he seems satisfied with this]
something about naruto asking yondy about pain and yondy saying he'll find out.
Naruto learns from the 4th that Pain is being used by madara
he tells naruto that when kyubi attacked 16 years ago someone as behind it
he tells naruto it was someone with a mask
naruto remembers tobi

stuff happens and naruto escapes the ball in sennin mode

長門 我にかえったか…
nagato: you've returned to your senses have you?

next: final battle with pain


Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 18, 08:49:56
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: saiyuke


meg sztem ne postoljatok be 6szor ugyan azt a szöveget, mert max gáz lesz belőle  :nugget:

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 18, 09:33:29
Hitelesség ell. : CONFORMED

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 márc 18, 11:11:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: Bubbly


Translation of the two lower panels:
Yondie: Uh...
Naruto: Why did you seal the nine-tails in me, your own son?! (something like that, hard to tell without the full bubble.)

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: soulofarose - 09 márc 18, 11:49:47
forrás: MangaHelpers Forum
hitelesség: hiteles

Quick translation of the main points:

-The chapter is mostly talking.
-Naruto punches Yondaime for putting 9-Tails in him but after talking he’s satisfied.
-Naruto asks for help in answering Pain’s question. Yondaime says Naruto will be able to find the answer.
-Pain is being used by Madara who was behind the 9-Tails attack 16 years ago. Naruto realizes Tobi=Madara.
-Naruto uses Sennin-mode to escape the sphere and Nagato comments that Naruto is back to himself.
-Next chapter is “The Final Battle with Pain”

Extra stuff: Yondaime fixes the 9-Tails seal on Naruto stomach and is alive inside Naruto’s consciousness and thus
knows Jiraiya is dead.

Naruto 440 Confirmed Spoiler (hiteles)

it’s all just talking
kyubi growls “gngggggggggggggggggg yondaime!’
so they move to another place to talk
why did he put the kyubi in his own son, shit happened, it was tough
Naruto punches the 4th (naruto pwns the 4th people! you heard it here first- kwgod)
minato believed his son would be able to control kyubi’s power
naruto: because I’m the 4ths son [he seems satisfied with this]
something about naruto asking yondy about pain and yondy saying he’ll find out.
Naruto learns from the 4th that Pain is being used by madara
he tells naruto that when kyubi attacked 16 years ago someone as behind it
he tells naruto it was someone with a mask
naruto remembers tobi.

stuff happens and naruto escapes the ball in sennin mode
nagato: you’ve returned to your senses have you?
next: final battle with pain


translation by KWGoDのbrucelee from NF


The pic with Minato alone says, “I believe in you.”
Naruto says in the other panel ” Thank you, Dad.”

Last page says “His doubt disappeared. What happened?”

The smaller text on the bottom left says something about the Will of Fire born in Naruto
Looks like Minato knew that Madara was behind the Kyuubi attack and that Naruto fought him as Tobi or something like that.

The later part I added is about Minato could hear about Jiraiya’s death in Naruto’s consciousness. Then Minatos fixes the seal and is low on chakra and leaves(?).

forrás: ( Elötte Bleach ill One Piece Spoilerek vannak!!!

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 18, 19:30:48
Hitelesség ell.:CONFIORMED
Forrás : one manga forum



Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 19, 09:56:49
Hiteleség ell. : CONFIRMED
Forrás: one manga forum

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 márc 19, 11:23:51
A 440. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 441. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Shainingu - 09 márc 22, 12:00:09
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: Naruto Central

“Naruto stares down upon God Realm, Pain stares back.”
Pain: - Impossible, how did you return to normal again?
“Naruto looks serious”
Pain: - Never mind, it is over Naruto. You cannot escape Chibuka tensei.
“Zoom in on Nagatos face”
Nagato thinks: - He shouldn’t be able to stand up like that either, what immense power, he seem somewhat different…

“Naruto sits down on the moon and concentrates”

Pain: - What is he doing?

“Naruto opens his eyes and turns his gaze away from Pain and directly in the direction of Nagato”
“Nagato’s face, his eyes wide open”

Nagato: - He noticed me…

“Naruto stands up again and facing Nagato he starts to talk”

Naruto: - A lot of things have happened. I don’t have all the answers but I know that your answer is wrong Nagato. You are being fooled by another Your motives are driven by the very same thing your trying to stop, hatred.

“Nagatos eyes narrow as suspicion arise”

Nagato: - What is it you think you know? You still don’t have any answers..

Naruto: - A masked man in Akatsuki, have another agenda than the one you have.

“Naruto points towards Nagato, Nagatos eyes get even more serious but wide”

Nagato: - What are you talking about, how do you know Madara?
Naruto: - Madara…..someone close to me told me about it.
Nagato : - Enough! It doesn’t matter..all that matters is peace.
Naruto : - Your way is not peace, i’ve already told you, I will defeat you and protect everyone!

“Naruto kneels down and closes his eyes”

Nagato: - wha…..

“Naruto gathers natural energies at his feet., He opens his eyes and jumps/shoots down towards the ground”

Nagato in shock: - Impossible!!
God realm: - Shinra tensei!

“Naruto is stricken back and drawn in by the moon again crashing on its surface”
“Naruto stands up visibly tired, breathing heavy. ”

Naruto thinks: I can’t get past his Chinra tensei and there is no way I’m fast enough to break his 5 second intervall, not on this moon.
“Naruto realizes something!! I don’t have any more clones to summon so I can make that…He stands straight and makes a handseal”

Naruto : - Kage bo Shiniojutsu

“In a flash of smoke hundreds of normal Shadow-clones appear on the moon!”
“Close up on Narutos face as he makes the seal once more, he is sweating with concentration. Two sage-clones appear beside him”
“The sage-clones run to the sides where many normal clones gather forming 3 groups with 1 sage-clone and many normal ones in each group”
“Nagato stares up at what’s happening”

God realm thinks: He can’t possible launch all those from the moon… My chakra is running low, the chibuka tensei took a lot out of me, I must end this soon.

God realm: - What do you think your doing? You cannot beat Chibuka tensei, no one can.

“A sage Naruto launches one Normal naruto by throwing him of the moon with full force, the Clone disapears in a smokepuff”
“The three Sage clones build one Rasengan each and smash it into the moon creating a smoke screen over a large part of the moon.
“God realm focuses his eyes on the smoke”

God realm whispers: - Here they come.

“Out of the smoke Normal Naruto’s are shot out at a steady interval launching towards God realm. Some of them explode into smoke filling the air between god realm and the moon with smoke.”
“God realm parries and disposes of the clones that reach him”

God realm: - You cannot force me to use Shinra tensei like this! Your clones are no match for me, I can take them on. The smoke won’t help you!

“Suddenly Nagato feels a disturbance in the gravity as something explodes somewhere on the moon and god realms balance drops by the shockwaves of the explosion, the ground shakes”

God realm: - Ughhh..what?

“Out of the smoke comes the moon steering right at God realm”
God realm: - What?! How?!

“Nagato looks in total shock how the moon falls on God realm and see it through God realms eyes also. There is no escape it is to big!
Nagato shifts his eyes to the moon and see two sage Naruto’ s Jumping up into the air on the opposite side of the moon and landing down again with OgoonRasengan!”

Nagato: - So that’s what he is doing, trying to bring the moon down on me… I still have my shinra tensei!

“God realm raises his hands towards the moon, sweating and panting from the concentration”
God Realm: - SHINRA TENSEI!!

“The moon, that is somewhat close now starts to shifts to the left and continues falling to the side, but not enough.”
“God realm jumps the other way to get out of harms way.”

Naruto: - Got you!

“Out of the smoke comes the third, real Naruto Sage flying in high speed with a double Rasengan crashing into God realm”


“close up at god realms face as he is hit”

God realm: - Guaaaargg!
Nagato: - Arghh…Yahiko!

“God realm and Naruto crashes into the ground in an explosion of rock and smoke”
“Nagato coughs blood and Konan comes to his side”

“Naruto stand up out of the smoke, Yahiko is defeated on the ground”
“The moon crashes in a ground-shaking explosion felt by all Shinobi around the area as Naruto looks towards Nagato, his faced concealed by shadow”

Naruto: - It’s over….

“Naruto seems to be struggling with himself, trying to make a hard choice.”

Naruto: - Jirayaaa……

“Naruto seems to come to a decision that in some way is painful, he raises his face and in his eyes are determination”
Naruto jumps closer to were Nagato is and up in a tree”

Naruto shouts: - The will of fire protects us all……Jirayaa’s dream…..I know what it meant now. End this Nagato, stop your killing. There is another way…….I have my answer.. I don’t……ha…(Naruto hesitates)…hate you….

“Nagato is stunned by these words….”

Nagato whispers: - Naruto……..the destined child?…….
Nagato: - Konan, reveal us.

“Konan releases the paper shield. Nagatos machine Walks closer to Naruto, Nagato raises his voice”

Nagato: - What is your answer!?

“A flash behind Nagato and Madara stands behind him”

Madara: - So Pain, you failed it seems, betrayal huh?

“Naruto see Madara and is shocked, Konan don’t have time to react and you see closeup on Nagato’s face he is sweating and taken of guard”

—- Next Chapter : “The Betrayal” —-

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 23, 22:47:20
Hiteleség ell. : ??
Forrás : one manga forum

Probability Title : The Final Battle Naruto vs Pain
Salvation, a result of peace

(Naruto in Sage Mode looks down at Pain.)

“Gathering Sage Chakra took no time at all. It must be the experience from the shadow clones. Still, I’ll have to end this one quickly, I’ve gone aways from Konoha, so the scroll is no use to me,” said Naruto.

“Naruto, you’re back,” said Katsuyu. “You were here this whole time? How did you survive,” asked Naruto. “Although my body may be split up, my chakra resistance allows me to constantly heal the damage, no biggie,” said Katusyu.

“I wonder,” said Naruto. (He closes his eyes. He then starts to smile.) “She’s alive, I’m so relieved,” said Naruto. (He gets slightly teary eyed.) “What are you waiting for Naruto,” asked Katsuyu. (Naruto makes the Shadow clone jutsu handsign.) “Don’t worry, I was just gathering Sage chakra. I’ll need a lot of it to defeat him,” said Naruto.

(Three shadow clones appear. Pain closes his hands. The walls of Chibaku Tensei begins to heal.)

“So its closing on us, he’ll probably try to carry me away,” said Naruto. (Chikbaku Tensei closes.)

Switch Scene to Nagato:

(Nagato is breathing harshly)

“He reverted back to his normal state. This is fine,” said Nagato. “Nagato, please, you’ve done enough. If you can’t subdue him, have Madara handle things, I can’t bare to see you like this,” said Konan.

“Fool. Madara only wants power. He has no means for peace. If I lose control of the tailed beasts, that’s fine, all I really need is the Kyuubi. I’ve seen its power through Pain’s eyes, its power alone is enough. Its been a long time Konan, but its here, its so close,” said Nagato.

Switch to Inside Chibaku Tensei:

(There are 4 Narutos, each holding dual ultimate sized Oodama Rasengan. The outside of Chibaku Tensei cracks. Pain takes notice.)

“What’s that,” asked Pain as he looks on. “Sage Tech: Oodama Rasen Maruchipuru,” said Naruto. (An enormous explosion of chakra pierces Chibaku Tensei’s outer shell. It later eradicates. Pain evacuates to a safer distance.)

“Unreal. To deal out so much chakra without the Fox’s power,” said Pain.

(The 4 Naruto rush out of the smoke and are landing toward Pain’s location. They make Rasen Shuriken. Naruto throws it. Pain prepares to counter while it is incoming however, the jutsu misses God Realm and strikes the ground nearby. He notices that he’s being trapped in the jutsu’s spiral radius.. Basically Rasen Shuriken in a dome form like against Kakazu)

“He struck a surface to give his technique a different property,” said Pain. (Pain uses a larger scaled Shinra Tensei disperses Rasen Shuriken before the blades of wind begins to rain upon him. Immediately after canceling Rasen Shuriken, another Rasen Shuriken is flying towards him.)

“Damn,” said Pain. (The Narutos are already rushing it. Pain cancels it. Immediately following afterwards. The 4 Naruto are surronding Pain. They each have Rasen Rengan.)

“Sage Tech: Rasen Maruchipuru,” said Naruto. (From all angles in close range, God Realm is punished by eight Rasengan in total. A mini explosion ignites and Naruto is thrown back. He is no longer in Sage Mode. It is shown that God Realm has spirals all over his body, as a result of the technique. He falls flat on the ground.)

“I was able to deflect it to some degree, but it was no use. My the interval, you must have found your way around it. Tell me something Uzumaki? How do you plan to end this world of hatred and bring peace to the shinobi world? Let me here your answer,” said Pain.

(Naruto walks over to Pain.)

“As long as this world is like this, people like you will be born. As long as people like you are going to be born, the world will never see peace. I don’t know the answer yet. But stopping you here will only bring me closer to the truth. That is my answer,” said Naruto.

(Pain grabs Naruto’s pants leg.)

“Stop Madara. If you even think you have at least the smallest glimpse of hope in your fantasy dream, stopping Madara may up your chances by a small percent fraction at best,” said Pain. (God Realm’s eyes return back to human eyes. Then they close)

Switch Scene to Nagato:

(His eyes are closed to)

“Don’t stop talking Nagato. Open your eyes. No. Don’t stop talking yet. Say something,” yelled Konan.

Next Chapter: A new beginning
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Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 márc 24, 17:46:46
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  pending
Szerző: elagda3

Secondary Source: mangahelpers
Quote: translation by SwisherShot
It's time for spoilers.

Naruto escapes from Chibaku tensei. The sphere begins to crumble...

Naruto's mind is distracted over Hinata and the rest of Konoha's villagers. He worries that they've been wiped out by Pein, but then the Katsuya that was in his pocket reassures him that they are safe, and Naruto is relieved.

Nagato coughs up blood (again).

やっとこさガイ班到着 テンテンがヒナタ 急所がずれていて今すぐ治療すれば助かるといい
ネジがそっこで白眼で医療忍者を探す リーは母ちゃん蛙を発見 こちらにケガ蛙です っていっ た時はふいた w
Team Gai finally arrives. Tenten goes to Hinata. Her vital points were damaged, but with immediate care, she will be saved. Neji uses byakugan to search for a medical ninja. Lee discovers Mama Frog and reports an injured frog.

ガイは一言 暁…これほどまでとは 見たいな事を言う
Gai says "Akatsuki... to think they are capable of this..." or something to that effect.

ナルトに変わり 天道に本体と話がしたい と交渉
Back to Naruto. He tells Tendou he wants to talk to the 'real' Pein (i.e. Nagato).

決裂 今更お前と話しても無意味的なことをいわれ
Tendou tells Naruto it's too late to talk and nothing good will come of it.

Naruto decides to search him out. Katsuya asks how.

ナルト 考えがある って事で殴り合いに天道の黒い棒を折り折れた先を自分に突き刺し
Naruto has an idea. During the fight, he will break off a piece of Tendou's chakra rod, and he will stab himself with it while in Sennin mode. The theory is similar to tracing a call. (*69 FTW!)

天道とラストの決着をつける為 風遁螺旋手裏剣を放ち天道がはじき返すが
In order to finish off Tendou, Naruto uses Fuuton Rasenshuriken. Tendou repels it using his jutsu. Knowing that Tendou has a 5 second delay to his jutsu, Naruto used a second shadow shuriken (?).

Chapter ends here.

次号 巻頭カラーで決着…意外な結末が… 
The next issue, color cover. "An unexpected outcome." It would suck if the "unexpected outcome" was Nagato dying from hacking up too much blood.
Gaara on the spine of Jump.

Cím: Re:Naruto "Shippuuden" Manga Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 márc 24, 22:16:00
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: Kaku

Source: 2ch
Credits: んじゃ
Verification: Confirmed

more from him(Nja) answering some question:

長門が逆にゾクゾクってしてたよ ナルトの蛙の目状態が


more from him:


その後仙人モードきれる (天道がその事今回看破してます)

後天道が ジライヤ先生といい木の葉の忍びは大変優秀だなって褒めてる部分も
会話である (これはナルトが本体と直接話がしたいっていった時)




あ~ヒナタか ってぐらいにしかみてなかった><
Here is a translation for it:

Hard to interpret the answer without knowing the question, but here it goes.

長門が逆にゾクゾクってしてたよ ナルトの蛙の目状態が
It was Nagato instead who was feeling zoku zoku (a Japanese sound that represents fear/tension/jitters). The condition of Naruto's frog eyes got to Nagato (???)

The cover page is Hinata again, so there's a chance her status is rising as a heroin.

Sorry, I didn't look that carefully. I'll make sure to look more carefully next time. (I'm assuming the question had to do with Hinata - her attire, boobs, one can only hypothesize).

あ~ヒナタか ってぐらいにしかみてなかった><
It was just an afterthought like, "oh, there's Hinata"

I couldn't write it all, but...

その後仙人モードきれる (天道がその事今回看破してます)
In Sennin Mode, the limit to Fuuton Rasen Shuriken is 2 throws.
Afterwards, Naruto snaps out of Sennin Mode. Tendou sees through it.

後天道が ジライヤ先生といい木の葉の忍びは大変優秀だなって褒めてる部分も
会話である (これはナルトが本体と直接話がしたいっていった時)
Also, Tendou remembers a conversation, where Jiraya is praising Konoha ninjas for their excellence/superiority.

The rest is spoiler pics. See you later-!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 25, 09:55:49
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: Onemanga
Szerző: Shinratensei

Naruto escapes from the Chibaku Tensei and lands back on the ground. After this, the sphere crumbles.

Hinata crosses Naruto's mind and seeing no trace of the village of the villagers, he worries he might have destroyed them, but Katsuyu, still hiding in his clothes, assures him they are okay.

Nagato coughs up even more blood

Team Guy just arrived. Tenten checks Hinata. Pain missed her vitals, and with immediately medical treatment she will be fine.
Hearing that, Neji uses his Byakugan to find a medical ninja. Lee discovers Ma frog he says "there's an injured frog here" They're wasting time (laugh)
Guy says one word: Akatsuki... So much for this, I'll tell you the things you want to see

Change to Naruto he says to Deva Realm that he wants to speak to the real body for negotiations.
Breakdown - Talking to you after all this now would be nonsensical

Naruto is like "Well, then I'll have to look for him myself" Katsuyu asks how he's going to do that.
Naruto has an idea: He'll engage Deva Realm in a fistfight, break of one of the black rods and pierces himself with it. Using Sennin mode, he can locate the real body like tracing a phone call.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 25, 10:35:02
Hiteleség ell. : pending

Pain: “So…he has regained control.”
Naruto: “PAIN, you’re almost out of chakra. If you keep fighting,…I’ll have to kill you.”
Pain: “Revenge, Naruto? For Jiraiya? For the girl?”
Naruto thinks back on key moments.
Naruto: “No…not revenge. You’ve killed my teachers. You’ve killed my friends. And you’re not the least bit sorry. You won’t stop until everyone I care about is dead. I’m not going to let you kill anyone anymore. And…if that means I have to end your life…”
Naruto pushes off the moon and rushes at Pain.
[cut to Konan]
Kanon: “Nagato, you’ve gone to far. If you keep this up you’ll DIE!”
Nagato: “If that is what it takes…”
[cut to Pain]
Pain: “I’ll do just that!”
Naruto and Pain exchange blows.
Naruto: “It’s over, Pain. You’re just barely dodging my attacks. You can’t keep this up much longer. Don’t throw your life away.”
Pain: “Don’t talk to me like that. Do not act as though you know better than me.”
Naruto: “Let me ask you something. Did you come to capture me by your own choice? Or…were you ordered to?”
Pain: “Senseri Tensi!” {Sorry if I spelt that wrong}
Naruto dodges the attack with no effort.
Naruto: “I see. He’s just using you, Pain. He doesn’t care about your “peace”. I may not have the answer, but I know you’re wrong.”
Pain starts bleeding from the eyes.
Naruto: “Don’t let him use you.”
[cut to Konan]
[cut to Naruto]
Naruto smashes a Rasengan in Pain’s face.
Naruto: “Pain, I know your out there! I just defeated you, and spared you at the same time!”
Naruto starts to go back.
Naruto: “Never forget that!”
[cut to Nagato]
Nagato: “He…will…know…my…pa…a…ain…”
Konan: “Nagato!”
Madara: “So, he failed?”
Konan: “Madara? What are you doing here?”
Madara: “There seems to be a lot of failure in the Akatsuki lately. Sasuke failed to capture the Eight Tails. Come, Konan.”
Konan: “I’ll have to carry Nagato. Go on without me.”
Madara: “Leave him. He failed. Let him die.”
Konan: “Wha…How dare you! I will not let him die!”
Madara: “You would defy me?”
Konan stares at Madara.
Konan: “Yes.”
Madara turns arround.
Madara: “Do whatever you wish. Be at the dessignated meeting place in two days.”
Madara disappears.
Kanon (thinking): Nagato went mad just a momment ago. And Madara was willing to let him die. What is going on?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 25, 10:42:09
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: Onemanga
Szerző: mistermobile

Pain : So ? You tasted a bit of Pain huh ?
Pain : Without knowing the same Pain, we can't possibly understand eachother.
Pain : And even then, understanding doesn't mean people can get along with eachother.
Pain : That's reality.
Pain : Same goes for you. You're after Sasuke, but that's a waste of time.
naruto say: I FOUND YOU!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 25, 10:57:41
Hiteleség ell.:CONFIRMED
Forrás One manga forum
Szerző: mistermobile

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nikol - 09 márc 25, 15:19:20
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: 
Szerző: T.D.A

More from spoiler guy



Trans by Yagami1211

Naruto had tears in his eyes ( Tears of relief probably ) when he realized Hinata is alive.
Then he did it again when he noticed the villagers are okay.


Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Szerző: uchiha-Kakashi

a better summery from ohana.






Picture translations :

Pain : So ? You tasted a bit of Pain huh ?

Pain : Without knowing the same Pain, we can't possibly understand eachother.

Pain : And even then, understanding doesn't mean people can get along with eachother.

Pain : That's reality.

Pain : Same goes for you. You're after Sasuke, but that's a waste of time.

Naruto pic

Naruto : Found ya !

Another Summary from Ohana






Naruto is clever.
He let Pain stab him, Naruto tracks the chakra sourcre.
Pain uses Shinra Tensei but Naruto dodges with Kage Shuriken
Naruto might manages the 5 seconds thing.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 26, 12:07:24
Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!


Hitelesség ell: CONFIRMED!!!!!!!
Forrás: one manga forum!
Újabb Spolier kép!!

Nagato : !! こいつ。。。せんにんモードで逆探を!
( This guy ... he traced me back using Sage Mode ! )

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 márc 26, 22:27:05
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Hiteles
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: Zibi234

És itt egy kicsit nagyobban az egyik kép:

Direkt link:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 márc 27, 04:28:28
A 441. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 442. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 márc 30, 17:11:42
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  pending
Szerző: muaythailegend

God Pein: It is coming straight at me, I need to dodge it.
Pein attempts to dodge the Wind Release

Rasenshuriken but just as he attempts to move, the Rasenshuriken disappears in a puff of smoke to be replaced by Sage mode Naruto.

Naruto Swings at Pein and barely hits him on his leg but because of the natural energy surrounding him the blow is much more powerful.

Pein is once again thrown against a boulder, his leg completely shattered. As Naruto comes in for another attack Pein puts his hand up and uses Shinra Tensei which causes Narutos Shadow Clone to Disappear.

Naruto: You will not get away that easily.

Naruto having already had his next Wind Release: Rasenshuriken readied throws it the moment his shadow clone disappears.
Nagato: Damn it, another one. Is it real or another shadow clone. Bah it doesn’t matter, I wont be able to avoid it.
Back at the tree house.

Nagato: We are going to lose Yahiko.

Konan: Can’t you stop him.

Konan looks down

Konan: I don’t want to lose him again

Nagato: This kid is to powerful and I don’t have enough chakra left.

Nagato: He suppressed the Nine Tails while in its Eighth tailed

transformation. This is something I did not expect.

Nagato: I…I do not know what to do!

Shift to Gai sensei’s group.

Neji: Is she going to be alright.

He says to Sakura with concern.

Sakura: Ten Ten’s assessment was only have right. The wound she sustain from the sharp object was only minor but the damage to her upper body was much worse.
Sakura looks around to everyone there and sees the pain and anguish in their eyes. She sees tears forming in Neji’s eyes and quickly says:

Sakura: But I think we got to her in time. I think it will take a while but I am confident she will be “OK”.
Neji with a weak smile on his face: I’m glad.
Lee with tears streaming down is face exclaims loudly: Woooo Whoooo.
Ten Ten’s inner self: What do you mean only half right.

Lee: What about the frog.

Sakura: Let me see.

Sakura goes to Ma and does a cursory examination.

Sakura: I am not an expert on frogs but from what I can tell she has minor lacerations and bruising as well a concussion. She’ll be fine as well.
Sakura: Gai sensei, have you heard of anyone else being hurt.

Gai: Well we did run into Master Jiraiyas giant toad. He informed us about Akatsuki. He seamed to be pretty banged up.
Sakura: We should send someone to his location as soon as we can.

Gai nods in agreement.
Switch to Naruto.

As before, just before hitting Pein the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken disappears to be replaced by Naruto.

Unable to use his Shinra Tensei, Pein puts up both his arms in a failed attempt to block Naruto’s blow.
Caption ( In order to conserve Sage Chakra Naruto chose to use Rasenshuriken clones instead of real ones.)
Naruto : You lose!

Pein: Y….You can’t. You said it yourself, killing is not your way.

Naruto: It doesn’t matter because you are already dead.

Naruto hits Pein with the full force of Natural energy surrounding his body. Pein is almost completely obliterated.
Switch to the tree house.

Nagato: He’s gone. We have lost him forever.
Konan looks at Nagato with paper tears in her eyes.

Konan: We have to leave now! He has already found our location. If he gets hear we wont stand a chance. I have used to much chakra trying to hide and protect you. We have underestimated this boy and if we don’t leave now we will pay for that mistake.

Nagato: Cough..Cough..As you wish.

Nagato: However we can’t return to Amegakure. Madara will surely kill us for my failure.

Konan: Agreed.

Naruto: Don’t even think about it.

Konan: H….How. You were fighting Yahiko.

Naruto: So that was his name. Doesn’t matter though, he is done.

Nagato: So “cough” that was it. He used his shadow clones as a “cough” diversion so he could make his way here. Very clever of you but you are still going to lose.

Naruto: QUIT THE ACT, I know you are almost out of chakra.

Nagato looks at him wide eyed.

Naruto: I want to know. I want to know why you did this.

Nagato: You haven’t answered my question yet. What is your answer.

Naruto: I..I..I..I don’t know.

Naruto stares at Nagato with a beleaguered look.

Naruto: What I do know is that you have had years to think about what yourpathetic excuse for a reason is and I have only had a few hours.

Naruto: I also know that I have friends. A whole village who will help me figure it out.

Naruto: I know it will be hard but it was our sensei’s wish that I find a way. And I will, even if it takes me the rest of my life.

Naruto: Because my name is Uzumaki Naruto and I do not go back on my word. That is my Ninja way.

Nagato: Big words. I hope “cough” you can keep to them.
They pause for several moments.

Naruto: What is your name.

Nagato: Names are irrelevant but I guess you have earned the right to know mine.

Nagato: My name is Nagato and my partner is Konan.

Naruto: Well Nagato, I can’t forgive either of you for what you have done to my village and its people.

Naruto: However, I also wont kill you. That will only breed more hate and another like you will just take your place.

Naruto: If I am the one who will change this world then it is up to me to start now.

Naruto: Nagato, I have a question I want you to answer.
brief pause.

Naruto: What should I, do with you?
Nagato looks at Konan with uncertainty.

Next chapter: The questions answer.

All credit goes to Narutocentral.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 31, 12:55:49
Hitelesség ell.: Pending
Forrás : one manga forum

Color Pages: Are a double page spread of FRS hitting Deva Realm and causing a huge explosion.
The Smoke Clears, but Deva is hidden behinde a mini Chibaku Tensi he formed around himself. Naruto is suprised by this
Naruto(Thinking): How can he use his Jutsu now its only been less then three seconds
CT is released and Deva Pain drops out of the Jutsu unharmed
Deva Pain: You made the mistake of betting your last hope on the mechanics of single one of my techniques, but….
Deva Pain: Its unfortunate for you that Chibaku Tensi does not need time to recharge since it draws on my life force instead of chakra
Deva Pain: You have done well to come this far, but in the end your Pain is not as strong as mine afterall
Naruto: It isn’t about my pain anymore its about the will to never give up
Deva Pain: So thats your answer then as long as people never give up peace will be achieve?
Naruto: Yes there is no single solution we must all work together and never give up thats the way ninja…no people should be
Naruto: Some where along you stopped being both
Deva Pain: Your right… i am a God
Naruto: A God couldn’t possibly be as weak as you
Deva Pain: Weak?
Deva Pain Bashou Tennin’s Naruto into a cliff and grabs him by the throat
Deva Pain: Could a man who is weak destroy your entire village and kill you on a whim
Naruto: But can you really kill me?
Deva Pain: What are you saying
Naruto: You say your a God and could kill me on a whim, but you still need my power
Naruto:What kind of God needs the power of a Demon?
Scene shifts to Nagato/Konan
Nagato: I have made my choice I will kill you i don’t need your power like that fool…
Konan: Nagato you can’t
Konan: If you kill the kyuubi Jinchuriki then our plans…
Konan: that man’s plans will fall apart
Nagato: I don’t care anymore i already used my jutsu to much…i am already going to die, but i will remove his insolence from this world forever as well
Scene Shifts back to Naruto. Deva Pain forms a black spear and presses it to Naruto’s throat then draws back as if to impale him. But Deva falls over dead
Naruto(thinking): What happened…how was he defeated
Naruto(Thinking): It was so close that i thought i was going to die
Naruto(Shouts): What the hell happened here…
Scene shifts to Konan who has stabbed Nagato through the heart with a paper sword
Nagato: Konan…why?
Konan: You were weak Nagato…you always have been
Konan: I will capture the kyuubi myself…
Konan: I couldn’t let your foolish god complex destroy everything that man has worked towards
Konan: With your death now everything has gone according to that man’s plan
Konan(Thinking): Uchiha Madara-Sama your plans will be carried out
Side Text: What has caused Konan’s betrayal and what are the plans of Akatsuki’s dark master Uchiha Madara
Next Time: Konan’s power. The Nine Tails Captured?
end of chapter

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 márc 31, 13:24:43
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: ulrilra

ジャンプ表紙はナルト (ナルト・サクラ・カカシの3人)
Naruto is on the cover (Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi).
Asuma is on the spine.
とじこみ付録で 10thクロニクル・ブックが付属
The 10th Chronicle Book is included in the appendix.
(This chronicles Naruto's ten year history.)
There's a color spread. The top half of the left side shows Conan, Nagato, and Yahiko as kids.
The bottom half of the left side shows them as they are now.
The top half of the right side shows Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke as kids. The bottom half shows them as they are now.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers

SJ cover is of Naruto( and Sakura and Kakashi)
Spine is of Sasuke
There's a pullout: "10th Chronicle Book"[or something like that]
(You'll know the history of 10 years of Naruto if you look at it)
Two-page colored cover: Left half has young Konan, Orochimaru(Nagato) and Yahiko. Below that, is how they are of the current day. Right half is exactly the same, only with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura instead.

Now, details of the color pages:
Everyone is standing around Sakura & Hinata. Sakura is healing Hinata. (Huge emphasis on Hinata's breasts. [Their size:] three cupfuls of rice.[or something like that])

Sakura is talking about how/why it came to be like this. Seems like she's thinking along the lines of "This is for Naruto's sake..."[OR "This is because Naruto...", I'm not sure.]

Gai: Let's go and back Naruto up!!
[Something about Katsuya telling Gai that'll they'll get in the way, and that Naruto left the village in their care, or something like that. Not sure]

[Long story, short, of Naruto VS Pain:]
Naruto does an attack with KB and Rasengan. Pain evades the attack. Naruto does decides to do a Tajuu KB, and have all of them throw debris at Pain, or something. Pain deflects them all, and kills every one of them except two. Pain tells Naruto to give up. Naruto fires up another FRS. Pain thinks he's safe at his range. Naruto tells Pain that he's given up... on giving up. And then some shit about a successful attack with KB and Rasengan.

The end.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 márc 31, 17:39:55
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás : one manga forum
Colour page. Everyone stands in a circle, with Sakura healing Hinata in the center. (Hinata's boobs are emphasized. This alone can make people feel like eating 3 cupful of rice)
People are wondering how this happened.
Sakura thinks to herself: She did it because of Naruto.

Gai says they're going to help Naruto. He seems to be in high spirit.
But Katsuyu tells him not to, because he would only get in the way. Naruto has his own plan and they should let him handle it alone.
Team Gai gets treated like air.

Scene changes to Naruto.
Double FRS. In order to prevent Tendou from dodging it, Naruto tries to grab his legs with 2 KB. But Tendou produces black rods from both his hands, and dodges the FRS attack.
(Sage mode ends)
100 Naruto who previously disguised as huge amounts of debris charge toward Tendou altogether.
However, they fail to beat the time interval and get blown away, except for 3, who then makes a Rasengan.
Tendou: (That one can't be thrown. It is nothing at this range.)
"Brat who couldn't answer my question, give it up!" so he lectures Naruto.
Naruto: What I'm going to give up... is my real body!
Then he lets 2 KB throw his real body towards Tendou and the chapter ends with him hitting Tendou with a Rasengan.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 ápr 01, 06:09:31
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás : one manga forum


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 ápr 01, 09:09:56
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: KnuckleheadedNinja

Pain : The clones gathered to absorb the shock.
Pain : A pussy like you can't find the answer, just give up !

Hinata is being treated while surrounded[by people]
Team Gai is worth shit.
Naruto uses Kage Bunshin and ends [the battle] with Rasengan.
The last line is just Ohana apologizing for not reading too much of the chapter, or something.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 ápr 01, 13:07:21
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: KnuckleheadedNinja


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 ápr 02, 08:54:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: KnuckleheadedNinja


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 ápr 03, 03:35:42
A 442. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 443. fejezet spoilereit ebbe a témába.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Matetsu. - 09 ápr 05, 20:40:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzése: Nem tudom,hogy igaz-e de ezt találtam
Forrás: (

Anbu comes into town

and knows that naruto supressed the kyuubi by himself and gets shocked....

Scene changes

Naruto : Rasengan!!!

God Realm : AHHHHH!!!!!

GOD realm is blown up completely and falls on the ground!!!!!!

God realm : So this is your answer and you think this can lead to peace??

God realm : You cant escape this...youre dead and i will capture you !!

Naruto : !!!?

God realm : Shinra tensei!!!

God realm blows himself up throwing naruto away

Naruto : AHHHH!

Nagato : I must go Konan!!

Naruto appears in front of Nagato in Sage Mode!!

Nagato : What!!?Youre still alive!!

Konan steps infront of naruto

Konan : Nagato you re in no position to fight ill do it...

Nagato : Stand back Konan

Nagato bleeds from his mouth.

Naruto : So you are the real pain.You should stop it pain.Some one is using you for their own purpose the one with mask guy..

Nagato : !!?wht do you know?

Naruto : He wants the power for himself to destroy the order of the ninja world....

Nagato : You know nothing....true peace comes only through this way....

Naruto : !!!!?

Nagato : Its surprising you knew about this.You ve come this far so ill tell you .The guy whom you are talking about is the one of the founding father of the leaf village and he is very much alive


Naruto : !!!!!?

Chapter ends.....

Next  :  Pain true victory??

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 ápr 07, 10:17:13
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  pending
Szerző: josh_

“Naruto plunges into Pain with the Rasengan”

Pain: - Gaaahh!
Nagato: - *cough cough* ahggg…!

“Naruto and Pain hits the ground and slides into a block standing 5 meters away, the crash crumples the stone.”

“As the stones falls to the ground and the dust settles out of the rumble a shadow arises. Naruto, his shoulders hanging towards his sides and blood running from a wound in his chin lets his head fall back in exhaustion… His cloth are torn and covered in dirt from the collition. He looks up towards the sky, it’s so blue. He looks back down towards Pain. Pain lies incapacitated on the ground, a big wound in his chest and his arms broken. Blood is pouring from his mouth.”

Naruto: - What’s your name? Your real name.

At Hinata:

“Sakura looks tired”

Sakura: - There…I’ve done what I can. Let me see Pa…
Neji: - Will she be alright!?
Sakura: -Yes Neji..yes…It was a close call though.
Neji: - Hinata…why did you….

“Sakura walks over to Pa”

Ma: - It’s to late Sakura…..he is gone…

“Ma starts crying. Sakura looks sad”

Sakura: - I’m sorry Ma…I was to late.
Ma: - It’s not your fault Sakura…we were not prepared to handle Pain. It is our misjudgment that made this reality…..and Naruto still fights for us..

“Neji looks towards Naruto and exclaims”

Neji: - It seems that Naruto have defeated his opponent!
Ma: - !! He did it! Did you hear that Pa! He did good…He is the destined child after all, you would be so proud..

“Ma starts crying into Pa:s chest”

At Naruto:

“Pain looks up towards Naruto, Naruto is standing in the light of the sun”
“Nagato see this Naruto through the eyes of Yahiko and his own eyes widen”

Nagato: - The…destined child….
Konan: - What’s happening Nagato!?
Nagato: - He….he has defeated us…utterly.
Nagato through Yahiko: - You have won this battle Naruto. My name is Nagato, this body is Yahiko.

“Naruto looks towards the location of Nagato then back at Yahiko”

Naruto : - I want to talk to you, the real you..Nagato.
Nagato: - If you wish to speak you have to come to me, you know where I am. Bring Yahikos body as a sign of trust.

“Naruto flinches and become more serious”

Naruto: - Trust?…I don’t know what will go down or if we will fight. All I know is that I must speak to you.

“Naruto seems to be in deep thought”

Nagato: - That is fine for now, I ask you to bring Yahiko then, as a favor, even if you owe me nothing.

“Yahiko’s eyes turn normal and his body turns limb. Naruto stands silent for awhile.”

Naruto thinks: Jirayia, Father, Kakashi…Pa… is this what you mean? I’m starting to find my answers….but….I can’t forget about you….what he has done…. I must be prepared.

“Naruto sits down, and meditate, pondering all he has learned….loosing his physical self in thought, becoming still and gathering Natural energies.”

“Naruto awakes, stands up, walk over to Yahiko, picks him up and Jumps of”

“You see Naruto jumping through the air towards Nagato from the side. The one that is looking is Madara. He is standing on a tree branch very far away, his eye focused on the location of Naruto.”

Madara to himself: - The nine tail was suppressed it seems…but he did not do that alone, I felt it…he had help. This has become interesting indeed.

“Naruto lands in front of the place where Nagato sits. He doesn’t see Nagato because of Konana cover. Naruto puts down Yahikos body and as he stands up again, zoom into his eyes, he is in Sage mode again. He glares right towards the spot Nagato and Konan is They both feel the power of his resolution”

Naruto: - Reveal yourself!

How will the fated meeting between the pupils and destined children go? Next week:
- The Destined children, a fated reunion -

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Ita - 09 ápr 07, 13:51:02
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Confirmed
Forrás: (
Szerző: vendredi
( (

illetve egy másik
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Confirmed
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Szerző:by Naruto Addict


és hát ez a kép...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 ápr 07, 17:01:39
Hitelesség ell.:UNCONFIRMED Spoiler


Hitelesség ell.:Confirmed??
Forrás : one manga forum

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 ápr 08, 09:40:22
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: -
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: draging

inkább csak linkelem a képet, mert nagy

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 ápr 08, 13:28:23
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Pain is defeated by Rasengan.
Naruto pulls out a black rod from Pain and stabs himself with it.
He locates Nagato's whereabouts.
Naruto's flashback.
About happiness and peace.

Hinata is gradually recovering under Sakura's treatment.
Team Gai and Sakura hear from Katsuyu that Naruto had finally beaten Pain.

Neji says he wants to go after Naruto.
Katsuyu tries to stop him but to no avail.

Shikaku arrives and sees Naruto.
Naruto tells him he is going to Pain's real body alone.
Ino's dad tries to stop him.
Shikaku thinks about his conversation with Shikamaru and decides to entrust it totally to Naruto.

The papers wrapping around the tree open up.

Nagato: Go, Konan.
Konan: Nagato

Naruto: The one at the back is your real body!?
Nagato: Peace will arrive soon

Talk between Naruto and Nagato.

The End.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 ápr 08, 13:32:31
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: Kaku


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 ápr 08, 15:04:34
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: samir147

A  Nagatós képhez a szöveg fordítása
"Nagato : Did peace came to us unconcernedly ?
( Hell, doesn't make sense to me. )"

Egy kis spoiler.  ;)

from hexa



「ダメだ!一人で!やりすぎだ もうナルトはかなり弱ってる


The talk with Pain until now :

Justice, Peace, Happyness, The Chain of Hatred.
The Ninja World is ruled by hatred.

Neji says to Chibi Katsuyu with a tough guy attitude
:"This is bad, Naruto is alone and probably tired. Please lead me to where Naruto is !"

Sakura lectures Hinata : "That's what you get for doing something so crazy."

And Sakura ask Chibi Katsuyu :"Where is Naruto ? How are his wounds ?"
This is the only scene with Sakura

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 ápr 08, 17:49:10
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Függőben
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: boyakist4649

(majdnem ugyanaz, mint a Con által belinkelt, esetleg egy kicsit pontosabb)

433 対面
433 Encounter

The rasengan connects and Pein is defeated
Naruto takes out the black poles from Pein
and stabs himself,
Reaffirms Nagato's location
Naruto's flashback
on happiness and peace

Hyuuga (Hinata) is treated by Sakura and recovers
Team Gai, Hyuuga and Sakura hear that Naruto has defeated the last Pein from small Katsuyu

Neji says that he will chase after Naruto
but small Katsuyu stops him
However Neji insists that he chase after Naruto

Shikaku guys find Naruto
Naruto says that he will go to Pein's real body alone
Ino-dad says "no"
Shikaku remembers his conversation with Shikamaru
and decides to let Naruto handle things

Naruto opens the tree made out of paper...

Nagato: "Konan, step back"
Konan: "Nagato..."
Naruto: "you in the back - are you the real Pein?!"
Nagato: "So peace has wandered itself here"

The intentions of Naruto and Nagato's are...
The End

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aysee - 09 ápr 08, 21:50:16
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Hiteles
Szerző: Nemtom, nem volt odaírva ^^"

443: Meeting
Rasengan hits down Pain.
Naruto takes the black rod and stabs himself to confirm the location of Nagato.
Flash back inside Naruto about happiness and peace.
Hinata is getting better under Sakura's treatmeat
Gai's team heard the victory of naruto from Katsuyu
Neji says to chase after Naruto but Katsuya stops him.
However, he insists to go.

Shikamaru's dad finds Naruto
Naruto: I have to go by myself.
Ino's dad: No
Flash back inside Shikamaru's dad about his talk with Shikamaru.
Shikamaru's dad: Count on you, Naruto.

A small door opens from the trees wrapped with paper

Nagato: Konan, leave here first.
Konan: Nagato.
Naruto: You're the real one in the back!
Nagato: The peace will come very soon.

Naruto and Nagato's thoughts
Chapter ends.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 ápr 09, 08:01:22
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Fake

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 ápr 10, 09:35:37
A 443. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 444. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Banzai - 09 ápr 13, 19:34:09
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: 

 Naruto Chapter 444: The Answer

Nagato: Yes, kyuubi, I am the real one.

Naruto with a somewhat surprised face but not too shocked

Nagato: You have shown your strength and defeated my six paths

Panels of Yahiko. Nagato thinking about him. naruto 444 spoiler

Nagato: I will accept my death.
Naruto: I am not here to kill you, I only want to talk.
Nagato confused, surprised.
Nagato: I will answer any questions, but first tell me if you have found the answer to peace.
Naruto (confidently): I have.

Nagato shocked naruto 444 raw (by his confidence)

Naruto: And it is different from yours.
Nagato: Please tell me how I am mistaken.

Naruto: You are right to seek power for peace. But you seek the wrong power. Destruction and pain will never bring peace. It will never stop hatred.

Flashbacks of moments of hatred that Naruto has seen.

Naruto: Hatred has only fueled ninjas to seek greater powers of destruction.

Flashback Sasuke moments naruto 444 spoiler

Naruto: But the greatest power in this world isn’t to destroy.
Nagato somewhat puzzled
Naruto: It is to forgive. To forgive and accept your enemy is the way to peace.

Nagato, astonished, jerks (like trying to get out of a chair or something similar, hard to explain) then starts coughing blood.

Konan passionately, with concern: Nagato!

Naruto: Now tell me about the masked one, Akatsuki’s true leader.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 ápr 14, 14:01:34
Hitelesség: Hiteles (?)
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: Dofla

Source: 2ch
Credits: nja
Verification: Confirmed


長門 ナルトを操作してつれて帰ろうとするがナルトは支配されず

小南 この距離なのに長門のチャクラを戻すなんて何て子なの><

ナルト 仇を目の前にして自分がどうできるかみたいな事をいい

ナルト 俺はお前らを許せねえ今すぐにでも殺してやりたい!



ナルト 俺はお前らの事を何も知らないなぜ憎むようになったのか


  俺の痛みは2つ 1つは両親が殺されたこと




長門父母は 長門に隠れていなさいといい

忍者は 敵だ~と父母を瞬殺 
死体を見て おいこの人達は一般人だぞ
殺した忍者 なんで戦いのど真ん中に一般人が…すまんなボウズ

その時外で雷がなり 光ったときに長門が見たものは 木の葉の額当て

長門 うあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ


Spoiler Summary
Source: MFT (The french team)
Credits: Translated by serenity85 at NF from the french translation
Verification: Confirmed
Nagato and Naruto start discussion
2black roads comes up from nagato's wheelchair and attack naruto in his chest

Nagato - using that roads - shows how jiraya and kakashi died
Nagato thinks to control naruto but it isn't so.

Konan: Even if he's so close he rejected nagato's chakra. What a guy!
Naruto sais that it was planned and his eyes start mixing frog style's eyes and kyuubi style's eyes.
Naruto: i cant forgive you, now let's finish that.
And he attacks Nagato but then he stops and he asks Nagato about his past.

Nagato starts talking
Nagato: I felt pain twice. First time when my parents got killed
and here flashback starts

During the ninja war my family escaped. we hid into an house but 2ninja came in looking for food. Nagato's mother told him to stay hide.
Then his parents attacked ninja and they were killed by enemies.

Enemy saw nagato and then he asked "why do privates should be in the middle of that war? Im sorry kid"
right that moment a storm started outisde. the ninjutsu it's from a konoha ninja.

Nagato: "aaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Rinnegan was shown

------------- És egy részletesebb fordítás:

Szerző: D.T.A

Naruto and Nagato talks.
Nagato fires a black rod from his wheelchair.
Naruto takes it to his stomach.

He then sees Jiraiya's death and how Kakashi died from Nagato.

Nagato[Thoughts?]: I try to manipulate Naruto and take him back, but Naruto is resisting the black rod.

Konan: To repel Nagato's chakra at this range, what a kid.

Naruto: [I don't get what he's saying, sorry]
Naruto's eyes turn into frog + Kyuubi eyes

Naruto: I can't forgive you, I want to kill you right now!

He charges at Nagato

But he stops just before him.

Naruto: I don't know anything about you, why do you hate [Konoha]?
Talk to me!

So Nagato starts talking

I have two pain[ful events], one of them is my parents being killed

Then Nagato begins talking about his past

At the height of the Great Ninja War, we had been too late at escaping, so we were hiding at our family's house.
Two ninjas came into our house.

They were searching for some food

Nagato's parents: Nagato, you need to hide.
Then they charge at the two ninja

The ninja: They're enemies.
They kill his parents instantly.
The ninja: There's one more around here.
The ninja search for food
They look at the corpses
The ninja: They were just civilians, huh. Why would civilians, in the middle of a battle... We're sorry, kid

At that moment, lighting strikes outside, and what Nagato sees, is a Konoha headband


And then, the Rinnengan is activated



Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: uchiha-Kakashi

source: naruto blogspot

Naruto stands in-front of Nagato and Konan that are protected by the shield Konan created.

Naruto: - Reveal yourself!
Nagato: - Konan, release the shield.

"Konan looks concerned and shocked"

Konan: - No Nagato! We must escape, you have used up to much Chakra to fight him!

"Nagato looks a little surprised and then smiles at Konan"
Nagato: It is alright Konan, I have you to help me and I can still fight if that is what is needed. But for now we cannot escape, God cannot run tail, please release the shield. It will be alright. He want's to talk..
Konan: - ...........Ok...

"Konan hesitates but releases the shield, paper flying in a spiral and back to Konan. The both of them are bathed in light and revealed to Naruto.

"Naruto see Nagato and looks a bit shocked. He makes two kagebunshin to be ready.
Konan steps in between them, hands raised at her sides."

Konan: - You wanted to speak, so speak.

"Naruto looks at Konans concerned face, then at Nagato"

Naruto : - So your Nagato... I want to ask you a question, and you WILL answer.

"Nagato hesitates at the hint of anger in Narutos voice"

Nagato: - Ok, I will answer the question if I can.

"Naruto nods"

Naruto in a more indifferent voice: - Who is the man in Akatsuki with the mask? When did you meet him?

" Nagato is shocked by this question"

Nagato: - What?..why do you ask that?
Naruto: - I ask because he is deceiving you, and he may be the cause of this war.
Nagato: - The cause?.....Madara?? What are you talking about, how do you know Madara?

"Naruto is taken by this answer"

Naruto: - Madara?! The person who fought the first? You must tell me, when did you meet this person.

Nagato: - Ok, I guess I can tell you about Madara, I promised I would answer your question. And in turn you will tell me how you know about him.

Naruto: - Yes.

At Hinata and Gang:

Neji: - Naruto has gone away from the spot he fought the opponent. He seems to have taken the body of the opponent to....
Sakura: - Where did he go?
Neji: - I...I don't know, he went away, to far. Away from the village.
Sakura wispers: - Where are you going Naruto?
Katsuya: - He has gone to speak to nagato, the real pain.
Sakura: - Will he be alright?
Katsuya: - He will be fine.

"Hinata stirs and opens her eyes"

Hinata: - Sakura? Neji?...Naruto.....
Sakura: - We have no time to waste, we must start to make preparations for medical treatment. Find some ninjas and put up shelter for the injured!
Sakura thinks: Naruto....come back to us....

At Tsunade:

"Tsunade arrive at kakashi" She walks over to where he is and picks up some debree"

Tsunade: - Katsuya, how is he?
Katsuya: - He is almost gone now.....

"Tsunade cries"

Tsunade: - I was to late Kakashi, I'm sorry..... You, Jirayia, Konoha...

"Tsunade gets some fetermination in her eyes, kneels down at Kakashi's side and makes a handseal"

What is this Jutsu Tsunade is making? What will Nagato tell naruto?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 ápr 15, 05:04:32
Hitelesség ell.: Confirmed?
Forrás: One manga forum
Szerző: Jozua

Naruto and Nagato talks. Naruto 444
Nagato fires a black rod from his wheelchair. Naruto 444
Naruto takes it to his stomach.

He then sees Jiraiya’s death and how Kakashi died from Nagato.

Nagato[Thoughts?]: I try to manipulate Naruto and take him back, but Naruto is resisting the black rod.

Konan: To repel Nagato’s chakra at this range, what a kid.

Naruto: [I don't get what he's saying, sorry]
Naruto’s eyes turn into frog + Kyuubi eyes

Naruto: I can’t forgive you, I want to kill you right now!
Naruto 444
He charges at Nagato

But he stops just before him.
Naruto 444
Naruto: I don’t know anything about you, why do you hate [Konoha]?
Talk to me!

So Nagato starts talking
Naruto 444
I have two pain[ful events], one of them is my parents being killed

Then Nagato begins talking about his past

At the height of the Great Ninja War, we had been too late at escaping, so we were hiding at our family’s house.
Two ninjas came into our house.
Naruto 444
They were searching for some food

Nagato’s parents: Nagato, you need to hide.
Then they charge at the two ninja

The ninja: They’re enemies.
They kill his parents instantly.
The ninja: There’s one more around here.
The ninja search for food
They look at the corpses
The ninja: They were just civilians, huh. Why would civilians, in the middle of a battle… We’re sorry, kid

At that moment, lighting strikes outside, and what Nagato sees, is a Konoha headband
Naruto 444

And then, the Rinnengan is activated
Naruto 444

Hitelességi ell. CONFIRMED!!!!
Szerző: Queeny
Forrás : one manga forum!

Nagyobb kép sage mode+kyuubi:

Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED!
Szerző : 2ch

Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás :

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 ápr 16, 08:26:50
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Confirmed


Is this...
a child...?

These guys are not ninjas!

For this to happen to the town....Damn it!



Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 ápr 16, 08:58:56
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 ápr 17, 06:38:17
A 444. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 445. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aysee - 09 ápr 20, 23:06:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending
Szerző: ShiverX

Chapter 445 and forward preview: - The beginning and the end, fated reunion -

“Nagato starts to tell Naruto about Madara”

Nagato: - To understand I must start from the beginning.

At the beginning:

Three Nin sit in a hut under a tree. There is a fire.
They all look a little sad.
Yahiko: - Do you think Jirayia is back at Konoha now?
Nagato: - ……
Yahiko anwsers himself: - I’m sure he is.

After stopping Nagato from revealing to much Madara returns to Sasuke.

Madara: - Sasuke, are you guys prepared for another mission?

“Sasuke looks up from his bed”

Sasuke: - We don’t do missions or take orders from you.
Madara: - But our arrangement was for you to capture the eight tail. You failed, he was not captured, he fooled you.
Sasuke: - What?!
madara: - Yes, but it doesn’t matter, I have a new mission for you. Capture the nine tail, Naruto.

“Sasuke looks seroius, then he smiles”

Sasuke: - Naruto eh?

“Sakura finds Tsunade at Kakashi. “

Sakura: - Tsunade! What are you doing?

“Tsunade looks tired but concentrating on the Jutsu”

Tsunade: - I’m leaving everything to you Sakura. Kakashi will guide the new generation, but you must help them to. I trust you…
Sakura: - What are you talking about?

“Tsunade smiles kindly towards Sakura”

Tsunade: - You know what I speak about Sakura. I will use my last powers to help Kakashi.. He is needed to help Konoha…

“Sakura looks shocked, starts crying”

Sakura: - No! no….We need you!..I need you…..

“Sakura falls to her knees..”

Tsunade: - Thank you Sakura…but your ready…..I’m proud of you…Your beautiful and strong. “Tsunade smiles again”

“Sakura is openly crying”

Sakura: - No…it’s not to late..Tsunade….

Tsunade: - It was already to late…I used to much of myself to protect everyone when Pain destroyed the village….thankfully most people survived because of that….
The only thing I can do now is make sure you have someone to help you…..Kakashi, I can help him before I go.

“Tsunade hesitates, and looks older and in pain but she smiles a little”

Tsunade: - Besides……I miss him…

“Tsunade cries”
“Sakura looks up towards Tsunade, tears streaming from her eyes. Sakura walks to Tsunade and embraces her”

Sakura: - Thank you Tsunade….thank you for everything, you were a great Hookage..and a great Master…..a great friend, so much like a mother to me…

“Tsunade looks shocked, then glad”

Tsunade: -Thank you Sakura….
Sakura: - You are right, we can handle everything….Because of you we are strong enough….don’t worry…thank you….

“Sakura smiles as she cryes in Tsunades shoulders”

Sakura: - Go to him…..he is waiting for you…..Jirayia is waiting…

Tsunade: - Sakura….Jirayia…..

“Tsunade finishes the Justsu and Kakashi stirs, back from the brink of death.”

“Tsunade smiles and closes her eyes, her head falls to Sakuras shoulder”

“An image of Jiraya, about 20 years old.”

Jiraya: - Hey beautiful.. I waited for you

“Tsunade embrace Jirayia and they laugh”

Tsunade: Silly…..

“They walk of together.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 ápr 21, 12:54:16
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending
Szerző: Kaku

Sorry for the bad trans. Asking my friends who are learning Jap, and it's only been a few years.

Basically it's about Nagato and how he survives after his parents death.

He buries them in a grave.

He starts travelling and begging to survive.

He meets a dog and Yahiko and Konan? They become friends and resort to theft to survive the war.

They all walk in the rain and talk.

Yahiko talks of world conquest in order to stop wars, and that the only way to stop the fighting is for death to occur.

Yahiko dies somehow in Nagato's arms by a bomb blast from the sky? (there's a mention of a snake, don't know what it means)

There's a statement along the lines of: the dream of Yahiko eventually became my dream; and I became a God and started preparing this in this life for a world without war.

The door painting (I have no idea what this is related to, maybe the title?)

Naruto (or possibly Konan) is sulking, and understanding the death of Nagato's parents, and the pain Nagato has been through.

Again, sorry for the bad trans.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 ápr 21, 19:49:51
Hitelesség ell.: Unconfirmed
Forrás : one manga forum

Here's a summary.

Nagato's parents' grave was erected, and he travelled around, begging .

On the way, He picked up a dog; it's name was Chibi.

Everyone just ignored him, and he almost starved to death on the streets.

天使小南に拾われる そこで弥彦とも出会う
He was then picked up by Angel Konan, and then they happened to meet up with Yahiko.

In order to survive they did things like stealing and working.

弥彦の夢は 世界征服 
Yahiko's dream is conquering the world.

It stayed the same until his death TL NOTE: Not sure.

He wasn't able to apologize to his parents on their death, that's why he'll do his best to live til the end.

If he can take the top of the world, he can create a world with no wars.

長門 わぁ神様みたいだね~
Nagato: Isn't that something like a God?


Inside Rain, the three and Chibi walked.

From the above, a tagged kunai fell from the sky.

The three and Chibi were blown away by the blest.

小南 チビが><
Konan: Chibi!?

弥彦 こんな所で戦争かよ と誰が戦ってるのか覗きにいく
Yahiko: This place is a warzone. I'm gonna check and see who're fighting.

   あれは 才蔵と木の葉の忍びか(ジライヤ・ツナデ・大蛇丸)
That was Saizou and some Konoha shinobi (Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru) TL NOTE: Kanji is Saizou, but Hanzou makes more sense.

Let's not involve ourselves with this and go to a safe place.

In Nagato's arms was a dead Chibi.

弥彦 くそっ俺が神様になってこの戦争のない世界を作ってやる~
Yahiko: Damnit, I'll become a God and make this world a world with no wars.

長門 (弥彦の夢が 次第に自分の夢にもなっていった…)
Nagato (Yahiko's dream gradually became my own dream...)

で終了(背表紙はナルト タイトル・扉絵は忘れました…)
The end. (Spine of book is Naruto, I forgot the title and cover).

From what I understand, Nagato's Pain is his parent's death and the dog's death.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 ápr 22, 09:35:44
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: PAiNLESS , képek:Kaku

Well then, simply put
Nagato stands in front of his parents' grave, he has turned to begging
On his way, he picks up a dog named Chibi
No-one pays attention to the people who collaps and die on the streets
He picks up Angel Konan and after that comes across Yahiko as well
(In order to survive, the three live together, stealing and such)
Yahiko's dream is world conquest¹
But he just died²
Because he cannot apologise to his dead parents, he'll survive with all his might and
when he stands at the top of the world, he'll create a world without war~
Nagato: "Wa~h, like a god"


The three and chibi walk in the rain
From the sky above comes a kunai with an exploding tag
The three and Chibi are blown away in the blast
Konan: "Chibi is ><"
Yahiko: "There's fighting in a place like this?" he goes to see who is doing the fighting
There: "Saizou³ and Konoha shinobi?" (Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru)
"If we stay here we'll get involved. Let's go somewhere safe~"
Chibi dies in Nagato's arms
Yahiko says something like "Dammit! I'll turn into a god and create a world without war~"

Nagato: (Yahiko's dream... gradually became my dream as well...)

The end (The spine has Naruto - Forgot the title/cover...)

If i understand it correctly, Nagato's pain comes from the death of his parents and his dog ><

¹ I know they're twins and all, but seriously? Could he more blatantly rip off 666 Satan? Oh well, Seishi does the same with Naruto, so it evens out I guess
² Not completely sure about this sentence
³ It really says Saizou (才蔵) and not Hanzou (半蔵)


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: mzalan - 09 ápr 22, 15:05:20
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Pending
Forrás: (
Szerző: 2ch-nja

Basically it’s about Nagato and how he survives after his parents death.

He buries them in a grave.

He starts travelling and begging to survive.

He meets a dog and Yahiko and Konan? They become friends and resort to theft to survive the war.

They all walk in the rain and talk. naruto 445 chapter

Yahiko talks of world conquest in order to stop wars, and that the only way to stop the fighting is for death to occur.

Yahiko dies somehow in Nagato’s arms by a bomb blast from the sky? (there’s a mention of a snake, don’t know what it means) naruto 445 spoiler

There’s a statement along the lines of: the dream of Yahiko eventually became my dream; and I became a God and started preparing this in this life for a world without war.

The door painting (I have no idea what this is related to, maybe the title?)

Naruto (or possibly Konan) is sulking, and understanding the death of Nagato’s parents, and the pain Nagato has been through. naruto 445 raw

Yahiko : Still war around here … Let’s see who’s fighting.
Hmm, those guys are Konoha Shinobi ( Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru )
We’re not safe here, let’s get somewhere safe.

Nagato’s arms is carrying death ? ( Desease ? )
naruto 445 spoiler
Yahiko : Shit ! I’m going to become god and I’ll create a world without war !

Nagato : ( Yahiko’s dream … Everyone is getting their own motives )

Cover is Naruto

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 ápr 22, 16:10:49
Forrás : one manga forum
Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED


Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

Hiteleség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás :


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: mzalan - 09 ápr 23, 21:06:57
teszek fel egy videót, nem tudom, baj-e...
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: (
Szerző: NarutoUzumaki919 (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 ápr 24, 06:55:32
A 445. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 446. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rebi - 09 máj 01, 16:53:38
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending
Forrás: (
Szerző: adel123456789





Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 máj 01, 19:16:53
Forrás: mangahelpers
Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 máj 01, 22:07:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Pending
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: edgarluvitug

Egy kis szöveg a képekhez:

Nagato : With Yahiko as our leader, we began our activity,
then our organization became famous before we knew it.

Hanzou, in an effort to put an end to us, teamed up with a man, a man named Danzou, from Konoha.
He formed an alliance with Hanzou to take the place of Hokage.
Danzou allied with Hanzou to protect his place as Rain Leader.

Hanzou : For me, you whole existance is an eyesore !
Yahiko ! You're the leader here, your life ends here !
If you try anything to resist, this girl dies right here, right now !
Nagato refuses to hurt Yahiko
Yahiko takes Nagato's kunai and impales himself to save Konan

Yahiko : You must survive with Konan by any mean.
You're the savior of this world.

Yahiko died, this was the second Pain
We were supposed to have been matured, grow up ...
This was exactly like when my parents died.
That's when I realized that my answers were just bullshit.

Sidetext : Nagato's awakening


The 1st part of the spoiler is just retelling of the past chapter, so it's not interesting

Then its gets interesting.

Jiraiya trained Nagato for a better use of the Rinnegan
Then they talk about the Shodai Rikudou Sennin.
Yahiko, Konan and Nagato decided to form a organization and fight with Konoha and Iwa Gakure.
The organization was so big Hanzou couldn't ignore it.
Iwa, Konoha, Suna and Yahiko's manage to have a ceasefire after years of battle.
That's when Hell began.

The one who awaited them at the place where the ceasefire was supposed to be negociated was Hanzou, who took
Konan was a hostage, and Danzou from Konoha's Anbu.

Konoha, and Iwa agreed on a fake ceasefire to bait Yahiko and assassinate him.
Hanzou expected his actions would make him a better candidate to the Hokage place.
Nagato refuses to tell anything about their organisation to Hanzou.
Then Yahiko takes Nagato's hands and commit suicide.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: boci555 - 09 máj 04, 13:45:36
Hitelesség: hiteles
Forrás: deviantart
Szerző: ~zeth3047


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 máj 06, 13:17:31
Hitelesség: hiteles
Forrás: deviantart


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 máj 08, 11:07:35
A 446. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 447. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: balkovics33 - 09 máj 12, 16:54:02
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: 
Szerző: My december

Hanzou gives to order to kill Nagato. Hidden Rain shinobi appear.
Nagato repels their kunai with Shinra ??[Tensei?], surprising the ninja.
He takes the opportunity to save Konan, but his legs are hit by Hanzou's Katon technique.
Both his legs are crumbling...
(That's kinda why he's in a wheelchair now)
[Unsure]Hanzou is surprised when Nagato is standing with his Rinnegan, even after being hit by his Katon tech.
While Nagato collapses,
Summoning: Gedou Ma Zou[lit.: Heretical Demon Statue]
(It's just like the statue that extracts and keeps the Bijuu)
Konan shouts: "Don't use that technique!"
Several black rods comes out of the statue and pierces Nagato's back.
Thence, in Musou[lit: peerless; unparalleled; unparallelled; matchless] Mode, something like white dragons emerge from the statue's mouth.
They hit the Konoha Anbu and the Hidden Rain shinobi, their souls being extracted one by one.
The filler ninja are wiped out.(Danzou probably fleed after seeing the statue)
Hanzou escapes through Shunshin no Jutsu.

The end of the story, back to present time.

And afterwards, he says something like his comrades had died one by one.

He demands Naruto's answer.
Naruto remembers what Ero-sennin said.
(The stuff about everyone understanding each other~)
[Naruto:] Ero-sennin believed in me and entrusted it to me.
That's why I'll believe in what Ero-sennin believed in.
That's my answer!!
And that's why I won't kill you!

The end

Cover/spine is of Sasuke.

More info:

Sorry, I forgot to write this:
Nagato transforms from his healthy self to his crippled self when the blacks rods hits him.
[I think nja is saying that he's taking pictures of the spin-off about the Gutsy Ninja]

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 máj 12, 17:09:04
Hitelesség.: Pending

The Greatest Pain. Rain Stop, Awakening

Nagato:- He fell on that day, by my hand and his own will. I realized my answer meant nothing in the face of hatred. We tried to do things the right way but in the end the love we felt for each-other was our biggest weakness.
Bonds create openings that we could never defend. Yahiko was really a genius Ninja and leader but in the end he was killed for nothing. On that day the rain ended. On that day I awakened. I was no longer Nagato, I was pain.

Naruto: -What happened?

Nagato: - As Pain I vowed in my soul never to let anyone stop me ever again. I would protect Konan and this world and put a stop to the hatred that was the source of mine and everybody's pain. I was weak before, but Yahiko gave me something in his death.....

"Nagato looks as though the memory is immensely painful"

Nagato: - He gave me my first path.

"Naruto flinches by the cold words"

Naruto: - What?
Nagato: - With Yahiko gone my source of strength and protection was gone. He was my determination, he was my guideline. All that was left was nothingness and despair. His words ringed in my head. "I'm going to become a god of this world" As I felt his last heartbeat echo through the ground that despair turned into silence. As his heart went still, so did my mind. I didn't hate them for what they had done, but I pitied them. So small in mind but still so powerful. If they were not going to use their powers to end the pains of their people, I would. I couldn't understand their unwillingness to see the pain of others. I deemed them unworthy of the leadership. I would carry Yahikos dreams. I would become a god and a saviour of this world.
Naruto: - A god?
Nagato: - Yes. I would renounce my cares, my love, my will and body to the pursuit of that dream.

"Yahikos smile flashes before Nagatos mind"

Nagato: - At that day I willed Yahiko back to the battlefield. My first path and me overwhelmed the forces of Hanzo. As the rain stopped Yahiko was on his feet and pulled Hanzo towards us and before they could react Yahiko had sliced Hanzos arm, freeing Konan. Once Konan was free we released our full might upon them.

"Images of the battle, Yahiko and Nagato killing and fighting"

Nagato: - In the end of the fierce battle all was dead or had fled the immediate battle. Hanzo was badly injured and Danzo had taken to retreat. A great ninja in his own regard he was no match for Hanzo and as even he was loosing Danzo simply abandoned him. As the rest of my comrades laid on the ground around me I was going to end Hanzo but he set a trap for me and got away. My awakening had put me in a trance just like before. After the battle I came out of that trance, but something was different. I still recalled everything, not like before. And I saw things more clearly. My determination was strong and I knew what I had to do. Renouncing all my previous notions I came up with a new answer. I was going to form an organization, not to save the Rain country anymore, but to save the world. To do this all that stood in our way was going to have to be destroyed. Hanzo was first. But killing him would not be enough. I knew this all to well. I had to erase him or the circle of hatred would never end with him. Someone would hate me and try to take revenge.

"Naruto is listening intently and sweating a little"

Naruto: - What did you do?
Nagato: - As I said. I erased him. I killed him, his parents, his family...everyone!

"Nagatos eyes looks crazy as he say the last words"

Nagato: - After that I took control of the Rain country and later formed Akatsuki. Taking control was no problem. The people loved me for freeing them of Hanzo. I protected them.

"Nagato hesitates and looks at Naruto"

Nagato: - You know the rest, Akatsuki's goals I told you before. So?...Knowing the truth, our story. Do you hate us? What is your answer?

"Naruto looks at Konan and then Nagato again"

Naruto: - And the chair?

Nagato looks a little surprised at Narutos stalling"

Nagato: - Hanzo was no easy opponent. And his poison is not to be underestimated. He took my legs, and somewhat my health......But just as I vowed that doesn't matter, my body and soul for the promise I made.

Naruto: - I have one more question.
Nagato: - Yes?
Naruto: - The masked man in Akatsuki.....When did he join?

"Nagato is taken back by this statement"

Nagato: - What?....How do you know about him? Why do you ask?
Naruto: - I know one thing about him. He is using you and Akatsuki.

"Nagato is surprised yet again and goes suspicious"

Nagato: - Know this? How could you? Fine! I will tell you about this masked man, only if your answer is worthy.
Konan: - Nagato!
Nagato: - Konan, please. Trust me, this child does not have any answer! Although I wish he did. His role is just that of a weapon for Akatsuki to use....
Well? Do you have an answer Naruto?

"Naruto's eyes turn into normal sage again and he looks down."

Naruto: - My answer......In the face of my masters killers. In the presence of hate....

"Naruto looks up again. He stands tall, his eyes filled with determination"

I have an answer for you, for everyone.

"Nagato 's eyes turn big as he see in the light from outside shining in upon Naruto the familiar presence of Yahiko's determination in Naruto."

The determination is final!

NEXT WEEK. Naruto's answer!

Naruto Shipuuden 448 - The End of Pain, Naruto's Answer

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: balkovics33 - 09 máj 12, 17:48:13
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *

Hanzou parancsot ad, hogy öljék meg Nagatot.A rejtett eső ninjái megjlennnek.
Nagato a feléje tartó kunaikat (? valszeg shinra tenseil?) hárítja.
Ez meglepi a ninjákat. Közben Konnant probálja az ellen karmai közül kiragadni.
Hanzou egy tüz technikával támad rá. Valószíüleg ettől eltörik mind a két lába.
(Lehet, hogy ezért lett tolokocsis.)
(Nmebiztos) Hanzou meglepődik, hogy kimerült módban is képes használni Nagato a rinnagent.
Nagato kimerült, de megidéz egy szörnyet.(Nem vagyok benne biztos, de lehet, hogy démoni birodalom teremtményézt, de ez már az én feltevésem.)
Ez olyan mint egy Bijuu.
Konan üvölti: NE  használd ezt a technikát.
Ezután számos fekete rud áll ki aNagato hátából ill. kijön.
Egy technikát kezd el használni, a neve Musou: (dicstelenség, összepászolatlanság).
Ezután a a megidézet lény szájából fehér sárkányok kezdenek jönni , amik elbánnak az Anbus és a Rejtett eső ninjáival.
A maradék ninja meg elmenük. Hasonlóan Hanzouhoz.
Nagato azt mondaj még, hogy az összes bajtársát meggyilkolták egytől eggyig.

A flashback itt véget ér.

A jelenbe érve Nagato várja Naruto válaszát.

Naruto: Ero sen. hitt és bízott bennem. Én ezért szintén hinni fogok abban amiben ő is hit(már mint Jiraya).
Ezért nem öllek meg.



Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 máj 13, 07:00:38
Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED?
Forrás : one manga forum

Basicly its more flashback of Nagato, though it show Orochimaru fighting one of Danzou's men, after finding the truth about him wanting to be hokage.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 máj 13, 14:20:04
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

"I'll try believing in what Ero-sennin believed in. That's my answer, and that's why I won't kill you guys."[Kanji for 'to kill']

[I don't get these two lines. ohana says something about looking forward to "custome urgent recruit" or something]


When Naruto is talking to Nagato, it's a close-up of Nagato's eye(s).

answering this question:

Will Naruto give [more] of his answer next time?

'Won't kill you'
and then, next time.

It was something like healthy Nagato being desperate to protect Konan.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 máj 15, 01:13:21
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: NF
Szerző: Nightjuumper

After Yahiko, Hanzou orders Nagato to be killed. The Amegakure shinobi all simultaneously throw kunai at Nagato, but the are repelled with Shinra ?, surprising the ninja.
[Nagato] uses the opportunity to help Konan, but both his legs are engulfed by Hanzou’s Fire Release Technique. Both legs are destroyed…
(This is kind of why he’s bound to a wheelchair now)
The Rinnegan and Nagato still standing even after being hit by his Fire Release Technique astonish Hanzou
While Nagato collapses, he uses the summoning “Summoning: Heretical Demon Statue” naruto 447 raw
(This looks exactly like the statue the Bijuu are stored in after they’re extracted)

Konan cries out “Don’t use that technique!” but several black rods grow out of the statue and pierce Nagato’s back
From there, he’s in Peerless Mode. From the mouth of the statue comes something that looks like white dragons. naruto chapter 447
One by one, the souls of the Konoha ANBU and Amegakure shinobi that are touched by this are extracted.
The small fry are annihilated (Danzou probably fled after seeing the statue, before it could get to him?)
Finally only Hanzou is left, but he escapes with a Body Flicker Technique.

Then the story ends and we return to the present

He says something like that after that, all his comrades died one by one

He asks for Naruto’s answer, but Naruto remembers what Ero-sennin said
(One day, people will understand each other)
Ero-sennin believed in me and entrusted [me with his will]
That’s why I’ll believe in what Ero-sennin believed in
That is my answer!!
That’s why I won’t kill you!

The end

The spine has Sasuke

More info:

Sorry, I forgot to write this
When the black rods pierce Nagato, he changes from a good-looking Nagato into a sickly Nagato

After asking Naruto about his answer [naruto] takes out the “Legend of the Gutsy Ninja”

Likely Shinra Tensei.
Kuchiyose: Gedou Mazou. Gedou means “heretical doctrine”. Mazou means “demon statue”.
Musou Mode Musou means “peerless,” “unparalleled”.

Don’t believe in yourself! Believe in me, who believes in you. Pierce the Heavens with your drill! Break through logic and kick reason to the curb! Who the hell do you think I am? naruto 447 chapter

At least, I think this is what is meant here. First of all it’s unclear who is taking it out and secondly the title of the book is written differently. It should have been written as Dokonjou Ninden, but it’s written as Dokonjou Ninja Gaiden. It’s possible I’m misinterpreting this and Nja is talking about a new side-story, but I doubt it.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 máj 15, 02:29:17
A 447. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 448. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rebi - 09 máj 19, 15:17:08
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Fake
Forrás: Deviantart


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 máj 19, 18:03:23
Hitelesség ell. pending?
Forrás: mangahelpers

タイトル 形見
Title: "Memento"

Spine of book is Orochimaru.

In the chapter can be seen the speech of Naruto.
Nagato responds to this speech.
That is what teacher talked about. (Translator's NOTE: Not quite sure about this. ).
A hint was given to me, written in the end of the story in a book. Naruto tells Nagato that he's thankful. (Translator's NOTE: Something along Naruto being thankful to Nagato of reminding him of the ending of the book.)
And then, to the story...
The protagonist in the story becomes Nagato. He is portraying the lead role. The story begins. (Translator's Note... Yes, I know, it doesn't make any sense. The translation should be pretty close, though.).
This time they're talking about his name.
ナルトが 「ナルトだ」
Naruto "It's Naruto".
Upon that being said, Nagato returns to himself.

Studying under the same teacher... You and I understand each other.
You must be joking...

From the wheelchair, without hands, Nagato's starting a seal
"You... I tried to believe in you.... Uzumaki Naruto!"

The End.

That's it, simply.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 máj 20, 10:32:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Konan, after listening to Naruto's answer, rejects him by saying "isn't that beautiful."

"Nagato took what Jiraiya said and Yahiko's life and dream and came up with his own decision in between the two, except on a much grander scale."

At that time Gai, Lee, Neji and Sakura arrive. Katsuyu apologizes, but says Neji forcefully pushed to come.
Neji, who heard Naruto's answer, says "if you were to just let that happen to Konoha, Kakashi-sensei and Shizune-san - even Hinata-sama - would unspeakably furious about it."

"But I am Ero-Sennin's... it's because I really want to believe in my teacher's words. Those words were what Nagato and Jiraiya recalled everyday while they were training."

Neji starts to say, "Jiraiya-sama and that guy...!?"

"Long ago, I had the Kyuubi sealed inside of me that caused a lot of things to happen. I had hateful thoughts, but even so I came to love everyone in the village. Because of that, no matter who it was and no matter what happened, the valuable people became important in my thoughts and feelings together." [translators note: the Japanese is a bit weird or maybe I'm parsing it wrong]

"If this comes to pass and he doesn't die, I'll change this world by becoming Hokage!"

With this frank talk, Naruto and Yahiko's images are overlaid.

From dark shadows a pair of eyes glares at Nagato. It is Kisame!

[translator's note: seems kind of fake to me]

Szerk:Végre keletkezett egy kép,nem sok de legalább kép! :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 máj 20, 11:27:45
(Nem új, ez egy előző spoiler javított fordítása.)

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: pending
Forrás: Onemanga
Szerző: mistermobile

Naruto is speaking the words of the novel

That's what he originally said to his teacher

At the end when they're talking about his name (in the book)

同じ師に学び~…俺とお前なら分かり合えると 冗談で言ったんだが…
"I may have been joking when I said that because we studied under the same teacher... You and I understand each other, but..."

NAgato takes his hands out of the wheel chair and starts to form seals
"Uzumaki naruto...I've started to want to believe"

The End.

I'm sorry it was so simple

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 máj 21, 08:37:05
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers




Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 máj 22, 02:18:15
A 448. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 449. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 máj 26, 05:12:38
Hitelesség ell. ? Prediction ?

Chapter 449: Nagato’s Trust

(Konan is worried about Nagato’s condition. Blood trickles from his mouth once more.)

“Nagato, what are you planning? We should use this time to escape, save your strength,” said Konan.

“Konan, silence. I need as much chakra as possible to pull off the summoning,” said Nagato. “WHAT? The King of Hell Statue. You can’t possibly be planning on sealing the 9 tails alone. He is not even contained,” said Konan.

(Naruto goes on the defense)

“Don’t worry Uzumaki. I have no interesting in taking the Kyuubi from you. I said I believe in you. Let me us, students of Jiraiya, bring peace,” smiled Nagato. “Nagato,” mumbled Naruto.

(The area begins to shake. Nagato continues to concentrate.)

“ARRRGGHH,” yelled Nagato. (The King of Hell Statue emerges and severly cripples the origami tree. Naruto avoids the statue’s entrance by slipping to the side. Konan and Naruto both glance at the statue. Seven eyes are open, to reflect the amount of Bijuu sealed within it.)

“See? The Rinnegan gives me amazing power. This moving statue was said to be a personal summon to that of the Six Realms Sage. Incidently, I have inheirted this monstrocity that day I awakened the Rinnegan. This beast absorbs souls and converts them into energy, energy that could be condensed into an attack.

The overall strength of the attack, depends on the level of chakra the soul has. Since the tailed beasts has the greatest resources of chakra, their souls would be more than suffice to create a gigantic weapon of mass destruction.

I intended to use this weapon to restore peace to the world. But now, after hearing your story, I fear all my efforts would have gone in vain. If people are to live in a world without scheduled conflict and eradication, a weapon such as this shouldn’t exist. Right, Naruto,” asked Nagato.

“Nagato, are you asking him to destroy this thing. What about Akatuski’s purpose? What about everything we’ve bleed and fought for,” said Konan.

“What about it? If its all in line of the prophecy, our existence is not by chance. It was only written down that the world would meet peace through Naruto’s existence,” said Nagato.

“Nagato, are you even listening to yourself? You’ve become a fool, just like Jiraiya. I won’t sit her and let all our efforts go to waste,” said Konan.

“No one is keeping you here. And if you provide yourself to be an obstancle in the way of peace, Uzumaki has no qualms about putting a stop to you,” said Nagato. (Konan looks scared)

“Fine, do what you like,” said Konan.

“Destroy the staue with everything you’ve got. Once you’ve done that, the seven Bijuu will escape and Akatuski’s direct motive will be lost,” said Nagato.

“RIght. For peace,” said Naruto. (Naruto remains motionless. And after a several moments of gathering chakra, he entires Sage Mode.)

“So what attack should I use on this thing,” mumbled Naruto. “Make sure you use a powerful technique to take this thing out,” said Nagato.

“I could use Rasen Shuriken. But I don’t want to take Nagato and his partner out as well,” said Naruto.

(Close up on Nagato. All of a sudden flashbacks starts rushing through his mind. From childhood all the way up until he meets Naruto and does battle with him.)

“I’ve served my purpose. Konan, you live on. Once he uses his attack, I’m going to get in the way. Therefore I’d be gone as well,” said Nagato. “Www, What,” yelled Konan.

Swich Scene to Akatuski’s Secret Lair:

(Zetsu is witnessing the ruin land in which the King of Hell Statue use to stand)

“All man. Madara is not going to be happy with this,” said Light Zetsu. “I wonder who had a hand in this. Time to report to Madara at once,” said Dark Zetsu.

Next Chapter: Salvation Revived

by: The Special One

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Bontakun - 09 máj 26, 23:16:53
Találtam egy ilyet bár nem tudom mennyire hiteles az oldalon pendinget írtak, de ez csak japcsi betükkel van :smirksweat:
Collected Naruto 449 Spoiler Script

source : 2ch
verifiction : pending

長門、幼女になる・・なんで?紙が白くなって俯いてる   コナン無言

サクラ、空を見上げて何あれ? ヒナタ、あれは・・?とか言ってる



水月(千鳥の比なんかじゃないぞ・・あれは) 以下略


source : 2ch
verifiction : unkown


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 máj 27, 05:55:15

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 máj 27, 06:06:53
Forrás : one manga
Hitelesség ell.: Unconfirmed

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 máj 27, 11:21:41
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: mistermobile

the only one who actually died was Nagato and Jiraiya

nagato revived everyone and entrusted his dream to naruto and died

konan leaves akatsuki and takes the 2 bodies back to Ame. She prays for naruto's success and says that the two of them have the same dream (nagato and naruto). She gives him a bunch of paper flowers

最後はサスケが 木の葉に向かうぞ で終了




なんか 魂には時間があるみたいで 今なら木の葉の連中なら間に合う 的な
発言があったから 時間たっちゃうと魂消滅しちゃって生き返らせられないんじゃ?

Source : 2ch
Credits : Nja
Verification : Confirmed
カカシ 俺は父さんを誇りに思うよ

父   ありがとう


父 お前はまだこっちくるのは早すぎたようだな


Source : 2ch
Credits : Nja
Verification : Confirmed






最後はサスケが 木の葉に向かうぞ で終了


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 máj 27, 13:34:13
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző:Saint Jimmy

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakairuRULEZ - 09 máj 27, 13:45:22


the only one who actually died was Nagato and Jiraiya

nagato revived everyone and entrusted his dream to naruto and died

konan leaves akatsuki and takes the 2 bodies back to Ame. She prays for naruto's success and says that the two of them have the same dream (nagato and naruto). She gives him a bunch of paper flowers

最後はサスケが 木の葉に向かうぞ で終了






カカシ 俺は父さんを誇りに思うよ
Kakashi: i am proud of my dad

Thank you father

An arrow of light shines on Kakashi

It's Kakashi's mother and she says something about Kakashi's dad appearing too early
Kakashi:i finally see my mother ... thank you.

Kakashi awakes

and also....


Nagato : Gedou Rinne Tenshou ! ( Heretical Justice Reincarnation ) [ Rinnegan are supposed to be the eyes of the Reincarnations ... ]

Everybody is brought back to life.
Fukusaku, Kakashi ...

Nagato hairs becomes grey ... and paper like.

Konan makes a flower out of paper and gives it to Naruto.

Sasuke is rushing to Konoha

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 máj 29, 02:54:21
A 449. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 450. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Suigetsu - 09 jún 02, 06:06:08
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: housaki

“Naruto looks as Konan starts her journey towards Amegakure”

“Naruto takes the flowers”

Naruto: - My hope will never die as long as I live. This is my promise to you Konan.
Konan: - Thank you Naruto. You may really be the light of hope we have all been dreaming of but couldn’t see.

“Naruto looks down and then up towards the sky”

Naruto: - I have a lot to tend to….I will return to the village now but I will contact you in Amegakure if all works out.

“Naruto just remembers something”

Naruto: - Oh, and you should look out for a masked man in Akatsuki.

“Konan looks serious”

Konan: - Why do you say that?
Naruto: - Someone we can trust told me about it. He apparently is using Akatsuki for other means.
Konan: ………
Naruto: Do you know who this is?
Konan: Yes. His name is Madara Uchiha. I’m sure you’ve heard of him?

“Naruto looks a little shocked”

Naruto: - Madara…Uchida? The man who fought the first.
Konan: - That’s him.
Naruto: - Uchida! That reminds me! Madara told us Sasuke defeated Itachi!

“Konan hesitates”

Konan: - ..Yes..he did….
Naruto: - Do you know what happened to him then? Madara and that plant guy seemed to go after him….
Konan: - Actually he joined Akatsuki… Last I heard from him was that he wanted some kind of revenge on Konoha for doing something towards Itachi.

Flashback ends

Naruto thinks to himself as he watches the disappearing figures of Konan and her friends: Sasuke…..What are you doing?

Switch scene to Sasuke:

“Sasuke and the gang are getting ready to leave, Madara enters.”

Sasuke: - What is it?
Madara: - I just got the information that Pain lost to the nine tails.

“Close up on Sasuke’s wide opened eyes in disbelief”

Sasuke: -Impossible…Naruto could never have…

“Madara studies Sasuke”

Madara: - That’s right, you don’t know this but Naruto took out other Akatsuki members as well.

“Sasuke looks at Madara with astonishment”

Sasuke thinks to himself: How strong have that cluts gotten?
Sasuke: - I don’t know how it happened but it seems Naruto has become pretty strong huh?
Madara: - It seems we underestimated the kid yes. For Pain to be defeated…It’s no small task.
Sasuke: - This is interesting news… It won’t be easy then as I’m sure Naruto will protect Konoha at all costs….
Madara: - So that means to achieve your goals you will need to face him..will you be up for that?

“Sasuke looks indifferent at Madara”

Sasuke: - I have defeated him before and there is no way he could defeat me.
Madara: - Then you wouldn’t mind recovering the nine - tails in place of Pain while your at it yes?

“Sasuke hesitates, then he smiles”
Sasuke thinks: I would like to see just how strong my new abilities are….and Naruto is the perfect person that represents the will of fire…And It can’t be avoided if I’m to revenge Itachi.

Sasuke: - I will have my revenge..and If Naruto tries to stop me I will take him down. I have no more ties to him, I cut them already in the valley of the end.

“Madara watches Sasuke with delight and even a little fear”
Madara thinks: How long has it been since I felt even the slightest hint of fear? He is ruthless even to the degree of Insanity. He will be very strong… My goals is finally getting closer.

Madara: - Excellent. You know what to do, I’ll leave the rest to you.

Switch to Naruto:

“As Konan disappears Naruto relaxes and feels the fatigue he didn’t before”
“Naruto gasps for air and kneels down”
Katsuyu: - Naruto! Hold on…Neji and Rock Lee is coming to help you!

“Naruto looks at Katsuyu at his shoulder”

Naruto: - They are? How?
Katsuyu: - I’m leading them to you, Neji insisted.
Naruto: - That’s fine…I’m alright but I’m kind of tired.

“Neji and Lee arrive at the ground where Naruto is kneeling”

Neji: - Naruto!
Lee: - Naruto, are you alright?

“They both come up to him and support him so he can stand. Lee looks around and Neji uses Byuukan to look around”

Naruto: - I’m fine guys, just a little tired.
Lee: - Is the enemy defeated?
Neji: - No! I see one figure moving away from here not far away!

“Neji starts to move, Naruto puts his hand on Nejis Shoulder stopping him. Neji Looks surprised at him”

Neji: - Naruto?

“Naruto gives Neji a serious stare”

Naruto: - Let her go Neji, she is not the enemy.
Neji: - Did you let her go?
Naruto: - Yes. Pain is dead, they are not our enemy anymore.
Neji: - But they destroyed the village! They Killed!
Naruto: - I know Neji, but as a final act Pain also revived the people that died….

“Lee and Neji is shocked by this statement”

Lee: -Revived?
Neji: What are you talking about Naruto!?

“Naruto stands on his own, tall and determined. He looks them straight in the eyes. He puts his hands on their shoulders”

Naruto: Don’t worry you two. I’ve defeated Pain. Before he died he Revived the people who he hurt in Konoha. Even if that sounds weird it will all be explained in time. We won…. Konan left with their bodies to Amegakure. They will support us from now on. Trust in me.
The village needs us now. Let’s go home.

“Naruto smiles”
“Both Lee and Neji is taken in by Narutos determination and can say nothing. They both stand there in some kind of aw at Narutos presence. ”

Naruto: - Come on guys, help me home.
Neji: - Eh.. Of course Naruto!

“Leaning on his comrades Naruto begins the walk home.”

Switch to Sakura:

“Sakura is helping people around the debris”

Sakura thinks: Impossible! I don’t know what happened but people came back from the dead….This is a miracle.

“Someone Shouts something and Sakura looks up to see what the fuss is”

Ten-ten: - Naruto! It’s Naruto!

“Sakura looks around and see that people are standing up all over the place to see Naruto return. Besides her is Hinata that is crying with Joy. Hinata stands up and shouts. Naruuutooo - Kuuunn!

Sakura feels as all her worries is washed away and she feels light-hearted at all the peoples joy at Naruto’s return. She smiles and looks at the horizon.”
Sakura thinks: Naruto! Look what you have become to the village….You saved us!
“Sakura looks to see the figure of Naruto leaning lightly on Neji slowly walking towards the crater area. The sun is starting to set so they have the sun in their back making them somewhat shadowy. Besides them Lee is walking to.”

“Naruto lets go of Neji and raises his hand in a wave towards the people of Konoha. The people stand in silence as Naruto passes them and walks up to Sakura, Hinata and gang.
He looks around and smiles and his new found determination can be seen by all”

Naruto: - I’m glad your all safe! It was a close call there. The danger is over for now. Let’s rebuild!

“The people around all start to cheer and chant”

People: - Naruto! Konoha’s saviour!

Switch to Sasuke:
A panorama from outside the house Sasuke and gang was staying in, all members ready to go. Close up on Sasukes face, Let’s move out! In the background you see one Sharingan looking down upon the team.

What will happen to the village?
Next chapter: - Wounds -

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 09 jún 02, 15:11:12
Verification: Pending
Source: 2ch
Credits: Possibly NJA

As Naruto heads back to the village, exhausted, Kakashi appears and lends him his shoulder.

ナルト里に帰還(カカシ心の中で よく頑張ったな とほめる)
Naruto makes it back to the village. Kakashi praises him in his thoughts: "you did real good..."

"Naruto Faithful" greet him en masse.

From a distance, Hinata sheds tears, relieved he's indeed made it back safe.

Iruka remembers how Naruto was all alone as a child, and sheds tears seeing how he's now loved by everyone.

サクラがナルトに寄っていき頭を叩くがすぐ抱きしめて ありがとう…
Sakura aproaches Naruto and smacks him on the head, but then embraces him and says "thank you..."

Shikamaru's dad calls for an emergency meeting (since he's the Head Jounin).  


Zetsu is watching. "To think Pain was defeated...we need to tell Tobi."

Scene switches to Akatsuki.

ゼツ ペインがやられ おそらくコナンもここにはもう戻ってこないと思う

Zetsu: "Pain was defeated. Konan's unlikely to return."

マダラ 外道魔像とリンクできるコマを2人用意しないとな…
    キサメお前は八尾を追え 俺はちょっとこれからやる事がある

Madara: "We'll need to get two 'dummies/pawns'* who can link to the Gedou Demon Statue. Kisame, you go after the Eight Tails - there's something that needs my attention."

*exact meaning unclear. "koma" is "piece", as in an object you use for something. So here he's ostensibly referring to people who are of no other use to him but to connect to the statue, or perhaps two human-like placeholders.

やっと雷の使者が 木の葉に到着~(くだらない漫才みたいなことやってるから遅かったとおもわれw)

The emmissaries from Lightning finally arrive at Konoha ( one gets the feeling it took them as long as they did 'cuz they just had to do comedy on the way).

ツナデは力を使い切ってしまったのか ババア姿のまま昏睡状態
Tsunade is comatose in her granny state, like she used up all of her power.

Sakura says there's nothing that can be done for her.

So, they start a meeting to select the next Hokage.

ダンゾウ名乗り出る前に シカ丸父ちゃんがはたけカカシを推薦します! 
Before Danzou can nominate himself, Shikamaru's dad nominates Hatake Kakashi.

Danzou makes a face.

Everyone's in favor, but Danzou throws a fit.

全て 三代め火影の甘い考えが引き起こした~


"It was Jiraiya's apprentice that destroyed Konoha! The betrayal of our ally the sand, Orochimaru's attempt to destroy Konoha, and on top of it all, Uchiha Sasuke as a Nukenin - All of it is the result of the Third Hokage's naive views!"

火の国大名が では ダンゾウを六代目火影の任命する!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lord of Fire Country then says "Well then, I hereby designate Danzou as the Sixth Hokage!"

Danzou makes an evil grin.



The backbone cover is Manda, I think.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Saruwatari Kumiko - 09 jún 02, 15:28:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: 52manyou and 2Ch (Nja and Nightjumper)

Naruto heads back to the village exhausted. There he finds Kakashi, whose shoulder he lends.
Naruto is meet by a horde of fans back in the village.(Kakakshi praises him in his mind)

Naruto sheds a tear in the distance. Hinata thinks back to how lonely Naruto was in his childhood, and compares that to the present time. Iruka gets tears in his eyes over sees how Naruto is adored by everyone. Sakura punches Naruto in the face, then immediately hugs him.
Shikaku thanks Naruto in his mind, and calls for an important meeting.(Concerning the Jounin squad leaders)

Zetsu is watching.

"Pain was killed... I'll report this to Tobi"
Scene changes to Akatsuki

Zetsu: "With Pain killed, I don't think Konan will be coming back here"
Madara: [Unsure, he says something about two persons who have can make a link to Gedou Ma Zou, or something]
Madara: "Kisame, you'll go after Hachibi. I have something to take care of after this."
Scene changes to Konoha
The envoy from the Cloud finally arrives.

"Tsunade exhausted herself?" [Unsure about the rest of this line]

Sakura is at a loss too.

Then there's a meeting to decide the next Hokage for the Fire Country.
Before Danzou can introduce himself, Shikaku recommends Kakashi.
Danzou is disgusted
Everyone agrees[with Shikaku], but Danzou protests
"The one who destroyed Konoha is Jiraiya's pupil"
"The betrayal of our allies, the Sand"
"Orochimaru's destruction of Konoha"
"And the nuke-nin, Uchiha Sasuke"
"This was all caused by the Sandaime Hokage's lenient way of thinking"

He then nominates himself to be Hokage.

The Fire Daimyou appoints him as the Rokudaime Hokage.

Danzou smiles from ear to ear


The spine is probably of a manga

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 jún 02, 16:49:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed??
Szerző: Iwanin

Dunno if it's legit, but here's my trans for the prev spoiler.

As Naruto heads back to the village, exhausted, Kakashi appears and lends him his shoulder.

ナルト里に帰還(カカシ心の中で よく頑張ったな とほめる)
Naruto makes it back to the village. Kakashi thinks to himself: "you did real good...[Naruto]"

"Naruto Faithful" greet him en masse.

From a distance, Hinata sheds tears, relieved he's indeed made it back safe.

Iruka remembers how Naruto was all alone as a child, and sheds tears seeing how he's now loved by everyone.

サクラがナルトに寄っていき頭を叩くがすぐ抱きしめて ありがとう…
Sakura aproaches Naruto and smacks him on the head, but then embraces him and says "thank you..."

Shikamaru's dad calls for an emergency meeting (since he's the Head Jounin).  

Zetsu is watching. "To think Pain was defeated...we'd better tell Tobi."

Scene switches to Akatsuki.

ゼツ ペインがやられ おそらくコナンもここにはもう戻ってこないと思う
Zetsu: "Pain was defeated. I doubt Konan's coming back, either."

マダラ 外道魔像とリンクできるコマを2人用意しないとな…
    キサメお前は八尾を追え 俺はちょっとこれからやる事がある

Madara: "We'll need to get two 'dummies/pawns'* who can link to the Gedou Demon Statue. Kisame, you go after the Eight Tails - there's something that needs my attention."

*exact meaning unclear. "koma" is "piece", as in an object you use for something. So here he's ostensibly referring to people who are of no other use to him but to connect to the statue, or perhaps two human-like placeholders.

やっと雷の使者が 木の葉に到着~(くだらない漫才みたいなことやってるから遅かったとおもわれw)
The emmissaries from Lightning finally arrive at Konoha (probably took them as long as it did 'cuz they just had to do comedy on the way).

ツナデは力を使い切ってしまったのか ババア姿のまま昏睡状態
Tsunade is comatose in her granny state, like she used up all of her power.

Sakura says there's nothing that can be done for her.

So, they start a meeting to select the next Hokage.

ダンゾウ名乗り出る前に シカ丸父ちゃんがはたけカカシを推薦します! 
Before Danzou can nominate himself, Shikamaru's dad nominates Hatake Kakashi.

Danzou makes a face.

Everyone's in favor, but Danzou throws a fit.

全て 三代め火影の甘い考えが引き起こした~


"It was Jiraiya's apprentice that destroyed Konoha! The betrayal of our ally the sand, Orochimaru's attempt to destroy Konoha, and on top of it all, Uchiha Sasuke as a Nukenin - All of it is the result of the Third Hokage's naive views!"

火の国大名が では ダンゾウを六代目火影の任命する!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lord of Fire Country then says "Well then, I hereby designate Danzou as the Sixth Hokage!"

Danzou makes an evil grin.


The backbone cover is Manda, I think.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 jún 03, 09:26:54
Forrás: mangahelpers
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED






Other Translation
English script roughly translated by narutoverse

Naruto walks back to the village, then Kakashi shows up and lends him the shoulder. (Kakashi's mind praises Naruto.)
Many people welcome to Naruto.
Hinata cries after she knows that Naruto is fine.
Iruka remembers that Naruto is lonely when he is a child, he cries that now many people acknowledges Naruto.
Sakaru comes close to Naruto. She hugs him and says thank you.
Because there is an important meeting, Shikamaru and his Dad are out.
Zetsu witnesses all this incident.
Pain is being defeated...have to tell Tobi...

Scene changes to Akatsuki
Zetsu: Pain lose. Konan wouldn't come back here.
Madara: Kisame, you go after the eight-tailed beast. I have somethings to do.
[Added] Madara is going to see if he can make a link with Gedou Demon Statue even with two less people.

Scene changes to Konoha
The messenger of Rai country arrives Konoha finally.
Tsunade is exhausted so she shows up like granny and falls asleep.
Sakaru have no treatment on her.

The meeting is about nomination of the next hokage. Before Danzou nominates himself, Shikaku nominates Kakashi.
It seems that Danzou is not happy when everyone agrees. Danzou shouts that Jiraiya's apprentice destroyed the village, Sand country is the betrayal of our allies, Orochimaru brings destruction to Konoha and Uchiha Sasuke is missing ninja of Konoha, all of these are the fault of third hokage.
Then he nominates himself. The fire country announces the six hokage is Danzou.
Danzou smiles.
The end.

Side cover is Manda.

Forrás: mangahelpers
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Saruwatari Kumiko - 09 jún 03, 14:55:37
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: 52manyou and 2Ch (Nja and Nightjumper)




Picture Translation
Credits: narutofan

by: vered - NF

Okay fine,
from what I can read/make out of it...

First pic, first textbubble:
"We had faith in you[naruto]!"

I'm going to make a guess and say that the second bubble is saying:
"You're a hero, Naruto!"

I think the third bubble says:
"Thank you!"

Second pic seem to have been translated.

Third pic... Can't make much out of it, but the last bubbles are saying:
"I appoint you, Danzou, as the Rokudaime Hokage!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

by: Nightjumper of NF

イルカ 皆が見てるなか
Hinata's weeping
Team Gai
Team Shikamaru
Kiba, Shino
Iruka - Everyone's watching
Sakura elbows Naruto, then, when he's about to slouch over, she immediately hugs him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


in other words

the idiot daimyo at first thinks kakashi is a good candidate.
enter danzou and everyone crowds around him
the daimyo directly/personally appoints danzou as hokage

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jún 05, 13:53:41
A 450. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 451. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kucsu - 09 jún 08, 09:57:18
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *

(Shikaku is displeased with the Feudal Lords’ decision)

“This is nonsense, I humbly request my lord that you reconsider,” said Shikaku. “On what grounds,” said Head Lord.

“No need. My Lord, the decison has already been decided by you, the head of the Fire Country’s council, that’s all that needs to be said. Stand down Shikaku, or in the name of the law they may punish you for breach of power,” said Danzou.

“Why you little… Where were you when we needed your unit the most,” asked Shikaku. “Settle down, or this meeting will be postponed,” said one of the Fuedal Lords. “I’m just trying to defend these travasties this man is throwing at me, please for give my manners,” said Danzou. (He stands up and then bows.)

“Do you want Konoha to end up like Mizugakure? Please, here my out. This man stands for everything that is wrong in the shinobi world. He is not the example our past Hokages set for us,” yelled Shikaku.

“Who is to say the new system is worth giving a try? Under the past Hokages the village has always been in turmoil,” said Danzou. naruto 451 raw

“ENOUGH. Danzou is now the 6th Hokage. Anymore complaints and I’ll retain each and everyone of you in confinement,” said Head Fuedal Lord. (Shikaku thinks to himself.)

“I can’t let this happen. I must do something. If I can, then maybe Konoha will have a chance,” said Shikaku. (They leave. 3 Guards escort Danzou and others outside.)

“Now, considering that this area is heavily guarded, I might cause a huge commotion .Kage Mane, complete,” said Shikaku. “What’s going on,” said Guard one. “I can’t move,” said Guard three. “Damn,” yelled Guard 2. “Kage Mane,” said Danzou. “Shikaku, what are you doing,” said Anbu 1. “I have to do this, this man is not what Konoha needs right now,” said Shikaku. “You’ll never get away with this,” said Danzou.

“I don’t care what they’ll do to me. This is my way of making it up to Konoha. BIND,” said Shikaku. (Immediately, the Fuedal lords send in a horde of guards, who are armed with Kunai and heavy weaponry. They capture Shikaku and takes him away.)

“Shame. Did you think you could plot something as drastic as this and not be caught? This place is heavily patrolled,” said Head Council Leader. (They move to the commotion.)

“So, it seems Konoha has some internal problems as well, this is no good,” said Council member. naruto 451

“He’ll most likely recieve the ultimate punishment,” said Next Council Member.

“DAMN it. I was so close,” said Shikaku. “ASSASINATION ATTEMPT. SHIKAKU of Konoha will immediatley be retained in confinement for high treason to the Hokage,” said Head Fuedal Lord. (Who appears with more guards.)

(Danzou Smiles.)

Switch Scene to Akatuski Hideout

(Madara approaches Falcon.)

“I know you are extremely anxious about going to Konoha. But Sasuke, two of your members will have to stay behind and help with the sync of the Eight Tails,” said Madara.

“I aint goin no where. I’m with Sasuke regardless,” said Suigetsu. “Afterall, it is up to Sasuke. But two of you will still have to stay behind,” said Madara.

“Heh, Sasuke needs my chakra sensing abilities, I have no need to worry,” said Karin. “So, have you decided,” asked Madara. “Suigetsu is coming with me. Juugo and Karin will have to remain behind,” said Sasuke. “Yeah, that’s my pal,” said Suigetsu. “If its Sasuke’s orders, I’ll have to follow,” said Juugo.

“How dare you? Afterall I’ve done for you,” said Karin. “Let it go, this is for the best,” said Sasuke. “Before you go to Konoha. I need to warn you of Naruto. He defeated the former Akatuski Leader. I’ll replay back the viewing of the battle via my sharingan,” said Madara. (Apparently Zetsu recorded it. Like he did with the viewing of Sasuke vs. Itachi.)

“Naruto hmm,” mumbled Sasuke.

switch Scene to Konoha:

(Team Samui are wondering around Konoha.)

“So, is the Hokage even alive considering the state of the village,” asked Karui “I dont’ want to feel like wasting my time but its for Raikage,” said Omoi. “Guys. Look over there. There is a huge crowd of villagers. Perhaps we’ll find the Hokage over there,” said Samui.

Switch Scene to Kisame:

(He is walking over an ocean of water.)

“Looks like I’m all alone on this one. Its been a long time,” smiled Kisame. (He pictures walking alongside Itachi.)

Next Chapter: Team Samui contacts the Leaf

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Ayumichan - 09 jún 08, 17:27:18
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: *

Naruto Chapter 451 Spoilers and Predictions

Chapter 451

Feudal lord: However, Your opponent will be Uzumaki Naruto.

Danzou: SAY WUT?!! He is only a mere child. A container for the demon.

Shikaku: You. Know Danzou. Naruto has done more for this village than you.

Burocrats: Ah yes. He saved us from the sand and defeated Pain.

Danzou: Imbeciles. Don't you see he has caused a huge burden on us?! The village is in this shape because of him. Akatsuki would of never come here if it hadn't been for the Fourth!

Old Man advisor: True. But Naruto is still a mere genin.

Feudal Lord: Bring Uzumaki Naruto here.

*The fodder nin go and seek out Naruto*

-- Scene switch to Naruto --

Naruto: I'm exhausted. Wow Tsuande looks old.

Tsuande true form is shown. She looks like an old woman.

Tsuande springs up

Tsuande: IM OLD?!!! YOU MAYBE SAVED THE VILLAGE! BUT! *Drives her fist into Naruto's face sending him tumbling out of the tent.

Omoi: Whoa. We have a hostile. *Watches Naruto tumbling comes to a close in front of him.*

Omoi: Are you alright little dude?

Naruto: Who the hell are you?

Omoi: We have come from the hidden cloud village to inform the hokage about our 8 tails being captured by Akatsuki.

Naruto Gets up. What does Akatsuki got to do with Konoha?

Omoi: Sasuke Uchiha has captured our Jinchuuriki. He is now in Akatsuki.

Naruto is petrified.

-- End.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Adamems - 09 jún 09, 06:10:13
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: *
Szerző: TheSixthHokage

Naruto 451 “The Plunge”

The long, oak table, where Konoha and the Land of Fire’s top officials gathered, was shocked at the Fire ruler’s sudden outburst, particularly Shikaku.

“It is decided, Danzo shall be the Sixth Hokage of Konoha,” declared the Fire Daimyo to sparse applause from his retainers and scowls from the assembled shinobi, outside of the Elders who seemed undecided.

“My lord, as jonin representative I really must protest, perhaps a vote among the chunins and jonins would better reflect the majority’s belief that Hatake Kakashi is the best successor to the Fifth,” reasoned Shikaku.
Seeing his only bastion of firm support, the Daimyo and his retainers, waiver Danzo jumped to his feet.

“The cowardly Third and those who follow his philosophy have brought this village to near ruin, after years of the Third, it’s only right that a man of action is put in charge. We cannot have votes in a time of emergency such as now, we must be swift and relentless in showing the other villages our strength” the “Root” leader retorted.

“Enough!” bellowed the strange Daimyo, “We’ve made our decision: Konoha is under your command Danzo, do not let us down.” With that the Land of Fire’s political elite followed their master out of the airy conference chamber.
Danzo gets to his feet and walks past Shikaku to the exit, where two masked ‘Root’ members await their commanding officer.

Shikaku glances dangerously at Danzo and rushes to an alternative exit to warn Kakashi to look after the bed-ridden Fifth.

Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Shizune sombrely surround Tsunade, the once stunningly beautiful Senju princess. Covered in easily seen wrinkles and her face robbed of its youthful lustre, Sakura could barely hold back her tears. Her master, the medical genius of Konoha, was still in a coma and even Shizune was unsure if she could recover.

I promise to make you proud, Tsunade-sama! Please be around to watch me grow into someone you can be truly call your apprentice….Sakura mentally pleaded as Naruto and Kakashi got up to fetch some food and water for their exhausted comrades.
“I am sure Tsunade-sama will recover,” Shizune quietly surmised. “She needs you more than ever Sakura, you’re her legacy in Konoha, her gift to the village.”
“Why me, you’re her first pupil Shizune-sempai!’
“I may be her first, but you are her favourite,” declared Shizune with one of her trademark radiant smiles.

Outside of the large tent for the Fifth, an entire unit of ANBU ‘Root’ lay in wait for the confirmation from the Sixth. The 4-man unit stays hidden behind the large trees surrounding the tent, grasping their standard-issue ninjatos.

Samui, Omoi and Karui march to the make-shift tent city built where Konoha once was and are pointed to the largest tent, the new office of the Hokage.

“I wonder who it is…,” ponders Omoi, “maybe they chose a hottie as their leader like last time! Or maybe she’ll be a beast like Karui….wow that’s depressing.”
Omoi barely ducked under the barrage of shuriken thrown by his angered teammate. They managed to reach the large, but amazingly drab tent that was the Hokage’s new residence. All around masked ANBU were on guard and only after showing their Land of Fire permits were they let in to meet with the new shinobi ruler.

Samui’s beautiful face erupted in confusion when she saw Danzo sit on a makeshift throne, surrounded by his sychophantic operatives.

That man! He was Raikage-sama’s ally in Konoha about 4 years ago, how did he become Hokage so soon? Was it a coup as they had discussed? That’d explain the heavy guard… she pondered, ignoring the looks from her teammates. “Welcome to Konoha, Cloud ninja. I am the lord and master of this village, the Rokudaime Hokage,” Danzo bragged with a smile from ear-to-ear.

Naruto and Kakashi gather water at a nearby stream only to have Shikaku run up, out of breath and rambling incoherently.

“Danzo…he… the Fire Daimyo….he’s the Sixth!” exploded the jonin representative.
The son and former pupil of the Fourth could only gaze at Shikamaru’s father with utter confusion and allow the man to re-gain his breath.

“It’s Danzo, he overcame my objection, he’s the newly appointed Sixth!” he finally blurted after several rasping breaths.

Naruto’s eyes grew in shock as Kakashi’s one eye narrowed menacingly.

Next time! Naruto 452: The Will of Fire Extinguished?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 jún 10, 05:59:59
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: állítólag Confirmed
Forrás: forum.onemanga

Non-nonsensical translation by me (probably not 100% accurate by any means, but better than a babelfish abomination):

Naruto wanders around the ruined Konoha village.

Sakura tells him he should rest, but Naruto says that it's his fault the village ended up in this state

Ino, Chouji , Guy's team, Shino's family etc. meet up with Naruto.

They encouter Hinata and Kiba too. Naruto expresses his thanks to Hinata, but she doesn't seem to remember much about what happened (NOTE: not entirely sure here. Could be the other way round.) Naruto heads off to see more of the village.

Kiba wants to say something to Hinata

Hinato says "yeah" and there's a flashback to the scene from the previous chapter, where Hinata smiles. She blushes? (not at all sure about this, might actually be Kiba who blushes?!) [in brackets: "Might be wwww." (no idea what that's supposed to mean.)]

When they get back to the tent, Shikamaru and his dad are there. An agitated Sakura tells everyone that Danzou is now Hokage.

Tobi is looking for Kabuto. Now he's fused with Orochimaru, he can make up for two lost men (presumably referring to Nagato and Konan?).

The Raikage's messengers arrive before Danzou.


Manda and Katsuyu are on the spine.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Norec - 09 jún 10, 09:44:24
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:CONFIRMED

451 Sasuke's punishment 451

Genma and the others looks for trees.
Yamato : Mokuton Renchuuka no jutsu
Yamato build a wood house.
Everyone cheers !

before Naruto and Sasuke, comes Inari and Tazuna !

Tazuna : Where's Sasuke ? I need to talk to him too.
Naruto has been deceived.
Naruto think : "Where the hell are you Sasuke ?"

Omoi and Karui : Now I understand. The ones who should understand Sasuke's revenge goals more than anyone, doesn't understand anything about it.

Comes a Byakugan user : "Kou" ?

Then secret talk probably from some messenger (Hishou) : "Please, give our message to Lord Hokage. We have a letter for him, from the Raikage."

Then we see Shizune talk with Hishou

Hishou : "Hokage's messenger ? I would like an answer to my letter."
Shizune : "As the Hokage's assistand, I'll take it."

Then Danzou comes.

Danzou : "I'm the new 6th Hokage ! I'll take that letter." He reads. "Sasuke huh ? I knew this day would come sooner or later."

Kiba comes to Naruto.

Kiba : "The 6th gave the order to kill Sasuke !"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 jún 10, 09:51:12
Hitelesség ell : CONFIRMED
Forrás : Mangahelpers


Pain : Now you understand Pain. There's no understanding of eachother before feeling Pain.

Samui : Anyway, please give our line up to Lord Hokage.

Tazuna : Where's Sasuke ?

Yamato : It sounds so easy when you say it.

Kiba : Listen, Lady Tsunade is no longer Hokage !
Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi : What ?

I don't know everything but the new guy is named Danzou.

Sakura : What ? Danzou ?
Naruto : No !

Kiba : I have a baaaad feeling about this.
Kiba : This 6th Hokage guy gave the order to kill Sasuke.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 jún 11, 17:01:46
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: az:) Confirmed
Szerző:HPTR Fangirl
Forrás:mangahelpers forum


Yamato build a huge one.

the jounins says :
"In a blink of an eye, Konoha is reborn !" to Yamato

Inari became a carpenter, he came to assit Tazuna.

Sasuke & co are coming to Konoha.

They jump from trees to trees ... ( Oh thank you for this one )

Sasuke has a flashback about Itachi.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 jún 13, 13:27:31
A 451. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 452. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zole - 09 jún 16, 08:47:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:   Prediction

"No. As long as there is still breath in this body, none of this will go down," yelled Naruto. "I understand, but this is the Hokage. Perhaps Sasuke really did get into a bind," said Kiba

"Let's first find out what's going on before panacking and making rash decisions. Still, I can't believe a man like that has actually become the Hokage. This changes things drastically," said Kakashi.

"I'm with Kakashi on this one. Although, I can also sympathize with Naruto, its Sasuke afterall, and Tsunade has warned me about Danzou. He has a cold militaristic philosphy. Instead of settling matters with treaties and negotions; he prefers wet work ops and the preservation of a strong and feared government," said Sakura.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. He leads a sub organization within Anbu, called Root. Its main purpose is to create shinobi without human emotions," said Kakashi.

"So Sai was," said Naruto.

"Exactly," said Kakashi.

"What, how is such a thing legal in Konoha," asked Kiba. "Its not. But who would oppose him? He believes that the cause of Konoha's failures is because the 3rd Hokage's teachings placed too much meaning on feelings. And when emotions get in the way, missions are compromised. And based off the current cirumstances, who would blame Danzou for sticking to his route," said Kakashi.

"But, that can't be how villages should operate. There should be an idea of understanding. Village systems would be competeing for survival. And the strongest one will have the others kneeling at their feet. That's the same ideal that led to Pain's creation," said Naruto.

(Everyone is surprized by Naruto's intuition.)

"Hmm. Naruto certainly has a point, but people who where born in war like environments managed to survive by clinging on to those old ideals. That's the only way they see it, any other way would be foolish and sentimental. Add sadly, those kind of people are the ones that are in control of our government," said Kakashi.

(Kakashi pictures the 3 elders and the council Leaders.)

(Outside. The crowd gathers around Danzou and his Anbu supporters. In the midst of it all, people are shockedabout Danzou's rise to Hokage. People question Sasuke's morale. Soon afterwards Team 7 makes its way to the crowd. Danzou begins his speech.)

"Citizens, fear not, Konoha's future is in capable hands. I, Danzou, the Founder of the Root Division of Anbu, will ensure that nothing like this will ever happen to this village again. Within the past two decades alone, this village has been placed under unrequired fire. Why is that? It was because the Hokages before failed to eliminate
threats as soon as they arised.

They let personal and cultural barriers get in the way of perserving the way of the shinobi. Orochimaru was given time to escape, because he was Sarutobi's student. That cost the village. And this instance here, the Akatuski leader was Jiraiya's own student, and look at what happened. But no more. Under my watch all threats will be elminated. All suspensions will be taken care of. That is why I have agreed to assist the Raikage in the assination of Sasuke, something Tsunade would of never agreed to.

Sasuke, who has left the village without proper orders and without specifiying length of stay, has been marked as a missing-nin. In his traveles he is now in support of the terrorist group known as Akatuski. And has infiltrated THe Cloud and has captured Raikage's brother, a Jinchuuriki.

Konoha is to be on high alert. All abled shinobi will guard this village, because who is to say, he won't go after Naruto? Uzumaki Naruto will hereby be reolcated until the Akatuski matter is settled, which would be explained in depth during the upcoming Kage Summit issued by Raikage. We can't risk such an overwhelming power being turned against us. That is all," said Danzou.

(Everyone is in uproar.)

"This look bad for you Naruto," said Kiba. "No way. There's no way a jerk like that is going make me sit here and let them kill Sasuke. Nor will I sit around and do nothing while Akatuski plots their next move," said Naruto. "What do you suppose you do. I don't like Danzou either, but he and the Raikage wouldn't lie about something this drastic. Still, I don't agree with him isolating you from everyone. You are one of shinobi that protect this village," said Sakura.

"Damn it. If Tsunade was wake, none of this would of happened," said Shizune.

"This was exactly what I feared from the beginning. Naruto is not some tool to be locked away," said Shikaku.

"I can't believe it. I won't believe Sasuke to be aiding Akatuski. I can't believe that he'd send someone like me into Akatuski's hands. I won't believe it," yelled Naruto.

(Danzou secretly walks by.)

"Oh? Why wouldn't he," smiled Danzou. (Naruto grabs Danzou's collar.) "What do you know about Sasuke? Nothing. I know all about your exploits. Pain told me. I'm not going to sit here and-," said Naruto before getting cut off.
(He is immediately surronded by Anbu.)

"Unhand the Hokage at once," said Anbu 1. "Uzumaki Naruto, please," said Anbu 2. (Kakashi rushes in and removes Naruto from Danzou.) "What's gotten into you Naruto?
I know your heart is in the right place and you want your freedom. But this is hardly the way to settle things," said Kakashi.

"I forgive him. He is but a child afterall. But know this Uzumaki. Sasuke is no longer pure as he was. The slightest influence could paint him into a completely different picture. The old friend that you use to know, is gone. Forget everything you thought and knew about Sasuke. That is all. I hope you've come to your senses," said Danzou.

(Naruto closes his eyes. And reflects back on what Itachi told him.)

"Sasuke. You couldn't really do something like this," said Naruto.

(Flash back of Itachi and Naruto's conversation.)

"You said you want to bring Sasuke back, don't you? But what if he doesn't want to go.
But what if its the opposite? You said you thought of Sasuke as a brother. Well, I'm asking you what you'd do if Sasuker were to attack Konoha," said Itachi.

"What? Why would Sasuke? He'd never do that," exclaimed Naruto.

"Sasuke is still pure. He could be colored easily by anything. If that should happen, would you be able to stop him. Even if it meant killing him? Could you weigh Sasuke's life against Konoha," said Itachi.

"I'd protect Konoha! And find a way to stop Sasuke without killing him. I won't bend my words. That is what being a ninja means to me," said Naruto.

"I've given you some of my power. I hope the day comes when you never have to use it," said Itachi.

(Back to the present.)

"Sasuke. What have you gotten yourself into? DANZOU," yelled Naruto. (He turns around.)

"What is it, boy," asked Danzou. "Leave Sasuke to me. I'll stop Sasuke with my own hands. Please don't involve the other villages. I don't really care for your methods. But if Sasuke is such a threat, then let me take care of him. I'm the only one who knows him best. I'm the only one who knows how he feels. Please, I'm begging you. Give me the order, and I'll stop Sasuke for everyone. If I fail, you can lock me up afterwards," said Naruto.

"Nnn. Naruto," mumbled Sakura. (Everyone is astoned by Naruto's reaction.) "Are you sure about this Naruto," asked Kiba.

"Facing Pain must have changed him. This is not the same Naruto we were use to," said Kakashi.

"Hmm," Danzou thinks on it.

"Danzou my lord. He did defeat the Akatuski leader. Perhaps its not out of the question," said Anbu 1.

"He is no longer a child. Perhaps you should allow it," said Anbu 2. "He gets this one chance. If he screws up, I'll see to it that he never steps foot ouside Konoha again," said Danzou.

Next Chapter: Danzou's Permission

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Uzumaki Naruto - 09 jún 16, 11:46:54
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *         (állítólag igaz)
Szerző: Nja-NF












使者が 今は暁にいて雲隠れを襲って師匠をらちりやがったんだと聞き

みんな驚いた所で 完

背表紙はちっこい蛙 名前忘れたw

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 jún 16, 11:54:41
Credits by: Nja and Nightjumper-NF

quick sum up

Naruto says that he won't allow this.[Danzou becoming Hokage]

Kakashi tells him off, saying that it's what the higher-ups have decided for the time being, if he's[naruto] is unlucky, he'll get thrown into jail[for opposing Danzou]... At least until Tsunade wakes up.

Scene change to Danzou

Danzou orders Sai to make sure Naruto doesn't do something stupid
The reason why, is because Naruto is a hero right now. He's more popular than Danzou. Punishing him[naruto] could lead to the people of the village revolting.

After receiving his orders, Sai goes to meet up with Naruto and the others.
Naruto asks Sai what Danzou's like,
Sai says he doesn't really know him, but Danzou donates curse marks/seals to all members of Root. Sai can't talk about classified info, because everyone who has, has fallen over unconscious.(Talking = Death)

Some prehistory on Sai
[Unsure]Then the guy who authorized taking care of Sasuke, comes out.

[Unsure]They hear the Cloud ninja talking.

"That Sasuke guy abducted our master(s)"

[Something about Naruto and Sakura not making a mutual effort, and either getting pissed off or brushing their worries off]
A dark influential person --> Two dark persons

"Why would Sasuke do something like that?"

使者が 今は暁にいて雲隠れを襲って師匠をらちりやがったんだと聞き
[Something about the present time, Akatsuki, Kumogakure, an attack, and master being abducted]

みんな驚いた所で 完
Everyone is surprised by this

背表紙はちっこい蛙 名前忘れたw
Spine is of some small frog, Nja forgot his name

Summázom magyaul:
Narutonak nem tetszik hogy Danzou a Hokage, Kakashi óva inti hogy ne szálljon szembe vele, mert börtönbe kerülhet, legalább addig maradjon nyugton amíg Tsunade magához tér!
Eközben Danzou parancsba adja Sai-nak hogy figyeljen Narutora mert jelenleg sokkal népszerűbb, mint ő. Sai ezután találkozik Narutoékkal, akik rákerdeznek milyen Danzou, de Sai nem ismeri annyira csak azt tudja hogy a Gyökereknek "Átokpecsétet??" ajándékoz, de erről nem beszélhet mert akinek sokat jár a szája eltűnik!
Felhő ninják dumálnak, hogy Sasuke elrabolta a mesterüket, és Saku meg Naru nem nagyon tesznek semmit hogy megállítsák!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 jún 16, 12:57:46
Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: fugetsugym


quick sum up


Naruto says he won't allow that kind of crap and is going to complain to Danzo


Kakashi stops him, saying that the big wigs made the decision, play your hand poorly and you'll end up in the brig. Just hold out until Tsunade-sama wakes up.


To Danzo,


He orders Sai to keep an eye on Naruto and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid (the reason being that Naruto is the hero and has more fame than Danzo, if Danzo doesn't manage Naruto well, there would be an uprising by the villagers)


The thus ordered Sai returns to Naruto, Sai, Kakashi. Naruto asks Sai about Danzo, but Sai can't talk because all the Root members have their tongues sealed, if they spill any secrets, they will freeze up (in short, if they talk, they'll die), so Sai can't say anything


They explain to Sai who doesn't know the whole story, about Danzo giving the order to take out Sasuke


The Hidden in the Clouds guys here and spring into battle mode


Sasuke kid-napped our teacher


While neither group is going all out, the two "black" (sorry, that is what the Japanese says) ninja school Sakura and Naruto, that's how good they are


Why would Sasuke do that? (Naruto obviously asking)

使者が 今は暁にいて雲隠れを襲って師匠をらちりやがったんだと聞き

みんな驚いた所で 完

The Hidden in the Clouds say that Sasuke is now in Akatsuki and he attacked their village and kid-napped their teacher. Everyone's jaw drops and the chapter ends

(on the binder is one of the small frogs, forgot his name)
背表紙はちっこい蛙 名前忘れたw

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 jún 17, 06:22:04
Hitelesség ell. ? confirmed ?

Naruto 452

Naruto says that he won't allow this.[Danzou becoming Hokage]

Kakashi tells him off, saying that it's what the higher-ups have decided for the time being, if he's[naruto] is unlucky, he'll get thrown into jail[for opposing Danzou]... At least until Tsunade wakes up.

Scene change to Danzou

Danzou orders Sai to make sure Naruto doesn't do something stupid
The reason why, is because Naruto is a hero right now. He's more popular than Danzou. Punishing him[naruto] could lead to the people of the village revolting.

After receiving his orders, Sai goes to meet up with Naruto and the others.
Naruto asks Sai what Danzou's like,
Sai says he doesn't really know him, but Danzou donates curse marks/seals to all members of Root. Sai can't talk about classified info, because everyone who has, has fallen over unconscious.(Talking = Death)

Some prehistory on Sai
[Unsure]Then the guy who authorized taking care of Sasuke, comes out.

[Unsure]They hear the Cloud ninja talking.

"That Sasuke guy abducted our master(s)"

[Something about Naruto and Sakura not making a mutual effort, and either getting pissed off or brushing their worries off]
A dark influential person --> Two dark persons

"Why would Sasuke do something like that?"

[Something about the present time, Akatsuki, Kumogakure, an attack, and master being abducted]

Everyone is surprised by this

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kucsu - 09 jún 17, 11:09:03
Hitelesség ell.: Confirmed
Legközelebb rakd bele a hozzászólásodba.a pirossal jelölt szövegeket is!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 jún 17, 13:51:39
Hitelesség ell.: Confirmed

                    itt van egy kis szöveg a képekhez^^

Naruto : What the hell is that ?
Sakura : It seems like some sort of Cursed Seal ...
Sai : Indeed ... It's one of Lord Danzou's jutsu. ( Rest is too blurry )
Sai talks about how Roots members are sealed to prevent them for revealing too much about him.

Ohana talks about :

Sai has been cursed sealed to prevent him from revealing too much.

Omoi and Karui are keen.
I'll write more when I read everything
The man is Omoi ?
The chick is Karui ?
And the last is Samui ?

There's a yellow frog.

The opening page is Omoi

+ még egy kép

Hitelesség Ell.: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers forum


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jún 18, 21:49:53
A 452. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 453. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 09 jún 22, 15:39:19
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Naruto: What do you mean by Sauke being a part of Akatsuki?

Omoi: What an idiot are you? This Uchiha retard came to us with three other people in Akatsuki coats and attacked my master Killerbee, the eight tails.

Sakura: With three other people?

Karuhi: Yes, reports say a crazy girl, a big guy and strange guy with a sword taller than he is. Killerbee wiped the floor with him more than once but after biting this girl he miraculous recovered. In the end sensai lost and got abducted.

Omoi: This little bastard and his criminal goons who work for Akatsuki. I will never forgive him if anything has happened to my master.

Samui appears

Samui Keep cool, both of you.

Omoi+Karuhi: Why should we?

Omoi: They are friends with this renegade Uchiha who abducted our teacher and probably killed him. There is no way I would calm down especially since they sudden attack us while we just wanted to talk.

Sai: Your partner pointed with a sword towards Sakura. We just attacked in self defence.

Omoi: eh…

Samui: So it seems it was just a misunderstanding.

Tenzou shows up

Tenzou: What a rant do you execute here? All stay calm. I witnessed what happened and must say, all overreacted a little.

Sakura: Captain Yamato…

Tenzou: I don’t doubt the true in your words because there is no reason for it but it also is strange that the came in a group of four. Akatsuki only operates in two man cells.

Omoi: They just knew Killber-sama was a tough nut and therefore send four instead of two people.

Naruto: No, this can’t be. Even their former leader who was after me and whom I just defeat had a partner.

Karuhi: After you??? Do you say you’re…

Sakura: Yes, he is the Jinchuriki of the nine tails.

Karui: … No wonder you’re strong enough to parry me.

Samui: Even knowing Akatsuki is after you and he is in Akatsuki now you believe in him… You must not only be naïve but also dumb… Though, the thing with the two man cells are interesting.
Switch scene to Sasuke and Hawk

Along their way to Konoha they pass two random travellers.

Traveller 1: Hey, did you here?

Traveller 2: Hear what?

Traveller 1: Konohagakure got levelled down and complete destroyed by the leader of this mysterious Akatsuki organization people speak about so much.

Sasuke: …!!!

Traveller 1: And a kid he obviously was after shall have defeated him.

Sasuke: …!!!!!

Karin: Sasuke…

Suigetsu: Well, this is saving us work.

Traveller 2: Is that so? What a shame… Konoha was the prettiest village I ever saw…

Then, they are out of range to hear.
Switch scene back to Naruto

Naruto: What ever it is I still believe Sasuke isn’t an Akatsuki and your master is all right.

Omoi: And if that is so, why should he stay away of the village you dumbass?

Naruto: Because I am myself a Jinchuriki I know how they get treated. I can understand why he keeps distance.

Karuhi: How will you know, you may be right with this but he is the brother of Raikage-sama.

Naruto: This doesn’t change much. I am as well related to a legend in our village’s history and still got treaded like I was the demon itself…

Sakura: What does he mean…?

Omoi: Don’t talk crap and even if so, he still hurt and abducted him. You can’t understand what it is like to loose someone precious.

Naruto: I do, Pain killed master Ero-Sennin Jiraya, destroyed our whole village killed Kakashi sensei and while I fought him and laid down a moment Hinata jumped in to protect me and confessed her love to me but he cold hearty stabbed her. During all that he spoke about the pain he had to endure and about it is necessary to understand one others pain only is possible if you went through the same.

Sakura: But Kakashi sensei is still alive, does he intend to trick them?

Naruto: After I stopped the last of his six bodies he controlled with his Rinnengan and found where he hides. I went to his position to talk with him and I had more than one chance to kill him there but after I heard his story and learned what made him to what he was.. I couldn’t forgive him for what he did but I didn’t kill him.

Samui: But didn’t you just say you defeated him?

Naruto: Defeat doesn’t mean kill someone. After our talk he realized he took the wrong path for peace through wars and sacrificed himself to resurrect all he killed. I know your master is still alive and Sasuke did this because he wants to defeat Akatsuki from the inner.

Omoi+Karui: !!!

Naruto: If you want to hunt for him I will follow you because I want to speak with him one last time but before I must see this Danzou guy.

Samui: Well since you’re the Ninetails and Akatsuki is after you and since this Sasuke appears to be an member of them it could become easier to find him so therefore I don’t mind.

Sakura: If Naruto goes I go too.

Sai: And I as well.

Kakashi shows up.

Kakashi: Hold o a moment, you can’t easy leave Konoha without permission and as it currently is it won’t become easy.
Switch scene to Kabuto

He approach a person completely covered in shadows.

Shady Person: So you finally here and again too late. I already thought you won’t show up like the last time.

Kabuto: Sorry got some Konoha dogs at my tail and had to get them loss.

Shady Person: Seems the time staying with Orochimaru was not good for you sneaking skills…

Kabuto: No. My skills are the same, the Konohan Shinobi are just better than expected. Anyway, why did you send after me?

Shady Person: Well it seems Madara and Akatsuki are short on members and will fail soon. In addition, this Uchiha kid, Sasuke was his name, you know him and his Team doesn’t really seem they want to help them…

Kabuto: Yeah I do and since he only cares for his revenge and not helping Akatsuki as hoped you won’t mind if I kill him next time I meet him?
Shady Person: Do as you please, as it is now he has no worth for us. Just find a way to aid Akatsuki without revealing yourself because you know…

Kabuto: Yes the tailed demons are in the way of our plans and therefore must be sealed.

Shady Person: Good and keep an eye at the nine tails since he is the strongest and if your unable to get him find an other way.

Kabuto: I will but I doubt I will be able to do something against him. Seems we have to search another way. However, if were lucky we can make arrangements such as Sasuke fighting the Kyuubi and therefore still work for our interests.

Shady Person: Good, your now dismissed.

Something new has appeared and the Tailed Demons appear to be in their way. Who are they and what interests do they have…

End of chapter next issue What happens now?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 09 jún 22, 15:40:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Konoha at the center of attention

(Team 7 learns of Sasuke’s erratic behavior.)

“You can’t seriously believe this, right Naruto? Sasuke would never join such a shady organization,” said Sakura. “Who cares what you think! He was caught red handed in an Akatuski cloak carrying away our master,” yelled Omoi.

“How you can even stand up for a missing nin who left the village and joined an s-class criminal organization is nothing short of insanity,” said Karui. “And Akatuski did this to your village, how could you fools be so stupid enough to over look this. The mighty Konoha has definitely fallen,” said Omoi.

“Wait just one second! I won’t let you talk down to Sasuke and our village like that,” yelled Sakura. (She balls up her fists.) “Looks like she wants some more. Fine, after we are done with her, I’ll gladly have me some Uchiha on my plate,” said Omoi.     From

(Karui flips her blade) “This time I’ll cut her,” said Karui. (Naruto stops Sakura. Sai is shocked.)

“Naruto, what are you doing? Let me go, this is Sasuke we’re talking about,” said Sakura. “Tell me something Cloud ninja. Was there something special about your master,” said Naruto.

“Special as in his amazing strength,” said Omoi. “Was he, a jinchuurikii,” said Naruto. “Nnn, Naruto,” mumbled Sakura. “TELL ME, was your master a Jinchuurikii,” yelled Naruto.

“Yes. He was the eight tailed beast,” said Karui. “Master spent most of his young life protecting the village. At first everyone was scared of him. But after risking his life time and time again, the people began to except him as part of the village. (Naruto reflects on himself) Raikage, his older brother, placed him, our Master in those situations in order for the villagers to respect him,” said Omoi.

(Flash Back of the Eight Tails Released facing off against hordes of shinobi.)

