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Bleach => Bleach - Manga => A témát indította: Szanisz - 11 jún 05, 18:03:46

Cím: Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 05, 18:03:46
Megjelent a Bleach első Databookja UNMASKED néven

Jelenleg még csak japán verzió kering a neten.
Számos háttérinformációt tartalmaz ez a "special manga", főként az Espadák múltjáról.
Megtalálhatjuk benne az espadákat, fracciónjaikat, de még Aizenről is van pár oldal.
Az első lapok pedig egy különlegességgel szolgálnak: Ulquiorra múltját mesélik el (ami persze nem biztos, mivel japánul nem tudok, de a legtöbb angol nyelvű fórumon ez kering)

Japán Scan letöltés: Ide kattintva (

Angol letöltés: -Hamarosan-

Magyar letöltés -angol megjelenés után pár nappal-

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 05, 18:31:33
és az a jó, hogy elvileg 3 része van és ez még csak az 1., ami letölthető :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 05, 21:23:42
De jó, hogy pont most csináltam neki egy topicot... Előbb szét kéne néznem. Na mindegy egy csomó infót leírtam bele amit megtudtam  :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 05, 22:01:19
áthozhatod ide. a modik úgyis törlik az egyiket, ne vesszen el  :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 05, 22:24:28
Köszi, akkor áthozom ide. :D
Japánban ma jelent meg a Bleach Official Character Book 3 Unmasked ami 232 oldal.

Yammy kutyáját Kukkapuronak hívják és az ő száma a 35.

Teljes Fraccion/Numeros lista:
11- Shawlong Kufang
13-Edorado Leones
14-Nakeem Greenda
15-Yylfordt Granz
16-Di Roy Rinker
17-Aisslinger Wernarr
18-Demoura Zodd
20-Charollote Chuhlhourne
22-Abirama Redder
24-Findorr Calius
25-Chow Neng Poww
26-Ggio Vega
27-Nirgge Parduoc
33-Loly Aivirrne
34-Menoly Mallia
35-Kukkapuuro(Yammi's pup)
41-Pesche Guatiche
42-Dondochakka Birstanne
50-Tesra Lindocruz
54- Emilou Apacci
55-Franceska Mila Rose
56-Cyan Sung-sun
61-Rudubon Chelute
77-Wonderwiess Magela

Espada Hollow lyukak helyei:
Starrk: (胸部)chest
Baraggan: (胸中央) center chest
Harribel: (下腹部-子宫) lower abdomen-uterus (Azért nem látszik)
Ulqiuorra: (胸部) chest
Nnoitra: (眼部) eye
Grimmjow: (腹部) abdomen
Zommari: (右乳首) right nipple
Szayel apporo: (亀頭) glans penis (Szegéééény... Na de Kubo  XD)
Aaroniero: (左大腿部) left thigh
Yammy: no infos about his hollow hole but it should be (胸部) chest

Harribel, amikor ember volt a szülésbe halt bele ezért az aspektusa a feláldozás. Feláldozta magát a gyerekéért gyakorlatilag és ez megmagyaráza, hogy miért a méhhében van a Hollow lyuka.
Orihime amíg Ichigo gyakorolt és harcolt Aizennel addig ő a hamis Karakurában gyógyított és meg gyógyította Harribelt és a Fraccionjait akik vissza tértek Hueco Mundoba.  (H)
Végre csinált valami hasznosat is Orihime  :D.

Vér csoportok és más rövid infók a szereplőkről:
Ezekhez találtam angol fordítást:

Group number 1
Izuru (AB)
知的好奇心が強い - Has strong intellectual curiosity
大器晩成 - Late bloomer, "Grate talents mature late"
組織で活躍 - Active in organization
努力家 - Hardworking person

Nanao (O)
一生懸命 - Tries as hard as one can
情が深い - Has deep emotions
おおらか - Composed, calm
現実的 - Realistic

Shinji (B)
楽天家 - Optimist, easy-going person
新しい物が好き - Likes new things
ユーモアがある - Has humour
好き嫌いが明確 - Has clear likes and dislikes

Ichigo (A)
真面目 - Serious, earnest
極端 - Extreme
遅咲き - Late bloomer
押しに弱い - Pushover

Group numer 2
Tousen (AB)
頭の回転が速い - ?
合理主義 - Rationalism
観察力 - Observation ability
無駄が嫌い - Hates uselessness

Yachiru (O)
不正が嫌い - Hates injustice
行動的 - Is active
お喋り - Talkative
面倒見が良い - Very helpful

Kon (B)
おだてに弱い - Weak for flattery
お喋り - Talkative
自然体 - Relaxed
自信家 - Has a great faith in himself

Isshin (A)
おだてに弱い - Weak for flattery
お喋り - Talkative
素直 - Honest, obedient
誠実 - sincare, honest faithful

Group numer 3
Nnoitra (AB)
ストレート - Straightforward
自分流 - ?
分析能力がある - Has an ability to analyse
二面性 - Two-faced nature

Harribel (O)
正義感 - Sense of justice
裏表がない - Isn't two-faced
リーダー - Leader
ロマンチスト - Romantic

Starrk (B)
独断 - Dogmatic
自由 - Free
面倒見が良い - Very helpful
社交的 - Sociable

Hitsugaya (A)
正義感 - Sense of justice
ストレート - Straightforward
芯が強い - Strong core
純粋 - Pure, genuine

Group numer 4
Urahara (AB)
駆け引き上手 - Skillful tactics
問題意識が強い - Has strong awarness of the issues
独自の発想 - Original ideas
協調性がある - Co-operative

Gin (O)
仲間意識が強い - Strong fellow feeling
負けず嫌い - Hates to lose
サポート役 - Supporting role
努力家 - Hardworking

Tensa Zangetsu (B)
切り替えが早い - Replaces fast
自然体 - Relaxed
サポート - Supports
隙間産業 - ?

Renji (A)
協調性がある - Co-operative
優柔不断 - Indecisive
ノーと言えない - Can't say no

Group number 5
Byakuya (AB)
目立つポジション - Standing out position
頭脳明晰 - being clearheaded; having a keen (sharp, brilliant) mind
客観的 - Objective
なんでもできる - Is able to do anything

Hollow Ichigo (O)
自己中心 - selfishness, egoism
いつも明るく - always cheerful/bright
目立つ存在 - Standing out existance
主役 - Leading role

Aizen (B)
自己中心 - Selfishness, egoism
目立つ人 - Standing out person
行動力 - Ability to take action, energy
発想力 - Power of idea

Hisagi (A)
器用 - Skillful, handy
真面目 - Serious, earnest
円満な人間関係 - Peaceful human relations
恋に燃え過ぎる - Gets too fired up in love

Group numer 6
Hinamori (AB)
マイペース - Does things at her own pace
知的好奇心が旺盛 - Full of inquisitiviness
冷静な判断をする - Makes calm decisions
器用 - Skillful, handy

Nell (O)
正義の味方 - Supporter of justice
困難に立ち向かう - Fights against difficulties
仲間意識が高い - Fellow feeling is valuable
マイペース - Does things at her own pace

Yoruichi (B)
自由奔放 - Free and uncontrolled
フットワーク - Footwork
素早い - Quick
自信家 - Has a great confidence in herself

Grimmjow (A)
飽きっぱい - ?
フットワーク - Footwork
逆境に燃える - Gets fired up in adversities
責任感がある - Has a sense of responsibility

Group numer 7
Orihime (AB)
忍耐強い - Persevering, very patient
存在感がある - Has a strong presence
頭脳明晰 - Being clearheaded; having a keen (sharp, brilliant) mind
芸術の才能がある - Has talent for art

Omaeda (O)
実は負けず嫌い - Hates losing
仲間意 - Fellow feeling
努力家 - Hardworking
自分勝手 - Selfish

Rukia (B)
存在感がある - Has a stong presence
忍耐力がある - Has fortitude
暜投は温和 - Usually gentle
堅苦しい事が嫌い - Hates formal things

Ikkaku (A)
本質を見せない - Doesn't show his true nature
忍耐強い - Persevering, very patient
信頼がある - Has confidance
陰の努力家 - Hardworker in the background

Group number 8
Mayuri (AB)
好き嫌いが激しい -Likes and dislikes are -?
余計な一言 - Unnacessary word ?
自信家 - Has a great confidence in himself
感性が異常 - Abnormal sense

Soifon (O)
真っすぐな性格 - Straightforward personality
自分勝手 - Selfish
左右される - Temperament
気分屋 - Moody

Rangiku (B)
お調子者 - Gets carried away easily
ワガママ - Selfishness, egoism
好き嫌いが激しい - Likes and dislikes are -?
プラス思考 - Positive thinker

Kenpachi (A)
同じ事を繰り返す - Repeats same things
好き嫌いが激しい - Likes and dislikes are -?
自分勝手 - Selfish
マイペース - Does things at his own pace

Group number 9
知識欲がある = Having desire/thrist for knownledge
完璧主義 = Perfectionism
駆け引き上手 = Skillful at tactics/strategy
頭の回転が速い = Intuitive/Sharp Instinct/Quick thinker

Hanataro (O) by Annie
Hanatarou: PPl around depend on him.her, doesn't mope around, diligent, hate cheating

Ishida (B)
人任せにできない - Can't leave it to others
クール - Cool
完璧主義 - Perceftionism
反感を買う - Provokes antipathy

Chad (A)

Benne van Ulquiorra múltja is. Ehez is találtam angol fordítást:

[Page 1]
not be, but be

[Page 2]
What is there, over there?

[Page 3]
There is nothing

[Page 4]
I was born at the bottom of a pit where no light shone.

As if pressed together by the darkness
Uncertain of what to become
Born under those dark, dark sediments

I had a white form
My comrades were all in pure black

In those black forms, with their eyes shining and teeth baring, they were certainly eating something.
And then...

[Page 5]
There was nothing to me, except my eyes.

[[The other hollows wanted to attack/eat ulquiorra but he killed them all and climbed out of that pit himself]]

[Page 6]
I felt nothing
No, rather
It was possible that what I felt was "void", yet
I could hear nothing,
I could bite nothing
I could smell nothing
I could feel nothing as I touch
I could not rest
I had no companion

Just walking, alone

The things reflected in my eyes have no meaning
The things that could not be reflected in my eyes, do not exist.

[Page 7]
When I had arrived at that thought
I have found something extraordinary

It was, somewhat, the place of birth for those strange, translucent objects that dotted this world.
It was the first time my eyes have been captured.

With no colour,
With no sound,
With no scent,
Does not interact with anything,
It only exists there.

It was the closest existence to "void" that I had ever laid eyes on.

[Page 8]
I sank my body into that great "void"

There was nothing there,
Even I had lost my line of vision, and dissolved into the void,
And felt as if everything had disappeared.


[Page 9]
Orihime: Wah! You scared me!
I was going to wake you up, but you're awake. I got surprised.
But I was relieved, to know that Ulquiorra-kun could actually sleep

Ulquiorra: .........It's Ulquiorra.

[Page 10]
Ulquiorra: Don't refer to me as you would a human, I said.
When you call me, call me "Ulquiorra"
Call me only that.

If such a thing called happiness exists in this world, it should be something which resembles the limitless nothingness.
Nihility is having nothing, and having nothing to lose.
If that isn't "happiness", then what is?

The things reflected in my eyes have no meaning
The things that could not be reflected in my eyes, do not exist.

[Page 11]
There is nothing

In you

And in me.

Hát egyenlőre ennyit találtam. Késöbb biztos több információ is kiderül.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: samdav - 11 jún 06, 02:12:22
Ez tetszik, ha van még jöhet :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 06, 15:31:02
Nekem is bejön, még ilyet :D Alig várom már, hogy az egész databookból legyen angol fordítás.
Amúgy egyes hollow lyuk helyeken eléggé meglepődtem :D
Én letöltöttem az 1. részt a databookból és ott van vagy 2-3 lap tousenről, ahhoz nincs valakinek angol verziója?

Amúgy most megcsillant a remény, hogy talán Inoue meggyógyította Gint és Tousent ( mondjuk ő felrobbant, de hát Inoue vissza tudja hozni a semmiből is nem? hisz ott a vére meg egyéb finomságok :D )

Cím: Teljes novella
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 06, 16:12:26
Találtam még angol fordítást. :D Ez az a rész, amikor Ichigo a harc után össze esik a többiek előtt.

Edit Edit Edit
Megtaláltam a teljes Nestle to Night novellát lefordítva angolra. Annak csak egy része volt az amit ma belinkeltem. Ez itt a teljes:

Yammy – Yammy – It is nighttime in our world again…

After Aizen had left and all the Gargantas had closed, Hueco Mundo regained a sense of peace. Brushing by the ruins of Las Noches, the breeze seemed to carry with it sounds of lamentation. Yet apart from the sound of sand caught in the wind, there was only silence.

A single animal lay on this silent desert. It had the shape of a small dog, with the mask of a hollow and soft white fur. Its name was Kukkapuuro.

Kukkapuuro had lost almost all of its memories. It only knew that it was a hollow, and that this was Hueco Mundo. Calling itself “Kukkapuuro,” rubbing its forehead with its paw, and scratching the itch behind its ear were the only important memories that it had, sketched deep into its consciousness.

