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Naruto-Kun.Hu Team
Amit linkeltél most, az a @comic, a másik mangás feldolgozás.
Sajnos, továbbra is csak minimálisan tudok róla nyilatkozni, de azon fejezetek alapján, amelyeket felleltem belőle, mindenképpen részletesebb a Monologue-nál.
A @comic 41. fejezetében van az, hogy Hachiman készül felmenni a tetőre, hogy beszéljen Sagamival, tehát a 6. kötet vége előtti rész. Ugyebár magának a kötetnek a teljes feldolgozása véget ért a Monologue 26. fejezetében, ahogyan írtam. És a @comic-ban a hiányzó Sakis rész is benne volt. Ez a 63. fejezet a @comic-ból pedig a Monologue 39. fejezetének felel meg gyakorlatilag. Ordító a különbség.
Nos, az utolsó kötet 2019 elejére/első felére lett belőve hivatalosan, egyelőre dátum nélkül.
Valamint az utolsó előtti kötet spoilerei is megérkeztek a kötet végéről:
13. kötet vége
"I'll say it honestly."
However, when she interrupted my voice, Yukinoshita smiled sadly, and faced me with her eyes damped.
"I had fun. It was my first time. I was happy when I think that the times we will be spending together are pleasant."
Being told like that in a seemingly happy way and with a face that is about to cry, I can't deny nor stop her any more further. When I set down my arms without any sort of strength, Yukinoshita, as if to express her gratitude, nodded then continued her words.
"Something like arguing and quarreling in that kind of way or crying in front of others has never happened to me. I was nervous when the two of us were going out for the first time. It was the first time that that has happened to me that I didn't know what to do, I didn't know that I could depend on someone. That's why, there's something wrong somewhere."
While listening to her rapid speech going circles with her quivering voice, I looked up at the ceiling. The distant sunset hurt my eyes. But even so, I still wasn't able to close them, and just let out a dampened sigh.
"This somewhat artificial relationship is wrong. Surely, your wish is different."
Her soliloquy tied together that way. When I realized that her ending words gave me a slap, I finally looked at her face.
"I'm fine. I'm already fine. I was already saved by you."
She wiped her glowing tears. Then, Yukinoshita Yukino smiled beautifully.
"That's why, this battle, this relationship... Let's end it here."
The objective to save her has now been accomplished, the relationship ended, the codependency has been dissolved, and the boy's pride has been carried out as well.
The Service Club's motivation and such to originally keep us to meet one each other are now gone. The club and our work ends here.
Therefore, nothing is left. Every reason to get involved with her has now vanished.
"I got it. It's my defeat."
As if to exhale just about everything, I said that along with a deep sigh. In order to carry out the last responsibility remaining, I asked her.
"I'll listen to what you're going to say. What should I do? …If it's something that I could do, I'll grant whatever you ask for."
It was the truth. No matter what happens, I swore to grant what she asks for.
When Yukinoshita let out a sigh that sounded like she was relieved, she endearingly let out the words that she has been unquestionably treasuring with warmth without fail.
"Grant Yuigahama-san's wish."
"Are you okay with that?"
"Yes, this is my wish."
She closed her eyes, then, as though her nod was like nursing someone, I answered Yukinoshita with the best gentle smile that I could make.
"Got it."
When our exchange ended, I stood up from my seat. Yukinoshita didn' have any intentions moving away from the place. Only the fragments of the footsteps were seperating our distance to one another. Before long, I've reached the hallway.
Then, I closed the door gently, as if I was restraining myself in doing so.
Ha Watari most azt vezeti fel, hogy belerúg egy nagyot Yuiba az utolsó kötetben, legyen az hivatalos elutasítás, önfeláldozás, vagy bármi hasonló, majd Hachiman visszamegy Yukinóhoz, akkor kénytelen leszek az OreGairu-t is brutálisan lehúzni a vége miatt. Gusztustalanul olcsó húzás lenne, ami egyben rohadt kegyetlen és idegesítő is. A hangsúlyos rész a "visszamegy Yukinóhoz". Beszélgettek, látszólag pontot tettek az ügyük végére, mégis árad az egészről, hogy csali, drámai csere van készülőben, és nincs vége, amikor lehetőségük volt mindent tisztázni. Nagyon remélem, hogy nem lesz igazam...
Szerkesztette: Bastian - 2018.11.19. 18:44
"Nem vagyok híve annak, hogy elragadjanak a haszontalan érzelmek és hátba szúrjanak az
aggodalmamért. Annak pedig még kevésbé vagyok híve, amikor valaki mást szúrnak hátba."
Accelerator - Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index (10. Kötet, 9. fejezet)