“He was so strong. He was an experienced swordsmen type shinobi. We looked up to him. We wanted to be strong just like him and protect the village. We begged and begged, and finally with the kindness of his heart, he took us under his wing. We finally grew strong enough to join Samui who, like our Master, is a top Jounin in our village and reports directly to Raikage. Then we eventually formed our platoon. We were just like our Master, in the sense that we were the Hokage’s most trusted. Still, its unreal that he’s been captured,” said Karui.

“We called him Killer Bee and he was everything to us. He took us good for nothing kids and changed us into top shinobi. That’s why, I’ll never forgive that Uchiha bastard,” said Omoi.

“I understand,” said Naruto. “What, how could you possibly understand. Killer Bee had it hard his entire life. And all of a sudden, Akatuski takes him away, for what, because he has special power to exploit,” yelled Omoi. “You Konoha ninja make me sick,” said Karui.

“Your master and I, are similar,” said Naruto. “What are you getting at,” asked Omoi. “I am also a jinchuurikii. I am the 9 tailed host and I recently defended the village from Akatuski, because they wanted me,” said Naruto.

“So you are like him, a host,” said Karui. “My apologies. Your life must have been difficult as well. You said you saved the village. Perhaps you are Killer Bee’s ongoing will. In that case, we’ll sit here and get to understand the situation,” said Omoi.

(Karui and Omoi jump over to Team 7’s location.)

“Naruto, you don’t think Sasuke really did this,” asked Sakura. (Flash back of Itachi’s words)

“Sasuke is still pure, but he can be easily painted,” said Itachi.

(Back to present)

“Someone told me that Sasuke might have changed,” said Naruto. “But who,” asked Sakura. “It doesn’t matter, but that’s not all. That man with the mask. The Akatuski member that went after Sasuke. I know something about him,” said Naruto.

(Flash back of Minato talking about the masked man manipulating Pain.)

“Is it really ok to be listening to this,” said Karui. “It’ll bring us to a better solution,” said Omoi.

(Sakura is confused and is about to ask Naruto to elaborate, but he speaks on.)

“You two. Leave Sasuke to me. I’m sure I can end it,” said Naruto. “Hay listen, this was the guy that defeated our master, surely you can’t handle him alone,” said Omoi.

(Flash back of Itachi.)

“I gave you some of my power. I hope the day comes when you never have to use it,” said Itachi.

(Back to the present.)

“No. Its something I have to do. So I insist, don’t pursue Sasuke. I’ll go after him,” said Naruto. “Well, based on the reports, he had three allies with him. Its likely he used them to help him defeat our master,” said Karui. “We’ll at least make them pay for their treachery,” smiled Omoi. “Thank you,” said Naruto.

Switch Scene to Danzou’s hut:

“So, the Hokage summit will take place in Konoha,” said Danzou. “Yeah, I’m assuming due to geographical location, Konoha is the most viable spot. The Fire country is between the great shinobi countries, and since Konoha is a prestigious nation, its the best location for the summit,” said Anbu 1.

“Heh. I wonder what they’ll think once they see that we’re in shambles,” said Anbu 2.

Switch Scene to Sand Village:

“What is it Temari,” asked Gaara. “Its an urgent summit of the Five Great Kages,” said Temari. “Hmm. I wonder what’s going on. Konoha seems to be the location. I’ll wonder if I’ll see him there,” said Gaara.

Switch Scene to Tsuchigakure:

(He’s cloaked up)

“Summit of the Kages. Konoha… Its been years since the 3rd shinobi war. I wonder if there is still some tension,” said Tsuchikage.

Switch Scene: Raikage Dashes to Konoha

“Raikage sir, please slow down,” said Adviser. “The day has a arise to put an end to Akatuski,” said Raikage.

Switch Scene To Mizugakure:

(Madara dresses himself up)

“It seems Konoha is going to be pretty hot. I’ll lay low for a while and let Sasuke stir things up,” said Madara.

Next Chapter: Team 7 And Team Samui join forces

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 jún 23, 16:35:52
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?
Szerző: Nightjumper fordítása

Original script:

表紙ナルト・背表紙 奥様蛙
サスケ 鷹は暁を抜けた~
トビ  裏切りは死んでもらうといったはずだがな…?
サスケ一行 ??
トビ お前らには期待してたんだがな残念だ~

トビ お前らは八尾にいっぱい喰わされたんだよ



トビ それどころじゃないサスケとペインが暴れたおかげで五影会談の話が


トビ 次の火影は決まったか?
ゼツ ダンゾウに決まったよ  
トビ やっぱりか…
サスケ ダンゾウ…
トビ  お前の兄を追い込んだ上層部の一人だ~


まだすぐには命を~一緒に探そう サスケはその後でもいいだろう?



黒いゼツ ウマクイッタナ
トビ   ああ






English script by Nightjumper

SJ cover is of Naruto. Spine is of some lady-frog, me thinks.
Chapter cover is in color

Tobi appears before Taka. Converstaion about Taka leaving Akatsuki, Tobi not being amused, or something, by this in addition to their failure on Hachibi.

They continue talking about Hachibi before moving onto Konoha. Tobi fills Sasuke in on the recent events and such.Tobi then says it's thanks to Sasuke and Pain that the Five Kage Summit is coming. Zetsu appears and tells Tobi that Danzou's Hokage now. Tobi taunts Sasuke with that.

Scene change to Naruto & co.
Omoi and Karui demands that Naruto tells what he knows about Sasuke. Naruto uses his infamous secret unnamed jutsu to convince them to cooperate to rescue Hachibi and stuff.

Back to Sasuke

Tobi has a psuedo-monologue with Zetsu about his evil evil plans. At the end he says "EXECUTE THE EYE OF THE MOON PLAN"

Scene change to Suna, and Gaara
Gaara is heading to the Summit and tells Kankuro that he ain't need no escort.

End of chapter

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?
Szerző: Toxic

Spoiler One:

Cover is Naruto.

While Sasuke is racing to Konoha, Tobi warps in front of him.

stuff happens

Sasuke : Taka leaves the Akatsuki.
Tobi : As I said before, betrayers dies !
Taka : ?!
Tobi : It's really too bad, I had high hopes for you.

Then talks about Killer Bee.

Tobi : You almost got killed by the Eight Tails.

Then when Tobi heard they're going to Konoha ...
He tells them that Konoha no longer exists
And that Tobi's subordinate, Pain, destroyed the village.

Tobi : And that's not all. Thanks to you and Pain, they're going to be a Kage Summit.

Then Zetsu comes.

Tobi : What ? A new Hokage ?
Zetsu : They choosed Danzou.
Tobi : I knew it !
Sasuke : Danzou ...
Tobi : One of thoses elders who blackmailed your brother.

Then we see Naruto ...

Karui/Omoi = We'll avenge our master, spit out intelligence about Sasuke !

Naruto feels sympathy about them because they lost their master.

Naruto : Your master is a Jinchuuriki ? I'm a Jinchuuriki myself and
I'd like to help you save him.

Let's search for him together. We'll deal with Sasuke later, okay ?
Tell everything you know about Akatsuki.
Then they continue talking

Spoiler 2nd half: (better translation)

It returns to Sasuke

Taka will mobilize to kill the Hokage at the 5-Kage summit!

Zetsu splits into two, and has his white half show Sasuke's group where the talks will take place

黒いゼツ ウマクイッタナ
Dark Zetsu: Masterfully done

トビ   ああ
Tobi: I know

Here's some excerpts of it since it was so freakin' long:

Did you plan for Nagato to die as well?

The Rinne-tensei, which would have been done for my sake, was unforutunately used for...~

We're even closer thanks to Uzumaki Naruto~

Will Sasuke be better than Nagato?~

サスケをうまくコントロー ル~
...control Sasuke well...~

Tobi: I've been biding my time but now we shall quickly commence forward with the "Eye of the Moon" project!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: titi - 09 jún 24, 09:39:50
Hitelesség ell.: Hiteles
Forrás: mangahelpers forum




Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 jún 24, 13:11:14
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED




Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 jún 24, 16:36:04
Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED
Forrás :


Pics Trans by Yagami1211

Karui : What the fuck are you crying about ? I'm the one who should be crying.
Master Killer Bee and Master Yugito will never return. If you have the time to cry, the spits everything you know about Sasuke !

Sai enters.

Sai : You don't have to take it like that. You can help us finding him ... You'll have your whereabouts.

Naruto remembers Jiraiya
Naruto : This master of yours, he's a Jinchuuriki ?

Team Could is surprised !

Naruto : I'm one as well. Akatsuki wants the Jinchuuriki.

Team Could is surprised again !

Karui : Cool story, blond guy. Then come with us, you'll tell us about Sasuke.

Naruto : Leave it to me, Sakura-chan !

Karui : Your name ?

Naruto : Uzumaki Naruto

Karui : Naruto !?

Suigetsu : So this Naruto guy took on Pain himself ?

Zetsu : Yes. It seems he became awesomely powerful. It's possible that he's stronger than Sasuke.

Sasuke : I don't care about that. The problem is the Kage Summit !
Is it in Konoha ? Tell us where is it !

We, Taka, are going to the Kage Summit to take the head of the new Hokage !

Tobi : It's ok with me.

Zetsu splits in half

the white one leads Sasuke
Sasuke has doubts, but he follows him anyway.

Sasuke : We have to scout the area first. If somethings fishy comes up -> Amaterasu ! There's something I want to test.

Black Zetsu ( To Madara ) : Wonderfully done.

Tobi : Well ... Nagato wasted the Rinne Tensei instead of keeping it for me just in case. I didn't think he could betray us.
Sasuke can become even better ... But there's no point if we can't control him.
Gedou Mato can't be linked now
We have to see how things are progressing.

Black zetsu : You prepared something in case Nagato would die ?

Tobi : Just in case. We have been driven to a corner, thanks to Uzumaki Naruto ... Our plans will have to wait.
Black Zetsu : What are we going to do ? Are we moving ?

Tobi : I'm done with looking only. We're going with the Eye of the moon plan.

Then we see Suna.

Kankuro seems to wait for a new puppet.

Ohana clarifying something:

About Naruto, Sasuke doesn't seems to be interested in him.
Naruto : Instead of Sasuke, I think we should first looking for that master of yours."

Omoi and Karui are surprised.

Naruto : I'm going to help you to find him. Tell me about Akatsuki.

Karui : Blond guy ...

Naruto :

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 jún 25, 09:37:09
Hitelesség: Confirmed
szerző:HPTR Fangirl

Máshogy van fordítva és itt meg is van a vége. Ami oozaru-nál hiányzik a Blond guy... utáni rész.

"karui is the one that says that sakura is annoying and what is she to sasuke

Pics Trans by Yagami1211

Karui : What the fuck are you crying about ? I'm the one who should be crying.
Master Killer Bee and Master Yugito will never return. If you have the time to cry, the spits everything you know about Sasuke !

Sai enters.

Sai : You don't have to take it like that. You can help us finding him ... You'll have your whereabouts.

Naruto remembers Jiraiya
Naruto : This master of yours, he's a Jinchuuriki ?

Team Could is surprised !

Naruto : I'm one as well. Akatsuki wants the Jinchuuriki.

Team Could is surprised again !

Karui : Cool story, blond guy. Then come with us, you'll tell us about Sasuke.

Naruto : Leave it to me, Sakura-chan !

Karui : Your name ?

Naruto : Uzumaki Naruto

Karui : Naruto !?"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 09 jún 25, 12:32:51
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: deviantart

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 jún 25, 14:12:19
Van már raw.
Az összes lap látható már spoiler ként kapunk egy adag dumálást megint.  :D
+Ott a raw link is.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 jún 25, 20:31:20
A 453. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 454. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 jún 30, 09:46:05
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  pending
Szerző: mistermobile

(The Scene starts at Konoha, in Danzou’s Hut.)
“Lord Danzou, the location of the Kage Summit is at the Fire Country’s Daimyou headquarters,” said Anbu Servant 1.
“A suitable meeting place, considering the Land of Fire is surrounded by the other great Shinobi Nations on all sides. It makes it more convenient for all parties,” said Danzou.
“What about Uzumaki, surely once you leave the village, he is free to roam, he’s not one to be restrained,” said Anbu Servant 2.
(Sai comes in, interrupting the meeting.)
“Sai here, reporting for next objective,” said Sai. “Good. Now, what has Naruto gotten himself into? Explain to me of his next plans,” said Danzou.
“Nothing, he said nothing,” said Sai. “Hmm, oh really,” said Danzou. (Danzou makes a hand seal; all of a sudden Sai falls straight down on the floor and starts to shake uncontrollably.)
“You’ve never lied to me before, why the certain change? I can monitor the chakra waves of your body through this hand seal, your previous words states otherwise with your claim. Has this Naruto gotten to you too,” asked Danzou. “ARRGHH, he said nothing,” groaned Sai. “You do know that the seal in your mouth may hide secrets from the enemy however, from me I am able to probe information out of you. That’s one of the secrets behind my jutsu,” said Danzou.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 jún 30, 13:51:36
CREDITS: nja and vered


土影様から 小さなおじいちゃんが土影様
      赤ツチ・黒ツチってお供二人を連れ(男女…男はアンパン○ンみたいなやつ女はアン コをさらにき つくしたような感じ)
水影様 髪型を変えたツナデの様な人
    最近の若いやつは 根気 がないな~そんな説教してたら 遅れ ちゃい~
    が 婚期が遅れる… と勘違いし
    だまれ殺すぞ  っていっちゃう美人
雷影様 こいつはいいなあつすぎる男 さあ いくぞおおおおおお って

ナルトへ 人気のないところに連れてきたナルト さっさと情報よこせ
     と言われるが   やっぱサスケは売れない… 
 ナルトの答えは 気が済むまで殴ってくれ→ナルトフルボッコタイムへ

根 アンコには2人の見張りがついていますがやりますか?
ダン 今は大切な時期だ~そんな事をしたら大変だ
   それよりカブトをはやく発見するんだ(あいつは私とおろち丸の関係を知っているかもしれ ん…)



Description of the various Kages:
wait for another translation, not up for it now.

Naruto tries to get Omoi and friends to change their revenge plans and offers himself as a punching bag so they can vent their anger.

Root member- we have 2 watching Anko, shall we do it? (Off her?)
Danzo- Now is a tenuous time, if we did it now it would cause trouble, more importantly, hurry up and find Kabuto, he knows about me and Orochimaru maybe, he has all of the medical data on Oro's experiments, finding that is the priority. It may have something on making my eye and hand work again.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 jún 30, 17:11:36
Hitelesség ellenörzés:Confirmed
"Credits: Vered from FM

from shounensuki:

Tsuchikage-sama: The Tsuchikage-sama is a small old man. He's a stobburn old man who strained his back, because he carried his own luggage himself. He's accompanied to the summit by two people, Akatsuchi (赤ツチ, "red earth") and Kurotsuchi (黒ツチ, "black earth"). They're a man and a woman... the man looks like Anpanman, the woman gives the impression of being strong/intense, even more than Anko.

Mizukage-sama: A sort of Tsunade with a different hairdo. She is accompanied to the summit by a blue, middle-aged man and someone who might be one of the Seven Swordsmen. She's the youngest and has no patience. She's a beauty and mistook "if you preach like that, we'll be late" for "you're getting over your marriageable age," replying with a silent "I'm gonna kill you."

Raikage-sama: This guy's beyond hot-blooded: Departing by shouting "Well, let's gooooooooooooooo" and breaking out of the room."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 jún 30, 18:27:44
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: -
Szerző: Weapon of Wanity

土影様から 小さなおじいちゃんが土影様
      赤ツチ・黒ツチってお供二人を連れ(男女…男はアンパン○ンみたいなやつ女はアン コをさらにき つくしたような感じ)

Starts off with Tsuchi-kage (Earth/Soil-kage) - he's actually a small old man.
He's a stubborn old man that apparently threw out his back trying to hold his baggage on his own.
He has two companions - Aka-Tsuchi (red-soil) and Kuro-Tsuchi (Black-soil). (of the companions - the man looks like Anpanman, the woman looks like Anko with a little bit of weight.)

水影様 髪型を変えたツナデの様な人
    最近の若いやつは 根気 がないな~そんな説教してたら 遅れ ちゃい~
    が 婚期が遅れる… と勘違いし
    だまれ殺すぞ  っていっちゃう美人

To the summit
Mizu-kage (water) looks like a Tsunade with a different hairstyle.
She is with a man called "Ao" (Blue) and one of the Seven Swordsmen.
The young one was being lectured for lacking patience - and the young one misunderstands being "late" to be associated with a delayed pregnancy. The pretty-looking one tells him to shut up and threatens him. (Translator's note: Just appears to be a semi-comedic exchange amongst them)

雷影様 こいつはいいなあつすぎる男 さあ いくぞおおおおおお って

Rai-kage (thunder) says this guy's a good, passionate guy. As he says "Let's GOOOO!" He blasts through the room and makes his departure.

ナルトへ 人気のないところに連れてきたナルト さっさと情報よこせ
     と言われるが   やっぱサスケは売れない… 
 ナルトの答えは 気が済むまで殴ってくれ→ナルトフルボッコタイムへ

To Naruto. Naruto brings them (presumably the two Kumogakure-nins) to an isolated place and is told to give them information about Sasuke. But Naruto refuses to sell Sasuke out...
If you kill Sasuke - our village will retaliate and the endless chain of hate will perpetuate.
Then what should we do with the hate that WE harbour? (again, presumably the two Kumogakure-nins)
And Naruto's answer: you can keep hitting me until you're satisfied --> Naruto gets a beating

To Danzou
根 アンコには2人の見張りがついていますがやりますか?
ダン 今は大切な時期だ~そんな事をしたら大変だ
   それよりカブトをはやく発見するんだ(あいつは私とおろち丸の関係を知っているかもしれ ん…)
   あいつがもっている今までの医療データやらおろち丸の実験の資料などを探すほうが先決だ   わしの 右目・右手に役立つ事が載っているかもしれないのでな…

Ne (Root-anbu): Anko has two monitoring her - shall we go forward?
Danzou: Right now is an important time - we can't afford to do that now.
More importantly, we need to find Kabuto (He may know my connection with Orochimaru).
We need the medical data and experimental information from Orochimaru's work - that should be our priority.
Since he may have information that may be useful to my right eye and right hand...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 jún 30, 22:06:57
Credits: Poketmofo
Source: NF
Verification: Comfirmed

Here's a quick translation to maybe clear up a few things:

土影様から 小さなおじいちゃんが土影様
*Starting with the Tsuchikage – the Tsuchikage is a little old man

He’s a stubborn old man who throws his back out trying to carry his own bags

赤ツチ・黒ツチってお供二人を連れ(男女…男はアンパン○ンみたいなやつ女はアンコをさらにき つくしたような感じ)
The old man is followed by two people named Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi (one is male and one is female – the man looks like Anpanman and the woman looks like a rougher version of Anko)

And they make their way to the 5-kage Meeting

水影様 髪型を変えたツナデの様な人
Next is the Mizukage who looks sort of like Tsunade only with a different hairstyle

She is followed by some guy Ao and one of the Seven Swordsmen as they too head off to the 5-kage Meeting

最近の若いやつは 根気 がないな~そんな説教してたら 遅れ ちゃい~
Presumably Mizukage’s two followers are talking: “Kids these days just don’t have enough patience” and “If you keep lecturing like that we’ll be late”

が 婚期が遅れる… と勘違いし
But the Mizukage misheard them and thought that they said that she’ll be too late/old to marry anyone (the Mizukage hears 婚期 (“konki”) = a person’s marrying age instead of 根気 (“konki”) which means perseverance/patience and also hears the word “late”)

だまれ殺すぞ  っていっちゃう美人
The Mizukage then says – “Shut up, I’ll kill you”

雷影様 こいつはいいなあつすぎる男 さあ いくぞおおおおおお っていって部屋を突き破って 出発
Then there’s the Raikage who is super pumped and says “Let’s gooooo!” and likely crashes right through the wall of the room he was in as they leave

Then on to Naruto

人気のないところに連れてきたナルト さっさと情報よこせと言われるがやっぱサスケは売れない … 
Naruto takes Samui/Omoi/Karui to a less popular area. They tell him to cough up everything he knows about Sasuke but he won’t sell Sasuke out…

He gives them the old “If you kill Sasuke then you’ll be throwing the chains of hatred on the people of both villages” line.

So they ask,” Well then what should we do about our hatred?”

ナルトの答えは 気が済むまで殴ってくれ→ナルトフルボッコタイムへ
Naruto’s answer is that they can beat the crap out of him until they feel better -> which leads to Naruto punching bag time

Then the chapter switches to Danzou  

根 アンコには2人の見張りがついていますがやりますか?
Root Member: “We have two members following Anko, should we (presumably attack/kill her)?

Danzou: Right now is an important time. If we did that then things would get more difficult.

それよりカブトをはやく発見するんだ(あいつは私とおろち丸の関係を知っているかもしれ ん…)
Focus instead on finding Kabuto (He might know my connections with Orochimaru…)

Searching for the medical data he has accumulated thus far as well as documents on Orochimaru’s experiments take top priority.
They may have something in them that could prove useful for my right eye and hand/arm…


*The first spoiler writer was not able to see who was on the side cover

Hmm, “Punching Bag” (Naruto’s new nickname) is getting his face pounded in by the female ninja. Sai is watching this from a distance.

Okay. Naruto said that Sasuke is one of his village’s nakama so he won’t sell him out.
The Raikage’s secretaries (I guess each Kage gets two people)…well, I think one person who was white and another who was black with him.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 júl 01, 13:12:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: -





Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tarnak - 09 júl 01, 17:22:35


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 júl 01, 19:21:38
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Fahim0717

Videó, több képpel :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 júl 02, 09:29:22
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: SlayerKisame

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 júl 02, 10:14:08
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 júl 03, 05:09:28
A 454. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 455. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: djmi - 09 júl 08, 06:25:20
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: függőben
Szerző: mistermobile

Karin: “Sasuke, there’s someone with huge chakra coming towards us.”
Sasuke: “How long ’til they get here?”
stranger: “Right now.”
Team Hawk stops and looks up. In the trees is Konan, but she’s not in her Akatsuki robes.
Zetzu: “Konan…”
Konan: “Oh, Zetzu. I didn’t notice you. You must be Sasuke. Would you care to talk?”
Zetzu: “Kill her!”
Sasuke charges at Konan with the Chidori, but (no surprise) it doesn’t work. Konan dodges it and pretty much beats Sasuke’s sorry *** like a drum.
-cut to Naruto-
Shikamaru walks near and notices. He immediately tries to intervene. Sai stops him.
Shikamaru: “Hey, what the Hell are you doing!?”
Omoi: “This doesn’t concern you.”
Shikamaru: “You’re beating the **** out of my friend, of course it concerns me.”
Sai: “Allow me to explain: Naruto has allowed them to take out their anger on him.”
Shikamaru: “That makes no sense!”
Sai: “No. I suppose it doesn’t.”
Naruto: “It’s Sasuke. They’re angry because Sasuke captured their master for Akatsuki.”
Shikamaru: “And you’re waisting your time here? You should be looking for your master, you idiots!”
Omoi: “What do you know!?”
Shikamaru: “Don’t be such a pain in the ***. I know how it feels to lose your master, and right now you should focus on finding him. Not beating the crap out of someone who had nothing to do with it.”
-cut back to Sasuke-
Konan has thrown him quite a way from the others. He’s obviously gotten his *** handed to him (never seen that before).
Konan: “You’re so stubborn. If you can’t defeat me, what makes you think you stand a chance against the five Kages? You’ll be dead in four seconds.”
Sasuke: “I have no choice! I have to obey Madara, or he’ll kill me.”
Konan: “Odd…I wouldn’t have thought a coward could kill Orochimaru.”
Sasuke: “What did you call me?”
Konan: “A coward, you simple little pawn.”
Sasuke: “I’m no one’s pawn!”
Konan: “That’s why you’re doing exactly what Madara says? He had you in the palm of his hand since you went out to “exact vengence”.”
Sasuke: “SHUT UP! Maybe if I kill everyone you care about, you’ll understand my pain!”
Konan: “I’ve heard that plan before. It won’t work on me, because they are all dead.”
Sasuke has a flashback to when Kakashi said the same, and thinks about Naruto and Sakura.
Konan: “Sasuke, Zetzu will be here soon. I don’t have much time to explain to you…the secret of Akatsuki.”

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 júl 08, 11:23:29
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

A quick read, I'll post more details after 8.
Naruto, black and blue,
Sai stops them
Omoi praises Naruto
The secretary shows up.
Secretary says Naruto is to meet the Raikage
Yamato moves to stop, Kakashi on the other hand, does not.
Danzo, on the way to the meeting is attacked by some ninja from somewhere, in his right eye, drum roll please (my addition) sharingan.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 júl 08, 11:30:28
by: 2Ch / Ohana / Naruto Fan (serenity85)






Translation by: fugetsugym - NF

A quick read, I'll post more details after 8.
Naruto, black and blue,
Sai stops them
Omoi praises Naruto
The secretary shows up.
Secretary says Naruto is to meet the Raikage
Yamato moves to stop, Kakashi on the other hand, does not.
Danzo, on the way to the meeting is attacked by some ninja from somewhere, in his right eye, drum roll please (my addition) sharingan.

aperently danzou has the sharingun at the end. or something like that. (this is what someone said on NF)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 júl 08, 14:40:18
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:
Szerző: edgarluvitug

455 繋がり…!!
455 Bonds...!!

Danzo in Hokage garb:
『フー トネルは残れ テライはカブトの件を任せる行け』
"Huu, Toneru [sic. - should be "Torune"], stay behind. Terai, I'm leaving Kabuto to you. Go."

3 Root members: "Yes, sir."
One leaves to go after Kabuto (Terai).

Danzo: "Well then... I'll leave here for the Kage Summit.
The summit is exclusive except for two picked men. [the escorts]
’根’の中でも一・二を争う お前たち二人に任せる 面は禁止されている
I am thinking of one or two from Root. I'll leave it to you two. Masks are forbidden. Take them off."

The two Root memebers take off their masks.
一人は、名前フー 見た目ペインの餓鬼道に似てる
One, who's name is Huu, resembles Pein's Petra Realm body.
一人は、名前トルネ 目だけあいた布してる。
One, who's name is Torune
Both are wearing shinobi garb.

Huu (the Petra-looking one): "To what level should we be armed for escort..."
ダンゾウ『そんな事は気にするな フー お前に任せる』
Danzo: "I don't worry about such things. Huu, I'll leave it to you."
Huu (Petra): "Yes, sir."
Danzo: "Torune, you keep an eye out for subordinates. Sai is acting as if he might betray Root, so be cautious."
Torune: "Yes, sir."
ダンゾウ『九尾を里の外へは出さぬよう 徹底させておけ』
Danzo: "Don't let the Kyuubi leave the village. Be thorough about it."

ターン ナルト
Turn - Naruto
カルイ『ハア ハア』
Karui: "Haa, haa."
Fatigue from hitting.
ナルト顔ぼこぼこ、青タン それでも立ち上がる
Naruto's face is beaten and bruised, yet he he still stands up.
Sai is still watching.
Omoi: "..."
カルイ『先に言っとく! いくらやろうがウチらの気は晴れねえ
Karui: "I said it before! No matter what we do, our feelings will never go away. I'll continue forever until you talk about Sasuke."
Karui raised her hand(s) over her head: "Uaaa!!"
Sai appears in front of Naruto and stops Karui's fist.
ナルト カルイ オモイ !! !!? …
Naruto, Karui and Omoi: !! !!? ...
カルイ『邪魔するんじゃねーよ こりゃこいつが望んでこうしたことだ』
Karui: "Don't get in the way! It's just what this guy was asking for."
Sai strains against her clenched fists.
ナルト『…サイ… お前はすっこんでろ』
Naruto: "...Sai... You, fall back."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 júl 08, 14:44:00
Hitelleség Ellenőrzés: Pending
Source: 2CH

455 繋がり…!!
455 Bonds...!!

Danzo in Hokage garb:
『フー トネルは残れ テライはカブトの件を任せる行け』
"Huu, Toneru [sic. - should be "Torune"], stay behind. Terai, I'm leaving Kabuto to you. Go."

3 Root members: "Yes, sir."
One leaves to go after Kabuto (Terai).

Danzo: "Well then... I'll leave here for the Kage Summit.
The summit is exclusive except for two picked men. [the escorts]
’根’の中でも一・二を争う お前たち二人に任せる 面は禁止されている
I am thinking of one or two from Root. I'll leave it to you two. Masks are forbidden. Take them off."

The two Root memebers take off their masks.
一人は、名前フー 見た目ペインの餓鬼道に似てる
One, who's name is Huu, resembles Pein's Petra Realm body.
一人は、名前トルネ 目だけあいた布してる。
One, who's name is Torune
Both are wearing shinobi garb.

Huu (the Petra-looking one): "To what level should we be armed for escort..."
ダンゾウ『そんな事は気にするな フー お前に任せる』
Danzo: "I don't worry about such things. Huu, I'll leave it to you."
Huu (Petra): "Yes, sir."
Danzo: "Torune, you keep an eye out for subordinates. Sai is acting as if he might betray Root, so be cautious."
Torune: "Yes, sir."
ダンゾウ『九尾を里の外へは出さぬよう 徹底させておけ』
Danzo: "Don't let the Kyuubi leave the village. Be thorough about it."

ターン ナルト
Turn - Naruto
カルイ『ハア ハア』
Karui: "Haa, haa."
Fatigue from hitting.
ナルト顔ぼこぼこ、青タン それでも立ち上がる
Naruto's face is beaten and bruised, yet he he still stands up.
Sai is still watching.
Omoi: "..."
カルイ『先に言っとく! いくらやろうがウチらの気は晴れねえ
Karui: "I said it before! No matter what we do, our feelings will never go away. I'll continue forever until you talk about Sasuke."
Karui raised her hand(s) over her head: "Uaaa!!"
Sai appears in front of Naruto and stops Karui's fist.
ナルト カルイ オモイ !! !!? …
Naruto, Karui and Omoi: !! !!? ...
カルイ『邪魔するんじゃねーよ こりゃこいつが望んでこうしたことだ』
Karui: "Don't get in the way! It's just what this guy was asking for."
Sai strains against her clenched fists.
ナルト『…サイ… お前はすっこんでろ』
Naruto: "...Sai... You, fall back."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 júl 08, 15:49:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: -

455 Bonds...!!

Danzo in Hokage garb:
『フー トネルは残れ テライはカブトの件を任せる行け』
"Huu, Toneru [sic. - should be "Torune"], stay behind. Terai, I'm leaving Kabuto to you. Go."

3 Root members: "Yes, sir."
One leaves to go after Kabuto (Terai).

Danzo: "Well then... I'll leave here for the Kage Summit.
The summit is exclusive except for two picked men. [the escorts]
’根’の中でも一・二を争う お前たち二人に任せる 面は禁止されている
I am thinking of one or two from Root. I'll leave it to you two. Masks are forbidden. Take them off."

The two Root memebers take off their masks.
一人は、名前フー 見た目ペインの餓鬼道に似てる
One, who's name is Huu, resembles Pein's Petra Realm body.
一人は、名前トルネ 目だけあいた布してる。
One, who's name is Torune
Both are wearing shinobi garb.

Huu (the Petra-looking one): "To what level should we be armed for escort..."
ダンゾウ『そんな事は気にするな フー お前に任せる』
Danzo: "I don't worry about such things. Huu, I'll leave it to you."
Huu (Petra): "Yes, sir."
Danzo: "Torune, you keep an eye out for subordinates. Sai is acting as if he might betray Root, so be cautious."
Torune: "Yes, sir."
ダンゾウ『九尾を里の外へは出さぬよう 徹底させておけ』
Danzo: "Don't let the Kyuubi leave the village. Be thorough about it."

ターン ナルト
Turn - Naruto
カルイ『ハア ハア』
Karui: "Haa, haa."
Fatigue from hitting.
ナルト顔ぼこぼこ、青タン それでも立ち上がる
Naruto's face is beaten and bruised, yet he he still stands up.
Sai is still watching.
Omoi: "..."
カルイ『先に言っとく! いくらやろうがウチらの気は晴れねえ
Karui: "I said it before! No matter what we do, our feelings will never go away. I'll continue forever until you talk about Sasuke."
Karui raised her hand(s) over her head: "Uaaa!!"
Sai appears in front of Naruto and stops Karui's fist.
ナルト カルイ オモイ !! !!? …
Naruto, Karui and Omoi: !! !!? ...
カルイ『邪魔するんじゃねーよ こりゃこいつが望んでこうしたことだ』
Karui: "Don't get in the way! It's just what this guy was asking for."
Sai strains against her clenched fists.
ナルト『…サイ… お前はすっこんでろ』
Naruto: "...Sai... You, fall back."

2nd Part

Sai, with a little perturbed look: "Naruto... It's not necessary for you to be beaten up for someone like Sasuke's sake."
ナルト『るっせー 俺の勝手だろ』
Naruto: "Shu'up, it's my way of doing it."
回想サイ ナルトの言葉思い出す
Sai reminisces and remembers Naruto's words:
サスケはオレの友達だから やっと出来た繋がりだから…)
(A long time ago, I hated everything about Sasuke... But, the time we were together was really a lot of fun. Because Sasuke is my friend. Because I was finally able to create a bond..."
Sai: "Sasuke... Wouldn't he just hurt you (Naruto)? ...If it were me."
カルイ『邪魔するならお前もやっちまうぞ コラ!』
Karui: "If you're going to get in the way, then I'll give you some too - here!"
She raises her fist and Omoi stops her.
何も進展すりゃーしない お前だってわかってんだろ!
Omoi: "That's enough, Karui! We won't get anywhere by knocking these guys around. You of all people should understand! He promised us to help rescue Killer B."
Karui: "What's that?! Don't you doubt whether this promise is really true like always? You're always careful yet this isn't like you!"
ナルト座り込む サイ『ナルト…』
Naruto sits down. Sai: "Naruto..."
Omoi looks in his direction.
こーゆー奴は好きだ 男は軽率に言葉を決めないもんだ』
Omoi: "You come this far and don't sell out your friends... Even an enemy. I like a guy like this - guys that don't thoughtlessly say things."

3rd Part

オモイ『いくらやろーが こいつはサスケを
売らねーよ こいつは口にしたことを曲げねェ
Omoi: "No matter how much you hit him, this guy won't sell out Sasuke. He's the type that doesn't bend what he says."

サムイ『オモイ カルイ情報収集はどんな感じ?』
Samui: "Omoi, Karui, what kind of things did you get from your information gathering?"
Omoi: "Ah! Samui-taichou [means "commander", but sounds out of place in Naruto]
カルイ !
Karui: !
Samui: "I take it there weren't any problems or anything."
Karui: "..."
Omoi: "More importantly, we learned that Killer B may still be alive! Let's go save him! First, let's find "Akatsuki"'s hideout and surround it!"
サムイ『それでどうする? キラービー様を捕えるようなやつらに
私達だけで… それもいくつもあるかも分からない’暁’のアジトを
まずは情報収集と分析 そっちの方が早い! ユギトの時の
Samui: "And then what would we do? Against those that caught Killer B, only us... Besides, we don't know how many hideouts "Akatsuki" has that we would have to reduce to rubble...
Firstly, lets analyze the information we collected - that'll make it much faster! I don't want to go repeating the same mistake like we did with Yugito.
We'll take the information to Raikage and hand it to him personally! Because we have too much information."
Naruto: "M... Me too... Take me with you... Please...
I'll... Work with you and help be a support of strength for you all..."

4th Part

Sai: "Naruto!"
ナルト『それに 雷影に…話てー事が
Naruto: "Besides, the Raikage... I have an idea I want to discuss..."
Karui: "The Raikgae?! Don't mess with us, idiot!"
Sai stops Karui. [perhaps she tried to hit him again]

ナルト…木の葉の里の皆が噂していた うずまき
Samui, while looking at Naruto: (This child is Naruto... The one everyone in Konoha is talking about, Uzumaki Naruto...)
Samui remembers a conversation of Konoha citizens.
Citizen 1: "Is it possible that Naruto has come this far..."
民2『あいつは英雄ってやつだよ 火影になるべきやつだ!』
Citizen 2: "He's a hero. He's expected to become Hokage (someday)!"

Samui: "I can't do something like take someone without a clear background to see the Raikage when I'm short of hands to guard you at present while on the move."
Naruto: "..."
サムイ『さあカルイオモイ行くよ! サスケと’暁’の
情報の閲覧許可が出た 書き写すのは時間がかかる
Samui: "Well, Karui, Omoi, we're going! We've got permission to look at information on Sasuke and "Akatsuki". Transcribing will take time - I'll need your help as well."
オモイ カルイ サムイ 場を離れる
Omoi, Karui and Samui leave the place.

Naruto: "Sai..."
Sai: "What?"
Naruto: "Where Kakashi-sensei and Yamato-taichou are... Take me... Please..."

Kakashi and Yamato's tent. [the Japanese says "camp sheet room"... gotta love the Japanese...]
Kakashi and Yamato are watching over.
Sai: "Would it be better if Sakura-san took care of him..."
ナルト包帯ぐるぐる『こんな格好見られたら またややこしい
事になっちまうからよ それに傷の治りは早い方だから
Naruto, wrapped in bandages: "If she saw me in this condition, things would get complicated again. Besides, the injuries are healing fast so it's okay."

Naruto: "Sai... Sorry about earlier..."
Sai smiles: "No..."

5th Part

Kakashi: "That was definitely some beating you took."
Naruto: "Heheh..."

カカシ回想 カカシとサイの会話
Kakashi reminisces about his conversation with Sai.
Kakashi: "Really... Naruto did something like that..."
Sai: "Kakashi-sensei?"
Kakashi: "Hm?"
いうのは そんなに大切なものでしょうか?
Sai: "This bond Naruto and Saukra have tormenting them between Sasuke - is it really that important of a thing? Why do those two go so far, even though they are hurt..."
Kakashi: "Sai... You're supposed to keep an eye out on Naruto, right?"
Sai: "...Tha... That's...!!"
お前も そろそろ自分で気づいてるハズだ…サイ』
Kakashi: "It's okay... I know... Stepping in and helping Naruto wasn't something you did to keep an eye on him - You, too, are gradually noticing, I expect... Sai."

Yamato and Kakashi are watching Naruto and Sai.
Sai is tending to Naruto's injuries.
Naruto: "Ow, ow, ow, ow"
Sai: "S... Sorry..."
カカシ『少しの間 安静にしてなきゃダメ…』
Kakashi: "Just for a bit, we need to rest or else..."

Naruto: "Let me meet the Raikage!!"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 júl 08, 17:49:37
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 júl 08, 20:56:46
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: -
(Az előző csak szöveges spoiler folytatása.)

6th Part

カカシ ヤマト !?
Kakashi and Yamato: !?
Kakashi: "When you meet, what will you do?"
Yamato: "The Five Kage Summit is coming up! It's decided that even the isolated villages will refrain from letting anyone leave or sending out missions!"
Naruto: "I need to persuade them to pardon Sasuke!"
運よく封印式が発動して 九尾を抑えこんだけど次は
Yamato: "Now you don't even have your seal necklace! You, people's pillar of strength, can't expect to go out of the village!
And besides that, you transformed to the Kyubi as far as the eighth tail! You're lucky the seal restrictions activated and checked the Kyubi, but what will happen next time?!
And, I've been assigned to reconstruct the village - I can't always be with you!"
Naruto: "I met the Fourth (Hokage)."

サイ カカシ ヤマト !!? ?
Sai, Kakashi and Yamato: !!? ?
Naruto: "The one who stopped the Kyubi for me before was the Fourth."
Yamato: "Wha... What are you saying? The Fourth is already..."
カカシ『屍鬼封尽は まだ謎の多い封印式だ 術式の中に己の
Kakashi: "The Shikihuujin* is still a sealing style with many mysteries. In the technique's formula, the self's soul energy was locked up in it."
ナルト『…そん時 四代目が教えてくれたんだ
Naruto: "...When that happened, the Fourth told me something - The Kyubi attack of 16 years ago was by that "Akatsuki" guy with the mask. Whatmore, he was so strong that the even the Fourth couldn't best him!"
Tobi's face floats to the surface of Kakashi's mind.
ナルト『四代目は そいつが黒幕だった言った!
ペインは そいつに利用されてるって
サスケが’暁’に入ったって事はサスケも そいつに
Naruto: "The Fourth said it was that guy pulling the strings!
Pain was being used by that guy.
Sasuke entering "Akatsuki" - even Sasuke is only being used by that guy!"
里に恨みを持ち 里を抜けた
Kakashi: "It's as Jiraya feared - the incident of 16 years ago... So it was his work. He had the Sharingan. He had bitterness for the village and fell away from it. The Uchiha who's necromancy** could do that is someone like Madara.

7th Part

Yamato: "When I hear Madara... no matter what, because isn't it strange... that he's living..."

Naruto remembers what the Kyubi said.
九尾『その瞳力と ワシ以上にまがまがしいチャクラ…
かつての うちはマダラと同じだな…』
Kyubi: "The power of those eyes - a Chakura even more sinister than mine... Just like the former Uchiha Madara's..."

Naruto: "Who's this Madara?"
散ったとされる 元木の葉の うちは一族のリーダーだった
その情報は上層部に伝える必要がある  サイ!』
Kakashi: "He fought with the First Hokage.
He died a noble death and was the original leader of Konoha's Uchiha clan.
A man.
This information needs to be told to the higher ups. Sai!"
Sai: "Yes..."
Kakashi: "Contact the second in command of the Hokage."
Sai: "Ah... Yes."
Kakashi: "Naruto! What did the Fourth tell you?"
Naruto: "Huh?"
Kakashi remembers his own father: "A father would have a lot he would want to say to his son."

ナルト !!
Naruto: !!
Naruto smiles.
Naruto grabs the covers in his hands [he's in bed, remember].
Laughing: "He believes in me--... He told me!!"
Kakashi, doing a GJ pose [? - "good job", i.e., thumbs up?]: "Alright!"
カカシ『お前は雷影のところへ行け!ま オレと
ヤマトはナルトの つきそいね!』
Kakashi: "You're to go to where the Raikage is! Well, Yamato and I will be Naruto's escort!"
Yamato: "Eh-----!!"

Turn changes
Shinobi from somewhere are following Danzo.

Torune: "Danzo"
Danzo: "Umhm"

Danzo: "It's been a while since real combat... It's a perfect chance for me to wake up my dulled body..."
なまった体を動かすには ちょうどいい…』

どこかの忍 ダンゾウ襲う
The unknown shinobi attack Danzo.

Danzo takes the bandage from his right eye: "(Torune, Huu), don't do anything - I'll do it."

The right eye is Sharingan.

Is it possible Danzo has Sharingan...!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 júl 08, 22:15:38
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:



Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 júl 09, 06:47:21
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: cepillon


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 júl 10, 10:41:39
A 455. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 456. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 júl 13, 12:45:48
Source : 2ch
Credits : Nja
Verification : Confirmed

カカシはサイが 信じてもらえないんですよね…って(また根の者として裏切るんじゃないか的な)

カカシ お前はもうカカシ班だ!信じるよ!



サムイ達に戻り 大和の分身が雷影のもとに向かった3人を追尾




Danzou swiftly ends the battle.(Looks like there's a seal/mark like Kamaitachi's(Temari's weasel summon) connected to his mouth[unsure] The enemy gets chopped up)
Danzou uses the Sharingan to calculate the number of enemies and ends the battle swiftly. Scene change to Naruto

Kakashi puts the Root ninja tailing Sai to sleep with a Genjutsu.
(Naruto and Konohamaru uses Oiroke no Jutsu to distract two of them, so they are taken out with a simple Jutsu.)
Sai: You won't be able to have faith in me, won't you?(It's almost like he's betraying the Root a second time)
Kakashi: You're already part of Team Kakashi! [I/We] believe in you!

[sai] immediately smiles

The Mizukage & co. are staying at an inn.
That seven swordsman guy has a pair of swords, Hiramekarai
The Tsuchikage & co. are camping
The Tsuchikage informs his company of the site of the summit.
He says something about the aren't shinobi on guard duty there, so they'll wait for the others, or something.
The Kazekage heads straight for the summit site.

Back to Samui & co. A clone of Yamato is tailing them back to the Raikage.
Naruto and Kakashi are following them.

It ends with a place below[Or something. The kanji is 下所, meaning "below place"]

[Nja explains how the fight with the root ninja went again]

Kis summa, most mentem melózni, reggel teszek be rendeset

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Matten - 09 júl 14, 14:07:14
Kiegészítések az előző spoilerhez.

Source : 2ch
Credits : Nja
Verification : Confirmed

Danzou’s fight is hopefully more clear and accurate now.

Edit 2:
Tsuchikage is better fixed.

Edit 3:

Small note is the single line with the Tsuchikage saying there won’t be shinobi on duty should be:
He says that it will be samurai, and not shinobi, who’ll be the ones securing the location

And I believe it’s literally named Taisouken* Hiramekarei** for Choujuurou’s katana

*Great Twin Blades
*left eye flounder and right-eye flounder (a type of fish)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 júl 15, 10:28:36
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED?

The first part says something about Danzou using a swift attack from his mouth to chop his enemies, by using the sharingan to calculate the enemies movement

switches to naruto:
i cant perfectly make this one out, but it says something about yamato and kakashi watching some root members secretely with a mokuton technique

switches to the mizukage:
the seven swordsman dude has a pair of swords called "hiramekarei", they stop at an inn or something

switches to the tsuchikage:
the tsuchikage is concerned that the meeting place of the kages isnt patrolled heavily enough

switches to kazekage:
gaara already reached his destination or is almost there

switches to samuis team:
kakashi, yamato and narato are apparently following them secretely

the last part is possibly about team kakashi being noticed and being attacked..


Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 júl 15, 14:27:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

456 Naruto: Departure...!!

Danzou forms seals and exhales
The shinobi going for Danzou drops dead one by one
Danzou: "7, 8, 9... 17 of them"
17 of them on the ground

Naruto puts on a cloak
Naruto: "Alright! We're good to go!"

Sai and Kakashi talk
Kakashi: "Cover up the actions of Naruto when you report to the Hokage's linkup. He mustn't know anything"
Sai: "!"
Sai: "It looks like... you have yet to have faith in me.."
Kakashi: "You're the one supposed to keep an eye on Naruto for Danzou."
Sai looks away
Kakashi: "However, you're also part of Team Kakashi and Team 7."
Sai is surprised
Kakashi smiles
Kakashi: "... I have faith in you."
Sai remembers what Naruto said with a smiling face, covered in bandages
Naruto: "He said... that he has faith in me"

Sai: (What could this feeling be...?)

Kakashi gives a thumbs up
Kakashi: "See you later"
Sai smiles

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 júl 15, 14:53:48
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: -

456 Naruto: Departure...!!

Danzou forms seals and exhales
The shinobi going for Danzou drops dead one by one
Danzou: "7, 8, 9... 17 of them"
17 of them on the ground

Naruto puts on a cloak
Naruto: "Alright! We're good to go!"

Sai and Kakashi talk
Kakashi: "Cover up the actions of Naruto when you report to the Hokage's linkup. He mustn't know anything"
Sai: "!"
Sai: "It looks like... you have yet to have faith in me.."
Kakashi: "You're the one supposed to keep an eye on Naruto for Danzou."
Sai looks away
Kakashi: "However, you're also part of Team Kakashi and Team 7."
Sai is surprised
Kakashi smiles
Kakashi: "... I have faith in you."
Sai remembers what Naruto said with a smiling face, covered in bandages
Naruto: "He said... that he has faith in me"

Sai: (What could this feeling be...?)

Kakashi gives a thumbs up
Kakashi: "See you later"
Sai smiles

Danzou's turn
The shinobi going for Danzou drop dead in a shower of blood
Fuu: "These guys are the remnants of the Ninja* ANBU of the Woods Country, that assassinated before."
Torune; "Since old days, it seems. They'd always jump on an opportunity like this. Seems like there's going to be lots of more bothersome things."
Danzou: "There was pride in being anonymous in the world of Shugen. However, by having a monopoly on both sides would allow stability in this country and village. If the summit goes well, I'll be recognized as Hokage. The jounin will also see that I am to be Hokage. My era has finally come."

Sasuke's turn
They're leaping from tree to tree, heading for the summit site.
Karin: "!! Wait, there's something up ahead!"
Sasuke: "?!"

Naruto's turn
He's facing Konohamaru in a forest.
Root ANBU are watching them from the shadows
ANBU: (What the... what's going on?)
ANBU: (No idea, what are those two planning?)
Konohamaru: "Oiroke no Jutsu!!"
ANBU: "?!"
Kakashi uses his Sharingan to put a genjutsu on the two ANBU
Kakashi: "Watch Naruto's illusion for the time being, would you? I wonder if they've been worried about the Oiroke no Jutsu... Sorry."
KakashiHowever, it looks like Root doesn't have much faith in Sai.)

Konohamaru: "Dammit, what a difference in sexiness! Argh! I lost!! I've been completely left behind by Nii-chan!! Even though he's my rival!!"
Konohamaru is quite furious.

Naruto: "I heard, you know..."
Konohamaru: "?"
Naruto: "That you took out one of the Pain bodies with the Rasengan!"
Konohamaru: "..."
Naruto is patting Konohamaru on the head.
Naruto: "Well done! Konohamaru! You're a hero of the village too!"
Konohamaru tears up and laughs shyly.
Naruto: "You caught on better than I did! This time, if you can master the Oodama Rasengan..."
Kakashi smiles down on them from a tree.

Omoi, Karui & Samui
They're retrieving data and taking notes in a place with Konoha's old books.(Library?)
Omoi: "My hand hurts! Man! If this gets inflammed, then my sword muscles will weaken. If I get killed because of that in a battle..."
Karui seems torn up
Karui: "If you can move your mouth, than move your hand!!"
Konoha shinobi tell them to shut the fuck up
Samui apologizes
The three of them finish what they're doing and leave.
Samui to Omoi: "Sheesh, if you're a shinobi, be more cool!"
Saumui: "Let's hurry to where Raikage-sama is."
Omoi: "Right."
Karui "Yessir!"
Karui steps on a pebble(Yamato's radio wood) when he begins walking. Karui doesn't realize that.
Yamato himself emerges from a wall(?).
YamatoSorry, but I've been allowed to learn radio wood. It's my forte to tailing people like this. Now then, maybe I should link up with Kakashi-senpai and Naruto.)
Omoi, Karui & Samui are leaping from tree to tree, heading back to the Raikage
Omoi: "That guy(Naruto)... I wonder if he's alright."
Karui grimaces
Karui: "If you bring that up, I'll kick your ass too, Omoi!"
Omoi: "Huh? So you were worried too then!"
Karui gets [something. Don't understand the word]

The real Yamato has his eyes closed. Maybe's radioing.
Yamato: "Let's begin the pursuit."
Naruto: "Yessir!"

Naruto, Kakashi & Yamato
they put on their ninja hats and robes cloaks

The Mizukage & co. stayed at an inn.
Mizu: "Choujuurou, your sword must be quite heavy. Are you sure you're okay?"
Chou: "Oh... Yes... I have a slight fever though..."
Mizu: "Let me see..."
She puts her forehead on his, and checks his temprature
Ao: "I'm telling you, Godaime, you're too soft on Choujuurou! This is why youngsters are spoiled nowadays! They walk for a little bit and then they go "Oh, I'm so hot augh". Why, in our days--"
Mizu:"Ao... It's no longer the time when it's called "The Village of the Blood Mist". The nightmare that was Yondaime's era is over... Please stop boasting about the past."
Chou gets all lovey-dovey and happy
Ao: "S-Sorry... It's finally..."
Mizu: "Now, let's end this gloomy topic there. Let's have a meal soon. I look forward to the food of a minshuku***."
Ao: "What'll we eat tonight? We can arrange a meal for it, right? Choujuurou?"(How the Mizukage hears it: "What's for the betrothal? We can arrange a meal for it, right? Choujuurou?)
Chou: "Uh..."
Mizu: (...Betrothal...!)
Chou: "There's so many things, I'd worry myself over what to choose, eventually I wouldn't be decide."
Ao: "Man, you're so indecisive!! This is why youngsters have no spirit nowadays!"
Mizu: (Bethrothal, so many things, eventually... break-up?!?!)[Pun again]
Chou makes arrangements for the meal and leaves the room
Ao: "Man, why, in our days--"
Mizu gets close to Ao: "Shut up or die."
Ao: (Whaaaaaat--------!!)

*Assuming that ohana made a typo here, and meant "ninja"
**Look up Shugendou

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 júl 15, 16:42:35
Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 júl 15, 17:03:23
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: -

(Az előző szöveges spoiler folytatása.)

Maybe they're camping in some cavern
Kuro: "Man, I'm so excited to go to the Iron Country for the first time."
Tsuchi: "It's not such a fun place."
Aka: "What kinda place is it then, gramps?"

Looks like the summit will take place in the Iron Country
Looks like it's a snowy place.
There's a panel of snow falling.

Tsuchi: "It's a country founded by a trio called "The Three Wolves"(San-Ookami). It's a neutral country which retains a peculiarculture, a peculiar jurisdiction and strong war power. Since old times, it has never been involved in wars of shinobi. That's why it was decided on that." The Iron Country isn't guarded by shinobi, it's guarded by people who call themselves "Samurai."

The apperance of these "Samurai" is like Darth Vader's.

They're in the snowing Iron Country
Sasuke: "Well?"
Water-transformed Suigetsu: "Looks like they're bolstering the guard around the Five Kage Summit"
Sasuke: "Karin, use an animal and lead us to the summit through their lesserly guarded areas."
Karin: "Got it."

Kazekage's turn
Mifune: "We've been waiting for you, Kazekage-sama. I am a general of the Iron Country, call me Mifune."
Gaara: "Pleased to meet you. I am the Kazekage, Gaara."
Kankurou: "Brrr... This is nothing like the climate of the Wind Country."
Mifune: "If you would follow me, I'd serve you hot tea."

It looks like Naruto & co. have reached the Iron Country too.
They're leaping from tree to tree, in the snow.
Naruto sneezes
Naruto: "Urgh, it suddenly got real cold."
Yamato: "Ssssssshhhh! We're in pursuit, so ssssssssshhhh!"

One by one, they gather at the site of the summit!!

The end!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 júl 16, 07:50:08
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: cepillon


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 júl 16, 13:48:24
A 456. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 457. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Lili - 09 júl 21, 09:59:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:folyamatban
Forrás: (

457: Arrival at the Iron Country

(Danzou Scene)
(Danzou and his bodyguards are welcomed by Mifune, which has two samurai near him.)
Mifune: We’ve been waiting for you, Hokage… wait… (Two samurais quickly draw their katanas and point them to Danzou’s throat. Torune and Fu s hold the blades off their master’s throat.)
Danzou: What is the meaning of this?!
Mifune: Do you take me, Mifune, the leader of this country, as a fool? The current Hokage is Tsunada-sama, and I’m sure that Tsunade-sama you are not.
Danzou: So the news didn’t arrived yet? Akatsuki destroyed Konoha, and the Fifth Hokage failed on her duty and fainted. I am Danzou, the Sixth Hokage! (Danzou points to his Kage Hat. Mifune is shocked and gesticulates to the samurais to back off.)
Mifune: Oh my, Konoha… destroyed? Those are troublesome news you carry, but if the Akatsuki involvement is true, then it’s worse than predicted... please come in, the Kazekage and the Raikage already await inside.
Danzou: Don’t think this mischievous act will go through lightly.
Mifune: This country’s strength wasn’t built on trusting everyone. (Mifune and Danzou stare at each other, as the latter’s group passes the gates.)

(Sasuke Scene)
(Team Hawk is in the snowy forests, near the ridge.)
Juugo: It’s no use… no living thing passes through unnoticed.
White Zetsu: It was predictable. The Iron Country is flawless on its defences. I was almost spotted the last time I was there.
Sasuke: So we don’t have another choice… we must rush through them.
Suigetsu: Now that’s good news. These samurai will do my fix.
Sasuke: Remember, kill no one. The only worthy of dying is Danzou.
Suigetsu: Man, I want to have fun!
Karin: You heard Sasuke-kun, don’t do anything stupid, knucklehead!
Suigetsu: You just say that to annoy me, four-eyes!
Karin: Wh-what did you just called me?! (Karin punches Suigetsu’s head, Juugo facepalms, Sasuke and White Zetsu look up the ridge.)

(Naruto Scene)
(Naruto’s team is heading to the Iron country through the woods.)
Naruto: Achoooo! I think I got a cold!
Yamato: Naruto! I already told you to stay quite! We are supposed to enter with stealth!
Kakashi: Yamato, I don’t believe that will be possible. We’re not dealing with some minor country, the Iron Country is heavily guarded. To this date, no Hidden Village was capable of breaking in.
Naruto: Really?! So their shinobi must be off the charts!
Yamato: They don’t have shinobi.
Naruto: What?!
Kakashi: Their forces consist only by elite warriors, the samurai.
Naruto: Samurai…?!
Kakashi: Samurai are warriors trained on the way of the sword. They can’t perform any Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, but their sheer speed, great stamina and mastery of the blade make them rather deadly. They’re not a force to be underestimated just because they’re not Ninjas. (Naruto seems disturbed.)

(Sai Scene)
(Sai is at the gates with Mifune.)
Mifune: How disrespectful Konoha came to be! I already told you, only Kages and their bodyguards may pass these gates.
Sai: But I have an urgent matter to discuss with the Hokage!
Mifune: I said no! If you don’t mind telling what you want to discuss with the Hokage, I’ll tell him right away. If not, I’m sorry but the precepts must be obeyed. (The Cloud nin arrive.)
Omoi: Aren’t you that guy from before?!
Karui: Maybe he wants some beating, too!
Samui: Karui, that’s enough! (looks to Mifune) Sorry for the impertinence, but we need to talk to the Raikage.
Mifune: Like I was saying to this boy, only Kages and their personnel may enter. If you want to speak to him, do it after this Summit or tell me what you want to inform him.
Samui: I see. Thank you and forgive us for this mess. (she bows)
Karui: What?! After all this running, we still have to wait?! No fair!
Omoi: That’s what you get when you rush things.
Karui: You came too, smartass!
Omoi: That’s beside the point.

(Sasuke Scene)
(Team Hawk hides among the tree’s cups.)
Sasuke: Now! (The team jumps to ambush four samurai. Sasuke shows a Chidori Sword, while Suigetsu swings Zabuza’s sword, Juugo goes CS2 and White Zetsu uses his bare fists. Karin stays behind)
Samurai #1: What the…? (The samurai vanish, the ambushers land on the ridge)
Suigetsu: Hey, where did they go?
Sasuke: Watch out!
Samurai #2, #3 and #4: Yousen no Yottsu Katana!* (They appear from thin air, spinning and landing several cuts on their ambushers. Sasuke manages to avoid the strikes with his sword with the aid of Sharingan)
Samurai #1: Amateurs. (Suigetsu, Juugo and White Zetsu are lying on the floor, bleeding from their wounds.)
Karin: No! (Karin leaps from hiding and lands on the ridge.)

* War Dance of the Four Katana!

(Tobi and Dark Zetsu scene)
(Tobi and Dark Zetsu are in an hideout, the latter has his hands on his belly)
Dark Zetsu: Nii-chan! (spews some blood)
Tobi: What’s the matter?!
Dark Zetsu: It seems they’re being attacked.
Tobi: He’s still overconfident, the fool.

(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: (thinking) These guys are not ordinary warriors.
Samurai #2: You’re next! (He points a katana to Sasuke; Karin is near Juugo, trying to make him bite her)
Voice from behind: Let me have him!
Samurai #3: C-c-captain Daigoro**! (An warrior, even more heavily armoured than the rest, appears. He has a wolf theme going on)
Daigoro: You must be Sasuke, the one everybody is talking about.
Sasuke: And if I am?!
Daigoro: That means I’ll have a good fight for a change! (stretches his neck) Let’s see what are you made of, Uchiha Sasuke of Konoha! (Sasuke smirks)

** The reason why I included this Daigoro is to match Mifune. Toshiro Mifune played the role of the ronin Yojimbo in a 60's movie with the same name, and Daigoro was his sidekick.

(Naruto Scene)
(Naruto’s team arrives at a location where is possible to see the three wolves stone formation)
Yamato: We’re finally here.
Naruto: Wow, check that out!
Kakashi: Don’t get too excited, now is the difficult part.
Naruto: Don’t worry. It won’t be some samurai that will stop me!
Kakashi: That’s the spirit! (he smiles and rises his thumb)
Naruto: I have to talk to the Raikage. That’s the only way to clear Sasuke's name!

Next Chapter: The Power of the Bushido.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 júl 21, 13:48:45

Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Sho


Source: 2ch
Credits: Nja
Verification: Confirmed

んじゃ 表紙はナルト 背表紙はナルトとカカシ
It's Nja. Cover page is Naruto and the spine of the chapter is of Naruto and Kakashi

I wasn't able to see any movie info or the inside of it, but there's some card illustrations-I think- enclosed

サムイ達が雷影に合流 後をつけていたナルト達が雷影に嘆願しに行く
Samui and her team join up with Raikage, and- having followed them- Naruto and co. go appeal to the Raikage

ナルト サスケを許してやってくれ と頭を地面に擦り付けるくらいの 土下座!!
Naruto is prostrating himself (!) on the ground with his head to the floor saying, "Please forgive Sasuke"

雷影 忍びは簡単に頭を下げるもんじゃない~
Raikage: "A shinobi shouldn't be bowing his head so easily as that"

With Raikage turning out not to grant pardon, Yamato cuts into the conversation

大和 こちらもそれなりの~日向ヒアシの件の苦渋の選択~とか色々だすけど
Yamato: "Our side has our own bone to pick with you; the troubling matter of the Hyuuga Hiashi issue and what to do about it", and he goes on about that

*Not going as enemies, it's left at that and off to the meeting grounds (the last expressions they made were pretty meaningful)*

*[trans note: Nja is being purposely vague here]

サイは このままじっとしていられないよ… とサクラを誘ってナルトの元へ?
Sai: "I can't just stay still and do nothing", and calling Sakura, they go to head to Naruto perhaps?

Sasuke and co. decide to take out Danzou on the return back from the conference

Sasuke, wanting to know just who Danzou is, goes with Zetsu to confirm his identity

ゼツにあいつがダンゾウだよ って言われた瞬間にサスケ目が写輪眼へ
but the moment that Zetsu tells him, "He's Danzou," there's a close-up of Sasuke's eyes with the Sharingan

最後は五影で会議が始まる直前で顔見せあった所で 完
The last part we see is the 5 Kages showing their faces just before the start of the conference

Apologies for the shortness

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rebi - 09 júl 22, 13:12:03
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers fórum
Szerző: VASSiLi


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 júl 22, 19:38:38
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: 1TrueSensei, Wannabe, miforever
Forrás: Mangahelpers fórum

From Ohana

1st part

Sasuke & co.
A hawk(?) is on Juugo's arm
The hawk(?) makes noises
Sasuke: "Well?"
Juugo: "There's route going up from the west, few guards there."
Sasuke: "Karin, keep checks on the locations of the chakra of the guards at all times. We're infiltrating from here on out."
Karin: "I'm going too?!"
Suigetsu: "Now's the time where you get to demonstrate your abilities."
Sasuke: "Zetsu is coming too."
Zetsu: "What?"
Sasuke: "You'll show us which one of them's Danzou, so come with us."

Danzou's turn
Danzou: "!"
Torune: "Looks like the report from Sai."
One of Sai's ink birds come flying, and Danzou opens up a scroll. The bird collides with it.
It turns into ink which transfigures into text
Danzou reads it
Torune: "Well?"
Danzou: "Just a regular report. Let's go."
The contents of the scroll is a mystery.

In the Iron Country
Samurai are everywhere
Suigetsu: "Wouldn't it be better to kill [them] before we ambush [the Hokage]? I'm tired already..."
Karin: "Are you retarded?! It's normal to consider what would happen if the Hokage's arrival is late! Reinforcing samurai would get the wind of it immediately - What would we do if the other Kages came for us?! Seeing how we have no idea about the enemy's abilities, the correct way to do it would be to ambush [him] when we get the chance on [his] way back from the summit! Isn't that right, Sasuke?!"
Sasuke: "Just concentrate on where the enemy's chakra is, Karin."
Suigetsu: "Haha, you got put down."
Karin: "Shut it!"
Zetsu: "Sasuke... You seem to be in trouble as well."
Sasuke: "Regardless of that, you'll point out Danzou before the summit. Do not lie to me."
Karin: "I can feel chakra. One's chakra is always disturbed when one tells lies... Oh, and I'm not forgetting to do what you told me, my dear."
Karin points a finger out
Zetsu: "I won't lie. Danzou is a great obstruction to us, you know..."

2nd part

Raikage party
They're moving from tree to tree. The Raikage isn't wearing anything on his upper body, for some reason.
Retainer(Nja forgot his name): "Raikage-sama, it's team Samui."
Raikage: "Right! DOWN!"

Samui: "We have returned from Konohagakure."
Raikage: "So, how did it go?!"
Retainer: "Samui... Uh, you were tailed."
Samui: "?!"
Retainer: "Come out!! You dogs of Konoha!!"
Naruto, Kakashi, Yamato
They appear before the Raikage party
Retainer: "To tail Samui, you guys are pretty good."
Omoi: "Y-You..."
Karui: "You're the bastard I messed up - Naruto!!"
Darui: "Boss... That's Hatake Kakashi... And the guy on the right"
Raikage: "Hmph... I know."
Raikage: "Are you a messenger of the Hokage? Hatake Kakashi!"
Kakashi: "No... I came here today to ask something of you. It's an appeal by Uzumaki Naruto of Konohagakure. Please do listen to him for a bit."
Retainer: "Aren't you being a bit rude? To come here without making arrangments beforehand, while we're on our way to the summit."
Kakashi: "I know that it may be very well be rude."
Rai: "Well, fair enough... Then, you, brat... SPEAK!"

Naruto gulps
Naruto: "Sasuke... I want you to stop hunting Uchiha Sasuke..."
Omoi: "H-Hey... You're not really in a position to..."
Samui: "..."
Karui: "He's still saying that?!"
Darui: "You said it."
Retainer: "What are you..."


3nd part

Naruto: "I know I'm saying something unreasonable...!
But I gotta say it!
Sasuke is my friend...! [Unsure about the rest of Naruto's talk]I wouldn't be able to run away from it if one of my friends got killed!
And I don't want Sasuke, Konoha and the Cloud to try to kill each other!
I don't want [to take revenge on your comrades either/you to avenge your comrades].
Raikage, without moving a face muscle: "We're leaving."
Naruto prostrates himself
Naruto: "I'm begging you! I don't want you to try to kill each other any more!!!
"Sasuke is all about revenge!! If you get obsessed by it, you'll change completely!!
Revenge isn't right! You'll turn into someone you don't know!
[He says something about Sasuke which I don't get]
I don't want anyone, not Konoha, not the Cloud, not anyone to kill each other!!
...That's why...!! Sob... Sniff..."
He cries on the ground

Sai has a flashback
Sakura: "I have something to take care of, so I'll go on ahead. Take care of the mission report to Kakashi-sensei for me!"
Naruto: "Got it! I'll do it alright!"
Sai is watching Naruto, who is giving a thumbs-up, seeing Sakura off
Sai: "Naruto, you know..."
Naruto: "Hmmmmm?" Sai: "You like Sakura, right?"
Naruto: "Wha?!"
Sai: "Spot on, I suppose...
One is always smiling before the one they like. You fit that description.
Have you confessed or anything?"
Naruto: "..."
Sai: "?"
Naruto: [Unsure]"Can't... I would be a guy who couldn't keep his promise then..."
Naruto, beat up by Karui: "Sai... Leave me"

Sai: (No... I can't run away either, Naruto)
Sai stands up


4th part

Raikage party
Rai: "We will deal with Sasuke. You people should give it up!"
Karui: "Keh, you retard!!"
Retainer: "We are in a hurry. Enough of this."
Naruto is still prostrating himself
Yamato: "We have yet to reach a resolution regarding your attempt on the Hyuuga's Byakugan. That matter could've lead to war with the Cloud, but Konoha avoided a bloody and bitter war.
I wouldn't want you to forget[something about a sacrifice.]"
Kakashi: "[Something about young ninja and clumsiness, and Konoha and the Cloud] I think this is something mutual to both villages and countries.
I bow my head, Raikage-sama... What do you think of this, as one of the five Kages?"
Naruto is still prostrating himself
Rai: "Shinobi shall not simply bow their head! Shinobi respect conduct and strength! [Something about fellow shinobi, talking, concession and taboo] The history of man is of war! After the Third Great Shinobi War...
Every country... village got their hands on powerful ninjutsu
Those with power are crushed! That's the absolute mentality of the shinobi world!
Akatsuki is wanted internationally, I am not the only one in the world who wants Sasuke
To bow your head for a criminal; to ask for mercy for a comrade
There is no friendship to speak of in the world of shinobi! Brat of Konoha... You ought to consider what you're doing more carefully!
The world of shinobi isn't so soft that an idiot achieve that!!"
Rai starts walking
Omoi: "..."
Karui: "Heh!"

Kakashi: "Naruto... That's enough... Lift your head."

Rai looks over his shoulder

5th (and final) part

He's heading to tent where Sakura and Shizune is.
Tsunade is comatose. Her face is not shown
Sai: "Sakura... I have something to talk to you about."

An passage on the way to the Five Kage Summit
Sasuke is watching from a high place
Zetsu: "That's him. The old guy in the middle."

Sharingan is activated
Sasuke: "So he's... Danzou"

All five Kages have assembled.

Mifune:"[Something about the five kage's hats]... By Raikage-dono's request, the Five kages have now gathered here.
I am the one watching over this place, Mifune I am called. With this, the Five Kage Summit shall begin."

The end

SZERK.!!Képek a heti fejezetből:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Grand - 09 júl 23, 15:03:25
Source: 2ch
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 júl 24, 10:54:06
A 457. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 458. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Lili - 09 júl 26, 11:08:00
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458: The Fate of Akatsuki

(Kage Scene)
Mifune: The meeting will now begin.
Raikage: (stands up) First of all, thank you for coming with such short notice. (sits again) Second, I’ll be direct to the point: we, the Five Great Ninja Villages, got to eliminate the Akatsuki threat. (everyone stares in tension) They’re assaulting our villages, kidnapping the Jinchuuriki and killing for whatever reason they have!
Gaara: They are collecting the Bijuu inside them. For what purpose, I don’t know.
Raikage: How can you know that?
Gaara: I was a Jinchuuriki once (the Kages faces turn to Gaara). They took me from Sunagakure and extracted the Shukaku that dwelled inside me. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my village, with the help from Konoha. (bows his head a little for Danzou)
Raikage: Is that so? I wouldn’t be so fond of the Leaf, because one of its missing nin will do the same thing with my brother (stares at Danzou with a menacing glare)
Danzou: Are you accusing me of this incident?!
Raikage: You’re not the only one that doesn’t take care of their missing nin…
Tsuchikage: What in hell are you implying?
Misukage: Those are serious accusations you’re delivering, Raikage.
Raikage: Oh… from the data my ninja collected about Akatasuki, every village here besides mine has at least one missing nin that became part of that group: Sasori from Sunagakure, Deidara from Iwagakure, Kisame and Suigetsu from Kirigakure, and the biggest offender here, Konohagakure, with Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. If you Kages did take care of their missing nin, Akatsuki wouldn’t be such a big threat, or even existed at all!
Danzou: Preposterous!
Tsuchikage: I was never so insulted in my life!
Misukage: Are you blaming us for Akatsuki existence?!
Mifune: Please calm down. I do not want war to begin within these halls. (everyone calms down)
Gaara: Did you said Uchiha Sasuke?! (stares at Danzou) Does Naruto know this?!
Raikage: Do you know that whiny brat?
Gaara: Of course, he was the one who saved me from Akatsuki. He’s the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki. (Raikage looks shocked)
Raikage: He’s a Jinchuuriki?! So why his so called “friend” Sasuke took away my brother, Kirabi, also a Jinchuuriki?
Gaara: I don’t know. (looks away)
Raikage: Thought so. (looks at Danzou) What are you going to do about your missing nin, Konoha?!
Danzou: I already ordered my village to assume Uchiha Sasuke as a target to kill on sight.
Raikage: Good. I think it’s wise for all the villages to do that as well, for all Akatsuki members.
Tsuchikage: I think it’s wise too. The Stone will follow your advice.
Misukage: The Mist will do the same, since we still have our missing nin issue to attend to.
Gaara: The Sand will follow too… except for Uchiha Sasuke.
Raikage: What is the meaning of this?!
Gaara: Naruto saved me… twice. And I didn’t return the favour from the second time, so this is my way to thank him.
Danzou: Do you want the Sand end up like Konoha?! A giant crater where once was a proud village? (Everyone is shocked)
Gaara: What?
Danzou: One of Akatsuki members, named Nagato, assaulted our village in search of that Naruto you admire so much. All we got left is a giant hole and a village to rebuild. You’re inviting the same event if you let an Akatsuki roam free in your village.
Gaara: I’m not worried (everyone is apprehensive) I know Naruto won’t make that happen.

(Naruto Scene)
(They are traveling through the trees’ branches)
Naruto: Why?
Yamato: What bothers you, Naruto?
Naruto: Why don’t people see? All this hatred, this revenge… this cycle will only repeat over and over if something isn’t done to stop it.
Kakashi: Don’t expect people to comprehend that at first. Don’t forget we live in the world of the Shinobi, hatred and war are commonplace.
Naruto: But why, why people won’t do anything to stop it?
Kakashi: Some people never lived without war. It’s difficult to stray from that.
Naruto: But… (his face saddens) I understand…
Yamato: We should return to the village as swiftly as possible. Danzou will be not pleased to know we fled from it.
Kakashi: You’re right. Let’s return to Konoha.
Naruto: (Naruto stops) I won’t return to Konoha.
Yamato: (Yamato and Kakashi stop) What?!
Naruto: I won’t give up on Sasuke. I won’t cross my arms and see Sasuke being chased and executed like a criminal. I know Sasuke, he isn’t like that, he’s being used. If nobody will be on his side, I will. I’ll save Sasuke from Madara, even if it takes me to the end of the world or takes away my life. I made a promise and I will fulfil that promise.
Kakashi: There’s no stopping you from that, is there, Naruto? (Naruto smiles) Thought so… well, take care!
Yamato: What? Kakashi-senpai, you’ll let him do that?
Kakashi: Why wouldn’t I? Naruto has already chosen his path, we shouldn’t interfere.
Yamato: But, Kakashi-senpai!
Kakashi: Don’t worry. If he took care of Pein, I’m confident he’ll take care of himself, isn’t that right, Naruto?
Naruto: Right!
Yamato: (preoccupied) If you say so… (Yamato and Kakashi leave, Naruto follows them)
Kakashi. I thought you were leaving…
Naruto: And I’m leaving, but I got to say goodbye to someone in the village.

(Kage Scene)
Mifune: So it’s settled then. All the Villages will begin the operation to bring to justice Kisame and Suigetsu of the Mist, Zetsu of the Grass, Konan of the Rain, Karin and Juugo of the Sound. And all Villages, except the Sand, will also bring to justice Sasuke of the Leaf. This operation will begin in seven days and the primary target will be Amegakure. This summit is now concluded. (everyone leaves the table, Raikage approaches Gaara)
Raikage: You know, Kazekage, it isn’t too late to change your decision.
Gaara: I’ll not change my mind, as much sorrow as it gives you.
Raikage: Hmmph. You know what is best for your village, but don’t come to the Cloud begging for help.
Gaara: I’m sure I won’t need any. (they separate)

(Sasuke Scene)
(The group is hiding in a secretive high point)
Suigetsu: Now that’s good.
Karin: How can you say it’s good?! Our heads are on the line!
Suigetsu: More people to fight with!
Karin: You reckless knucklehead!
Sasuke: Stop it. Don’t lose focus on what we have to do.
Karin: R-Right!
White Zetsu: At least they don’t have information on Tobi. As long as he remains unknown, the better. (Sasuke grumps)

(Danzou Scene)
Danzou: Torune, get back to Konoha. Declare Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato missing nin.
Torune: Yes, my lord. (he vanishes away)
Danzou: (gives the scroll to Fu) Get rid of this scroll. In the wrong hands, Konoha might be the next target of other village’s wrath.
Fu: Yes, Hokage-san. (vanishes away too)
Danzou: (thinking) So, Madara is alive. I haven’t heard that name in quite some time. So you came out of the hole you crawled all these years? This will be interesting.

Next Chapter: The Ambush


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Chapter 458 Prediction: The Kage Meeting Begins….

The Raikage is quick to speak and quickly goes into detail of the Akatsuki and of Sasuke Uchiha.

Taka continues to spy and Sasuke sees Naruto barge in.

Naruto’s determined to speak to the Kages in Sasuke’s defense and to stop war. Danzou is obviously not pleased and orders Naruto be taken into custody, but Gaara comes to his defense and requests to the other Kages that he be heard.

Back in Konoha, Sai talks to Sakura about Naruto. Sakura joins Sai as they depart to go after Naruto. But could Tsunade awaken as before the two leave?  By rannos


It will start with Sai and Sakura talking, and the two of them will head out to follow Naruto.

Then the Kage meeting, discussing Akatsuki and Sasuke.

Gaara has been asked to speak because he’s had direct contact with the Akatsuki. He explains what happens, and says he would be dead if Uzumaki Naruto had not saved him.

Danzou will speak, and talk about the destruction of the village, and reluctantly admit that the Akatsuki leader was defeated by Uzumaki Naruto.

The Raikage will ask questions about Naruto, and Gaara may or may not explain a little about Naruto’s connection to Sasuke and the slaughter of the Uchiha clan. He may or may not ask that Sasuke not be killed, out of his friendship and debt for Naruto.

The Raikage will revise his opinion of the weird, beat-up kid who was begging him earlier.

The Raikage will change his terms, and ask for all-out war on Akatsuki, but for Sasuke to be captured and brought to trial.  By kerzon |

The Kages are about to call an end to the meeting when Madara starts his Eye of the Moon attack.

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The hokage meeting is in progress. Raikage is sitting with an angered expression while the rest of the hokages are yelling at each other. Garaa finally stands up and slams his fist on the table.
Garaa: "That is not nearly good enough. You all obviously fail to realize just how powerful akatsuki is!"
Mifune: "Easy Kazekage Garaa. I know you do not like this plan but it will have to do for now."
Raikage: "I agree for once with Garaa. Gathering information on akatsuki is unnecessary now. The time to act is now."
Mizukage: "You are still more interested in revenge Raikage. Has the capture of your brother taught you nothing?"
Raikage: "It has taught me that inaction will get us no where. The best course of action is to attack them now."
Danzo: "And what do you suggest we attack? Many of the members of akatsuki are from different villages with no alliagence to anyone so they could be anywhere right now."
Garaa: "But doing nothing could be even more dangerous. What happened to your village raikage pales in comparison to the destruction that happened when akatsuki attacked my village in search of me."
Raikage: "If you survived than I guess that means akatsuki may not have chosen to use as deadly a force as they did when they attempted to kidnap my brother."
Garaa: "I am only alive now thanks to one person. The same person you all overlook right now, Naruto Uzimaki."
Raikage: "I met this naruto uzimaki not long ago. The brat is not worth the effort you suggest to protect him. His capture and loss is an acceptible casualty."
Garaa: "That is what akatsuki wants most. As long as you overlook the value of the bijuu and the jinchuriki the more likely akatsuki will be able to attack with impunity. That is why they attacked my village. They were after my bijuu!"
Danzo: "I concur with Garaa assessment. That is why I will be assigning anbu black ops to watch naruto and keep him under guard until akatsuki is obliterated. Will that be suitable garaa?"
Garaa: "..."
Garaa is shown to be a little conflicted.

Kakashi, Yamoto, and Naruto are camping for the night in the woods. The forest is not covered in snow any more and they are now in normal attire. Naruto is sad and looking at the camp fire.
Kakashi: "It was a nice try naruto. Sadly though some people do not have the compassion that you have."
Naruto: "I guess Nagato was right about some things in the ninja world. You cant always stop the cycle of hate so easily."
Kakashi: "Naruto. Don't let this minor setback let you down. Im sure we will find some other way to convince Raikage to call off the bounty on sasuke."
Naruto: "I just wish I could know what was going on inside the hokage meeting. Any ideas yamoto?"
Yamoto: "I cant get one of my wood clones inside but maybe you can use the frogs to gather information on what is going on during the meeting if you have one that is small enough to not attract too much attention."
Naruto: "Thats a good idea. Some of the frogs are small enough that no one would take too much notice as long as it was undetectable."
Naruto performs summoning jutsu but is disappointed to find its gamakichi he summoned.
Gamakichi: "Naruto! Long time no see buddy! Listen. Pa frog needs to talk with you about something important. Can you summon him to us?"
Naruto: "Ok. I haven't seen him in a while. Im glad that he was able to survive that attack by pain. I thought for sure that pain had killed him."
Naruto performs summoning jutsu and Pa Frog appears.
Fukusaku: "Hey Naruto. It is nice to see you again. Congrats again on defeating Pain. Jiraiya would be proud of you."
Naruto: "Thank you Fukusaku. Gamakichi tells me that you wanted to see me about something important."
Fukusaku: "Jiraiya before he died was searching for information about akatsuki specificly their headquarters, members, and past actions? Did pain tell you anything useful?"
Naruto: "I didn't get any information from pain on those subjects however another source has told me that pain was not the real leader of akatsuki. He was more of pawn in the hands of someone else. The same person who forced the kyubi to attack konoha."
Fukusaku: "Did you find out who it is? Who gave you this information?"
Kakashi: "Let me save you the trouble naruto. I know whom is responcible for the attack but I have long hoped it wasn't him."
Fukusaku: "Who was responcible for the attack on konoha and is the leader of akatsuki?"
Kakashi: "Madara Uchiha and the source of the information was the sealed chakra of the fourth hokage in naruto."
Pa Frog is shocked at what he has just heard.
Fukusaku: "If what you say is true than I think it is very important that you naruto must return to myobuzokan to finish your sage training."
Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamoto are all surprised as they stare at pa frog.
Naruto: "My training is incomplete?"

Sasuke and team hawk are watching the samurai from the rooftops. Karin is trying to keep up when accidentally a clump of snow falls and sasuke just barely manages to stop the guard from yelling an alarm. Suigetsu tries to supress a laugh while karin acts embarrassed. They slowly move along
from roof to roof when karin suddenly notices some of the samurais have dogs with them now. Karin grabs sasuke and points down at the dogs. Sasuke signals for a retreat. They then stop at a roof top with no samurai nearby.
Karin: "That was a close one. I don't think they picked up our scent."
Suigetsu: "Nice work karin. We almost got caught just because you didn't look for the guards to have tracking dogs with them."
Juugo: "The dogs obviously must have just been brought out to help in tracking. I did not detect them until just before we were above them."
Sasuke: "It is no use for us to try to get any closer. We can't stop the dogs from tracking without getting their attention nor can we get any closer without them detecting us."
Karin: "We know that danzo is heading back to konoha soon. Can't we just ambush him once he leaves the iron country?"
Sasuke: "We need to know what route they intend to use as well as any possible escape routes they may have."
Zetsu: "I think I know of a way we can do that if you are up for some interrogation."
Sasuke: "...."

Team samui is in the woods heading away from the iron country. Suddenly Samui sees something in the distance on a branch up ahead. Instinctively she grips her sword. Omoi points and yells in anger as he sees that its sasuke uchiha. Samui suddenly grimaces as she gets a bad feeling.
Omoi: "Is that?! Sasuke!"
Karui: "Forget that brat! This one is mine!"
Samui: "Karui be careful! Something is very wrong here!"
Sasuke smiles and then vanishes. A slash occurs across each member of team samui which sends them crashing to the ground. Samui is looking up and sees Sasuke taking Karui away. Samui looks over to see omoi laying on the ground with his head slumped over. Blood is puddling on the ground.
Samui: "Damn it!"

The hokage meeting is concluding. Mifune is assisting a servant in bringing in some food for the hokages. Garaa and Raikage are still upset. Mizukage is looking at a book. Suddenly a guard rushes in causing the food to come crashing over to the ground. Mifune is mad at the guard and stares at him enraged.
Mifune: "You better have a good explaination for this interuption or you will be facing kennel duty for the next year!"
Guard: "Two gravely wounded ninjas were discovered near the border of the iron country. Its team samui of the cloud village."
Raikage: "What?! What happened to them!? How bad are their injuries."
Guard: "One of them is near fatally wounded while the other is being stitched up right now. They are lucky the patrol found them."
Garaa: "You see now how akatsuki works. Their tactics reflect their brutality."
Raikage: "Have they said who attacked them? Why are you suggesting only two were found. Is one missing?"
Guard: "It was Sasuke Uchiha who attacked them and unfortunately according to one of the survivors on of them was kidnapped."
Danzo: "I guess we are now all in agreement. Sasuke Uchiha effective immediately is to be hunted down and killed on sight."
Raikage is now fuming with rage and storms out of the room while garaa is now frowning with concern.

Karui is inside her own mind in tsukyama genjutsu with sasuke. Sasuke has her arms stuck on a cross with blades stuck in her body pinning her to the cross. Sasuke is holding a sword at her face. Karui is absolutely horrified.
Sasuke: "Now tell me everything you know about the meeting of the hokage or you will die again."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 júl 28, 11:49:29
Source: 2ch
Credit: njt
Verification: Comfirmed

出かけるんで簡単に ノ
背表紙 大和でした><

尾獣をコントロールできたのは まだら・初代火影・四代目水影・キラービー

どうでしょうか~? といい雷影が なんだと!?


トビ=四代目水影って事でおk?(鬼鮫が 元水影様でしたか っていってたから

A simple spoiler to start with
The spine has Yamato ><

The ones who made up the mercenary force called Akatsuki were advisors of many countries
The Tsuchikage used the Akatsuki to make money
The Godaime Mizukage interferes, saying her country has no knowledge of this since they're isolated
(This is the Yondaime Mizukage's fault... That is, the Godaime reveals that it is possible the Yondaime has been manipulating someone)
Suna planned the Konoha Crash using the Akatsuki (Well, Gaara's father did)
The Hokage is sceptic, questioning whether they should interfere with these advisors (Danzou is silent¹)
The Raikage vents his anger towards the other Kage
Those able to control the Bijuu: Madara, the Shodai Hokage, the Yondaime Mizukage, Killer Bee

Then the neutral power states their opinion
How about making an alliance of the Five Countries?
Then the Hokage, whose country still has its Bijuu, will take supreme command (since there's no hope for the rest). What do you think?
upon hearing that, the Raikage ask "What the hell!?"

And it ends with this 

the Yondaime Mizukage's face is revealed (a gentle man), but (with the Bijuu controlling story) the Tobi = the Yondaime Mizukage things seems to still be okay (since Kisame called him the former Mizukage-sama)

¹ This could also mean that he refuses to explain himself

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Grand - 09 júl 29, 15:49:18
forrás :mangahelpers
Source :  NF
Credit : serenity85

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 júl 29, 15:56:40
forrás :mangahelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 09 júl 29, 17:07:57
forrás :mangahelpers
Szerző:Motto San
ha minden igaz ez egy fordítás az egyik képhez :D

Water: The fact they have been taken should be a cause of alarm. To control them, we need techniques, knowledge, and time.
Earth: The Jinchuuriki grow with the bijuu. They need to adapt. And even then their control is difficult... Not to say impossible... Isn't it?... Kazekage...
Gaara: ...
Danzou: In the first place, the only people who could ever control bijuus in the true sense were Uchiha Madara and the first Hokage, Hashirama... And the fourth Mizukage, Yagura ...There was also the brother of the Raikage, Killer Bee, but...

Fire and Water minders react.
Raikage: Enough with all this useless chatter!!
All the minders move in to calm him down
A strike, another strike stopping it. We can see Kankurou's puppet

Mifune: This is a meeting, people. Mind your manners
Danzou: Calm down, Fuu, Rune.
Gaara: You too, Kankurou, Temari.
Water: Aoi (?), Chojiro, no problem...
Earth nods to Aka- and Kurozuchi

Raikage: Konoha! Rock! Sand! Cloud! Akatsuki is made of missing-nins from you villages! And that's not all!! Your predecessor kages included, there are some among you who have made use of Akatsuki before!!
Gaara: Made use...?
Raikage: I cannot trust you all! I did not want to talk to you at all! But I came, and I called you here, to ask your word!!
Gaara: What do you mean, made use of Akatsuki!?
Raikage: They didn't tell you anything, even though you're the Kazekage? Ask the old-timers of your village! You used Akatsuki in previous battles!
Earth: ...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 júl 29, 17:57:19
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: red2

458 The great debate of the five kage

Gaara: I will talk, listen
Earth: The five kages have changed a lot, if you can be a kage so young. Kazekage, your father was a wonderful leader, but he seems not to have taught you manners. (Ain't that the truth)
Gaara: probably... That's why I am the Kazekage here
Earth: Gwa ha ha ha, cheeky fellow!!
Water: Tsuchikage-sama, do not interrupt. Please go on, Kazekage-sama
Gaara: I'm a former Jinchuuriki. I was abducted by Akatsuki and almost killed when they extracted the bijuu.

Temari, Kankurou are looking in the conversation
Kankurou: What's with the Tsuchikage!
Temari: Be quiet

Gaara: That's why, thinking of the extreme threat posed by Akatsuki, I made many requests for the five kage to collaborate, but I was ignored. ...Apart from the former Hokage. Now that Jinchuuriki have been taken, it is too late to collaborate.
Earth: Huh... The Jinchuuriki of the hidden villages of the five great countries have been taken. What would it show to other countries is they knew. We would be ashamed! It is common sense to keep our secrets. Now that they have been taken, the assistance of other countries cannot be counted on!!

Akazuchi and Kurozuchi (earth people) look on silently

Gaara: Keeping appearances... Honor... That is stupid ancient thinking
Earth: (huh... What a brat...)

2nd part

Water: The fact they have been taken should be a cause of alarm. To control them, we need techniques, knowledge, and time.
Earth: The Jinchuuriki grow with the bijuu. They need to adapt. And even then their control is difficult... Not to say impossible... Isn't it?... Kazekage...
Gaara: ...
Danzou: In the first place, the only people who could ever control bijuus in the true sense were Uchiha Madara and the first Hokage, Hashirama... And the fourth Mizukage, Yagura ...There was also the brother of the Raikage, Killer Bee, but...

Fire and Water minders react.
Raikage: Enough with all this useless chatter!!
All the minders move in to calm him down
A strike, another strike stopping it. We can see Kankurou's puppet

Mifune: This is a meeting, people. Mind your manners
Danzou: Calm down, Fuu, Rune.
Gaara: You too, Kankurou, Temari.
Water: Aoi (?), Chojiro, no problem...
Earth nods to Aka- and Kurozuchi

Raikage: Konoha! Rock! Sand! Cloud! Akatsuki is made of missing-nins from you villages! And that's not all!! Your predecessor kages included, there are some among you who have made use of Akatsuki before!!
Gaara: Made use...?
Raikage: I cannot trust you all! I did not want to talk to you at all! But I came, and I called you here, to ask your word!!
Gaara: What do you mean, made use of Akatsuki!?
Raikage: They didn't tell you anything, even though you're the Kazekage? Ask the old-timers of your village! You used Akatsuki in previous battles!
Earth: ...

3rd part

Earth: The great countries are all at peace now... We have switched from the armament race to disarmament. With the tension between countries, the risk of battle has diminished. For the countries, the military forces are now a costly burden... But there is still a risk of sudden wars! It is a problem to rely on shinobis without combat experience, you lose battles that way
Gaara: To avoid this risk, one way is groups of mercenaries... That is what Akatsuki was, then?
Earth: It takes times and money to raise good shinobis in our village, but Akatsuki, whose occupation is to always fight, is a team of professionals. But for not much money, they gave superior results!
Raikage: Don't be so defiant, Tsuchikage!
Earth: Huh!
Raikage: The sand used Akatsuki to attack Konoha, that's Orochimaru...! It is unclear whether at that time, he had left Akatsuki or not! And the former Hokage and Kazekage died
Raikage: I would like to be sure nobody schemed all this
Raikage looks at Danzou (perceptive, ain't he?)

Raikage: (...Old racoon...)
Raikage: The most suspicious of all is hidden mist!! You have no diplomatic relations... There are rumors that Akatsuki started there!!
Water: ...

Water: Since we're at that point, I'll say it clearly...
Aoi: Could the fifth (Mizukage) mean that...!
Water: The previous kage... There are suspicions that the fourth mizukage could have been manipulated by someone... It may well have been by Akatsuki... That's why I did not want to talk about it...
Raikage: All of you...!!
Earth: ...!!

4th parth

Earth: Mind your tongue, Raikage! Even though this is a time of disarmament, you are not follwing, and are gathering forces and techniques... Maybe you hired Akatsuki too
Raikage: What!!
Danzou: Before you start bickering, there is something I wanted to say to all of you...
Raikage: What!?
Danzou: The leader of Akatsuki is probably Uchiha Madara

Four others: !?

Earth: That guy surely died long ago...!?
Danzou: We don't know that for sure... but we have pretty clear information
Earth: Was he really such a monster?...

Mifune: From the point of view of a neutral country, I'll say this. The leader of Akatsuki has read how the times were going... Peaceful countries... And has magnified the distrust between countries... Even in the iron country... But this has turned to our good fortune... Did the five kage not gather, for once? Until Akatsuki is destroyed... The hidden villages of the five greatest countries in the world... could form a joint alliance.
Raikage: An alliance!?
Danou: ...Good plan. We need a collaboration equal to the emergency (...going the right way)
Mifune: It is desirable to have a unified command, in order to minimize the confusion
Earth: Then... The problem is, whom do we entrust the authority over the alliance...
Mifune: There is disagreement between you... As a neutral country, our choice would be more respected. I would like to propose who would be the best among the five kage.
Danzou: The ear of Tsunade is now over

Final part

Sakura's tent

Sakura: Naruto...!
Sai: Yes... To protect Sasuke, he got badly hurt... But he couldn't sell Sasuke. And then... He did not tell you, so as not to make you worry
Sakura: ...
Sakura: (Naruto...)
Sai: Now he's gone to ask the Raikage to forgive Sasuke... It's probably hopeless...
Shizune: But why be so reckless? Kakashi is with him
Sai: Kakashi-sensei trusts Naruto. I think that even though it was hopeless, he wanted to create a chance
Shizune looks at sleeping Tsunade
Sai: I was initially assigned to Kakashi's team to replace Sasuke, so that's why I don't understand them too well... ...I don't understand people's feelings too well either

Sai thinks of his talk with Naruto
Naruto: (...I can't even keep my promises...)
Sai: And I don't know what was your promise with Naruto...
Sakura: ...!
Sakura remembers the promise
(Naruto... It's my wish of a lifetime... Please, bring back Sasuke-kun)
Sai: But... That Naruto really likes you... Even me, I can tell that!!
Sakura: ...!!

Sakura's flashback (yay...)
Small Naruto: Sakura-chan Likes Sasuke a lot...
Tears in her eyes
Small Naruto: I know that Sakura-chan is hurting so much, it's painful... I will definitely bring him back home! It's my promise in a lifetime!!
Tears are flowing from her eyes
Small Naruto: ...Sakura-chan! I... will definitely keep my promise. I don't change back on my word. That is my way of the ninja...
Sakura: Wa... ha...
Okay, she's crying

Shizune: Sakura...
Sakura: Uh...
Sai: Naruto is suffering because of Sasuke but... what about you?
Sakura realizing

Back to the meeting
Mifune: Now, only Konoha has a Jinchuuriki... The way he's guided is the key... So how about giving the supreme command of the alliance to the Hokage?

Gaara: ...
Raikage: What!?
Earth: Huh!?

Will the meeting be a carnage...!?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 júl 30, 10:43:08
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Csak Linkelem mert tele van képpel :) rem nem gáz...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 júl 31, 05:58:23
A 458. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 459. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Lili - 09 aug 02, 15:54:35
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(Kage Scene)
Raikage: What did you say?!
Tsuchikage: You expect us to accept such a thing?!
Mizukage: Isn’t that a little rushed?!
(Gaara stares at Danzou, silent)
Mifune: Please, calm down. I knew this decision wouldn’t be unanimously accepted, but Konoha is the most prominent force here, the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki is a large factor that has to be accounted for. For a strong alliance, a strong leader is needed.
Raikage: A strong leader?! Look at him, he was very recently appointed as Hokage and he looks like a disgrace!
Danzou: Watch your mouth, Raikage! There’s a reason I was appointed the Sixth Hokage!
Tsuchikage: As far as the rumours go, you’re sporting the title because the Fire Daimyou appointed so, and most certainly your Jounin didn’t made their decision yet.
Mizukage: I must concur with the Stone and the Cloud. You’re in hot water, Hokage.
Danzou: As I said, there’s a reason the Fire Daimyou made such decision.
Gaara: Where were you when Akatsuki levelled Konoha?! (everyone seems shocked)
Danzou: I-I beg your pardon?!
Gaara: By other rumours that reached Suna shortly before I left, Konoha was attacked by an element of Akatsuki and would be utterly destroyed if Naruto didn’t single-handedly defeated that element of the organization. (everyone looks apprehensive)
Raikage: (thinking) That whiny brat… defeated alone an Akatsuki?!
Gaara: So I ask you again, where were you?!
Danzou: Akatsuki was after the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki, that Naruto you speak of. Because of him, Konoha was destroyed!
Tsuchikage: Dodging the question, eh?
Mizukage: This Naruto… is the last Jinchuuriki?!
Raikage: Quit your pitiful excuses, Hokage!!! The kid made a simple question, so answer him!!!
Danzou: None of you are entitled to stuff your noses in Konoha business!
Raikage: That answers all... I refuse to be in an alliance with this fraud as leader!
Danzou: Hmmmpff…
Mizukage: What if… what if this Naruto you speak of was appointed as leader of the alliance?! If the rumours are right, it seems he’s strong enough as a leader.
Gaara: I guarantee you, he is. I know Naruto, he would be perfect for the job.
Tsuchikage: And wasn’t this Jinchuuriki the criteria for selecting the Hokage as leader, Mifune? I think the Jinchuuriki himself would be better as leader.
Raikage: Aren’t you rushing, fellow Kages? You don’t even know the person and you’re already putting him in a throne?! When I met him he wasn’t nothing short of a crying spoiled brat, begging for the salvation of his friend that went rogue.
Danzou: And furthermore, putting Naruto as leader of this alliance would be like sticking your head in the mouth of the lion!
Gaara: (thinking) Sasuke?! (speaking) That’s the Naruto I know. No matter how doomed his cause is, he’ll stick to it. And I don’t know anyone more suited to take care of Uchiha Sasuke and the remaining Akatsuki then him.
Raikage: Humm… If you say so… it seems that either I accept the whining brat as a leader or Kumo is leaving this alliance.

(Flashback Scene)
Naruto: I’M BEGGING YOU!! I DON’T WANT ANYONE ELSE KILLED FOR REVENGE!!! All Sasuke ever thought about was revenge!!! It consumed him and changed him!! He was driven mad by revenge! He’s not the same guy I knew anymore! I don’t want that to happen to anyone else!! I don’t want people from Konoha and Kumo to be killing each other!! … So, please…!!

(Kage Scene)
Raikage: I’ll hate myself for this, but I’ll give a chance to the kid.
Danzou: What?! You can’t be serious!
Raikage: Hummm… but at any mistake from his part, Kumo will withdraw immediately from the alliance.
Gaara: I see. It seems the majority of the Five Great Nations concur, Naruto must be the leader of this alliance.
Mifune: Unfortunately Naruto isn’t inside these halls, so I can’t rely in rumours and unfounded remarks. For the time being, the Hokage is the appointed leader of the alliance.
Danzou: Thank you.
Raikage: Are you deaf, Mifune?! We don’t trust this hoax of a Kage and you still shovel him in our throats?!
Mizukage: Is this an arrangement? This fixation of yours for the Hokage is highly odd.
Tsuchikage: The Stone will not be part of this debacle!
Raikage: Nor will the Cloud!
Gaara: Count the Sand out too.
Mizukage: And the Mist.
Mifune: Please, be reasonable, we are getting nowhere. Unity among the villages is critical at this moment. I believe this alliance and the Hokage as the leader is the best method against the Akatsuki threat.

(Sasuke Scene)
(The group is hiding in a secretive high point)
Karin: The Five Great Nations, on the edge of war…
Suigetsu: At least they agree on something, they all hate Danzou’s guts. That makes your job easier, Sasuke!
Sasuke: Actually no.
Suigetsu: What?
Karin: Use your brains, dumbass! If Danzou is killed now, all the other nations will be suspecting each other and the Fourth Great Shinobi World War might start!
Sasuke: And don’t think that war among them will spare us. Most certainly we’ll be the first persecuted.
Suigetsu: Really?!
White Zetsu: And that’s not all… now they know about Madara. This is bad, really bad…

(Kage Scene)
(Awkward silence between Kages, everyone is staring at Danzou, while he’s smiling)
Samurai: (appears next to Mifune) Sorry to disturb you, Mifune-sama, but a crew from Konoha requests to speak in the Summit. (everyone stares, surprised)
Gaara: Is it… Naruto?!
Samurai: Y-yes, Kazakage-sama!
Gaara: Let him enter.
Danzou: What?!
Mizukage: I want to meet this Naruto.
Tsuchikage: Me too.
Mifune: Sorry, but I can’t let him enter, he’s not authorized personnel.
Raikage: Do you want me to rip you a new mouth, punk?! (He smashes again the table; the samurai and Mifune’s guards are in a defensive position) Let the brat enter!
Mifune: Eh… as you wish. Let him enter.
Samurai: Yes, Mifune-sama. (he vanishes)

(Sasuke Scene)
Karin: Naruto?! The Naruto?!
Suigetsu: Now this is getting interesting!
Sasuke: Whatever. Just don’t lose focus on our mission.

(Sai and Sakura Scene)
(They’re still in the tent)
Sakura: What you mean, I cause pain to Naruto too?!
Sai: Maybe if he hadn’t made that promise… maybe he wouldn’t suffer so much.
Sakura: (smacks Sai, he falls clumsily) What are you saying?!!! Are you accusing me of all this?!
Sai: (he gets up) No, Sakura. I’m just saying…
Sakura: You’re saying?! Do you know anything?! You don’t know anything about it! Who are you to say anything?!
Sai: A friend.
Sakura: Uh?!
Sai: I’m saying this as a friend. Naruto is out there, on the verge of sacrificing himself for a promise he made to you. And you’re still here.
Sakura: (stares at Sai) You’re right. All this time… I let Naruto do my biding. Even after Team 7 reunion, all I did was following Naruto. I wasn’t beside him, I was behind him all the way. (cleans up the tears) No more! This time I won’t be falling behind, I will be at Naruto’s side. I’ll no longer expect him to bring Sasuke back, we will bring him together. Even if Naruto falls, I will fight on! That’s the promise I will keep to myself! (Sai smiles) Tell me where the Summit is being held. We got to go there, now!
Sai: Hummm… is being held in the Land of Iron, north from here. (thinking) But I can’t leave Konoha, if Danzou-sama finds out…
Sakura: What are we waiting for?! Let’s go!
Sai: I can’t leave the village…
Sakura: Forget Danzou, we got to help Naruto!
Sai: But…!
Sakura: We got to do anything to help a friend!
Sai: (thinking) To help a friend. Is friendship this strong?! Is friendship worth this much?! (speaking) Don’t worry about the travel. (picks a scroll, opens it and starts to paint. A giant bird comes out of the scroll) We’ll fly to Naruto! (he smiles)
Sakura: Hell yeah!!! Wait… is that bird stable?! It’s just ink after all…
Sai: Don’t worry. We’ll be there in no time, trust me.

Next Chapter: Five Kages, Five Rogues, A Friendship.


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(The Room is in uproar with the comming decision of the Lord of the Iron.)

“Konoha! This damn meeting came about because of Konoha’s Hokage was weak-kneed and listened to the helplessness of a pathetic child. Now that missing-nin kidnapped my brother, the real chance we had against Akatuski. I don’t trust you or your damned Host,” yelled Raikage.

“Although, I hate to agree with Raikage for once, how do we know Konoha’s host is up for the challenge. From what I was told, he’s only a kid and no kid could have the potential to master a monstrocity such as the Kyuubi,” said Tsuchikage.

“Hey Gaara. Isn’t that Naruto kid the host their talking about,” asked Kankuro. “Yeah, I remember Gaara saying Akatuski was after him to,” said Temari. “Naruto huh. I think he has what it takes,” said Gaara. “I don’t think that will convince them though,” said Kankuro.

“You guys know of this host,” asked Mizukage. “Yes. He helped save me from Akatuski. He also stopped me from going on a rampage three years ago. I have faith in his ability,” said Gaara. “I’m not trusting the words of a child, one who fell victim to his own bijuu,” said Tsuchikage.

“Naruto. You don’t mean that pathetic excuse for a shinobi that sobbed like a wimp. That kid doesn’t have what it takes to be a shinobi,” said Raikage.

“You’ve met Uzumaki Naruto,” said Danzou. “Yeah, that punk approached me and tried to convince me in forgiving Uchiha Sasuke,” said Raikage. “So, Sai failed me. Anyway, he was only acting that way because of Sasuke. After all, they were very close. If his opponent is Akatuski, I have faith in his ability,” said Danzou.

“How, give me proof said,” Raikage. “Uzumaki Naruto has grown into a fine shinobi under the training of Hatake Kakashi and the Sannin, the Legendary Toad Sage Jiraiya,” said Danzou. “Jiraiya he’s dead, I heard Akatuski got em,” said Raikage. “Another legend bites the dust. First it was Orochimaru,” said Tsuchikage.

“That was from Uchiha Sasuke, he wasn’t part of Akatuski than from my sources,” said Danzou. “It seems Sasuke has become dark and followed the course that darkened his eyes,” said Gaara.

“Jiraiya lost his life to Madara’s most trusted man, Pain. A man that carried the legendary dojutsu, Rinnegan,” said Danzou. “A bloodline such as that actually exists. Makes for an interesting specimen. It is no wonder that even the great Jiraiya died,” said Raikage.

“Pain was undefeated. We, Root, studied his movements and Akatuski for years. No one was able to defeat him. Except for Naruto,” said Danzou.

“WHAT,” yelled Raikage. “Impossible, against the Legendary dojutsu that shaped shinobi techniques,” said Tsuchikage. “Naruto. How strong have you gotten,” said Gaara. “This kid must be no joke to defeat something like that,” said Mizukage.

“He has become a Sage just like Jiraiya and is without of a doubt a hero in our village. When Pain came to our village, he reduced it to rubble, but he alone toppled Pain and with that strength, I believe we can put an end to Akatuski. He transformed into the 8 tails, but managed to reverse back. Whether that had something to do with his seal is unknown, but surely Kakashi and Yamato an inheirtor of the 1st Hokage’s genes are able to work something out so we can control Naruto. He is also the son of the feared Yellowflash,” said Danzou.

(Tsuchikage punches the table as well.)

“You don’t mean THE YELLOW FLASH OF KONOHA,” said Tsuchikage. “The very same. The same man that reduced your troops into mush during the 3rd shinobi war. He was the former 4th Hokage and he sealed the 9 tails within his son to face Madara. It seems he saw things our way,” said Danzou.

“Namikaze Minato . Even I’ve heared of him,” said Raikage.

“It seems the Hokage has caught everyone’s attention. We will aid as much as you can. We strike in two years time. Use that to gather your forces.. From what I’ve heard, Akatuski has military strength that rivals multiple nations. Over the years of disarmament, they’ve been getting stronger, but with the time we have, and the aid of the 5 great nations, 2 years will be enough. It has been several years over a decade since the last shinobi war since Madara has been gathering men, but like I said earlier, we have 5 nations. We can divide the time amongst us appropriately. My samurai will also be preparing for the battle,” said,” Mifune.

“Hmm. TO think I’d be relying on those Konoha fools again. Hmph, makes me sick to my stomach,” said Raikage.

(Danzou thinks in his head.)

“Finally the time has arised. Konoha will rise again as the most prestigious nation. And we have a long grueling war for Konoha to gain experience in. Naruto, you will play out your allotted part,” said Danzou.

(Zetsu’s face pulls back in.)

(Switch Scene to Falcon.)

“So basically that’s what is going down,” said Light Zetsu. “Damn. Akatuski is sure getting to be a hot place. I don’t know if I want to stick around longer,” said Suigetsu. “What should we do Sasuke? Should we wait out the two years or strike soon. If Madara is a strong as they say, we could put up a chance a strike Danzou during the conflict,” said Karin.

“It is up to you Sasuke,” said Juugo. “I’ll wait out the two years. If Madara is as strong as they say and his army is so massive. Destroying Danzou and Konoha may go hand in hand,” said Sasuke.

“This Naruto guy sounds like the real deal. We’ll need time to prepare definately,” said Suigetsu. “Hmm. He’s just an obstancle in my way. I’ll cross him as I did Orochimaru,” said Sasuke.

Next Chapter: The preparations for War on Akatuski. How will Naruto respond to this? By special one



Sakura dashes off to find Naruto upon hearing that he’s returned to the village. She runs over to him crying punches him in the face. Naruto goes flying & brakes his fall along with a tree with his back. Sakura then jumps on top of him punching him in the face(without much force) while crying.

Sakura: Do you want to die?!? Is this what you want?!? What the hell is wrong with you letting someone beat you up for Sasuke’s sake!!! You could have been killed!!!

Sakura stops punching him & plants both of her hands on the ground beside Naruto’s shoulders.

Sakura: Enough is enough Naruto… You don’t have to protect Sasuke anymore… Sasuke has made his chose & should be held responsible for his own actions… You’ve done enough Naruto… He’s caused you too much pain… Just please… promise me that if it comes down to it you’ll be willing to k-kill Sasuke…. Don’t… don’t give up your life for his or my sake!!!

Naruto: Sakura… I can’t make that promise…

Sakura: If you hold back against Sasuke he could very well kill you don’t you realize that?!?

Naruto: I know… but I can’t brake my prom..

Sakura: Forget about that stupid promise!!! Your life is more precious to me then Sasuke’s safety!!!

Naruto’s eye’s light up

Naruto: Sakura…

Sakura stops crying & smiles. Sakura then French kisses Naruto. Sakura then helps Naruto off the floor.

Sakura: I was… I was acting selfish when I asked that of you… Even if you did force Sasuke to comeback what is going to make him stay? So please… just promise me that you won’t throw your life away for him…

Naruto: I won’t kill Sasuke even if it cost me my life. It’s more than just a simple promise. The prevy Sage had faith in me. He believed that I could accomplish what he was never able to. Even Pain… no… even Nagato put his trust in me. If I were to kill Sasuke now it would only prove that I am unable to find that answer. It would make Jiraiya & Nagato’s sacrifice meaningless & only continue the cycle of hatred. I think… I think if I save Sasuke I mite be able to figure out how to create true peace.

Sakura: Naruto… I just don’t want to see you get hurt…

Naruto: I know Sakura & thank you… You know… I finally feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Sakura: I’m sorry I put that burden on you Naruto…

Naruto: Hehehe not the promise Sakura. Thanks to you 1 of 3 things Jiraiya was never able to accomplish I obtained!

Sakura: Really what is that?

Naruto: Well the first one is Jiraiya was never able to save Orochimaru. The second one is Jiraiya was never able to find the answer to peace. & the third one is Jiraiya never got to hook up with Tsunade!!!

Sakura’s face lights up in an angry rage as she punches him in the face.

Sakura: You’re such a perv!!! You never change do you!!! OOOO you make me sad made at times!!!   Geance

The End

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Lili - 09 aug 02, 19:10:06
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Írta: titi - 09 aug 04, 13:03:07
Hit. ell.: confirmed
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Ino cries, then there's a meeting of people of the same generation¹ for some reason. Sakura and Naruto aren't there.
Shikamaru goes to where Sakura is

He reports to Sakura that everyone got together to talk
The conclusion is that if Sasuke is caught up in hatred and revenge, as Konoha, they will... (kill him?)

For some reason, Sakura seems to go from being dazed to making a decision
I'm going to talk to Naruto

To the conference
The Mizukage's attendent with the eyepatch senses that the atmosphere has turned strange for some reason
Under the eyepatch is the Byakugan
In Danzou's right face and arm, he sees a chakra flow he once saw before...

It is exactly the same as Uchiha Shisui, whom he once fought
(Shisui's Sharingan had a doujutsu that allowed him to go into his opponent's mind and manipulate them, even without the opponent realising it)

He questions Danzou about it: I too once fought a Hyuuga and got a transplant, but...
What if I were the one who unravelled the Fourth Hokage's jutsu (Danzou was the one manipulating?)

As the circumstances worsen, Zetsu appears

After this, Uchiha Sasuke will attack. I wonder if you know where he is...!?

It ends with him saying something like this

It seems Sasuke is going full speed down the path of evil, already being searched by the Five Countries as a dangerous criminal...
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Saruwatari Kumiko - 09 aug 04, 15:28:03
by: Nja - 2Ch

Ino cries, then there's a meeting of people of the same generation¹ for some reason. Sakura and Naruto aren't there.
Shikamaru goes to where Sakura is

He reports to Sakura that everyone got together to talk
The conclusion is that if Sasuke is caught up in hatred and revenge, as Konoha, they will... (kill him?)

For some reason, Sakura seems to go from being dazed to making a decision
I'm going to talk to Naruto

To the conference
The Mizukage's attendent with the eyepatch senses that the atmosphere has turned strange for some reason
Under the eyepatch is the Byakugan
In Danzou's right face and arm, he sees a chakra flow he once saw before...

It is exactly the same as Uchiha Shisui, whom he once fought
(Shisui's Sharingan had a doujutsu that allowed him to go into his opponent's mind and manipulate them, even without the opponent realising it)

He questions Danzou about it: I too once fought a Hyuuga and got a transplant, but...
What if I were the one who unravelled the Fourth Hokage's jutsu (Danzou was the one manipulating?)

As the circumstances worsen, Zetsu appears

After this, Uchiha Sasuke will attack. I wonder if you know where he is...!?

It ends with him saying something like this

It seems Sasuke is going full speed down the path of evil, already being searched by the Five Countries as a dangerous criminal...
Tobi orders Zetsu to "Go!!"
Zetsu appears in the centre of the place where the conference is held and speaks
It seems like White Zetsu hints that Sasuke and his team are no longer with him... or something like that

When Zetsu appears in the end, Temari stands before Gaara, protecting him ^^

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 09 aug 05, 10:53:40
Ez ugyan az mint az előző kettő csak másképp

Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed

I did not have things like last week did nothing SUMAN mollification;;


Meeting generation something they remove from the Naruto and Sakura cry
To the former Sakura Maru deer

Reported that people talked to Sakura
Sasuke is to produce conclusions CHIMATTARA hatred and revenge
CHIRA Sasuke leaves the U ... (whack!)

I decided for some reason absent from Sakura
I talk to Naruto

Eye patch in the attendant水影felt something funny in the air
Under the white of eye patch
Right face of the elephant on the right arm of the Chakra Dunn have seen ...

Have fought it out once and it was exactly the same thing SHISUI
(Eye ring SHISUI copy of the skills that pupils are not even letting him break into the brain of the recipient)

He ported his battle with the sun once I demand to know the elephants at the Dan -
DOUTARA like how I solved the four-水影generation (I was the操っDANZOU?)

ZETSU have been at a worse time

Now, I come out to attack the Sasuke - I know where they are! ?

End in what he is like

I like Sasuke is the straight path felon wanted in five other countries ...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zalan96 - 09 aug 05, 15:31:12
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: Idol

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 09 aug 05, 20:33:45
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Comfirmed

Egy kis szöveg a képhez:

From the pics:
Eyepatch: That right eye... He seems to have robbed and transplanted the eye of Uchiha Shisui (wow)
Eyepatch: The eye technique of Shisui was to get in the brain of the other people
Eyepatch: A technique manipulating the person into fake thoughts, as if from his own will

Eyepatch: The person manipulated does not even notice it... An eye technique of the highest class!
Raikage: Hokage... Don't tell me Mifune...!!!

Originally Posted by vered View Post
here is a sentence from the spoiler guy answering a question:
自分が連合軍のリーダーになるようにミフネを操ってたぽい 操っ
It seems he manipulated Mifune in order to becoming the leader of the alliance (no shit sherlock)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 aug 06, 08:24:22
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: mistermobile
Forrás: Mangahelpers

CREDITS: stream

Danzou: If that is all right with you, I will accept that responsibility
Raikage: Why the Hokage!? His name is synonymous with "shadowy ninja"! We cannot leave that to him!
Mifune: Then who!?
Raikage: There is no a single Akatsuki who comes from our village! This important role is not for those we cannot trust! For that, I would...
Mifune: I cannot accept that
Raikage: Why not!?
Somebody breathes in
Raikage: !
Mifune: I know that strength and feelings is necessary to gather strong people, but... You seem to be the kind whose emotions strongly influence your acts. The alliance would be scattered like this table.
Raikage: Gnnn...
Mifune: I only made a proposition, with the calm judgment from the viewpoint of a neutral country. Kazekage-dono is too young yet to exert this supreme power... His face would not be recognized by other countries. Bearing the title of Kazage is already hard.
Tsuchikage-dono is on the contrary too advanced in years, his image is of limited mobility. And he has used Akatsuki too much... The trust in him is lacking the most.
Mizukage-dono being in charge of the birthplace of Akatsuki, there is a risk that our information would leak through the village of hidden mist. She's worrying herself that there could be spies in hidden mist.
I do not know in what intentions Akatsuki is gathering Bijuus, but... We cannot let them have the Kyuubi...
Danzou: Kyuubi belongs to Konoha, so it might seem appropriate for the hokage to be in charge...
Raikage: In the first place, I cannot allow an alliance that would expose the skills of my village.
Aoi: Something is unclear... This situation... I will try to check. Choujuurou... Prepare for a fight.
Choujuurou: Huh?
Aoi: BYAKUGAN!! (Tadzam Tzam Tzam)

Aaaand cut to Ino crying. I'll keep translating.

Folyt. köv.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 aug 06, 08:41:17
Én is bedobom mert a linkek nem jók  :$

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: cepillon
Forrás: Mangahelpers


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 aug 06, 09:18:10
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: mistermobile, Idol
Forrás: Mangahelpers

CREDITS: stream

Danzou: If that is all right with you, I will accept that responsibility
Raikage: Why the Hokage!? His name is synonymous with "shadowy ninja"! We cannot leave that to him!
Mifune: Then who!?
Raikage: There is no a single Akatsuki who comes from our village! This important role is not for those we cannot trust! For that, I would...
Mifune: I cannot accept that
Raikage: Why not!?
Somebody breathes in
Raikage: !
Mifune: I know that strength and feelings is necessary to gather strong people, but... You seem to be the kind whose emotions strongly influence your acts. The alliance would be scattered like this table.
Raikage: Gnnn...
Mifune: I only made a proposition, with the calm judgment from the viewpoint of a neutral country. Kazekage-dono is too young yet to exert this supreme power... His face would not be recognized by other countries. Bearing the title of Kazage is already hard.
Tsuchikage-dono is on the contrary too advanced in years, his image is of limited mobility. And he has used Akatsuki too much... The trust in him is lacking the most.
Mizukage-dono being in charge of the birthplace of Akatsuki, there is a risk that our information would leak through the village of hidden mist. She's worrying herself that there could be spies in hidden mist.
I do not know in what intentions Akatsuki is gathering Bijuus, but... We cannot let them have the Kyuubi...
Danzou: Kyuubi belongs to Konoha, so it might seem appropriate for the hokage to be in charge...
Raikage: In the first place, I cannot allow an alliance that would expose the skills of my village.
Aoi: Something is unclear... This situation... I will try to check. Choujuurou... Prepare for a fight.
Choujuurou: Huh?
Aoi: BYAKUGAN!! (Tadzam Tzam Tzam)

Naruto: Sasuke... Where are you... What are you thinking? About me, about Sakura... (which one do you like?)
And Kakashi-sensei, do you think about him a bit?
You defeated your brother Itachi... You got your revenge... Do you feel better?... Or do you feel even more painful? Sasuke... Why don't you come home to Konoha...? Did you get overcome with hatred?? Have you become a simple criminal? Now... I don't understand you anymore...

Change to Sasuke's group
Karin: !Oh? Where did that guy go?
Sasuke: Huh...

Change to Madara and Zetsu, snow is falling
Madara: All right?
Zetsu: Yes...
Madra: Let us begin

Change to Sakura, wiping her tears
Shikamaru: I'm sorry, Sakura... No matter what your answer is, I will act for the future of Konoha.
I will also talk of this to Naruto... Where is he?
Sai: Naruto has gone for Iron country. To meet with the Raikage
Shikamaru: He went that far... He isn't easy to deal with...
Sakura: I will talk to Naruto
Shizune: !
Sai: !
Shikamaru: !
Sakura: That idiot still likes me... So let me have that duty. It is me who has made Naruto suffer the most... I have done nothing but mistakes and wrong decisions. I don't want to make mistakes any more. I don't want to make wrong decisions any more.

Change to the meeting
Aoi: What does this mean? In the right shoulder and arm, and in the right eye, the color of this chakra is no doubt...
The color of Uchiha Shisui!!! A powerful adversary I met once... A color I could not forget!
Hokage-dono, the right eye under this bandage, please show it to us!
Tsuchikage: What is it?
Danzou: ...
Aoi: His right eye seems to have been robbed and transplanted from Uchiha Shisui
The eye technique of Shisui was to get in the brain of the other people
Eyepatch: A technique manipulating the person into fake thoughts, as if from his own will... The person manipulated does not even notice it... An eye technique of the highest class!
Raikage: Hokage... Don't tell me Mifune...!!
Mifune: !?
Aoi: My right eye is also a precious trophy from fighting Hyuugas... I cannot tell about people like you, but you cannot fool my eye, who solved the illusion the fourth Mizukage was caught in. And that...
Raikage: You!

Zetsu: Helloooooo!
All: !
Everybody prepares for a fight
Raikage: What now!?
Tsuchikage: Then...
Zetsu: Uchiha Sasuke is intruding... So, where do you think he is hiding?


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rebi - 09 aug 06, 09:33:30
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Idol
Forrás: Mangahelpers


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 aug 06, 10:50:55
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Forrás: Mangahelpers

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( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nikkie - 09 aug 06, 12:54:37
Nekem nem jönnek be a linkek, szóval nem tudom, hogy úgy voltak-e már, ezért gondoltam, hogy beteszem. :$

Szerző: mistermobile
Forrás: Mangahelpers







Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rebi - 09 aug 06, 14:52:34
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: edgarluvitug


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 aug 07, 08:28:14
A 459. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 460. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Prilla - 09 aug 16, 19:40:27
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: fake

(Kage Scene)
White Zetsu: Uchiha Sasuke is intruding… So, where do you think he is hiding?
Raikage: What?!
Tsuchikage: An Akatsuki, here?!
White Zetsu: That’s right…
Mifune: Summon all Samurai, quick!
Bald Guard: Yes, Mifune-sama! (vanishes)
Gaara: Uchiha Sasuke, here?
Mizukage: Ao!
Ao: Yes, ma’am! (searches the building with his Byakugan) He’s…!
Sasuke: (suddenly appears behind Mifune, with a Chidori Katana near Mifune’s throat; the remaining guard drops dead) Inside. (White Zetsu disappears)

(Taka Scene)
(Taka is running to Kage’s Summit building)
Karin: I knew that Zetsu was bad news!
Suigetsu: We must help Sasuke!
Juugo: Right. (the trio tries to enter the building, but White Zetsu appear before them)
White Zetsu: Fu fu fu fu… I can’t allow that!
Karin: What?!
White Zetsu: Fu fu fu fu… (the ground below Taka starts to swallow them)
Karin: What is this?!
Suigetsu: Let me go! (they vanish into the ground)
White Zetsu: Now, wait for the show to end… (he disappears through the ground)

(Kage Scene)
Raikage: Uchiha Sasuke!
Sasuke: I’m flattered you know my name…
Raikage: Quit being arrogant, brat, don’t you think I forgot about what you done to my brother, Kirabi!
Sasuke: I did nothing to him.
Raikage: Are you insane?! You attacked him and took him away!
Sasuke: Not quite. ( the rest of Taka gets up) We thought we captured him, but he got away. He’s most certainly alive, hiding somewhere.
Raikage: I don’t trust the words of an Akatsuki!
Sasuke: Do as you please. Now where were we… oh, right, I don’t care about the rest of you, I’m here for Danzou.
Danzou: It seems you caught up to me… hahahaha!!!
Sasuke: Don’t laugh, you son of a b*tch! You’ll pay for what you done to the Uchiha clan!
Danzou: I only did what was necessary to keep balance and harmony in Konoha.
Sasuke: Don’t make such pitiful excuses!
Samurai: Mifune-sama!
Sasuke: Looks a fine time to show you your death. (he activates Mangekyo Sharingan)
(Naruto Scene)
(Yamato’s wood clone is spying near the entrance of the Kage Summit’s building. All the Samurai are withdrawing to the interior)
(Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato are inside an house/inn)
Yamato: The Samurai are being summoned to the Kage Summit as we speak.
Kakashi: Something big must be going on in the Summit. I wonder what it is…
Naruto: What if it is Sasuke?!
Kakashi: Don’t jump into conclusions, Naruto. It can be some squabble between the Kages.
Yamato: Are you certain of that, Kakashi-senpai?!
Kakashi: If I was certain, I wouldn’t wonder, would I?!
Naruto: No matter, the Samurai aren’t watching, it’s our chance to crash the Summit! We got to go there!
Kakashi: There’s no stopping you, is there, Naruto? (Naruto smiles) Ok, let’s go!

(Konoha Scene)
(Shikamaru, Sai, Sakura and Shizune are in the tent)
Shikamaru: If that’s what you want to do, fine. Are you going to wait for him to tell him?!
Sakura: No. I won’t wait for Naruto anymore! I’ll go to him!
Shikamaru: You’ll go there? But by the time you get there, Naruto will be returning to the village!
Sakura: I know, but nonetheless I’ll go.
Shikamaru: If you go, I’ll go too. I must be certain the message is delivered.
Sakura: You don’t trust me?
Shikamaru: It’s not a matter of trusting you or not, you’re an emotional wreck right now and you might get hurt in the process, I’ll go just to make sure Naruto knows our decision.
Sakura: I… guess you’re right…

(Kage Scene)
(Mifune and his Samurai scream in agony, engulfed by Amaterasu, the Kages are shocked; their guards are in a defensive position)
Sasuke: (with his back turned to the Kages, he’s looking to the flames) A death by fire, you should feel honored.
Mizukage: Don’t move. I’ll use a Suiton jutsu! (she’s performing a Serpent hand seal)
Danzou: It’s futile. (Mizukage breaks the hand seal) Amaterasu, the ever burning flames,

will blaze everything it’s caster puts his sight on. Not even the most power Suiton can douse that fire.
Sasuke: It seems that you’re familiar with Amaterasu… I’m impressed. (turns around)
Danzou: Watch out!
(Sasuke looks in the direction of the Kages, but a wall of Gaara’s sand blocks the way, starting to burn)
Sasuke: Gaara, I was starting to miss your meddling sand…
Gaara: I can’t hold the flames forever, what about a strategy?!
Tsuchikage: Since you know so much about this jutsu, what do you suggest, Hokage?! (Danzou is silent)
Raikage: Say something, you bastard!
Sasuke: Since you won’t make your move, I’ll make mine. (powers up Chidori Sharp Spear, which begins to grow)

(Naruto Scene)
(They’re at the entrance of the Kage Summit’s building)
Kakashi: It’s awkwardly silent.
Yamato: What’s going on?! (Amaterasu’s flames appear from inside the corridor, leading to the Summit’s room)
Naruto: These flames…
Kakashi: Tenzou, seal the flames before it’s too late!
Yamato: Yes, Kakashi-senpai! (they pick up a scroll, start to draw a seal and perform Bird, Rat, Horse and Tiger hand seals)
Kakashi & Yamato: Fuuka Houin!* (vapour appears from the scrolls, engulfing Amaterasu and sealing it. The kanji 封, “seal”, appears on the scrolls; Naruto enters the corridor)
Kakashi: Wait, Naruto!
White Zetsu: (revealing his face in a near wall) This will be interesting…

*Fire Sealing Method

(Kage Scene)
(Chidori Sharp Spear is almost piercing Gaara’s sand wall; Amaterasu disappears)
Sasuke: What? (deactivates the Mangekyo Sharingan and stops Chidori Sharp Spear. A person’s silhouette is in the corridor, above the carbonized corpses) Who’s there?!
Naruto: SASUKE!!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 aug 18, 11:40:38
Source: NF
Credit: T.D.A
Verification: Confirmed
Szerző: aaghnoreply

Here's my half-assed translation of the spoiler:

Tsunade on the spine, Naruto and Sasuke on the cover(confronting one another, Sasuke has lifeless eyes)

Raikage caught white zetsu by his neck and asks him where Sasuke is.
Zetsu tells him 'It wouldn't hurt to give you a hint I guess~'
The second he says this his neck is broken with a loud sound, is he dead?
Mizukage goes 'Killing is off limits'
Everyone else is ordered to keep watching Hokage while others break through the wall to go look for Sasuke

Madara comes to where Naruto's sleeping and asks him if they could talk for a while but is attacked with rasengan in return
Kakashi and Yamato make appearance and seize Madara
'I was only interested how you managed to change Nagato's beliefs so I came here to ask' says Madara
Naruto tells him that it doesn't matter and asks where Sasuke is

Madara goes 'Fine, let's talk about Sasuke who had fallen into darkness and about this world of shinobi, permeated with hatred and revenge'
Without any hesitation Sasuke strikes down Samurais standing in his way who'd noticed the abnormality around them
Suigetsu notices this and goes 'Why did you tell me not to kill, isn't that what you're doing now?'
Karin senses unusual 'darkness' and 'coldness' coming from Sasuke with her special ability
And then someone with insane amount of chakra appears

The chapter ends with Sasuke running into Raikage and his two underlings

another important bit of info from nja:


What Karin sensed seemed like a 'shadow' of someone's glare enveloping Sasuke from behind
Maybe he's being manipulated but maybe it's his hatred that took form of a 'shadow'
I dunno

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 aug 18, 17:54:40
Hitelesség: FanArt Prediction
Szerző: Hatiffnatten

(Hagyományos módon nem jelenítette meg a képet.)

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Nja - 2CH

What Karin sensed seemed like a 'shadow' of someone's glare enveloping Sasuke from behind
Maybe he's being manipulated but maybe it's his hatred that took form of a 'shadow'
I dunno

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 09 aug 18, 18:28:06
Szerző:† YaGaMi LigHt †

-White Zetsu will attack the Raikage

-Sasuke will reveal himself and launch his attack against Danzo.

-Gaara, Temari, and Kankouro and Mizukage and her guards will attack Sasuke as well

-Tsuikage and his bodyguards will target Zetsu and assist the Raikage

-Madara is preparing the along with Black Zetsu statue to use against the 5 kages and plunge the world into chaos, as well as dispose of Sasuke, Zetsu has the ability to regenerate either half of his body.

-Madara has been manipulating the Uchiha since his exile and used Shisui to manipulate the politics of Kohona, Itachi was the first person to resist the manipulative affects thus becoming an enemy of Madara's plans.

-Sakura, Shikamaru, and the rest of the kohona 11 will head for the kage meeting

-Sakura plans to ask Naruto to let her handle the caputuring of Sasuke to her and Ino.

-Shikamaru will organize the teams in perparation for Sasuke.

Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato will be alerted that the Kage meeting is under attack by Akatsuki and Team Taka by Team Samui.

Naruto and will rush to engage Sasuke.

White Zetsu will be taunting and shifting around the meeting room infuriating the Raikage, Tsukage and company.

Gaara will ask Sasuke why he is doing Akatsuki's bidding, Sasuke will tell him he is doing it for revenge, Gaara will respond by telling him he hasn't changed at all.

Danzo will unveil his sharigan against Sasuke shocking him promting him to ask how he got it.

Danzo plans to kill Sasuke and implant his Sharingan eye into his right eye giving him the manipulative power of Shisui, and Sasuke's/Itachi's Man

Chapter will end with Team Samui and Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato arriving at the meeting

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 aug 19, 12:33:21
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Idol
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Saphira - 09 aug 19, 13:38:25
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: serenity85 és idol (NF)

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( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 aug 19, 14:35:59
Hitelesség: Megerősített
Szerző: mackbotk


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Norec - 09 aug 19, 16:21:07
Hitelesség: Megerősített
Szerző: Idol

460 サスケ包囲網…!
460: The web encircling Sasuke!

What is the unwanted intruder, Zetsu, there for...!?

ゼツ『皆でサスケを探してみよう~! オー!!』
Zetsu: "Hey, let's all go search for Sasuke~! Ooooh!"

Raikage: "What the hell do you mean by 'ooooh'!?"

Temari: "That guy..."

ガーラ『… サスケだと!?』
Gaara: "...Sasuke?"

Kankurou: "Why would he..?!"

Mizukage: "That Sharingan no..."*
[*trans note: It seems like she was about to say "Sharingan no Kakashi" for some reason, though there's a chance it could also be of Uchiha]

Choujuurou: "?"

Ao: "The guy who beat Haku and Zabuza?"

ダンゾウ(サスケがここに… まさか…)
Danzou: (Sasuke's here? It can't be...)

Kurotsuchi: "Who's he?"

Akatsuchi: Must be one of the members of "Akatsuki"..."

Raikage gets Zetsu in a headlock

"Where is Uchiha Sasuke!? Answer clearly!"

ゼツ !!?(こ…こいつむちゃくちゃ速いな!!)
Zetsu: "!?" (He-He's crazy fast!)

Raikage: "If you don't answer, I'll show no mercy!"

Zetsu: "That's too bad...well I guess I could give a little hint-"

Raikage suddenly applies force on Zetsu's head ((Kill(ed)? Since we only see the panel where he applies force, it maybe that he's not dead.))

Raikage: "C! Begin!"

C: "Hah!"

Mizukage: "You shouldn't kill! If we capture and interrogate him, we should be able to gain information on "Akatsuki"."

part 2

Gaara: "There's no one who'll speak out against "Akatsuki". They're all hardcore."

ミフネ『オキスケ ウラカクすぐにサスケを探すよう命を出せ
Mifune: "Okisuke, Urakaku, find Sasuke with your very lives at once. And ready the #2 battle alert!"

Urakaku: "Hah!"

オキスケ ウラカクは多分ミフネのお付き
Okisuke and Urakaku are probably Mifune's entourage

Okisuke has thick eyebrows

Urakaku is bald

It could be they're opposites of each other

Raikage: "Eye of the Mist (about Ao), you watch over the Hokage!"

Ao: "!"

Raikage immediately crashes right through the wall

Raikage; "C! Darui! Let's go!"

Seems like they're searching for Sasuke

Darui: "Uh sorry for the desk and wall..."

シー『コラ ダルイそんな事はいい 行くぞ!』
C: "Hey Darui, don't worry about that. Let's go!"

土『まったく荒っぽい奴じゃぜ 雲のきかん坊は
Tsuchikage: "Geez what a brute. At this rate, even if that Cloud rough-neck became part of the 5-Kage..."

Okisuke radios the samurai

塔入口に三小隊を急派 防護線を作れ』
"#2 Battle Alert, find intruder Uchiha Sasuke. Dispatch 3-squads to the tower entrance and form a secure line."

Samurai: "Understood"

Karin: "!?" (This is...)

Sasuke: "What's wrong Karin?"