In a world full of reishi like Hueco Mundo, a small hollow like itself only needed to breathe to survive, and eventually become the prey of other hollows. Kukkapuuro was at the very bottom of the food chain, yet it was able to survive entirely because it stayed by the side of someone very strong.

Kukkapuuro looked to him and thought, “I think this person must be very important.”

As his steps were very large, he was always a great distance ahead, alwaus forcing Kukkapuuro to chase after his enormous shadow. He always looked at Kukkapuuro with an impatient mutter, refusing to even give it a name. He never held, petted, or shared food with it.

Even so, he never killed Kukkapuuro.

Until the very end, he also never left Kukkapuuro.


“It’s pretty quiet here…” was the first thing Mila-Rose said upon exiting the Garganta.
Following her, Apacci, Sung-Sun, and finally Tier Harribel also landed on the desert. Behind them, the Garganta silently closed, and the rip in space suddenly vanished.

“What a complete mess…” said Apacci, looking at the destruction caused to Las Noches by heated battles.

“It seems like everyone used pretty barbaric methods to fight…” said Sung-Sun, hiding her mouth behind her sleeve and looking up at the sky. The ceiling had broken in many places, creating a mosaic out of the artificial blue sky of Las Noches and the dark sky of Hueco Mundo beyond.

Harribel stared silently for a moment at the battlefield. The three of them, despite squabbling all the time, also followed her example and stood there in silence.

Standing behind Harribel’s right hand side, Apacci looked down at her own completely unharmed body, and clenched her fist.


She muttered in her heart.

Only a few hours before, every single one of them had been close to death. Harribel’s body had suffered two wounds from Aizen’s zanpakutou Kyoka Suigetsu, one across her abdomen, and another pierced from her back through to her left chest. Apacci, Mila-Rose, and Sung-Sun had each lost an arm to create Allon, and had also suffered severe burns over their entire body from Yamamoto’s fires.

Apacci touched her left arm with her right hand. It felt completely normal, just like her orignal arm. There was also no pain remaining anywhere on her body.

(In the end… we still had to rely on the strength of humans…!)

She clenched her teeth.

The one who healed them had been Inoue Orihime. When the Fake Karakura Town had been switched back with the real one, the unconscious Arrancars had also been sent with the fake town to Soul Society. Apacci had asked her to come into the town to treat them, when Orihime came back from Hueco Mundo with Kuchiki Rukia and the rest to see Ichigo after his battle had finished.

The three of them that had been spared by Yamamoto were relatively fine compared to Harribel, who had suffered two life-threatening injuries. Apart from Orihime, there was probably nobody who could help her. Still, trusting her deeply revered Harribel to a human, for even one moment, was something that she could never forgive.

Apacci hardened her face, tightly gripping her arm.

(Such a bastard…!)

Her own undying feelings of gratitude to Orihime were something that she could never forgive.


Not long after Kurosaki Ichigo met everyone again, he let out an anguished cry that seemed to split open his throat, collapsed, and lost consciousness.




Despite rejoicing only a few seconds before, Rukia, Orihime, Renji, Uryuu, and Chad now ran to Ichigo, calling out his name.

"Everyone, please be calm," said Urahara, stopping Orihime, who had her hands stretched out, ready to use Souten Kisshun. He saw her extremely troubled gaze and nodded to her, turning to the rest. "Kurosaki is fine. What happened just now does not endanger his life."

Chad let out a breath of relief upon hearing those words and lifted Ichigo, so that he might sleep facing up. His body, though unconscious, continued to convulse, and he let out a painful groan.

"What exactly happened to Ichigo...?" asked Rukia, frowning at Ichigo's pained state.

"In order to defeat Aizen, he used the Final Getsuga Tenshou."

"...Final?" asked Uryuu.

Urahara calmly closed his eyes, and slowly sighed. "It is a technique called 'Mugetsu,' and using it will cause him to lose all his shinigami powers... it is such a technique."

At first, everyone seemed to not understand his words. Perhaps unconsciously, they did not want to understand.

A few seconds later, Orihime murmured, "How could this be...!" She immediately collapsed to the floor.

"Shinigami... powers..." Rukia looked as if she had forgotten everything and only stared, unblinking, at Ichigo.

"Are you saying that Kurosaki can no longer be a shinigami...!?" exclaimed Uryuu, as if venting his feelings.

Urahara nodded sadly. "Yes."

"...The bastard!" Renji felt in his heart a tumultuous brew of emotions, that they had no choice but to rely on Ichigo, who wasn't even from Soul Society, that he had use this kind of technique, and that he was himself so weak.

"Ichigo...!" Chad also lowered his head, shaking at his feelings of remorse towards his own weakness.

Urahara waited until everyone had calmed down, and continued, "Kurosaki collapsing means that the first stage of his losing all his powers has begun. With Isshin's help, he trained for three months in the Dangai Precipice World's timeflow, until he attained 'Mugetsu'."

"Three months?!" Renji couldn't help but ask.

"That's why his hair is longer..." Uryuu said to himself.

Rukia envisioned the Ichigo that she had parted from in Hueco Mundo, and the one currently sleeping before her, putting both together in her mind. His hair had grown long, and it seemed like he was a bit taller. Whether unconsciously or not, his expression also seemed more mature. It had only been a few short days between the time when they sneaked into Hueco Mundo to save Orihime and the conclusion of all the fighting.

(But for you, it seems like it has been a very long fight...)

Rukia gave him a comforting glance.

"Right now his body is undergoing the effects of reversed timeflow from the time when he was in the Dangai. It will cause extreme pain and loss of consciousness, but it will not endanger his life."

"Is there anything that I can do...!" asked Orihime, distraught.

"Unfortunately, no." Urahara shook his head. "There is nothing we can do right now. After the timeflow reversion is complete, Kurosaki's shinigami powers will disappear. This is the first stage."

"And then what?!" asked Rukia, surprised.

Urahara nodded to her and continued, "As for the second stage, when the rest of his reaitsu stabilizes, he will wake up... and then, his remaining spiritual power will completely vanish."

"If that's the case, Ichigo will..." Chad swallowed.

"Never mind shinigami and hollows, he won't even be able to see normal pluses."

Upon hearing Urahara's words, everyone fell together into silence. Being able to see spirits - this was the very essence of Ichigo's existence, something which every single person there understood.

Looking at everyone's pained and gloomy expressions, Urahara said brightly, "Anyway, let's first take him somewhere to get help! Until the first stage completes, we can't send him home. If his sisters saw him all grown up like this, they would be very surprised!"

"...That's right." Renji was the first to lift his head. “There’s no use in us just sitting around and talking. Oi, bring a stretcher here!” he called out to the Fourth Squad members who were about to take apart the town. Two of the closer ones came over with a stretcher. “Take him to get help. Be careful…this is the great hero who captured Aizen!”

“Of course!” The two of them replied excitedly and bowed deeply. As the hero who had finally concluded this battle, Ichigo’s name had spread in a flash throughout the members of the Gotei 13.

When they had carefully moved Ichigo’s body onto the stretcher, Urahara and Uryuu looked up at the same time.

“Something’s coming!”

“This reiatsu… an Arrancar!?”

The two talented at sensing reiatsu lifted their heads and gazed upwards. Everyone else followed their example, looking to the sky.

Suddenly in the clear blue sky, a figure appeared using sonido, something only Arrancar could use. It came quickly, almost falling out of the sky.

They looked at the Arrancar on the ground. It was one of Tier Harribel’s fraccion, Apacci. Her skin was burnt, her left arm ripped off with blood still dripping from the wound, and it was all that she could do just to stand.

“You must not want to live…!” Renji fixed his glare on Apacci, his hand gripping his zanpakutou Zabimaru.

Still, Apacci did not even spare him a glance, as she had eyes only for Orihime. “Hey, woman…come…with me…” Her shoulder shook violently as she breathed, her words coming out in short bursts.

Seeing her heading towards Orihime, Rukia quickly put herself between the two. But before she could do anything, Apacci took another step and lost her balance, falling heavily to the ground.

“Bas…tard…” Trying to lift herself up, she grabbed a fistful of dirt.

“Souten Kisshun!” Orihime stretched out her hands, using her Shun Shun Rikka technique. Shun’o and Ayame flew to Apacci, surrounding her with a glowing healing field.

“Wait a minute, Inoue! That’s an Arrancar! There’s no reason to heal her!” Renji shouted. Orihime had once been kidnapped by the Arrancar and Renji understandably hoped that she would have no further contact with them.

“But, I can’t just do nothing…” Orihime walked past Rukia, coming closer to Apacci’s body. Even though she was an Arrancar, Orihime could not just leave someone who was hurt.

As Orihime started to focus on healing, Apacci said weakly, “Don’t mind me… first…save Harribel-sama…!”

“But, your wounds are also very serious…”

“Please!” Apacci lifted her head and grabbed Orihime’s hand, her own hand shaking, either from the pain or something else. “Please quickly… save Harribel-sama…!” Her eyes held no antagonistic, killing, or deceitful intent, only concern for her nakama, like Orihime herself.

“…I understand! Please take me there!” Orihime released her Souten Kisshun, and offered Apacci her shoulder.

“I’ll go too. Take hold of me.” Rukia stood to her other side, taking note of the wound to her shoulder, and carefully holding her up. Rukia’s left arm was also wounded and in a sling, but her right arm was tightly gripped around Apacci. Surprised, Apacci widened her eyes but did not say anything, relying on the two of them.

“Well then, I guess I have no choice…come on!” Renji walked up to them and bent over. “You’re in a hurry, right? Then let me carry you. It seems like I’m the least wounded out of all of you…”

“Thank you, Abarai-kun!” Orihime and Rukia carefully placed Apacci on Renji’s back. Renji stood up and started walking towards the fake Karakura town, with Orihime and Uryuu following behind him.

“Urahara, Chad, I’ll just leave Ichigo with you then!” Rukia ran off to join them, leaving Urahara to explain Ichigo’s injuries and Chad to nurse the wound to his leg.


Seeing some movement amongst the rubble, Sung-Sun asked, “Who’s there!?”

“Woof!” Kukkapuuro walked out of the shadows, running towards the four of them.

“You’re Yammy’s…” Harribel remembered that this tiny little hollow always was by Yammy’s side.

“Near here…I can feel the remains of Yammy’s reiatsu,” said Mila-Rose. It was his reaitsu from where he had used all his strength for battle.

“That fellow Yammy, he’s always so absent-minded, and always thinking himself so great, as if!” said Apacci in her usual voice. The other two nodded their agreement.
“What then…that bastard!” she said, kicking up the sand. Apacci hoped that everything would become normal soon. That humans, shinigami, this battle, and contact with Soul Society would all soon be forgotten.

“Che! Have they already discovered…!” murmured Mila-Rose, focusing on the reiatsu signatures around them.

Sung-Sun nodded, frowning. “Hn…there’s a group of mid-level hollows congregating in that direction.”

The hollows who before had feared Aizen and the Espadas’ strength were now starting to surround Las Noches.

“There’s…going to be another war then…” Harribel’s expression was grim and her heart felt heavy. As she had followed Aizen hoping that his superior strength might stop unnecessary wars from ever happening, she was unwilling to let such a thing happen.

Hearing that call, she turned and saw Sung-Sun kneeling on the floor. She lowered her head and said, “Barragan is dead. Aizen is gone. The only one fit to become ruler of Hueco Mundo is now Harribel-sama.”

“I agree!” Apacci also kneeled, bowing her head.

“No matter what, please become the new ruler of Hueco Mundo!” Mila-Rose also knelt.

Harribel lowered her head, calmly regarding the three who were now awaiting an answer. “Hueco Mundo does not need a ruler.”

“A fake sun can not illuminuate this darkness.” The blue sky created by Aizen stretched above them. “Hueco Mundo has darkness…and only needs a peaceful darkness.”

Harribel slowly blinked and started walking towards the center of Las Noches. The three of them stood up, exchanged glances, and silently nodded.

“We will always serve you, Harribel-sama!” said Sung-Sun, as they followed her.

After five or six steps, Apacci stood still and looked back at Kukkapuuro, which was still staring at the four of them. “Hey, little thing! You’ll be killed if you stay in a place like this!” She walked over and picked it up, but Kukkapuuro yelped and struggled from her grasp.

Seeing this, Sung-Sun said to her, “Let it go. Don’t you understand that it wholly wants to stay here?”

“You’re so noisy! I don’t need you to tell me. I was planning to let it go!” She put it down and Kukkapuuro happily yelped, wagging its tail.

“You too, also have something that you cannot leave?” Mila-Rose gently petted Kukkapuuro’s head, before walking back to Harribel’s side with the other two.

Their shadows slowly disappeared. Their footprints also vanished, smoothed out by the wind.

Kukkapuuro stayed there and saw it all.

To this day, it is still there, still missing its deceased master.
Yammy kutyája nagyon szerethette azt a hústornyot. :$ Appachi meg Harribelt. :D
Edit Edit Edit

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 07, 11:50:31
Elnézést kérek a dupla hsz-ért de így legalább elolvassák. :D
A teljes Bleach Official Character Book 3 Unmasked Scan megtekinthető itt:
És az előző hozzászólásom szerkesztve lett és most már a  teljes Nestle to Night novella angol fordítását tartalmazza ami egyébként a végén található.
A srác aki fordította és be scanelte azt írta, hogy meg lett erősítve, hogy Grimmjow életben van. Így a 3 életben maradt Espada Grimmjow, Harribel és Nel. (H)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 07, 12:25:26
Isten vagy Tilon :D köszönjük :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 07, 14:54:52
Szívesen. :D
Néhány technika neve, amik eddig névtelenek voltak:

Isshin - Demon Finger Poke (where he sends Aizen flying)
Yoruichi - Thunder Fist Attack (attack she uses when she arrives in armour)
Ryuuken - Klavier (used against Uryuu to make him evade attacks)
Uryuu - Silber Draht (used when fighting hollow in episode Ryuuken revealed himself)
Luppi - Iron Virgin (when he was about to punch matsumoto full of holes)
Wonderweiss - Vagido, wail (scream when he arrived)
Wonderweiss - Centurion (vs Yama when loads of arms came out of his back)
Ulquiorra - View Alone (eyeball trick)
Zommari - The Embryo (vs Byakuya when he curled into a ball)
Szayel Apporo - Balloon Curtain (used to make dolls of people)
Szayel Apporo - Puppet Theatre (after the dolls are created)
Aizen - Millos Shield (Shield at back of his neck when Ichigo attacked)
Aizen - El Escudo (Shield he used when Kyouraku attacked)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 07, 15:00:38
Ezeket hol találod? melyik oldalról szeded?

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: rini67 - 11 jún 07, 15:18:21
Picit feljebb van egy link.

Amúgy még egy espada él. A picike, pinduri Yammy is él még a kutyájával együtt.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 07, 15:44:11
Hát ez a Bleach it senki se hal meg igazán.  :D
3 különféle angol fórumról szedem az infót de csak azokat rakom fel amik biztosak, például azt amit az  a srác rak fel aki be scanelte meg lefordította a teljes novellát. Tulajdonképen én csak azt másolom be ide, amit ő felrak. XD

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 07, 16:10:33
Nincs szó a databookban a levágott kezekről? Gondolok itt Soifonra :D Amúgy szerintem megvan neki mind2 karja ,mert a fillerben megvan neki, de yamanak nincs szóval lehet, hogy ez azt mutatja, hogy ő visszakapta, gondolom orihime visszanövesztette neki.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 07, 16:16:26
Vagy csak ő olyan büszke, hogy neki nem kell holmi gyógyítás. Hiszen ő a főkapitány. (H)
Soifonnak szerintem is meg vannak a karjai.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 07, 16:20:16
Ja like a boss :D hiszen úgy menőbb ha nincs karja :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: titius - 11 jún 07, 19:28:17
Mert a fillerben volt neki...Istenem te monddo ,hogy filler azaz töltelék ,hogy lehet arra alapozni?
nem azt mondom hogy nem kizárt ,mert orihime meggyógyíthatta ,de akkor se alapozzunk egy fillere.

Tényleg jó ez a databook ,ideje volt kiadni egy ilyet

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 07, 20:04:12
Hát nehezen tudok elképzelni egy Soifon szintű közelharcost egy karral.

Kis angol fordítás Aizen céljáról.

FACT 1: The Heights of God
Aizen wanted to become the Spirit King and create a brand new world. He wanted to become a divine "messenger" and make those under His domain become aware of His presence.

FACT 2: Loneliness
Aizen was stronger than anybody else, and because of this, he was lonely and misunderstood by everyone. The loneliness that came with this strong isolation was very deep, and very sad.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 07, 20:49:42
Akkor ennyi erővel miért nem adták vissza Yama karját a fillerben?

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 08, 07:12:03
Még néhány technika nevei:
Yamamoto - Inemuri (when he put momo to sleep while talkin to Hitsugaya)
Yamamoto - Taimatsu (used on Ayon before the Fraccion charged)
Yamamoto - Onibi (used on Ayon when he made a hole in him)
Kenpachi - Ryodan (kendo attack used to beat Nnoitra)
Matsumoto - Neku Rinbu (used when the ash from heineko went round the 3 fraccion)

Most Gin motivációiról egy kicsi, bár sokk újdonság nincs benne.
Ichimaru Gin [Motivation]

FACT 1: The Hogyoku's Sacrifice
As a child, Gin saw something: an event with Rangiku and some Soul Reapers. Gin burned this image into his retinas, concluding that the 「Hogyoku」 would lead him to some "answers".
Scorched to death, Rangiku was laying outside an abandoned house. She had suffered some serious damage.

FACT 2: The Boss
The black ball was given to their "boss". The mastermind behind what had transpired was now in plain sight. Gin's heart fired up, boiling for revenge.

FACT 3: Soul Reaper
Gin and Rangiku spent their days together modestly and peacefully. However, Gin held revenge in his heart, determined to stand as a Soul Reaper alongside that man.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 09, 08:28:33
Most néhány Vizard technika:

West Melon Splitter (when she cuts into the menos head)
Gatling Foot Stamp (when she stamps on the menos face loads of times)

Sandbag Beat (when he repeatedly punches the menos)
Bomb Thrust (energy blast used on ichigo's hollow transformation)

Standing Ovation (when the menos heads are trapped inside barriers)
Go yokai (used to stabilize hiyori until unohana treated her)

Opening The Mirror (when he used brute force to open the menos mask)

Arpeggio (used on menos when it was trapped in kinshara)

Ichigo VL Form:
Chain (used when his zanpakuto flies to him from the ground)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 09, 17:52:00
Amúgy ezeket a novellákat Harribelről meg Ulquiorra múltjáról valamikor megcsinálják majd animeben is? Mert van aki nem olvassa a databookokat.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 09, 18:31:21
Nem hinném, hogy animében kiadásra kerülne. Esetleg egy-egy részlet OVA vagy más special formájában.
Ez kifejezetten könyvre készült.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 09, 19:22:56
Most csak annyi derült ki, hogy csak az Adjuchas szintű hollowok fejlődnek vissza Gillianá ha nem esznek. Szóval egy Vasto Lord semmi féle képen sem tud visszafejlődni. Ja és a Bleach Wikisek már fordítják angolra, legalábbis nekem ezt írták amikor ott megkérdeztem. :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 09, 19:34:37
Az nagyon jó, mivel mi is le szeretnénk fordítani :D
Terveink szerint a teljes databookot is olvashatjátok majd nyáron magyarul ^^

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 09, 20:14:00
Az pompás lesz, köszönjük ^^

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 09, 20:31:43
Igen, ezer köszi a munkátokért.  :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 10, 19:46:45
Ma se maradtok fordítás nélkül. :D
Amit kiemeltem az az eredeti szövegeben is ki volt emelve. Ebből arra lehet következtetni. hogy Gin már nem fog vissza térni az élők sorába.

Gin's Fate

some of the interesting part is where rangiku questioned kira about his loyalty towards his captain(Gin), why is he still believe in him, what's good about him
kira said Gin is a very kind person, even though he doesn't look like he's really kind, but he is very kind (aww..kira express his love toward his captain )

rangiku then ask if Gin is kind towards Kira, kira replied: of course! do you know there is a persimmon tree at the 3rd division barrack? Every year when it started to rape, captain will make alot of dried persimmon, even if I'm full, he always urge me to eat it.
much like nanao, kira does most of the division works, but Gin never praised him
Kira says he won't change his feeling towards Gin, although a slight dissapointment, it will be good if he(kira) is able to adhere to trust Gin till the end.

after Kira's talk, it's Rangiku's turn to talk about Gin..
kira wants to know about rangiku's story as they(Gin and rangiku) know each other since childhood.
Rangiku said Gin rescued her when she collapse due to starvation
Rangiku did not understand what's Gin is thinking, she wish Gin doesn't act cool, but to tell her whats on his mind
later Kira started to cry: wuwu... Ichimaru Taicho, why....
Rangiku: He always saved my life, even the recent incidents, in the end he sacrificed himself and saved the world- what an idiot
kira cries: I missed captain

rangiku was angry as Gin left without leaving any staffs.
the two of them started to drink even more.

and then they continued:
Rangiku: Izuru, do you know? we survived because of Gin. Me and You, if you live, Gin will live together.If we want to be with Gin for even longer, then I guess we will have to live a little longer.
Kira: but, Captain is gone...
Rangiku: that's what I said- together. this could be the one that he left for us.
Kira: oh..
then they started to drink again..
talking bad about Gin again~
Rangiku tells Kira not to upset, she said the only way they can do for Gin is to live a happy life
Rangiku: that ******* never leave any good thing, the things that I wanted to do for Gin...
Kira then falls asleep
Rangiku asking for bill

the end

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 13, 09:42:43
Elég régen volt már újdonság úgy hogy most pótolom. :D

Újabb adag technika kapott nevet:

Shunsui: 撞指(つきゆび) tsuki yubi – Finger Thrust. Used against Chad.

Matsumoto: 猫輪舞 (ねこりんぶ) Neko Rinbu – Cat circle dance

Hisagi: 首挂 (くびかけ) Kubikake – Head hanging. Used against Tosen.

Soifon: 風車 (かざぐるま) Kazaguruma – Windmill

Toshiro: 残氷人形 (さんひょうにんぎょう) Sanhyō ningyō - Residual ice doll.

Shirosaki: デッドリー・ダーツDeddorī Dātsu – Deadly Darts. Used against Ichigo.

Tessai: 鉄掌 (てっしょう) Tesshou – Iron Palm.

Urahara: 封殺火刑 (ふうさつかけい) – Fusatsu Kakei . Seal Killing Fire Punishment.
Two part kido attack
璽撃白雷 (じゆうげきびゃくらい) Jiyuu Geki Byaku Rai – White lightning Emperor Seal attack.
改造鬼道 (かいそうきどう) Kaisou Kidou – (Remodeling) Structure Changing Kidou.

しびれ指 (しびれゆび) Shibire Yubi – Finger Numbness. Used on Rukia.

九十六京火架封滅 (きゅうじゅうろっけいかかふうめつ) Kyuju rokkei kaka fuumetsu - 96 thousand billion fires seal destroy. technique used to hide his kido spell within a kido spell.

Kira és Matsumoto részletes beszélgetése:

Character Introductions:

Matsumoto Rangiku: Lieutenant of the 10th Division, this willful beauty’s figure is second to none throughout the entire Gotei 13. After losing her childhood friend Gin, she now feels an emptiness that she cannot fill.

Kira Izuru: Ichimaru Gin’s direct subordinate, Lieutenant of the 3rd Division. Even though he possesses strength and knowledge befitting his position, his air seems to give people the impression that he tends to rely on others.

[Two Lonely Souls’ Wild Drunken Night]

M: Hey hey Izuru! You haven’t drunk enough yet, right?

K: Nope, I’m still drinking, see! (Hiccup)

M: If you drink it all in one gulp, I’ll pour the next one for you myself~ ?

K: Thank you… I’m always receiving Matsumoto-san’s encouragement…

M: What – the, speaking in such a sad tone of voice! Clearly, you haven’t had enough yet! Come on…

K: No, Matsumoto-san, if I have more then I’m afraid…

M: I will take care of you until the very end, so today drink your fill!!

K: Okay, okay. Well then, following through is better than being deferential…

M: Oh~~ Izuru, I didn’t expect you to be able to drink this much! Keep drinking, just like that! Mana~ger~ heat more sake! I want the big jugs! And plates of capelin too!

K: But Matsumoto-san… why have you always been so good to me? After I did such a horrible thing to you before-

M: That’s all in the past. Besides, this isn’t just for you… it’s because I myself want to drink!!

[Izuru, Blind Admiration]

M: Say, after you had been betrayed, you were still so obedient towards Gin. Why did you still have so much faith in that guy? What exactly was so good about him?

K: Even though Ichimaru-taichou always looked like that, he was really a very kind and warm person. He just wasn’t very good at displaying it and his outer persona was very easily misunderstood, but he was really very kind and warm.

M: Ah! He was very kind to you too?

K: Of course! Did you know that behind the Third Division’s barracks, there are some persimmon trees? Every year when they bore fruit, Captain would always make tons of dried persimmons himself.

M: On this topic, Izuru you often brought some to share with us.

K: Also, he was always telling me to eat more, and even if I said that I had enough, Captain would still tell me not to be polite and eat more… Even though in the end my stomach felt like it would burst – Captain, he was so kind.

M: Eating like that gave you diarrhea though.

K: Eh…that’s very true. He also completely trusted me as his lieutenant, and let me take care of all business within the division… Even though he never complimented me, he also never interfered at all with my work… Isn’t that enough to see that as a boss, how kind and accepting he was?

M: Enough to befuddle you.

K: Anyway, he was an ideal boss to me. And I still feel exactly the same about him – even though there’s a little bit of disappointment, I hope I will be able to trust Captain until the very end.

M: Kira… You…

K: Come on! I’m going to drink my fill today! And I have Rangiku-san here with me!!!