Karin: "The samurai have started moving around! And it looks like they're looking for us!"

Juugo: " was him."

The samurai are hurriedly walking around

侍A 柱越しに気配?刀を抜き傍に行く
Samurai A draws his sword(s) and goes close to the presence(?) across the pillar

Naruto's lying down

Tobi's (Madara) sitting on a window frame

Tobi: "How does a chat sound, eh Uzumaki Naruto?"

Naruto: "!?"

Naruto looks back: "You..bastard!"

Naruto immediately does Rasengan but Tobi avoids it

Tobi: "Going straight to Rasengan huh? You should know that's ineffective."

Tree(s) surround Tobi and capture him

Yamato: "Naruto, you be still now."

Tobi: "You live up to your reputation, Kakashi of the Sharingan. You're fast."

Kakashi: "You won't lay a hand on Naruto so easily, Uchiha Madara!"

Tobi: "So that means you should listen to what I just said. No attack will get through me, Uchiha Madara*"
*[trans note: the way he said his name is the same way he did when he introduced himself in the story: "kono Uchiha Madara"]

Kakashi: "So it is you, Uchiha Madara?! I knew it!"

だからそこを狙う もうここはボクのテリトリーだ』
Yamato: "I don't know whether your body disappears or if you change into a ghost, but you need to materialize your body to snatch up Naruto. If you don't do so, you can't get him. That's why we can get you. You're in my territory now."

トビ『ククク オレは別に簡単にいくとは思ってないよ
オレにも計画ってのがある それより今は話がしたい』
Tobi: "Hehehe I didn't think of anything particularly special in coming here. I've got my own plans. Besides, now I just wanna talk."

Kakashi: "Talk?"

He's surrounded by that wood thing of Yamato's

何なのか? ナルト…お前に興味が出てきた』
Tobi: "Right. What was it that lead Pain's Nagato to betrayal? I have taken an interest in you, Naruto."

Naruto: "I don't give a damn about that! What the hell do you plan to do with Sasuke?! Tell me about him!"

Tobi: "Sasuke..."

Kakashi: "..."

Yamato: "..."

トビ『いいだろう なら話してやる…
Tobi: "That's fine with me. I'll tell you then...tell of the young man who was infected by the hatred and malice that is part of this world of shinobi. I'll tell you of Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto's facial expression changes

侍A柱に近づく 柱にコートがかかってる
Samurai A gets close. The cloak is hanging on a pillar

Samurai A: "Already escaped..."

Sasuke gets close behind samurai A and strikes him down

Karin and co. are hidden

カリン『だめだ 数が多すぎる…!
Karin: "No good, there's too many of them! I'll just find him quick and we'll catch him!"

Suigetsu: "Just remember that guy Zetsu or whatever he said his name was!"

Samurai are all over

侍B 刀を出しチャクラを刀に溜める?
Samurai B takes out his sword and gathers(?) chakra

Karin looks on at that, hidden: "So samurai can control chakra too, huh?"

侍C D E F G H 刀にチャクラを溜める?
Samurai C, D, E, F, G, H are gathering(?) gathering along their swords

Suigetsu: "So they use chakra that way...?"

Karin: "Ah, Sasuke! Why'd he go-?!"

サスケ、侍C D E F G H のそばに行く
Sasuke goes next to samurai C, D, E, F, G, H

サスケ『オレは今…イラ立っている 来るなら手加減はできそうにない…』
Sasuke: "Right now I'm irritated. If you come, I don't think I can hold myself back..."

Samurai: "Hey I could say the same thing to you!"

The samurai sends chakra(?) from his sword

Sasuke repels it

Samurai D: "He repelled it?!"

Samurai E: "...It's similar to our own sword techniques..."

Juugo: "Karin, forget about the samurai. Sense Danzou's location."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 09 aug 19, 16:59:58

Folytatása az előbbinek:

カリン『どうすんだよ 侍は!?』
Karin: "But what ABOUT the samurai?!"

重吾『侍はオレが相手をする とにかくダンゾウだ』
Juugo: "I'll take on the samurai. At any rate there's Danzou still to go."

サスケ 侍を斬る
Sasuke stabs/kills the samurai

Karin: "!?" (Huh?)

There's a panel with Sasuke standing in the palm of the hand of a giant shadow/beast(?) that's behind him

Sasuke stabs/kills the samurai

Suigetsu: "And that guy... tells ME not to kill!"

Juugo: "This is..."

Karin can't stop trembling

濃いなんて… それに…冷たい)
Karin: (Sasuke's different. Nothing at all what it was like before...even moreso than when he had the 2nd level cursed seal transformation. It's so potent...and so cold)

雷達 走りながら
Raikage and co. while they're running-

Darui: "There's a lot of chakra snuffed out around here! Most likely it's Sasuke's!"

Raikage: "Which one?"

Darui: "!" (Raikage-sama, that's-!)

C: "Right below us!" (This is serious...)

Looks like the Raikage is preparing an action-plan for facing Sasuke

Samurai: "He has companions?"

カリン『!!』(何か来る でかい!!)
Karin: "!" "Something big's coming!"

For some inexplicable reason, Raikage is naked above the waist

地面を壊して 真下のサスケのところへ
He breaks through the ground to Sasuke directly below him

Raikage: "Little punk, I'll teach you to fear my wrath!"

Sasuke puts power into his eyes?

Hatred calls for battle!

The encounter between Sasuke and Raikage leads to an outbreak of war!

Finished! Saasei!* [trans note: ohana's little leave-note]

The "extra" is not really relevant.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Saruwatari Kumiko - 09 aug 19, 23:47:53
Forrás: T.D.A., serenity85 and idol (NF)

















Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 aug 21, 03:36:01
A 460. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 461. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Prilla - 09 aug 24, 10:37:51
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Fake

(Sasuke Scene)
Raikage: Now you’ll enter a new world of pain! (starts charging towards Sasuke)
Sasuke: (thinking) He uses Raiton… my new jutsu will be powerless against him.
Raikage: Suck this, punk! (Sasuke evades his lightning-powered fist, but the bolts strike him in the right shoulder)
Sasuke: Gaahhh!
Raikage: Screaming already?! I haven’t started yet! I wonder how you defeated my brother, but get one thing in your head, I’m not my brother!

(Taka Scene)
Suigetsu: His brother? Is he…?
Karin: He must be the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki’s brother.
Suigetsu: But we didn’t capture him, he got away!
Juugo: Try telling that to him. Most certainly you’ll get your skull crushed.
Suigetsu: Yikes!
Karin: Two forces are coming… they must be his guardians! Prepare yourselves!

(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: (thinking) He’s fast and furious… I can’t afford to let him get close to me. I only got my Katon and Sharingan against him.
Raikage: You think too much! (charges another lightning fist)
Sasuke: Katon: Great Fireball Technique! (the fireball rolls in Raikage’s direction, but he easily evades)
Raikage: That’s all you got?!
Sasuke: Katon: Phoenix Immortal Fire Techinique! (multiple fireballs fly towards the Raikage, but he evades)
Raikage: You’re pitiful! (shuriken come out of the fireballs and almost reach the Raikage, but he crushed them with his fists) That’s not enough! Fly, bug, fly! (strikes Sasuke in the belly, sending him flying to the nearest wall, creating a cloud of dust) That’s how I like my bugs, smooched in the wall! (the dust cloud starts to disappear, revealing a bloody Sasuke stuck in the wall.) Uh? (A close up shows Sasuke’s eyes, revealing the Mangekyo Sharingan)

(Naruto Scene)
Madara: Uchiha Sasuke… he’s just a little boy that was caught in the middle of shady schemes. Little, petty schemes that started long ago, even before Konohagakure existed…
Naruto: Spare me the history lesson! Tell what you’re going to do with him, now!
Madara: Don’t be so rude, Naruto. It’s better for you to listen to the whole story to understand him.
Naruto: (staring at Madara)…
Madara: Where was I… oh, right, when the world was in a continuous war between clans that were hired by the battling countries. The Senju and the Uchiha clans stood up the most, therefore they were who fought the most. I did things in order to gain power against the Senju that many would see with grudge… I killed my friend to achieve the Mangekyo Sharingan, and my brother sacrificed himself to give his eyes to me, to make my Mangekyo everlasting…
Kakashi: You’re sick…
Madara: But I felt that was in vain when the Senju asked for truce with the Uchiha, and they agreed. Shortly after that, a pact was made with the Fire Country for help and Konohagakure was born. The selection for the First Hokage was quite unanimous, electing Hashirama, and with that the Uchiha were losing their power. I wanted to restore it, but the clan turned their back on me.
Naruto: You just wanted the cycle of hatred to continue! The clan was wiser than you!
Madara: Shut up and listen! I left the village, but the anger was burning inside me, so I challenged Hashirama in the now called Valley of the End… and lost.
Naruto: But what does anything to do with Sasuke?
Madara: Patience. Tobirama, worried that the Uchiha would rebel, gave to the clan the control of Konoha’s Military Police, but that was just an excuse to keep away the Uchiha from governation, with heavy surveillance. And then, the incident with the Kyuubi happened.
Naruto: Incident? You were behind the Kyuubi’s attack! Because of you, many people died, including my father while sealing it inside me, you bastard! How you dare to call it an incident?!
Madara: Oh my, it seems my mask has fallen. (claps his hands) Bravo, Naruto, bravo!
Naruto: Hypocrite! When I get you…!
Yamato: Please, Naruto, calm down.
Naruto: Grrr….
Kakashi: You arranged the Uchiha genocide!
Madara: Correct. I wanted them to pay for turning their backs on me, so I made the whole village suspicious of the Uchiha, since they were the only clan capable of controlling Bijuu. Hiruzen plead to not take action on the Uchiha, but the elders and Danzou didn’t care.
Naruto: Danzou… again, uh?!
Madara: But their suspicions about Uchiha clan’s rebellion were true, they were preparing a coup d’état to take over the village. That’s when Uchiha Itachi enters, as a double agent.
Kakashi: So that’s why Itachi murdered the Uchiha clan. For Konoha’s stability.
Naruto: So Sasuke didn’t stop when he killed Itachi because of that… he wants to kill Danzou and the elders!
Madara: As we speak, he’s in the Kage’s Summit, trying to kill Danzou.
Naruto: We got to go there! We got to stop him!
Madara: And that’s the main reason I came to you. Leave Sasuke to me.
Naruto: No chance in hell! What do you want from him anyway?!
Madara: His path of revenge.
Naruto: Uh?
Madara: Sasuke will try to kill Danzou, but as astonishing as his powers may be, he’s not enough against five Kages, their guards and the Land of Iron. He’ll be captured, and that’s when he’ll crave for more power. I’ll give him that power, in the form of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.
Naruto: But why?
Madara: You activate the Sharingan in a distress situation. You gain Mangekyo Sharingan when you break a strong bond by death. Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is obtained by transplanting one Mangekyo Sharingan into another. Tsuki no Me*Sharingan, the ultimate form of the Sharingan, will be only achievable by fusing two Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan together.
Kakashi: Tsuki no Me?
Madara: See, what you wrongly call “time/space jutsu”, it’s just space continuum bending jutsu that the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan grants. I can only manipulate the fabrics of space, allowing me to phase in and out the entire body or just parts of it. My goal is to gain access to a time continuum bending jutsu, and the only way is to use Sasuke and his eyes.
Naruto: You’re using Sasuke as an eye container?! You bastard, why are you doing this, why?!
Madara: To change the timeline of events, of course! If I return to the past and kill Hashirama before the truce between Senju and the Uchiha, I’ll be the First Hokage and I will the show the world the power of Uchiha!

Naruto: (starts to gather Kyuubi’s Chakra) You…!!! I’ll tear you apart!
Kakashi: You must be out of your mind to get away with that, Madara
Madara: But, Naruto, you’d gain the most benefit from the timeline change.
Naruto: What?!
Madara: If I alter the timeline, the Uchiha wouldn’t be murdered, so Sasuke wouldn’t begin his path of revenge. Danzou would be neutralized, so his deal with Hanzou wouldn’t exist and Nagato wouldn’t destroy Konoha and kill Jiraiya. And most important for you, I wouldn’t need to let loose the Kyuubi, therefore your father would still be alive. You’d live happily with your parents, without the Kyuubi sealed inside you and without the resentment of the rest of the village. (Naruto imagines himself as a laughing little child, piggyback riding a smiling Minato, while Kushina is by their side, hiding her face with a fan) Isn’t that your deepest desire, to live in a world where you weren’t the Kyuubi’s Jinchuuriki?!
Kakashi: Don’t listen to him, Naruto!
Naruto: (closes his eyes, sheds a tear) I… I…

* Eye of the Moon

/Tudom, hogy csak fake de szerintem még a fake-eket is jó olvasgatni.../

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 aug 25, 16:12:12
Szerző: ◆ T.D.A ◆

Sasuke starts to attack on Raikage
Then Sasuke got blown out by Suiton Jutsu (Water Encampment Wall), then he uses the lightning element jutsu to attack.
Subordinate one: The information is correct. He has natural affinity on lightning element.
Subordinate two: He can use fire element jutsu too. Don't forget to use Suiton Jutsu for defense.
Suigetsu: Oh. Who leak out the information of Sasuke?

Subordinate two: Have to stop his movement. Raiton Flashlight Jutsu (similiar to Solar Flare in DragonBall)
Juugo gets hit. Sasuke eats a fist from Raikage.
Sasuke breaks the genjutsu. Suigetsu blocks the attack from Raikage.
Suigetsu: If not me, your elbow has already broken.

Scene changes to the meeting room
Ao is watching on Danzou. Tsuchikage is waiting and the girl beside him says that she would like to see the guy who kill Deidara.
Gaara has no response.

Scene changes back to Sasuke
Subordinate two: There is another one here. Once I find the guy, I leave it to you.
Juugo: That guy is chakra sensing type.
Juugo releases the second level curse seal.

"Kill him"

Raikage: Don't get too furious!
The chapter ends.
Naruto is not shown up this week.


Here's a quick translation of the spoiler to those interested.

*Forgot the title of the chapter…

背表紙は カツユ
The Jump spine this week is Katsuyu

Sasuke, angry that he is so close to getting revenge (and that people are now in his way), loses his cool and ignoring Juugo’s warnings attacks Raikage straight on. C uses suiton to create a wall of water and sends Sasuke flying back (while Raikage uses his raiton to run current through the water and Sasuke).

ギャル男 情報どうりあいつは雷の属性もちだな
C comments that according to their information Sasuke is a raiton user.
イケメソ 火遁も直で使うらしいから水遁での防御は怠るなよ
Darui replies that Sasuke can also use katon so C should not let up on the suiton defensive techniques
水月  あれれ…サスケの情報漏れまくってんじゃん
Suigetsu comments that information about Sasuke has been leaked out everywhere.

イケメソが動きを止めますと 電幻雷光柱(太陽拳みたいなもん)
Darui says that he will stop their (Sasuke and his team’s) movements and uses a genjutsu called “Dengenraikouchuu” (which apparently looks like Tenshinhan’s Taiyoken from Dragonball)

Juugo totally eats the genjutsu and Sasuke is about to get crushed by Raikage

They get hit with the genjutsu but Sasuke dispels it. Right as he dispels it Raikage is about to hit Sasuke when Suigetsu jumps in and takes the hit. When Suigetsu takes the hit, however, it snaps the Zabuza sword in two and smashes Suigetsu’s arm to little watery bits (he’s made of water though so he probably isn’t permanently damaged).

水月 こいつの一撃が半端じゃない俺じゃなかったら腕の骨がぐちゃぐちゃだよ…
サスケ 余計な事を><
Suigetsu comments that Raikage’s attacks are really strong and if it were anyone else taking the attack their arm would be torn up. Presumably Sasuke doesn’t like this extra little comment provided by Suigetsu.

The scene changes to the Meeting Hall

デイダラ兄をやったサスケをみてみたい~アンパンは土影のおもり~ガアラはまだ答えがでてなか ったような気 が><
All the kage are discussing what they should do now~Ao (the Byakugan guy) will watch over Danzou~The Tsuchikage is just going to stay behind and wait~The girl who was with the Tsuchikage comments that she wants to see Sasuke, the guy who defeated Deidara~The big guy with Tsuchikage who looks like Anpanman will stay behind and look after Tsuchikage~It doesn’t seem like Gaara has given his answer yet~

The scene changes back to Sasuke

イケメソ そういえばもう一人いたな~そいつを探すから後は頼むギャル男
C tells Darui that he’s going to go find the remaining Sasuke team member (Karin) so he’s leaving the rest up to Darui.

ジュウゴ あいつが感知タイプか先にやらないとな
Juugo realizes that C is a sensing type ninja so they have to take care of him first.

Juugo goes cursed seal 2, the killer freak out type, and says “I’m gonna kill you!!!”

雷影 図にのるな~!! っと突っ込んだ所で完
Raikage tells Sasuke and Juugo not to get cocky!!

End of chapter.

Naruto does not appear once in this chapter.

more from nja:

カリンはシーに見つかっちゃやばいと思って火影を探す探知をやめ チャクラを消します
Karin, thinking it would be very bad if she were spotted by C, stops using her abilities to track the Hokage and instead hides her own chakra.

戦闘は ほとんど一方的だからね~ ダルイに吹っ飛ばされその後シーの幻術 幻術
サスケが解いて  シー さすが写輪眼! ! ! ! !
The fight is mostly one-sided this week with Sasuke getting knocked back by Darui’s technique and then getting followed up by C’s genjutsu. Sasuke dispels the genjutsu to which C comments, “That’s the Sharingan for you!!!”

解いた瞬間に雷影のパンチを水月がとめ ダルイの刀はジュウゴが止める
Right as Sasuke dispels the genjutsu, Raikage punches (and is stopped by Suigetsu) and Darui swings his sword down (which is stopped by Juugo)

その後 会議室で ガアラが他の五影に あんたらはいつ己を捨てた?
After that, Gaara asks the other Kage in the meeting room about when they threw away their sense of self (rose above themselves or gained such self restraint)?

それを聞いた水影が 純粋な子 水影
土影は  生意気な小僧め
*Upon hearing this, Mizukage thinks, “what a pure child” while the Tsuchikage thinks, “what a rude brat”.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 aug 26, 10:35:35


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 aug 26, 10:41:04
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Hitelesség: Confirmed

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 aug 26, 10:47:56
Hitelesség: Confirmed


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 aug 26, 12:43:07
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Szerző: idol

Ez az egész Manga :D





Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 aug 26, 19:51:56
Source: NF
Credit: Sho
Verification: Confirmed

Unstoppable Sasuke!

He heads to Raikage from the front!

Sasuke starts running

Juugo: "Sasuke, don't go in by yourself!" (He's losing his composure)

Sasuke pulls out his sword in front of the Raikage

Darui- Suiton Suijinheki!

461 雲隠れvs鷹
461: Kumogakure vs. Taka

サスケ (こいつか!)
Sasuke: (This guy!)

シー 印を結んで 雷遁・感激波!!
C forms seals- Raiton Kangekiha!!

The water and lightning mix together to hit Sasuke, though he's fine

Darui: "Boss...Just as the intelligence says, it seems there's no mistake about this guy's lightning nature"

シー『それに火も持ってる 直に火遁を使うだろう
C: "And he carries fire. He should soon use Katon....Darui, keep your Suiton handy"

Darui: "Ok"

The Raikage stands with a clenched fist and lightning coursing around his body

Suigetsu looks from the shadows: "Sasuke's info wasn't leaked out, was it?"

Karin: "Hey...that guy in the way"

Juugo: "These guys are Kumogakure Jounin. The big one in the middle is the Raikage. Suffice to say, they won't be just letting us through"

影から見てる侍、無線にて『応援を頼む サスケにやられた』
From the shadows watching, a samurai talks in his radio: "Requesting aid. We've been taken out by Sasuke"

シー 印を結び (動きを止める!)
C forms seals (I'll stop stop their movements!)

Juugo: "Something's coming!"

C: "Raigen Raikouchuu!"

The surroundings turn to light

Juugo: (A blinder!?) !

While they're blinded, Raikage goes to punch Sasuke

ヒット! 地面にめり込むサスケ
A hit! Sasuke is sent to the floor

Juugo: "Sasuke!"

サスケ『重吾 ひるむな これは幻術だ』
Sasuke: "Don't fear, Juugo. This is genjutsu"

シー(やるなあ 写輪眼)
C: (The Sharingan's real good...)

サスケ膝立ち~ 雷『幻術を見抜いたとしても遅いわ!』
Sasuke's lifting himself up on his knee~
Raikage: "You were slow in seeing through that genjutsu!"

雷はパンチ ダルイは刀をサスケに振り下ろす~が
Raikage punches and Darui swings his sword down to Sasuke...but Suigetsu stops it. His sword breaks...

水月 サスケ 重吾 避ける
Suigetsu, Sasuke, and Juugo retreat

水月『ボクが水じゃなけりゃ 両腕もげてるよアレ…!
Suigetsu: "If I wasn't water, that woulda ripped my arms off! Ahh shit! My Head Cleaver!"

重吾『八尾の時 切れ目を入れられていたからな』
Juugo: "It's because it was cut from that time with the 8-tails"

雷 ピクン と反応
sfx*Pikun* reaction from Raikage

Darui: "..."

Karin, who's hiding: "H-He was saved...! Nice job, Suigetsu!"

Sasuke: "Save your breath, guys"

何だよ その言い草…!君らしいけど…』
Suigetsu: "Even though I came out to save you, that counts for nothing then...what the hell kinda remark is that?! Then again that is just like you so..."

Samurai watching the battle from the shadows: (Such a crude battle the shinobi do...they're quite something!)

ダルイ『シー 他に仲間がいるのか辺りを調べてみろよ
次々に出てこられちゃ だるくてやってらんねー』
Darui: "C, check out the vicinity to see whether or not they have other companions. We'll be too tired to beat them if they come come out one by one"

C: "There should be one more out there...but it's difficult to focus on that and partake in this battle here"

ダルイ『お前はいらねーよ ボスとオレでやっからさ』
Darui: "We don't need you here. Boss and I will take care of it"

あのシーってのに見つかっちまう! ここは一旦チャクラを消すしかない)
Karin who's hiding: (This is not good! If I continue searching for Danzou, that C guy will find me out! Guess I'll have to turn my chakra off for the moment)

あいつチャクラを消すよ たぶん… そういう能力だから』
Suigetsu: "Aw and Karin was finding out where Danzou was for us too...guess that's impossible now. She'll turn off her chakra...probably. That Iis among her special abilities after all"

重吾『後ろの男(シー)は探知タイプだな… 倒すしかない…
Juugo: "The guy in the back (C) is a sense-type...He'll need to be taken care of. I'll do it"

Juugo turns to curse seal 2


オキスケ『青殿…火影の瞳術が まだ継続中か確認していただきたい』
Okisuke: "Ao-dono, we would like to make sure you are still maintaining the Hokage's doujutsu"

青『イヤ…今は経絡系のチャクラの流れもおだやかだ 術は解いている』
Ao: "No...right now, the flow of his keiraku-ken [inner-coils] is calm. The jutsu is cancelled"

ダンゾウ『安心しろ 日にそう何度も使える瞳術ではない』
Danzou: "Calm down. it's not a doujutsu I can use often in a day"

青『それはこちらで判断する アンタは信用できない男だからな』
Ao: "I'll be the one judging that. You're not a guy who's exactly trustworthy"

ダンゾウ『まさか白眼が他に漏れていたとはな… 木の葉の日向の
裏切者なら すぐに殺していた』
Danzou: "I can't really believe the Byakugan would be passed along to another...if any Hyuuga of Konoha would turn traitor, they'd soon be killed"

Gaara: "..."

土 赤 黒 ダンゾウを見てる
Tsuchikage, Akatsuchi, and Kurotsuchi look at Danzou

青『アンタの秘密を知ったオレは いづれ処理するつもりで
いるんだろうが そうはいかんぞ』
Ao: "Me, knowing your secret, would be planning on disposing of you, but that can't be done"

Mizukage: "The time I fought Yondaime Mizukage, there was a jutsu that controlled him, an eye power... there's probably some connection there after all"

ダンゾウ ダンマリ
Danzou doesn't say anything

Mifune: "Hokage-dono, ninjutsu is forbidden here. You have broken our trust. And to think that without showing this kind of hand, you were the one I likely would have decided on..."

ワシは忍の世界を守るために どんな手でも使うつもりだ
この世界は一つになるべきなのだ かつて初代火影柱間が
一族をまとめて里を作ったように 今度は里をまとめ
忍世界を一つにする 話し合いで この忍の世界が
何も変わらん いずれ”暁”に忍世界を潰されてしまうだろう』
Danzou: "'Likely' is the problem. I intend to use whatever hand I have in order to protect the shinobi world. This world is meant to be one; Once, the Shodai Hokage, Hashirama, gathered the clans to create a village. This time we gather the villages for a meeting in making the shinobi world one whole, when the only thing it does is the opposite. Nothing changes when we waste time doing things morally. All of which will lead to "Akatsuki" crushing the shinobi world"

焦れば周りが見えず 失敗を引き起こす…今のお前だ
よかれと思っても 結果 不信を生み わだかまりを生み
憎しみを生む   ダンゾウ…今はお前の言ってることすら
Tsuchikage: "Dreams take time to materialize. If you get impatient, you'll miss what's around you and cause a huge blunder...which is where you're at right now. And after all, it IS an impossible dream! Even if you have good intentions, the only outcome would be giving birth to distrust, ill will, and hatred. Danzou...right now I can't even trust what you say"

Danzou: "The end result is a necessity... whether there is trust or not"

ガーラ 父親と幼少ガーラ思い出す
Gaara has a flashback his young self and his father

ガーラ『それが世界 それが人間だとするなら未来はないな
分かち合う事 信じること… …それをやめたら世界に残るのは
Gaara: "If that's what the world is, if that's what people are, then there is no future left for us. Sharing with one another, believing in each other... ...If we stop doing those things, the only thing this world will have left is fear"

Gaara remembers Naruto

Gaara: "To me, doing things without considering the morality would be giving up. That's no longer acceptable"

Tsuchikage: "You say such difficult things so simply... you still know nothing about managing a village, kid. Now if there's anything you wanna hear from (me/us) just ask. As your senpai, anything will be answered...right Danzou...hehehe"

Kankurou: "What the hell, you geezer!"

Temari: "Quit it Kankurou! It doesn't look like it but he's the Tsuchikage, the village head!"

Gaara: "...If that's the case...then I'd like to ask one thing"

Tsuchikage: "Yes, yes! I'll answer anything for you...squirt"

ガーラ『アンタ達は いつ己を捨てた?』
Gaara: "When did you all throw away who you were... like trash?"

Tsuchikage: "!"

Mizukage: (He's an honest kid...)

Temari: "So Gaara, what are we gonna do?"

Kankurou: "Heh!"

ガーラ『… うちは…サスケか』
Gaara: "...Uchiha...Sasuke, eh"

Kurotsuchi: "He got you good on that one, old man"

Tsuchikage: "Shut up!"

Akatsuchi: "Tsuchikage-sama...what should we do? Are we going to battle?"

Tsuchikage: "Idiot! And whaddya think will happen if I aggravate my back? Huh!?"

Kurotsuchi: "I wanna see the guy you said beat Deidara-nii*, [big brother] Sasuke!"

Tsuchikage: "...Do what you want! However, if you get caught up by the Raikage, you'll end up dead. Don't interfere"

Kurotsuchi: "Alright! What are you gonna do, Akatsuchi?!"

Akatsuchi: "l'll need to be by Tsuchikage's side if he needs anything"

フー、ダンゾウに小声で『ダンゾウ様 写輪眼の回収のため
Fuu whispers to Danzou: "Danzou-sama, please relieve one of us (to Sasuke's place) in order to retrieve the Sharingan"

雷影に そう託された』
Ao: "We'll have all of you from Konoha right where you are. The Raikage entrusted me with that"

フー トルネ構えるがダンゾウに止められる
Fuu and Torune take a fighting stance but they are stopped by Danzou

Juugo has released his seal

『グハハハハハ ぶっ殺してやらア!!
"GUHAHAHAHAHA I'm gonna kill you! AHHAAA!!"

Darui: The change in personality from what we just saw is amazing...this guy.."

C: "Focus! This guy has an insane amount of chakra!"

ボクらの事 味方って理解できてんのかな?』
Suigetsu to Sasuke: "So Juugo finally broke out the murderous rage. You think he understands we're his allies?"

Raikage with a scary face: "Don't push your luck!!"

Raikage in a frenzy!

An outbreak of a serious war!

Finished! Saasei

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 aug 27, 23:08:23
A 461. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 462. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kucsu - 09 szep 02, 11:39:04
Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: Sho

General (summary)

シー サスケェの幻術にハマる
C gets caught up in Sasuke's genjutsu

雷 しゃりんがんごとにハマらんは!
Raikage: Don't get caught up in the Sharingan!

じゅうごは つえー
Juugo's way strong

Naruto's and Tobi's talk

Hatred is Sasuke's ninja path!

I'll (upload) the details from my PC in the evening

The conclusion to Raikage vs. Sasuke hasn't come yet

Hatred is Sasuke's ninja path!

Naruto says that

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kucsu - 09 szep 02, 12:26:22

ha erre rákkatintoktok akkor itt még van pár kép..csak vmiért itt nem jeleniti meg:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 szep 02, 16:34:46
Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED
Forrás :

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: balkovics33 - 09 szep 02, 16:52:07
Hitelesség ell:???

Translation by: ShiningN - NF

just translated the naruto and madara's talk, could be some minor mistakes but it's pretty much it.

page changes to naruto

naruto: lies ... that's nonsense

yamato: that can't be

tobi: to talk about sasuke we cant avoid talking about itachi

kakashi: enough with the jokes that tale (killing of the relatives) i can't believe it

tobi: no it's not a lie
that was the truth about itachi ( the killing of his relatives was an order from the authorities of konoha )
that guy did it for the sake of sasuke and konoha

kakashi: what do you mean
if that would be true and if sasuke knows it
why is he helping akatsuki!? if he wanted to continue with itachi's will he should've come back to konoha

tobi: as sasuke's teacher and as his friends you are absolutely mistaken about his true feelings and what he plans to do

naruto: you made sasuke that way!?

tobi: no you're wrong


tobi: sasuke made that choice himself

yamato , kakashi: !!


tobi: it was a gamble for me too... was he going to follow itachis will or take revenge on konoha....
he chose revenge, he became a member of akatsuki and his actual objective is....
revenge on konoha for what they did to itachi

naruto: why... why... that guy... why has it come to this.. why go for revenge

tobi: can't be helped it's in the blood... uchiha's fate of hatred it's like curse that goes on everlastingly

naruto: fate of hatred... curse...

tobi: that's right ... long ago the one called rokudo senin ancestor of all shinobis...the curse of hatred came from him

kakashi: rokudou senin you say... that's just a simple myht...the mutation of the rinnengan

tobi: myth has a base of truth i'll tell the tale.. to lead peace was rokudou dream when that time came rokudou seinin would entrust power and will
to his sons
the elder brother would be gifted with his eyes(gan) power of the chakra and energy of the soul(mind) , power is needed to understand peace
the younger brother would be gifted with his flesh .. power of the soul(mind) and energy of the body, love is needed to understand peace
in the end when rokudou was in his death bed he had no other choice but to pick a sucessor and that decission made the curse of hatred live forever

naruto: what do you mean

tobi: the elder brother was entrusted with the power and the younger with the love
rokudou thought the most appropiate would be the younger brother so he chose him
naturally the elder brother thought he would be the one and instead of understanding the hatred consumed him and the dispute with his
younger brother started
the elder brother called his descendants uchiha
the younger brother called his senju
with this the battle to be first hokage started with uchiha madara and senju hashirama... it was fate
you (naruto) , we will meet again, the will of fire of senju lies inside you
even now i can see the first hokage inside you., he's not dead he lives that's my aspiration to have as a rival the man i hate the most
senju and uchiha will of fire and hatred ...naruto and sasuke

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 09 szep 02, 20:21:24

Raikage VS Sasuke

*Raikage charges in

Suigetsu: “He’s fast!”

*Raikage, covered in his raiton chakra, punches Juugo.

*Juugo stops the punch.

462 サスケの忍道…!!
Chapter 462: Sasuke’s Ninja Way…!!

*C seems to be trying to track Karin (probably the same way she does others)?

*Suigetsu tries to cut C down.

*But is stopped by Darui’s sword swing

折れたからって こりゃやれねーよ』
Suigetsu: “Hey you have a nice one there (talking about Darui’s sword). But just because mine broke that doesn’t mean I’ll give it away.”

*Raikage’s punch leaves a big dent in Juugo

Raikage: “That’s one rodent down”

*Sasuke tries to use his Sharingan ~~~

雷『写輪眼ごときに とらえられるワシではないわ』
Raikage: Don’t think I can be caught by the Sharingan.

こいつらよくついてきてるほうだ しかし反射を活性化するための
雷遁チャクラをまとった以上 写輪眼でも追いつけない それにまだ…)
C (thinking): “Raikage-sama’s synaptic response and his reflex speed rival (*on par with*) that of the Yellow Flash. These guys are keeping up pretty well, but as long as he has the raiton chakra surrounding him to help jump start his reflexes not even the Sharingan will be able to keep up. On top of that he still…”

重吾パンチを受けつつ 分離?『クアハハアー死ねー!!』
*Juugo, while continuing to take punches, seems to split himself? “Haaa haaa haa. Die!!

Darui: !?

C (thinking): “From zero distance”
*Juugo hits Raikage

Darui: “Dammit”

シー(やったか!? 何だ!?雷影様の一撃をくらって生きていたとでも!?)
C (thinking): Did he do it!? What!? You mean he took one of Raikage-sama’s attacks and lived!?

C: !?

*Sasuke appears in front of C

*And a shadow that looks kinda like the Kyuubi envelops C

シー(こ…これは…幻術かこいつら仲間の攻撃を うまく陽動にあててきやがる!オレとしたことが…くそ! 体が動かない…)
C (thinking): “I…Is this…genjutsu…These guys sure know how to use their friends attacks as feints! What I can do right now is….dammit! My body won’t move…”

*C collapses

*Sasuke holds his left eye

*Darui, as he fights with Suigetsu: “C! What are you lying around for! Get up!”

重吾『キャハハハ 殺した!殺してやったぜ!つぎは どいつだァ!!?』
Juugo: Haa haa ha I killed him! I killed him good! So who’s next!!?

カリン影から見てる(重吾の奴 意外と役に立つじゃねーか!よし!今なら感知されない 今のうちにダンゾウを…)
*Karin, while still looking on from the shadows thinking: “Hey, Juugo actually managed to be useful! Now I won’t be found out. It’s time to search for Danzou while I still can…”

カリン(!! え!!?)
Karin (thinking): “!!Wha!!?

*Juugo gets hit by Raikage’s clothesline!!

*The scene changes to Naruto

ナルト木叩きながら『嘘だっ…!!そんなの でたらめだ』
*Naruto, banging against the wood bars: “That’s a lie…!! You’re full of it.

ヤマト『そんな まさか…』
Yamato: “That couldn’t be…”

Tobi: “If you’re talking about Sasuke then you can’t help but mention Itachi.”

Kakashi: “Cut the jokes…I can’t very well believe your story (*about the murder of the Uchiha*)”

トビ『いや…嘘ではないそれがイタチの真実だ(一族殺し 命令は木の葉の上層)
Tobi: “Nope…it’s no lie. That’s the truth about Itachi (*The murder of the Uchiha was done under the orders of the higher ups in Konoha*). He died for Sasuke’s sake as well as for Konoha’s sake.”

カカシ『どういう事だ?それがもし事実だとして それをサスケが知っているなら
なぜサスケは”暁”に手を貸す!? あいつならイタチの意志を継ぎ木の葉へ帰って来るハズだ』
Kakashi: “How could that be? Even if that were the truth, if Sasuke knew about it then do you really think he would help Akatsuki!? He would have carried on Itachi’s will and returned to Konoha.”

トビ『フッ… サスケの師として友として お前らはサスケの本心を分かっているつもりでいたんだろうが… とんだお門違いだ本物だ… 本物の復讐者だよ 彼は!』
Tobi: “Hmph…You guys, being Sasuke’s teachers and friends, thought you understood Sasuke’s true feelings…but you were seriously mistaken…He’s a real-deal avenger!

ナルト『お前がサスケを そんな風にしたのか!?』
Naruto: Did you make him that way!?

Tobi: “No…not me…”

Naruto: “…!”

トビ『サスケ自身が そう選択したのさ』
Tobi: “Sasuke made the decision himself.”

ヤマト カカシ『…!』
Yamato, Kakashi: “…!”

Naruto: “That’s a lie!!!”

彼は復讐を選んだ…本心は こちら側(暁)の人間だったという事さサスケの今の目的… それはうちは一族…そしてイタチを追い込んだ 木の葉への復讐』
Tobi: “I had to bet on it myself…Whether he would choose to carry on Itachi’s will…or whether he would choose revenge on Konoha…he chose revenge…his true feelings were that of our side. Sasuke’s goal now…is revenge on the Konoha that persecuted Uchiha clan and Itachi.”

ナルト『何で… 何で あいつが…どうしてこんな事になっちまう…!!どうして復讐に向かっちまう…!?』
Naruto: Why…Why would he…why did it end up like this…!! Why would he turn to revenge…!?”

トビ『…仕方ないのさ…それが血に塗られた うちはの憎しみの運命遥か昔から永久に続いてきた呪いのようなものだ』
Tobi: “…It can’t be helped…That’s the blood soaked fate of the Uchiha’s hatred. It’s like a curse from long ago that continues to this day.”
ナルト『…憎しみの運命  …呪い…!?』
Naruto: “…Fate of their hatred…curse…!?”

トビ『そうだ…遥か昔 六道仙人と呼ばれる忍の祖から始まる憎しみの呪い』
Tobi: “Yes…yes the curse of hatred that began long ago with the one called RikudouSennin, ancestor of the ninja.

カカシ『六道仙人だと… そんなものはただの神話のハズだ輪廻眼は突然変異にすぎないし…』
Kakashi: “RikudouSennin…that’s just a myth. The Rinnegan is just a freak mutation…”

トビ『神話は事実になぞらえて語られる…かつて六道仙人H忍宗を説き 平和を導こうとしたが… 夢なかばにしてその時が来てしまう  六道仙人は忍宗の力と意志を二人に子供に託すことにした
Tobi: “Even myths have some truth mixed in them…Back then the RikudouSennin theorized about the ninja way and sought out peace…but his time came while his dream was only half done…So he decided to leave the strength and the will of his ninja teachings to two children.”

Tobi: “The older brother at birth was left with the Sennin’s “eyes”—chakra power and spiritual energy…and came to realize that strength is what is necessary to achieve peace.”

Tobi: “The younger btorher at birth left with the Sennin’s “body”— willpower and physical energy… and came to realize that love is what is necessary to achieve peace.”

仙人は最後に死の床で…後継者を決めなければならなかった…しかし その決断が永劫続く憎しみの呪いを生んでしまった』
Tobi: “When the Sennin was on his deathbed it came time to choose his successor…However, that decision would give birth to curse of hatred that continues to this day.”

Naruto: “What do you mean?”

トビ『仙人は力を求めた 兄ではなく…愛を求めた 弟こそ後継者にふさわしいと そちらを選んだ長男として当然自分が後継者だと思い込んでいた兄は納得せず…憎しみのあまり弟に争いをしかけた
Tobi: “The Sennin, believing that the younger brother who sought love would be more suitable as his successor than the older brother who sought strength, chose the younger brother. As the oldest and believing that he would naturally be the one to succeed the Sennin, the older brother could not accept the decision and…in his hatred brought war against his younger brother.”

時がたち 血が薄れても二人の兄弟の子孫は争い続けた兄の子孫は後に うちは と呼ばれ
弟の子孫は後に 千手 と呼ばれるようになる
Tobi: “Time passed and as the bloodlines thinned the two brothers’ descendants continued their fighting. The older brother’s descendants came to be known as the Uchiha and the younger brother’s descendants the Senju.

この うちはマダラと初代火影 千手柱間との闘いも 運命だった
Tobi: “The fight between me, Uchiha Madara, and the First Hokage Senju Tobirama was also fate.”

お前(ナルト)と会うのはまだ二度目だが 千手の火の意志がお前の中に宿っているのが分かる
Tobi: “Even though this is only the second time I’ve met you (*talking to Naruto*), I can tell that you have the Senju’s will of fire in you.”

今もお前の中に初代火影を見ることができる死んでもなお あいつは生き続けている オレの憧れであり…ライバルであり…オレの最も憎んだ男
Tobi: “Even now I can see the First Hokage in you. Even in death he lives on. My aspiration…my rival and the man I hated most.”

千住と うちは 火の意志と憎しみ
Tobi: “The Senju and the Uchiha…The will of fire and hatred…Naruto and Sasuke…”

*Juugo is basically pressed into the wall

サスケ 後ろから雷に斬りかかる
*Sasuke tries to cut Raikage from behind

Tobi: “You two are likely the next two to have been chosen by fate.”

*Sasuke tries to cut but can’t cut Raikage

Tobi: “The Uchiha are a clan fated to seek revenge.”

*Sasuke instantly distances himself from Raikage and begins making handseals

トビ『サスケは うちはの憎しみを全て背負い…その憎しみの呪いを世界へぶつけるつもりだ』
Tobi: “Sasuke has taken all of the Uchiha’s anger on himself…and intends to crash that curse of hatred right into the world.”

*Sasuke prepares his Chidori

トビ『最も強い武器であり 友であり… 力である 憎しみ』
Tobi: “Hatred—his strongest weapon…his friend…and his strength.”

*Sasuke charges at Raikage with his Chidori

Tobi: “That (*Hatred*) is Sasuke’s ninja way.”

*Possessed by hatred…Sasuke goes into his one-on-one fight!!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 szep 04, 10:28:15
A 462. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 463. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: DAS - 09 szep 08, 18:03:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: Nja-2Ch

The shidori breaks the erodou( the belt that the raikage wears) and the rest of the shidori penetrates the belly of the raikage(it does not seem to be a deep cut)

Raikage: To wound me?! you have the same jutsu then Kakashi!!!
The raikage takes Sasuke and turns him over and says to him that this is the end, he will fall victim to the "raiga bomb!!"

Sasuke falls to the ground but seems like he was protected by susanoo's bones. (looks like Itashi gave him more then he expected)

Sasuke seems to think for the first time about his retreat...
His eyes are in MS

There's a weird part where the raikage seems to be giving Sasuke some chakra so they can continue the fight?!?( not sure what this meant)

Karin: What is this chakra?! its the chakra of a Bijuu?!( again not sure about that comment)
Scene changes to Naruto,

Madara: I wonder if you are gonna try to change Sasuke's mind like you did for Nagato...
Kakashi: Why did you capture all those bijuu's? and what is the link in between the bijuu's and the curse of hatred of the uchiha?!
Madara: I just want them all in the end, that's it!
Madara" It was fun talking to all of you, now if you would excuse me...
Madara vanishes from the scene with the help of his time space jutsu.

The scene cuts to Sasuke again
Sasuke uses amaterasu and thanks to the jutsu, he his able to get out of the Raikages assaults.
the fight continues
Darui: The raikage is using is left arm!!
the raikage is about to end the fight, sasuke is down for the count and the chapter ends with the raikage in the air and preparing his finishing move ( lol)
Since it looks like a WWE match, we might assist to the clothsline next week

(Itt a szöveg japánul:)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 szep 08, 20:50:53
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: edgarluvitug

CREDITS: Pocketmofo

Title – “Sasuke vs. Raikage”

Sasuke dodges Raikage’s elbow and stabs him with the chidori…but his fingers only make it part of the way into Raikage (his fingers only get to about the second joint in)…Sasuke – Dammit!!

Raikage – To think you were able to wound me when I have this Raiton chakra covering me. That technique must be the same as Hatake Kakashi’s…

Raikage then seems to grab Sasuke, turn him upside down and say, “This is the end!! Raiga Bomb!!” (*The spoiler writer comments that this technique takes up over 2 pages, possibly because Kishimoto wants to show just how powerful it is) ----Translator comment: I think the Raiga Bomb is supposed to be a wrestling move similar to a Power Bomb where you pick your opponent up and slam him body/head first into the ground

*As Sasuke gets slammed to the ground the bones from what looks like Susanoo (the technique Itachi used) protect Sasuke from the fall, helping Sasuke to get out of his predicament

Raikage, noticing that Sasuke’s eyes are now Mangekyou Sharingan withdraws and raises his Chakra levels even more

Karin – What chakra…this is a bijuu amount of chakra.

The bone-like shape is drifting around Sasuke. Then a large amount of blood comes from Sasuke’s eyes as he uses Amaterasu!

*Scene changes to Naruto

*Continuing the conversation with Madara. Madara says that Naruto won’t be able to talk sense into Sasuke the same way he did Nagato.

*Spoiler writer seems to have forgotten part of the conversation

Kakashi – Why are you collecting the bijuu in order to exact your revenge as an Uchiha?

Madara – To put it simply, in order to be complete (*in order to reach my/it/something’s complete form*).

Madara then disappears using his space/time ninjutsu saying, “It was fun chatting with you guys~”

*Scene goes back to Sasuke

Sasuke attacks Raikage with Amaterasu, but is easily avoided by Raikage, moving with speeds higher than the shunshin no jutsu. Sasuke, not even being able to keep up with the Raikage with his Sharingan, goes on the defensive. Sasuke uses the bones of the incomplete Susanou to act as a barrier around him, though it seems as though he cannot attack through the bones with Amaterasu…

*Then Raikage hits Sasuke with a furious Backhand Chop

Darui – Way to give it to him with your left arm, Raikage-sama!! (*Could imply that Raikage is not messing around when he hits with his left arm)

Sasuke goes flying and is on the ground when Raikage tells him that this is the end and then leaps into the air…

That’s all for this week. The spoiler writer then wonders if next week will start with the guillotine chop (another wrestling move).

Second Spoiler Note --

*Also, C makes a comment about whether Sasuke is above Itachi in skill as he is able to control the black flames so well (including wrapping them around him like armor).

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 szep 09, 11:31:51

Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 09 szep 09, 16:37:07
Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED

ugyan azok a képek mint oozaru kolegánál csak picit nagyobbak: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Frissítés :D Találtam egy kis szöveget :D

Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED

Sasuke: “Chidori”

Raikage: “Elbow”

*They clash against each other with their techniques

The head-on duel of lightning and lightning!!

*Hatred drives forward! Sasuke’s fate is…

463 サスケVS雷影!!
463 – Sasuke vs. Raikage!!

*Sasuke’s chidori stabs Raikage in the left side of his chest

Sasuke: “Damn!”

雷遁の鎧をまとった このワシに触れることができるとは…
Raikage: “An attack whose strength and penetrating/stabbing power have been increased through Raiton…the same jutsu as Hatake Kakashi! To be able to touch me through the Raiton armor covering me…it’s quite the technique!”

*Suigetsu, while fighting of course, look on at the Sasuke and Raikage fight

Suigetsu: Dammit! It was no good!?”

Darui: “Yeah, no good…and with that Sasuke’s a dead man.”

Suigetsu: “!?”

カリン(! そんなこんなチャクラ!!)
Karin (thinking): “! No way. This much chakra!!”

Sasuke: “!!”

*Raikage lifts Sasuke up and…

Raikage: “Raiga Bomb!!!” *Basically a Power Bomb

*The ground shatters beneath them

Karin: “!!?”

Suigetsu: “!!?”

C: “Ugh”

Darui: “It’s over.”

Samurai (from behind the pillar thinking): “So that’s the Raikage’s Nintaijutsu…Sasuke is not likely alive anymore after that…I guess we didn’t need reinforcements afterall…)

Sasuke: “Ug…”

*Raikage lets go of Sasuke

*Darui runs over to where C is

Darui: “C, are you okay!”

C, still on the ground: “ the fighting over?”

*Sasuke’s body is surrounded by bones

*Sasuke’s eyes turn into the Mangekyou Sharingan

Raikage (thinking): “That’s the Mangekyou Sharingan, huh…”

*Raikage goes Super Saiyajin: “Hmph!”

*Darui, lending C his shoulder

今までいなかった あの骨にしろ… なんなんだコイツ?』
Darui: “There’s never been anybody who has eaten that technique and lived. Not to mention the damn bones…what the hell is this guy?”

シー『オレが幻術で押し負けた …体がまだ思うように動かない…ああいう天才ってのは たまに 出てくる…』
C: “I lost in a genjutsu fight…my body still won’t move the way I want it to…those sorts of geniuses pop their heads up once in a while…”

侍(うちはサスケ… しぶとい…!)
Samurai (thinking): “Uchiha Sasuke…he’s persistent/tough…!”

*Reinforcement Samurai come pouring in the room.

Sasuke: “…”

ダルイ『! おいシー うちはの眼…前と少し違わねーか?』
Darui: “! Hey, C. That Uchiha’s eyes…aren’t they a little different from before?”

C: “!”

*Blood begins to come out of Sasuke’s eye…

C: “The Mangekyou Sharingan!?”

シー(そうか だから雷影様は あそこまでの活性化を…瞬身の術で対抗する気だ)
C (thinking): “I see. That’s why Raikage-sama is amping himself up this much…he’s going to use Shunshin no Jutsu to fight against it.”

水月『ボク…雷遁に弱すぎるかな?しびれて うまく液体化できやしない』
Suigetsu: “Am I…just too weak against Raiton? My body is so numb I can’t even turn to liquid well.”

*For some reason Suigetsu has a sword sticking out of him

カリン(雷影のチャクラが むちゃくちゃでかくなったこれじゃ尾獣化だぞ!!)
Karin (thinking): “Raikage’s chakra is getting really huge. It’s like he’s turning into a bijuu!!

*Scene change to Naruto

トビ『ナルト…お前はいずれサスケと戦うことになるだろうイヤ…オレがお前にサスケをぶつける長きに渡る因 縁の戦い …うちはの存在をサスケに証明させる』
Tobi: “Naruto…one day you will have to fight Sasuke. Rather…I’m going to crash Sasuke right into you. That fated battle stretched across generations…with it I’ll have Sasuke prove what the Uchiha really are.”

ナルト『サスケは おめーのオモチャじゃねエー!!勝手な事言ってんな!!』
Naruto: “Sasuke isn’t your damn toy!! Stop just saying whatever you like!!

人をコントロールするには 心の闇を利用するテクニックが必要だ長門はたまたま人に感化されやすい子だった がな』
Tobi: “So what, you’re going to make Sasuke have a change of heart the same way you did Nagato? Sounds like you enjoy saying whatever you like too, Naruto. You have to know how to use the darkness in people’s hearts if you want to really control people. Nagato just happened to be easily influenced by people.”

ナルト『… 長門と てめーを一緒にすんな!!やり方は違っても あいつは本心で平和を望んでた!けど お めーは違う!!』
Naruto: “…Don’t lump Nagato in with you! Even if his way was different, at heart all he wanted was peace! But you, you’re different!!”

トビ『フッ…  だな…』
Tobi: “Hmph…true…”

カカシ『くだらない その証明が目的ならなぜ尾獣を集める?お前の目的は一体―――何だ?何が望みなんだ? 』
Kakashi: “Ridiculous. If proving your point is your goal then why are you collecting the bijuu? What is your goal? What do you want?”

Tobi: “…Well…if I had to give an answer…I guess it would be to become whole…”

Kakashi: “Become whole…!?”

Yamato: “What does that mean!?”

Naruto: “…”

トビ『お前らに話しても あまり意味がないもっと効果的な場で話す……お前らとの会話…楽しかったよ…じゃ あな』
Tobi: “Telling you all wouldn’t mean much so…I’ll let you know somewhere that’ll be a bit more effective…Our conversation was…pretty interesting though…See you.”

*Tobi disappears

*Bloody tears come out of his right eye…

サスケ 天照!!
Sasuke: “Amaterasu!!”

*The left side of Raikage’s chest starts to catch fire~~~? But Raikage uses Shunshin no Jutsu to dodge it.

*The black flame then hits one of the Samurai who was standing behind Raikage~~~The Samurai beings to burn.

Samurai: “AAAAaaaagh!!”

Samurai B: “I’ll put out the flames.”

Samurai C: “Those are no ordinary flames. Don’t get too close!”

Samurai B: “!?”

シー(見ている視点から発火する天照! コレが…!)
C (thinking): “The technique Amaterasu where flames appear wherever the person looks!! This is…!”

*As Sasuke looks at the burning Samurai Raikage appears behind him

Raikage: “Raigyaku Suihei!!” *That’s a backhand chop.

*Sasuke’s body is surrounded by the black flame

カリン(うまい!! 黒い炎の盾!雷影の瞬身スピードはケタ違い!目で追いきれないなら触れてはいけない盾 にすればいい!!これでうかつにはサスケには攻撃できない!)
Karin (thinking): “Nice!! A shield of black flame! Raikage’s Shunshin speed is too high a level so if you can’t catch him with your eyes then just make a shield that he can’t touch!! This way he can’t just attack Sasuke indiscriminately!”

シー(黒炎をコントロールしたのか!? 形体変化まで!!イタチよりも黒炎は長けているという ことか?)
C (thinking): “He controlled the black flame!? He even spatially recomposed it!! Does that mean he’s more skilled with the black flame than Itachi?”

*Raikage, not giving a damn about the Sasuke’s black flame shield

Raikage: “Don’t underestimate the Raikage!!!”

*And hits Sasuke with a backhand chop with his left hand

*His left arm catches fire~~~~

Karin (thinking): “Wha!?”

C: “Raikage-sama!...It can’t be?”

Darui: “To give up…your left arm…”

サスケ倒れる そこに雷ジャンプ~~~
*Sasuke falls to the ground. Raikage then leaps into the air~~~

Raikage: “This is the end!!”

Raikage, his furious determination!! What options does Sasuke have left!?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 szep 11, 08:22:12
A 463. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 464. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 szep 14, 14:03:10

Credits: Sho, vered - NF

Is this spoiler even real? I'm not even sure if I should bother with it since it's so retarded (even though it apparently comes from nja). A few examples:

Gaara interrupts Raikage's attack
Gaara says Sasuke has the eyes as he once did
Gaara starting to cry from his left eye
Sasuke praising Gaara for his complete defense against Amaterasu with his sand
Sasuke forms a pitch-black Susano'o
Karin: "He's no longer the Sasuke from before. He's too cold!"
Sasuke saying: "Gaara, this is my absolute defense! When I activated the Mangekyou in both eyes, the third cheat power I attained is Susano'o "

And much more

Utter garbage if this is a real chapter from Kishimoto

Szerző:HPTR FangirlQuote:

Credits: Sho
Source: NF

^Will edit in the above translation once I'm finished (Értelemszerűen én is frissítem majd ha látom ,hogy befejezte,azért hiányzik a vége ,mert még nincs kész!)

Nja- As I thought, it's starts from the Guillotine Drop

Sasuke moves the Amaterasu in front of him to oppose the attack

その時 砂が雷影の攻撃を防ぎ吹き飛ばす
That's when sand rushes in to defend, and blow off the Raikage's attack

雷影 風影貴様場合によっては容赦はせんぞ!!
Raikage: "Kazekage, you'd better have a good reason for me to forgive this!"

ガアラ あんたにこれ以上怪我をされても困るからな
Gaara: "Well, you'd be in some deep shit if you got yourself hurt anymore than you are now"
雷影自分の腕を切り落とし シーに治療させる
Raikage cuts off his own arm; C cures him

Sasuke and Gaara have a conversation

"Now you have the same eyes as I once did in the past"~It's still not too late, come back with us"~

"Even if I returned back, what would I have~?" "I've grown aware of it, but you should be able to see that small light as well"

"My eyes have already been closed to the light; what's left is only darkness"

テマリ もうよせ~そいつは時期に国際手配になるそうしたらもう戻れる場所なんてないんだ~私情をはさむな !お前は風影だろう!!
Temari: "Stop it already~That guy is to be internationally wanted, and once that happens, there won't be any place for him left to go to~ Don't let your personal feelings interfere! You are the Kazekage!"

ガアラの左眼から涙が流れる  分かっている!! とヒョウタンからすべての砂を出す
Tears fall from Gaara's left eye "I understand!" He releases all his sand from his gourd

Taking advantage of the chaos, Karin locates the Hokage's location

Scene change to meeting room

居場所がばれたのでダンゾウは混乱になったら外に出るぞ とヒソヒソ 青が大人しくしていろと 一括
Since the meeting room was exposed, Danzou whispers: "Let's get out of here if it turns into mayhem"; To sum up what Ao says is something like: "You'll be quiet"

場面は戻り デイダラ妹 すごい!!
Scene returns to Deidara's sister [trans note: nja's comment]: "Awesome!"

すべての天照を砂でガードするガアラ サスケ「さすが絶対防御だな俺の炎遁をここまで防ぐとは な」
Gaara guards against all of the Amaterasu with his sand. Sasuke: "Your absolute defense lives up to itself. Who would've thought you could defend against my Katon* [trans note: nja used the wrong "fire" kanji here*] to this extent..."

ダルイが 加勢します私が最初に術を放つので一斉に皆さんも 風3人 おk!!
Darui: "We'll assist. Since I've been firing off jutsu since the beginning, now all of us and the three Sand shinobi can as well!"

攻撃があたる瞬間にサスケのスサノオがついに現れる (真っ黒なスサノオ)
The moment their attacks hit, Sasuke's Susano'o finally appears (a pitch black Susano'o)

カリン 以前のサスケじゃもうない 冷たすぎる><
Karin: "Sasuke from before is now completely gone. So cold" >.<

サスケ ガアラこれが俺の絶対防御だ!!
    両眼の万華鏡を開眼したときに得られる 第三のチート能力 スサノオだ!!
Sasuke: "Gaara, this is my absolute defense! When I activated the Mangekyou in both of my eyes, I was able to attain the third cheat ability, Susano'o!"

The end

サスケのスサノオは まだイタチの様に完全じゃないっぽい
Sasuke's Susano'o still isn't complete as Itachi's was

ただの骨人形  頭蓋骨もあり骨が黒色です
Another bone figure. There's a skull and the bones are black in color

Around it is a pale grey type of aura that adorns [Susano'o]

(To be honest, the color of the aura is pretty hard to explain but it's dark in color)

ちなみに 最初に天照を食らった侍は カンクロウに宙に浮かされ
By the way, around the beginning Kankurou floats the Samurai who ate the Amaterasu

and has Temari strip him using Kamaitachi

He gets messed up but he lives lol


ただジュウゴは 試したかったのはこれの事か・・・ と呪い状態から人になっていて

雷影は  シーまだか!? 
シー   もうすぐです 
雷影   腕が回復しだいサスケに攻撃するぞ!!






Remainder of Sho's Translations
Credit: Sho
Source: Nf

After Sasuke opens his eyes, and since he was talking calmly, he seems in pretty good shape

ただジュウゴは 試したかったのはこれの事か・・・ と呪い状態から人になっていて
But Juugo: "Was..this what I wanted to test...?" from the cursed seal he turns human

Seems like it was a dangerous state

雷影は  シーまだか!? 
Raikage: "C, I'm still waiting!"

シー   もうすぐです 
C: "Almost there"

雷影   腕が回復しだいサスケに攻撃するぞ!!
Raikage: "I'll need my arm restored to attack Sasuke!"

He says it pretty gung-ho so he's in good health lol

I wouldn't say it's due to him stopping the bleeding

since after he cuts off his arm, it's burnt to ash...

I thought Sasuke came off pretty cool

Too bad Kurotsuchi had a one-word panel lol

Wonder why Temari was out more than C or Darui

It seemed that when Sasuke opened his eyes, blood didn't come out

I think it's at the level after crying blood

Szerző: T.D.A

ShounenSuki's translation of the above at vered's request.

The Raikage's attack is stopped by sand.
The three Sand siblings and a woman appear.
Gaara tries to persuade Sasuke by saying Sasuke is repeating him, but it ends in failure.
They then fight; using sand, Sasuke's vision is blocked and Amaterasu is avoided (At the same time, an eye of sand floats about).

In the conference room, Danzou is planning to escape, so when the Byakugan holder grows tired,
*due to not being the real thing, he uses the opportunity to put [everyone] in a Genjutsu.
Zetsu is still tied to a tree
The small person notices the genjutsu
Danzou and co leave the conference room
When the Sand Sibling combination repel the last attack of Amaterasu, Susanoo appear. It ends with this.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Grand - 09 szep 15, 19:48:12
Hitelesség ellenőrzés : CONFIRMED

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 szep 15, 20:54:35
Hitelesség ell.:CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

The Raikage's attack is stopped by sand.
The three Sand siblings and a woman appear.
Gaara tries to persuade Sasuke by saying Sasuke is repeating him, but it ends in failure.
They then fight; using sand, Sasuke's vision is blocked and Amaterasu is avoided (At the same time, an eye of sand floats about).

In the conference room, Danzou is planning to escape, so when the Byakugan holder grows tired,
*due to not being the real thing, he uses the opportunity to put [everyone] in a Genjutsu.
Zetsu is still tied to a tree
The small person notices the genjutsu
Danzou and co leave the conference room
When the Sand Sibling combination repel the last attack of Amaterasu, Susanoo appear. It ends with this.

Page 1:
Kankurou: These are inextinguishable flames... or should I say "Amaterasu"
Gaara: "Samurai, step back. This problem belongs to the shinobi world." "You samurai need not become victims."
Samurai 1: Ex... excuse us Kazekage-dono...
Samurai 2: Uuh...
Suigetsu: What happened?
Page 2:
Gaara: "Yes......" "I understand!"

Page 3:
Raikage: "Done yet C?"
C: "Just a little more!"
Darui: "Let's combine our forces Sand-group" "I'll take the first shot! You go on and keep showering him [with attacks] please!"
Kankurou: "All right!"
Darui: "Storm Release: Laser Circus!!"
Temari: "Scythe Weasel!!"
Kankurou: "Red Secret Technique: Machinery Triangle!!"
Gaara: "Successive Shots: Sand Drizzl
Page 4:
Sasuke: "Gaara... This is an absolute defence beyond yours"

Újabb képek:
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 szep 17, 14:05:10
A 464. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 465. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 szep 22, 08:55:26
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  unconfirmed (fake?)
Szerző: Naruto-R

465: Pride

(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: This is Susano’o. (Susano’o takes the form of a female spirit with horns, with Yata no Kagami, the mirror, in its left handand Yasanaki no Magatama, the necklace, in its right wrist)
Kankurou: What the hell is that?
Raikage: Don’t you think you scare me with that ghost!
Sasuke: You really don’t know what is before you, do you?
Raikage: Quit your snootiness, brat! Shii, go get that sensor! Darui, let’s go! (rushes towards Sasuke, followed by Darui)
Shii: Yes, Raikage-sama! (he vanishes)
Gaara: Temari, Kankurou, assist the Raikage, we need to learn the weak spot of that jutsu.
Kankurou & Temari: Right!
Sasuke: It’s no use, Susano’o has no flaws, it’s the perfect, absolute defense.
Gaara: Keep convincing yourself of that…
Sasuke: Since you underestimate me so much… Kuchiyose: Shikome! * (Susano’o performs the Tiger, Snake, Monkey and Ram hand seals and places its right palm in front of Sasuke, summoning four ghostly figures, similar to the incomplete Susano’o)
Raikage: You’re so full of crap! When I get my hands on you again, I’ll break your skull into a million pieces, b*tch!
Sasuke: Tsh…

*Summoning: Foul Women

(Karin Scene)
(behind a pillar)
Karin: (thinking) One… no, two chakra sensors are in the Summit’s room… and the Kumo’s one is coming in this direction… this is bad, I got to hide my chakra… (stand up and jumps across the roofs)

(Summit Scene)
Fuu: (thinking) The chakra signal disappeared… whoever is, is not a rookie… (talking) Danzou-sama.
Ao: The signal vanished, I know. That’s no excuse to leave this room, not on my watch!
Danzou: Hmpff…
Tsuchikage: (thinking) Ooo, this is heating up… hmmm… (talking) The Raikage and the Kazekage are taking so much time… is this Sasuke really that strong?
Mizukage: I heard he’s the last of the Uchihas, is that correct, Hokage?
Danzou: Yes. His brother, Uchiha Itachi, murdered all the Uchiha clan with the exception of Uchiha Sasuke.
Tsuchikage: Who is now a rogue ninja… the irony…
Mizukage: The reason behind it, was it found?
Danzou: The information that Konoha holds tells it was has a test to enter the Akatsuki.
Ao: (thinking) His chakra changed. (talking) You’re lying.
Danzou: I beg your pardon?!
Mizukage: Oh my, Hokage, first mind control, now lying?
Mifune: These are serious accusations, Hokage.
Tsuchikage: Spill the beans!
Danzou: That is Konoha’s confidential information.
Ao: How predictable…

(Sasuke Scene)
Kankurou: Shiro Higi: Jukki Chikamatsu no Shuu!* (ten white-cloaked puppets appear; each puppet connects to one of Sasori’s fingers) Now that’s the stuff! (the puppets rush towards the Shikome)
Raikage: You’re going down! (breaks one of the Shikome with a punch)
Temari: Kuchiyose: Kirikiri Mai!** (sways her fan and summons Kamatari)
Kamatari: Cut, cut, cut!! (another of the Shikome gets its bones chopped)
Kankurou: Fuuinjutsu: Shishi Heikou!*** (three of Kankurou’s puppet release the Lion-Headed Kannon, that grabs one Shikome and seals it in a near wall; seven of the puppets and Darui struggle against the last Shikome, while Gaara stares at Sasuke)
Gaara: (thinking) Something is wrong here…
Raikage: Don’t send puppets to do a man’s job! (approaches the Shikome and shatters it)
Darui: Calling me a puppet, that’s cold, Raikage-sama.
Raikage: Quit yapping and let’s bring the pain on that brat!
Sasuke: Tsh… Enton: Kagutsuchi! (Susano’o starts to shake its right wrist and moving its head as it was in agony. The darkness that surrounds it starts to gather in its right palm, casting it a few meters in front of Sasuke, forming a dark entity ****)
Raikage: Another freak? Bring it on!
Gaara: (thinking) Definitely something’s wrong… he bragged about the absolute defense of Susano’o… but he’s focusing on the offensive… what are you trying to hide, Sasuke?
Darui: You should be careful, Raikage-sama, Chii isn’t here to heal your arms.
Raikage: I know what I am doing! Kazekage, prepare your sand!
Gaara: Yes. (Gaara’s sand flies nearby the Raikage; Kagutsuchi tries to attack him, but the sand stops the attack)
Sasuke: I was already missing your meddling sand, Gaara. (Sasuke’s vision starts to blur, making him cover his eyes with his hand)
Gaara: (thinking) The Sharingan is ruining his health, like they said…

* White Secret Technique: Ten Puppet Collection of Chikamatsu
** Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance
*** Sealing Technique: Lion Closing Roar

(Flashback Scene)
(Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura are in Suna, Gaara and Kankurou are nearby)
Sakura: Chiyo-sama’s funeral is in a short minutes, isn’t it?
Kankurou: Yes…
Sakura: I want… to say goodbye to her one last time…
Gaara: Of course.
Naruto: Kakashi-sensei…
Kakashi: What is bothering you, Naruto?
Naruto: That new Sharingan…
Kakashi: Mangekyo Sharingan? What about it?
Naruto: You think… Sasuke got it?
Kakashi: I hope not…
Naruto: Why?
Kakashi: The more the user casts the Mangekyo Sharingan, the more damaged is the user’s health… and to achieve it... it isn’t good… (thinking) Rin…
Naruto: Really? I hope you’re right…

(Sasuke Scene)
Sasuke: (now staring at Gaara, who smirks; thinking) Does he...?!
Gaara: Raikage, don’t rush things.
Raikage: Are you nuts, Kazekage? (Kagutsuchi almost hits the Raikage’s face, but he evades)
Gaara: The biggest flaw in his defense… is himself. We got to tire him in order to get him.
Sasuke: (thinking) Crap… he knows… no matter, I got more under my sleeve…

Next Chapter: Hide & Seek

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 09 szep 22, 16:10:10
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:UNCONFIRMED
forrás: (

Szöveg angolul laza fordításban:
Sea, to complete the treatment arm of the shadow of the thunder, lightning and shadows will begin to Sasuke

Capacity already gone Susanoo, Sasuke struggled down the power to control Amaterasu

Man joins the girls to cover the sand and there, invoking multiple Tsukuyomi against Sasuke, the man fall to the ground sand and girls
Thunderstorms are also avoided or Masu shadow kick
Sasuke is almost blind state

At Zetsu and Madara appeared like a tank, but it took
Sasuke spotted in the tank "is a new copy wheel eye Sasukee!"入Re替mischief and two eyes of Sasuke and say
There is a new kaleidoscope copy wheel eye ...!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 szep 23, 11:33:06
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
forrás: mangahelpers

Third part of ohana spoiler translated by Shounensuki:

Both Suigetsu and Juugo survive. Suna is also safe

Karin guides [Sasuke] to Danzou

With the ceiling down, Sasuke finds Danzou and faces him

Mizukage: "The Uchiha clan, hm... haa... He's a good-looking man... better-looking than he deserves"
She's like a female panther.


Last part.

Susano'o is covered in flames(?)

Sasuke smiles inside of Susano'o

He's not covered by Susano'o when the ceiling collapses and he's going to Danzou

Gaara: (In a time like this..) would you have handled it?

Juugo and samurai do a fusion. (Probably to return to his original form)

長十朗が 出た…水影様の溶遁の術
Since it's Choujuurou the one who goes "Mizukage-sama's Toton (Melt/Dissolve Release) no jutsu", there's no mistake I made about it

It should be youton not toton.
but it is the same name as the Four-Tails' Lava Release
There's one thing about the Mizukage's youton that might make a difference, but which could just a easily be a mistake by either the spoiler giver or Kishimoto-sensei
There are two ways to write the first kanji in Youton: 溶 and 熔. The first kanji uses the water radical, the second the fire radical. The one with the water radical is most common and is the one used in the spoiler, but Kishimoto used the one with the fire radical for the Four-Tails' youton.

It could be done on purpose, meaning that the Mizukage's youton is water-related, rather than fire-related and thus different from the Four-Tails' youton, but I think it's most likely a simple mistake.

The kanji on their own simply mean 'to melt' or 'to dissolve,' so they don't inherently imply lava.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 09 szep 23, 18:55:05
Hitelesség: Comfirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Gaara: “Susanoo…?”

Temari: “So that’s Mangekyou Sharingan thing, huh…”

カンクロウ『うちは…  何だかんだと隠し持ってやがんな…いつもよ』
Kankurou: “The Uchiha…they always manage to have something hidden up their sleeve…”

柱の影から シー『ダルイ!砂の衆いったん下がれ!!』
C, from behind the pillar: “Darui! Sand forces! Pull back!!”

*Sasuke becomes cloaked in a very evil looking darkness

*Susanoo is now surrounding Sasuke

*Sasuke gives off a devilish smile from within Susanoo

*Then uses Susanoo’s sword to smash the pillars…

Temari (thinking): “Is he aiming for the pillars…!?”

Samurai: “The pillars!!”

Samurai: “The ceiling won’t hold at this rate!!”

*Raikage and Gaara look up at the ceiling

*The massive collapse born by hatred!

*What will be the end of (his) obsession…!!

465 会談場襲撃!
465: Assault on the Meeting Hall!

*The ceiling begins to crumble

Samurai: “UAAAAAAH!”

*Suigetsu, still stuck to the wall by a sword: “Wh…What the hell is this!!”

*Gaara protects himself and the others against falling rocks with his sand

*Sasuke puts away his sword

*Karin was protected from the falling ceiling by Susanoo’s hand…she is then basically picked up by Susanoo

Karin: “Ugh…”

*It seems as though Susanoo protected Sasuke and Karin

Sasuke: “Were you able to pin-point Danzou’s location!?”

Karin, as she fixes her glasses: “Yeah…”

Sasuke: “Then guide me to him”

Karin: “What about Juugo and Suigetsu…? Their chakra is still…”

サスケ『放っておけ それよりダンゾウだ!』
Sasuke: “Forget about them…for now we focus on Danzou!”

Sasuke: “Hurry up and guide me!”

Karin, visibly shaken: “I…I got it.”

Karin (thinking): “What’s happened to you…Sasuke!?”

*Raikage punches the pieces of the falling ceiling

*Temari, Kankurou and Darui are protected by Gaara’s sand

Darui: “Thank you…Kazekage-san…”

Kankurou: “Man, that Sasuke…he must’ve used that as his chance to run away.”

Raikage: “We’re going after Sasuke right away!!”

シー『… どうやら上へ向かったようです…』
C: “…It would seem as though he went up…”

ガーラ、ナルトの顔思い出す (ナルト…お前ならどうした…?)
Gaara, remembering Naruto’s face (thinking): “Naruto…if you were here what would you have done…?”

水月(おかげで鉈(刀)がはずれたのはいいけど…これじゃあね…サスケとカリンと重吾はどうなったかな…? )
Suigetsu (thinking): Well thanks to that the knife* came out of me…but at this rate…what the hell happened to Sasuke, Karin and Juugo…?” *Suigetsu refers to Darui’s sword as a “nata” which is usually a knife with a thick blade used to cut lumber

*Juugo starts to split himself thinking: “I can still make it…”

*He then fuses with one of the fallen Samurai sort of like Cell from Dragonball.

*Juugo (thinking): “All right…!”

*Meanwhile at the Meeting Hall

*A crack appears in the wall

Ao: “He’s here!”

Danzou: “…”

*They hear footsteps…

Fu: “From above!”

*Everyone looks up

*Sasuke is hanging upside down from the ceiling and his eyes meet with Danzou’s.

*Mifune jumps up and tries to cut Sasuke

*But Sasuke blocks it with his sword

Mifune: “He’s good”

Ao: “!”

Karin: “Sasuke! Danzou ran away!”

青、机飛び越えてダンゾウ追う『水影様と長十郎はここに!私はダンゾウを追います!まだ会談の決着はついて ませんので!』
Ao, jumps over the table to chase after Danzou, saying: “Mizukage-sama and Choujirou stay here! I will chase after Danzou! This meeting hasn’t reached a conclusion yet!”

Mizukage: “Understood…but don’t overdo it!”

青『ハッ! では”暁”の賊はお任せします』
Ao: “Yes! I leave the Akatsuki to you.”

土『わしは腰にくる 他の皆で好きにやってくれ』
Tsuchikage: “Oh this hurts my back. Do whatever you like.”

Aka, the anpanman-looking guy: “Sounds good.”

Sasuke, coming down from the ceiling: “Karin, come here!”

Karin: “Eeeeeeeek!”

Sasuke: “!!”

*A sludge-like liquid (?) flies at Sasuke, but Sasuke dodges

*The wall begins to melt

*Sasuke gives the evil eye at Mizukage

水影口元抑えながら『四代目水影を玩具にし霧隠れを蹂躙した”暁”…   …よくみるとやっぱるいい男ねう ちは一族って…』
Mizukage, holding her hand to her lip: “Akatsuki, the ones who turned the Fourth Mizukage into one of their tools and stepped all over Kirigakure…but after a closer look the Uchiha clan really has some nice (looking) men...”

長十(出た…水影様の血継限界 溶遁の術…!!)
Choujirou (thinking): “There it is…the Mizukage’s kekkei genkai – Youton* no jutsu…!!”

Sasuke: “Don’t get in my way.”

Mizukage: “Oh…and he’s a nice looking guy too…it’s such a waste.”

サスケvs五影 全面衝突へ…!!
Sasuke vs. The Five Kages headed for a head-on collision…!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 szep 24, 08:02:31
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
forrás: mangahelpers


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 szep 24, 15:27:38
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
forrás: mangahelpers


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 szep 25, 10:09:11
A 465. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 466. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 szep 29, 13:32:12
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző:Black Lagoon

Note: Ez több külön post és nem zavaros. Kicsit rendbe raktam lássátok rendesen ,hol melyik kezdődik és végződik. Igen és ezek két igazi spoiler fordításai többféleképpen. Úgy tűnik nagyon is megbízhatóak.
A legfrisebb spoiler lent van! Fentről lefelé van időrendben. Fenti a legkorábbi.

"Soruce: NF
Credit: hatakashi
Verification: Confirmed
More From NJA


サスケは分解されて カリンも サスケのチャクラが消えちまった… 見たいな事
言ってたんだけど その後 マダラが服着たサスケを背負って登場って感じです

酸で結局溶けたのはサスケの右腕の皮だけですかね… それを見て サスケが 酸の霧か… って いってたから


Something like this :

I'm sorry ""

Sasuke Sasuke's chakra is gone and also gone Karin wants to see things are resolved ...
What appeared like Sasuke is wearing clothes on his back and then I spotted were saying

The acid melted at the end you're just skin and the right arm of the acid fog Sasuke ... Sasuke ... I was going to see What it
Acid was to prevent the guard out then Susanoo

Each cell of the body hurts ... but an incomplete Susanoo is just dull ... weasel ...

Zetsu appeared in the chakra out hairy place"

Na örüljetek: ;) Ez a kettő egybe tartozik egy ember írta őket és az első fél kiegészítése a másik rövidebb rész.

1. post:
Soruce: NF
Credit: Shounensuki
Verification: Confirmed

Mizukage VS Sasuke: Sasuke uses Susanoo to defend against the Mizukage's Lava Release: Dissolution Technique¹, but takes a hit from Hiramekarei.
He flies back and is locked in a room with the Mizukage

It looks like the Mizukage has two kekkei genkai: something called Boil Release
She uses this to create a strongly acidic mist from her mouth to try and melt Sasuke...
Out of chakra, his arm begins to melt, but at that moment Zetsu uses his Spore Technique³ to grow out of the Mizukage's body and suck up her chakra. Sasuke is revived with fusing chakra and the locked room is destroyed by Susanoo.
They escape - Zetsu binds the Tsuchikage and his attendant, but the Tsuchikage says: "Shall we get involved too then"
They escape from Zetsu. A technique is fired at Sasuke that would disassemble him at the molecular level, but Sasuke has disappeared.

Then the Raikage and Gaara enter the conference room

Then Madara appears, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder

I came here to tell you a story about the "Eye of the Moon plan"

¹ Youton: Youkai no Jutsu (溶遁・溶解の術)
² Futton or Futsuton (沸遁)
³ Houshi no Jutsu (胞子の術)
This was the first spoiler

2. post:

Spoiler Script
Soruce: NF
Credit: Shounensuki
Verification: Confirmed

from Shounensuki about the additional info though not full translation yet.there is still to come:

"It seems the acid did melt away the skin of Sasuke's right arm... Seeing that, Sasuke goes "acid mist...?" and summons Susanoo to guard him against the acid, but all the cells in his body start to hurt..."
from the second spoiler regarding the cellular lv attack by apperantly the mizukage

I think Sasuke was hit by the attack and did get hurt, but Madara saved him from the full effect



Second spoiler Shounensuki (Az amit először írtam csak ez normális)

Spoiler Script

Soruce: NF
Credit: Shounensuki
Verification: Confirmed

From yasha

Here is the second spoiler by nja translated fully by Shounensuki,more to come:

Spoiler two:
Sasuke is being taken apart when Karin says "Sasuke's chakra disappeared... it seems"
However, after she says that, she senses Madara appearing, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder.

It seems the acid did melt away the skin of Sasuke's right arm... Seeing that, Sasuke goes "acid mist...?" and summons Susanoo to guard him against the acid, but all the cells in his body hurt... The Susanoo is still incomplete... Itachi's was better... As the chakra collapses? Zetsu appears in the danger zone



Soruce: NF
Credit: Yasha
Verification: Confirmed

hmm wow sorry i was wrong i ment Tsuchikage,not mizukage who did the Cellular lv attack at the end of the chapter which sasuke was partially hit by it and was saved by Madara from its full effect.i fixed my post above.

here is also a bit more info by Yasha:

Karin says Sasuke's chakra is vanishing.

-The acid only got his right arm's skin. He blocked it with Susano'o.

-Every cell in his body is screaming in pain. If an incomplete Susano'o takes such a toll, what kind of suffering had Itachi been through?

-Sasuke almost dies, he stays alive because of his pride

Egy valamivel összeszedettebb post:
Aletnatív fordítás:

Szerző:HPTR Fangirl
Hitelesség Confirmed

1. rész:
Credits: on3word
Source: NF

An alternative translation:

Briefly, from Nja
水影VSサスケ 溶遁・溶解の術をスサノオで防ぐがヒラメカレイの一撃を喰らい
Mizukage Vs. Sasuke. Sasuke guards with Susano'o against Youton Youkai no Jutsu (TN: Lava Release Solution Jutsu), but takes a blow Hiramekarei (Chojuro's Sword), keeping him in the room with Mizukage.
血系限界?wを2つもつ水影さま 沸遁 なんとか~
Mizukage has 2 Kekkei Genkai it seems, Futton (TN: Boil Release)
From her mouth, she plans to melt/dissolve Sasuke using a strong mist of acid
チャクラを使い切り腕が溶け始めたところに ゼツの胞子の術で水影様の体から
ゼツが生え始めチャクラを吸い取り サスケと融合チャクラが復活し密室をスサノオで破壊し
His chakra-exhausted arm begins to melt, but Zetsu's with Houshi no Jutsu (TN: Spore Technique) he grows/springs from Mizukage's body and absorbs her chakra. Sasuke's chakra is restored and uses Susano'o to destroy the room.
脱出 土影・付き人どももゼツに縛られているが 土影 ワイらもやるかと
ゼツから脱出し 分子レベルまで分解してしまう術をサスケにかけサスケを消し去ってしまう

(He) escapes as Tsuchikage and his escort are binded. Tsuchikage: "I guess we must do something too now" as they escape from Zetsu's ability. A jutsu that decomposes at the molecular level is used on Sasuke, but Sasuke gets rid of/erases the technique.

Raikage and Gaara return to the conference room.
Madara also appears with Sasuke on his shoulder.
お前らに 月の眼計画 の話を聞いて貰いたくてここにきた
Madara: "I've come to tell you all, and have you listen to my Eye of the Moon plan."
見たいなところを言ったところで 完です
The places I focus on, I covered, so that's it.
2. része:
Credits: on3word
Source: NF
Part 2:
Sorry ><

サスケは分解されて カリンも サスケのチャクラが消えちまった… 見たいな事
言ってたんだけど その後 マダラが服着たサスケを背負って登場って感じです
Sasuke is disintegrated and Karin also says it looks like Sasuke's chakra has been depleted....But after, Madara appears carrying Sasuke on his shoulder.

酸で結局溶けたのはサスケの右腕の皮だけですかね… それを見て サスケが 酸の霧か… って いってたから
その後スサノオ出してガードして酸を防いでいたが 体の細胞一つ一つが痛い…まだ不完全なスサノオなのに…イタチはどんだけ…
The acid burned the skin of Sasuke's right arm...he then sees and notices the acid mist, shortly after, he brings out Susano'o to guard from the acid but each and every cell of his body hurts. And with his incomplete Susano'o, wonders how Itachi could have possibly done it...

Out of chakra and in a bad situation, Zetsu appears.

3. fele:
Part 3:
白ゼツの方です 水影の体に巻き付いた白ゼツが
俺の胞子の術すら気がつかなかったか…五影もたいしたことないな っていい
水影のチャクラを奪い サスケにチャクラを渡しにいった
Back to White Zetsu, he fused his body with that of the Mizukage. Zetsu: "To not notice my Houshi no Jutsu, you five Kages aren't what they're hyped up to be huh?" Stealing the Mizukage's chakra, he passes it onto Sasuke.

White Zetsu tries to bind Tsuchikage and his underling, but the Tsuchikage escapes with amazing ease.

4. rész:
Credits: on3word
Source: NF
Part 4:
Sasuke loses consciousness, but I think that when he awakens (to find himself) carried by someone, he probably will have lost some pride.

カリンが サスケの…の後
土影が お前もすぐ後を追うんじゃ~ 見たいな事いってました
Karin: "Sasuke's...his back"
Tsuchikage says something like "you guys will also soon be chased after~" And then Raikage and Gaara pay a visit.

"Where's Sasuke~!?"

土影 もう分解しちまったぞいあんなやつにデイダラはやられたんか
Tsuchikage: "He's already disintegrating; he's really the guy that Deidara was done over by huh?"

Afterwards Madara appears.

計画話してお前らの意見も聞いてみたい って感じだったと思う><
"After telling you my plan, I want to hear your opinions too" is what he's saying I feel ><



Soruce: NF
Credit: Shounensuki
Verification: Confirmed

466: The great battle behind closed doors!!

The Mizukage leaves her seat: "At least, I will give you a kiss that will melt your heart"¹
Karin snaps
Choujuurou: "If I don't protect the Mizukage, it will mean inevitable death"
The Mizukage prepares for battle, her right cheek swelling up
The Tsuchikage and Akatsuchi are clinging to the ceiling, seemingly trying to avoid getting involved in the battle
Mizukage: "Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique²!!" She spits out a liquid
Sasuke uses Susanoo to dodge, but Choujuurou unleashes an attack with Hiramekarei
Sasuke is driven unto the wall
Sasuke used up a considerable amount of chakra with his overuse of Susanoo
The Mizukage manages to raise a closed-off room. (Only the Mizukage and Sasuke are inside)
The Mizukage can use the Fire, Water, and Earth natures
That is why she has two kekkei genkai
The Mizukage forms hand-seals: "Boil Release: Skilled Mist Technique³!!"
Karin and the rest cannot see what is happening in the fight
The Susanoo is unravelling and Sasuke is coughing up blood
Karin can sense his chakra fading
The Mizukage says something like "Seeing a good-looking man break down and crumble breaks my heart~~"
From the Mizukage, Choujuurou, the Tsuchikage, and Akatsuchi comes a sound like 'zuzuzu'... White Zetsu
It seems like some sort of timed formula that Zetsu uses to suck up everyone's chakra
Sasuke is struck by an attack and is recovered by the chakra
He uses Susanoo to break down the closed room and [go back into] the conference room (to Karin's location)
Without seeing anything, the Mizukage uses "Earth Release: Aggravated Rock Technique!!"

The Tsuchikage undoes Zetsu's chakra absorbing technique
Tsuchikage: "This guy was the one who Deidara..." Sasuke's left eye hurts
Tsuchikage: "I don't feel bitter, but... Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique**!!"
The attack should have hit him completely, but...

Madara appears, carrying Sasuke on his shoulder.
Madara: "I should explain things for you a bit... Once you understand, I would like to ask you something"
Raikage: "What!?"
Madara: "It's about my goal, the Eye of the Moon Plan"

¹ There's a pun here. The Mizukage uses the word とろける (torokeru) which means 'to be enchanted with,' but sounds a lot like the word 溶ける (tokeru) which means 'to melt'. The kanji that can be used to write torokeru (盪, 蕩) also have the additional meaning 'to melt'. The word she uses for 'at least' (せめて, semete) is pronounced the same as 攻め手 (offence, method of attack).
² Youton: Youkai no Jutsu (溶遁・溶怪の術). This name seems to combine the words 溶解 (dissolution) and 妖怪 (apparition, demon), both pronounced as 'youkai'.
³ Futton: Koumu no Jutsu (沸遁・巧霧の術)
* Doton: Kajuugan no Jutsu (土遁・加重岩の術)
** Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu (塵遁・原界剥離の術)__________________

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 okt 02, 05:40:03

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Hitelesség: Confirmed


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 okt 02, 08:53:00
A 466. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 467. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: dxdominik - 09 okt 03, 08:17:40
Hitelesség Confirmed
Madara: What I need you to understand is that the fight with Sasuke was a lesson for me and for you.
Raikage: What are you talking about?
Madara: For me, I wanted to know how strong he's gotten and for you to understand how weak you are.

Chapter 467 How Weak You Are

Tsuchikage: Weak? But he was defeated easily.

Madara: I never said you knew your weakness yet. Have you noticed I've appeared to you while Konoha is absent? This is not a coincidence.

Garra: As allies of the Leaf, the Sand will make sure they know every detail of what occurs here.

Madara: We will see.. Are you aware that over the last 16 years Konoha has been developing a deadly weapon capable of destroying an entire village in the blink of an eye?

Garra: !

Mizukage: And I thought my village was the untrustworthy one. We were that close to giving Konoha power. So what is this weapon?

Madara: Not what, who. 16 years ago as you may know Konoha was attacked by the Nine-tailed fox. The Hokage at the time erroneously believed the fox was controlled by someone else and in defense of whoever could control such a power began construction of the weapon.

Garra: (starting to figure it out) You're wrong-

Madara: Listen first, argue later! The Hokage gave up his life to create this weapon, by sealing up the Nine-tailed fox in his infant son.

Garra: No!

Zetsu, this time assisted by his black half binds Garra and his siblings.

Madara: As you can see, the Sand has already fallen prey to the weapon. The son of the Fourth Hokage (Mizukage: ! And blinks) not only possesses destructive physical powers but also destructive powers of persuasion which make even the most decent genjutsu pale in comparison. My most recent protégé, possessor of the legendary rinnegan, the eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, the eyes that control life and death, the architect of and leader of Akatsuki, was defeated by this weapon. First he lost his body and then his mind! Truly a dangerous power.

Mizukage: And we wasted our time going after that idiot on your shoulder.

Raikage: Enough of this crap! The Cloud does not worry. We have our own power-

Madara: You speak of the Eight-tails? The man who faked his own death and betrayed his own brother just to for freedom?

Raikage: (Angry but starting to cry) What are you talking about?
Madara: The truth. Even I was fooled.

Black Zetsu: Its true..

White Zetsu: … the little octopussy ran away!

Raikage: (grieving) My brother.. what have I done?

Madara: Don't worry, I sent my man after him, one of your old sharks Mizukage, Hoshigaki Kisame.

Mizukage: Kisame

Chojuro: Big brother...

Madara: He will keep him safe from Konoha's weapon. Now that you understand your situation I need to know one thing before I can proceed with telling you about my plan, the eye of the moon plan. Answer this question, will you join me to defeat Konoha, to destroy their weapon?

Darui: We just got a report about Konoha, its been completely destroyed, I don't understand what the threat is.

Madara: The weapon convinced my protégé to use his final jutsu to revive everyone in the village. The people of Konoha possess the will of fire, regardless of the state of their village they are still a threat, and the weapon still lives.

Raikage: Fine then.

Tsuchikage: (thinking: for the time being I'll agree to learn about this plan) Heh, we're in.

Madara: (looks at Garra) I'm getting a distinct “no” from you, for the moment you will abstain.

Mizukage: (thinking: what a situation, for now I have no choice, sorry old friend) We will agree.

Madara: Very well, the tale begins when I fought the first Hokage....

Back to Naruto

Naruto is standing in thought, Kakashi and Yamato are standing with him.

There's a knock at the door.

It opens.

Sakura: Naruto!!

Naruto: Sakura!?

Sakura: When I heard the noise and saw the roof caved in...

Shikamaru and Hinata walk in.

Kakashi: Shikamaru whats going on?

Shikamaru: Its not my call.

Naruto: Sakura, I thought I told you not to worry about me, I'll get Sasuke.

Sakura: Naruto that's what I'm here about.

Hinata: Please, listen to her.

Back to Kages

Mizukage: What a fairy tale.

Tsuchikage: Yet I believe it.

Madara: So you see in order to defeat Konoha we must use their own blood against them. That is me. When I am complete I will be the weapon to counter Konoha's weapon.

Sasuke: What rubbish!

The Sasuke on Madara turns into Zetsu goo.

Madara: I see, why don't you come with me.

Sasuke: Why should I follow such a deranged madman? As if Naruto poses any threat to anybody.

Madara: His power has grown since you last fought him and will continue to grow.

Sasuke: Tsk! Power is nothing to do with it. You don't know Naruto. He would never be a weapon and never be controlled. Go against him and he will fight you. Whether he'd win, who cares? I'll beat him anyway.

Madara: Did you listen to a word I said?

Sasuke: I will not make your mistakes.

Madara: (smiling) Then you will fight him?

What is Madara's true plan? Next time: Naruto's Decision

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 okt 05, 13:51:58
Hitelesség: kérdéses még
Szerző:Black Lagoon

Source : NF
Credit : vered
Confirmation :

full translation of that part by shounensuki:
The coloured cover is two pages wide and has Zabuza, Haku, and all the dead Akatsuki members!

Sakura is getting ready to set out to the Land of Iron. Three people are going, it seems: Sakura, Kiba, and Lee.

Well, to the conference room:
The Raikage uses a momentary oppertunity to attack Sasuke on Madara's shoulder, but [Madara uses] a space-time ninjutsu to send Sasuke somewhere else.
[He] orders Karin to give [Sasuke] medical treatment and sends her away too

From here, the conversation starts:
Gaara: "Why did you make Sasuke come here!?"
Madara: "I sent him here because it's very valuable [to me] that he activate his eyes all the way up to Susanoo. I also planned for him to bring you Five Kage down and imprison you, but it seems that was hopeless yet."
Here ends the conversation about Sasuke
"My goal is to rule the world. I've wished this for a long time."
Tsuchikage: "In your case, you should be able to do that by yourself, right?"
Madara: "My body was too gravely injured in the fight against the First, Hashirama. I don't have such power left."
Someone: "Why are you collecting the Tailed Beasts?"
To the story about the Eye of the Moon Plan:
The origin of the current Tailed Beasts is that they are born from a single Ten-Tails. Temari or Kankurou: "Shouldn't there be only nine Tailed Beasts?"
Madara: "Long ago, the Sage of the Six Paths saved the world from the Ten-Tails, but because the beast's power was so great, the Sage put the demonic power inside his own body, making himself a jinchuuriki. Then, he created the Moon and sealed the Ten-Tails' body there. (the story was much longer, but I can't remember the rest ><) Then, as his own death approached, he divided the power into nine pieces..."
I'm sorry, but I'm telling it extremely simplified
Madara: "[My goal is to] revive the Ten-Tails and become its jinchuuriki, project an infinite Tsukuyomi on the Moon, and so rule all of mankind, thus I will create a world without strife."
Mizukage: "This world has no place for such a dream or hope"
Madara: "Right now, it's neither hope nor anything. Hurry up and hand over the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails."

To be continued
That's the entire long spoiler

here is another part by Nja that was not posted here but was translated by Shounensuki:

Raikage: "The Eight-Tails!? Bee is still alive?"
Madara: "The capture of the Eight-Tails was a failure. Despite being your younger brother, he is a truly splendid shinobi."
Raikage: "What the hell! I'll bet he took this opportunity to go play somewhere else!! When he comes back, I'll Iron Claw¹ him!!!"
C, Darui: "Something like that was probably what he was thinking about..."

Gaara: "I won't hand over Uzumaki Naruto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Tsuchikage: "Raikage, what about you?" "Of course I won't hand him over!!!!!"
Madara: "Are you okay with a breakdown? If it comes down to war, I don't think you guys will have a great chance of success against the Tailed Beasts"

Gaara: "I won't throw away my dream!!"

Madara: "All right then, I hereby declare the Fourth Great Ninja World War!!"

The end 

¹ Iron Claw (鉄のツメ, Aian Kurō). Probably a technique or something.
That's the smaller spoiler

Szerző írása hozzáfűzése:

Source: NF
Credit: Shounensuki
Verification: Confirmed

another thing from shounensuki about RS death circumstances.of course take it with a grain of salt since we dont have the full script:

He seems to have died of old age

The way the circumstances of his death are being worded
Madara says "in the end, the Sage lay on his deathbed"
This means he certainly didn't die in battle
But if he had died of sickness, he most likely would have said that the Sage had become ill
to my question if what madara said usually means dying of old age shounensuki answered this:

As far as I'm aware, yes
Szerző:HPTR Fangirl

Credits: Vered / Shounensuki
SOUrce: NF
write Earth, but perhaps it might have been the shinobi villages ><

I didn't look at it to that extent. It might be a popularity contest or a present.

After Sakura and co, a broken down Naruto appears
Although I remember [him] saying "Revenge is Sasuke's shinobi way!"...
[He] says something like "As I thought, have no chocie but to meet [you] in person and talk to you [directly]"

With Madara being such an extremely talkative person, I couldn't get everything in my head
It's rather difficult translating these answers without the questions ><

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 09 okt 06, 06:25:37

Naruto 467 Spoilers

The coloured cover is 2 pages wide and features Haku, Zabuza, and all of the

Akatsuki members that have been killed.

Sakura Scene:
Sakura, Lee and Kiba are preparing to leave for the Land of Iron, sakura has a

sad expression.

Conference Room:
The Raikage shouts something at Madara, then charges with a lightning fist,

aiming at Sasuke. Madara uses his space/time jutsu to make Sasuke disapear. He

tells Karin to tend to Sasuke's injuries, and sends to Sasuke.
Gaara: Why did you send Sasuke here?

Madara: I needed Sasuke's eyes to develop the Susano'o technique, I thought

maybe he would have been able to capture you 5 kages aswell, but that part

seems to have failed...

Madara: Enough about Sasuke, let's discuss my intentions. I aim to be in

control of the Ninja world, it's been my goal for a long time.

Tsuchikage: If your as strong as they say, then you should be able to do that

by yourself, so why do you need the tailed-beasts?

Madara: During the fight against The first Hokage, Hashirama, my body was

gravely injured, I no longer wield the power to do it by myself.

Gaara(?): But there are 9 tailed beasts, and 1 of you, so how will they help

if a Jinchuuriki can only contain one beast within him?

Madara: Aha, for that, you need to know the origin of the tailed beasts!

Everyone: ?

Madara: Long ago, when the Sage of Six paths was still alive, a ferocious

beast terrorized the people of the clans, the beast was called the Juubi,

after it's 10 tails, it's this 10-tailed beast that all the current Bijuu were

born from.

Kankurou: But...

Temari: ...there is only 9 tailed beasts! A tenth tail would be impossibly


Madara: That is exactly why the Sage of 6 paths used his ninjutsu to seal the

beasts powers into his own body. Making himself the first Jinchuuriki.

However, the beast was so powerful that the Sage couldn't handle it, and so he

created the moon, and locked the beast within. But because the beast had been

within him for too long, it had reduced his life-span. And as he lay on his

deathbed, he used the last of his power to split the 10 tails (which would be

released from the moon if he died) into 10 seperate beasts. But, if I use the

other 9 tailed beats, I can free the last beast from the moon, and resurrect

the 10 tailed beast, and become it's Jinchuuriki, and use it's power to use an

infinite Tsukuyomi and take control over the Ninja world! Only then will true

peace be achieved!

Mizukage: What a sick man you are to believe that this world has a place for

such an ambition!

Madara: It'll stay an ambition if I don't get the rest of those bijuu.
Now then, where are you hiding the 8 tails and the 9 tails!!!

Raikage: What!? So you haven't captured Bee?

Madara: Yes, Sasuke failed to capture the Eight-Tails.

Raikage: Argh! That bastard! I bet he's using this as an excuse to go and have

fun somewhere else! When he comes back I'm going to use an Iron claw technique

on him!

Darui: Well thats probably the reason why he didn't come back then...

Gaara: You are wrong if you think I will let you take Uzumaki Naruto!

Tsuchikage: Raikage, what about Bee?

Raikage: Of course I won't give him to you!

Madara: Well, if you want a war then thats fine, but can you succede against 7


Gaara: I don't care how many Bijuu you have, I won't let you throw away his*


Madara: Then I declare the 4th great Ninja War! (Sharingan shows through the


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Itt egy újabb a mai nap folyamán de még nem teljes.
Credits: on3word
Source: NF
Part 1:

My foolish youngerbrother bought it.

The front cover of the Jump issue is of Naruto eating Ichiraku Ramen.

In color to celebrate October 10 as Naruto's birthday and the series' 10th anniversary.

Sai: After we enter the Iron Country, for Naruto, Kiba
Kiba: Understood!
Sakura is quiet/faithful.
Kiba: Ha...
Lee: What's going on?
キバ『いのは泣いてるだけだったってのに サクラはこの覚悟だ…
ナルトに何て切り出すのかは知らねーが… 気不味い雰囲気になるのは
Kiba: Ino just cried back there, yet Sakura and her resolve...I don't know if she's going to cut it off with Naruto but, the mood has definitely become awkward.
リー『… サクラさんにも色々考えがあるんだと思います』
Lee: ...Sakura must be thinking about a lot of things I can imagine.
キバ『しかし4人1組が…基本だからって… 探索任務だとオレだもんよ
それに… 秘密裏にってのがサイの”注文”… ”根”の尾行確認までオレの鼻まかせだぜ』
Kiba: However with 4 people as 1 me, this is supposed to be a basic search mission, however, in secret, these are Sai's orders...leave it to my nose to track Root.

カラー巻頭 マダラ、キミマロ、カブト、オロチマル、カクズ、イタチ、キサメ。デイダラ、
Color cover featuring Madara, Kimimaro, Kabuto, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Haku, Zabuza, Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Sai.

On the Cover
忍の業に導かれ、刃を交えし闘いの日々。 そして迎える新時代―
Blades clashing everyday, guide the Shinobi's deeds. And also welcome a new age.
467 宣戦
Chapter 467: Declaration of War
Naruto's thoughts are now...

Innkeeper: What the hell did you guys do here! It's because of this SHinobi are...!
ヤマト『す…すみません 私がちゃんと直しておきますから…』
Yamato: So...sorry I will make sure to fix it...

The snow falling, Naruto is on the roof. Kakashi watches him.

Naruto recalls Madara's words.
マダラ『サスケは うちはの憎しみを全て背負い… その憎しみの呪おを
世界へぶつけるつもりだ 最も強い武器であり友であり…力である憎しみ
それがサスケの忍道だ!! サスケ自身がそう選択したのさ』
Madara: Sasuke is burdened with all the hate of the Uchiha...he intends to strike the world with this hate. Sasuke himself has chosen this.

Naruto: There's nothing left to do but to directly confront Sasuke.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 okt 06, 14:03:00
Szerzők: HPTR Fangirl és Idol mivel az első részt az első második részt pedig Idol fordította. Part 3,4,5 cepillon fordítása.
Update:Kész mind az 5part fenn van. Jó szórakozást! :D


Credits: on3word
Source: NF

Part 1:

My foolish youngerbrother bought it.

The front cover of the Jump issue is of Naruto eating Ichiraku Ramen.

In color to celebrate October 10 as Naruto's birthday and the series' 10th anniversary.

Sai: After we enter the Iron Country, for Naruto, Kiba
Kiba: Understood!
Sakura is quiet/faithful.
Kiba: Ha...
Lee: What's going on?
キバ『いのは泣いてるだけだったってのに サクラはこの覚悟だ…
ナルトに何て切り出すのかは知らねーが… 気不味い雰囲気になるのは
Kiba: Ino just cried back there, yet Sakura and her resolve...I don't know if she's going to cut it off with Naruto but, the mood has definitely become awkward.
リー『… サクラさんにも色々考えがあるんだと思います』
Lee: ...Sakura must be thinking about a lot of things I can imagine.
キバ『しかし4人1組が…基本だからって… 探索任務だとオレだもんよ
それに… 秘密裏にってのがサイの”注文”… ”根”の尾行確認までオレの鼻まかせだぜ』
Kiba: However with 4 people as 1 me, this is supposed to be a basic search mission, however, in secret, these are Sai's orders...leave it to my nose to track Root.

カラー巻頭 マダラ、キミマロ、カブト、オロチマル、カクズ、イタチ、キサメ。デイダラ、
Color cover featuring Madara, Kimimaro, Kabuto, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Haku, Zabuza, Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Sai.

On the Cover
忍の業に導かれ、刃を交えし闘いの日々。 そして迎える新時代―
Blades clashing everyday, guide the Shinobi's deeds. And also welcome a new age.
467 宣戦
Chapter 467: Declaration of War
Naruto's thoughts are now...

Innkeeper: What the hell did you guys do here! It's because of this SHinobi are...!
ヤマト『す…すみません 私がちゃんと直しておきますから…』
Yamato: So...sorry I will make sure to fix it...

The snow falling, Naruto is on the roof. Kakashi watches him.

Naruto recalls Madara's words.
マダラ『サスケは うちはの憎しみを全て背負い… その憎しみの呪おを
世界へぶつけるつもりだ 最も強い武器であり友であり…力である憎しみ
それがサスケの忍道だ!! サスケ自身がそう選択したのさ』
Madara: Sasuke is burdened with all the hate of the Uchiha...he intends to strike the world with this hate. Sasuke himself has chosen this.

Naruto: There's nothing left to do but to directly confront Sasuke.

Spoiler Script


Soruce: NF
Credit: on3word
Verification: Confirmed

Part 2

There's a picture of white Zetsu's head from an opening in a hole.

Raikage: It's as Shii has seen, the Hokage seems to have run for it!
Tsuchikage: Yeah, it's Sasuke's fault.

Madara: !
The Raikage punches Madara.
Raikage: !!?
The punch connected but Madara's mask vanishes like a whirpool with Sasuke getting sucked in with it.

Raikage: Akatsuki's plan...there's no way I'll understand/approve!
吸い込まれてくの見てビックリ、カリン(!! サスケが…!!)
Karin is surprised to see them disappear and thinks (!! Sasuke...!!)
Raikage: Return Sasuke!
マダラ『だったらオレの話を聞け それの返答次第だ』
Madara: Then listen first to what I have to say.
土影『少し落ち着け雷影 聞くだけ聞いてそれからじゃぜ』
Tsuchikage: Calm down a little Raikage, let's just listen.
Raikage: Chi...

Madara goes to Karin's side. Madara: Restore Sasuke...
Karin gets sucked in.

Kankuro: This is Madara's ability huh...
Temari: Space/time ninjutsu huh.

Karin (!?)
Karin is in some space/time secluded room with Sasuke. Kind of like where the white Ichigo from Bleach comes out. The room is lined by and made up of boxes. That's how it looks.
カリン『… ここは?』
Karin: ...this place is?

マダラ『さて… そろそろ聞く気になってくれたか… 諸君』
Madara: Now...It seems like you guys are ready to pay attention...Gentlemen.
ガアラ『なぜ お前がサスケを手懐けようとする?』
Gaara: Why did have Sasuke do this?
マダラ『”スサノオ”まで開眼する写輪眼は稀だ… いい眼をストックしておきたくてな
五影との実戦で さらに瞳力を鍛えさせておきたかった… ここにサスケを送りこんだのは
オレだ  五影を弱らせて人質に取ろうとも思っていた… そこまでは無理だったようだが』
Madara: I wanted to awaken his Sharingan's "Susano'o"... I need to stock up on good eyes. His fight with the 5 Kages and sending him here was like my way of training a pupil. I had thought he could weaken the 5 Kages for me to take hostage but it seems that was overdoing it.
水影『人質?… 一体何のために!?』
Mizukage: Hostage?...What could you possibly want from that!?
Madara: Like I said, it's to securely carry on my Eye of the Moon plan.
土影『本当にあの うちはマダラが生きていたとは驚きじゃが…お前ほどの男がなぜこんな
回りくどいやり方をする? お前の力ならどんな計画でも思い通りのはずじゃぜ』
Tsuchi kage: For real? It's surprising that Uchiha Madara is still alive but, why then if you're him? Why such a roundabout way of doing things? With your power you should be able to do as you wish.


Part 3
今のオレに力はない 言わば今のオレはただの形骸化した存在にしかすぎない』
Madara: My fight with the Shodaime Hokage left me deeply wounded...
シー『お前が… 本来の自分に戻るための計画ってやつか…?』
Shii: You...So is this plan to restore yourself to the way you were...?
マダラ『うむ…そうとも言えるが… それだけではない』
Madara: could say that...but not just that.
ミフネ『何を企む!? ”月の眼計画”とは一体なんだ!?』
Mifune: What are you scheming!? What then is this Eye of the Moon plan!?
マダラ『ゆっくり話したい… 腰を下ろさせてもらう』
Madara: I want to take my time talking about please sit down.

Madara sits. (Haha)

Kankuro: What kind of plan are you going to share with us?

Madara raises his index finger
Gaara: ?

マダラ『全てがオレと一つになる! 全ての統一を成す完全体だ』
Madara: I will become one with everything! I will unify all and obtain the perfect body.

Everyone: ...!?
Tsuchikage: Become one...? Unify all...? What is this!?
マダラ『うちはには代々伝わる古の石碑がある 今も木の葉のちかにある
瞳力がなければ読むことができず  写輪眼・万華鏡写輪眼・輪廻眼の順に
Madara: There's a stone monument that has been passed down for generations to the Uchiha. Even now, close to Konoha, the Rikudo Sennin once wrote about a secret there. Unless you have you pupil, you will be unable to read and decipher the Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan as well as increasing it's contents.
土影『話がマユツバものになってきたな 六道仙人など…』
Tsuchikage: This story has become like a fable, with the Rikudo Sennin and all...
マダラ『これは事実だ 彼は存在した  そしてその石碑を残した』
Madara: This is the truth, he lived. And he left that stone monument.
雷影イライラ~~『話が逸れた! お前の計画と その六道仙人と何の関係がある!?』
Raikage: This talk is straying! How does the Rikudo Sennin related to your plan!?
Everyone: ?

It's long from here. Continuing.



Part 4
そこにオレの目的と この男(六道仙人)との繋がりがありる』
Madara: How did this legend among shinobi, become revered like a god. Do you know?
水影『…うちはマダラ… アナタは 万華鏡写輪眼を持ち”暁”には輪廻眼の輩もいた
Mizukage: ...Uchiha, an Akatsuki weilding the Mangekyou Sharingan, and a companion with the must also know of its entirety right.
Tsuchikage: Lets listen.
マダラ『彼はかつて世界をすくった あるバケモノから…』
Madara: He once created this world, from that monster...
Gaara: Monster...?
そいつは尾獣全ての集合体  …最強のチャクラを持つ存在   十尾だ』
Madara: Gaara...a part of that monster was sealed in you. It is the the aggregation of all the biju. The being possessing the greatest chakra, the Jyubi (ten tails).

There's a picture of the Jyubi but it only has 1 eye.
It's eye has the Mangekyou Sharingan.
The figure/shape is similar to the Kyubi.

Gaara: !?
Temari: Aren't there only 9 biju!?
マダラ『言ったはずだ… そいつは尾獣全ての集合体だと
一尾から九尾までの尾獣は その十尾のチャクラを分散したものにすぎない
Madara: I said didn't I?...It's a culmination of all the biju. From the Ichibi to the Kyubi, the Jyubi's chakra was dispersed by the Rikudo Sennin.
Kankuro: This story has gone Akatsuki has been collecting the biju for...
マダラ『六道仙人は十尾から世界を守るため ある忍術を開発した…
今もその忍術は密かに受け継がれている 人柱力の封印のシステム…
そう六道仙人は… 十尾の人柱力だった  十尾を抑え込むため
しかしまりに強大にしてチャクラは己が死ねば封印が解け また表へ出てきてしまう
それを恐れた六道仙人は死に際に最後の力を使い 十尾のチャクラを九つに分散し
Madara: The Rikudo Sennin protected the world from the Jyubi, and a ninjutsu was developed to to so. The mystery of that ninjutsu has been passed on even today, the system to seal Jinchuriki. That's right, the Rikudo Sennin was the Jinchuriki of the Jyubi. In order to suppress the Jyubi, he sealed it into his own body. The Rikudo Sennin save the world from the Jyubi inflicting pain on the people as was praised like a god. But if he died, the seal would break and would release the Jyubi back into the world. Fearful of that, he used the greatest power and split the Jyubi into 9 parts. They were split and separated across the land. And to make the Jyubi's power unobtainable, he flew into the sky and created the moon.

Darui: This story is too huge...can a human really do this?
マダラ『十尾の人柱力となった六道仙人は すでに人外の輩になっていた』
Madara: By becoming the Jinchuriki of the Jyubi, the Rikudo Sennin, has already moved beyond us as a peer.
ミフネ『お前がその分散してあった九つのチャクラ… つまり全ての尾獣を集めて
その人外の力を手にするつもりなのは わかった  が…そんな力を手に入れて
Mifune: You...those 9 separate chakras...I understand you intend to collect the biju to obtain this inhuman power but, what do you intend to do with this power?

そしてオレは十尾の人柱力となる  その力を利用して己の瞳力を強大させ
…そして あつ術を発動させる』
Madara: Revive the Jyubi! And then as the Jyubi's Jinchuriki, I'll use this power to make my eye stronger, and to activate a jutsu.
土影『ある術じゃと!? 何じゃそれは!?何をするつもりじゃ!?』
Tsuchikage: A jutsu!? What are you talking about!? What is it you intend to do!?



Part 5
マダラ『月に己の眼を投影する大幻術   無限月読…
アレが全ての人間を その幻術の中でコントロールし
Madara: I will project the greatest genjutsu on the moon, Mugen Tsukiyomi (Infinite Tsukiyomi)...All people living on this planet will be put in my genjutsu! I will control everyone with this genjutsu and unify this world.

Everyone: !!!

マダラ『わだかまりも争いもない世界だ 全てがオレと一つになる
Madara: A world without ill feeling or strife. Everything will become one with me. Unify all. This is my Eye of the Moon plan.
雷影『ふざけるな!! お前などに世界は渡さん!!』
Raikage: Stop messing around!! I won't hand over the world to someone like you!!
ガアラ『幻の中の平和などごまかしだ 現実の世界で成しえてこそ意味がある』
水影『そんなものの中に何があるって言うの! 希望も夢もない!逃げているだけよ!』
Gaara: Decieved by a peace only in illusion. There's meaning to (our) actions in the real world.
土影『世界を一つにするか… 確かダンゾウも同じようなことを言っとったが…
お前のは世界を一つにすると言うより 世界を自分一人のものにしたいとしか聞こえん』
Tsuchikage: Unify the world huh...It's true Danzo said the same thing however, you say you want to make the world one, but all I hear is you wanting the world for yourself.
マダラ『ククク…そういう お前達五影に何ができたと言うのだ?
お前達なら本当は理解しているハズだ…    希望などない事を!!
希望とは あきらめに等しいものだ… ごまかしのセリフでしかない
残りの八尾と九尾を差し出し オレの計画に もろもろ協力しろ
Madara: Kukuku...I see, Do you see what you 5 Kage are doing and saying? You al must certainly understand...that there is no hope! Hope is like giving's just a word to cover up reality. Hand over the remaining Hachibi and Kyubi. If you don't cooperate, this will mean war.
Gaara: War...?
雷影『八尾…? …どういう事だ!? ビーはお前達が…!』
Raikage: Hachibi...? ....What do you mean? Don't you guys...!
マダラ『八尾の捕獲は失敗し逃げられた… あれこそ人柱力として完璧な忍だ…
Madara: The capture of the Hachibi was a failure and he escaped....As a Jinchuriki, he's a perfect shinobi...despite being your younger brother.

Raikage is pissed...his facial expression is funny (to Ohana)
Darui: thought...for him to do something like that...
Shii: Ha..
許さん! 鉄の爪(アイアンクロー)じゃ!!』
Raikage: That idiot!! To leave the village and go play!!!!

Gaara: I won't hand over Uzumaki Naruto.
Mizukage: I won't either!
Tsuchikage: And you Raikage?
Raikage: Of course I won't hand over my younger brother!
マダラ『オレには力はないが… 今までに集めた尾獣がある お前達に勝ち目はないぞ』
Madara: I don't have any power but...until now I have collected biju and none of you have any chance of winning.
GaaraL I won't abandon hope.

マダラ『いいだろう…  第四次忍界大戦…  ここに宣戦を布告する』
Madara: Fine... I proclaim a declaration of the 4th Great Ninja War from here on out.

At last, a world war begins!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 okt 06, 19:02:49
Hitelesség ell.: ?confirmed?

My foolish youngerbrother bought it.

The front cover of the Jump issue is of Naruto eating Ichiraku Ramen.

In color to celebrate October 10 as Naruto's birthday and the series' 10th anniversary.

Sai: After we enter the Iron Country, for Naruto, Kiba
Kiba: Understood!
Sakura is quiet/faithful.
Kiba: Ha...
Lee: What's going on?
キバ『いのは泣いてるだけだったってのに サクラはこの覚悟だ…
ナルトに何て切り出すのかは知らねーが… 気不味い雰囲気になるのは
Kiba: Ino just cried back there, yet Sakura and her resolve...I don't know if she's going to cut it off with Naruto but, the mood has definitely become awkward.
リー『… サクラさんにも色々考えがあるんだと思います』
Lee: ...Sakura must be thinking about a lot of things I can imagine.
キバ『しかし4人1組が…基本だからって… 探索任務だとオレだもんよ
それに… 秘密裏にってのがサイの”注文”… ”根”の尾行確認までオレの鼻まかせだぜ』
Kiba: However with 4 people as 1 me, this is supposed to be a basic search mission, however, in secret, these are Sai's orders...leave it to my nose to track Root.

カラー巻頭 マダラ、キミマロ、カブト、オロチマル、カクズ、イタチ、キサメ。デイダラ、
Color cover featuring Madara, Kimimaro, Kabuto, Orochimaru, Kakuzu, Itachi, Kisame, Deidara, Haku, Zabuza, Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Sai.

On the Cover
忍の業に導かれ、刃を交えし闘いの日々。 そして迎える新時代―
Blades clashing everyday, guide the Shinobi's deeds. And also welcome a new age.
467 宣戦
Chapter 467: Declaration of War
Naruto's thoughts are now...

Innkeeper: What the hell did you guys do here! It's because of this SHinobi are...!
ヤマト『す…すみません 私がちゃんと直しておきますから…』
Yamato: So...sorry I will make sure to fix it...

The snow falling, Naruto is on the roof. Kakashi watches him.

Naruto recalls Madara's words.
マダラ『サスケは うちはの憎しみを全て背負い… その憎しみの呪おを
世界へぶつけるつもりだ 最も強い武器であり友であり…力である憎しみ
それがサスケの忍道だ!! サスケ自身がそう選択したのさ』
Madara: Sasuke is burdened with all the hate of the Uchiha...he intends to strike the world with this hate. Sasuke himself has chosen this.

Naruto: There's nothing left to do but to directly confront Sasuke.

Part 2

There's a picture of white Zetsu's head from an opening in a hole.

Raikage: It's as Shii has seen, the Hokage seems to have run for it!
Tsuchikage: Yeah, it's Sasuke's fault.

Madara: !
The Raikage punches Madara.
Raikage: !!?
The punch connected but Madara's mask vanishes like a whirpool with Sasuke getting sucked in with it.

Raikage: Akatsuki's plan...there's no way I'll understand/approve!
吸い込まれてくの見てビックリ、カリン(!! サスケが…!!)
Karin is surprised to see them disappear and thinks (!! Sasuke...!!)
Raikage: Return Sasuke!
マダラ『だったらオレの話を聞け それの返答次第だ』
Madara: Then listen first to what I have to say.
土影『少し落ち着け雷影 聞くだけ聞いてそれからじゃぜ』
Tsuchikage: Calm down a little Raikage, let's just listen.
Raikage: Chi...

Madara goes to Karin's side. Madara: Restore Sasuke...
Karin gets sucked in.

Kankuro: This is Madara's ability huh...
Temari: Space/time ninjutsu huh.

Karin (!?)
Karin is in some space/time secluded room with Sasuke. Kind of like where the white Ichigo from Bleach comes out. The room is lined by and made up of boxes. That's how it looks.
カリン『… ここは?』
Karin: ...this place is?

マダラ『さて… そろそろ聞く気になってくれたか… 諸君』
Madara: Now...It seems like you guys are ready to pay attention...Gentlemen.
ガアラ『なぜ お前がサスケを手懐けようとする?』
Gaara: Why did have Sasuke do this?
マダラ『”スサノオ”まで開眼する写輪眼は稀だ… いい眼をストックしておきたくてな
五影との実戦で さらに瞳力を鍛えさせておきたかった… ここにサスケを送りこんだのは
オレだ  五影を弱らせて人質に取ろうとも思っていた… そこまでは無理だったようだが』
Madara: I wanted to awaken his Sharingan's "Susano'o"... I need to stock up on good eyes. His fight with the 5 Kages and sending him here was like my way of training a pupil. I had thought he could weaken the 5 Kages for me to take hostage but it seems that was overdoing it.
水影『人質?… 一体何のために!?』
Mizukage: Hostage?...What could you possibly want from that!?
Madara: Like I said, it's to securely carry on my Eye of the Moon plan.
土影『本当にあの うちはマダラが生きていたとは驚きじゃが…お前ほどの男がなぜこんな
回りくどいやり方をする? お前の力ならどんな計画でも思い通りのはずじゃぜ』
Tsuchi kage: For real? It's surprising that Uchiha Madara is still alive but, why then if you're him? Why such a roundabout way of doing things? With your power you should be able to do as you wish.

Hitelesség ell: CONFIRMED!!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: DeathB - 09 okt 08, 10:42:17
Hitelesség ell.: confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 okt 08, 11:39:51
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED!
Forrás: one manga forum


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 09 okt 08, 15:32:07
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 okt 08, 18:37:02
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 okt 08, 18:42:17
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED!!!


Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED!!!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 okt 08, 23:10:19
A 467. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 468. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 okt 13, 13:50:55
Source: NF
Credits: Nja
Verification: Confirmed

んじゃ戦場で とマダラ去る
連合軍総指揮官はガアラの推薦で はたけカカシへ
って意見で 雷影 ビーは何をしでかすかわからん
      ガアラ うずまきナルト も同じだ
ダンゾウは 他の五影の信用を無くし敵前逃亡したからこの話が
      里の民に知れ渡ればいずれは失脚 と雷影さんのお墨付き

キサメさんは大剣 鮫肌 と合体・融合?ができ化け物へ
その強さは 尻尾を持たない尾獣 と先輩達に恐れられていた


サクラ ナルトの元に到着 ナルト話があるの… 


次回 ビーVSキサメ

って所で完  以上3分で読んだナルトの感想ですw

Soruce: 2ch
Credit: Nja
Verification: Confirmed

745 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/10/13(火) 21:11:26 ID:6HobeF8J0
んじゃ戦場で とマダラ去る
連合軍総指揮官はガアラの推薦で はたけカカシへ
って意見で 雷影 ビーは何をしでかすかわからん
      ガアラ うずまきナルト も同じだ
ダンゾウは 他の五影の信用を無くし敵前逃亡したからこの話が
      里の民に知れ渡ればいずれは失脚 と雷影さんのお墨付き

キサメさんは大剣 鮫肌 と合体・融合?ができ化け物へ
その強さは 尻尾を持たない尾獣 と先輩達に恐れられていた


サクラ ナルトの元に到着 ナルト話があるの… 


次回 ビーVSキサメ

って所で完  以上3分で読んだナルトの感想ですw

791 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/10/13(火) 21:22:42 ID:6HobeF8J0

土影 白い牙の息子か…ふむいいじゃろう 

って感じに どんだけ親父と息子名声あるんだよwwと

ha van küldök fordítást, elvileg annyi, hogy létrejön egy szövetség a sinobi nemzetek között, Kisame meg odaér valahova, felteszem a Hachibi-hez!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kreonen - 09 okt 13, 13:55:15
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  PREDICTION

Naruto 468: The 4th Shinobi War’s Intro

(Madara  declares war on The Kages. Everyone gets on their guard.)

“Another one, so much for the age of disarmament and preserving the lands,” said Tsuchikage. “If only you foolz listened to me in the first place and kept on building up for this. Uchiha Madara! You’re on,” yelled Raikage. (Raikage then grins.) “The boss isn’t at all faced by this,” said Darui. “That’s right, the boss had already sent a search and rescue team to keep watch over Akatuski’s headquarters, from communications, we can strike there at anytime,” thought Shii.

“Raikage, I’m aware that you attacked our base! I’m no fool. Either way, both this spot and that spot will become hot spots,” said Madara. “He plans to attack the land of Iron,” yelled Mifune. “See ya,” said Madara. (A portal opens up and he flips right into it.) “Damn it, he’s gone,” said Raikage. “SIR,” yelled Shii. “What is it,” asked Raikage. “Konoha ninja we came into contact with, we’ll contact them and let them know what’s up,” said Shii. “Shouldn’t be too far, Shii can probably locate their chakra source,” said Darui.

“Konoha nin,” questioned Kankuro. “Gaara, are you thinking what I think you’re thinking,” asked Temari.

“Raikage, by any chance was there a young man my age with blond hair,” asked Gaara. “Yeah, that brat, sum friend of yours,” asked Raikage. “He’s Uzumaki Naruto, one of the hosts Madara was talking about,” said Gaara. “WHAT,” yelled Raikage. “At the very least, we village leaders can all protect him from Akatuski,” said Mifune. “And if push comes to shove, we’ll combine with his power,” said Mizukage.

“Sounds like a plan,” said Tsuchikage. “This is your time kid… Think of what you must do,” thought Raikage. (The scene switches to inside the space-time world Sasuke and Karin are in. Sasuke stops
sucking on Karin’s arm while she blushes, falls out and convulses uncontrollably until Sasuke speaks and startles her causing her to straighten up quickly.)

“So, you’re telling me Madara saved me,” said Sasuke. “Yeah, and the other two Kages barged in. It was a close one,” said Karin. “Shit, saved by that goon again,” said Sasuke. (Soon a portal opens up and Madara appears.)

“You seem to have recovered nicely, good work Karin,” said Madara. “Well it was nothing his chakra was just low, he was only really damaged on his arm,” smiled Karin (Though she sweats heavily). “Can’t say I don’t owe you, but get me out of here immediately, I have a score to settle with Danzou,” said Sasuke. “No, new task,” said Madara. “Excuse me? I’m living my own life! Get out of my way and let me through,” yelled Sasuke. “I promise you,Danzou’s head if you do this one favor for me,” said Madara.

“I’m fed up with running errands, tell me where Danzou is,” said Sasuke. “You owe me! You failed with the Hachibi, and like you said, you can’t say you don’t owe me. Just do this one thing for me, the final thing, and I promise I will never step in the way of your path again. You want Konoha’s destruction as well as the Elders’ death, but the only way to that is by defeating Uzumaki Naruto and handing him to me,” said Madara. “Sasuke, but he’s,” said Karin before getting cut off. “You have the eyes! You can do this! Bring him to me and no one will ever step in your way again,” yelled Madara. (Sasuke has a flashback to Naruto and himself shaking fingers during their parting after the battle at the Valley of The End.)

“No one stands in my way… I cut bonds to all things that hold me down from achieving my dream. Fine Uchiha Madara, I’ll do this one thing. He can’t be more difficult than 5 Kages at once anyway,” grinned Sasuke. “Destiny finally comes to ahead,” thought Madara. (The Scene switches to a foreign area, Kisame is walking across mountainous terrains. Soon, a zu, zu, zu, zu, sound effect erupts, this cause Kisame to take notice. Soon, Dark Zetsu appears.)

“Zetsu? What happened to your other half,” asked Kisame. “Dead,” said Zetsu. “Well, ain’t that screwed up? So, what were you up against,” asked Kisame. “Kages,” said Zetsu. “Wow, tough stuff, sounds like fun,” said the grinning Kisame. “Kisame, you are needed at the Akatuski base,” said Zetsu. “Why, I traveled on this way in search of the Hachibi,” said Kisame. “Madara has already proceeded with the eye of the moon operation,” said Zetsu. “Oh, ho, ho… I see,” said Kisame. (The scene switches to Team Konoha’s location. They are wondering around in the Land of the Iron.)

“But, we don’t even know where Sasuke is,” said Yamato. “Naruto, wait until we return home, wait after the Elections, and see if the new Hokage will give you permission to leave,” said Kakashi. “Alright,” said Naruto. (Soon a swirling portal opens. Team Konoha turns around as they hear the sound.) “Madara,” questioned Kakashi. (As the portal opens, Sasuke is standing next to Madara. Everyone is shocked especially Naruto. Kakashi lifts up his headband revealing his sharingan.)

“SASUKE,” said Naruto. (Naruto goes into a trance for a while as a long pause is ignited as they glare at each other; Sasuke’s eyes go sharingan.) “Bye kiddies,” said Madara. (He goes back into his portal and vanishes.) “Sasuke,” said Naruto. “No, Naruto,” said Yamato, as he tries to touch Naruto’s arm. (Kakashi pulls Yamato away as he shakes his head.) “I’ll handle it,” said Naruto.

“Sasuke, please, let me speak to you,” said Naruto. (Sasuke dashes toward Naruto with a chidori charged sword. Yamato and Kakashi are shocked by Sasuke’s speed.) “His body flicker is fast; but Naruto’s handseals are too,” thought Kakashi.

(A shadow clone automatically pulls Naruto’s real body by the arm and swings him into mid-air as the real Naruto lands 8 ft distance away from the trust of Sasuke’s blade further left from Naruto initial postion; Yamato and Kakashi backs off and dashes backwards.)

“So since he couldn’t react in time, he used the momentum from his jump paired with the shadow clone’s strength to avoid the blow and escape into the air; not bad at all,” thought Kakashi.

(Immeidately the shadow clone tries to hook Sasuke, however Sasuke ducks, turns around and stabs, dispersing it, however, Naruto immediately follows up the attack with a downward axe kick from Sasuke’s rear.)

“His reflexes,” thought Sasuke. (Sasuke evades by dashsing away but in front of Naruto and turns around to face him as the kick leaves a crack in the snow. Sasuke notices that Naruto’s eyes have demon pupils.)

“So that’s how,” thought Sasuke. “WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? TELL ME,” yelled Naruto. “You’re nothing but an obstacle in my path, that is all,” said Sasuke. “You’ve changed Sasuke,” said Naruto. “I’m loyal to my goals, everyone and everything else is forfeit if it means being a step closer to achieving what I’m after; you should know this better than anyone else, Naruto” said Sasuke. (Sasuke rushes forward again and comes within close range preparing to strike with his blade, while Naruto leans back make the shadow clone handseal. The poses resemble Naruto and Sasuke clashing from the art Kishi drew in regards to God of Wind vs. God of Lightning.)

Next Time: Facing the Darkness.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 okt 13, 14:52:39
Source: NF
Credits: Nja
Verification: Confirmed

んじゃ戦場で とマダラ去る
連合軍総指揮官はガアラの推薦で はたけカカシへ
って意見で 雷影 ビーは何をしでかすかわからん
      ガアラ うずまきナルト も同じだ
ダンゾウは 他の五影の信用を無くし敵前逃亡したからこの話が
      里の民に知れ渡ればいずれは失脚 と雷影さんのお墨付き

キサメさんは大剣 鮫肌 と合体・融合?ができ化け物へ
その強さは 尻尾を持たない尾獣 と先輩達に恐れられていた


サクラ ナルトの元に到着 ナルト話があるの… 


次回 ビーVSキサメ

って所で完  以上3分で読んだナルトの感想ですw

More from Nja

791 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/10/13(火) 21:22:42 ID:6HobeF8J0

土影 白い牙の息子か…ふむいいじゃろう 

って感じに どんだけ親父と息子名声あるんだよwwと
Source: NF
Credits: Vered
Verification: Confirmed

Madara leaves the battlefield
The six countries form an alliance (The Iron Country also participates)
As supreme commander of the alliance, Gaara recommends Hatake Kakashi
The Tsuchikage and Raikage agree
The Tsuchikage wonders "Should we make the jinchūriki fight at the front-most lines?"
Raikage: "I don't know what Bee would do"
Gaara: "The same goes for Uzumaki Naruto"
They discuss that the two should be restricted and guarded.
The Kage discuss how they lost their faith in Danzō after he deserted them
The Raikage signs a document making Danzō loose his standing wherever he is known
Chōjūrō talks about Kisame

"Kisame-san has the ability to merge/unite? with his sword Samehada and turn into a monster. His power is like the Tailed Beasts, excluding the Nine-Tails. That's why all my senpai feared him."
Bee is studying enka under Sabu-chan

Sakura arrives at Naruto's location and goes to have a talk with him...

Kisame arrives at Bee's location

Next time: Bee VS Kisame

It ends with this. No less than three parts show us Naruto's thoughts
And the second spoiler:
I also somehow thought of Kakashi, but the Tsuchikage feels something like "The White Fang's son... I wonder if he has enough experience".

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 okt 13, 15:12:39

Soruce: NF
Credit: Shounensuki
Verification: Confirmed

another bit by Nja translated by Shounensuki.the last sentence is nja thought:

ガアラが これから交渉しに行く っていってたんで
もしかしたら断る って可能性もありますねそれでシカマルって事も
Ehm, it seems things aren't completely decided just yet
Gaara says something like "After this, we'll start negotiations"
Perhaps he'll refuse, there is that possibility. After that, there might be Shikamaru
Shounensuki clarification about the last sentence:

I guess it's in response to someone saying Shikamaru would be a better supreme commander than Kakashi or something

Szerző:Black Lagoon
Hitelesség: Confirmed

Source: NF
Credit: Pocketmofo
Verification: Confirmed

Here's a quick translation of the spoiler(s) for those interested:

んじゃ戦場で とマダラ去る
*Madara leaves, saying “See you on the battlefield”

*The six nations form an alliance (with the Iron Country included)

連合軍総指揮官はガアラの推薦で はたけカカシへ
*Gaara recommends Kakashi to command the alliance

*Tsuchikage and Raikage agree

*Tsuchikage asks whether or not they’ll let the two remaining jinchuuriki fight on the frontlines

って意見で 雷影 ビーは何をしでかすかわからん
*Raikage’s opinion is that he doesn’t know what kind of shit Bee might pull out on the battlefield.
ガアラ うずまきナルト も同じだ
*To which Gaara says that the same goes for Uzumaki Naruto.

*So they then talk about protecting the two and keeping them from joining in (*see restrain them from joining*).

ダンゾウは 他の五影の信用を無くし敵前逃亡したからこの話が
      里の民に知れ渡ればいずれは失脚 と雷影さんのお墨付き
*The conversation then turns to Danzou and how the story of him losing the trust of the other kage and running away will eventually make its way back to the Leaf village and that he’ll eventually lose power to which Raikage agrees (*The sentence doesn't say, "let's send a letter which will warn the Leaf village what a jackass Danzou is." It's more like, once word of Danzou's jackassery makes its way to the Leaf, Danzou will lose power. Thought the Raikage bit is a bit strange. We’ll see when the full script comes out.)

*Choujirou then tells them about Kisame

キサメさんは大剣 鮫肌 と合体・融合?ができ化け物へ
*Kisame-san can fuse with his sword, Samehada, and turn into a monster

その強さは 尻尾を持たない尾獣 と先輩達に恐れられていた
*His strength is like a bijuu only without a tail, which is why his superiors feared him.

Killer Bee is doing his enka training with Sabu-chan (*reference to Kitajima Saburo, a famous enka singer)

サクラ ナルトの元に到着 ナルト話があるの… 
*Sakura reaches Naruto and says that she has something to talk to him about.
Kisame arrives where Bee is at.

次回 ビーVSキサメ
Next issue is Bee versus Kisame

って所で完  以上3分で読んだナルトの感想ですw
*And that’s all for this week. So that was my take on this week’s Naruto which I read in three minutes (*Spoiler writer’s words, not mine*).

Second spoiler:

*I also wondered whether Kakashi would be any good for the job but…

土影 白い牙の息子か…ふむいいじゃろう 
*Tsuchikage: “The White Fang’s kid, huh…Hmph…all right then.

って感じに どんだけ親父と息子名声あるんだよwwと
*Is kinda how he reacts. Just how well known are Kakashi and his dad, anyway?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 okt 14, 06:55:12
Hitelesség ell.: ?confirmed?