M: Of course! Today we’re going to try our hardest to drink our fill ?

K: I do want to hear Rangiku-san’s story. Weren’t you childhood friends with Captain?

M: That’s right. Gin saved me when I was starving and couldn’t get up.

[Things Lost and Things Gained]

M: Back then he was one completely incomprehensible guy. He was the one who saved my life, and of course I was grateful. But, there was just one thing, I wish he wouldn’t play games and just say what he really thought.

K: Hiccup… that is to say. Captain, he, was a bit… Hiccup, like that.

M: My apologies~! Bring another jug of sake! Cold sake is fine, as long as it’s here fast~!

K: Huhuhu… Ichimaru-taichou… Why…

M: In the end, he still saved my life. And this time, that guy still sacrificed himself to save the whole world – what a fool.

K: Huhuhu… I wish I could see Captain again…

M: He was always leaving all of a sudden, always vanishing without warning…but now that I think about it, that was just his style. So he didn’t leave you anything either? What a willful fellow. Why couldn’t he leave just some tiny thing by our side! Just thinking about it makes me even more mad… Come, Kira!! Drink up! I haven’t poured the next cup yet!

K: Okay, okay… (Hiccup)

M: Come on… ah oops, it leaked out… Hahahaha. At least it’ll dry after a while.

K: Huhuhu… it’s completely wet…

M: Izuru, did you know? We are both here because of Gin. Both you and me. As long as you’re alive, then so is Gin. And if you want to be with Gin longer, even for just a little bit, then live just a little bit longer.

K: But Captain is no longer here…?

M: That’s why I said that he’s with us! Perhaps…this is what he left to us.

K: …Ah.

M: Hm?

K: I remembered a haiku. “Ah – wet the sleeve, tears become sake.”

M: Hey, Izuru you!

K: Ha, ha. What…?

M: Like I said, you can’t go on like this, being all melancholy and indecisive! All we can do for Gin is to be happy from the bottom of our hearts, every single day!

K: ….

M: He would never leave me anything, the things I still wanted to do for Gin -


M: Ah… had too much? …Sorry. Manager – bill please - !!!

Korábbról elfelejtették Chad tulajdonságait leírni ezt is pótolták:
Egyébként ez valami kvíz, hogy az életkorodból ki jön, hogy melyik Bleaches karakter vagy. :)

クール - Cool
真任感が強い - Strong feeling of responsibility
働き者 - Hard working person
悲観主義 - Pessimist
Reply With Quote

A végére pedig egy rossz hír. Elhúnyt Tomoko Kawakami Soifon első szinkronhangja akit a 24-182 részek között halhattunk. 2011 Június 9-én rákban halt meg. Isten nyugosztalja. :rip:

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 13, 12:28:05
 :neee:  :rip: :'(bye Szegény :(

Itt van még Shinjitől 2 tchnika :

Shinji: タンマ落とし(タソマおとし) Tanma otoshi - Time out dropping. used to put Ichigo asleep during vizard training
暖簾捲り (のれんめくり) noren mekuri - Rolling up the sign curtain. used to reveal Aizen.

Emlékeztek arra, amikor Mayuri legyőzi Szayelt és utána talál valamit/valamit a laboratóriumában? Na az egyik fórumon azt olvastam, hogy Kubo azt nyilatkozta, hogy az még fontos lesz. Szerintem Dordonii és Cirucci volt ott fellógatva a lábak alapján.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 13, 22:09:34
Találtam egy kis fordítást Nelről és Nnoitraról. És Nelnél találtam egy mondatod és abban is egy szót ami nagyon megragadta a figyelmem. :D

Former Très Espada Nelliel

Nnoitra and the higher-ranked female Tres Espada.
After meeting with violence,
her body that of a child, her memories gone.

Protected by Ichigo …

Plunging into the plans of former "nakama",
Nel's reiatsu was scattered earlier.
Nel regained her original form from Ichigo's protection.

Ichigo will always protect her. Igen a jövő idő. Ezt azt sugallja, hogy még keresztezni fogják egymást útjait. (H) :$
Her own small "feelings of gratitude" will continue to accumulate.

Now Nelliel is protecting Ichigo.
Returning to herself,
she has an opportunity for thanks.

羚騎士: "Gamusa" (kanji: "antelope knight")

The awakened power of the former Tres Espada

Human upper body,
Nelliel's Resurreccion power release transforms her lower body into the form of a goat.
Four brawny limbs supporting huge muscular strength,
in her hand a long spear with which to attack.

When in Resurreccion,
she carries a lance that is sharply pointed at both ends.
It rotates as it speeds through the air,
the diverse attack methods.



Seeking further strength for himself, the Quinto Espada desires battle.
If strength is desired for one to appear strong, battle more.
Furthermore, to die in battle, that thought, that alone.

Nnoitra's Fraccion
テスラ リンドクルシ
Tesra Lindocruz

Nnoitra's Fraccion. In Resurreccion he changes form to a huge beast. In a much earlier time, he mistakenly believed himself to be on equal footing with Nnoitra.

When Ichigo and friends invaded Las Noches,
his desire was for someone of high reiatsu.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 14, 08:06:59
Itt van egy rakás dolog Nnoitraról és teslaról :)
Nnoitra Info, thus far

Main Traits
Dual nature
Has his own style

絶望: Despair
Always devouring nakama to evolve,
to live is to continue winning battles.
To look at the way ahead,
there is only darkness.

Pride in "strength" is not required when mercy is abhorrent. Desired, only further strength.

Battle and strength are everything --. Hence the belief, that the value in other things, should not be expected.

Special abilities:
Indice Radar: 捜指法 (kanji: "search finger method")


Fingers thrust into the ground to reach out toward other spiritual beings, this technique captures and reads spiritual power.

Plato Colmillo: 牙盾 (kanji: "tusk shield")

The normally empty circular area of his zanpakuto is pulled into a spiritual shield.

Cero Cornea: 視虚閃 (kanji: "vision hollow flash")

A cero shot forth from the eye, "Cero Cornea".

Nnoitra vs. Neliel
The wrong existence

Right side ~

Hatred toward Nelliel

As Tres Espada, Nelliel had a higher rank than Nnoitra.
Nnoitra does not want a female to stand higher than himself on the battlefield, to be pleased with her status and continuing to remain aloof, the last a contempt for his blade.

Nnoitra's directed hatred. Against it, Nelliel is watching and rebukes him.

black box data ~

利害が一致した者と 。。。
Someone of matching interests …

Nelliel was harmed, the interests of Nnoitra and Szayelaporro coincided.

Top half of the right page
For self-respect on the battlefield --

After a time of separation, the two meet again!!

Nel accompanied Ichigo into the depths of Las Noches, awakening buried memories within her body.
When she was powerless, Ichigo protected her, "I want to thank you".
Nelliel brings forth the power to fight Nnoitra on Ichigo's behalf.
The two have been separated a long time.
Nelliel at the conclusion ---.

Nelliel carrying the former number "3" on her back and Nnoitra.
After a time separated, Nnoitra's power ---.

Left-Hand page, Bottom Half

Seeking further strength for himself, the Quinto Espada desires battle.
If strength is desired for one to appear strong, battle more.
Furthermore, to die in battle, that thought, that alone.

Nnoitra's Fraccion

テスラ リンドクルシ
Tesra Lindocruz

Nnoitra's Fraccion. In Resurreccion he changes form to a huge beast. In a much earlier time, he mistakenly believed himself to be on equal footing with Nnoitra.

When Ichigo and friends invaded Las Noches,
his desire was for someone of high reiatsu.

Last section from the battle with Nelliel(left page, upper half):
Former Très Espada Nelliel

Nnoitra and the higher-ranked female Tres Espada.
After meeting with violence,
her body that of a child, her memories gone.

Protected by Ichigo …

Plunging into the plans of former "nakama",
Nel's reiatsu was scattered earlier.
Nel regained her original form from Ichigo's protection.

Ichigo will always protect her.
Her own small "feelings of gratitude" will continue to accumulate.

Now Nelliel is protecting Ichigo.
Returning to herself,
she has an opportunity for thanks.

羚騎士: "Gamusa" (kanji: "antelope knight")

The awakened power of the former Tres Espada

Human upper body,
Nelliel's Resurreccion power release transforms her lower body into the form of a goat.
Four brawny limbs supporting huge muscular strength,
in her hand a long spear with which to attack.

When in Resurreccion,
she carries a lance that is sharply pointed at both ends.
It rotates as it speeds through the air,
the diverse attack methods.

Santa Teresa: 聖哭螳螂 (kanji: "sacred grieving mantis")
4 arms in Nnoitra's Resurreccion.
The praying mantis blade seems to be 4 curved scythes,
able to cut anything.

Nnoitra's Resurreccion has 4 arms,
can be further increased to 6 arms.
6 merciless scythes slash.

A slash only through the eye,
despair as the blade passes through ---.

(black box)
A reason to fight

Nnoitra's single-minded desire for strength.
Strength is dependent on battle to come,
he wants eventually "to die in battle".

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 14, 08:31:12
Úgy látom, lassan az egész databookot lefordítják (ti meg bemásoljátok ide) :D
Ha lesz egy kis szabadidőm elkezdem, fordítani.
Esetleg a databookhoz találtatok teljes letöltési linket?
Nekem csak a part1 van meg.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 14, 08:55:15
Csak kérned kell. :D Nálam van benne pár oldal amit nem akar megjeleníteni de csak a neve után kell írni hogy .jpg és működni fog :D

Akkor felrakok még néhány dolgot.:D

harci adatok:

Kurosaki Ichigo VS Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez:
尸 魂界から謀反し、虚圏へ居を移した藍染。彼が持つ 「崩玉」 の力により破面は次々と強大な力を持つ成体 を生み出して戦力を拡充していった。藍染が注視する死神。黒崎一護へ大きな興味を抱いたグリムジョーは、己 の戦いへの渇望を潤すため、そして傷付けられた肉体の借りを返すため、一護の下へと突き進む―藍染の命でな くとも。一戦一戦、力をつけて強さを増していく一護に、グリムジョーは解放した力で最後の決戦 に臨む。

Aizen who rebelled at Soul Society, moved to Hueco Mundo. He holds Hogyoku which he uses to create powerful Arrancars one by one as war expansion. Aizen is closely observing the shinigamis. Grimmjow who had a great interest in Kurosaki Ichigo, for the sake of profiting from his thirst for battle and returning the dept of injuring his body he pushes his way forwards Ichigo - no matter of Aizen's command. In a battle of one against one, Grimmjow releases his power against Ichigo, whose powers are increasing, in the final deciding match.

Ichigo is hollowficated, Grimmjow resurrectioned.
The last battle was decided in mutally desired conditions.

Hitsugaya advance party VS Grimmjow's Fracción:
Meeting and evolution of beasts

Aimed at heights

同属の虚の魂が溶け合う中で、余りにも他を超絶する自我や能力を持つ虚だけが、その自我を保ったまま進化を 遂げていく。それは中級大虚になっても変わらず。そして進化の道は狭められ、淘汰されていくこ とに。
The same genus' hollows' souls melt together, only hollows with ego and abilities which are superior to others will keep their ego in the progress. Also without changing to Adjuchas. Thus the path of evolution is narrow and they are going towards natural selection.

(The black box)
Degeneration if not eating hollows <--(Adjuchas to Gillian)
Hollow--> Gillian-doesn't lose individuality->Adjuchas---->Vasto Lorde

Hollow's evolution goes like that. Only exceptional ones who keep eating hollows will evolve to Vasto Lorde.
The text on up left:
最上大虚へは “個の力” 以外、“集団の力” でも目指せる。
With the exception of "individual's power" you can aim even with "group's power" to become VL.

Zaraki Kenpachi VS Nnoitora Gilga:虚の孔
Hollow holes

Each hole in a different position

The presence of a pierced hole is one of the features of a Hollow.
The hole represents a hard to fill vacancy in the soul,
in each Hollow a different location.
On each Hollow body the hole is a single empty point, running through the body.

A hole is open in the chest of many Espada,
Nnoitra's hole is in the area of his left eye.
It is usually hidden by an eye patch.

Kyoraku Shunsui, Ukitake Jushiro, Love & Rose VS Coyote Starrk & Lilynette Gingerbuck :
Life cutting hit
The final attack

スタークはリリネットを呼び寄せ、他の十刃と全く異にする形で帰刃した。バラガンの死をもって、これ以上  “仲間” を失うことを恐れたスタークは、自らの命を無数の狼に削り分けた能力を解放する。しかし、始解し た京楽の幾つもの技と “強さ” の前にスタークは沈んでいく。
Starrk calls Lilynette and they release Resurección which is entirely different from other Espada's. With Baraggan's death, Starrk who is afraid of losing more "friends" unleashes power of countless wolfs. However, Starrk sinks before Shikai using Kyoraku's many techniques.

In the battle against Starrk, Kyoraku uses the full capacities of his powers to overcome (Starrk's) every effort to resist, Kyoraku's "weapons" prevailed.

Gotei 13 & The Vizards VS Aizen Sousuke:>藍染と共に叛逆の徒だった東仙が改心した刹那、残虐に殺められ。
>Tousen, who was part of the treason gang with Aizen, was brutally murdered in moment of his reform.

Kurosaki Ichigo VS Ulquiorra Ciffer:
The decisive outstanding battle above Las Noches!!
ULQUIORRA and YAMMY are the only two ESPADA remained at LAS NOCHES. ULQUIORRA faced the last decisive battle that took place inside LAS NOCHES and determined on top of the dome. Because he couldn't show all of his power that was forbidden to release inside LAS NOCHES. Being influenced by despair, ICHIGO's action became reckless in which he would die if he continued fighting and it came true when Ulquiorra vented all power to hit to make him understand. The result was inevitable once again, Ulquiorra went for the kill by piercing a hole on Ichigo's chest---

>From the body state that wasn’t made in time even with the high-speed regeneration, the end was ULQUIORRA dispersing so that the wind to blow his body particles away.

Ez itt Spoiler.

"Bleach New Chapter"
> 一護のバイト先に現れ、一心の身辺調査を依頼してきた男―銀城空吾。家族のことをどれだけ知っ ているのか、 と妖しく問うその真意は未だ見えない。
> Man who earlier appeared in Ichigo's work requesting a background check for Isshin - Ginjou Kuugo. How much does he know about the family and why is he asking suspiciously, we still haven't seen the true meaning of that.

És most egy kicsi néhány karakteről. :D

Charlotte Chuhlhourne
Special Note:
艶やかな長髪がエクステンションではなく地毛なのは周知の事実。ストレートパーマをかければより美しくなる 、というのは素人考えで、エキゾチックな地毛を活かすのが真の美しさ、とのこと。
It is a well-known fact that the beautiful long hair isn't an extension but real hair. It is an amateur's thinking that if you apply straight permanent wave you will become beautiful, the real beauty is to make use of one's own exotic hair.

Tier Harribel
Special Note:
その一方で、フラシオンであるリリネットと良好な関係を築いているスタークには、心のどこかで 、一目を置い ているらしい。
Starting off with Szayelaporro (she→Harribel) detests the Espada who don't respect the Fracción for what they are.
But on the other hand she acknowledges Starrk who has a good relationship towards his Fracción Lilynette somewhere in her heart.

ヤミーの傍らに寄り添う破面。それは、十刃の誰よりも強く、十刃の誰よりも弱い男の全てを知る 、唯一無二の 存在。
Arrancar that snuggles besides Yammy. He is unique being who knows everything about the Espada's stronges and the Espada's weakest man.

今際の際のヤミーの眼前に佇む。憎まれ口を叩く彼であったが、その最期にはどこか安堵の色と窺 えるものが―。
>Standing before Yammy's eyes at his dying moments. He was insulted with offensive language, but at the last moments somewhere a colour of relief is able to peek..

Kaname Tosen
Special Note:
東仙 にのみ心を開いていたワンターワイス。
それは、匿逢の目的を遂けるためだけに生み出された彼にも、種めて曹通に接していた東仙 の八格からきている様子。
It says something about Wonderweiss being open minded to Tosen and being create to accomplish Aizen's goal.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 15, 14:10:48
Elvlieg így van:

Starrk: Confirmed Dead
Barragan: Confirmed Dead
Harribel: Confirmed Alive
Ulquiorra: Confirmed Dead
Nnoitra: Confirmed Dead
Grimmjow: Unconfirmed szerintem él... :D magánvélemény :)
Zommari: Dead (Evaporated)
Szayel: Dead (In hell)
Aaroniero: Dead (In hell)
Yammy: Confirmed Dead

Kiemeltem a lényeget :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 18, 08:31:16
十一番隊隊長 更木剣八
11th Squad Captain Zaraki Kenpachi

Even when cut, even when cut

Fighting the opponent to "kill",
just a waste of time.
Never falter from a slash.

11th Squad Captain single-mindedly risking his life in battle,
the death match enthusiast controls the best Gotei-13 squad.

The newly-grown six arms of Nnoitra's Resurreccion.
Kenpachi finally became "serious".

És most folytatódik a "minden kisujj mozgásnak nevet adunk sorozatunk". :D
Lisa: パンチラトルネード Panchira torunedo – panty showing tornado. T/N panchira means panty shot.
千枚卸 (せんまいおろし) Senmai Oroshi – 1000 sheets of paper wholesale.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 18, 10:20:52
 Lisa-chan szuper! :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 19, 12:16:05
Most fedeztem fel, hogy az a link amit én linkeltem be a teljes scanről abban nincsen benne pár oldal ami a part1-es linkben benne van. :omg: Akkor még mindig nincsen komplett 100%-os letöltési linkünk. :smirksweat:

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 19, 12:32:03
Igen, én is észrevettem, de sebaj :D
Viszont megsúgok valamit: Tegnap elkészítettem Ulquiorra történetét magyarul, beszerkesztve.
Lehet, hogy még ma megkapjátok, és ezentúl az érdekesebb részeket lefordítjuk darabonként, míg nincs teljes, hivatalos angol ;)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 19, 17:19:05
Légyszi technika leírásokat és Soifon ill.Mayuri meg Tousen harcokat pls :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 19, 20:16:41
Én a Nestle to Night novellára lennék kíváncsi, persze angolul olvastam de a hazai mindig jobb. :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 19, 20:54:34
Az a baj, hogy konkrét, beszerkesztett fordítás még nincs, így nem tudjuk szerkeszteni-nem tudjuk, melyik szöveg hová való XD
A Nestle to Night viszont csak novella, azzal könnyebb dolgunk lesz ;)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 19, 20:56:28
Az melyik is? :D nem mindnek néztem a címét :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 19, 21:42:24
Az egy novella a könyv végén.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 19, 21:46:20
Pontosabban amelyikben Rukiáék beszélnek Uraharával a végső getsugáról és Orihime meggyógyítja Harribelt és a Fracciónjait és még Yammy kutyájáról is van valami.  :) Ez kb a rövid tartalma. :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 20, 15:25:31
Mivel nem találtam Masked databook-os topicot, ezért itt kérdezem meg:
Tud valaki egy linket, ahol le lehet tölteni az egész 2. databookot ingyen?

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 20, 16:22:30
Én örülök, hogy ez a 3-medik megvan nagyjából. :D Csak most olvastam el. Gratula Szanisz nagyon jó lett a fordítás. Csak így tovább. :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 jún 20, 17:22:27
Ha találunk a masked databookról fordítást akkor nyithatunk neki egy topikot.
Egyébként bízok bennetek, srácok ;)
Ha találtok beszerkesztett angol részleteket az unmaskedről, vagy pontosan leírt leírást (pl jobb alsó fekete négyszet: xyxyxy) akkor elkészíthetjük azokat az oldalakat is
Úgy látom ti többet lógtok bleachasylumon meg egyéb fórumokon, hátha találtok ilyet :)
Természetesen fordítás szerzőjeként titeket jelölnénk meg.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 20, 18:17:22
Az előző oldalon lévő harci adatokhoz megtaláltam a hozzájuk kapcsolodó képeket. Sajnos eddig még nem találtam angol szerkesztett oldalakat. És még oldalszámokat nem találtam mellé... :fun:
Kurosaki Ichigo VS Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez:
Hitsugaya advance party VS Grimmjow's Fracción:
Kyoraku Shunsui, Ukitake Jushiro, Love & Rose VS Coyote Starrk & Lilynette Gingerbuck :
Gotei 13 & The Vizards VS Aizen Sousuke:
Kurosaki Ichigo VS Ulquiorra Ciffer:
Gin's Fate:
(Ez a második oldalon van.)

És innen ezek meg ujjak :D.
Part of the Death Figure:
[Subtitle of the panel]
Whether it's because of him who was born to win or the mission isn't accomplished, he disappeared into the buried light. The pride as an Espada lets his thought/desire accelerate more.

[Description in the tombstone]
He found no value and meaning in everything and this word, with no purpose there is nothing. As a result, he continue seeking out “something” to bury the infinite impartiality in----

[Section Title]

(The bond that ULQUIORRA spun)

WITH Orihime

Treating ORIHIME as AIZEN’s “property”.
While coming contact (touch) (with Orihime), he came to understand “heart” which is non-comprehensible in any sense, and understood it deeply (came close to grasp) before long.

[Subtitle on the hand reach panel]
On the verge of exhausting his life force, an extending hand reached out, let one's “heart” be this person (human) in this hand---
命尽きるまで ---
Blood-boiling fervent battle,
Until life is exhausted ---

Mutually limited power poured into the deciding deathmatch.
After a number of lesser slashes failed,
Nnoitra sank down (died/broke) to Kenpachi's "ryodan" (bisection) techniques.

To cut, to cut, to cut, a desire to continue the fight!!

One of the directives issued to Urahara by the Gotei-13 Captain-Commander,
stabilize the Garganta ---.
Urahara hurried to successfully complete the Garganta,
Soul Society was quick,
the captains were transferred to Hueco Mundo.
Galloping to Hueco Mundo, Kenpachi and others,
7 elite captains.
Ichigo was seriously injured by Nnoitra,
when the Gotei-13 party's boasted "evil beast" emerged.
The curtain rises on the most evil battle between "evil beasts" ---.

Two notes on lousy editing :
One, they've got the wrong panel accompanying the ryodan caption.
Two, not a typo. It really does say 7 captains went to HM through the Garganta.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 20, 19:11:44
A vége egy kicsit furcsa, 7 kapitány ment Hueco Mundoba? Mármint Aizent, Gint és Tousent beleértve igaz :D

Én amúgy a mangastream fórumát olvasgatom :)

Most olvastam, hogy Tousenbe önmegsemmisítő volt, azért robbant fel. ( csak a forrás franciául volt, szóval nem értettem belőle semmit, csak google fordítóval :D)
ez az ha valaki tud franciául:

Confirmation de la mort de Tousen:

Tousen, who was part of the treason gang with Aizen, was brutally murdered in moment of his reform.

Le databook semble indiquait qu'il était un hybride parfait et du coup ayant des craintes à ce sujet, aizen avait installer un dispositif d'autodestruction dans le corps de tousen lors de son passage sous l'hogyoku.
C'est se dispositif qui aurait tué Tousen lorsqu'il est revenu à la raison.


Kenpachi vs Nnoitra infók: Ha már volt, bocsi, nem emlékszem mindenre :D


Bottom sidebar:

For To Die

This guy is talking stupid. A two-handed slash is weird. Being condescending about killing, this guy is an idiot. All that is left is detached murder. So finish it. But, Kenpachi’s “kendo”, there was an unexpected subversion of power shown –.

Bottom right:

Nnoitra’s greatest desire was to die in battle. This Nnoitra knew he knew, a heavy-handed cut through half his body, Kenpachi cut him squarely until he was prostrate.

Middle sidebar:


Kenpachi for the time showed the fencing type “kendo”. Swinging the sword with both hands exhibited an incomparable intimidating power of a killing attack, Nnoitra’s arms and body cut in two. Kenpachi stopped and turned to leave, Nnoitra stood to fight again. Nnoitra’s cheap words of provocation stirs something in Kenpachi, fighting so far as a tribute of swords.

Middle right:

With the delight of those equal warriors whose hearts are focused on battle, Kenpachi is the form of death Nnoitra wants — the death in battle he welcomes, sword swinging again.

Quote: “How delightful — Nnoitra”

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 21, 11:16:09
Angol fórumon találtam ezt a hozzászólást, hogy a srác kérdezi a Bleach wikis modit, hogy miért nem írják át harribel státuszát. mivel a témához kapcsolódik és vicces azért másolom be. :)

Jesus **** the bleach wiki mods are insufferable! This is from Harribel's page:

Member1: I'm not sure, but I've been hearing things about the third official fanbook/character book. Apparently it confirms that Harribel and her fraccion were healed by Orihime and are alive. So far I've found this site:

And a translation of the book into chinese: Igaram (talk) 10:26, June 12, 2011 (UTC)

Mod1: There have been a lot of outside sources stating this. We currently have our Translation Corner working on this, so we'll find out whether or not this is true once they've finished. In the meanwhile, Harribel and her Fracción's fates are staying as they are. Arrancar109 (Talk) 14:45, June 12, 2011 (UTC)

Member2: Actually, I want to ask about that. Regardless of what Unmasked might say, isn't it actually unclear what Harribel's fate was? She was more left for dead rather than killed. It looked like a really bad hit, but none of her absolutely vital body parts were hit by Aizen at all. And no one explicitly said that she was dead. Aeron Solo wuz here (If you wanna talk) 01:34, June 19, 2011 (UTC)

Mod2: Actually, she was one of the only in story clear confirmations. She dropped from the sky and I believe it was Mashiro who said she was dead.--GodPray 01:37,6/19/2011

Member3: Yes, so say the manga translations from cnet -_-; Ju-Ni provides the most accurate translations. Here it specifically states that Harribel was "taken out" not "killed". Otherwise, give me the raw scan and I'll confirm if Mashiro said Harribel was indeed killed.

Anyhow, the novel where Harribel returns to Hueco Mundo was co-written by both Matsubara Makoto AND Kubo, so it's very canon if you ask me.—This unsigned comment was made by Ariock (talk • contribs) .