745 :んじゃ
 んじゃ戦場で とマダラ去るAt the Battlefield & Madara's leave

The 6 countries unite (Iron Country in agreement)
連合軍総指揮官はガアラの推薦で はたけカカシへ
Gaara's recommendation as the allied force's supreme commander is Hatake Kakashi
Tsuchikage and Raikage approve
Tsuchikage proposes that they put the Jinchuuriki they have at the front of the battlefield to fight?
って意見で 雷影 ビーは何をしでかすかわからん
their opinions Raikage: Bee in unpredictable in what he does.
ガアラ うずまきナルト も同じだ
Gaara: Uzumaki Naruto is the same.
basically they talk about caring for and restraining the two (jinchuuriki)
ダンゾウは 他の五影の信用を無くし敵前逃亡したからこの話が
里の民に知れ渡ればいずれは失脚 と雷影さんのお墨付き
In terms of Danzou, the other 5 Kage talk about how they've lost faith in him for deserting them while under fire and that Raikage has a certified document to give to the people of the village to oust him from his position.

Choojuuroo mentions about Kisame that

キサメさんは大剣 鮫肌 と合体・融合?ができ化け物へ
その強さは 尻尾を持たない尾獣 と先輩達に恐れられていた
if Kisame were to unite and fuse? with his sword Samehada and becomes a monster, his strength would be like that of a tailed beast, which is something his senpai feared.

Bee is studying and pursuing Enka (modern Japanese ballad) under Sub-chan

サクラ ナルトの元に到着 ナルト話があるの… 
Sakura arrives at Naruto's location and has something to say to him...

Back at Bee's location, Kisame arrives.

次回 ビーVSキサメ
Next chapter: Bee Vs. Kisame

って所で完  以上3分で読んだナルトの感想ですw
It ends like this; these are the impressions I got after reading 3 minutes.

More from Nja

791 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2009/10/13(火) 21:22:42 ID:6HobeF8J0
I also wonder how Kakashi would do but..

土影 白い牙の息子か…ふむいいじゃろう 
Tsuichikage: The White Fang's son's fine for him to step on right

って感じに どんだけ親父と息子名声あるんだよwwと
the way he says that he seems to be asking how it is possible for both father and son to be so famous

Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

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( (
( (
( (

Nagyobb képek:


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 okt 16, 00:02:18
A 468. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 469. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 09 okt 23, 10:11:50
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  pending

Naruto 469: Shattered Dreams
by: Numinous

(Sasuke Scene)
(Sasuke opens his eyes. He’s covered with bandages and rests in a bed in a gloomy room; Karin is seated next to Sasuke, staring at him with a lusty look)
Karin: Sasuke-kun, you’re awake…
Sasuke: Where am I? Where’s Danzou?
Karin: Hummm, Madara brought us here…
Sasuke: (gets up quickly) Madara! When I get him…
Karin: But you haven’t recovered yet!
Madara: (enters the room) Called me?
Sasuke: You…! (he shakes and falls in the floor)
Karin: Sasuke! (she quickly grabs Sasuke)
Madara: You failed. If it wasn’t me and your companion there, you’d be dead. (Karin helps Sasuke to sit in the bed)
Sasuke: You knew I wanted Danzou…
Madara: Desire doesn’t equal capability. You’re still weak, Sasuke, and you showed it when you went against the Kages. If you still think that with that feeble power you can overthrow all the Konoha, especially Naruto?
Karin: …
Sasuke: Hmpf, you’re more worried about him than me.
Madara: Your stupid pride you’ll be your downfall, Sasuke. Your vision is deteriorating at an alarming speed, and yet you keep foolishly going forward… tell me, Sasuke, how you’ll accomplish your revenge being as blind as a mole?!
Sasuke: It’s none of your business.
Madara: I can give you the power you need and save your eyes…
Sasuke: I don’t need your pity.
Madara: The Five Great Ninja Nations declared war on us. If you still think that your powers are enough against the entire ninja world, you’re delusional! Now, more than ever, you must listen to me!
Sasuke: …

(Konoha nin Scene)
(Naruto and Sakura are entering the room; Kakashi, Yamato, Sai, Kiba and Lee wait outside the inn)
Kiba: (sneezes) Why do we have to be outside, under the snow? Couldn’t we just wait inside, but just not in the room? (Akamaru barks)
Sai: What they have to say to each other is personal, so I think we shouldn’t listen to their conversation for their sake.
Yamato: (thinking) Who would think that the Sai we met a few months ago and this Sai are the same… what a fine growth from you…

(Naruto Scene)
(Naruto and Sakura sit in front of each other)
Naruto: It’s about Sasuke, isn’t it?!
Sakura: (stares at the floor) Yes…
Naruto: Don’t worry, Sakura. I’ll bring Sasuke back. Even if he’s with the Akatsuki, even if he has descended into the darkness, I’ll bring him back to the light, even if I have to smack the snot out of him! I’ll make the other nations understand! I’ll stop Danzou and his ways! (he smiles, she closes her eyes) You’ll see, Team 7 will be back together, and thirst thing we’ll do is to eat an extra-large bowl of ramen back at Ichiraku’s Bar! Just wait, I’ll fulfill my promise!

(Flashback Scene)
Sakura: Naruto, I beg you! Please… please bring Sasuke back! I couldn’t do it… I couldn’t stop him! The only person… who can probably save Sasuke-kun now is you, Naruto, only you…
Naruto: Sakura-chan, you really like Sasuke, huh? I know how much pain you’re in because of Sasuke, I can understand.
Sakura: Naruto… thank you.
Naruto: Don’t worry, I’ll bring him back! Promise of a lifetime!

(Naruto Scene)
Sakura: (crying a river) Naruto, please stop…
Naruto: What’s wrong, Sakura-chan?
Sakura: All these years, you vowed your life to bring Sasuke back to Konoha, just because of that promise. You’re in pain because of Sasuke, and it’s all my fault! If only I didn’t asked you to bring Sasuke back… you must hate me so much for putting such a weight in your shoulders, and worse, I neglected your feelings towards. I beg you, please let Sasuke go! I know it’s against all we lived in these three years, but I don’t want to see you suffering anymore!
Naruto: Sakura…

(Kirabi Scene)
Kirabi: So your came after me, fish-head? Wasn’t the failure of your Uchiha pal enough for you, Akatsuki scum?
Kisame: Don’t mistake me with that kid, Hachibi. I’m more experienced than him in this job, I won’t be fooled by such a pathetic maneuver like him!
Sabu: Enough! (he runs along the giant axe) You have no right to interrupt an enka practice! (lands on Ponta)
Kirabi: But, Sabu-chan..!
Sabu: (grabs his axe with both arms) Silence, Kirabi! Now I’ll show you the passion of my Enka! Ponta, charge! (the dog charges towards Kisame)
Kisame: A little warm up shouldn’t hurt…
Sabu: ♪Oh, the way of the Shinobi, just like the moon, it grows and it vanishes. (swings his weapon, Kisame parries) The hateful destiny of the Ninja, it takes lives as it fancies. The power, it melts in the hand of the unworthy! (swings again, Kisame dodges; they start parrying each other’s attacks) Oh destiny, more evil then the Bijuu, your ever-spinning wheel will consume all, making us fade into nothingness. In this game of wits and blades, I’ll deliver my heart and soul to break free from your villainy, oh fate of mine! ♪ (Kisame gets an opening and slices one of Pon’oo’s paws, sliding to his belly and slicing it too; Pon’oo disappears in a cloud of smoke; Sabu lands unharmed)
Kisame: Hehe, the mongrel is out…
Sabu: Don’t think I’m over yet, there’s more! I’ll show you the full splendor of my Enka! (makes a large swing, chopping the nearby tree; Kirabi ducks; Kisame jumps to avoid the blade) ♪You’re above me in strength and in health, but I’ll go on, even if it breaks me down. So now, without delay, I’ll raise my voice, against the fate of the Shinobi! Everyone, weep with me! ♪
Kirabi: (thinking) All that passion... it was beautiful! Oh Sabu-chan, now I really want to be just like you!
Kisame: (lands in Sabu’s back, slicing near his neck) And the old geezer is out too. (Sabu drops the weapon; Kisame jumps back; Kirabi rushes towards them) I must thank you for the warm up and for the chakra appetizer for Samehada!
Kirabi: Sabu-chan!
Sabu: ♪ Come, come, come, don’t let my Enka die! Precious, glorious, generous the Enka must be! May its glory be with you, Kirabi! ♪ (he falls unconscious; Kirabi puts Sabu in a safe distance)
Kirabi: (glaring at Kisame) ♪ Now it’s personal, tuna breath! (pulls out his swords and assumes his famous pose) I’ll cut and slice you for my sushi, oh yeah! ♪
Kisame: (thinking) Why I always get the cloud cuckoo landers? (speaking) Good, let’s begin, shall we?

Next Chapter: His Heart Has Spoken

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 09 okt 26, 15:16:13
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  pending
Forrás: (

Több postban fordították le ezt a spoilert, ezért lehetnek benne törések.

Killer Bee: "I'm gonna kill ya, gonna teach just how different we are when I beat'cha! Prepare yo'self, you big stupid mime! These are my rhymes!"
Sub-chan's bear(Pontai(?)) tries attacking Kisame.

Sub-chan: "Pontai!"
Kisame: "You're a really reckless and talkative Jinchuuriki, aren't you. But first, this strange little bear..."

Pontai is about to swipe at him...

Scene change

Ao: "It doesn't seem that this was a trap of Danzou's. It's more likely the Akatsuki's ninjutsu."

He gets rid of Zetsu's spore jutsu.

Ao: "Maybe I/we should hurry..."

Fuu: (Says something about Zetsu's jutsu and how it preys on and transfers the vicitm's chakra to the host)

They/He is liberated from Zetsu's jutsu too.

Danzou: "So even you didn't notice it then."
Torune: "So, what about the guy who has been tailing us for a while now?"
Fuu: "He's still at it... It'd be good if he fell into [our] trap though."
Torune: "Your trap is special. It'll work"
Danzou: "I don't care if he lives or dies... But take out his right eye."
Fuu: "Wha-"

Danzou told them to take Ao's right eye because he wants the Byakugan he has.

Fuu: "...I'm leaving my body to you in sec, Torune."
Just about then, Ao runs into the trap. A puppet attacks him with a sickle(?)
Ao: "?!"
The sickle are thrown at him, whom catches it and throws it back at the puppet, lodging it into it.
Ao: "A booby trap... This time it must be Danzou's."
There's a note on the puppet's forehead with the kanji for 'curse'. The kanji disappears.
Ao: "?!"
Puppet: "What is going on? How can you see my body?!"
Ao: "The mind-puppet switch curse seal technique... That's the name of this jutsu."
Puppet: "Damn it! Is this a mind-switch that curses whoever attacks you?!"(Unsure)
The puppet is actually Fuu.
Looks like the mind of the puppet switched places.
Torune: "What do we do after this?"
Torune is carrying Fuu's human body over his shoulder.
Danzou: "I'll tell you what my intentions are as soon as Fuu returns to his body."

Tsuchikage: "It's because of Danzou's recommendation that it's come to this. And then there's the question of whom we should leave the the high command of the Shinobi alliance to! Is there anyone qualified for the title of 'Kage'? You were the one who said that the Gokage, including myself, are worthless, Mifune"
Mifune: "I think Raikage-same should be it, though."
Raikage: "..."
Tsuchikage: "But didn't you said that he was unsuited since he lets him emotions rule him?"
Mifune: "I have no doubt that now that he knows Hachibi is alive, he's going be more composed than before. What I said earlier was me jumping to conclusions. Please forgive me. Moreover, everyone worked well together earlier and you made countermeasures quickly. And the key, to control the Bijuu Hachibi; Only Raikage-dono would be able to do that."
Tsuchikage: "Mizukage, Kazekage, is that fine with you?"
Mizukage: "I can't agree to it right now, but I have faith in Raikage-sama."
Gaara: "Let's leave it to the Raikage"
Raikage: "Oonoki of the Twin Ryou Scales, the only one who has experience fighting Uchiha Madara is you, so your intel will be vital. Cooperate with us."(Take this line with some salt. I'm a bit unsure about it)
Tsuchikage: "You're such a guy with a commanding tone."

Raikage: It's okay if you don't trust me. The ninja world is going to be gone anyway. I have my own personal feelings, I wouldn't be leading completely.
tsuchikage:this war is more important than that. You won't have any where to fight. first we should have a talk with the Daimyo.

Naruto: What did you just say Sakura? one more time?
Sakura: I said I like you. I like Sasuke but he wanted nothing to do with me, and I wasn't able to tell anyone how I felt.
Naruto: Why are you telling me this here? This is no time to be joking around. What happened to make you do this?
Sakura: Nothing. I've just opened my eyes. I can't be with any kind of criminal. I'm not a child anymore, I can see the truth now.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 09 okt 26, 15:43:29
mangahelpersen van egy igenhosszú spoilerszöveg(RAW) ez annak a laza fordítása ami szintén a mangahelpersről van :D:

Spoiler ScriptSource: NF
Credits: Nightjumper
Verification: Pending

Killer Bee: "I'm gonna kill ya, gonna teach just how different we are when I beat'cha! Prepare yo'self, you big stupid mime! These are my rhymes!"
Sub-chan's bear(Pontai(?)) tries attacking Kisame.

Sub-chan: "Pontai!"
Kisame: "You're a really reckless and talkative Jinchuuriki, aren't you. But first, this strange little bear..."

Pontai is about to swipe at him...

Scene change

Ao: "It doesn't seem that this was a trap of Danzou's. It's more likely the Akatsuki's ninjutsu."

He gets rid of Zetsu's spore jutsu.

Ao: "Maybe I/we should hurry..."

Fuu: (Says something about Zetsu's jutsu and how it preys on and transfers the vicitm's chakra to the host)

They/He is liberated from Zetsu's jutsu too.

Danzou: "So even you didn't notice it then."
Torune: "So, what about the guy who has been tailing us for a while now?"
Fuu: "He's still at it... It'd be good if he fell into [our] trap though."
Torune: "Your trap is special. It'll work"
Danzou: "I don't care if he lives or dies... But take out his right eye."
Fuu: "Wha-"

To be continued...

First part done
I'll put a link here when I post second part.



Danzou told them to take Ao's right eye because he wants the Byakugan he has.
Fuu: "...I'm leaving my body to you in sec, Torune."
Just about then, Ao runs into the trap. A puppet attacks him with a sickle(?)
Ao: "?!"
The sickle are thrown at him, whom catches it and throws it back at the puppet, lodging it into it.
Ao: "A booby trap... This time it must be Danzou's."
There's a note on the puppet's forehead with the kanji for 'curse'. The kanji disappears.
Ao: "?!"
Puppet: "What is going on? How can you see my body?!"
Ao: "The mind-puppet switch curse seal technique... That's the name of this jutsu."
Puppet: "Damn it! Is this a mind-switch that curses whoever attacks you?!"(Unsure)
The puppet is actually Fuu.
Looks like the mind of the puppet switched places.
Torune: "What do we do after this?"
Torune is carrying Fuu's human body over his shoulder.
Danzou: "I'll tell you what my intentions are as soon as Fuu returns to his body."

To be continued...


Tsuchikage: "It's because of Danzou's recommendation that it's come to this. And then there's the question of whom we should leave the the high command of the Shinobi alliance to! Is there anyone qualified for the title of 'Kage'? You were the one who said that the Gokage, including myself, are worthless, Mifune"
Mifune: "I think Raikage-same should be it, though."
Raikage: "..."
Tsuchikage: "But didn't you said that he was unsuited since he lets him emotions rule him?"
Mifune: "I have no doubt that now that he knows Hachibi is alive, he's going be more composed than before. What I said earlier was me jumping to conclusions. Please forgive me. Moreover, everyone worked well together earlier and you made countermeasures quickly. And the key, to control the Bijuu Hachibi; Only Raikage-dono would be able to do that."
Tsuchikage: "Mizukage, Kazekage, is that fine with you?"
Mizukage: "I can't agree to it right now, but I have faith in Raikage-sama."
Gaara: "Let's leave it to the Raikage"
Raikage: "Oonoki of the Twin Ryou Scales, the only one who has experience fighting Uchiha Madara is you, so your intel will be vital. Cooperate with us."(Take this line with some salt. I'm a bit unsure about it)
Tsuchikage: "You're such a guy with a commanding tone."

(Oonoki of the Twin Ryou Scales = Tsuchikage)
To be continued...


Raikage: "I don't need your faith, though... But at this rate, the Shinobi world itself will disappear. There is no other choice but to leave your own feelings out and cooperate!"
Tsuchikage: "Well, better than losing this war... If the shinobi world were to disappear, then quarreling with you is out of the question... So I'll cooperate. The Shinobi Alliance is formed!! First we must let the feudal lords know about this."


Naruto: "Wha..?! What did you just say, Sakura-chan?! I think I misheard you, say it again."
Sakura: "As I said, Naruto, I like/love you! Sasuke-kun doesn't mean anything to me any more! I don't know why I could love anyone like him... I'm confessing to you here, so listen to me."
Naruto: "But why...? How come...? If you're joking, then this isn't funny at all... Sakura-chan.... Just... What the hell happened[to you]...?"
Sakura: "Nothing, really... I just opened my eyes... I don't need to love someone who is a missing-nin and a criminal, do I? I'm not going to be a child forever. I'm going to look reality in the eye."

To be continued


Sakura: "So, Naruto... I don't need your promise any more. Won't you stop chasing Sasuke...?"

Yamato: "What is..."
Kakashi stops him

Naruto: "What happened[to you], Sakura-chan? Why did you so suddenly change your opinion of me..."
Sakura: "I'm telling you, I don't need it any more! I've fallen in love with you, with all my heart, that's why."
Naruto recalls a scene where/when Sakura loved Sasuke.
Sakura hugs Naruto.
Kakashi: "Sakura, are you..."
Sakura: "I've just grown apart from Sasuke-kun... But you've always been at my side, Naruto. You cheered me on... I've realized... how you really are. You're a hero who protected the village. Everyone in the villages loves you now.... I've just become one of them... You were that mischievous dead-last... but little by little you've grown lovely and handsome... You were close to me so I saw it. But Sasuke-kun keeps committing crimes... It just breaks my heart... He's just become someone distant to me."
Naruto: "..."

To be continued


Sakura: "But Naruto... When I can touch you like this... I feel at peace... I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart..."

Naruto: "Cut the bullshit, Sakura-chan... I told you I can't laugh at a joke like that."

Sakura: "What're you angry for...? I've just gotten over Sasuke-kun, that's all. A woman's heart is a strange thing, isn't it."(<--- Unsure about this line)

Naruto: "I... I hate people who'd lie to themselves!"

The end.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 okt 26, 17:12:07
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 okt 27, 12:11:28
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 okt 28, 15:55:05
Hitelesség: Megerősített
Forrás: MH

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 okt 28, 20:21:53
Hitelesség ell. CONFIRMED
Forrás : onemanga forum

Nagyobb képek:

Killer Bee: "I'm gonna kill ya, gonna teach just how different we are when I beat'cha! Prepare yo'self, you big stupid mime! These are my rhymes!"
Sub-chan's bear(Pontai(?)) tries attacking Kisame.

Sub-chan: "Pontai!"
Kisame: "You're a really reckless and talkative Jinchuuriki, aren't you. But first, this strange little bear..."

Pontai is about to swipe at him...

Scene change

Ao: "It doesn't seem that this was a trap of Danzou's. It's more likely the Akatsuki's ninjutsu."

He gets rid of Zetsu's spore jutsu.

Ao: "Maybe I/we should hurry..."

Fuu: (Says something about Zetsu's jutsu and how it preys on and transfers the vicitm's chakra to the host)

They/He is liberated from Zetsu's jutsu too.

Danzou: "So even you didn't notice it then."
Torune: "So, what about the guy who has been tailing us for a while now?"
Fuu: "He's still at it... It'd be good if he fell into [our] trap though."
Torune: "Your trap is special. It'll work"
Danzou: "I don't care if he lives or dies... But take out his right eye."
Fuu: "Wha-"

Danzou told them to take Ao's right eye because he wants the Byakugan he has.
Fuu: "...I'm leaving my body to you in sec, Torune."
Just about then, Ao runs into the trap. A puppet attacks him with a sickle(?)
Ao: "?!"
The sickle are thrown at him, whom catches it and throws it back at the puppet, lodging it into it.
Ao: "A booby trap... This time it must be Danzou's."
There's a note on the puppet's forehead with the kanji for 'curse'. The kanji disappears.
Ao: "?!"
Puppet: "What is going on? How can you see my body?!"
Ao: "The mind-puppet switch curse seal technique... That's the name of this jutsu."
Puppet: "Damn it! Is this a mind-switch that curses whoever attacks you?!"(Unsure)
The puppet is actually Fuu.
Looks like the mind of the puppet switched places.
Torune: "What do we do after this?"
Torune is carrying Fuu's human body over his shoulder.
Danzou: "I'll tell you what my intentions are as soon as Fuu returns to his body."

Tsuchikage: "It's because of Danzou's recommendation that it's come to this. And then there's the question of whom we should leave the the high command of the Shinobi alliance to! Is there anyone qualified for the title of 'Kage'? You were the one who said that the Gokage, including myself, are worthless, Mifune"
Mifune: "I think Raikage-same should be it, though."
Raikage: "..."
Tsuchikage: "But didn't you said that he was unsuited since he lets him emotions rule him?"
Mifune: "I have no doubt that now that he knows Hachibi is alive, he's going be more composed than before. What I said earlier was me jumping to conclusions. Please forgive me. Moreover, everyone worked well together earlier and you made countermeasures quickly. And the key, to control the Bijuu Hachibi; Only Raikage-dono would be able to do that."
Tsuchikage: "Mizukage, Kazekage, is that fine with you?"
Mizukage: "I can't agree to it right now, but I have faith in Raikage-sama."
Gaara: "Let's leave it to the Raikage"
Raikage: "Oonoki of the Twin Ryou Scales, the only one who has experience fighting Uchiha Madara is you, so your intel will be vital. Cooperate with us."(Take this line with some salt. I'm a bit unsure about it)
Tsuchikage: "You're such a guy with a commanding tone."

Raikage: "I don't need your faith, though... But at this rate, the Shinobi world itself will disappear. There is no other choice but to leave your own feelings out and cooperate!"
Tsuchikage: "Well, better than losing this war... If the shinobi world were to disappear, then quarreling with you is out of the question... So I'll cooperate. The Shinobi Alliance is formed!! First we must let the feudal lords know about this."


Naruto: "Wha..?! What did you just say, Sakura-chan?! I think I misheard you, say it again."
Sakura: "As I said, Naruto, I like/love you! Sasuke-kun doesn't mean anything to me any more! I don't know why I could love anyone like him... I'm confessing to you here, so listen to me."
Naruto: "But why...? How come...? If you're joking, then this isn't funny at all... Sakura-chan.... Just... What the hell happened[to you]...?"
Sakura: "Nothing, really... I just opened my eyes... I don't need to love someone who is a missing-nin and a criminal, do I? I'm not going to be a child forever. I'm going to look reality in the eye."

Sakura: "So, Naruto... I don't need your promise any more. Won't you stop chasing Sasuke...?"

Yamato: "What is..."
Kakashi stops him

Naruto: "What happened[to you], Sakura-chan? Why did you so suddenly change your opinion of me..."
Sakura: "I'm telling you, I don't need it any more! I've fallen in love with you, with all my heart, that's why."
Naruto recalls a scene where/when Sakura loved Sasuke.
Sakura hugs Naruto.
Kakashi: "Sakura, are you..."
Sakura: "I've just grown apart from Sasuke-kun... But you've always been at my side, Naruto. You cheered me on... I've realized... how you really are. You're a hero who protected the village. Everyone in the villages loves you now.... I've just become one of them... You were that mischievous dead-last... but little by little you've grown lovely and handsome... You were close to me so I saw it. But Sasuke-kun keeps committing crimes... It just breaks my heart... He's just become someone distant to me."
Naruto: "..."

Sakura: "But Naruto... When I can touch you like this... I feel at peace... I'm telling you this from the bottom of my heart..."

Naruto: "Cut the bullshit, Sakura-chan... I told you I can't laugh at a joke like that."

Sakura: "What're you angry for...? I've just gotten over Sasuke-kun, that's all. A woman's heart is a strange thing, isn't it."(<--- Unsure about this line)

Naruto: "I... I hate people who'd lie to themselves!"

The end.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 okt 29, 19:14:28
A 469. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 470. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 nov 04, 10:44:11
Source: NF
Credits: Vered
Verification: Confirmed

Spoiler Script関係ないけど、チャパ王て誰だっけ?
It's not related, but who is King Chapa?

Sakura and Naruto have a long-winded conversation
Sakura, Kiba, and Lee form a team and search for Sasuke. (kept secret from Naruto)
Sai watches from the shadow of a tree
ガアラ達 雷達 水 土 どこかに迎う絵
Gaara and the other kage's location is drawn in picture* (not sure about this)
土は まぁ諦めることを諦めろ的発言
Tsuchikage talks about giving up on giving up

Ponta is taken out and Sabu-chan takes hold of his giant sword/axe?

Samehada interferes by aiming for Sabu-chan as well as Bee
隙にサブちゃん 与作切り!
Sabu-chan uses an opening to slash
隙ついてビー攻撃 サメ刀で止める
Bee uses an opprotunity to attack, stopping Samehada
ビー 発狂! 8尾衣が出る。
Bee is crazy! 8-tails clothes come off.
Sabu-chan knows that Bee is the 8-tails Jinchuuriki
サメ 頭突き サブちゃんサメの刀の能力わかりビーに伝える。
Sabu-chan butts heads with Samehada with his own sword, realizing what it's abilities are and tells Bee
Samehada's bandages come off

Will come back with more tonight


Spoiler ScriptBee goes wild. THe 8-tails shroud appears.
(I'm not sure it would be a shonen manga if bee took his clothes off)

Mr. Shark is tough
The last panel is samehada

ah I know who chappa king is now!

akinek van kedve lefordíthatja magyarra:D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 nov 04, 12:34:40
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED!!!!
Forrás: mangahelpers
( (
( (
( (
( (


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Lili - 09 nov 04, 16:00:32
Forrás:onemanga forum
I'll try my best to translate this into parts.

Part 1:
Naruto's exasperation toward Sakura's confession!!

470 キラービーVS鬼鮫!!
470: Killer Bee Vs Kisame!!

雪降る中、無言のカカシ ヤマト リー キバ
Kakashi, Yamato, Lee, and Kiba in silence, as the snow is falling

Sakura: I...are you saying I'm lying to myself?
Naruto with an ambiguous face: ...
サクラ『自分の本心は自分が決める!!私が嫌いなら正直にいえばいい!!勝手な言い訳う作るく らいな』
Sakura: You have to decide what your true feelings are!! If you hate me then be straightforward about it!! Don't make selfish excuses.
サクラの会話を途切るようにナルト『だっておかしいだろ!そんな事をわざわざこんなところまで !』
Interrupting Sakura while talking, Naruto: That's why it's strange! To say something like that until now!
Sakura: that!?
Sakura talking on and on: That something--a girl's confession--do you think this is something to take lightly!?
わざわざ こんなところまでって!?
And until now!?
I came all the way here for that!
アンタはサスケくんサスケくんって いつもサスケくんを追いかけて危ない目にあうばっかり!
You and Sasuke, Sasuke, it's always you chasing after Sasuke and getting yourself into danger.
私はね…! そんな危ない目にあってまでサスケくんなんか追っかけなくていいって言ってんの!
As the Jinchuuriki of the 9-tails, you're a target of Akatsuki! Why don't you worry a bit for yourself! You know, I...I'm saying it would be better if you stop getting into trouble and quit chasing after Sasuke.
今すぐ里へ帰って来てほしいからアンタを追ってここへ来た! それだけよ!』
I came here to tell you I'd like for you to return to the village now. That's it.
Naruto: I don't hear anything but painful excuses.
サクラ『だからなんで分かんないの!私はもう犯罪者になったサスケくんなんて何とも思ってない !
Sakura: That's what I don't understand! I don't have feelings anymore for the criminal that Sasuke's become.
Naruto: It's not a matter of this promise.
Naruto, whose eye line is dropping: It's about Sasuke wanting to violently take's something I understand, even if just a little...
Kakashi: ...
Naruto: Sasuke loved his family and his clan...if anyone wounded that love, I don't think I could forgive them.
Kiba: If that's the case, why then after defeating Itachi, is Sasuke supporting Akatsuki?
ナルト『そうじゃなかった…  本当は―――』
Naruto: It's not like that...he really---

Kakashi: Naruto!
Naruto: !
Sakura: ?
キバ リー『!!』
Kiba, Lee: !!

Naruto remembers a conversation with Yamato & Kakashi
(いいか マダラの言った事は とりあえずオレ達だけに止めておく
復興に向かう今余計な混乱は避けたい それに話の裏付けが取れるまで信用もできない
(Don't mind what Madara said. For the time being, we'll keep what he said to us. We want to avoid unnecessary conflict. Moreover, until we can find proof to what he said, we can't trust him. To believe that Itachi was used by the uppers in Konoha to kill the Uchiha clan...)

Naruto: Even if that promise to Sakura is gone, it doesn't matter.
Sakura: !
Naruto: I've been thinking that I, myself want to save Sasuke.
Sakura with her eyebrow's raised: ...
Sai watches in silence  

Part 2:
Kiba, whispering to Sakura: What should we do Sakura...? Isn't it better if we just tell him like it is?
Lee: !
Footsteps interrupt Sakura and Kiba

Sakura: I've had enough! I'm going back!
Kiba squating: Oh geez...
Akamaru worried: Ku~~~n
Naruto stares at Sakura's back

サクラ『行くわよ!キバ リーさん サイ!』
Sakura: Let's go! Kiba, Lee-san, Sai!
Lee: Sakura-san...
Kiba: Let's go
Naruto watches everyone from behind

サクラ眼をつぶり泣きそう?耐えてる?(ナルト… ごめんね!)
Sakura's eyes closed (looks like she's crying?): (Naruto...I'm sorry!)
Sai looks to the side from the end of his eyes
There's another small team in hiding watching

Kiba: Is this ok Sakura?
サクラ『キバ お願いがあるの』
Sakura: Kiba, I have a favor.
キバ『! 何だ?』
Kiba: ! What?

サクラ『これからすぐにサスケくんを探す! 協力して!』
Sakura: From here I want to search for Sasuke! Please help!

Wind, Lightning, Water, and Earth dispatch from the treetops and are moving.
Kurotsuchi: If we dispose of the Hachibi and Kyubi, Madara's plans won't go as planned and we can weaken the military force of the Cloud and Leaf, killing two birds with one stone right?
Tsuchikage: This time there's no point in doing that.
Kurotsuchi: Why!? You've become a stubborn old man huh.
Tsuchikage recalls Gaara's words: (When did you guys cast yourselves aside?)
Tsuchikage:'s because I remembered...
Kurotsuchi: Remembered what?
Akatsuchi: ?

Tsuchikage: I was before I became stubborn.  

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Grand - 09 nov 04, 16:31:15
Csinálta: NF
Credits: On3word

Spoiler ScriptPart 3:
You start to see Samehada's true shape from his bandages
Ponta falls: Uguu
Kisame: I didn't get any good shavings from this giant bear.
Sabu-chan wields his axe: Ponta is a raccoon! I'll have you realize my sentiments!
ビーメモ取りながら(情念…こうゆう時に使うのか… よし!オッケー!)
Bee taking notes: ( you use it at a time like this...Alright! Ok!)

Kisame attacks Sabu-chan: You're trying to get in my way huh!
ビー持ってた鉛筆投げる 鬼鮫避ける
Bee throws his pencil, and Kisame avoids it
鬼鮫、ビーに斬りかかる ビー飛んで避ける
Kisame slashes at Bee, but Bee dodges
The pencil he threw sticks into the ground
鬼鮫(雷遁で高周波振動を起こし貫通力をあげた エンピツですか…
風遁以上の貫通力とは たいした超振動… まともに食らえば私でも穴が空きますね)
Kisame: (With a Raiton, he used a high frequency vibration to increase it's power to penetrate. A pencil huh...a piercing ability greater than that of Fuuton...that's some crazy vibration...if I take a hit like that, it will undoubtedly pierce right through me)

Sabu-chan takes this opportunity to slash at Kisame: Yosakukiri!!
Kisame blocks and stops the attack with his sword
Kisame: (He's tracking my movements with a mid-range Raiton using projectile weapons)
Switching to Bee
鬼鮫(しかもそれが振動であり 私を挟むとはね)
Kisame: Moreover, that oscillation, they're trying to place me in-between huh)
Bee goes after Kisame with Raiton flowing through his sword: (With this, two hole~s! I despise you!)
Kisame take the attack, stopping it with his sword
Bee: !?
サブちゃん(どうゆう事だよっ!? ビーの超ビブラート雷遁刀が貫通せんとは!?)
Sabu-chan: (What's going on!? Bee's Super Vibrato Raiton blade didn't pierce!?)

Bee roaring: Uiiii!
He puts on the 8-tails (chakra) form
Bee aims at Kisame: Heddo Hatto* (Eight Headed Sword) (they butt heads)
Sabu-chan: (The form of the Hachibi! Ok! With this he's getting serious!)


Sabu: !
Kisame stops the blow with his head
ビー『…! お前オレのチャクラを…』
Bee: ...! chakra...
恐らくさっきの超ビブラート雷遁刀のチャクラも体に当たる前にチャクラを吸い取ったんだよっ! !
Sabu: Bee! I saw it! That sword! That sword sucks chakra! With that last attack (the super vibrato raiton blade), before you made contact with his body, your chakra was absorbed! That's why it didn't pierce!

You see more and more of Samehada
鬼鮫『アナタのチャクラのタコ味担当気に入ったようですね このままで”鮫肌”が騒ぐのも珍し い
Kisame: Because of the tailed beast your chakra tastes of octopus. At this rate Samehada's going to get overexcited over something this rare...some shavings will do.
お前を… えっと…』
Bee, bumping his left forehead to Kisame's: It's unexpected you'd make such cute eyes♪ Soon you'll be making the eyes of a dead fish♪
Bee separates himself from Kisame

You see more and more of Samehada's form
鬼鮫『干柿鬼鮫 以後お見知りおきを』
Kisame: Hoshigaki Kisame, after this you will recognize that name.

鮫肌が変化… キラービー苦戦!?
Samehada changes...a close match with Killer Bee!?
The End

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kiiro - 09 nov 04, 19:24:22
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: mangahelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Don Davido - 09 nov 04, 21:14:55
Note:Ez az egész egy csak 3 részletben. Jó szórakozást!  ;)


Credits: on3word NF
All first part traslate.

I'll try my best to translate this into parts.

Part 1:
Naruto's exasperation toward Sakura's confession!!

470 キラービーVS鬼鮫!!
470: Killer Bee Vs Kisame!!

雪降る中、無言のカカシ ヤマト リー キバ
Kakashi, Yamato, Lee, and Kiba in silence, as the snow is falling

Sakura: I...are you saying I'm lying to myself?
Naruto with an ambiguous face: ...
サクラ『自分の本心は自分が決める!!私が嫌いなら正直にいえばいい!!勝手な言い訳う作るく らいな』
Sakura: You have to decide what your true feelings are!! If you hate me then be straightforward about it!! Don't make selfish excuses.
サクラの会話を途切るようにナルト『だっておかしいだろ!そんな事をわざわざこんなところまで !』
Interrupting Sakura while talking, Naruto: That's why it's strange! To say something like that until now!
Sakura: that!?
Sakura talking on and on: That something--a girl's confession--do you think this is something to take lightly!?
わざわざ こんなところまでって!?
And until now!?
I came all the way here for that!
アンタはサスケくんサスケくんって いつもサスケくんを追いかけて危ない目にあうばっかり!
You and Sasuke, Sasuke, it's always you chasing after Sasuke and getting yourself into danger.
私はね…! そんな危ない目にあってまでサスケくんなんか追っかけなくていいって言ってんの!
As the Jinchuuriki of the 9-tails, you're a target of Akatsuki! Why don't you worry a bit for yourself! You know, I...I'm saying it would be better if you stop getting into trouble and quit chasing after Sasuke.
今すぐ里へ帰って来てほしいからアンタを追ってここへ来た! それだけよ!』
I came here to tell you I'd like for you to return to the village now. That's it.
Naruto: I don't hear anything but painful excuses.
サクラ『だからなんで分かんないの!私はもう犯罪者になったサスケくんなんて何とも思ってない !
Sakura: That's what I don't understand! I don't have feelings anymore for the criminal that Sasuke's become.
Naruto: It's not a matter of this promise.
Naruto, whose eye line is dropping: It's about Sasuke wanting to violently take's something I understand, even if just a little...
Kakashi: ...
Naruto: Sasuke loved his family and his clan...if anyone wounded that love, I don't think I could forgive them.
Kiba: If that's the case, why then after defeating Itachi, is Sasuke supporting Akatsuki?
ナルト『そうじゃなかった…  本当は―――』
Naruto: It's not like that...he really---

Kakashi: Naruto!
Naruto: !
Sakura: ?
キバ リー『!!』
Kiba, Lee: !!

Naruto remembers a conversation with Yamato & Kakashi
(いいか マダラの言った事は とりあえずオレ達だけに止めておく
復興に向かう今余計な混乱は避けたい それに話の裏付けが取れるまで信用もできない
(Don't mind what Madara said. For the time being, we'll keep what he said to us. We want to avoid unnecessary conflict. Moreover, until we can find proof to what he said, we can't trust him. To believe that Itachi was used by the uppers in Konoha to kill the Uchiha clan...)

Naruto: Even if that promise to Sakura is gone, it doesn't matter.
Sakura: !
Naruto: I've been thinking that I, myself want to save Sasuke.
Sakura with her eyebrow's raised: ...
Sai watches in silence


Szerző:HPTR Fangirl

Credits: on3word
Source: NF
Part 2:
Kiba, whispering to Sakura: What should we do Sakura...? Isn't it better if we just tell him like it is?
Lee: !
Footsteps interrupt Sakura and Kiba

Sakura: I've had enough! I'm going back!
Kiba squating: Oh geez...
Akamaru worried: Ku~~~n
Naruto stares at Sakura's back

サクラ『行くわよ!キバ リーさん サイ!』
Sakura: Let's go! Kiba, Lee-san, Sai!
Lee: Sakura-san...
Kiba: Let's go
Naruto watches everyone from behind

サクラ眼をつぶり泣きそう?耐えてる?(ナルト… ごめんね!)
Sakura's eyes closed (looks like she's crying?): (Naruto...I'm sorry!)
Sai looks to the side from the end of his eyes
There's another small team in hiding watching

Kiba: Is this ok Sakura?
サクラ『キバ お願いがあるの』
Sakura: Kiba, I have a favor.
キバ『! 何だ?』
Kiba: ! What?

サクラ『これからすぐにサスケくんを探す! 協力して!』
Sakura: From here I want to search for Sasuke! Please help!

Wind, Lightning, Water, and Earth dispatch from the treetops and are moving.
Kurotsuchi: If we dispose of the Hachibi and Kyubi, Madara's plans won't go as planned and we can weaken the military force of the Cloud and Leaf, killing two birds with one stone right?
Tsuchikage: This time there's no point in doing that.
Kurotsuchi: Why!? You've become a stubborn old man huh.
Tsuchikage recalls Gaara's words: (When did you guys cast yourselves aside?)
Tsuchikage:'s because I remembered...
Kurotsuchi: Remembered what?
Akatsuchi: ?

Tsuchikage: I was before I became stubborn.



Source: NF
Credits: On3word

Spoiler Script
Part 3:
You start to see Samehada's true shape from his bandages
Ponta falls: Uguu
Kisame: I didn't get any good shavings from this giant bear.
Sabu-chan wields his axe: Ponta is a raccoon! I'll have you realize my sentiments!
ビーメモ取りながら(情念…こうゆう時に使うのか… よし!オッケー!)
Bee taking notes: ( you use it at a time like this...Alright! Ok!)

Kisame attacks Sabu-chan: You're trying to get in my way huh!
ビー持ってた鉛筆投げる 鬼鮫避ける
Bee throws his pencil, and Kisame avoids it
鬼鮫、ビーに斬りかかる ビー飛んで避ける
Kisame slashes at Bee, but Bee dodges
The pencil he threw sticks into the ground
鬼鮫(雷遁で高周波振動を起こし貫通力をあげた エンピツですか…
風遁以上の貫通力とは たいした超振動… まともに食らえば私でも穴が空きますね)
Kisame: (With a Raiton, he used a high frequency vibration to increase it's power to penetrate. A pencil huh...a piercing ability greater than that of Fuuton...that's some crazy vibration...if I take a hit like that, it will undoubtedly pierce right through me)

Sabu-chan takes this opportunity to slash at Kisame: Yosakukiri!!
Kisame blocks and stops the attack with his sword
Kisame: (He's tracking my movements with a mid-range Raiton using projectile weapons)
Switching to Bee
鬼鮫(しかもそれが振動であり 私を挟むとはね)
Kisame: Moreover, that oscillation, they're trying to place me in-between huh)
Bee goes after Kisame with Raiton flowing through his sword: (With this, two hole~s! I despise you!)
Kisame take the attack, stopping it with his sword
Bee: !?
サブちゃん(どうゆう事だよっ!? ビーの超ビブラート雷遁刀が貫通せんとは!?)
Sabu-chan: (What's going on!? Bee's Super Vibrato Raiton blade didn't pierce!?)

Bee roaring: Uiiii!
He puts on the 8-tails (chakra) form
Bee aims at Kisame: Heddo Hatto* (Eight Headed Sword) (they butt heads)
Sabu-chan: (The form of the Hachibi! Ok! With this he's getting serious!)


Sabu: !
Kisame stops the blow with his head
ビー『…! お前オレのチャクラを…』
Bee: ...! chakra...
恐らくさっきの超ビブラート雷遁刀のチャクラも体に当たる前にチャクラを吸い取ったんだよっ! !
Sabu: Bee! I saw it! That sword! That sword sucks chakra! With that last attack (the super vibrato raiton blade), before you made contact with his body, your chakra was absorbed! That's why it didn't pierce!

You see more and more of Samehada
鬼鮫『アナタのチャクラのタコ味担当気に入ったようですね このままで”鮫肌”が騒ぐのも珍し い
Kisame: Because of the tailed beast your chakra tastes of octopus. At this rate Samehada's going to get overexcited over something this rare...some shavings will do.
お前を… えっと…』
Bee, bumping his left forehead to Kisame's: It's unexpected you'd make such cute eyes
 Soon you'll be making the eyes of a dead fish
Bee separates himself from Kisame

You see more and more of Samehada's form
鬼鮫『干柿鬼鮫 以後お見知りおきを』
Kisame: Hoshigaki Kisame, after this you will recognize that name.

鮫肌が変化… キラービー苦戦!?
Samehada changes...a close match with Killer Bee!?
The End

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 nov 05, 16:58:20
A 470. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 471. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daken - 09 nov 09, 12:30:16
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: cepillon


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 nov 09, 13:56:53
Spoiler Tex
Source : 2ch
Credits : 次世代のバレ師
Status : Confirmed

Part 1





キラービー「うっぷ ホシガキキサメ…っと」



キラービー「さめざめと泣かしてやるぜ!この鮫ヤロー! ウイイィィイイ!!!!!」













Spoiler Tex

Source : NF
Credits : vered
first part translated by shounensuki

Sabu: "The sword changed..."
Samehada: "Gigigigigi"
Killer Bee: "Oh? Hoshigaki Kisame... you say"
Killer bee puts his finger in his mouth and writes the name in a book.
Kisame: "There's ink coming from his mouth...... The rumours were right, he is an octopus guy."
Killer Bee: "He's gonna make you cry in sorrow! This octopus guy! Wiiiiiii!!"

The Tailed Beast cloak goes up to seven tails

Sabu: "The Tailed Beast form... There are seven chakra tails...! Bee is serious!"

Killer Bee: "Did you know?"
Kisame: "What?"
Killer Bee attacks Kisame with a sword in one hand
Killer Bee: "Octopi eat sharks!"
Samehada avoids Killer Bee's assault
(Kisame just set up Samehada, but Samehada is moving on its own, avoiding the attack)

Sabu: "The sword dodged!"

Samehada moves on its own and attacks Killer Bee, but he avoids it.
However, [one of] Killer Bee's tails is eaten.

Samehada: "Gyagigigiii~!!"

Kisame: "It seems that this time, the shark is going to eat the octopus

Source: 2ch
Credits: 次世代のバレ師 ◆bjiOVjsT5k
Status: Confirmed

Spoiler Script風呂のボイラーぶっ壊れて冷たかった







長十朗「ありました水影様 今度はここです」

水影「マーキングの流れからして青はこっちのようですね 先を急ぎましょう」





フー「目に危機が迫ると自動的に発動するってやつか 通称死体処理班のお前らが考えそうな術だ…簡単とは思っていない…お前の目を刔れば術者本体のオレの目も潰れる…分かってるだろ」



Translation by shounensuki of NF.

Source: NF
Credits: Vered / Shounensuki
Status: Confirmed

Spoiler ScriptSabu: "He absorbed Bee's chakra again... Furthermore, that guy's sword became huge!"
Killer Bee: "That sword 'Samehada'... It's a fast-eating glutton, but... the amount of chakra it can eat in one time seems to be about six tails..."

He decreases the amount of tails to one.

Killer Bee: "If this version is like this... the next version should do good..."

Choujuurou: "There it is Mizukage-sama. This time it's here."
Mizukage: "Judging from the flow of the markings, Ao should be around here. Let's hurry."
Choujuurou: "Yes ma'am!"

Fū: "Dammit... It's useless, as I though..."
Ao's body is moving against his will because of the Shintenshin technique; there's a fuda attached to his right eye (a barrier ninjutsu used by Kiri's ANBU), which he's trying to take off with a kunai.

Fū: "If anything is threatening the eye, it is automatically invoked, hm? A jutsu you guys thought of in what is popularly called the Corpse Processing Team... I didn't think it would be simple... When I gauge out your eye, the eye of the technique's use, my eye, will also become useless... You understand this, right?"

Ao: "Danzou's orders...? What is that subordinate thinking?"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 nov 09, 14:20:46
Source: NF
Credits: Vered
Verification: Confirmed

Spoiler Script3 part:


フー「このオレの目一つで霧の戦力が大きく低下するなら安いものだ 結界のせいで今のままでは無理だがな」 「だがやりようならいくらでもある」


フー「このまま飛び降りてこの首を切断する 目が無理なら首ごと木ノ葉に持っていくしかあるま い」



フー「いや首を切る寸前にこの心転身の術を解く…とにかくお前は死に…自分の体に戻ったオレは後でここへ引 き換えし お前の首を持っていくというわけだ」



青「ビビって少しでも早く術を解いたら オレは必ず鎌を防ぐ!! もしオレが死んでなかったら…お前が取り に来た時は立場が逆転すると思え!」



4 part:


鬼鮫「"鮫肌"がここまで大きくなったのは初めてですよ 喜び方もハンパじゃありませんね」


キラービー「だめだバカヤロー!コノヤロー!八っつあんとじゃ一撃がでかすぎて辺りがむちゃく ちゃになる 
     今はサブちゃん先生もポン太も居るんだぜ その上せっかく身を隠したのにお前出したらここに八尾 のキラービーが居るんだよ!って事になるだろ!」


キラービー「アアイエッ♪ただしさっきからのやり取りでほとんどオレのチャクラが持ってかれちまった…お前 のチャクラ貸してくれ!」








5th part:





鬼鮫「"鮫肌"がトリップするほど騒いでいる…さっきとは比べものにならないチャクラの量…質…9引く1な だけありますね…これだけのチャクラを正気を保ったままコントロールするとは…」










サブちゃん「敵対する者のチャクラを刀が奪い……それを持ち主にスタミナとして渡す仕組みか… !?」

6th part / Final




鬼鮫「戦いが長引けば長引くほどアナタ達は削り取られ弱っていく…が 私は削り取った分どんどん強くなっていく」






Credits: Shounensuki / Vered
Source: NF
3rd part translated by shounensuki:

Fū: "This single eye of mine is a small price to pay for lowering Kiri's war potential so much. The barrier is making it impossible right now, but still... Still, I can try as long as I need"

Ao: "What is he planning to do?"

Fū: "If i jump down from here, I won't be able to take the head off. If the eye is impossible, there's nothing left but taking your entire head back to Konoha."

Fū uses Ao's body and climbs a tree, ready to jump down.

Ao: "He's planning to die?"

Fū: "No, when the head is about to go off, I'll cancel the Shintenshin... At any rate, you will die... Once I'm back in my own body, I'll return here and take your head."
Ao: "Oh well... If you're going to do something like that, you have to take care... If you don't you'll fail."

Fū: "What do you mean?"

Ao: "if you get even a little bit scared and cancel the echnique too soon, I'll definately defend myself against the sickle. Supposing I won't die... when you come back to pick up my head, our situations will be reversed, don't you think?"

Fū uses Ao's body to grab the sickle. He aims it and falls.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 nov 09, 20:12:28
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

Sabu: "The sword changed..."
Samehada: "Gigigigigi"
Killer Bee: "Oh? Hoshigaki Kisame... you say"
Killer bee puts his finger in his mouth and writes the name in a book.
Kisame: "There's ink coming from his mouth...... The rumours were right, he is an octopus guy."
Killer Bee: "He's gonna make you cry in sorrow! This octopus guy! Wiiiiiii!!"

The Tailed Beast cloak goes up to seven tails

Sabu: "The Tailed Beast form... There are seven chakra tails...! Bee is serious!"

Killer Bee: "Did you know?"
Kisame: "What?"
Killer Bee attacks Kisame with a sword in one hand
Killer Bee: "Octopi eat sharks!"
Samehada avoids Killer Bee's assault
(Kisame just set up Samehada, but Samehada is moving on its own, avoiding the attack)

Sabu: "The sword dodged!"

Samehada moves on its own and attacks Killer Bee, but he avoids it.
However, [one of] Killer Bee's tails is eaten.

Samehada: "Gyagigigiii~!!"

Kisame: "It seems that this time, the shark is going to eat the octopus
Sabu: "He absorbed Bee's chakra again... Furthermore, that guy's sword became huge!"
Killer Bee: "That sword 'Samehada'... It's a fast-eating glutton, but... the amount of chakra it can eat in one time seems to be about six tails..."

He decreases the amount of tails to one.

Killer Bee: "If this version is like this... the next version should do good..."

Choujuurou: "There it is Mizukage-sama. This time it's here."
Mizukage: "Judging from the flow of the markings, Ao should be around here. Let's hurry."
Choujuurou: "Yes ma'am!"

Fū: "Dammit... It's useless, as I though..."
Ao's body is moving against his will because of the Shintenshin technique; there's a fuda attached to his right eye (a barrier ninjutsu used by Kiri's ANBU), which he's trying to take off with a kunai.

Fū: "If anything is threatening the eye, it is automatically invoked, hm? A jutsu you guys thought of in what is popularly called the Corpse Processing Team... I didn't think it would be simple... When I gauge out your eye, the eye of the technique's use, my eye, will also become useless... You understand this, right?"

Ao: "Danzou's orders...? What is that subordinate thinking?"
Fū: "This single eye of mine is a small price to pay for lowering Kiri's war potential so much. The barrier is making it impossible right now, but still... Still, I can try as long as I need"

Ao: "What is he planning to do?"

Fū: "If i jump down from here, I won't be able to take the head off. If the eye is impossible, there's nothing left but taking your entire head back to Konoha."

Fū uses Ao's body and climbs a tree, ready to jump down.

Ao: "He's planning to die?"

Fū: "No, when the head is about to go off, I'll cancel the Shintenshin... At any rate, you will die... Once I'm back in my own body, I'll return here and take your head."
Ao: "Oh well... If you're going to do something like that, you have to take care... If you don't you'll fail."

Fū: "What do you mean?"

Ao: "if you get even a little bit scared and cancel the echnique too soon, I'll definately defend myself against the sickle. Supposing I won't die... when you come back to pick up my head, our situations will be reversed, don't you think?"

Fū uses Ao's body to grab the sickle. He aims it and falls.
Kisame: "This is the first time Samehada became this big. He isn't half happy it seems."

Eight-Tails: "Let me out too, change into your Tailed Beast form Bee!"

Killer Bee: "No you idiot! This guy! With eight tails, our attacks are too big; they'll wreck the entire surroundings. Richt now, Sabu-chan-sensei and Ponta are here as well. Furthermore, I finally managed to conceal my body. If I let you out, ti will be like going 'Here's the Eight-Tailed Killer Bee!' "

Eight-Tails: "You're worn out, aren't you Bee! What are you gonna do? Are you gonna use Version 2?"

Killer Bee: "Aayeah~♪ However, in the exchange of blows before, he almost stole all my chakra... Lend me some of yours!"
Eight-Tails: "Hmpf, without me, you'd have been defeated a long time ago"

Killer Bee: "What a brazen speech~♪ You have my thanks for your compassion yeah~♪"

Killer Bee changes into his seven-tailed Tailed Beast form (His entire body turn pitch-black)

Killer Bee: "Let's... go..."

Kisame: "Tailed Beast transformation?"

Sabu: "No! This is... a Tailed Beast's power supressed into a human form..."
Killer Bee: "Lariat!!!!"

On Killer Bee's shoulders, something looking like the skull of a bull appears.

Samehada: "Pigigigigii!!"

Kisame: "Samehada is so exited, it's tripping... The volume of the chakra... its quality... it's incomparable to before... He's the only one of the nine... He has so much control he can use this much chakra and stillm keep his own personality..."
"He cannot eat up such an amount..."
The Lariat crashes into Samehada. Fragments of Samehada fly around.

Sabu: "He did it!!!"

Killer Bee: "Making me go into this version... you're one impatiant, gluttonous sword!"

He goes back to the Tailed Beast cloak

Kisame: "He did it... didn't he..."

Sabu: "It's still alive! Quickly, pay attention!"

Killer Bee: "!?"

Kisame touches Samehada and the wound in his abdomen heals

Kisame: "If my opponent is strong, I'll become stronger in proportion to that strength... I will neither get tired, nor break down."

Sabu: "The sword robs the opposing person of their chakra... then passes it over to its owner as stamina... that's the arrangement?"

I'm not too sure about the sentence "He's the only one of the nine..."
Kisame: "That is why... I'm called a Tailed Beast without a tails..."

Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave (水遁・大爆水衝波, Suiton: Daibaku Suishouha)¹

The entire surface surrounding them becomes like a sea.

Kisame: "If the battle is prolonged, I'll shave off [your chakra] and weaken you as much as it's prolonged... but, the shaved off parts will rapidly strengthen me."

Sabu: "Bee! you have to grab that guy's sword! That sword is the key to his strength!"

Kisame fuses with Samehada.

Killer Bee: "!?"

Kisame: "If you can rip it from my body, that is"

The end.



Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 nov 12, 17:31:31
A 471. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 472. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Bastian - 09 nov 16, 17:07:05
This is possibly the real deal, still not 100% confirmed.

Spoiler Script時間が無いので簡易でスイマセン><

キラービーが尾獣化し、ポン太とサブちゃんを掴みながら鬼鮫から逃げようとしていたが、その水遁の術は鬼鮫 を中心にして水が移動するという術で、逃げようとしても鬼鮫が追い掛けてくる限り、逃げられな かった 追I掛

そこでハ尾の提案で、鬼鮫の目当てはキラービーなので、ポン太とサブちゃんを置いて自分だけ逃げれば水の中 心も移動していき、二人は水から出られるという作戦をしようとするが、鬼鮫はポン太を攻撃しよ うとする 逃

急いでキラービーが助けに来るが、それは鬼鮫の罠でキラービーを背ビレで攻撃し、バージョンを尾獣の衣まで 戻す

だがキラービーが足から一本だけ尾獣化したハ尾の尾(タコの足)を出し、吸盤で鬼鮫を自分から 離さなくする 離



だが鮫肌と融合した鬼鮫はチャクラを肌で感じとる事ができ、背ビレでキラービーを攻撃する 鮫肌感


水遁の術と融合を解除した鬼鮫は倒れたまま動かないキラービーに近づき、足を切り落とそうとするが鮫肌が地 面で食い止まり、キラービーをかばおうとする


キラービーのチャクラが気に入った鮫肌はキラービーを主人にしようとしていて、鬼鮫から奪ったチャクラをキ ラービーに分け与え、回復しようとするが鬼鮫が鮫肌を蹴り、邪魔をする

地面に刺さっていたキラービーの刀を鬼鮫が抜き、キラービーに止めを刺そうとして終わりです 刺

Basically from what I can gather from various sources, Bee actually beats the crap out of Kisame and as many of us predicted uses ink. At the end he picks up Samehada to get his chakra back or something, and that's when Kisame attacks him, being back in his normal form. So basically Bee "wins" and is out of chakra, tries to get it back and is attacked by Kisame who really wasn't defeated at the end.

Killerbee simán legyőzi Kisamét,majd megpróbál a Samehada-tól chakrát szerezni ,és ekkor Kisamee megtámadja az eredeti formájában.Tehát Bee nyert de nincs több chakrája ,megpróbálja visszaszerezni és akkor rátamad Kisame aki még nincs legyőzve a végén   

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 nov 16, 22:39:25
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: chie chan

by: Stream - NF

Killer bee changes to bijuu, and tries to escape while holding Sabu-chan et Ponta. But the water moves with Kisame in the center, so if he swims after them, they can't reach the air.

Then Killer Bee suggests that since Kisame is after him, he'll leave them and try to escape by himself, so that with the water moving they will eventually reach the air. But Kisame attacks Ponta

Killer Bee gets back to the rescue, and falls into the trap of Kisame, who attacks him with the dorsal fin and gets him back to a lower version of bjiuu

Killer Bee gets out a single tentacle and uses it to grab Kisame away from him

Meanwhile, Sabu-chan and Ponta get out of the water

Killer Bee somethings about lightning sword, but on a suggestion of Hachibi, just spouts off ink in order to escape

But Samehada/Kisame fusion can feel the chakra through the skin and he attacks Killer bee with the dorsal fin

More to follow

Kisame has cancelled the Suiton and the fusion, and gets close to Killer Bee down and not moving. He tries to cut off his legs but Samehada grabs the earth to protect Killer Bee

Thorns come out of the handle, forcing Kisame to drop it, and Samehada jumps close to Killer Bee

Samehada liked Killer Bee Chakra so much, it wants to make him its new master. It tries to heal Killer Bee with Chakra stolen from Kisame, but Kisame kicks it off

Kisame grabs a sword of Killer Bee stuck into the earth, and gets ready to stab him.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 nov 17, 13:46:49
Soruce: 2ch
Credit: Nagai Ryuuzi
Verification: Confirmed

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

elég rossz minőségűek de itt vannak képek

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 nov 17, 14:04:47
Hitelesség ell. : CONFIRMED!!!

Némelyik képek ugyanazok mint amit Srodack rakott fel, kicsit nagyobb s jobb minőségben


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 09 nov 18, 21:53:39
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Luffy D King

Kisame & Samehada's Superior Shark Collaboration!!
472 水牢の死闘!!
Water Prison and the Struggle to the Death!!

Ponta in the middle of the water.
Sabu-chan Sensei, looking at Kisame: ...he fused with his sword..!?
Bee: It's as if he's a human thats become half, or more like a fish that's become like a human...?
サブ『…息がもたないのに説明が長いよっ! 半魚人だよっ!』
Sabu: ...I'm running out of breath, and it's too long to explain! He's half fishman!

Kisame: Alright, here I come.

Ponta can't breathe.
ビー『このままじゃサブちゃん先生もポン太も溺れる 水から脱出するのが先だぜ!』
Bee: At this rate Sabu-chan and Ponta are going to drown. We've got to get out of the water first!
Bee, in his 8-tails cloak, holds Sabu-chan by the collar and Ponta by the tail, runs away.
How far do they have to swim? And what of they escape? The water doesn't end.
ビー『先が見えねエ!スゲー水の量だ… どんだけ~~~!』
Bee: I can't see the end! An unreal amount of in the world~~!
鬼鮫『この水遁からは逃げられないですよ 今の私とアナタ達では地と利が違いすぎますから』
Kisame: You can't escape from this Suiton. The difference in the advantage I have over you is too great.

As Kisame moves, the dome of water moves with him.

Sabu: Bee, behind you!
ビー『! この状況上等!!負けるかよ!!』
Bee: ! This situation is perfect! Like I would lose to you!!
るんだよ!気付け! それに奴のほうが水中では速い!しかも半魚人ってくらいだから
たぶんエラ呼吸だ! ただ逃げても いづれ殺られるぜ』
Hachibi: This isn't the time for your rapping! Have you noticed!? That half fish, half man is the core, moving the body of water with him! And on top of that, he's faster than you in the water! Because he's half fish, half man he can probably breathe under water too! So if you don't escape you will die.
Bee: Then what should we do?
八尾『”暁”のターゲットはお前だビー! その演歌じじいとタヌキは置いて その二人とは
違う方向へ逃げろ! 奴は必ずお前を追う!』
Hachibi: Akatsuki's target is you! Leave that Enka old man and that Tanuki and run away from them! He will most certainly follow you!
ビー『なるほど そうすりゃ二人は…』
Bee: I see, if I do that then those two...
八尾『おう!奴がお前を追っいる内に水も奴を中心にしていき いずれは水から二人は出る』
Hachibi: Yes, as he's following you, the body of water will move with him, and if you get far enough, the others should get out of the water.

Bee tries running away and separating himself from Ponta and Sabu-chan.
Bee turning around: Alright! Come right this way--
Kisame aims for Ponta~~~~

Bee: What!!?
鬼鮫『八尾は生け捕りがルールですが―― こいつらの生死は関係ありませんからね!』
Kisame:The rule is to capture the Hachibi alive -- so it doesn't matter if the other two die!
Bee: I won't let you! You idiot!
Kisame and Bee race toward Ponta~~

Kisame: I got you!
Bee !
Kisame changes direction, and catches Bee.
Kisame: (suckers...!?)
(Octopus) suckers are coming out from Bee.
ビー『そう何度も… タダでは… チャクラやんねーよ!バカヤロー!コノヤロー!』
Bee: No matter how many times...if it's chakra you want, you can have it, you idiot!
鬼鮫『完璧な人柱力と呼ばれるだけありますね… このサイズで一部だけを尾獣化するとは』
Kisame: So he isn't called the perfect Jinchuuriki for no reason change into just part of the bijuu at this size like this...

ビー、移動 ポン太とサブちゃん水のドームから出れる
Bee moving, Ponta and Sabu-chan are able to make it out of the water dome.

Hachibi: Alright, we're out!
Sabu-chan falls on top of Ponta's belly.
Bee tries to attack with one of his swords, but can he keep breathing?
Bee: Guah.
鬼鮫『ずいぶん息苦しそうですね… …そろそろ息も限界ですか?
いいアイディアでしたが私の体に触れてる以上 チャクラはどんどんなくなっていきますよ
”鮫肌”が喜び震えるのが分かる… 大好物のチャクラをついに見つけてしまったようですね』
Kisame: You can hold your breath for quite some time huh...but are you at your limit? It was a good idea, but if you touch my body any more your chakra will be depleted. Samehada is shaking in delight...he's finally found chakra he likes.

Bee is distancing himself from Kisame.

ビー『こうなったら またラリアットだ… うまくタイミング合わせて…』
Bee: If it goes that way, I'll use another Lariat. I've got to time this well...
八尾『よせ!水中で こいつの動きには勝てねーよ! さっきのタコの足のやつで
さらに警戒もしてやがる!  ここは一旦逃げろ! アレを使え!』
Hachibi: Stop! You can't win against his his movements in the water! You should've been warned after that last guy with the octopus tentacle! We've got to retreat temporarily! Let's use that!
鬼鮫『”暁”で私ほど生け捕りのうまい者はいなくてねエ… この水牢鮫踊りの術…
生存できるギリギリまでチャクラをけ削る 加減を見極めるのが面白いんですよ
まあ たまに失敗する事もありますがね!』
Kisame: In Akatsuki there isn't anyon better at capturing our targets alive...this Suirou Same Odori no Jutsu [Water Prison, Shark Dance Technique]...I have them barely survive and then shave off some chakra. It's fun trying to measure the extent he has. Well, there can't be room for failure.

Bee's mouth swells.
Kisame: !?
He spits out ink.
The water darkens.
鬼鮫『これは墨… 目くらまし…やっぱりタコヤローですね』
Kisame: This is ink...he's blinding me...I see, this octopus brat.
Bee running away in the murky water.
追う鬼鮫 濁った水の中で鬼鮫攻撃
Kisame follows and attacks.
Kisame: While fuzed with Samehada, my body can feel your chakra...
Bee collapses and coughs up blood.
Sabu-chan, watching the fight from atop Ponta's belly: Bee...

The water dome comes apart.
サブ『!! くっ』(今行くよっ!ビー!)
Sabu: !! Ku (I'm coming now, Bee!

Bee collapsed.
鬼鮫、鮫肌を脱ぐ? 鮫肌刀に戻る
Kisame's fusion is undone and Samehada returns to sword form.
Kisame: Not even the hachbi huh...
Kisame's wounds heal.
鬼鮫『またチョロチョロされて尾獣化されても厄介ですからね… 念のため
Kisame: If I had let you transform again, it would've been prevent that, I'm going to cut your legs off now...

Sabu-chan running.
八尾『オレのチャクラも ほとんどもっていきやがって!くそ!ビー起きろ!
Hachibi: Most of my chakra's been sucked! Damn! Bee, wake up! This is seriously bad!!
Kisame: I guess I can't cut you all up huh!
As he tries to cut, Samehada stretches away~~and it cuts Kisame's hands.
Kisame releases Samehada from his hands.
Samehada in front of Bee (it looks like Samehada is protecting Bee) Samehada: Gigigi...
鬼鮫『まさか…八尾に懐くとは… そいつのチャクラがそんなに気に入りましたか…”鮫肌”』
Kisame: It can't be...Samehada's become attached to the hachibi...does it like his chakra that much...Samehada

Samehada's handle move towards Bee.
Bee: Ugh.
Kisame: (The chakra it stole from me!) Kisame runs over and kicks Samehada.
Samehada crashes into a tree.
Bee crawls along the ground~
鬼鮫『…! ちょうどいい… お互い武器の交換といきますか?』
Kisame: ...! This is exchange one another's swords huh?
ビーの刀を拾い上げる鬼鮫『ふむ… この刀…』
Kisame picks up one of Bee's swords: Heh...this blade...
Kisame: Now I'm going to cut you up!!
Kisame slashes at Bee.

Can hachibi do anything while on the verge of death!?
The end.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 nov 19, 08:40:00
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás :


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 nov 19, 15:04:16
A 472. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 473. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 09 nov 24, 17:16:27
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Confirmed

A simple spoiler.
Kisame went berserk and used the Hachibi's chakra and was found by Raikage and co.
He gets hit with a Double Lariat from the brothers and is decapitated and dies. (Not sure about the decapitation but he does die)
Ao is caught be the Mizukage and pretends to be an ally at first but is found by Mizukage right away.
She hits him in the face and brings him back to his senses.
It ends with Sai trying to tell Naruto the things that Sakura couldn't.

the kisame's body and head seem really separated

the fight is settled with the 'Cross bomber' and just then his [?] body turns black and his head ejects off the body.
the final lines are as the head flies off
nitey nite.

kisame's last words

水遁なんちゃらの~ バシュ(首飛んで) さすがに速すぎ…です…ね
"Suiton: something or other~ VROOM! (head flies off) that's pretty...impressive....speed"

then he dies ><

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 nov 25, 13:11:04
Source: 2ch
Credits: Ohana
Verification: Confirmed

Spoiler Script

473 ブラザー

鬼鮫、頬から血がでてくる『これを…狙っていたんですね 確かに惜しかったですね
最初に投げつけてきたエンピツが そんな所にあったとは』
木にいた鮫肌が動きだす 鬼鮫今度こそ~ビーに止め~
刀を振りおろそうとすると、手裏剣が~~ 刀折れる

シー『ビー遅くなって すまない』
シー『干柿鬼鮫…アンタの おかげだ あれだけでかい水の塊なら視覚で分かる
鬼鮫『…!』(”鮫肌”の奴 さらにチャクラを八尾に…)
ビー『OK… ブラザー!』

ビー 雷影走り出す 鬼鮫両手を顔の前に(印?)
ビー 雷影コラボ技『ダブル ラリアット!!』

ビー『…利き腕じゃなくても き 効く 危機だヨウ♪』

雪降る サムライの国

侍A『まだサスケの部下が二人いるそうだ… そいつらを見なかったか?』
侍B『…見てないな そいつらも死んだんじゃないか? 下はもうムチャクチャだよ』

『いや…雲隠れの感知能力者が その二人の生存を確認し 我々に拘束するように
侍B『そ そうなんですか?』

侍B ヨロイの顔部分を外し(水月)『あらら…バレてたみたいだね』
侍C(重吾)『やはり あまりいい案ではなかったな』


青『ハア ハア 助かりました…』
青『敵の術にかかり… 体の自由がきかなくて… 助からなければ死んでいました』
長十朗『いや~危ないところでしたよ ホントに』
水影『自由がきかない 減術科何かの術ね…』
青『… 心転身の術の系統です…』
長十朗『感知タイプの先輩でも さすげに助けが間に合うか不安でした?』
青『心配をかけて すまない…』
水影『… その右目… 奴らは白眼を狙ったようね』
青『あやうく潰されるところでした… すみません… この手の縄を解いてもらえませんか?』
水影、青の手を触り『ええ… その右目の術も… 私が解いてあげますよ』
青『すみません… 助かります』
洋服が(クグツ)鎌に刺さってるの見ながら長十朗『!  何だろ…アレ?』

クグツ(青)(ダメだ!! そいつはまだ心転身の術を解いてはいない!!!)
青(フー)(うまくいった… 水影が右目の術を解けるなら好都合… 白眼を潰して
クグツ(青)(…そうだ! このチャクラ木の葉のアイツだ! 感知タイプだった奴だ!
サスケの連れてた女が感知した時 オレと同じように それを逆感知したリアクションを
クグツ(青)(こいつも二人がここへ近づいてきてるのが分かってたのか! はなからこれを
縄は結ばれたまま 青(フー)『?』
水影『アナタは青じゃない… 私はその右目の術を解くことはできません…
この事は青もよく知っています それに青は長十朗の前でカンタンに謝ったりしません…』
青(フー)『…カマをかけたのか… 食えないババアだ』


Amint elérhető teszem a fordítást is

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 nov 25, 13:12:00
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 09 nov 25, 18:23:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers
Szerző: NAM61

Part 1

Will even the Hachibi be captured by Akatsuki...!?

473 ブラザー
Chapter 473: Brother

Kisame tries to cut off Bee's legs.
Sabu-chan is running to where Bee is.
Bee: (Over here!)
Bee turns around.
Kisame: !!?
Bee throws a pencil at Kisame.
Kisame: (A Pencil!!?)
The pencil cuts the side of Kisame's face (his cheeks). The pencil pierces a tree.
Bee: (That was close...)
鬼鮫、頬から血がでてくる『これを…狙っていたんですね 確かに惜しかったですね
最初に投げつけてきたエンピツが そんな所にあったとは』
Kisame, who's face is bleeding: You were aiming at this weren't you. That was certainly a close call wasn't it. I'd forgotten that pencil you threw earlier landed over there.
Bee: ...
木にいた鮫肌が動きだす 鬼鮫今度こそ~ビーに止め~
Samehada starts moving in the tree. Kisame will now stop Bee.
刀を振りおろそうとすると、手裏剣が~~ 刀折れる
Swinging the sword, a shuriken cuts and breaks the sword.
Kisame: !?

The Raikage and his escorts appear.
シー『ビー遅くなって すまない』
Shii: Sorry for the delay Bee.
Kisame: Raikage!? Why are you here...!?
シー『干柿鬼鮫…アンタの おかげだ あれだけでかい水の塊なら視覚で分かる
Shii: Hoshigaki Kisame...thanks to you, we saw that massive amount of water and were able to detect the Hachibi's chakra mixed in it.
Darui: You were reckless by sucking up other people's chakra and using it. That was daring of you.
Samehada follows Bee.
Bee: outdid yourself this time huh...
鬼鮫『…!』(”鮫肌”の奴 さらにチャクラを八尾に…)
Kisame: ...! (That Samehada...he likes the Hachibi's chakra after all...)
Raikage: Let's do it...
ビー『OK… ブラザー!』

ビー 雷影走り出す 鬼鮫両手を顔の前に(印?)
Bee and the Raikage dash out, Kisame's put his hands in front of his head (seals?)
ビー 雷影コラボ技『ダブル ラリアット!!』
Bee combos with Raikage: Double Lariat!!
Bee does the lariat from in front, Raikage in back. Kisame is in-between. Kisame gets decapitated.
Kisame: As expected, that was quick huh...

Sabu-chan is running.
Kisame's head falls in front of Sabu-chan.
Sabu-chan, surprised: Ehh!!
Raikage grips Bee's head.
Raikage: How dare you going at it alone!!
ビー『…利き腕じゃなくても き 効く 危機だヨウ♪』
Bee: ...even without my dominant arm, it was effective in this crisis♪

Part 2

雪降る サムライの国
Snow falls in the country of the samurai.

Samurai A: How is it below?
Samurai B: Besides us, annihilated.
侍A『まだサスケの部下が二人いるそうだ… そいつらを見なかったか?』
Samurai A: We have yet to find 2 of Sasuke's subordinates I didn't seem them?
侍B『…見てないな そいつらも死んだんじゃないか? 下はもうムチャクチャだよ』
Samurai B: ...Didn't see them. They must've died yeah? There's nothing left down there.

『いや…雲隠れの感知能力者が その二人の生存を確認し 我々に拘束するように
Mifune's escort's? left eye was damaged; he's like a Buddhist priest: No...Kumo's sensor confirmed that they are alive, and left it to us to take care of as promised.
侍B『そ そうなんですか?』
Samurai B: O-oh, so that's it?
Mifune's escort unsheaths his sword: You two...remove your armor!
Samurai B: ...

Other samurai gather round.
侍B ヨロイの顔部分を外し(水月)『あらら…バレてたみたいだね』
Samurai B removes his helmet (Suigetsu): Haha...we've been given away huh.
侍C(重吾)『やはり あまりいい案ではなかったな』
Samurai C (Jugo): As thought, it wasn't such a good plan after all.

(Rest of part 2)

The sickle is holding the puppet by it's clothes.

青『ハア ハア 助かりました…』
Ao: Ha Ha I've been saved...
Mizukage: What happened?
青『敵の術にかかり… 体の自由がきかなくて… 助からなければ死んでいました』
Ao: I was caught in the enemy's jutsu...I couldn't control my body and would have died had you not saved me.
In that moment Ao, as a puppet was thrown at the sickle, the Mizukage saved him.
長十朗『いや~危ないところでしたよ ホントに』
Chojuro: This place was really dangerous.
水影『自由がきかない 減術科何かの術ね…』
Mizukage: To lose the ability to control your body, this type of debilitating jutsu, it's...
青『… 心転身の術の系統です…』
Ao: ... from the same family line as the Shintenshin no jutsu.
長十朗『感知タイプの先輩でも さすげに助けが間に合うか不安でした?』
Chojuro: Even as a senior sensor type, we were worried we wouldn't make it in time.
青『心配をかけて すまない…』
Ao: I'm sorry to have worried you...
水影『… その右目… 奴らは白眼を狙ったようね』
Mizukage: ... that right eye...they were after the Byakugan.
青『あやうく潰されるところでした… すみません… この手の縄を解いてもらえませんか?』
Ao: I was almost done in...forgive you think you can untie my hands now?
水影、青の手を触り『ええ… その右目の術も… 私が解いてあげますよ』
Mizukage unties Ao: Eh...I'll undo your right eye's jutsu too.
青『すみません… 助かります』
Ao: Forgive really saved me.
Mizukage undoes the rope.
洋服が(クグツ)鎌に刺さってるの見ながら長十朗『!  何だろ…アレ?』
Chojuro, while looking at the puppet: ! What the heck is that?

クグツ(青)(ダメだ!! そいつはまだ心転身の術を解いてはいない!!!)
The Puppet (Ao): (It's no use!! The Shintenshin no jutsu hasn't been undone yet!!
青(フー)(うまくいった… 水影が右目の術を解けるなら好都合… 白眼を潰して すぐに心転身を解ける…)
Ao (Fuu): (That went's convenient that the Mizukage would remove that right eye's jutsu for me...when the Byakugan is destroyed I'll cancel the Shintenshin.
クグツ(青)(…そうだ! このチャクラ木の葉のアイツだ! 感知タイプだった奴だ!
サスケの連れてた女が感知した時 オレと同じように それを逆感知したリアクションを
Puppet (Ao): (...That's it! This chakra is that Konoha ninja's! He's a sensor type! When he sensed that girl following Sasuke, like me, we had that same reaction.
Ao remembers the events from the conference.
クグツ(青)(こいつも二人がここへ近づいてきてるのが分かってたのか! はなからこれを
Puppet (Ao): (He was able to sense that the Mizukage and Chojuro were coming! He's been waiting for this!
Mizukage: Alright, here we go!
縄は結ばれたまま 青(フー)『?』
Ao (Fuu) still tied up: ?
Mizukage: Lend me HirameKarei Chojuro.
Chojuro: ?
水影『アナタは青じゃない… 私はその右目の術を解くことはできません…
この事は青もよく知っています それに青は長十朗の前でカンタンに謝ったりしません…』
Mizukage: You aren't Ao are you...Even I can't undo the jutsu of that right eye...Ao knows this very well. And the real Ao wouldn't have apologized like that toward Chojuro.
青(フー)『…カマをかけたのか… 食えないババアだ』
Ao (Fuu): cover's been blown cunning hag.


Part 3

Mizukage hits Ao.

Ao, collapsed: W-was it something I said...
水影『あら 元にもどったのね』
Mizukage: Hm, it seems he's back to normal now.
Chojuro: Good thing she used the side of Hiramekarei.

Danzo's line.
Fuu's jutsu undone, he awakens on Torune's back.
Danzo: How was it?
フー『すみません… 失敗に終わりました』
Fuu: ended in failure.

Naruto, intently.
Sai in front of Naruto.
Kakashi: It's a bunshin...
ナルト『サイ… お前何で…』
Naruto: Sai...why did you...

サイ『さっきサクラが君に言おうとして言えなかった 本当の事を言うよ』
Sai: Earlier, what Sakura was telling you. I will tell you what she could not.
ナルト『?  …本当の事?』
Naruto: ? this for real?

Hachi was reclaimed safely...!! And Sai, moving independently, informs Naruto...!?

The End.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 nov 25, 18:42:13
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: one


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 nov 26, 14:53:46
A 473. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 474. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: DeathB - 09 dec 01, 12:15:45
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: Idol

A more detailed one:

Simple spoiler

Sai starts talking to Naruto about Sakura's true feelings

サクラが隠していたことは、「サスケを木ノ葉の手で処理する」「同期メンバー全員がそのつもりで動く」とい うもの
What Sakura hid away from him was that: "Konoha will deal with Sasuke" and, "All the members of our class plan to act."

Sai and Kakashi figure that it seems like Sakura plans on killing Sasuke herself

サスケの事が大好きだからこそこのまま悪へ突き進むサスケを放っておけず、それがたとえ大好きな人を自分の 手で殺めなければならない事になるとしてもそれがサスケを好きになったサクラなりの覚悟という もの
It's because she loves Sasuke that she can't just leave him pursuing his evil ends like this; even if it turns out that she has to kill a person she loves with her own hands, Sasuke whom she had fallen in love with, that is what Sakura is ready to do

The Kazekage, Kankurou, and Temari make an appearance when they're done talking. They speak of the developments of what happened at the Five Kage meeting

Around that time, Madara (Tobi) appears where Danzou and his posse are

Also at that time, the Kazekage finishes talking to Naruto and co. about what went on at the Kage meeting, about the Great Shinobi War

そして、風影がこれは八尾、九尾を守る戦争でもある。風影としてオレはお前を命懸けで守る。暁の配下として うちはサスケが立ちはだかるなら容赦はしない。
The Kazekage says, "This is a war to protect the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails. As the Kazekage, I'll risk my life to protect you. I won't put up with it if Uchiha Sasuke were to stand in my way as one of the Akatsuki"

ナルト…お前はオレに"自分は火影になる男"だと言ったな…オレは風影になった。影の名を背負う覚悟を決め たなら サスケの友としてお前が本当にやるべき事をやれと言う
" once told me 'I'm the man who'll be Hokage'. Well I've become Kazekage. If you decided on carrying the burden of the Kage title, then as Sasuke's friend, do what truly needs to be done"

And while that's happening, Danzou and his posse begin fighting Madara

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 dec 02, 11:49:59
Source: 2ch
Credits: 永井竜二 ◆jPpg5.obl6
Verification: Confirmed

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Képek :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 dec 02, 17:39:44
translation by on3word first part

Sai discloses Sakura's true feelings...!!

Kakashi: I thought something was up but..
Yamato: What's the meaning of this Sai?
Naruto: ...
サイ『サクラは告白しに来た訳じゃない… 木の葉の同期のメンバーで
Sai: Sakura didn't come here to confess... she came because it was decided amongst the rest of members of our class...
ナルト『… おかしいとは思ってたけど… やっぱり何隠してたんだな』
Naruto: ... I thought it was fishy...of course she was hiding something.

474 火影としての覚悟…!!
Chapter 474: A Hokage's Resolution...!!

サイ『君に言えなかったサクラの気持ちも… 今のボクなら分るよ』
Sai: The feelings Sakura could not express to you... even I can understand.
ナルト『サイ… 教えてくれ』
Naruto: Sai... tell me.
Kakashi, Yamato are listening quietly.

サイ『サスケを木の葉の手で処理する 君の同期メンバー全員が
Sai: Sasuke will be dealt with by Konoha, and the rest of the members in our class intend to doing just that.

Naruto's face becomes pale.
Yamato and Kakashi are also surprised.

ナルト、サイの肩を掴んで『…サクラちゃんが 本当にサクラちゃんが
そんな事納得したのか!? サクラちゃんはサスケの事が大好きなんだぞ!!
Naruto, gripping Sai's shoulders: ...Sakura-chan she...she really agreed to something like that!? Sakura is in love with Sasuke!! And even so--
今は犯罪者の一員だ  今回木の葉を襲った”暁”の一件で 木の葉の忍達は
サクラはバカじゃないし それぞれの立場や状況が分からないほど子供じゃないさ
だから君に どうにかその事を伝えようと ここまで会いに来たんだ』
Sai: Sasuke is helping this world come into darkness. If we let Sasuke live as he is now, he will just be adding fire to the war with the other countries. He's a criminal. And Konoha, having just been attacked by Akatsuki, the Konoha ninja can not approve of Sasuke cooperating with them. Sakura's no idiot, she's not some child that doesn't understand the different stances and circumstances surround this situation. That's why I came all the way here to try and tell you this.
Kakashi: ...
ナルト『…くっ  だったら何でオレに本当の事を言ってくれなかったんだ!?』
Naruto: ...Ku...Why the hell couldn't I have just been told this from the beginning then!?
カカシ『…簡単には言えないだろうよ お前を苦しめることになるのは分かってる』
Kakashi: ...Because it's not something that could have easily been said right. I understand that it's tormenting you.
Naruto: But that's why...
サイ『サクラはサスケを諦め 君が好きだと告白する事で 君との約束の重荷を解いた
だから本当の事は言えなかったんだと思う 君の気持を考えたからだよ
それに… 君がそういう事も おそらくわかってたんだ』
Sai: Sakura has given up on Sasuke. By confessing to you, she wanted to release of the burden of that promise. Even so you still want to help Sasuke. That's why I think it was hard to tell the truth. She was thinking of your feelings. Moreover...perhaps you already knew that.
Naruto, recalling Sakura's confession: ...

Part 2
自分がどうにか伝えるってね言ってね… それが自分の役目だと言ってた』
Sai: In truth, it was Sakura who told us not to tell you what was going on. I myself, in some way or another wanted to tell was my business to tell you.
Yamato: But if she knew Naruto's reaction...and wasn't intending on telling the truth right? What then is she thinking of doing?
サイ『ここからはボクの想像ですが… おそらくサクラは―』
Sai: I can only imagine what she'd do from here, but...perhaps Sakura is-
Naruto: ?

Kakashi: ...planning to kill Sasuke alone isn't she.

Naruto: !!?
Yamato: Is that true? Sai!
Sai: ...probably.

Sai reminisces about after the members of thei class talked about Sasuke.
Sakura, squatting.
サイ『…一人で抱え込まないで下さい ボクも同じ第七班です それに皆も…』
Sai: ...Please don't take this upon yourself. I'm also a member of Team 7. And there's also, everyone else..
サクラ作り笑いで『あっ… うん… ありがとうサイ …私もそのつもりだから…』
Sakura, faking a smile: Ah...yeah...thank you Sai...I also agree with them...

サイ『サクラは笑って皆と協力するって言ってましたが それが作り笑いだと
Sai: Sakura smiled and told everyone she would cooperate but this time I could it was a fake smile...[in reference to earlier on when she fooled him and punched him]
ナルト『うそだ… サクラちゃんがそんな事… サクラちゃんはサスケの事があんなに―』
Naruto: No way...Sakura-chan do that with Sasuke?!
大好きだからこそ そのアスケが悪の道から救いたいと思ってる…
覚悟 なんだと思う
そして…その事で  ナルト… 君に恨まれる覚悟もしている』
Sai interrupting: It's because she's in love- At this rate, Sasuke is being thrust into wickedness, and I don't think she can stand to leave him like that. I think it's because she loves him that she wants to save him from this path of evil. To her, to deal with the people she cares about, she feels like she must do it herself. The girl that's fallen for Sasuke-- that's her resolution, I feel. And with that...Naruto...she's prepared to deal with your resentment.
Naruto: !?
サクラは今まで君に頼りすぎた  …だから今度は自分一人で全てをやろうとしてる』
Sai: I think that she wants to make up for all that burden you've had to carry yourself. Sakura has relied on you too much up until now...and because of that, she wants to take care of everything herself.

ナルト『サイ… お前…何でオレにそれを話してくれたんだ?』
Naruto: did you tell me this?
Sai: ...
Sai, recalls his exchange with Sakura.
サイ『ナルトを苦しめてるのはサスケだけど…  君もなんじゃないのかい?』
Sai: Naruto is being tormented by Sasuke but...aren't you doing the same?

サイ『ボクの意ではなかったとは言え そうサクラを仕向けてしまったのは
ボクのせいでもあるから だから君に言ってしまった…
サクラを放ってはおけないと思ったし… ボクは第七班の一人だから』
Sai: I couldsay it's because it was my will to...but it could also be my fault that Sakura is dealing with it the way she is. And so that's why I told you...and also because we can't leave Sakura be I feel...because I too am a member of Team 7.
Naruto lying face down: I see...

カカシ(この事を知ったナルトの胸中はごちゃごちゃだな… さて…
Kakashi: (Knowing this now is probably giving Naruto conflicting now?)

ナルト色々思い出す 泣き出すと『…!』
Naruto remembering many things, starts to cry: ...!

テマリ『お前達に すぐに聞いてもらわなければならない事がある
Temari: You guys, there is something you must hear. It's about what happened at the Kage summit.

Credits: on3word
Source: NF

A kunai is stuck in a tree.
From an elevated place, Madara: It's been a while, Danzou...since that Uchiha matter huh?

Yamato: I seems like it was a rocky meeting thought, Danzou...
カカシ『… オレは火影ってのは あまり乗り気じゃないんだけどさ
Kakashi: ...Me as the hokage, I can't say that I'm eager to do it...but as things are, there may be no choice...there would be no need to talk about what everyone thinks once we return to Konoha.
テマリ『マダラが戦争を仕掛けてくるって宣言してんだぞ 悠長な事言ってられないだろ』
Temari: Madara's declared that he's waging war. We can't just take our time.
対応が遅くなって ”暁”やマダラに先手を打たれ 後手に回ってしまう方がヤバイですから』
Yamato: I'm pretty sure we will probably get everyone's approval...let us talk them into promoting Kakashi-senpai to Hokage. Our correspondence is behind, but if we make the first move and strike Akatsuki and Madara and it would be bad for us* (not sure about this)
カカシ『…ま そうなるかどーも…』
Kakashi: ...well, if that happens...

Everyone looks at Naruto.
Yamato: ...that and Sasuke go as far as to attack the meeting place.
ガアラ『ナルト…言っておくが これは八尾と九尾 …つまりお前を守る戦争でもある
そして忍の世界の為…  風影としてオレは命がけでおまえを守る
”暁”の配下として うしはサスケがオレ達忍連合軍の前に立ちはだかるなら…
Gaara: Naruto...I'm telling you now, this war is about protecting the Hachibi and short, yourself. And for the sake of the ninja world...As the Kazekage, I would put my life on the line to protect you. If any of Akatsuki, including Sasuke, get in the way of the shinobi alliance, I won't show mercy.

Naruto listens silently.
Evryone looks toward Naruto.

Gaara recalls his conversation with Sasuke.
ガアラ『サスケ お前はオレと似ている…
この世の闇を歩いてきた者… だからこそ小さな光明ですら目に届くはずだ
Gaara: Sasuke, you are like me...someone who's walked in the darkness of this world...because of that there should be even a little hope left in your eyes. From before...and even now.
サスケ『オレはとっくに目を閉じた… オレの目的は闇の中にしかない』
Sasuke: My eye's have already closed... my purpose is in the dark.

ガアラ『サスケはお前を見ようとはしていない 自ら闇を求めている』
Gaara: Sasuke isn't looking to you. He is looking to the dark.
Naruto: ...!
Gaara: were the one that said, "I'm going to become Hokage" didn't you...I've become the Kazekage.
Naruto: ...
サスケの友としてお前が本当にやるべき事を やれ』
Gaara, putting his hands on Naruto's shoulders: I've made the resolution that is the burden of a kage. As Sasuke's friend, do what really must be done.
Naruto: ...

Fu and Torune return fire.
Madara: !
『フー トルネ援護しろ 右腕の封を解く』
Danzou bringing out his right hand from his mantle: Fu, Torune, cover me. I'm going to release the seal on my right arm.

Madara VS Danzou!?

The end.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 09 dec 03, 09:57:51
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed
Forrás: Onemanga
Szerző:  S4suke Uchiha

A teljes manga :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 09 dec 03, 12:40:21
A 474. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 475. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: naruhina_fan - 09 dec 05, 18:03:21

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zols - 09 dec 06, 04:03:06



Ez fake, érdekes is lenne ha így néznének egymásra.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nikkie - 09 dec 08, 09:47:28
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Szerző: TherRizen

Danzou's Secret Leaked.

Danzou uchiha arm unsealed

(dont know why they used copy eye wheel instead of sharingan)
Because he is not the owner of the Sharingan, he only unseals it in emergency. For cooperation in the uchiha massacre he asked for shisui eye.

Kankarou and Gaara head back to their village leaving Temari to travel to konoha with kakashi to report what happened at the conference.

Yamato and Naruto chase after sakura (dont know why they just dont tell sai clone and have him tell sakura to wait or come back to the spot.)

Temari wonders about naruto chasing after sakura and how that is what a man is suppose to do and remembers shikamaru and how he treats women and becomes slightly annoyed.

Danzou watches as Itachi kills Shisui.

シスイの写輪眼でうちは一族がクーデターを起こそうとしてるのがまるで、自分たちの意志のよう に誘発させた
Danzou getting the eye of shisui seals the deal with itachi and madara. The fall of the uchiha clan will proceed.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 09 dec 08, 23:55:48
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: (
Szerző: kugutsu.hiruko

link :

Sources : ID:1fueJtrSO @2ch
verification : pending
Translation : Momoy





昨晩の会議に出ていなかったイタチの話題になり、最近の暗部での行動についてダンゾウに詰め寄 る。



会話のあとカリンを噛み回復すると、空間内に寛でいるところ悪いが手伝ってもらいたいとマダラ の声。


Danzou unseals his right arm and tries to attack Madara
with the two Root backing up. Also, Danzo removes his
face bandage with focus on his sharingan.

Danzo recalls how he got his arm and eye.
Shishui’s dead body is flocked by people. From
there, Root members took his body who did NOT mention
their purpose.

Danzo ordered Shishui body parts to be transplanted in his
while a subordinate of Orochimaru spies.

An eagle from a top of the tree is looking at the situation
to the people coming out of a building.

Sasuke is midly recovered by biting Karin. They were suprised
by Madara’s appearance.

Kiba told Sakura that he found a scent of Sasuke.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 09 dec 09, 09:30:05
Spoiler Script
Source: 2ch
Credits: Ohana
Verification: Confirmed





ダンゾウの右手は一杯しゃりんがんがついているとこで 終わり

Spoiler Script
Source: NF
Credits: Vered
Verification: Confirmed

It begins with the fight between Madara and Danzō.
Fū and Torune are covering [Danzō].
Torune is from the Aburame clan.
Madara sucks up Torune and Fū.

Gaara and Naruto have a conversation.

Sasuke wakes up in the space inside Madara.
Madara brings out Sasuke before Danzō.

Danzō's right arm is completely filled with Sharingan. The end.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 09 dec 09, 12:52:43
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  hiteles
Szerző: mistermobile

What is Madara's purpose in appearing before Danzou...!?

475 マダラの真骨頂!!
Chapter 475: Showing Madara's True Worth!!

Danzou unfastens the screws of the instrument on his right arm.
Madara: You're serious it seems, Danzou.
ダンゾウ『マダラ… 奴の能力は未知だ 用心しろ』
Danzou: Madara...We don't know what his ability is yet, so be careful.
Fuu: Yessir.

Fuu: Torune, lets attack and cover each other.
Torune: Understood.

Madara is standing atop a pillar/post.
Fuu and Torune thrust something at Madara.
Torune throws a kunai at Madara.
避けるマダラ 着地しようとしたところフー心転身~かけようとするが
Madara runs and as he tries to land, Fuu trys to snare him with Shintenshin.
Madara disappears into the ground.

フー『柱(地面)へ消えた やはり物体をすり抜ける能力はあるようだ』
Fuu: He vanished into the ground. As thought his ability seems to be to slip through things with his body.
Torune: How goes it? Can you sense his chakra now?
Fuu: No, its disappeared completely.

Fuu: !
Madara appears from behind.
Turning around, Fuu slashes with a sword.
The sword goes into Madara's mask. It goes through. Madara then grabs Fuu's arm.
There, Torune throws a kunai at Madara.
The kunai makes contact with the mask, but goes through.
Fuu then distances himself from Madara.

マダラ『感知と心転身の印… 山中一族の者か…』
Madara: Sensing and that Shintenshin're of the Yamanaka clan huh...
トルネ『身を守るために相手の攻撃を すり抜けさせる時は奴の体全てが実体を無くすようだな』
Torune: To protect himself from an opponent's attack, he lets things slip through his body.
フー『攻撃のために物理攻撃をもつ時は実体化する… つまりカウンターを狙えばいい』
Fuu: To make a physical attack though, he has to fully basically, we should aim for a counter attack.
マダラ『よく理解した… いい分析だ』
Madara: Well thought out...nice analysis.

トルネ、フーに耳打ち(カウンターのタイミングを意図的に作る オレ達の攻撃を連続でしかけ二段階で行う  一段目は囮役だ)
Torune whispers in Fuu's ear (We have to create an opening to time the counter. In two steps we need to attack consecutively. The first step is the decoy.)
フー(囮役はオレがやる… …心転身の術は読まれているしな お前メインでいく)
Fuu: (I'll be the decoy... ...he's waiting on the SHintenshin. Go as the main.)
Torune removes his gloves with his mouth.
Fuu thrusts something at Madara. Madara avoids.
When an opening appears Torune: (Here it is!!)
避けるマダラ 攻撃した勢いが止まらず カウンターパンチがフーの左手にかする
Madara avoids, the force of the attack doesn't stop though, and the counter punch hits Fuu's left hand, making contact.
倒れこむフー フーの右手が菌?に侵され始め腐り?はじめる
Fuu collapses. Fuu's right hand starts to decay? from bacteria?

Gloves removed, the cells of things touched break down.

トルネ(こいつ…攻撃するフリしてわざと… くそ!ひっかけられた…!)
Torune: (That guy...intentionally pretended to attack...damn!)
Madara: ...

倒れてるフー 写輪眼でフーの様子を見るマダラ
Fuu collapses. With Sharingan, Madara can see his state.
マダラ『ほう… チャクラを流し込んで細胞を破壊する術か… 厄介だな』
Madara: Hoo... a jutsu with cells infused with chakra that can troublesome.

トルネ、フーの傍に行き『すまないフー すぐに取り除く』
Torune goes to Fuu's side: Sorry Fuu, I'll remove it soon.
Madara: !
With his index finger, Torune touches Fuu's wound.
マダラ『チャクラじゃないな これはナノサイズの毒蟲… 最近に近いな
お前… 油女一族の中でも秘伝忍術を持つ忍だな… その蟲の抗体を持つ油女シクロのガキか…
Madara: It isn't chakra is it. These are nano-sized poisonous were close, recently...a ninja having this hiden jutsu within the Aburame have the antiboides for those insects...only that Aburame Shikuro guy supposedly had it...
Torune sweating.
地面に消えながらマダラ『ダンゾウ… いい部下を揃えたな…』
Madara vanishes into the ground: Danzou... you've got some good subordinates don't you...

Fuu: Sorry Torune.
Torune takes the clothes he's wearing, off (just his top): Fuu, don't lose focus! Sense that guy's location now! We'll settle this with the next one!
Torune's body is slowly becoming black. The cells of the things he touches decay, so by removing his clothes, he increases his range.
But Madar comes from behind. Torune gets sucked into his mask.
Fuu: Dammit! (Torune got sucked in!?)
Madara: My right arm has been infected by poisonous insects huh...
Madara removes his own right arm and drops it on the ground.
Fuu: !?
Madara kicks the arm he threw onto the ground.
Fuu avoids.
Now only Madara's head appears fromt he ground: You're next.
Fuu: !?
Fuu gets sucked into Madara's mask too.

His hands on Naruto's shoulders, Gaara: ...
Naruto's face is seen, as if he can't say anything.
Gaara looks behind: ...
テマリ『伝えることは全て伝えた 帰るぞガアラ
ではこれで私らは里へ帰る はたけカカシ… アナタが火影になるとして砂は動く
Temari: We've told you everything there is to tell. Let's go back Gaara. We are going to make the trip back to the village from here. Hatake Kakashi...with you as Hokage, and us, the Sand as an allied nation, let's hope this news doesn't stir any disorder.
Kakashi: Understood.
Bacj to Naruto, not saying anything.
後ろを向きながらガアラ『オレは お前を友だと思っている』
Gaara, while looking behind: I think of myself as your friend.
Naruto: !
ガアラ『かつてのオレにとって”友”とはただの言葉… それ以上でもそれ以下でもなかった
だがお前と会って気付かされた  大切なのはその言葉の持つ意味だと』
Gaara: I once thought of the word friend as just a word...there was nothing more or less to it. But having met you, I've come to realize that what's important about that word is its meaning.
Naruto: ...
お前はサスケのために何をしてやれるのかを よく考えろ』
With just his head (in the frame), Naruto looking at Gaara: What are the things that give it meaning? Think hard about the things you're willing to do for Sasuke's sake.
Naruto: ...!
Gaara: Let's go.
Gaara and his group leaves.

Yamato: ...Naruto.
Kakashi, interrupting: You must be able to answer that for yourself.
Naruto, face down: ...

Madara's space.
サスケ『!  ここから出せ』
Sasuke: ! Let us out of here!
マダラ『そう慌てるな 今ここから出してやるから 外にはお前への土産もある』
Madara: You're confused aren't you. I'm going to let you out now, and waiting for you is a present outside.

Danzou: !
Sasuke and Karin appear from Madara's mask.
Sasuke, with an angered face uses Mangekyou Sharingan.
ダンゾウ『うちは…  サスケか…』
Danzou: Uchiha...Sasuke...

マダラ『お前は下がっていろ… 巻き込まれれば死ぬぞ』
Madara: You, stand back...if you get caught up in this, you'll die.
Karin: ...!
そばを離れるカリン。 柱の上に移動マダラ
Karin distances herself. Madara oves back to the top of the pillar.

Bandages removed from his instrument.
Danzou's right arm has a countless number of Sharingan.
Danzou: Both of your Sharingan will be mine.

Danzou removes the viel from his right arm to reveal...many Sharingan!!!
The End.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 09 dec 09, 16:58:09
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 09 dec 15, 16:46:45
hitelesség ell: pending

From what is made out..

The cover is team Hawk.

Sasuke questions Danzo about the massacre,
Danzo states his arm has the eyes of the Uchiha clan, and shows Sasuke his fathers eyes

they fight for a bit.
(i think sasuke attacks, Danzo evades)

At the end, Danzo removes his bandage on his face to reveal the eye of shisui uchiha.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: con - 09 dec 16, 10:45:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Confirmed

The Jump cover is unexpected/bullshit

The opening pages only have Sasuke

476: Sasuke vs Danzō

The Sharingan on Danzō's right arm move

Danzō and Sasuke have a conversation
Sasuke finishes making handseals, Danzō attacks
Sasuke invokes Susanoo

Naruto thinks too much, starts hyperventilating and falls down

Susanoo's bones start choking Danzō, but...


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: datango - 09 dec 16, 12:16:45
by: Sensei-Q

Naruto 476: Danzou's Secret
(Danzou scene)
Sasuke: What?!
Danzou: You look so surprised...Sasuke. Don't you recognise these?
*Sasuke's eyes closed* You bastard.. You'll pay for this.
Danzou: You can't win, I have more power then you've ever imagined.

*Sasuke grabs his sword and runs at Danzou*
Sasuke: Chidori Spear!
Danzou: Pff what a pitiful attack. Fuuton, Sword of Wind...
*Huge swords of wind are flying to Sasuke's direction.*
Sasuke: (He fell for it!)
Danzou: What is that?
*As the windblades slice through Sasuke and his sword, he disperses into Raiton chakra*

Madara: *Sitting on the edge of the pillar* (You've improved Sasuke, but are you smart enough to take him on..)

(Naruto scene)
Naruto: ..Friend.. The meaning of friend...
Yamato: Naru-
Kakashi: He must find out himself, Tenzou. We are here to help him, but he must decide himself what to do with Sasuke.
Naruto: I must get to Sakura and stop her before she gets killed!
Naruto: Kakashi, Yamato, *Naruto is now in Sage mode* I know what to do now...
Sai: Are you going to save Sasuke?
Naruto: No...
Kakashi-Yamato-Sai: ?!
Naruto: ...

Itachi: ......
Itachi: Why are you so obsessed with my brother? He's a Missing-Nin, right?
Naruto: Because unlike you, I think of him as a brother more then you ever ever have!
Itachi: .....*Smiles*
*Flashback ends*

Naruto: Itachi believes in me.. He entrusted me with something...
Naruto: Sasuke is being manipulated by Madara. I have free him from that bastard!
Sai: I see, so you are going to stop Sakura?
Naruto: I will stop Sakura and bring Sasuke back even if it'll kills me! *Makes fist*
Kakashi: (What did Itachi say to you...)

(Sakura scene)
Kiba: It looks like Sasuke's fighting someone.
Akamaru: Whoof whoof!!!
Kiba: Hmm it seems He's fighting Danzou.
Sakura-Sai-Lee: !?
Sakura: We have to get there fast before he kills Danzou!
Lee: Let's move at twice the speed! No wait, lets move at 3 times the speed!
Kiba: *Sigh* Lee.. that's impossible!

(Danzou scene)
Karin: Shit! I sense those Konoha brats and that dog coming from the forest!
Madara: So they've found us by scent. Karin, stay here, I'll ''distract'' them. (This time I won't run away...)
Karin: ?
*Madara teleports away*

Danzou: Very nice, you managed to create a Raiton clone while our attacks collided. I really thought it was you.
Danzou: Hmpf, you'll have to do better then that, brat! *He jumps up and does a Goukakyou to the ground*
Sasuke: Shit, he knew from the start that it was a clone. !
Karin: Sasuke, get out of there!

*Sasuke jumps from out of the earth and dashes towards the side of the forest*

Sasuke: (If I use it again, I will lose my sight forever..)

*He closes his eyes and behind him appears that huge tailed creature again*

Danzou: *while staring at Sasuke from several meters away, he notices blood mixed with tears coming from Sasuke's eyes*
Danzou: ! -SFX > Shocked-
Sasuke: Danzou, you won't survive this, I will kill you like you did to my family and parents...
Sasuke: (Mom, dad...Itachi, this is for you!

*Susano`o has formed once again. This time little wires are formed and attach to the skeleton's bones.*

(Sakura scene)
Kiba-Akamaru-Sakura-Lee-Sai: !!!!!
Tobi: -funny voice- How'r ya doing?
Tobi: -real voice- Where do you think you're going... -SFX > Glare-
Sakura: ! You again. Who are you?
Tobi: -real voice- That doesn't matter now. Are you heading to Sasuke?
Kiba: Get out of our way or I'll drill you into the ground!!!
Tobi: Hah! You think you can stop me? Try.. And die..
Sai: ...

(Danzou scene)
Karin: There's that disgusting chakra again! This time, it's more intense than before! I have to get away before I get killed!
Danzou: Hmpf, I see you've mastered the powers of the Mangekyo... Sasuke, you are not the only one!
Sasuke: !?

*Danzou removes the bandages from his head and reveals a Mangekyo Sharingan looking like Kakashi's.*

Danzou: *While the tomoes of the Sharingan in his palm are transforming too*,
I haven't used this for a long time.. Sasuke, you are about to experience the Ultimate Power of the Mangekyo!
Sasuke: *Sigh* I don't care... I will kill you even if it means sacrificing myself.
*Sasuke's Susano`o brawls*

''Sasuke has evaluated! Can he defeat Danzou's new Mangekyo?''

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Norec - 09 dec 16, 12:40:07
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Confirmed

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 dec 16, 14:43:18
A 476. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 477. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Grand - 09 dec 24, 17:26:42
ナンバー477 イタチを語るな
Number 477: Don't speak of Itachi

ダンゾウの不可解な能力… !!
Danzou's baffling ability!

ダンゾウ「やはりか… 須佐能乎… 身を守るにはもってこいだな」
Danzou: "As I should expect, Susanoo is ideal for protecting one's body"

かりん(どういう事だ!?さっきので確実に死んだハズ!!感知できるダンゾウのチャクラは一つ だけ… 影分身じゃないのは確か!なら… 幻術か!?)
Karin: (What's up with him?! There's no doubt he should've died just then! There was only one source of Danzou's chakra, with me able to sense him, so there's no way it was Kage Bunshin! If that's the case...could it be genjutsu?)

ダンゾウ「!」須佐能乎の攻撃 「ゴツ グチャ!」
Danzou: "!" Susano'o attacks *sfx Goggcha!*

Karin: "!"
Danzou: "Impeccable offensive power as well."

サスケ「… 」
Sasuke: "..."

かりん(サスケの中のチャクラの乱れは感じられないし… 私のチャクラも安定してる… サスケも私も幻術にかかってる訳じゃない… 一体どんな術だ!?)
Karin: (I can't feel any imbalance in Sasuke's inner chakra...and my own chakra is it can't be that Sasuke and I are caught up in a genjutsu. So...what kind of jutsu is it?!)

須佐能乎の拳がダンゾウに 「ガコ」
Susano'o makes a fist to Danzou *sfx Gaco*

Karin: "Kya!"

Sasuke: "Tch! Amaterasu!"

Danzou: "Guh!" Danzou's body is engulfed in Amaterasu's fire

Sasuke: *Huff-huff*

Madara: "Susano'o and Amaterasu even...that'll wear [him] out. That's overdoing it in testing out [his] abilities"

Karin: "?!"

ダンゾウ 「バッ スゥー」
Danzou: *sfx bassuu*

Karin: "Behind you!"

Sasuke: "!"

ダンゾウ「風遁・真空玉!!!フッー 」 サスケ 攻撃を喰らう
Danzou: "Fuuton: Shinkuugyaku" *sfx fuu*
Sasuke gets hit by the attack

Sasuke: "Kuchiyose no jutsu"

かりん「ふう… 」
Karin: "Phew..."

マダラ「ほう… 新しい口寄せか いつの間に… 」
Madara: "Oh? A new kuchiyose...since when did he get that?"

ダンゾウ「天照… 久しぶりに見たなやはりイタチの弟だな
Danzou: "'s been a while since I've see that. You are indeed Itachi's little brother."

かりん「… !」「スッ」ダンゾウの腕の写輪眼の瞳が一つ閉じる
Karin: "...!" *sfx su*
One of Danzou's Sharingan pupils shut

かりん「… !… 」
Karin: "...!"

Sasuke: "Didn't I tell you to not speak of Itachi"

ダンゾウ「兄弟… 能力は同じとて眼が悟るものはこうも違うものか…
Danzou: " while your powers are the same, what your eyes discern are different...the truth of Itachi and its implications isn't important enough to you/ You lie in the grip of hate, just wanting to lash out/ Making the sacrifice of the Uchiha clan for naught"

ダンゾウ「スゥー風遁・真空波!!」 サスケ 避けて ダンゾウを切り 腕が落ち瞳が 閉じる
Danzou: *sfx suu* "Fuuton: Shinkuuha!" Sasuke avoids it, cutting off Danzou's arm which falls and has a pupil shut

かりん「… !!… これって… 」スウー落ちた 腕が消える
Karin: "...! This..." *sfx suu* It falls then the arm disappears

Karin: "!" *sfx-surprise*

ダンゾウ「無駄だ 」サスケダンゾウを睨み付け
Danzou: "It's no use."

Danzou: "?!"

ダンゾウ「!?」サスケの回りにカラスが そしてイタチの姿が
Danzou: "?!" Around Sasuke there's crows, and then Itachi's figure

ダンゾウ「!これは… !!」 死んだはずのイタチが… 何故!?終わり
Danzou: "This is...!" Itachi, who should be dead....why?! The end

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Grand - 09 dec 24, 17:30:08

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 09 dec 25, 05:48:48
A 477. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 478. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Gery0704 - 09 dec 29, 22:47:54

Naruto 478: Itachi Returns!
Also read N.V.O's next chapter prediction
Naruto 479: Arrival

(Battlefield scene)
-Itachi stares angrily-
Itachi: You went out of line, you were going to hurt Sasuke.
Sasuke: I-Itachi...?!...(How...) Brother!
Itachi: -Turns facing Sasuke- (..! Did, he know the truth?) -Stares at Madara-...(I bet it was him.)

Madara: ...(Itachi...what's happening?)
Karin: T-That guy looks like Sasuke! Is he, Itachi Uchiha?! but I thought he's dead!
Itachi: Sasuke, you followed the wrong path, all I wanted was for you to be the hero of Konoha, the one that avenges the Uchiha clan, and to end my life, a criminal, the murderer of the Uchiha clan. But it turned out to be I was wrong, none of what I wanted happened.
Sasuke: ...Brother! but I just wanted to avenge you! And by doing that I'll be also aven--
Itachi: Do you hear yourself Sasuke?
Sasuke: ...!
Itachi: You're acting like a child, listen to me, by that, you're being a criminal, a Rogue Ninja, and you're the only Uchiha clan alive, Madara not counted, and when you're dead, then that's that.
Sasuke: But--
Itachi: Then will you call it revenge? It's still not too late.
Danzo: Do not make me laugh. It is far too late for him to turn back! He's a wanted criminal for his doings! He will be---
-Itachi slashed Danzo's chest and cutting off his Sharingan arm by a Kunai-
Itachi: Aren't you a fine one to talk...
Sasuke: Itachi...

Danzo: Gah! -spits blood-...Tell me, how have you appeared?!
Itachi: It's simple. When I implanted my Mangekyo powers into Sasuke, I also transferred myself into him, it's like, a Reanimation Jutsu, my former body is just a mere shell of me now, this forbidden Jutsu is similiar to Orochimaru's substitution Jutsu, but, if Sasuke was going to follow the right path, I would've disappeared forever, but I knew something wrong was gonna happen, so I stayed and came out in the right time. Though this Jutsu shortens the life-span.
Danzo: ...! No way, I still do not get it! You should be dead! The--
Itachi: Die already. -Appears above him, Danzo slides back to dodge, but that Itachi disappears, as many crows forms behind Danzo, Itachi appears with a Kunai, Danzo then grabs Itachi's arm, then Itachi grabs him back-

Itachi: It's over for you.
Danzo: -Turns around- What?! (He can perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu so fast that I can't even see the hand signs!)
Itachi: I fooled you. -Jumps back as the Shadow clone that's grabbing Danzo explodes-
Danzo: ?! -Exploded and falls unconscious-
Itachi: Madara...
Madara: If it isn't my dear old friend, Itachi.
Sasuke: ...!

(Team-Sakura scene)
Sakura: I can see them!
Kiba: Let's go!
Rock Lee & Sai: Right!

(Kakashi & Sai scene)
Kakashi: So?
Sai: We're gonna reach Sakura and the others soon.
Kakashi: Right.
Sai: But the problem is, they are gonna reach Sasuke sooner.
Kakashi: What?! Let's move faster. -Focuses his chakra on his feet, as he rushes 3 times as fast-
Sai: ...?! He' fast...

(Mizukage scene)
Mizukage: Are you sure?!
Ao: 100% Sure.
Mizukage: Then let's move!
-They rush towards Sasuke and the others-

(Battlefield scene)
Itachi: There's something I must do. Sasuke stay back.
Sasuke: ?!
Madara: Hm...(That ruins my plans I guess, oh well.)
What will happen next?! Itachi vs Madara?! Will the others arrive on time?!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 jan 12, 22:30:54
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Hitelesség ell.: ?UNCONFIRMED?

CHAPTER 478 Izanagi

Illusions or reality? Maybe there is no difference.


Danzo: Uchiha Itachi?

Madara: Oh? Isn't that quite the twist?

Karin: What's going on? Did Sasuke catch everyone in the area in
a genjutsu?1 It couldn't be

Itachi: ... It seems I misjudged the outcome

Madara: Heh? Itachi's chakra took over Sasuke

Danzo: So I was right... you possess the fourth Mangekyo jutsu!

Madara: Itachi, Itachi... I had no idea you managed to master it...

Madara/Danzou: The Izanagi!

Itachi: Danzo, you must back off now

Danzo: ......


(In Naruto's subconciousness)
Naruto: This place? I'm here again... Why do you call me Kyuubi?!

???: Naruto... I need to tell something to you..

Naruto: What? Who's there?

Itachi: your actions from here on out will decide the
future of my brother and of th leaf village

Naruto: What do you mean?

Itachi: I have put one final fail safe on sauske, in case everything else fails

Naruto: ....

Itachi: The Izanagi

Naruto: "Izanagi"? What are you talking about?

Itachi: It's a fourth Jutsu that the mangekyo can awaken.

Itachi: Izanagi is not a normal ability... It's a transference jutsu

Naruto:... Transference?

Itachi: With the Izanagi, one could put onto others their knowledge, their power and ultimately even their own selves.

(Back with Danzo and Co.)

Danzo:... as such, it could even be said as a rudimentary form of immortality.

(Back with Naruto and Itachi)

I have transferred part of my being into both you ans Sasuke. but on entirely different conditions. Naruto, I believe you may be the last person who can get Sasuke back from the endless path of hatred.

Naruto: I'd like to believe that too... but...

Itachi: However...

(Back to Danzo & Co.)

Karin: What's happening!? Sasuke's chakra is gradually disappearing!

(Back to Naruto)

Itachi: Should Sasuke stay on that path... eventually my Izanagi will take him over completely and "Sasuke" will cease to exist.


*there is some fighting between Itachi and Danzo*

Danzo: Kuh!

Itachi: That arm... you can create perfect optical illusions by using those Sharingan

Itachi: and then somehow you solidify them.. one could say that you turn the illusions into reality

Danzo: Impressive analysis... however..

Itachi: However

Danzo: !!?

Itachi: I missed on thing didn't I I save the best for last

Danzo: Tch!

*a bunch of crows attack danzo*

Itachi: If all the eyes close, your illusion shatters, its a huge flaw and...

*itachi's bunshin stabs danzo from behind*

Itachi: I know exactly where you are

Madara: Well! Isn't this entertaining!!

Danzo: Hmph... I may have underestimated you

Itachi: ??

*The Bunshin of Itachi's Poofs*

Danzo: Izanagi... that jutsu will be mine!

*Danzo takes off the eye bandages*

*Madara Jumps in*

Madara: That... I cannot allow

Madara prepares to take action!!

NEXT: Crossroads



Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 10 jan 13, 17:17:40
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

Translation of full script by numinous(central) (expect errors)
Part 1

Itachi is in front of Danzou
Danzou: !
Itachi is crying blood.
Itachi: Amaterasu!

478: Susano'o is Complete!!

Itachi's ghost engolfs Danzou's right arm in dark flames and Danzou's eyes start to twitch.

Danzou: It turns out to be a genjutsu to kill me?
Sasuke appears from behind, trying to stab Danzou.

Danzou: Hmmm...
Sasuke's movement comes to an halt.
Karin: Sasuke's chance was stopped!

Sasuke's whole body shows a seal, that starts to grow (Danzou's Jutsu)
Danzou: You tried genjutsu with Itachi to manipulate me, a variation of Tsukiyomi.
Sasuke (tries to move): Uh...

Madara: He tied his body with that seal? (Sasuke's neck is shown being grabbed) That moment was a trap.
Karin: ?! (thinking) Sasuke stopped moving?!
Karin rushed towards Danzou.
Karin: (thinking) This guy's jutsu is to manipulate him.
Danzou kicks Karin's stomach
Karin: Guha!!!
She's blown off.

Madara: (Taijutsu? It seems that he wants to preserve him in that state.)
Sasuke is still
Danzou: Kai!
Karin: ! (thinking) What was that?
Danzou watches Madara: How does Sasuke knows Itachi's truth and why he became a member of Akatsuki? Did you inform him what should be hidden from him?
Karin: ?

Madara stands up

Danzou:Why? A trash of a life as Itachi's was necessary to save us.
Danzou picks up Sasuke's katana.
Karin: Uh?
Sasuke: !!

Danzou: You see... this way... that guy is your only mistake.
Danzou picks the edge of the katana.
Karin screams and Madara vanishes

Part 2

Sasuke reminisces
He remembers Madara's words about Itachi.
Madara: He didn't killed... his younger brother and dropped bloody tears, but he killed emotionless his own clan, his own fellowmen... now that you killed him, you understand the meaning of his existence.
Danzou: ?!

Susano'o attacks Danzou with its left arm and injuries Danzou a little.
Madara appears again
Karin: !! He escaped with his life.

Susano'o's body changes his form, different from Itachi's version, Sasuke's Susano'o is complete...

Sasuke: (thinking) You oppressed my clan! (yellling) UOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Danzou's seal recedes
Sasuke: Ah...

Danzou: Susano'o... it's completely different from a few moments ago!
Danzou breathes out a Fuuton
Karin: ?! (thinking) Sasuke?! This chakra... is greater than before, Sasuke!
Madara: All right... (thinking) His hatred grows, making him stronger... his body responded to that jutsu... with more power... to make the seal recede.

Sasuke's Susano'o pulls an arrow and puts it on a bow and fires at Danzou
Danzou: (thinking) I must use the seal in time! Is the only way!
Danzou's right arm creates a tree
Danzou: (thinking) In a way or another, I had to put that out of the way.
Karin: ?!
Madara:That's... a tree.. (thinking) He made that grow from his sharingan... but in the Uchiha clan there's nobody that could do that... what is his secret...
Karin: (thinking) Danzou's chakra decreased... to parry Susano'o's attack he had to... what's with that guy's ability?
Madara: (thinking) Orochimaru... Danzou must've contact him to implant Shoudaime's cells on his body to improve his power...

Sasuke breathes heavily
Karin: (thinking) His deaths... Some time ago, his death was unavoidable... so his death was real! (yelling) Sasuke!! That Danzou is the real deal! Now is your chance!

Part 3

Danzou: ! (thinking) This woman has figured out my jutsu?! Now you have little time, you were too slow!

Danzou performs the Hare, Boar and Ram handseals
Sasuke: !
Susano'o fires again.

Danzou's eye closes
Karin: !!
Susano'o's arrow pierces Danzou
Sasuke breathes heavily
Karin: (thinking) Yes! As I thought! Danzou's seals diminished his chakra to perform that jutsu!! And he moved his location, perhaps the strategy wasn't good enough? Shit!

Danzou appears healthy and checks his right arm
Karin: (thinking) That turns out to be a jutsu that heals Danzou's body... three Sharingan already closed...
Madara: As far as I see, his arm has 10 sharingans... and shodaime's cells... he has Uchiha chakra and Hashirama's chakra... if he wanted to, he could easily control the Kyuubi. (thinking) His goal might be Naruto...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 jan 13, 18:51:14
A 478. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 479. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: nxx - 10 jan 20, 10:21:46

2010-es Kishimoto interjú

JUMP Festa spoiler summary
Sakura's acting a little haughty towards Naruto
She'll be more heroin-like from now on
Sasuke's becoming more and more evil, and him fighting with Naruto will probably be the last event
Something will happen with Sasuke and Taka as well
Naruto becoming Hokage if it happens, will be at the end
There's no desire to have much romance for Shikamaru
Naruto has no-one around him who's up-front with him, so Shikamaru will [be/take on as] a confidante
・ダンゾウ戦で サスケの方向性が決まる
The battle against Danzou will decide Sasuke's direction
but he (Kishimoto) told us that he wrote something big happening with Sasuke
Looks like Sakura really does love Sasuke
Next year is Kakashi's year

Sorry, this is just a vague recollection

Each voice actor asked questions to Kishimoto-sensei
As one might expect, Nakamura asked about what was upcoming with Sakura
Kishimoto: "Honestly, from the standpoint of showing a female-like disposition, she hasn't been much of a heroine. You could even say that Hinata's more of a heroine than her. But since, as we know, Sakura is a heroine deep inside, she'll show that side of hers from now on."
Naruto's close, but Sakura loves Sasuke as we should expect from that speech. She's being haughty with her using not so kind words against Naruto right afterwards...didn't she? I can't recall.

Yeah it's true, it did sound as though Sugiyama said, "With a Suna person" when Morikubo asked about Shikamaru's love life.
Kishimoto said he didn't want to write that for Shikamaru.
Takeuchi: "Will Naruto become Hokage?" to which Kishimoto said something like "He should become Hokage". This had the audience make noise.
Takeuchi: "Won't Sakura-chan become Hokage before Naruto does?" to which Kishimoto dismissed flatly, "No way!"
Kishimoto announced Naruto will do training.
Takeuchi: "So Naruto will become stronger again."
Next year, Kakashi is the main character
Takeuchi: "It would be a good thing not to tell this to Kazuhiko-san"
Sugiyama: "You probably can't speak of the outcome of the Danzou fight, but what happens with Taka after?"
Kishimoto: "I can't speak to what happens with the Danzou fight, but there'll be some things happening within Taka (dissent?) and the look in Sasuke's eyes will grow more and more evil. I've just recently decided on such a course of the story" (these words make it seem as if the Sasuke-related part isn't really decided upon, so take this part with a grain of salt).
Next was the Questions For Kishimoto-sensei Corner
Nakamura-san started off with something like, "With the latest developments, Sakura has..."
He said something like, that chick* (Takeuchi reacted to that "That chick" lol) is detestable for using Naruto's good will,
but, well that's just how I'd think to write a realistic girl.
You hear all the time that Sakura is a detestable person, but that's what seems to be the intention
"Since Sakura is the heroine", "I'll be writing from now on to show her with that disposition"
"Though everyone says Hinata-Hinata all the time..."
↑I wonder if it's that their voices supporting Hinata are so loud (my personal impression)
Sugiyama wavered on which question to ask (normal fan thing)
He asked: "What will happen to Sasuke after fighting Danzou?"
"The ending of the Danzou fight will determine Sasuke's coming development (whether it be his movement or his intentions)"
"As will the course of those in Taka"
"The handling and arrangement was decided just yesterday..."
Morikubo-san: "Will Shikamaru have a love/romance?"
"I don't want to write that for Shikamaru"
"The Konoha guys aren't reliable, so there's no one there honest/upfront except for him"
"Since Sasuke isn't there, there's the impression that he'll be taken up as Naruto's confidante"
When it got to the "confidante" part, Morikubo-san (said): "Then it's good!" (his love life)
Takeuchi-san: "Naruto will be Hokage, right?!"
"He will...I think but (if I write that) that would be the last thing"
Was said somewhere I can't remember

Takeuchi-san asked, "Will Naruto and Sasuke fight?"
Kishi: "I'm thinking they'll fight, but if/when I write that, (the story) would be something like the last thing right..."
Morikubo-san's, "What about Shikamaru?" was in that and it was:
His reaction seemed like he hadn't set firm plans for the coming big developments
Like when he was asked "So you haven't determined the end?"

"The end, how should I say, since the next scene(s) of what I want to write is established, then that is what I'll go write"
It would seem that rather than having made a decision on the developments until the finish, he settled on writing just the scenes he wants to write for the end
After saying next year would be Kakashi's year, Takeuchi had a fierce discussion
Kishi: "Naruto will be training again", Takeuchi-san: "Still getting stronger right"

Sadly Danzou really might bite it against Sasuke lol! But he'll live on in my heart! With the Kakashi focus this year I'm back to my original assumption that his major battle in the series will be with Kabuto! Also Naruto trains some more to bitch slap everyone, his pimp hand is getting stronger! Sakura being more of a heroine... Bet your ass she will appear near or at the end of Sasuke/Danzou. I am pissed though still no mention of Team Guy action and no mention of Itachi's "power" he gave Naruto!!

Edit: Its come to my attention this is a few weeks old but I haven't seen anyone talk about it here so if you're like me and never saw it hooray!! If you did see it and didn't share booooo!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: nxx - 10 jan 20, 10:50:09

Naruto 479 raw:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 jan 20, 11:06:50
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 jan 20, 11:42:58
A 479. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 480. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 jan 27, 08:12:24
Source : ohana in the site 2ch [ ]
Verification: Pending


サスケ「やめろ 俺はまだいける・・・」スサノオ出すサスケ マダラはズズズ止める
ドン サスケスサノオでダンゾウ殴り飛ばす ブゥゥン 少し飛んでイザナギによりダンゾウ復 活
カリンサスケのとこきてサスケカリンの腕噛む ジュゥゥ 傷回復
サスケ「助かったカリン お前はさがっていろ」
サスケ「さて 残り写輪眼はいくつかな・・・」
ダンゾウの腕の描写 残り1個
ダンゾウ(ワシも残りわずかしかチャクラが残っておらん・・おそらくこのままいけばイザナギは 解け 負ける ・・・ だが・・・)
マダラカリンを吸引する ズズズ・・・ カリン多分大丈夫
マダラ「・・・そうか なら気をつけることだ サスケは気性が荒い」
グサッ サスケダンゾウの腹部を刺す
マダラ「だから言っただろ サスケは気性が荒いと 気を抜くからそういうことになる」
マダラ「あっただろ一回だけ サスケが俺に突撃してきたときだ
俺はあの時ただかわしただけではない まず術を解き・・・そして」
ダンゾウ「幻術だと・・・サスケが幻術にかかったような動きは・・・見て取れなかったぞ・・・ 」グハッ  吐血
マダラ「当たり前だ 幻術は幻術でも“月読”だからな・・・ 現実世界では一瞬のことだ・・・ その異変に気 付くのは至難の業だ」


おわり ザーサイ☆

Heres google translatio for it:
Dan elephants and Sasuke stab each other
Danzou "That's too" Ì © Þ © Ý
Okay in Danzouizanagi
Sasuke "Uutsu" side? That blood from
Karin "Sasukee!!" (Sasuke's chakra is bad, most of the other)
Spotted "or marginal" to start the suction ½ ½ ½
Sasuke "I still will be able to Stop" Susanoo was spotted out Sasuke ½ ½ ½ stop
Karin, "Sasuke Do not rush!"
Sasuke, "Karin! Come over here!"
Danzou (probation and medical ninjutsu and some perceived Taipurashii woman)
Karin Dan 目掛Ke bolt out the elephant
Sasuke Danzou in Susanoo 殴Ri飛Basu © © Ý activity ÌÞ Don Dan Fu elephant flying by Izanagi a bit
Sasuke "I call it now!"
Sasuke and Karin biting the arm of the Kono Kito Þ ¼ ¼ © © Karinsasuke wound recovery
Sasuke "You Just you survived Sagatsu Karin"
Karin "Yes."
Danzou (or woman had the medical ninjutsu too)
Sasuke "Now the eyes of some other copy wheels"
Representative Dan elephant remaining arms of one individual
Danzou (Oran little chakra left the rest Izanagi Eagle ・ ・ This will inevitably lose, but probably melt)
Danzou "solution!"
Karin "!"
Karin, "Sasuke! It now! He is now solved the surgery! He is a real thing now!"
Representative photographs of the left eye of the elephant's eye ring Dan
Under the first run to Karin Sasuke!
Sasuke "died" in Karin 切Rikakaru
Karin spotted blow ½ ½ ½ ・ ・ ・ okay maybe Karin
Spotted "... No kidding."
Danzou "Well Ja eye, as I spotted Shisui of you."
Spotted "I see again" (Shisui)
Sasuke "Uoooo" Sasuke Madara also 切Rikakaru
Slip through
Danzou "a waste too"
Back to the Office of Sasukedanzou
Danzou "Sorry Sasuke is Madara not mean we'll get used to kill them"
Spotted "... Sasuke's so be careful if you use violent temper"
Danzou "Sasuke's eyes as long as it is manipulated"
Sasukedanzou abdominal stab zunk
Danzou "same thing" hematemesis
Spotted "So I told Sasuke would be the case from the rough-natured scare the mind"
Dan elephant fall to the ground "why they should be controlling the Eagle"
Sasuke "Hun" Sasuke stick a knife in his right arm fell to the ground Dan elephant
Danzou "Guatsu"
Spotted "That's too Danzou"
Danzou "had nothing"
Spotted "It's very simple just solved the surgery"
Danzou "when they would not have had such a chance!"
Spotted "when they have been charged to me was the Sasuke once Daro
And I will not only solve the first surgery at that time but we entered "
Danzou "···"
Spotted "Sasuke told that the power in 幻術 Shisui eyes"
Danzou "Something tells me it took Sasuke to 幻術 the respective 幻術 見Te取Renakatta" Ê ¯ ¸ hematemesis
Spotted "No wonder even 幻術 幻術" Tsukuyomi "in the world of reality So stick that in a moment's attention to the catastrophe is not that easy"
Danzou "could use the Tsukuyomi or even you." Dying now
Danzou "that it wants the nine tails'll tell you one last good information
Dawn's not just "drop dead elephant Dan

Dan elephant died! Left by the elephants and the meaning of the word and Dan!

Conclusion Zasai ☆

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 jan 27, 08:16:15
Chapter 480:
Cover is Madara above Sasuke

Chapter starts where 479 left off.

Sasuke: ..Damn
Danzo's body disapears, Sasuke collapses to the ground, his back bloodied. Susanoo' slowly fades away.
Danzo:One second less and i'd have been finished.
He looks over to Madara's location on the cliffside.
Madara is calmly sitting.
Danzo:Hmm, he's still alive, but only just (sasuke).. I'd better take these (Sasuke's eyes) quickly before i deal with him (Madara).. He begins approaching Sasuke's body.
Has Danzo clipped Hawks' wings?!

Scene changes to Naruto waking in a bed
we get a flash back of what Gaara said to him previously.
he turns in his hospital bed
Naruto: Sasuke..

Back to the battle scene:
Danzo's almost reached Sasuke's body, he looks physically drained.
Suddenly, A large explosion hits Danzo
We see him skid backwards out of the smoke, clutching a bleeding shoulder

Scene cuts to Sakura,Kiba,Sai and Rock Lee.
Team: !!!
They can see the dust cloud from their location
Sakura:That must be them.. but who's fighting ?
They begin to run towards the location

Back to battle:
Danzo looks up towards the cliffside.
Madara is standing atop a large, mechanical quad peadal tank surrounded in mist, the barrel smoking..Instead of tracks the tank has four legs, at the joints it has a circular ball, with a sharingan in each, and the Uchiha crest on the side - it's design looks like something you'd see in the Rain country.

Madara:I'm afraid i can't let you do that, Danzo.
What is this mechanical contraption?!

Next time: Confrontation!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Norec - 10 jan 27, 09:21:47
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Sasuke wins the fight.

Somehow Shisui's eye belonging to Danzou comes back.

Karin is taken hostage.

Even with Karin, Sasuke uses Chidori Nagashi

Danzou's vitals have been hit and...(more) next time.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Manson - 10 jan 27, 11:36:14
Source: NF
Credits: On3word
Verification: Comfirmed

Will translate it into parts as usual. Be patient please!

Front cover is of Sasuke. Back is of Sasuke's Susano'o.

If you close your eyes, hatred will always be there. Like an apparition, it will expand.

480 犠牲
Chapter 480: Sacrifice

Simultaneously striking one another...but is Danzou's body another illusion...!?

Madara (Sasuke's power...this much huh?)
Karin (...!?)

Sasuke pierced by Danzou: Ugh...
イタチのところへ行って説教でもされてくると…よい… ワシの 勝ちだ』
Danzou, pierced by Sasuke: Too fast...eyes are still will be going to see Itachi, and perhaps even good of you to hear his preaching...this is my win.

カリン(どうなってる!? …この感じはもう…!)
Karin (What's going on!? ...this feeling is...!)

Danzou: !!?
Sasuke looking downward: Haha
ダンゾウ『…どういう…ことだ!?』(ぐはっ! …なぜイザナギが起動しない!!?)
Danzou: ...what's...the meaning of this!? (Guh! ...why won't Izanagi start up!!?)
Sasuke's right eye has Mangekyou activated.

マダラ(ダンゾウ… お前の言うとおり”幻術時間を自在に操ったイタチも月読”とは天地の差だ …)
Madara ('s as you said -- the time Itachi could freely manipulate his genjutsu and Tsukiyomi -- the difference is like between the heavens and earth...)
Danzou's field of vision is blurred. His right arm's eyes are closed.

Danzou: You...
Sasuke: The one meeting Itachi will be you...

Danzou falls to his knees.
Karin (As thought, it's as I sensed. It was in fact Danzou's real body!)

マダラ(…だが少ししかもたない小さく弱い その幻術も要は使いどころだ…)

Danzou looks to be in a lot of pain.

サスケはうちは一族… そして万華鏡写輪眼を持つ忍
観察眼ならダンゾウ…お前より上だ 一瞬お前が気付くよりも早く…
サスケは幻術をお前にかけ 右腕最後の眼が開いているように見せかけていた
お前自身イザナギの不安定な効果時間を右腕の写輪眼を見て 幾度も確認していた
それをサスケは見逃さなかった イザナギの効果時間が まだあるよにほんの少しの間
見せかける程度だが 一瞬の間でも幻術にかけられる事を前もって知っていた
それを利用しない サスケではない)
Madara (Right before his body was pierced, the sharingan in his right arm all closed. Sasuke is of the Uchiha clan...and a shinobi possessing the Mangekyou...but Danzou with his observing eye...he is above you. In an instant he was faster than you in noticing...Sasuke cast a genjutsu on you, making you believe that your last eye on your right arm was still open. You used Izanagi on yourself without fulling knowing its effective time, checking it over and over to see if it was in effect. Sasuke didn't miss that. Izanagi's time of effectiveness has a small interval in between each use. Although he pretended to know the degree to which that was, he knew beforehand that even in an instant he would be able to cast a genjutsu. Don't use that, that's not Sasuke.)

Danzou's checks his right shoulder:
マダラ『写輪眼を手に入れた事により写輪眼との戦いを甘くみた… その奢りが負けに繋がった』
Madara: You were naiive in this battle of Sharingan because of all those Sharingan you've acquired...that's the reason for you loss.

サスケ『これが眼で語る戦いだ  うちはを…なめるな』
Sasuke: This is a fight I will recite to you with my eyes. Don't underestimate the Uchiha.

マダラ(シスイの眼が使用出来なかったにしろ ダンゾウをよくここまで追い込んだな
…サスケ   そろそろシスイの眼をいただけそうだ  根は土に隠れているべきだったな)
Madara (Even without being able to use Shisui's eye, Danzou did a good job of driving it this far....Sasuke, it seems like you'll soon be able to take Shisui's eyes for yourself. Root should have stayed hidden in the ground.)

Sasuke is about to collapse while Karin rushes over: Sasuke...!
Sasuke: Ku..ku...
Karin brings out her left arm: Here! Bite quickly!!
マダラ『あの女…連れてきて正解だった …役に立つ わざわざサスケが選んだお気に入りだけは ある…』
Madara: That was good to bring her here...she's useful, and Sasuke specifically chose her as his favorite...

Sasuke biting.
Karin: Ahh...!

ダンゾウ(このワシが…!こんな…小僧に…!! ワシはまだこんなと所では死ねん!!!)
Danzou (I...! To this little...!! I will not die in a place like this!!!)

Suddenly Danzou's right arm starts to become a tree.
Danzou: Guahhh!!!
サスケ カリン『!!?』
Sasuke and Karin: !!?
Danzou (I won't allow it!! At this rate I'll be taken over by the Shodai's cells.)
Danzou takes his right shoulder with his right arm.
マダラ(死にかけてチャクラの制御ができなくなったな… 柱間の力をそう簡単にはコントロール できはしない …)
Madara (Facing death, he's losing control over his chakra...I won't be able to easily control the strength of the pillars...)

Danzou, in front of Karin and Sasuke.
カリン『しつこい… なんて奴だ…!』
Karin: How persistent...this is some guy...!
Danzou takes the bandages off his right eye.
ダンゾウ『まだだ… ここからが… 眼で… 語る戦いだ…』
Danzou: Not yet...from here on out...with this eye...I will tell you how this fight will end.

マダラ(右眼の瞳力が戻ったか… シスイの眼が復活するまでの間をイザナギでカバーする…
Madara (The pupil in his right eye has returned huh...he covered with Izanagi while allowing Shisui's eye to that was your play huh...)

Sasuke uses Chidori in his left hand, and thrusts at Danzou.
Danzou dodges, and takes Karin hostage.

マダラ(シスイの瞳力… 幻術として使用するかイザナギとして使い捨てにするのか決めかねてい るようだな… )
Madara (Shisui's seems he plans to use it up as he did with Izanagi.)

Sasuke glares at Danzou.
Danzou: You've used your eye too much huh.
Karin: Sasuke...
ダンゾウ(サスケはもう使えん… シスイの幻術をかけて操るならマダラのほうだ
Danzou (Sasuke can't use it anymore...if I can use Shisui's genjutsu to control him and get him to go after Madara, it would be more effecient considering the depth of these wounds.)
マダラ(さて… サスケ… どうする?)
Madara (So then...Sasuke...what will you do?)

サスケ『自己犠牲を語ったお前が… 人質とはな』
Sasuke: You who talked of take a hostage.
ダンゾウ『自分の… 命が… 惜しいわけではない 木の葉の為 忍の世の為
ワシはこんな所で…死ぬ訳にはいかん…  どんな手を…… 使っても…生きる…
ワシは…  この忍の… 世を変える唯一の改革者となる者…
Danzou: life...I'm not was for Konoha...for the ninja world...I won't allow myself to die in a place like matter whose hands...whatever I have to live...I will...this shinobi' become the reformer to change the world...this girl will be a sacrifice for that purpose.
カリン『サスケ…  助けて』
Karin: me!

Sasuke: Don't move...Karin.
Danzou: ...!

Sasuke activates Mangekyou in his left eye...with a scary face.

Sasuke uses a Chidori spear and stabs Karin along with Danzou.
Danzou's back is pierced through.

Karin (Huh...)
Danzou: Guh...! (...the vitals of the hostage...)
Madara, smiling with his eyes: So its come to this...

サスケ『兄さん… まずは一人目だ…』
Sasuke: Brother...this is the first...

Karin and achieving revenge!!
Sasuke, towards the darkness of reality...!!
The End.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 jan 28, 02:42:54
A 480. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 481. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tsunade - 10 feb 02, 15:50:02
Szerző: Tidus

by: Mist Shinobi

Naruto 481: Sasuke's New Target

Both Danzo and Karin fall to the floor, each struggling for breath.
Sasuke walks over to Karin and picks her by the neck.
Sasuke: Thank-you Karin, you were able to distract Danzo for me, now I just need 1 more favor.
*Sasuke sucks out Karin's last bit of chakra to finish healin his wounds*
Madara: A bit cruel don't you think?
Sasuke: I only made Taka to complete my goals, she did what she had to do, I dont care about their existence.
*Sasuke cluthes his eyes in pain*
Madara: You overused your mangekyou sharingan in this battle, your going to go blind soon at this rate. Itachi wasn't as stubborn as you.
Sasuke: I don't want to hear it, he gave me these eyes for a reason, and im going to use them.
Madara: How do you expect to take out an entire village when you can't even see? On top of that, youve lost all of your teammates.
Sasuke: Don't underestimate me, I can get my revenge on my own.
Madara: Are you so sure about that? What you need is more power.
Sasuke: What do you propose?
Madara: If you want to keep using your mangekyou sharinga like that, you need to make it eternal.
Sasuke: Forget it! Theres no way im going to resort to stealing my brother's eyes.
Madara: Who said anything about Itachi?
Sasuke: What?
Madara: Your former teacher, Kakashi Hatake has long since gained his mangekyou sharingan.
Sasuke: Hm, interesting, I never thought he was strong enough to complete such a feat.
Madara: However, his mangekyou has different powers for yours and Itachi's. Its probably because he isnt directly from the Uchiha.
Sasuke: Don't you think it would have a negative effect on my eyes?
Madara: It is a gamble, but its better then going blind.
Sasuke: Very well, my new targter will be Kakashi, he is part of the Hidden Leaf anyways, so i'll be completing two objectives at once.
*Madara thinks to himself* Thats it....

Scene switches over to Kakashi, Naruto, and Yamamoto
Kakashi: We have to bring him to the leaf village so they can examine him, this can be serious.
Yammamoto: Right.

(Inside of Naruto)
Naruto: Whats going on, why do I feel this much pain?
Nine Tails spirit: Fool, your foolish mistakes of the past will now kill us both. Why didn't you take care of your friend earlier? Now look whats happening!
Naruto: Stop talking, my head hurts so much, I don't want to hear anything.
Nine Tails spirit: (Laughing) Youre going to get us killed just by thinking too much, hilarious! Let me out and I'll take care of the Uchiha boy.
Naruto: No! None of you dont understand anything about Sasuke!
Familiar voice: Im afraid the Nine tails is right my son, you must learn to let Sasuke go.

482: Another Talk with the 4th!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 10 feb 03, 10:24:43
Verification: Comfirmed

Just glanced through

Karin probably died

Sasuke: "This will be a nuisance"

Danzou flashback

There's Nidaime, Hiruzen, Shuudo/Akido* Torifu, Homura, and Kohara
*tn note: depending on the kanji reading*
**ohana crossed this out; she originally wrote "Madara"

They're in the midst of a mission, surrounded by enemies

Who'll be the decoy...?

Hiruzen says that it'll be himself

Danzou: "We won't just have you go off alone"~ and something or other

Nidaime says, "I'll be the decoy. Starting tomorrow you (Hiruzen) will be Hokage~"

Danzou uses a reverse sealing jutsu and turns into a sphere

Sakura and co.

Kiba says he discovers Sasuke's scent

Sakura tells everyone to stop

Just as she's bringing out the knockout gas, Sai stops her

Sakura says she'll go on alone

Sakura puts gloves on her hands...

It's Sakura VS. Sai (Kiba and Lee may join in)

Danzou self-destructs

Sasuke directs his attention towards Konoha...



It's not Madara, it's Danzou

It's a memory of Danzou wanting to become Hokage

Karin dies

Barring Sasuke and Madara, no one shows up [there]

Sakura begins to go where Sasuke is alone

and that's where Sai stops her

Since she wants to go even to the point of using force

it'll be Sakura VS. Sai

Sai and Kakashi

Sai goes, "Things are going a little poorly," as he jumps ontop of a tree

Danzou dies

Madara says it's a sealing jutsu as [Danzou's] on the verge of dying is why I said that

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 feb 03, 13:29:54
Source: 2ch
Credits: Ohana
Verification: Comfirmed

481 ダンゾウ死す

表紙は 若いころの 水戸門ホムラ 猿飛ヒルゼン うたたねコハル
秋道トリフ 志村ダンゾウ うちはカガミ




カリン(サスケ… アンタにとって…)『ウチは…』

ダンゾウ回想 若いころの任務
2代目『囲まれたな… 敵は… …20
この追跡力からして 雲隠れ…手練れの金角部隊か』
ホムラ『こちらは二代目様をふくめて七人 …これじゃとても…』
コハル『敵はまだ こちらの位置をハッキリとは把握できてない ここは待ち伏せして
ダンゾウ『無理だ… …この場合は誰か陽動で気を引くしかない…』
トリフ『…囮役か… まず命はない… 誰が…』

ダンゾウ(オレは忍だ… 忍らしく戦場で死ぬと決めていた…! 猿飛…お前は今何を考えている?
ダンゾウ(言うんだ!!言え!! オレは―― どうした!? オレがやるって何で…)

ホムラ『ヒルゼン… お前…』
ヒルゼン『ヘッ!心配するな!こう見えても お前らの中じゃ一番できると自負してる…死にゃあしないよ』
ダンゾウ(…ちくしょう…オレは弱腰だ… 心のどこかで… 今ホッとしてる…)
ヒルゼン『これからも皆を頼むぞ ダンゾウ  お前なら』
ダンゾウ『黙れ! オレが手を挙げようとしていた!一人でいい格好をするな! 囮役はオレがやる!!』
ダンゾウ『オレの父も祖父も戦場で忍として死んだ! 自己犠牲は忍の本分…!!』
二代目『囮役はもちろんオレが行く… 貴様達は これからの里を守っていく若き火の意志達だ』
二代目『ダンゾウよ 貴様はサルといつも何かあるごとに張り合ってきたな… だがこの場で必要なのは仲間同士の
結束だ 私的な争いを持ちこむな』

二代目『決断が遅かったのは事実 まずは己を見つめ 冷静さを欠くことなく己を知ることだ
とにかく…ダンゾウ… サル… その歳で焦ることはない いずれその時が来る
その時まで その命とっておけ』
二代目『サルよ… 里を慕い 貴様を信じる者達を守れ そして育てるのだ
次の時代を託すことのできる者を… 明日からは 貴様が…   火影だ…!!』
ダンゾウ悔しそうに(お前はいつも オレの先を歩きやがる…) 回想終わり

ダンゾウ『忍の世の為 木の葉の為  お前らは決して生かしておかぬ!』
マダラ(これは裏四象封印術!! うらししょうふういんじゅつ)

ダンゾウ(ヒルゼン… 次はワシの番のようだ… だがワは… 結局…火影にはなれなかった…)
ダンゾウ(どこまで行っても お前には追いつけなかったよ…
お前は光を浴びる木の葉  オレ闇の中の根
こんなオレをお前はどう思う? なあヒルゼ…  お前にとってオレは…)

リー『本当の事ナルトくんに言った方が よかったんじゃないでしょうか?』
サクラ『…そんな事言えるわけないじゃない… 絶対にダメよ』
キバ『サクラ… おめーはナルトを舐めすぎだ…』

キバ『サスケを見つけたぜ となりにゃあトビってのもいる』
キバ『どうした なんで止まる?フォーメーションは確認済みだろ!』
サクラ『キバ… サスケくんのいる場所の正確な位置は?』
キバ『真北に向かって2時の方向… 1キロ先だ!』
サイ『やっぱり… これで皆を眠らせる気だったんですね』

キバ『何で… 一人でやろうとした?』
リー『そうです ボク達皆でやるって約束でしたよ!』
サイ『イヤ… ダメだよ… ここから先は誰も行かせない』
キバ『こいつ… やっぱ うさんくせー奴だと思ったぜ!』
サイ『ボク達だけじゃサスケにも… そのトビってのにも勝てやしない
カカシ先生に 行かせないと約束した』

サクラ『サイ… 一度しか言わない…  そこをどいて…!』

サイ『急がないと… 少々ヤバイ状況です』


己の死に際で発動するように術式を組んでいたようだ  危なかったな…』
サスケ『次だ…  木の葉へ向かう』




And more



jön a fordítás is ha lesz időm

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tsunade - 10 feb 03, 16:10:50
Szerző: Rinoninha
Hitelesség ell.: ?

A szerző linkelte a képet, itt a link:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 feb 03, 16:36:25
Source: 2ch
Credits: :Ohana
Verification: Confirmed

481: Danzō dies

The cover has the young Mitokado Homura, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Utatane Koharu, Akimichi Torifu, Shimura Danzō, and Uchiha Kagami

Memories are ressurected, the comrades who fought over the seat of Hokage... The time of the shinobi Danzō's demise.

Sasuke... pierced Karin!!

Madara: (It seems you didn't have the time to use Izanagi... Danzō)

Karin: (Sasuke... You...) "I..."
Sasuke: "Karin... When you were taken hostage, you became a burden"
Karin collapses
Danzō walks a bit, but then falls to his knees
Madara: "I'll be taking Shisui's eyes then"
Danzō thinks back to a mission when he was young
Nidaime: "We're surrounded... There are... ...twenty enemies. From their ability to track us, I'd say... Kumogakure... the skilled Kinkaku Force¹?"
Homura: "Counting the Nidaime-sama, we are with seven. ...this is terribly..."
Koharu: "the enemy still hasn't clearly located us. We could ambush them here. If we take them by surprised, we could create a way out..."
Danzō: "Impossible... In a case like this, we have no choice but to send someone to create a diversion and attract their attention..."
Torifu: "...A decoy...? Who would..."
Nidaime: "..."

Danzō: (I'm a shinobi... As a shinobi, I should be okay with dying on the battlefield...! Sarutobi... what are you thinking right now? Are you prepared for this...?)
Danzō trembles
Danzō: (Say it!! Say it!! I... Why!? Why can't I say " I'll do it"...?)
Hiruzen: "I'll do it"
Everyone: "!!?"
Akimichi: "Sarutobi..."
Homura: "Hiruzen... You..."
Danzō: "..." (his trembling subsides)
Hiruzen: "Heh! Don't worry! Even if you're looking at me like that, I can still brag that I'm the best among you all... I'm not going to die"
Danzō: (Dammit... I'm weak... Where's my mind...? Just now, I was relieved...)
Danzō balls his fists
Hiruzen: "You'll all owe me one after this. Danzo, in your case"
Danzō: "Shut up! I'm raising my hand! I won't let you be the only cool one! i'll be the decoy!!"
Hiruzen: "Danzō..."

Danzō: "Both my father and grandfather died on the battlefield as shinobi! Sacrificing oneself is a shinobi's duty...!!"
Nidaime: "Of course, i'll be going as the decoy... You guys... After this, you'll be the young Wills of Fire that will protect the village"
Danzō: "No way! You're the Hokage!! There is no shinobi above you in the village!"
Nidaime: "Danzō. you are always competing over something with Monkey, right... But in this place, it is necessary for you two to work together as comrades. Put your personal battles aside, hm"
Danzō looks down: "..."

¹ Kinkaku (金角) means "Golden Horn." It is apparently the name of a character from the famous story "Journey to the West."

NF, Kumanri , Part 2

Nidaime: It is a fact that you were slow to decide. First you look at yourself, it is not that you are not calm in the mind but you do not know yourself. At this rate, you will endanger your comrades. In any case... Danzou... don't have to be impatient. The time will come. When it arrives, give all that you have.

Nidaime stood up.

Nidaime: Saru... love the village and protect and bring up those who believe in you. Hand the future over to a capable person... from tomorrow onwards, you are... the Hokage...!!

Danzou's face paled...

Hiruzen: Yes sir!

Danzou's regretful thoughts: You are always one step ahead of me...

End of recollection

Part 3

Kiba: Huh!?

Akamaru: Woof woof

Lee: What's the matter?

Sakura looked downcast. "..."

Sai took the sleep-inducing bomb from Sakura "Sakura intends to settle Sasuke on her own."

Kiba: why... do you want to do this alone?

Lee: That's right, I and everyone here promised to do this!

Sakura: ...

Sai: No... don't do this... I won't let anyone leave here.

Sakura: Why!?

Kiba: This fella... as I thought, smells suspicious!

Sai: Just we alone cannot win Sasuke... no less with Tobi around. We promised Kakashi sensei not to go.

Sakura's groped for something (in her pouch).

Sakura: Sai... I won't repeat myself... Stand aside...!

*Now the attention shifts* to another Sai. He is running for Kakashi.

Sai: I've got to hurry... the situation is getting bad.

Danzou laid on the floor covered in blood.

Situated at a small spot on top,

Madara: That's a sealing technique that seals everything to one's own corpse... It is activated upon one's death . What a dangerous technique...

Sasuke: Next... to Konoha.

Sasuke buries Danzou!

To the next revenge..!!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 feb 03, 22:23:28
A 481. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 482. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 feb 09, 13:46:01
Status: UNCONFIRMED ( i think its FAKE)

Naruto was told to rest under Yamato's watch, but he manages to sneak away and go towards Kakashi.

Outwitted by Sakura, Sai, Lee, and Neji have been put to sleep.

Madara collects Danzō's corpse (so he can obtain Shisui's eyes)
(It appears to be a fruitless effort, since Danzō smashed Shisui's eyes while he was on the verge of death, making recovery impossible)
Madara: "Finish the girl off, she knows too much"
Sasuke: "When did become your comrade? I have no reason to follow your orders"
Madara leaves. Sasuke approaches Karin, while Karin reminisces.
Karin hails from the same village of Konoha. Back when they had to collect the scrolls of Heaven and Earth, Karin lost her comrades and was attacked by a bear, but she was saved.
Boy Sasuke: Is that a Scroll of Earth? Well, bye~ (smiling face)
Current Sasuke: (face dies away) Well, bye~
Karin: I just wanted to see his face one more time...
Just when he wants to finish Karin off, Sakura appears
Sasuke: "Sakura...? How did you find me?"
Sakura: (This is the current Sasuke-kun. He changed so much...)
"I'm going to accompany you Sasuke-kun, so I'm running from konoha as well!!"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 feb 09, 19:54:52

Source: NF
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: on3word, Ohana

From Ohana:
696 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/02/10(水) 02:36:41 ID:QuTRLyWwP




サクラ『サスケくん 私もサスケくんについていく!


709 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/02/10(水) 02:41:05 ID:QuTRLyWwP

781 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/02/10(水) 03:05:19 ID:QuTRLyWwP

Translation from on3word:
696 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/02/10(水) 02:36:41 ID:QuTRLyWwP

Sakura: Sasuke-kun.

Karin: !?

Sasuke while using Chidori: Sakura?

There's another small kanji that I can barely see.

サクラ『サスケくん 私もサスケくんについていく!
Sakura: Sasuke-kun. I will follow you too. I leaving Konoha behind.


709 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/02/10(水) 02:41:05 ID:QuTRLyWwP
The things Nauto has done.
The things Tsunade has done...were they for nothing?

781 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/02/10(水) 03:05:19 ID:QuTRLyWwP
Sasuke and Sakura may become comrades...
Sai isn't very useful is he. (Root is surprisingly weak?)
Kiba and Akamaru were somehow hit by a sleep-inducing odor?
That's enough, time to sleep.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 10 feb 09, 22:14:51
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: Sasuke, Ohana, Bild

Két kép három darabban. ( ( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 feb 10, 11:36:47
rom : NF :
status : Confirmed

from shounensuki:
Madara has an eye warehouse with at least 96 visible eyes, but ohana couldn't see if they were Sharingan, Byakugan, or Rinnegan
There are many water tanks with eyes inside. Every tank has one eye, so there are 96 eyes. In front of them is Madara. In front of him lies Danzō. Danzō's eye is smashed.
credits: on3word
Sakura throws a Sleeping Gas bomb while Sai and Kiba argue.

The M-mark on the forehead protector is from where? Hidden Grass?
Karin had that mark on her forehead (protector) during the chunin exam.

Naruto is running toward Sasuke's position in Sennin Mode.
There's a kage bunshin on a futon.

Karin as a kid also wore glasses.
Separated from everyone else, she was attacked by a bear.
There, Sasuke appears.

マダラ、うちはの家紋が入った眼の倉庫?Madara is at a storehouse of eyes with an Uchiha crest?
見えるだけで 96個ストック
From what I can see, there's 96 in stock.
We don't know if they are Sharingan, Byakugan, or Rinnegan.

Ez a hiteles :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 feb 10, 13:13:38
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

képek jobb minőségben


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 feb 10, 13:22:41
posted by:vered
verification :confirmed

Madara: "Danzō... Just before you died, you [destroyed] Shisui's eye yourself..."
Danzō is lying down
He enters an Uchiha crest
There is a place stocking 96 eyes
One water tank holds one eye.

At the inn
Yamato is napping
Yamato: "Naruto... it's about time we go... Are you ready?"
Kage Bunshin Naruto: "I don't feel like going outside right now... Let's wait a bit longer..."
Kage Bunshin Naruto is holding a kunai underneath his futon. (All right... he hasn't noticed yet...!)
It seems the real Naruto left through the hole in the ceiling

Naruto is running through a forest in Sennin Mode
Naruto: (Kakashi-sensei's chakra... There it is...!)

Sasuke envelops his hand with a Chidori
Karin uses all her strength to close her eyes

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun!!!"
Karin opens one eye "!?"
Sasuke turns his head: "...Sakura?"
Sakura: (He feels completely different... from back then... Is this Sasuke-kun...?)
Sasuke "For what purpose did you come before me?"
Karin: (Wh-who is she...?)
Sakura: "Sasuke-kun! I'm going to follow you Sasuke-kun! I'm running from Konoha!!"

The determined Sakura is... shaking!!

Nem teljes még >:)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 feb 10, 14:47:33
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


482  もう一度…
482: One More Time

近くにサスケがいる… 起てナルト!!
With Sasuke being close-by, Naruto gets up!

In a lodge/inn
Naruto: "Ugh..."
Naruto gets up
Yamato: "You've woken up"
Naruto: "What happened to me...?"
ヤマト『気絶したんだよ… 心配かけてホント…』
Yamato: "You fainted. You made me worry, really..."
ナルト『…  カカシ先生とサは?』
Naruto: "...And what happened to Kakashi-sensei and Sa?"
Yamato: "..."

マダラ『オレはこいつの眼を持っていく サスケ…お前も焦らずアジトに帰って休め
瞳力の使いすぎだ… いずれ強がってはいられなくなるぞ 光を失いかけてるその眼
…一人で木の葉へむかってどうする?   目的を達成させるには我慢も必要だ』
Madara: "I'll be taking his eye. Sasuke, don't be rash now; return to the base and rest. You've overused your ocular powers... In time you won't be acting so tough, as your eyes are losing their light... What happens if you head towards Konoha alone? Patience is a necessity in attaining your goal"

At the lodge/inn
ヤマト『お前はボクと一緒に里へ帰る… …カカシ先輩の命令だよ』
Yamato: "You're coming back to the village with me. It's Kakashi-sempai's orders"
Naruto: "..."
Yamato: !
Naruto goes to grab his pouch as he stands~
Yamato: "Huu..."

Yamato imprisons Naruto with Mokuton
ヤマト『悪いけどサクラの事はカカシ先輩にまかせるんだ いいね!』
Yamato: "Sorry, but we're leaving Sakura to Kakashi-sempai, alright!"
しょんぼり顔ナルト『…  分かってる… もう少し休んだら里に帰るってばよ』
Naruto has a crest-fallen expression: "...Got it...Once I rest some more, we'll go back to the village"

通せんぼのサイ『ダメだ… 行かせない…
Sai blocks the way: "No way...I won't let you go. Ninpo: Choujuu Giga"
Lee: "He's trying to constrain by using snakes!"
キバ『カカシ先生の言う事も分かるが そう何度もサスケ野放しにできるかよ!
Kiba: "I understand what Kakashi-sensei is saying, but how many times can we just leave Sasuke loose! I'm gonna give him my foot!"
Akamaru: "Woo~f!"
Kiba: "What's up with you Akamaru? Gettin' scared?!"
Sai: "Looks like the dog is smarter than you"
Kiba gets pissed and advances towards Sai: "Shut the hell up!"
The Choujuu Giga snake(s) seize Kiba
Taking that opportunity
サクラ『行くよ リーさん!!』
Sakura: "Let's go, Lee-san!"
リー『行くぞ いやー!!』サイに突っ込む
Lee: "Let's go! Iyaa~!" He rushes Sai
Kiba: "I'll use Tsuuga on this thing...!"
Lee: "Hoiya!"
Sai: "!" (Dammit!)
Sakura drops the knockout gas while Sai, Kiba, and Lee are fighting
Akamaru: "Woof! Woof!"
Smoke fills the place


Sakura hides in a shady part of a tree
Sakura: (I'm sorry everyone)

Kiba: *grumbling* he's on the verge of sleeping
Lee's on the verge of sleeping
Sai: "Guh..." (Got Kiba and Lee-san too...)
赤マル ガン寝
Akamaru's fast-asleep

Sakura starts running

サイの墨分身『やられました 急いでください!』
Sai's ink bunshin: "We were taken out. Please hurry!"
Sai's ink bunshin dispells
カカシ『やるね サクラ…』
Kakashi: "Not bad, Sakura."

Madara absorbs Danzou into that whirl
Madara: "Sasuke..."
Sasuke: "..."
Madara: "I'll leave you with one piece of advice"
Karin's beaten and looks in pain
マダラ『あの女いらないなら ちゃんと止め刺しておけ 我らの事を知りすぎている』
Madara: "If you don't need that girl, then go and finish her off. She knows too much about us"
サスケ『我らだと… オレがいつお前の仲間になった?』
Sasuke: "'Us' you say...since when did I get lumped together with you?"
マダラ体に渦巻き消えていく『フッ… まあいい… また会おう』
Madara's body goes to disapppar in a swirl: "Hmph. Fine then, we'll meet again"
Sasuke: "..."
Sasuke goes to Karin

Karin flashback
Karin was a Hidden Grass shinobi
地の書を握りしめ デカイ熊に襲われそう
Grasping the "Earth" scroll, she's attacked by a huge bear
Karin: "Hey? Everyone?!"
The bear chases Karin to a tree: "Grrragh!"
カリン『キャー!』倒れる メガネ取れる
Karin: "Kyaa!" she falls down and her glasses come off

Shishi Rendan! [Lion's Barrage!]

The bear's eyes roll back and it collapses
Karin: "?!"
Sasuke stands ontop of the bear: "So you have the same 'Earth' scroll as us..."
Since Karin's glasses were taken off, Karin can't see but a faint outline of Sasuke's face
Karin: (M-My glasses!)
She puts on her glasses

大人サスケ     じゃあな…

Kid Sasuke and Grown Sasuke: "See you"
The [panels] are linked together. The faces are completely different
子サスケの、じゃあな爽やか 大人サスケの顔、悪
Kid Sasuke's "See you" is clear-eyed and refreshing. Grown Sasuke's is evil.
カリン(… もう一度… … あの時の顔が見たかったなあ…)
Karin: (I just wanted to see that face of more time...)


マダラ『ダンゾウめ… 死ぬ前に己でシスイの眼を…』
Madara: "Damn you Danzou...doing this to Shisui's eye just before you died..."
Danzou's layed down

There's the Uchiha crest
A place which has 96 eyes stocked up.
One water tank for each eye

At the lodge/inn
Yamato's slumping down and taking a nap...
ヤマト『ナルト… そろそろ行くよ… まだか?』
Yamato: "Naruto, it's about time we should be going...still sleeping?"
影分身ナルト『今は外に出る気にならねーんだ… もうちっと待ってよ…』
Kage-bunshin Naruto: "I don't plan on going outside right now...wait a little longer..."
影分身ナルト、布団の中でクナイ持ち(よし… まだ気付かれてねーってばよ…!)
Kage-bunshin Naruto holds a kunai in the futon mattress: (Alright...he still hasn't noticed...!)
宿の天井が穴あいてる そこから本体ナルトが出たらしい
It seems the real Naruto went out from an open roof in the lodge/inn

Naruto uses Sage Mode and runs in the forest
ナルト(カカシ先生のチャクラ… こっちか…!)
Naruto: (Kakashi-sensei's this way!)

Sasuke puts Chidori on his hand
Karin resigns herself and closes her eyes
And then....

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun!!"
Karin opens one eye: "?!"
Sasuke looks back: "...Sakura, huh"
サクラ(昔と… まるで感じが違う… これがサスケくん…?)
Sakura: ( off a completely different feeling compared to the past. This is really Sasuke-kun...?)
Sasuke: "What have you come to me for?"
Karin: (T-This is...?)
サクラ『サスケくん…! 私もサスケくんに ついていく!木の葉を抜ける!!』
Sakura: "Sasuke-kun! I'll go along with you too! I'll leave Konoha!"

決意のサクラが… 揺れる!!
The determined Sakura trembles!
The end

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 feb 10, 17:31:21
A 482. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 483. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 feb 16, 11:33:20

Source: NF
Credits: Own3rd
Verification: Confirmed
Something amazing happens.

んで手にクナイもってカリンの目の前にたって 今サスケ君を刺せばすべて終わる~
If Sakura deals the final blow to Karin, Sasuke will replace her on his team. So she stands before Karin with a kunai. If she takes out Sasuke now though, she could end everything~
見たいな事考えていたら 後ろからサスケが千鳥でサクラの後頭部めがけて突き刺そう
としていた所 案山子登場でサクラを助け 本気の殺意…地に落ちたなサスケ
Sasuke uses Chidori from behind and aims for the head, trying to stab her. Kakashi appears and saves Sakura. He intended to kill her...Sasuke has fallen.
Some conversational exachanges occur.
カカシ お前を殺したくない~
Kakashi: I don't want to kill you.
サスケ ハッいつでも俺を殺せるような事をいってくれるな先生
    俺はいつでもお前を殺したいとウズウズしてる カカシ~
Sasuke: Ha, you always talk as if you could kill me sensei. But it's I that has been itching to kill you, Kakashi.
And some more after that, he says at the end..
カカシ いまになって三代目の事がわかった気がする オロチ丸が落ちていってもかわいくて
Kakashi: I now understand what the 3rd meant. In the way Orochimaru has fallen, I'm afraid I've no choice...
サスケ んじゃてめえは三代目の二の舞になるだよ!!
Sasuke: Fine, so then you will follow in the 3rd's footsteps then!!

で終わり (サクラはカカシにいわれ カリンを治療しここからすぐに立ち去れといわれどっかい ってた)
It ends there (Kakashi tells Sakura to get away as she's treating Karin.)

カカシ サクラお前一人でサスケを殺し一人で背負い込むなんてするな
Kakashi: Sakura, don't be burdened into thinking you have to take out Sasuke alone. That is my duty. Don't be obsessed with revenge like Sasuke.
サスケ イタチを~… 父を母を~ 一族を~全部戻してくれたらこんな事やめてやる!!
Sasuke: father and mother...the clan...if you can bring them all back, then I'll stop!!
カカシ いい加減なことばっかいってる先生でごめんなサクラ…(死亡フラグ?)
    サクラこの子を頼む敵の事情に詳しいはず今なら間に合う治療してここは俺に任せてくれ ~
Kakashi: Sorry Sakura for being nothing but irresponsible...(is this a sign he might die?) Sakura, I'm leaving this kid [Karin] to you. You probably know the enemies circumstances well. You have time to treat her and get away. Leave this to me.

Sakura didn't commit suicide after all.
Sasuke VS Kakashi.
Will Naruto make an appearance too?

Source: NF
Credits: Shounensuk
Verification: Confirmed
If Sakura finishes Karin off, Sasuke will take her in as her replacement.
Well, she is standing in front of Karin with a kunai in her hand. If I stab Sasuke-kun now, all will be over.
As she is thinking something like that, behind her, Sasuke aims a Chidori to the back of Sakura's head and is about to about to pierce her.
At that moment, Kakashi appears and saves Sakura. "Real intent to kill... You really sunk low, didn't you Sasuke"

Then some arguing back and forth

Kakashi: "I don't want to kill you"
Sasuke: "Heh, you're always saying things about killing me, sensei. I'm itching to kill you, though, Kakashi."
Well, after this is the conclusion
Kakashi: "I now understand how the Sandaime must have felt. Even though Orochimaru sunk so low, he still couldn't help but care..."
Sasuke: "Well, then you're making the same mistake he did!!"
It ends with this. (Sakura is telling Kakashi that she's giving Karin medical treatment so they can leave immediately after this)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tsunade - 10 feb 17, 16:54:36
Szerző: mistermobile
Source: NF /
Verification: Confirmed


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 feb 18, 01:13:45
A 483. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 484. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 feb 23, 19:06:31
Verification: Confirmed
Source: 日本語トルコ

NARUTO -ナルト - 第384 - 失われた光
はたけ:彼らはあなたの一族の村を引き継ぐこと]を統制しようと彼らを殺すためにイタチなってお ります?
* -ナルト - を閉じる*雲を参照するのに十分である
サスケ:もう一つはニッケル- に間もなくかれらはするが、すべてダイキャスト

Naruto Chapter 384 - The lost light
Sasuke: I don't think you understand what you're doing
Kakashi: Stopping you from killing Sakura and becoming more emo?
Sasuke: You don't know what Konaha did to me... to my clan!
Kakashi: They ordered itachi to kill them because your clan tried to control the kyubii to take over the village?
Sasuke: How do you...
Kakashi: Madara told us, he also slept with your mother.
*Sasuke charges at Kakashi and activates susanoo*
*Kakashi dodges but is get grazed by susanoos attack and bleeds*
Kakashi: Is this what you wanted? This meager power?
Sasuke: Meager? This is the power that's going to kill you
*Sasuke shoots fire into the sky and a cloud forms*
*Naruto is close enough to see the cloud*
Sasuke: Disappear... WITH THE THUNDER!!!!
*Kakashi is hit directly*
Sasuke: Another one Ni-sama SOON THEY WILL ALL DIE
Kakashi: ... Was that it? Didn't even scratch the paint.
Sasuke: !!!!!!
*Kakashi is alive, in some kind of blue vehicle with a star on it*
What is this mechanical contraption!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Ayumichan - 10 feb 23, 19:30:18
Verification: Confirmed (legalábbis annak írják)
If Sakura finishes Karin off, Sasuke will take her in as her replacement.
Well, she is standing in front of Karin with a kunai in her hand. If I stab Sasuke-kun now, all will be over.
As she is thinking something like that, behind her, Sasuke aims a Chidori to the back of Sakura’s head and is about to about to pierce her.
At that moment, Kakashi appears and saves Sakura. “Real intent to kill… You really sunk low, didn’t you Sasuke”

Naruto 484: Student Vs Sensei!!

(Sasuke Scene)
Kakashi: Sakura go….
Sakura: Sensei i….(closes her eyes and makes a fist)
Kakashi: …..(removes a kunai)
Sakura: I-I am sorry sensei….(picks up Karin)
Sakura: (thinking)I am sorry Naruto…
(Sakura puts Karin on her back and turns away)
Sasuke: (watches as sakura goes away with Karin)
Kakashi: Alright then…time to correct my mistake… (Readies kunai)
Sasuke: heh! (Smiles and charges at kakashi with a chidori )
Just as the chidori is about to hit him, Kakashi jumps in the air barely dodging it.
Sasuke is prepared for the dodge, and turns around as soon as kakashi is in the air.He charges his other hand with a chidori spear.
Sasuke: HA!(the spear pierces a surprised kakashi, who was unable to dodge it because he was in mid air)
Kakashi:..Poof! (turns into a rag doll)
Sasuku : !! (Thinking) substitution!
Kakashi: (appearing just a few steps behind sasuke) Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet! (a huge water dragon flies at Sasuke who is just inches away)
Kakashi: (watches as sasuke is engulfed by the water dragon)……!!!!
(Suddenly black flames start consuming the water dragon)
Kakashi: (thinking) Amaterasu…
Sasuke: (Standing in middle of the smoke cause by the rapid evaporation of the water because of amaterasu) Is that all you have got Kakashi? (Reveals his mangeykyo sharingan!)
Kakashi:?! (Looks at the evilness in sasuke’s sharingan) (Thinking) Revenge has consumed him…Sasuke…
Sasuke: DIE! (Aims the amaterasu at kakashi )
Kakashi: Shadow Clone jutsu! (Makes 5 shadow clones of himself) Poof!! (The kakashi who was attacked with the amaterasu disappears)
Sasuke: hmph (used shadow to escape dodge my amaterasu…)
Kakashi: (thinking while dodgeing sasuke’s amaterasu’s continuously)sasuke’s chakra levels are pretty low…Looks like he was in a fight not to long…the kage summit maby?…judging by his state right now, those mangeykyo attacks should be taking a lot out of him..if I can keep out of his line of sight and confuse him with my clones then I should be able to get close enough to finish him off…
Sasuke: haha keep running…I am going to burn you to the ground and watch as you suffer in agony!!
Sasuke:?!! (Suddenly kakashi’s figure blures causing the flame to go totally of target and Sasuke becomes a little dazed for a second)
Kakashi: (thinking) NOW!!!
In a split second, Kakashi’s 4 shadow clones surround Sasuke and get ready for a lightning blade from all 4 sides..
Kakashi: Lightning Blade!!!
All the 4 Lightning blades hit Sasuke at the same time from all sides!!!
Kakashi: *pant* *pant I got him…
Kakashi: (surprised) HUH??! What the-
Sasuke is completely surrounded by susanoo’s bones!
As Kakashi is about to jump back, the bones form a fist and catch hold of kakashi’s arm
Sasuke: (turns around to face Kakashi) Now its my turn….
(Naruto Scene)
Naruto: (thinking) almost there… (Speeds up a little bit)
(Sasuke Scene)
Kakashi: Arrrrghhh!!!! (The Susanoo’s fist is crushing Kakashi’s arm)
Kakashi: (falls to his knees and his shadow clones disappear)
Sasuke: hahaha (has a insane looks on his face) that pain is nothing compared to the pain I have gone through! Maby now you will understand it a little better…
(Slowly sasuke’s susanoos body starts to form behind him)
Kakashi: (wincing from the pain) (thinking) I have got no choice…
Sasuke: I am going to tear you limp from limp and-
(Kakashi raises his head and looks at Sasuke straight in the eye)
Kakashi: You let revenge take over you…and now you are too far gone in the darkness to be brought back……
(kakashi closes his sharingan eye)
Sasuke: hm…..?
Kakashi opens his eye to reveal the Mangeykyo sharingan!(close up on kakashi’s eyes)
Sasuke: (surprised) eh?! How did you-
Kakashi: KAMUI!!!
Sasukehurry up!!!!!!!
Kakashi has activated his mangeykyo sharingan! He used kamui on Sasuke at almost point blank distance. Has Sasuke finally been defeated??? Did kakashi really kill him?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 10 feb 23, 23:24:43
Egyszer ez:

Szerző:Originally Posted by chie chan View Post
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: UNCONFIRMED SPOILER

Kakashi and Sasuke start fighting, Kakashi reads sasuke's chakra.

Kakashi makes a raikiri and charges at sasuke, sasuke dodges and cuts kakashi with his regular sword. The kakashi was a Mizu Bushin Jutsu.

Some talk about how the clan died between them both, and Kakashi asks sasuke why is he spiting on Itachi's legacy. Sasuke is shocked kakashi knows the truth.

Sasuke: Konoha made Itachi betray and kill the clan.

Kakashi: Itachi did it on his own free will, he wanted to do it.

Sasuke forms Susano...

Kakashi in thought, that's susanoo I must use it...(not clear about this).

Sasuke: Behold my power, the power of darkness.

Kakashi starts his Mks, sasuke is in complete shock. While in susanoo a hole starts to open up inside. Kakashi is targeting sasuke

Kakashi: This is my Mankegyou power, I told you those who seek revenge have a dark end.

Sasuke cannot get lose and his head starts to get sucked in.

Kakashi has a flashback of Naruto and sasuke arguing and Sasuke trying to get the bells from kakashi, He tears up and says I'm sorry Naruto I must do this.

Madara appears from behind Kakashi, and Kakashi loses his focus. He is about to stab kakashi.

Madara: You can tell Naruto sorry when you meet in death.

Madara gets pucnhed hard and flies into a tree his mask falls off, He looks up in shock

Naruto is in a Kyuubi 2 tailed state with sage mode!!!

Itt egy másik. ez elvileg confirmed.

Asszem ez a Sordack féle spoiler fordítása.

Forrás: 2ch
Szerző: Unknown
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed

Translation by C3PO:
Sasuke uses chidori and Kakashi uses raikiri to block him. Both are blasted away from the impact
佐助”还有如此大差距吗 雷盾”
Sasuke: “is there still such a difference in power when using Lightning Release then?”
天照出现 并击中卡卡西 将卡卡西全身燃烧
Amaterasu appears and hits Kakashi. Kakashi burns
卡卡西”你真的 下得了手啊”
Kakashi: “You really are able to do it”
突然 从地里钻了出来??(翻译是这个)
Suddenly Kakashi appears from under the ground (That’s what’s translated)
佐助”明明被天照击中 什么??”
Sasuke: “You were hit by Amaterasu!!! What the…”
鸣人路上赶来 佐助发觉千鸟不行 万花筒再打开了 但一打开 马上又捂着 并流着血
Naruto is approaching. Sasuke realizes that Chidori is useless and uses his Mangekyo Sharingan, but when he uses his eye, he flinches and blood flows
卡卡西”看来在这之前 佐助你是经过了激烈的战斗呢”
Kakashi: “Sasuke, looks like you’ve already been through an intense battle before this”
佐助”是啊 但我现在一样可以宰了你 你就叹息你自己的力量不够强大吧”
Sasuke: “You’re right, but I can still kill you. Just feel sorry that your power isn’t enough”
佐助出了须佐 佐助痛苦捂眼睛 并跪在地上 痛苦的流汗
Sasuke uses Susanoo but he falls to the ground in pain and sweats like hell
卡卡西”这种异常的力量? 风影所说的暗之力吗??’”
Kakashi: “This abnormal power? Is that what Kazekage meant about the power of darkness?…”
佐助”可恶 这个眼睛快撑不住了吗?”
Sasuke: “Dammit, this eye can’t take much more…”
须佐完全体显现 准备拉弓
Susanoo fully appears and prepares to attack with his bow
卡卡西”佐助 看来你确实已经回不了头了吗? ”
Kakashi: “Sasuke, looks like you really can’t turn back, can you?”
卡卡西再一次劝告”我最后再劝多你一次 佐助!!! 停止复仇旋涡 不然我真的会杀了你!!”
Kakashi: “I’ll say this for the last time, Sasuke!!! Stop the whirlpool of revenge, or I really will kill you”
佐助”我要残忍杀了你 卡卡西”
Sasuke: “I’m going to butcher you, Kakashi”
须佐之弓射向了卡卡西那!!??(翻译难翻 好象击中卡卡西!!??)
Susanoo shoots at Kakashi!!??(It’s hard to translate, looks like it hit Kakashi!!??)
鸣人离二人查克拉越来越近”卡卡西老师 别出事了”
Naruto is getting closer and closer: “Kakashi sensei, don’t get killed”

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 feb 24, 08:43:16
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: cepillon

Sakura: ...I...I prepared myself for this but...!?

Kakashi: Sakura...!!

Sakura: Ugh...!

カカシ:よせ!! サスケェ!!
Kakashi: Stop!! Sasuke!!

Second Scan

第七班集結!! ナルトが出す「答」は...!!
Team 7 gathers!! Naruto's response is...!!

Kakashi: Naruto!?

Sakura: ...Naruto...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Manson - 10 feb 24, 11:51:43
Soruce: NF
Credit: On3word
Verification: Confirmed

From skimming through...

Sakura cries while treating Karin

Seeing Sakura cry makes Karin cry

Sasuke roars

Naruto is running

Naruto recalls something to do with Itachi

He remembers what Gaara said to him

He recalls what the Raikage said to him

Sasuke returns fire with Susano'o

Sasuke's Susano'o fires arrows at Kakashi

Kakashi uses Mangekyou to send the bow to another space

Kakashi gives some speech

Something is wrong with Sasuke. His field of vision is...

Sakura comes close from behind Sasuke

Sakura....prepares herself to try and stab Sasuke, but can't

Sasuke notices Sakura and grabs her by the neck

Kakashi tries to stop him~~~his Kamui is delayed though

Sakura tries to stab Sasuke with a kunai but~~~

Naruto appears!!!


He (Sasuke) is probably losing his eyesight huh

Sasuke is strange

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 feb 24, 17:21:34
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 feb 24, 19:54:45
Hitelesség: Megerősítve

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 feb 25, 02:04:17
A 484. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 485. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zoll-sama - 10 márc 03, 01:27:51
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  unconfirmed
Forrás: (
Szerző: Conc3p7

485: One step between one and ??? (it doesnt make sense)

--Bridge Scene--

Sakura: Naruto?
Naruto: Are you ok?!
Sakura: Y-yes …
Kakashi: *thinking* Is he already here? Your speed is unbelievable …
Sasuke: Of course, it wouldn't be a party without you, would it?
Naruto: …
Sasuke: Is that all, Naruto?! Nothing? where is the big speech about friendship?! *smiles* Are you still afraid to fight me… scaredy cat?
Naruto: *smirks* That takes me back… we were Team 7. No… we still are Team 7.
Sasuke: Hmph, you're still so naive. Friendship? Why? There's no thruth in it! No, no, no… *smiles* Only, in thruth, revenge can be found! I can see that now!
Naruto: Sasuke, why do you still pursuit the path of revenge? It will only bring more pain and hatred, leading to revenge, can't you see that is destroying you?
Sasuke: What do you know about it? You never lost the reason to exist… *Naruto closes eyes* My entire clan was destroyed with Konoha dancing in our (uchiha) tombs! I will destroy it… i will save you from yourself!
Naruto: *opens eyes, and shouts* You are the only one that doesn't know! Nagato killed Ero-Sennin and destroyed Konoha! *Sasuke is shocked* Even with all the unforgivable things he have done, he saved me from his hatred. And if i cant save you from Madara, i wont forgive myself.
Sasuke: …Save? me? *smiles in a spooky way* So Nagato already destroyed Konoha?! He have done my work alot easier! Say, Naruto …
Naruto: …?
Sasuke: Was he after you? *Naruto avoids eye contact* Oh, the irony, the Jinchuuriki Bijuu that appeared mysteriously 17 years ago, made my clan the target to eliminate… it was the reason why the same village used uchiha, i was marveled (this last part dint make sense...).
Naruto: The Kyuubi didnt appear by chance. My father told me, that it was madara that summoned Kyuubi!
Sasuke: *laughs hystericaly* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NARF! *Naruto looks nevoursly* That is precious, your father told you?! I knew that you was a sandwich short of a picnic, but that is hillarious! And you think that i care that Madara summoned it?! The damage is done, and Konoha is the guilty party! *sharingan*
Naruto: Youre a madman…
Sasuke: Me? Poor creature, you threw your life away chasing me, and im the only mental one? Maybe it is better for you to die in the hope of bringing me back instead of living, knowing that you will be a failure forever
*Susano’o reapears*
Naruto: I knew it had come to this. I will keep my word that i told you at the Valley of the End … i will bring you back with all my might! I will fight you untill your old self is back! *Sage Mode* Sasuke! You will not keep walking in your path to revenge, even if i have to break your arms and legs to stop you!

--Madara Scene--

*Zetsu appears near Madara*
Dark Zetsu: I knew you would be here.
White Zetsu: Any luck with Shisui’s Sharingan?
Madara: Unfortunately, Danzou crushed it. Has Kisame captured Hachibi’s Jinchuuriki?
White Zetsu: Im affraid not.
Dark Zetsu: Kumogakure beheaded him.
Madara: *punches the table* Another obtacle to my goal… it doesnt matter, i still have Sasuke, soon he will be asking for more and i will be the only one capable to give him what he wants…
White Zetsu: You mean..?
Dark Zetsu: Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.
Madara: Exactly.

--Naruto Scene--

Kakashi: Sakura, grab the girl and flee!
Sakura: And you, Kakashi-sensei?
Kakashi: I have to correct my errors of the past.
Sasuke: *Susano’o is being covered by his last layer* Your only error is standing on his feet in front of me! *thinking* Only a little more…
Kakashi: Becareful with Susano’os arrows.
Naruto: Already covered. *makes 5 clones*
Sasuke: Still using the same useless Kagebushin no Jutsu *3 clones running towards Sasuke*… even better to cease your existence! *Susano’o fires an arrow to a clone downwards; Naruto starts Rasenshuriken*
Kakashi: Raiton: Raijuu Pakku! * 5 lightning dogs from his hands towards Susano’o*

*Thunder Launch: Thunder Beast Pack

--Sakura Scene--

*Sakura finishes healing Karin, Sakura is crying*
Karin: Sasuke is drowning in the darkness…
Sakura: …?
Karin: His chakra is getting colder… so much colder…
Sakura: …
Karin: Please, Konoha … save him from himself… …
Sakura: *whipes tears and makes a forced smile* We will, dont worry…
Karin: Thank… you…
Sakura: Youre fully recovered, lets go.

--Naruto Scene--

*Only 2 clones and a lightning dog remain intact; Rasenshuriken is almost finished*
Naruto: *thinking* almost done…
Sasuke: I will not allow it!
*Susano’o fires an arrow to one of the clones doing the Rasenshuriken, it disperses in a gust of wind annihilating the remaining clones and dogs*
Sasuke: Is that all you got?
Naruto: Gahhh! *he falls on his knees, opens his mouth and black feathers fly from it*
Sasuke: What the …! *the black feathers start to form a silhouette, revealing Itachi*
Itachi: Enough, Sasuke. *everyone foams*

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 márc 03, 10:10:02
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: Mokage

485: Near... far...

Naruto glares at Sasuke
Kakashi punches Sasuke
Naruto preaches to Sasuke
Naruto: "I understand what you're doing"
Sasuke complains that he's exhausted, says he killed Danzō
Kakashi is surprised
Sakura complains to Sasuke
Naruto's shadow clone says something like "Kakashi, this is my duty"
Naruto holds Kakashi back
Chidori vs Rasengan
It doesn't lead to a conclusion
Again, more conversation
Again, Rasengan vs Chidori

The end

485: Close...and far away...

表紙 ナルト サスケが向かい合ってる
Cover: Naruto and Sasuke are facing each other

Uzumaki Naruto. Uchiha Sasuke. The drop-out and the elite. Valiance and hatred. A struggle with zero distance between them.

They finally exchange looks...

Naruto glares at Sasuke

Sasuke glares at Naruto

Taking the opportunity, Kakashi punches Sasuke

Sasuke's sent flying and perfectly lands on his feet

Kakashi: "You have better timing than me...Naruto. I didn't think that even you would be coming..but forget about that, you were a life-saver."

Sakura: "T-Thank you...Naruto"

ナルト『サスケェ… サクラちゃんは同じ第七班のメンバーだぞ』
Naruto: "Sasuke...Sakura's a member of Team 7, just as you are"

サスケ眼の色が薄い『元…第七班だ …オレはな』
Sasuke: "Former-Team 7...I was"

カカシ『今ので分かっただろ…ナルト サスケはもう昔のサスケじゃなくなってる』
Kakashi: "You understand how it is now, Naruto. Sasuke's no longer who he was in the past"

Naruto: "Sasuke..."

Sasuke: "...What?!"

ウソか本当かは よくわからねェ… けどどっちにしてもお前のやってる事は…』
Naruto: "I heard the truth of Itachi from that guy Tobi! I don't really know whether it's lies or truth...but whatever it is, all that you're doing right now..."

Sakura: "!" (The truth of Itachi...?!)

Naruto: "I get it"

Kakashi: "!"

Sakura: "!?"

Sasuke: "...!"

サスケ『ナルト… 前に言ったハズだ…親も兄弟もいねえ てめーにオレの何が分かるってな…』
Sasuke: "Naruto...I told you this could someone like you, without parents, without a brother, how in the hell could you get me?"

Sasuke scowls at Naruto

Sasuke: "Others should be silent!"

サクラ『! ナルトはどんな想いでサスケくんを…! どんな悪い事を耳にしてもずっと仲間だと 思ってた!
Sakura: ! "As if those are the thoughts Naruto regarded you with, Sasuke-kun! Whatever ill that was spoken of you, Naruto had always thought of you as a companion! Not only then but even now..."

サスケ『さっきだ…さっきやっと一人だけイタチの仇を討てた 木の葉の上役をこの場で殺した
Sasuke: "It was just right now....Just right now that I finally took vengeance on Itachi's behalf. I killed just one of Konoha's superiors, right at this spot...a guy called Danzou"

Kakashi: (...What?...That Danzou has been...?!)

Sakura: !

サスケ『今までにない感覚だ 汚されたうちはが浄化されていく感覚
Sasuke: "It's a feeling I've never had. The feeling of the tainted Uchiha being purified-

腐れきった忍世界から ちはを決別させる感覚
The feeling of breaking the Uchiha away from the rotted away world of shinobi-

ある意味 お前たち木の葉が ずっと望んできた事だ 昔からうちはを否定し続けた
In a sense, it's what you all of Konoha have always desired, what you've continued to deny the Uchiha since the start-

お前たちの望み通り お前たちの記憶からうちはを消してやる
Just as you all desire, I'll erase the Uchiha from your memories-

お前達を 木の葉の全てを 殺すことでな! つながりを全て断ち切る事こそが
それこそが本当の うちは再興だ!!』
By killing all of you, all of Konoha! Cutting off all those bonds will be that which brings the true revival of the Uchiha!"

Sasuke's explanation is ringing out

Sakura: "Sasuke-kun..."

カカシ(…憎しみ その積み重ねの歴史が今のサスケを作ってしまった…
…サスケもその時代の被害者なのだと ナルトもサクラもハッキリとではないが肌で感じている
Kakashi: (...All that hatred piling up over history has formed Sasuke into who he is right now... it may not be clear to Naruto and Sakura that Sasuke's a victim of that era, but they can feel it in their hearts. That's the reason why...)

Naruto does Kage bunshin

カカシ『これはオレの役目だ ナルト… サクラ…お前達はここから消えろ』
Kakashi: "This is my duty, Naruto...Sakura. Disappear from this place"

サクラ『カカシ先生… でも!』
Sakura: "But...Kakashi-sensei!"

カカシ『ここに居れば見たくないものを見ることになる… 今のうちに行け!』
Kakashi: "If you're here, you'll see something you don't want to....Go now!"

Sakura: "I...!"

大蛇丸に耐性を埋め込まれている… それにもう自分の気持ちが分かっただろう』
Kakashi starts walking: "Sasuke won't die from the embedded poison you learned from Shizune that you put into your kunai...Orochimaru implanted him with the antibiotic resistance. Besides, [you] should already know how feel"

Sasuke prepares Chidori and starts walking

カリン(サスケ… ウチが回復させたとはいえ… これ以上は… イヤ…もういいんだ… サスケ の事は…)
Karin: (Sasuke...I may have healed you...but this is'm through...through with Sasuke...)

ナルト『カカシ先生 それってば…    サスケを殺すって事か…?』
Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei, so you mean to...kill Sasuke?"

Kakashi: "...Go!"

The Kage Bunshin Naruto pins Kakashi's arms behind his back

The real Naruto starts walking while making Rasengan

サスケも千鳥左手に作り走り出す『スキを生んだな! 容赦しない!』
Sasuke also starts making Chidori on his left hand and starts walking: "There's an opening now! I won't be going easy on you!"

Kakashi: "Wait, Naruto!"

Sakura: "Naruto!"

They clash right in front of one another

ナルト(もしかしたらサスケ… お前とオレが逆だったかもしれねェ…)
Naruto: (Sasuke, maybe...maybe me and you were opposites...)

Naruto: "Rasengan!"

Sasuke: "Chidori!'

The conclusion isn't settled...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 10 márc 03, 15:51:08
Source: NF
Credits: Sayuri No Moe
Verification: Confirmed

Naruto and Sasuke look at each other

Naruto places a hand on his belly "I know how you the past everyone in the village hated me...
And the reason for that is the Kyuubi inside of me. the past I hated everyone in the village as well
and I sometimes thought about revenge too...
If I held on to that...probably I would have thought terrible things like you...
I thought about who was a friend to me... I thought I didn't need bonds. And I met you and Iruka-sensei"
Sasuke: "..."
Naruto: "I knew you were always alone
Being just like you brought peace to me...and soon after I talked to you...and I was so happy!
But after that I stopped. You could do anything...and I was jealous of you. I decided you were my rival!
You became my goal.
No matter what, I held onto that bond. Team 7 started going on missions together.
I wanted to become strong like you. But I was always behind you, chasing your back"
Sasuke: "..."

Naruto, with a big smile on his face
Naruto: "I was so happy to meet you"

Sasuke: "Naruto it's too talked to me...but now it's too late to change me!!
I will completely wipe out you, the villagers and everyone else!!
At this point, your choice...killing me becoming the hero of the village!!
Or being killed by me, becoming a loser!!

Naruto looks at him squarely in the face, he decided
Naruto: "I won't be a loser against you! And I won't kill you and become an hero either! (my decision) is neither of them!!"

Chidori VS Rasengan

An unsteady sheet of spray (?!? )

Naruto (I ---)

Clash!! Naruto's third option is??

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 10 márc 03, 17:05:05
Verification: Confirmed

CHAPTER 485=Close... Far away

In front of him, Sasuke faces Naruto

Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, The drop out and the elite, guts and hate, a direct conflict

At last, glances change

Naruto is glaring at Sauske

Sasuke is glarind at Naruto

Seeing a gap, Kakashi punches Sasuke

Blown off, Sasuke lands successfully

Kakashi : Better timing than mine... Naruto, i didn't think you would come too but... anyway, we're saved.

Sakura: Th...Thank you, Naruto

NAruto : Sasuke.. Sakura is a member of Team Seven too!

Sasuke's eye color is pale : I'm a former member of team 7.

Kakashi : Now, you should understand, Naruto. Sasuke isn't anymore who he was.

Naruto : Sasuke

Sasuke : What!?

I heard the truth about Itachi from that guy, Tobi! I don't know if it's the truth or a lie... but anyway what your're doing now...

Sakura : !! (The truth about Itachi...!?)

NAruto : I understand it.

Kakashi : !

Sakura : !?

Sasuke : !?

Sasuke : Naruto... I told you before... You who didn't have neither father nor brother, what could you understand about me...?

Sasuke glares at Naruto

Sasuke : Outsiders should shut up!!!

Sakura : You don't know how Naruto thought of you...! No matter what bad things he heard, he always thought of you as a comrade!

Just some time ago... Just now, i took care alone of Itachi's enemy. I killed a Konoha Senior here... the man called Danzou.

Kakashi : (what... "That" Danzou...!?)

Sakura : !!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 10 márc 03, 17:06:09
 Kép is van már fent itt a link

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 márc 03, 19:08:00
A 485. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 486. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 10 márc 09, 14:30:23
source : 2ch
credits : Nja
Status : Confirmed

74 んじ ◆bvOTKk1mXg [sage] 2010/03/09(火) 20:03:29 ID:SdIao3//0 Be:


ナルト 今のでわかったお互い本気で戦えば2人とも死ぬ
ナルト お前は友達だからな (キリッ)
それを聞いたサクラ ナルト…ウッゥ… (涙)
サスケ てめえに痛みを分かってもらうつもりもないし~俺は死なないお前が一人で死ね   

カカシ お前はいずれ火影~になるんだろサスケは俺がやる!
ナルト 仲間一人救えねえ奴が火影になれるか!


source : NF
credits : vered
Status : Confirmed

in short, Naruto says Sasuke is his friend, Sasuke claims no-one understands him, Kakashi tries to persuade Naruto to let him do the dirty work, Sakura cries
Same ol', same ol'
The last sentence is: "what kind of option is 'I'll kill Sasuke and die myself, as well' "
That's basiclally the option Naruto chose, it seems. He's going to fight Sasuke and if he can't bring him back, he'll kill him while dying himself

source : NF
credits : DarkLordOfKichiku
Status : Confirmed

Translation of the above.

Naruto: I get it, if we fight seriously now we'll both die.
Naruto: You're a friend! That's why I'll shoulder your hatred together with you by dying with you.
Sakura cries upon hearing this.
Sasuke: You don't understand anything about pain - I won't die - you alone will die.
Kakashi: You must become Hokage so let me take care of Sasuke!
Naruto: You want me to become a hokage who can't save a single comrade/friend!?

... and that's basically it.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 márc 10, 11:27:32
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Megerősített
Forrás: MangaHelpers
Szerző: Idol, Never, Sayuri No Moe

(Vegyes vágott ^^)

486: kobushi = Fist

Naruto and Sasuke on cover.
Naruto is followed by Kakashi, while Sasuke is followed By Zetsu.
Zetsu realizes that Sasuke is in danger and decided to refer it to Madara
madara begins preparations for the Rinnegan (?)
Naruto complains to Sasuke
what a beautiful face has sasuke! who has abandoned the dark side? Possible?



I'm sick and tired of it.
She just cries. Just cranky.

And I used to like Sakura-chan.
And Kakashi too, he said just a line.


Approximatively, I get along with it.

Are we going to understand who is the top-class Shinobi between them, if they exchange some blows (literally "fists", maybe to underline the title of this chapter)?

Madara is going to pick Sasuke.


It seems they talk about Rinnegan's preparation。
Maybe (madara?) is going to go the the Hidden Rain。
Will we see our good-old Konan make an appearance??

and, few appoints on the translation:

Kobushi - Fists


Naruto is blown away and Kakashi follows
Sasuke is blown away and Zetsu follows

Maybe they are blown away by the force of the attack in the last chapter (吹っ飛ぶ is quite literal)...?


"Sasuke face is good! Has the evil side disappeared? Is it possible?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 márc 10, 14:44:06
A 486. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 487. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 10 márc 15, 19:44:35
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  confirmed
Szerző: nightjumper

Sasuke's number one priority is to kill Naruto.
He heads back with Madara as well.
Madara tells Sasuke that Itachi's eye can using
Sasuke decides to implant Itachi's Sharingan.
Kisame is alive
Kisame is inside samehade and enters lightning country capturing[trying to] the 8 tails
He decied this before when he talked to madara, -what was actually killed was a white zetsu bunshin
Kabutomaru has finally gotten used to his body, and has used white snake(s) to kill some country's ninja.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 10 márc 16, 15:14:17

 nem biztos hogy confirmed
 Forrás manga helpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 10 márc 16, 15:45:19
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  nemtom, hogy hiteles e? nem volt ki írva.

Kakashi: "It's this wound on his cheek! Sakura, you have to use an antidote immediately"
Sakura: "That is......! Then, that time with my poisoned kunai...?"

és itt egy kép is a szöveghez


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 márc 17, 00:42:04
by: Lone Wolf

Naruto 487: The Prelude Of The End

Sasuke looks down. His hair covering the blood stained eyes… One small tear makes its way to the water under his feet.

Sakura: Sasuke… He’s…
Kakashi: Crying…
Naruto: …
Madara: Let’s go Sasuke…

Madara grabs Sasuke’s arm. Howover he slaps Madara’s arm.

Sasuke: Don’t touch me!
Madara: You’re in no condition of fighting… Do you want all your effort to be in vein…?

Sasuke slowly stands on his feet not taking eye from the water underneath.

Naruto: What do you say Sasuke…?!

Sasuke sees his own reflection on the water which changes to a smiling Itachi.

Sasuke: Naruto…
Naruto: ?!
Sasuke: I won’t lie… I still consider you my friend… But there’s no place for weaklings with friends in this world. Even my brother was forced to kill his best friend… Next time we see each other, we’ll fight the fight of our lives…

Sasuke looks at Naruto straight in the eyes.

Sasuke: Next time… I’ll kill you.
Naruto: I’ll be waiting for that… Sasuke

Naruto smiles and so does Sasuke.

Sasuke: Madara let’s go… I need Itachi’s eyes.
Madara: Finally…

Kakashi: NARUTO! You’re letting Sasuke and Madara go?! They’ll attack Konoha and as the Hokage I won’t lose this chance to kill them… Forgive me Naruto.
Sakura: Kakashi-Sensei…

Kakashi activates the Mangekyou Sharingan, aiming for Madara and Sasuke. The Uchiha’s look at him.

Naruto: I’m the one who’s sorry…

Naruto punches Kakashi in the guts putting him unconscious before he could use the Mangekyou. Naruto holds Kakashi on the shoulder and look backwards at Sasuke who started to be teleported by Madara.

Naruto: See ya next time Sasuke-Teme…
Sasuke: See ya… Dobe.

Madara, Sasuke and Zetsu disappears.

Sakura: Naruto! What… What are you doing?!

Naruto walks at Sakura and gives her Kakashi. He cups her chin with his hand and kisses her forehead, Sakura blushes.

Naruto: Take him back to Konoha… And tell everyone that I’m sorry…
Sakura: W… What do you mean with that…?
Naruto: I’ve just attacked the Hokage… Besides I need to train and there’s only one person who can do it now.
Sakura: You’re leaving… Again…?
Naruto: Goodbye Sakura-chan…

Naruto turns his back and starts to walk away.

Sakura: Please Naruto… Don’t go… I beg you…

Naruto takes his headband from his pocket and trows it at Sakura.

Naruto: Take it… It’s for you, a gift from the one who always loved you.

Sakura grabs it, as tear drops land on the iron of the headband. A whirlind of leaves swirls around Naruto and he disappears.

Sakura: NARUTO!!

The End
Next Chapter: I Can see!

by: The Icon

Naruto 487: A Ninja’s Destiny, A New Master

(naruto wants to fight sasuke himself, will kakashi see things differently?)
Sasuke: damn you naruto!. fine then we will meet again and i will not be the one to die, you are the one walking into your own grave.
Naruto: if fighting you is the only way to get to you, i have no other choice. from now on sasuke i will share tht burden of revenge with you. and i have no intentions of giving up.

Madara: nine tails jinchuuriki as i told you before you will fight sasuke that is your destiny, and i will make sure of it.
kakashi/sakura/naruto: stares at sasuke

Sakura: sasuke….
Madara: (grab sasuke on the shoulder and teleports him away. while teleporting he says to naruto ‘ i will see you again nine tail jinchuuriki, and don’t worry i will make sure sasuke is ready. for the next encounter”)
white Zetsu: i guess i better go check up on kisame. (disappear under the ground)

Naruto: next time we meet it will be the end of this broken bond.
Kakashi: naruto are you sure you know what you are doing?
Naruto: kakashi sensei fighting sasuke fist on, is the only way to get to him. i have no other choice.
Kakashi: i guess after you make up your mind their is nothing stopping you. but naruto there is something i wanted to talk to you about. it has to do with your father

naruto: what is it
Sakura: (surprised!) his father…
kakashi: naruto the 4th hokage was my teacher. yes sakura naruto’s dad was my teacher.
naruto: hmmm

kakashi: before he died there was a justu he wanted you to learn. and you are the only one who can use that technique.
sakura: (to herself) what is this technique?
Kakashi: the 4th wated you to have it, but in order to do it ….. you have to learn to control the nine tail fox…
Naruto:?? (shocked) control the nine tail fox?
kakashi: thats right naruto. you are to son of the 4th hokage you are a rarity in the ninja world. and you has what it takes to be a great hokage. but i cannot teach you anything about this technique. i’m afraid if i do i will be commiting suacide
Naruto: then who?

(suddenly killer bee and raikage and his assistants suddenly jumps down to where naruto kakashi and sakura is causing a smash in the groung creating alot of dust.)
Killer bee: so.. yo.. u.. are. the nine tail jinchuuriki.. allow me to show you.. your new… master.. ohh yea.

Next Time: Naruto Manga 488: A New Path.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 márc 17, 12:11:55
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED!
Forrás. : ( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tibihi - 10 márc 17, 12:12:49

Kint van raw

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 márc 17, 12:50:53
A 487. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 488. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 márc 24, 09:15:19
Hitelesség: Mivel a MH-n volt, így gondolom hiteles, oda nem kerül fel kamu :)
Forrás: MH
Szerző: Ohana

(the last part is an answer to a question... which reffers to sasukes transplanted eyes.... we dont see them becouse they are bandaged [after the operation] )

each nation daimyo join a meeting about allied forces. (meeting monitor)
each nation kage return

sakura and karin make friends

konoha anbu come before naruto
in that moment kabuto is there. (karin feels a creepy chakra)
everyone meets together for conference

カカシ、ホムラ 大名でお話合い。
kakashi, homura conference with daimyou

tsunade's eyes open!!
shizune cries in delight

sasuke, itachi's eyes transplantation completed
there, that's it for this week folks!


Hitelesség: Megerősített
Forrás: MH
Szerző: NF

part 1, will add the rest later :

Daimyou : Akatsuki haves Bijuus ! There's no time for quarrel !
Daimyou : But this shinobi alliance ? If we let Ninjas haves too much power, we're in for a lot of troubles.

Earth Country Daimyou : Water Daimyou ! You can't even trust your own shinobi ? but first ...

Monitor Guy : huh, please can you come to an agreement ? Our power battery is going to shut off.

488 : To each one of them his country.

Thunder Daimyou : Thunder Country agree with this !
Earth Daimyou : Us too, just like before.
Wind Daimyou : We agree too.
Fire Daimyou : Mmh, I guess we can give it a try, Fire agree.
Water Daimyou : Ok, I got it. Water agree.

Monitor Guy : Good. And with this, the meeting for the Shinobi alliance ends.

Fire Daimyou : Well ... I should contact Konoha immediatly.

Meawhile ...

Lee, Kiba, Sai and Akamaru sleeps.

Naruto : You have a whole lot of trouble and those guys are sleeping ?

Sakura : "Ha haha ..."

Naruto : Hmm ...

Kakashi : "Sakura ...
Thoses guys agreed to help you. When they wake up, I want you to apologize properly, you hear me ?

Naruto goes to Lee.

Naruto : "Geez ... you guys ... "

Sakura : "Naruto ... It's my fault they're like this, so be cool and ..."

Naruto : "I don't feel good right now ... :/"

Sakura : "Just go and sleep" *bitchslaps Naruto*

Karin : "And If Naruto is like this, Sakura that's your name right ? Isn't that because of the poison you made ?

Sakura is surprised !

Kakashi ( Yeah, they're having a beauty sleep, But I think Naruto is misunderstaning something here )

Suna dude : Lord Kazekage is here !

Temari : Do we got the plan from Himaru ? ( Not really sure here )
Jounin : Yes

Kankuro : And the message from the Daimyou ?

Water Jounin : Did you had a good trip, Lord Kazekage ?
We received a message from the Daimyou.

Ao : Talk.

Akatsuchi : What this soon ?
Kurotsuchi : The Daimyous talked about Madara and the Bijuus ! The decision to team up to stop them wasn't long."

Back to Naruto

Kiba : "To think I was the one who found Sasuke ..."

Naruto : "Come on, stop getting pissed, Kiba."

Sakura listen
Kiba : "Stop trying to act all high and mighty will ya ?"
Kiba : "Aren't you the one who let Sasuke run after I found him ???"
Naruto : "You're all talk but no action ! despite being from Konoha !"
Kiba : "What the ... ! I should be the one saying that to you Naruto !"
Sai : "Now you said it ! To put it simply he's just stupid because he thinks too much."
Naruto : "Sai !! You sucker ! And you're laughing !"
Sai :"Why, thank you !"
Lee : Ahhhhhhaaaaa ! It looks like the Old Naruto-kun is back !
Kiba : "He means you never grew up ! A sucked is a sucker !"
Naruto : "Kiba, you sunovab ..."

Karin : "This guy ... is the exact opposite of Sasuke. His chakra is ... cheerful and warm ..."
"What the ? What's this dark and sinister chakra inside him ... it's almost like ..."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 márc 24, 13:28:57
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás : (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 márc 24, 14:04:54
A 488. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 489. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: gabrm - 10 márc 29, 15:17:22
Written by: jeanericuser

489: Difficult decisions

Naruto is eating at Ichiruku Ramen while the cook watches with pride. Naruto notices and stops to look at him. The cook sees next to Naruto the image of Naruto as a small boy sitting on the stool having ramen. The cook then smiles as the image vanishes.
Cook: “I was just thinking back to when you were a small boy first coming here to have ramen for the first time.”
Naruto: “Yeah those were good times.”
Shikimaru then walks over and pulls up a seat next to Naruto.
Shikimaru: “The others are still shocked by what you said about Sasuke. Do you really think that he is that unbeatable.”
The cook smiles and brings over some food for Shikimaru. Naruto looks down but then puts his food asside and turns to face Shikimaru.
Naruto: “Have you ever truly had to kill a friend or partner Shikimaru?”
Shikimaru: “Sasuke is no longer your friend or partner Naruto.”
Naruto: “You dodged the question. Have you ever truly had to kill a friend or partner?”
Shikimaru thinking: “Where is he going with this?”
Naruto: “You haven’t because like it or not you never have had to make that decision. Sakura was put to that same test as was Kakashi but in both cases they could not do it.”
Shikimaru: “So you are saying that if it came down to killing Sasuke I would not be able to do it?”
Naruto: “You would hesitate like everyone else because like it or not you still are not able to put asside your respect for everyone else. Thus if you had to kill anyone else here you would hesitate just like Sakura did.”
Shikimaru: “And when I hesitate Sasuke would kill me. I get what you are saying now. If any of us try to fight him we will only stop ourselves and try to take him alive. That is why Sasuke would have an advantage over us.”
Naruto nods his head, takes a drink, and then looks at Shikimaru.
Shikimaru: “But what makes you so sure that you can do what we can not?”
Naruto: “Sasuke and I have always been rivals. Always on a competeing level to see who is better. I get strong and Sasuke gets stronger. When we fight we fight until there is almost nothing left to hold us back. We are both equal and in many ways the same so odds are that if and when we do fight again we will fight until neither of us is able to fight back which means either one of has killed the other or probably both of us are dead.”
Shikimaru’s eyes widen as he realizes what Naruto is implying.
Shikimaru: “I understand now. I wish I did not understand now but now I see the burden you carry. I will try to stop the others. If what you suggest is true than we would only be a burden to you when that time comes.”
Naruto starts to eat Ramen again while Shikimaru looks at Naruto.
Shikimaru thinking: “Damn now I feel stupid. This is such a drag.”

Kakashi is visiting Tsunade as she lays on her bed in her room. Tsunade looks up at Kakashi as he enters. Tsunade sits up while kakashi leans against the wall.
Tsunade: “Hokage?”
Kakashi: “I wouldn’t have expected it to happen myself but it seems that is what everyone is leaning towards. The others villages agree on it. The other jonin think it is for the best. Even the elders are convinced. Whether I like it or not I am the next hokage.”
Tsunade: “But do you think you can handle it?”
Kakashi: “There are larger problems for me to be concerned about than mere titles.”
Tsunade: “Its Naruto isn’t it? What happened?”
Kakashi sits down next to Tsunade and looks her straight in the face.
Kakashi: “It seems that history is repeating iself with the Sanin.”
Tsunade: “So Sasuke has sunk that low huh?”
Kakashi: “There is no bringing him back any more. The only solution I can see as an end to this conflict is for Sasuke to die.”
Tsunade: “And with Naruto being similar to Jiraiya, he is determined to face Sasuke to the end just as Jiraiya was willing to only that final conflict never happened.”
Kakashi: “I just don’t know if I can think of any way to stop it.”
Tsunade flashes back to Jiraiya as a young boy as they were getting a picture taken altogether.
Tsunade: “Im sure you will think of something Hokage-sama. Now if you do not mind I need to get some rest. Im still recovering from the fight with pain.” posted in
Kakashi slowly leaves while Tsunade lays back down in her bed. As Tsunade falls assleep one last thought goes through her head as she flashes back to Jiraiya as she last saw him.
Tsunade thinking: “Oh if only you were here Jiraiya. You would know what to do.”

Naruto is wandering through Konoha at night when he suddenly sees a distant looming shadow seem to reach out at him from a distance away. Suddenly snakes move all around him and restraining him as he sees Kabuto moving towards him from the distance. Naruto struggles to reach for his kunai. Kabuto waves his finger at him.
Kabuto: “Relax Naruto. I am not here to kill you. I come to you now as an ally seeking to offer you a deal in exchange for a favor.”
Naruto: “What will this favor cost me exactly?”
Kabuto: “Removal of the bounty placed on my head by Konoha.
Naruto: “And in return what do I get?”
Kabuto: “The one weapon Orochimaru was gonna use if the power of the Uchiha was too great to eliminate by physical means.”
Kabuto reveals a vial containing a purple fluid. Kabuto stands face to face with Naruto only an inch or two away from his face.
Kabuto: “A specificly designed genetic virus to do one thing and one thing only, rob the uchiha of the greatest weapon, their eyes.”
Naruto reaches his kunai but suddenly he finds himself all alone on the street with no one in sight.
Kabuto: “That is my offer. I will await your decision.”


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 márc 29, 15:29:41
by: The Icon

The Chapter opens up with madara and Sasuke.
Madara: sasuke you should not be up right now, the eye takes time to activate.
Sasuke: Don’t worry the sharingan is coming on fine, i don’t need to rest.
Madara: ….
Sasuke: The eternal power of the mangekyou sharingan feel so damn good. i never imagined it was possible to feel, to have this much power huhhahaha just soon everything will go as i plan..
Madara: (to himself) seem like you failed itachi. sasuke has now surpass your wishes. or maybe you already knew sasuke would take your eyes, why telling him so much about the sharingan..just how much did you know? but it doesn’t matter now because sasuke is under my controll.

Scene is back to kohana now. kakashi walks in the room to see tsunade.
Tsunade: kakashi? i thought you was…
Kakashi: i will explain everything

Naruto’s scene, naruto is coming out of ichiraku’s ramen shop
Naruto: just how strong are you sasuke? it is destiny that we fight.. there is no doubt that i can beat you sasuke but and i am the only one that will fight you, i hope you know what i was thinking back then.. The 4th sealed the fox spirit inside me so that i could be able to defeat madara, its time i learn how to use it..

Back to kakashi and tsunade, they are walking in the village
tsunade: i see so thats what happened, just what is madara planing? does he know how dangerous it is to even be in the presence of the juubi. my parents use o tell me stories about the sage of the sixth paths and i usually thought they were just stories..
Kakashi: madara is just too unbeatable, i don’t think there is a ninja alive who can beat him. (kakashi to himself, not even my mangekyou sharingan had an effect on him)
Tsunade: The 4th could not stop him and he figured that if he sealed the fox chakra in his son he would be able to use it to stop madara.. but…
Kakashi: i know naruto still have not learned to controll the nine tail fox yet..

Kakashi and tsunade stumple up on naruto
Naruto uses summoning justu to bring out Fukasuku
Naruto: tsunade? granny tsunade you are o.k
Tsunade: yea.. why have you summoned Fakasuku
Naruto: i have to resume my sage training, i had to hurry up to get back to the villlage because of pain and i left it unfinished… and its time i learn to controll the nine tail fox inside me..

Tsunade, kakashi, and Fakasuku is all surprised
Naruto: my dad gave me this power so that i could master it, and protect everyone in the village. and that is what i intend to do, i will change the ninja system in this world.
Fakasuku: naruto you are the child of prophecy, and you are the one who will change this world, so i will resume your training.. but i must warn you this training will be like nothing you have ever face before. its time i teach you everything related to your bloodline.

Next: Naruto 490 – Away He Goes Again

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Paulo55 - 10 márc 30, 10:26:23
Ez mind perdiction, hogy élvezkedjetek.
Ami ez után jön az meg spoiler.

Szerző:shera(de ő meg Ohan alapján írta meg)

karin is seen running

sakura: hey where are you going, you aren't fully healed yet!

karin:I have no time! I have to tell kakashi...

sakura: what's going on?

karin: you must stop him! that's not naruto

sakura: what are you talking about?

karin: I felt something weird earlier but didn't know what it was! But I'm sure of it now!

flashback to when karin was on kakashi's back

karin: that's the same as sasukes

sakura: but that's impossible

karin: I don't know how but, sasuke must've used his sharingan to embed a part of himself in naruto's subconscious

sakura remembers when naruto fell down from the poisoning

sakura: so it was at that time...

scene changes to dark room

the sasuke clone changes back to zetsu

zetsu: looks like he pulled it off, along with kisame, we should soon be in control of two village's kages

madara: we'll see

scene changes back to sakura running along the roof

there are two dead guards by the doorway

sakura: no I'm too late...please let tsunade sama be ok

sakura rushes through the door

Sasuke turns around, tsunade lies at his feet.

Sasuke: we meet again sakura

Sakura appears angry. She puts her hand together to form a seal, veins appear all over her face

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 márc 30, 13:49:50
Spoiler Script

Soruce: 2ch
Credit: Nja
Verification: Confirmed

んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2010/03 /30(火) 20:06:18 ID:hMrPZ5ie0



ナルト 覚悟は出来ている

サソリのスパイだったな裏切り者は死ね とカブトに襲い掛かるマダラ
マダラ  こ…これは…エドテンセイ
棺の中から イタチ・サソリ・デイダラ・カクズ・ナガト

カブト 驚いただろ?この術は2代目火影・オロチ丸様だけが使えた術



270 :んじゃ ◆bvOTKk1mXg :2010/03/30(火) 20:11:08 ID:hMrPZ5ie0

Spoiler Script

Soruce: NF
Credit: KWGoDのbrucelee
Verification: Confirmed


tsuande is pigging out to replenish her chakra. kakashi appears
(I) just missed being made hokage
Tsundade calls for a meeting and perpares for war
ナルト 覚悟は出来ている
Naruto visits the fortune telling frog
mainly -you are going to meet an octopus and confront one with powerful eyes.
Can you guess who they are?
Naruto: I'm ready
He gets the key for the kyubi seal

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Dani - 10 márc 30, 17:12:03
Confirmed spoiler egyenes aól!
(És ezen mindenki be fog sz*rni! :omg: xD)


tsuande is pigging out to replenish her chakra. kakashi appears
(I) just missed being made hokage
Tsundade calls for a meeting and prepares for war

ナルト 覚悟は出来ている
Naruto visits the fortune telling frog
mainly -you are going to meet an octopus and confront one with powerful eyes.
Can you guess who they are?
Naruto: I'm ready
He gets the key for the kyubi seal

Kabuto confronts madara
サソリのスパイだったな裏切り者は死ね とカブトに襲い掛かるマダラ
ah Sasori's old spy, traitors must die. -and with that he attacks kabuto. a summons appears behind (tobi?)
マダラ  こ…これは…エドテンセイ
Madara: This...this is edotensei!
棺の中から イタチ・サソリ・デイダラ・カクズ・ナガト
from the casket comes itachi, sasori, deidera kakuzu and nagato.

NB: At this point I realized I was transing a fake spoiler and stopped.
Last edited by KWGoDのbrucelee; Today at 05:44 AM.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 márc 31, 08:34:35
Karin goes into detail about everything but when asked about madara and sasuke she claims to be hungry and requests katsudon

Naruto visits the fortune telling frog
mainly -you are going to meet an octopus and confront one with powerful eyes.
Can you guess who they are?
Naruto: I'm ready
He gets the key for the kyubi seal
Hitelesség ell .: ??? confirmed???

Kabuto confronts madara

ah Sasori's old spy, traitors must die. -and with that he attacks kabuto. a summons appears behind (tobi?)

Madara: This...this is edotensei!

from the casket comes itachi, sasori, deidera kakuzu and nagato.

Kabuto: You're surprised right! (KWGOD: aren't we all!) This is the 2nd's jutsu and only oro could use it. I have mastered it to a level exceeding those two.

madara: let's work together.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 márc 31, 11:38:02
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: Ohana

It starts where big old toad and scroll toad talking

489 忍界大戦へ向けて…!!
heading to the next great ninja war.

Karin claims "I'm a victim too you know" while crying
尋問部の人も泣きながら つらかったね~
The inteerogator's also crying "must have been tough for you"
Ibiki is unmoved
かつ丼食べたい カリン
"Karin: I wanna eat katsudon

pigging out Tsuande
足りない!!と トントン見る
It's not enough!!! She stares at Tonton
Shizune: Forget it!
Kakashi: glad you came to, I was nearly made hokage!

Saskura exhausted, rushing to inform naruto of Tsuande.
Ichiraku ramen guy gives naruto free food
Naruto is also pigging out
上忍数名。シカク、シカマル、コハル ツナデで戦争に向け会議
war meeting with jonin, -shikaku, shikamaru, koharu, tsunade

Naruto is gonna eat ramen but gets reverse summoned

仙人デカ蛙 タコに会う。と予言
huge senin toad "you're gonna meet an octopus"
巻物蛙 封印式を野放しに出来る。手を押せ
scroll toad gives naruto the key
これはジライヤの言っていた あの術の手段として~~~~~
This was jiraya's wish A step towards *that* jutsu ~~~~~

tobi Vs kabuto
ナガト カクズ デイダラ サソリ イタチ
nagato, kakuzu, deidera, sasori, itachi


Karin is crying and talking shit about being a war prisoner.
The question guy is saying something like "Boy, you had it rough."
Ibiki is calm and cold.
Karin want to eats Kastudon.

Back to Tsunade.
Tsunade : I'm Hungry. *Looks at Tonton*

Shizune : No way !

Kakashi : I'm relieved you woke up. I almost ended up being Hokage.

Sakura has trouble breating, she reports to Naruto that Tsunade woke up.
Teuchi treats to Ramen !
Naruto : I'll come when I done *Yummy*

Jounins assembles ! Shikaku, Shikamaru, Koharu, Tsunade prepares for war.

After eating Naruto is being Reversed Summoned to Myoboku Monts.

Oogama Sage predicts that Naruto will meet an Octopus.

The Scroll Frog keeper give Naruto the Kyuubi Key.

It's a way to finish and complete "That jutsu".

Anko, while tracking Kabuto, finds corpses that leads her to him.

While Kabuto prepares to fight Madara.

Summoning : EDO TENSEI !

We see, Nagato, Kakuzu, Deidara, Sasori and Itachi !

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 márc 31, 13:53:49
Hitelesség ell: CONFIRMED!
Forrás : mangahelpers





Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 márc 31, 15:25:44
A 489. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 490. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kiskakas2 - 10 ápr 05, 20:07:43
hitelesség: ????

(The scene starts off where last chapter ended.)
Madara: You, join me? Your jokes fall upon deaf ears.
Kabuto: I’m actually very serious. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. I believe that’s how the old saying goes.
(Madara glances over at his resurrected crew. The caskets fall over, the crew looks at each other, turn to face Kabuto, and then finally turn to face Madara.)

Itachi: This abominable reality. I take it’s the handy work of Edo Tensei. Madara, as much as it pains me to look at you, fate forces me to do such. (Nagato turns to face Kabuto.)

Nagato: You must be Orochimaru’s underling. How troublesome that I must answer to the likes of you.

(Kabuto smirks after hearing that response.)

Deidara: Tobi, I thought you died. But, I hear that you’re actually Madara from the sharingan over there. Oh, how we were fooled, wouldn’t you say, yeah? Aye Sasori sempai, don’t you think our designs lack artistic flavor, yeah?
Sasori: The dead reanimated. This best perpetuates endless beauty. (Kakuzu looks around.)

Kakuzu: I see, the ones who are not here with us have not been dispatched yet. To think Kisame would have outlived Uchiha Itachi, never in my nearly one hundred years of existence, would I have come to this conclusion. However, I ask one question, who is this white haired man standing amongst us fallen? (Sasori, Deidara, and Kakuzu gather around Nagato to inspect him.)

Kabuto: ENOUGH! This does not matter… The only thing that you five should concern yourselves with is, serving me and aiding your former leader, Uchiha Madara, over there!

Madara: I know you’re only getting close to me so that you can have Sasuke’s life. You want revenge for Sasuke claiming Orochimaru’s life. I would be a fool to except you on those terms.

Deidara (in thought): So he’s still alive… I will love to have another crack at him.

Itachi (in thought): I’m sorry little brother, I’m against my own power. (Kabuto smirks.)

Kabuto: I take it you wouldn’t start a war against the five Kages without a substantial degree of power. At the moment, I have all right to fear such power if I so get out of line. But, you can’t succeed on your own, as I can’t succeed on my own either. So, what will it be?

Madara: Done… Those who betray Akatuski die, remember that… (Madara opens a swirling portal and swings inside of it.)

Kabuto (in thought): This is the kind of smoke screen I’ve been waiting for. This will take time, but eventually I will be able to get close enough to Sasuke and obtain his body undetected. Finally, the body housing the eyes my master long since admired will become mine.

(The scene switches over to Myoubokuzan. Naruto is reluctant to put his hand on the square on the seal.)

Fukasku: Wat’s wrong boy?

Gerotora: You don’t have to do this, the 4th never wanted you to turn into the Kyuubi; it is ok to turn away.

Fukasku: Shat yer yap! Have you no faith in the child or prophecy! This kid over ere’ puta stop to the six ways eyes of rebirth and destruction!

Gerotora: It is still not wise, even if he stopped the Rinnegan from destroying the world, the kid will only undo what he did by becoming the Kyuubi himself! It’s ok Naruto, don’t sign the seal, I’m certain Jiraiya didn’t know what he was talking about. The 4th would never want his son to rely on such a risky and untested power. Continue to hone your skills your own way as you have been.

Fukasku: Dammit, kid, don’t let this fool-

Elder Toad: That’s enough children. Let’s ask the Child of Prophecy himself. Now, uh, what’s your name again?

Fukasku and Gerotora: UZUMAKI NARUTO!

Elder Toad: Oh, uh yeah… It seems to have escaped me in my late age. Being senile is a part of life ya know? So, what will it be, child of prophecy. Will you choose to sign the seal, or seek power through your own methods? Only the fate of the world hinders on this choice.

Fukasku (in thought): Gosh, wen he puddit that way, he makes it sound so darn serious.

(Naruto has a flash back to when he spoke with his father.)

Minato: I sealed half of the demon fox’s chakra inside of you because I knew you’d learn to use it someday, because you’re my son.

(The scene switches back to the present.)

Naruto: I’ll sign it. (The Elder Toad and Fukasku smiles.)

Gerotora: Are you really sure about this?

Naruto: This is what my father wanted!

Gerotora: And how would you know? Have you ever even talked with your father? You’re sillier than Jiraiya. *Croak, Croak* [apparently that’s how he laughs.]

Naruto: Well, I kinda did.

(The three toads are shocked.)

Gerotora: Hogwash!

Naruto: He was the one who repaired my seal, he had to of done so. (Naruto places his hand on the scroll. He closes his eyes and has a flash back to about a year ago. Naruto is there with Jiraiya on a training ground.)

Jiraiya: Alright kid, this jutsu I’m about to teach you is on a scale beyond what your tiny mind can possibly wrap around.

Naruto: Just get on with it.

Jiraiya: Hmm, I wouldn’t be so hasty if I was you, or both of us could end up dead. Please listen carefully.

(Naruto gulps.)

Jiraiya: This is a jutsu that the 4th Hokage intended to complete, but since he lacked the chakra, the true depth to this technique hasn’t been fully realized. With the Kyuubi’s chakra, you have the power to take that jutsu to its upmost form.

Naruto: Woah, really?

Jiraiya: This is a jutsu require a compression and rotating ability far beyond that of a normal human’s. With your mastery of Rasengan, you have some of the battle one.

Naruto: Huh?

Jiraiya: Just listen… Unlike the Rasenga, this jutsu requires that you release as much chakra as your body can possibly allow… Then, take the principles of the Rasengan, and compress and rotate the chakra-

Naruto: Umm, that sounds exactly like Rasengan… Boring!

Jiraiya: I said listen you idiot! Now… You release as much chakra as you humanly can, then using your ability to condense chakra, you will compress that chakra into the smallest form you can make. On a regular person’s chakra, one could easily die from exhaustion, and due to the limitations of a human’s natural chakra level, the true scale of the jutsu may not live up to the desired results if tested against an opponent with an unusually strong defenese, thus, the 4th Hokage discarded this jutsu.

Naruto: Man, what a waste…

Jiraiya: Not if you have the Kyuubi.

(Naruto is shocked.)

Jiraiya: Imagine if you released as much of the Kyuubi’s chakra as possible and then compressed it into 1/3 the size of the Rasengan! This makes moving with the jutsu quite easily, as you can traverse great distances and possibly conceal your technique for a bit longer.

(Naruto is shocked again.) But, being able to release and compress such a large scale of chakra would mean that you would have to gain complete mastery of the Kyuubi’s chakra. Such chakra control is godlike. You’ve screwed up with the Rasengan, you know the pain you’ve suffered. Screw up with this technique and you end up blowing yourself in a massive uncontrolled blast of raw chakra. You must control the flow and direction of the released chakra once you smash it into the enemy, otherwise you not only take out your enemy.


Naruto: Now, I’m really not sure about this. (He shivers.)

Jiraiya: But first, let’s work on your Kyuubi control… (Scene switches a little further ahead. Naruto is standing over a wounded Jiraiya with a bloody slash going across his upper body… Naruto begins shaking Jiraiya, trying to wake him up.)

Naruto: Ero Sage, Ero Sage… Get up, get up!

(Jiraiya reluctantly open his eyes.)

Jiraiya: You don’t remember what happened?

Naruto: How did you get like this? Did I? (His eyes tear up.)

Jiraiya: Don’t you ever work on that jutsu without my consent. Just promise me… (Naruto nods his head in agreement, the scene switches back to the present back at Myoubokuzan.)

Fukasku: You ‘k kid?

Naruto: Yeah.

(The scene switches over to the meeting room housing the war planning session.)

Homura: Now, moving on to the most pressing concern! The protection of the Kyuubi!

Tsunade: Are you daft? We might need Naruto’s power at this time. After all, he was the one who saved the village!

Koharu: That may be the case, but Madara is already after the Kyuubi and has seven Bijuu on his side. Are top priority should be to protect Uzumaki Naruto at all costs and keep him here at Konoha.

Tsunade: STOP FUCKING AROUND! (The attendants are getting kind of loud and out of hand after hearing those statements about Naruto being protected.)


Koharu (she whispers): Suna has also given us word that they will do as much as possible to keep Naruto from interfering with the battles, all is safe. I’m certain Raikage is also under the same kind of pressure with his little brother. We can’t afford to let emotions compromise our battlefield planning.

Homura: In essence, we won’t get sloppy because of some bullshit oath you established with the Uzumaki Naruto…

Tsunade: *Snicker*

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 ápr 06, 14:49:42
Hitelesség: Pending
Forrás: Onemanga
Szerző: Ohana

Tobi: are you going to be an ally?

カブト『フ・・・君達は人材が不足している事は分かっている このまま戦争を始めても勝率はな い』
Kabuto: huh.. you guys already know that you guys lack of member, if we start a war, it's impossible to win

Tobi: .....

Tobi: don't underestimate us, I have my own plan/idea to win this war ...

Kabuto: whatever ...

Tobi: ... what comes up on your sleave?

カブト『何も・・・ただ君と 同じ目的がある』
Kabuto: nothing .. I (just) have the same purpose with you

Kabuto: *giggle* we need that Daijyamaru's (<---- not sure about this guy's name) power for that 'plan' don't we?

Tobi: ....

カブト『何だったか・・・伊邪那美・・といったか? (ゴソ 右手ゴソゴソしてる)』
Kabuto: what was that Izanami? (he search something on his right side pocket with right hand)

Tobi: no way .. you...

Kabuto: I have a gift (present something)

Makimonogaeru (<--- not sure about this person's name): good, all done !!

ナルト『みんなありがとだってばよ 話はそれだけか・・・?』
Naruto: thanks everyone, is that all?

仙人蛙『これからこやつを呼び出す印や前教えきれなかった術を教える ナルトちゃんよ・・・こ れでほぼ完全 に自来也ちゃんを超す』
Senjingaeru (<--- not sure about this person's name): I'm going to teach you a jutsu like to a mark to call that person and jutsu I couldn't teach you. Hey Naruto finally will be able to beyond Jiraiya (<--- this sentence doesn't make sense)

Senjingaeru: I'm going to give everything (jutsu?) to you

Naruto: ....

Senjingaeru: ...?

Tobi: !

Scene changing

ナルト『・・・・ああ、いや・・・少しだけ休みたいんだってばよ ちょっとだけだから・・・』
Naruto: oh well, I wanna have a rest a little bit. just a little bit

Senjingaeru: *smiling*

Back to Tobi

Tobi: eh, that sharingan

Tobi: *talking to himself* this is ....

Kabuto: Uchiha Fugaku's sharingan

Tobi: don't tell me a lie... that Sharingan crushed by Itachi 'that' night

Tobi: *talking to himself* but this color (maybe chakra) is ....

Kabuto: well, this is a fake one

カブト眼を握り潰す パリン グシュ
*Kabuto crush the eye, and it's perish*

Tobi: !

Kabuto: this is a clone

Tobi: a clone?

Kabuto took out an injection

Tobi: ?

カブト『うちはフガクの死体から細胞を取り出し”あるもの”を混ぜることによって”素”を作る 事に成功した 』
Kabuto: I took out a cell from Uchiha Fugaku's corpse and I mixed it with 'something' and made it into this material

Kabuto: so... oh well, better to show you

Kabuto took out a makemono (<--- don't have any idea what this is)

Tobi: !

ボロボロの忍が出る 額当てなし
shabby ninja appeared *can't figure out the last kanji*

ボロボロの忍『く・・・ やめて・・・くれ・・・』
shabby ninja: stop it *almost feint out*

カブト『これはうちはでもないただの忍・・・中忍レベルのクズさ これにこいつを・・・(カブ ト注射を差す )』
Kabuto: this is just a normal ninja, not Uchihan ... only a medium level ninja. (*talk to himself*) Kabuto pull out the injection)

ninja: ghaaaaaaaaaa *being injected*

Kabuto: can you recognize that something has change?

Tobi: ...

Kabuto: hmph... this is it *talking to himself* (Kabuto pulling that medium ninja's hair and Sharingan appears at that ninja's eyes)

Tobi: !

ninja: stop it !! ghaaaaaaaaa

Kabuto gouge out the medium ninja's eyes (sharingan)

カブト『君・・・うるさいよ (ゴキ ドサ)』
Kabuto: you... are noisy

Kabuto: I finished making Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan

カブト『この方法を使えば”アレ”さえ作ることができる どうだ・・・?』
Kabuto: if I use this method, I can make 'that'... what do you think?

Tobi: okay, do it


*done editing*

sorry for several strange sentences, cause it was quite unusual Japanese anyway,
and my GF who translated this one doesn't read Naruto, so I try my best to make it more make sense ...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Paulo55 - 10 ápr 06, 18:19:21

Kabuto: My goal is Sasuke-kun.
Madara: And what if I refuse?
Kabuto uses Edo Tensei to summon another coffin. The art is obscured so we can't see who's in it.
Madara: T-this is... How did you get this?!
Kabuto: This means there's no way you can refuse me.
Madara: Fine, you can have Sasuke after the war is over. Until then I won't let you see him and you will be watched. Is that okay?
Kabuto and Madara join forces.
Scene shifts to Naruto and talk about Kyubi.
Ends with Kisame spying on the Kumo meetings.
Kisame: Now we know Kumo's current military strength.

(Nja comment) Maybe Madara's body is in the coffin?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 ápr 07, 13:38:36
Hitelessége: Megerősített
Forrás: MH
Szerző: Ohana, Pokeballs

Kabuto is pretty awesome.
Bee thinks of rhymes without listening to the details of the war meeting.
Naruto is hesitant to put his hand print, but he does, thinking it's important for fighting Sasuke.
(TN: I'm thinking the hand print is for opening the key for the Kyuubi seal.)


Forrás: NF , MH
Szerző: on3word
Hitelesség: Megerősített

1. rész

Madara: want to join forces?...What do I gain from teaming up with someone like you?

Kabuto: War is upon us. I offer you military strength.

What's the true motivation behind Kabuto's proposal...!?

490: The Truth of the Kyubi!!

Kabuto: Here is Itachi, Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu, and...Nagato. A truly powerful group...Moreover...these aren't the only Koma* I possess.
[*TN: Koma is a Shogi piece]

Madara: What's the collateral?

Kabuto: Uchiha Sasuke...

Madara: ...What are you plotting?

Kabuto: ...Nothing really...My interest is purely in ninjitsu. For that purpose I will need Sasuke-kun. I want a live, young, fine Uchiha for this.

Madara: ...And if I were to refuse?

Kabuto: ... (Kuchiyose Edo Tensei!!)

One casket appears.

Madara: ...!? Th..this is!!

You can't see the body inside the casket.

Kabuto: Do you think I would come here to meet you without a hand like this? That's can't refuse!

Madara: You...where did you get that!?

Kabuto: It doesn't matter...don't worry though, I haven't told anyone else about this.

Madara: ...Ha..haha....

Kabuto: Is something funny?

MadaraL Yakushi Kabuto, the vessel you've's different than how I would've imagined it...Even if I disagree with you, my military power is only dropping...You took advantage of that and came're a carefully strategic guy.

Kabuto: What are you saying?

Madara: Fine, I'll join forces with you....But, Sasuke won't be handed over until the results of the war have been decided...until then, you are not to meet with Sasuke. Also, I will have you guard and observe as well.

Kabuto: Such an understanding person. As I thought, Uchiha Madara...though the vessel is different.

Madara: ...You're an impertinent've shown your military power, now use that to devise a plan to work over...follow me.

Kabuto, what's the meaning of this?? From the shape of his mouth, it seems he's smiling.

Kabuto follows behind Madara.

The casket we were unable to see closes.

No new arrivals.


2. rész

Looking at the dead bodies.

Konoha Jounin A: For all these corpses in a small, narrow space...this trail of fallen shinobi, there's no mistaking what's ahead.

Konoha Jounin B: And the trap?

Konoha Jounin A: What should we do?

Anko: Tokuma! Use your Byakugan 2 o' clock from here.

Tokuma: On it! (Byakugan!!)

Kabuto and Madara are walking in the middle of a forrest.

Tokuma: Captain Mitarashi...this is

Anko: What is it?

Tokuma: It's not just Kabuto!...Akatsuki's masked man is with him too!! The two just took an entrance underground!

Anko: What did you say!?

Jounin A: He's the one who's been going under the name of Madara in Akatsuki...Is this their hideout!?

Jounin B: Why the heck is he with Kabuto?

Jounin A: Have they joined forces?

Anko: Has Kabuto purposefully led us here? To reveal to us Madara's hideout...

Jounin B: But why, if they joined forces?

Anko: I don't know...Anyway, we must take this information to the village!

Fukasaku: What's wrong!? Press on the seal of the scroll!

Naruto: ...

Scroll Frog: Are you afraid Naruto...well, this is pointless then.

Fukusaku: So what?

Scroll Frog: Fukusaku-sama...the Kyubi's strength -- the Kyubi's chakra and will -- it is possible to unite those. It's the power to control the Kyubi. In order to draw out the Kyubi's chakra, one must change his chakra to make it their own strength. But it's not that drawing his chakra, you draw out the Kyubi's will as well. The Kyubi's will is that of a hateful demon with tremendous power and chakra. And even if it guarantee's strength, the heart of it's wielder will soon be consumed by this hate. In short, to control the Kyubi, you must take both the will and the chakra of the Kyubi, and completely separate this hate from it's will and chakra.

From the 4th's seal, some chakra has already been able to leak naturally onto Naruto. So with this key, you can fully release the seal and draw on all of the Kyubi's chakra.

Fukusaku: If that's true...the Kyubi's chakra will consume everything in and with that, its will.

Scrol Frog: If Naruto's will loses to that of the Kyubi's, the Kyubi will restore itself completely.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 ápr 07, 16:30:23
A 490. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 491. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: marimar - 10 ápr 12, 15:27:00
by: The Special One

Naruto 491: Setting Out!

(The scene is at Kumogakure, Raikage prepares to send word about the joint army’s meeting.)

Unnamed chick attendant: Raikage-sama, where should be the rendezvous point?

Raikage: The Fire Country. The Fire Country is situated smack dab in the middle, as in, it is surrounded by all of the great shinobi nations.

Unnamed male attendant: Makes sense lord, and the amount of time it takes for Suna, Kumo, Kiri, and Iwa’s troops to arrive into the Fire country is around three days for each nation’s troops.

Raikage: That’s precisely why I chose the locale in the first place.

Unnamed chick attendant: I’m not sure if Konoha would accept us, even though you’re the commander of the allied forces, there’s still bad blood between Konoha and Kumogakure. I’m not sure if they’d be as accepting Raikage-sama.

Raikage: *Snicker* Idiot, don’t you think I know that?! If my sources are correct, there’s an abandoned city somewhere off the outskirts of Konoha, which also houses a huge armory. It was a base used by the Uchiha during the past wars. If we agree to set up the meeting there, all is fine. Now get on with sending word to the other villages! I gotta get our troops geared up before we set out!

Both attendants stand up and salute Raikage.)

Both attendants: YES SIR!

(The Scene switches over to Konoha. The War planning session is currently still underway. The panel focuses on the three small tables in use by Tsunade, Koharu, and Homura.)

Koharu: Do we have a solution to combat the Bijuu Uchiha Madara plans to execute on us?

Tsunade: I would say fight fire with fire but- (She gets cut off.)

Homura: NOO! Uzumaki is not to have a say on the battle field! (Close up on the Tsunade, Kakashi, Yamato, Shikamaru and the other people attending the session, shows their unease regarding that answer. The panel focuses back on the elders and Tsunade’s talk.)

Tsunade: *sigh* Let me finish next time. After hearing what happened with Naruto when he almost transformed into the Kyuubi, I’ve also had my doubts about using such a risky and untested power. (Tsunade rests her head on her fist in indecisiveness) But still… YAMATO! (He gets up and rushes to the tables.)

Yamato: Yes, Lady-Sama!

Tsunade: Can you still, somewhat control the Kyuubi’s chakra?

(Homura and Koharu are angered but Tsunade raises her hand as to say, “I got this.”)

Yamato: Well, as you know, I’m nothing like the 1st, so without the crystal dangling around Naruto’s neck, it pretty much goes without saying that I won’t be of much use in that regard.

Tsunade: Hmm… Stay here Yamato. Shikaku, Shikamaru! Up here now!

(Shikaku and Shikamaru rush up to the tables.)

Shikaku: We’re at your service.

Shikamaru: Yes?

Tsunade: If the Bijuu are masses of chakra given form, shouldn’t they also casts shadows, big ones at that?

(The light turns on in their heads.)

Shikaku: That’s true.

Shikamaru: But, the chakra to be able to manipulate something of that size is beyond comprehension. I don’t think the two of us will be able to hack it, especially if there are more of them.

Shikaku: Think a little harder son…

Shikamaru: The entire Nara clan?

Yamato: You’ve thought a lot about this hmm, Lady Tsunade.

Tsunade: That’s where you come in Captain Yamato.

Yamato: But I already said-

Tsunade: If you can stall a Bijuu just long enough for the Nara clan to capture it with their Kage Mane, we can develop a strategy with the other allied forces to take the Bijuu out one by one!

Yamato (in thought): Well, it’s not like I’m controlling them fully. I just hope it’ll work out…

Homura (in thought): Hmm, she got brains after all.)

Kokura (in thought): Can’t say I was expecting that.

Tsunade: It’ll take all we have when we put in our attack, but Shikamaru, I trust you can find a way for all this to work.

Shikaku: Uh oh! You’re on the spot, try not to choke eh?

Shikamaru: What a drag, a slouch like me being this important in my first war. I hope our family listens to me but, I’ll see what I can do!

(Immediately an unnamed shinobi barges into the meeting room.)

Tsunade: What is it? It better be important for you to interrupt us.

Unnamed shinobi: It is, it is! Anko’s team has successfully sent us word on Kabuto’s whereabouts!

Tsunade: That’s good and all, but- (She gets cut off.)

Unnamed shinobi: He was seen with Uchiha Madara, and we believe to have found his base of operation! (Everyone in the room is all in up roar and is discussing the matter amongst themselves.)

Tsunade: Are you serious?!

(Immediately another shinobi barges in, he has a scroll in his arms.)

Tsunde: More shocking news ehh?

Another unnamed shinobi: It was from Kumogakure’s fastest messenger bird! It’s from the Raikage! There is to be a meeting with the joint army in three day’s time. Well, I’ll just hand you the transcript. (He walks over and hands it to Tsunade.)



(The next panel focuses on Kakashi.)

Kakashi (in thought): After nearly two decades, war again.
(The scene switches over to the streets of Konoha. Naruto is walking the streets.)

Naruto (in thought): Hmm, if what grampa and that super-sized sage said about the Octopus being a beast like the Kyuubi, then that Octopus must be the Cloud Jinchuuriki. He’s the only one who escaped capture, well that’s what Gaara said… I’m thinking I’ll have to be close to him, since Gaara said he’d make sure me and that cloud jinchuuriki won’t enter battle. Well, I guess that’s my teacher. I wish I would have came to that point earlier before being asked to be sent here, but I had to get my gear anyway. Well I guess I'll go have another word with super sized sage... (Naruto then rubs his stomach.)

That scroll carrying frog said as long as I don’t perform the seal breaking handsigns, the 4th’s seal should still be intact. But I’m still kinda worried. But what an experience, that scroll carrying toad just shoved himself down my throat. What the hell was that about? (Kakashi appears out of some spoke behind Naruto, Naruto turns around.)

Naruto: Kakashi Sensei?

Kakashi: There you are Naruto!

Naruto: Is something wrong?

Kakashi: I have a lot to tell you, let’s take a walk, shall we?

Naruto: Umm, sure…

(The scene switches over to inside Madara’s Lair. Kabuto is in a cell by himself, sitting at a table.)

Kabuto (in thought): Hopefully those Konoha hounds picked up on my trail. This will make finding us a lot easier. The sooner this war can end, the sooner I can have Uchiha Sasuke at my beck and call…

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kirifuda - 10 ápr 12, 16:13:51
Hitelesség: PREDICTION
By: mangahelpers

Naruto 491: Kabuto Summons!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 ápr 13, 12:24:39
Font 2 ch
Verification: pending

もっさん:2010/04/12(月) 21:32:43 ID:2SZMdFl9O

No.491 予感・・・!
ビー「そりゃそうだってばよ 戦争が始まるんだからよ」
ビー(“てばよ”を語尾につけてみたが・・・ イマイチだな)
八尾「違う もっと身近な事だ」
八尾「ビー 敵からのその戦利品 本当に大丈夫なのか? その刀は意思に近いものを持ってる  俺たちが油断 したところを狙ってくる可能性だってある」
ビー「大丈夫だろ スキを狙ってきたところでこの俺の丈夫な体で勝負に勝利してやるぜっ!」
ナルト フカサクといる
ナルト「で その蛸ってのはどこにいるんだってばよ?」

CITAZIONE904 :もっさん ◆wnLcNOHLas :2010/04 /12(月) 21:34:16 ID:2SZMdFl9O

フカサク「大丈夫じゃ ワシが広範囲に探知結界を張る」
フカサク10体ぐらいに分身 全員印結ぶ
フカサク「木の葉を除く五大国各地近くに分身を移したんじゃ そこで探知結界を張って見つけ次 第そこへ向か うんじゃ」

フカサク「まあこれでも二大仙蝦蟇じゃからな 本気を出せばこれぐらいは出来る」
カカシ(うちはマダラ・・・ アイツの事が乗っていればいいんだが・・・)
カカシ振り向く 「ヤマトか」
ヤマト「うちはマダラと名乗る男・・・ 彼は本当にマダラなんでしょうかね?」
カカシ「それは分からない だが能力などを見る限りマダラであってもおかしくはない」
ヤマト「初代様との戦いで死んだとされていた しかし彼は生きている・・・」
カカシ「今調べている所なんだが アイツはうちは一族の歴史の中で唯一“永遠の万華鏡写輪眼” を開眼したや つだ・・・ その瞳術で生きながらえていると考えるのが妥当だろう」
ビー壁にもたれかかって座っている 横には鮫肌も立てかけてある
鬼鮫 鮫肌の中で(八尾を捕まえるのは雷影達が出て行ってからですね・・・ 少し休憩といきま しょうか」

CITAZIONE905 :もっさん ◆wnLcNOHLas :2010/04 /12(月) 21:35:35 ID:2SZMdFl9O
鬼鮫の顔とかが鮫肌に溶け込んでいって消える っていう描写なんだと思う なんか分かりにくい ココ
フカサク「ああ 雲隠れにいるようじゃ」
フカサク「さっきのはワシの分身を送る術なんじゃよ ナルトちゃんを送ることは出来ん」
フカサク「おぉ! その手があったか!」
ナルト「じゃっ 早く俺を逆口寄せしてくれってばよ」
ナルト「ついたってばよ 早くじいちゃん仙人を口寄せしねーと」
ナルト ポカーン
ナルト「エ・・・いやちょっと待てってばよ!そういや俺 じいちゃん仙人なんて口寄せしたこと ねーってばよ !!」
ガマ吉「ったくお前ってやつは・・・ 仙人モードになれナルト! んでチャクラを最大に練って 口寄せしてみ い 多分フカサク様が呼ばれるじゃろう」


From poor translations by google and babelfish...

Killer Bee has a conversation with the Hachibi, potentially about his sword and something weird about it.
Naruto starts his search for Bee with Fukasaku, maybe using some toad tracking technique?
Kakashi and Yamato have a conversation about Madara and the EMS.
Naruto uses some transportation technique. Familiar toad ally appearance (One of the Gama).
Also looks like Kisame is about to make his move or already is. Potential fight next week?

Just gonna have to wait and see the better translations.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: DAS - 10 ápr 13, 17:25:28
by Nja - 2Ch

This chapter's all talk...

Naruto is returned home.
He's back in ichiraku ramen where other shinobi are at his side, a young boy recognizes him and asks for his autograph. Naruto blushes. The owner, too, is proud of him.

The hokages argue about what to do w/ naruto and bee.
Tsunade angrily argues that sheltering them is a waste. "What's the point if we lose the war? Weren't they for that purpose?"
Unfortunately, she loses to majority vote.
It is decided to shelter them in Cloud Country, the one place akatsuki haven't shown up from. The exact location is Oganjima (island of demons, from japanese folklore)

Nartuo was picturing paradise, but is sorely disappointed.
Naruto is with Yamato on a boat when they're attacked by a giant squid, but are saved by Bee's sudden transformation.

Naruto - "Oh, so YOU'RE the octopus I needed to find?"
Bee - "You're late, bro"
translation by: Nightjumper - NF

The seal-key frog returns Naruto to Konoha.
When he returns to Ichiraku Ramen, some ninja's son asks him for his autograph, since he's a fan of his.
Naruto feels awkward. The old man of Ichiraku acknowledges Naruto too.
Tsunade is not pleased with the war of protecting Bee and Naruto, as decided at the Gokage Summit, and is furious at the other kage.
But the Tsuchikage and the Kazekage calm her down telling her that she has to understand that it was decided by a majority.
Then they hide Naruto and Bee in what looks like a demon's island in the Lightning Country.
Naruto anticipated a paradise. When he sees the isle, he becomes dejected.
A giant squid attacks Naruto and Yamato, who's in a boat,
but Bee's bijuu form repels it.
Naruto goes "Oh, that's the squid who's gonna be teaching me?"
Bee goes "Well ain't'cha late"

translation by: taKl - NF

with the keytod stored inside, naruto goes back to ichiraku.
at ichiraku ninjas asking for the autographs for their kids blushes naruto.
ichiraku master also praises him

at 5kage meeting tunade not happy with the idea to put naruto n kb in quarantine and rages at kages and then gets persuaded by tushikage n kazekage and the majority vote

the quarantine is an island in the kaminari (lighting) country
naruto is disappointed at the sight of the island as he was expecting some paradiselike one.
As they approach to the island on a boat, a huge squid attacks the boat and bee in the beast form appeared to repulse it.

oh this is the octopus that leads me says naruto
damn you're late says bee....or something
translation by: Agony - NF

basically it says

naruto eats the scroll.
he goes back to konoha and have ramen.lots of kids wants his autograph.
there's a five kage meeting.tsunade doesnt understand y the kages decide to hide naruto and killerbee.she oppose the decision but majority of the kages decide to hide naruto and bee so tsunade has no choice but to accept it.

naruto and yamato is on a boat going to snow country.they say a big squid and their about to fight it

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 ápr 14, 11:21:40
A 491. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 492. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Titankahn - 10 ápr 19, 16:37:25
Hitelesitetlen spoiler, elég korai lehet hamis. forum
Zazuro kommentje.
About 492
Kabuto: We'll split up here
Kabuto: Itt szétválunk.
マダラ「分かった。お前は右へ 俺は左へ行く」
Madara: Alright. You go left and I go right.
Madara: Rendben, Te mész balra én jobbra megyek.
Kabuto: Not that way.
Kabuto: Nem arra.
Kabuto stabs Madara
Kabuto leszúrja Madarát
Madara: What..?!
Madara: Micsoda?!
Kabuto: Your bijuu collection, I can help you use it as well. We put them all in Impure World Resurrction.
Kabuto: A Bijuu gyüjteményed, én is segíthetek neked használni. Mindet használjuk az Edo Tensei-el(hát kb ezt jelentené megyarul ez)
Kabuto: Sasuke is mine.
Kabuto: Sasuke az enyém.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 10 ápr 20, 21:07:25
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Pending
Forrás: onemanga
Szerző: cocacola

New power!!

Sasuke: So, this is my new power.... ! !
(his EMS is shown)
Killer bee: You seem worried !
(Naruto have a bad feeling).
Killer bee: Learn to take out the mind from it.
Naruto: Last time I did this... my teacher got his chest blown away.
Killer bee: Hehe... don't worry, without training we won't know, right?

Kabuto: Hello Sasuke-kun
Sasuke: You ! ! How did you get here ! !
Kabuto: Trick or treats... we will talk later but now we are allies.
Sasuke: !?

Kisame: I guess it's time to do my part now, !!
Naruto: why is that thing acting weird?
(the Samehada, he points at it with a funny face)
Naruto: it looks like something is going to burst from it.
Killer bee: it can't be !!
Naruto: what, show
(Does a weird question mark face)
Naruto: is this a trap?
The Samehada sucks Naruto's chakra really quickly and looks like Naruto have one option left.
Killer bee: It's all a misunderstanding, I thought he died... Naruto, get control of yourself !!
Naruto: I can't... the mind is taking over me.
Kisame: hehe.. the red fox's chakra is like candy
Killer bee: believe in yourself, show the fox that you are stronger inside yourself!
Naruto: I can't... do it.. I'm weak...
(looks like Naruto is going to fall or is it the Kyuubi, don't know what it says here)
Kisame: aaaaaaaaah Killer bee, I believe we have business to finish
Killer bee: Naruto, focus, I don't have time to protect you.
Naruto: What happened... what is this fur
Kisame: Son of a *****, I took every drop of chakra from him!

next chapter:
Naruto's mind

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 ápr 20, 22:53:02
From 2ch
Verification: pending

Naruto 492 Spoiler, Naruto 492 Confirmed Spoiler, ナルト 492

492 八尾と九尾!!
ナルト到着 ビーとの息は・・・!
ビー「そうだぜ ばかやろーこのやろー!」
ビー「いいぜ 俺様がすげーいい方法で教えてやるってばよこのやろー」
ナルト「すげー嬉しいってばよ! 俺ってば今まで自分以外“てばよ”って使うやつに会ったことないんだって ばよ!」眼キラキラ
ビーナルトの手を取って「“てばよ同盟” だってばよ!」
雷忍とヤマト 呆れてる
ヤマト「ナルト 遊びに着たんじゃないよ」
雷忍「ではビー様 私は里へ帰りますので」
ビー「そうか カルイ達に修行サボるなよと伝えておいてくれってばよ」
雷忍呆れながら「分かりました」 帰っていく

Naruto 492 Spoiler English Translation

Naruto: “Yao is you!”
Bee “Oh – this huh huh I’m so stupid, sir.”
Thunder Ninja “arrived on!”
Yamato and Naruto down
Come ashore Tails also suppressed Bee
Naruto: “Yao is just what is?”
Bee: “Yes.”
Naruto: “If you’re tying! So I 使Ikonaseru biju!”
Be (—” I’ll do it “!)
Naruto: “If you’re teaching me to control Bijuu me!”
Bee “Oh this huh If you’re in a good way to tell it like that I’m soooo good.”
(—” Naruto I’ll do it “!)
Naruto “you, too,” I’ll do it “or a tone?”
Bee “OK?”
Naruto: “If you’re soooo happy! What else should I ever,” I’ll do it, “I swear that I’ll never use I met him!” Sparkling Eyes
Binaruto hand-in “Alliance” I’ll do it, “Dattebayo!”
Thunder Ninja and I’m tired of Yamato
Yamato: “It’s not like wearing a Naruto game.”
Naruto “I Will not Smile Captain Yamato.”
Thunder Ninja “I like going back to the village, so does Bee.”
Bee, “I Will Do not tell me wag put our training to do so Karoui.”
Shinobu amazed with lightning, “Okay,” going back

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 10 ápr 21, 14:13:37
Source: NF
Credits: KWGoDのbrucelee/ryz
Verification: Confirmed

ryz's translation
seasick Gai appears
naruto asks bee to help with his j-b training and get refused
naruto tries again with rap but to no avail
naruto then tries sexy no jyutsu and bee ignores

rainin takes naruto to a fall where is (another) naruto
naruto vs naruto


KWGoDのbrucelee's translation

naruto asks bee to teach him to control his jin
bee refuses
naruto asks again, -this time in rap
bee refuses
Naruto asks a third time using sexy jutsu but still no dice.

no sasuke this week

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: jatek09 - 10 ápr 21, 18:09:47
Szerzö: Heyda
Zetsu appears from the ground, he is complete again (Zuzuzu).
Zetsu Dark: Are you sure Sasuke can handle Naruto?
Zetsu Light: You’ve already underestimated him once. Not to mention Sasuke’s success rate.

Tobi: I do not think Sasuke will fail this time. He did kill Danzo.
Kabuto: So Danzo’s dead, Sasuke has improved…

Zetsu Light: So what’s with snake dick?
Zetsu Dark: Would you watch your mouth? However he has a point Tobi.

Tobi: Kabuto has demonstrated that his power would be useful in our struggle.

Zetsu Light: But can we trust him? brought to u by
Zetsu Dark: That reminds me, some Konoha-nin are near, apparently they followed a trail of corpses…

Tobi: Kabuto, would you initiate our partnership? Take out the trash.
Kabuto: I never agreed to take orders…but one of them interests me. She has been following me for some time. You see I needed some witnesses in case you declined my offer, but now.. (eyes turn really evil) THEY ARE USELESS! (laughs and slithers away).

Tobi: Zetsu, tell me about Kisame.
Zetsu Dark: He successfully infiltrated the cloud village.
Zetsu Light: Only with my help!
Tobi: Good, send a message to him, he is to act as quickly as possible!
Zetsu Light: Wait I thought you wanted him to act slowly and carefully.

Tobi: I changed my mind, Naruto is still incomplete. I want to reduce the chance of them meeting. If Naruto became a complete Jinchuriki, even Sasuke would have trouble.

Zetsu Dark: Good point, oh and one more thing..

Scene change to Tsunade
Shikamaru walks in.

Tsunade: Shikamaru, I hope you’re prepared!
Shikamaru: Prepared? For what? (thinking) Something really troublesome is about to happen.
Tsunade: I have here two lists: one of our Ninja squads and one of every foreign squad. I want you to match up the squads. One squad from each village, into groups of 20 ninja. That’s an order from your Hokage!

Shikamaru: Um, I’m not familiar with most of these foreign squads.
Tsunade: I’ve already thought of that. I’ve selected a foreign kunoichi to work with you. She’s familiar with many foreign squads.

The door opens. We see a familiar form in shadow. (I’ll give you three guesses)
Scene change to Naruto.
Naruto takes his hand of the scroll.

Naruto (thinking) : I hope this was the right…
Gerotama goes down Naruto’s throat.
Naruto (coughing) : What was that?

Fukasaku: Don’t worry, Gero is a special toad which lives inside the belly of the user, fer extra protection.
Naruto: Right, I just hope when I summon him he comes out the same way and not out my…
Shima: Naruto! There’s a lady present!

Naruto (thinking) : Some lady.. brought to u by scholarization.wordpress
Fukasaku: Ma! Send him home, he needs to be with his village as they prepare for war.

Naruto: Wait, I thought you would train me.
Fukasaku: Na! You’re on your own with the Kyuubi. But we’ll look for an Octopus for ya!
Shima: If you ever want to eat again, let me know!

Naruto (grossed out) poofs away.
Elder Sage Toad: I think I forgot something.
Fukasaku: Not again.
Elder Sage Toad: Who was that again?

Shima: Uzumaki Naruto you old fart!
Elder Sage: Uzumaki…

Scene change to Naruto in Konoha.
Naruto is back in front of Ichiraku’s.
Naruto (thinking) : I really don’t wanna eat Granny Toad’s cooking again.

Teuchi: Hey, Naruto! Where did you go?
Naruto: Ramen! Yes, huh arrgh. (Naruto collapses)
Naruto is in his mind.
Naruto: What.. why am I here?
Kyuubi: So the time has come…

Naruto turns to face Kyuubi. Gerotama is also there.

Gerotama: This is not how its supposed to happen.
Naruto: Don’t worry Gero, I’m not going to let him have his way anymore.

Kyuubi (laughing hysterically): Ha, ha, ha, ha. Who do you think you are?
Naruto: Uzumaki Naruto, the Sage of Mount Myobokuzan! (thinking) That sounded so cool!
Kyuubi: Really? Is that all? What about “Son of the Fourth Hokage” or “Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi”? Or…
Naruto: Or? What do you mean or?

Kyuubi: You don’t know who you really are do you? I called you to make a deal. I’ll tell you a few secrets about you, and if you still want to have control of my power, I’ll give it to you. I’ll completely suppress my will. (thinking) But I don’t think you’ll want to.

Gero: What is he… Naruto think about this!
Naruto: I don’t really understand where you’re going with this but I really need your power. Its a deal!

What will the Kyuubi tell Naruto? How will Anko do against Kabuto?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 ápr 22, 05:08:13
A 492. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 493. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: dosreis - 10 ápr 28, 14:05:57

(at the waterfall of truth)
Evil Naruto: what a bunch of pests
Naruto: !?
evil Naruto: sasuke,sasuke,sasuke!! why do you give a damn i dont know
Naruto:who are you?and what do you want?whats happening?
Motoi: thats the evil side of you that your seeing right exists deep down your heart.the first step of controlling your biju is to control yourself(your evil side)
Naruto: you mean i have to defeat my evil side to get through the first step?
Motoi: yes this is the first step.

(evil naruto aproach naruto)

evil naruto:why do you care about the village when it caused you so much suffering?and who’s sakura to you?all she’s done is give you more pain
Naruto:yeas that is true but the village again saved me from the darkness and sakura is my friend i will do anything for her.
evil naruto: you dont get to decide,i get to decide
Naruto:never,i will fight you so that i will be able to control the bijuu and protect those who a precious to me!

(Killerbee and motoi speaking in killerbee’s place)

motoi: i left that kid in the waterfall of you think that kid can pull it off?
killerbee:that “hey yo” kid?? i dont know yet but he was able to come up with some cool rhymes,he should be able to pull it off
motoi: what about the next step???
killerbee:after he completes the first step i will spar with him a bit to see his potential.
motoi: he is very valuable to the 5 great nations and if he masters the bijuu host transformation,he will be invaluable in the war
killerbee:it sucks i wanted to be in the battle field with the others and i wanna catch some new rhymes from sub chan sensei but noe im stuck with this kid!

(kumo nin and suna nin investigates the hideout that anko reported)

Kumo nin:looks like this is sort of the place that madara will hide
suna nin:yeah i think so too,the konoha reported that kabuto who was orochimaru’s assisstant was seen with madara.
kumo nin:did they join forces?if they did it will be a headache
suna nin:shhhhhh!! i sense somebody in the perimeter
Kumo nin:!??
sasuke:i didnt want to use my new sharingan on lowlifes but i dont give a damn now that you are my enemy,i will kill you two
kumo nin:sasuke uchiha!!!!(to suna nin)he is the guy who fought killerbee sama.He is very strong we better run away to report in.
suna nin:come on hurry!
sasuke: hmph……..
kumo nin: what the!? im being sucked help!!!!!!
suna nin:thats……….kamui? kakashi hatake’s sharingan can use that!
sasuke:die already!
kumo nin (screaming for help gets sucked up)
(sasuke stabs the suna nin through his heart and starts mutating his body)
(madara appears)
madara:sasuke are you happy now?we could have captured them and got intel on their plans
sasuke(with blood on his face):i want more blood im going off to konoha
madara:i will send you soon enough when i get the preparations done.(thinking to himself)kabuto will be taking care of that and i have all the akatsuki members under my control this war will go easier than i thought and once i win the war i will be the king of this shinobi world!!!
sasuke: hmph……you better
(sasuke and madara dissapear)

(Naruto and evil naruto starts fighting)

Naruto: i will be completely free of hate.this hate is the seed to a war,i will not give in to hate as sasuke did and not only i will help sasuke out of it!
evil naruto:as if i care!! rasengan!!(naruto dodges and does a kage bunshin)
naruto:you are not as powerful as me!(concentrates and gather senjutsu chakra)
evil naruto:(im you,you fool and does the same)
naruto kagebunshin:(attacks evil naruto from behind and disrupts the senjutsu chakra)
evil naruto:damn!
naruto:(become a sage)time for some frog fu!and lands a series of punches and kicks on the evil naruto
evil naruto:arghhhh!!! i………

(demons cloak covers the evil naruto)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Titankahn - 10 máj 01, 21:16:35
Egy confirmed spoiler
by: Ohana - 2Ch / evil - NF
Translation by: evil - NF

Naruto fights against his dark version who represents his hatred. They both call each other the fake Naruto.

Meanwhile, Bee is beating some huge bears at Sumo and Hachibi tells Bee that he should help Naruto. Hachi says he hates Kyubi but that Hachi used to be bad back in the day before meeting Bee. Bee tells himto shut up and say he won't accept that idiot who insults rap. This part ends with Bee saying "Plus he..."

Naruto and Yami-Naruto are evenly matched in everything and Naruto wakes up and explains the situation to Yamato and Motoi.(the battle was all in Naruto's mind, BTW) Motoi explains that you can't control the Bijuu unless you can win this fight. Naruto asks about Bee and Motoi explains how Bee was hated by everyone but got over it by learning how to express himself. And also that he was able to put up with it because he didn't want to make his brother, the Raikage, look bad. Basically, he accepted the sacrifice for his brother's sake. Naruto asks Motoi to ask Bee to help him but Motoi says he can't. The reason being that Motoi once tried to kill Bee. Next week will focus on a tragic situation that happened 30 years ago...
A little more information. Yami-Naruto says that the Kyubi likes him a lot more than Naruto, and you get to see a shot of a Young Raikage and a Goofy Bee as a kid.

Title of the chapter is "Yami-Naruto", or "Dark Naruto".
egyelöre most nem állok neki forditani bocs majd késöbb szerk.

Naruto megküzd sötét másával ami a benne rejlő gyűlöletet személyesiti meg. Mindketten hamis Narutonak nevezik egymást.
Ezalatt Méh lever pár nagy Medvét és a 8farkú szól Méhnek hogy segítenie kéne Narutonak. A 8farku mondja hogy utálja a Kyuubit, de (ez kicsit értelmetlennek tünik). Bee csender inti a 8farkut és azt mondja nem fog tanitani egy bolondot aki gunyt üz a rapböl. Ez a rész azzal ér véget hogy. Plusz ő..

Naruto és az álnaruto eközben minden téren egyenlöek a harcukban, Naruto felébred és elmegyaraázza a helyzetet Yamatonak és Motoinak.(Naruto az elméjében harcolt).Motoi elmondja hogy nem irányithatja a Bijuut ha nem nyeri meg ezt a harcot. Naruto Méhröl kérdezi Motoit aki elmeséli hogy utálta mindenki Méhet de tuljutott rajta megtanuván hogy fejezze ki önmagát. Naruto megkéri Motoit hogy kérje meg neki Méhet hogy segitsen de Motoi az mondja nem theti mivel egyszer megpróbálta megölni Méhet. A kövi héten egy tragikus szituáci lesz a középpontban ami 30 éve történt. Az álnaruto elmondja hogy A 9farku joban kedveli őt mint Narutot és leg egy kép a fiatal raikagéröl és a bolondos Méhröl is gyerekként.
Nagyvonalakban van pár homályos rész ha valaki nagyon pro és leforditaná megköszönném. Üdv

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: sojobo - 10 máj 03, 08:02:21
by: Ohana - 2Ch


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 máj 05, 10:52:28
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED



Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 máj 05, 10:52:59
forrás: MH

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 máj 05, 11:30:34
A 493. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 494. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Norec - 10 jún 02, 12:40:53
Credit :cepillon
Verification: Confirmed

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 jún 02, 15:06:40
forrás: MH
hitelesség: ?

With bees supports naruto fights against NINE TAIL DEMON FOX
Bee tells naruto if u get into NINE TAIL DEMON FOX's mind with my backup
and seize the source of chakra from NINE TAIL DEMON FOX's mind u can use the BIJUU chakra as your own power. and it will be YOURS forever.

Inside NINE TAIL DEMON FOX's mind using gigantic rasengan, rasen shuriken etc
naruto manages to get to the front of the chakra and gets caught by NINE TAIL DEMON FOX's hatred which is huger than expected.
there yami naruto emerges again.
Yamato and killerbee support naruto and yami naruto shouts at naruto to go away and vanish.
Then someone says 'no,u can stay here, naruto'
Its kushina. ---To be continued.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Krieg - 10 jún 02, 15:49:39
Hitelesség: ?
Szerző: narugato

( (
The side text says "At the bottom of the Kyuubi's hatred... Naruto meets Kushina!!!"

Original script:

超大玉螺旋丸や風遁螺旋手裏剣などで追い詰めるが、予想していたよりも大きな九尾の憎しみに囚 われていく。
半分また黒いナルトが現われて、消えていなくなれ!!と叫ぶ黒ナルトにいいえ、ここにいていいのよと語りか け、

Chinese script:


English script:

Support to fight from behind Bee Kyuubi Naruto
Will penetrate the support of the Bee-nine-tails, take out the source of the chakra, Bee will be able to use his power as with the Bijuu chakra.
The struggle on the front of the spiral shuriken jutsu, such as wind and chakra Rasengan Kyuubi Ootama than in the intention, seized with a hatred of the larger-than-expected nine-tails.
Naruto appeared from there half black, and supported by the Yamato, be gone away! ! Black Naruto shouted.
There, no, people speak and I'm staying here.
The next issue of that person's mother Kushina Naruto

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 jún 03, 00:31:19
A 497. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 498. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: gabrm - 10 jún 08, 20:39:19
by: The Special One

Naruto 498: Naruto Meets His Mother!

(Naruto is face to face with Kushina.)

Naruto: “You-you know my name…” (Kushina giggles.)