Mod2: And if we confirm that that is what the book says, we will change her status but until then she stays as dead.--GodPray 21:40,6/20/2011

Ez a hozzászólás is tükrözi a Bleach wikisek logikáját. :D

Originally Posted by Deemo View Post
The mere fact that they have "Tier" as her name means that they read the databook. So they should know she's alive

The bleach wiki mods seem to adopt the retarded tendencies from the UlquiHime fans.

>The databook IS written by Kubo because there's an UlquiHime doujin.
>The databook is NOT written by Kubo because it clarifies Ulquiorra's death.

Similarly for Harribel,

>The databook IS written by Kubo because it reveals the full names of her fraccion.
>But what? Harribel is alive? HELL NO!

Make up your ****ing mind, hypocritic mother****ers.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 21, 12:20:38
Én már a bleach-wikian sok mindent átjavítottam, köztük Harribel állapotát :) de visszacsinálták. ezek egyszerűen hülyék:D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 22, 07:40:53
Találtan némi Infót Aizenről. :)

「崩玉」 を従え超越した力を手に入れた統率者
尸魂界を裏切った元五番隊隊長。空座町とそこに住む人間の魂魄を使って ”王鍵” を創生しいうと画策した 。また「崩玉」 を自身に取り込み、全てを超越した ”存在” へとその身を変貌た。

Leader who obtainded transcended power by accompanying 「Hogyoku」.
Former captain of the 5th division who betrayed Soul Society. He planned to use the souls of the humans living in Karakura city to create "The King's Key". By taking 「Hogyoku」 within himself his body transformed entirely to a transcended "being".

(Upper picture, Harribel in the picture)
>Even the Espada who were formed by himself weren't more than time-buying chess pieces. Cut down when they had served their purpose.

^藍染が雄弁に弄する挑発。どこまでが ? で、何が真実なのか―。その真実に気付いた刻には、もう手遅れ―。
Aizen uses words to provoke. I can't read one kanji so I can't translate this sentence. >.> Something like.. "What is the truth.. when you realize the truth, it's already too late...
Fusion with Hogyoku
「崩玉」を己の体内に取り込んだ藍染。「崩玉」が藍染の意志―狙いを理解するにつれ、その ” 主” である藍染の姿は僅かな間に五度も変容した。ここにその全ってを詳解する。
Aizen who took 「Hogyoku」 within his body. 「Hogyoku」 is Aizen's will - as it understood Aizen more, it changed it's master's, Aizen's, appearance 5 times. All of that is detaily explained here.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 23, 09:33:52
Összefoglaló adatok az arrancarokról:( az eslő három espada és fracciónjaik)

Name | Arrancar Number | Birthdate | Height | Weight   
Starrk | 1 | January 19 | 187cm | 77kg   
Lilynette | 1 | January 19 | 142cm | 31kg   
Baraggan    | 2 | February 9 | 166cm | 90kg   
Findorr Calius | 24 | June 27 | 180cm | 67kg   
Charlotte Chuhluhourne | 20 | August 8 | 192cm | 125kg   
Choe Neng Poww | 25 | March 4 | 391cm | 506kg   
Abirama Redder | 22 | August 19 | 183cm | 92kg   
Ggio Vega | 26 | May 7 | 163cm | 48kg   
Nirgge Parduoc | 27 | October 17 | 212cm | 152kg
Tier Harribel | 3 | July 25 | 175cm | 61kg
Emilou Apacci | 54 | May 17 | 156cm | 42kg   
Franceska Mila Rose | 55 | August 17 | 177cm | 68kg   
Cyan Sung-Sun | 56 | February 17 | 154cm | 41kg
Ayon | N/A | N/A | 7.9m (grows to 15.1m) | 9.5ton   
Yammy's Dog (Kukkapurro) | 35 | April 4 | 34cm | 2.5kg   
Rudbornn Chelute (Rodobon) | 61 | January 8 | 172cm | 60kg

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 23, 10:31:38
Ayon majdnem 10 tonna  XD Nem semmi. Nem csoda, hogy egy ütésből eltörte Hinamori összes csontját xD

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 jún 23, 10:56:51
Hát jah :D , én azon csodálkoztam hogy Baraggan olyan pici és milyen kövér :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 jún 24, 09:34:33
Még több Aizenről. :D

The First Fusion
「崩玉」 を己の身体に取り込むことで手に入れた力。
Ichigo cut a wound on Aizen but he returned to his normal by high speed regenerating. That which was thought to be hollow's power was a power obtained from putting Hogyoku inside his body.

^(Upper picture) これまでも藍染の望みを実らせてきた「崩玉」。今、何かが起こる。
Hogyoku has let Aizen's wish bear fruit so far. Now something happens.

v(Lower) 胸の中央に確と埋められた 「崩玉」。大きな力を放出し、更なる変容の刻を迎える―。
Hogyoku firmly covering the middle of chest. Large power is released and moment of further changing appearance approached.

The Second Fusion
浦原が放つ鬼道の攻撃を物ともせず、「崩玉」 の大いなる力は藍染を包み込み、全身を覆った。それは繭に包 まれた蛹の姿に似て―。
In spite of attacks Urahara fires Kido, Hogyoku's large power wraps up Aizen covering the whole body. It wraped him in a cocoon which looks like a chrysalis.

^(Aizen)攻撃を ”理解” はできるが傷を負うことはない。対峙しても、同じ目線に在 らず。
Can "understand" an attack but not sustain a wound. Confronting but not on the same point of view. (..?)

^(Yoruichi)かわすのではなく受け止め、反撃の余裕もあるのに手を出さない。究極の 余裕。
Instead of dodging the blow is stopped, there isn't room for a counter-attack. Ultimate composure. (..I think >.>)

^(Isshin)藍染の力は膨れ上がり、一心たちは既に感知できない。唯一感じ取れるイチゴですら、闘志 を?われる程。
Aizen's power swells up, Isshin and the others are already unable to perceive it. (Can't read one kanji..)

The Third Fusion
頭部を覆っていた外殻が崩れ、再び出現した藍染の顔。そこは黒目と白目が反転した特異な瞳があった。更なる 高みへの到達を実感し、理の果てへ進む。
Head covering shell collapses and releveals Aizen's face once again. His eye colors are unique and reversed. Having a feeling that he has reached even higher, Aizen goes towards reason's horizon.

^(koutotsu)藍染は、己の力が理さえ凌駕することを誇示するため、時間と空間を司る ”拘突”  を容赦なく破壊する。
Aizen mercilessly destroys "Koutotsu", the administer of the time and space, to display that his own power is superior.

<ギンの 「神殺鎗」 は 「崩玉」 を埋めた藍染の胸を貫き、猛毒までその身体に遺した。  しかし―。
Gin's Kamishini no Yari goes through Hogyoku covered Aizen's chest leaving deadly poison behind. However ---.

The Fourth Fusion
「崩玉」が抜き取られても、藍染はなおも変化を続ける。胸に空いた孔には 「崩玉」 をはめる十字の柱が慄 然と出現する。
Hogyoku is pulled out but Aizen still continues transforming. Hogyoku's cross shaped hole in chest makes appearance horrifying.

^(left picture)強過ぎる霊圧は感じ取れない。それを先に証明したのは、藍染だった―。
One of the most powerful reiatsu couldn't be felt. Aizen was a proof of that earlier.

^(right)ギンの手中にある 「崩玉」 が吸い込まれ、胸の十字の中心に。そこか正しい位置だと訴え るが如く。
Hogyoku is absorbed from Gin's hand to the cross on the center of chest. Aizen says it it the right location for Hogyoku.

The Final Fusion
一護に遅れを感じたその刻、最後の変容を遂げる。全てを超越したその姿は、死神でも虚でもない、異形の姿だ った。
Feeling that he is falling behind Ichigo, Aizen achieves his final change of appearance. The apparence of a being transcending everything isn't like a shinigami's or a hollow's, the apparance is strange-looking.

Face has changed to jet black, 3 holes appeared in body and 6 faces posessing wings appeared.

>(left picture)羽根状の藍染の ”一部” に付いた顏部と思しきものから、「フラゴール」 が放たれる。
A face attached to Aizen's wing shaped part 「Fragor」 is firing.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 júl 03, 14:23:00
Elkészült a Nestle to Night novella Kukkapuuro-s része.
Megtaláljátok Bleachfan főoldalon.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 16:37:30
Na asszem itt össze van foglalva majdnem az összes új technika neve és hatása:



for some reason, under the "user" of the technique section, this is credited to the top-like, two-in-one Menos Grande, even though it was the technique Ishida used against it.

Silber Draht (ズィルバー・ドラート Zirubā Dorāto) German for “silver wire”

Silber is actually the noun “silver”; the adjective would seem to be silbern, as far as I can find (I think one of the other posters cited something similar). Draht “wire” is related to English thread.

(wire technique used by ishida against the top-like hollow) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 185, page 16</ref>

This is a Quincy technique. On the shonen website the editor of Bleach Unmask issued the correction.

silber draht
Urie12 (talk) 22:50, July 29, 2011 (UTC)
Palma Plancha (鉄甲掌(パルマ・プランチャ) Paruma Purancha) Japanese for "iron shell palm", Spanish for "palm sheet"

(palm attack on ikkaku) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 203, page 8</ref>


Lanza Tentaculo (触槍(ランサ・テンタクーロ) Ransa Tentakūro) Japanese for "tactile/feeler lance", Spanish for "lance tentacle"

Spanish should be tentáculo

(single attack to hitsugaya's bankai) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 232, page 6</ref>

La Helice (旋腕陣(ラ・ヘリーセ) Ra Herīse) Japanese for "whirling arm array", Spanish for "the propeller/spiral"

should be hélice

(propeller attack with tentacles) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 233, page 6</ref>

Jaula Tentaculo (触檻(ハウラ・テンタクーロ) Haura Tentakūro) Japanese for "tactile/feeler cage", Spanish for "cage tentacle"

Spanish should be tentáculo

(multiple tentacle attack against hitsugaya) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 232, page 10</ref>

Hierro Virgen (鉄の処女(イエロ・ビルヘン) Iero Biruhen) Japanese and Spanish for "iron virgin/maiden"

Likely a reference to the torture device. Note that the usu. Spanish term for this device is doncella de hierro; however, the underlying Kanji are the usu. Japanese translation of it (tetsu no shojo).

(spike attack almost used againt rangiku) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 233, page 11</ref>


Lengua Tronco (舌柱砲(レングア・トロンコ) Rengua Toronko) Japanese for "tongue pillar gun", Spanish for "tongue trunk"

(tonuge attack on chad)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 243, page 16</ref>


Uno (1(ウーノ) Ūno) "one"

(punch attack against chad) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 259, page 13</ref>

Rugir der Dragon (龍哮拳 (リュヒル・デル・ドラゴン) Ryuhiru deru Doragon) Japanese for "dragon roar fist", Spanish for "roar of the dragon"

should have ~ del dragón; rugir should be katakana Ruhiru; the y thrown in may be a mistake... or may be a sly nod to Japanese ryū "dragon"?

(giant energy ball attack in resereccion form)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 261, page 3</ref>


all the cortadolas should be cortadora, the feminine word for "cutter"

Ala Cortadola (断翼(アラ・コルタドーラ) Ara Korutadōra) Japanese for "severing wing", Spanish for "wing cutter"

(giant bladed wing attack against ishida)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 257, page 4</ref>

Ala Cortadola Hachador (断人“大斧”(アラ・コルタドーラ・アチャドール) Ara Korutadōra Achadōru) Japanese for "severer great ax", Spanish for "wing cutter axman"

(giant tail fan weapon)<nowiki><ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 258, page 12</ref>

Ala Cortadola Gradiator (断人“剣士”(アラ・コルタドーラ・グラディアトール) Ara Korutadōra Guradiatōru) Japanese for "severer swordsman", Spanish for "wing cutter gladiator"

should prob. be actual Spanish gladiador

(tail energy sword weapon)[1]</nowiki>

Ala Cortadola Dispersion (断翼“散”(アラ・コルタドーラ・ディスペルシオン) Ara Korutadōra Disuperushion) Japanese for "severing wing dispersion", Spanish for "wing cutter dispersion"

should be ~ dispersión

(multiple flying wing blades attacking ishida)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 257, page 12</ref>


Baron Puntapies Alto (男爵蹴踋術・上段(バロン・プンタビエス・アルト) Baron Puntabiesu Aruto) Japanese for "baron kick skid - upper tier", Spanish for "baron high kicks"

Spanish should be barón, puntapiés

(flip kick used by Dordonnii)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 250, page 20</ref>

El Uno Picotear (単鳥嘴踋(エル・ウノ・ピコテアル) Eru Uno Pikotearu) Japanese for "single bird beak skid", Spanish for "the one pecking"

(single bird tornado attacking with its mouth) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 252, page 7</ref>

Ave Mellizos (双鳥踋(アベ・メジーソス) Abe Mejīsosu) Japanese for "twin bird skid", Spanish for "bird twins"

(summoning of the two bird tornadoes about release) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 253, page 10</ref>


Cero Cornea (視虚閃(セロ・コルネア) Sero Korunea) Japanese for "glancing Hollow flash", Spanish for "zero cornea"

Spanish should be córnea

(building up to fire cero)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 289, page 9</ref>

Plato Colmillo (牙盾(プラート・コルミージョ) Purāto Korumījo) Japanese for "tusk shield", Spanish for "plate tusk"

(zanpakuto technique unreleased, shield against chads attack) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 263, page 8</ref>

Note that Spanish and Japanese use the same word (colmillo, 牙) for "fang, tusk"; however, since Tesra's release resembles a boar, I chose the most likely intepretation here. Plato can also mean "chain wheel"... interesting, considering the circular guard design of Tesra's Zanpakutō.