Kushina: “Of course silly, that’s the name your father and I gave you…” (Naruto has a shocked look on his face.)

Naruto: “That means, you’re?”

Kushina: “Boy you’re slow… Yes, I’m your mother sweetie…” (Naruto glances at his mother and slightly blushes.)

Naruto: “Heh, I’m not a kid ma…” (Naruto snickers. Kushina slightly grins and rests her head in her palm.)

Kushina: “*mumble* he sure does look like Minato*.” (Naruto can’t hear her all the way.)

Naruto: “Huh?” (Kushina clears her throat.)

Kushina: “I mean, you must certainly get all the young ladies to wait around for you, right?” (Naruto is startled by that question and starts fiddling his fingers.)

Naruto: “Well…” (Kushina then busts out in laughter and points her finger at Naruto.)

Kushina: “Just kidding, you have no luck with them whatsoever!lol I saw from inside you… You’re such a dork!”

(Naruto is angered.)


Kushina: “And he’s stupid too…”

Naruto: “STOP INSULTING ME! I’m YOUR SON!” (Kushina claps her hands just once and stops laughing abruptly.)

Kushina: “Just foolin’, relax, the Naruto I know loves a good laugh, isn’t that right?”

Naruto: “*mumbling* Crazy hag…” (Kushina has an annoyed face on. She punches her fist into her palm)

Kushina: “What was that boy! Speak up when I’m talking to you!” (Naruto immediately straightens up.)

Naruto: “AHH! Yess ma’am!”

Naruto (in thought): “She’s worse than Sakura and Granny combined… Why can’t she be like the 4th… “

(The scene switches to outside of the mental world. Killer Bee and Yamato are amazed at the fact that the Kyuubi’s chakra surrounding Naruto has subsided.)

Killer Bee: “It’s gone…”

Yamato: “What do you think happened?”

Killer Bee: “I don’t know, let me peak inside… (Killer Bee sits down and notices that the Kyuubi is the only thing sitting there in the mass of white space. The scene switches back to outside.)

Well All I sees is that fox… Dis never happened befo’… Where did he go inside his own soul? It’s like there’s another force at work or somethin’…”

Yamato: “hmm. (Yamato remembers back to when Naruto was explaining that the 4th helped him reseal the 4 element seal.)

Could it be?” (The scene switches back to the realm in which Kushina and Naruto are at.)

Kushina: “You do know why you’re still here don’t you?”

Naruto: “No… I did everything the Octo-dude said, and I still get taken over… I’m seriously at lost…”

Kushina: “It’s because you still haven’t let go yet.”

Naruto: “What? I don’t hate the villagers… I got over that...”

Kushina: “Yes you did, and I’m very proud of my little boy for that… But when you took in some of the Fox’s chakra, he was able bring back some deep routed thought that you presently haven’t come to terms with yet.”

Naruto: “But what could it be?”

Kushina: “Search your heart Naruto… What is it that you’ve always wanted that everyone else seemed to have but you didn’t?” (Naruto closes his eyes and remembers children being treated to ice cream by their parents. Meanwhile, Naruto slightly smirks as he snaps back to reality.)

Naruto: “Oh.. That… But I made peace with the 4th…” (Kushina then opens her arms, awaiting Naruto’s embrace.)

Kushina: “But not with me.” (Naruto has a shocked look on his face.)

Naruto:”… (Naruto walks over and hugs his mom… Then they break apart.) Why did you leave me?”

Kushina: “It wasn't what we intentionally wanted to do at first choice dear. Let your mom explain willya? I, uh… When the Kyuubi was set loose, the first thing your father was tasked with as Hokage, was securing it, those old coots didn’t care about anything else… But, I, well, you weren’t born yet. I had to be rushed to the field promptly. Your father and I, we had no other choice. And we figured that you’d be looked upon as a hero for containing the monster fox. We believed you can do it, that’s why we named you after the character in one of Jiraiya-sama’s books… Maybe a lame justification of our actions, but we did and we do still believe that, and we took it proudly to the grave.

(Naruto is shocked) We wanted you to be the best shinobi possible. Your father, as amazing as he was, needed help using the Shiki Fuujin on the Fox, and I wasn’t a push over myself…”

(The scene switches to 16 years in the past as Kushina narrates.)

Kushina: “Your father led a brave fight against the Kyuubi.

(Minato is standing on top of Gamabunta facing the Kyuubi as dozens upon dozens of defeated shinobi lie across the battle field. The Kyuubi gathers a chakra blast and fires it off as Gamabunta leaps into the air to avoid it as the area in back is destroyed. Gamabunta draws out his Dagger and as he lands, he attempts to slit the Kyuubi in half however the Kyuubi catches the blade with both paws as Gamabunta and the Kyuubi are locked in a struggle.

Minato then disappears into a cloud of smoke and appears above the Kyuubi in mid-air. As he twists and flips, he tosses various marked Kunai, as they are logged expertly all over its body as he lands on top of the Kyuubi’s back. As the tails converge onto Minato’s location, Minato disappears and Rasengans the Kyuubi near his left rib. Before the Kyuubi reach, Minato disappears and then Rasengans the Kyuubi near its neck.

Soon, we see Minato flicker in and out all over the Kyuubi as he barrages him with many Rasengan shots using FTG to employ a pop in and pop out method by instantaneously using the marked kunai all over the Kyuubi’s body as a way to facilitate his movement and assault. Soon, Kushina appears, she is exhausted, once Minato spots her, he uses body flicker and instantly appears next to her and gives her a hand. She brushes him off hinting that she wants to fight. Gamabunta then manages to overpower the Kyuubi due to Minato’s assault and sends it sliding back with a push of the blade. Minato looks to Kushina and he nods his head. He body flickers over to Gamabunta’s head. The Kyuubi faces Minato but then, Minato tosses exploding Kunai, which lands near the Kyuubi’s eyes, blinding him temporarily as the Kyuubi uses its paws to wipe away the smoke…)

Then I later made my move.

(Kushina moves closer to the Kyuubi and begins making handseals. Soon a huge spiral of wind surrounds the Kyuubi. Minato yells to Gamabunta, and he gathers water from its gullet and fires off a large bullet of water which collides with the wind. A true Hurricane is formed and it pins the Kyuubi down.)

There was no stronger team than the two of us… We subdued the Fox, but we knew what had to be done. We couldn't wait until I gave birth and our attacks weren’t enough to totally defeat the Fox, so we did what we set out to do…

(Gamabunta then hops up into the air and impales the Kyuubi using its Dagger. Gamabunta stays in place until the ceremony was completed. Minato body flickers over to Kushina. They both hold each other hands and gazes into each other’s eyes as Gamabunta looks over to the couple, possibly thinking about delivering the newborn to the authorities.)

We made the ultimate sacrifices so you could be a hero. But we’d always watch over you, that was what Minato and I always wanted; to make up for not being with you in person. Minato set up a way so that once in different stages of the seal’s degeneration we’d be there as fail-saves to pull you back for devastation. Your father wired the seal so that once it reaches 8th, his mental energy will be summoned and reshaped into a physical form so that he could reinforce the seal. Then, as a final precaution, once the seal is fully unlocked, my mental energy would be resurfaced to snap you out of the Fox’s control… (The scene switches back to the present.)

See now? We never abandoned you. We did all we could to keep you alive from the Kyuubi. The two of us appearing and doing what we did was proof enough, right? (Kushina smiles and looks toward a sad Naruto.)

Naruto: “I, I didn’t know… I’m sorry.”

Kushina: “Don’t be… Just beat that Fox into a pulp! Make your mom and dad proud!” (Naruto nods, soon, he is transported back to the area he was previously at. He stands in front of the Kyuubi, which is all chilled out and lying on its stomach with its paws stretched out. It sees Naruto, yawns and then gets on all fours.)

Kyuubi: Sup? Back for more of a beating?

Naruto: Ha, I don’t quite remember it that way. You’re going down for sure this time!

Kyuubi: Yap, yap-that’s all you do. Are you going to talk more or is it time to get to business!

Naruto: For once I agree with you on something…

Next Time: Naruto vs. the Kyuubi Reaches its Climax!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 jún 09, 09:50:13
status: PENDING
source: MH
Dragon Slayer

Kushina reveals that she's Naruto's mother. Naruto wants to talk more but he's in trouble and Kushina says "yes, the time has finally come." Kyubi says "You... I thought I killed you that time." And Kushina says she's dead but she left behind a certain jutsu. Then flashback to Kyubi fight. Yondaime heads out and Kushina tells him not to die. She wants to go with him but he has someone take her away and he fights Kyubi. Yondaime is very confident and uses a space-time jutsu to send a Kyubi blast away from the village. Ends with Yondaime saying "I might be able to win this one!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 10 jún 09, 13:01:13
status: PENDING
source: Onemanga

More from Ohana

あだ名は トマト(髪が赤いため)
後のあだ名が 赤い血潮のハバネロ




It seems Kushina has a special chakra.
We don't learn what her abilities are.
She was once kidnapped by Kumogakure (Cloud), being after that chakra.
When she was an academy student, she moved to Konoha from another village.
"I'll become the first female Hokage!" Saying this, she was was teased by the others.
Her nickname was "Tomato" (because of her red hair).
But turning the tables, she threw tomatoes at the other party.
Alternative nickname: "Hot-blooded Habanero"
The Hot-blooded Habanero got together with the Yellow Flash of Konoha

Naruto: I'm Konoha's orange Hokage dattebayo!"

Naruto has inherited his parents' wish.

"Now then, defeat Kyuubi!!"



When she was kidnapped by Hidden Cloud, she let her hair down to not let it be known by her enemy.
The one who noticed was Minato.
The red strings of fate (her hair).
She began liking Minato.
She began liking her own hair.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 jún 09, 13:35:42
Forrás: MH
Szerző: MackSasu2010


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 jún 09, 14:51:38
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 jún 10, 01:53:51
A 498. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 499. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Hiei - 10 jún 16, 11:35:12
Hitelesség: Folyamatban...

クシナ これでやっとミナトに会える。
真相を言っておくわ 私は 前任九尾の人柱力…
クシナ これでミナトと会えるわ… これから、真相を話すわ 私は前任の人柱力…
次週 休載

ENG by Crush! on NF
According to Ohana's spoiler, Kushina was the previous Kyuubi Jinchuuriki.
Naruto succeeds in overcoming the Kyuubi with Sage Mode.
Next week Kishi is taking a break.
Kushina doesn't dissapear yet.
Kyuubi says "Rokudou Sennin's...?" as he dissapears.

Még sose raktam be Spoiler annyira izgultamXDDDD Na jó nem, de megtehettem volna:P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Prilla - 10 jún 16, 19:24:12
by: Ohana - 2Ch / NF

Naruto feels very secure/relieved/comforted/reassured by Kushinas words of love.
And as his happiness the words brought strengthens him, the negative feelings of 9b falls.
Kushina gives Naruto a boost saying 'My chakra wont last so long, so, you do it now!'

Naruto goes shadow clones and attacks 9b with the super rasen multiple times gan (rasen-cho-taren-gan), ie every clone throws a rasengan.
9b, although being damaged, drowns out some of the clones with the hands. Kushina knocks the raging 9b down with her chain(s).

Then naruto goes sage mode and flings the sage art gigantic rasen multipletimes gan (cho-oodama-rasen-taren-gan).
Furthermore, he makes an attack with a huge shuriken. by it only 9bs body is blown off and 9bs chakra is absorbed to Naruto.
After the absorption narutos body becomes like the state of plasma ? (as in 'plasma display'?) and shows the seal.
Regardless of having the most of its chakra taken off, 9b still produces the big dark ball from the mouth.
Naruto while being amazed by that, places his hand on the centre of the seal on the tummy and makes a movement like closing the key.
Many torii fall down on 9b from above and repress 9b to shut it up in the cell again.
9b goes 'remember, i'll get back at you', to which Naruto replies 'Sorry, 9b, but I wont treat ya bad, so... wait for a little while.'

'Well done!' says Kushina. 'mum, ur now....' Naruto tries to say and gets interrupted by her saying 'now I can finally go to Minatos place'.
Hearing that naruto droops his head. 'Before I go, I gonna tell you the facts of the incident that happened 16 yrs ago when you were born.' says Kushina.
"I am your predecessor jinchuriki of 9b. Let me start off with this...."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 jún 16, 22:12:38
A 499. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 500. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Szubotics-Kun - 10 jún 23, 10:08:09
STATUS: Prediction
Written by: The Special One

Kushina: Naruto, I was the previous 9 tails Jinchuuriki.
Naruto: What do you mean?
Kushina: 16 years ago, after you were born, Madara and Akatsuki captured me to try to get the Kyuubi from me and extract it. They succeeded, but I let the Kyuubi take me over, and I died. Luckily, My chakra was still mixed in with the Kyuubi’s chakra, that’s how I’m able to talk to you.
Naruto: Did Dad know that?
Kushina: Your father was VERY intelligent. He knew my chakra would still be mixed with the Kyuubi’s chakra, and that’s when he decided to seal the Kyuubi into you in hopes that you would one day control it to finish a very special jutsu.
Naruto: WHAT JUTSU?!
Kushina: Minato said you would figure it out whether you had the Kyuubi sealed into you or not. *smiles* That’s how much he believed in you, Naruto!
Naruto: I WILL figure it out.
Kushina: I’m sorry Naruto, I wish we could have more time together. My chakra is almost gone. I’m so glad I could help you control the Kyuubi, but remember it was YOU who did it! I wish the best for you, Naruto. I love you.
Naruto: I love you too Mom!

Naruto opens his eyes and stands up.
Killer Bee: Yo, So I’m guessing you and the Kyuubi are partners now like me and Hachibi?
Naruto: Yeah, exactly. I met my mother, as well. She had a special chakra that could chain the Kyuubi down so I could separate the Kyuubi’s chakra. When I used the key to seal the Kyuubi, my body was surrounded by chakra with weird designs, and the Kyuubi said something about it being the Sage of the Six Paths?
Yamato: Wow I thought that legend was false….
Killer Bee: Well, that doesn’t matter now. We got a Jinchuuriki alliance here.

Samehada rattles on KB’s back.
Killer Bee: Damn, this sword likes me!
Kisame: I don’t like you, it’s my job to capture you, HACHIBI! The Kyuubi is here too, so this must be my lucky day!

Killer Bee drops Samehada.
Killer Bee: Yo, who the hell are you?!
Kisame: Why do you want to know? It will be useless to know the name of the person who captured you and killed you.
Killer Bee: There’s no way you’ll stand a chance against me and Naruto both.
Naruto: Killer Bee is right, DATTEBAYO!
Kisame: We’ll find out!
Killer Bee: Let’s do this Naruto.
Naruto: RIGHT!

Both transform into their bijuu.

At Madara’s hideout.

Madara: Sasuke, have you gotten used to these eyes yet? You’ll thank me later.
Sasuke: I don’t need to thank you. I need to thank Itachi.
Madara: There’s something important I need to tell you Sasuke. I have let Kabuto join Akatsuki for his own purposes. If I didn’t do that, all of my plans would be ruined.
Sasuke: Is he after me?
Madara: I know you can defeat him after we use his power, Sasuke. He can frame me at any time, plus he has surpassed Orochimaru. He has perfected the Edo Tensei no Jutsu.
Sasuke: Alright. I see how it is. I know how Kabuto works, plus with my new eyes, I can definitely defeat him. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Madara: You grow more evil each second.

Parancsoljatok, valaki mondta h linkeljem be sztem hiteles, de aztán kitudja, jó fejtegetést;)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: chokashi - 10 jún 30, 11:54:58
Credits: Ohana
Verification: Confirmed


There’s an Anbu mask (Probably Madara)
Baby Naruto is being carried.






生まれる 10月10日





Google translation :
Birth was classified
, And mi baby Coto (Sasuke) before Kushina took
The two friends
Na comb, and painful story of her birth in Mikoto ~ ~.
During childbirth may Kyuubi comes out (weaken the seal) to
Minato is also witnessing
Na Kushi pain:
Dark room in front of several waiting
Born on October 10
Weaken the seal, the seal Minato getting back
Baby (Naruto) he was taken to mask the dark
[Mask off of sacrifice, this baby is otherwise

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 10 jún 30, 12:04:16
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: Ohana

The childbirth was kept an absolute secret.

Mikoto was accompanied by an infant (Sasuke), and in front of Kushina were two friends.

Kushina, like with Mikoto, the childbirth will be painful, according to one of the women.

As the child came forth, the Kyuubi probably came out (the seal weakened) that's why Mikoto also witnessed it.

Kushina was in pain.
Several Anbu members were on standby in front of the room.

生まれる 10月10日
Date of birth: October 10.

The seal weakens. Minato [tries] to strengthen it.

A masked ANBU takes the infant (Naruto).

The masked man says, "Let's get away from the human sacrifices*, child, otherwise you also will be one"


*kiegészítés: jinchūriki = "Power of Human Sacrifice"
Naruto's birth was carried out in secret.

But, Mikoto and Kushina were friends, so Mikoto was
allowed to bring baby Sasuke to where Naruto was to be born.

Mikota and Kushina have a woman's conversation (About the pain of birth).

At the time of birth, the Kyuubi threatens to escape fro Kushina (due to the weakening of the seal), so Minato makes an appearance.

Kushina was in great pain, and Anbu stand by (on alert) right outside the room.

Naruto was born on October 10th.

The seal was greatly weakened, so Minata attempted to fix it.

Baby Naruto is taken by a masked Anbu; seperated from his parents, otherwise he will be the next human sacrifice.

That's it.
Read it if you want to learn more. ;)

Edit: Not entirely sure about the last line. It involves the ANBU saying some cryptic line about taking the child from human sacrifices
There's an Anbu mask (Probably Madara)
Baby Naruto is being carried.

More will come later.
i'll summarise things up.

Giving birth to naruto is top secret.

Mikoto bring the baby(sasuke) to kushina's place.

Maybe due to giving birth,the seal controlling kyuubi became weaker.

kushina felt pain and there were some ANBU guarding outside the room.

October 10,naruto was born.

The seal was remade again by minato tat the seal would regain its power again.

one of the ANBU steal naruto away.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: Rokudaime Sennin

Why did Kushina become a human sacrifice?
It seems that Whirlpool country (Hidden Village of the Whirling tides) clanspeople were masters of the sealing technique.

The First Hokage's wife MIto was also a human sacrifice.
Mito was the first human sacrifice.

By dying, Kushina became one.
Kushina died, with Naruto being the 3rd.

For the human sacrifice to happen, Konoha and the Whirling Tides had to be friendly countries and distant relatives
Even now, it's Konoha's best back mark (design on the back of the suit)
Naruto's Jersey's back design is the swirl of the Whirlpool country (Whirling Tides' Mark).

Now, that sealing jutsu, the special chakra is aimed at being destroyed.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: takL, ero_luffy

Revealing that she was jinchuriki, Kushina goes into the story.
She tells that she was chosen to be the second jinchuriki and taken to konoha. Naruto is furious as to why his mum from another country had to be a jinchuriki.

Although different countries, hi no kuni(the country of fire) and uzu no kuni (the country of whirl) had an intimate relationship and the senju clan and the uzumaki clan from uzu shio were distantly related by blood.
Having many peeps with strong life force uzushio country was also called the land of longevity and there was a rather rough clan that was good at fuin jyutus.
The 4 sho fuin on naruto was originally based on a jyutsu of uzu no kuni and who taught it to minato was me--- says kushina.
The mark on the back of the costume konoha shinobis wear is the mark of uzu no kuni, adapted as the sign of amity between the two nations.
It was a country feared for the fuuin techniques, marked, and destroyed. The holdovers have disguised the identity and been scattered--Kushina continues.
But but why it had to be my mum? asks naruto.
kushina explains that among the uzushio villagers she was special with the chakra that could hold 9b in check. Beside the jinchuriki previous to her was also a kunoichi(female ninjya) from uzushio, which was customary. "she was mito uzumaki who got married the first hokage. So me too had determined to be a hokages wife"
After asking naruto if he heard of the battle between hashirama and madara, kushina tells naruto that mito sealed 9b inside of herself with a fuin jyutsu and became a jinchuriki to reinforce hashirama who'd gained 9b after the battle.
Kushina continues that she was brought in as a new container when mitos days were numbered.
"then u were treated like some bloody object!" naruto's enraged. Kushina replies that she herself didn't know when she came to konoha and was shocked to hear that too. It was a top secret only several higher-ups including the third knew. Even the 3 nins were out of the loop.
"But when i was almost crushed down by the pressure and loneliness, mito kindly told me this" says kushina.
to Naruto whos like "?" kushina tells "she said 'we came here as containers of 9b but first of all find love to put into the container so that you can still be happy even when you are to live as a jinchuriki.' So that i lived a happy life."
For the last line, Naruto cant help but sheds tears.

Naruto in tears asks kushina “"i hear madara was behind the incident 16 years ago. how come mum had 9b?"
"so, minato didn't have time(to tell you) did he?' understanding that minato didn't get to tell the details, kushina starts to tell naruto about it too.
"It was madara who made the attack but untill the last moment i had it. but somehow the guy knew the only occasion when the seal would weaken and he was watching for it and seized it."
"Whats that(the occasion)? Asks Naruto. "the child birth" answers
During the 10 months (of pregnancy)* from the conception to the delivery, the energy of seal shifts to the baby and in proportion to that, the seal itself gets weak.

*szerk.: 10 hónap???

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 júl 01, 07:18:50
A 500. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 501. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 júl 07, 11:35:58
forrás: MH
hiteles: ?

786 :ohama ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07/07(水) 18:27:58 ID:L4FouL5UO



795 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07 /07(水) 18:34:10 ID:L4FouL5UO


表示は 赤ちゃんサスケと赤ちゃんナルト
501 九尾襲来!!


Credit: Agony
Trans: NF

Minato grabs naruto back and send him back him home instantly by using hiraishin.

madara extracts the kyuubi out and kushina dies.

The 9 tails go crazy

evryone's looking at kyuubi and minato is standing on a tree carrying kushina.he sends kushina back to his house and wears the hokage shirt and goes out.

special moment:itachi is carrying baby sasuke,looking at the moon and felt strange.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 júl 07, 12:38:16
Forrás: MH
szerző: •Sasuke•
hitelesség: ....


:Anyway, Minato looks cool.


:In an instant, (閃光 = Flash) Minato retrieves baby Naruto from Madara's grasp.


:Minato teleports [Naruto and himself] back home (using his special kunai technique)


:Madara extracts the 9tails from Kushina.


:Kushina's breathing is faint


:The 9tails goes wild.


:Everyone can see (the rampage) clearly.


:There is a scene of Minato on top of a tree, holding (pos. hugging) Kushina.


:Minato takes Kushina to where he took Naruto earlier.


:Minato puts on his Hokage cloak (hells yeah!) and leaves.


Itachi senses something is wrong (Iyana-kanji, lit. bad feeling). He is looking up at the sky whilst holding baby Sasuke.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 júl 07, 16:08:00
Credits: takL
Source: NF

maybe its called the subtitle
'2 shinibis born into the swirl of chaos.
konohas long day starts now'


Added information by takL on one of his earlier posts, not posted here

Source: NF
Credits: takL

added info
*baby naruto and baby sasuke on the chap cover

Credits: Maijin_Lu
Translation credits: takL
Source: NF
spoiler script
from Bleach's spoiler provider
122 :69るま ◆KENseIuXK2 :2010/07 /07(水) 21:55:32 ID:lzzLOOMP0

35 :名無しさんの次レスにご期待下さい:2010/07/07(水) 23:08:59 ID:lzzLOOMP0


ガキがどうなってもいいのかとマダラ。待て・・お、落ち着くんだというミナトに、それはお前だミナト、俺は 最高に冷静だとマダラ。
いい終わりにナルトを宙に放り、クナイで刺そうとする。俊足で取り返すが、ナルトを巻くタオル には起爆札。
タオルからナルトを抜き飛雷神の術で洞窟外へでるが、無理やり術をつかさわれ、クシナと引き離 される。
クシナの封印式にミナトがいつでも駆けつけられる術式マーキングが施されているのを知っていたマダラは、術 を使わせてミナトを遠ざけた。
うずまき一族の生命力ですぐには死なないものの息絶え絶えのクシナ、木の葉の里へ向かおうとするマダラを止 めようとするが、
クシナ、ミナトにマダラが木の葉を潰そうとしてることを伝える。ミナト、また術でナルトの元に 。


dont ya give a shit bout your brat? says madara. minato goes ' out.'
'its you who gotta chill a bit im chiller than ever' says madara

Same credit as above

spoiler translation
Says maddara and tosses naruto into the air tries to stab it with a kunai
Minato grabs the baby in his syunnsoku(fleet feet no jyutsu?) to see the explosive tag on the towel around naruto

Same credit as above

spoiler translation
he pulls naruto off the towel and goes hiraishin to the outside of the cave however is forced to use a jyutsu and parted from kushina
He again uses a jyutsu to lay naruto in a safe place and then heads for kushinas.

ame credit as above
spoiler translation
meanwhile kushina is taken to somewhere away from the cave, tied up in some sealing formula.
What kind of joke is this? says kushina. Madara tells her that he'll pull 9b out and smash konoha. he knows that the seal on kushina includes a formulated marking for minato to run to her whenever needed that hes alienated him by forcing him to use the jyutsu.

same credit as above
spoiler translation
madara puts kushina in do-jyutsu with his sharingan. 9b although senses madara, it also gets taken in the do-jyutsu.
After that the seal which looks like a wedge suddenly gets released and 9b is dragged out

Same credits as above

spoiler translation
Because of her life force of uzumaki clan, kushina doesnt die immediately, but breathing feebly tries to stop madara leaving for konoha. madara is about to pulverize kushina with the controlled 9b when minato saves her. Kushina askes minato of narutos safety and minato tells her the babys in a safe place. He gives a glare at madara.

same credit as above

spoiler translation
kushina informs minato that madara is trying to destroy konoha. Minato goes the jyutsu agan to back to narutos.
'why?'asks kushina to whom minato tells to just go near naruto and lays her by naruto who is sound asleep. Kushina holds narito tight but minatos face is clouded.

Same credits as above

spoiler translation
Clenching his fist tightly minato is getting ready to go to konoha. Kushina greets him with 'thank journey! (ill be waiting here for your safe come back)' to which minato replies 'ill be back soon...' putting on his special fighting gear...'the 4th hokage' on the back.

'What is this feel?' Itachi with sasuke in his arms senses something odd is going on.

same credit as above

spoiler info
ohana on the cover
187 :Both naruto n sasuke are on their stomachs looking straight ahead. Cute. The eyes are open.

195 : itach already has some gorugo lines.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 júl 08, 04:26:10
A 501. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 502. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 júl 13, 12:02:17
Verification: confirmed
From ohana

508 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07/13(火) 17:44:08 ID:Rt98jg3KP

:I'm still out so i'll come back again later.

表紙は ミナト

:The cover is Minato


He's) really strong.


:Maybe the masked guy isn't Madara.


:Minato asks, "Are you Madara?" and he responds with silence.


:I'll re-read and come back later.


:Minato uses Rasengan.


520 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07/13(火) 17:55:41 ID:Rt98jg3KP
表紙は ミナト

over is Minato.

502 四代目の死闘!!

:The 4th's struggle!!


Sasuke is crying.


Itachi is cradling (Sasuke)


:Fugaku and Mikoto do not come out.

ふざけてるカカシ ガイ

:Kakashi and Gai are playing with each-other.


:The 3rd Hokage feels something.

仮面の男 口寄せ

:The 9tails summoned by the masked man goes to attack the village.

暗部 三代目に報告

Some Anbu report to the 3rd Hokage.


:The 3rd readies for combat.


:Minato is stone faced (I think like poker faced) as the 9tails violently rampages.


:9tails fires a cero from it's mouth (lol what is this, Bleach (^_^) )


:[I think this is = Minato stops it using a space/time barrier ninjutsu.]

シカマルパパ チョウジパパ観戦

Shikamaru's dad and Chouji's dad watch the fight.


:The masked man gets behind but Minato looks behind and punches him.

仮面の男ダイソンするも ミナト飛雷雷して飛ぶ

:Lightning strikes and Minato jumps out of the way [using hiraishin maybe, i'm, not sure.] The masked man manages to follow him.

ミナト マダラなのか?と問うが

:Minato asks again, "Are you Madara", but again he gives no real answer.

仮面の男 鎖でミナトを縛りあげるが ミナト飛雷神で飛ぶ

:The masked man tries to tie Minato up with chains, but he escapes using hiraishin.

すぐミナト現れ ミナト特殊クナイを仮面の男に投げるも

:Minato appears and throws his special kunai at the masked man, but it slips through him.

ミナト 仮面の男交差するとき~~

:As it passes through the masked man, Minato attacks with a Rasengan from behind.


:Minato says "there's two levels to Hiraishin"


:Finished. Sa-sei (lol, I have no idea.)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: marimar - 10 júl 13, 19:25:28
Credits: takL
Source: NF

502 The death match of the 4th!!

minato on the cover

sasuke crys
itachi dandles him
Fugaku and mikoto arent at home.

kakashi gai are hanging out messing around.

the third senses something

the masked man summons
9b starts to attack the village

anbu reports to the third

the third on combat alert

minato on the rock (that one like Mount Rushmore)
raging 9b
breathes chakraball from the mouth
minato flicks it with the time-space force field/shield

shikamarus dad and choujis dad are watching the battle

behind minato is the masked man
minato turning around punches it
the masked man goes dyson(that vacuum jutsu) minato flies on hiraishin
where minato lands the mask tags along after him.

minato asks the man if its madara.
the masked mans answer evades the question.

The masked man binds minato up with chains but minato flies on hiraishin.
although minato appears without delay to throw a special kunai at the masked man, the kunai pass through the body of the masked man.

~on minato and the masked man crossing each other
minato gives out rasengan from the rear

'its hiraishin the second stage' says minato

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 júl 15, 19:28:24
A 502. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 503. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 júl 21, 06:21:51
Poster: FIR

575 :ohana ◇IR7jauNn4E:2010/07 /20(火) 21:57:35 ID:szf5Chzl0


the rasengan works against the masked man.
The fourth makes sure he’s dead then quickly runs toward the village.
The masked man suddenly forms with a tree juice(sry English sucks.but I can comfirm u tat this ability has something to do with zetsu.)
the masked man appears behind the fourth and the fourth is shocked.
The third hokage stops kyuubi by using a doton jutsu.
Kakashi and a group of anbu is ready to attack.
Gai,chouji’s father and shikamaru’s father is also ready to attack.

Danzou appears behind konoha

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 júl 21, 09:24:54
721 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07 /21(水) 16:53:42 ID:fUkVtgG4P
503 ミナトの屍鬼封尽!!




イルカ とーちゃんとかーちゃんと一緒じゃなきゃ~~~~




紅パパ 紅 カカシ ガイを説得。二代目がダンゾウ、ヒルゼンに言ったようなこと。


ミナト、クシナに 少しの間九尾を抑えていてくれと言いながら








more from ohana

770 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07 /21(水) 17:18:26 ID:fUkVtgG4P

503 : Minato's Shiki Fuujin !

Minato managed to hit Madara with Rasengan.
And he manages to mark Madara with a Hiraishin Tag.
Madara's left hand is wounded.

Madara tries to remove the tag but the kunai wound is deep.

Minato use Keiyaku Fuuin on Madara. As a result, Madara can't control Kyuubi anymore.

The Sharingan type motion disappear from Kyuubi's eyes.

Iruka's mother is seen. She protects Iruka from attack.
Iruka's father is running away.

Iruka : "Father and mother are still fighting ..."

Konoha is on the verge of being destroyed.

Kyuubi is going outside Konoha.

Sandaime goes on the offensive.

Madara says "The Kyuubi will be mine sooner or later."

Iruka is removed from the battlefield by a jounin.

Kurenai's father, Kakashi, Kurenai, are talking to Gai. Nidaime is talking to Hiruzen and Danzou.

Kyuubi fires a Cero ( LOL ), Minato summons Gamabunta

Minato talks to Kushina about sealing the Kyuubi again. Using a Space/Time Ninjutsu, to moves him far, far away.

Minato appears where Naruto and Kushina are.

Minato is out of chakra.

Kushina uses "Chakra chains of doom" to capture Kyuubi.

Naruto is crying from all the commotion.

Kushina is dead serious about dealing with the Kyuubi to gain some time.

Minato and Kushina goes on a love confession.

Minato cries ( Like fater, like son )

Kushina uses her chakra to she can meet Naruto someday and use a 8 Divination Seal Type on Naruto.

While Minato will Shiki Fuujin.

Kushina stops.

Minato will seal only half of the Kyuubi in himself.
And then seal all of it on Naruto's 8 Divination Seal.

This kid will open up the future for us. He's our kid after all.

Minato makes the hand signs !
Shiki Fuujin !

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 júl 21, 10:34:09
Source:  NF /
Credits: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed

Iruka's parents.
Kurenai's father.

Never saw them before.

Kurenai haves the same eyes as her father.

Minato never had the time to talk to Sandaime.
In the end, Hiruzen was irrevelant to the battle.

So you mean when Minato do the Shiki Fuujin ...
Minato and Kushina dies ?

Near the corpses of his parents, Naruto is left crying ... alone.

And current Naruto seems to somehow haves flashes of this moment, since it shocked him so much when he was a baby.
And then he cries again.
Iruka's parents, Kurenai's father
It's their first appearance.

It didn't get around to the 3rd Hokage (?)
Rather, the 3rd Hokage was of no use at all

Once Minato seals the tailed beast, Minato and Kushina both die.
Whenever the spoiler author thinks of the scene of a crying baby Naruto besides their dead bodies, the spoiler author feels like crying

That aside, there was no attack scene. Spoiler author kept saying to his/herself, "everyone, attack him/it one after another!"
Also, at the end, just when the shiki fuujin was performed, it seemed to happen (the attack), but it was just one panel so one can't really tell

There were explanations, tear-jerking explanations that make one think of Jiraiya's words about a parents' love.

Source: NF /
Credits: Vered
Verification: Confirmed

transaltion by shounensuki to the first spoiler:

503: Minato's Shiki Fuujin!!

Madara is hit by Minato's Rasengan. Minato uses this oppertunity to put the Hiraishin mark on Madara's body. Madara's left hand is injured.

Madara leaves, but using the marking, Minato immediately stabs him with a kunai. Minato places a contract seal on Madara. With this contract seal, Madara cannot call on the Nine-Tails any more.

The Sharingan patterns in the Nine-Tails' eyes dissappear.

IrukaMama is wounded and protecting Iruka.
IrukaPapa: "run away."
Iruka: "I have to stay with mummy and daddy~~~"
Konoha is being destroyed. The Nine-Tails goes outside of Konoha. First the Sandaime, then everyone else attacks.

Madara says "Somehow the Nine-Tails will be mine," while teleporting away.

Iruka is taken away by an unknown jounin.

KurenaiPapa persuades Kurenai, Kakashi, and Guy with the same things the Nidaime said to Danzou and Hiruzen.

The Nine-Tails spits out a Cero, but Minato summons Gamabunta.

Minato talks about how Kushina can supressing the Nine-Tails, if only for a little while, and uses his space-time ninjutsu to move far away.
Sounensuki says (12:39):
The place he jumped to is where Naruto and Kushina are.
Minato: "I'm starting to run out of chakra."
Kushina: "I'll lay down my life to capture the Nine-Tails with my chains."
Naruto cries.
Kushina resolves herself. "I'll drag the Nine-Tails with me into death."

Minato confesses his love.
Kushina confesses her love.

Minato cries.
Minato's resolve is different from Kushina's. He uses her chakra to create a Hakke Fuuin, so she can meet Naruto again. He's going to use Shiki Fuujin on the Nine-Tails.

Kushina is stopped.
Minato will seal only half of the Nine-Tails inside of himself and will seal the other half inside Naruto with the Hakke Fuuin.

This child will open up the future. After all, he is our son.

He makes the hand seals. Shiki Fuujin!!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 júl 21, 17:50:55
Hitelesség ell: CONFIRMED

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Krieg - 10 júl 21, 22:43:57
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: Bild

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 júl 22, 04:16:28
A 503. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 504. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 júl 28, 10:23:45
73 : ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07/28(水) 17:42:30 ID:2VBefE1zP
504 ありがとう



ミナト 里を捨てること 国を捨てること それは子供す捨てることと一緒
国が崩壊した君ならわかるだろ それに俺達家族は『忍』だ!!
母である君には勝てない これは君のためじゃない ナルトのためにやるんだ!!


ミナト 息子のためなら死んだっていい… それは父親でも出来る役目だ

三代目 九尾と睨めっこ
三代目結界を張り 外に九尾がでないようにあする


ミナト 封印



三代目 全部封印しきれてないと感じる

ミナト 八卦封印の準備
九尾 あんなガキに封印されるのか~~~納得できない様子

クシナ 息絶え絶え

九尾 力こめて ナルトを狙う

九尾の手が ミナトを貫通
そこにクシナが飛び込み ナルトに九尾の手が届かないように。。。

ミナト これは父親でも出来るって~~~
クシナ 母親ならなおさらよ~~~  夫婦喧嘩で私が負けたのはじめてね

ミナト ありがとうクシナ

ミナト ガマ寅を口寄せ 鍵を渡し ジライヤに蔵入りして

三代目 やっと状況把握



376 : ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/07/28(水) 17:44:27 ID:2VBefE1zP
ミナト 八卦するよ オレのチャクラもナルトへすこし組み込みたい
当分は会えない 今ナルトに言いたいことを言っておこう


クシナ 好き嫌いしないでいっぱい食べなさい おふろには毎日入ること
夜更かしはしないで いっぱい寝て 友達を作りなさい たくさんじゃなくていいから
勉強や忍術しっかりやりなさい 不得意な物があっても落ちこまないで
アカデミーでは先生を敬いなさい 忍の三禁 お金の貸し借りには注意して
お酒は20になってから 女、母さんは女だからわからないけど この世は男と女しかいないから
 母さんのような女を見つけなさい  それとジライヤ先生には気をつけなさい。
ナルト これから苦しいこと つらいこと 沢山ある
自分をちゃんと持って 夢をかなえようとする自信をもって!!
もっと×4 本当に 色んなこと一緒に教えてあげたい 
もっと一緒にいたい  愛してるよ

ミナト ううん。いいんだ ナルト… 父さんの言葉は 口うるさい母さんと同じかな


ナルトを器にしてしまったこと 一緒に生きてあげれなかった 愛情を注いであげれなかった

ナルト 謝らないで~ 父ちゃんも母ちゃんも恨んだことなんてない~~
正直親の愛情はわかんなかった 両親ともいなかったから でも今は分かる…

オレの器にも愛情が入ってるって分かったから! だから俺も幸せだ!!

(ミナト 聞いてる? 私達の想い ちゃんと届いてたよ)
ナルト、私を母にしてくれてありがとう 私達のもとに生まれてくれて



 title: minatos shiikifuujin against the nine tails
kushina does not want naruto burdened
Kushina: i just want u to see naruto grow minato
you will never be sacrificed for something like l ~~
To abandon it to give up his country to abandon the village along with Su Minato was a child
You see we're family And if you fall so does the ninja country!
This is for you mother I'm going to win this for you Naruto! !
the shinigami is behind minato
minato cares if her and son die... he must assume father role
yondaime and kyuubi starring
third says something bout a barrier
hand extends from minato and kyuubi feels the danger
minato seals and jyuubi is in pain
minatos breath becomes shallow
did not feel clean and perform all 3 seals
minatos preparation of the seal Bagua
What sealed the Kyuubi so kids can not understand how ~ ~ ~
kushina breath is gone (dead?)
Nine-tailed Naruto aim to force rice
Through the hands of Kyuubi Minato
As the reach of a diving Kushina Kyuubi Naruto there. . .
This I can not even father
Especially if you mother I lost my first fight in a while
thanks mom, dad
mothball? hands over the key to the tiger seal to jiriya
death takes a sword

i think the next part is some kind of song or something
dont feel like translating
Reply With Quote

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 10 júl 28, 16:07:16
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: stylusmadman

504 Thank You
Kushina opposes Minato's use of Shiki Fuujin.
Kushina: I don't want to burden Naruto/my son. I want Minato to live and watch Naruto grow, while I alone die. There is no need for you to sacrifice yourself for me.

Minato: Forsaking the village, forsaking my country, forsaking my son - they are all the same to me. You should understand, because your own country was destroyed. Besides, our family are "shinobi"!! You, as his mother, cannot win. This is not for your sake, but for Naruto's sake!!

There is already the shinigami (death god) behind Minato.
Minato: I'm alright with dying if it is for my son. That is also one of the roles a father can perform.
Sandaime and the Kyuubi are staring/glaring at each other. Sandaime puts up a barrier so that the Kyuubi cannot escape.

The shinigami's hand extends forth from Minato's stomach. The Kyuubi senses the danger.
Minato perfoms the seal. The Kyuubi is in pain.
Minato comes close to breathing his last.

Sandaime senses that it is not enough to seal everything.
Minato begins preparations for the Hakke Fuuin (eight trigrams seal).
Kyuubi: Getting sealed by such a kid... I won't take this lying down!

Kushina comes close to breathing her last.
Kyuubi tries to attack Naruto with all he has.
Kyuubi's arm pierces Minato. Kushina enters the fray, so that the Kyuubi will not be able to reach Minato.

Minato: I said this was something his father could do
Kushina: Then all the more I, as his mother, should do this. This is the first time I've lost any of our (lovers') quarrels, isn't it?

Minato: Thank you, Kushina
Minato summons Gamatora and passes him the key to be kept with Jiraiya (TN: the one that Jiraiya uses to unlock the seal to help Naruto with training on Myoubokuzan)

Sandaime: I finally understand the situation at hand.
Gamatora disappears.
The shinigami is holding the sword...

Minato: I'm going to do the Hakke (eight trigrams). I want to insert a little of my chakra into Naruto. But I may never get to see him again, so I'll tell him the things I want to say to him now.

Naruto is sleeping.
Kushina: Don't be too picky, and eat a lot! Take a bath every day! Don't stay up too late, and sleep a lot! Make friends; it's okay if you don't make a whole lot of them. Don't skive on studying and ninjutsu. Even if you have any weak points, don't get depressed over them! Respect your teachers at the academy. Look out for the three Ninja taboos and be careful when borrowing and lending money. Only start drinking sake when you're 20. As for women, you mum here's a girl too so I don't really know, but this world has only men and women, so go and find a woman like your mum! And beware of Jiraiya-sensei
Naruto, from here on out, there's going to be lots of painful and difficult times. But keep a hold on yourself, and have the confidence that you'll be able to realise your dreams!!
There are really so many, many, many, many things I want to teach you.
I want to spend more time with you. I love you.
Minato, sorry I hogged all the time available.

Minato: Nah, it's alright. Naruto... What your father wants to say, is probably the same as what your naggy mother already has said...

Hakke Fuuin (eight trigrams seal)...!
The flashback ends here, and returns to Naruto's consciousness/spirit (TN: where he met Kushina, and Minato earlier, I'm not too sure what word to use)

Kushina is crying. She says she used Naruto as a vessel and wasn't able to be with him and fill him with love

Naruto: Don't say sorry. I've never held a grudge against either you or dad. To be honest, I never knew what a parent's love was like, since I never had any. But now I do... You gave your lives for me

Naruto grins reeeaallly widely.
Now I know my vessel has been filled with love too! So I'm happy too! I'm glad I'm the child of both you and dad!

Kushina slowly begins to disappear.
(Minato: Can you hear me? Our feelings have reached him)
Naruto, thank you for seeing me as your mother. For being born to us...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
Kushina disappears.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 júl 28, 21:32:12
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED!


title: minatos shiikifuujin against the nine tails
kushina does not want naruto burdened
Kushina: i just want u to see naruto grow minato
you will never be sacrificed for something like l ~~
To abandon it to give up his country to abandon the village along with Su Minato was a child
You see we're family And if you fall so does the ninja country!
This is for you mother I'm going to win this for you Naruto! !
the shinigami is behind minato
minato cares if her and son die... he must assume father role
yondaime and kyuubi starring
third says something bout a barrier
hand extends from minato and kyuubi feels the danger
minato seals and jyuubi is in pain
minatos breath becomes shallow
did not feel clean and perform all 3 seals
minatos preparation of the seal Bagua
What sealed the Kyuubi so kids can not understand how ~ ~ ~
kushina breath is gone (dead?)
Nine-tailed Naruto aim to force rice
Through the hands of Kyuubi Minato
As the reach of a diving Kushina Kyuubi Naruto there. . .
This I can not even father
Especially if you mother I lost my first fight in a while
thanks mom, dad
mothball? hands over the key to the tiger seal to jiriya
death takes a sword

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 júl 29, 19:56:15
A 504. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 505. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Sorrow - 10 aug 03, 21:51:29
by: jeanericuser

Naruto 505: The Sinister Trio is Formed

A corridor is shown with a series of doors. A figure in a cloak walks down the hallway with only a glint coming from his glasses. The figure stops at a door, opens it, walks into find a sparcely lit room with a figure obviously laying on the bed with bandages covering his entire head. The cloaked figure closes the door and turns around to see the bed is empty and the bandages are the only thing laying on the bed. Suddenly the cloaked figure feels a kunai at his throat. The hood falls back on the cloak to reveal kabuto.

Kabuto: "Its good to see you have not lost any of your speed since you left the service of orochimaru."
Sasuke: "What are you doing here kabuto?"
Kabuto: "I am apart of akatsuki now. Madara sent me over to check on your transplants and see if you are ok."
Sasuke: "Is that all you came to do?"
Kabuto smiles as he feels the kunai against his throat wavering.
Kabuto: "If I wanted to kill you now sasuke I would have done so when you were still blind from the transplants. I assume since you are feeling better you should go see madara immediately. Apparently we have a small issue that requires your attention."

Sasuke moves the kunai away and disappears out the door as the door closes immediately behind him. Kabuto sighs and smiles as he looks down the hall at the fleeing sasuke.

Kabuto thinking: "Let us see now how strong Itachi's eyes have made you, Sasuke. Then I will decide when I want to kill you."

Sasuke arrives at a room with Madara sitting at a table with a huge map on it with several men in shinobi outfits. Madara looks at sasuke and waves for him to come over.

Madara: "Ahh Sasuke. You are here just in time for your newest assignment. It would appear there is a special issue that needs your attention."
Sasuke: "I am heading for Konoha."
Madara: "All in due time Sasuke. Besides there is a larger issue at first we must deal with. I have just been informed that a series of spies are inbound for our location. I need you to head out and eliminate them as a warning to the other villages."
Sasuke: "...."
Madara: "Think of this as an opportunity to test your new eyes before you put them to a more serious test."
Sasuke: "Alright. I will go. Where are their locations?"
Madara: "They seem to be located here, here, here, and here."

Madara points to several places on the map which sasuke looks at.

Madara: "By the way to help you in your task I am assigning you a new team. Your new team will consist of yourself, kabuto, and Zetsu."
Sasuke: "I do not need anyone else."
Madara: "It is not just for your sake but for theirs as well. Your last battle has taken a greater toll on you than you realize sasuke and those eyes of yours have yet to be fully utilized. Should you fall it would be serious blow to akatsuki. Kabuto will be a sufficient protector should you have problems and Zetsu will be in constant communication with me."

Kabuto appears in the room and stands next to sasuke.

Kabuto: "We can't have you getting captured while you are still weak eh, sasuke."
Sasuke: "When do we leave?"
Madara: "As soon as possible."

Sasuke leaves the room leaving Kabuto alone with Madara.

Madara: "Are you certain he is ready for this?"
Kabuto: "He seems to be in good enough condition.
Madara: "Just remember if it appears that the eyes have rejected sasuke or if he is too weak you are to step in and sedate him for reimplantation."
Kabuto: "And if he should be captured?"
Madara: "You know what must be done."

Kabuto smiles and reveals a vial madara with a red liquid inside it to madara before walking out the door with a smile on his face. Sasuke with his new sharingan, kabuto, and Zetsu are shown walking down a street. They stop and stare at a man in the distance who is loading something onto a wagon.

White Zetsu: "When shall we strike them?"
Black Zetsu: "Let us wait till nightfall. We need to find out where their sources are for information."
Sasuke: "...."
Kabuto: "Than I guess someone is in for one very bad night."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: puff007 - 10 aug 04, 09:32:12

Source: NF
Credit: Majin Lu
Verification Confirmed

Naruto spoiler by Ohana posted on 2ch Bleach thread

656 : ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/08/04(水) 16:22:22 ID:/OW2bxduP



次週 ガイVSキサメ


Translation Source: OM
Credit: Filth in the beauty

I Wonder Why I just Dont Write Naruto. (That's what It says )

Naruto talks to bee (Assuming he has left the "Arena")

Naruto Show's his "Super Saiyan" Powers (It actually says Super Saiyan, But We can Assue it's the 9 Tails)

Kisame is still in hiding (Come's out? Or his Chakra is detectable now)

Guy appears at the waterfall of truth.

Guy:You are a formidable Animal! (Kisame, I guess he appear's then)

Next week Guy VS Kisame

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: puff007 - 10 aug 04, 11:46:56
Source: NF
Credit: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed

First Part

Naruto thinks about Kushina.
I musn't eat just ramen, vegetables too.
And I like bathing.
And I sleep plenty enough, so don't worry.
I have a lot of awesome friends, they're great. This would have been awesome if you could meet them.

It's just ... things didn't really turned out that good with one of them.
About studying well ... just don't feel sad about that.
I had a lot of teachers and senpais in academy.
About the 3 taboos ... Well ... Jiraiya already told me about that.
He taught all about living as a Shinobi. He was an awesome ninja.

I'm Uzumaki Naruto, from the Leaf Village.
My dream is to become Hokage !
and to surpass every Hokage before me.

Naruto put his fist on his chest in a manly way and say "And to become even more badass than my father !"

Source: NF
Credit: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed


Naruto returns to reality.

Yamato is surprised.

Bee and Naruto does Brofist no Jutsu.

Bee does some rap.

Bee and Naruto understands each other.

Yamato understand jack shit.

Bee, his friends, Konoha's ninjas use a crow messenger it seems and talks with Gai.

Gai worries about Naruto's training.

Naruto is going to show them rather than explaining.

In his spirit world, there are something like 4 temples and a full moon. Naruto absorb the light.

In the real world, Super Naruto is born.

Yamato's Mokuto ornament beging to grow.

Source: NF
Credit: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed

Second Part:

Naruto sense a danger.
Bee sense it too.

A face exits from the Samehada, Kisame.

Why are you still alive ?

What was that about the corpse ? ( About Zetsu )

Kisame is about to retreat.

Out of nowhere, Naruto fucking Shunshin no Jutsu Punch Kisame.

Bee : "Shunshin no Jutsu ? Batting first, huh ? This is just like the Yellow Flash, now."

Kisame vomits blood.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: puff007 - 10 aug 04, 12:01:33
Source: NF
Credit: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed


Naruto is not that good with Shunshin ... he falls down.
Kisame retreats and Killer Bee goes after him.

Gai is at the waterfall of truth and hear something. ( His double ? )

Dark Gai comes out.

Then Kisame comes out.

Gai : "So, this guy is my real self, huh ? I'm disappoint."

Bee : "No, this is not your real self, be careful"

Gai does an awesome jutsu "Ginger coastal" !

There comes Bee.

Gai thinks Kisame is Dark Gai.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Exkirion - 10 aug 04, 20:53:10

Naruto válaszol mindenre, hogy mit tett azzal kapcsolatban, amiket Kushina mondott neki mielött meghalt, Kisame begőzöl és próbál szökni, de Naruto elnyom egy Flying thunder god ot, ugyan azt ami miatt Minato sárga villanásnak hívják (shunshin no jutsu) és lekever egyet kisaménak, aki vért köp. Naruto még nem olyan jó a Shunshin jutsuban és elzanyál, Kisame pedig elmenekül, Bee megy utána. Gai áll az igazság vízesésénél mire megjelenik kisame, és Gai azt hiszi, hogy az az igazi énje és harcolni kezdenek, mire megjelenik Bee és mondja neki, hogy az nem az igazi énje, de Gain nem nagyon figyel, sőt egyaltalán nem és eltolja az egyik új jutsuját.

Kb ennyi.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: s.eater - 10 aug 04, 21:07:23
nem a flying god technique
hanem sima shunsin no jutsu (bleachben shunpo: villámtánc) sima gyors mozgás, amit alig lehet lehet látni...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 aug 04, 21:13:35
forrás: MH
Shonen Jump Cover and Heroine poster


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 aug 04, 22:43:15
A 505. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 506. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nikol - 10 aug 12, 11:00:52
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?  
Status: Prediction
Szerző: Silverblade VI

Guy: What the hell is that?!!
Kisame: That green beast. Dammit.
Killerbee: Yo Fish face. This time you gonna become fish paste.
Kisame: Argh…. Your rhymes are irritating me. Kisame fuses with Samehada again.
Kisame then makes some handseals and enters a level 2 stage of Samehada. He becomes a more larger grotesque shark.
Guy: What the hell?
Killerbee: Damn yo. Thats an ugly shark.
Motoi: It’s hideous.
Several ninja are alerted..
C: Its that guy from Akatsuki again. I thought the Raikage and Bee took care of him.
Darui: It was probably a clone. Lets go.
-Scene switches to Naruto-
Naruto goes into sage mode and breaks the wall so his foot can get free.
Naruto darts out of the cavern and winds up outside.
Naruto: What the?
Kisame: Two Jinchuuriki. Things shall get interesting.
Kisame slams his tail fin onto the terrain and a huge wave of water comes from behind.
Naruto: Fuuton: Dividing Blow Technique.
Naruto thrusts his palms forth and a burst of wind erupts from his palms that knocks back the water into the ocean.
Kisame: WHAT THE ?!!!
Guy: !!! *Naruto.*
Killerbee: This is one bad host. This guy is now toast.
Naruto: You fight me.
Zetsu watches from a tree. This is bad… Kisame needs help.
Dark Zetsu: Lets tell Madara.
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: ?  -->> bár valószínűleg fake^^"
Szerző: Egyptian

Naruto 506: Kisame's Final Stand!!!

Yamato: Oh My Naruto!! What Happened !! Did you teleport when attacking Kisame? I didnt even notice you Move until you had landed your attack!!
Naruto: No that was pure speed, Ahh man I cant believe how fast I am!!! Its going to take time to get used to this!!.

Yamato: Dont worry let me help you out of there!
Naruto: No need, ( Naruto then moves and strikes the ground with his hand to try and create a bigger opening for his trapped leg, but only results in getting his arm stuck in the wall too!!)

Yamato: Naruto!! Enough your just giving me a bigger task to get you out!!!

Meanwhile at the waterfall!!

Gai: The Springtime of Youth will destroy the inner Bug inside of me!! HIIYAAAA ( Gai does a Flying Kick to the Face of Kisame and knocks him back inside the waterfall, As Kisame Flys back, Bee Notice's this and takes advantage of this by Slamming Kisame onto the ground)

Kisame:( Oh man I have Konoha's Dumb Beast and now the 8tails, I have no choice but to face them!! But I will be done for If Naruto comes free from the wall!!)

Bee stands ready for Battle when he is interrupted!!
DYNAMIC ENTRY!!! ( Gai flies in through the waterfall to meet his foe!!) as well as the Thunder village nins entering behind Gai emabarrased, that they had to follow such a foolish entry!!

Gai: Stand Back 8tails, I must defeat the inner demon inside my self!! It is a horrible example of my true self and must be defeated!!
Bee: HUH?? what you talkin bout foo!! this is Kisame , a member of Akatsuki !!

Kisame: Still Dumber then ever I see! ( I need to make this quick) ( Kisame then proceeds to erupt from his sword getting Samehada and then merging with the sword once again like when he had faced Bee)

Gai: My goodness My inner darkness has many different shapes, Now I look like an Evil Shark!! It seems the direct opposite to my springtime of Youth is an Ugly Shark!!

Bee: Stay back everyone he is more dangerous like this!!BUT I gotta say, I am gonna love this rematch!!

Szerző: The Special One
Hitelességi ellenőrzés: ?

Naruto 506: Gai vs. Kisame, an Aura of Beastly Masculinity Erupts!

(The scene starts off with Yamato using his coiling tree trunk to pull Naruto out of the wall. Naruto lands on his feet once pulled out as Yamato withdraws his newly advanced Mokuton back into his body. Once it withdraws, Yamato stares at his own hand.)

Yamato (in thought): “Even my own powers have been augmented from being around him. I’m still not quite close to the 1st, but I’ve never felt closer to wielding the power of a legend. What a power Naruto has come into.”

(Naruto faces Yamato.)
Naruto: “Captain, I’m outta here.”
Yamato: “WAIT NARUTO!”
Naruto: “WHAT NOW! Killer Bee needs me.”
Yamato: “Killer Bee can probably handle himself; he has experience in fighting that Akatuski, besides there is also someone here that also has experience fighting him.

(Naruto scratches his face, thinking.)
Might Gai.”
Naruto: “Oh yeah, I do remember Neji and ‘em talking about something like that.”

Yamato: “Considering that he was hiding and lying in wait, it is unlikely that he can win straight up against all of us. You exposed him, the spy, foiling his plan, now, let the others handle him. And of course, I have something to say about your powers.”
Naruto: “What?”

Yamato: “I’m saying Naruto, it might be wise to get more accustomed to your powers, given that you have an opportunity like this.”
Naruto: “Do you see me? I’m fine as is.”

Yamato: “That attack you did.” (Naruto is taken off guard by Yamato remarks and remembers his foot being lodged into the wall. Naruto snaps back to reality.)
Naruto: “Oh yeah, that. Ha, ha…”

Yamato: “Nothing serious, but with powers like yours, it’s best to be a bit cautious. If you can control your chakra better, you won’t over shoot your mark or exert more force on your body than necessary. (Yamato then smirks) Besides, sticking around you, I feel as though my own powers have grown. (Naruto has an astounded look on his face) You’ve really come into your own Naruto, I’m proud.”

Naruto: “Well…”

Yamato: “First you needed me to control the Kyuubi’s chakra, but now, I need you for my own benefit. Naruto, with powers like ours, do you have any idea the kind of impact we can have on the field? With your might and my enhanced ability to subdue the Bijuu’s powers, the two of us can be major playing cards for the allied nations. We discovered an answer for the Bijuu. That’s why, we need to do our part and prepare.” (Yamato and Naruto both smile at each other.)

Naruto: “I’ll protect everyone! I still haven’t forgotten what I set out to do. That’s why I came here to get stronger.”
Yamato: (in thought) “Now, just to convince those Kages…”

(Yamato puts out his fist, expecting a fist bump in return. Naruto is weird about it.)
Yamato: “So yeah… Let’s do it.”
Naruto: “I’m not sure. I mean, are you cool enough?” (Yamato makes the shit-faced look while he yells at Naruto.)
Yamato: “IDIOT! I WANNA FEEL COOL TOO!” (Naruto bursts out in laugher while pointing at Yamato.)
Naruto: “Ha, ha, ha, ha…”

Yamato: “HEY, WHAT’S SO FUNNY!? KILLER BEE DOESN’T HAVE TO KNOW!” (The scene switches over to outside the waterfall. A huge fire ball like explosion erupts near the entrance, but an equally powerful suiton cancels it out. Aoba, Gai, Motoi, and Bee backs out of the smoke and steam.)

Aoba: “Ahh, he’s a Suiton user.”
Killer Bee: “I could’ve told you that, idiot.”
Motoi: “You fought him Bee?”

(The smoke clears as Kisame is now present, he is now in the form he used to overtake Killer Bee in their previous fight.)
Aoba “What the hell is that?” (Gai has a woozy look on his face, he grabs his mouth and burps.)
Gai: “Gross.”
Motoi: “Oh man…”

Killer Bee: “Move, I’m about to get my grove on, get gone!” (Killer Bee withdraws his two short-swords from sheathes on his back. Kisame then speaks from a distance.)

Kisame: “Oh, ho, ho, ho… It seems the Kyuubi-kid isn’t going to join in. That’s fine with me. After I’m done with you four, I’ll have plenty enough chakra to take the Kyuubi host with me as well as your hide, Hachibi. Besides, now that I'm out here, there's no way you can escape my prison.” (Killer Bee grinds his teeth he moves forward as Gai places his hand in front of Killer Bee.)

Killer Bee: “Get dat shit out of here.”
Gai: “Let me.”
Killer Bee: “No way dude, that guy gulps down more chakra than a clown can waste whiskey.”

Gai: “That’s why I need to fight him! I only use Taijutsu, stealing my chakra isn’t going to be an easy thing to do. Besides, real men fight with their fists. (Tears start rolling down Gai’s cheek.) Mr. BEE. You have to see me fight. It’s a spectacle among the manliest of men! I need to have a fight like this, before I get too OLD and regret not doing so before! I WANT TO LIVE OUT THE LAST DAYS OF MY YOUTH IN THE MOST PUREST DISPLAY OF AFFECTION FOR THE ART!” (Killer Bee’s eyes tear up as well.)

Killer Bee: *Sniff* I feel ya dog… *Sniff* Do your thing… Go wing it…”

(Kisame in the distance is annoyed.)
Kisame (in thought): “These mongrels.” (Back to the party.)
Aoba (in thought): “WTF?”

Motoi: “I guess there are more people who gets to Bee than I thought.”
Killer Bee: “Motoi dude, get out of here, you two shades! Tell everyone to evacuate!”
Aoba: “Looks like we aren’t needed.” (Motoi grabs Aoba and runs away with him.)

(Meanwhile, Gai launches forward. Immediately, Kisame expels large amounts of water from his gullet.)

Kisame (In thought): “Great Exploding Water Collision Waves.” (Before Gai can close the gap, he along with Bee, are swept along in the water… About a quarter of the island is than engulfed in a huge sphere of water. Killer Bee, somewhere among the vast water, goes into thought.)

Killer Bee (in thought): “I hope they get everyone out in time. As long as that fish face is on our case, he won’t have time to make chase for the others.” (The scene switches over Gai and Kisame. Kisame swims forward and attempts to cut Gai’s face with the arching blade on his arm right arm. Gai dodges by moving to the side, as Kisame bypasses him. Gai, however, has a small laceration on his face, apparently, he didn’t evade properly. Gai rubs his face.)

Gai (in thought): “Not good, he’s right at home here.” (As Gai turns around and notices the Kisame is swimming back towards his location. Kisame attempts to attack him with the huge arching blade that stretches from its head down his back side. As Kisame gets within range, he changes the angle of his attack, and dips downward, exposing the more potent edge of his blade. Gai is cut down his chest, however, it isn’t life threatening. Gai, before Kisame can change his position, grabs his tail.)

Kisame: (in thought): “What!”

Gai: “*gargle, gargle*.” (Gai throws Kisame upwards as Kisame is disoriented, Gai swims up, positions his body so that he can do an upwards kick, then plants his foot on Kisame’s face, sending him further upwards.)

Kisame: “AHHHHH!” (Gai rubs his bleeding chest.)

Gai (in thought): “I’m losing too much blood. And I’m running short of breath. I guess it’s time. Time to show him my-“

Gai: “YOUTH!” (Gai then performs an x-block over his face. Kisame notices that chakra is rising from Gai’s position.)

Kisame (in thought): “The gates… He’s opening them.”

(Kisame swims downwards at fast speeds, moving against the current of overflowing chakra. Kisame attempts to reach Gai. Gai then pulls his arms apart, and enters the 6th gate, the over flowing power parts the water and sends Kisame falling to the ground because the water is being parted. Gai uses this opportunity to quickly use his speed to exit through the opening before Kisame can follow, and before the water fills in the gab. The scene switches over to Killer Bee, who stands outside the sphere of water, apparently, he’s watching the fight.)

Killer Bee: “Busy with him, he forgot about me… Hmm, what should I do?”

Next Time: Gai and Kisame continues their brutal struggle, does Killer Bee interfere?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: -Dante- - 10 aug 17, 21:58:45
ohana (
az oldal és az infok is elég megbízhatatlanok, de mivel ohana írása volt benne talán adhatunk neki egy kis esélyt :smirksweat:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kics1 - 10 aug 18, 08:56:16
status: pending

A fenti kép fordítása angolra

Clean Trans -
Gai's leaf Boulder Buster Attack causes the wall to collapse, trapping both Naruto and Yamato inside, Whilst Bee manages to escape.

Kisame quickly guarded against Gai's attack, and Gai is injured slightly (Spikes?)
Gai realises who Kisame is from the time with his squad and begins to thake the fight seriously.

Bee recoverss from the waterfall collapse and begins to ready to attack.

Gai Warns Bee not to interfere as Kisame is Gai's destined enemy, whom only he can defeat.

Bee argues against Gai's decision, but the Hachibi intervenes and takes Gai's side making Bee back down

The fight begins.

Side margin - Gai relases the full power of the eight gates! The enormous power of youth is finally revealed!

Magyarul röviden:
Gai támadása miatt leomlik a fal  a vízesés mögött, Bee még kitudott jönni, de Naruto és Yamato bennragadtak.
Kisame védeni tudta Gai támadást, Gai megsérül, de felismeri Kisamet  ezután már komolyabban veszi a harcot. Bee segíteni akar, de Gai nem szeretné (Hachibi segít lebeszélni Bee-t).  Megkezdődik a harc, Gai kinyitja a nyolc kaput.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zer0 - 10 aug 18, 09:03:40
ha jól értem vmi olyasmit is ír hogy csak gai győzheti le

ilyet találtam
Guy: What the hell is that?!!
Kisame: That green beast. Dammit.
Killerbee: Yo Fish face. This time you gonna become fish paste.
Kisame: Argh…. Your rhymes are irritating me. Kisame fuses with Samehada again.
Kisame then makes some handseals and enters a level 2 stage of Samehada. He becomes a more larger grotesque shark.
Guy: What the hell?
Killerbee: Damn yo. Thats an ugly shark.
Motoi: It’s hideous.
Several ninja are alerted..
C: Its that guy from Akatsuki again. I thought the Raikage and Bee took care of him.
Darui: It was probably a clone. Lets go.
-Scene switches to Naruto-
Naruto goes into sage mode and breaks the wall so his foot can get free.
Naruto darts out of the cavern and winds up outside.
Naruto: What the?
Kisame: Two Jinchuuriki. Things shall get interesting.
Kisame slams his tail fin onto the terrain and a huge wave of water comes from behind.
Naruto: Fuuton: Dividing Blow Technique.
Naruto thrusts his palms forth and a burst of wind erupts from his palms that knocks back the water into the ocean.
Kisame: WHAT THE ?!!!
Guy: !!! *Naruto.*
Killerbee: This is one bad host. This guy is now toast.
Naruto: You fight me.
Zetsu watches from a tree. This is bad… Kisame needs help.
Dark Zetsu: Lets tell Madara.

nem tom hogy ez tuti jó -e

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 aug 18, 10:45:58
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:Comfirmed
Forrás: OM
Szerző: ohana

175 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/08/18(水) 17:55:35 ID:283Tt/VYP

506 ガイVSキサメ

ギャグ交りで色々話す ビー お付き 木の葉の人


その隙に キサメ水の中へ


木の葉の誰か 秘術石針!
ガイ援護 木の葉旋風!!
キサメ 水遁 水鮫弾の術!

ガイ倒れるも 俺が止める!
八門遁甲! 第六景門…開!!


ビーの手が大きくなり、その手に載乗るガイ そのまま投げてもらう

ビー倒れる チャクラなくなって。少し休めば回復♪

ナルト足ひねって ヤマトに添え木してもらってる

ガイ 空中で口寄せの術! 亀の背中借りて また飛ぶ。

キサメ 口寄せの術!!鮫が出てくる

キサメ 水遁 千食鮫!! 沢山の鮫が津波のように。。。

ガイ 朝孔雀!!


ガイ 第七驚門(きょうもん)… 開!!”

キサメ 水遁 大鮫弾の術!!

ガイ 昼虎!!


506: Guy vs Kisame

Guy doesn't know who [Kisame] is.
Various gags are made by B, the retainer [Motoi?], and the Konoha people.

The story of how Samehada went to B.

Kisame uses this oppertunity to go into the water.

"Notice B! Eat his chakra."
B collapses.

Someone from Konoha: Secret Technique Stone Needle!
Guy covers: Leaf Whirlwind!!
Kisame: Water Release: Water Shark Missile Technique!

Guy collapses too: I will put a stop to this!
Eight Gates Released Formation! Sixth gate, Gate of Brightness... Open!!

Kisame uses this oppertunity to run away.

B's hand has become big. Guy is picked up by this hand and is thrown away.
B collapses.: I'm out of chakra. I'll recover with a little rest~♪

Naruto twists his foot. Yamato makes a splint for him.

Guy: Mid-air Summoning Technique! He borrows the back of a turtle and jumps again.

Kisame: Summoning Technique!! A shark comes out.
There Guy appears.
Kisame makes the shark swallow a scroll with information.

Kisame: Water Release: A Thousand Feeding Sharks!! Many sharks come in like a tsunami...

Guy: Morning Peacock!!

The shark tsunami unravels, the many sharks makes it impossible to see which one the scroll shark is.

Guy: Seventh gate, Gate of Fright... Open!!

Kisame: Water Release: Great Shark Missile Technique!!

Guy: Noon Tiger!!

Guy fights hard, ready to die!! Next issue, the conclusion!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aes Sedai - 10 aug 19, 08:44:27
A 506. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 507. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Srodack - 10 aug 25, 09:37:39
Source: NF
Credit: KareNot
Verification: Confirmed

467 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/08/25(水) 16:48:14 ID:YhHK4mM2P
507 偽りの存在


ガイ 吠えろ!!青春!!


ヤマト ガイさんの八門遁甲の技… 昼虎!
ナルト 昼ドラ…? なんかさわやか青春で売ってるガイ先生のわりびはドロドロしたネーミングセンスだって ばよ
ヤマト 昼虎の勢いは広範囲に広がるよ!踏ん張らないと!

キサメ倒れてる その上に立つガイ ガイの左手には巻物(情報)
キサメボロボロ さっきのは気弾ではないのですか?
白目のガイ 昼虎は忍術ではなく体術なのだよ  昼虎の説明~~~~
キサメ動くとガイキサメの腹にパンチ 血を吐くキサメ 意識を失うキサメ

キサメ 処刑台みたいな器具に繋がれる。 手と首を動かないように。

それを見ていた他の仲間が ほっとけ~~~

キサメは任務で暗号伝達中 イビキと出くわす




Translation Source: NF
Credit: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed

507 - The Fake Existence.

Kisame's sharks are absorbed by the Hydra. Hydra is no chakra.

Guy : Howl ! Youth !

Tiger and Shark are clashing.

Just near.

Yamato : Guy's Hachimon Tonkou's technique ! It's the Noon Tiger !

Naruto : Noon Tiger ? It's just like him naming techniques for discounts sales or something.

Yamato : The Noon Tiger's range is huge. He must stand firm !

Kisame falls on the ground. Guy is standing above him. Guy haves a scroll in his left hand.
Kisame is all beaten up. "That was a like a Air Bullet, that attack."

Guy haves white eyes. Noon Tiger is no Ninjutsu, it's Taijutsu. He explains about Noon Tiger.

Kisame tries to moves but Guy punch his guts. Kisame vomits blood. Kisame lose consciousness.

Kisame : You're just like a torturer. Just so I can't move.

Aoba comes and just like Ino's father, he tries to get info out of him.

Kisame's past.

Kisame refuses to have lunch with his friends.
When they see this they're all like "Geez, whatever."

Kisame's mission is it to deliver a password. He meets Ibiki.
Kisame killed all his friends so he would be the only one knowing the password.
Since if they're catched and they talk, they're killed.

And comes The Fourth Mizukage.

Kisame asks if he's a ally or a foe.

And behind him, there is madara.

Madara manipulates the 4th Mizukage.

Kisame regain consciousness.
For him to no reveal any crucial intelligence. Kisame commits suicide by biting his own tongue.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: gabrm - 10 aug 25, 21:58:30
Source:Yagami1211, NF
Verification: Confirmed

Kisame’s sharks attempt to absorb Noon Tiger’s chakra. But Noon Tiger is not made up of chakra.
Guy : Howl ! Youth !
Tiger and Shark are clashing.
Just near.
Yamato : Guy’s Hachimon Tonkou’s technique ! It’s the Noon Tiger !
Naruto : Noon Tiger ? It’s just like him naming techniques for discounts sales or something.
Yamato : The Noon Tiger’s range is huge. He must stand firm !
Kisame falls on the ground. Guy is standing above him. Guy haves a scroll in his left hand.
Kisame is all beaten up. “That was a like a Air Bullet, that attack.”
Guy haves white eyes. Noon Tiger is no Ninjutsu, it’s Taijutsu. He explains about Noon Tiger.
Kisame tries to moves but Guy punch his guts. Kisame vomits blood. Kisame lose consciousness.
Kisame : You’re just like a torturer. Just so I can’t move.
Aoba comes and just like Ino’s father, he tries to get info out of him.
Kisame’s past.

Kisame refuses to have lunch with his friends.
When they see this they’re all like “Geez, whatever.”
Kisame’s mission is it to deliver a password. He meets Ibiki.
Kisame killed all his friends so he would be the only one knowing the password.
Since if they’re catched and they talk, they’re killed.

And comes The Fourth Mizukage.
Kisame asks if he’s a ally or a foe.
And behind him, there is madara.
Madara manipulates the 4th Mizukage.
Kisame regain consciousness.
For him to no reveal any crucial intelligence. Kisame commits suicide by biting his own tongue.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 aug 26, 15:38:38
A 507. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 508. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 10 szep 01, 10:47:11
Akkor ide is beteszek egy spoilert :)

Verification: Confirmed
Source: NF
Credits: auem
508 How a shinobi dies

Kisame lets out a shout as he removes the restraining device and uses the Mizurou no Jutsu (water prison)

Everyone is flustered
Within the water prison, Kisame does a Kuchiyose but is beginning to lose consciousness.

From here, it's a flashback to when Kisame first met Itachi

Kisame: (It's just as you said, Itachi-san)
From today onwards, I'm the one who's going to be teamed with you. Once a Kirigakure (hidden mist) Seven Ninja Swordsman
Hoshigaki Kisame... Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Itachi listens silently

In spite of this, Kisame continues smoothly: The feeling of having killed your kinsmen isn't quite something you can put in words, now is it~

Itachi: You've done your homework, haven't you. I can tell you intend to understand me better, but how about yourself?
Coming here after getting lost in the mist... You're just a thug who hasn't decided where he wants to go. Am I wrong?

Kisame props Samehada on Itachi's shoulder
Kisame: Let me tell you something nice. This applies to the shark species too~~~
Sharks eat each other while in their mothers' stomachs. They kill their comrades. Henceforth, you are my comrade within Akatsuki. Please be on your guard. To me...

Itachi's eyes are in Mangekyou-mode: Right back at you...

Kisame unsheaths Samehada: Let's get along with each other so we won't end up as each other's final opponent.

Itachi: Be prepared with the knowledge that the one person who got along with me, died a worthy death

Kisame: In that case, that means neither of us are worthy humans, doesn't it?

Itachi: No, we are not fish. We are humans. We do not know what kind of human we are until we taste our last.
We are made to realise what we are at the time of our death. Don't you think death is like that?

Back to the present time.
The shark that was Kuchiyose-d is on a rampage.

Kisame: (Itachi-san, it seems that I really am... Not a worthless human, huh?)

The Kuchiyose-d shark eats Kisame.

Everyone is dumbfounded

Aoba: He was very much weakened. That was the path he tread knowing he couldn't escape from us.
Yamato: To think that this was the way the mysterious individual Hoshigaki Kisame died...
Bee's friend: Is he really dead?
Samehada seems lonely
Bee pets Samehada
Naruto: But, he did it because he didn't want to give any information on his comrades to us, his enemies. Think about Nagato. Even within Akatsuki, there are people who act with their comrades in mind (dattebayo!)
Guy: (placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder) He was remarkable, although he was an enemy! A shinobi's way of life is determined by the way he dies!
Hoshigaki Kisame, I will never forget you for as long as I live!

A seal is performed to validate the scroll containing the information. The booby trap is set off. A bunch of sharks appear.
One of them holds the scroll in his mouth and heads to sea.

Rain is falling in Amegakure (hidden rain)
Madara sits on a rock by the water: Rinnegan... It looks like you aren't going to obediently tell me where you hid Nagato.

Konan: I knew you would come to me. I've been waiting... To kill you

Madara: You won't go easy on me just because we were once comrades... Great.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 szep 01, 16:24:20
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: terrivel

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 szep 02, 07:57:54
Lenni manga :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 szep 02, 12:10:14
A 508. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 509. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 szep 08, 13:19:24
Naruto 509
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED






The bridge to peace

Madara listens to Konan's reasons for her betrayal (of Akatsuki). He says he didn't expect that Naruto was worth so much.
Konan says hostilely, "Because he is the light, and holds the flower of hope for everyone."
Madara: "The fact that you are still wearing those clothes (Akatsuki uniform) despite fighting me tells me that you still cling to Akatsuki."
Konan: "Akatsuki was created by Yahiko, the red clouds on their uniform symbolise the rain of blood that fell during war in Amegakure, and just because you came aboard Akatsuki, it doesn't make it yours - it's our symbol of justice"
Konan continues: "The Rinnegan was bestowed upon Nagato of Amegakure, it is not yours, but his eyes are this country's, and this village's treasure"
Madara lets Konan's paper shuriken pass through his body, "This will be the end, so I'll tell you"
"The one who induced Yahiko to set up the Akatsuki was me. The one who gave Nagato the Rinnegan was also me. That's why it's only right to ask for them to be returned to me"
The two begin their battle as Konan says that if Madara were to get his hands on it, all sorts of things would happen.
Konan doesn't let hi materialised body escape by attacking with a large number of paper attacks.
Madara notices that she has something planned and decides to take her on, trying to suck Konan up when he has a chance.
However Konan has mixed some exploding tags among the paper, intending to kill the both of them.
-flashback starts-
When Akatsuki was founded? Konan reports to Yahiko that their members have been defeated.
Yahiko and Nagato are both injured and bandaged.
There are numerous other minor members present apart from Yahiko, Nagato and Konan.
Nagato says that he will go out to recce in the afternoon, but Yahiko says "I'll go, so rest, don't strain yourself"
He continues, "Nagato is pivotal to Akatsuki and is the man who will change the world. So just give all your worries to Nagato"
Konan: "The same goes for you, everyone loves you and thus follows you, that is most important, just like with Nagato"
A while later, Yahiko responds "He is the man who will become the bridge to peace. My role is to become a pillar of support to that bridge"
Yahiko murmurs, "This country is still crying, and I now want to save this country which I once hated for always crying, that's how I feel deep down. I just can't leave this country alone because it's a crybaby just like I was," and he leaves.
Konan, Nagato and the other members see him off, Nagato says, "The one who will be the bridge to peace is him, his very purpose will form the bridge"
"We'll believe in Yahiko, let's go everyone!" he commands, before following after Yahiko.
The flashback ends with Konan's monologue of determination "I will become the pillar of support to the two bridges formed by Yahiko and Nagato"
The exploded paper and cloth are scattered about. We see a little of Madara's face as his mask has broken. He has also lost his right arm.
He says to Konan who is right before him, seemingly not with as many injuries, "I underestimated you, after all you were also once a member of Akatsuki."
"You intended to explode the both of us, but thanks to the fact that I sucked in a little of the explosion, both of us are safe"
In response to Madara's question if she's exhausted her secret plans, Konan says that she has a question for Madara. "Do you know why you were betrayed by us?"
Madara: Who knows?
Konan uses secret arts as she yells "You are darkness, a flower can only wilt in a world without light!"
The lake? sea? all becomes paper, and spreads just like the Red Sea did for Moses, and she tries to drop Madara into it... next chapter!
A secret art to protect Nagato... Seal him into a sea of paper!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 szep 09, 22:15:51
A 509. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 510. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rachet - 10 szep 14, 12:34:38
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: Vered

Madara falls down into Konan's paper.
He holds his mask and tries to use his space-time [ninjutsu], but the exploding fuda among Kona's paper prevent Madara from doing so.

Konan: "it seems the space-time ninjutsu was a failure. It seems you cannot [teleport] anything other than what is directly besides you."
(if you want to teleport yourself, you have to materialise. it also goes slower than when you teleport something other than yourself)
Madara: "I have to stop teleporting. If i won't be able to slip through the explosion, things will be dangerous indeed."
(There are exploding fuda all around me... I can't carelessly teleport)
Konan: (Madara can slip through materials for a time period of approximately five minutes.)

The paper starts covering Madara
Konan: "In order to kill you, I prepared six hundred billion exploding fuda... They will continue to explode for ten minutes."
Inside the explosion.....
(Konan has a small flashback)
Madara: "I was the one who induced Yahiko to start Akatsuki and I was also the one who gave Nagato the Rinnegan."
Yahiko and Nagato moved on their own! They weren't just shōgi pieces! Even if they were like that, I will fight and die with this intention! That is why this will is tied together!! It will not be hindered!!
When the explosion ends, Konan sits down. The paper decoration in her hair crumbles.
Konan: (The Paper Person of God Technique is coming apart. I used more chakra then I expected up till now, but with this...)
"Madara is certainly—"

Madara from behind her: "—Dead?"

In a special place, Yahiko and Nagato rest among paper flowers.
The paper flowers decorating them crumble...
Second part, translated by ShounenSuki:
Konan is breathing faintly: "Why? You should be dead. No matter how often I tried it out, if I proceeded like this, I should have brought you down"
Madara: "Izanagi... The ability to change illusion into reality, in exchange for light. An Uchiha kinjutsu... The Uchiha and Senju... Only those who hold the power of both sides can use this dōjutsu!"
Konan: "Both the Senju and Uchiha...? That is the Rikudō's power. You have such power..."
Madara: "you're my former comrade. As a token of friendship, I'll teach you a bit about my techniques and my body. Izanagi is essentially what you said. A technique applying all things created by the Rikudō Sennin. originally, the Rikudō Sennin, the founder of both the Uchiha and Senju and possessing the blood and powers of both, made all things. Using the power of Yin Release (Inton), originating from the spiritual energy governing imagination, he created form out of nothing. With the power of Yang Release (Yōton), originating from the physical energy governing life, he blew life into those forms. The Bijū are also one of those... He used Yin-Yang Release (Onmyōton) to create every Bijū from the Ten-Tails' chakra. A technique that can embodies imagination and life. That is Izanagi."(RS)
Konan: "What kind of person are you?"

Madara: "To the world, Uchiha Madara lost to Senju Hashirama... but what is the truth? The victor is the person looking forward... The true victory and defeat come after this... The battle back then was to gain that person's power. I am Uchiha Madara, holding the power of Senju Hashirama. To become the second Rikudō, that is my sole existence now. There were a few others who displayed imperfect Izanagi because they couldn't control Hashirama's power, but..."

Konan goes away from Madara

Madara: "it looks like you're quietly going to Nagato. If you go there, you'll both regret it. That nonsense you got from Naruto isn't true peace or something like that! there is no hope or anything! Nagato believed in Naruto, merely to comfort his miserable self, is all."
Konan (! Impossible, I...) The rain turns into drizzle
Yahiko: Nagato is the man who will become the bridge to peace. My duty is to be the pillar that supports that bridge.
Nagato: The bridge to peace is he.. It is his will itself. My duty only goes up till here... Naruto... If it's you, really...

Madara: The ceaseless Amegakure rain is... What is this?

Konan stands up. "Yahiko! Nagato! Your will will not vanish! I too believe in Naruto! This time, he"
(the sky clears up and the sun appears together with a rainbow)
Konan: "He is the man who will become a bridge to peace!! And for that, I will become a pillar!!!"
(Thank you Nagato... Even when you're dead, you still give me hope!)
I am a blossom that is fine with falling! Here, you will...

Konan raises both her hands and her paper forms a circle.
Madara grabs Konan's neck. "you said I was darkness, right? In that case, i'll make you wither. And I'll make that rainbow bridge, sparkling in seven colours, disappear into darkness as well. The moment this genjutsu I cast ends, you will end as well. After you told me where the Rinnegan is, though..."

Konan loses conciousness.
Madara: "There...?'
Yahiko's and Nagato's corpses are in a place resembling a temple?
Madara sits next to Nagato. "You are the third Rikudō... [Holding] a power so strong, it was even able to turn your red hair, proof of your Uzumaki clan lineage, into white...
You turned traitor and yet you still smile...?"

Nagato smiles with the will for creating peace...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: puff007 - 10 szep 14, 20:19:41

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 szep 15, 16:16:00
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Nem írják... de látható h nem kamu
Forrás: MH
Szerző: HPTR Fangirl


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 szep 15, 21:39:29
Hitelesség ell.: ?CONFIRMED?


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Gabesz - 10 szep 16, 09:37:17
A 510. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 511. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rachet - 10 szep 21, 13:50:14

"Predict By CONFIRMED From Narutocentral. :D

Naruto chapter 511: The Inherited Eye!

(Naruto scene)
Naruto: I need to get out of this bubble..and fast.(Naruto takes out some of the fox’s chakra.The water bubble starts to boil from the inside,and suddenly it explodes.Naruto touches all the other bubbles,they all explode as well)
Yamato: How did you do that,Naruto!?
Killer Bee: Ya,that was dope bro.

Naruto: The fox’s immense chakra applies a huge amount of pressure to the bubbles,and they burst.
(Motoi thinking): So this is the fox’s true power..impressive.
Guy: This is no time to just stand around,we have to go after that shark!
Killer Bee: Just leave that up to me…your in for a real treat.(KB transforms into the Hachibi.He jumps into the water.

A few moments later KB can be seen coming out of the water in his human form,he’s carrying the shark on his left shoulder,and holding the scroll in his right arm)

Naruto: Wow..that’s amazing senpai!
Killer Bee:’s no biggie.
(Guy thinking) : I still can’t believe that Kisame killed himself,He didn’t look the kind of guy that would’ve wanted to die.
Motoi: So now what?
Naruto: We start preparing for war.We head to Konoha.
Everyone: Right!(They all start heading for Konoha)

(Sasuke scene)
(Sasuke’s eyes look a little bit like Madara’s Mangekyo,his eyeballs are all black and the color of the Mangekyo is red)
Sasuke: MADARA!!!!
Zetsu: Madara isn’t here right now,you should calm yourself.
Sasuke: I’am heading to konoha,now!
Zetsu: You should probably wait for Madara to come back.He wouldn’t be pleased if you went without him knowing.
Sasuke: Then stop me!
(Zetsu looks a little shocked,then he just look quietly at Sasuke) : Alright,but I warned you.
(Sasuke smirking) : Do you think even Madara can stop me now?

(Madara scene)
(Madara is standing over Nagato’s body.Madara reaches out to Nagato’s left eye,and then he plucks it out.The Rinnegan pattern of the eye starts fading away until the eye completely turns white.Madara looks shockingly.He then plucks out the right eye,and the same thing happens)
Madara: So this is what you were planning all along eh,Konan.Very well,your just delaying the inevitable.

(Naruto scene)
(They’re all jumping from tree to tree.Suddenly Naruto stops.He puts his hands on his eyes as if in pain)
Yamato: What is it,Naruto!?
Guy: Are you okay?
(Naruto looks at them.Naruto’s eyes are now completely changed into the Rinnegan)
(Everyone looks at Naruto and are shocked by what they see)
Naruto: Guys,I feel weird.

The End.
Next Chapter: Nagato’s Legacy!"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Szubotics-Kun - 10 szep 21, 13:53:45

itt van 2 kép

Tobi maszk nélkül, végree:D:D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 szep 22, 08:12:46
Hitelesség ell.: !CONFIRMED!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: fredy12 - 10 szep 22, 09:38:11
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed?
Szerző: saladesu

Nagato is retrieved via Madara's space-time ninjutsu. Kabuto arrives just as Madara is putting on a new mask.

"You've gotten a nice pair of eyes, haven't you?"

"... They were mine to begin with"

Zetsu gets hold of the scroll from Kisame. Mdara "I'm off to get the Kyuubi"
In his right hand he is holding something that looks like the bashou (a kind of fiber) fan used by the sennin.

Konan: In short, even though the board stays red, if that person is not inside the hideout, it means that he's been abducted by the enemy or something
Konan: If it's white but he's been inside all along, it could mean that there is a possibility that the enemy has transformed into him... We can suss that out right away, right?
Jiraiya: That's right... You did well to understand that, Konan... Unlike Yahiko
Yahiko: I got that too!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 szep 22, 21:13:14
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 szep 23, 13:09:41
A 511. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 512. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 okt 05, 10:48:25
Naruto 512
Hitelesség ell: ?CONFIRMED?

512 The truth behind Zetsu!

Bee had chased after the shark carrying the scroll, but had failed to catch up with it.
Guy has collapsed. Naruto is worried, and there are dead sharks all around.
Guy faints in agony when Naruto touches him.
Yamato: It's the pain of the after-effects of using the eight gates.
Naruto quickly lets go, hurting Guy further.
Yamato: Carefully! Carefully!!
The information had gotten wet within the Mizurou no Jutsu (water prison), so making contact had to be delayed. Bee's friend writes the letter and sends out the bird, which flies off holding the letter.
Aoba: We have to move Naruto and Bee somewhere else!
Bee returns: It didn't work~ that rascal~♪
Naruto and Bee are to stay on this island, because it is not on any maps
This island is a moving fortress.

The turtle that Guy kuchiyose-d is talking to a huge turtle
It is a giant turtle that was being kept by Kumogakure since a very long time ago (the island Naruto and Bee are on is on the turtle's back)

Bee's friend: Furthermore, we've told Naruto about a survey on the ecology on this island. He would suspect something if we were to move him from the island.

Kabutomaru: I will be the one to go to where the Kyuubi and Hachibi are. This is a good chance for you to come to trust me. Shodai Hokage is also one of the targets for my experiments. If that's no good, then Zetsu's body is fine too.
Madara: It seems you've been doing your homework.
Kabutomaru: According to Kisame's intel, the allied forces amount to 80,000 ninjas. But the vital part of our troops is this Zetsu, correct? With the research materials and knowledge that I've gathered, I can certainly make Zetsu even stronger. If you bring me there, that is.
Madara: If you come back with the Kyuubi, I'll give you one Zetsu. Follow me.
When he opens the door, Gedou Mazou is... Coming down the stairs in front of them.
Kabutomaru: This is
Madara: Thats right, this thing is alive.
Hashirama is coming out of the wall with a nume~ (TN: this is an SFX. can't think of an equivalent)
Madara: This is Shodai Hokage Senju Hashirama. Of course, it's nothing more than the cultivation of living cells I'd stolen from him. It doesn't have a consciousness.

Allied troops headquarters. There are a ton of shinobi present.
Tsuchikage: To think that the fact that we had come here had been leaked...
Tsunade: What are we going to do about the island? Even though it's an island that can move locations, I can't relax about it
Raikage: It can't be seen in the clouds. The enemy won't be able to find it in the first place
Gaara: But Kisame must have indicated the location of the island on a map. Even if it moves, they will look everywhere to find it

Kifune: We should send reinforcements. Just a few, as there would be no meaning to it should the enemy discover them because they move in a large group.

Water is dripping... A cave?
Kabutomaru: This is amazing
Madara: But there is also a risk. In order to create something like this, I had to use the chakra from within Mazou, and I want to preserve that as much as possible. The further away the revival of the Juubi is, that just means I need to delay my plan further.
Kabutomaru: How many are there here?
Madara: Roughly 100,000. (They are all white Zetsus, all standing upright)

Tsuchikage: I will go (as reinforcements)!!
Gaara stops him
Tsuchikage cannot do anything since his back is always hurting
Gaara says that it'll be faster if he travels via his sand.

Kabutomaru: Well, you all just take your time
He boards one of Deidara's birds, Deidara is beside him.

Right before the big battle. Kabuto draws near seeking power!!
The end.
It appears they are heading to where Bee and Naruto are. Deidara hasn't spoken yet.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: batai15 - 10 okt 06, 16:38:18
vannak képek ! igaz a sok sok fehér zetsu

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 10 okt 07, 11:14:51
A 512. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 513. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: ipirike - 10 okt 12, 20:01:38
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed
Szerző: Okawinaki
これは、円が、渦巻きを持っていません。写の祖先 – 輪廻-写
this is what google translater translated :
Tobi is take off the mask
The eldest son of the sage fails to successfully pass the six faces that are
Tobi is not Madara
Nagato, who was third and the third way Rinnegan
I gave him that reincarnation can summon the Bijuu body 10 for the month I was trapped in his
Madara revived me alone
Kabuto coffin, body and spirit include the spotted
I used to get the power of immortality Zetsu
Spotted is not dead, death, and he gets the ultimate power of the kaleidoscope kaleidoscope: Izanami
Izanagi, through life, or death of RID
Izanami, one of the living dead is the RID
Madara is the area of the Dead Underworld
If Madara revived Kabuto, he pulled out of his realm of the dead
And I’m also drawn into hell
My plan is ruined
In the background of reincarnation, as the first two is in the container
This is because the yen does not have a whirlpool. Transcription ancestors – reincarnation – Transcription
Kabuto Turtle Island to observe the bird Deidara
All I can see clearly from the air
Gaara arrived just in time

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 okt 13, 12:11:02
Naruto 513
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

513 Kabuto vs Tsuchikage

With the Tsuchikage's jutsu, Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi and Tsuchikage take off into the sky.

Kabuto opens Deidara's head with a kunai and does ? with ? (TN: yes the ? are there in the Japanese spoiler)
Kabuto: I'm using a different talisman from Orochimaru-sama. I won't restrict you, Deidara. I don't even understand fine arts
Deidara: That's okay, there's no way you could understand my fine art that easily, yeah
Kabuto: Yeah. Anyway, the explosion you set off right before you died... It became quite the topic of discussion
Deidara: I told you, didn't I? You can't understand it that easily. To that that would take time. Ye... Yeah.

Naruto makes all the animals line up in a row, to the amusement of Guy and Bee.
Bee's friend: We'll have all the animals take shelter in the big turtle's shell
Aoba: Since we told him we were here to do a survey on the ecology, he'll probably want to do this
Yamato: If Naruto gets wind of the war, it won't be good. He isn't going to stay silent if we don't prevent him from finding out. After all, it's a war to protect Naruto himself.

Kabuto: About the coordinates of this place... They're shifting, aren't they
Tsuchikage suddenly punches Kabuto
Kabuto: Launching an ambush on me, are we, Tsuchikage?
Tsuchikage: Why do you have this bird and Deidara?
What Tsuchikage had punched was a clay bunshin of Kabuto, which then breaks apart
Deidara: It's been a while, Old man Oonoki. This Deidara here's a clay bunshin too
Next to them is a bird with the real Deidara and kabuto
Then Deidara goes "Katsu!!" and the bunshin explodes!!

Naurto can't tell if an armadillo is male or female so goes to ask Bee
Bee: The armadillo's a shy one ♪ It isn't proper to check its sex ♪
Naruto: But this is an ecology survey!
Bee: I'll keep quiet about this so you just go report that it's a female ♪
Naruto: But it's written on the armadillo's back that it's a male. Go ask that old man. He's the boss of this palce right?
Bee: I'll lend a listening ear and ask the armadillo
Bee: Private is privacy ♪
Naruto: No wonder this is an S-rank mission~~~!!
Bee: Even if the sex has been reversed YO it's not like the world has been turned upside down. What an idiot, this bastard!
In the water there is a huge snake... Bee's friend senses the abnormality
The huge squid in the sea also senses it

Deidara has exploded the bunshin. The tsuchikage next to him had been a clay bunshin made by Akatsuchi
"Why are you alive" and other aori
Deidara: I was supposed to have killed Sasuke!!
Tsuchikage: (It seems like you don't know anything... Deidara)
Kabuto: It couldn't be that it came here without us doing anything?

Bee's friend: Has this location been found out already?
The big snake bites the big turtle's tail, turtle screams
At that sound, the location of the island has been revealed
Kabuto, Deidara fly there in a hurry, with tsuchikage hot on their heels

The island rocks, Naruto thinks its an earthquake
The snake won't let go of the turtle's tail
Kabuto: (Using all types of medicines on Manda's cells~~~ That is the 2nd Generation Manda. It surpasses the original Manda in size, strength and perception!
Deidara gets a shock when he sees the island
Kabuto: It isn't an island, it's on a turtle. And in there wait the Hachibi and Kyuubi
Deidara: You mean that Naruto guy's in there! Yeah!
Kabuto: I'm going to stop the shaking of the island. Deidara, the biggest one please

The 2nd gen Manda gets onto the island

In the sea, the jellyfish Deidara made is below the turtle

Deidara: I'm going to explode it

All the animals have been flipped on their backs too
Yamato: Mokuton: Jukai Kotan (birth of a sea of trees)!!
He calls forth a whole lot of trees to form a cushion for the animals
Naruto: This is some crazy earthquake
Bee: The world is really turning upside down. What an idiot, this bastard!
Naruto looks at the flipped-over Armadillo. It was a male after all.
Yamato: This is hardly the time to be carrying out an ecology survey---!!
Bee's friend: It's definite that something is happening out there. But please play along with him about this being an earthquake!

Kabuto lands on the island
Deidara: I'll handle those guys. I have some debts to pay off
Tsuichikage: Deidara, you should know how dreadful I can be...
Deidara: Oh crap, the old man's snapped
Tsuchikage: You haven't forgotten, have you
Tsuchikage makes something like a cero in his two hands (TN: for non-bleach fans, a cero is like some bullet of light)

The strongest elderly shinobi's livid!! (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 okt 14, 19:14:18
A 513. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 514. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 okt 20, 11:11:36
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

Yamato dissuades naruto from coming in about the commotion by telling him that he's in the middle of an S-rank mission
Kurotsuchi is Oonoki's granddaughter
She uses a suiton jutsu
She uses a jutsu to create cement in order to capture Kabuto. Unfortunately it kinda backfires, and it gets aoba
Tsuchikage says deidara has always been a distance fighter ever since long time ago
Deidara plans to use C4
He asks him which one is true art, his Clay jutsu or Tsuchikage's Dust Release
The edo tensei coffin retrieves him before they really get into a fight
Aoba says that after Yamato is capture that there's no way for the enemy to get info out of him so easily.
Oonoki says thats incorrect cuz if it's Madara that they're facing, there's absolutely no way to oppose his doujutsu if you get caught up into it
Madara says that his "left eye desires to bring war"
The last post is ohana saying that most likely they're planning to use Yamato's cells to strengthen Zetsu

-----------------------------------------------------------Na még egy-----------------------------------------------------------

514 Kabuto's Plan
Enraged... At an ex-pupil!!

Tsuchikage prepares some Chiriton (Clay release) jutsu in mid-air
Deidara: Things are getting worse and worse! Chiriton all of a sudden? He's gonna even more fired up! Yeah!!

Kabuto watches Deidara as he gets on the turtle

Deidara runs away by getting on a bird
Tsuchikage: I won't let you get away!!
When he releases the Chiriton, Akatsuchi stops him from behind.
Akatsuchi: If you do that, you'll kill even the island tortoise!!
Tsuchikage: Eh! How puzzling! It was so huge I could only see the scenery!!
Deidara: There's an opening!! Yeah!!
He releases a clay bird from his hand and right before Tsuchikage's eyes: Katsu!!
The bird explodes, but the attack was blocked by Akatsuchi's golem
Tsuchikage: Were you trying to get us away from this island
Deidara: Akatsuchi's golem, huh. You're just the same as ever, clinging around Tsuchikage, you hindering bastard!! Yeah!!

Manda is going on a rampage on the island
Kurotsuchi: That damned snake!!
Kabuto is squating down and doing something
Kurotsuchi: It's got to be that guy controlling the snake! He was Orochimaru's subordinate, even though he's just a bean sprout of a bastard!!
Manda tells Kabuto something using telepathy
Kabuto: I see, Naruto's somewhere on this turtle huh. In that case... Where is the entrance?

Naruto is holding his head
Yamato: (Shit, what's happening outside!?) S... Seems like there are an aw... Awful lot of earthquakes today, huh
Aoba: Ye... Yeah!
Naruto: ... Even so, that's way too many! In the first place were earthquakes ever able to reverse the ground and the sky?
Yamato: Uh... It just looks like it because it was shaking so much...
Naruto: Really...? I'm going to go out and take a quick look!!
Yamato: No, no~~ You're in the midst of an important S-rank mission, so finish your mission!
Naruto: But... I'm just going to take a quick look...
Yamato (makes a stern face): What's most important to a ninja is to complete his mission as fast as possible!! And that mission is a single mission, that was assigned to you precisely because you are you!! It is a mission only you can do!! That is why you were tasked with it... Do you understand! Naruto!
Naruto: ....
The armadillo behind them stretches out
Aoba: (As expected, even Naruto has begun to notice the abnormalities... We tricked him that this was a S-rank mission but what he is doing is just checking whether animals have a penis. Naruto isn't an idiot... He must already have figured it out...)
Naruto: Yeah! I got it! I'll focus on my mission!!
Aoba: (Good! For the time being everything is going well! It's great he's an idiot!!)

Kurotsuchi does some seals
Kabuto notices Kurotsuchi
Kurotsuchi: (Too slow!!) Youton: Sekkaikori no Jutsu (TN: melting release: hardening quicklime); he spits quicklime out of his mouth
Kabuto evades the attack: You've appeared, huh (I wonder if Aoba is here too...)
Just then, Yamato, Motoi, Aoba arrive
Kurotsuchi: Don't just come out here so nonchalantly! I can take care of him alone!! (as he is saying this...)
Aoba: You really are Tsuchikage's granddaughter...
Kabuto: Excellent... Can I have you lead me to where Naruto is?
Yamato: A snake... That voice... You couldn't be...
Kabuto removes his hood: We meet again, Yamato
Kurotsuchi: I'll send a flow over there!!Get him!! (expanding his mouth) Suiton: Mizu Rappa (water trumpet)
Aoba: That's great!
Kabuto evades
Aoba: It's no good! He read your moves!!
Kurotsuchi: (while saying "get him!")... I got him!
Yamato: This is...
Kabuto: I see
Kuro: (My Sekkaikori no Jutsu is instant cement! By spilling some water around, I expand my range... And when it reacts with water, it solidifies!!) With this, you can't move any more!!
Yamato: Motoi-san, Aoba, don't step on this water!
Cement encases Yamato's body (TN: I don't know if Ohana meant Kabuto...)
Kuro: I have another plan within this plan!
Aoba: Alright! Once he gets solidified, he's mine! I'll get intel out of him!
Deidara and Tsuchikage and flying towards the sky, they are so fast Akatsuchi is lagging a little
Deidara (You've gotten even faster than when you were in your prime, haven't you, gramps)
tsuchikage: You always fought from a long distance! I don't like that!!
Deidara: Shut up! (I'll get him with C4!! yeah!)

Trees come out of Yamato's hand, Aoba rides on those trees towards where Kabuto is, solidified
Aoba: Kabuto... You sure have fallen... Becoming even more and more like Orochimaru
Kabuto: Before worrying about me, you should worry about falling from there
Yamato: Aoba, focus!
Aoba is about to reach Kabuto but Kabuto sheds his skin and becomes a snake. It slithers along Yamato's tree and nears Yamato. Aoba falls into the cement
Yamato: He shedded! Is this it!?
Yamato sends out blocks of wood from his waist, and sends Motoi flying away on them
Yamato: Motoi-san, stay away!!
Kabuto bites Yamato...
Kabuto: Kurotsuchi, I knew how your jutsu worked, so I was able to make you let down your guard
Aoba: !!?
Motoi: Yamato!!
Kuro: Shit!!
Yamato runs away

Tsuchikage: You're pretty good for flying up this high arent you!!
Deidara: Don't look down on me, gramps!! Your Chiroton and my Bakuton (exploding release), which of them is Art...?
From behind Deidara, the Edo Tensei coffins appear
Deidar: !!? What the hell? I was just at the best part!! Yeah!!
The coffin shuts and disappears.
Yamato (TN: I think Ohana meant Kabuto) takes refuge in Manda's nostrol. Manda disappears.

Tsuchikage returns
Tsuchikage: Deidara got away... How about you guys?
Motoi: Yamato, the one who used Mokuton and was keeping an eye on the Kyuubi, got captured...
Aoba: Our guy got away too!! Help me out of this situation!! I'll go right after him!! Where did Kabuto go!?
Motoi: I cant sense the enemy any more... I don't know which way he went either. It's no use.
Tsuchikage: They couldn't get as far as the Kyuubi and Hachibi huh... I don't know about that Mokuton user who probably stood out because he could be used as a hostage for interrogation...
Tsuchikage gets Aoba out of the cement
Tsuchikage: The problem now is that intel could get into their hands from that Yamato!
Aoba: Yamato-san isnt someone you can get intel out of that easily!!
Tsuchikage: That's not what I'm saying. If he's up against Madara, then he has really strong eye jutsu... He won't be able to do anything if he has those eye jutsu used against him

Yamato is tied up and falls to the ground
Yamato: Kuh!
Madara: You've brought me quite a different present, hmm?
Kabuto: That is certainly true... But this guy was the one watching over the Kyuubi and is in possession of some top-secret information. Even better, with this guy, we can make those Zetsus even stronger... Rather than doing the impossible, the minute we caught this guy, I was choosing the method that would be 4 times more efficient. For you guys, that is.
Zetsu: ...

Madara's right eye is the Sharingan; left eye is the Rinnegan
Madara: In that case, hurry up. This left eye is craving war

Nagato's Rinnegan is with Madara...!!

Naruto is on break next week because Kishimoto's doing some data collection/research.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 okt 21, 19:35:02
A 514. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 515. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 nov 02, 11:21:57
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

Source: NF
Credit: Ghost of Madara
Verification: Confirmed

Tsuchikage is taking the turtle island to the Shinobi Alliance place (I believe he's making it fly too).
Naruto says that things are weird cause the sky shifted again, and that the mission's over so he needs to go back to Konoha to wait for Sasuke in his attack.
Sasuke is still wrapped up with those bandages. He asks Zetsu if he's ready yet. Black Zetsu says not yet. White Zetsu says the next time he looks upon something, it will be as if he's in a different world and that it looks interesting.
The scouts sense Kabuto inside.

~More to come

Kabuto says they need to extract info from Yamato before anything. But he says not to kill him before they can use him to strengthen the Zetsu.
Madara says he could easily use the Rinnegan Ningendou's technique to get the info but that Yamato would die from it.
A snake slithers onto Yamato's arms and bites his palms.
Madara says that it's a poison that can immobilize the Mokuton powers, and then calls Kabuto a (crafty) bastard for doing so much research on Shodai's cells.
Kabuto says its a remedy he made to suppress Hashirama's powers, and not to worry, that he won't use it on Zetsu.

Kabuto says that even without using Rinnegan, they can get the info they want with his truth serum and Madara's Sharingan.

Aoba and Motoi talk, Motoi says that it seemed they already arrived (to the Alliance location via Oonoki)
It's basically a meet and greet for everyone and they're grouped together.
Tsuchikage is talking to Mizukage about the situation, and about Kyuubi and Hachibi.
The kages and Shikaku talk about the situation, their forces, and other things.
Kankurou is the captain of the Ambush Squad/Battalion. He introduces himself to Sai and Omoi. Sai greets him and wonders what nickname he should give him. Omoi wonders if someone as young as that should be a captain. There are also others.
Kakashi tells Gaara he's the regiment commander. Ao asks Shii if this is his first time in a war, and Shii says yes. Daru is the captain of the 1st Unit/Battalion. Tenten asks if he is their captain, and Chouza remarks that he seems pretty sluggish/listless (using a play on his name "darui", which means that)
Someone named Kitsuchi (yellow earth) is captain of the 2nd battalion/unit. Karui, Hinata (who says that she's nervous), and Kurotsuchi are part of it among others, and Kurotsuchi curses that it has to be her father who has to lead them.
3rd battalion has Hatake Kakashi as captain. Guy who's still collapsed is on his team. Lee asks if Gai is alright. Sakura asks what happened with him.
4th unit/battalion lead by Gaara, whose position is regiment commander and commanding officer. Has Chouji, Temari, and Shikamaru. They make some remarks (Chouji's is about food and Shikamaru is complaining about how much of a pain this is).
5th battalion/unit lead by Mifune. Has Kiba, Hana, Shino, and Ino and they make their remarks.

Kabuto: "First I have the Akatsuki (Itachi, Deidara, Sasori, Kakuzu, Nagato). Then the former jinchuuriki members. Then there's the 5 kages' once predecessors. The rest of them are skilled fighters who made a name for themselves" (Zabuza, Haku, Kimimaro, Asuma, Hanzou, Chiyo-baa, Gaara's aide, Neji's father).
Yamato was put to sleep by the Shodai wall/slime thing.
Madara: "Let's get this war started!"

*Trans notes
1- Remember that this is still a summary, not a word for word translation, though it gets all the important things though I haven't translated the things between Naruto and Bee
2-~Still didn't summarize Naruto/Bee convo which was earlier on


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 nov 02, 13:25:12
Naruto 514
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 nov 02, 23:51:03
A 515. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 516. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

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Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 nov 10, 11:41:48
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

..continuation from the above.

Kabuto: Won't you bring the white-black Zetsu?
Madara: Zetsu will look after Sasuke. Besides, you might kidnap him in the middle of the war.
Kabuto: Hmph.
Madara: The hundred thousand Zetsu will move from underground. The sheer amount would stand out too much otherwise.
Kabuto: Then let's go too, shall we? First...

Byakugan guy fled. Anko remained. Anko hid among bushes, but was spotted.
Kabuto: Sen'ei Tajashu! (Hidden snake-arms jutsu)
Anko: Ditto
Deidara and Sasori are airborne on Dei's bird. They're with the Chuukichi guy and Ne of Konoha.
Chuukichi: It's there...
Deidara: So it's just like what Kabuto said. Three rats at two o'clock's direction.

Byakugan guy realizes the oddity.
Byakugan guy: Both of you, run! I will delay them here!

Back at the Shinobi alliance's
Some Nins talk about Gaara and whether he's capable of leading the squads.
Some Nins started bickering with each other, fighting about whose dad was killed by whom. In the middle of the commotion, Gaara's sand subdued them.

(Gaara gave an inspirational speech-no-jutsu. My translation won't do it any justice, so just wait for the manga.)

Kakashi notices that everyone's face lit up.

Naruto managed to stack up the blocks without them crumbling down. Bee talked about the last training.

Raikage: We'll win this Fourth Great Ninja World War.
Tsuchikage: But of course!
Tsunade: Yeah!

------------------------------------------------------------------ too much time in my hands today o.0 Will translate the part about Gaara's Gettysburg Shinobi Address.

"Fighting for the benefit of one's country and one's village has continued from the First to the Third World War. Shinobis hurt and hated each other. This hatred lusted for power, and amidst this, I was born. I too, used to live among this hatred and power; I was a Jinchuuriki.
(everybody looked at Gaara)
"And I hated this world with passion. I wanted to destroy it, much like what Akatsuki is trying to do now. But a Konoha Shinobi stopped me.
(flashback to Naruto vs. Gaara and their handshake moment)
"He cried for me, his enemy... and he called the hurt me his friend. He saved me. We were enemies to each other, and yet we were both Jinchuurikis. There is no enemy among people who understand the same suffering.
"And now, here, there is no enemy among us, because we are fellow people who were made suffer by Akatsuki. There is no Suna, Iwa, Konoha, Kiri, or Kumo. What's here... is only Shinobi!
"If even after this, you can't forgive Suna (referring to the Shinobi earlier who bitched about his father being killed by Suna), after this war has ended, you can take my head!
(said Shinobi was nonplussed)
"This friend who saved me is now being targeted by the foe. If he gets caught, then it's all over for this world. I want to protect my friend... And I want to protect the world!
"I am too young to do that alone. Which is why, I need everyone to lend their power!"

(standing ovation) <3


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 nov 10, 12:37:11
Ami kimaradt:
Az eleje:                        

Forrás: MH
Hitelesséhg Hiteles

516: Gaara's Speech (Gaara's pic in the front page)

Konoha's Byakugan intercepts the huge army. (An) Edo-tensei corpse came out from Madara's hideout. (???)
Anko: Return to the main squad and report this, quickly! I'll stay here and investigate the hideout further.
Byakugan guy: It's too dangerous for you alone!
Anko: Shaddap and just go!

Edo-tensei corpse apparently having conversation
Haku: Zabuza-san...
Zabuza: Yeah, I know. This is not the netherworld.
Haku: I have full consciousness... But my body is moving on its own...
(Probably a Kumogakure nin): This is Edo-Tensei (how famous does this supposedly forbidden jutsu get!?) Seems like we are summoned by someone, which means we'll have to fight soon.
Zabuza: Being used even in death... I hate this guy.

Switches to Madara and Kabuto
Kabuto told someone (not made clear) to launch surprise attack from air. Sasori and Deidara would provide traps and bombs respectively.
A Kiri-nin (can't read the name's Kanji... Chuukichi?) and Ne (Root?) from Konoha would provide detection and support.
Konoha's Ne wondered what was happening. The Kiri-nin tried to threaten Akatsuki but got subdued when Kabuto formed some seal.
Sasori: To be used by this brat... Akatsuki sure has fallen. What's more, the only survivors are Zetsu and my substitute Tobi?
Deidara: As someone who died while bragging eternity as an art, you shouldn't say conceited things like that, Danna. un.
Sasori: Want me to kill you!?
Deidara: We're both dead, Danna. un.
Madara: Is it really OK with this?
Kabuto: It's quite tough to control so many Edo-corpses at once. But I'll only control them for the movement phase. In battle, I'll kill their personality and make them fighting dolls. You don't need to worry... ...Although, sometimes leaving their personality intact would strike a blow to the enemy's psychology...

Dan and Asuma having a conversation
Asuma: Aren't you Dan?
Dan: Yeah, and we're both dead. Seems like we are bound by a jutsu that resurrects us to the living world.
Neji's dad: What's going on?
Asuma: I have a bad feeling about this...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Bontakun - 10 nov 10, 14:31:16

Itt van még egy spoiler kép.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Morrow - 10 nov 10, 17:29:35
Forrás :
Hitelesség: Confirmed

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 nov 10, 20:31:59
A 516. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 517. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: sojobo - 10 nov 17, 15:38:09
Credits: UchihaSage & 69ruma (Bleach's spoiler provider)
Verification: Pending



Anko loses and is captured
偵察の油女の人死亡、残りはサソリにあやつられカンクロウ部隊と交戦、そこにサイがくるが兄貴 もあらわれる
Yuujou from reconaissance dies, remaining is Kankurou manipulating Sasori . Also Sai's precious brother comes

Chapter ends with:- Omoi tells a commotion causing Sai that he finds it unforgivable to pity his comrades

Kankurou's unit is Sai, Omoi, Tango, Zaji, Hoheto, Ittan, Kiri

translation corrections偵察の油女の人死亡、残りはサソリにあやつられカンクロウ部隊と交戦、そこにサイがくるが兄貴 もあらわれる
The Aburame from reconnaisance dies, and the remaining people are manipulated by Sasori and fight against Kankurou's unit. Just then Sai appears, but so does his brother.

Chapter ends with a shocked Sai being told by Omoi, "I will never forgive someone who lets his comrades be hurt"

szerk 21:47:
redits: takL
Source: NF

spoiler translation
There is a man in max anxiety in the commando unit.

Omoi on sai's bird: huh...i didnt want to go through a great war in my life...
If...if suddenly...we come under surprise attack and if me alone survive...
To get tortured in many ways... ...and get my brain messed about..
And get forced to fight karui or load raikage etc....

517 omoi's "war" !!

Credits: Vered / Ohana
Source: NF

spoiler script
from ohana:


Credits: Ohana / Majin_Lu
Source: NF

spoiler script
More from ohana
226 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/18(木) 02:14:40 ID:QoxztoSdP

キリ 雷
ザジ ホヘト 木の葉
イッタン 土
タンゴ ?


229 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/18(木) 02:18:07 ID:QoxztoSdP

Credits: Vered
Trans Credits: ShounenSuki
Source: NF

edo tensei translation
shounensuki translation to the edo tensei part:

I'll just give you a summary: Edo Tensei is a technique that revives a dead person by binding their soul. No matter how many times you attack them, they won't die. The only way to defeat them is by sealing their soul or restricting their movements. Even if the user is killed, the technique won't be cancelled. They first have to go find Kabuto and restrain him and then use a genjutsu on him to make him cancel the technique himself.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 nov 17, 22:46:24
A 517. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 518. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 10 nov 24, 14:41:44
Verification: Confirmed

From ohana

518 奇襲部隊の攻防!!

518 The battle between the ambush corps!!


Omoi's anxiety fades as he gets serious!!

デイダラ こりゃ戦争だ!!きれいごと言ってんじゃねーぞ うん!!

Deidara : "Hey, this is war!! Don't be saying nice things, yeah!!


The ambush unit (Kankuro's) flees from battle.


Sai Vs. Sai's brother


Sai's brother attacks Sai. Sai stops it with a kunai. (could be the other way around)

サイ 兄さん!!しっかりして

Sai: "Brother! Get a hold of yourself."

デイダラ いい動きだ だがオイラを斬ろうが何にもならんぜ!

Deidara: "Good movement. But attacking us (the zombies) is useless.

オモイ 雲流 裏切り!! サソリのチャクラ糸を斬る。

Omoi: "Cloud style: URAGIRI!!" (uragiri = Betrayal / treachery). He cuts Sasori's chakra threads.

デイダラ チイ 己の前を斬りつけるフリをして後ろを斬る だまし斬りの技か くだらねえ!!

Deidara: "Tch, you were aiming to cut behind me all along, what a dirty trick. Like I give a damn!! "

サソリ おれのチャクラ糸を斬るか… いい太刀筋だ

Sasori: "You managed to cut my chakra strings... Impressive swordsmanship."

Part 2:

隙をみてカンクロウチャクラ糸をだし、サソリの切れたチャクラ糸にくっつけ引っ張る。サソリ落 ちる。

Kankuro notices that Sasori's chakra strings have been cut, and connects his own chakra strings.

カンクロウ イッタン上げろ!!

Kankuro: "Ittan, do it!"

イッタン よし!土遁 地動核!! 地面を元の位置まで上げる

Ittan: "OK! Earth Element : CHIDOUGAKU!!". The ground shifts and rises.


Sai's brother is standing in front of Sasori

派手に落ち転げたサソリ オレの糸に己の糸を結びつけて引っ張り込むとはな…少しは糸の使い方 が上達したな カンクロウ

Sasori is dragged down. " I didn't expect you to attach your chakra strings to mine... You've improved your technique a little, Kankuro".

Part 3:

カンクロウ 赤秘儀操演者のアンタに褒められんのは正直うれしいが 今じゃ黒秘儀はオレの方が 上だぜ 蠍と 書いた巻物取り出す クグツ蠍が出てくる。

Kankuro: "I really appreciate the praise from a master puppeteer, but i'm better than you!" Kankuro pulls out Sasori's puppet scroll. He summons Sasori's body.

サソリ オレのクグツか 今となれば その体もくだらねえ 今のオレはまさに朽ちることのない 本物の人形そ のもの!かつてのぞんだ体だ!

Sasori: My puppet? No matter, I don't really care. Now I have a body that cannot be destroyed. This is the body i've always wished for!

カンクロウ …

Kankuro: "..."


Sasori connects his chakra strings to Sai's brother.


Hoheto checks Sai's brother.

サイ兄 逃げろ… デイダラ鳥に乗る

Sai's brother: "Run..." He gets on Deidara's bird.

カンクロウ イッタン負傷者とキリを岩で囲め!!

Kankuro: "Ittan, use your earth technique to protect the wounded!!

ホヘト 隊長… あの根の者!腹の中にまたあの粘土だ…

Hoheto "Chief... that Root guy! He's got that clay inside of him...

サイ兄 …

Sai's brother "..."

サイ !?

Sai "!?"

イッタン デイダラの起爆粘土は雷遁に弱いと聞いたことがある…

Ittan "I heard that Deidara's exploding clay is weak against electricity..."

オモイ 少しならオレが…

Omoi "Maybe if I..."

Part 4:


Kankuro's Sasori Vs. Sasori and Sai's brother


If you cut the chakra strings, then Omoi can join the battle.

隙が出来て デイダラ 遅い!!

The opportunity comes,

Deidara "Too late!!"

カンクロウ 今だ!! 土に隠してあった山椒魚(クグツ)がサイ兄を食べる 爆発

Kankuro "NOW! Kankuro's Sanshouuo (salamander pupper) comes out of the ground and swallows Sai's brother. He explodes.

サイ 兄さーーん!!


森の中、中吉 ! 爆発?とにかく増援 敵つぶす

It was pretty lucky they were in the forest. The explosion? Anyhow, the reinforcements were killed / destroyed.

岩の中 キリ ザジ!外は!?

Inside the rock : Zaji! How is it outside!?

ザジ 大丈夫っす チャクラは感知出来てる 皆生きてる

Zaji: It's OK. I can sense everyone's chakra, they're all alive.

オモイ イテテ

Omoi "Owowow"


Sai's picture book falls out of his rucksack.

デイダラ 下に隠して防御用のクグツで爆弾を囲うとはな… お陰で爆破威力はいまいちだったな …うん

Deidara "I didn't expect you to have some sort of defense puppet underground... You're lucky that that blast wasn't very powerful, yeah.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 nov 24, 22:45:33
A 518. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 519. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 dec 01, 08:57:53
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

292 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/12/01(水) 16:01:56 ID:+TUUtrSLP

Sasori flows to heaven while lecturing Kankurou
Madara appears where Kabuto is.
Naruto practises how to go tailed beast mode.
There, they try spitting SERO (chakra ball) out of their mouths
Then it resembles Rasengan

Sasori becomes at peace and fades away after being lectured by Kankurou.

Madara goes to where Kabuto is.

Naruto practices becoming one with his bijuu like Bee does.

He then practices how to shoot a chakra ball out of his mouth.

Naruto realizes that the chakra ball is similar to the rasengan (either the ball itself or the act of forming and shooting the ball).

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 10 dec 01, 19:30:01
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: -


Sasori entrusted the Dad & Mom puppets to Kankurou, and asked him to pass them down the generations (because apparently, Sasori put a lot of "soul" in making those puppets, which was what made him strong). And after being convinced by Kankurou, Sasori disappeared in peace. Deidara was WTF and shouting to be released from the puppet which kept him prisoner. The ambush squad discussed on how they had found Edo-tensei's weakness.

Madara grew suspicious about Kabuto leaking their whereabouts to the alliance, because Anko veered too close to their hideout, and Kabuto was able to trace her immediately. Madara thought to himself that the one who was "using" the other was himself, not the other way round.

The next jutsu of Naruto was indeed about Bijuu-mode. Naruto tried and failed in turning (?) into the Kyuubi and became a little fox instead (lol). Apparently it was because Naruto and the Kyuubi lacked in bonds. Hachibi came out and explained to Naruto about the huge risk of using the Bijuu-mode.

The Bijuu-mode had the Jinchuuriki and the Bijuu draw chakra from each other. If the Naruto-chakra was drained completely by the Kyuubi, Naruto would die. He was also reminded not to use Kagebunshin in Bijuu-mode, since Kyuubi would immediately draw on all the chakras of the bunshins as well, causing immediate death. The chakra trade was supposed to be negotiated between the two, but Kyuubi didn't seem to be "that type" (figures). Hachibi told Naruto to give up on learning Bijuu-dama (the ultimate chakra blast of a Bijuu).

Naruto decided to use Rasengan on his usual mode instead (because he needed KBs for the jutsu), but his Rasengan split (!?). Bee was surprised seeing the jutsu, and asked who taught Naruto that. Naruto replied that it was taught by Jiraiya, and invented by the Fourth Hokage. Bee reacted upon the mention of the Fourth with excitement, and thought "What a coincidence!". (! potential plot twist!?)

Naruto complained about the usual Rasengan not working, and Bee talked about how the Bijuu-chakra had + and - chakra. The white and black ratio should be 8:2 to form a sphere (Greek to me).

Naruto continued training...
because you'll be dead before you know it! I actually negotiated with my bijū for the chakra exchange. The Kyūbi isn't the type for that. Furthermore, the Kyūbi's chakra is limited, because you took it from the Kyūbi in a tug of war."
Naruto: "...Man, the risk is huge... And despite this, I cannot even use the jinchūriki's supreme technique...?"
Hachibi: "Well, let's just give up on the Bijū Ball... Training your special technique further is a better idea."
Naruto: "Bijū Ball? What kind of technique is that?"
Hachibi: "It's quite simple. You use shape transformation on your own chakra to accumulate it in your mouth and compress it, before firing it."
Naruto: "That's..."
Hachibi: "It feels just like vomiting"
Naruto: "The let's try it in this mode."
hachibi: "It's impossible if you're not changed into your bijū. Let me explain it first... Turn back B..."
B comes back out. "It's no use... I'm giving up. Nothing left to do but try your special move in your Bijū Chakra mode... Diligently♪"
Naruto: "If I can't use Kage Bunshin, the Rasengan isn't suited for this mode. I have to concentrate on releasing the chakra and rotating and compressing it. I need two pairs of hands for the shape transformation..."
B: "The bijū chakra feels the same as your own hands and feet♪ They're like illusionary versions of your real hands and feet♪"
Naruto: "I see... Like that, hm."
Naruto makes a hand appear behind his back.
B: "That's a nice performance♪ Now have a go at your special technique like this. You're nearing success♪"
Naruto: "Alright!! Rasengan!! Eh?!"
B: "!?" (That's...!!)
Naruto: "Uwa!!"
The Rasengan unravels and Naruto returns to his normal form.
B: (That technique! It's just like a Bijū Ball! Fool!! Bastard!!)
"Hey, Naruto... That technique. What idiot taught you that?!!"
Naruto: "Eh?! Ehm... Ero-Sennin... Ah, right! Jiraiya-sensei... It was created by the Yondaime Hokage, though!"
B: "...!!" B's shoulder trembles. (The Yondaime Hokage...!! How unexpected... Is this Fate?! A miracle♪)
B: "Rasengan! That's just like performing a Bijū Ball! Commonness♪ A technique invented by referencing to the Bijū's technique! That's what Rasengan is! It's as if the Bijū Ball was entrusted to you!! Lucky♪ It's simple when you're in Bijū form, but in human form, the shape transformation is so difficult, it's nearly impossible. However, there's a way to increase the stability while rotating the chakra!!"
Naruto: "But I didn't even succeed in doing a Rasengan properly..."
B: "Bijū chakra is a combination of plus chakra and minus chakra... a balance! When you compress it, the balance between white and black should be 8:2, before turning it inro a sphere! Try it!"
Naruto: "Alright!"

Towards Naruto's new technique!!
The end
Sasori becomes at peace and fades away after being lectured by Kankurou.
Madara goes to where Kabuto is.
Naruto practices becoming one with his bijuu like Bee does.

He then practices how to shoot a chakra ball out of his mouth.

Naruto realizes that the chakra ball is similar to the rasengan (either the ball itself or the act of forming and shooting the ball).
Naruto's gonna learn a new Rasengan it seem..

B explains the Bijū Ball to Naruto. The blast of chakra the Bijū spit out

From what i can tell, Naruto cannot change into Bijū Form so cannot do the actual Bijū Ball, but somehow the Rasengan is similar to it, so B and Naruto try to alter it into a Bijū ball
Naruto cannot actually change into the Kyūbi like the othre jinchūriki can
Apparently because that requires the cooperation of the bijū themselves

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 dec 03, 00:58:02
A 519. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 520. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 10 dec 08, 14:11:44
verification: confirmed
forrás: mangahelpers

The 'frizzy' Naruto in Bijuu Rasengan training

Kabuto and Madara feel out each other's intentions

Madara tells him to kill Anko

Kabuto says something or other about not killing, as a victim is necessary for the jutsu

if that's the case...Madara releases Fuu and Torune

The ambush goes well

and the Allies moblilize.

Zabuza and Haku move out.

Kabuto somehow needs a victim for his new jutsu

and what's more is that it's without risk. It ends with that.

I'm busy so I didn't really stop to look much at it.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 10 dec 08, 15:36:54
Hitelesség ell:CONFIRMED

Bits and pieces of Naruto and his training with the bijuu rasengan.

Kabuto and Madara are probing into each other's true intentions.
Madara: Kill Anko
Kabuto says some stuff about using a jutsu so don't kill her
They need a sacrifice
In that case... Madara puts forth Fuu and Rune

"The surprise attack was a success"
Allied forces move out
Zabuza and Haku move out as well

Somehow, it seems that Kabuto's new jutsu requires a sacrifice.
And there is no risk to this new jutsu of his. This is what is said before the chapter ends.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 10 dec 08, 19:48:37
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED

Kabuto-And if I say no...?
Madara-Then you'll never get what you want. And you'll have a new thing on your most wanted list, your own life.

and this credits Evil on Nf too

Oro did try to summon Yondaime, but was unable to because it's impossible. Edo tensei needs DNA to ressurect the dead, and that's why Jiraiya couldn't be resurrected, because Kabuto could not get the DNA. Madara demands that Kabuto demonstrate how Edo tensei works and uses Fuu and Torune, he snaps on of there necks and then tells Kabuto to revive one in the others body. Kabuto kept Anko alive so that he can suck out the remaining remanents of Orochimaru's pressence from the cursed seal within Anko to make himself stronger. Nidame appearently thought up Edo Tensei, but it was actually Orochimaru he completed and used it.

There is a scene where Kabuto shoves a dagger into Fuu or Torune's head and gets splashed in the face with blood. And Kabuto thinks that it's okay to show Madara how Edo Tensei works because he still has a trump card.

Evil note

It's not that Orochimaru didn't have Yondaime's DNA, it's because it's impossible to summon Yondaime.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 dec 08, 20:55:46
Verification: Confirmed
Credits: ohana, saladesu
Source: 2ch, MH

Jump cover - Madara's face in the shadows and in front is half of frizzy Naruto
Lead color - Naruto foing Fuuton Rasen Shuriken, Madara making an imposing pose, Kabuto

520 The Secrets of Edo Tensei
Frizzy Naruto making the bijuu rasengan

An almost-impossible jutsu...

Bijuu rasengan explodes, Naruto collapses
Bee: This is just the tip of the iceberg ♪ You've got 95% black, 5% white ♪ It looks easy but is unexpectedly difficult ♪
Naruto: I don't get it all when you suddenly throw all this + and - and black and white chakra and numbers at me! I'm the tactile type who remembers by doing! Besides, this rasengan is so heavy, I have no choice but to support it in two hands or it'd go out of whack... I can't be worrying about little details like that! This bijuu rasengan!! I'll just do it as many times as I need to get it! I'll do it, and do it and do it! I'll throw my whole self into doing this!
Bee: ...
Naruto stands, and his two hands hurt. They're covered in wounds. Naruto: Owww...
Bee: It may be impossible when you're in your human form... It's hard labour ♪ Take a break for a while, the wounds on your hands are the backlash from the jutsu ♪
Naruto: I told you I couldn't be worrying about little details!
Bee: ...
Naruto becomes frizzy: Eight-tails old man! Watch until I get it to the 8:2 ratio, and when it's just right, tell me! I'll remember it by feel!
Bee: What a stubborn guy. Got it ♪ Everything I said to you is self-admonishment ♪

Anko: Ugh
Madara: That woman, it seems she is still alive
Kabuto: This woman was compatible with Orochimaru-sama's curse seal, and has some of Orochimaru-sama's chakra in her body. We can't kill her yet.
Madara: That's no good... Let's end her life here. This woman has seen the real location of the hide-out and entrance
Kabuto: There is a need to suck Orochimaru-sama's chakra for collection while she is alive... You can call my body Orochimaru-sama's body, if you like... It's necessary for me to increase my power. If I do that, the power involved in using Edo Tensei will also be stronger, and more importantly... This jutsu uses the body of live humans... That's why I'm saying to keep this woman alive. It's beneficial for you, too, to increase our battle power, right? Or am I wrong?
Madara: A friend today, and enemy tomorrow... Perhaps... It's possible that something beneficial to you may turn out to be otherwise to me
Kabuto: It seems that you still do not trust me. So what must I do?
Madara: Edo Tensei... Does it really use live bodies? Explain that right here. Also, explain everything about that jutsu! Of course, that includes the way to stop it!
Kabuto glares at Madara: And if I say no?
Madara: Then you will never get what you desire, and on top of that, that which you desire will change entirely. To your own life!
Kabuto: (It'd be bad to fight the Rinnegan here... I still have a trump card... I don't need to rush...) Fine... But there is nobody we can sacrifice here... Since you said not to use this woman
Madara uses his teleportation thingy and brings forth Fuu and Torune
Kabuto: These people are, if I remember...
Madara: Danzou's dogs. Ever since I caught them, I've been using Sharingan to cast a genjutsu on them
Madara strangles Torune by the neck from behind, and kills Torune by breaking the neck (TN: Ohana is unsure if the neck was broken)
Kabuto: You have no mercy, do you...
Madara: Now, the ingredients for your jutsu are ready... Now use this one (Fuu) and use Edo Tensei to ressurect the one I just killed!
Kabuto puts Anko aside and pulls out a scroll and grabs Torune by the tail: ... I'll say this first, this is classified under Kuchiyose no Jutsu...
Kabuto stabs a kunai into Torune's stomach: ... Summoning the dead person's soul from that world, that pure world... Into this world, this impure world (TN: remember that "edo" in Edo Tensei means "impure world")... For this purpose, you need a portion of the human you wish to resurrect... A fixed amount of his body is required
There is blood on Kabuto's face, it looks like he is handling Torune...
Kabuto: A portion of the body containing personal information (DNA).
Kabuto places a piece of meat on the scroll + stabs his own hand with a kunai
Kabuto: Without doing all this, you can't use Edo Tensei. And those who are not in the pure world... That is, those whose souls are sealed into a different world, they too cannot be ressurected via Edo Tensei
Once upon a time, Orochimaru-sama tried to Edo Tensei Yondaime, but he failed. This is because he had already been sealed by Shiki Fuujin and his soul in possession of the shinigami. And... When Konoha was attacked... Sandaime Hiruzen also used the same sealing jutsu. And he brought the soul of Shodaime and Nidaime with him, so...
Madara: In other words, you're saying that you can't use Edo Tensei to resurrect any of the kage from Shodaime til Yondaime?
Kabuto: Yeah... I tried to ressurect a whole lot of people, though... But it's really difficult to get hold of DNA...
Kabuto places the scroll on the ground, and the jutsu formula (TN: like alchemy circles in FMA?) appear on the ground
Kabuto: That's equivalent to searching for a corpse, you see... If they're all rotten, I can't tell who they are. I made a lot of failed ones, too
Madara: This is the jutsu formula, huh...
Kabuto links his hands as Fuu who in the center of the jutsu formula begins to writhe
Fuu: Guaaaaa!
Kabuto: Like this, a living person becomes a container for the dead person's soul. And with that, we have the completion of Edo Tensei
Torune lies there half-dead
Kabuto: You can even consider this jutsu the greatest and strongest jutsu in all of the Ninja world!
Torune: Th... This is!?
Kabuto: Nidaime conceptualized it, Orochimaru-sama completed it. It is the greatest inheritance left to this world!
Kabuto stabs a kunai with a tag on it into Torune's head: This tag suppresses its character and makes it such that as long as the person is given any orders, he will have his powers from when he was alive and he will be undying, and become a pawn of mine who listens only to my orders. Of course, rare powers like the Sage of 6 path's Rinnegan or Itachi's sharingan are also retained... Just that... I couldn't find Shisui's body anywhere, and Jiraiya's body was in the deep sea, where the water pressure is to great for a human to enter. If you want Danzou's right eye or Sage of 6 paths Pain and the rest as weapons, first we need their DNA...
Madara: Don't get on your high horse just yet...
Kabuto: ... Well whatever... I have enough game pieces...
Madara: This jutsu is just too convenient... There must be some risk involved
Kabuto: Kukuku...
There is a list of names on the scroll

Where Inoichi-san is
Ao: Without Aburame Muta's intel, I had missed out on sensing... A large army is passing by underfoot! I'm extending the sensor radius further underground! Those guys... They intend to pass by this regiment by going underground! Do they intend to attack the allied forces from behind?
Raikage: Use Doton to dig them up!
Tsuchikage: Get in touch with Kitsuchi
Inoichi has something that looks like a perm machine on his head: Intelligence dept, hurry and get this info to Kitsuchi
Intel dept 1st division, this guy also has the perm machine on his head: It's here!
Inoichi: Good...
Intel dept 2nd div: Intel! Finally!
Allied forces, 2nd division captain, Kurotsuchi
Subordinate: Enemies total about 20,000. Coordinates 25, 30 underground! (TN: sorry I don't really get the coordinates thing)
Kurotsuchi: They're here!!