Adam Restling (talk) 18:56, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Awesome, thank you Adam, we will get right to putting these up on articles.--GodPray  19:03,7/22/2011

My knowledge of spanish is a little...incomplete but couldn't Lengua also translate as language?Licourtrix (talk) 14:19, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

True, but it's all about context. In the "scene-of-use" for this technique, for example, Demoura is attacking with his literal, physical tongue. Adam Restling (talk) 18:20, July 29, 2011 (UTC)
Shouldn't some of the Spanish translations have opposite translations? Like Plato Colmillo should be Tusk Plate insted of Plate Tusk. I think in Spanish, when translating, the word on the right side goes to the left and vice-versa. On the wiki, Caja Negacion is translated as Negation Box, and not Box Negation. MadRest 13:59, July 24, 2011 (UTC)
You prob. already have, but see our discussion of this elsewhere. Adam Restling (talk) 18:20, July 29, 2011 (UTC)
Techniques 2 Edit

Garra de la Pantera (豹鉤(ガラ・デ・ラ・パンテラ) Gara de ra Pantera) Japanese for "panther hook(s)/barb(s)", Spanish for "claw of the panther"

(elbow darts used by Grimmjow in resereccion against ichigo) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 282, Page 17</ref>


El Embrion (守胚姿勢(エル・エンブリオン) Eru Enburion) Japanese for "embryo-protecting force", Spanish for "the embryo"

Spanish should be embrión

(protective globe Zommari retreats into) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 302, Page 4</ref>


Teatro de Titere (人形芝居(テアトロ・デ・ティテレ) Teatoro de Titere) Japanese and Spanish for "puppet theatre"

Spanish should be títere

(Puppet ability used against Ishida, renji and mayuri) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 293, Page 11</ref>

Telon Balon (球体幕(テロン・バロン) Teron Baron) Japanese for "globe curtain", Spanish for "curtain ball/bale"

Spanish should be telón balón

(protective use of wings) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 292, Page 18</ref>


Indice Radar (捜指法(インディセ・ラダール) Indise Radāru) Japanese for "searching way", Spanish for "mark radar"

Spanish should be índice. 捜指 combines 捜 "search out, seek" and 指 "finger; point out, indicate".

(ability to check how much spiritual power) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 298, Page 5</ref>


Silbido (呼虚笛(シルビード) Shirubīdo) Japanese for "vocative Hollow flute/whistle", Spanish for "whistle"

(technique calls forth many hollow) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 318, Page 14</ref>

Afinar (彫面(アフィーナル) Afināru) Japanese for "face-carving/sculpting", Spanish for "tuning/refining"

please note before trying to correct me that in Romance languages like Spanish, going back to their parent Latin, these infinitives can be used as nouns

(technique used to cut off portion of facial mask to gain more power) - <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 322, Page 12</ref>

Tijeras Neptunea (海王鋏(ティヘラス・ネプトゥネア) Tiherasu Neputunea) Japanese for "sea king shears", Spanish for "Neptunian shears/scissors"

Neptunea seems to be pseudo-Latin cum Spanish here; a real Spanish form might be Neptunianas

(claw attack attempting to cut up hisagi) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 324, Page 15</ref>


Pulsera Cuerno (角輪(プルセラ・クエルノ) Purusera Kueruno) Japanese for "horn/antler ring", Spanish for "bracelet horn/antler"

(thrown zanpakuto attack) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 334, Page 12</ref>


Pluma Viento (餓翼風盾(プルーマ・ビエト) Purūma Biento) Japanese for "ravening wing wind shield", Spanish for "feather wind"

(defensive technique against izuru) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 323, Page 7</ref>

Devorar Erupcion (噴血餓相(デボラル・エルプシオン) Deboraru Erupushion) Japanese for "blood-spuming rapacity", Spanish for "devouring eruption"

should be Spanish erupción

(technique allowing him to gain more power) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 323, Page 11</ref>


Misil Diente (双射牙(ミシル・ディエンテ) Mishiru Diente) Japanese for "twin-shot fangs", Spanish for "missile tooth"

(attack that fires fangs on side of head at target) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 332, Page 12</ref>


El Martillo (怪槌(エル・マルティージョ) Eru Marutījo) Japanese for "fey/spectral hammer", Spanish for "the hammer"

(developing an enlarged arm) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 338, Page 8</ref>


Regüeldo (レグウェルド Reguwerudo) "belch/eruction"

(great blow that dispersed yama flames) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 364, Page 14</ref>


Vagido (ヴァヒード Vahīdo) "(newborn) child's wail/cry, mewl"

I bū (イ・ブー)

perhaps simply onomatopoeia for the sounds he makes (???)

(wonderweiss's cry attack) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 364, Page 9-10</ref>

Centurion (百奇皇手(センチュリオン) Senchurion) Japanese for "hundred wondrous imperial hands", Spanish for "centurion"

Should be Spanish centurión, and in katakana Senturion. It could be worth noting that Japanese occasionally uses the suffix "hand" as agential, similar to English -er and, indeed, as in English farmhand = farm worker.

(wonderweiss in resereccion multiple arm attack against yamamoto) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 394, Page 19</ref>


Descorrer (解空(デスコレール) Desukorēru) Japanese for "loosed void", Spanish for "drawing back/opening (something)"

解 means "loose, untie, dissolve, release", while 空, usu. "empty, void", can also mean "sky" (< "the empty air"), though this is more often the case when specifically read sora

(technique to open the garganta) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 194, Page 16</ref>

Solita Vista (共眼界(ソリタ・ヴィスタ) Sorita Visuta) Japanese for "all-eyes world", Spanish for "accustomed view"

(replay sight ability) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 198, Page 2</ref>

Luz de la Luna (ルス・デ・ラ・ルナ Rusu de ra Runa) "light of the moon"

(1st resereccion throwing energy javalin) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 346, Page 4</ref>

Latigo (ラティーゴ Ratīgo) "(point of a) lash/whip"

should be látigo

(2ND resereccion tail attack on ichigo) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 348, Page 15</ref>

Adam Restling (talk) 19:04, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Techniques 3 Edit

Trident (トライデント Toraidento) "trident"

real Spanish for "trident" would be tridente, which would prob. be katakana-ized as toridente or something.

(harribels attack that destroys hitsugayas ice clone)


Senescencia (セネスセンシア Senesusenshia) "senescence"

looks like a pseudo-Spanishizing of the root Latin word, since the closest I could find in real Spanish is senectud


Colmillo (コルミージョ Korumījo) "fang" (Starrks Swords in resereccion)


La Mirada (ラ・ミラーダ Ra Mirāda) "the gaze" (Tosen's cero in resereccion)


El Escudo (エル・エスクド Eru Esukūdo) "the shield" (small Shield, shunsui hits)

Millon Escudo (ミジョン・エスクド Mijon Esukūdo) "million shield"

Should be millón.

(big shield focused behind him)

Fragor (フラゴール Furagōru) "din/clamor"

(blast from mouth on top of wing)

Ultrafragor (ウルトラフラゴール Urutorafuragōru) "ultra-/beyond-din/clamor"

(blasts and energy circle from wings when capturing ichigo)


Chain (チェイン Chein)

Apparently the English word, despite it being a Hollow Ichigo technique. Maybe Kubo couldn't find the Spanish word, cadena?

(full hollow ichigo calling his sword to him)


Hakumen Kudashi (白面くだし) "fair face purge"


Grua Tirar (クレーン投げ(グルーア・ティラール) Gurūa Tirāru) Japanese and Spanish for "crane-throw"

crane here means the machine, not the bird; the Spanish should be spelled grúa.

(chad throwing demora)

nd telling and should not have been viewed by anyone. XD

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 16:38:30
Elnézést a dupla postért, de nem fért bele mind a megszabott karakterszám miatt  :bow:
 A folytatás:


Agitowari (顎割) "chin/jaw splitting"

(zanjutsu technique that cuts grand fisher in half)

Oni Dekopin (鬼デコピン) "oni headpoke"

dekopin seems to derive from deko "brow, forehead" and maybe pin "pin(prick), poke"

(hakuda, finger flick given to aizen)


Klavier (クラヴィーア Kuravīa) German for "piano"

(single handed multiple arrow attack against the regenerating hollows)


Raiōken (雷王拳) "thunder king fist"

(hakuda, attack from above on aizen)

 Két új shikai technika, már vártam :D ^^
Kamisori Benihime (剃刀紅姫) "razor Benihime"

(zanpakuto technique, used against luppis tentacle)

Keikaigi (繫界儀) "world-tying rite"

Tsuppane Benihime (突ッ撥紅姫) "spurning Benihime"

(zanpakuto technique, used to negate yammys bala)

Jūgeki Byakurai (Modified Kidō) (重撃白雷(改造鬼道) Jūgeki Byakurai (Kaizō Kidō)) "heavy-strike Byakurai"

(kido blast used when first arriving against Aizen)

Fūsatsu Kakei (封殺火刑) "seal slaying-fire penance"

(kido seal used initially against aizen)

Kyūjūrokkei Kakafūmetsu (九十六京火架封滅) "ninety-six capitol fire-suspended seal destruction"

(kido, attack on Aizen)


Tanma Otoshi (タンマ落とし) "time-out drop"


Hirako "drops" Ichigo into a *siesta* with this one

Noren Mekuri (暖簾捲り) "curtain stripping"

Hirako strips off the veneer of invisibility Aizen had been using to eavesdrop


Adam Restling (talk) 19:14, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

I'd agree that Senescencia is probably Kubo mistaking the original latin word (senesco, senescere) for Spanish. I now owe my high school latin teacher an apology, I told her I'd only be able to use a knowledge of latin to creep people out.Licourtrix (talk) 14:35, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, a stylized fusion of the Latin derived-noun form senēscentia and the usu. Spanish descendant of Latin -tia in such cases, -cia. I admit, it's *purdier* to my ear, at least :).
LOL, "creep people out"? For they fear Draculatin, the Undead Language! XD Adam Restling (talk) 10:56, July 24, 2011 (UTC)
Techniques 4 Edit

Suikawari (西瓜割) "watermelon splitting"

Japan's beloved summer pastime is now a brutal-ass melee attack!

(hiyori cutting a hollow down the middle of the mask)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 366, page 6</ref>

Gatling Mad-Stomping (ガトリング地団駄 Gatoringu Jidanda)

jidanda means "stomping angrily/with vexation", here with machine-gun vehemence

(hiyori multiple stopping on a Ichigos face)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 225, page 7</ref>


Arpeggio (アルペジオ Arupejio)

Italian, "harp-playing" (specifically striking the notes of a chord one each from lowest to highest)

(Rose entrancing the hollow)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 366, page 14</ref>


Bakudantsuki (爆弾突き) "bomb(shell) strike/thrust"

(Kensei's charged energy ball used against Hollow ichigo)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 220, page 3</ref>

Sandbag Beat (サンドバッグ・ビート Sandobaggu Bīto)

i.e., beating like a punching bag

(Kensei multiple punches to a hollows face)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 366, page 7</ref>


Senmaioroshi (千枚卸) "thousand-page wholesale"

prob. a reference to both her sword rending the Menos apart like they were myriad leaves, and Risa's love of thousands of pages of manga

(lisa dicing up a hollow)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 366, page 13</ref>

Panty-flash Tornado (パンチラトルネード Panchira Torunēdo)

panchira seems to combine pan (short for pantsu "panties") and chira "flutter", thus giving the meaning of the panties being visible via the fluttering of, say, a short skirt

(lisa twirling upside down kick against hollow ichigo)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 219, page 13</ref>


Standing Ovation (スタンディング・オベーション Sutandingu Obēshon)

(kido, hachi's kido box attack against the hollows)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 366, page 11</ref>

Goyōgai (五養蓋) "five support cover" (< its pentagonal shape)

(kido, hachi's spell to stablize hiyori)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 389, page 9</ref>

Roppō Fūjin (六方封陣) "hexagon seal array"

(kido, hachi first kido attack on Barragan)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 368, page 18</ref>

Hako Okuri (匣遺) "box farewell"

遺 is usu. read nokosu "to abandon, leave, forsake; bequeath, reserve". The reading here seeks to augment/color this meaning with that of okuri "send-off, dispatch, bid farewell (as to the departed)."

(Kido, Hachi's spell that killed baraggan)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 370, page 17</ref>


Kagamibiraki (鏡開) "mirror opening"

This term is often used of cutting cake or ceremonial breaking of sake casks, so the implication seems to be that Love is really "tearing this Hollow apart/a new one", maybe ripping it into halves that "mirror" one another. The bloody celebratory angle could work, too.

(Love pulling a hollows head apart)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 366, page 16</ref>


Inemuri (威眠) "forced slumber"

Though i is usu. glossed "majesty, authority", it can also mean "might, force" (extended to > "potence, awe" > "authority"). Since this forces Momo asleep, I chose this translation.

(kido, made momo fall asleep)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 224, page 10</ref>

Onibi (鬼火) "oni fire"

(Zanpakuto technique used to destroy ayon)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 338, page 18-19</ref>

Taimatsu (松明) "torch(light)"

(staff poked through Ayons chest)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 337, page 18</ref>


Kazaguruma (風車) "windmill/pinwheel" (< "wind-carriage")<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 332, page 17-18</ref>


Kubikake (首挂) "head/neck-hanging"

(zanpakuto technique (physical attack), used to grab hold of tosen)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 384, page 12</ref>


Zanhyō Ningyō (残氷人形) "lingering ice puppet/doll"

(Hitsugaya's ice doll trick)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 356, page 7</ref>


Neko Rinbu (猫輪舞) "cat round dance"

(matsumoto's whirlwhind attack against harrbels faccion)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 330, page 11</ref>


Ryōdan (両断) "bisection" (< "splitting both/in two")

(Kendo, attack used against nnorita)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 311, pages 18-19</ref>

Adam Restling (talk) 19:21, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

Techniques 5 Edit
These are mostly the joke or gag "techniques".


Isshin Flying Double Knee (一心・フライング・ダビル・ニー Isshin Furaingu Daburu Nī)

(Isshins knee attack on ichigo) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 1, Page 14</ref>

Isshin Handstand Dash (一心・サカダチダッシュ Isshin Sakadachi Dasshu)

(Isshin runs on his hands after his daughters) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 18, Page 7</ref>

"Handstand" is rendered in Japanese as sakadachi, more lit. "(up)turned/upside-down-standing".

Chōhigezutsuki (超ヒゲ頭突き) "super stubble headbutt"

(hakuda, isshin head butts ichigo after revealing he's a shinigami)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 398, Page 5</ref>


Chad Catapult (チャド・カタプルト Chado Katapuruto)

(chad throwing rukia) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 10, Page 8</ref>


Charm (魅惑(チャーム) Chāmu)

The Kanji are for Japanese miwaku, which also means "charm, allure". <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 28, Page 2</ref>


Super Spirits One-Thrust (超スピリッツ一突き Chō Supirittsu Hitotsuki) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 28, Page 19</ref>


Soul Docking (ソウル・ドッキング Sōru Dokkingu) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 49, Page 9</ref>

(ichigo combining his spiritual power with Ishida's quincy bow and arrow)


Ichigo Home Run (一護ホームラン Ichigo Hōmu Ran)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 246, Page 2</ref>


Kūkaku Tatakitsubushi & Kūkaku Kakato Tsubushi (空鶴叩き潰し & 空鶴かかと潰し) "Kūkaku Pulverizing & Kūkaku Heel-crushing"

Cruel Big Sis. Tatakitsubusu means "smash up, defeat crushingly", a compound of tataku "strike, beat, thrash" and tsubusu "smash, crush".

(kukaku's attack on ichigo and ganju)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 79, Page 14</ref>


Bukkomi Dogeza (特攻土下座) "full-blast dogeza"

The bower of POWER! The Kanji 特攻 are usu. read tokkō and mean "special attack"; but here, the Ruby characters indicate they're to be read as bukkomi, which means "bust-in, put-down".

(sliding kneeling position, when he was late, before rukias execution)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 138, Page 4</ref>


Super Harisen Slipper (スーパーハリセンスリッパ Sūpā Harisen Surippa)

Harisen, more lit. "spread (hence open) fan", referred to a slapstick with a paper fan (prob. used to hit people), and now slapstick in general.

(hiyori hitting shinji with a slipper)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 215, Page 14</ref>


Flirter-killing Savate (痴漢殺しソバット Chikangoroshi Sobatto)

Chikan, more lit. "fool-man", seems to have originally referred to a more innocuous "romantic fool, flirt(er)", but these days more often to a "groper, molester". Which of these meanings is used will prob. fall to consensus. Savate is kickboxing, specifically French kickboxing.

Flirter-killing Two-kick (痴漢殺トゥキック Chikangoroshi Tukikku)

(both kicks to asano) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 227, Page 4</ref>


Beautiful Swordfight (ビューティフルチャンバラ Byūtifuru Chanbara)

(multiple sword attacks between yumichika and chuhlourne)<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 320, Page 6</ref>


Chōkasoku (超加速) "super acceleration"

kasoku "acceleration" is more lit. "increased-speed". <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 250, Page 4</ref>

Nel Shower (ネルシャワー Neru Shawā)

Nel's magical healing technicolor yawn. And now that you know its name, you may want a real shower.

<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 254, Page 2</ref>

Nel Jewel Punch (ネル玉パチ Neru Tama Panchi)

used to attack Ichigo and a less-expected type of precious stones <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 286, Page 9</ref>


Hand Drill (手ドリル Tedoriru)

"It’s the Mayuri-style *** technique!" (マユリ式         (ビー)術ダヨ Mayurishiki *bī* jutsu da yo) <ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter 306, Page 10-12</ref>

Kurotsuchi proudly speaks to us of this technique he used to revive Nemu following her playing host to Szayelaporro's "Gabriel" technique. However, the data is actually *bleep*'d here in the book because, if you remember that part of the story, the process was apparently raunchy beyo

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 aug 09, 16:56:06
Azt hittem, hogy találtál valami újat. *-) De végül is van benne pár új. :)
Ebből nem derült ki, hogy Wonderweiss kiáltása micsoda. Én tartom magam ahhoz, hogy Harribel saját maga törte szét a jeget, (H) mert attól, hogy a jég legalja egy kicsit megrepedt attól még nem tört volna szét az egész, ráadásul minden oldalról.
Azért lassan kiadhatnának hozzá valami új fordítást, mert már mióta nincsen hozzá új...

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 16:58:22
ez wonderweiss kiálltása:

Vagido (ヴァヒード, Vahīdo; "Child's Wail"): Wonderweiss can even emit a loud, banshee-like battle cry that shattered Hitsugaya's ice obelisk, as well as countering Mashiro's Cero.[36][37] With his battle cries he seems to be able to control Fūrā; as Tōsen said, "his words have meaning".[38]

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 aug 09, 17:03:26
Igen, a Bleach Wikiről, ami szerint Gin Bankaija 13 kilométer hosszú és a hangsebesség 500-szorosa a sebessége, amikor már rég kiderült, hogy hazudott ,és nem is akkora, és nem is olyan gyors :smirksweat:. Én inkább a szememnek hiszek. :D
Jó az is ott van, hogy mondta, hogy nem olyan gyors és hosszú, de akkor is. XD De, hogy Wonderweis kiáltása irányítja azt a nagy dögöt, ugyan már. Wonderwiess még seholsem volt, amikor az a dög már rég Aizent szolgálta. *-)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 17:23:31
Őszintén szólva engem nem érdekelnek már az arrancarok és nem foglalkozom velük ilyen részletesen :D viszont úgy gondolom, hogy lehet, hogy Wonderweiss tényleg irányította Fura-t és az a sikoly tényleg széttörte a jeget. Harribel meg se moccant a jégben, nem hinném, hogy ő törte szét.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 aug 09, 17:53:52
hát ezt már soha nem tudjuk meg. Max, ha Harribel vissza emlékezik. :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 18:35:24
Vicces, hogy ebbe a témába te meg én írunk, ja meg Szanisz néha :D ^^

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 aug 09, 19:42:38
Néha írok, de mindig olvasom :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 19:47:38
Helyes :) a főnök tartsa rajta a szemét a dolgokon :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 aug 09, 19:55:37
Vagy csak nem tudnak hozzá fűzni a témához semmit, vagy csak azt se tudják, hogy mi az a Characterbook. :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 19:57:25
Az az ő bajuk :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: stan322 - 11 aug 09, 20:02:45
Tudom mi az a Characterbook szoktam olvasni amint lefordítja szanisz igazából én meg nem tudok linkelni olyan dolgokat  a characterbookról mint ti ha jól tom Tilon mondta hogy 3 oldalról nézi hogy miket írnak amúgy sokat tudtam meg innen pl: hogy kik élnek az espadából
jó kis téma ez :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 20:04:10
Örülök, hogy hasznosnak bizonyult ez a topic és immár 4 olvasója van :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: rini67 - 11 aug 09, 20:05:35
Nem hiszem, hogy ez lenne a probléma. Inkább lusták, másrészről sokan nem értenek angol nyelven. Így nem is igen tudnak mit hozzászólni a Databook leírásaihoz. Amíg ez nem változik meg addig ez így is marad. Minél több lefordított adat jelenik meg annál több látogatója lesz.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 aug 09, 20:22:55
reméljük a karakterleírások oldalait is elkezdhetjük ősszel, de míg nincsenek pontos leírások vagy beszerkesztett angol oldalak?) addig nem tudunk mit tenni, téves dolgokat pedig nem szeretnénk leközölni.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 09, 20:27:43
hát az angoltudás az fontos dolog :)

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 aug 09, 22:13:42
Hát sajnos nem nagyon találtam új fordítást vagy beszerkesztet. Viszont találtam Kínai beszerkesztet Byakuyás oldalt. Azért ez is haladás már. :D A Bleach wikisek meg nem tudom, hogy állnak a fordítással, de elvileg fordítják.
 De szerintem már haladnak mert a kérdéseknél már azt írják, hogy Harribel él. Még a legvaskalaposabb szerkesztő is. :D
 Ráadásul már ki van véve a neve elől a (Deceased) felirat, pedig azt írták, hogy csak akkor veszik ki ha lefordítják. Talán már el is készültek vele ? :hmmm?:

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: rini67 - 11 aug 09, 22:29:21
Erről már volt ezen az oldalon is angolul információ. Abban pedig Kubo megerősítette, hogy Harribel és a három frakcionját Orihime meggyógyította, így életben vannak. Nelliel és a két barom frakción szintén. Yammy és a kutyusa szintén él. Starrkról sajnos még én sem olvastam semmit pedig szeretném ha élnének. Barragan és Ulquiorra megsemmisültek. Ennyit tudtam közülük kibogarászni. Ja igen. Él még Grimjow is.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Szanisz - 11 aug 09, 22:34:03
A próféta szóljon belőled rini :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 aug 09, 22:42:39
Igen csak a Bleach wikisek azt mondták, hogy addig nem suerkeztik át, hogy Harribel él, amíg le nemfordítják a Characterbookot. Csak én sehol sem találom a Wikin a fordítást pedig a Characterbook neve mögöt ott van az, hogy "Complete" Azért nem tudom, hogy mi van velük. Majd holnap rá kérdezek, hogy meg-e lehet tekinteni valahol az Angol verziót. :D

Én úgy olvastam, hogy Yammy meghalt, bár az animében nekem nem tünt halottnak. :D

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 10, 09:07:17
majd kiderülnek dolgok szépen sorjában.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: rini67 - 11 aug 10, 09:33:33
Nagyon sok információt azokból is kilehetett szedni amit ide belinkeltetek. Engem különösen értékeltem az egyedi tulajdonságok, képességek, a világnézetükről szóló részek tetszettek. Sok mindent megválaszoltak, hogy ki, miért olyan amilyen. Rámutatott, hogy miért viselkedik úgy az életben és a harcban is. Ez engem jobban érdekelt mint a támadások nevei amelyeket jórészt hamar el is felejtek.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Hiei D. Legend - 11 aug 10, 10:42:34
Ez a topic nem a Bleach wikiről szól, ha jól látom... érthetően: ne offoljatok!

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Domynyk - 11 aug 10, 17:26:42
engem eben a databookban főként a technikák érdekelnek, meg a harcok kiegészítő leírásai.

Cím: Re:Bleach Databook-UNMASKED
Írta: Tilon - 11 aug 23, 08:02:49

Karakura Town Decisive Battle

The situation of the battle changes moment by moment! To the fierce fighting with the top of the Espada!!
Rose and Love crushed the multitude of Menos Grande that appeared in swarms. Afterwards, an Espada, whose atmosphere is clearly different from that of the Menos Grande that the two so easily crushed, appeared! The two will attack with the disposition that the first one to strike will be the one who wins.

ROSE His wavy golden hair is his charm. When he hollowfies, he apparently wears a mask with a sharp nose. His strongpoint is artistic techniques.
He swings his baton like a conductor in front of an orchestra and destroys a Menos Grande.

Star-shape styled afro, fashion-seeking sunglasses, and a peculiar sense of aesthetics.
Love unintentionally releases a crowbar as his zanpakutou. His destructive force climbs as if it takes up the entirety of a large area.

Primera Espada
He has never searched for a fight from the heart. A rare type of Espada. The loss of his fellow Espada wounded him greatly.
“The style of war”
One against many, a sudden blow that interrupts the conversation, and an attack that creates a gap with people not fighting. Each of their “styles of war” clash.