Zabuza, Haku are jumping from tree to tree. Sai's birds, holding explosive tags, approaches in midair and explode
Kankurou: We'll keep going at them one after another! Zaji, send a signal flare!!
Zaji: OK!!!
Zaji sends up the signal flare (looks like a smoke candle)

Kakashi: A red signal flare... It's the surprise attack squad. Let's move!
Gai: Mmm!

Haku uses his jutsu and is in a ball of ice with Zabuza
haku: Are you alright, Zabuza-san?
Zabuza: You're using your jutsus wastefully, aren't you, Haku
Zabuza watches as the other Edo Tensei ninja with them regenerate
Zabuza: This Edo Tensei... Dead people just can't die, it seems... I don't like this jutsu, either

Kabuto: What's the most spectacular about this jutsu... Is that there is no risk whatsoever to the user!

Akatsuki vs Shinobi allied forces, a real war!!
The end


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 dec 10, 03:31:00
A 520. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 521. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 10 dec 15, 11:14:03
verification: confirmed
forrás: mangahelpers

Read parts of it.

Cover is of Zabuza before he died - there's a lot of swords stuck in (someone?).

リスクがない説明したカブトは別行動。カブトにはゼツの胞子をつけてある。(カブトは気づいて ないと思う)
Kabuto is behaving differently after having explained that there is no risk to the jutsu. Zetsu's spores are on Kabuto (I don't think Kabuto is aware).
Kabuto seems like he's got something else up his sleeve. Madara doesn't quite know yet.

Black Zetsu is acting alone, preparing for something.

Haku detects Sai's birds.
Neji's group and Kiba's group merge.

Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi use Doton jutsu.
The White Zetsu'z start coming forth.
白ゼツVSネジ班 キバ班
It is White Zetsu Vs. Neji's team and Kiba's team.

Sai is flying on his bird and notices the cold air.
Behind him is Haku.
Sai releases his Choujyuu Giga and is on the ground.
Zabuza is also there on the ground...
Zabuza tries to attack, but Kakashi attacks back.
Here (they) talk about how nostalgic this is and about what's become of Naruto.

Kabuto leaves Anko beside him.
If any jutsu is used, Zabuza's movement will change...

カカシ班 サイ オモイ ザジVSけっけい限界組+ザブザ
It seems like the battle will unfold with Kakashi's team, Sai, Omoi, and Neji versus the Kekkei Genkai team and Zabuza. (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: sojobo - 10 dec 15, 18:44:22

Credits: Yagami
Source: NF

partial translation about Madara-Kabuto part
マダラ リスクがないだと…?
Madara: No risk?
カブト 本当さ穢土転生の術にリスクはない…イヤ…一つだけあったかな…
Kabuto: Its the truth, no risk at all to Edo Tensei - Actually I guess you could say there could be one...
マダラ …?
Madara: ?
カブト あまりにも素晴らしく強い術の為術者の名が世間の隅々までに行きわたる… ボクはいづ れ うちはマ ダラよりも有名な忍になるてん
Kabuto: For such a magnificent and strong jutsu, the name of the user will extend to the farthest reaches of the world...I'll end up becoming a shinobi even more famous than Uchiha Madara himself
インテリのボクにはそんな事のぞんでないんだよ… 狙われるだけだしね…
For an egg-head like me, that simply won't do. It would just lead to me getting captured.
マダラ 図に乗るなと言っている!物事には全てに反動がある 気を抜かずいることだ
Madara: I told you not to push your luck! There are repercussions to everything there is. If one is not careful.
カブト 忠告ありがとう この術のリスクがあるとすれば君に話してしまっている事がリスクさ
Kabuto: Thanks for the advice. If there is such a risk to this jutsu, spilling the beans to you would be it.

カブト じゃそろそろボクは行くよ インテリは陰気なところが性に合うんでね
Kabuto: Anyway it's time I leave. Let's save such gloomy talk for a place that befits it.
マダラ 待て…まだ穢土転生の止め方を聞いてないぞ
Madara: Wait. I still haven't heard the way to stop Edo Tensei.
カブト あ!…そうだったね …忘れるところだった …こも術は
Kabuto: Oh! Right, well, that's what I forgot...the jutsu
術者を殺しても止まる事がない ならどうするか?…なに簡単さ…穢土転生を操ってるボクを操り  
killing the user won't stop it. So what to do? Pretty simply actually; you control me, who's controlling Edo Tensei
戌・午・寅 の印で”解”をして止めればいいのさたとえば君の写輪眼とかでね あとは穢土転生達の魂を封印 するとかかな
use the seals of Dog-Sheep-Tiger, and hopefully you can stop it. For example, like with your Sharingan. And the other way should probably be sealing the souls of the ones that are Edo Tensei'd.
マダラ … それが本当だといいがな
Madara: ...Sounds too good to be true.
カブト 君に嘘をつく勇気はないよ …と話はここまで… ちゃんと止め方は話した… もう行く よ
Kabuto: I don't have the nerve to lie to you... Anyway that's it for our talk. I've said enough on the ways of stopping it. It's time I get going.
カブト マダラのそばを離れ 森へ
Kabuto leaves Madara's side and goes off to the forest
カブト木を飛び飛び (穢土転生ともう一つのあの術がある限り ボクは無敵だ… いずれは六道 仙人の心理を ボクが解き明かしてみせる!!)
Kabuto jumping: (As long as I have Edo Tensei and that other jutsu, I am invincible. Eventually I will unlock the mind of the Rikudou Sennin!!)

マダラ あいつに白ゼツの胞子はつけてあるな
Madara- Are the white Zetsu spores on him?
黒ゼツ モチロンダ…
Black zetsu: Of course...
マダラ なら黒ゼツ…お前はそろそろあっちの方の段取りをしろ
Madara: In that case, Black Zetsu, time for you to make those arrangements.
黒ゼツ土に入りながら ワカッタ…
Black zetsu going into the ground: Understood.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 dec 16, 12:54:13
A 521. fejezet a -n! Várjuk a 522. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 10 dec 25, 19:03:41
tibee77 kolega felhívta a figyelmem a spoilerekre de nem találtam itt és elhozta nektek a Jézuskám ^^

forrás: mangahelpers
és Confirmed a cucc

Chapter Title: We Died
Title Page is Haku with his hand on a mirror and the reflection.

The others notice it's Zabuza, and someone from the cursed Snow clan who can use Hyouton(Ice Element). The Tensei's are losing their minds, and Kakashi warns the guys to watch out as Zabuza is the best at silent killing. Haku pleads with Kakashi to stop them, and that his dream was to protect and die as Zabuza's tool; however, since Zabuza is dead he thinks he has failed and as he is now he can no longer protect or be a tool of Zabuza.

Kakashi tells him that Zabuza died from something else, and died not thinking of Haku as just a tool. Zabuza, scolds Kakashi for blabbing. The scene shifts to Kabuto who says that Zabuza and Haku are stubborn, but he will succeed into turning them into his tools.

Zabuza's final words to Kakashi are to stop him by any means possible, as he has already died as a human. Kakashi says he understands and reveals his Sharingan as Haku sheds tears and thanks Zabuza.

Kakashi explains that the other two guys are Gari from the Stone village, he uses Bakuton(Explosion) and used to be on the old Explosion Squad with Deidara. The other is Pakura from the sand, and she uses Shaku-ton(Heat?)

Zabuza uses Hidden Mist and Kakashi, Sakura, Lee, Gai form back to back formation. Lee says he'll protect her even if he dies.

The attack starts and Kabuto comments on how he's gained much more control thanks to Orochimaru's chakra, and how not controlling the emotions caused some of the other Tensei's to fail(Sasori). Now he can kill the emotions, but he's not sure how many he can do that with and plans to leave the rest as is as it could be advantageous depending on the situation.

Meanwhile Juugo and Suigetsu have escaped from jail, but Sui cannot find his sword.

Back to the fight, Pakura turns a bunch of ninja's into mummies by evaporating all the water in them and Gari blows another guy up. Haku's about to kill a guy when Gai/Lee kick him.

Kakashi and Zabuza are locked in a struggle when Kabuto takes the next step... he has Gari and Pakura summon...

All the former members of The Seven Swordsman of the Mist along with Zabuza's still broken sword(They don't appear to have theirs, and Kisame is not among them).

The End

___________________az első 7oldal _____________

Page 1: <left to right, top to bottom>


Ninja A: they... they are...!
Ninja B: Oh! There's no mistake about it...! They're the demonic man, Momochi Zabuza and the kid from the ice-wielding jutsu Snow Clan!

The effect of Edo Tensei's possession gets increasingly stronger and more vicious

Haku: Argh... I'm losing control of myself...

Zabuza: Damn it...

Spiky hair Edo ninja: The inside...of my burning...

Edo ninja B: Argh

Page 2:

Zabuza: I want to die as a human!

Kakashi: Ok... I understand

Page 3:

Lee: Eh...? Oh... Roger!

Random nin: Cold air... after the mist...?

Random nins: Gyahh!! Ahh!!

Kakashi: It has begun!!

Kabuto's thoughts: Indeed it's different from the previous time... Such a strong possession power... Orochimaru sama's chakra is indeed powerful...

Page 4:

Konoha's Spiraling Whirlwind!!

Nin: Gai san!

Gai: Comrades will fall in battle! Though it's difficult to accept, you must face it! If you're distracted, more comrades will die! Live for your fallen comrades! Do you understand, newbie!!

Page 5:

Gai (?): We now know the enemy's coordination and extent of their powers. Now it's our turn!

Kabuto: Haha...Let the enemy lead me on? I'm not that naive

Kuchiyose no Jutsu!!

Page 6:

They are the previous Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist Village!!!

Page 7:

Kakashi: I can't believe this... even this is possible...?

Nin: !! They... they are... the previous...

The strongest sword wielding group!! And Zabuza's Beheader Sword has returned to his hands!!


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 10 dec 26, 16:01:44
A 522. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 523. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 jan 12, 11:28:13
verification: confirmed
forrás: mangahelpers

Sasuke and Itachi do not make any appearance.

(Ohana notes that this is all over the place)
First page is the 7 ninja swordsmens' names and faces
Suigetsu and Juugo are searching for swords.
Juugo says something along the lines of "Why are you so picky?"
Suigetsu: Because I want the 7 Ninja Swordsmen to be revived and to become the leader of the 7

Page changes
Kakashi Team vs Zabuza Team
Kakashi Team say that they can't possibly wait for another team (allies to back them up)
So they all attack.
Yamanaka-san (TN: the "santa" is probably just a wordplay smush since Christmas was just a few weeks ago) and the shadow binding ninja (TN: Nara Shikaku?) cooperate with Kakashi to fight Zabuza

Kakashi finds an opening and pierces Haku's heart but
Zabuza too is about to try and cut Haku, and just there the chapter ends


Chapter 523 The Seven Legendary Ninja Swordsmen!!
Cover - Momochi Zabuza
Ringo Ameyuri (person with the turban like thing)
Kuriarare Kushimaru (person with the mask)
Hoozuki Mangetsu (Looks a bit like Suigetsu)
Munashi Jinpachi (Left eye hidden by an eyepatch or hair)
Suikazan Fubuki (Fat dude)
Akebino Jinin (person with the topknot like thing [Shikamaru hairstyle])

Suigetsu (re the revival of seven swordsmen): Right now, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist consists of just that one kid Choujurou... There was a tradition of passing down the Ninja swords from generation to generation, but right now all of them are gone except for Hiramekarei... Eve if we take it that the long sword Samehada is in the possession of Kisame, he's a missing-nin... And we lost Kubikiri Houchou after all we went through to get it. Right now we're essentially a non-existent unit.
Suigetsu: And there are other swords, and history tells the tales of many other great swordsmen apart from Kisame, Zabuza and Choujurou
[as Suigetsu mentions them, the respective characters are shown slashing the ninja]
The sharpest of them, carrying with it thunder - Thunder Sword "Kiba" (TN: fang) - wielder is Ringo
That which breaks through any guard - dull sword "Kabutowari" (TN: helmet breaker) - wielder is Akebino
That which pierces through everything and sews it up - long sword "Nuibari" (TN: sewing needle) - wielder is Kuriarare
Adding on the power of explosives to one's swordsmanship - explosive sword "Shibuki" (TN: spray) - wielder is Munashi
And just like Hoshigaki Kisame, he had wielded the long sword Samehada, Suikazan Fubuki (has no sword)
And... A master of all those seven swords... My brother, said to be the second coming of the demon himself, Hoozuki Mangetsu (has no sword)

Juugou: The sword you wielded broke, right... Instead of that one, why not just make a new one?
Suigetsu: You know nothing... There is a certain power to that sword. Kubikiri Houchou's edge will not chip... No... It would be more accurate to say that any chips on its edge will be fixed...
That which slashes and tears up humans, as it absorbs more and more human blood, it regenerates itself using the iron in the blood!

It appears the whole back-up squad is made of people of the Nara clan, all with Shikamaru-style hair and all can do kagemane.

One ninja says that to stop Edo Tensei they need to basically stop the body moving or seal the soul, and that apart from Zabuza none of them have swords so the rest of them have their powers halved. But Kakashi thinks to himself that they do have swords, and true enough when Mangetsu opens a scroll, a sword comes out. Gai points out that with the mist they can't see, and since they are skilled in silent assassination, they can't just rely on their ears either.

Back-up squad readies Kagemane
Kakashi finishes off the seal: Alright! Back-up team, use Kagemane to bind me lightly and allow me freedom of movement still!
Back-up: Got it!
Kakashi: Yamanaka-san, use Shintenshin to change with me
Yamanaka: Got it
Kakashi: And while sensing the enemy, use Kagemane to lead me to a place where I can see the enemy... Do your best to place me behind them. We will get Zabuza first! Once we have him in view, Yamanaka will release Shintenshin and return me to my own body, and while I fight Zabuza, I will step on his shadow and make my shadow one with his! When that happens, back-up team use Kagenui and do your best to restrain him!
Kakashi walks forth with a raikiri in his hand

Yamanaka releases Shintenshin
Kakashi gets to Zabuza's back, but Haku appears in front and has his heart pierced
Kakashi: !!
Haku grabs Kakashi's arms

Zabuza tries to slash each Haku
Aori: Malice which cannot be forgiven!! Zabuza slashes Haku and Kakashi at the same time...!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 11 jan 13, 08:41:30
A 523. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 524. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jan 19, 11:39:53
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: Saladesu

Haku dies
Zabuza dies
Kakashi snaps at the Edo Tensei (TN: the word used is ambiguous and could mean a lot of things, so this could be entirely wrong. Without context I can't be sure of anything)
From here it's Sai using Root's sealing jutsus to fight. (so it seems)

Below the Kitsuchi group, Neji group, thousands of white zetsus pass by

Invisible person (?) vs Gaara

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 jan 19, 21:29:48
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: TH-kun

Ninja blade that lost its heart.
524 Something to protect.

Zabuza tries to cut Kakashi through Haku. Kakashi thinks, 'He's gonna cut me through the boy?' and recalls what Haku did back then in the country of Waves.
Maki: Kakashi-taichou!
Ensui Contact with one enemy's shadow! And time of contact with the second is too short, I can't stop that enemy from moving!
Santa: You want to say Zabuza attacked Kakashi-taichou?! Impossible!

Kakashi remembers a conversation that he had with the little Naruto on the way back from the Naruto bridge. Naruto wants another A rank mission, Kakashi refuses until Naruto gets stronger. Naruto says that Haku said one gets trully strong when protecting something dear, Naruto agrees with this statement, then asks Kakashi what he thinks about (what about is revealed later).

The present Edo Tensei-ed Haku falls and starts to crumble away. Kakashi says, he's glad they were Naruto's first opponents. Zabuza's ready to attack him. Kakashi makes seals for Raikiri and orders Maki to get ready and wait for his signal. Then Kakashi says, recalling the past again, 'That time you hesitated to cut through Haku and wasn't able to hide how his death affected you...' Zabuza draws closer, Kakashi (he's injured in the stomach) continues, 'But now's different. You're just a tool robbed of your feelings! So I'm gonna end this fight here and now!'

The flashback continues. Naruto asks if it's wierd that he liked Zabuza and Haku despite them being the enemies. Kakashi chuckles and thinks that he did too.

Kakashi pierces Zabuza's heart with his Raikiri. Then shouts for Ensui to bind the shadows. Zabuza starts crumbling down. Kakashi's thought, 'Your tears and the way you died... it was the bond you shared.' Then speaks outloud, 'I have a lot of things to protect as a shinobi'.

Kabuto curses over his board, 'Damn!'

Kakashi continues, 'Zabuza and Haku's death is one of those things too... Because I was the one to kill them. Naruto, you would think so too, wouldn't you?'
Zabuza's blood drips onto the sword, and Haku cries bloody tears. Haku's mirrors break away. Kakashi gives Maki the signal. The mist clears away. Maki wraps Zabuza and Haku in his cloth, makes seals and says that now the two can't be summmoned and he will guard them. Kakashi now has Zabuza's sword in hand and says that Edo Tensei is an unforgivable jutsu, then orders Sai to use the Root sealing jutsu so the momentum is not lost. Sai stammers that he can't yet use that jutsu. Kakashi then reassures him, 'Danzou thought highly of you! No need to restrain your feelings anymore! Well, it takes me long too to get psyched up enough, though...' And so, Kakashi who reaches his boiling point quickly this time around, lives up to his name of Copy Ninja Kakashi who copied a thousand jutsus...

Sorry, not the whole thing, because I so don't feel like typing anymore, and in a summary-like style... but you get the gist, ne?

Gaara is fighting Nidaime Tsuchikage, by the way.
An invisible man in bandages (Nidaime Tsuchikage Muu): Sand? So he's the contact type then? Impressive that you were able to detect my (Nidaime Tsuchikage Muu's) presence...
Gaara: Enemy showed up, I see.
* Muu means 'nothingness'

Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: Bild

Kakashi: "Didn't Danzō think highly of you?! There's no need to suppress your feelings any more!! Well... It takes me a while to get psyched up as well, but still..."
Now, after reaching his boiling point quickly for the first time in a long time, the Copy Ninja Kakashi, who copied a thousand jutsu... He will live up to his name and rage as his name suggests!

White Zetsu pins Neji's arms behind his back.
Neji: "there are far too many!" (These guys... Are they sucking up chakra...?) Gentle Fist Style One Hit Body!!! (Jūkenpō Ichigekimi?)
The White Zetsu is blown away.
Kiba: "They keep coming and coming, without an end!"
Neji: "If you can complain, move!"

Shino: "Each and every one is powerful! They're obstinate! This is turning into a war of attrition."
Shinobi C: "Kitsuchi-taichō! A message from headquarters! It seems several thousand bodies are passing underneath us!"
Kurotsuchi: "Dad!"
Kitsuchi: "Shaddap! I got it!"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 jan 20, 09:58:19
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED


The sword of a shinobi that lost its heart!!
524 things you have to defend.

zabza tries to kill kakashi together with Haku
Kakashi: (are you trying to chop this kid along with me?)
here, kakashi recalls haku's actions in the wave country.

Maki: captain kakashi!!
Zabza chops kakashi together with Haku
Ensui: one of the enemies got their shadow stuck (to kakashis) ! as for the other one, the contact time of the shadows was too short! He can't be stopped from moving!
Santa Yamanaka: the contact time…? You mean the moment when zabza chopped captain kakashi!? Impossible isn't it!

Kakashi recalls his convo with lil Naruto on their way home from the great Naruto Bridge.


Naruto: I'll make another A rank mission, dattebayo!
Kakashi: no n no! zabza and haku …against such strong shinobis it's rather hard to believe that we all are still here safely.
naruto: eeeeeeer
kakashi: well…thats when you get strong after learning more jutus and going through more trainings …A rank missions are for you.
Naruto: uh…true that but also…I gotta find a lot of things I want to protect!
Kakash: huh?
Naruto: that haku bro said…A human can be really strong when they want to defend something dear to them!
kakashi: …I see…and do you think so too? 
Naruto: yep…! I do…. after I saw the haku bro and zabza
Kakashi gives a bright smile.
Naruto: here here…kakashi-sensei ttebayo,
Now what do you think of this?
kakashi: think of what?

Edo-Haku is lying down. (starts collapsing)
Kakashi: I was glad that you 2 were naruto’s first enemy…
Zabzain arms against kakashi. Kakashi makes the seals to prepare raikiri
Kakashi: Maki, be at my back and prepare for your cloth binding till you see my cue!
Maki: yes sir!
Kakashi recalls the battle with zabza on the bridge

Kakashi: Zabza…you hesitated to kille Haku then…and you couldn't hide away your shock from haku's death …… 
Zabza closes in on Kakashi. Kakashi has a cut on the belly tommy which is bleeding .
Kakashi: but not anymore! You're a so called 'emotionless tool'. No more! Lets annul such a fight!

lil narut: here here…kakashi-sensei tebbayo, now what you think of this?
Kakashi: of what?
Naruto: uh. although they were enemies …somewhat somehow…I liked them
Kakashi: …!
Naruto: is it weird?
Kakashi with a smile: he heh…
Kakashi: (nah….cos so did I)

Kakashi pierces zabza's heart.
Kakashi: Ensui! Tie him down!!
Ensui: the cue!! ok! Hah!
Zabza starts to collapse
Kakashithe way you 2 died and your tears were…. the very epitome of the kizuna (bound) between you 2…)
Kakashi: me too have many gates to guard/premises to defend/ things to protect as a shinobi

Kabut looking at the Othello board:…! …shit…

84 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/01/20(木) 00:04:40 ID:+Fc8dFGqP

Kakashi: Zabza and Haku, the way they died is one of them as their last enemy was me…Naruto… what would you think of this?
zabza's sword drips blood. Haku is shedding tears of blood.
Haku's mirror breaks.
kakashi: Maki, do it
ShinobiA:! Th…this is
Shinobi B: the fog is clearing up…Good! Now we can see the enemy with our eyes!
Maki trusses up zabza and haku with cloth and do a fuin? Jutsu.
Maki: as far as this seal is there, kichiyose won't work! I'll keep these 2 bodies under my surveillance!
Kakashi: edotensei…the jutsu can't be forgiven…! Sai, next we use your sealing tech of the Root! Follow me!(kakashi has zabza's sword in his hand)
Sai: but…im yet to (use) that jutsu…
Kakashi: certainly danzo thought highly of you, perhaps!? No need to restrain your feelings anymore!! Well…me too is rather slow to heat up tho... this time the boiling point was low, which I haven't had for a long time.
The Copy ninja kakashi who has copied a thousand jutsus…! From here he is going to wreak havoc as the name he goes by!

White zatsus get a full nelson on Naji
Neji: they are too many!(these bastards…suck up chakra, do they…) jyu-kenpo(pliant martial art), ichigekishin(one stroke body?)!!!
white zetsus are blown off.
Kiba: one after another… there will be no fucking end!!
Neji: no whine, move!
Shino: each body(of zetsu) is tough and persistent! at this rate it's gonna be a war of attrition

Shinobi C: captain Kitsuchi! A message from the head quarter! Thousands bodies have passed through our feet.
Kuro-tsuchi: my Old man!
Ki-tsuchi: shut up!! I know it!

the transparent/invisible man wrapped in bandages (the second tsuchikage, Muu(nothing/naught)): suna's sensor… a contact type isnt it….well done in catching the second tuchi kage, Muu being here.

Gaara: here they come/it comes….

the scene of war shifts to where the supreme commander Gaara is!!
end★that's all for the chap

On the next issue, who is the astonishing dreadnaught gaara saw…!?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jan 21, 06:44:09
A 524. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 525. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 11 jan 26, 11:18:16
Forrás: mangahelpers
ohana szövegének nyers fordítása elsőre...

Gaara's daddy is summoned.
The Second Mizukage is summoned.
The Second Tsuchikage is summoned
The Third Raikage is summoned.

Hyūga clan is summoned.
Kinkaku Ginkaku is summoned. [a/n: this sounds like a wrong spelling of the Kinkaku Force. The kanji say Golden Tower Silver Status, 金閣銀格.]

Tsunade knows Dan has been summoned.
Something called a Kekkei Dōta (血継淘汰, Bloodline Selection) is introduced.
The Second Tsuchikage has a Kekkei Dōta.
The Third Tsuchikage has a Kekkei Dōta.
It gives the ability to create Jinton by manipulating Earth, Wind, and Fire.
It seems it's going to be the Second Tsuchikage vs. the Third Tsuchikage.

Gaara's daddy senses Gaara's chakra.

Zetsu appears at the Daimyō's place.
Oh, Dōta should be Tōta


I haven't read it carefully yet, but...

Kinkaku and Ginkaku are shinobi with the Raikage. [a/n: Kinkaku = Golden Horn. Ginkaku = Silver Horn. The Kinkaku Force was the group that killed the Second Hokage.]

Where's the Second Hokage? I can't sense him anywhere, while I'm sensing several kilometres ahead...

That's why I'm not sure if the Second Hokage has been summoned or not.

Konoha's Kinkaku
Part three:
Mū tries to sense the Second Hokage, it seems.

Several kilometres ahead... it says.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jan 27, 09:40:18
A 525. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 526. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 11 feb 02, 09:36:31
Forrás: mangahelpers
ohana szövegének nyers fordítása elsőre...(bár egy másik oldalon tök máshogy fordították azt egy kicsit lejjebb találjátok)

526 激戦!!ダルイ部隊!!
Fierce battle! Team Darui!

Daimyo of the Mist and Mizukage start moving

Zetsu starts moving towards Daimyo of the fire but

ゲンマが動き ゼツ地面に消える
Genma takes action and Zetsu disappears into the ground

ゼツ ココデハナカッタカ…
Zetsu: Doesn't look like it's here...

The five daimyo move to 5 different places at their set times and try not to get spotted by the enemy.

ゼツ コノ クロゼツノ能力甘ク見ラレタモダ… 全テノ地ハ オレソノモダ… 木に消えてく黒ゼツ
Zetsu: It seems they took my ability too lightly... All of the land is mine. Black Zetsu disappears into a tree.

ダルイ先頭を切り 大量の白ゼツに
Darui takes the massive amount of white Zetsu(this is plural ) head on.

「雷遁 黒斑差(クロパンサ)」雷を刻む術らしい。
He uses an attack called "Raiton Black panther" that is apparently a jutsu that cuts lightning.

Tenten is startinag to lose and throws a kunai.

Dan vs Chouji

Hiashi vs Hizashi

カンクロウの所に チヨバア キミマロ ハンゾウ ジャグミングって言ってたデブが来る
Chiyoba, Kimimaro, Hanzou and some fat guy named Jagming goes to Kankurou's place

デイダラ 助けてくれ!!
Deidara: Help me!!

The Tsuchikage goes to Gaara's place

The KinGin brothers fight Darui

ダルイ オレの嵐遁で一気にね! だるいっすけど!!
Darui: I feel bleh but I'll finish this off in one go with my Ranton! (he's making a pun off his name being Darui - bleh)

ugyan az a szöveg... csak ezt a derbeder rakta fel mangahelpersre linkelve(kydo fordítása).

zetsu starts to kill the daimyos guards
daimyo are shocked to see zetsu
switch to gaaras team
divided into two teams of kages
earth and wind
lightining and water
gaara meets with his dad
chapter ends with the 2 tsuchikages meeting on the battlefield
no naruto next week... probably
zetsu notifies madara of the daimyos position
madara decides to have him kill them since they are distracted with the war
sasuke is still shown in bandages
zetsu says something about helping sasuke to use his new eye??
sasuke notices his hew eyes and smiles
it seems kabuto is having trouble fighting with all the edos at the same time.
and can only focus on 1 group at a time
zetsu arrives to kill daimyo but it looks like its a trap and zetsu is cornered
ends with sasuke saying he has to capture it.. (prolly the 8 tails)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 feb 03, 11:27:11
A 526. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 527. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 feb 09, 11:23:47
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: Sasuke

posted by vered on nf
trans by shounensuki:

Samui and Atsui are sent to Darui as reinforcements
Kinkaku can use a technique with his gourd to steal his opponents' souls
While recording speech, the person recording the speech is sucked up

Atsui is male and has a slight resemblance to C
Gaara and the Tsuchikage aren't setting out
This time it's Kinkaku and Ginkaku vs. Darui, Samui, and Atsui

---------- Kiegészítés a fentihez:

Forrás: MH
Szerző: lee-nus

minor mistake here. it should be: "the person whose words are recorded is sucked in (into his gourd)".
also, both kinkaku and ginkaku use that technique (taking the souls of their opponents by recording their words/speech), not only the former.

will be interesting to see how that works...


Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: rajin

by takl on nf

It records a word/words and (then) sucks in the people who say the (same) word/words.

22 Atsui was saying it's Atui(hot)... i laughed

samui(cold) atsui(hot) and darui(dull)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 feb 09, 19:57:50
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED
Szerző: ?

Samui and Atsui are sent to Darui as reinforcements
Kinkaku can use a technique with his gourd to steal his opponents' souls
While recording speech, the person recording the speech is sucked up
Atsui is male and has a slight resemblance to C
Gaara and the Tsuchikage aren't setting out
This time it's Kinkaku and Ginkaku vs. Darui, Samui, and Atsui
"the person whose words are recorded is sucked in (into his gourd)".
also, both kinkaku and ginkaku use that technique (taking the souls of their opponents by recording their words/speech), not only the former.

will be interesting to see how that works...
"They use five ninja tools said to be the treasured tools of the Rikudō Sennin. They even managed to bring the Nidaime Hokage to the verge of death with them, but... the Kyūbi's chakra...? I hadn't heard they held that..."
This must be about the tools Kinkaku and Ginkaku use
Journey to the West also had the brothers wield five treasured weapons
A sword, a fan, a rope, a pot, and a gourd:
Red Gourd, Clean Bottle, Plantain Fan, Golden Rope, Seven Stars Sword.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: sojobo - 11 feb 10, 06:53:03
Status: Confirmed
Credit: Sho @NF

527 NGワード
527: Off Limit Words

The Cloud's Legendary Tag-Team!

銀 大先輩への口のききかたが気にいらねーな… すぐ黙らせてやる
Gin- "I don't like the way you speak to your great elders. It's time we shut you up."

金 仕方ねエ…どうやら随分と時が経ってる… 同胞でもオレ達の事を知らねーんだからよ
Kin- "It can't be helped. It would seem much time has passed since even though we're fellow villagers, you don't know about us."

ダルイ サムイさん… アツイ…
Darui: "Samui-san. Atsui..."

サムイ アナタ達が書物に出てくる本物の金角銀角なら同胞よばわりされたくないわね クールじ ゃないわ
Samui: If you two are the Kinkaku and Ginkaku from the books, "fellow villagers" are hardly something you could call yourselves. Cool*?"
[tn note: "Cool" is Samui's catch phrase]

アツイ おお…!いつになくクールな姉ちゃんが熱いじゃねーのよ!相当な奴らとみた!
Atsui: "Ooh! My cool big sister is uncharacteristically hot! These guys must be something!"

From Kinkaku's mouth, Ginkaku takes out shinobi tools

金 やるぞ銀角
Kin: "Let's do this, Ginkaku"

銀 おうよ金角!
Gin: "Got it, Kinkaku"

サムイ 間違いない…書物にあったあれが金角銀角兄弟の忍具!
Samui: "No mistake about it...just like what's in the books, those are the Kinkaku-Ginkaku brothers' shinobi tools!

人をしばり言霊を追い出す”愰金縄”(こうきんじょう)(字が違うかも。潰れてて見えない)!  言霊を斬っ て呪う”七星剣”! 言霊を録音し人を封じる”紅ヒサゴ”(ひょうたん)! 火水雷風土全ての 性質を巻き起 こせる”芭蕉扇”!
"Koukinjou" - which binds a person and expels their soul. And then severing the soul with a curse, the "Seven Star Sword"! "Benihisago" (Hyoutan) which records the soul, and seals the person. And "Bashousen" which is brought about by all the natures: fire, water, lightning, wind, and earth!"

アツイ ここはオレに!!
Atsui: "I'll handle it here!"

The white Zetsu assaults Darui's group

アツイ 雲流 火炎斬り!!
Atsui: Unryuu (Cloud Current) Kaen-kiri (Flame Cutter)!

The white Zetsu begins burning

アツイ ぎょうぎょうしい忍具みてーだが しょせん道具! オレ達の魂こもった熱い忍術にゃか なわねーぜ! !
Atsui: "All I see are overrated shinobi tools to me, after all they are just tools! It's no match for our spiritful hot ninjutsu!"

Atsui starts to jump

サムイ アツイ待ちな!クールに話しを最後まで…!
Samui: "Wait up Atsui! Be cool and until it's over don't-!"

ダルイ チイ…!熱すぎる!
Darui: "Tch! Too hot-headed!"

銀 どいつもこいつんもよく喋る… いいねえ… オレは一番後ろの奴をやる!
Gin: "The only thing people can do well around here is talk. Fine...I'll take care of the first one in the back!"

There's a tapping on a desk

ツナデ 落ち着け雷影 お前は総大将だぞ
Tsunade: "Calm down Raikage. You're the supreme commander."

雷影 …お前は金銀兄弟の恐さをしらんからだ 奴らは雲隠れの歴史において最悪の大罪人だ か つて木の葉と 同盟を結ぶ儀礼式の際 クーデターを起こして二代目雷影を二代目火影を騙し討ちした
Raikage: "...It's because you don't know the terror of the Kin-Gin brothers. Those guys are the worst sinners in the Hidden Cloud's history. They're the brothers who once joined into an alliance with Konoha and nearly brought about a coup d'etat, then back-stabbed both the Second Raikage and Second Hokage."

ツナデ 六道仙人の宝具と呼ばれる五つの忍具を操り 二代目火影を瀕死に追い込んだことまでは しってるが…  九尾のチャクラ…それを持っているとは聞いてなかった…
Tsunade: "I know that they control the 5 shinobi tools of what's called the Rikudou Sennin's Treasures, and that they even brought the Second Hokage to the verge of death, but...the Kyuubi's chakra, I didn't hear they possessed that."

雷影 昔… 一度雲隠れが九尾を捉えようとした事があったそうだ その時九尾に食われたのが金 銀兄弟らしい  だが腹の中で暴れ続ける二人にたまりかねた九尾は口から二人を吐きだしたそうだ 
それ以後二人は九尾のチャクラを宿してしまった なんせ二週間も九尾の腹にいたそうだ
Raikage: "It was a long time ago...happening when the Hidden Cloud once attempted to capture the Kyuubi. It's said that at that time, the Kin-Gin brothers were devoured by Kyuubi. However they caused such a ruckus inside its' stomach that Kyuubi,unable to put up with it any longer, vomited them out. After that, the Kyuubi's chakra was theirs. It's said that they were inside the Kyuubi's stomach for 2 weeks."

ツナデ 信じがたい話だな
Tsunade: "Hard to believe story."

雷影 宝具はただの人間には扱えぬ… アレらを扱うと大量のチャクラを吸い取られ普通のものは 死ぬ 九尾の チャクラを宿したバケモノのような輩以外はな
Raikage: "The Treasures can't be handled by just anyone. Such a great amount of chakra is absorbed in handling them that it would kill a normal person...excluding the monsters of my countrymen who housed the Kyuubi's chakra of course."

Kinkaku gets Atsui with a tackle punch

アツイ くそ!!
Atsui: "****!"

金 フン!
Kin: "Heh!"

Samui also gets attacked

サムイ (しまった!!)
Samui: (Dammit!)

ダルイ アツイ!サムイさん!大丈夫か!?
Darui: "Atsui, Samui-san! Are you alright?!"

銀角 よそ見してんじゃねーぞ!ガキ!
Ginkaku: "Don't be looking away, kid!"

Ginkaku stabs at Darui

銀角 交代だ金角!!
Ginkaku: "Switch over, Kinkaku!"

金角 了解だ銀角!!
Kinkaku: "You got it, Ginkaku!"

アツイ なかなか熱いパンチだぜ!今度は銀角のおっさんのほうか!
Atsui: "That was a pretty hot punch! I'll return the favor next time old man Ginkaku!"

銀角 しぼり出せ コウキンジョウ!!
Ginkaku: "Bind, Koukinjou!"

アツイ !?ぷ ええええ~~~~
Atsui: !? Bueeeeee~

Atsui and Samui's souls come out of their mouths

ダルイ (なんだありゃ!?)
Darui: (What the hell?!)

金角 この左手のコウキンジョウは触れた奴の言霊をしばり出す!
Kinkaku: Those whom the Koukinjou of my left hand touches have their souls brought out and binded!"

銀角 呪え 七星剣!!
Ginkaku: "Curse, Seven Star Sword!"

Ginkaku dismembers Atsui and Samui's souls from their mouths

七星剣には あつい クールという言葉が浮で出る
On the Seven Star Sword, the words "Hot" and "Cool" come out onto its surface

銀角 録音しろ!ベニヒサゴ!!
Ginkaku: "Record! Benihisago!"

あつい クールという言霊をベニヒサゴ(ひょうたん)に飛ばす
The "Hot" and "Cool" souls are transferred to Benihisago (Hyoutan)

銀角 さて…こっちはおわったぜ 金角
Ginkaku: "I'm all done on my end now, Kinkaku"

アツイ は!?何いってんだてめーは!!今度はこっちの番だ
Atsui: "Huh?! What the hell are you talking about! Now it's my turn!"

サムイ (やられた…)
Samui: (We're beaten...)

アツイ あつ…
Atsui: "Ho-"

Samui shuts up Atsui's mouth

サムイ 話を最後まで聞きなって言ったでしょ!いい…?これからうかつに喋らないこと
Samui: "Didn't I say not to ask anything until its over? Got it...? From now on we don't talk so carelessly."

アツイ !?
Atsui: !?

ダルイ どういう事だ!?
Darui: "What's the meaning of this?!"

サムイ 私達は呪印術と封印術にかけらた… 言霊を人質に取られたのよ 生まれて今までで”一 番多く口にし た言葉”を言ってしまうと… あのひょうたんの中へ吸い込まれてしまう
Samui: "We're caught up in a cursed sealing technique. Our souls were taken hostage by "the words that comes out of our mouths the most" from birth to the present ...they're absorbed inside of that Hyoutan."

銀角 よく知ってんじゃねーか 時代が経って色々バレちまってるみてーだな
Ginkaku: "You seem to know a lot. Looks like many things were released about us as time passed."

銀角、金角に七星剣を投げる 金角、七星剣に書かれた文字を確認
Ginkaku throws the Seven Star Sword to Kinkaku. Kinkaku confirms the inscription written upon the Seven Star Sword

ダルイ …一番多く口にした言葉がタブーだと…!?NGワードでゲームしてんじゃねーんだぞ…  だるい事し やがって!
Darui: "...So the word that comes out of your mouth the most is supposed to be taboo?! We playing an off-limits word game or somethin? Such a dull [tn: "darui"] thing to deal with!"

金角 (芭蕉扇 火の巻き)
Kinkaku: (Bashousen: Roll of Fire)

アツイ (何だ!?オレの一番多く口にした言葉って いったい何なんだア~~~!!?)
Atsui: (What?! What is that word that I say the most anyway~??!)

サムイ お前は考えなくても大体解るだろ…たぶん…
Samui: "Even if I don't tell you, you should know it well enough...probably..."

ダルイ !!
Darui: !!

アツイ !!
Atsui: !!

サムイ くっ!
Samui: "Kugh!"

The fire from Bashousen engulfs them

アツイ あ…あつい!!
Atsui: "H-hot!"

銀角 にやりと笑う
Ginkaku grins and laughs

サムイ バ…バカ!
Samui: "You...idiot!"

Atsui gets absorbed into Hyoutan with a distortion

サムイ アツイ!!
Samui: "Atsui!"

ダルイ チイ!
Darui: "Tch!"

Ginkaku takes Samui's back (pins her arms behind her)

金角 昔からこう言う ”沈黙は金”とな 口は災いのもとだ… なあ銀角
Kinkaku: "Back in the day we said 'silence is golden.' Your mouth is the cause of your ruin...isn't that right Ginkaku?"

銀角 ああ金角!ペラペラ喋ってるちこうなる… 言葉なんてのは嘘で人をだます為の道具だ
Ginkaku: "You said it, Kinkaku! Talking all the time ends you up like this. Words are meant to be tools to deceive people as lies."

ダルイ …言葉をバカにすっとビーさんに怒られるっスよ…
Darui: "...Bee-san would be pissed with you being so scornful of words."

銀角 ビーだあ?知るかそんな奴! 動けば女は殺す…これは嘘じゃねーぞ!
Ginkaku: "Bee, you say? And you expect me to know who that is huh! You move and the female dies...and this is not a lie!"

Ginkaku brings the sword in front of him

サムイ、覚悟を決める 目を閉じ涙を浮かべる
Samui resolves herself and closes her eyes, tears in her face

ダルイ すいません…サムイさん
Darui: "I'm sorry...Samui-san"

金角、ダルイに斬りかかる  が ダルイが金角のコウキンジョウを巻いてる左手を斬り落とす
Kinkaku stabs at Darui with the sword but Darui cuts off his left hand with Kinkaku's wrapped up Koukinjou

銀角 そうくるよな… さすが雲隠れの忍だ二人共
Ginkaku: "So that's how you do it I would expect from two shinobi from the Hidden Cloud"

ダルイ印を結んで 嵐遁 レイザーサーカス!!
Darui forms seals: Ranton: Laser Circus!

銀角 (速い… しかも誘導忍術か!?) レイザーサーカスが銀角に当たりサムイが離れる 斬 った金角の腕 がダルイに当たる
Ginkaku: (Fast...and its a guided ninjutsu!?) Laser Circus hits Ginkaku, freeing Samui. Kinkaku's cut-off arm hits Darui

銀角 いててて… (金角のやつ コウキンジョウをうまく当てたな)
Ginkaku: "Owww...(That Kinkaku...he got him with Koukinjou like a pro)

Darui's soul comes out of his mouth

銀角 まずはこっちだな 
Ginkaku: "The first one to go will be this one."

Samui gets put into Hyoutan with a warp

ダルイ !?(どういう事だ?何も言ってないのにサムイさんが吸い込まれた…!?)
Darui: !? (What the hell's going on?! Samui-san didn't say anything but she still got absorbed?!)

金角 呪え七星剣!!
Kinkaku: "Curse, Seven Star Sword!"

ダルイ (腕がもう再生してやがる…!!)
Darui: (His arm has already reformed!)

Kinkaku dismembers Darui's soul

銀角 録音しろベニヒサゴ!!
Ginkaku: "Record, Benihisago!"

ダルイ ハアハア(オレのNGワードは大体想像できる)
Darui: "HaaHaaa (You can just imagine the word that's off limits for me)

七星剣には だるい の文字が浮き出る
On the Seven Star Sword, the inscription "Darui" comes out on its surface

Be careful! Careless words from your mouth can be your last...!

The end

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 feb 10, 11:14:57
A 527. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 528. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 feb 16, 16:31:11
forrás: MangaHelpers
Verification: confirmed

No info on Hanta (TN: I'm sorry, is there a character called Hanta? I'm forgetful. I think she might be talking about HunterxHunter but I'm not sure). I have only browsed through (the magazine).

Darui realizes that he can't stay silent the whole time either.
So he talks about various things.
He remembers his convo with the Raikage. In that convo, the word "similarity" (ruiji) comes up.
Joining them together he gets the word "Da-rui" (TN: "rui" means type). Right before he gets sucked into the gourd he keeps saying "Sorry, sorry"
Instead of saying "darui" (TN: dull) repeatedly, he says "sorry" instead.
Darui doesn't get sucked into the gourd, he slashes at Ginkaku who then slams into Koukinjou. Darui steals the seven star sword and the gourd.
Ginkaku gets sucked into the gourd.
Kinkaku goes into a rage, and the chapter ends with him turning into Kyuubi-mode.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: sojobo - 11 feb 17, 06:41:34
Credits: Ohana
Source: 2ch ,
Verification: confirmed
ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E

Kinkaku get six tails.

He turn into Kyuubi's shape that looks like a black Pikachuu.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 11 feb 18, 12:08:12
A 528. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 529. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 feb 23, 12:01:17
forrás: MangaHelpers
Verification: confirmed

Naruto is training with bee. Naruto realizes the abnormality outside.

Word spreads in the HQ that Kinkaku has turned Bijuu. To suppress him, they need the last treasure. That thing (can't read the pot's name... something with "Amber (Kohaku)") is under Raikage's possession. The sacred treasure is sent to the battlefield using telepathy by Raikage's secretary.

Ino, Shikamaru, Chouji joins the battle. Chouji uses Nikudan-sensha on Kinkaku. Shikamaru uses Kagemane on him, but gets pulled because Kinkaku was too strong. Ino uses Shintenshin. Darui calls Kinkaku's name, to which Ino inside Kinkaku responds "YES!". Ino returns to her body. Kinkaku gets pulled into the pot.

Raikage's secretary's name is Mabui (meaning "bright" or "dazzling"... another pun). His jutsu is physical transportation of things at the speed of light.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: sojobo - 11 feb 23, 22:26:59
Credits: takL
Source: NF

Raikage: this is one of the treasure implements that have sealed 8b, "kohaku no (amber) jyohei(clarity jar)"
tunade: it's rather a pot than a jar
Raikag: unlike the gourd called beni-hisago, just with the target responding to the holders call this records the voice of the target and seals the target in.
shikaku: …
Raikag: only this one is taken from kin gin brothers...well send this to Darui to seal kinkaku!
Shikaku: but the war situation is tenser. to carry this, time is too pressing on us ~~
raikages secretary (mabui): ma Lord Raikage, its ready! It can be sent to darui anytime!
Raikage: mabui's nin-jutsu is the instant object transport that sends things at the speed of light. Thats way she became my secretary. i had her prepare the jutsu in case things like this should happen.
Tsunade: then again if it was their nin-tool they must know its how to deal with it.
All depend on how to make them respond and to seal them tho.  
Shikaku: this case, i have an idea
Raikage: we both have excellent people, dont we...Tunade
Mabui: tenso(heavenly transport)no jutsu!!#

the pot arrives at daruis place.
Darui:here it comes!

Spoiler translation
Credits: takL
Source: NF

inoichi: this jutsu won't last long! !
shikaku:i know!
Inoichi puts his hand on shikakus forehead.
shikaku:listen to me, shikamaru, choji, directly talking to your heads via inoichs jutsu
Now listen up carefully
Shikamaru choji ino: !!!
shikamaru choji and ino are running toward the spot to reinforce (darui's unit)

Tente: everyone 's done in and im alone...!

darui behind a rock: (so, how can i seal him with this?)
Kin: thats the kohaku no jyohei we used to possess. I see...they are up to seal me with it)
Darui: (...where hes gone?)
when kinkaku tries to attack (at darui) from behind kituchi punches at kinkakus flank.
Kitsuchi: sorry im late!
Darui: kitsuchi san
Shikaku: (darui, this is Shikaku @ the HQ speaking. Listen to me..)
Shinobi D: look! The reinforcements!
Kurotuchi: Gooooo!!
Shikamaru: (we're against the legendary monster who ended the 2nd hokage, kinkaku or whateva...! we're in a bothersome situation)
choji: somewhat im getting scared...)
Inohey... don't be sissy you boys....)
Shikaku: (a legend of the past tends to get fins and tails and frills and embellishments...and by going beyond it a new legend grows up! If they are with 9b power, were with the power of ino-shika-cho bond!! The chain of Ino-shika-cho is one of greatest legends in nin-jutsu if not the greatest! Be confident in yourselves!!)

spoiler translation

Credits: takL
Source: NF

Choza: (here they come!)
asuma sees shikamaru, choji and ino running
Tenten: another reinforcements!

Inoorry to be late..
Shikamaru: so he is....
choji dare you did this much...!
Darui: now for all at once backup !! Throw your kinais to death!
Kin: to hell with these copper nobodies!!
Hell lots of kunais fly. Kin defends himaslf with the tails
Choji: the nikudan(meat ball) tank!!!
Kin: U rat...
Kin flings choji down
Kagemane succeeded!
Kin like id be stuck in this for long...) vhooo!!
kin frees himself from Kagamane.
Tenten: kagemane got repelled!!
Kins tail is about to strike shikamaru~

spoiler translation

Credits: takL
Source: NF

シカマル ナイスタイミングだいの ....
金メッキ…剥がすことになっちまって すみませんね
the last two pages idol posted.


次週 シカマルに 師アスマが…!?


kinkaku and ginaku, concurred completely!!

next week, the teacher asuma to (the student) shikamaru...!?

the end of the chap★sir-say

somehow im excited ~!!(ohanas shout)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 11 feb 24, 11:02:03
A 529. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 530. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 márc 02, 10:03:52
forrás: MangaHelpers
Verification: confirmed

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 márc 02, 17:10:40
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 márc 02, 17:46:39
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED

szééép RAW :)))

és itt az angol is :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 márc 02, 22:06:54
A 530. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 531. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: naruto96ricsmond - 11 márc 09, 06:25:16
Szerző:W. Yee

Mifune and Hanzo stare at each other, while Kimmimaro, chiyo and chukichi appear next to hanzo
Hanzo: "a samurai from the land of iron, what hopes do you have of defeating me?"
mifune: "samurais dont get involved with the affairs of ninjas, so not many ninjas would know what we can do. dont underestimate me"
Hanzo: "chukichi, is there anyone else backing them up, we dont need anymore suprises"
Chukichi: !! "i can't sense anyone?! Someone is jamming my jutsu again"
bugs start appearing from the bushes and fly around the area. Shibi, shino, sakura, lee and other samurai appear behind mifune
Shibi: "Muta's bugs warned me about your sensing capabilities before he was killed. Shino, help me remove the poison"
chiyo: "sakura, hurry up and defeat us, no one should ever use a technique like this"
sakura: "chiyo baa-sama, sorry to do this"
Lee: "im alot stronger now! lets have a rematch!"
Both sides jump at each other.
Tenten jumps onto the water and runs behind a rock to pick up the banana palm fan.
Tenten: "This is one of the legendary treasures! ive only read about these! i'll take this one with me, i might be able to use it porperly later"
She pulls out a scroll and begins writing the summoning seal
Tenten: !!
5 zetsus suddenly jump at her
Neji and Hinata: "8 trigrams rotation!"
Tenten: "thankyou neji, hinata"
Neji: "quickly finish, we'll watch your back"
Tenten: "im writing as fast as i can"
Hinata: "neji nii-san! lord hizashi at your 7 o'clock"
Neji: !
Kabuto: "hmm... both kinkaku and ginkaku are gone, reinforcements must have arrived, i guess i dont need to hold back anymore"
Dan: "please forgive me chouza, im starting my transformation"
chouza (in thought to inoichi): "inoichi, dan has begun his transformation, we cant put the barrier up in time!"

back in hq

Inoichi: (to tsunade) "tsunade sama, dan has begun his transformation into his ghost form!"
Tsunade: "damn it!, we must stop him, inform shizune, she should be able to stop and reverse some of his transformation and hold him off, she is his niece, she knows how to do deal with him"
raikage: "what is so special about this transformation?"
tsunade looks at her open palms, remembering her attempts to stop the bleeding. she clenches her fists.
tsunade: "his ability enables him to transform into a ghost like zombie. he cannot be touched or injured in that state by genjutsu or normal taijutsu and ninjutsu, only with nintaijutsu that utilises chakra in there attacks can stop him. shizunes medical traning and chakra control is what makes her able to stop him (hopefully)"
Inoichi: "ive contacted shizune, she's moving to division 1"
tsunade: "good. tell others around him to stand back when she arrives, his jutsu allows him to pass though humans, thus u must avoid all attacks. Once he passes though a persons stomach, where the central chakra system is, he can disable the chakra network and drain a huge amount of chakra. and with low chakra, those bodies will collapse of fatigue and become easy targets"
tsunade looks out the window and stares at the clouds slowly moving towards the battlefield at the beach
Asuma freezes and notice hs is caught by shikamarus shadow bind jutsu
asuma: "its you guys! youve grown up quite a bit"
shikamaru: "thankyou for everything, we are strong all thanks to you"
chouji looks down at the ground: "sorry to do this asuma sensei"
asuma: "i'm glad you guys are here, (smiling) who else would be able to stop me? "

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 11 márc 09, 12:38:05
Hitelesség: CONFIRMED

Ohanától jött szöveg is és íme az első adag fordítása:

Growing during the turmoil of the war, Asuma Team : Gathering.
Chapter 531 : Asuma Team's reunion.

Shikamaru : We're already resolved to this. Master, you'd better prepare yourself too.
Asuma : Chouji, Ino, Shikamaru. You three grew up pretty fine.
Shikamaru : Yeah ... Thanks to you.
Shikamaru : Ino, Chouji. Let's charge Asuma full speed !


Kankuro : Saved !
Samurai A: We're late.
Kankuro : Be careful, he's a poison user.
Samurai A: We already have masks. So he can't use this poison of his.
Samurai B : Good job, Officer Kankuro. Here's a counter poison medecine. Have the members of the Ambush Team tranported to the Healing Team right away !
Samurai A: Mifune-sama !

Mifune : You'd better not try to help me. If you don't want to die by entering my attack range area, that is.

Hanzou : Mifune ? Why are you ally with ninjas ? You always followed the anciens codes. This is not like you. A Samurai with no loyality devoted to no master, involved with ninja business ? And you call yourself a Samurai ?

Mifune : I'm not involved in ninja business. My loyalty and devotion is the same. That was like that in the past, and in the present. It's just ...
Hanzou : Mifune ... You're attacking while keeping a distance from ninj as ?
Mifune : That's for harmony.
Hanzou : Harmony ?
Mifune : My Loyalty goes to harmony, such is the Samurai rule.
Kankuro : Chiyo-sama !
Chiyo : No, I'm wasn't playing dead this time. You know what tha means, Kankuro.
Kankuro : What the ...
Chiyo : More importantly, Hanzou uses a poisonous Salamander. Since the war. So I already have a list to make a counter poison. And I know that a salamander need 5mn to accumulate enough poison to use it.
Hanzou : Fucking old hag ! Shut yer trap !

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 márc 09, 21:48:49
A 531. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 532. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 márc 15, 12:43:07
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED (?) Ismerve az elmúlt napok történéseit, illetve tekintve, hogy még csak kedd van, szerintem bánjunk vele óvatosan.

credits: ohana & kanpyo7
source: 2ch & NF
verification: confirmed
579 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/03/15(火)



Rough trans by kanpyo7:
More flashbacks from Hanzou and Mifune's past fight.
Hanzou commits seppuku(?!)

Ino-Shika-Chou VS Asuma
Something about Chouji struggling to dodge his attacks and Shikamaru trying to think of a counterattack.

credits: ohana & saladesu
source: 2ch & MH
verification: confirmed

Flashback of Hanzou vs Mifune fight in the past
Hanzou commits Seppuku (suicide)

Ino-Shika-Chou vs Asuma
Shikamaru sees an opening and gives Chouji an order to attack
Chouji is unable to attack
"Asuma, evade!" he says as he counterattacks.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kakesz - 11 márc 16, 16:05:55
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED


Mifune Vs Hanzou, Final Round.

Mifune : You don't remember me, all right. But it seems you don't even remember our past fight.


Mifune's sword is destroyed.
Hanzou slash him and Mifune bleed from his head.

Hanzou : This is the poison of the Salamander. Of course, my weapon is poisoned too.
Mifune : Ugh
Hanzou : I'll tell you why people call me "Hanzou of the Salamander". As a souvenir you will take with you to hell.
In my village there is a black salamander that can create mortal toxical poison.

Mifune : !?

Hanzou : I was a child When it died. I embedded his poison bag. It's right here. ( Left side of his stomach ) so I can be immune to his poison.
And I can poison my surrounding just by breathing.

Shikamaru : Stop being a slowpoke, Chouji. Pull yourself together.
Ino : He's coming !
Asuma : Shikamaru ! Use Shadow Mimic on Chouji to capture me !
Shikamaru : That's what I'm planning. ( Kage Mane no Jutsu ! )

Shikamaru manage to capture Asuma by using Chouji's shadow.

Shikamaru : Now, Chouji !

Asuma : (Perfect !)

Chouji uses Partial Multi-Expansion Jutsu on his hand and goes for Asuma's face but stops his gigantic
fist just before hitting Asuma's face.

Asuma : What the HELL are you doing Chouji ?

Shikamaru : Chouji ! Come on !

Ino : Chouji ...

Chouji : I can't. I just can't. I'm unable to knock down and hit Asuma. I can't do that.

Asuma : Chouji ! ( Asuma roundhouse kick and blow off chouji )

Asuma : DODGE ! Fuuton : Fuujin no Jutsu ( Wind Style : Dust Blast Technique )

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 márc 16, 16:09:00
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED





Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 11 márc 17, 13:45:26
A 532. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 533. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 márc 30, 10:46:02
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 márc 30, 20:10:37
A 533. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 534. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 ápr 06, 08:57:33
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED

Butterfly-Chouji sends Asuma flying
Asuma commends him
Ino and Shikamaru participate as well
Shikamaru brings down Asuma with the chakra blades
Asuma gives the three of them high praise
Asuma dies in peace

Naruto senses something bad happening
He runs off lying about having to use the bathroom
Bee: "I'll tell you where the bathroom is."
Hachibi: "Stop him!!"

A big group of lookout guards appear before Naruto
Shino's dad starts to explain what's going on (not positive about this translation)
Iruka shows up


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 11 ápr 07, 05:11:12
A 534. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 535. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: gt12 - 11 ápr 13, 09:58:51
Hitelesség: Confirmed/megerősített
Forrás:「ナルトネタバレ」-naruto-535-spoilers/ (「ナルトネタバレ」-naruto-535-spoilers/)

Naruto goes thru with full force.
He goes Sennin Mode and then RS Mode.
Naruto rush to the battlefield.

Iruka manages to stop him all right.
But Naruto goes thru with full force
The nara dude use Shadow Bind on Naruto
When looking at the shadow, Naruto can sense everyone fighting.
Naruto wants to know the truth
Iruka tells him everything.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 ápr 13, 12:03:26
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED

353 : Iruka's persuasion
To Naruto he is the strongest barrier.

Naruto : Iruka-sensei, what are you doing on this remote island ?
Iruka : Hehe ... We came here because we were given the mission to come and assist. This island was in
big danger, or so I heard.

Naruto : Then ... Why can't I go outside ?
Iruka : Unknown beasts and animals appeared here, we must get a fix on who they are and ...

Naruto : I felt the Kyuubi's chakra outside, is this related to what you're talking about ?

Gen : Did he felt Kinkaku and Ginkaku's chakra in the Sealed Room ? We're in a load of trouble if he goes outside.
We have to stop him at all cost. You have to fool him, Iruka !

Iruka : Huh ... Yeah. There are beasts that possess Kyuubi's chakra, it seems. On this island, animals that possess Kyuubi's chakra
aren't that rare. If you go out, they will communicate with your Kyuubi go berserk, we can have that.
So please, stay inside.

Naruto : Is that why Captain Yamato didn't return ?

Iruka : Yes, you know that the Mokuton can somehow control Kyuubi's chakra, of course.

Naruto : ...

Iruka : Then ... come with me inside.

Naruto : I remember that Motoi said that Bee managed to tame all the beasts here and he became their king.
I remember the fist greeting. He didn't lie.

If animals go berserk, I can restrain them. Let me try.

Iruka, Nara dude and Gen : ...

Naruto goes Sennin Mode and start to dash thru Iruka and the others.

Nara dude : Naruto must go outside !

Akimichi guys : Right ! *they're appear right in front of Naruto*

Sage Naruto attack the Akimichi guys. Both Akimichi are seen flying outside the Waterfall of truth. Naruto's foreheard protector is blown off.

Naruto retrieves his foreheard protector.

Nara dude : Yes. I got him with Shadow Bind.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 ápr 13, 13:22:23
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 ápr 13, 19:14:00
itt már fent van a raw :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 ápr 13, 20:30:51
A 535. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 536. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Dani - 11 ápr 20, 12:26:01
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Confirmed

Iruka is very solemn after NAruto left for the battlefield.
Then B appears.
Iruka asks B to "please [take care of] Naruto".
Entrusted with this, B runs off.
Hachibi tries to stop him by saying they'll be lariatted by the Raikage again, but spurs him on as he learns of the actual fighting.

The Raikage tells Tsunade that the Kyūbi wasn't stopped.

Barrier team 34? 36? creates a barrier
Naruto arrives.
The barrier doesn't break down.
Then B apppears.
B and Naruto vs the barrier team.
They are easily defeated and B and Naruto head towards the battlefield.

Zetsu senses B and Naruto's chakra as they emerge from the island.
He reports this to Madara through the ground.
The daimyō are getting bored of playing hanafuda. Then White Zetsu attacks... and is stopped by the Mizukage.

Chouji, Darui and the rest make the White Zetsu army hold their breath in tension.
Tenten uses to Bashōsen to cut [with] chakra.(not clear this one).

From behind: "Kuchiyose no Jutsu"
The one summoning is Madara.
What was summoned was the Gedō Mazō? Well, probably(ohana words).

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 ápr 20, 12:35:47
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED




Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: naruto96ricsmond - 11 ápr 20, 15:16:00
itt még több kép található

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: LordHidan - 11 ápr 20, 17:24:24

itt a chibaku tensei és a többi képen eddig csak tobit látok

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 11 ápr 21, 09:49:53
A 536. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 537. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 ápr 30, 15:37:51
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED






Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 ápr 30, 15:46:49
Hitelesség el.: CONFIRMED


The shinobi team tries to fight Madara's statue but they can't do much about it. Madara is apparently there to steal the remains of Kinkaku and Ginkaku so that he can use their Kyuubi chakra for the statue. After getting a hold of them he disappears and the shinobi team is left planning a new strategy for the following day. Meanwhile the Headquarters are informed that Naruto and Killerbee are heading to the battlefield. The Raikage plans to go stop them in person, possibly taking Tsunade with him.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 ápr 30, 19:45:29
A 537. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 538. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Hiei D. Legend - 11 máj 05, 19:05:02
Töröltem a hozzászólásodat, de legközelebb inkább hagyd bent. Ha fake ha nem. Nem kell foglalkozni mások véleményével.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 máj 11, 08:48:32
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED

Csak nem béke lesz?:P

csak úgy dőlnek a képek :) :

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 máj 11, 09:01:00
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: MH

Chouji: I'm sorry, Shikamaru...
Shika: Don't worry... You're no good with this type of thing... It's a pain for me too...

Iruka: Then... next up, Uzumaki Naruto! And, Uchiha Sasuke. Come forth, the both of you!

*Girls go wild*

Ino (?): Sasuke kuuuuun! Go for it!
Sakura: This guy's got nothin on you! Hell yeah!!

Naruto: Who is this guy? Actin' all cool!
Dammit! I'll beat up this popular guy and the I'll be popular, yeah!

Chapter: Cross examination
Caption: Kyuubi's sudden appearance! What are his intentions?!

Kyuubi: I have always been inside you, watching you, but...
Naruto, you were always too soft!

Naruto: With my chakra, things have been taked back to how they were a bit.
But isn't this rare, Kyuubi! For you to come to me to talk like this!
I get that you're lonely and need someone to talk to, but...
I'm busy right now. Call back later, will you!

Kyuubi: You don't understand shit!
Are you saying there's any damn chance you can stop people's hatred??!
War has already begun!
Casualties must be high too!
That hatred, too...
From the beginning, that Sasuke who always used to be by your side has been surrounded by it!
But was there anything you could do about him??!
That day... yes, that day you should have realized!

Naruto: You're the one who's too soft!!!

Kyuubi: How can you be so bent on saving Sasuke, when there's nothing you can do about it?!

Naruto: If I were to question my own decisions, it would be over!
I'll do something about Sasuke and show ya!
And I'll do something about the war too!!

Caption: Naruto is self-confident!
He's not giving in to Kyuubi's whispering!!

Translation for the 1st 6 pics:

Page 1
Text: The unexpected appearance of Kyuubi! What is his aim...?!
Chapter 538: Cross-examination

Kyuubi: I've always been here inside you, and I've always come to see you but.../What you always are, Naruto, is naive.
Naruto: You've reverted back a little bit to your original self with my chakra/ But this is a bit unusual for you Kyuubi, YOU being the one coming to talk to me/
Naruto: I understand you finally got a bit lonely and want someone to chat with and all/ But save it for later cause right now I'm busy!

Page 2
Naruto: Don't you keep on taking me lightly!

Page 3
Sign: Ninja Academy

Kid 1: Go!
Kid 2: Good luck!

Naruto: I wonder who I'll go up against?/ Hm, which one of these guys will be it?!

Page 4

Chouji: Sorry Shikamaru.
Shikamaru: It's alright. You were just out of your element there...and I was a handful too.

Iruka: A~~nd next we have up Uzumaki Naruto!/ ...As well as Uchiha Sasuke. Step up you two!

Girl 1: Sasuke-kun!
Girl 2: Sasuke-kun!

Ino: Good luck Sasuke-kun!
Sakura: Beat the crap outta him! Shannaro!

Naruto: What's up this guy being so cool! Dammit! If I beat this popular guy, I'll be popular!

Page 5

Naruto: Hmph!
Sasuke: We doing this or what, loser!
Iruka: Ey hey! That's enough you guys!

Kid 1: Naruto is the worst of the worst!
Kid 2: What the hell's up with him?!
Naruto: Bleh!

Page 6

Naruto: You're the one who's naive!
Kyuubi: Why do you possess such boldness, despite not having saved Sasuke?
Naruto: Once I resolved myself, any doubts I had were over! I'll show you, I'll do something about Sasuke, and I'll deal with this war!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: kushina - 11 máj 11, 16:38:47
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: MangaHead

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 máj 11, 17:30:43
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: MangaHead


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: naruto96ricsmond - 11 máj 11, 17:33:24   

Itt megtalálható a teljes manga kínai változata...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 máj 11, 17:40:04
A 538. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 539. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 máj 18, 10:02:25
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: MangaHead

Translation for first spoiler script:

Probably not completely accurate. Chapter title is "Night of Blood"

Naruto says one day he wants to get rid of the Kyuubi's hatred too. Kyuubi tells him to not get cocky.

Neji has trouble standing from overusing the Byakugan.
Kiba tells him to go see the medical squad.

The medical squad is in chaos when Neji shows up.
Something about a suspicious man appearing and healing Neji? The wording is extremely vague.

Nagato and Itachi talk about Akatsuki and their eyes.

Three jounin medical squad members are killed.
Neji looks around with his Byakugan.
The medical squad is treating patients like normal.

The suspicious man passes a love letter to Sakura.
Sakura says she already has someone she likes.

Neji enters the room where people are being treated.
Neji questions some members of the squad, and suddenly kills (or just injures) them.

Translation for itachi and nagato convo:

長門 アンタどこまで暁の事を知ってた?
Nagato: Just how much did you know about Akatsuki?
イタチ お前よりは知ってたつもりだが…
Itachi: More than you did, I'm sure.
長門 フッ…結局オレもアンタも人に利用された忍だ… お互い持っているこの強すぎる瞳力のお かげでな…  今回も…術者に後回しで動かされている
Nagato: Hmph. You and I both ended up as shinobi used by others...and we owe it all thanks to these overwhelmingly powerful ocular powers* of ours. Even this time, the operator saves us for later.
*tn note: douryoku
**tn note: "operator=(Edo Tensei) jutsu user=Kabuto"
イタチ ペイン… お前の六道の力・輪廻眼とオレの万華鏡写輪眼・ この二つの瞳力さえあれば ほぼなんでも できると言っていい… 術者の奴はこのタイミングでオレの幻術の力を利用するつもりだ
Itachi: Pain, as long as we have those two ocular powers - the powers of your Six Paths and my Mangekyou Sharingan- it's safe to say we can do almost anything. As for the operator, with this timing, [he] intends to use my genjutsu powers
長門 イタチ… 確かにお前は暁において闇の中の忍だったからな
Nagato: Itachi...being in Akatsuki, truly you were a shinobi locked in darkness

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 máj 18, 11:42:58
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zer0 - 11 máj 18, 16:31:45 itt még több kép van...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 máj 18, 17:21:46
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 máj 18, 20:59:33
A 539. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 540. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 11 máj 25, 10:30:53
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 máj 25, 11:25:19
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Quick translation:

The Neji in the medical tent is a White Zetsu. Sakura saw through the technique.

There are also several other White Zetsus attacking other units under the cover of darkness.

Bee and Naruto are stopped by the Raikage and Tsunade.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 máj 25, 12:30:42
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED



Sakura uses tonton the pig to discover Neji is actually white Zetsu

Itachi and Nagato discuss how to kill Madara

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 máj 25, 14:27:10
A 540. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 541. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 jún 01, 11:04:36
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: lebih007

The color pages are probably in a bathing place, a hot spring or sth. Chouji and Shino stay a bit further from the gang.
Of course girls are in a separate place
The chapter...
Naruto tells Raikage that there's nothing he can do to stop him.
In response Raikage tells him, that if there's nothing then he will kill him.
Raikage attacks for real and as Tsunade wants to interfere, Bee stops them.

Something abt Sasuke stabbing Zetsu from behind

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  CONFIRMED
Szerző: bibo


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 jún 01, 16:26:37
Kijött a teljes manga angolul, de inkább ebbe a topicba linkelem. Remélem nem baj:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jún 01, 18:23:44
A 541. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 542. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jún 08, 12:35:02
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: emperor 69

by shounensuki:

Quote Quote:
A conversation between the previous Hachibi jinchūriki and A.
Can B cope with living as a jinchūriki?
Didn't the previous previous [jinchūriki] die because the seal failed?

The previous jinchūriki does.

A coup d'etat? is staged in Kumogakure.
A and B vs. several Kumogakure people.
B is brought down.

Shortly after:
Konoha (Minato) vs. Kumogakure (A & B)
A begins, exchanges blows with Minato.
B changes into his bijū form for a bit.
The Konoha army gets scared.
Konoha retreats.

Minato: "Quick, if you don't recognise B , he'll become neither jinchūriki nor human."
He says only this before leaving.

Shounensuki thought:

Quote Quote:
I think B might not have been able to control the transformation yet
Hence why Minato said A had to do something to prevent B from completely losing it

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 jún 08, 16:06:05
Kint az új fejezet angolul!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jún 08, 22:26:08
A 542. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 543. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 jún 15, 11:10:46
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: kulisaya

Raikage continues his flashback!

Raikage found out 4th Hokage's Flying Thunder God's weakness, which are locations of those special kunais.
Raikage suited himself with these kunais' locations and feinted 4th Hokage while observing the kunais around him.

4th Hokage used Flying Thunder God and disappeared.
He reappeared at Bee's back.






Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jún 15, 11:58:30
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH

( előző spoiler folytatása)

by Deadly Monk NF

Flashback ends after the fight with the 4th. Bee tells Naruto he'll take care of raikage. Bee wins a lariat battle against Raikage, that's how the chapter ends.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 jún 15, 13:16:59
itt a RAW... bár kétlem h ez az egész lenne o.O

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 jún 15, 17:45:29
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Szerző: -

i’ll translate what vered requested,the fight between raikage vs killerbee and naruto.
naruto tries to attack raikage while raikage is having flashbacks.
Naruto:now is the moment to strike!
raikage realized and punch naruto back.
Naruto: damn! he’s too fast!
naruto tries to pass through raikage another time but raikage keeps up and punch naruto back again.
killerbee helps naruto by trying to lariat raikage.
Raikage: u really think ur lariat can defeat me?
raikage hits bee’s back with his elbow.bee tries to hold raikage with his tentacles to stop raikage attacking naruto.
raikage: what are u doing bee?!?!?!
bee: dont u understand yet brother?u stupid motha ****a!
naruto:thank you bee san!
raikage grabs bee’s tentacles and throws bee at naruto when naruto tries to escape and they collide.
Raikage: Hokage! come over here and help me!
slug:tsunade sama..
Tsunade: …..
tsunade thinks back about naruto saying he will become hokage one day and that’s why he will not die.
tsunade walks towards naruto and bee.
raikage: what the **** are u doing?have u already find an excuse for doing this now?
tsunade: Even if u kill naruto now,i dont believe the next kyuubi jinchuriiki can control the kyuubi as good as naruto now! for now,it doesnt really matter which side i choose to stand!after all,we’re in war! we should let them use their full strength to defeat the enemy!
tsunade: i choose to be on naruto’s side!i’ll let him pass!
naruto: this excuse is too great!although i shouldnt say it’s an excuse!this should be the grandma i used to know!
raikage:….hokage..arent u doing the same thing now?making ur own decisions without the agreement of the alliance!what makes u so sure naruto will fullfill his prophecy?!
killerbee tries to attack raikage with lariat again.
Raikage: i told u.ur lariat is useless against me!
killerbee uses his right hand lariat against raikage.raikage tries to hit back bee with his right hand but was stopped by killerbee’s left hand.
Bee: u underestimated my power when u became the raikage u motha ****a!
raikage thinks back when the third raikage passed away.
Bee : where’s ma bro?
fodder ninja: he broke that wall and walked out.walked through that wall and u’ll probably see him.
bee: dont cry anymore bro!from today onwards u’re raikage now!
Raikage: i know!as raikage,i must protect the country and village!this is also my father’s will. Bee! from now on,u’ll have to practice ur bijuu bomb inside the eight tails chamber(i’m not sure what’s the name of the chamber.)i wont let u get a chance to encounter the enemy anymore!
Bee: then what about my lariat?
raikage: u dont need to use ur lariat anymore!u’ll just have to use ur bijuu bomb to attack enemies at far distances!listen carefully!from now on,u’re not allowed to leave the village!

both kumo’s push each other away.
raikagenerd Naruto 543 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 543 Raw Scanee,u and naruto are very important jinchuriikis! u r very special to the village and country.that is why i dont allow u guys to pass through!it doesnt mattter if jinchuurikis are powerful,all the other 7 are already sealed!
bee: naruto and i are very confident that we can do it because we understand ourselves! (bee charges towards raikage with lariat)
raikage: FINE! then let’s see who’s lariat is stronger! (raikage charges up his chakra and turns to V2)
almost colliding,killerbee thinks back that he told raikage that one day his lariat will be stronger then the raikage and will be above his brother,A.
both hit each other with lariat,showing funny faces.
killerbee throws raikage back with lariat sending him directly to the ground.
naruto: that’s…powerful!
killerbee: naruto and i not only possess the bijuu’s powers,we also have strong bodies!before i got the 8 tails,u told me something that made me never give long as that word still exist,i will always get stronger.
raikage remember what the past jinchuuriki told raikage about giving the jinchurikki something important…
raikageconfused Naruto 543 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 543 Raw Scano that’s what he’s been talking about..
raikage thinks back what he told bee.
BEE,u’re someone that’s important to me because we are the strongest tag team partners!
raikage:could it be what i told u at the waterfalls?
bee: u just realized it now?u motha ****a!it seems that it’s my turn to teach u!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cassco - 11 jún 15, 19:00:40
feketén fehéren...  :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jún 22, 09:12:42
544. fejezet

Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: emperor 69

Credits: UchihaSage
Source: NF


naruto has become the yellow flash
what a surprise, naruto teaches raikage about faith (translator's opinion:- tnj strikes again)
madara uses the jinchuriki to create a new Pain. (yugito etc)


Forrás: 2ch / NF
Szerző: Ohana / UchihaSage
Hitelesség: Megerősített

taihen da!! (it's bad!!)
madara has created a brand new pain

everyone, he has equipped rinnegan and sharingan
(sharingan has a typo, wrong kanji)
右目 写輪眼
right eye, sharingan
左眼 輪廻眼
left eye, rinnegan

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 jún 22, 11:00:18
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH

Seems like Shikaku figures out how to deal with Zetsu and at the end of the chapter it says that the second day of the war is beginning.

The Raikage uses his lightning armour and attacks Naruto, but Naruto blocks his attack just in time, I think. This makes B and Tsunade say he's just like a/the yellow flash.
The Raikage says Naruto is the second person to have blocked his fastest punch
And this convinces him the saviour still lives as Naruto

I'd say it says something about Naruto's relfex speed

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 jún 22, 11:37:14
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahead

The Allied Shinobi Forces have been sent into an uproar by the white Zetsus...!!

Katsuyu: Wouldn't it be best to let Raikage-sama and Tsunade-sama know about this situation?
Shikaku: No... We were entrusted this task, so we will see to it ourselves. I want the two of them to focus on stopping Naruto and Bee-dono
Katsuyu: About that... Tsunade-sama has already...
Shikaku: I'm looking at some new data now! I have to hurry and formulate a plan! Let me concentrate!
Katsuyu: ...

Katsuyu sitting on Tsunde's shoulder: ...

A lariat explosion that's full of emotion!!
544 The Two Suns!!

Raikage: You are a special person to me... I did indeed say... That we were the strongest tag team... Are you telling me that just those words... That just those words allowed you to become so strong?
Bee: I don't exist just for our village or our country! I exist also for you, brother. But if brother were to try and protect me, that'd be just too worrisome ♪ Every time, losing faith in my strength ♪ If I become a Jinchuuriki, I'd lose a lot of things and that made my heart sad ♪ But that's precisely why the things I don't want to lose shine so bring to me and make my heart sparkle ♪ The fact that I'm a bijuu isn't the only reason for my strength, Okay!? If the things in me even before the bijuu was put in me were to shine, they'd shine as bright as the sun, it's important to realize that ♪ And therein lies my strength, that's roughly what I've realized ♪ And that's exactly why I'm confident I'm the only one capable of controlling the eight tails ♪ In Naruto too, exists that sun ♪ And to top it off there're two of them and that's innovative ♪

Raikage: ...!?
Tsunade: ...?
Naruto: ... That's right... It might indeed look like a sun
Raikage: Uzumaki Naruto... What are these two suns within you?
Naruto: My dad and my mum!!
Raikage: Your father and mother... The Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina? ... But I'm certain that they passed away as soon as you were born
Tsunade (He said it was when he was learning to control the Kyuubi's chakra... And also when Naruto turned into the kyuubi during the war against Pain, the jutsu on the seal came into play and Minato appeared and helped him... I did think he wouldn't be a man who'd die just like that!)
Naruto: When I attained the power of the Kyuubi, I was able to meet Dad and Mum! There was some chakra inserted so that when I opened the seal of the Kyuubi, I would be able to meet Mum. They did that for me!
Raikage (The Fourth Hokage had learnt the special sealing techniques of the Uzumaki Clan... Plus Kushina's strong chakra and life force... He might not be lying after all...)
Tsunade (I knew it!)
Naruto: When I received this power, Mum told me everything. Dad once fought against that same masked man... And there were two things he was sure of back then. The first was that... This masked man would definitely bring calamity, that's what he said. And the second thing was that it would be me, having controlled the Kyuubi's power as a jinchuuriki, that would stop that from happening.
Raikage (A masked man... That must be Madara... So that Kyuubi incident in Konoha was indeed Madara's doing after all...)
Tsunade (So Minato sealed the kyuubi in Naruto, and even left the key to open that seal, all for this purpose! Indeed, he was not someone who would do things without reason... In other words, he had determined that this masked man... That Madara was a great threat. An enemy who could not be defeated unless it was by someone who had the Kyuubi's power under his control... And that's why he put it in Naruto...!)
Raikage: So you're saying that Minato... Left everything to you? And that he himself wasn't the savior...
Naruto: I don't know if Dad ever thought of himself as the savior or not, but my Master told me that Dad was to be the Promised Child... The savior
Raikage: Do you remember what you just said? That savior, Minato has died... Are you saying that it was not a failure?
Bee: ...
Naruto: ... It is true that Dad died... He protected Konoha from that enemy and from the Kyuubi along with Mum! He protected me! ... It was just for a moment... But in that short time, they gave me something... Something truly great. They made me believe that I can do this!! Even the savior has left this to me!!
Raikage: ...
Tsunade: Raikage! If you kill Naruto to delay the plans of the enemy, the Kyuubi will definitely be taken this time! And then the world will surely end! It's because he's Naruto that he's able to control the Kyuubi! It's exactly as Minato believed! If you let Naruto go, you would in turn be protecting everyone, all the shinobi!! I'm willing to place my bets on Naruto!!! And you!?
Bee: Me too, idiot! Bastard! I'm an idiot just as Brother said I was ♪ And Naruto who's here right now is an idiot too, what a nuisance ♪ But there's no doubt that it'd take a fool who doesn't consider the strength and size of the barrier to accomplish this task, yahoo ♪
Raikage: ...
Raikage suddenly tackles Bee, Bee is sent flying
Bee: Guah!!
Raikage is clad in thunder
Bee (He's in his maximum state!! DOes he really mean to kill Naruto? This was unexpected!)
tsunade: He's still the same naughty child as before! This time I will participate in this fight!
Naruto (I won't let you get Granny involved in this!)
Naruto gets far away from Tsunade
Super Raikage: Here we go, Naruto!
Naruto: I have lots of things entrusted to me so---

Super Naruto is about to land a punch on Naruto's face but just before it happens, Naruto evades

Naruto: I won't fail!!
Raikage: ...
Bee: (He evaded it...!? Idiot, bastard, This is really...)
Tsunade: (... He's just like the Yellow Flash!!)

Naruto: Just as Grandpa Raikage said, if one fails, one ain't the savior. That's why I'm not going to fail. That's what my dad decided! I'm learning from my dad, the savior!!!
Raikage: ... I wanted to confirm it for myself... So I attacked with the intent to kill... You are the second person to be able to evade my fastest punch
Naruto: ...!
Raikage: It seems the savior lives after all... Inside of you, that is... Now go...
Naruto, with the morning sun behind him: Yeah!!

Shikaku: This is our only choice after all...! According to this data, when in Kyuubi chakra mode, Naruto is able to sense the enemy's malice... With this, he should be able to see right through the transformations of those white things! Besides, since Naruto is able to do kage bunshin, we can send the various bunshins to each battlefield. If we take any more time than this, it may reach a point where it's too late to recover from this...! But the problem is...
Raikage's secretary: You're putting the cart before the horse... In the first place, I can't imagine that the Raikage would approve of that!
Shikaku: ... I expected as much...
Katsuyu: Umm~~~ That may not be the case after all...

The sun rises
Madara: Dawn breaks on even the longest of nights... They've probably grown accustomed to their eyes about now... The new Pain made from the jinchuuriki... Though I changed them a little to my liking...

From the right: 4 tails, 3 tails, 7 tails, 2 tails, 6 tails, 5 tails.
Each have rinnegan in their right sockets and sharingan in their left sockets.

He's equipped the jinchuuriki with sharingan and rinnegan...!! The curtain rises on the second day of war!!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jún 22, 19:31:45
A 544. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 545. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 jún 29, 11:00:43
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Hiteles
Forrás: MH

A couple of things.

Madara says or thinks to himself that Naruto's ability to feel hostility and hatred is just like Uzumaki Mito's.

He gives us another hint that he'll be defeated by stating "This is the final day of the Senju will of fire". If that doesn't scream imminent defeat I don't know what does.

The Zetsu horde combines to a giant Zetsu which Naruto destroys with his finger FRS.

Naruto talks about summoning Gama Hiro at the end. He has a long talk with Shikaku and Shizune tells Sakura about Yamato's disappearance.

Yes, he calls it the "Mini Rasenshuriken". And Madara now knows he controls the Kyuubi.

He literally calls it "Mini"

When Naruto and Bee arrive, Bee rushes towards "F" (Yes, another character with a letter for a name) and wants to greet him but Naruto attacks him. He says they're all Zetsus and defeats them all.

Bee keeps talking to the Zetsu's, I guess he can't detect them. Naruto's rasengans are the same, he can just produce them over and over now. Seems like Madara knows every detail of what's going on. The Edo Jins aren't there either.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 jún 29, 13:44:05
A 545. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 546. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 júl 06, 13:15:38
Forrás: NF
Szerző: takL
Hitelesség: Hiteles

At last, Gaara made a move~
Gaara papa, the former Raikage vs Gaara, Tsuchikage

Végre Gaara is mozgásba lendül.
Gaara apja és az előző (3.) Raikage vs. Gaara és a Tsuchikage

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 júl 06, 16:42:51
A 546. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 547. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 júl 12, 13:13:41
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed
Szerző: Naruto Sennin87

RAW (nem teljes fejezet):

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 júl 12, 16:06:02
A 547. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 548. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Shinji-kun - 11 júl 20, 10:28:22
source: narutofan
status: confirmed

Ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/07/20(水) 18:05:10.83 ID:YW3BAFhrP


チリナル、ビー イタチ長門に会う。
Gaara & his dad talk, Gaara's dad loved him

In the end Nagato & Itachi meet Naruto (and Bee most likely)

104 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/07/20(水) 18:09:38.61 ID:YW3BAFhrP

117 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/07/20(水) 18:16:12.93 ID:YW3BAFhrP

Mizukage uses some sort of genjutsu?

Onoki vs. Muu and Onoki is losing.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 júl 20, 11:03:20
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

Itachi and Nagato are walking
Gaara and his father are having a conversation
Gaara's face is tear-stained
He's crying because he was loved
His father 'enters Nirvana'
Rikudō-mode Naruto and B meet Itachi and Nagato

Ōnoki vs. Mū
Ōnoki is losing ground

It says that the Mizukage doesn't use genjutsu, but summons clams
It says he summons 'hamaguri', which is what is known as the common orient clam (Meretrix lusoria) in English

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 júl 20, 12:56:48
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: emperor 69

Nagato and Itachi are walking through the mountains.

What lies beyond where Itachi and Nagato, The two great war potentials Madara put his faith in, are heading…?!
548 Naruto vs. Itachi

The morning sun rises
Itachi: We've been walking a lot since the sun rose… We should soon see battle
Nagato: Who on earth are two?

Walking on the moutain, Nagato and Itachi.

Madara trusted two powerhouses in the war. What lies ahead of them ?

548 : Naruto VS Itachi !

the sun is rising.

Itachi : We walked quite a lot since the night fell. The battle is near.
Nagato : Who will it be ?

Gaara - The shocking truth.

Within a forest
Nagato: "No way…"
Itachi: "Are they close…?"
Nagato: "This already feels nostalgic"
Before their eyes:
B: "!!"
Naruto: "!!?"
B: "Uchiha Itachi…!"
Naruto: "Nagato!!"
B: You know him Naruto?
Naruto: Yeah, both of them…!
Nagato: "No way… To think I would have to fight you… Naruto…"

4th Kazekage is inside the sand.

Gaara : Mother ... loved me ?

Kazekage : ...

Gaara : But ... when Yashamaru went for me ...


Yashamaru : You were never loved.

Kazekage : That was me who ordred Yashamaru to lie to you. To corner you, to see if you could stop you Bijuu from going wild.
Of course, for the village too.

Gaara : ...
Kazekage : If you want to hate someone, don't hate Yashamaru. Hate me.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 júl 20, 13:21:25
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Szerző: Ns87


Raw (Nem teljes fejezet!)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zer0 - 11 júl 20, 14:29:39
itt van pár oldal

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 júl 20, 16:41:44
Kijött a manga angolul:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 júl 20, 20:34:23
A 548. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 549. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Daichi - 11 júl 27, 10:19:55
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 júl 27, 12:20:55
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

seems like a 'long time no see' situation
even though i just died, suddenly i was revived hmm
... you've changed a little bit naruto
yeah... this is...!
ive become a chakra mode using guy
but you look happy

so youve learned how to control the kyuubi chakra
youve come a long way naruto
i think it's probably because you're my little brother student... (translator note: dont take the brother part literally plz, basically he means because naruto is a fellow student of jiraiya)

oh black nigger motherfuckers yo homies that's enough chitchat for the day dawg
SHUT THE FUCK UP dattebayo

but.. hatred... could ****
because of uncle bee... mum and dad....
thanks to everyone... ive come this far!

naruto i have something to ask you
i also have something to ask of you
looks like ive discovered them first...
killer bee and naruto the two of them
what kind of cruelty can i achieve (maybe wrong trans sorry)

katon: goukakyuu no jutsu

samehada KICHICHI
oh fuck what the fuck nigga
he came from behind
his timing is fuckd up dawg jigga nigga OK

youve become even stronger since that time when i fucked up pain
ill entrust the sasuke issue to you
that what ive always intended
as i thought, i was right to believe in you

you already knew about the village incident?
because together with kakashi and yamato...
but kakashi told us not to tell anyone
so we're the only ones that know
*** uchiha clan incident
SHIT! body's moving on its own

naruto... that's enough (mou ii naruto...)

*** itachi
Madaraaaa.... he understood my true feelings?...
(masaka) i cant believe.... madara..........

i also learned of your true character from madara!
so it's turned out like that.....

what's become of sasuke?
he intends to go to konoha to fuck things up
hes become an akatsuki member
why has sasuke's attitude towards the village changed?
he heard about your true feelings
he blames the village for giving you that secret mission
secret mission?

OK! naruto, first you deal with me
i have less strength....
(kuchiyose no jutsu)
is not a phrase you could decribe me with
are you that type?
behind you
I know! OK!
katon housenkatsumanbeni

cut u up
slice him up
uncle bee, if you take a amaterasu and tsukuyomi hit that will be the end of you!!
it's the mangekyou sharingan!
well....... how about...

(what the heck is that crow?)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 júl 28, 06:41:29
A 549. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 550. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 aug 03, 08:53:34
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

Itachi breaks free from edo tensei control and uses amaterasu on the summons. The crow's sharingan was Shisui's sharingan and Itachi uses shisui's jutsu to regain control.

Shisui's genjutsu allows the target to be unknowingly controlled and it is the strongest genjutsu. "Protect Konoha" was the order implanted into Shisui's eyes. The eye was then imlpanted to the crow and handed over to Naruto.

Itachi thought Sasuke would transplant his eyes and it should call out the crow when Sasuke activates his sharingan. Shisui's genjutsu would then activate and make Sasuke "protect konoha".

Flashback: When Itachi met Shisui, one of his eyes were already stolen.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 aug 03, 16:15:40
A 550. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 551. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 aug 17, 08:21:48
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH
Szerző: emperor 69

Nagato's being controlled like crazy
Trying to save Naruto, B cuts [Nagato] in half, but suffers damage himself as well
Itachi envelops himself with Susanoo

B uses the Bijūdama
Naruto uses Fūton: Rasen Shuriken
Itachi uses the Yasaka[ni] no Magatama
And they all attack Nagato

Nagato's manipulation comes off
He converses with Naruto and enters Nirvana


Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Zer0 - 11 aug 17, 09:04:19
Raw scan: fogyasszátok :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: sojobo - 11 aug 17, 11:37:23

Like last week based on spoiler pics so not totaly sure, but complete. DO NOT USE FOR SCANLATIONS

chapter 551: stop nagato\\
naruto: this is…\\
text: nagato’s rinnegan, showing its real caractheristics!!\\
naruto: What kind of technique is this!?\\
naruto: a pulling technique…!\\
naruto: a technique that pulls you away…!\\
naruto: summoning technique…\\
naruto: a technique that adsorbs ninjutsu\\
naruto: it seems that you can use all pain’s techniques\\
naruto: I don’t know this technique!?\\
naruto: rasengan\\
naruto: that…! That’s right!\\
naruto: I saw him absorb ninjutsu just a moment ago!\\ I’m a real idiot!!\\
naruto: Nagato! What is that technique\\ tell me please!?\\
naruto: It is useless! he is totally under their control…\\
nagato: Nakara path!\\
naruto: this is… I’ sure…\\ pain’s technique that made people return to life!!\\
naruto: What do you want to do with that!?\\
kabuto: even if I kill him with the human path…\\
babuto: with the nakara path I can hide his soul and body and then bring him back to life before me…\\
kabuto: this is a way for me to obtain the jinchuuriki without madara finding me out…\\
kabuto: well then… I think that there was someone else left…\\
naruto: … and this thing that look like an arms doesn’t came off!\\
naruto: I feel my power fade and I have a bad feeling about this!!\\
nagato: ashura path!!\\
bee: kuah!!\\
bee: did he summon some kind of mechanical thing!?\\
naruto: nugugu…\\
bee: to think that you had so many moves, you use all the kinds of techniques\\
naruto, remember the time when you pulled out the kyuubi’s chakra!!\\
naruto: kuah!\\
kabuto: that’s right…\\
kabuto: I can still catch them with that…\\
nagato: chigaku tensei!\\
naruto: you saved us there! Thanks itachi!\\
bee: what are those technique!?\\ isn’t he too much strong, fucking bastard!?\\
naruto: It is called the six path of pain…\\ he has the power of the rikudou sennin that’s why he is so strong!!\\
naruto: plus this time he is not manipulating death body but he is the person it self\\ so it’s movement and power are on a total different level!!\\
itachi: he is coming…\\
itachi: that black sphere… it has a substantial gravity power\\
bee: what is that!?\\
naruto: uwaah!\\
naruto: I was caught one in this technique!\\ it is really dangerous!!\\
naruto: if we get caught in this too, we are finished\\
itachi: hey… naruto\\
naruto: what!?\\
itachi: if you get caught and it is the end, why are you still alive?\\
bee: ahahahaha, in that case this is an easy win!\\
naruto: this is not the right time to laugh!!\\ why do you think you have the time to play around in a situation like this!?\\
naruto: if we get caught we will not able to sneak away!\\ we will be pin down there with an incredible strength!!\\
naruto: gthe last time I was barely able to escape thanks to the kyuubi going berserk…!\\
itachi: we don’t have any time to spare\\ we have to analyse this calmly\\
itachi: it seems that the black sphere that nagato threw a moment ago will be the centre of the technique\\
itachi: probably we just need to destroy it\\
itachi: every one of us will attack the centre in with our strongest techniques at the same time!\\
naruto: in this kind of situation I cannot aim at the centre well!\\
itachi: it will hit even if you don’t aim\\ we will manage by using this strong gravity against the centre itself\\
itachi: no matter what kind of technique is, it must have a weak point!\\
bee: ok!!\\
naruto: right!!\\
naruto: ok me too!!\\
itachi: yasakano gamatama\\
naruto: futon rasenshukiken no jutsu\\
bee: bijuu sphere!!\\
nagato: sorry about that… itachi…\\
itachi: you returned to normal huh…\\
itachi: it was the Totsuka no Tsurugi… you will be immediately sealed… do you have something left to say?\\
nagato: naruto…\\
nagato: I will go back to the place were our master is\\ I will see your story from there…\\
nagato: let me say that… you are the third part of a trilogy\\ the first book was jiraiya… and he did really well…\\
nagato: but usually the second part is a poor work\\ just like me\\
nagato: something that even my master would approve\\
nagato: the quality of the series will be decided by the third book… the conclusive one!\\
nagato: make a masterpiece that will erase the failure of the second work… naruto!\\
text: nagato is sealed!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 aug 17, 22:43:00
A 551. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 552. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 aug 24, 12:17:18
Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: MH

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tsunade - 11 aug 24, 13:25:55
Verification: Confirmed
Credit: UchihaSage
Source: NF

nagato says "bye guys, l8rs!"

itachi tells naruto "hokage is not someone who supports everyone. hokage is supported by everyone. dont forget your friends."
then itachi says "killer bee, please take care of naruto" then uses art of run no jutsu

one thing, naruto claims he can deal all of the edo tenseis himself
then he tries kage bunshin and cant do it in chakra mode
so bee tells him not to make any more chakra mode kage bunshins

tsuchikage says "ARRGH NOT AT A TIME LIKE THIS" bascially talking about his back giving way at the wrong time lol

egy másik fordítás:

Verification: Confirmed
Credit: Yagami1211/takl
Source: NF

Better Translation:

Pic translations.


Nagato is sealed.
The battle is at it climax.

Kabuto : !!
Damn you, Nagato.
So, you did lack mobility. ( I don't really know )
I was planning to use your Rinnegan summons linked vision without instead.

But Itachi used his Shuriken Jutsu within a blind spot that I couldn't dodge.

It seems I have no choice but to use my trump card.

Bee : Along the way. We fought with that Edo Tensei guy.
The Sand dude did sealed him but he didn't or couldn't kill him.
Wasn't Edo Tensei supposed to be a perfect jutsu without weak points ?

Itachi : I told you, EVERY jutsu has a weak point. No exception.

Bee : I don't know about that.

Naruto : Back into business ! I told I have to stop this war.
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu !

*Naruto reverts to base*

Bee : Your overdid it with that kyuubi chakra mode of yours.
Don't do clones anymore.

Itachi : Don't try being a hero all by yourself.
To stop Edo Tensei you could use me too.
I have an idea.

Naruto : I will finish this war alone !
I will take responsability myself.
This is my duty.

Itachi : It's not that thoses who became Hokage are now aknowledged by everyone.
But rather thoses who were aknowledged can become Hokage.


Bee : It's not only about strenght, you know.

Itachi : Killer Bee. Take care of Naruto !

Bee : Yo, Ok !

Naruto : Let's move, Bee !

Muu : How many time to I have to tell you.
Your attacks are pointless ! I'm just a mirage.

Ninjas : What are we gonna do ?

2nd Mizukage : Defeat the real one.

Temari : Fuuton - Kakeami
Perfect ! Sealing squad, hurry up !

Gaara : Behind you, Tsuchikage !

Oonoki : Damn, my back. Not now !

Muu : Jinton - Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu !

*Rasengan pop up*

Gaara : ( Is this ... ? )

End caption: finally (he) arrives?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 aug 24, 13:37:48
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers



Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tsunade - 11 aug 24, 18:02:33
Íme: a full fejezet :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 aug 24, 22:20:06
A 552. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 553. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 aug 31, 09:41:17
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

Last page
Sasuke reveals himself! Sasuke tries out killing white Zetsu
His eyes have a cool/crazy design
His Susano'o has also changed

It's still not Sasuke's turn

最初ナルト ガアラ 土 ムウ話で
The beginning has Naruto, Gaara, Tsuchikage, and Muu talk
Sasuke comes out on the last page

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 aug 31, 11:22:30
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
Forrás: mangahelpers

Naruto attacks Mu from the back with a plantery(?) rasengan

Garaa: Naruto?

Muu dodges the attack.

Onooki: Muu is a sensory-ninja!

Naruto: Gaara! Your sand!

Gaara: !!

Gaara releases his sand, Muu gets ready to attack.

Naruto rides on the sand.

Muu: I see... using the sand to approach me. I can dodge it, my ninjutsu is faster.

Naruto's hand(? RM hands maybe?) extends.

Muu: It extended!

Onooki: Good!

The attack hits Muu's abdomen.

Muu: This spiraling!! (describing rasengan?)

Naruto: Uwahhh! Rasengan!

Muu is blown back and uses a doton technique. His hands grew heavy and stops him from being blown back.

Muu: who hated other villages is actually working well with them.

Onooki: When you live long enough, anything is possible.

Gaara's sand catches Muu.

Muu: Careful... I'm... (Muu is sealed?)

Naruto: Yeah, that's Gaara for you. That old man is good too!

Onooki: I am the tsuchikage afterall.

Garaa: Why are you on the battlefield?!

Naruto: Yeah… about that.

Garaa: Can you convince me?

Shikadad:He can't so let me explain. I'm Shikaku, Tsuchikage and Kazekage are battling so we didn't have time to explain.

Onooki:The battle has not ended, sum it up for us.

Clam man:...bah, you guy's don't feel like winning? I'm…really…just way too strong?(more trolling)

Alliance fodder:Ouch, oww... so many of us has fallen.

我爱罗:I see, only naruto can deal with zetsu's transformation... but I was a Jinchuuriki so I know… your kyuubi chakra… is it okay to use them like this?

Naruto: ...

Garaa: ...

Naruto: I won't die before I become the hokage! Don't underestimate me even if you are the Kazekage!

Onooki: ...

Naruto: I'll attack the battlefield from the right! Oldman and Garaa take the left!

Fodder A:I can't feel anything with my attacks!

Fodder B:We can't cause him any damage!!

Edo Raikage recovers quickly.

Temari:I'll have to use my fastest windcutter jutsu.

A ninja appears infront of Temari.

Edo Raikage:土台吗…?(Someone new? I got no clue how to translate names.)

土台:Yes…… Sandaime Raikage endurance surpasses his speed and attack power but he lacks long range attacks.

Temari:I'm a fairly proficient fuuton user but... how did he die?

土台:He protected a comrade and fought 10000 people by himself to allow his comrade to escape...for 3 days without rest.

Kabuto:While summoning "him"…I'll have him buy me some time.


Temari:Honestly, I don't think theres anyone in the Alliance that surpasses me in futon…

Naruto: There is!

Temari: !!

Naruto: That's me!


Zetsu: Stop! What's happening?!

Zetsu:Some is piercing in... and black flames are emerging from it!

Zetsu: GWahhhhh!

Sasuke: I'll test it more...

A new Susanoo behind Sasuke.

Sasuke: These eyes... they see well in darkness.

*Rough translation, don't take it too serously, heh heh.
*Credits to 火吧つ村长 from Baidu.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 aug 31, 13:44:49
Ki is jött a manga angolul :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 aug 31, 21:57:10
A 553. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 554. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 szep 07, 09:42:26
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Szerző: lebih007

968 :T ◆PecpvbY4/. :2011/09/07(水) 16:09:00.69 ID:QOeEFGgV0
雷影三代目が手にチャクラをためる。(地獄突き四本抜き手)土遁使い達が万里土流壁で防御する が貫かれる。
四本抜き手は本数を減らすことで力が一点に集中し最強の矛となると。昔は生身で美十とやり合う 事の出来た唯 一人の忍と呼ばれていたらしい。

naruto tries three rasen shuriken.the first two missed but the third hit raikage.

but the damage wasnt that great,so he cant be sealed.

raikage focused all his chakra to his hand and attacks.
doton user tries to use doton heki to defend but is easily destroyed by the raikage.
raikage was once said to be able to withstand any kind of jutsus.

naruto saw a scar on raikage's right arm that was caused by eight tails.

naruto uses bijuu dama.

end of story.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 szep 07, 14:43:55
Forrás: MH

Itt lenni a RAW

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: greg18 - 11 szep 07, 15:32:11
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: mangareader

Angol verzió:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 szep 08, 06:28:18
A 554. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 555. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 szep 13, 10:25:41
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: mangareader

This part is not spoiler...she calls someone a liar for telling her Hinata appears in the chapter

Raikage is defeated by Sage Naruto, and then sealed(ohana doesn't imply that Naruto is sealing, so no fangasm please)
Gaara vs Jellyfish(I guess Mizukage's clam)

Bijudama is failed

Naruto(?) makes contact with 8b to ask how the cut/scar on raikage's chest was made
8b replies that he doesnt remember it well but Raikage fell forward.

Naruto gets into the sage mode and prepares rasengan.
Getting as close (to Raikage) as possible he hits the previous Raikages arm with the rasengan.
Raikage falls down to hurt his own chest with his own right hand.

The last chapter said Raikages fight against 8b was his disgrace.
(The truth) was that
because he dug his own grave/blew himself away (he gave himself the decisive blow)
he couldnt tell that to anyone.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 szep 13, 13:58:01
A manga nagy része angolul:

szerk.: a teljes verzió:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 szep 13, 21:27:02
A 555. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 556. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Dani - 11 szep 21, 10:38:34
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:

Source: 2ch
Credits: ohana
Verification: Confrimed
Mizu vs Gaara
Oonoki is in the sky

しかーし オオノキ 水にやられる
But Oonoki gets beaten
We get the conclusion(of the fight)
二代目水て 鬼灯一族なんだね
Second Mizukage is of the Houzuki clan.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 szep 21, 13:32:59
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: mangareader

Gaara's Absolute Defense crushed !

556 : Gaara Vs Mizukage.

TrollKage : Dammit, I keep leeing you my weaknesses and still ... Seriously guys ...
NinA : Even though, you're way too strong.
Gaara : *panting*
Gaara : ( It's not really water, it looks closer to oil. When I guard with sand, the sand gets to heavy and crumbles from being wet )
MK : Tell me. Why did you guys went to Muu earlier. It's obvious that the best strategy is to gang up on the
stronger one.

Gaara : And so we did.
MK : Yeah, right. Look as hard as you want, it's obvious I'm the stronger one here. Muu just look like a dying Mummy to me, and nothing else.

Gaara : Someone taught me not judge a book by its cover. You are strong, indeed.
MK : Humm ... the clam you actually see is one big Genjutsu, okay ? It's a mirage, I told you that right ?
Soooooooo, that means physicals attacks are useless, right ? Then hurry the fuck up, find the real clam and destroy it, DAMMIT !
Oh, but heeey ... you're from Suna, right ?

---------- Post added at 06:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 AM ----------

Gaara : I'm not the talking type. I let my sand do the talking and find the clam.

Oonoki : Now ! ( prepare a Doton )

MK : So you're using the sand's physical perception, right ? I excpected more of an Absolute Defense.
Even though, it would mean you'd be a good opponent to me.
Okay, so, can you guys please kill me so I can call it a life ?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 szep 21, 14:02:00
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: mangahelpers

Oonoki : ( Dammit, I went way overboard when I fought Muu-sama, not enough chakra. )
No most dust releases ! If it came to this, I just have to confront him directly. )

Oonoki goes to the clam.

Oonoki : Doton - Boulder Punch Technique !
Oonoki's hand turn into stone as he punches the clam.

As Oonoki hits the clam, the real Mizukage can be seen.

Oonoki : !

MK : lil' Oonoki, you'd have to hit harder than that. I see you're not using Dust Release. Stamina problem ?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 szep 21, 16:39:56
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?
Szerző: rajin

színes kép:

Gaara's Absolute Defense crushed !

556 : Gaara Vs Mizukage.

TrollKage : Dammit, I keep telling you my weaknesses and still ... Seriously guys ...
NinA : Even though, you're way too strong.
Gaara : *panting*
Gaara : ( It's not really water, it looks closer to oil. When I guard with sand, the sand gets to heavy and crumbles from being wet )
MK : Tell me. Why did you guys went to Muu earlier. It's obvious that the best strategy is to gang up on the
stronger one.

Gaara : And so we did.
MK : Yeah, right. Look as hard as you want, it's obvious I'm the stronger one here. Muu just look like a dying Mummy to me, and nothing else.

Gaara : Someone taught me to judge a book by its cover. You are strong, indeed.
MK : Humm ... the clam you actually see is one big Genjutsu, okay ? It's a mirage, I told you that right ?
Soooooooo, that means physicals attacks are useless, right ? Then hurry the **** up, find the real clam and destroy it, DAMMIT !
Oh, but heeey ... you're from Suna, right ?

Gaara : I'm not the talking type. I let my sand do the talking and find the clam.

Oonoki : Now ! ( prepare a Dust Release )

MK : So you're using the sand's physical perception, right ? I excpected more of an Absolute Defense.
Even though, it would mean you'd be a good opponent to me.
Okay, so, can you guys please kill me so I can call it a life ?

Oonoki : ( Dammit, I went way overboard when I fought Muu-sama, not enough chakra. )
No most dust releases ! If it came to this, I just have to confront him directly. )

Oonoki goes to the clam.

Oonoki : Doton - Boulder Punch Technique !
Oonoki's hand turn into stone as he punches the clam.

As Oonoki hits the clam, the real Mizukage can be seen.

Oonoki : !

MK : lil' Oonoki, you'd have to hit harder than that. I see you're not using Dust Release. Stamina problem ?

Oonoki : The youngster you used to call "kid" has changed. Doton - Super Weighting Rock Jutsu !

Oonoki fists gets bigger and bigger as he hits the clam harder.

Oonoki : I did it.

Gaara : The Genjutsu is no more !

Oonoki : Guaaaaah ! My fist !!

MK : And you're the Tsuchikage ?

Gaara hides his sand underground.
Oonoki : guh ...

MK : You're wasting your time. It's not something an old far with a back problem can do.
It's good you're hitting hard. Hit too hard and your going to suffer like hell. And ... Aw, crap ! Run away !
Hozuki Clan's Water Pistol Technique.

MK's hand turns into a thing that looks like a gun.

NinA : Over here ?
NinB : Hurry up, guys. Let's go.

MK fires Water Bullets from his fingertips.
Oonoki is badly hit.

MK : Hey look, moron ! What did I told you ? You're being rash with that back of yours.
Gaara's sand protect Oonoki.

Oonoki : Thanks a bunch, Kazekage.

Gaara's sand turns solid again.

MK : The Sand's Eye ? Thanks to that you kept watching Oonoki, good.
( When the Clam got hit, he did a Sand Clone ) I'm the real deal now. ( This sand dude, he does nothing without reason )

MK : ( This battle was getting quite fun, too bad )

Gaara : Desert's Great Sand Funeral !
Gaara's sand take the form of a pyramid and gather around Mizukage.

NinA : Now, prepare the sealing tags.
NinB : With that much sand, the water will do no good.

They launch kunais as Gaara crushes the Mizukage.

Oonoki : Yes, at last. we won.

All of the sand crumbles at once.

NinA : Whaaa !
Oonoki : !!?
Gaara : !
Oonoki : !! ( This is ... No, it can't be ... )

the sky is getting weird.

NinA : What is this ?
NinB : Another Genjutsu ?

Gaara : Genjutsu ?
Oonoki : No ! It's no Genjutsu. It's the same ninjutsu that Muu-sama could do nothing against. The Mizukage's Infinite Blast Ninjutsu.
The Steam Dangerous Tyranny.

The pure bloodlust called waked up the tyran.


Obviously Trollkage is not dead at all.
Superpowered evil side ?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 szep 21, 17:00:07
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: mangastream

Kijött a manga angolul:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 szep 21, 21:28:11
A 556. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 557. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 okt 04, 12:08:11
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: MH

Source: NF
Credit: JuubiSage

So basically... Mizukage gets sealed. Then we see Naruto's clones on different battlefields: the beach, the medical camp... Dan, Shikamaru and Sakura are all seen, Naruto owns bad guys.

Chapter ends with Muu. (additional note: Seems like Muu is preparing something, perhaps a summon).

This is a summary of the above:

Muu seems to be recovered, and he prepares his Kuchiyose, preparation which succeeds at the end of the chapter

There is action all over the place, with Konoha 11 still fighting Zetsus(team 10, Neji, Hinata, Sakura).

Naruto appears where Dan is, and the latter is surprised by Naruto's resemblance with Nawaki.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 okt 04, 12:49:44
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Szerző: benelori

in brief
ragged muu enters in high spirits

chilli naru(naruto in the bcm) appears at gaaras
The 2nd mizukage is sealed.

Chilli naru makes clones
and send one to chojis
Shikamaru n co are fighting in a bit strange way.
They shouldnt go out of a circle?
Dan is surprised to see Naruto for his looking like Nawaki.
Shikamaru explains.

@The medical team
A worn-out Shinobi comes to shizune and sakura
a bicker happens as they arent allowed to enter the place till they pass the chakra test. The worn-out Shinobi is a white zetsu and tries to attack sakura and then gets chilli-naru's rasengan from behind.

Hinata, kiba and neji are fighting against whit Zetsus. As hinata is about to get beaten, Naruto appears!!

On The last page
Muu is preparing for summoning. And the chap ends

A chapter címe: Kabuto's trumpcard  (H)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 okt 04, 12:55:58
Hitelesség ell.: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers

This is a summary of the above:

Muu seems to be recovered, and he prepares his Kuchiyose, preparation which succeeds at the end of the chapter

There is action all over the place, with Konoha 11 still fighting Zetsus(team 10, Neji, Hinata, Sakura).

Naruto appears where Dan is, and the latter is surprised by Naruto's resemblance with Nawaki.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 okt 04, 17:13:27
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers

558 : Kabuto's Trump Card.

Opening Page : Sasuke & Naruto.

Muu manages to free himself from where he was trapped.

Muu : You're too soft, Oonoki. You never saw that I split. And you call yourself my pupil ?

When Naruto defeated Muu, he split and hid himself, while the other one was buried.

When he was sealed by Oonoki he said: "I'm a cautious man, you know."

Muu tries to destroys the tag seals sealing his clone.

Muu : As expected, I can't remove it. This is some Sealing jutsu, all right.

Kabuto : So this wasn't the real Muu that got sealed, heh.
Because he only split himself into two that he was only that fast.
his power was halved, too.
This works out perfect for me since I need a little more time to summon the main dish.

Naruto : Are you okay, Gaara ?
Gaara : How did it go for you ?
Naruto : We sealed the 3rd Raikage.
We saw a huge explosion before I came here. Temari and the others went ahead, so that's why I'm alone.
Gaara : I see, we're finished here too.

Naruto : Huh, what ? Where is your enemy ?

Mizukage : Hey, whaddya know. You do have friends after all.
Naruto : Who the hell is that ? What's with this weird body ?

Gaara : Actually, no. That's my jutsu.

Mizukage : Haha ...hey, Kazekage ! Please explain to me why this guys like seems like a complete moron to me, and not you. You make a hell of a team, don't you think ?

Gaara : Indeed.


Credits: Yagami1211
Source: NF

Mizukage : ( Well, it's been a long time since I had that much fun. )

Mizukage Sealed.


Gaara : Let's contact HQ.
NinA : Right on !
Oonoki : We did well fighting the old Kages here. This is our victory.

Temari : Great ! Transport the wounded to the healing team so they can take care of them.
Thoses who can still move, stary altert until new oders from HQ come.
Oonoki : We should go and backup the other team.

Gaara : Tsuchikage, you should go to the healing team too.
Oonoki : I'm okay, no ... EEouch !
Temari : Stop acting tough, old fart.

Gaara : By the way, Naruto. You're a Kage Bunshin ?
Naruto : Indeed.
Gaara : Then where is the original ?

Kijött a manga angolul:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 okt 04, 20:29:04
A 558. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 559. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 okt 12, 10:55:25
Forrás: Mangahelpers

A basic overview

Muu summons

The one who's summoned is Uchiha Madara

ムウ マダラで、オオノキの所に行く~
Muu goes with Madara to where Oonoki is~

Edo Madara: "This is not Rinne Tensei....It's Edo Tensei~"

that's what he's saying

Summoned Madara is so cool!

Kakashi is shown!

So are Neji, Kiba, Hinata, and Lee!

Sai too!

キミマロVSチリナル もちょっと
and a little Kimimaro VS [KCM] Naruto

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: oozaru - 11 okt 12, 11:21:07
Hitelesség ell.: CONFIRMED
The one Muu summons is Madara.
That's all he says for now. The rest of the post is speculation on what this means for Tobi/Madara.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 okt 12, 21:09:43
A 559. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 560. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 okt 19, 07:02:02
Nincs is szebb dolog mint spoiler-rel kezdeni a napot, bár szerintem túl szép hogy igaz legyen :omg::

Source: MS
Credits: atenzor
Status: Pending
Gaara: what is going on here?
Oonoki: it seems we have been fooled from the beginning

all: …!!

Edo madara: ..?? . impure world ressurection, ..??. original powers of sage of six paths … (rest is hard to translate)

Tsunade: we just got info on edo madara, how is this possible?

Edo madara: it seems i am summoned for a goal? (purpose), to fight, my only goal and prove our clan is (was) superior… ?? (hashirama story is explained a bit more)


Zetsu: Tobi… big problems
Tobi: i know, i can sense it
Zetsu: if he was summoned. what will you do tobi?
Tobi: no power surpasses my eternal mangeyko sharingan!


Kabuto: kukuku, i see itachi, you came all this way, broken my edo seal(?) and want to seal(?) me now
Itachi: Kabuto, to think that you surpassed orochimaru is amazing on it’s own, yet i believe you still have much to learn, especially about who you are deal(?) “dealing?” with


Killer bee in last scenes escapes, cause he meets tobi on the way!

Killer bee: (hard to translate cause he is rapping); you think you got me (can get me), i will show you …??


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 okt 19, 07:48:51
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Madara was revived by Kabuto looking like he was in his heyday.
Madara's overwhelming power is displayed. As a result from his research with Orochimaru, Kabuto tested out changing a Sharingan to a Rinnegan on Madara.
Naruto's Rasenshuriken is absorbed by Madara's Rinnegan.
T doesn't know if it's because of the Rinnegan or not, but giant rocks start raining from the sky and the chapter ends.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 11 okt 26, 11:13:53
Hitelesség: Confirmed
Forrás: Mangahelpers

the stone is madara's jutsu 'izanami.' it is rinnegan's final and strongest ability.

rikudou sennin once used this to fight against juubi.

cover is madara.very awesome..

madara made a chibaku tensei.way bigger then nagato's.

kabuto is shocked and didnt thought it would be this big.

naruto's body is somehow changing.

scene changes to itachi meets sasuke.

The stone was called by Madara's Forbidden Jutsu "Izanami", Rinnegan's Ultimate Godhood Power.
Legends says Rikudo Sennin used it against the 10 tails.

ストーン はマダラの禁術“伊邪那美”、輪廻眼の究極勢力、ろくどうせんにんかつて抑えつける10尾の“ 神助力”!




NARUTO – ナルト – 彼はボディを変更するよう
NARUTO – ナルト – 彼はボディを変更するよう

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 okt 26, 11:43:31
Verification: Confirmed
Source: NF
Credits: Bearzerger

Onoki reduces the weight of the meteor, but it's not enough. Madara tries to command the Kyuubi but the Kyuubi says screw you and gives Naruto some of his chakra for free it seems. Naruto destroys the meteor with a Rasengan barrage and Onoki gets injured.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 11 okt 26, 11:49:02
Status: Confirmed

As the Meteorite falls, Oonoki touchs it, makes it lighter and throw it away.
During his last battle, when Madara fought Hashirama, Madara manage to get one portion of Hashirama.
And it seems like he didn't die at that time.

Madara tries to calls for the Kyuubi, but the Kyuubi refuse and give chakra to Naruto.

Madara seems like he can use Mokuton and create a forest.

Naruto use Tajuu Kage Bunshin + Oodama Rasengan and destroy the whole forest.

Badly wounded, Oonoki decides to risk his life fighting seriously

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 okt 26, 16:06:22
Credits Yagami1211 at NF

561 : His power.

NinA : A Meteorite ? But How ?
NinB : Is that really a ninjutsu ? You can't run away from that.
Oonoki : Don't you dare say you give up. Don't throw way your hopes before doing something.
We can do what we can, but we have to act.

Oonoki jumps.

NinA : Tsuchikage-sama !

Gaara : Everyone, run away as far as you can.

Fooders run away really fast.

Muu ( Kabuto ) : Did you just said "Someone as lowly as us ?"

Madara : Of course, I did. The Edo Tensei jutsu's real motive was to use it on fellow travellers.
We are returning to our true selves, even if it's just a little bit.
So is that old guy the Ryoutenbin kid from Iwa ?

Naruto : What is Grampa Tsuchikage doing ?
NinA : He's trying to make the meteorite lighter so he can stop it.

Oonoki goes under the Meteorite. "Doton - Chou Keijuu Iwa no Jutsu!!
Oonoki : NuUUOOOOOOOHH ! ( A little bit, just a little and I can stop this thing ! )

Madara : Damn you, Ryoutenbin kid. You grew up, all right.

NinA : He did it.
NinB : He stopped it.
Madara : Okay, and how about the 2nd one, Oonoki ?

The 1st Meteorite is destroyed by another one.

Oonoki : !?

NinA : WHAT ?


Mabui : What's his motive ? Why did he intruduced himself as Madara ?

Tsunade : Does that mean that the man know as Madara was never alive in the first place ?
If the other one was nothing more than a fake, a deception to deceive us. Then the world is about to experience true terror.
The terror known as "Power".

We can't ignore anymore thoses who are fighting. We're going too.
The vibrations of the meteorite falling can be felt by Tsunade and the others at HQ;

Shikaku : What the heck ?

Inoichi : Reporting. The 4th division just dealt with a huge falling rock. We just felt the shockwave.

Raikage : Do we have other reports after that ?

Ao : This is ... a massacre. In just a moment, All theses people ...

Shikaku : There is no mistake. This is Madara's jutsu. Tsunade-sama, if we do nothing, we're ...

Tsunade : I'm on my way.

Rock falling.

NinA : What the hell is that ?
Temari : Are you okay Gaara ?

Naruto : Gomu guy ? Why did you saved a clone like me ?

Dodai : you're mistaken. Even if you're a clone, your power is useful. I did this for victory.

Naruto : Where is Grampa Tsuchikage ?
Oonoki is laying on the ground.

Naruto runs to him

Naruto : Grampa Tsuchikage !

NinD : It's okay, he's breating. But he's seriously wounded.

Muu ( Kabuto ): So this is Rikudou Sennin's power ? Fantastic.

Madara : Hum ... This scenery brings back memories, I must say. You're Kabuto, right ? How much do you know about me ?

Muu ( Kabuto ) : I know you fought Shodai Hokage Hashirama. You survived the battle at valley of the end, even though you lost.
You managed to get a fraction of Hashirama's power. Am I right until now ?

Madara : So that's why, right ? Do you know about our plan ?

Muu ( Kabuto ) : I don't know everything. Let's just say that I'm your ally. But I don't know if the Fake Madara's goals are really close to yours or not.

szerk.: Ismét érkezett egy kis részlet Madara - Kyuubi - Naruto vonalon:

Muu ( Kabuto ) : By the way ... There are some survivors it seems. The Tsuchikage and Kazekage are tough, all right.

Madara : There is something I want to try. Summoning Technique !

Naruto suffocates.

Naruto's inner world.

Kyuubi : Gurururu ...

Naruto : My inners are burning.

Kyuubi : This chakra that is calling me ... Madara ?

Madara : So we don't have the Kyuubi.
Muu ( Kabuto ) : That's the whole point of this war, actually.
Kyuubi is sealed inside a Jinchuuriki. Look here, this kid is the Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki : Uzumaki Naruto-kun.

Madara : Did you just said Uzumaki ?

újabb adag:

Madara : Did you just said Uzumaki ? Like Mito's clan ? That's the kid who just attacked me, right ?
Muu ( Kabuto ) : He's quite the formidable foe. You can capture him all right, but it's likely this one is just a clone.
How about we find the real one ?

Madara : No. I want to try something. I'd rather do it with people around, it's more fun that way.
Mokuton - Juukai Koutan !

Dodai : What ? Even Mokuton ?
Sensor Ninja : It looks like it's the end.

Naruto : ( Shit ! I have almost no chakra. What Am I gonna do ? )

The trees are surrounding Naruto and the others.

Kyuubi : Naruto ... This time I'm giving you some power.

Naruto : ( So that mean you still want to take control of my body ? )

Kyuubi : No. I'm just giving you chakra. I can't stand Madara. I'd rather helpyou than being manipulated by him.

Kabuto : ( If I can continue to use Madara like this, I can control the flow of this war. This trump card is way better than expected. )

Naruto runs.

Gaara : Naruto !

Naruto : Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu ! Oodama Rasengan !

Oonoki : ...

Kyuubi : Way to go, Naruto !

Naruto : Oodama Rasengan !

Around 1000 Naruto spams Oodama Rasengan on the whole battlefield, destroying the forest.

Madara : It's just like you said, he's not that bad.

Muu ( Kabuto ) : I know, right ?

Következő pack::

Naruto : I used up Kyuubi chakra all at once. I'm at my limit.

Oonoki : Naruto ... It's okay. I'll handle this.

Gaara : Tsuchikage-sama, you can't ...

Oonoki : Hmm ... At last this time comes for me to fight seriously.
And for this, Madara is just the kind of opponent I want.

Oonoki's determination.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 okt 28, 19:11:02
A 561. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 562. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Nexus - 11 nov 01, 12:22:22

546 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/11/01(火) 17:55:19.95 ID:hxlR+wIhO


550 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/11/01(火) 18:01:52.64 ID:hxlR+wIhO

Credits: Len23
Source: Mangastream
Verification: confirmed

Translation of Ohana's spoilers

All the 5 Kages gather in front of Madara. (Irrelevant but: They all look really badass)

It appears that they are going to gang up on Madara, but the chapter ends here and next week Kishi is on a break.

Tsunade released the chakra seal on her forehead.

Update: 天送の術でマダラの前に現れる。

It seems that the Kages are using a teleportation jutsu which roughly translates to 'Heaven's Pathway'.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 11 nov 01, 16:05:23
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  -
Szerző: rajin

Part of the script By: Btbgfel
My english is not very good,so...

Madara:u worn out,old man?

M: what a expression,i thought i taught u before?

onoki's flashback
onoki beaten by mad

o:why you betrayal our agreement?Hashirama said...

m:there are no allies, you will bow before konoha. and,NEVER SAY THAT NAME(Hashirama Senju) IN FRONT OF ME!
flashback ends

onoki:we fight ,we robb, we get robbed, then we rob more, therefore there's hate, and hate caused the third shinobi war

m:that's how we lives, you didn't learn that from your life?

o:i've lived LONGER than you! I find a better path now!

muu(snake boy):you mean the fourth shinobi war?

o: this time is different! we are united now!

o:i see these kids,i know the world is growing up, to peace

m:the world doesn't need to grow up,let it sleep in Infinite Tsukuyomi

o:then you are lost! i will become myself! it is you should sleep in eternal!
onoki stands up

another part

My poor, poor English...

o stands up


garra came

g:alright, let's face him together

o:for ourselves,for the future, we'll defeat you here!(lol)

slug: hokage Tsunade!

Tsunade: mabui,prepare your jutsu!

Mabui:it only works on objects,not human...

Tsunade:we will not know if we don't try

Mabui:I understand, but overspeed will harm the human body, maybe not a problem to raikage, but to you...


Shikaku: i got a idea! Hiraishin! summon team gemma(or team genma?)! send a slug there...

slug: and get me killed?

Tsunade: no need for that, i have yin seal release

Shikaku: that will be a dangerous bet, and you lost every time...


Raikage:Mabui,prepare your jutsu for two persons

(Here's something confused me, the script following doesn't make sense according to the former part)

the former three guards of minato used FTG,send the remaining three kages to madara

but this FTG need all three to use

The gather of five kages! The biggest battle in history!(bah)

Mei vs Bzetsu

genma rooted by black zetsu

Chōjūrō damaged black zetsu

Genma:damn,my charka was drained!

Shikaku:there's no time to waste! madara has been ETed!

Mabui:Let's begin! Heaven Send!

Mei:isn't FTG minato's jutsu?

Genma:we are guards of hokage, the fourth taught us this jutsu

some fodder guard of hokage: yet we can only manage it with all three of us

Chōjūrō:I will stay behind, please go and defeat madara!

madara & muu prepare to attack, but

Tsunade kick madara away, Ei slamed Muu(lol)

onoki:you two?

Tsunade:yin seal:release,creation rebirth!

naruto:creation rebirth

mei came
Mei:if all of you are still alive, then i'm not late
Ei:let's waste no time
Onoki:Good to live a long life, being able to see all five kages fight together!

Ugyanaz, ugyanonnan, ugyanattól a kommentelőtől, de részletesebb fordításban:

By: Takl
The will, will not decay!!
562 the place to pick yourself up

Oonoki:Ill deal with him!
Temari: No you cant!! youre totally ragged already!!

-Muu n madara are to close in on them-

Naruto: …! puff puff
Madara: I like to try out my jutsus a bit more (on you) but ….you cant possibly dance anymore…Oonoki, eh?
Oonoki: …
Madara: whats your look? I thought once I had shown our power difference for you…?

-a story when oonoki was young-
Oonoki: why!? …that wasnt our understanding. Hashirama-dono said….
Madara. There is no alliance or whatever…just obey the power ofkonoha! And dont mention the name of the Shinobi too me!
-the episode of the youth ends-
madara: the world needent grow any further it can sleep forever in the illusion of infinite ukuyomi
Oonoki:…Once…. you made me give my-old-self up….so ill defeat you…to pick myself up! Youre the one to sleep jaze…!
-oonoki stands up-

Gaara: …
-oonoki stambles-
Dodai(aka luffy) Tuchikage-dono!!
–gaaras sand helps oonoki-
Gaara: lets…pick it up together

temari: as a rule elders would complain when young guys care too much for them tho...
Oonoki: meh! i accept it just this once!!

Madara: …seemingly you can still dance
Oonoki: for myself! For the future (of the world)! You shall be defeated here!

katsuyu: tunade-sama
Tunade: mabui or something prepare your tenso no just! Come on!
Mabui: !! tenso no jutsu is to send things! Unlike kuchiyose or reverse summoning it cant send people! basically!!

Tunade: no time for going on and on! You never know before you try!
Mabui: I know it! your body cant follow the speed of the transfer which is too high but only be shredded and youll die! So far this tenso no jutu has been able to transfer no other than the 3rd Raikage! that was Just because he had the body way too tough! maybe The 4th Raikage-same be but not hokage-sama, its impossible for you for sure!
Shikaku: …
Raikage: …
Shikaku: I have a bit of idea….its hiraishin no jutsu…if we call up the genma platoon, have one of katsuyu marked and send it on tehso….
Katsuyu : cos with my ability i wont be affected when Im in pieces…
Tsunade: no need for that! …I use this-pointing at the mark on her forehead-
Shikaku: I understand….but its a risky gamble…and basically tunade-sama is a poor hand at gambles….
Tunade: thats when I bet money. …when I bet my life, its another story. Thats why Im still liveing even now.
Shkaku: eeerrr….
mabui and others: Raikage-sama!! Please tell hokage-sama to think again...
Raikage: hm…mabui prepare your tenso…for the two of us!
Mabui: raikage-sama, you too…!! Shikaku-san …!!
Shikaku: the things are at the final stage. Now is the time for the supreme leader to enter.
Tunade:…however madara is from the uchiha clan…we got to do something for the katon….hiraishin no jutsu is to be used for another.

-balack zetsu makes naruto fall striking the wood root around his feet-
-then chohuro chops off balck zstsu-
Chojuro: the confidence in my power equals the number of the enemies I cut…so...I gootta cut whatever…
Mizukage: yep!
Gannma:I thought the sword was storing a lot of chakra but never thought itd be this huge.
Black zetsu:th…this makes me still…in an instant…to change the form of the blade to this far is
Chilli-naru: good job…the guy does…

Shikaku: sorry genma but can you do what I tell you, will you! This is emergency …whatever I say, no nit-pickings! Firstly the real madara has resurrected on edo tensei.
Genma: sorry but……may I nitpick?
Shikaku: didnt I say no!

Tunade: Do it!
Mabui: …re… ready steady…! Go, Tenso no jutsu!!

Mizukage: the transfer before you could blink is supposed to be the 4th hokages jutsu isnt it?
ganma: were originally shinobis from a guard platoon to protect the 4th hokage. Although Now its the 5th …hiraishin no jutsu is what we learnt from the 4th….
A friend of genmas: save that unlike the 4th we cant execute it if not with the three of us...Sorry its not cosy.…
Chojiro: muzikage-sama…go wipe the floor with madara please!! Ill defend this place to the last!
Mizukage: …chojuro…(this kid has become quite hardy since he left the village… )
Genma: be ready! They put a mark on Tunade sama. As soon as lady tunade gets to the field well fly as well!
Mizukage: all right. I had enough of being late with marriage!

-as madara tries to attack something flashes in his face-
-there tunade is kicking at madara-
-Raikage punches at muu-
Oonoki (the thinker and…princess tunade…!!)
Dodai: ive informed the HQ of the coordinates!
Tunade: yin seal・release, ninpo souzo(creation) saisei(regeneration)!!
Rikage: are you allright!?
Naruto: granny tunade…!? (this…. is of the jutsu to regenerate)
-Mizukage arrives soon-

Mizukage: everyone is still around….that means I managed to be on time…
Raikage I can finally wreak havoc…. Ive been waiting so long!
Tunade: now were ready…!
Gaara: …
Oonoki: again…its nice to live long….to see the day when 5 kages gather together…to fight together!!

The (2page) Spread bang! The 5 kages bang!

The strongests, gather!!!!
the end of the chap  ★

to be edited n added later

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 nov 02, 21:13:28
A 562. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 563. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 nov 09, 10:05:32
Source: 2ch /
Credits: Mr. T | Geg
Verification: Confirmed

Edo Tensei Madara vs Five Kage.
The Kage tell Naruto to defeat the other Madara.
After they all tell him to win, Naruto releases the shadow clone.
The real Naruto and Bee find the masked Madara! Naruto headbutts him(?) It's hard to tell exactly what this last sentence means so I'm kind of basing it on the 2ch posters' reactions.


Tsunade asks A and Mei to buy time so she can heal Gaara and Ohnoki.
After being recovered, Ohnoki makes A lighter to make his attacks even faster.
Since the mask was hit maybe it broke. There are also four others with Masked Madara.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Toodmayne - 11 nov 09, 13:34:41
Verification: Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers

The 5 Kages, at last comes to the battlefield.

563 : 5 Kages, the gathering.

Madara : Perfect. I need at least this or else I couldn't test much more.

Oonoki : Sorry, Princess Tsunade.

Tsunade performs healing on both ( Oonoki and Gaara I suppose )
Tsunade : Raikage ! Mizukage ! I'm counting on you guys to stall him.

A : Here we go, Mizukage !
Mei : Yes. Youton : Youkai no Jutsu !

Madara avoids physical contact.
Madara : ( I couldn't be bothered to absorb such a low level jutsu. )

While Madara is avoiding, Raikage comes, punchs and hit him.

Madara : ( Hmm, quite fast. )

Without delay Mizukage vomits more Youton.
Madara dives away. ( Art of Run, lol )

Raikage : ... !

Madara covers himself with Susanoo.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 nov 09, 13:51:37
Source: NF /
Credits: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed

Part 2

Madara covers himself with Susanoo.
Raikage goes for a Lightning Kick.
Muu blocks the attack with a Suiton, it seems.

Susanoo is chopped from the top. Susanoo dissolves from the Youton.
Mizukage emits more and more Youton.

Raikage kicks Susanoo, Youton comes of Susanoo.

Genma Friend A : To think so an event would occur.It makes me a little happy.
Genma Friend B : I can't keep up.
Genma : Yes. He's the man who forced us to do this. Stay alert.
Genma Friend C : Timing is harder to deal with like this.

Dodai : You'll have to deal with another one to send. Help me.

Muu comes from the ground.

Genma Friend C : That's him !

Dodai : Let's go ! Come !

A : Aren't you done yet, Hokage ?
Tsunade : Just a little bit ...

Naruto : Granny Tsunade, Are you still feeling okay ?
when you release your forehead seal, you turn into a old hag and collapse, right ?

Tsunade : I'm different. Different than when Pain came.
And further more, don't you think I'm out of chakra just by healing such a low level wound.
I'm not done yet, far from it. I still have chakra stored.

Naruto : Then heal me too. I'm a clone but I can't disappear now ! Then I'm going to ...

Tsunade : You're not needed.

Naruto : Huh, why ?

Gaara : ...

Oonoki : This battlefield ... is not just about protecting you anymore.

Naruto !!?

Következő rész:

Source: NF /
Credits: vered
Verification: Confirmed

just a correction by Shounensuki for a part in the above script(Muu dosent have 4 elements):

Raikage: "…!"
Madara uses Susanoo to cover himself against the Yōton
Raikage: "Lightning Oppression Horizontal Millenial Dance" ('millenial dance' would be 'sendaibu' in Japanese. The 'daibu' part could also be intepreted as 'dive', so there's probably yet another pro-wrestling move pun in there.)
He chops Susanoo from above! Little by little, Susanoo sinks into the Yōton (melting?)
Again, the Mizukage spits a large volume of Yōton

Source: NF /
Credits: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed

Part 3

From inside the Susanoo, Madara comes out.

Madara : Raiton's instant movement and Youton's bloodline limit.
Your attack power is quite high, I must admit.

Mei : I like men that are hard to get, but ... I'll pass on you.

Raikage : So you can protect yourself from my speed, heh ? So I have to use enough power to crush your defence.

Oonoki : ...
Gaara : ...

Madara : And what about Susanoo ?

Madara launch the Magatama attack.

Genma Platoon : !?

Temari : The sand shield is around the Stone golem. ( Probably Oonoki's )

The Magatama is blocked with a giant Sand Golem.

Source: NF /
Credits: Yagami1211
Verification: Confirmed

Part 4

Oonoki : This war is now about everyone protecting themselves.

Naruto : Then, let me fight.

Madara : A Sand-Stone double protective barrier ? I'm impressed.

Oonoki : He's coming. It's our turn to attack. Mizukage, Raikage ! Listen to me.

Muu/Kabuto is running away; chased by the Genma Platoon.

Oonoki goes for the attack on Madara.

Oonoki : Go, Raikage !

A : Yeah !

Muu just appears in front of the Susanoo.

Muu/Kabuto : Damn you, Tsuchikage. He made the Raikage lighter so he can be faster. So that means
Kabuto remembers when he captured Yamato. ( It's the same as that time )

Raikages rushes Muu full speed and punch him in the guts.

Muu/Kabuto : !!?

Raikages much makes Muu flies into Susanoo.

Oonoki : Raikage, it's Coop time !
Super Weighting Aggravation Rock Technique !

Susanoo's bones are destroyed.


Credits: Yagami1211
Source: NF

Naruto : Granny ! Now you can ...

Oonoki : Listen, Naruto.
Naruto : !?

Oonoki : You know. When this war started, I though this was for me that chance to crush Akatsuki.
I wanted to take advantage of this Ninja Alliance, but ...
fighting with you guys made me feel something I never felt.
And now, as the Tsuchikage of the ninja alliance, I want to be here.

And at the same time, thoses ninja villages that were scattered all over are starting to become one, then ...
And the ninja system that brought hatred too, maybe it will change too.
We'll handle this Madara, we won't fail.

This will be the first step of cleaning the world of hate.
This is my duty as someone who used to create hatred, just as Madara does.
Rest assured, leave it to us.

We'll leave the other Madara to you.
This will be one step further to your dream.

Tsunade : Either the old madara loses, or the new madara loses, in anyway it would be the end of the war.
We will protect you with this battlefield.
Then, go to your other battle and protect us !

Naruto closes his eyes.

Tsunade : Clone Naruto. Take this message to the real one.

Clone Naruto release the Kage Bunshin and disappear.

RM Naruto jumps from trees to trees.

Naruto : Okay, we'll win.

Naruto : !

Tobi appears in front of Naruto
Naruto doesn't stop and headbutts Tobi.

The destined battle, all out war.

Az ilyen spoilereket viszont nem szeretjük :( :

Source: jumpnetabare
Credits: jumpnetabare
Verification: Confirmed

Naruto will be absent in Jump #50, break next week.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 nov 09, 23:49:24
A 563. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 564. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: hamisjoe - 11 nov 22, 07:07:05
STATUS: waiting 2ch verification (Ohana)

NARUTO – ナルト – 564(オハナ◆IR7jauNn4E)

(no chapter title, it just says naruto chapter 564)

(Tobi is fighting against Naruto)
(Madara continues his fight with the kages, has the advantage)
(tsuchikage onoki dies!!!)
(Tobi's mask is cracked even more) <--this means in fact that it was cracked from
their headbutt from last chapter

(Tobi's six paths start to attack Naruto)
(Killer B is in a dangerous state, health wise)
(Tsunade counters Madara's technique)
(more Hashirama Senju's story is revealed)

(Edo Madara uses full susano to activate devastating technique that...)
(...leaves the alliance almost destroyed!)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 nov 22, 13:09:29
Source: NF

Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Madara

ナルト ビー VS 転生人柱力
Naruto and Bee vs. Edo Jinchuuriki

Naruto wasn't even able to lay a scratch/crack on Tobi's skull

Inconclusive till next week


Getting that hit on his head was just for effect. Not one scratch/crack was left on him.

The fight against the other Jinchuuriki begins.

The jinchuuriki each have one eye with Sharingan and one eye with Rinnegan.

仮面マダラの仮面も特別性で戦闘用の頑丈な仮面。もともと左目を隠していたが実は仮面マダラも 輪廻眼。
The masked Madara's mask is a special kind; a sturdy one for fighting. And though it's hidden at first, the left eye of the masked Madara also has Rinnegan

Madara says: "Tobi, me whatever"

After Madara and Naruto's talk, the issue ends with all the Jinchuuriki unleashing the power of their bijuu.

Has the Madara=Tobi theory gone away? His right eye is Sharingan, and his left eye is Rinnegan.


Credits: Yagami1211
Source: NF

546 : My name is Nobody.

Naruto finally clash with the front man.
Tobi and Naruto are blow off from the clash, Bee catch Naruto.

Bee : Calm down, Naruto. Mozafucka !
Naruto : Damn, it's hard. Not even a crack.
Tobi : You're lucky I didn't slip though this. You didn't even wound me. The power you got by controlling the Kyuubi. This is not all you got, I hope.
Bee/Naruto : !!

Roshi : Yoton - Shaku Karyuu Gan no Jutsu ( Miraculous Stream Rock ).
Lava fall.

Naruto : HOT !
Bee : Yo !!
When they try to dodge.
Yagura : Suiton : Mizugagami no Jutsu ( Reflecting Water ).
Naruto attacks himself in the water mirror, bee too attacks himself in the mirror.
Naruto : The same power !
Bee : Huuh ...
After the attack, the water mirror splits itself and turns into Soap Bubbles.
Bee : !!?
As the bubbles attacks Naruto, the bubbles explodes.
Naruto : Haa !
Utakata : Suiton - Houmatsu no Jutsu ( bubble on surface of liquid )
Bee : Naruto !
Naruto : Nnn ...

When Utakata moves his fingers, all the bubbles explodes at once.
Bee rescue Naruto with one of Hachibi's tentacle.
Hachibi : ( You forgot about me. Go all out and corner him ! )
Tobi : ... huhuhu ...
Naruto : !?

Tobi : Huhu ... You can call me with my old name Tobi, you know. Now that this war started, I have no further use for a name. Tobi, Madara ... use whatever you want.

Naruto : You ... Who the hell are you ?

Tobi : I'm nobody. I don't want to be anybody. All that matters to me is the final completition of the Eye of the moon plan.

Következő adag:

When Utakata moves his fingers, all the bubbles explodes at once.
Bee rescue Naruto with one of Hachibi's tentacle.
Naruto : Thank you, Bee !
Bee : !!
The air around them starts sparkling !
Fuu : Hiden - Rinpen Kakure no Jutsu
Everything seems very bright.
Yugito attacks Bee
Han attacks Naruto
Bee and Naruto blocks.
Bee : The sunglasses are high class !

Naruto : I can sense you evildoers any time I want.
( What awesome power ! )
Han and Yugito have been restrained, Naruto and Bee jumps back.

Hachibi: ( Yugito is even there ... Thoses guys are former Jinchuurikis. Furthermore they have both Sharingan and Rinnegan, their lives have been stolen and they've been given such gross eyes. Poor Yugito. )

Bee : Seeing them with those eyes piss me off ... But I'm relieved this won't be the case for me.

Hachibi : ( If you don't want to become like this, you'd better get serious. )

Naruto : He haves the same eyes as Madara. But his mask is different, it haves two holes now.

Tobi : This mask is different from the last one, this one is fit for battle.

Naruto : So the other eye that was hidden was a Rinnegan after all. Just like the other Madara and Nagato.

Tobi : !?

Naruto : You both Madara will fall !

Tobi : You said Both ?

Naruto : ... !?

Tobi remembers when Kabuto summonded the dead Madara and the former Jins.

Tobi : Damn you, Kabuto.

Bee : Who are you guys, anyway ? Madara is the other guy right ? Mozafucka !
Tobi : ... huhuhu ...
Naruto : !?


Credits: Yagami1211
Source: NF

This world where dispair is everywhere is not worth existing.

Naruto : ...
Tobi : You Jinchuuriki, you saw despair everywhere since the day you got a Bijuu, Am I wrong ?
I though you people would understand what true despair is, even if it's just a little bit.
Naruto : Just because we are one with a Bijuu, don't start getting the wrong idea.
Kyuubi : ...
Bee : ...

Naruto : This world is worthless for you ? You went as far as starting a war for it. You : A random no name. You think you can fool us ?
Even though you're trying to fool us and hiding your face like a coward with a lame mask ...
You are yourself : an asshole !
You piss me off ! I'm gonna tear apart that mask of yours !

Bee : I'm going first ! Wweeeeeeeeee !

Tobi : You want to break my mask ? You'll have your bones broken.
Tensou : Jinchuuriki Sentou Taisei ! ( Hosts Battle Condictions, I suppose he uses the other Jin's powers. )

Bee : EEEeee ...
Naruto : !!
Tobi : Kyuubi, Hachibi. Don't worry, you'll fall into my hands ... The eye of the moon will happen !


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 nov 23, 20:17:05
A 564. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 565. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 nov 30, 08:07:13
Na akkor kezdjünk hozzá a spoilerek begyűjtéséhez:

Source: 2ch
Credits: ohana
Verification: Confirmed

(Bee is confused about their eyes and asks Naruto to explain him)
ナルトは、移住の目が、ちょうどその時の痛みの戦いのようなビジョンを共有していることを説明 する
(Naruto explains how the rinnegan works, with shared vision and recalls his fight with Pain)
(their fight continues, but Han stops them with an attack)
(Tobi talks about naruto and how they will be captured)
(Bee wants to end this quickly and goes into full 8-tails mode, goes on rampage)
(the chapter ends with naruto and bee against more agressive tailed beasts)
どのように終わるのだろうか? !
(how will it end? !)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 nov 30, 09:37:07
Verification: Confirmed
Forrás: MangaHelpers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: feraaaa32 - 11 nov 30, 16:15:51
Status:Confirmed spoiler
Forrás: naruto-spoilers

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 nov 30, 16:17:48
Angol verzió:

Credits: takL
Source: NF

just the lines from ビー (ユギトの奴 昔と動きがちがう… サプライズ♪高かったオレのマフラー半分 これじゃ半プライス♪ )

Bee: (damn yogito her movements are different from thoes in the past...surprise♪ my expensive muffler(/scarf) got halved and reduced to half the price♪)
8b: (that sharingan! It sees through our moves in detail! the eye power added to Jinchuriki freaking raises each jinchurikis abilities!
For the vantage, the shared visions bring the 6 of the jinchurikis to the right positions and time the attacks well.
Bee, let me talk to Naruto!)
Bee: Yo! -bee n naruto fist bump-
8b: (Naruto they freaking come using the two eye-powers and biju powers nicely…they already know (we're)here as well, perhaps?)
chiliNaru: (no other way than to stop each of the 6 jinchurikis!!) if same to nagatos, they have to be all controlled by chakra!
That time every(pain)body had black receivers pierced somewhere on the body dattebayo!!
8b: (I see…if we just pull them out or break them, we can discard the "gedo(heretic)no jutsu" or something, I figure…but thats a toughie….when even hitting our attack at them isnt easy….to pinpoint the black receivers we dont even know where is….
Bee: is that it?
8b: (!? Which!?)
chiliNaru: !?
Bee: I gazed at yogitos chest to check(tenken♪) and something dark sticking out is a discovery(hakken♪)! At first I thought it was her well-used ****….
-8b pokes bee although on yugitos chest is indeed a receiver-

Bee: (a full-exposure/exhibition is cold/uninspiring(fukan♪). a fleeting glimpse is hot/an actual sensation(jikkan♪).
8b: (when this battle can decide the fate of the world, what are you on about like stink…)
chiliNaru: (that is it dattebayo! Then, the others too have…!!
8b: (Naruto, wait!!)

ChiliNaru: (if i cant hit them with my attack
Or catch them…)
ChiliNaru: ( I can eat(get) their attack and catch them…) nuGG!!!

chiliNaru: (sure enough its here is it…!! then…go on with this….
8b: (are you alright you 2!?)
chiliNaru: ouch….
8b: (bee…against them, its rather our disadvantage to be in a grove . And visibility gets worse for you. You know what I mean, bee)
Bee: O…Yo…
8b: (blow away the woods around here!!)
Bee: killer bee with the hook of eight tails, is this man right here!! WeEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeH!!!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 nov 30, 22:13:31
A 565. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 566. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 dec 07, 08:35:33
source: 2ch & NF
Credits: T & Geg
Verification: confirmed

130 :T ◆27p9/DnZE//X :2011/12/07(水) 15:39:16.24 ID:8Skl2XK60

Bee destroys the forest.
The Jinchuuriki seem defeated so they decide to seal them, but then they reappear in a state like when Naruto loses control (I assume this means something like Naruto's 4-tails mode)
The Jinchuuriki are too tough. Naruto is almost captured by Tobi, but then Kakashi and Guy appear!
Kakashi and Guy were waiting for Tobi to try to touch Naruto so he'd be materialized.
Kakashi: "We have the Sharingan on our side too."
Guy: "And Konoha's noble green beast as well!"

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 dec 10, 14:19:15
A 566. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 567. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 dec 14, 08:49:49
credits: ohana & koohiinin
source: 2ch & NF

165 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/12/14(水)
十五と水月出てきた ちょっとだけね

188 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2011/12/14(水)

Sasuke appears in color.
Juugo and Suigetsu appear just a little.

The Kyuubi is cute!
Guy opens up to the sixth gate.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 11 dec 14, 10:22:48
credits Yagami1211
Source NF

567 : Konoha Village's Jinchuuriki.

Juugo : Let's hope Karin and Sasuke are safe.
Suigetsu : You don't need to worry about this.
Juugo : Why ?
Suigetsu : If they are alive, do you think we'll have a big heartwarming reunion when we'll find them ?
Juugo : ?
Suigetsu : Listen, Karin wants to get into Sasuke's pants, that means we're a hindrance to them.
Juugo : I see. Then what do we do ? Collecting the swords again ?
Suigetsu : Let's get in their way. That's what I would enjoy the most after collecting the swords.
But, first We'll have to visit a few Orochimaru hideouts.

Naruto : So you came, Kakashi-sensei, Big Eyebrows-sensei !

Kakashi : You're putting way too much efforts in doing what I taught team 7, so I can't really rest myself.

Naruto : Yes ! The Sharingan are linked by the Rinnegan eyes, the right and left eyes, and the left chest ... huh, then ...

Gai : Calm down, I don't get what you're saying.

A Jin starts running.

Kakashi : 5 tails, so it's Gobi, The 5 tails beast !

Naruto : He's coming !

Gai : Konoha Boulder Buster !

Naruto : Uoou !!!

Gai removes the coral from Naruto's back.

Bee : Sorry, little eighty. Are you all right ?
Hachibi : We share the same pain, dude. Are you ok ?


Tobi is hiding. He does something to Gobi and his chain. Are Tobi and the chain linked ?

Gobi : ( What a pain. To think that I'm being controlled by that guy ... ) Gobi crumbles.

Kakashi : ( What did the Gobi Jin tried to attack Tobi ? )

Tobi does something to Gobi again.

Gai : Did he stopped the Bijuu's power ?

Kakashi : I don't know. But it seems he can't fulling control the Tailed Beasts, maybe.

Gobi is in pain.
Another Jin comes to Tobi.

Hachibi : Hey did you hear this, Naruto ? The voice.

Naruto : I did.

Hachibi : That's Gobi's voice. We Bijuu do haves emotions, you know and to see another Bijuu like this piss me off.

Kyuubi : Meh. What's are you talking about ? That's what the ninjas who have been using us as pets did all this time, it's the same.

Hachibi : Are you sure about that, Kyuubi ?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 dec 14, 10:51:26
Előttem szóló FOLYTATÁSA

Naruto : Wut ? It seems like Kyuubi and Hachibi are talking.

Hachibi : I knew it, Kyuubi ... after all, you ...

Kyuubi : You talk way too much. Indeed, you're the 2nd strongest after me, the Hachibi. Take care of thoses guys, I'm going to bed.

Hachibi : Don't start an argument about our tails. You were always like this. That's why you treated the one tail Tanuki like shit. Are you listening to me, mozafucka ?
You're a fox, so don't start faking sleep !

Bee : Bijuu can talk using Telepathy ! This is too real for us.

Kakashi : What are you blabbing about Naruto ? The enemy is coming. I came for you don't let me down.

Naruto : Yes !

Kakashi : First We need to confirm what Pain jutsu does the bodies use. Gai ?

Gai : I'm never that good with people's faces. They all look the same to me.

Kakashi : Raikiri !

Gai : Hachimon Tonkou ! 6th Gate : View Gate - Open !

Gai and Kakashi rushes on the Edo Jins.

Kakashi : The 3 others are this way, Naruto.

Naruto : Coming !

Bee : I think's it's better than before anyway.

Kakashi : ( Chakra absorbotion, Summoning, pulling and pushing, soul absorbtion, mechanisms and puppets ... they're not using anything ! )

Jin are attacking Kakashi and gai from the back.

Gai : Why aren't they using Pain jutsus ?
Kakashi : Maybe they just can't.
Gai : Since we already know most of the pain jutsus anyway. Maybe they're not stupid enough to use jutsus the enemy know of.

Kakashi : It can't be that simple to control 7 Bijuus like this, even with his eye powers. He needs considerable chakra for this.

Naruto : Good job, Kakashi-sensei. You always understand everything so fast.
Kyuubi : ( Meh, what a pain in the ass. )

Naruto : Hachibi and Kyuubi are fighting !!

Tobi : Hey, Kakashi ! Good job seeing through this. You have good eyes. Let's bluff a little bit.

Kakashi : !!

Jin's are shouting and turning into their Bijuus.

Tobi : Next, two of them.

Naruto : Uwah !
Kakashi : Kuu ... !

Naruto reverts to base.

Gai and Kakashi are blown off.

Naruto : Shit ! I divided too much Kyuubi chakra with the Shadow Clones already. Well, I'll just have to aim the masked dude right away.

Bee : Stop using clones with Kage Bunshin ! This is no good. You're really going to die.

Hachibi : You still didn't notice anything Bee ? Even after your fists met.

Bee : ?

Hachibi : After doing all thoses clones, Naruto would be dead already. The only possible explanation is that Kyuubi stopped taking Naruto's chakra. Isn't that right, Kyuubi ?

Kyuubi : ...

Hachibi : Look, I dunno what happened between you guys ...

Kyuubi remembers what Naruto said. ( Hey, Kyuubi ... I think I'm going to try and get rid of your hate. )
( What ? Having a Bijuu inside of us is misfortune ? Don't start judging on your own. )

Kyuubi : ...

Gai : What ?

Kakashi : Whatever happens, don't touch them.

4 Tails thrown Hachibi.
Naruto is taken into 4 Tails's mouth.

Naruto reverts to RS Mode and starts freeing himself from the 4 tails.

Kyuubi : ...

Naruto's in a pinch, but what is the Kyuubi planning ?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 dec 16, 10:37:01
A 567. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 568. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 11 dec 20, 09:24:33
Forrás: Mangahelpers

Nem tudom, hogy mindenki tudja e, de...
"Naruto 567 Discussion / 568 Predictions *NO CHAPTER NEXT WEEK!!"
... úgyhogy karácsonykor nem olvasunk mangát :(

(Remélem nem gond h ezt posztoltam)

Cím: Írta:hitsuSpoilerke
Írta: feraaaa32 - 11 dec 20, 15:17:10

Naruto 568 Spoilers and Summaries ( Wednesday morning or faster, just check back frequently!)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Cartnecker - 11 dec 21, 19:45:46
Forrás: Narutoforums, MangaStream

Jump 05-06 cover:

( (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: naruto96ricsmond - 11 dec 22, 01:27:41
Keresgétem és találtam valamit,többen is mondják,hogy ez az igazi szöveg,de nekem kicsit sántit....azért kirakom,és a fake,akkor bocsánatot kérek előre is....

Originally Posted Mangastream 
Chapter 568: Naruto and the Kyubbi become one!?!?

 *Scene starts with naruto struggling inside Roshi's mouth*

 Naruto: "AHHHH, this is bad, in Frog Mode (Sage Mode) opening his mouth wouldn't be a problem, but this mode isn't built for fighting like this"

 Gai: "Kakashi, we have to help Naruto"

 Kakashi: "Right, i'll hold off these Bijuu with Bee go get naruto"

 Gai: "6th gate open"
 *Gai goes 150km in an instant, and strikes roshi's bijuu in the stomach"

 Roshi Bijuu: "GWAHHH" *Spits out naruto who falls through 10 trees*

 Gai: "Are you alright Naruto!?"

 *Naruto is bleeding profusely from his face, and his confidence is gone*

 Naruto: "I will be fine thick brows sensai"

 *Inside Naruto, he walks to where the Kyubbi is seal*

 Naruto "If we don't defeat them here, you will be taken from me and forever used as a monster, do you want that"

 Kyubbi: "Brat, I don't give a damn about you, but i will not be a pet anymore, please remove this seal and we will fight as one"

 *Naruto hesitates and begins to remove the seal*

 *flash back to Minato stopping Naruto the last time*

 Naruto: "Sorry Dad, but you entrusted this world to me and this is my decision to save it"

 *Naruto removes the seal and Kyubbi leaves the cage*

 Naruto: "what now"

 Kyubbi: "Just a second brat, it's good to be free, now to summon him"

 *Kyubbi scratches Naruto's face and uses with blood for a summon jutsu*

 Kyubbi: "Impure World ressurection technique"

 *Death God appears next to Naruto and everyone is shocked*

 Tobi: "!!!!!!"

 Bee: "What the hell is that creepy guy"

 Kakashi: "This is just like.........."

 Death God: "So you finally summon me Kyubbi, i guess you're ready to change the world afterall. A creature living in darkness and malice all his life ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of the world. To think this Boy (Naruto) is the savior of this world. When his father first came into my realm he told me Naruto would change the world, but i never thought he would change you"

 Kyubbi: "Bastard, just get on with it already"

 Naruto : "What's happening"

 Kyubbi: "Just wait brat"

 *Tobi uses the 3 tails to attack, but death god kills it and seals it in his realm*

 *Death God creates a barrier around himself, naruto and the kyubbi*

 *Death God opens a bottle, and another Kyubbi is ressurected and 3x the size of the original Kyubbi*

 Death God: "This is the yang part of your chakra that Minato sealed inside of me Kyubbi, please rejoin your former self"

 *Both Kyubbi's merge into 1 as the barrier explodes and the kyubbi is fully erect with red and orange chakra*

 Naruto: "A,a,a Amazing"

 Kyubbi: "We're not done yet, Naruto, i am going to merge into you, no longer will you be housing me, all my power, knowledge, and skills will be inside you and your body, get ready"

 *Kyubbi makes a seal and him and naruto are sucked in together*

 *The world begins to rumble, and the new Naruto emerges from the quake*

 *Naruto has a fiery red aura, red pupils, chakra emitting from his body, and an evil stare*

 Super Naruto "Tobi, Madara, whoever the fukk you're. Prepare yourself, this is the end"

 *Tobi begins making seals until, Naruto hits him and knocks his mask off*

 Tobi: "GWWWWAAH, he's faster than light and stronger than an elephant"

 *Tobi without his mask gazes at kakashi*

 Kakashi: "!!!!!!!, IT CAN'T BE!!!!"

 *Chapter ends with Kakashi's eyes being both open*

 *What is naruto's new power, does Kakashi knows Tobi's true identity* this is the side text

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Morause - 11 dec 24, 01:38:22
Forrás: Mangastream:

Először ezt az infót a narutobase fórumon találtam de a csávó adott egy ilyen linket hozzá! :D (az h most hiteles nem állítom, nem is volt oda írva!)

*Naruto begins to slowly open Yonbi's mouth*
*Naruto opens Yonbi's mouth faster and jumps out*
Hachibi: Naruto's back in the Kyuubi Chakra Mode...
Naruto: What's going on...I didn't think I had enough in me to continue using this but-

*Inside Naruto*
Kyuubi: I helped you you fool!
Naruto: !?
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: But...why?
Kyuubi: Does it matter? I simply don't want to be captured...
Naruto: ...That's not it...
Kyuubi: !
Naruto: I may not be that smart...but I can tell you did this more then just not wanting to be captured.
Kyuubi: ...
Naruto: I-!!!
Kyuubi: !!!

*Back on the battle field*
*Hachibi moves his hand in front of Naruto, which gets crushed by Yonbi*
Killerbee: Hachibi!

*Back inside Naruto*
Naruto: Hachibi...
*Kyuubi has a worried look on his face*
Naruto: We have to work with each other!
Kyuubi: *Still has a worried look*...
Naruto: Hachibi is trying to protect us...Kakashi and Guy are trying to protect us...everyone in the Alliance is fighting, risking their lives...TO PROTECT US!!!
Kyuubi: No...they are trying to
Naruto: !?
Kyuubi: *Looking depressed now*...This world sees me as a monster. The world either wants us Bijuu to be away for good or be used as weapons to help themselves, they could care less about us...Hachibi is lucky, he was able to find someone who actually cares about him.
???: He wasn't the only one who was lucky.
Kyuubi: !!!
Naruto: !? Why does it seem like I have a new voice in my head every day...
*Gobi appears, with Han*
Han: Calm down kid.
Naruto: Umm...
Gobi: My host cares about me, it's because of him that I was able to stop causing mayhem and fight along side him to help make this world a better place.
Kyuubi: *Shocked look*...
*Rokubi and Utakata appears*
Naruto: !?
Kyuubi: !
Rokubi: Utakata is a great host too. He saw me more then a giant Slug monster, he saw me as a friend.
*Yonbi, Roshi, Sanbi, Yagura, Nibi, Yugito, Nanabi, and Fuu all appear*
Yonbi: We all have been in the same situation as you Kyuubi.
Nanabi: We were all monsters, wanting nothing but destruction.
Nibi: But our hosts were the ones to help us understand ourselves better and understand the world better too.
Sanbi: Having a host isn't a burden for us at all, it's a gift. My host released me, so I wouldn't be captured, he gave his life for me.
Naruto: *Shocked look*...
Kyuubi: *Same shocked look as Naruto*...
Fuu: Aww, you two look like a perfect couple, even making the same facial expressions, I bet you two would be awesome in a fight together!
Yagura: I think I speak for us all when I say that being a Jinchuriki isn't a burden, just like Sanbi said having a host isn't a burden, it's a gift. We all get to understand ourselves better and the world, just like the Bijuu.
Roshi: Thanks to Yonbi, I was able to explore the world, and learned things about myself I never even knew about.
Utakata: Rokubi was great to have around, she made me see there's more to life then fighting, there's the good times you get to spend with your friends.
Yugito: I ended up with a house full of Cats because of Nibi, every time I saw a Cat I thought of her and that made me happy...I might have overdid it a little with 200 Cats but I can't help how much I love Nibi.
Kyuubi: I...
Naruto: How exactly did all of you get in my head...
???: It was me...
*Hachibi appears, with Killerbee, and Ichibi and Gaara*
Naruto: My head is seriously going to be hurting with all this in my head.
Hachibi: It was difficult making a link for all the Bijuu and Jinchuriki, it wont last long so we need to make this quick!
Naruto: Wait how is Gaara here isn't he fighting right now...aren't we all fight!?
Hachibi: This is are subconscious mind, we are still fighting. However if we take too long our bodies will collapse, the other Jinchuriki and Bijuu will be fine though because of Edo Tensei, which is why we need to make this quick!*Hachibi looks exhausted*
Ichibi: I can't say I felt the same as everyone else did about their host, I just wanted to prove I was stronger then Kyuubi said I was, I put this kid through hell though, and I would take it back. You must hate me Gaara...
Gaara: No. I don't hate you or blame you for anything. We both didn't fully understand each other at the time, but now...
Ichibi: Heh, I think I get what you're saying, I guess I can say I feel the same like everyone else.
Hachibi: See Kyuubi...? Being a Jinchuriki or a Bijuu isn't bad at all, because we'll always have someone there with us.
Kyuubi: *Speechless face*
Naruto: ...Once we win this war, I'll make sure every person understands you, and all the Bijuu. When they think of you and the others, they wont think of a monster or a tool, they'll think of a hero, a noble beast, a wonderful creature. I wont stop until everyone knows and understands that Bijuu aren't bad at all. No matter how long it takes me, I will make everyone understand each other, there will be no more hate, no more war, the world will be at peace, and you can be apart of it Kyuubi.
Kyuubi: Naruto...
Naruto: *Smiling, with thumbs up* I believe it!
Kyuubi: ...Heh.

*Scene changes to Edo Madara vs Kages*
Edo Madara: You Kages are impressive...
*Focus on Gaara*
Gaara: !
Onoki: You alright Gaara? You looked a little out there for a second.
Gaara: *Smiles* I'm fine, let's finish this so Naruto can bring peace to the world.

*Scene changes to Tobi and the others*
Guy: What is Naruto doing, this is no time for sleep!
Kakashi: ...
*Naruto begins to change*
Guy: What's going on!?
Kakashi: It's the Kyuubi...
Guy: We're going to have to deal with the Kyuubi now too, when is the rest of the backup getting here!
Kakashi: I think the Kyuubi is our back up...
Guy: Why do you say that?
Kakashi: ...Just a feeling.
*Naruto changes completely into Kyuubi*
Hachibi: Finally...
Tobi: WHAT!?
Kyuubi: IT'S OVER FOR YOU...
Naruto and Kyuubi: BELIEVE IT!!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 11 dec 26, 20:41:18
A 568. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 569. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 jan 03, 10:24:27
Forrás: Mangastream (Mangahelpers-en is írnak hasonlót)
There will be no JUMP (Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, HxH, Reborn) releases until the 2nd week of January, around the 11th.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 jan 11, 10:26:59
Forrás: MH
Hitelesség: -

That’s all right! says Naruto.

Kyuubi is tsundere.

Naruto comes out of Son’s mouth.
He pulls the stake out of Son.
Marada stops him(?).

Naruto and Kyuubi share memories.
Heroes always are overdue, for example.
Naruto and Neji’s battle at the Chuunin exams.

Naruto entering sage mode.

Kyuubi: prove yourself through your conduct! That’s shows who you really are!
He watches Naruto’s conduct attentively.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 jan 14, 20:49:54
A 569. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 570. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 jan 18, 10:02:19
Rövid, de nagyon érdekes spoiler:

Source 2ch
Credits: ohana
Verification: Confirmed

九尾とナルト 拳と拳合わせて和解。仲良しこよし★
Kyuubi and Naruto reconcile and become partners.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 jan 20, 17:55:29
A 570. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 571. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 jan 25, 10:34:59
Source: 2ch
Credits: ohana
Verification: Confirmed
Naruto transforms into the Bijuu

The Chakra Cloak increases **
The 3 whiskers turn dark
and the seal from the stomach opens up. (ohana uses an onomatopoeia here: dooon)

**(so, I dunno about this line, because ohana uses a specific word/jargon "chiri chiri" and I have no idea what that is...if I remember correctly that's the name for the Chakra Cloak...I'm not sure...but if I'm right then it's like that)

---------- Post added at 11:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 AM ----------

Madara transforms as well
His whiskers also turn darker and the same with his seal, while he screams

Naruto vs remaining tailed beasts.
Chapter ends with Naruto doing a Tailed Beast Bomb.
---------- Post added at 10:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 AM ----------

435 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2012/01/25(水) 18:40:35.89 ID:Gap/Qjg1O
They transform separately
The transformation works as it does with Killer Bee and Hachibi
Naruto sits on Kyuubi giving indications and such.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 jan 25, 11:22:57
Ez gyorsan kijött :D :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 jan 25, 22:21:48
A 571. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 572. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: xXKiraXx - 12 jan 30, 13:31:14
Nem tudom mennyire hihetünk ennek az infónak de a multhetit is innen néztem spoilerbe, akkor  jó volt, remélem most is azt lesz.

Forrás: (
By: DeadWay

The bijuu dama's collide
Hachibi: He..can he really do it?
Kakashi: It looks like he's overpowering the bijuu!
Tobi makes hand seals and Gedo Mazo comes out.
Gedo mazo releases the one tails and son
They both fire away their own bijuudama
Naruto:Guh!! Damnit
Kurama: Naruto don't over use the chakra yet
Naruto: I HAVE TO
The bijuudama erupts and causes everyone to be launched away.
Naruto is knocked out and the Hachibi was protecting Kakashi and Gai who then happens to transform back to base
Tob's bijuu are a mess and regenerating.
Kurama: Naruto! Get up! You used up all the 5 min of chakra you had with that one bijuudama!
Tobi: Hmm...even with that much power you still use it like a fool.
Tobi walks close to Naruto
Killerbee: Naru-to....get up.....urgh
Killerbee collapses
Killerbee: Sorry brother.....I it
Tobi is standing above Naruto who is knocked out
Tobi: Regardless of who you convert, whoever lends you power. They will always be killed and used for evil. You, are no different than him. He always said brother was more powerful because of his body.
Kurama: !? What..did he just mention?
Tobi grabs naruto's face
Tobi: Perfect jinchuriki or are merely just a boy...while I am... a god.
Tobi: !
Tobi looks in the distance and sees Kakashi
Kakashi is looking at Tobi with mangekyrou ready.
Tobi: So he knows....indeed you learn quickly Kakashi.
Kakashi: The moment I see you warping Naruto away, it;s over for you.
Tobi: Is that so?
All the bijuu are in their human forms and land near Kakashi
Kakashi: At this rate...I won't be able to warp Tobi away..but I can destroy these puppets...I'll have to wait for the exact time.
Tobi: Kill him.
All the jinchuriki charge at Kakashi
Kakashi: I'll warp my body away and everyone or thing around's the least I can do for being a burden for you Naruto....Killerbee....Hokages....Obito..acknowled ge this.
Kakashi: Mangekyou Shari--
All the bijuu are suddenly knocked away by a fiery force.
Kakashi: What!?
Gai is standing in front of him in the 8th gate
Gai is shifting his form back and forwards so he looks like an after image.
Tobi: That's? The eighth gate..!
Kakashi: Gai! No! Why did you use'll die now!
Gai: There's no other option...besides,..I wasn't goign to let you steal all the fun.
Gai looks back at Kakashi and gives him the thumbs up
Kakashi: Hmm...alright.
Kakashi: Altough...I never thought I'd die besides my biggest rival.
Gai: How about dying besides a friend.
Kakashi: Yea....*Kakashi's sharingan evolves* I can do that.
Gai/Kakashi: Let's Go!
The Masters make their last move.
Chapter end

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: xXKiraXx - 12 jan 30, 18:28:26
Találtam még egy lehetőséget, most már tényleg nem tudom melyik lehet az igazi.

Forrás: (

-The Final Push

(Dark, masses of violet energy from both sides is slamming each other for dominance.)

Naruto: “C’mon, Kurama, don’t hold back on me now!”

Kyuubi: “We got 3 minutes, much more assertion and we’ll cut that time down even faster!” (The five Bijuu’s bomb is larger and is starting to overtake Naruto’s. From inside the protective chakra walls, Kakashi appears worried.)

Kakashi: “As powerful as Naruto is with the Kyuubi at his call, there’s still just so much chakra he’s up against in the 5 Bijuu.” (Meanwhile, the scene cuts to Tobi as the five Bijuu’s bomb is overwhelming Naruto.)

Tobi: “That’s it, just a bit-what do we have here?“ (Killer Bee in Hachibi mode rushes in by the Kyuubi mode and begins charging up a Bijuu ball to offset Naruto’s load.)

Killer Bee: “You’re my bud, can’t let ya taste the mud; at least not alone!”

Hachibi (in Killer Bee’s mind): “We’re on low too.”

Killer Bee (in his mind): “I don’t care, we’re gonna rip it up!”

Hachibi (in Killer Bee’s head): “Roger!” (Killer Bee lets out his Bijuu bomb and it helps even the playing field. Naruto and Killer Bee’s Bomb is now evenly matched with the five other Bijuu’s. Naruto comments on Killer Bee’s bravery.)

Naruto: “Thanks, man, you always have my back.”

Killer Bee: “Less messin’ around, more going to town!”

(Now, Kyuubi and the Hachibi have a few words to spare to each other.)

Hachibi: “Never in my wildest imaginations would I have believed a scenario such as this could occur.”

Kyuubi: “This doesn’t change anything between you and me, I just want to survive and outlive this bastard, Madara or whoever with a means to piss me off. And if I have to team up with this brat to do that, then I’d make the same choice time in and time out.”

Hachibi: “Always the opportunistic one, but you can’t deny-“

Kyuubi: “Naruto, we’ve only got less than 2 minutes!” (Naruto responds.)

Naruto: “I know, but I’m getting drained as well. Controlling the bomb takes a lot out of me.” (Killer Bee jumps into the conversation.)

Killer Bee: “I’m not as fresh as I once was, almost all out, cuz.”

(Killer Bee reverts to Version 2, he’s still firing off a Bijuu bomb, but it’s of a smaller scale. The 5 Bijuu are slightly gaining an edge again.)

Naruto: “No, no, no!” (The edge is growing, the Kyuubi appears overpowered, and it kneels on both of its hind legs.)

Kyuubi: “We have a little over a minute left. I can churn out more energy at the expense of seconds remaining. The Hachibi’s host will also have to exhaust all resources; we might be able to take them by surprise, but only for a short moment. From there, we’d need to tip them over the edge if we want to have any hopes surviving this encounter.”

Naruto: “Damn it, the risk is huge…”

Hachibi: “Exactly, if we blow out all of our chakra gaining the upper hand momentarily, but not having anything left in the tank to finish the job-”

Killer Bee: “We’d be done, son!”

(Kakashi and Gai wade their way to Naruto.)

Kakashi: “Do it. I have something planned.”

Naruto: “NOO, Kakashi sensei, it’s not safe outside!”

Kakashi: “Ninja have to be willing to make tough choices. A Hokage has to be willing to take even greater risks. Have faith in me, as I have faith in you.”

Naruto: “I see…” (Gai gives him the thumbs up. Kakashi gets on Gai’s back via piggy back ride. Gai, with sixth chakra gate open, breaks through Naruto’s chakra veil.)

Kyuubi: “Up for it, Naruto?”

Naruto: “Killer Bee, all or nothing, man!”

(All of a sudden, Naruto’s able to expand the width and force of the Bijuu bomb to the point that it is slightly over the other Bijuu’s energy. Killer Bee also thickens his chakra blast radius. The good guy’s energy is now greatly at advantage. The scene switches over to Tobi’s location.)

Tobi: “Fools, they’ll just tire themselves out, it’s not nearly enough to entirely engulf the power of five Bijuu. Wait a second, is that Kakashi and Gai, what could they possibly do?” (Kakashi and Gai spot the two energies colliding. The ground is shaking viciously, the air is twisting rapidly.)

Gai: “Hurry it up, this air stings!” (Kakashi’s sharingan goes Mangekyou.)

Kakashi: “Hush, need to concentrate… There!” (Some of the five Bijuu’s chakra bomb is being reduced via space time continuum manipulation. Tobi is beyond pissed.)

Tobi: “THAT PESKY HOUND!” (In an instant, Naruto and Killer Bee’s bomb overtakes the five others' bomb. Gai activates the 7th gate and uses it to rush to a safe direction with Kakashi on back, while the Bijuu are all engulfed within a seemingly black void eradication. On the outside, Killer Bee is in normal form, passed out, while Naruto is also in normal form, on both knees, dripping in sweat.)

Naruto: “I hope Kakashi and Gai sensei made it out ok… Huh, huh, huh, now, all I have to do is wait for my Senjutsu Clone!”

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: gt12 - 12 feb 01, 09:04:06
Forrás: (

Young Kurama is cute.

Something about the young Bijuu sitting around the Rikudou Sennin.

Bijuu names, not sure on some of them due to different ways kanji can be read:

1: Shukaku
2: Matatabi
3: Isona/Isonade
4: Son Gokuu
5: Kokuou
6: Saiken (?)
7: Choumei
8: Ushioni/Gyuuki
9: Kurama

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 feb 01, 11:07:41
credits ohana @2ch
and Geg at Narutoforum

538 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2012/02/01(水) 18:36:18.45 ID:d6c9FG8OO


572 九つの名前

8尾 少し下に当て上へハネあげたか…うまいけど…なんちゅー規模だ!…やっぱ九尾つえー!!

仙人ナルト 杭をとらえた!!
チリナルト 杭を抜く。
チリナル いくぜクラマ!!一斉に引き抜く!!(こいつらを皆解放して!そんで全員助けんだ!!絶対!!!)
クラマ …
チリナル …! !!!

542 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2012/02/01(水) 18:38:23.49 ID:d6c9FG8OO

やぐら 待ってたぜ…
ナルト これって孫の時と…
ユギト やはり今回はこの階層まで入ってこれたか…四尾の言った通りだね
クラマ 四尾の時とは違う場所だ
ナルト ?
クラマ ワシとカンペキにリンクした分さらに尾獣達の深層心理の奥深くに入り込めたってことだ 見ろ!ここには人柱力も居る
ナルト よく分かんねーけど…とにかく皆居るし鎖もねーし… 前より落ち着く!
クラマ ここはあの面ヤローも入ってこれねェ…
やぐら よく来てくれたな人柱力と尾獣を代表して感謝する 会いたかったよ うずまきナルト!実は…
ナルト うっ…オレよりもチビでガキで弱そうなのに… 人柱力としてガンバってきたんだろうなぁ…お前…
それなのに…それだといえのに もうおなくなるになってると思うと…あまりにも… おいしいラーメンの味も… 女の子とのキスの味も知らずして…!!
クラマ おい…!お前も女の子とのキスの味はしらねーだろ!それどころか昔サスケとキスしちまってんだろお前!
ナルト ンなもん思いださせんな!!!ブォエエ~ ウ゛ェコ!!
やぐら オレは元四代目水影だし!実際えらかったし!!大人だしィ!! いや…えずきすぎだし!!そのサスケってのと何味だったんだよ!!?てか話してたのはオレの方だろ!!ったく四尾の言ったとおり話きかねー奴だな!!

---------- Post added at 10:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

546 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2012/02/01(水) 18:41:14.16 ID:d6c9FG8OO
>>538 >>542

ナルト ! 四尾って…じゃあここに孫もいたのか!?
やぐら (やっとか…)そうだ…
ナルト …ってことはあのヒゲのじいちゃんも…
フウ そうっす!

老紫 ちゃんと教えてやれ… … それとあいつにオレのチャクラをほんの少しだが渡せた
孫 …お前らは覚えてるか?六道のじじいが最後に言ってたことをよ…… たぶん…あの小僧がそれだ… オレはそう感じた …たぶんあいつはお前らも助けようとここまで来る そんときゃ小僧をよろしくな もう魔像に引っ張られてる…じゃ 先行ってるぜ
老紫 … 四尾よ… もしかしたらだが…
孫 !?
老紫 …ワシらにも… 違う道があったと思うか…?
孫 …
孫 ケッ…土影のオオノキより頑固なてめーが…死んで随分と丸くなったかぁ!?まぁ…てめーが人柱力になったあの時…初めにオレの名をちゃんと覚えててたらな…!
老紫 …お前の人柱力になって40年余り今さらお前の名を言うほど丸くはなれん…!だが忘れていた訳ではない…
孫 なら…オレの名の口上全部言ってみやがれ
老紫 … 孫でいいか?

ウタカタ オレ達四尾の訴えで集い お前ぬ聞かせ渡すものを約束してこうしてここにいる
ナルト そっか…あいつそんなこと… へへ…とにかく皆集まって仲良さそうでよかったってばよ!
ハン そうなったのはここより四尾と老紫がいなくなって後のことだで ナルト…お前のおかげだ
又旅(二尾) ナルト君前に来て手を… 四尾…イヤ孫悟空との約束を…果たします…
ナルト !?
又旅 私の名は又旅

ユギト 二位ユギト
三尾 ボクの名は磯撫(いそぶ)
やぐら オレは元四代目水影やぐらだ
五尾 私はコク王
ハン ハンだ
六尾 オレやよ犀犬(サイケン)ってんだ
ウタカタ ウタカタだ
七尾 ラッキーセブン重明(ちょうめい)だ
フウ フウっす!

---------- Post added at 10:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ----------

561 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2012/02/01(水) 18:46:12.96 ID:d6c9FG8OO
>>538 >>542 >>546

六道仙人 私はもう長くない 守鶴 又旅 磯撫 孫悟空 コク王 犀犬 重明 牛鬼 クラマ 離れていてもお前達はいつも一緒だいずれ一つとなる時が来よう…
それぞれの名を持ち…今までとは違う形でな そして私の中に居た時と違い正しく導かれる
本当の力とは何か… その時まで…

クラマ (長すぎなんだよ…じじい)


チリナル ウォリヤアア!!
クラマ グオオオオ!!!(お前らもそう思うだろ…ナルトはじじいの…)
又旅 (そうね…)
磯撫 (う…うん)
犀犬 (ああ…)
重明 (だな…)
カカシ ガイも地上へ。
仮面男 …九尾まで完全にコントロール下に置くとはな だが…まだ長続きはしないようだな それで今まで通りだ


八尾 だが…よくやったぞナルト!!
ナルト 今まで通りじゃねえ…
仮面男 !?
ナルト 難しい名前 一度にたくさん教えてもらったからよ!!


to make it short,
most of the bijuu are communicating through telepath. some flashback of the bijuus.
the whole chapter is about flashback while both bijuudama connects. chapter ends with naruto winning the bijuudama and tobi quickly absorbs all the bijuu into gedo mazo.

Természetesen ha kész a fordítás akkor kiegészítem.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 feb 02, 22:38:37
A 572. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 573. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 feb 07, 17:35:41
Csakis tibee77 kedvéért és egy fekete pont yupinak amiért nem linkelte  :D:

Credits: Yagami1211
Source: NF

537 : The Road to Radiance.

Naruto has been entrusted the 9 names.

Tobi : Difficult ... names ? So what ?
Naruto : Could it be ... you don't know ?
Tobi : ?

Hachibi : Huh !

Naruto : Maybeeeeee ... Nah, I won't tell you !

Gai : Seeing how Naruto managed to progess and grow up like this ... makes me look like an old senile man.

Kakashi : What ? that's not like you. I don't say that often but ... Aren't you the one who said our youth is far from being over ?
But since we came here ...

Gai : Stop. Don't say anything unnecessary.

Kakashi : Now That's more like you, Gai.

Tobi : This face ...
When Tobi grabs his Fan, water starts to drop.

Tobi : Sweat ? No, it's rain. That's it. Fighting thoses guys shouldn't make me sweat. Naruto is just a test to Sasuke.
Thoses guys are supposed to be just entertainment to me.

I fully understand their powers. This uneasyness doesn't come from their powers. Then what is it ?


Once this war is over, they won't have any future nor anything left. All will become futile.

Communication Team:

ComA : In... Incredible. Did you felt what I felt ?
ComB : This is unbelievable. There's no mistake. It was the power of the Nine Tails !

Ao : Indeed. ( But this is a little different from what I expected. )

Shikaku : What's the status ?

Ao : Uzumaki Naruto drove Tobi into a corner with some huge power.
This chakra is unreal. But maybe they're under pressure.
Counting Kakashi, Gai and Bee too, they're just FOUR !

Shikaku : Inoichi ! Please talk directly to everybody in the Reinforcements Squad and give them the status about Naruto's Team.
15 seconds should be enough.

They're still fighting despites being just 4, we must do anything to support them.

ComC : Everyone ? My chakra network will never be able to deal with the strain.

Inochi : I can get you 10 seconds.

ComC : Inochi !

Shikaku : Sorry, but this is important. don't let me down during thoses 10 secs.

Inochi : You could more polite while asking. Let me handle this. ( Message from HQ : Important Status report. Uzumaki Naruto is giving all he can.
the Naruto we're supposed to protect along with Bee. Everyone is fighting with every last dip of their powers. Same for Kakashi and Gai.
And everyone in the alliance is fighting with the same thought in mind. )

Ninjas running.

Inochi : ( We're on the verge of winning this war ! ) Inochi gets a nosebleed ( A serious one ).

Shikaku : ...

Inochi *panting *: Haaa ... heee ... I knew it, you're a poor talker, and I gave you 20 secs !

ComC : Commander !

Shikaku : Indeed. ( That's how you feeling are strong, my friend. )

Inochi : Sorry.


Hinata : ( Naruto-kun ! I always tried to follow you, to catch up to you ... but once this war is over. I won't try to catch up to you anymore.
Next time I'll be right next to you while I grap your hand and walk with you. Please ... wait for me )

Kiba : Since I know you Naruto, you always marked anything. I'll leave the fighting with Madara to you until I get here.

Shino : We're going to support Naruto perfectly. And there's no because.

Shikamaru : That Naruto, he's doing all right. He's Naruto after all. I can't imagine how reckless he'll be but ... Haaa My head already hurts.

Chouji : Naruto's as dumb as I'm fat, I know that but ... I can't say I'm surprised. ( Wait for me, Dumber Naruto ! I'll be there in a flash ! )

Shikamru : He's not the type to think calmly about a plan, I know. ( That's why I'm coming, wait for me Naruto ! I'm on my way )

Ino : Thank you, dad. He transmitted to us Naruto's strong will and fellings. Don't worry dad, we don't let them in vain. )

Tenten : I wonder if Gai-sensei is okay. I wonder if he's protecting Naruto. Kakashi is with them so it should be okay.

Sai : If it wasn't for the heavy rain, I could use my ink summons to go to Naruto ...

Lee : If you have the time to complain, you need to speed up Sai-san.

Sai : Right. ( Is that how a friend feels ? I think I understand clearly now, Naruto. )

Sakura : ( Naruto, you saved Konoha and now you're trying to save the Shinobi World.
You always always end up in bad situations doing most of the job. but this time whatever you say, I'll be there. And I'm not alone.
We will fight alongside everyone. )

The Rookies to the rescue !

The rain is pouring but the sun can be seen in the clouds.
Footsteps can be seen on the ground.

the rain is betting stronger.
Lightning crash down.
Uchiha Sasuke is here.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 feb 08, 07:22:51
Ez már így pirospont? :DDD

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 feb 08, 23:14:51
A 573. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 574. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 feb 15, 22:21:01
A 574. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 575. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 feb 22, 09:38:06
Kijött a Mangastream "előzetese":

Nos Uraim, besz*rás milyen jó fejezetnek ígérkezik a mostani. Lesz minden ami kell:
 - Madara bedarálja a Kagékat
 - Oonoki visszaemlékezés
 - Madara megmutatja a felsőtestét és az 1. Hokagét
 - az uccsó 3 oldalon pedig Ita - Sasuke találka

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 feb 22, 11:52:58

Jöjjön egy kis szöveg is:

Translated by Yagami1211 and Mr. T

Fierce Battle : Madara Vs The 5 Kages !

575 : The Will of Stone !

Madara gets the upper hand on Oonoki.

Madara : Mokuton - World Tree Advent !

The 5 Kages dodges.

The roots are attacking.

Tsunade : This is grand father's ...

Mei : It's getting close, what are we gonna do ?

Tsunade : Kazekage !

Gaara : Got it !

In the forest, a big flower is blooming.

Everyone is riding Gaara's sand to get in the sky.
Oonoki is lifting the Raikage !

Ey : What ?

Mei : The scale is unreal. He created a forest in a instant.

Tsunade : Everyone, watch out for the pollen. Don't breath it. ( Not only the "Nativity of a Sea of Trees", but the "World Tree Advent" too ? Kabuto that bastard ! )

Kabuto : ( There no shinobi alive as strong as Senju Hashirama. That's what everybody says. Thoses who heard about his power puts him around Rikudou Sennin, or so the rumor says.
Let's put this hypothesys to reality. )

Muu catches up with Dotai's Team.

Madara brings out Susanoo.

Madara : You're too much focused on the pollen.

Madara knocks off the 5 Kage with Susanoo's hand.

Madara : Ok. How about a giant Katon to burn all of this ?

Madara : Katon - Gouka Messhitsu.

The forest is burned to the ground in an instant.

Mei : Suiton ...

Having breathed the pollen, the 5 kages fall to the ground.

The Edo Tensei-Madara is able to use Mokuton because his body is fused with the First Hokage.
The chapter ends at a point where it looks like Sasuke and Itachi will meet.
Madara's clothes are ripped and the First Hokage's face appears from behind them.
All the Kage notice it.
The Kage are getting worn out (especially Mei and Ohnoki).

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: KoporShow - 12 feb 29, 10:14:50
Sasuke sees Itachi, calls out to him, and chases after him, but Itachi says he can't stop.
Sasuke attacks with Susano-o, which is repelled by the Itachi's Susano-o.
Sasuke talks to him like a normal little brother. He has a lot of questions.

Hashirama was the ultimate ninja who could regenerate and perform unparalleled jutsu without performing seals. (not completely sure about this part)
Madara targets Tsunade as she is Hashirama's descendant.
Tsunade rolls up her sleeves and says "Don't underestimate the Will of Fire" and the chapter ends

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Sorrow - 12 feb 29, 10:40:59
Mangastream előzetes....

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 feb 29, 22:44:59
A 576. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 577. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 márc 07, 10:03:03
Mangastream-ről :) még jön majd részletesebb is ;)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Couthbert - 12 márc 07, 11:04:15
Nem tudom mennyire kell ez ide:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 márc 08, 19:01:46
A 577. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 578. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 márc 14, 11:27:46
Credits: MH
Source: Darjaille

Az összes oldal :)

+némi szöveg :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 márc 20, 20:51:15
(Kicsit megkésve, de azért beírom... :D)

A 578. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 579. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 márc 21, 09:50:04
Forrás: MH

A Mangastream is írt azért valamit :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 márc 21, 11:00:10
És tessék parancsolni :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 márc 21, 16:49:27

Itt egy jó alapanyag a fordításhoz, szerintem ez sokkal jobb minőségű mint a Mangareader-es (angol szöveg ugyanaz):

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 márc 21, 23:28:27
(Kösz, sajna már "késő" volt. Talán majd legközelebb. ;))

A 579. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 580. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Gurat - 12 márc 28, 09:33:36

kis előzetes....

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 márc 28, 09:41:08
Néhány oldal:





Mangahead scan:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 márc 28, 09:45:44
Mangastream előzetes :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Szalamandra-kun - 12 márc 28, 12:05:40
Elkészült az Angol  :D (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 márc 28, 14:48:34
Ismét itt a jobbféle manga scan:

(Gondolom ugyanaz a Mangastream-es banda csinálja aki korábban is. Egyébként nagyon sok mangájuk van és szerintem érdemes tőlük szedni a Bleach, One Piece és társait is:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 márc 28, 21:11:24
A 580. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 581. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 ápr 04, 09:19:21
Nem tudom mennyire hivatalos, azért bemásolom:

Írta: rajin

サスケはイタチに真実を聞きたいら� �い。
カブトにそそのかされ挑発されるも� �を貸すなと言うイタチ

うちはには相手の五感に関係なくは� �る瞳術が有ると言うイタチ
サスケ『・・・イザナギ・・・?ダ� �ゾウと戦った時それを使ってきた』� ��
イタチ『お前・・・よく生きてたな� �

うちはにはイザナギに対をなすもう� �つの禁術が有るらしい
イタチ『すでに仕込みは整った  � �奴の運命を握る究極の瞳術・・・イ� ��ナミだ』
イザナギが運命を変える術なら イ� �ナミは運命を決める術

イタチ『サスケ オレから離れるな� � 


Sasuke wants to hear the truth from Itachi.
Itachi tells Sasuke to listen without provoking Kabuto (?)

Itachi tells Sasuke that the Uchiha have an ocular jutsu that doesn't have to do with affecting the opponent's senses.
Sasuke: "...Izanagi...? Danzou used that when I fought him."
Itachi: "...You've lived well."

The Uchiha have another forbidden jutsu to act as a counterpart to Izanagi.
Itachi: "The preparations have already been made. The ultimate ocular jutsu that will seize his destiny... Izanami."
Izanagi is a jutsu that changes one's fate, while Izanami is a jutsu that determines one's fate.
Itachi and Kabuto clash.

Itachi: "Sasuke... Stay close to me."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 ápr 04, 10:10:36
Itt a RAW scan:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: trees - 12 ápr 04, 11:31:31
ééééés kint

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 ápr 05, 18:10:10
A 581. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 582. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 ápr 11, 10:51:52
A Raw már kint is van :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Gurat - 12 ápr 11, 11:38:45
van már előzetes:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 ápr 11, 11:39:41
És itt az angol :))

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 ápr 11, 21:14:49
A 582. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 583. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 ápr 18, 07:53:30
Írta: SSJ3Gotenks

マザーは根だった。戦争で傷ついた� �を治療している。
カブトは傷ついた大蛇丸を治療。カ� �トに良い忍になると言う。マザーと� ��ンゾウの会話。(省略 )
カブトはダンゾウと大蛇丸に着いて� �き忍びになり事を決意。
数年が経ちヘマをして敵に囲まれて� �る。くないが飛んできて攻撃される� ��相手はマザーだった。 気づ付いてる ので治療をする。
あなたは何故私を治療してくれるの� �聞くマザー カブトですと言うも誰� ��の?と言うマザー。カ ブトは自分が 誰か分からなくなる。
大蛇丸が現れ良い忍になったじゃな� � 私は覚えているわよカブト


今週カブトの過去だからね・・・・� �まん。

成長したカブトと会った時はまた違� �名前だった。


Mother was member of Root. She would heal people wounded in war.
Kabuto heals a wounded Orochimaru. Mother and Danzou have a conversation about Kabuto becoming a fine shinobi.
Kabuto decides to go along with Danzou and Orochimaru and become a shinobi.
Several years later, Kabuto makes a mistake and is surrounded by enemies. He fights back with kunai. His opponent is Mother. She gets injured, so Kabuto heals her.
Mother asks why he's healing her. She also asks who Kabuto is(?). Kabuto says he no longer knows who he is.
Orochimaru appears and says Kabuto's become a fine shinobi, and that Orochimaru remembers.
Mother has another name.
She had another name when she meets the grown-up Kabuto.

Az összes oldal kis méretben rajta van a képen, ha valaki nagyon nem bírna magával.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 ápr 18, 11:24:53
Az új fejezet RAW képei:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 ápr 18, 20:29:37
A 583. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 584. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 ápr 28, 08:43:45
Már kint van a RAW. Képek:
Credits: takL
Source: NF

584: kabuto yakushi
(caption) "the dangerous encounter...!!"

orochimaru: you just lack sufficient information to explain you(=who u are) yet. the glasses, the name or being a child wasnt what shows real you. thats all well and good isnt it?
if you arent content/satisfied with who youve been(/what youve had so far)…. just find the substitutes and add them to you one after another, thats all.
Kabuto: …if youre going to kill me…why do you tell such a thing to me!?
Orochimaru: …me too want to know who I am that im gathering anything (possible).
Orochimaru: and with the lots of things I gathered little by little I go through repeated experiments and verifications …to amass stores of knowledge and abilities. and from there to be a new, perfect me..i m reborn. and ill get new articles again. this time….its you. when you gather up everything and every information under the sun and all theres no reason for you not to be able to find out who you are

kabuto: why you think i m one of those?
Orochimaru: because I appreciate your talent more than anyone else. ..itd be a shame/waste to kill you…and this is a medical experiment facility prepared for you.

kabutp: what are you plotting?
Orochimaru: ill make an organization, a village that leads you to bring yourselves out unlike Root which erases your selves.
kabuto: !!

Orochimaru: you and me r getting out of Root of konoha now. and from now on ill be your boss, your brother and your parent. ill protect you from Danzo…and your new background is like this…
…you were picked up at the battle of kikyo pass by a medical team captain when you were little to be raised by her, as a child of Nonou yakushi who became ostensibly a medical team captain after she went back to Danzos...
today youll make a fresh start as kabuto yakushi.
i am Orochimaru. if you want to know who you are...come at my side....

kabuto holds oarochimarus proffered hand

some years later

orochimaru: theres an organization id love to check next…
Kabuto: leave it to me. so ….what organization is it?
Orochimaru: akatsuki

sasori: bring in the data on orochimarus human experimentations and the info on edotensei.
Kabuto: roger, lord sasori.
sasori: youre useful. you deaden the sounds eliminate the smells and vanish yourself…just like my puppets.

-in the facility, experiments on kimimaro and jugo? Karin is giving/given a blood transfusion or something like that. and suigetsu is in a water tank.
and orochimaru being done for Sasuke.
Kabuto filters(?) and liquefies orochimaru. he pours the liquid to a IV bag and injsct it into himself.-

"if you arent content/satisfied with what you've had so far…. just find the substitutes and add them to you one after another, thats that."

in a room.
Kabuto: Guaaa, voo..woo…still…still…not enough. this is still …not me…!

(caption)"in the search of his-firm-selfー"
tbc  ★ sir

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Rafael - 12 ápr 28, 12:00:08

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 máj 03, 05:02:00
A 584. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 585. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 máj 09, 08:24:32
Forrás: narutoforums
Szerző: Mangateers
  • 581: To Be Myself
    Then.. I continued to add those things to myself
    That's why what I want is not a sermon from you but your abilities and the information you have
    Itachi you were a ninja of Konoha and you were famous even among the members of the Uchiha Clan
    You had the sharingan that awoke the mangekyou
    You had several secrets that could stop this war
    Itachi you had all those things
    I will not allow you to oppose my edo tensei anymore
    My pawns are part of my own power
  • You overestimate me, in the end I only failed
    No, even before the two of you the name of Uchiha looked strong
    I envy that name after all
    The name of the Uchiha just denotes your roots and the people you belong to
    There is no meaning in you taking that name
    No, there is a meaning

szerk. 11:01-kor
új kép (egyre több esélye van Oro-nak):

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Sorrow - 12 máj 09, 10:17:57

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 máj 09, 11:49:42
Már korábban linkeltem ezt ^^^^ az oldalt.

Angolul a manga:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 máj 09, 21:47:33
A 585. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 586. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 máj 16, 07:29:45
Írta: rajin

613 : ◆27p9/DnZE//X :2012/05/16(水) 14:41:08.28 ID:LnNlfp2W0
今週文字に起こすの無理だわ俺じゃ� �笑)

イザナミ発動してカブトは瞳術には� �って決まった運命をループしてる。

二人がぶつかり合い攻防の末カブト� �角が切られる。(斬られていたはずの 角が再度有って斬られ た)
再度方に水滴が落ちてきた事で変化� �気付くカブト
そこからはさっきとすべて同じ行動� �再度角を切られる

イタチ「言ったはずだ・・・お前の� �命は俺が握っていると」
    「この輪廻(ループ)からは逃 れらることは出来ない」
    「運命を決める術 これが� �ザナミだ」


Izanami is activated, Kabuto falls into the doujutsu, and the decided destiny begins to loop.

It starts with a drop of water landing on his shoulder.
When the two of them finish attacking each other, Kabuto's horns are cut. The horn that was supposed to have been cut off earlier is cut off again.
A drop of water lands on his shoulder again and Kabuto realizes something's going on.
Everything happens again exactly the same. The same horns are cut.

Itachi: "I told you... I have seized your destiny.
You cannot escape this loop.
A jutsu that decides your destiny... That is Izanami."

Valószínűleg az első oldal:
Újabb képek:

Itachi : I'm the one who'll seize your fate.
But the one who'll decide your fate will be you and only you.
Remember what I said and think about it.

Kabuto : I don't get what you're saying, here.
Okay, let's stop playing with words.
I'm the one who got everything, this is real strenght !
That, I know for sure !

Itachi : The one who forgive himself, who aknowledge himself ...
This is what makes one strong !

Last Page
Itachi : I told you, I'm seizing your fate.
Kabuto : Uchiha Itachi !!

Itachi : He won't be able to escape this loop.
A Jutsu that decides fate, that is Izanagi.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: bokarota - 12 máj 16, 11:20:20

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 máj 18, 10:48:49
A 586. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 587. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Gurat - 12 máj 23, 10:26:19
Némi kép és tartalom...

Izanami was activated since the very begenning, when Kabuto tried to stab Itachi with a Katana.

Izanami cause loss of eyesight too like Izanagi.

Itachi explains why he used Izanami and how you use it.
He explains that Izanami is the direct opposite of Izanagi.

It seems Izanami can be escaped by accepting and aknowledging your own true self.

Izanami's can be used to show their fate to others, and see if they can accept their fate.

This jutsu made Kabuto more kind ( dunno what that's supposed to mean, though. )

Kabuto only talked about himself. He wanted to be aknowledged.

Somewhere on the battlefield, a guy named Urushi talks with his friends.
He was a orphan like Kabuto.
He always thought that Kabuto would come back to the orphanage someday.

Itachi : Well, anyway. Let's stop the Edo Tensei.

Izanami was set up from when Itachi was first stabbed with the sword.
Izanami also causes loss of eyesight.
Itachi explains why he used Izanami, how it's used, and also talks about Izanagi. Izanami is used in opposition to Izanagi.
In order to escape from Izanami you must accept the kind of person you have become and not run away from it. Izanami was a jutsu used to guide yourself to accept your destiny on your own.
Itachi used it as an act of kindness to Kabuto.
"All Kabuto wanted was to see who he was, to approve of who he was."

Elsewhere on a battlefield, Urushi is talking to his friends saying he hopes Kabuto comes back soon.

Itachi: "I'm now going to stop Edo Tensei."


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 máj 30, 07:40:30
Naruto Manga 588
Írta: Dean-Winchester


Basically Itachi says as a part of the Konoha, he will die protecting it.
Sasuke says he can never forgive Konoha
Itachi used genjutsu on Kabuto to find a way to stop Edo Tensei
The 5 kages escaped from danger, united theirs powers and fought back. Madara started to fight with full power and released the full form of Susanoo

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Aemy - 12 máj 30, 13:03:44
Kijött a manga: Naruto Manga 588

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 máj 30, 21:04:38
A 588. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 589. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: samat - 12 jún 06, 08:08:16
Szerző: Seraphiel

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 jún 06, 08:09:38
Naruto Manga 589
Írta: Seraphiel

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 12 jún 06, 09:59:35
Angol scan-je az 589. fejezetnek:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 jún 06, 21:33:56
A 589. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 590. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 jún 20, 09:45:24
Naruto 590 spoiler!

A kis képeket nem linkelném ki külön, aki akarja, itt megnézheti:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 jún 20, 21:15:46
A 590. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 591. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: TsunadeHime - 12 jún 27, 07:16:28
591 spoiler!
The Edo Tensei shinobi disappear one after the other
Dan is able to move his body of his own will now, so he dissipates Chouza's barrier and uses his Reika no Jutsu to go to Tsunade.

Madara attacks the Kage before disappearing. Tsunade takes damage and her Byakugou no Jutsu wears off.
At the same time, Madara's soul leaves his body so Tsunade believes they won, but Madara's soul returns to his body and he attacks with Susano-o.
Dan arrives in time to control Tsunade and saves her in the nick of time. The two are reunited. Dan kisses her on the forehead and says "I was able to save you in the end... I guess being brought back by Edo Tensei isn't all bad..." and disappears.
Tsunade gets some chakra from him(not sure about this) and her vitality is restored.

Madara's soul returns because as long as he knows the seals for Edo Tensei, the dead person who was revived can cancel the contract.
In other words, he can move in an undying body with infinite chakra with no restraints.

Forrás: (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 jún 27, 08:58:26
A RAW már kint is van :))

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 jún 27, 09:47:10
És most már az angol is megjött :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 jún 28, 09:18:09
A 591. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 592. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 júl 04, 08:02:20
Naruto 592 spoiler


"Posts by Evil gathering :

Slug Sage mode probably exists since it was hinted that there was another place like where Jiraiya and Kabuto trained.

The scene changes to Tobi and Naruto after Madara says that he's going to go get the Kyubi.

Also, Pot and Tentacle.


Originally Posted by vered
Bee got captured?????
RS sealing pot?
Originally Posted by Evil
No and Yes.
Originally Posted by Menacing Eyes
So Tobi ended up using the kin in brothers and the hachibi tentacle after all since he's running out of time.
Originally Posted by Evil

All your eyes are open now.

Originally Posted by Evil

Originally Posted by vered
the eyes of the gedo statue?
what happens then?
juubi appears?

All I can say is that the time has come.

Summary: It seems Sasuke is talking with Suigetsu about something. Then Madara says he is going to get the Kyubi, Tobi under pressure because his time is running out uses the KinGin pot and the Hachibi tentacle as a poor replacement of the 8 and 9 tails chakra to complete the bijuu collection.

Ps: a little confusing i know, trying to get more info."

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 júl 04, 08:54:11
Egész gyorsan kijött :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 júl 04, 21:30:05
A 592. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 593. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
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Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 12 júl 10, 12:20:24
Manga kedden? Na neee!!! Ó, deeee!  :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 júl 11, 19:00:49
A 593. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 594. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
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Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 júl 18, 11:14:05
Naruto 594 spoiler


空を曇り 雨となる

マダラ 何かに感ずく
大蛇丸 しぶい表情

仮面 日がくれるまで 連れ共の傷を癒して待ってろ九尾、� �� �ドロン。

大蛇丸 サスケに六道仙人の作ったもうひと� �� �の月について尋ねる。
夜がくれば すべてが失われると説明。

急ぐことをサスケに伝えるが、ジュ� �� �ゴと水月をその場に残す。
暁の使いが近くにいるわ。カブトを� �� �ててと。


目玉がたくさんある仮面(暁?)のアジ トの壁岩に目をつむった蛇が一匹。

目が開く! チャクラを分体した蛇を通じて、高� �� �移動ができるのか大蛇丸~(驚)

蛇の口から大蛇丸、サスケがにゅる� �� �。


あなたがトビに天照を避けられた場� �� �よ。
覚えてるわね。何故、天照が通じな� �� �かは、少し後で説明つくわ。

大蛇丸 時間がない。あなたの父親の眼はど� �� �?


(Wed.) 2012/07/18 13:01:59.87 ID Please look forward to the next less Anonymous:: gy6lXMdJO 624

Cloudy and rain in the sky

Do something spotted Cans
Orochimaru subdued expression

Delon, and color Kyuubi heal the wounds of both wait until sunset with a mask.

Ask about another month of Deities of the hermit made Sasuke Orochimaru.
And description is lost if all the dark night.

Although we tell rushing to Sasuke, Suigetsu and leave in situ the home front.
I have close to an angel of the dawn. And if it is seeing the helmet.

Park than Orochimaru, Sasuke.

One little snake eyes closed to the hideout wall rock (? Dawn) have a lot of eye mask.

Snake through the body eyes open minutes! The chakras, what Orochimaru can move fast ~ (surprise)

Orochimaru, Sasuke Nurburgring than from the mouth of the snake.

In front of the highlights of the many

I avoided the place you were jumping to Amaterasu.
I remember it. Do not understand that Amaterasu is, I arrive a little later, why.

Do not have time to Orochimaru. One eye of your father?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 12 júl 18, 13:46:32
Naruto manga 594:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 júl 18, 16:40:54
Találtam egy ilyen mangát is :)
Nem igazán értem hogy mi van benne, de biztos sokakat érdekel :))

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 júl 19, 18:52:14
A 594. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 595. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 12 júl 25, 08:53:15
Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  Confirmed
Szerző: lebih007


ガイの攻撃の隙にナルトがトビに攻撃。カカシは練ったチャクラでカムイを発動。魔像本体を狙う 。



ガイの攻撃の隙にナルトがトビに攻撃。カカシは練ったチャクラでカムイを発動。魔像本体を狙う 。

Naruto, Kakashi, and Guy attack Tobi.
Naruto uses Super Mini Bijuudama, Kakashi uses Mangekyou, Guy uses a nunchuck-like weapon.
Naruto uses Guy's attack as an opportunity to attack, Kakashi uses Kamui. They aim for the Demonic Statue.
Kakashi's attack is nullified.
After that, there's more battle and it seems like they're not making much progress, but a crack appears in Tobi's mask.
I'm not entirely sure about the last line, but I think it's saying that Naruto and the others managed to land attacks on Tobi without noticing?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 aug 01, 09:53:15

Naruto Manga 596 Spoiler


仮面の傷に気付くカカシ。あの傷は� �ムイで飛ばしたクナイの傷。
三人で協力してカカシの提案で攻撃� �る事に成り螺旋丸をカムイで消して� ��面マダラ直撃。
カカシは仮面マダラの術に気付いた� �

初めて仮面マダラはうちは火炎陣な� �技を使ってたよ。

Google translate: Scarecrow notice to mask scratches. That wound scar of kunai flew in Kamui.
Madara hit in the mask to erase Kamui Rasengan will need to attack at the suggestion of Scarecrow in cooperation with three people.
Kakashi noticed the art of mask Madara.

Madara Uchiha mask I was using a technique consisting of executives for the first time flame.

English translation--> Source:

Kakashi notices the crack in Tobi's mask. The crack came from the kunai he teleported away with Kamui.
The three of them work together under Kakashi's direction, and by erasing Naruto's Rasengan with Kamui they land a direct hit on Tobi.
Kakashi has figured out Tobi's jutsu.
For the first time Tobi uses one of the Uchiha's fire techniques.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 aug 01, 20:43:50
A 596. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 597. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Bored - 12 aug 06, 15:01:31
Forrás: Facebook - Madara Uchiha (God of Konoha)

Sajnos angol nyelvű. Nem tudok olyan sokat angolul szóval ha valaki lefordítaná megköszönném  :bow:

Naruto 597: No one and someone.

Naruto: What? One jutsu?
Kakashi: Yeah....when he dematerializes his body, his actual body is sent to another dimension, the same dimension where my Kamui sends objects.
Naruto: Woah...I actually get that...
Kakashi: When he tries to absorb someone, it's the exact same thing as my Kamui...
Naruto: Say what?? That sounds like a completely different jutsu?
Kakashi: Yeah...but that's the thing...
Kakashi looks at Tobi
Kakashi: I watched you die....
Gai/Naruto/Bee: !??
Tobi: ...
Naruto: What the hell? You know him?
Kakashi: Don't you find it strange....he apparnetly has known me for a while, shares the same type of jutsu, and even has the same shape and appearance...
Gai: !?? That boy...don't tell me.
Kakashi: that you..
Tobi: Splendid as always. Amazing analytical skills Kakashi. However, I'm not this Obito you speakl of, while I can see why you came to that conclusion.
Kakashi: ...if you're not Obito...then...who the hell are you?
Tobi: I already told you, I'm no one. I don't exist, I'm nothing more than a void.
Tobi: *That rasengan damaged my arm pretty*
Tobi's arm becomes a machine, similar to Asura path.
Bee: Naruto, isn't that....
Naruto: Yeah, he's using the six paths technique, be careful.
Tobi fires a laser canon at their direction which separates them.
Kakashi on Bee's hand
Kakashi: Bee-san, buy me some time, I need to figure this out, I'm so close I can't lose it...
Bee: Roger!
Naruto and Gai on the other side of them, hiding behind a rock.
Gai: Dammit, he took my masters nunchuks...
Naruto: That's a good thing big eyebrow sensei! If you had them now they would get you killed.
Gai: Naruto, how did you beat Pain?
Naruto: He has every catagory on lock down....except....speed!
Gai: I all comes down to how fast he can use those moves...
Naruto goes in KCM
Naruto: Bushy brows, can you keep up?
Gai smiles and enters the 6th gate.
Gai: Lead the way!
Gai and Naruto attack Tobi
Naruto creates a raenshuriken
Gai uses morning peacock
Tobi: Futile, I'll just absorb it all.
The fire gets hits his hand, which burns his glove off
Tobi: *So it's not chakra? He's actually creating real fire from punches? Interesting.*
Tobi: Shinra Tensei.
Gai gets sent back
Gai: Good, I distracted him.
Tobi: !!
Naruto's Futon rasenshuriken is being guided to his neck
Tobi dematerializes
Naruto sends it back
Tobi: *This, I can absorb.*
As Tobi absorbs it Gai comes flying in with a kick
Tobi: ....
Tobi dodges Gai's kick but takes the cut from the rasenshurken
Kakashi: !?
Naruto: What the hell? I got him?
Gai: !? what happened.
Kakashi: I get it...he has to switch between eyes, it takes time. He can't simply use his sharingan with the rinnegan at the same time. Instead of taking the hit by Gai, he took a bit of Naruto's Rasen shuriken.
Tobi's right arm is cut and falling off.
Bee: !! Look at his arm...there's no blood?
Naruto: Hey! That's just like those white guys!
Kakashi; Is he...even human?
Tobi: Injuring me twice, not many people can do that.
Kakashi: Every jutsu has a weakness, and you're over using yours.
Tobi: Indeed. Time to end this.
Tobi forms seals
Tobi: Chibaku Ten--
Out of nowhere Madara grabs his hand and stops him.
Tobi: !!!?
Naruto and co: !?!
Madara: Don't use that silly technique. It makes the rinnegan look bad.
Kakashi: That's....Madara?
Naruto: He was fighting granny Tsunade and the other kages last time I checked. Did he kill them?
Madara: Kyuubiboy....and the Hachibi...
Tobi: They're annoying, but necessary, although I have the 10 tails in preparation, they would speed up the process.
Madara: Well done. Now, Take that silly thing off.
Tobi: you wish, sensei.
Tobi take off his mask
Kakashi: !!? It can't be? That's!
Tobi un-masked, what shocking face has Kakashi and co seen?
Chapter End

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Lchangetheworld - 12 aug 11, 22:19:25
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?

Naruto 597 Spoilers, Shonen Jump 38 Cover

Warning: Major manga spoilers ahead

Naruto 596 has been released in Japan, and it sure was an exciting one! Kakashi figured out his Sharingan is somehow connected to Tobi’s as he was able to send his kunai and Naruto’s Rasengan to the same dimension which Tobi warped to. The question is, how are they connected?
Naruto 597 spoilers (for now call them rumors) have surfaced and well, many, of you guessed it – Tobi has Obito’s Sharingan! That doesn’t mean Tobi is Obito, for now it just means he has his Sharingan eye. Tobi mentions he picked it up after the battle at Kannabi Bridge, when Kakashi began to be known as the Copy Ninja.
Naruto 597, part of Shonen Jump magazine issue 38, will hit Japanese newsstands officially on August 20th, although web fanatics can look forward to it hitting the Internet this up-coming week. Expect a few color pages of Naruto 597 along with Shonen Jump 38′s cover featuring our favorite orange-clad ninja!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 aug 12, 21:29:30
A 597. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 598. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Pein7 - 12 aug 15, 10:55:24
itt kövi fejezet spolilerként ugy láttom beindult esemény :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 aug 22, 11:36:59
Naruto manga 598 spoiler


Kakashi starts to think that Tobi can't be Obito.

With a clever plan from from Gai and Kakashi, Kakashi sends Naruto's clone to the other dimension and Tobi's mask is pulverized.

Kakashi thinks perhaps Tobi is Obito.
Guy and Kakashi comes up with a plan, and uses Kamui to fly Naruto's Kage-bunshin to Tobi, and shatters his mask.

Kakashi's chakra is almost at its limit
They hit the mask with Rasengan, and.... end of chap.

カカシはトビをオビトではないかと� �え込む
ガイとカカシ先生の作戦で影分身を� �ムイで飛ばしトビの仮面粉砕!!!


ナルトの影分身をカムイで飛ばして� �ビにHIT!仮面が割れた!!!


仮面に螺旋丸ぶちあてて次週へ  � �てかんじ。
カカシの頭には墓の映像が流れてて� �イの言葉を聞き逃す位ぼーっとして� ��

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 aug 22, 12:35:33

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 aug 22, 21:36:29
A 598. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 599. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Pein7 - 12 aug 28, 09:55:17
Hát ugy tünik név kiderült ki is aza Tobiii aki nem másssssss.... ha megnézed megtod:D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: dobe - 12 aug 28, 15:59:18
Ez már hihetőbbnek tűnik:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Bloodrux - 12 aug 29, 07:28:34
Ezt az ma találtam a neten és igen.........Tobi=Izuna

Mike asked all the questions while I wrote them.
Q:So, what exactly is the conference about?
A:After the identity of Tobi was revealed by one of my assistants, I realized that the next few chapters will leave the fans confused. I had to clear up some misunderstandings, thus, Comic Market was the best place to do it.

Q:Then the rumors are true? Is Toby really Izuna? I thought he died in battle after Madara took his eyes, is that a lie?
A:Well, the truth about his survival is much different, I can't tell you how he survived, you will have to read the next chapters to find out, but yes, Izuna is Tobi.

Q:How come he has eyes now? I thought he was blind.
A:He will reveal that together with his identity, let's just say that the Uchiha clan is much larger than you know.

Q:In an earlier interview you talked about Madara not having any weaknesses, what about Tobi? Is he going to be killed by Naruto after his identity is revealed?
A:Not really, after the way he survived is revealed and what he tries to truly achieve, everyone will change, the truth will hurt a lot of them, it will actually change the history that they know.

Q:What do you mean by that? How will it hurt them?
A:The truth is dark and bloody. Madara is related to why Tobi was supposed to die, you could say that what he wants is revenge, but his brother isn't the only who wanted to kill Tobi, one of the Hokage played a big part in the attempt on his life.

Q:What else?What is going to happen in this fight?
A:You know, Tobi always had this forbidden technique prepared, I wanted him to use it only after his identity is revealed. If you thought that Kabuto's technique for reincarnating people is dangerous, you should see what Tobi prepared.

Q:Why did Izuna hide his identity?
A:Because some of the Akatsuki already know what Madara did to Izuna, they know because someone told them, and they wouldn't be willing to help Izuna. I'm afraid I can't answer any more of your questions, but I'm hoping you will be patient, in the next weeks everything will be revealed.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 aug 29, 09:21:32
Naruto manga 599.

Status: Confirmed



Long flash back then Tobi is Obito with half old face.

The old face is basically what we saw of right face, old scarred whatever you want to call it.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: TsunadeHime - 12 aug 29, 09:35:52
itt egy kép, de nem tudom mennyire valódi. (


itt egy újabb kép:


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Morause - 12 aug 29, 10:34:51
Na találtam egy 100% tuti igaz spoilert de már tényleg! :D

Hitelesség: Hiteles
Forrás: (

Naruto 599 Spoilers Summaries:

Credit: T
Trans : Evil



上忍達のアカデミー時代が描かれてる。中にん試験の様子も有り一番初めに中にんに成ったのは多 分カカシ。
その後上忍になったカカシにプレゼントしようとリンが提案した後、例のオビト死亡の日のコマ割りが入って現 実世界へ。




599 うちはオビト

幼少期のオビト カカシ リン 同期の話



カカシが オビト…?


The title of the Naruto 599 chapter is uchiha obito

Flashback of Kakashi and Gai’s childhood
[not entirely sure about this part]
Kakashi “Are you… Obito… ?”
To be continued.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: toddy200 - 12 aug 29, 11:00:01
Ezt egy spanyol oldalon találtam leforditottam és ime:

A személye tobi

A maszk alá Tobi arcát a dimenziója Kamui, ahogy visszatér a valós világ és a Naruto klón szertefoszlik ebben a dimenzióban

Tobi megpróbál felkelni, szorította az arcát vissza a szövetség. Naruto diadalmas várom, hogy láthassam az arcát.

Kurama-Naruto: Nincs maszk elrejteni

Kakashi: Obito ........ mutasd magad.

Ami Tobi fordul a szövetség megmutatja neki ráncos arcát, a szemét, és egy szem Sharingan Rinnegan.

Gai: Kakashi ...! Nem hiszem, hogy Obito.

Kakashi: Hogyan lehetséges ez ... halt meg a háború alatt?

Naruto: Ki ez a fickó?

Kakashi: Obito apja ... Ka ..

Kagami: My name is Kagami és nyilvánvalóan nem halott Kakashi.

Kakashi: De ... ez Obito jobb szeme, biztos vagyok benne, hogy ... hiszen ...

Kagami: Azt hiszem, ha fogom megmagyarázni, hogyan találtam a fiam szeme, meg kell kezdeni az elejétől.

Kakashi és Gai Mint tudod, én egy elit ninja uchiha, Tobirama képzett velem, és az volt a pályán, hogy legyen egy magas rangú tiszt az Uchiha klán. Én születtem a családban
mindössze az anyám, ő soha nem beszélt az apám, senki sem, gondoltam, hogy meghalt a csatában alatt megalakult a Leaf Village-ben.

Amikor fiatal voltam, és Tobirama Hashirama vett egy különleges érdeklődés bennem, Hashirama engem irányítása alatt Tobirama, akkoriban azt hittem, hogy ez egy kiváltság, de azt észre, hogy több volt az oka ennek.

Néhány nappal halála előtt Tobirama, ez vonzott félre, és azt mondta nekem az apám, Madara.

Kakashi: Te vagy a fia Madara?!

Kurama-Naruto: Látom, ez van értelme.

Kagami: Kyubi hadd fejezzem be.

Tobirama Megbízható nem árulja el neki, azt mondta, hogy a csatában közötti Hashirama és Madara, mindkét fél arra fut ki, mindketten tudták, hogy ha ez folytatódik mindkét meghalni.

Tobirama még fiatal volt abban az időben, és nem halad a jutsu E / T ahhoz, hogy a vezető a lemez, ezért apám úgy döntött, hogy egy áldozat.

Flashback ****

Madara: Hashirama ha továbbra is, mind meghal, és levélhullás, de azt akarom, hogy vezesse a klán Leaf Village, nindzsák, nem akarjuk, hogy helyettesíthető egy másik rejtett faluban.

Hahirama: Mit mondasz?

Madara: eltűnnek, nem fogom be a pite a lemez újra, akkor menj vissza, és vezeti a falut, míg nem hozza kárt klánom, azt mondta, hogy ha én eldobott vissza, akarnak békét.

Hashirama: Ahogy én bízom benned?

Madara: A feleségem most volt az első gyermeke, mi nevű Kagami, bízom benne, míg a fiam nem árulta el a Senju klán nem jött vissza.

Flashback Ends ****

Kagami: Tobirama halt meg néhány nappal később egy csapda támadás, így Hiruzen felelős. Én továbbra is él a faluban tiszteletben apám és az áldozatot tette, amíg a fiam Obito meghalt, és akkor volt a segítségével Danzou hamis halálom.

Gai: Miért csináltad ezt?

Kagami: Voltak pletykák, hogy apám még életben van. Kellett találni, elvesztése után fiam, nevezték Hokage Namikaze Minato, Kakashi hőssé vált, és a fiam maradt semmi. Danzou beleegyezett, hogy segít egy feltétellel.

Kakashi: Ez a feltétel az volt, hogy?

Kagami: 'll kap, hogy hamarosan.

Elhagyása után a falu képes volt megtalálni az apám, ő volt a régi, és a teste nem volt olyan állapotban, hogy harcoljon.

Dühös volt velem elhagyja a falut, meséltem neki Obito és bemutatta nekem Zetsu, aki képes volt, hogy nekem Obito testét, ahol elkapta a szemét.
Egy dolog, hogy a legenda volt Uchiha sosem volt apa, aki vette a fia szemébe. Az MS-t azonnal aktiválódik, a lüktető izgalom az átvevő szeme is elég volt ahhoz, hogy aktiválja, szerencsére akkor kaptam a szem Kamui volt a védelmi és volt a támadó.

Csak szükség van apám tanított egy dolog, hogy hogyan ellenőrzik a Kyuubi.

Gai: az az állapot ....

Kakashi: Úgy volt, hogy ....

Kagami: az az állapot, hogy a root segítség Uchiha államcsíny a Leaf Village kis, nem tudom, hogy a végjáték valóban tervezett Danzou.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 aug 29, 11:06:02
Erélyesen megkérek mindenkit, hogy a spoiler mellé semmi(!) kommentet ne fűzzön! Ennyire nem érthető, hogy ide csak és kizárólag a spoiler jöhet?

Webfordítóval és/vagy Google fordítóval készült fordítást ne linkelj be, mert csak egy katyvasz! Ez mindenkire vonatkozik.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 aug 29, 13:00:53

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 aug 29, 19:38:27
A 599. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 600. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 szep 05, 08:26:12
Csak úgy megnéztem :D
És lám kint van :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 szep 05, 21:01:32
A 600. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 601. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: koko96 - 12 szep 06, 19:30:42
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: ?
Szerző: ZachC2

Madara: *Looks to Naruto* Ahh brat I see you and the Kyuubi have become more in sync since the last time we fought

Kakashi:"However you look at this we're screwed"

Naruto: Kakashi-Sensei we can't be scared of fossil & wrinkles..

Obito: It is going to bring me no greater joy then defeating you and watching the world become engulfed by the infinite tsukuyomi..

Kurama:"Naruto, Kakashi & Guy don't have the chakra reserve we do.. If you could keep those 2 occupied for a few minutes we could give them each some chakra"

Naruto:"Good Idea Kurama"

*Naruto makes two shadow clones who run beside Gai & Kakashi then placing their hands on their arms*

Obito: Did you honestly think we-

Madara: Obito quiet.. I have been dissatisfied with what this generation has to offer in terms of battle.. If giving these weaklings a few minutes to recuperate means I get a good fight then they may continue..

Kakashi: I'd expect no less from one of the worlds strongest shinobi.. "I can feel the chakra coursing through me.. I may not be as good as Obito with kamui but with this chakra I can at least support Naruto"

Kurama:"Naruto..Madara is not like any other shinobi you've fought before.. his visual prowess is second to none and he is even more powerful then Sasuke"

Naruto:"I'd rather battle him first then Sasuke, Kurama.


Naruto:"And if we beat this guy we know we can take Sasuke and beat some sense into him"

Kurama:"Well less talking lets go show them what we're made of"

*Naruto's clones poof.. Kakashi & Gai appear as though they've been revitalized*

Gai: I can't believe we're about to fight Madara Uchiha.. We will show him this generations power of youth!.

*Naruto turns and nods smiling to Guy & Kakashi*

*kakashi throws down a giant smoke bomb which covers the area in a thick dense cloud*

*Naruto runs over to gyuuki who launches him into the sky*

*As he reaches about 10,000 feet in the air naruto makes two clones who form a Rasen shuriken.. the other clone uses the transformation jutsu to transform himself into a rasen shuriken then naruto sends the fake hurtling down behind the real rs towards the ground in Obito & Madara's direction*

Naruto:"still not high enough a few more hundred feet"

*He makes another clone and uses the chakra arm on the clones back to push himself up several hundred feet*

Madara: What is that screeching noise?

Obito: Its Uzumaki Naruto's Futon Rasen Shuriken ..

Madara: Such powerful wind chakra.. This boy.. he used the Rinnegan & Mangekyou Sharingan's disadvantages so observantly..

*obito begins to teleport*

Madara: Wait.. that silver haired man & the weird beast anticipated your movement.

Obito: "..."

*Suddenly the smoke begins to change and rasen shuriken is visible*

Madara: Ahh a challenge.. good.

Obito: Allow me

*Obito teleports the RS which suddenly poofs and naruto is revealed*

Naruto: Surprise!
*Naruto launches a mini bijuu dama point blank in the midst of tobi's technique..

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 szep 11, 08:35:22
tádááááá ;D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 szep 11, 21:25:06
A 601. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 602. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Prilla - 12 szep 19, 08:06:38
és itt is a 602. fejezet :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 szep 19, 22:31:47
A 602. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 603. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 12 szep 26, 06:52:36
Kint is van az új rész :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 szep 26, 22:06:17
A 603. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 604. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Prilla - 12 okt 02, 09:35:17
És már ma itt a 604.rész  :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 okt 02, 21:52:03
A 604. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 605. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: marton_opa - 12 okt 10, 06:35:15
kint az új rész: (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 okt 10, 21:50:28
A 605. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 606. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kusanagi - 12 okt 17, 09:42:56

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 okt 17, 22:53:48
A 606. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 607. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: L3wY95 - 12 okt 24, 07:02:46
fenn is van az új naruto manga :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 okt 24, 22:13:58
A 607. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 608. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Kakashi87 - 12 nov 07, 09:19:53
Itt az új Naruto manga

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 nov 08, 06:06:45
A 608. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 609. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: zweistein - 12 nov 14, 08:38:28
609. rész

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 nov 15, 08:02:19
A 609. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 610. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Suigetsu - 12 nov 20, 18:03:13

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 nov 21, 22:19:13
A 610. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 611. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Prilla - 12 nov 28, 09:25:02
és itt is az új rész :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 nov 28, 23:50:47
A 611. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 612. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: tocika12 - 12 dec 05, 17:12:00 HELL YEAH!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 dec 06, 20:54:14
A 612. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 613. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 dec 13, 00:00:21
A 613. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 614. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Hiei D. Legend - 12 dec 18, 11:41:32
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Hitelesség: nem tom
Szerző: nem tomxD

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: TsunadeHime - 12 dec 18, 12:11:51
Forrás: Mangahelpers
Hitelesség: Valószínűleg hiteles

Shikamaru gets over the death of his father. Naruto is the key of the strategy and then Neji comes around.
ヒアシとネジで回天 ヒアシネジヒナタでナルトを護る。
Hiashi and Neji are using Kaiten. Hiashi,Neji and Hinata are protecting Naruto
マダラが穢土転生の体では無く人間の体で人柱力に成らないとマダラが穢土転生の体では無く人間の体で人柱力 に成らないと次の十尾の段階は制御できないとい う
Because Madara, his body has lost its humanity, he cant turn into the Jinchuuriki of the Juubi, that's why its not possible for him to do the next step.
That is the reason why he needs the Rinne Tensei and Obito, who is standing next to him at the top of the Juubi.
オビトは十尾で追撃 何人か死ぬが ネジのおかげで仙人モードに成るナルト。螺旋手裏剣で十尾 の攻撃を防ぐ も疲れたところを狙われる。
Obito attacks with the Juubi and a few people die. Thanks to Neji , Naruto can activate Sage Mode. He uses the Rasen Shuriken to defend from the attack of the Juubi. Naruto is already exhausted and that was planned.
ヒナタが壁になりナルトを護ろうとするがそこへネジがカットイン 背中で攻撃をうけ吐血。
Hinata wants to protect Naruto but Neji cuts-in. Neji starts to bleed from the attack at his back.

Neji: Naruto.. Hinata-sama would die for your sake, that's why your life isnt yours alone. Somehow my life turned into that one too.
Naruto: Why are you going so far for me ? Even as far as protecting me with your life ?
Neji: Because you've said Im a genius..
The Mark of the branch family fades away...
Naruto feels in his heart Neji's last breath.

És itt egy újabb kép: (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 12 dec 19, 10:11:27
A 614. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 615. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Ricko14 - 12 dec 27, 09:19:14  Új Rész gyerekek  :bow:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Goauld1985 - 13 jan 04, 11:16:26
Találtam valami érdekeset! Több oldalon is láttam ez mintha az első oldala lenne a 616-os mangának!!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Dattenaro - 13 jan 04, 12:19:59
Találtam valami érdekeset! Több oldalon is láttam ez mintha az első oldala lenne a 616-os mangának!!

Kár, hogy fake, vagy Kishimotonak nagyon megcsappatant a rajztudása  XD

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Soreszko10 - 13 jan 04, 12:28:46
Találtam valami érdekeset! Több oldalon is láttam ez mintha az első oldala lenne a 616-os mangának!!

Kár, hogy fake, vagy Kishimotonak nagyon megcsappatant a rajztudása  XD

Mondjuk az 599-es Hokage fail meg Obito hajszín fail után már nem lenne meglepő.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Dattenaro - 13 jan 04, 12:42:40
Mondjuk az 599-es Hokage fail meg Obito hajszín fail után már nem lenne meglepő.

Most nem a figyelmetlenségről van szó, attól még ugyanolyan jól megrajzolta azokat is  :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 13 jan 16, 11:34:07
No végre csak kijött :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 13 jan 23, 11:45:28
617. fejezet

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Hidan-kun - 13 jan 30, 09:00:23
618. fejezet
Hitelesség: Valószínűleg hiteles

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 13 feb 05, 12:03:27
619. fejezet:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 13 feb 13, 06:12:06
620. fejezet utolsó oldala (remélem kezdődik a Madara vs Hashirama):

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Karfiol - 13 feb 13, 07:37:09
Itt az új a 620. fejezet... jó emésztést kívánok! ;)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: yupi - 13 feb 20, 10:05:02
Olyan friss hogy még ropog :D :P

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 13 feb 27, 06:22:41
Kint az új fejezet, lehet olvasni:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: PiFi - 13 márc 06, 08:27:51
Láss Csudát:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: eleon-sama - 13 márc 19, 10:10:26
A mai termés: :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Fr33man - 13 márc 27, 09:21:14
Kintt van az új rész:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Fr33man - 13 ápr 03, 08:58:33
Kint is van az új rész, jó olvasást!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: TsunadeHime - 13 ápr 10, 11:34:03

 柱間の意思を直接聞いたわけでもな� �イタチが受け継ぐものだった
 柱間を一番理解した忍びがうちは一� �だったとは皮肉だなと言うサスケ
 扉間の部下にはうちはカガミと言う� �タチと同じ様な忍びが居た カガミ� ��子孫はシスイ 
 3代目は火影として失敗ばかりしてし� ��ったという、 4代目も期待にこた� �られなくてと言う。
 大蛇丸は嫉妬し「あたしを差し置い� �なったのにね」と言う


 サスケは走馬燈のように過去の記憶� �い出しながら決断


 カリンがサスケのチャクラを感知し� �場 逃げようとした水月に攻撃w

 まだ少し有るけどココまでしかよめ� �ない

 Even though Itachi never heard Hashirama himself, he was the follower of his will. ( like Hashirama wouldn't hesitate to kill brother, friend or family to protect the village. )

 Sasuke : "For a Uchiha to be the one who understands you the most is really ironic."

 Tobirama had mutliple subordinates and one of them was called Uchiha Kagami.
 Shisui is one of Kagami descendant.

 Hiruzen : "As a Hokage, I did nothing but failures."

 Minato : "I couldn't answer everyone's expections."

 Orochimaru : "And to say that they even ignored me." ( As Hokage, he was never choosed.)

 Hashirama : "What are you going to do Sasuke ?"

 After hearing answers from the past, Sasuke is more determined.

 "I won't let Itachi turns to nothing."

 Sasuke turns his Sharingan on and heads to the battlefield.

 Karin enters as she sense Sasuke's chakra.

 She attacks Suigetsu as he was starting to run away

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Chakra - 13 ápr 10, 13:38:00
Hitelesség ellenőrzés: Felteheőleg hiteles :)
Forrás: Mangastream facebook oldal
Szerző: Mangastream

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: methodman94 - 13 máj 01, 10:23:27
Hielesség: van benne realitás
forrás: fóruma
szerző: fórum tag

The Juubi displays a piece of its power....
(The whole battlefield is destroyed by the cyclones and the lightning covering entire area)
JUUBI : Ooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!
(The pitch of its roar goes on reducing as the scene changes)
(A pitch dark black space forms a spiraling portal on it)
(Two figures gets out of the portal)
(Obito pace out from Kakashi by throwing a kick at him)
KAKASHI : Gahhhh!!
OBITO : .....
KAKASHI : (coughs) (gets up) Obito I...
(Both are facing each other)
OBITO : (quietly) Shut up, Kakashi. I brought you here so that Naruto won't be here to protect you. This is similar to what happened with Rin.
KAKASHI : (remembers killing Rin).... (turns his MS to normal Sharingan)
OBITO : I am going gouge out that eye once I kill you. Since it's mine. (imports a sword from his eye and dashes towards Kakashi)
(One whole page is shown showing traces of Obito left behind while he approaches Kakashi)
(At their background, small small panels are shown containing Kakashi's memories running through his mind from his first meet with Obito till his last words at the Kannabi bridge)
OBITO : ...I'm already...going to die...but....I can become your eye...and from now on I will see the future...
(Obito raises his sword to stab him into his heart)
(Kakashi remembers Naruto's words)
NARUTO : (puts his hand on his heart)...Not having my friends the most painful thing for me.
(Kakashi comes to senses)
(A lightning runs through and cut the sword in two halves)
KAKASHI : Raikiri!!! (focus on his Sharingan) This is the gift I got from my best friend Obito. He still lives on (puts his left hand on his heart) here.
OBITO : ?!!
KAKASHI : It does not belongs to you.
(A bright light emerges from the black dimension as the scene changes)
(Several shinobis are lying dead on the ground at a great distance)
(The kyuubi cloak fades away)
(The Juubi is surrounded by dust)
NARUTO : (normal mode) Damn it.
KURAMA : He got us this time.
NARUTO : I could protect those who were around me.
SAKURA : (place her hand on Naruto's shoulder) Naruto. Don't blame yourself.
???? : You had put up a good fight.
SAKURA : ?!!
NARUTO : ?!!
(Four figures are shown into the dust showing their backs at the alliance)
???? : (One of the figure turns his head) Knucklehead Idiot.
NARUTO : Sa...?!!
(A blow of wind clears the dust showing Sasuke looking at Naruto and Sakura)
MADARA : He's here.
HASHIRAMA : Cool Madara!! You controlled the Juubi alone. [ No wonder he did that.] (remembers)
MINATO : There is someone with my teleporatation seal on it nearby the battlefield. But the chakra density is very less.
HASHIRAMA : Lets go. Young Hokage.
(Teleports from the village)
(reaches the place)
(Everyone witnesses the defeated Kages)
(Katsuyu is shown healing the Kages using Tsunade's chakra)
HASHIRAMA : Tsunade?!!
KATSUYU : Shodaime Hokage? Orochimaru? Ho-
TOBIRAMA : That will be explained later. Katsuyu. Didn't Tsunade summoned you? You were supposed to protect her.
KATSUYU : I apologize Nidaime Hokage. Lady Tsunade didn't summoned me during her battle. She ordered me to save the other Kages as soon as possible.
TOBIRAMA : Damn you Madara. I am going to kill that bastard.
HASHIRAMA : Wait. (clap) (A wood emerges out from the ground and puts the fallen tree aside) ?!!
(The whole gap between Tsunade's upper and lower body is covered with blood with some organs)
(Suigetsu and Karin faints as soon as they watches it)
OROCHIMARU : (gets up on the tree) It was a mistake to resurrect Madara.
MINATO : Lady Tsunade.
HIRUZEN : Shodaime Hokage, you must save Tsunade and the Kages.
HASHIRAMA : I can't. My healing abilities are limited to myself.
OROCHIMARU : Leave this to me.
TOBIRAMA : That's impossible.
HIRUZEN : What are you plotting Orochimaru?
OROCHIMARU : Don't worry, Sarutobi Sensei. I have no intentions of killing the Kages. Tsunade won't be healed with only medical ninjutsu. Without Hashirama's DNA, she won't be able to survive. But I also now has his cells in my body. I'll be able to deal with this.
HASHIRAMA : We have no other option left.
HIRUZEN : Then, Shodaime, Nidaime and Yondaime Hokage, you go ahead with Sasuke. I'll stay here and join you later. You must head to the battlefield soon to stop Madara's madness.
SASUKE : (looking at Suigetsu and Karin and then at Juugo)....Juugo. Stay here with Orochimaru.
HASHIRAMA : Lets go Tobirama.
TOBIRAMA : I can trace that bastard from here. Lets go.
MADARA : (shown standing right in front of the Juubi) Long time no see, Hashirama. And you too, Tobirama. I cleared this for you, so that we can start our battle. This time with the Juubi. (devilish smirk)(remembers)
MADARA : [ I was right... This chakra is..Hashirama!! ] I must welcome him. Nicely.
(connects himself with the Juubi without anyone noticing him with his wood)
MADARA : [ I'll handle Obito later. For now, lets clear the field. ]
TOBIRAMA : I'll show you, Madara. This time I won't let my brother handle this alone.
MADARA : (ignores Tobirama's words) Hmm. Who are those two?
SHINOBI ALLIANCE : Does the Kages arrived?
(Naruto looks at the figure standing beside Sasuke)
(The coat of the figure says Yondaime Hokage)
NARUTO : ?!! (remembers) [ I know you can do it. ] (tears rolls down from his eyes) D..Da...d?
INO : Sasuke?
KONOHA 11 : ?!!
SHINOBI ALLIANCE : They are the former Hokages.
NARUTO : ?!!
SHINOBI 1 : Did Sasuke revived them?
SHINOBI 2 : Is he planning to use them against us?
SHINOBI 3 : We're doomed.
NARUTO : ?!!
KONOHA 11 : ?!!
(Naruto dashes forward)
SAKURA : Naruto?!!
SASUKE : (as calm as always) .....(looking at Naruto approaching him with rasengan in his hand)
NARUTO : How dare you, Saassukke?
MINATO : ?!! (turns back) (looks at the rasengan) [ He is Naruto. But... ]
TOBIRAMA : .....
NARUTO : Sasuke!!!
(Naruto is about to hit Sasuke but Sasuke is still standing calm)
Will Naruto believe in Sasuke's change of heart?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: TsunadeHime - 13 máj 07, 17:31:35
Naruto 629 spoiler summaries

Verification: Feltehetőleg hiteles...

- Ten tails reaches final frorm
- edo kages taka and orochimaru arrive to see Tsunade trying to heal other kages
- Kakashi vs Obto begins end of chapter

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: CsukiIce - 13 máj 08, 07:25:19
Itt a fejezet:

Nem tudom, hogy nekem nagyok-e az elvárásaim, de ez megint semmi sem volt. :(

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: TsunadeHime - 13 máj 15, 05:43:16
Fake vagy nem fake? (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Senkisem17 - 13 máj 15, 05:47:36
:)  egész meggyőző, szóval akár lehet nem fake is XD

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: TsunadeHime - 13 máj 15, 06:19:16

Forrás: Egy NB-s ismerős aki a 2ch forumról szedte. S
Hitelesség: szerintem megbízható, a képet is ő tette közzé

From what I've read in 2ch forums: basically Obito and Kakashi fight, Obito uses Mokuton on Kakashi, Kakashi evades it, (Mokuton branches/needles sprout from the whole in the heart) then Obito seemingly trapped Kakashi under Genjutsu and douses him in flames but it turns out it was a shadow clone. Madara re attaches? himself to Juubi prepares to fire Mokuton needles (the one that killed Neji) but Juubi releases itself from Madara's control and attack Madara, Madz protects himself with Susanoo and the Edo Hokages arrive.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: dosreis - 13 máj 15, 07:11:39
Ééééééés  kint van

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Pierre - 13 máj 22, 08:51:00

Credits: Yagami1211
Source: NF

"I'm Namikaze Minato" as she was bracing herself for the explosion.

Jubbi's attack got redirected to the sea.

Minato : "You're Naruto's girlfriend ?"

Naruto : "Something like that"
then Sakura knocks Naruto out cold.

Naruto noticed something with his Kyuubi Mode

The 3 others Hokage arrives.

Madara : "I waited for you Hashirama !!!"

Hashi : "You'll have to wait, later."

Hashirama goes away as Madara clenches his teeth !

Minato : "Rest a bit, Naruto. You friend is coming."

Minato goes Kyuubi Mode.

It seems he can seal of unseal the chakra he sealed on him a will.

Hashirama supress the 10 tails of the Juubi and he seals them.

Sasuke comes.
Konoha guys gets really pissed off at seeing Sasuke.
Then Sasuke says :"I'll save the village and become Hokage !"

Everyone looks at Sasuke with a WTF face.

Only Naruto got a dead serious look on his face. "The one who will become Hokahge is me !"

Sakura too is a student of a Sannin and they face they enemy together.

Team 7 reborn !

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: dosreis - 13 máj 22, 09:11:10
egy két kép a nyugtalankodóknak  ;)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: lina22 - 13 máj 22, 10:23:37
Van facebookon egy Naruto Shippuuden csoport, ahol megszoktak jelenni a spoilerek, 1-2 oldallal, így tessék :D


És egy kis magyarázás:

Naruto Chapter 631 RAW & Spoiler #2:

Sasuke arrives. All of Konoha are mad but Sasuke declares confidently I will become the Hokage that protects the village.
All people beside Naruto are in shock and are doing this face here (゚Д゚), but only Naruto can see that Sasuke is serious.

Naruto stands besides Sasuke and says.. "The only one who will become Hokage is me !!"

Sakura says because she too is a student of one of the 3 legendary Sannin she will fight with the Enemy

Team 7 is reunited !!
Until next week

Minato introduces himself to Sakura.
“I’m Namikaze Minato” as she was bracing herself for the explosion.
Jubbi’s attack got redirected to the sea.
Minato : “You’re Naruto’s girlfriend ?”
Naruto : “Something like that”
then Sakura knocks Naruto out cold.
Naruto noticed something with his Kyuubi Mode
The 3 others Hokage arrives.
Madara : “I waited for you Hashirama !!!”
Hashi : “You’ll have to wait, later.”
Hashirama goes away as Madara clenches his teeth !
Minato : “Rest a bit, Naruto. You friend is coming.”
Minato goes Kyuubi Mode.
It seems he can seal of unseal the chakra he sealed on him a will.
Hashirama supress the 10 tails of the Juubi and he seals them.
Sasuke comes.
Konoha guys gets really pissed off at seeing Sasuke.
Then Sasuke says :”I’ll save the village and become Hokage !”
Everyone looks at Sasuke with a WTF face.
Only Naruto got a dead serious look on his face. “The one who will become Hokahge is me !”
Sakura too is a student of a Sannin and they face they enemy together.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Fr33man - 13 máj 22, 10:45:17
Kint van az új rész:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Sorrow - 13 máj 29, 08:29:38
Page 1:

(The reunited Team 7 stand in front of the Juubi!)

Naruto: "Madara, you'll be done for soon enough!"
Sakura: "When we finish off this ugly beast, your time will come!"
Sasuke: "I'll make you pay for everything you did to the Uchiha clan and the village!"

(Sasuke activates his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and stares at Madara.)

Page 2:

Madara: "The Uchiha clan? And these eyes, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. I see, this explains your similarity with my brother Izuna, young Uchiha kid!"
Sasuke: "You are pathetic, your brother entrusted you his eyes in order to protect the Uchiha clan!"
Madara: "Kid, don't you dare to say anything about my brother, it would've been good if you were on my side, but now I'm afraid you'll have to die!"

(Madara activates his Susanoo, preparing to attack Team 7, but is stopped by Sakura. She punches him and sends him flying backwards.)

Page 3:

Sakura: "Back off you bastard! I think we already told you that we're gonna defeat the Juubi before taking care of you!"
Madara: (Thinking) "That girl, she looks a lot like Hashirama's granddaughter, that weak Senju."
Madara: "Who do you think you are, little girl?"
Sakura: "I am Sakura Haruno, member of Konoha's Team 7 and student of one of the legendary Sannin, Tsunade-sama!"
Madara: "I see, so that's why you look that much like the ugly Senju that I already crushed."
Sakura: "You did what-"
Sasuke: "Calm down Sakura!"

Page 4:

Sasuke: "On the way here, the Second Hokage sensed the chakras of any of the current Kages."
Sasuke: "They were very weak, especially Tsunade-sama's, and Orochimaru and two of my comrades, Karin and Suigetsu, went there to save them."
Sakura: "That girl?" (Remembers healing Karin at the bridge in the Land of Iron.)
Naruto: "So Orochimaru really switched from the bad to the good side, I see."

Page 5:

(Shows a flashback of Orochimaru and the others splitting from Hokages, Sasuke and Juugo to go to Tsunade's place.)

Tobirama: "What is this, I can feel five very low chakra levels. And one of them, the weakest... is Tsunade's!"
Sasuke: "They must be the current Kages."
Hashirama: "What did you say, my granddaughter is in the verge of dying?"
Tobirama: "It seems so..."
Orochimaru: "Tsunade is one of my old friends, she is Sannin like me, I'll do anything I can to help the current Kages to survive, especially your granddaughter, First."

Page 6:

Orochimaru: "I'll take Karin with me. She is skilled medical and will be in good use for me."
Karin: "Alright, Orochimaru-sama."
Suigetsu: "Orochimaru-sama, can I come too?"
Orochimaru: "Sure, we'll need some protection for any case."
Suigetsu: (Thinking) "God bless you, Orochimaru-sama! You just freed me for a moment from these monsters!"
Sasuke: "Come at the battlefield as soon as you heal them, okay? Let's go to the fray, Hokages!"

Page 7:

(The flashback ends, the battlefield is shown once again.)

Sakura: "So that's what happened... I will crush you for what you have done to my master!"
Naruto: "You told me that the current Kage aren't doing well when you arrived here, now I know what you meant. And what you did to Granny Tsunade, Gaara and the others will be costly to you!"
Sasuke: "Let's get starting!"

Page 8:

Kurama: "Naruto, I'm done with the chakra collecting!"
Naruto: "Alright, so am I. Time to beat up some asses!"

(Naruto activates Bijuu Mode once more, then transforms to Kurama.)

Kurama: "We'll have better connection this time, in comparison to our first."
Naruto: "Good, but it won't last long, since we got that powerful reinforcements!"
Kurama: "Hehe, maybe you're right, but you mustn't underestimate the Juubi, even if there are the four Hokages suppressing him up!"
Naruto: "Yeah, I know. Let's go!"

Page 9:

(Sasuke activates his Complete Susanoo.)

Madara: "The complete Susanoo, I'm not surprised about it, but I'm curious to know how did you get that Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan?"
Sasuke: "I received these eyes thanks to my brother, whose Will of Fire burns in all of us, and we're gonna defeat you because of him!"
Madara: "I see, so you too have a brother. Too bad that he isn't here anymore to help you, I guess."
Sasuke: "Don't you dare to talk like this about my brother! He did more than enough to help us save this world, and I'm about to show you what I'm talking about!"

Page 10:

Sasuke: "Naruto, I think this may be useful to you!"
Naruto: "Huh?"

(Sasuke equips Kurama with his Susanoo and jumps at his head, shoulder to shoulder with Naruto.)

Sasuke: "Madara, we are going to defeat you and that thing like this, how you tried to defeat the First Hokage!"
Naruto: "I see, so you really know everything about the past, don't you, Sasuke?" (Smiles)

Page 11:

Sakura: "I hope you didn't forget about me!"

(Sakura jumps to Naruto and Sasuke at Kurama's head. They're both surprised with her new look, there are violet paintings all over her body.)

Naruto: "What is this, Sakura-chan?"
Sakura: "I stored my chakra during the whole time in my forehead. That's the most powerful Regeneration technique, Byakugou!"
Sasuke: "Let's attack him you two, leave the talking for after the war!"
Naruto: "Right!"
Sakura: "We're on it!"

Page 12:

Hashirama: "Everyone, I want you all to launch your most powerful long range attacks at the Juubi!
The Alliance: "Alright!"
Naruto: "We have to attack the beast's eye, any other attacks will be useless thanks to it's strong skin!"
Hashirama: "You heard that everyone, aim for the Juubi's eye!"

Page 13:

(The whole alliance is shown using several techniques. Katon and Fuuton users are combined for stronger Katon attack, Suiton and Doton for stronger Suiton technique and Raiton and Suiton for stronger Raiton jutsu.)

Juubi: "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Page 14:

Hashirama: "Hokages, let's do it! Senpou! Shinsusenju!"
Tobirama: "Right, Water Style! Water Dragon Jutsu!"
Hiruzen: "Fire Style! Dragon Flame Bombs!"

(Minato teleports in front of Juubi's eye and delivers blow with his Rasengan.)

Page 15:

Naruto: "It's our turn now, guys! Bijuu-dama!"
Sasuke: "I can't use my Enton: Yasaka no Magatama, because my Susanoo is equipped to the Kyuubi, but I can do this, Enton: Kagutsuchi!"
Naruto: "Huh?"
Sasuke: "I added my Amaterasu-based Blaze Release to your Tailed Beast Bomb, making it stronger. Now, Fire Style! Dragon Flame Jutsu!"
Naruto: "Alright, ready to shoot my Bomb!"

Page 16:

Sakura: "Looks like I'll have to use some of my new powers, CHANNARO!"

(Sakura sends purple shock wave similar to the Hyuga's Hakke Kushou at the Juubi's eye.)

Juubi: "Rrrrrrrrrrawrrrrrrrrrr!"

(All the attacks successfully damaged the Juubi, a cloud of dust covers the beast.)

Page 17:

(The dust clears, scaring the Alliance.)

Madara: "You fools, the Juubi used your attacks to get the Natural Power needed to evolve into it's final form!"
Hashirama: "What are you saying?"
Madara: "Take a good look, your end has come!"
Naruto: "You got to be kidding me..."
Madara: "That's what you receive in the end, only despair!"

Page 18:

Killer Bee: "This is bad, Hachibi told me that if we let the Juubi enter it's final form, we'll be done for!"
Naruto: "No way, we can beat this thing, there will be always hope!"
Gaara: "Nicely said, Naruto. Just what I can expect from my friend."
Naruto: "What the, Gaara, Granny Tsunade, the other Kages?"
Orochimaru: "Yeah, hopefully, I was there to save the day, hehe..."

Page 19:

Tsunade: "I was able to heal the others, but without Orochimaru and his subordinate, I would've been dead..."
Sakura: "Master, I'm so glad that you're okay!"
Tsunade: "What, Sakura? I see, you managed to use my Byakugou, that's what I expected from my student!"
Ay: "Sasuke Uchiha, what are you doing here?"
Sasuke: "I'm sorry Raikage, for everything I did. I've changed my ways and I'm gonna protect my village and this world!"
Ay: "Good, Madara, we'll crush you and that ugly beast, you're finished!"
Naruto: "Yosh, the Juubi had it's final form, so did the Alliance. We're now ready to win this war and defeat you, Madara!"

(Hope has gathered once again!)

Chapter 632: END.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Fr33man - 13 máj 29, 09:42:40
Kint van az új rész

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler
Írta: Senkisem17 - 13 jún 05, 08:51:57

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: CsukiIce - 13 jún 12, 08:46:28
634. fejezet spoiler:

Source: 2ch
Credits: T
Verification: Confirmed

ナルトが呼び出したのはブンタでは無くガマ吉 サスケのアオダと言う蛇  サクラはカツユを呼んだ
Naruto summons Gamakichi, not bunta, Sasuke's snake is called Aoda, and Sakura called Katsuyu
4代目と3代目がもういちど口寄せ三すくみが見れるとは思わなかったといい 三忍を思い出す
This is a bit unclear, so I'll work on this a bit later...but the 4th and the 3rd remember the Sannin at the sight of those 3
猿飛『新たな時代よ!行けい!』 敵をすり抜け十尾へ向かうサスケ ナルトはガマ吉とジャンプで向かう サクラは回復として皆にカツユを送る
Sarutobi: It's a new age! Go! ...Sasuke slips through the Jyuubi spawns, Naruto jumps over them and Sakura offers support with healing through Katsuyu
サイは第7班の力に驚く サスケ達を冷静に見つめるジュウゴ
Sai is amazed at the power of team 7, and Juugo stares at the calm of Sasuke and co.
スサノオ×アオダ ガマ吉×ナルト 二人の技 発動 風遁超大玉螺旋手裏剣 と炎遁 スサノオカグヅチ攻撃する二人 
Both attack on their summons, Naruto uses Fuuton Chou-Oodama-Rasenshuriken, and Sasuke uses Enton Susanoo-Kagutsuchi
二人の技は炎と風 大きな力になり十尾へ届く!! 二人は全く同じチャクラ比で術を合わせた
Their elements combine into a powerful attack and hits the Kyuubi! They use up around the same level of chakra to do this 
4代目が名付けて灼遁光輪疾風漆黒矢零式 ・・・・無いな・・・と言う
This is really hard to translate, but it says that the 4th describes the attack...I will try to make sense of this(it's hard without the actual art, even the spoiler poster is unsure)
Sasuke and Naruto are standing as equals in front of the Jyuubi
サイがジュウゴに話しかける  彼の本当の狙いは何なんだ?
Sasuke asks Juugo if he knows what's its (Jyuubi's? not sure without context) goal
Juugo says he has no idea
Orochimaru, Karin and Suigetsu arrive to Tsunade's place
Til next week

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Fr33man - 13 jún 12, 09:05:28
Kint az új rész

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Bored - 13 jún 19, 16:02:25

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Sternritter Zanpakuto - 13 jún 19, 16:18:51
1. Orochimaru meg a változás: fura dolog. biztos rosszul hallok :)
2. Tsunade félben: brutális
3. Sakura mégsem bízik Sasukeban? Talány.
4. Madara tovább vár? sebaj. biztos végignézheti a Konföderációs VB-t.  XD
5. Öt kage újra aktív? Hiba! Job lett volna (talán) ha a háború végén állnak talpra.
6. Utolsó kép: biztos új részbe szánta. Kakashi ende? Kaputt?  :hmmm?:
mindenesetre ezzel ő a hokage-jelölésből kimarad bizton.

Összhang. zaklatott rész, furán félbehagyva!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: PiFi - 13 jún 26, 09:40:08

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: PiFi - 13 júl 03, 08:27:42
Itt az e heti adag:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 13 júl 09, 11:46:13
Korai érkezés:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Zizi100 - 13 júl 17, 02:20:44
Mostani spoiler, íme:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: tocika12 - 13 júl 17, 09:24:20
nehogy bárki elhiggye a spoilerben olvasottakat, itt van a valódi! :) (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: PiFi - 13 júl 24, 07:17:21
Read it:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Chakra - 13 júl 25, 07:05:30
A 640. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 641. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 13 júl 31, 07:30:39
641. fejezet:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Tomimaru-sama - 13 aug 07, 09:01:54
642. fejezet

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Chakra - 13 aug 16, 12:20:04
egy raw

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Chakra - 13 aug 17, 11:29:32

Black Kyuubi: Hmph! Do you intend to let your son take care of this mess for you?
Black Kyuubi: Just because you locked away my other half within your son’s body…
Black Kyuubi: You believe that I will join hands with my other half, right?
Minato: Kyuubi…
Black Kyuubi: Careful you don’t come to regret it!
Black Kyuubi: Kushina’s death wasn’t your fault…your son becoming a jinchuuriki wasn’t your fault either…and there’s no need to berate yourself for the world turning into such a state either…

Page 2

Black Kyuubi: The one who is trying to change all of this is your son. He’s no longer that little infant from long ago.
Black Kyuubi: In the not-so-distant future…
White Kyuubi: Naruto! I have something to say to you. Listen up!
Naruto: !!

Page 3

Minato: …
[Tobirama teleports away with Naruto]
[Obito is face down with a large rasengan hole in his upper back]
Naruto: ! Just like I suspected!
Obito: So the Jyuubi’s host actually has a weakness such as this…
Obito stands up.
Obito: (Since, Naruto’s technique has already entered the body of the Jyuubi, there’s no way to negate it after-the-fact)
[Obito’s body is healing]

Page 4

Naruto: Senjutsu techniques are effective!
Sasuke: The power based on Sage arts….
Naruto: Senjutsu techniques are rooted in the usage of natural energy….
Naruto: Come to think of it, when I sensed the Jyuubi’s power, all I could feel was natural energy…
Sasuke: Only natural energy can counter natural energy. Is that what you mean? Although I don’t fully understand what you are talking about, but…
Naruto: LEARNING SENJUTSU WAS REALLY AWESOME! Okay, now I’ll use the Frog-Fu (Frog Kumite) techniques to deal with this guy!

Page 5

Tobirama: (He was able to immediately cooperate with my Hiraishin technique, and even mastered the power of Senjutsu…)
Tobirama (smiling): (It feels exactly like the way it used to be when my elder brother and I fought in together.)
Sasuke: …
Obito: …
[Two flames appear from the spikes on Obito’s back]
Tobirama: Although the technique was effective…as soon as he’s recovered, he’ll become even more dangerous.
Tobirama: (If I continue to teleport behind him, it’s very likely that he’ll immediately kill me)
Obito: It’s about time to begin preparations for the Moon’s Eye. Time to wipe all obstructions from my path. SAND!

Page 6

[A giant, gloopy looking flower with petals like the Jyuubi’s earlier form explodes from the ground]
Everyone: !
Obito: This world…no longer has any value remaining in it.

Page 7

Naruto: !
Obito [rising through the sky]: This world died long ago…
Flower Monster begins to prepare four bijuudamas.
Battlefield Combatants: !!
Random combatant 1: Not good!
Random combatant 2: There’s four?! Do they plan to destroy us all at one go?
Akatsuchi: Even if we have everyone use earth techniques to pull up a layered wall, we’d be too late!
Shikamaru: (What should we do next? Focus…gotta focus…)

Page 8

Tobirama: Even if we teleport it away with Hiraishin, at most we’ll only be able to each teleport away one!
Tobirama: The Yondaime Hokage and I can only teleport away two in total! There’s nothing we can do about the other two! Elder brother!
Hashirama: Madara! Can you wait a sec! Your colleague is about to…
Madara: Both of us are just corpses raised by Edo Tensei! No need to worry about too many other things!
Madara: Just try and charge through me!

Page 9

Hashirama clone: Everyone, don’t lose hope! I’m still here! All we have to do is change the trajectory of that bijuudama! Hokages, think of ways to push them to the sea!
Hashirama clone: I’ll have to trouble everyone to create earthen walls, while I’ll use wood-jutsu to drawn them towards the sea!
Obito: Hmph! Don’t even think about it!
Obito fires four bolts of black rods surrounded by chakra flames/shroud.

Page 10

Obito: Six Flaming Suns Technique!
[A huge barrier is created between the area where the four rods landed, trapping the ninja
army inside]

Page 11

[More images of the huge barrier]

Page 12

Randon nin: This is the end!
Random nin 2: If this is the result….we are gonna…
Hashirama clone: So you’re going to trap everyone inside so we can’t divert the bijuu bomb away, eh?
Obito: It really is about time to wrap this up [unsure of this translation, text not clear]
Tobirama: Since this is the case, the only option we have is to use Hiraishin to teleport them outside the barrier. Yondaime Hokage…are you able to teleport two of them away?
Minato: Given that I’m unable to create any markings right now, at most I’ll be able to teleport one away.
Minato: But there’s another way…
Minato: (And that way is…)
Obito: You want to teleport my tree away? Do you think I’ll let you do as you please?
Obito: You won’t be able to save anyone!

Page 13

Minato: …
Naruto: Hey, pops…I have an idea…don’t know if it would work…
Minato: !
Naruto: Bump fists with me?
Minato: ?
Obito: …
[They bump fists]

Page 14

White Kyuubi: Hey! How’s my other half doing? Not bad?
White Kyuubi: Can you give me part of your chakra?
Black Kyuubi: ?!
Black Kyuubi: Begging myself for help…feels really weird…
Obito: Naruto…that fellow [Minato] isn’t able to accomplish anything…
Obito: He wasn’t even able to save your mother…
Naruto: …
Obito: The same was true for his own subordinates…
Minato: …
Obito: Do you know what day it is, tomorrow?

Page 15

Naruto: …
Obito: It’s the anniversary of Rin and Kushina’s deaths! The day your mother died!
Obito: Listen up. When people die, everything about them comes to an end…this world…
Naruto: That’s right…
Naruto: Then tomorrow is…
Naruto: My birthday as well.
Minato: !
Minato: …
Naruto: You listen up as well. This world is not coming to an end.
Obito: …
Naruto: Because I still exist in this world!
Naruto: Let’s go, pops!

Page 16
Obito: …
Minato flashbacks to Kuushina: (Our little Naruto really has grown up, both mature and strong. Kushina…)
Minato: OKAY!

The most powerful father and son duo join forces to attack!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 13 aug 17, 18:14:20
Itt van a 643 raw verzióban! full verzió

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: methodman94 - 13 aug 17, 19:01:49 ez angol és elég jó

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Sorrow - 13 aug 18, 00:37:40

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: tocika12 - 13 aug 28, 10:11:51 ( Jóétvágyat:)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 13 aug 28, 12:13:16
 :byezz:  644 fejezet

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Cartnecker - 13 aug 29, 19:10:00
A 644. fejezet a főoldalon! Várjuk a 645. fejezet spoilereit eme topicba.
A kommenteket kéretik a szomszédos témába írni. Köszönjük.
Aki itt kommentál, egy hétre kitiltjuk.

Kérünk mindenkit aki spoilert talál a neten, mostantól minden hozzászólása elejére szerkessze be a lentieket.
Amennyiben nincsenek a hozzászólás elején a felsorolt dolgok, törlésre kerül a post.

Hitelesség ellenőrzés:  *
Forrás: ide írd, hogy honnan származik az információ
Szerző: Ha egy másik fórumról szerezted az infót, ide írd annak a tagnak a nevét, aki írta.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Juby - 13 szep 03, 17:35:39
Nem tudom hiteles-e?: Ha igen érdekes lesz.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: DenTeK - 13 szep 04, 08:22:21

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: TsunadeHime - 13 szep 09, 20:58:05
Source:  Narutobase (

「無部月読、開始!! そしてサスケがついに!?」 = “The Infinite Tsukuyomi starts! And finally Sasuke will…”

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: TsunadeHime - 13 szep 25, 05:15:56
Source: Narutobase (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: TsunadeHime - 13 okt 02, 12:18:44
Hiteles (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Gurat - 13 okt 16, 07:43:25

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 13 okt 29, 10:47:25
Naruto manga 653

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Morause - 13 nov 05, 20:40:38

NARUTO 654 – うちはオビトの答え
うちはオビトは須佐能乎 の剣は彼を通して貫くとき勝つために近接しています。

My translation of this script:

Naruto 654 – Obito’s answer
Obito recalls flashbacks of the Rin’s death
Obito refuses to take Naruto’s hand while reason.
Shinobi Alliance got upper hand in pulling tailed beast chakra out of obito’s body
Madara notices situatation while fighting against Hashirama
Madara forms tiger handseal then Rinnegan glows along with his body (Something like that, but I am not sure)
Obito drags almost all tailed beasts chakra inside his body forcefully(something about Obito winning and tailed beasts chakra being drag inside his body… I am not sure myself)
Naruto try to reason with Obito but Obito states (I am not sure but it may be like that)Actions speaks louder/means more then speech
When Obito is close to win then giant Sussano’s Sword pierces through his chest from his back.
Rinnegan’s eyes are shown glowing behind Obito’s body

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Morause - 13 nov 13, 09:17:54

Most ennyi képpel, meg szöveg is van de nincs angolra fordítva!

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 13 nov 13, 12:55:06
Új manga teljes - angol verzió

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 13 dec 11, 08:34:51  :bow:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 13 dec 17, 15:56:59  :asdfghj:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Kakashi87 - 13 dec 25, 09:48:38

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Juby - 14 jan 13, 12:54:57
Nem tudom hiteles-e?  :hmm?: Azért itt van:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 14 jan 15, 13:32:01   :byezz:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: TsunadeHime - 14 jan 22, 06:58:05
Source: Mangapanda (  :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lagos - 14 feb 03, 19:37:16
Sasu kicsit rákapcsol Hasimarától kappot senju chakrával... ala rinnegan :) (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 14 feb 04, 14:52:18

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 14 feb 05, 13:15:17    :byezz: új manga

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: PiFi - 14 feb 12, 08:45:04
Hölgyeim és Uraim : (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Senkisem17 - 14 feb 19, 07:23:39

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Don Diablo - 14 feb 19, 08:32:28 (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Don Diablo - 14 feb 26, 08:48:26 (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Dani - 14 márc 24, 23:05:42
Én nagyon hamisnak érzem, de azért...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: vakor - 14 márc 26, 10:03:41 Kintvan :)

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Juby - 14 ápr 12, 19:14:13
A mangajoy-on már fenn van a naruto manga 673 fejezetéből pár oldal.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Takarek - 14 ápr 16, 04:14:25

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: kushina - 14 ápr 16, 06:37:38

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Zer0 - 14 ápr 21, 09:50:42

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Senkisem17 - 14 ápr 22, 05:48:24

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: tibee77 - 14 ápr 22, 17:34:21
Egy majdnem teljes raw: (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Sakti123 - 14 máj 29, 21:05:57
PREVIW FOR 679 "In the world Mūgen Tsukuyomi shines upon, that man will finally!?...." (

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: methodman94 - 14 jún 03, 10:26:56 csak egy kép...

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: sergei55 - 14 aug 28, 11:01:46
Naruto Spoiler 690:


Na ennyit Lucy-ról és Venom-ról! Ezért marhára megérte ellopni őket az Elfen Lied-ből és a Spoder-man-ból! 10 fejezet alatt leverték, mint a ropit, miközben Obito-t nem tudták leverni 80 fejezeten át. Érdemes elgondolni, vajon melyikük is volt a valódi final boss kettőjükből.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Exkirion - 14 szep 04, 03:04:04
691 – すべての世代

Státusz: Nem tuti

691 - Minden generáció
A múlt öt kagéinak szelleme és az edo kagék köszönetet mondanak a 7-es csapatnak.
Uchiha Obito szelleme elhagyja Kakashit. A démon nyúl megszökik. Hagoromo feloldja az örök Tsukoyomit.
"Sasuke blokkolja Madarát and Naruto blockolja Hashiramát" (Ezt nem egészen értem mert itt a japán ブロック "Block"/Burokku = Kivéd/blokkol/útjába áll van használva. Majd meglássuk, vagy nem.)
Ashura és Indra szellemét is mutatják/megjelenik (A Japán mindkettő lehet).
Side note: Ashira és indra civakodásának/nézeteltérésének/viszályának valóban vége?

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: sergei55 - 14 szep 04, 11:48:44
Forrás_ Mangabird


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: PiFi - 14 okt 02, 10:52:36
Naruto 694 spoiler: (  XD

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: methodman94 - 14 okt 08, 07:03:08
Nyugi, ez még csak a rendes manga/képregény változat és csak 3 oldala:

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: norby777 - 14 okt 08, 09:24:02

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: lina22 - 14 okt 08, 15:54:39    XD

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: yupi - 14 okt 29, 10:38:29
az az utolsó kép azért nagyot üt :D

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Senkisem17 - 14 nov 05, 15:05:47

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: CsukiIce - 14 nov 05, 15:29:46
Naruto Part 3 - confirmed:
Ha minden igaz, akkor egy rövid széria lesz (20-30 fejezet) a gyerekekkel a központban.
Ja, és a Naru-Hina és Sasuke-Sakura rajongók örülhetnek.


Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Norgreid - 14 nov 05, 15:56:03

Fenébe most látom máshol már kitették ezeket a képeket én meg nem tudom törölni a komit bocsi XD

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Exkirion - 14 nov 05, 16:14:39

Összes eddigi kijött kép.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: LeViiKee - 14 nov 05, 16:17:50
A fekete ruhás, szőke szerintem Ino és Sai lánya.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Hiei D. Legend - 14 nov 05, 17:25:36
Az meg inkább Karin és Suigetsu kölykéne tűnik mint Sakura és Sóska utódjának. Rossz helyre írtam bocs.

Cím: Re:Naruto manga - Spoiler (Tilos a komment!)
Írta: Chakra - 14 nov 17, 08:05:37
Téma egyelőre lezárva.